#i hope they become friends
snevendytwelve · 6 months
no because sunny hears tubbo talk about tallulah so highly, and heard stories about her, and because of that she wants to be thought of highly by tallulah, but tallulah is like "erm....no". Sunny is so disappointed by this and like i get why tallulah is distancing herself, but obviously sunny doesn't, because they haven't gone through the same things! its like when a younger sibling wants to hang out with the older siblings friends you know? and because tallulah and tubbo are close, their relationship is like the parent that forces the older sibling to let them tag along. I hope it ends up that tallulah begrudgingly warms up to sunny like in the movies. that would be such a 10/10 gamer moment for us all.
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em-allay · 6 months
Okay so here is how I personally image Tallulah and Sunny meeting each other for the first time today went:
Tallulah, in all her cottage core girlness, hiding behind a tree, her little mushroom head peeking out with caution and just a hint of curiosity.
Sunny, walking up in designer sunglasses, butterfly wings, and an actual bejeweled crown on her head. She (probably) also has a starbucks cup in hand.
She throws Tallulah some diamonds, thinking that she should share what she loves most as a peace offering. Tallulah, bewildered, backs away quickly, running away from the diamonds as if they were poison.
Both eggs look at Phil in a very confused manor, seeking an answer because neither of them understand why the other egg is acting like this.
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anadhdperson · 5 months
I love them both so much
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luminousrider · 6 months
Mulled Wine and Hot Cocoa - They say there’s nothing like sharing a warm drink by the fire the shake off any holiday ennui you might have. So grab a mug and a buddy, and toast to the quiet moments.
Giving a quick look at the table, Minerva immediately noticed that the girl with the cool headband wasn’t in her own table –what a pity! She looked a bit disappointed, but she didn’t lose the opportunity to sneak around and search for her, until she eventually found her nearby the pretty fireplace located on the northern part of the dining room: there were some logs bench perfectly placed in front of the chimney and on one of them, the mysterious lady that complimented her once. She didn’t forget her.
Quickly, she grabbed a couple of glass on a silver traiy nearby, filled with a hot liquid – probably tea – and with a gentle touch, she reached out for her left shoulder and waited for her to turn and greet her, hopefully not bothering her or anything else.
“Here, I hope we can share a moment together” the red-haired woman gently offered the drink, slowly making her way on the log, “How have you been?” she began to sip the liquid, happy for the choice, since it was her taste. “I’ve always wanted to ask you to train sometimes together..” she paused, not sure what to add, “You seem very skilled”
Altena offers a smile as she takes the drink Minerva has brought for her. It doesn't really matter what's in it--she's never been picky. And it's just nice to have a face that isn't super familiar nearby.
And she asks about training. Altena's eyes light up at that. Seems like they have more in common than just their sense of style.
"I'd like that a lot. You have a wyvern too, right? I've seen you around the stables sometimes. Peaches--" She sighs. It never does get easier having to explain her name choice to strangers. "I was a kid when I named her but I'd like to see her make some friends. I know she misses hers back home."
Her wyvern isn't the only one. She thinks about Eda and Deen and Arion and Coirpre and what they would think to see her at a ridiculously over the top party like this.
She thinks about Lloyd too and his attempt to cheer her up and smiles as she thinks about his fun fact. Maybe it would make her seem a little cooler to Minerva. "Hey did you know you can use peach pits to create a poison?"
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anthroparis · 7 months
bonnie and max being haters on team friendship is everything
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This is coffi bean and he likes guacamole
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This is Chai Tea, they have a high total for a rare vivid (144)
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erabu-san · 20 days
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I enjoyed every second of this quest
[This art has platonic intention. Thank you for not tag ship!]
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Took the dog out for a walk and even though we see horses all the time, these two are his favorite. (Also excuse me choking on my words)
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critterbitter · 5 months
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Language divides and building bridges.
Elesa’s feeling homesick. Emmet, bless his heart, tries to help by infodumping while Ingo frantically runs off to find water (crying is a very dehydrating experience).
((Would you look at that! The kids are picking up kantonese and galarian from each other!))
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Heh. Callback.
Want to see more? Here’s the masterpost for submas!
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llamahearted · 22 days
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two people will go through similar things & learn to cope in different ways
print ♥︎ song
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musubiki · 1 year
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i firmly believe she got picked as a judge just to counteract his vibes
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introspectivememories · 6 months
it's always distinguished lesbian momo with disaster gay todoroki. we need to flip the script. disaster lesbian momo with distinguished gay todoroki. tddk are practically living together in shouto's japanese style dorm meanwhile momo flies in every morning, hair a mess, slamming that shoji door open, talkin bout "todoroki-kun! kyouka touched my knee this morning! do you think she likes me????"
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fazcinatingblog · 2 years
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milly-the-devil · 2 years
My little sister just brought home a puppy and my older cat Aria who's never been around dogs is very curious
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haru-desune · 2 years
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So the new chapter sure was something, huh
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ariadne-mouse · 20 days
Regarding the initial confrontation between Essek and Astrid, the tone of the situation, and what exactly Astrid's stance is right now, I have a couple of thoughts:
Astrid has presumably not joined Ludinus because she is currently hiding in a smut shop. She also presumably hasn't joined the Exandrian Accord because, again, she is currently hiding in a smut shop & the Accord is sending missions after her. Maybe she disagrees with Ludinus but feels she can't safely outright oppose him. We don't know yet! Provided she isn't rooting for Ludinus, it's very possible she could be enlisted to help (I hope this happens btw), but Astrid is first and foremost a survivor and ambitious achiever who has gotten to where she is now by working within the greater system, not against it, even when she disagrees with it. She remained a Volstrucker until Caleb and the M9 turned the tide against Ikithon, and she later took on the role of Archmage that Caleb refused, continuing her original trajectory ("race you to the top!"). She has a great deal of power now and we don't have much information about what she does with it. I am very curious, though, Astrid please tell us your secrets.
"Bren sends his regards" - we don't know if Caleb told Essek to say this, but whether or not he did, I do think it was meant to convey "this is all with Caleb's knowledge and direction", for whatever measure that means to Astrid, most likely "you are safe for the moment". The purpose of this encounter is to have a conversation instead of a fight. And Essek's intent in saying it does seem to be to disarm Astrid, but his presentation puts some layers and edges on it that are likely independent of whatever Caleb might be feeling on his end (other posts have summarized the juicy possible layers well so I won't cover all of that here).
More high level on Essek's angle: even if "Bren sends his regards" was meant to signal to Astrid that she is safe in this encounter, one of the very first things Essek does is declare Astrid as Trent Ikithon's "successor", which Astrid of course disagrees with ("I'm his usurper!") but nevertheless this is an insult and condemnation coming from Essek. The subtext reads to me like "I don't like you or agree with you and you're on thin fucking ice how I see it". Is she safe from physical harm? It seems so, for now. Is she safe from bitchy comments and thinly veiled judgement? Certainly not.
Notably, Astrid tried to bamf out after hearing "Bren sends his regards", so the mention of him or what that message would mean coming from Caleb is not enough to get her to play ball by itself. This is perfectly reasonable to be honest; shit's all fucked up now and Essek basically cornered her with a squad of unfamiliar adventurers. But her skittishness despite the "friendly" signal implies a great deal of tension in her position, and Essek's behavior shows tension on his part as well, separate from whatever Caleb might be feeling offscreen and the purpose of this little mission for the Accord. I am very eager to hear the conversation that comes next!
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