#i hope you are well anon and dm me i moved to a different city and now i have no friends :(
sungbeam · 7 months
spread some love !
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
hi anon! thanks for sending this in :') im always so bad at posting these things, but i can def do this one. i don't know if i would classify them specifically as favorites, but more so people i've interacted with the most 😭
@justalildumpling : i don't even need to go on besides saying that this woman is my soulmate. "in another life" but we're gonna beat the universe and meet in every life, type of connection. the girl who has seen me at my worst and has still treated me with as much kindness and compassion and care as she did the first time. i feel like in certain ways, we're kind of polar opposites, but also the same? i mean, on paper we can be so different, but when we talk abt what we like and dislike, when we laugh together, it all becomes something of the same and she restores my faith in other people again. she's the person who constantly makes me want to be a better person.
@ethereal-engene : one of my two beloved 姐姐's on this site skfnrknf but i remember talking to ash so many nights abt just any and everything. i am so happy that we're comfortable enough to be able to joke around, share our niche interests, have deep conversations, and even pen pal!! like i think it's crazy how SIMILAR our families are; we could legitimately be long lost sisters haha but also the blood of the covenant runs thicker than the water of the womb sometimes, so that makes sense. she's one of my comfort people, and honestly, i feel like we both come out of nowhere with some topics, but either person will hop right into the convo regardless and just vibe 🤧
@winterchimez : my second 姐姐 on this site !! my older sisters def take care of me well and i am so grateful for that :')) ally is always so supportive and yet so energergizing to talk to. she's def seen a lot of my brainstorming and i feel very comfortable bouncing ideas off her. she's always so generous with me too, like care packages??? RAH 😭 obviously, i love her for reasons besides the material goods, but it's a love language nonetheless. ally is prob one of the warmest and most welcoming presences on this hellsite tbh, so if ur ever looking for a new friend/mutual, she's the best.
@loveliestfelix : nana is another reason why im still around. i like to thank that beomgyu drabble every day for kickstarting our friendship because i have never met someone i have had such lengthy and fun brainstorming sessions with. nana is the type of person i would love to meet irl and just share stories over coffee with, though i feel like i always associate her with train rides and coffee now HAHA she's also one of my greatest writing inspirations, like i was and have always been blown away by her mind, and her word counts. i love calling her the queen of angst, and you will never be disappointed when reading something of hers.
@jaehunnyy : chip's been here for a really long time, like guys, no one can compete when she's been here since i had park jisung as my pfp and she had jeno as hers 😭 i think i really treasure our friendship and how much it's grown over the past two years :')) so much has happened over that time, and i think that if i met her in real life, i would just be blown away by how pretty she is like TT anyways,, i always love talking to her because of how much chaotic energy we create when we do, like i feel like we can power an entire city grid with how much chaos we make, and it's all the better for it. i love her very much, and i hope she understands just how wonderful of a person and friend she is.
@mosviqu : oh, my beloved bar, i love u to bits and pieces. i think recently you've become one of the few reasons why im still here writing and posting. like i am so utterly, from the bottom of my heart, grateful for all of your support and the love you've given and shown me. and even when we moved to dms to converse, i just realized how cool you are as a person, and how similar we are (in the best way possible). it's really nice to be able to connect with a person on multiple levels, and im really happy that was the case with us :') as soon as i saw ur love for tomorrow by chanyeol, i knew there would be something more to our friendship. i am so very fond of you, and your writing blows me away every time i read it.
@zzoguri : moni :( i hope ur doing well, friend, and i know you haven't been active here lately but i do wish you all the best. i love how passionate and committed you are to improving in writing and developing your own creative writing style, and it's so impressive to read your writing in general :') i love the confidence you advocate for yourself, and how real you are. thanks so much for being a friend; i just really appreciate all the support and hype you've given me during my time on deobiblr, like thank you for being such a thoughtful person.
@wuahae : cat and i have definitely interacted more off this site than on this site, but i felt that it was dire she was included here nonetheless. like bro, thank you for literally being the reason i come out of my apartment (or in most cases, invite people to my apartment), and for thinking of me! i think i once told you how hard it is to find friends in college, but you've made my experience here far less lonely. i love getting dinner with you, planning outings, and making weird animal noises together on the streets 😭 also, cat's writing is literally so poetic, and just her explaining to me her plot ideas tears visceral reactions out of me TT
@yunhoszn : i feel like me and fawn are low-key on the same wavelength a lot of the times, but in general, i think fawn's just such a rad person. i've told her once or twice before but i genuinely love her writing style because it has so much personality in it. it just makes reading her fics such a fun and enjoyable experience. also even off this site, i have so much fun interacting with her, like just commenting on her instagram posts like the gremlin i am, i know she's gonna hit me with the best response back skfnkejd (waiting for the day i go to where u r so u can do my makeup low-key... ur so fly, pls do my makeup...)
@goldenhypen : em, my lovely twin :')) i know our interactions have def decreased, but i don't think that's decreased the fondness we hold for one another. i remember when em first started interacting with my works and then followed me, i literally rolled off the couch cuz i started fangirling 😭 and she is one of the most genuine and brightest presences here. she is a follow forever, bro, you better follow her forever. i just adore her compassion for others and her absolutely adorable fic concepts, and omg don't even get me started on her work ethic 😭 i wished u the best everyday you had requests, i don't know how u did it. you are literally superhuman.
