#i hope you haven't lost anyone important to you in your life and i hope that by the time you do (as everyone does)
justficsiguess · 10 months
thinking about... yandere!batfam...
Imagine you're living your normal life and *boom*, one day suddenly a portal opens right in front of you, you fall through it, it closes right behind you. You can only make out a few vague shapes making their way towards you before you pass out.
When you wake up you're... in a bed. Surrounded by a bunch of people who introduce themselves as the Wayne family. You're in Gotham. There was some kind of portal accident with a villain and you fell here from a different dimension and you're stuck until they can figure out how to fix the portal machine, because it was broken during the fight.
Villain? Portals? Gotham? And what was this family doing there during a fight?? They explain that they're vigilantes, Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, etc etc. They decided to tell you this because you'll have to work with them to figure out your home dimension and they didn't trust anyone else to take you in, plus this is just more efficient [and more comfortable than living in the batcave]. I haven't decided yet if you're from a dimension where they exist in comics or don't exist at all, but either way, you're really confused bc this is just not something that happens in your universe.
Anyways. You live with them now, get closer to all of them, work with them sometimes (even though you can't do much, mostly you just watch them work but they insist it's important you're there), decorate your temporary room in the manor a bit, learn some stuff about this dimension (some people have superpowers?? cool!!). You can't go outside though, they say that would be dangerous, as you're not from this dimension and not supposed to be here at all. You want to go back home, but the repairing of the portal machine seems to be very complicated, everyone keeps telling you they just can't figure it out...
One day, during a rare (very rare) moment alone, you decide to look around the manor. You still haven't seen everything in here, it's so big! After some exploration, you stumble across an interesting room that's kind of hidden away. It looks almost exactly like your new room in the manor, but dusty, with some items you remember the Batfamily proudly showing you as you were decorating your room, and becoming unreasonably disappointed when you didn't like them. But the most concerning thing is that there are pictures of you. Not new ones they took since you've been here, but older ones, where you're younger. But, no, it doesn't seem like they're pictures of you exactly, there are photos of a pre-teen you on Bruce's shoulders, that can't be you, you just met them! There are also pictures of a vigilante you've never seen before, which you figure must be this other-you as well. What happened to them? And why would everyone hide this from you?
Turns out you didn't come here from an accident with a villain at all. The Batfamily lost the other version of you somehow and decided they wanted you back. But not a strong, smart vigilante like the version of you from this universe. No, they could get hurt again, or figure out what's going on sooner and escape. They chose you, hoping they could slowly get you accustomed to the idea of staying and then one day lie to you and say they can't fix the portal machine, they can't send you back. It still hurts them to know you're not exactly like the you they lost, you were raised in a completely different way, of course you're not the same, but they'd never let you go, either. They love you.
They were hoping you wouldn't find everything out so soon... but, well, they can fight over whose fault it is that you were able to find this room later, first they need to find a way to calm you down and stop you from leaving them.
If you find yourself drugged and/or tied to your bed, don't be mad at them! You gave them no time to explain before you started panicking and trying to get away, they couldn't just let that happen!
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hobie-enthusiast · 11 months
— hobie brown x gn!reader
— fluff, character analysis, angst if u squint, head-canons, non-traditional love languages, specifically music, typical and non-typical couple behaviour, mentions of corrupt government, use of shit once
— The most important things in Hobie Brown's life, and how he connects them to his relationship
— i recently took a sort of unannounced break to center some attention around myself and the important things in my life. it has been about two months since i wrote and published my last piece, and for that i am sorry. as much as i didn't want to take a break, i needed to prioritize my mental health and manage my stress, depression, and anxiety before i could even think of writing. life was hard. i needed to make it not hard. i never intended to leave anyone in the dark, and for that i am, again, so sorry. though my interactions and maybe even posts will be less than before, i hope you can forgive me and continue to enjoy the content i produce. thank you, and i love you :)
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— music
The significance music holds to Hobie is something that he doesn't really expect people to understand. In fact, he thinks music is something a lot of people tend to under appreciate. To Hobie, music can be life changing. The mix of beautiful tunes and heartfelt lyrics can convey and provoke emotions that many people couldn't even describe. And that, to Hobie, holds a special place in his heart.
Music is a part of Hobie's everyday life. It's embedded in the way he fights. It's constantly ringing a tune in his head. Hell, even the lyrics to songs sometimes show up on the cutouts behind him. So naturally, it's important to him in his relationship. It's a love language. If words fail him, he can rely on a sweet sound from his guitar to convey his feelings to you. It's important that you know the importance of music from him, and understand why he thinks so deeply of it. Hobie loves the way a song can speak volumes, and when he writes something of his own, his fondest memories and relationships go into it. Every song about you is so deeply thought out, even if it's accompanied with a more punk-rock sound. It's the way he shows his love and adoration for you, unconventionally.
— creative outlets
Hobie believes that everyone should be able to express themselves. The ability to put one's imagination into their hobby is something Hobie values highly. For him, his outlets are advocacy and music. Hobie has a lot to say, and he wants people to hear what he has to say. Being able to put out his music for people who enjoy it is the perfect way for him to say everything he needs to where people will listen. And advocacy? He makes the important people listen.
In his relationship, he's one of the most supportive people anyone could possibly meet. He encourages you to continue pursuing your passion, supporting you every step of the way. Haven't found that passion? He'll help you find it. Hobie wants you to be able to express yourself in a way that isn't unhealthy, and a hobby is the way to go for that. Creative freedom isn't something anyone should lack, and Hobie will make sure that neither of you ever do lack it.
— advocacy
One thing Hobie will never understand is how a group of people could ever think that others different from them shouldn't deserve to live. Advocating not only for himself, but for the lost voices in society, is so incredibly important to him. It inspires the way he lives day to day, how he interacts with the world. Everyone deserves to live freely, not hated and dragged down just because of the way they look or think or love. He organizes protests, speaks out against corrupt government nature, and uses his Spider-man status to fight for what is truly right, even if it puts a target on his back.
