#i hope i tagged it right f
sibillascribbles08 · 5 days
Morning, I actually wrote a HypnoWarren fic, sort of. They're already married by this point so
Note the fic also established Jasonnie so if you can't stand that uuuuh sorry bye
Hypno let out a sigh as he sunk into the giant, plush sofa in the living room. He had half a mind to turn on the TV, but after a morning filled with the joyful screams of children at the nearby kindergarten, he preferred the silence. Besides, the light was on over Warren’s door which meant he was currently recording. The less noise the better. 
The silence kind of made him want to nap. Maybe just a quick one. He did have to wake up early to get ready, after all.
But just then he heard the faint creak of a door. Hypno glanced down the hall to see one of Warren’s doors open, the light up top going off.
One of his doors, because two smaller ones were built into the main door. 
When Donatello built this apartment complex, he took great care to renovate all the flats to accommodate whatever mutants wanted to move in. So for the worm’s bedroom—in which all the furniture was designed for his small size to the point it was practically a house—had a door up top for him to hover out of, and a door on bottom for him to crawl out of.
The upper door opened this time, and Warren hovered into the hall on the little hover scooter that Donatello also built. The worm mainly just used it to get around the building. Otherwise he just sat on Hypno’s shoulder. 
Warren looked like he was going to head to the bathroom, but then his gaze met Hypno’s and he smiled.
“You’re home earlier than I thought.” The scooter shot across the room and stopped next to the sofa. “How were the kids?”
“Eh, could have been worse.” Hypno didn’t hesitate to pick his husband up and put him on his shoulder. The hover scooter gently drifted down onto an empty cushion. “Got the new episode recorded?”
“You bet.” Warren beamed, hands on where his hips would be if he still had them. “I was excited to get to work on it this week. Breaking news, famous chef making a comeback with a new restaurant for mutants and yōkai alike.” 
Hypno’s ears perked up. “Oh gosh, is the opening next week? We gotta go down and tell Rupert congrats.”
Warren waved a hand. “Way ahead of you. We can tell him on opening night, I got us a reservation. A romantic date and a chance to do a follow up report with a review. The listeners are gonna love it.”
‘Listeners’ referred to the hundreds of mutants and yōkai who tuned into Warren’s weekly news podcast. Not the same as being an anchorman, he often insisted, but it was familiar enough that he enjoyed it. He had fans again, and a means to earn them some extra income. 
Plus, mutants and yōkai in the city had been complaining for a while about their lack of personal news outlets. It’s where Warren got the idea in the first place. 
“I’m just proud of Rupert.” Hypno leaned back against the sofa. “Took him so long to give up all that crime stuff.” 
“Yeah, well, even if Orange Boy hadn’t enticed him with that deal, I’m pretty sure the power houses those turtles turned into would have changed his mind.”
No kidding. Hypno was glad he and Warren started going on the mend years ago. After ruining Leo’s first magic show and having to work at a bagel shop to pay it off, the slider actually did something nice by giving Hypno some work recommendations. With a far more reliable and legal source of income, he and Warren didn’t have to stress too much about a living space.
And when Donnie built this first apartment complex, well, that just sweetened the deal. No insane rent costs. As long as you paid your portion of the utilities and for any damages you caused, the rent was rather low.
He supposed the owner of a very successful tech company didn’t really need the extra money. 
“So, what’s the plan for the rest of the day?” Warren knocked Hypno’s top hat off and climbed up on his head. His tiny fingers played with the hippo’s hair. “I need to get to editing that audio, but I can do it tonight. Should we go to the park or something?” 
Hypno thought about it for a bit, and was going to fire back a reply, when someone knocked on the door. He immediately turned his head to the right, forcing Warren to look that way as well. 
“Who could that be?” The worm muttered. His tone obviously frustrated that they were interrupted.
Hypno got up. “Possibly just a neighbor who ran out of something in their spice cabinet.” It happened more than once. Especially considering that while mutant sightings were common these days, going to the grocery store was still an ordeal. 
Hypno didn’t even peek outside before opening the door. He was a bit surprised to see Donatello standing there, but not by much. The turtle lived just a few doors down. 
