iamacolor · 2 months
I will jump on the discussion bandwagon with some analysis 😂😂😂 because I've been thinking about this for a while. So the big romance dramas this year I'm sorry this is gonna be so long but I like so lay everything out because talking in general doesn't actually show anything if you want to be like "I ain't reading all that but I'm happy for you or sorry that happened" I will completely understand.
Lovely runner: ride or die female lead but you could make the argument and not a weak one that they showed the ml's love and affection in a bigger way.
Queen of tears: Felt pretty even in that regard for me but up for debate.
Marry my husband: The poster girl for uneven dynamics where the ML entire existence revolved around the FL and at the first opportunity she had to show even an ounce of the same she was like nope.
Captivating the king: This one had to do mental gymnastics with its own logic to justify the FL treating the ML like shit 12 episodes deep into the show when it longer made any sense.
Queen of divorce: This one was just sad and pathetic because girlie gets drunk and sleeps with a dude gets pregnant while she's dating ML and then cuts him off with no explanation. ML loves her for years and then simps 24/7 without a shred of dignity, It doesn't help that it was just dumb all around.
Then you have atypical family, wedding impossible, dreaming of freaking Cinderella, midnight romance in hagwon where it's not that obvious in some instances but it was still the typical (haha) guy makes bigger gestures/declarations/ etc
Just as far back as 2020 you could find a much more balanced list: Flower of evil, Mr queen, Hospital playlist, itawon class, tale of the nine taled, run on, find me in your memory, when the weather is fine, into the ring all weren't perfect in this regard but they had really really committed men but also women who maybe liked them and pursued them first( itaewon, WTWIS, FMIYM, hospital playlist in the case of two couples) who protected them with strength or just words (run on, FOV, itaewon, into the ring), who you felt were just as committed as their significant others in most instances. And the differences are so stark side by side You could say we're only a little over halfway through the year but somehow I don't think anything will change. Last year was more of the same there were exceptions like see you in 19th life, call it love, castaway diva but it was mostly the same song and dance; Welcome to samdari, my dearest, perfect marriage revenge, love to hate you, king the land (somehow the most inconspicuous but also the most blatant every big gesture or confession and even the small ones were 99 percent him, was from the ml's side so much so that when he has to deal with emotional trauma they had him do it alone 😂😅😂 and the moment that encapsulates the whole thing is when they're talking to her grandma and he's like I'll make her happy for the rest of her life and she's like I'll be happy with him for the rest of my life like woman please I know you're reassuring your grandma but come on) oh and also soundtrack 2 had people picking up their pitchforks. There was also tell me you love me which was the opposite with the FL being the more affectionate forward one for most of the show and the ml being hesitant because he's deaf and he's been burned so badly before because of his disability and his ex girlfriend not being able to handle it only to reverse uno us and have the FL do the exact same thing which made it so much worse she literally tells him she had a dream he could hear and was so happy and I almost banged my heard against the wall. I can't speak to my demon, park's marriage though because I haven't seen them.
P.S all of this and kdramas come off smelling like roses compared to cdramas which are so so SO much worse. Is it because they almost exclusively adapt novels? Which makes sense for kdramas too because they've started adapting a lot more webtoons and romance novels/webtoons are usually a lot more blatant about the romantic reverie because they're a different medium. If you want balanced couples you need to pick which cdramas you watch very carefully lest you loose all your hair because you're tearing it out. So many of them are : boy gets tortured for girl boy gets stabbed for girl boy literally kills and dies for girl boy says the most unhinged romantic shit you've ever heard in your life to girl. Girl: sure whatever I guess...
jump on it anon!! i'm always up to read some analysis in my askbox honestly it makes me feel like i'm a talk show or something - also the sheer amount of dramas you've listed made me realise i've actually watched very few dramas in the last two years so i definitely felt like we were making progress but maybe no lmao i've only watched lovely runner, castaway diva and soundtrack 2 out of your list of this year and last year - i tried to watch my demon and i was just kind of bored tbh
and omg i had forgotten about when the weather is fine and into the ring! both definitely had very proactive female leads (i love when she's like "should we sleep together" or "i want to sleep with you" or something like that in when the weather is fine) and also really nice stories
as for king the land what do you mean he delt with his trauma alone like was he at the hospital and she didn't visit him??? but yeah i would not be surprised to hear a fl was written more as tool to have the ml show humanity and strenghth and have a goal for his fight and his recovery than as an actual person lol
ngl your description is kind of making me want to watch more cdramas just to see what's going on like why are so many people stabbing and torturing others!! do you have any recommandations?