When it comes down to his relationship, advocacy plays a big part in it. You and him work together to fight for what's right, and that means the world to him. Even if you can't do most of what he can (because he is, in fact, Spider-man), it still makes the world of a difference when you do what you can. Hobie knows that this sort of fight, this fight against a government that doesn't want him around, is one of the most difficult he will ever face. So having someone there by his side? Fighting with him? Cheering him on? Means a lot more than words can describe.
— communication
Communication is something Hobie has always sought out in his life. The idea that a relationship he worked so hard to build on could crumble from a simple misunderstanding is scary to him. He'll never let people misunderstand him. Not his messages in his music. Not his message when protesting. Not his message when crime fighting. None of it. It's what makes Hobie such an honest and open guy to his friends, family, and even the strangers he fights so often for.
Communication is the main concern Hobie has in a relationship. Like mentioned, he can't have it thrown away over something so trivial. The two of you are always open and honest with each other, even if it may come off as rude or hurtful. But that's what makes your relationship so strong and trusting. What may seem too open to others works perfectly for the two of you. And if there ever was a time where a miscommunication does happen, Hobie will always, always, be the first to set things right.
— crime fighting
From a young age, Hobie knew he couldn't rely on others to keep the city safe. It felt like no one was ever safe. Hence why he was quick to assume his Spider-man role when the opportunity came to him. It was hard at first, adjusting to constantly saving others from rotten criminals. But over time, it started becoming a piece of cake. At least until the bigger government problems presented itself. But fighting to keep the streets safe is something Hobie loves doing. It feels like he's doing his part for the people, even if that was something pushed onto him.
You, as his partner, are the one constantly pushing him to keep going and reminding him what he stands for. Said job as a city hero isn't easy, even for Hobie Brown. There was even a time when he tried to quit. Give it all up, because he was just so damn tired. But you didn't let him. It took a lot to remind Hobie that he's also doing this for himself. To remind him that he's doing so much and that you were so proud of everything he stands for. It was enough to get him back on his feet, keep him going when it comes to being the people's hero. Hobie never forgets your encouraging words, they always keep him going.
— his partner
Hobie values all the relationships he makes; platonic and romantic. He was lonely for a small time in his life, and it hurt him in ways he'll never forget. So his relationship with his partner will always be a priority. He'll never just jump into a relationship, he has to make sure this is someone he can see himself loving, committing to, forever holding close to him. But he'll never choose to love someone because of their looks, gender, sexuality, anything. The only preference he truly has is when it comes to personality and political beliefs (being an anarchist, he just can't see himself being with someone who isn't). Regardless, Hobie's partner will always have a feeling of love buzzing within them, solely because of how loving and loyal he truly is.
When it comes to you. Hobie is so incredibly in love. He takes no shit about it, and will defend you whenever he needs to. He's also somewhat over-protective, despite being very secure in the relationship. It's a comfort thing, is what he says when you ask. Hobie isn't afraid to show his love to you, though he does it more in private. He doesn't care what others think of him, but he also very much doesn't want you in such a harsh limelight (being how hated he is by the government). He only ever wants what is best for you, and will do a lot to make sure you have everything you deserve and more.
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flyinghassassin · 1 year
I used to love you
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Summary: Wanda and you were a couple,but after Westview everything changed.Now Strange needs your help so your former lover doesn't end up destroying the multiverse
Word count: 2500ish
Warnings: Canon violence,angst,fluff,slight spicy stuff.
"I need your help." Strange's voice cut through the silence.
"Stephen? What are you doing here? What happened?" you asked worriedly.
"It's about Wanda."
"Wanda? We haven't been a couple for over a week now. Why do you want to talk about her right now? After everything that's happened?"
"You remember the Westview anomaly, don't you?"
"How could I not remember Stephen? It was the reason Wanda and I broke up, so I'm going to ask you one more time," you said, waving your hands and activating a spell. "What are you doing here?"
"Wanda has found a book, the Darkhold." "It is an extremely powerful book,filled with dark spells, that will give its user everything they desire."
"Let me guess: Wanda has its power and is using it to try to get her children back,right?"
"That's right, Y/N; how do you know?" asked Strange.
"I know her, Stephen." "I was with her for almost 2 years; I know how she thinks," you said with a sad tone, clenching your fist and disabling the spell you had ready.
Stephen walked over and rested his hand on your shoulder.
"I need you to help me stop her from doing more harm to other people." "She has destroyed Kamar-Taj in her stampede."
"I guess she's looking for something there."
"That's right.She's looking for America Chavez, a girl capable of traveling across universes, and Wanda craves those powers to get her children back."
"I'll help you," you said,your voice marked with determination. "I can't let Wanda hurt anyone else."
"Thank you, Y/N." Prepare whatever you think is necessary to meet with her and Wong and devise a plan.
You nodded and went into the cabin you lived in to prepare your things.
"You must be America Chavez." "Wong has told me about you," you said, offering your hand to her.
"I assume you are Y/N. Wong has told me about you, former sorceress of Kamar-Taj and former lover of Wanda Maximoff."
"That's right."
"Hello, Y/N, welcome back to Kamar-Taj," said Wong tensely.
"Wong," you replied in the same manner, "long time no see, huh?" "Now you are the sorcerer supreme; congratulations," you said.
"Mhm, thanks, Y/N. I hope things are not tense between us after what happened in Kamar-Taj. I just wanted to..."
You cut him off by raising a hand.
"I'm not spiteful,Wong,that's water under the bridge. Now we have more important things to attend to:Wanda and the Darkhold. Do you know where she's hiding?"
"We think she's in Wundagore." "We'll need your help to get there safely, plus your magic and affinity with Wanda will be able to help us."
"Wanda and I are no longer anything, Wong," you snapped. "We stopped being when she became obsessed with power. I'll help you because it's the right thing to do,but I don't want you to mention Wanda in front of me." You said walking out of there.
You walked a little bit around Kamar-Taj, the place that had been your home not so long ago, and sat down on one of the ledges there, letting your feet dangle in the air.