@hqrana : i haven't spoken with noa in quite awhile, but im guessing it's cuz she's girlbossing her way through to that nursing program 🤧 my favorite woman in stem girl in this hellsite, she is my beloved xnonie 😭 i think i just appreciate noa's undeniable presence and character so much, like she brings so much energy to my inbox whenever she's here, and her support of my ideas and fics just makes me 🙇🏻‍♀️ like thank you for being here. and to know we both love marvel and taylor swift? i feel like she has to be like,, my best friend? like she needs to be my best friend?? sending hugs and well wishes your way, always.
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camphalfbloodquotes · 5 years
I thought u left forever 😭 such a selief How are you?!!😍
lol camp half-blood is my home always i am never leaving ♡♡♡ i am doing as good as one can while balancing geoscience studies and teaching chinese kids english and y’all need to get off anon and dm me headcanons at doctorsolace, or just message me whatever i promise i am more bored than you are!
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donaidk · 4 years
Marcus Armstrong - Almost Home I.
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In advance: This is getting a Part 2 for sure. I don’t want to leave it here, but at the same time I felt like it would be really long if I left it in one piece. Turns out I have a whole lot of inspiration for Marcus fics right now. 😂 I also wanna let everyone, who’s waiting for their request, know that uni is starting next week for me. It means less free time, but I will make sure to finish every one of them in the next week or so, and then focus on all the series I started. There’s gonna be slower updates to them, but I’ll make sore to have one or two per week at least. Hopefully they won’t try to kill us in the starting weeks and I will finish up the Lando one so I could start posting that every week and just add some parts from the others to the queue 😊
Thank you Anon for requesting this one though, and sorry for the wait. Hope you will enjoy it and as it’s almost the next day here, have a really happy start to your Friday everyone 🧡
Kind of Taglist: @mickschumcher​, @art-gp​
Title Song | Masterlist | Taglist/Queue | Request
With the Australian GP knocking on the door Melbourne filled up with tourists and fans even more than usual. The first time I got to witness it in 2017 was actually scary in a way for someone who didn’t know the city well yet. Getting from one part of the city to another was a hard task already, and all the shouting and crazy fans weren’t of much help when I tried to get some usable info out of them so I could finally get to my destination and get off the streets. It almost held me back from choosing Melbourne’s university, but I had to remind myself that it was just once a year and I shouldn't give up my plans because of it. Melbourne was beautiful and their schools were highly rated, giving me everything for a stable future. Luckily I was never disappointed by my choices as it was easy to get used to the life here and I even found some new friends who helped me every time I felt homesick. It wasn’t the worst usually, as I was truly content with how my life was going, but sometimes it just hit me out of nowhere and in those moments they were always there for me.
It was now the third year when we lived through the race weekend, meaning we finally had a working schedule with which we still followed our usual plans but stayed out of the bigger crowds. Although we were in the middle of the semester we always found time to enjoy the still warm weather and spend most of our free time outside. Usually our choice was the beach for the afternoons as even though it was packed until noon, the tourists never stayed for long. We usually arrived in the late afternoon and stayed well after the sun went down, and the temperature went down a little finally. The water usually stayed comfortable until later in the evening making it bearable for almost a whole 24 hours if you weren’t squeamish. Even if you were after spending a few weeks at the beach, everyone got used to it.
As soon as everyone finished with their lectures we got our things together and took the 5 minutes walk down to the beach. We had a favourite spot which was luckily never taken when we got down there. For a few minutes we just sat down, talking about our weeks. I shared a dorm room with two other girls, but we had a few friends who had their own apartments or lived with their family a bit farther away from our university. We usually had one or two days every week to catch up with them as in between lectures we were either too tired or didn’t have the time to do so. But most of the afternoons were ours fully and we used it the best we could to relax but still use that time to make memories for the few years we’re spending together. We could say it’s gonna stay the same after we graduate but everyone knew we would move to different countries as soon as we weren’t connected to Australia. Even I planned to go home, although I enjoyed living here and getting to be independent without my family behind my back.
“ Are you coming? ” One of the girls asked me, as they were already walking down to the water, while I was still standing around our towels with my phone in my hand. I was in the middle debating which sunset photo I should post from my gallery, but her voice made me look up.
“ Just a second. I’ll catch up. ” I smiled at her before looking back down at my screen. In the end my finger finally tapped the posting button and I pushed it aside while I got the sundress off that was on over my bikini.
Right before I would have ran after the girls, the device was back in my hands so I could check that the picture uploaded without a problem. A smile got on my face when I saw a reaction from one of my family members but as soon as it showed the whole list of the people who looked at my story, it faded away. For the past few months whenever I posted something he was always there in the first few seconds or at least minutes. I couldn’t understand what changed that he showed up in my life again, but I didn't really want to give him space in my thoughts either. It has been almost 4 years since we last talked and could call each other best friends, but I wasn’t about to take the first step and message him after he forgot about me until now. I just dropped my phone back into my bag, closing it and then caught up with my friends so they could make me forget about him again.