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
My 2020 in dramaland pt 2/4
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Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it and happy holidays to everyone!! These are my favorite korean dramas of the year (I stand by these titles and I’m not ashamed of them lol). In chronological order:
My Holo Love: Say what? Who? First of all, I think this is a seriously underrated kdrama. I made a review on it here. Female lead had face blindness and Male Lead was a genius programmer. I know how this sounds but it all works for the plot, actually. Loved every moment of it (I watched it twice, and I rarely do that with dramas). A sort of sci-fi/fantasy romcom drama with a really unusual (and thus my favorite, EVER) love triangle and a nostalgic feel to it. While looking at my list of kdramas I knew I couldn’t treat Holo like all the others LOL it was special for me and still is.
OTP: They had sizzling chemistry! I honestly bought every cliche because of it. Including love at first sight.
Thing I enjoyed the most: The story was simple and had a lot of cliches but they kinda worked to the story’s advantage. This show is an example of why I fell for kdramas almost 10 years ago. Plus, the CGI wasn’t bad.  It’s ony 12 eps and they don’t really last an hour. A one day watch.
Do I recommend it? I LOVED it, but I recognize it’s not for everyone, but if you’re looking for something fun, cute and light to binge-watch that still has some drama and a lot of romance and a happy ending, this is for you.
Find me in Your Memory: Beautiful. Awesome chemistry. Very romantic. She’s an actress, he’s an anchorman. She forgets a lot of things, he literally can remember most things REALLY WELL. She falls for him first, he tries to put distance because of his terrible past in his dating life lol but she wins him over and by the end, he loves her more than anything and anyone. They overcome a lot of crazy shit, and being together it’s hard, but it’s worse being apart. I made a review.
OTP: Loved them both individually and together. And honestly, THAT chemistry was perfect.
Thing I enjoyed the most: The chemistry and the acting by the leads. I became a fan of both because of this.
Do I recommend it? You really haven’t seen it? Please do it. Hahahaha Well, do it if you want to see a good melo knowing what that involves (romance, sadness, lots of tears, some frustration, etc). A really sweet and happy ending that was very well deserved. My favorite melo of the year Sorry Brahms!.Also, fair warning, it has a stalkers’ sub-plot.
The King: Eternal Monarch: You all know what this is about. And I said everything I wanted in my posts (I was mostly fangirling like crazy). Here’s my last one about it. I loved the acting and the story a lot. But I think the drama should have been longer.  Also, I loved the energy of the actors behind the scenes, idk why, but it always warms my heart to see the actors get along on set. Sure, it could be a publicity stunt, but I just don’t think it was the case with this one. And I know not a lot of people liked the two lead characters and said they had no chemistry but imo they were great characters and the actors had LOTS of chemistry. It’s just that it wasn’t very well translated in the first eps, but it was fixed. This, I believe, was a more of a direction problem, rather than a script or acting one.
BTW if the drama was already about time travel and parallel worlds, I had NO problem believing in destiny and that the leads were meant to be. It was fantasy, you guys, not rocket science.
OTP: the main couple loved each other passionately and fiercely. He waited 20+ years to meet her and another 20+ years (practically) to see her again AND she was willing to risk getting stuck in a timeless void just to be by his side because otherwise he would be all alone. Now, that’s love! Personally, I loved their ending.
Thing I enjoyed the most: The King ahahaha I’m a shameless fan, what can I do? He was a good man and a gentleman but a ruthless king thirsty for justice and vengeance. I cheered when he killed his uncle lmao. Also, all the mutuals I “met” thanks to this drama. You guys made the experience even better with your posts and your theories!! *sends hugs*
Do I recommend it? Look the story is great in my eyes. I did understand it and the mechanics of the time travel and the parallel worlds. The King explained everything quite a few times. I say this because most people that didn’t like it say they couldn’t understand the story and/or it made no sense. To me, it did. But I can see why this wouldn’t be for all. That being said, I shamelessly recommend it lol.
