#i hope elvis found some sort of peace in getting to the other side and gaining the knowledge that his friend didn’t ghost him
bcofl0ve · 2 years
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about to start crying at my cubicle over this photo and how much steve admired him and how different things could’ve and would’ve been if the colonel and memphis mafia doing the colonel’s bidding didn’t block him out after the special
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hypermanga · 4 years
May I please have a ship for the hobbit, X-Men, and Marvel? I'm 5'8 with blue eyes, freckles, and bright red hair. I'm a bi female.I love all sorts art and music. I do art, sing, dance, and study history. I'm know as being playful and loving but also very protective and caring. I can be stubborn and headstrong and I'm very passionate about my views. I also love learning to do new things and such. Very open minded as well. I've been told I'm also a momma figure and a quick learner. Thank you!!
I ship you with...
Pietro Maximoff/ Quicksilver!
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Being a mutant meant being in constant danger and a large part of humanity called you a freak. Thank goodness, two things made this bearable: music and you.
You were brought to the X-Mansion after a particularly rough mission for the Xmen, all battered and bruised with needle marks all around your body. It seemed your mutation had woken up in the middle of one of your daily history lectures, and instead of helping you, your teacher had decided to call the army and leave you to be.
When you had recovered from everything, you tried to find some kind of emotional support, hence why you started to play the guitar. One day, a young boy with grey hair was beside you guitar, eyeing curiously.
 After finding out his passion for music and having fun, you two clicked like puzzle pieces, spending the days together as the best of friends. 
When you started to go to missions with the other Xmen, he became afraid that you would never come back, as sometimes you went to the most dangerous places -in the middle of the Amazon forest, for example, from where you brought back a parrot-, but he knew he wasn't match to your views: all your life you hadn't taken part in the mutant vs humanity showdown, but now it was time to act to defend the others like you from people like William Stryker.
Because of this, it became a tradition to create a playlist with a song that reminded you of the mission you had just returned from, and he would create one of his own, a secret one he said; One day, when he was off to class, you busied yourself by listening to his playlist, gasping in surprise when the first song that came out was "I can't help falling in love with you" by Elvis Presley.
He didn't have time to exit the classroom as you bumped into him, crashing your lips against his. 
The Hobbit
I ship you with...
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After Bard's wife passed away, you helped the Bowman raise his kids, taking care of them whenever he had to go to Mirkwood to retrieve barrels that the elves threw away after emptying their contents.
Tilda, Sigrid and Bain soon warmed up to you, after all you were one of his father's closest friends and allies in the poor excuse for a city. And after some time, he started to feel something else than gratefulness for you and your work. 
As Smaug attacked the city after the Company of Thorin Oakenshield woke him up, you couldn't leave alone Bard, not when you knew of his plan of taking the dragon down. So instead of Bain you offered yourself to bring the last black arrow to Bard, knowing that if anything happened to the young boy, he would never forgive himself. 
To say that adrenaline pumped into your veins throughout the time you two faced off the fire-breathing creature was an understanding. Even after you two fell down the tower when the dragon's body reduced the city to pieces from the impact, your heartbeat never slowed down. 
When you were able to reunite with Bard's children, you engulfed them in a big hug, making Bard question himself whether he should let you know of his feelings. Your face when you motioned him to join the group hug made his mind up.
As soon as he found a place for his people and peace came back to reign, he would confess. Hopefully, you felt the same.
Spoiler alert: You definitely did :)
I ship you with...
Steve Rogers!
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It is an understanding that Steve would help you with history whenever you'd seem to struggle. He'd be the type to tell you stories of his time at war, in hopes it can help you get a better picture of the situations and conditions people lived under. 
When Civil War occurred, you were one of the firsts to side with Steve, as you believed that superheroes shouldn't be under no restrictions, not when it came to saving the universe from god knows what dangers. To you it wasn't just a fight, but the fight that would decide how much time Earth had left before something happened, so you took matter into your own hands to convince Wanda and the most reluctant members of team Captain to take part in that. 
After parting ways with Tony and the others, you helped Steve and the remaining members who weren't under home arrest -trust me, you really tried to break them out but weren't fast enough- to cure and relax for whatever was about to come. 
As you patched Wanda up, you could sense Steve's eyes watching you intently, but decided not to act on it. He was really grateful to have someone so caring and loving despite the circumstances on his team... Or dare he say, his life. 
Because for everybody but you, his crush was getting more evident as the days passed; It was a matter of time before he would spill everything he felt. And he hoped you would say yes.
I hope you liked it anonymous asker ^^!