We spent quite some time in the water, swimming a few laps back and forth before just standing around and enjoying the last rays of sunshine while we chatted away. My thoughts were already in a different direction thanks to all the different topics that came up between us. Sometimes it was harder to make me forget time and time again, but turns out today I only needed some distraction and everything was set for an enjoyable night. With the sun completely off the sky the temperature dropped quickly and it was getting a bit chilly  for my liking in just a few minutes. When it was truly uncomfortable I gave up and walked back to the shore, sitting down on my own blanket and draping my towel around my shoulders. It immediately brought enough warmth over my body that I stopped shivering and could wait for them until they would get cold too. Until then I just went onto my phone to go through some posts of my friends. Sometimes I looked up to check on them just so they wouldn’t leave me out of something. One of those times I saw a person coming my way and although I didn’t mind too much attention to it, when he continued and there was no one else in my close proximity I felt like he might be coming to me. In the end I was right as he turned right towards me and then stopped just a few steps away from our blankets.
“ Never thought you would exchange our lovely and perfect red stars for ugly white ones. ” He spoke up and I could recognise the voice even though his face was almost unseeable thanks to him standing with his back towards the moon. My jaw dropped immediately and I felt like I grew roots into the ground as I couldn’t move my body. “ If you want me to fuck off, just tell me. It’s okay. I just thought we could maybe talk, and from the pictures I saw that you’re here. Hoped you didn’t go home yet so I could catch you and... ” He started rambling but I was quick to finally push myself up and hug him immediately. I always imagined our reunion with me being angry at him, but somehow I couldn’t get myself to feel that way now that he was standing right in front of me.
“ You idiot. ” I told him not leaving any space for questions and I could feel as he finally relaxed and hugged me back. “ The biggest in the whole world. ” I added with a sigh, closing my eyes as my brain started functioning again and I had an urge to kick his shin at least.
“ I can live with that. ” Marcus let out a laugh and I could feel as my heart jumped a little at the sound. It was something that always reminded me of our home and spending every possible second together. “ I’m sorry for disappearing. ” He let out a sigh, letting go of me only when we realised my wet bathing suit soaked his shirt, although even he didn’t care about it for too long.
“ What are you doing here? I thought F2 wasn't coming here. ” I asked him confused, knowing that we wouldn’t be in this situation if he traveled here for one of the races in the past two years. “ Not like I’m complaining, but I can hardly believe my own eyes and senses. ” I shook my head a little before looking up at him again. He changed, quite a bit since we last met and even though I saw pictures of him it was different in a face-to-face situation.
“ Ferrari invited a few of us so we could gather some experience. The speed I accepted the offer with might have raised some eyebrows. ” Marcus hid his face in his palm, making me chuckle as I could see the situation unfold in front of my eyes like I was there. “ Thought I would DM you and ask if you wanted to meet up maybe. But I realized it would be better offline. ” I had to roll my eyes at his first idea although I knew he wasn’t lying and it for sure went through his brain as a real possibility.
“ You’re lucky you didn’t. I would have blocked you forever I think. My plan was connecting my fist with your face if we ever meet again, right until you showed up here. ” I shook my head with a smile, as I wasn’t proud of what I wanted to do to him. “ I was really angry when you just stopped talking to me. I tried so hard to reach you, but it felt like you didn’t even exist anymore even though they were talking about you almost every week. ” I sighed, sitting back down and leaving enough space for him too.
“ Would have been deserved actually. ” His fingers scratched at the nape of his neck and I could see the tint of purple traveling up his neck. I watched him as he sat down, pulling his legs up and resting his arms onto them. “ I really am sorry. For a part everything got busy with all the training, races and studying, but at the same time I know damn well a message here and there should have been possible. I messed up, everything. ” His eyes shined even in the minimal light of the moon, and I could get myself to look away. Even feeling the burning stares on my back from my friends didn’t get me to turn around.
“ I won’t say that it’s okay, but I accept your apology. How could I not. ” I let out a breath that I realized was still stuck in me since the initial surprise took over my body. “ It feels like we didn’t even skip over like 3 years of each other’s life. Only difference is that you’re finally taller than me, but the baby face’s still there. ” My hand went up to his cheek to pat it gently like my grandma did for him all the time when he came over for lunch. He always hated it but knew that it was a gesture of love from her and a way to show Marcus that she considered him part of our family.
“ Yeah, I guess it’s going to stay forever. ” Marcus huffed, moving his head back a little to avoid my attack, although he failed miserably. “ I almost forgot, congrats for uni. I remember how hard you were studying to get in. Everyone home was ecstatic when I told them about it. ” His hand slapped his forehead, making me laugh with his expression at the slight stinging he caused himself.
“ Thank you, but it’s nothing compared to your second place last year. ” I shrugged a little but as soon as his lips pulled into a slight smirk my eyes rolled on their own. “ Surprise, surprise, I followed your career. Just as much as you followed my life for the past few months. ” I poked him in the ribs with my finger, making him wince for a second before we both started laughing at the little sound he made.
“ Fair. I still hate how Instagram shows who opened your stories. ” He shook his head a little and both of our heads turned towards the water when we realized the background chatting was getting closer and closer to where we were sitting. They were just a few meters away when my eyes landed on their figures and I sensed when Marcus stood up from next to me, making me push myself up too.