More than Friends: The faces they’re doing in the poster, are the ones I did while watching the last 4 eps of this drama HAHAHA which made me real sad/angry because I LOVED the story from ep 1 to 12. So, this is on the list MERELY BECAUSE OF LEE SOO, the male lead, played by Ong SeongWu. I went crazy and wrote about almost every scene on the drama lol I was obsessed. You can read my review about the whole thing here.
OTP: Wonderful chemistry. The best either of the actors have had so far with any of their co-stars. Then again, SeongWu has only been in 2 dramas and 1 movie. And Shin YeEun hasn’t been in a lot but had really good chemistry with Park JinYoung in He’s Pyschometric. (btw that drama is superior, I highly recommend it!)
Thing I enjoyed the most: The magnificent character development that Lee Soo went through. He was a completely different person in ep 16 compared to the selfish jerk in eps 1-4 (SeongWu’s acting in this convinced me he is one of the best actors of his age, and one of the best idols turned actors at the moment). And I loved discussing this drama with the only other 10 people who were watching it hahaha Thanks y’all.
Do I recommend it?  They advertised it as a romcom, but it really isn’t. It’s more of a slice of life/melo drama. I believe this is better as a binge-watch, but do not expect mindblowing plot, since it’s a character driven drama. So, do check out my review about it and have a go at it, I guess hahaha If not, you could see my posts about the show here and still know everything, because I pretty much covered the entire drama HAHAHA.
Note: I kinda think this drama is sort of a “500 days of Summer” situation, people either sympathize with ML or FL and hate the other. Or both HAHAHA It’s all about perspective, I guess.
Tale of the Nine Tailed: Everything you could ask for in a fantasy drama. For me, it was perfect and it made me cry like a baby. I made a review on the finale. I actually liked that he got his powers back at the end. Also, the main couple was the most functional couple I saw this year in kdramas. Which is crazy if you take into acount that he wasn’t human and both had a lot of pain and traumas from their pasts. Which shows that communication and trust is key to every relationship.
Thing I enjoyed the most: Jiah, Yeon and Rang. The romance and the relationship between Rang and Yeon, which is what actually made me cry in the end. But we all knew it was coming.
Do I recommend it? Hell Yeah. Might not be for everyone, but if you like fantasy and romance, one heavily connected with the other, and the reincarnated lovers trope which I adore! then this is your drama.
Honorable Mentions:
You know, they almost made it. But something held me back. Still, it didn’t feel right to put them with the other dramas. So they got an honorable mention with my favorite ones.
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Itaewon Class: This was, in general, a tragedy. But I loved it. Ooops. Dude was only stopping a classmate from bullying another and got his whole life ruined: got expelled, his dad was killed, he went to jail and had to start from the bottom and reached the top all thanks to one special and unique young girl. My eyes were full of tears when he finally got his happiness at the end and justice for his dad. Plus, it deals with a few topics that are still taboo in Korea. And the whole world tbh
OTP: SLOW BURN. Super slow lol For a moment there, I thought they weren’t going to be endgame, but they were and I WAS THE HAPPIEST.
Thing I enjoyed the most: Park Saeroyi and Yiseo. And the acting from the whole cast, actually. They did a really good job.
Do I recommend it? Yes. My brother hadn’t seen a kdrama in years and he saw this one. He enjoyed it greatly. I don’t know why I say this as if my brother were some kind of point of reference or expert in kdramas, but y’all need to trust me when I say this is impressive hahaha.
Into the Ring: This woman only wanted a job that could give her stability and a good pay check because her family was in huge debt. She ended up becoming a district representative that learned the real hard way a good person cannot live peacefully among politicians. She got the hell out of there in the end, thank God. Sera was a great heroine that really deserves to be called that. Loved her so much.
OTP: A super cute one that defied gender stereotypes in a delightful way. He was HER secretary at one point!