“Oh thank goodness you’re home.” Donnie's eyes looked absolutely exhausted as he closed them and clasped his hands together. 
“Sure are, Flapjack,” Warren said. “Need a favor?” 
“I know this is extremely short notice. But could the two of you watch Holly this afternoon?”
Now that did surprise Hypno. He knew Holly, of course. He’d seen the infant turtle more than once—mainly because her dads could not stop showing her off—but baby sitting? 
“You sure you want us to do that?” Hypno pointed to himself.
Donnie groaned. “Look, Draxum is at work. Holly Blue and Jason are also at work and stuff has gone absolutely off the walls there. They need my help. The sooner I get over there the better so trying to drag one of my siblings over to watch her isn’t an easy option. You guys live right over here.”
Hypno didn’t know if it was worth bringing up their history considering they hadn’t fought in, what, a decade at least. 
Still, “I don’t know all that much about infant care.”
Donnie kept running his hands over his face. “Not a problem. She doesn’t act like a typical infant. It’s super easy, I promise, if you guys are free at least.”
“We’re not doing it for free.” Warren mumbled.
“No, it’s fine.” Donnie waved a hand. “If you do this, I’ll waive your water bill for the month.” 
The hippo balked at that. Not having to pay for water? That meant he could take as many long soaks in the tub as he wanted. He usually tried to limit it—despite how badly his skin needed it—due to, well, how much water he had to use per bath. 
Warren must know exactly what he was thinking, because the worm snapped his fingers. “Deal. Show us what we’ve gotta do.” 
“Sure.” The turtle nodded. “Grab anything you think you might need and meet me over there.” He turned and left.
Hypno wasn’t sure they’d need much, and they could always just hop back over here if they did, but Warren insisted they grab a couple of those canned coffee drinks just in case. He also insisted Hypno change out of his work clothes.
Yeah, that was fair. 
Now with a much more casual button up, Hypno carried Warren and the coffees over to Donnie’s apartment. The door was propped open so they let themselves in.
Always so surreal how different it looked despite the similar floor layout. Where Hypno and Warren’s apartment was decorated wall to wall with posters and had silly nicknacks and props in every corner, Donnie and Jase’s apartment looked far more sleek. The fancy TV and speaker system, the massive massage recliner chair, and all the purples made it feel like something on a sci-fi themed cruise ship. 
But as they followed Donnie to Holly’s room, the entire vibe shifted. At present, the tiny turtle baby mostly stayed in a personalized tank. Not that it was small by any stretch of the word. The tank was custom built, taking up half the room. The entire thing was built in a U shape—likely so you could reach her from anywhere while giving her plenty of space to move around. While some areas looked like a traditional tank, with sand, plants and water, the other half looked like a tiny bedroom. Blankets, pillows, and toys were scattered all over it. 
Hypno wondered where the child even was, but the smallest squeak alerted him. He finally spotted her pressing her hands against the glass wall as Donnie reached in and picked her up. 
She was definitely bigger than the last time Hypno saw her, but still tiny enough to fit in the turtle’s hand, and therefore Hypno’s as well. 
“Okay,” Donnie began, eyes unfocused. “You guys know Holly. Holly, this is Hypno and Warren.”
The baby turtle didn’t even look in their direction. Her attention was completely fixed on her father.
“Good news, you don’t have to bottle feed her. She knows how to drink water and eat solid food, though I recommend you chop it up small for her. There’s a number of containers in the fridge labeled for her, just pick what you like.” Donnie pointed to a pair of bowls in one part of the tank, then a bottle that hung from the glass. “She has water in more than one location, food goes in that bowl.”
“Kinda sounding more like pet sitting than babysitting,” Warren mumbled. 
Hypno gave his shoulder a sharp shrug to jostle his husband.
“No, you’re right,” Donatello sighed. “But truthfully, even if the mechanics are different it’s not that far removed from raising a human baby. Moving on.” He pointed at Holly, more specifically at the cloth wrapped around her bottom half. “Diapers. We have to custom make them and they’re all cloth. We keep clean ones in that drawer.” He pointed to the dresser that was barely visible over the array of fabrics. Were those just the ones not yet cut up? “Used ones go in that hamper.” He pointed to what looked more like a trashcan than an actual laundry hamper. Probably for smell reduction. “Any questions so far?” 