I didn’t feel too anxious about him meeting my other friends, although I knew what this meant for my evening at the dorm with them. They would have an immense amount of questions both about him and us, even though I already mentioned him when we were bringing up our past. A few of them even knew about my past feelings about him and how him reappearing on my socials played with my emotions, but they only saw a few photos of him. This was another level and I knew he would be the topic for at least the next week between us, for one reason or another. Depends on how we get on from this point and if we manage to keep in contact when they have to fly away again.
“ Oh, I knew it wasn’t just my imagination. I told you someone was coming here. ” My roommate spoke up as soon as they got close enough to make us out from the darkness. “ You’re Marcus, right? ” She stepped right in front of him, reaching her hand out while introducing herself. I always admired her boldness even in front of strangers.
“ Yes, although I didn’t know so many people knew me from here. ” Marcus let out an uneasy chuckle, looking at me a bit concerned. I just shook my head dismissively, almost telling him that it was just a ‘Girl group’ thing. Relief washed over me though that I didn’t share a lot about him, behind his back.
I watched from the sideline as everyone introduced themselves to him and for a second it felt domestic as all of them shot me a concerned glance towards me. It felt like they would pounce at him if they saw that I was uncomfortable in his presence. While it made me feel loved in a way, I also didn’t want them to really chip on the situation. It was something that better dealt with in private as I felt like we had to talk lots of things through to get back to the friendship we left behind years ago. This wasn’t the setting for a conversation like that.
“ We should probably get home before it gets really late. School won’t wait in the morning. ” I spoke up before any of them could start questioning him. We would never be able to get going then. “ Maybe we can catch up sometime before the race? I’m sure you will have enough to do during the weekend. ” I turned back towards Marcus who looked just as relieved as I did seconds ago.
“ Yeah, that would be better. Maybe lunch, or a coffee in the afternoon? Whenever you’re free of course. ” He nodded a little, still glancing at the girls who were either packing up or staring him down behind me.
“ I’m up for either of those. Surprise me. ” I grinned at him, feeling the pull on my arm when everyone was ready. “ Is your number the same? ” I asked him, already taking a step back, but waiting for his answers.
“ Yes. Never changed. ” Marcus nodded again, a little smile playing on his lips at the idea that we’re going to meet up again probably. At least I hoped so. Why else would he stalk me down and come up to me for a chat?
“ I’m gonna text you in the morning when’s my last lecture. We can meet up after that. ” I told them, before turning around with one last wave and catching up to my group. I could only hope that they would at least let me sleep before the questions start pouring out of them all at once.
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marvelsdc22 · 5 years
We’re Your Family
Intro: Hello lovelies!! Sorry there wasn’t any story out over the weekend, I’ve been absolutely swamped with school, but I hope you guys enjoy! This was requested by an anon! :)
Note: Y/N is gender neutral, trigger warning for depression, otherwise pure sweetness, Italics mean flashbacks.
Word Count: 918
Hi, lovely! If you’re not okay with writing this that’s completely okay. But could you write something for RxSuperfriends (especially the ladies) where R isn’t feeling great mentally. And the Superfriends are there for her? Again, it’s completely fine if you’re not okay with writing this! Xx
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You were the newest and the youngest of the gang, having started at the DEO just a few months ago, fresh out of college and everyone seemed to become friends with you rather quickly; you just had this personality that drew everyone to you, but just like everyone else you had problems of your own and you kept them hidden pretty well until you just couldn’t take it anymore. Everyone noticed as you started acting different, you weren’t as cheerful anymore and you missed work which you never did, you just weren’t your usual self.
After about a week of you acting off, Kara called a group meeting “Something’s wrong with Y/N” she said once everyone was settled into their seats, everyone minus you “You noticed that as well?” Lena asked, looking at Kara and crossing her legs “I think we all did” Alex sighed, resting her arms on the table in front of her “We need to help her” Kara said, looking at everyone and Winn looked at her with an eyebrow raised “How do you expect us to do that if we don’t even know what’s wrong?” he asked, looking at her and watching as she grinned “I have just the plan”.
The next day, Kara’s plan was on and when you first sluggishly walked in that morning, Winn walked up to you with two coffee’s in hand “For you” he said, giving you a smile as he handed you one of the coffee’s “Uh… Thanks?” You said softly, taking a tentative sip and giving the smallest of smiles when you realized it was your favorite “You’re welcome” Winn said, giving you a small wink before he headed off and you headed towards your office “Hey, Y/N” Nia said, placing a hand on your shoulder and giving you a smile before giving you something in a paper baggy, causing you to raise an eyebrow as you took a peak in the paper bag and saw that it was a few of your favorite snacks “Thank you” you said softly, looking at Nia who smiled at you before she headed off to do her thing and you headed to your office, setting all your stuff down before sitting in your chair and releasing a breath as you let yourself relax for once.
Later that day, you hadn’t gotten much better even with all the nice things the guys were doing for you, Kara had taken you to lunch with her and Lena, Alex left you a treat on your desk, but it only did so much. You sighed as you got up and got your things together, you thought about what triggered your depression.