Thing I enjoyed the most: Listen, everything. It was really well done. I binged it in 2 weekends. I regret not doing a final review about it, but I just couldn’t find the time and if I do one now, it’s not gonna make the drama justice because I’m sure I’ll miss details. I did make 2 big posts about the sismance and romance.
Do I recommend it? YEP. Go see it now lol
Do you like Brahms?: Most people complained about the leads being way too depressed and miserable in the last third of the drama. I didn’t mind that, because you see, it’s what you’d expect from a melodrama lol What did leave this drama out of my favorites is the reason why they were so miserable in the first place and the 2 never actually had a long and meaningful conversation about their problems as individuals and about their relationship and it was SO needed. It was literally their thing at the start of the drama: the way they could be open with each other and communicate so damn well. But that was nowhere to be seen in the end. Still, they had a happy ending and after all that suffering, I appreciated that. I made posts about each ep. Here is the post about the last one.
OTP: Two introverts that kissed on a music room for the first time AND made out on a piano. ON THE PIANO, Y’ALL!! *fans self*
Thing I enjoyed the most: The leads. The only TWO decent people (and friends), everyone else was an awful person. Oh, and the team leader. Such a great lady!
Do I recommend it? OMG Yes? It’s hard to say it but I try to judge the drama overall and how in love I was for the most part rather than how much it frustrated me in the last few eps. If you want to watch a melo with classical music that instead of healing makes you sadder, a love hexagon that makes you want to kill secondary characters and an OTP that gets their HEA despite all that, this is your drama.
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Live On: This is a last minute addition, but given the fact that it will air the last ep on the first week of 2021, it kinda technically counts as this year’s. And I do love it. A mini drama about high schoolers. Here’s my post about the first ep and about the most recent one (with spoilers) It’s just a really well done, romantic, cute and fun with touch of mystery, coming of age story. 
OTP: The most popular girl in high school and the smart president of the broadcasting club. Started as strangers, then went on to disliking each other, became friends and then liked each other. Also, ML is quite straightforward and flirtily honest lol
Thing I enjoyed the most: How short it is and the pace of the story. The main couple and the way the mystery was written, not a lot so it’d make the whole drama just about that, but enough to make an interesting backstory that sets FL on her journey and in the process, brings the six main characters together.TW: the whole mystery revolves around bullying.
Do I recommend it? If you like high school romances, YES. It’s only 8 eps long! You can binge it on a saturday or a sunday and I assure you it won’t be a waste of time. Kinda wish I could erase it all from my mind so that I could experience the whole story right away. I envy those who can binge it.
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suhn-ny · 4 years
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hashtag love scandal, hastag SURPRISE, hashtag we’re just friends~
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deokmis · 4 years
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celibatairedramas · 4 years
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— like or reblog if you save. ♡
@celibatairewang on twitter. ♡
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focusonasia · 4 years
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I made This for my youtube channel. Now i’m in love with my banner lol
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ahsung · 4 years
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Were these extremely vintage clothes really all you could find?
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dingyuxi · 4 years
tomorrow is wednesday! which means it’s memorist day
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mykxz · 3 years
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Done watching 16 episodes of “FIND ME IN YOUR MEMORY”
Starring Kim Dong Wook and Moon Ga Young
Just a little background why I decided to watch this series, even if it is not on my list. I usually play random background music while I am working in the office, then “Here We Are by Jooyoung” played. I instantly loved the song and played it on repeat, which was actually one of the soundtrack of FMIYM.
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I made the right decision. This Kdrama captured my heart since Episode 1 and it is very addictive. I am shocked I almost watched 10 episodes in just 1 day.
I loved Moon Ga Young since “Don’t Dare to Dream” and I’ve seen Kim Dong Wook in “Along with the God’s”. These two really proved their excellence in acting. And I definitely love their chemistry. Nomu nomu chuahe. ❤️❤️❤️
Very unique storyline, very cute couple Lee Jung Hoon and Yeo Ha Jin. Anchor-nim and Ha-jin sshi.