Warren asked, “Do we just leave her in the tank?”
“Pretty much. She’s allowed to wander around this room but only this room. We haven’t baby proofed the rest of the apartment.” 
“So why call us?”
“Because she eats. A lot. And she can also get bored pretty easily. And also I just worry a lot about something going incredibly wrong if one of us aren’t around.” His eyes went so wide they looked like they might fall out. Then one of them twitched.
Hypno would suggest the guy take a nap, but that would probably be rejected immediately. 
“It’s just the afternoon.” Donnie lowered Holly back into the tank. She let out a few high pitched squeaks of protest. “Jason and I should be back at six at the latest.” 
Six? That was more like the whole day considering lunch hadn’t even passed. 
But this did seem like a fairly low stress task. Make sure she didn’t hurt herself, toss around some magic to keep her entertained, order some delivery for them to eat?
And also, no water bill for the month. 
“We’ve got it.” Warren answered. “Go do what you need to do.” 
“Right.” Donatello nodded and went for the door. “You have my number if you have any questions or there’s an emergency or—”
“We’ve got it.” Warren insisted. “Go help your husband out.” 
Another nod. Hypno peeked out into the hallway to watch Donnie leave. The turtle gave him a few looks, one more curious and the final one deathly serious. As if to give a brief warning of, “Nothing better happen to my daughter or else.” 
And yeah, Hypno knew that. In fact, what worried him the most about this was if something did go wrong, Donatello could blast him and Warren into the next country. 
It’d be fine. Low stress.
Hypno went back into the room and sat on the floor. At least there were plenty of cushions around here to use. Holly was already moving about her tank. She went straight for the big pool of water and dove right in. 
“Yeesh, four-month old is already swimming.” Warren slid off Hypno’s shoulder and onto his lap. “I bet she’ll be walking in another month.”
Quite possible given that the turtle was already crawling. 
“Did you put those coffees in the fridge when you came in?”
Hypno shook his head and got up. “Nah, let me go do that. I’ll locate the food too while I’m at it. Make sure I know where to find it.” 
He found the cans still sitting on the small table in front of the sofa where he left them. Hypno picked them up and went to open the fridge. The frigid space was far more organized than his, but not to the point it looked unnatural. Donnie wasn’t kidding either, multiple containers had Holly’s name tapped on the top. Hypno picked up a couple to glance at the contents from the bottom. Looked like sardines, ham slices, and even peeled shrimp. 
Hypno put them back and returned to the bedroom. Warren managed to pile some of the cushions together for him to climb up to look into the glass of the tank. Holly pressed herself against it as well, staring at him with her tiny eyes.
“Keeping her entertained, Love?” Hypno stood behind him.
Warren smiled when he looked back. “She seems to be enjoying the silly faces, at least. Why don’t you see how she reacts to some magic?”
Well, why not? Hypno leaned over the top of the tank. Holly almost fell over when she tried to look at him, appearing a bit more nervous. 
Then Hypno reached into his sleeve and plucked a flower out of nowhere. The child didn’t laugh or clap, like most children did, but those small eyes widened. Hypno lowered the flower into the tank and she instantly reached for it. Her little fingers wrapped around one of the petals and then she tried to bite it.
Only to quickly reel back and stick out her tongue. 
Hypno and Warren both chuckled and he pulled the flower back out. Just in case eating it wouldn’t be good for her. 
“Man, this is gonna be the easiest job of our lives.” Warren snapped his fingers.
Hypno shook his head. “Don’t count your rabbits, Love.”
Well, at least so far it was going well. 
The kid really did get bored easily. She needed as much stimulation as some of the toddlers Hypno would do tricks for. And he mainly took the charge for that, on account of the fact he could summon tons of colorful flowers, sashes, and even balloons. He did make the mistake of popping one, however, which resulted in Holly hiding under a few pillows for a solid ten minutes.
Warren lured her out with a snack. She seemed to really enjoy the peeled shrimp. 
The biggest problem came from diaper changing, but that was mainly because Warren had to do it with his smaller hands and he had to complain about it the entire time. 