"At what point did everything get so screwed up?" You thought sadly, "It wasn't that long ago I was dating Wanda, and now I'm keeping her from destroying the universe. Before,everything was simpler," you said,allowing your mind to wander through the memories.
"Y/N,this is Wanda Maximoff, a new member of the team. We rescued her after the battle with Ultron,which cost her brother his life. Now she's a little lost; please try to help her," said Steve.
"Sure, Cap," you said, looking at her, "Welcome to the Avengers."
Wanda simply nodded, her eyes full of sadness and grief.
"Did you really do that?" Wanda laughed.
"At the time, it seemed like a good idea," you defended yourself. "I knew my powers were still a little clumsy, but it was the first thing that came to mind."
"I'm sure the Chitauri were terrified to see an army of 3-foot-long rabbits approaching them."
You groaned and turned your attention back to the pot, which was steaming.
"If you keep this up, I'll leave you without trying my amazing pasta recipe."
"Oh no, terrible punishment! Please don't!" said Wanda teasingly.
"You're a meanie," you said, hitting her head with the wooden spoon.
"Ouch!" complained Wanda, rubbing her head.
"That's what happens when you mess with my amazing pasta." "Try it," you said, holding the spoon up to her mouth.
Wanda did, and she let out a hum.
"Tastes good."
"Well, that's too bad, because I'm not giving you anything for messing with my amazing recipe."
"Now you're the one being a meanie."
"I'll give you pasta if you give me a kiss."
Wanda walked over to you and grabbed your jaw, causing you to look down and blush slightly.
"No problem," she said, giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Now give me some pasta, please," she asked with puppy-dog eyes.
"How can I say no when you ask me like this?" you said, smiling.
It was 3:00 a.m. when you heard an insistent knock on your door.
You groaned, got out of bed, and went to open the door.
In front of you stood Wanda, her eyes puffy and watery, her lip trembling slightly, and signs of distress on her face.
"Wanda?  "What happened to you?"
"I-I-I-I had a nightmare," she said, breaking into tears again.
"I'm so sorry," you said sadly. "Come here." You opened your arms for Wanda to hug you,which she did without hesitation,crying against your chest. "I'm so sorry, Wands," you said, stroking her hair. "Do you want to sleep here today?" you offered.
Wanda nodded and sniffled her nose,coming over and crawling into your bed. You followed her immediately.
Wanda lay down on your chest, and you slipped your arms around her waist, grabbing her hand and tracing circles on it to reassure her.
"You want to tell me what it was about?"
"It was about my brother." "I watched him die over and over again, and I couldn't do anything about it," she said, turning to face you.
"I'm so sorry, Wands," you said, hugging her tightly. "Don't worry, I promise that as long as I'm here, nothing bad will happen to you," you said, joining your forehead with hers.
"You promise?" said Wanda in a broken voice.
"I promise," you replied, intertwining your pinky with hers. "Pinky promise."
You were in your room, enjoying the comfortable silence.
You were stretched out on the bed with Wanda's head resting on your lap, and your hands were occasionally scratching her scalp, making her sigh contentedly.
While Wanda seemed extremely relaxed, your mind was racing with a thousand thoughts all at once, all of which were focused on one person: Wanda.
Your little crush on her was growing more and more each day, and you had been planning for several days how to tell her how you felt, waiting for the right opportunity, and it seemed that day had arrived.
"Uh, I have a confession to make," you said, sitting up in bed.
Wanda turned to look at you, resting her head in the palm of her hands.
"I like you a lot; would you like...?"
"Yes," Wanda's voice cut you off before you finished speaking, "I would like to be your girlfriend."
"How did you know? I hadn't finished talking yet."
Wanda put her hand to her forehead and tapped it a couple of times.
A blush began to cover your face.
"You already knew? This makes my confession a little more embarrassing; surely you've known for a long time," you said, blushing even more.
"You are incredibly cute, Y/N," said Wanda, straddling your lap. "I've known that for a few days now,your thoughts can get pretty loud,detka."
"Well,at least you know," you said, cupping Wanda's head and kissing her deeply. "I love you, Wanda."
"I love you too, detka" said Wanda, kissing you with the same intensity.
You leaned back on the bed and continued kissing Wanda,who responded to you with the same, if not more, intensity.
Your hands moved up and down her hips, caressing the soft skin.
Wanda took off her shirt and tossed it carelessly into the corner of the room, continuing to kiss you.
"Do you like what you see?" said Wanda teasingly.
"You're fucking beautiful," you replied, pulling her body closer to yours and depositing kisses on her neck,making her moan slightly.
"I love you, Y/N,with all my heart."
"I love you too, Wanda."
"You were thinking about her, weren't you?" The voice of America cut off your thoughts.
"Yes," you replied, "There are times when I can't help thinking about her. We spent almost two years together; that's something you don't forget."
"I understand" said America, sitting down next to you. "I'm sorry it's come to this and that you have to fight her because she wants my powers."
"Hey,take it easy,it's not your fault," you said, grabbing her hand and rubbing your thumb gently against her palm. "Wanda has gone too far,and even if it hurts, I have to stop her".
"We're ready." You were interrupted by Strange's voice. "We have prepared some basic protection spells in case Wanda or another creature attacks again. Wong is waiting for us at the entrance."
You nodded and stood up, offering your hand to America.
"Let's go."
This was not the Wanda you remembered; if you had been told it was someone else, you would have believed it, except for the little details on her face that indicated it was Wanda, your Wanda.
"Please, Wanda, you have to stop this," you said, tears welling up in your eyes.
"No one is going to stop me, Y/N, not even you. I've been reasonable long enough; it's time for me to stop being reasonable," Wanda replied, launching a blast of her powers that hit a column, causing fragments to fall on top of Wong and Strange.
Quickly, casting a spell, you made the stones turn to foam rubber, causing them to fall harmlessly on top of them.
"Good one," said Strange.
You nodded and continued to cast spells, trying to destabilize Wanda to slow her down, but they were dismissed without complications for her.
Wanda approached America with a crazed look in her eyes, but before she reached her, you casted a spell on her, causing Wanda to fall to the ground from the surprise of the blow.