You had just gotten back to your apartment and looked at your phone, frowning as it once again showed you had nothing new, your family have disowned you shortly after you had moved to National City since you had come out to them and they didn’t like that and ever since they had not tried to contact you.
You woke up from your thoughts when there was a knock at your door, you sniffed and wiped your eyes since you had started to cry without realizing it, looking at the door “It’s open!” You called, throwing your bag over your shoulder and watching as Kara came in “Hey, me and the others are having a small get together… Come with?” Kara asked, giving you a look and you knowing it wasn’t a question and nodding before following her out.
When you got to Karas place, you set your stuff down and sat down on the couch between Lena and Alex “How are you, Y/N?” Lena asked, wrapping an arm around you and smiling at you, all of the team having basically claimed you as a part of their family “I’m okay” you lied, looking at Lena and looking away “You don’t look okay” Winn said, looking at you as Kara kneeled down in front of you and rested her hands on your legs “You can talk to us” she said, looking at you with a worried expression and you glancing around to see everyone else looking at you worriedly which caused you to let out a small sob before Kara quickly moved to pull you into a hug, letting you cry into her shoulder “What’s going on, Y/N?” Lena asked, rubbing your back and glancing at Kara whose heart was breaking hearing you cry and feeling you cling to her as tight as you were, you pulling back and taking some deep breaths to calm down before you explained what had happened “Screw your family” Alex said, causing you to freeze slightly and look at her “They don’t see the wonderful person you are and what you can do, we’re your family now and we don’t care what you are… You’re you and that’s all that matters” she said, looking at you and tensing slightly when you threw yourself at her before she wrapped her arms around you “Group hug” Kara said, joining in on the hug before everyone else did the same “I love you guys” you muttered into Alexs shoulder, smiling and feeling your heart swell “We love you too” Lena said, giving you a small squeeze before everyone pulled back “Game night?” Kara asked, looking at you guys and you smiled as you followed everyone into the kitchen to get snacks, thinking of what a great family you now had and how you were starting to feel a lot better.
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates
Supergirl Taglist: @x-danvers-x
End Note: Thank you guys for all the support! I hope you guys enjoyed and that I did this justice, I wasn’t expecting it to be so long, but the ideas just kept coming! If you want to be added to a taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask! :)
Requests Open
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Finally Mine
SO this turned into a full blown fic and I definitely didn’t expect it to. Thank you SO MUCH to the anon that sent this in it was so much fun to write! I went totally overboard and I really hope you like it. I’ll write the other request I got tomorrow because it’s 1 AM and I need to sleep eventually. 
Word count: 2,726
Warnings: mentions of a break up and cheating, smut, bit of swearing
The breakup seemingly came out of nowhere. You’d been dating Mat Barzal for almost a year, and everything was going well until all of a sudden it wasn’t. Mat grew distant and you tried to tell yourself it was just stress, and once the Islanders clinched their spot in the playoffs he’d be able to take a breath and return to his usual self. That didn’t happen. One night you were sitting on the couch after a frustrating away stretch waiting for Mat to come home. You heard the door slam and cringed, knowing he’d be angry. He walked into the living room and blurted out that he’d cheated on you. He announced that he’d get his stuff and leave in the morning, and turned on his heel before you could even get a word in. You weren’t exactly shocked, but that didn’t stop you from feeling sadness burning in your chest and beginning to spread throughout your body. Your eyes began to water but you willed yourself not to cry, you’d promised yourself you would never cry over a boy. You felt the sadness morphing into something more, into unadulterated anger. Since when did he think he could just waltz in here and tell you he’d cheated on you with no explanation, no apology, nothing? He didn't even wait for your reaction, was too much of a coward to hear what you had to say to him. You hadn’t truly begun to process what happened, but you numbly turned the volume up on the tv, and stared at the screen until you fell asleep.
A few weeks later, once Mat was well and truly out of your life, you decided enough was enough. You needed to get out of the house. You got dressed up, put on your tightest dress, one that Mat would never let you wear, and hit one of the many clubs in your area. You also decided to post a picture on Instagram, a mirror selfie of you from the side, back ever so slightly arched. You did everything you wanted to do while you were with Mat but were never allowed to do.  You noticed while in the back of the Uber Pierre Luc Dubois had liked your most recent post. You recognized the name, you’d seen him like a few of your posts before. You found yourself scrolling through his page, and you had to admit we was definitely attractive. You liked a few of his photos, and put your phone away as you pulled up to the club. You thought nothing of it until the next morning when you woke up, a slight headache forming at the base of your skull. You didn’t get wasted the night before, but you definitely had more than a few drinks. You checked instagram and saw you had one new DM. It was PL, and he’d simply said “Hey, couldn’t help but notice you deleted your pics w Mat, did something happen?” You smirked, clearly he spent quite a bit of time scrolling through your page if he noticed those photos were gone. You knew PL and Mat knew each other, you’d heard Mat talk about him occasionally, so it wasn’t totally outlandish that he would be scrolling through your page every now and then. You decided to respond him, he was in Columbus anyway, what could possibly come of it? “Yeah we broke up, he walked in one day and told me he cheated, then left before I could say anything” you typed in response, before getting up to go get some Advil and a glass of water. He’d already responded by the time you came back to bed, and you couldn’t help but chuckle at his eagerness. “What a shithead, I’m here if you wanna talk about it.” You smiled to yourself, and even though you barely knew this boy there was something that was drawing you to him. “I’m starting to get over it, we grew so distant the last few weeks it doesn’t feel a whole lot different without him :( I would however like to get to know you, I’ve seen you liking my posts :p”. He started typing almost instantly. “What can I say, a pretty girl like you deserves attention.” You felt your face heat up slightly at that, allowing yourself to enjoy the flattery without looking too deeply into it and wondering whether or not it was all just for a quick fuck the next time he was in the city. You two talked for the rest of the day, getting to know each other. You gave him your number and the discussion moved to iMessage.