If you want to request a ship, take a look at this post to see what fandoms I’m doing ships for ^^
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What a day!: A oodle-lolly golly what a day revisited.
This is a short story of two unlikely heroes that rose from the injustice of the Alfonso Mafia that rules almost all of the underworld and Black market of the Chicago City streets. (Guitar playing)
One was from the suburbs of Chicago. The other was blown in from the northern country a couple years back.
And this is just one moment that might have happened. Had happened. Or whatever.
Two guys walked together in a quiet, normal park on one spring day.
The smaller one was Felix Lockheart, the underdog, detective hero of the Chicago Police. He was the innocent people's last hope against the criminals and those who knew the mafia well, the Alfonso mafia. He was a single parent-like uncle to his nephews after a tragic accident of his father and sister. He was a well respected police officer in his own rights with his special skills and his good manners.
The other one, who he was a tall but a bit intimidating, was Sammuel Toutsaint. Also known as Sam Toucan for shorts. He was an unusual man who he had served in the WW2 before he became a full pledge attorney after it ended. Despite he was much suited to be a prosecutor, he changed to defense due to the fact that... there was too many prosecutors in Chicago and that they'll hire anybody who wanted to be a defense attorney... So he took the defense position and got the job.
He was a honest but er... 'unfiltered' type of person who doesn't beat around the bush when he wanted to say something. He does however kept it minimum if there's kids involved or around. He was actually grew found of Felix after their first case working together and gave him hope again for justice to his innocent clients.
Felix Cat and Sam Toucan walking through the park path. Laughing back and forth at what the other has to say.
As I've said it, it was a bright spring day when they're out walking the park. There might be some snow here and there, but it had cleared up quite a bit to enjoy the trails. They both agreed to take this opportunity to get some fresh, spring air after a long, cold winter from inside. After all, even these coffee buddies wanted to go out once in a while to clear their thoughts.
“What a beautiful, blue sky! I can almost see the tulips popping out of my imagination and ready to be planted on these grounds. At least today it might be peaceful for once.” Felix hoped with his arms stretched out and put behind his head. He was feeling quite good today.
“As long as you 'imagine' those lettuce you'd promise to pick up from the grocery store for Kitty, mon amie.” Sam reminded him with his hands in his pockets. His legs were almost just as long as Felix's height so his little friend sometimes needed to pick up the pace.
Reminiscing that time while having a good one with lolly, lolly, golly what a day!
“I'm surprised to see you've dressed properly for the season.” Felix complimented Sam who had on his navy blue overcoat that was meant for his job, but he'd normally use it for spring/fall coat.“Pourquoi?” He asked in french.
“Because I think you've 'intimidated' the other rival lawyers in mid-winter when you've showed up in your Hawaiian shirts and cargo shorts. Outside. With a tropical drink in your hands.” He recalls on those times he caught him wearing them to meet him. “I get that you're almost like cold resisting type, but please! Don't scare EVERYbody away like that.” He then got a bit concern and tried his best to be reasonable with Sam.
He knew that despite his friend's... unusual antics and behaviors, he was a very successful lawyer and one of the few who remains 'untouched' by the corrupted system and out of any rich influential and political payrolls pockets. If Felix haven't asked that one question about his reason of why he became a lawyer that one time, before he knew him better, he would have mistaken him for a grumpy thirty three year old man with a suit and tie.
“It's for keeping stupid bulls!t out of my request files for 'real' issues, not cause your partner forgot to go to a dinner date you've promised one time and you wanted a divorce.” As much as Sam might seem rude at one point, Felix knows he's telling the common sense truth. He can tell even without his 'special' talent.
Never, ever thinking there was danger in the bushed while they're were talking and just walking on by!
Felix then noticed a warning sing from Sam's eyes. He noticed that his dark blue eyes were glaring at a large brick wall on his left. He knew that look as if to say: 'that seems suspiciously dangerous!' He knew him well enough that if he sees or sense something off, be on your guard!
Never dreaming that the scheming Dancing Demon and his Big Bad Wolf was waiting for them for a surprising hit n' run!
Sam slowed down and then took out from his jacket some sort of a small jam bottle with a very unusual blend of liquids that looks like some kid had thrown in various mix of beverages. “Let's see if this works.” As soon as he opened the lid, Felix can smell the horrendous stench from it, but he kept his straight face on. He sees Sam lean a bit of his arm back like he was about to scoop something and then in a blink of an eye, he threw it right over the brick wall from their left. It didn't even took one second to hear some screams.
“RUN FOR IT!” Sam shouted as he picks up Felix from his right arms and ran to the direction they've just came from.