"Get behind me and prepare a portal," you said to America, resting your hand on her chest and making her walk a few steps backwards.
Wanda quickly got up and sent some creatures at you, but you reduced them, while Strange and Wong cast spells at Wanda, but the attempts were useless.
"It's not working," said Wong, sweat covering his forehead.
"I have a plan," you said. "I'll hold her off, and you guys will leave. Wanda and I were a couple after all; she may not attack me with the intention of killing me."
"Are you sure?" asked Strange.
"Yes, go now that you can."
"If you need a home, Kamar-Taj will be there for you," said Wong with a certain sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry for what happened between us."
You nodded as you looked at America,who was trying to create a portal until she finally succeeded.
Just then, Wanda cast a spell in your direction, which you managed to barely stop.
"Quick, go," you said, holding back Wanda's spells and casting yours in her direction.
"Thank you, Y/N," said Wong, looking at you. "Kamar-Taj is grateful to you."
You nodded, and just then Wanda's spell hit you, making you fall to the ground unconscious.
"Y/N!" said America, advancing towards you but being held back by Strange's arm, causing her to enter the portal next to him and Wong and disappearing,leaving you alone with Wanda.
"Poor, little, little Y/N. Your friends have abandoned you to your fate," she said, her voice laced with venom. "Now what are you going to do,huh?" She continued,walking towards you and tapping your body with her foot.
Blood dripped from your head, falling rhythmically to the ground.
"Y/N?" asked Wanda again,striking your body with her foot with more force. "This isn't funny anymore."
"Sorry, my love,I got too much into the role," you said, smiling. "Good acting by me,but I think you shouldn't have hit me so hard," you said, touching your forehead and wincing slightly.
"Let me see," said Wanda,kneeling down to be at your height and grabbing your jaw to see your forehead. "It's bleeding a little. Sit on the altar so I can disinfect your wound," said Wanda,standing up and holding out her hand for you to take so you could stand up.
Wanda took a first aid kit that was in the corner of the temple and straddled your lap to get a better look at the wound.
With a cotton swab, she applied a disinfectant liquid, causing you to wince.
"Don't complain, detka,it doesn't hurt that much," said Wanda. "Do you want me to kiss it better?"
"That would be nice," you replied, smiling broadly.
Wanda deposited a couple of kisses on your forehead, being careful not to hurt you, and rested her forehead on yours.
"I love you so much, detka"
"I love you too, Wands; I always have," you replied, giving her a kiss and caressing her hips. "The new suit looks great on you, by the way".
"Oh, thank you, honey," said Wanda, smiling.
"You look so hot," you said, kissing her again, this time more deeply. "You always look great," you added,depositing kisses on her neck,making Wanda moan.
"Not now, honey; you must rest and let your wound heal," said Wanda between moans.
"I don't feel like it," you replied, stroking all her skin up and down and caressing the curve of her ass.
"Y/N,lie down and rest," said Wanda, frowning. "If you don't, you'll go two weeks without cuddling."
"Hey,that's not fair," you replied, pouting. "Fine, you win, but sleep with me; I haven't slept cuddling with you in a while."
Wanda smiled and nodded,grabbing your hand to guide you to her room so you could sleep in a comfortable bed.
"The spell worked, by the way," Wanda said, smiling. "Now we know America's position at all times. It was a good plan to pretend we were nothing anymore and get you closer to Strange and Wong so we could get to America."
"Thank you," you smiled. "We'll get there soon, Wanda," you said, grabbing her hand and kissing it. "Soon everything will be alright."
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xcviiq · 2 years
could do you huh yunjin x female reader based off of this?? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYFnfL41/ where the reader folds immediately and yunjin laughs at her and it’s kinda yunjin teasing the reader bc readers shy until yunjin kisses her one day and reader kinda just stands there not processing what happened
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"missing piece" - huh yunjin x fem!reader you were exactly the comfort the idol needed. exactly the person the idol yearned for in her entire life.
genre : fluff, maybe suggestive words : 2.7k notes : ty for the req! im so sorry this was delayed, i had exams and completely lost motivation to write... i hope this is good :) enjoy! (i also changed my format... haha)
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you and huh yunjin have been best friends ever since elementary.
she was the typical exchange student from america, and you were the typical shy girl who always topped in academics. everyone wanted to be friends with yunjin though, which made sense to your 6 year old self since, well, she's a foreigner.
you wanted nothing to do with the american. you just wanted to be left alone with your small friend group that consists of only two other "outcasted" students.
"hi!!" a cheerful voice called. as you looked up from your lunch, it was yunjin. it scared you a bit since you haven't interacted with each other ever since the grade started. "can i sit next to you? you aren't with anyone right now so."
you gulped, your eyes trailing off to find your two friends. they were supposed to be here any minute now but it seems that they were no where to be found. your gaze turned back to the american, who smiled brightly while carrying her pink, glittery lunchbox.
now, 15 years later, you're waiting awkwardly in the backstage of mama—the biggest award show in korea. your girlfriend, huh yunjin, had just debuted in a monster "rookie" group called le sserafim. the american managed to sneak in a free backstage pass and now you have to face the utter awkwardness.
there were so many idols—most of them you couldn't name. you recognized stray kids and txt, and you almost felt your heart beat out of your chest as you stared at (g)i-dle, who was goofing around on the opposite side of the room.
'when is 'jin coming??' you thought, awkwardly pulling on your fingers to ease the anxiety. so many things were on your mind; 1. "is my outfit alright?" 2. "oh god i might look extremely awkward right now." and 3. "where is yunjin?"
before your brain could process anything, you felt your whole body stumble and fall as you felt heavy weight on top of you. "yunjin-ah! get back up please...." you heard an angry voice just centimeters away, and a girl with short, part-black part-blonde hair put you and yunjin back up.
the rest of the group bowed down to the many idols and staff in front of them, and you could tell how embarrassed they were at the american's sudden outburst.