Hypno could see right through him, however. Especially after the anchorman washed his hands and picked the kid up to return her to the tank. Her little hands touched his face and she squeaked and the worm melted in an instant. 
Maybe it was just due to the rare occurrence that Warren met anyone smaller than him these days. Even human babies were typically larger. 
“News flash.” Warren posed as he held her. “The most handsome man in the world spotted with the most adorable child in the world. Ron, take a picture.” He waved his free arm. 
Hypno chuckled and took a few shots. “Let’s not turn her into a photo op, Love.” 
“Are you kidding, she was built for the camera.” Warren held her up and she giggled. 
But not long after that, the kid got wiped out. Hypno placed her in the tank where she immediately curled up in a nest of blankets. The sight of it was so cute, Hypno took another photo. He sent that one to Donnie, just in case the guy needed some reassurance. A miracle the turtle wasn’t spamming them with texts asking if she was safe. 
Donnie replied with a heart emoji, then a thanks, and then a message saying that Jase appreciated it too. 
Hypno added some details about how well it was all going.
“Well, with her asleep we should take a break.” Warren scooted toward the door. “How about a snack and those coffees?” 
“I’d feel bad taking their food.” Hypno stood. “I think I’ll hop back over to our place to grab something. You good with getting to the kitchen?”
Warren rolled his eyes. “Oh I can get to the kitchen just fine. Getting to the coffees… might be tricker.”
Hypno chuckled and opened the door. “I won’t be long.” 
And he wasn’t. They hardly locked their doors in this building so it was simple to grab a couple of apples for himself and a bag of Warren’s favorite chips. 
He returned to Donnie’s apartment and got the coffees out of the fridge before placing them and his husband all on the table. They ate and drank and chatted about weekend plans. 
Only about thirty minutes later, when they finished up, Hypno went back to the bedroom to see the door open.
“Warren, did you not shut this?” He glanced at the worm on his shoulder. 
His husband crossed his arms. “Why should I? Kid is fast asleep and she can’t get out of that tank anyway.”
Hypno’s ears went back as he went inside. “Better safe than sorry, you know?”
“Come on, Babe. The kid is right—” Warren pointed down to the blanket nest, but it was empty. “Er…”
Despite the stab of panic, Hypno didn’t let it consume him. The tank was huge. The kid could have gotten up and wandered somewhere else in it. But after searching back and forth in there—and turning over every pillow or other large object she could hide under—they found nothing. Hypno even dug into the sand at the bottom of the pool. 
“Did she get out?” Warren shouted. “How?” 
Hypno darted over to the door to shut it. Just in case the kid was still in here. “It doesn’t matter. Start looking. If Donnie finds out we lost his daughter we are going to get launched to the next state.”
“Donnie?” Warren raised his voice even higher. “Are you kidding? You think Donnie is the threat here?”
For a second Hypno wasn’t even sure what his husband meant. 
Then he immediately recalled the short lived mess where Donnie got kidnapped by some business rivals. He recalled the look on Jason’s face when he left the building that day. And he recalled the news report less than an hour later of a massive dragon tearing a warehouse down to nothing but scrap. 
Hypno put his hands on his head. “Jase is gonna have his dragon rip us to shreds.”
“Just start looking!” 
Hypno did. He let his husband focus on the floor while he checked everything else. He didn’t rule out the shelves, cabinets or even the drawers. He tossed aside every piece of clothing, every box, and even tipped over the empty water pitcher just in case. 
They still found nothing.
“I’m going to start looking outside.” Hypno tossed the door open and went into the hall.
On the bright side, all the other room doors were closed, including the bathroom. So that meant Holly had to have crawled into some place in the living room or the kitchen. 
Hypno crawled around on the floor, looking under the sofa, the chairs, and even peeking under the rugs. Then he checked the TV stand, every shelf and behind any of the blocks of machinery. Still nothing.
Eventually Warren came out to help. Hypno hoped that his much smaller husband would have an easier time checking out the more cramped areas, but it still didn’t work. Damn it, Holly was so small. Could she have fit into the ventilation. Oh no! They’d never be able to get her out of there. 
“What do we do?” The panic was definitely getting to him now. “Warren, what do we do?”