Felix Cat and Sam Toucan running through the park path, then on the grassy and snowy patch, passing behind trees.
Despite that spring is around the corner, there was still big snow banks in the area. One that can leap over a tall brick wall. Sam took this opportunity to step on only the grassy area and tries not to leave any tracks on the snow. He than halted from the wall, he then lift Felix up to the edge first for him to escape and in return, Felix used his whip belt that his late father made to help Sam climb over the wall. They finally manage to escape from whoever they were.
Contemplating, nothing but escaping and finally making out, good a little, lolly, lolly, golly what a day!
Once they've stepped on the other side they were back in the city's edge. There was tall buildings and streets. People every where for the afternoon outing and they were only, surprise surprise, nest to one of Bendy's signature cars only the social elites haves. Felix quickly tugged Sam's sleeves and pointed to the nearest car that was parked close to them. “I think they might be coming after us very shortly after that happened!” Whatever Sam have thrown on them, it's stench was so foul that  he knew that Bendy would abandoned the whole 'fun time' thing.
They've his behind the yellow car that was behind Bendy's just as they heard them coming from the park, infuriated. “Those two weirdos! Especially that *cough! * lamp post, Elvis dorky, rude mannered, colour blinded tie wearing *cough! * dodo!” Bendy coughed as he let out a disgusted sound as he tried to sniff, but the stench of whatever Sam threw, was really unpleasant even from where they were hiding. “Don't worry, Bendy, we'll get them next time. That Toucan guy was prepared for us in this round, but nobody will be that lucky forever. * COUGH! COUGH!*  gosh! What did he threw?!” Boris complimented as he coughed it too while he helped Bendy in the car and then he goes to the driver's seat.
Good a little, lolly, lolly, golly what a day!
As soon as the DeMon's signature luxury car was out of sight, they came out of their hiding. Felix called out to Sam. “Don't take this the wrong way, but you've been taking too many chances like that lately.” Sam Tsked. “You think mines are daring? You should have seen what Bendy's been up to with the more influential circles. The documents I found hidden in their files doesn't lie. He's trying to buy or blackmail more juries. But luckily for us, I did manage to 'fix' it as if he never did.” Sam happily smirked at his handy works.
Felix sighed in frustrations. “I'm sorry that you had to put more work like that. I wish I can do it myself but somehow... I'm still being held back for 'law' reasons. By that, I mean I'm almost restricted to aristocrats' self-entitled rights on properties and possessions unless they played a serious role of a crime. It's not a big issue, but they do seems to have an upper hand on some things just save a face or two.” I'm not saying all upper classes are like that, but there are those who would take advantage of rich privileges to an extend.
“Ces't vrai, but don't fret too much, mon amie. No matter how high and mighty they act, they are germs like the rest of us. They are humans and they make mistakes too. One of these days, their 'perfect' system will collapse like a house of cards.” Sam tried to assure Felix.
“Thanks, Sam. I knew you're not the type who'd cheer people up like that, but I appreciate it.” Felix smiled.
“Who was responsible for that? Eh bien! There's a local groceries store. Let's get that lettuce before we'll forget that.” Sam pointed out the way across the street in a cheerful manner. That got Felix attention when he mentioned an ingredient. “Hey speaking of ingredients, what WAS that stuff you've just thrown on them?” It was a particularly have a really strong unpleasant odor, but he knew that his friend has sometimes had some... different methods of handling things. Not to mention that Sam has rarely shown his optimistic side apart from his kids... unless it was a mischievous idea.
“Nothing really serious. I learn it from those bunch of kids that hangs around the Joey Drew Studios on their 'Free Hands' protests. You might be surprise how easy it is to get those ingredients.”
“Sam...” I used my tone of voice that I use when I say to my kids when they're not telling me something. Like he's hiding something or not telling me the 'whole' truth.
He held his hands up before we can get inside as to protest and defend himself. “It is nothing serious, Félix, It was just a ecologic friendly gas bomb.”
That made him jumped a bit and stuttered. “What the-?! What do you mean by that?! Are you trying to-Mmh!” HE then got muffled by Sam's hand clapping on his mouth. His tall friend then gave a hush sing language. “You're gonna replace the police siren if you keep out-bursting like that and before you open your mouth like that, no, it's nothing serious like that. This is a city not Europe from the war a few years back. The only differences is that the stuff it was made is to irritate the eyes and leaves a really unpleasant smell. They're lucky enough to hold out their tears long enough to not cry in public. It does take some time before the effect wore off so there's no harm.” He then smirked again at his genius strategy.