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I love how Ha Jin fell for Jung Hoon first. How she pursued him because of her crush on him. She immediately fell for him the way he looks at her. Though Jung Hoon is pushing Ha Jin away because of their past, she’s persistent until finally while protecting her he fell for her.
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And when Ha Jin finally regained her lost memory, Jung Hoon did the same thing to her. Because he already fell for her and don’t want to lose her. He pursued her, visits her even if she pushed him away. Texts her, reminds her to eat her lunch, even if he doesn’t get any replies. He proved to her that past is past and he is now happy that she’s beside him.
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They’re one of the cutest, most adorable couple I’ve ever seen. I love how sweet and lovable Ha Jin is. They were like couples in their teenage years. Video calls, texting, calling, supporting each other, when they missed each other they watch late night movies. Perfect couple! I really love their chemistry. Most especially when Jung Hoon is smiling at her.
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This series proves that if you two were meant to meet and fall in love, fate will definitely finds it way. In one day you’ll run into each other at same spot three times. You’ll almost meet each other, but you don’t. And then, you’ll kind of absurdly get into fender bender.
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Time only moves forward and you can never rewind it. But there is one way to go back in time. It’s through your memory.
Definitely highly recommended Korean drama. This series climbed on my Top 10 most favorite. My latest best-loved drama and couple (and soundtrack).
Anchor-nim and Ha Jin ssi, hwaiting! ❤️❤️❤️
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above-the-time · 3 years
15/7 - find me in your memory
i think if anyone ever asked me what drama would i suggest them to watch, one of my top suggestions would be this one. the right ounce of heartbreak, the right sprinkle of romance; i think i cry a little every time i binge watch it. yes, it has become my comfort drama that i always come back to it whenever i don't feel at ease and just feel like crying my heart out. literally trying not to be biased over moon ga young bc she's one of my faves, but her dynamic and chemistry with the male lead are *chefs kiss; sobs i finished watching FMIYM in between my finals, just because. had a good time and cried a bit. now i have this huge gap in my chest again. ah- when will they make good dramas like this again?
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
Find me in your memory, thoughts on the drama (Spoilers!)
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Overall thoughts
I think this drama was very easy to follow and had a consistent story. It had some dark elements of course, like Anchornim’s Hyperthymesia, Hajin’s memory loss and a murder that linked our main characters in an awful way. But overall, everything was cristal clear. The beauty of the show was the way the plot was constructed (and if you ask me, that's why the drama could’ve ended up being 14 eps instead of 16) and the way the characters were so well developed, they seem like real people.
I'm so happy that I gave this drama a chance and I have to say, this is the biggest and nicest surprise in dramaland so far this year, for me.
Stalker(s) plot
What I liked about this storyline (or storylines, depending on how you see it) was the way it actually brought closer our OTP. Anchornim had already made up his mind and had one foot out the door when he realized that Hajin was being targeted in the same way Soyeon, his late girlfriend, had been. And the first thing he did, was to actually go see with his own eyes that this bastard killer was still behind bars. And then, he dedicated all his time and resources to make sure Hajin wasn't gonna suffer the same tragic ending. And succeed of course.
Other than that, this plot was kinda predictable. I think most people realized that the first stalker was eventually gonna get out and try to get revenge on Anchornim. And we knew second stalker was not gonna get away with his crazy plan. I saw this as a sort of "redemption" for Anchornim. He couldn't save Soyeon but he did save Hajin.
What was not exactly predictable was the fact that we had around 4 suspects for a while (at least I had that many lol the disgraced reporter, the manager, the bff doctor and the director). I remember most people thought the real stalker was gonna be bff doctor and my god, I was so happy he wasn't. It would have been a big blow to Hajin and, above all, to Anchornim. And I actually underestimated our real stalker, the director. I knew he was obsessed with Hajin but I never thought he'd be the one to worry about. And how scary is it that this actually happens in real life? *Shudders*
Secondary OTP
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Ah. What a breath of fresh air. These two were a fine and healthy example of a relationship that’s born in the everyday life. They both were very supportive of each other, specially him.