“I don’t know.” The worm snapped back, just about as good at dealing with stress as he was. “Wait. Wait! Newsflash!”
“The shrimp.” He pointed to the fridge. “She loves that stuff. Pull some out, maybe we can lure her.” 
A brilliant plan as any right now. Hypno got out the container and gave a piece of the shellfish to Warren who sneered at the smell of it. Still, he began to crawl around, waving it.
Hypno did the same, though in the kitchen this time. He was still on the floor, praying that the tiny child hadn’t found a way to climb up on the counters or something. There were knives up there! 
As he moved closer to the fridge, he heard a squeak.
Hypno’s ear and then his face turned toward the noise in an instant. “Holly? Is that you, Love? Come here.” He waved the piece of shrimp closer, hoping the smell was strong enough. 
Another squeak, a bit louder. Then finally the tiny turtle wiggled her way out from underneath the fridge.
Just how did she get under there? When?
Hypno snatched her up in an instant. Holly squeaked in surprise and even struggled for a second. 
“Warren, I got her.”
“Oh thank goodness.” The worm shouted. “Let’s get her back.”
Hypno headed in that direction, but then realized just how much dust and grime Holly had picked up on her little adventure. “Maybe we should give her a quick wash first.”
“Fine, but make it quick.” Warren reached up. “We need it so her dads have no idea this happened by the time they get home.”
Hypno agreed. He handed Holly the shrimp—that she kept reaching for—and then put his husband on his shoulder. He carried them both to the bathroom where he plopped Holly in the sink. Donnie didn’t give them any bath instructions, but there was a tiny basket on the counter with some light soap and a soft brush. 
Warren handed her the other shrimp and turned the sink on. “I hope she doesn’t splash a lot.”
Hypno chuckled. “Don’t count your rabbits.” 
One messy bath later and a lengthy dry off—which was mostly Warren trying to fix his soaked shirt—the pair returned Holly to the tank.
Upon which her method of escape soon became clear. As soon as they left her in there, Holly stepped away from the glass only to take a running leap at it. She tried to grab the edge, but missed it, smacking into the glass instead. 
“Hm, Donnie’s going to have to make the walls higher.” Warren pointed to one of the pillows. “Kid is too smart. Prop one of those up so she doesn’t bruise herself.”
Hypno did. And it sort of worked, with Holly crashing into the plush material instead. 
“How does she still have energy?” The hippo sighed. “No wonder Donnie looks so wiped out.” Even he was feeling it at this point. 
Thankfully, after a few more failed jumps, Holly gave up. With a tiny yawn she fell back asleep on the blankets, and this time Hypno kept watching her to make sure she stayed there. Warren climbed onto his lap as he sat, also flopping over like he’d take a nap. 
Hypno began to doze himself, but then he heard the front door open. 
The hippo sat up straight, jostling his husband in the process. Warren complained, but didn’t protest as he got picked up and placed on Hypno’s shoulder. 
He opened the door right when Donnie got to it. 
“Hey,” the turtle didn’t look any less tired. “Everything good?”
“Yeah,” Hypno gave a nervous laugh. He waved at Jase who came up behind Donnie, then stepped aside as the guy came into the room to kneel next to the tank. “You guys might want to raise the walls a bit though. Seems she’s learning how to jump out.” 
“What?” Donnie groaned. “She’s barely grown two inches since she’s hatched but she’s doing this?”
“Are you really surprised?” Jase carefully lifted his sleeping daughter out of the tank, cradling her in his hands. “Your dad did say you guys were escaping into all kinds of places as babies.” 
“Yeah, but he didn’t have a custom built tank.” 
“We’ll just put a few extra inches of cushioning to block her.” Jase shook his head. “Thanks for babysitting, guys.”
“Yeah, of course.” Hypno smiled and glanced at the two of them. They both looked beyond exhausted. “Anytime, actually. You guys look like you could use the break.” 
“Probably,” Donnie admitted. “But we knew what we signed up for.”
“Still,” Jase added. “We could probably allow someone else to watch her for a bit by this point.”
“After I adjust the tank.”
“Of course.” 
Hypno chuckled at their usual banter.