But Felix wasn't pleased and then removed Sam's hand, talking with his indoor voice as they went inside. “Well, you'd better not make a habit of doing that or else Bendy's gonna have to think of a counter measure. We've seen him extort some er... 'quality goods' from his connections and has multiple ways of how to 'take care' of certain people who are... not agreeing with him.” He was being careful of his words when they were looking for lettuce. He checks around the spacious but small store for potential witnesses. As much as he wanted to bring down the Alfonso mafia along with Bendy, he knew that his public image was different from the people they hardly knew him well. Some were actually Bendy's eyes and ears and they are pretty good at camouflaging their appearances.
“He knows too well that he can't lay a finger on us in day time and that he can't have ALL the powerful people on his side. That would send a red flag to 'you know who' at the head of the states. The store is empty apart from the owner, Félix. She doesn't look like she's hearing us from the cashier.” Felix glanced at the old lady who she was reading the 'good book' while she waited patiently for us. She does seem harmless... and his 'senses' told him she doesn't have a malicious aura.
He took a deep breath. “The more we encounter them apart from his goonies, the more they're getting better. Even you'd be in hot waters if we're not careful enough. I felt like I'm not getting enough experience on the filed... But... I can't ignore my responsibilities as an uncle either.” As much as he want to pursue the horrible persons that has taken two of his most beloved family members and left them in pieces, he promised himself to be the one to take care of them like his father would have done and raise them with good characters. “Félix...” Sam asked him in a tone that would say 'are you alright? You sound depressed again.'
“Y-yeah! I'm alright! I'm just doing the best I can like you've said one time! It's getting late already. Why don't I meet you up again at your office before your next trial? It's at eleven this Friday, right? And do we still have our hard evidence to prove that the RiceKrispies brothers are innocents?” He immediately cheered himself up to avoid any pessimistic energy. He himself is getting enough as it is. Sam then decided to take up his subject as they were heading to the cashier. “They're safe as a hidden treasure in a pirate book. Only I can remember their locations. I just hope it's not Jerry this time, but if he is, at least I have my trusty side kick for the show that makes it less sucky!” He joked as he messed Felix's hair. “UAGH! SAM! I hate it when you do that!”
That sound surprised Felix and he realized that Sam had paid for both his lettuce and Sam's milk. “I needed that for tomorrow morning anyways. You're welcome.” He then leaves and Felix soon follows after his lettuce was bagged. “Sam! I told you you don't need to pay for me on anything! I don't want to rely on you like that!” Felix tried to reach for his wallet again but then Sam made a halt gesture. “You want to pay me back badly for a fifty cents lettuce? Then you'd better be at that trial on Friday. I will promise not to put 'something' on Jerry's seat if he's the one that shows up .”
That made him hesitate a bit. He knew his tall friend was famous as a high powered defense attorney to most people, but he also knew that sometimes in his trials, things get a bit... unusual to say the least. Not to mention he has 'the best seat in the house' next to him in front of the judges and juries.
It's not just the victim's, accuser's and the witnesses' reputation that's on the line...
But then again, he doesn't like to 'ask' people favors, including money. He knew better.
“Promise?” He decided to take the chance. Sam nodded and then they've retired for the day.
----Author’s notes-----
I hope you’ve enjoyed this mini one shot!
I’ve had a flash back of the earliest childhood memories of the animated Disney films of Robin Hood. I just imagined about how Felix and Sam is closely related to Robin and Little John. Both the hero of an unjust ruler! (In this case, the undertaker of Chicago, Bendy.)
One of the side notes, there IS a homemade remedy of tear gases, however, I DISCLAIMED ANY SOURCES CAUSE I DO NOT WISH TO IMPLY ANY FUTURE ATTEMPTS THAT WILL INSPIRE ANYONE! Please do NOT do this even if it’s safe! Just say no!
Next is the pricing, in the 50′s era, things like groceries were really cheap... Google it.
Hope this has entertained you for a bit.
Bendy Before the Ink Machine AU and humanized Felix the cat Belongs to Marini4. Humanized Sam Toucan is mine.
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leaflovescloud · 5 years
I’m so glad that I’ve got this small little place for me to express my thought once in a while. But this time, something is different. Because, I just broke up recently and we are no longer in a LDR anymore. 
How things could change huh? The irony. few months ago I was still deeply in love with this guy but now things are not the same anymore. To be frank, I still very much love him and I wish we didn’t have to do this. I wish I could do something to save us, me, and him. But what I’m lacking at this moment is a leap of faith. I’m not sure if I can do it again. I’m afraid of being vulnerable like this again. 