"sorry y/n, you guys." yunjin whispered, chuckling nervously as she looked at the members' disappointed eyes. "i was just excited to see y/n again! it's been months!"
that was true, the american could barely save some time for you because of how packed her schedule is. your main form of communication was through texting and facetime—but facetimes only last 1 hour or so.
before you could speak, miyawaki sakura—an idol of 11 years and someone you are well-versed with—cut you off. "we'll give you both some alone time," the rest of the members nodded. "don't make a mess." she continued with a stern tone—you could tell she was the oldest.
the girl beside the oldest giggled like a child, before waving at your girlfriend a goodbye.
"tell the manager i'm doing something important!" yunjin yelled, and smiled in delight as the members nodded, slowly disappearing as they walked further and further away. when they were gone, yunjin turned her attention to you, her eyes soft and full of adoration.
"let's go somewhere else, love." she took your hand a gently lead you to a quiet and secluded room, away from the many idols and dispatch. the american peeped out the area before closing the door and smiling widely.
"i missed you so, so, soooo much y/n. you have no idea!" she whispered as she planted a small kiss on the tip of your nose. "i missed you too, 'jin." you responded, taking her hand and placing a kiss on her palm.
the american smiled softly and gave you another kiss—this time on the forehead—before speaking again. "so much happened in just a few months as an idol, who knew you'd be hearing so much drama from just one building?!"
"i mean, that's to be expected. a lot happens inside the music industry." you replied, looking at your girlfriend's soft features as she continued to gossip about the many things happening inside hybe. turns out, hoshi from seventeen is dating some korean actor you weren't familiar of.
you always loved hearing yunjin talk. her gossips are always so interesting.
"oh, but enough about that," she started while changing her posture to face you. you tilted your head, signaling her to continue. "what happened to you all these months?" she asked, looking at you with curious eyes. you hummed, trying to recall the events that happened.
"well, i couldn't drop out of college, sadly. but there are some stuff that happened...."
and that was when you ranted about a lot of things. yunjin was shocked about how dramatic colleges are, especially in your course. apparently, some teacher failed half of the class including you for no reason at all?! the american certainly didn't like the sound of that.
you ranted and ranted, getting carried away by the many things that you have encountered. life was getting crazy for you. your girlfriend listened attentively, but for some reason, her focus was somewhere else.
your lips. they looked like the same soft lips she kissed a few months back. she could vividly remember it; the way her lips felt like it was made just to kiss yours; the way it felt like new years every time she kissed you. when she debuted as an idol, she didn't notice how much she missed the feeling of your kiss, but after seeing you—it's becoming quite apparent.
yunjin's mind drifted to the thought of kissing you right then and there, your words falling in deaf ears as your girlfriend's thoughts wandered. (in a non-suggestive way, smh.)
you paused as you noticed the lack of reaction coming from the american. 'oh no, did i say too much?' your head turned to look at your girlfriend, who had a very...
"yunjin, are you.. okay?" you felt yourself turning pink as the mentioned idol played with the inside of her mouth. she teasingly smiled, finding you cute. "hm? what's wrong love?" she replied, scooting closer and closer to you. she was very close, to the point that you could feel each other's breath.
"y-yunjin, what are you doing?"
"what? i can't be this close to the love of my life?" the petname rolled off her tongue perfectly, and your heart beat faster and faster. you tried to avoid making eye contact—which was impossible, since yunjin's tall body could quite literally just stretch to find your gaze again.
"you look so cute right now, y/n/n. just one ki-" before she could finish, her phone rang. it was from chaewon, and you assumed it was because their rehearsals are starting. the american sighed frustratingly, clearly annoyed by the fact she couldn't even plant one kiss on you.
"well, i have to go now," she said disappointingly, not bothering to answer her leader's call. "i'll see you in another 2 weeks or so." she continued with a frown. you composed yourself and smiled, reaching to caress your girlfriend's cheeks. "it's okay yunjin. just focus on your career, alright?"
she smiled softly, and then said her farewells.
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
it had been over a week since you've seen yunjin in person. you really hoped that their manager would at least give them a break after the award show, but that sadly your wishes were left unheard of. you worried nonstop for your girlfriend, you always did. but seeing the latest video of le sserafim made those worries go away as you see the american's genuine smile.
you were just scrolling on the internet, reading the drama in twitter and occasionally giggling at some posts. that was when a notification popped up.
: "babe!!"
you unconsciously smiled as your girlfriend's message popped up. you quickly disregarded the twitter thread and immediately went to text her back.
: guess who got a whole day to themselves tomorrow?
: omg rlly?
: YEZZZZZZZ : i can finally have a peaceful day with you 😞
you felt joy wash over you as you imagined the day with yunjin. you were even starting to have some date ideas pop up in your head.
: yay!! im so happy for u jinn
: samee omg : i'll be staying at your place btw, is it okay if we just stay inside the house?? i don't want to go anywhere at the momentttt :((
you nodded, as if the girl could see you through the screen.
: ofc jin!! i have nothing to do tomorrow anyway
although you couldn't physically see your girlfriend, you knew that she was smiling widely right now. and so were you.
: 💓 : i'll be arriving at your doorstep
: creepy stalker roleplay
: at exactly 9 am tmr so be awake at that time!! : WHAT 😭
: IM KIDDING : i'll set my alarm, see you jinnie 💞
: see you, y/n/n!! : love youu
: i love you too
you sighed dreamily, placing your phone on your chest. you were just so happy that you could finally have a day with the american after all these months. even if it was just one day, one day out of months, it was special. and yunjin was thinking the same.
it was already 9:45 pm, and you had a huge day tomorrow, so you went to bed. "is 7:30 too early?" you mumbled, looking at your alarm clock and debating whether or not to set your alarm to 7:30 or 8 am. you shrugged, setting it to 7:45 am.
as you lay down on your bed, your mind couldn't stop running laps. you were very giddy to the point that you randomly start giggling and rolling around like you weren't 21 years old. if a ghost was living with you right now, it'd think that you were going crazy.
well, that thought isn't wrong. you could say that you were kind of crazy for yunjin—who wouldn't? but the thing that separated you and the millions of fearnots is that huh yunjin was actually kind of crazy for you as well.