“Well, this was fun.” Warren snapped a finger. “But I’m hungry. Have you guys eaten?” 
“Nah,” Jase sighed. “Came here right after work.”
“Oh, let us go get Chinese then.” Hypno slipped past Donnie. “Our treat.”
“Our treat?” Warren scoffed.
“Well, they are paying our water bill this month.” 
“Fine, fair enough.” He waved a hand. 
Hypno looked back at his neighbors. “Is that good with you guys?”
“Well I definitely don’t want to cook,” Jase said. “So yeah. Just get our usuals.” 
Hypno gave them a thumbs up and headed out of their apartment and toward the stairs.
Warren was oddly quiet on the way down the steps. Usually he loved to ramble after such a chaotic event.
Hypno shrugged his shoulders to nudge him a bit. “Something on your mind?”
“Hm?” His husband blinked. “Well, no, maybe. Mostly tired. Just made me think um…” He kept looking up as he tapped his chin. “Did you uh… ever want to have kids?”
Hypno’s ears went up. “What brought this up?”
“We just babysat one.”
“I know but… did you want to have them?”
“Not really?” The worm cringed when he said that. “I mean, I guess I wouldn’t hate it, but it’s not something I really want to do either. But we still haven’t talked about it even though we got married years ago so…”
“Ah, I guess that makes sense.” Hypno opened the side door and stepped out onto the street. “Can’t say it’s something I really want to do either. Sides, I think helping look after that little one will be more than enough.” 
Warren chuckled, a genuine smile on his face as he leaned against Hypno’s head. “Yeah, you’re telling me.”
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crowsdove · 3 months
Aight so if my f/o dies, no he didn't even though he did. Because he didn't though <3 he's safe with me forever
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cinnamon-phrog · 9 months
👀 gush away
I watched BTE yesterday and can I just say
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This goes so hard just look. He's SO cringe. He's SO silly. And it's SO sweet
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spiderwebd · 1 month
my amazing mutual who reblogs everything at 4 am my time so i wake up to 99+ notifications :3
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Hehehehehe yw <3 /silly
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gallifreyvn · 9 months
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started from the bottom now we r here
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axellis-archv-2 · 5 months
hihihi antonio! favorite activity/activities to do with the others? (hopefully i understood the f/ovember thing correctly askdjgkbf)
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川┗ゝ┛川 < It's foolish, human even- seeking out the comforts of others. But it's nice to be foolish.
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marcusagrippa · 3 months
becoming more invested in one random side character who is fucking dead by the time my main plot starts than the actual protagonist is just a rite of passage for my writing process at this point
#big oc ramblingin the tags warning u h.#save me melisadd...... isa............#a horrible ugly name for a horrible ugly guy#however. every lover is a soldier. etc etc.#yes he gets killed because of his own ambition but he also gets killed because of his devotion to his city. and by extension his paradoxica#devotion to rhys (who has become the city itself in a weird parasitic sort of way). he hates what rhys stands for and he hates his idealism#and his tyranny andsuch but they have such a fucked up (literally) cannibalistic relationship going back to faustus and the ivy war#that neither of them can function without the other. rhys' fate is sealed the moment he kills isa because theres no-one left to balance him#out and challenge his plans. and he spirals from this genius up-and-coming ruthless commander willing to do anything to keep his home safe#into a lazy power-hungry beast relying on the prestige of his ancestors and the fear of the people to keep him fed. and he misses isa#as much as he hates to admit it#and he misses argent and he misses what they all had and as he gets older he starts losing the ability to distinguish between the past and#the present. hence the public display of argent's innards and isa's rotting corpse being dug up and given a seat at the table at the feast.#but back to isa. isa doesn't want to fight rhys - he believes there's good in him up until the last second of his life.#his execution is the death of any hope of redemption rhys might have had.#noneof that makes sense but anyway you get what im trying to say right#<- what a late republic hyperfix does to a mf#they are based loosely on the first triumvirate and should all eat each other !!#i can make my own narrative ghosts god dammit#dyrposts#r. a. bicinius#m. f. voscium#i made these guys like. two days ago??? but i cant stop thinking about them#if anyone is interested. i will say more things about dr#writing#augh#rhys isnt technically a main character either feel like i should clarify that he. dies in the first chapter#story focuses on eos furi and gabier !!! yippee !!!#jase writes#FUTURE ME EDIT: THIS IS ALL WILDLY OUTDATED :DDDDD OH WELL
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
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dollyprincessollie · 1 year
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this is what he looks like for anyonr who may not know (if ur mutuals w me idk how you wouldnt(
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viktor-sinclaire · 1 year
WIP DAY because I’m low energy from overtime at work
I was tagged by my wonderful fiancé @derelictheretic !! 🥰💜 Thank you my love!! I am going to spoil you in this episode of WIP Day!!!! :3<
I encourage others to do this, too!! Consider this your invitation to tag me and let me see your WIPs 👀
Jaime being away from the office meant that Staci got more work done. It was less about them not being able to distract each other for once, and more about Staci's urge to get back home and check on Jaime.