And they cared so much for our main leads, that I was the happiest when they started liking each other and ended up dating. I want more of this in dramaland, but I get that to be the main OTP you need a lot more of drama, conflict and clichés. Pity. But I guess a drama with a couple like this, would only be two eps long.
Real Villains
I made a post about what I consider to be the best kind of villains in dramas, inspired by this drama. The ones that emulate real people that we could encounter everyday. So, even if it the drama had 2 psycho stalkers, the ones that  I considered to be the real bitches here, were Doctor Dad and Disgraced Reporter. Plus, in retrospective, those 2 were really the ones who separated Hajin and Anchornim, the ones that wanted them apart and tried to hurt them (or you know, didn’t care if they did).
I hated them, but I guess that means they did their job well.
Other characters
BFF Doctor whose name I could never remember (That doesn’t mean I didn’t apreciated him. Not at all). He was such a good person and I’m so so glad he wasn’t the bad guy. I was sad that he had to turn himself in because of his dad, but it seems he really found peace in the end.Hajin’s manager. He had problems and did commit a minor crime but he never meant to hurt Hajin and, in the end, he got a little revenge on disgraced reporter. The president from Hajin’s company! OMG she was such a sweet lady. If more bosses could be like her, the world would be a very different place.
Anchornim’s bosses at the broadcasting station. Such a weird bickering couple but who am I to judge their marriage? They cared for anchornim a lot and cheered on him always, in everything.
And Anchornim’s parents. Mom’s death was not exactly a surprise but it was still sad and that whole episode of our anchor dealing with her passing was the hardest of the drama. That woman raised him to be the fine man he was and that means she was a really good person and one of the best moms in dramaland. And dad! Dad tried a lot to get close to him after mom died. He asked for forgiveness for not being a very good dad and was the sweetest when he met Hajin. How not to forgive him?
This show was full of very good people but, if there ever was one innocent soul that was so nice and kind to everyone (which ironically is what lead her to her tragic fate), I have to pick Seoyeon. We were only a few eps in when we learnt how she passed and it was so sad. I loved our OTP so much but I actually wanted to see a bit more of Seoyeon’s relationship with Anchornim, that I know was full of good memories, just sadly eclipsed by that final and terrible moment of her death.
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And we saw flashbacks, of course. But the one thing that seemed weird to me in all the drama was the fact that Anchornim and Hajin never met while she was alive. And I mean, Hajin was angry at Seoyeon for the injury she got when she saved her, but before that, I don’t think they were on bad terms. My point is that they were such good friends, almost like sisters, that I don’t get why Seoyeon never introduced the most important 2 people from her life, to each other. But I mean, that came in handy for her psycho stalker.
Very sad about her death and what it meant for our OTP’s trauma and pain but without it, they would’ve never ended up together.
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You see, when I started the drama I was crushing hard on my sweet and happy girl, Hajin. (And I did loved her till the end, don’t misunderstand!) However, by the second half of the drama I was head over heels in love with Anchornim. Yeah. His tsundere personality won me over. And I mean, I think both our leads had it really hard and were dealing with lots of trauma BUT, Anchornim was dealing with a problem every.single.episode.
And when he finally decided to go after Hajin and be happy with her, because she made him happy for the first time in a LONG while, things started to move in the worst direction possible. And he was always sure of his love for her and his decision to be with her, even when Hajin was scared and decided to break things up, TWICE. Ugh. They were just so good for each other, but the freaking bitches around them just wouldn’t leave them alone. It was heartbreaking and even if it frustrated me, I could understand Hajin’s fear.
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Anchornim really went from a man with his heart in pieces, dedicating his life to his job, to a man in love with a girl who put on the biggest smile on his face. His transformation in the drama was really touching and so worth watching.
So, dramaland, give me more men like this one. He wasn’t immature, he wasn’t prompt to jealousy, he wasn’t sulky, moody or agnsty. He was smart, but not a freaking genius know it all. He was capable. And he had Hyperthymesia, but that did not defined who he was. And he was not a super-fighter, but when the things and people that mattered most to him were being threatened, he fought using his brain and won. It was a delight to see his character being played out with dignity and such a manly touch and for that, Mr. Kim Dong Wook, you’ve got a new fan.