I still remember he said it to me, “It’s best if we just don’t talk anymore.” I affirmatively agreed to that because I know it’d best for us to move on even though I really don’t want to move on at that point of time. I couldn’t recall how hurtful it was, but then again, he just kept texting me. And I couldn’t complain that I found it annoying cos it’s not. It’s just that, it’s making my life harder to move on. 
I can’t deny it’s extremely hurtful to me. So, me being not thoughtful and extremely spontaneous, booked my flight ticket to Chiang Mai. Many have asked, “Why Chiang Mai?” “Thailand is dangerous.” “You sure you wanna go alone?” But for some reasons, it’s gonna sound super cliche, but I really did/ do know that CM is the right place to go. The fact that I ‘ve never been to CM doesn’t really matter. I feel that at that point of time, my life been giving me signals and guidance to visit CM on July. So I did it and I really did it. 
It’s cool cos it’s my first time travelling alone, abroad. I mean it’s not a big deal for westerner by looking at the digital nomad trends. But it’s extraordinary for a girl from a very Asian cultured family. But again, I just know I have to do it and I couldn’t worry more. Of course, I have my considerations before this trip, like will I ever felt lonely etc. But life is just more than that, it’s really up to us to direct where our sail is going. Sometimes, we really have to believe in ourselves and make sure we are open to many other opportunities. 
So there you go, I was in CM! The moment when I landed at CM,  I was trying to figure out how to use the Grab service over there. Being worried of getting scams by cab drivers and puzzled by the Thai words shown on my grab apps, I eventually made my way to Stamps Backpacker - where I stayed for 5 nights. Honestly, while I was planning for my trips, such as deciding where to stay, it’s kinda a big headache to me, As I was tight on budget, so I can only afford staying in a backpacker hostel. But then again, there are just so many choices but Stamps backpacker just caught my eyes. Apparently, it’s a social hostel and there are events everyday. So I just thought it might be a good way to know people around. So when I was there, I was just completely in awe, I wasn’t able to spot an asian tourist like me. It’s full of westerners and me being an introvert started to be anxious. I quickly settled down and went out for dinner. And that’s how I met Tom, an Irish-Australian. We talked for a lil bit and he ended up buying me dinner which I was extremely grateful. Then, I got back to the hostel, thinking of joining hostel peeps for karoke/ pub quiz. But I was still too shy to blend in. So, me being shy and reluctant to go back to my room, I forced myself to have a G&T by the bar counter and hoping that someone would talk to me. 
There you go, I talked to Brandy and Andrew. They were super nice and we ended up hanging together by the nearby bar - Fat Elvis where you get to sing. And that’s my first time trying out Sangsom Soda that completely knocked me out after lol. We had so much fun and we head to BB bar for another drinking session again. It’s fun to drink with people that I’ve never met before, like the owner of the hostel, the hostel staff and others. It really was a break through to me. Cos I usually only mix with people that I find comfortable with and I always there is no need to know more people. And... as far as I remember, my night pretty much ended here. But according to them, I was drunk. So what happened thereafter, I seriously had no idea at all lol. But it’s pretty much a good night. 
The next day morning was bad. Pretty much super hangover but still managed to wake up pretty early. I quickly washed up, and headed out. For some reasons, CM just feels like home to me. Like i’m not even afraid of being alone, I just know where to go. So I just walk for a lil bit, visiting the small alley and had lunch at a local food store by the road side. I really enjoy eating at a food place like this cos it makes me feel like im a local! Then I headed to this super small but cute cafe - Graph Cafe. The coffee is awesome but it’s like 100 baht lol. I’m pretty sure I’ve got other options there but well, i’m on a vacation! So, couldn’t care less. I was just resting and trying to recover from my hangover. Then I decided to explore around the Old City. So while I was walking, again there’s much Asian tourists to my surprise. But I was just keep walking without even referring to my maps. and there you go, I was at this temple - Wat Chedi Luang. It’s peaceful, not much people, the architecture was awesome. Essentially there are just too many temples around CM, but by far this is my favourite one. Just thought that it is authentic and connected to my heart. Then I had dinner alone as well. After that went to this Night Bazaar - Ploeen Ruedee. It’s amazing, I’m feeling the vibes over there. But well, it’s full of westerners again, so I was just having beer while listening to the reggae live band. Then I took a tuk tuk back to my hostel and I thought that’d be the end of my night. 
Then, I couldn’t recall what happened but I guess, my hostel peeps were going to a Reggae Bar. and I met Andrew so I asked him if he’s keen and there you go my second night drinking again lol. Honestly, the night life in CM is really something, it’s not too crazy, it’s chill but it also gives you a nice kick that you need lol. We went to Spicy, Vegas afterwards. Pretty much night clubs hopping lol. and me being pretty much drunk again. 