Joey had teased him once about calling him on their lunch break, which caused Staci to get defensive. Joey hadn’t teased him about it since, the small outburst letting her know just how worried Staci had really been. It was a sensitive topic, and she respected that.
Everyone thought it was odd, but kind of sweet that Staci cared so much. It wasn’t like him, from their perspective, but no one knew him quite like Jaime did. None of them thought about it too deeply, and they didn’t think it meant anything more. They were best friends, that was all.
It was one night in particular that had Staci reflecting more and more on this fact. And it was a fact.
He had come home a little later than planned, staying back to finish up some final reports to get Earl off his case. He wasn’t particularly quiet when he unlocked the door and stepped inside, but he immediately quietened at the sight he was greeted with.
Jaime was asleep on the couch, head barely resting on a pillow, and looking exhausted. Staci was careful when he closed and locked the door, putting down his bag and jacket to make his way over. Jaime was dead to the world, not reacting when Staci gently said his name and pushed back the hair from his face. Thinking on it, Staci decided it would be better to let him sleep. That was, after making him a more comfortable.
He only received a few sleepy mumbles at first, sitting him upright temporarily. He automatically started helping Jaime out of his clothes to change him into something better suited for sleeping than a borrowed button-up and jeans. Staci wasn’t bothered when the half asleep Jaime loosely gripped his shirt, waking just a fraction more to coherently mumble.
“...That you, Staci?”
“Yeah, it’s me.”
“Do you need me?” The sudden question made Staci freeze for a second. When he didn’t reply, Jaime’s eyes blinked open, his tired words explaining further. “I can wake up properly.” The clarification made Staci relax, not really sure why the question made him tense up in the first place.
“No, no. You can sleep more.” He finished changing Jaime’s clothes soon after, ignoring his hesitation, and went to grab the blanket for him. “You need the rest.” Jaime looked like he wanted to disagree, but the way his heavy eyes blinked made it clear he was on the verge of passing back out.
“Okay... thanks Stace...” The slurred words were accompanied with a deep sigh. The very fact Jaime hadn’t jolted awake or started to feel anxious and alert upon being woken was a testament to how close they were. Jaime always felt safe with Staci. Besides that; Staci wouldn’t ever do anything that might upset Jaime.
At least... not on purpose.
After a few moments, Staci tucked him back into his makeshift bed, wrapping his blanket in a very specific way so Jaime wouldn’t have to struggle with the peculiarities himself. The blanket was pulled right up over Jaime’s mouth and nose. The end was pulled to the side to keep his legs below the knee uncovered, which Jaime would always do to stop himself from overheating.
When he was in a proper bed, Jaime would sleep with his head completely under the covers. It was something he’d kept from his youth.
Staci wondered how many people knew these little odd facts about him, the ones he found himself drawn to every day. He wasn't betting on many at all. He might very well have been the only person, for some of them.
It made Staci tense up again, thinking of how well he knew Jaime, better than he knew himself. He’d know Jaime anywhere, by his looks, his voice, his touch, his scent, anything. Everything.
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silly-goober · 1 year
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hi tumblr
i thought you would like this silly goober, their name is bongo the clown and they do goofy clown shit and engage in wacky shenanigans on the regular
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wonder-falcon · 1 year
the male drews are so tiktok thirst trap icky stop this madness….