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thenotsosecretbits · 4 years
I can't be the only one who thinks hajin and jeonghoon's breakup on fmiym is justified? I know couple breakups in dramas is part of the formula, but this one isn't unnecessary.
Dumb break ups happen all the time in dramaland, but this isn't one of them.  Hajin and Jeonghoon aren't broken up because of some silly misunderstanding or because of noble idiocy or because of scheming second leads.  HJ and JH are broken up because HJ just remembered Soyeon and all the issues that come with that knowledge.  She has processed none of this because her mind just blocked it.  And now that she remembers, she has to deal with it.  Every one else has had 8 years to do that, it's fresh for her.
So, here's a woman who just remembered her best friend is dead.  She thinks she's responsible for that death.  And she's in love with the man that same best friend loved.  She needs time to reconcile all these things.
When JH found out who HJ was, he tried to put some distance between them.  It didn't work and he let himself get close to her and then before he knew it, he had feelings for the girl he didn't think he should have feelings for.  But JH knew what he was getting himself into when made HJ part of his life.  He had time to work through whatever guilt he was feeling about falling for his (dead) girlfriend's best friend and decide that that fact shouldn't stop him from being happy.
Now that HJ has all the knowledge JH had when he made his decisions, she needs the time he had as well.  And it must suck so much for HJ because she's completely in love with JH and she doesn't want to be without him, but she also blames herself for SY's death and thinks he should hate her and the fact that he doesn't just makes her feel even worse because he's the man who SY loved and now he's completely in love with her and I'm betting part of HJ thinks she stole SY's happiness and she doesn't deserve it.  Guilt is a bitch of a feeling.
The fact that SY's been dead for 8 years doesn't mean anything, because, for HJ, SY's only been dead a few weeks.
HJ and JH's breakup not only makes sense, it had to happen because HJ needed to know the truth and, like JH, she has to decide what's right for her.  She'll eventually realize that SY's death was not her fault and that loving JH is not wrong and that she deserves whatever happiness she receives.  She just needs time to get there.
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universaladdict · 4 years
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“I still remember too many memories. I’m pretty sure these memories will not fade away for the rest of my life. They will remain inside me like tree rings. But now I know how to etch those memories in my heart and move forward. I know how those memories can become good memories, not wounds. I just need to live this moment beautifully,” - Lee Jeong Hoon, Find Me In Your Memory
I’m gonna be having a hard time moving on from this drama. I love the plot. One who cannot forget, one with some lost memories, and destiny brought them together. The perfect chemistry between the two, the beautiful lines, moments and theme songs too. I mean look at the way they look at each other so affectionately. I cries every single scene of them! My babies acted too well 😭
Bonus: This drama doesn’t have second leads to cause any stupid jealousy/misunderstandings too. Just Jeong Hoon and Ha Jin trying to figure out their relationship, learning about each other, finding ways to support, make up, and complement each strengths and weaknesses.
This romance drama is soooo damn good but so underrated, just like Falling for Innocence (Jung Kyung Ho and Kim So Yeon). Fascinating fate, bold, direct, and true to their feelings. Fast pace too. Couldn’t help but noticing some similarities in character between Lee Jeong Hoon (FMIYM) and Kang Minho (Falling for Innocence) - how they’re having doubts about their feelings at first due to some unfortunate circumstances, but then they didn’t back off a bit the moment they were affirmed that it was indeed love towards their women.
I love you two GieokCouple! ♥️
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celibatairedramas · 4 years
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— like or reblog if you save. ♡
@celibatairewang on twitter. ♡
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soohoee · 4 years
Wow, watching fmiym really makes my head really hurts aaAaAaaa I can’t stop guessing who’s stalker is and i can’t even make theories either, fuckkk the way this drama playing with my mind im so fucked up!
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exiuoverdose · 4 years
it's been over a month but i'm still slightly disappointed that fmiym didn't end with jeong hoon and ha jin adopting the puppies
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and while i love the notting hill reference, a greedy part of me wishes we got something closer to maid in manhattan's ending with a collage of news articles on their wedding and kids and late night dates i mean they're both famous anyway
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