You talked for weeks, everything from goofy selfies on Snapchat to late night Skype calls that lasted hours. You felt like you’d known Luc for longer than a month and a half, your conversations always flowing seamlessly, as if you’d been friends for years. It hadn’t taken for your conversations to begin to turn sexual, but you certainly weren’t complaining. It had all started because you’d continued to post revealing photos on your Instagram and VSCO, the kind Mat always yelled at you for, but you loved. You were confident and you wanted to show your body off, and saw no harm in doing so. Luc had liked the photo, and quickly sent you a shirtless selfie, a slight flush decorating his muscular chest. The caption had said something about how incredible you looked, and how hot and bothered he was for you. You’d sent him some others you’d taken, a lace bodysuit and tight skirt decorating your body. You were rewarded with a photo of him, the outline of his dick showing through the material of his sweatpants. You sent a photo of just yourself in just the bodysuit, and he eventually sent a photo of his abs, now covered in his cum and his dick, just beginning to soften. He was impressive to say the least, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t get off to the thought of him fucking you and send him a video of you moaning his name.
One day, Luc texted you in the middle of the week asking if you had plans for the weekend. Once you told him you didn’t he disappeared for a bit, before texting you half an hour later. He had sent you info for a flight to Vancouver. You’d mentioned it one day in a conversation, saying you’d always wanted to see the city and go to a game there. He explained they’d be there a day early and asked if you wanted to fly out for the weekend and meet him. You immediately accepted his offer, thrilled to finally have a chance to be with him in person. Before you knew it you were on your way to the airport on Friday morning, and soon enough you were in Vancouver. You spent the day wandering through the city after checking into the hotel Luc had booked for you and refused to let you pay for. You visited all of the most popular spots, and ate a delicious dinner before returning to the hotel for the night. You sent Luc a snap, a selfie of you wearing nothing but a lacy bralette, thanking him for everything. He replied with a selfie as well, saying “The pleasure is all mine, baby”. You talked for a while before he had to go to bed, the time difference combined with an early flight for him tomorrow meaning it was still fairly early for you. Before he left he asked “Can I come to your hotel once we land? I have something for you.” You responded with a yes, and gave him your room number. You decided to watch Netflix for a bit before you too went to sleep. The next morning you awoke to a text letting you know Luc’s flight had just left. You decided you would just hang out in the hotel until he got there, not wanting to leave when you looked outside and were greeted with the sight of grey skies and rain. You showered and did your hair, throwing on a t-shirt and jeans and a bit of makeup, wanting to look presentable for the first time you met Luc. Soon enough you heard your phone buzzing, seeing a text from Luc letting you know they had landed and that he had just left the airport, and was gonna drop his stuff off at their hotel before he made his way to yours. You texted him a thumbs up, before attempting to distract yourself on your phone. You felt excitement buzzing in your chest, eager to finally have Luc in your arms. It was about an hour before you heard the gentle knock on your door. You opened it and couldn’t help the smile that formed on your face when you saw him. He stepped into your room and shut the door behind him, and dropped the bag he was holding on the floor before wrapping you in his arms.
“Hi,” he said simply, your face pressed into his neck.
“Hi,” you responded, before moving to kiss him, something you’d wanted for so long. It was everything you’d waited for, his lips soft against yours. The kiss quickly grew heated, and it wasn’t long until Luc was reaching for the zipper of his jeans.
“God please, Y/N, I’ve wanted this for so long,” he said, tone not far from begging. You’d told him one night how much you liked getting on your knees for someone, but you didn’t know it had this much of an effect on him. You sank down without a word, hands moving to help him pull his jeans down a bit. His boxers soon followed, bunched over his thick thighs along with his jeans. You didn’t hesitate to press a gentle kiss to his tip, before gently running your tongue over it. Luc’s hands quickly found their way to your hair, and he let out a groan as you took him further into your mouth. You brought a hand up to stroke what wasn’t in your mouth and looked up through your lashes to see Luc’s face flushed and his bottom lip caught between his teeth, trying to keep the noise to a minimum. As you started to build a steady rhythm, Luc couldn’t help but let out small sighs and grunts, especially when you took him as far into your mouth as you could.