The next day, I didnt feel that much of hangover. I had lunch with Andrew at a local khao soi place. After that, I had thai massage by myself, and decided to visit Doi Suthep without planning. Well, fair enough, I came to CM without a proper planning lol. I didn’t really know what to do. I just settled accomodation and flight ticket - and I guess that’s what I need to worry about. So I figured out my way to Doi Suthep, and the views up there is massive. I’m not sure if it’s true but I guess the reason why i fell in love with CM is because it’s pretty much like Penang. But I guess Penang has got more the “city” vibes various CM is pretty much kind of laid back. Then I had dinner with Andrew and went drinking afterwards again.  The dinner place was super good as I recalled. 
Anyways, I think there are still a lot more to write about my trip. But well. I guess the main purpose of me going for this trip is that I want to find myself, I want to love myself, I want to look for an answer to my doubt. I pretty much didnt manage to get an answer, throughout the trip I think I got myself into another muddles too. But again, everything happens for a reason, I just chose to accept it. Cos whatever it is, it all happened under my control, or in other words, I allow it to be happened. So there’s nothing much I can do about it. I guess it kind of just changed my mindset for a little bit or may be I learned how to handle things like an adult and not to be too harsh on myself. 
Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to break up with Jackie. Cos I was totally clueless. I was just keep on thinking is this break up a reality that has to happen? is this some sort of signal by God? They say when you win some, you lose some. I’m not sure if this is what I have to sacrifice. I’m also not sure if I’m being too spiritual. But I’m just thinking perhaps putting a halt in this relationship is the right thing to do as well. Cos for the past few months, I’ve been living alone and the fact is that I thought I handled loneliness a lil bit too well. in a way I felt that I’m too strong whereas in reality I just know that I’m not. Also, being away from him for so long sometimes also makes me a lil bit clueless as to how a normal relationship should be? what do couples usually do? watching movie and having meals together? I have no idea. But whatever it is, I don’t feel that it’s something that I should worry for now. Cos I just figured out that it’s a good time to be with myself, and solely by myself. There are some thing that I need to sort it out, need to understand my inner need and I really need to love myself first before allowing someone to come into my heart. Because I don’t think I can handle someone I once loved leaving me like this again. 
You know, while writing this, I was just thinking if I was a tad bit naive back then to even start a relationship with him 2 and a half year ago. Even though I did not regret a single bit. But I just thought that it was still magical even till today. Unfortunately sometimes circumstances make things hard and unfortunately, at this juncture, we are truly defeated by the circumstances - distance. 
Whatever it is, perhaps it is true that you can’t have it both ways in life. sometimes, things are just too good to be true. Right now, even though my heart is broken but it’s healing. My heart is full after my CM trips, my results - it’s my first time getting dean’s list, I’m getting a decent job/ car, so I really couldn’t complain more. So I want to be grateful and live my life properly by properly loving myself. 
Also, I couldn’t thank Darren and Sim enough for accompanying me these days. they might not realize it but I just truly appreciate them. 
“Without fear or favour.” 