'okay, stop y/n.' you told yourself, steadying yourself. you wanted to get a good night's sleep so when you wake up in the morning, you were in a good mood. after finally calming down, you felt your eyelids grow heavier and heavier—and before you knew it, you were asleep.
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
it was around 8:15 am, and you were already finishing up the remaining dishes you were cooking. you awoke way earlier than you had planned—very excited on the fact yunjin could finally spend a day with you— so you used that time to cook a nice breakfast for when your girlfriend arrives.
the oven dinged, indicating that the food was ready. you quickly tended to it and making sure to turn off the oven—you didn't want your electricity bills to increase. you carefully plated your breakfast to make it look pleasing, and once you were satisfied, you placed it on the table.
"8:20" the clock read, and you sighed of relief. you took off your apron and put it back on its organized spot, and went upstairs to take a shower. after showering, you made sure to pick your best yet casual clothes, since you didn't want to seem like you were in a fancy dinner date when in reality you were just in your old apartment.
after picking out your clothes, you quickly rushed down the stairs and set up the remaining things. you made sure that your netflix had all her favorite movies, made sure that every single part of your house was clean, and also made sure that the food stayed warm. after confirming that everything was ready, you glanced at the clock again.
"8:45" your mouth slightly curved as your heart beat faster. it was almost 9, which meant it was almost time to see yunjin. you washed your hands, and sat down on your couch. you waited patiently for her to arrive, constantly checking your phone and the clock for the time. you took trips to the kitchen often, making sure that the food you prepared was still tasty.
your doorbell rang, and you basically flew to the door and pulled it open. and there she was; yunjin, wearing a black jacket paired with black pants and a cap. her face was covered with a mask, yet you could tell from her eyes that she was smiling.
"hi, love." she said, walking closer to you and giving you a hug. you felt so warm in her arms, so loved. you always worried that you weren't good enough for the idol, but every time yunjin would show even the slightest of affection, you knew that you were so adored by her.
"hey, 'jin." you replied whilst wrapping your arms around her torso. you felt a bit empty when the american pulled away from the hug, but that feeling quickly went away as she held your hand and lead you inside the apartment.
the idol looked around your home, humming in delight as she took off her jacket, mask, and cap. "you've been taking care of this place, y/n." she complimented, turning to look at you with adoration in her eyes. her bare face was beautiful, and you felt your heart skip a beat. "of course i have, i might go crazy if my apartment didn't look organized."
yunjin laughed at your reply before pulling you into a hug again. her head rested on the crook of your neck as both of you bask in each other's scent. even if you two literally saw each other a week ago, it still felt like it's been ages since you've been in each other's embrace.
"i missed you. after our small meetup, i couldn't stop thinking about you." the american whispered, and you felt her hold on you tighten. you chuckled, "i missed you too, 'jin. you did amazing during your mama performance!" you pulled away sightly from the hug, but still kept your arms wrapped around her torso. "i'm so proud of you."
proud. yunjin really liked that word. she was proud of many people, like her younger sister for example, but she couldn't really recall when people were proud of her. many people probably were, but no one exactly verbalized how proud they were of the american. tons of fans in the internet did say how proud they were of yunjin, and she liked it. but for some reason, it felt different when it came from you. was it because you've known each other for 15 years? is it because she was just desperate, and there really were no changes?
yunjin leaned over to you, maintaining eye contact. she was extremely close to you, and soon enough, your lips connected.
it was because yunjin loved you.
the feeling of your lips against hers was so perfect. the american's lips were soft, and yours connected to hers as if your lips were made to kiss her. to cherish her. to love her.
you both lost a sense of time as you continued to give each other romantic and genuine kisses, and you were just glad that you finally got to have this moment with her after months. you were glad that your missing piece was back with you.
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as much as you both didn't want to pull away, yunjin couldn't breathe at all. yunjin stared at you with a sly smile, a laugh breaking out of her mouth as she stared at your dumbfounded expression. your cheeks were a bright red—and so were yunjin's—and you stood there stiffly.
"hello? earth to y/n?" the american said, both amused and worried at how quiet and unresponsive you were. you were just trying to process what happened, even if yunjin gave you enough time to do so during the kiss. but your mind was completely blank at that time.
"did you just..?" you mumbled, loud enough to let your girlfriend hear. she sucked her bottom lip to hold in another laugh as she nodded. she couldn't keep it in though, as you slowly nodded and gazed at the floor as you pondered.
"WHY ARE YOU SO FUNNY??" yunjin exclaimed in between laughs, still looking at your serious expression. she couldn't exactly blame you, it's been months since you've kissed each other. but.... the way you were really taking your time in processing what just happened really made her cackle.
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dr5amatic · 1 month
a sentence starter prompts list comprised of quotes from omniscient reader's viewpoint by sing shong. please be advised that this list may involve topics including, but not limited to, murder, death, and violence. change verbiage as needed.
we are companions separated by life and death.
i remember the moment i read a novel for the first time.
it isn't important to read the letters. the important thing is where the letters lead you.
perhaps it was similar to learning about death. for the first time, i realized that something was finite.
if i am really a god then i am the most incompetent god in the world. the most helpless god in the whole world who knows everything but can't explain anything.
i believe in you more than the future that hasn't come yet.
ultimately, every human is their own writer.
helping someone who didn't want help can be a curse. however, some people can't ask for help despite needing help because they had never asked for it before.
what i am looking for is passion. i hope you have the passion to see the end of this damn story with me.
by the way, are you a couple?
tell me, you fool. if i continue to regress, will i ever get to meet you again?