“Fuck Y/N, you’re so good at this, can’t believe I finally get to do this,” he choked out. You hummed around him, and he bucked his hips lightly at the vibrations. He went to pull away and apologize, but before he could you shook your head, a silent signal that you were fine. It wasn’t too much longer until he was coming down your throat, letting out a low moan he had tried to contain by burying his face into the crook of his arm. You watched as his knees threatened to give out, and felt his grip tighten in your hair, gently pulling you off when the overstimulation became unpleasant. He looked down on you with a look you could only describe as awe on his face. He stared at you for a second until he was able to speak again.
“Please, let me return the favour. Fuck, I have to thank you for that.” You wanted to say he didn’t owe you anything, that he had brought you to Vancouver and that he didn’t need to repay you, but then again who were you to turn down whatever he was offering. You stood up, and his lips were quickly on yours again. He guided you towards the bed in the middle of the room, and sat you on the edge of it. He gripped the hem of your t-shirt and pulled it over your head before undoing your jeans and sliding them down your legs along with your underwear. He dropped to his knees and your stomach dropped when you realized what he meant by returning the favour. It had come up in conversation one night and you’d mentioned that Mat rarely ate you out. Luc seemed scandalized by this information, claiming that that was completely unfair. You never thought much of it, but now that Luc was kissing up the inside of one of your thighs you realized just how badly you wanted it. His beard scratched against your skin, and he sucked marks into the sensitive skin where they’d be easily hidden. Once he finally turned his attention to where you wanted him most, you were practically dripping for him. He started slow, placing a kiss to your clit before running his tongue through your slit, moaning quietly to himself.
“God, you taste delicious.” You couldn’t answer because he had moved to focus on your clit again, and all that left your mouth was a startled moan. He was eager to please you, and his calm and precise movements quickly grew sloppy as he started to bring you closer to the edge. He’d slipped two fingers into you at some point, and that combined with his skilled tongue had you seeing stars. He easily made you come all over his face, your legs shaking slightly. You bit down on one of your knuckles in an attempt to stop the noises that threatened to pour out of your mouth as he drew out your orgasm as much as he could, but you still cried out his name. You whimpered when he moved away from you and he offered an apologetic look. He slid his fingers out of you and brought them to him mouth to lick clean, savouring the taste of you. He stood up and placed a kiss to your forehead, before explaining that he had to go. His phone had apparently been ringing for the past five minutes, but you’d been too far gone to notice it buzzing in his pocket. He had to go meet the guys for dinner, but he made you promise to meet you somewhere after the game tomorrow. You remained on the bed as he fixed his jeans and his hair, which was a mess after you had spent the past little while running your fingers through it and giving it a gentle tug every now and then. He placed the bag he had brought on the bed beside you and placed one more kiss on your lips before he let himself out You mustered the energy to put some pajama pants on, and you returned to the bed to see what he had brought you. It was a jersey, with his name and number on it. You gripped the navy blue fabric tightly, admiring the 18 on the back, excited for Luc to see you in it. Mat had never given you one of his jerseys, always finding excuses when you asked him about it. You texted Luc to thank him, and he responded with, “Any time. Can’t wait to see you in in ;)”.
You walked into Rogers Arena the next night barely able to contain your excitement. You found your seat, and decided to go down to the ice for warm ups. You watched the team skate out, doing their usual drills and stretches. You caught Luc’s eye and offered him a small smile. He mouthed “nice jersey” at you and you merely winked in return. The game was amazing to say the least. Columbus won 5-0, and you’d been able to watch Luc break his scoring drought in person. He;d texted you to meet him by his car that night, and you both skipped the team’s celebration in favor of heading back to your hotel. You wasted no time as Luc wanted to be back before everyone else. He fucked you with your jersey still on, admiring his name across your back.  
“You look great in my jersey,” he commented as he got dressed, looking at you fondly while he buttoned his shirt.
“I’ll make sure to wear it when you play the Isles Tuesday. Maybe you should come to my apartment after the game?” “I’d love to, if you promise you’ll be wearing that and nothing else when I get there.” “Sounds like a plan to me.”
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outlanderfanfics · 6 years
Getting to Know Abby Debeaupre
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This week, I interviewed another great Outlander fanfic writer, @abbydebeaupreposts!
Abby was born on the East Coast of U.S and grew up in and around New York City. She is 50% Greek and 50% Mutt, but can only (barely, she says) speak her native tongue of English. Without exactly revealing her age, she did admit that she has a playlist stuck in the 80s. She only started writing Outlander fanfics a little over a year ago. In school, she studied Political Science and Economics. Currently, she does mostly transaction work, focusing mainly on contingency planning and a lot of technical writing. For fun, Abby enjoys hiking, biking, playing tennis, reading, cooking, and watching documentaries. As a unique talent, she revealed that she can tie a cherry stem with her tongue! If she could travel through the stones, she would like to relive her life as a baby boomer or possibly go to Paris in the 1920s. She was adamant that she would not be all that adaptable to the 1740s, as she has a healthy respect for deodorant, tampons and indoor plumbing.
Keep reading to see the full Q & A.
What inspired you to start writing Outlander fanfiction?