0 notes
lishakiyoko · 8 years
1: My name? Alisha. 2: Do I have any nicknames? lisha 3: Zodiac sign? gemini 4: Video game I play to chill, not to win? anything mario 5: Book/series I reread? none lol 6: Aliens or ghosts? aliens 7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? what 8: Favourite radio station? the popular ones 9: Favourite flavour of anything? chocolate for sure 10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great? amazing 11: Favourite song? i hate those kinds of questions 12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? what they do for work... that's what happens when you're 30 😝 13: Favourite word? butthole 14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? i always forgive 15: Last song I listened to? i think it was a jack black song cos camren was playing it. 16: TV show I always recommend? vikings! 17: Pirates or ninjas? ninjas 18: Movie I watch when I'm feeling down? probably something depressing. not anything to help lol 19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? it always changes. 20: Favourite video games? anything mario or easy like that 21: What am I most afraid of? not living my life to the fullest 22: A good quality of mine? i'm an amazing girlfriend haha 23: A bad quality of mine? i lie a lot 24: Cats or dogs? cats! 25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in? so many good ones! i really love natalie portman for an actress and i'm absolutely in love with travis fimmel and charlie hunnam 26: Favourite season? winter 27: Am I in a relationship? yes 28: Something I miss? being young 29: My best friend? my boyfriend 30: Eye colour? brown 31: Hair colour? brown 32: Someone I love? camren 33: Someone I trust? i wanna say camren but even he's hid some big things from me in the past couple years... so that's iffy 34: Someone I always think about? buying things lol 35: Am I excited about anything? a better future 36: My current obsession? ginger tea 37: Favourite TV shows as a child? eurekas castle maybe? i can't remember 38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? i tell camren almost everything. i'm with him all the time anyway 39: Am I superstitious? not really 40: What do I think about most? being a better person 41: Do I have any strange phobias? i'm claustrophobic for sure 42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind! but i wanna try and be in front this year when camren starts his youtube channel 43: Favourite hobbies? i'm boring so idk lol 44: Last book I read? it's been years 45: Last film I watched? ps i love you 46: Do I play any instruments? nope 47: Favourite animal? kitties 48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow? uh 49: Superpower I wish I could have? fly! disappear as well 50: How do I destress? lay in bed and watch tv 51: Do I like confrontation? not at all ugh. the worst 52: When do I feel most at peace? when i'm at home and it's quiet. like right now. 53: What makes me smile? i laugh at everything so it doesn't take much to make me smile 54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off? off. i need it pitch black 55: Play any sports? ew what 56: What is my song of the week? lights "lucky ones" 57: Favourite drink? pellagrino sparkling water in pomegranate. although it's more like a soda than sparkling water 58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? it's been a long time but i signed something and mailed it out recently haha 59: Afraid of heights? a little. i was pretty terrified when i went to the top of the sky tree in tokyo (2nd tallest building in the world might i add) 60: Pet peeve? messy people 61: What was the last concert I went to see? i don't remember. i hope to see a good one this year tho. 62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? nope. just ate pork last night! 63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? nurse. still a possibility if camren gets more business and i can quit my job... do school full time. 64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? sort of. enemies for a little while but forgave each other. i still hold a little bit of a grudge lol. 65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? something futuristic 66: Something I worry about? getting pregnant before my life is stable 67: Scared of the dark? nah 68: Who are my best friends? cheddar and jonathan 69: What do I admire most about others? being their own motivators. a will to get shit done. being able to drive and have a car lol. 70: Can I sing? a little bit. that's another thing i'll be working on this year 71: Something I wish I could do? drive 72: If I won the lottery, what would I do? pay of mine and my families debt. 73: Have I ever skipped school? yeah 74: Favourite place on the planet? japan 75: Where do I want to live? id stay here in los angeles but other than that probably japan 76: Do I have any pets? two cats 77: What is my current desktop picture? some guild wars thing camren changes out here and there. it's his computer 78: Early bird or night owl? early bird 79: Sunsets or sunrise? sunsets. im not that early of a bird 80: Can I drive? hell to the no 81: Story behind my last kiss? that's private lol 82: Earphones or headphones? headphones 83: Have I ever had braces? twice 84: Story behind one of my scars? they aren't very exciting 85: Favourite genre of music? i hate this question too 86: Who is my hero? i dunno 87: Favourite comic book character? not a comic book fan 88: What makes me really angry? what doesn't make me angry? haha 89: Kindle or real book? real book 90: Favourite sporty activity? i don't do sports. i like to watch hockey tho. 91: What is one thing that isn’t taught in schools that should be? money management 92: What was my favourite subject at school? art 93: Siblings? two younger sisters 94: What was the last thing I bought? a water bottle 95: How tall am I? 5'1 96: Can I cook? barley. just a couple of things i've done over and over like chicken and veggies or eggs 97: Can I bake? my oven doesn't work but if it did there's a bunch of things i'd love to try 98: 3 things I love? my cats, my home, and my boyfriend 99: 3 things I hate? living with a bunch of people, being tickled, being on the freeway 100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? i think it's pretty even 101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? boys. i've always loved hanging out with boys better 102: Where was I born? southern california 103: Sexual orientation? bi curious but never had a chance to explore the other side unfortunately 104: Where do I currently live? north hollywood california 105: Last person I texted? camren. he texted me from the other room to bring him coffee 😒 106: Last time I cried? maybe a week ago? 107: Guilty pleasure? menchies froyo 108: Favourite Youtuber? jaclyn hill 109: A photo of myself. probably my profile pic 110: Do I like selfies? not really. i'm pretty bad at them 111: Favourite game app? i don't play games on my phone 112: My relationship with my parents? it's good 113: Favourite accents? british 114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? new york ( 30th bday tho!! ) 115: Favourite number? 