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not the girls tho y’all stay safe out there ✊🥰
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dbphantom · 1 year
[checks which chapter was just adapted] but I want gear 5 to be animated nooooow
Wailing sobbing sliding across my desk like a pathetic little slime
#spoilers#but I'm not tagging this main-tag-wise bc I'm just rambling#I just want to hear the drums officially dammit is that so bad#I've been listening to Luffy's awakened performance and Luffy's awakening theme on loop for the past 2 days now#Recently found them again after like. 6months. AND ITS STILL NOT HERE YET#I'm going to combust and die I neeeeeeeed it#PLEASE RELEASE THE EPISODES F A S T E R#GH#Cruddy rambles#Sobs#I really really really hope they do rubberhose animation. I want Luffy to look like he transported himself to a totally different show#Like that cup/he/ad show that came out recently? I'd kill for that style of animation for g5#WITH Looney Tunes sfx of course#Listen this is PERSONAL okay#I made an oc whose magic I based on the wacky wonders of one/piec/e by giving him protection magic based on cartoons#Bc I thought hey oda does some funky stuff with Luffy being rubber and all#And then!!! GEAR 5 HAPPENED!!! AND I LOST MY MIND!#I did something RIGHT for once!!!!!!!#Cord isn't alone anymore... Granted he's not as op as g5 bc it's for protection but even still!!!!#He bounces his eyes pop out he gets little birds that circle his head he can run on air so long as he doesn't look down#He gets xylophoned when crushed and pops back up perfectly fine#I designed it all off of on/e/pie/ce and then it turned around and proved me right and I 😭😭😭#This funky little dude is something that can be so personal...#And also it's cool as fuck and I NEED to know how they're gonna animate it#Especially when Luffy jump ropes with Kaido#That and Luffy hitting the gear 2nd pose while in gear 5... I lost my mind when I saw that panel#I got tons of hate on the sub that day for voicing my excitement abt g5 and how cool it was... Who's laughing now ya fuckin fun police???#It's Luffy. Holy shit he can't fucking stop...#Anyway. I'm sorry. I'm suuuuper tired I'm just rambling at this point. I'm gonna go calm down and write a little b4 I sleep#This H2O au isn't gonna write itself... No matter how much I hope it will.......
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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In celebration of now 5 years of self shipping and growth on this blog, I'll be hosting an F/O Takeover for the entire month of February!
Starting today the Blog shall be run by The Ideal Polycule;
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Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum), Koro-Sensei, and Teruteru Hanamura
You're free to ask them whatever you like; Bug them about themselves, each other, me, or even yourself if you're up for it! They're a friendly bunch, talk to them all you like about whatever you want!
I'll try and reblog Takeover ask games as I find them to give you all ammunition for asks throughout the month. They may also make some original posts all their own, so keep an eye out for those.
One top of that I'll be making all sorts of art (if I can) specifically for these three and our life together! Did you know the ideal polycule world has lore and story? Not much but some, and I'll be doing my best to share that throughout the month.
I hope you all will humor me with this little event, and have as much fun with it as I do. Thankyou all for being so kind and patient with me, I look forward to another year together.
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I am squishing his face as we speak. Vanilla lets me brush and badly braid his hair 💙💜 and he receives kisses all over his face from his little Termite 💙💜 He's so AAAAAAAUUGHH- 😍🫣🥹💙💜
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superherokisser · 1 year
beep beep! if you received this message, it means someone special is currently thinking about you ♡ for a hint, his name starts with an A.
he wanted me to inform you that he misses you, and you’re almost always on his mind 💌 going on about how important you are to him, and what not! your f/o and you are super cute together :3 once you figure out his identity, maybe you could give him a reply..?
and whether you celebrate it or not, have a happy and safe end of year / holidays !
OK OK i only have two f/os whose names start with an a and one of the f/os doesn’t use he/him SO my guess is that this is aether. if i’m wrong this is gonna be pretty embarrassingfbjdnsk
UHM ANYWAYS assuming it IS aether, i miss you a lot too and don’t worry we won’t open all the presents until you’re back hehe :)
also good luck with all your like quests and stuff but i’m sure you’ll do awesome on them!!! i love you a ton and see you soon :) <3
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