[name]. can i hit you?
you will be my companion and you will see the end of the scenario.
the story won't end unless the reader gives up on the story.
i am an ordinary person with ordinary skills. but even so, this doesn't mean i can only do ordinary things.
i am [name]. and you shall die here.
get lost, [name].
this story is for just that one reader.
hey, just say that you like him. quickly.
there is no weight to sadness.
in the end, to every human being, the most precious thing is themselves. and you risk everything of yours always.
strangely, i've been craving something sweet lately. do you want to eat?
release your hand and get lost, you damn son of a bitch.
i have a companion already.
i always regretted about something in my life. however, my regret over the things i haven't done is way bigger than for those that i did do.
i don't know anything about the future. however, i do know this. you said that you want to save this world? it's the same for me too.
you are the world i wish to save.
you are like dough made by anyone while a god was carving him for a thousand days.
i might be a killer but i don't want to become a monster.
those who read more than fifty chapters of a boring novel aren't normal.
eat the soil, [name].
marry him? i'd rather kill myself.
it's my freedom to decide what i hear and what i remember. and i shall decide who i am.
i'm only good to people who are also dead. i'm sorry that we met when you are a living person. you should die soon and come back again.
justice, in most cases, is just something that is agreed upon by the majority.
don't you know that people are the most dangerous in an apocalypse?
i can kill all of them if i want. therefore, i can save all of them if i want.
it's been a while, [name]. you are still ugly.
i shall pray that you may continue to exist somewhere too.
you probably know this already, but i'm not a prophet. no, i am as far removed from such a being as you can get.
if you get a chance to run again, do you believe you can see it better the next time?
where do you plan to die alone?
why are you going so far to save me?
i have something i need to ask that fool.
it was a really great story. isn't that right? let's meet again, [name].
give me [name]. then i will spare you.
you are necessary for this world. i need you.
you will be killed by the person you love the most.
i won't give up on this life, so don't give up either.
don't worry. i'll do the rest.
everything has already been written, and at the same time, still being written.
even if i was a little bit less happy, i wanted to live longer.
we can save the world. you know that, right?
you always had to endure these moments all by yourself. fortunately, you aren't alone this time.
the fact that you can regress at any time means that death is meaningless.
i will decide my story.
perhaps you understood my heart more than anyone else.
this version of you is the despair of the world itself.
i will never sacrifice myself again. i will not leave my companions behind.
it has always been once chance for me.
one's life should always be greater than a story written about them.
i'm giving you the opportunity to become its very first reader.
don't be an ass and just read it when i tell you to.
fine, fine. i'll definitely read it.
some stories can only begin anew after coming to its end.
you're the cowardly lion, obviously.
do you still believe that you can understand someone through just a few lines of text in a couple of chapters?
knowledge is never perfect.
how do you know all my weaknesses...?
why did you die for us over and over?
you're our son. that is all that matters.
i want to buy a really big house and live together with everyone.
a person who watched a certain story for a long time would eventually grow to resemble that story.
your salvation is cruel. like rescuing a drowning person with a blade, those saved by you are inflicted with an unhealable wound.
i always hated you. and regretted it, too? why did i write the story of someone like you with my own hands?
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fabled-lady-twilla · 2 months
Which of the following ShigaDeku fic ideas sound the most interesting to you?
I have a handful of ShigaDeku fics I've been consistently working on over the past couple of months. I keep switching back and forth and writing out small scenes for each story in order to get a sense of the direction I want to take them in. They're all different flavors of dark romance and hurt/comfort and have great potential. I just can't decide which one I want to write first. Help meeeeeee! 😭😭😭
I need your opinions, ShigaDeku fans! Could you tell me which one of the following story ideas sounds the most interesting or even rate them out of four like 1/4, 2/4, etc. based on your interest? 🥺👉👈
Canon Divergence Soulmate AU
Dark romance, action, hurt/comfort, and psychological drama.
Long-lost childhood friends to mortal enemies to soulmates.
Heroes vs. villains dilemma (fixing systemic issues in hero society together with Hawks + Aizawa + the League of Villains).
Izu and Shiga discovering they're not only childhood friends but also soulmates whose souls are tied to each other for eternity.
Set in canon universe and loosely follows the MHA storyline EXCEPT it actually has a genuinely hopeful ending, gives the League a redemption arc, and achieves lasting changes for society!
Yakuza Stepbrother AU
Dark romance, suspense, hurt/comfort, and crime drama.
Izu and Shiga are stepbrothers through Inko's secret marriage to All For One fifteen years prior to the beginning of the story.
Shigaraki inheritance dilemma (Izu signs away his rights to the fortune away because Inko (on her deathbed) told him to do so in order to protect him from getting involved with mafia drama. Too bad she didn't consider Shiga becoming obsessed with Izu upon meeting him and dragging him into the mafia world anyway). 😅
Yakuza territory war dilemma (because Izu is technically Shiga's stepbrother by marriage, he's threatened strongly encouraged to stay with the Shigaraki family until its safe for him to move out.
Tartarus Rehabilitation AU
Dark romance, thriller, hurt/comfort, and psychological drama.
Izu is a therapist-in-training who believes in rehabilitation for criminals. Shiga is a serial killer incarcerated in Tartarus for going on killing sprees targeting people who are cruel to animals.
Due to one of Izu's co-workers being sick, he's called in to cover for an interview with none other than Shiga himself. By the end of the interview, Shiga becomes infatuated with Izu and refuses to speak to anyone else or release important details about his murders unless Izu is the one questioning him.
Shiga's obsession eventually becomes worse and worse until he breaks out of Tartarus with the help of All For One (because of course he does) and Izu is like, well shit, time to go into hiding!
Paranormal Fantasy AU
Dark romance, paranormal fantasy, hurt/comfort, and horror.
Izu is a mystic who specializes in healing medicine for immortal beings like vampires, lycans, shapeshifters, mages, certain kinds of demons, undead, cursed beings, and of course, all of the supernatural hunters who get hurt keeping these beings in line.
Shiga is a hybrid of unknown origin (haven't decided if he's going to be a half-demon or half-vampire yet) who gets grievously injured one day defending his territory from an opposing coven leader.
Dabi drags Shiga to Izu's remote cottage and demands that the mystics heal his coven leader or he'll slaughter him right then and there. Izu, never being able to deny someone in need of healing, decides that he'll heal Shiga as long as his coven provides protection while he stays in their territory, and Dabi agrees.