4 116: Can I juggle? no lol 117: Am I religious? no but i do have faith 118: Do I like space? it's a little scary, especially black holes 119: Do I like the deep ocean? i dunno 120: Am I much of a daredevil? no way 121: Am I allergic to anything? i think cats a little bit 122: Can I curl my tongue?ya 123: Can I wiggle my ears? no 124: Do I like clowns? they're okay 125: The Beatles or Elvis? the beatles 126: My current project? reinstating my pharmacy tech certification ( different from my tech license, i can work anywhere as opposed to just retail) 127: Am I a bad loser? no 128: Do I admit when I wrong? not really lol 129: Forest or beach? beach 130: Favourite piece of advice? none 131: Am I a good liar? yeah lol. i've lied about so much shit 132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? i dunno. the only one i've watched all the way through was the hunger games and i don't even remember who was in what district 133: Do I talk to myself? sometimes. mostly in my brain 134: Am I very social? nope 135: Do I like gossip? yeah 136: Do I keep a journal/diary? no 137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? All the time 138: Do I believe in second chances? yes 139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? keep it lol. i'm a bad person and i love money 140: Do I believe people are capable of change? yes 141: Have I ever been underweight? yes when i was a freshman in highschool cos i got really sick and lost a bunch of weight. i was 96lbs. 142: Am I ticklish? very and don't you ever fuckin try to tickle me cos it pissed me the fuck off 😘 143: Have I ever been in a submarine? no way. claustrophobia 144: Have I ever been on a plane? yes. i used to be terrified but now i love it! traveling is awesome. i love the whole process. 145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? i'm too tired to answer this 146: Have I ever been overweight? i wouldn't consider myself overweight but i am the heaviest i've ever been. 147: Do I have any piercings? ears and nose 148: Which fictional character do I wish was real? jax from sons of anarchy 149: Do I have any tattoos? 3 but i want them removed 150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? pursuing a career 151: Do I believe in Karma? yes 152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? nope. i have perfect vision 153: What was my first car? lol 154: Do I want children? yes. hopefully in the next 4-5 years. maybe sooner 😇 155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? camren is pretty fuckin smart. it blows me away sometimes. 156: My most embarrassing memory? it was probably something i did while drunk 157: What makes me nostalgic? old music 158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? yes. last time was the night before my flight to japan and it was because i was so excited and nervous. 159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? brains duhhh 160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? black 😁 161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? i don't think so. other than hearing weird noises at night 162: What do I hate most about myself? lack of motivation to do better 163: What do I love most about myself? i'm funny 164: Do I like adventure? yes 165: Do I believe in fate?yes 166: Favourite animal? cat 167: Have I ever been on radio? no 168: Have I ever been on TV? no 169: How old am I? 29 170: One of my favourite quotes? this too shall pass 171: Do I hold grudges? yes 172: Do I trust easily? no 173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? nope lol 174: Best gift I’ve ever received? my trip to japan 175: Do I dream? yes 176: Have I ever had a night terror? sort of. camren gets them often 177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? i used to have recurring dreams of being in a train that crashes 178: An experience that has made me stronger? my mother being an extreme alcoholic for many years. that toughened me up a lot. 179: If I were immortal, what would I do? kill bad people 180: Do I like shopping? i'm addicted to shopping 181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? rob a bank 182: What does “family” mean to me? stuff 183: What is my spirit animal? lol so stupid 184: How do I want to be remembered? just loving 185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? driving!! 186: What is my greatest failure? my debt 187: What is my greatest achievement? making a dream come true! 188: Love or money? love 189: Love or career? love 190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? viking era 191: What makes me the happiest? money 192: What is “home” to me? LA 193: What motivates me? money 194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? i love you 195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? not really 196: A movie that scared me as a child? exorcist 197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? brussel sprouts 198: Zombies or vampires? zombies! 199: Live in the city or suburbs? suburbs 200: Dragons or wizards? dragons 201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? my mom dying 202: How do I define love? shut up 203: Do I judge a book by its cover? yes. it's a flaw of mine 204: Have I ever had my heart broken? sort of. i think i've just been really hurt and it affected me. but i've done most of the heart breaking. i've only been dumped in high school. 205: Do I like my handwriting? i have terrible handwriting 206: Sweet or savoury? both 207: Worst job I’ve had? bakery 208: Do I collect anything? make up and sunglasses 209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? sunglasses and this necklace i haven't taken off in almost a year 210: What is on my bucket list? going back to japan! 211: How do I handle anger? not very well 212: Was I named after anyone? nope 213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? yes 214: What TV character am I most like? daria 215: What is the weirdest talent I have? i can't make money disappear faster than anyone i know lol 216: Favourite fictional character? i dunno
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