The long droughtlander between 1 and 2. I started writing fanfic probably like everyone else --because there were some things I wanted to read that weren’t written yet. Also one of my children had a serious medical issue and needed surgery (he’s doing really well. If any parents out there need to figure out how to go about finding a peds neurosurgeon feel free to DM me). It was a hugely challenging thing to go through. I had a lot of time waiting and pacing in doctor’s offices and hospital corridors. The thing is you are still processing later on-- months later...it echoes across a lot of your life even after and there was upheaval for awhile. Anyway, I stumbled on Outlander fanfic -- perfect small snippets -- the fandom platform is a kind of shorthand that cuts through the expositional crap-- we know who the the characters are and mostly where they are going. Fics usually have regular updates so you stay interested, etc. A handful of writers in particular gave me something to look forward to, a nice escape and lovely food for thought about something other than the things happening IRL. That made a difference to me and I -- corny as this sounds--hope maybe I’ve been able to return the favor/pay it forward.
What are some of your favourite quotes that you have written?
This is a great excuse to reflect on what I have been doing so thank you for that. Let me preface this by saying that I love writing but readers make it fun, special and interesting. So I just wanted to say how enjoyable readers have made this experience. In the process of reviewing everything to try and pick out some quotes has made me realize that I did accomplish my starting goal-- I wrote some things that I wanted to read that remained unwritten and I am kind of happy with how things turned out. Here we go:   
“He kissed her as if she was the essence life itself and she kissed him as if by doing so she could bring him into the light.” --An Outlander Affair to Remember
“If my lips touch yours, Sassenach, I might no’ be able to stop. I’ve been holding heaven in my arms while you slept.” --An Outlander Affair to Remember
“Kiss me quick, all’s quiet, no one is coming.” Claire huffed as she dropped into his lap. “Aye? Well, if it ‘twas you coming, Sassenach, it certainly wouldna be quiet for long!” -- An Outlander Affair to Remember 
“I could have been content, you know...Everything changed when you came into Faith’s life.” Jamie could not remain silent. “Sassenach, I came into your life, too.” “I know. That’s it, exactly.” Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes, as if the truth of the statement made her heart break. -- This is Us
“Dearest LJ, If the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach; Your best chance is with a scalpel, not a spatula!” -- This is Us
“Sassenach, if ye think that kiss’ll help me focus on something other than how much I look forward to doing it again, I must tell ye I am no’ of the same mind as you. Come here, lass,” he said as he moved in for the kill. -- Queen’s Gambit
What is your writing process when writing your fanfics? 
I very specifically choose a quote or a scene or a theme from the source material and then challenge myself to drop it on its head and slide it from the OL-verse into my fic in a way that changes its meaning, reconstructs it or reinterprets it. This is true of all my stories except perhaps the Abby After Dark Collection-- which is a little less….literary in nature. This Is Us in particular uses many influences from the book-verse (and TV show too actually) and it has resonated with readers despite the fact that I know about half of the readers haven’t read all the books. I love the fact that it appeals to both kinds of readers.
Do you write during a specific time of day? 
I work looooong hours, I have a fairly busy life with my family and friends and so I try and attend to writing a little bit every day but some days more than others.
Do you ask for input from peers? 
Not in the way you mean--I don’t have a beta and I know it shows! But my peers are beyond supportive of me. We do discuss story arcs and character development, funny plot bunnies, etc. Especially when you get the odd mean anon. They are so great in those low moments. I have been blessed with cheerleaders in the fandom from day one. A lot of people ask how can they get traction for their work and on their blogs-- here is my best advice: team up with someone or several someones--There are artists out there, GIF makers, book analysis bloggers, script nerds, BTS photo blogs, photoshop wizards- find them team up-- @smoakingwaffles started really getting traction with @annalisedemoodboards and the Polaroid series. @futurelounging was just flat out funny and caught @bonnie-wee-swordsman‘s attention. I started on AO3 and @pissedoffsoka13 found me as did @thistlekat777 and really encouraged me to come to Tumblr and then @outlanderedandoverhere drew an amazing This Is Us the fic that is my blog banner and @cantrixgrisea started much as I did posting (but fanart on AO3)-- incredible stuff--and she is so adorable and funny. These are just a few of the ways people give input-- I learn everyday from what they are up to. 
Do you edit while you write or do you use a more stream-of-consciousness approach?
I am the worst proofreader in the world-- but I edit constantly, it’s why it takes a long time between posts. 
What is your favourite genre to write and why?
I don’t have one. I write more modern AUs. I am too much of a nerd about wanting to fact check things and it’s just easier to do that with a modern world setting. The only genre I don’t think I could do are the kinds of fics written by @futurelounging and @diversemediums and @kalendraashtar-- these fantasy/futuristic/past complexities that are fantastically unique.
What has been your favourite season of the show so far and why?
Season One 1-8 because a more perfect glorious season there never was. That is not to say that I haven’t been blown away by several episodes in all three seasons-- they have their strengths and weaknesses. 
Have you read any of Diana’s books? 
All of them and many side ones as well.    
Do you have a favourite book?
Do you read/write fanfics for any other fandom?
Until a few years ago I hadn’t heard the phrase fandom let alone… so no.
What is one random fact about you that you have never revealed on Tumblr before?
I play Texas Hold ‘Em and a mean game of Oh Hell.   
And that’s Abby. Even though I haven’t added her stories to my archive YET, you can check out her fanfiction master list on her blog.
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