Over the course of a week, Shiga stays in Izu's cottage with him as Izu slowly uses his magic to heal Shiga's wounds. Shiga spends the entire time obsessively taking in every detail of Izu's life, trying to figure out why he's on the run and how Shiga can make Izu join his coven and make him stay with Shiga forever.
Pretty please let me know which one of these story ideas you liked the most! My ADHD brain is really struggling with which one to go for, so I would really appreciate your opinion on these. 💚💚💚
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maefansblog · 3 months
What is Happening with the Featheringtons?
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If you want a loose summary of events before you watch Season 3, here you go.
Season 1 Lord Featherington gambled, lost all of the girls' dowries, and died.
Season 2 Lord Jack Featherington tried to scam the ton with ruby mines and got caught. He leaves to America.
Portia took some of the money and forged a document to say that if one of her daughters has a son, he becomes the new Lord.
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Forgive me if I miss things. This is all off the top of my head. I haven't added too much of Penelope or Lady Whistledown-just the important parts that relate to the Featheringtons. After Season 1, Marina doesn't count as Featherington to me. 🤷‍♀️
Season 1
Portia ended up having to debut all 3 of her daughters in the same season.
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Lord Featherington was in debt, so he took in his brother's daughter/ward, Marina Thompson.
Marina has a bunch of suitors (including Colin), but isn't interested in any of them because she is writing letters to George.
Albion Finch arrives and wants to court Philippa.
Portia finds out Marina is pregnant and Marina says the Featheringtons are so out of touch with the real world. Portia slaps Marina and forces her to stay in the house. Marina keeps a look out for George’s letters.
When back in society, Portia arranges Marina to court/dance with Lord Rutledge. Colin rescues Marina from having to dance with Marina.
Philippa and Albion dance.
Lord Featherington tells Albion he cannot marry. (We know because he has gambled away his daughters' dowries) Philippa is heartbroken.
Portia brings Marina downtown to show her what life will be like if she does not wed. Marina is adamant that George loves her. Portia and Varley forge a letter from George to tell Marina that he forsakes her and their child. Marina is heartbroken.
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Colin continues to court Marina. Penelope tells Portia that Colin is too young to marry. Portia tells Marina that she will have to marry Lord Rutledge. Marina makes the plan to seduce Colin.
At Daphne's wedding, Penelope tries to stop Marina. Saying anyone but him. Marina shrugs her off and brings Colin to a room alone. She tries to kiss him, but Colin says he's a gentleman. She guilts him and he proposes. After a few days after the wedding, Colin announces to the ton that Marina and him are engaged.
At the modiste, Madame Delacroix doesn't want to sell any more dresses to Lady Featherington because she is out of funds (because of Lord Featherington). Marina knows that Madame Delacroix is not French. Marina basically says she is marrying into an affluent family and could make her life hell.
There's a boxing match that happens and Lord Featherington is gambling and losing a lot of money.
He talks to Mondrich about fixing a match so they both can be rich.
At Marina and Colin's engagement dinner, Penelope tries to tell Colin that Marina is in love with Sir George, but Colin is adamant that he and Marina have deeper feelings than anyone before. Penelope tries to tell more when Marina interrupts. Penelope leaves the room. Marina tells Colin everyone hates her, her family, the Featheringtons, and even his family. Marina says that she loves him. Colin doesn't say that, but he suggests that they elope to Gretna Green.
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Later, Pen tries to stop Marina by saying the letters from George were forged. But Marina says it doesn't matter. George has forsaken her. Her new life is with Colin. Even if he were to find out, he would protect her and not run away. Pen objects. Marina says, "You love him... your love is an unrequited fantasy."
Pen publishes the Lady Whistledown column and cries to Eloise.
The Featherington name is in shatters. They can't go to social gatherings. They are given the cut direct.
Daphne goes to the Lady Danbury's den of iniquity to find out about Sir George Crane. Daphne writes to him. Daphne tells Marina this, but Marina has no hope.
Colin arranges for Daphne to talk to Marina. Marina says that she holds him in great esteem. Colin becomes upset because she lied about being in love with him. Colin says that if she would have told him the truth he would have married her.
Sir Philip Crane arrives and delivers Marina the letter from Sir George Crane. He never forsook her. He was going to marry her and take care of their child(ren), but he was killed on the battlefield. Sir Phillip Crane proposes to Marina out of family duty. She turns him down and says she does not know or love this man.
Marina tries to have an abortion. Penelope finds her. 😭 Marina thinks she no longer has a child.
Mondrich fixes the boxing match and Lord Featherington (who put his daughters' dowry and his house's deed on the match) wins all that money.
Marina finds out that she is still pregnant so she finally accepts Sir Philip's hand in marriage.
Daphne invites the Featheringtons to her ball so they will stop being ostracized from Society.
Albion Finch still wants to be with Philippa at the ball. They continue courting.
Lord Featherington goes to the gentleman's club/brothel and is killed for fixing the boxing match.
When the Featheringtons arrive home, they find out the head of the house is dead. Lady Featherington finds out that all of the girls' dowry and money are gone.
Season 2
Lady Featherington is upset that they have no male to protect her or her daughters. The house could go to the new Lord. They let go servants, are eating very little and don't have money for dresses.
Albion and Philippa are engaged and waiting for her dowry. Which is not there, but Philippa does not know that.
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The New Lord Jack Featherington comes in. He says that everything is taken care of. He has money for the dowries, dresses, and to thrive in society.
Albion Finch and Philippa are married.
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Portia is thrilled but worried that if she and her girls are not taken care of, she will lose the house and everything.
"Cousin Jack" starts a courtship with Cressida Cowper. He is also selling his ruby necklaces with the ton.
Portia does not like this. She plans to have Prudence "seduce" Cousin Jack in order that everything stays in the family.
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During a ball, Portia has Cousin Jack "meet Lord Fife on the orangery " while later she tells Prudence to go there as well. Portia, Lady Cowper, Lord Fife, Penelope and others catch Jack and Prudence scandalously alone with no other recourse but to marry.
Cousin Jack scolds Portia. His scheme to marry Cressida is off the table. He never had any money. The Cowpers had money. So now they need a new scheme. Portia asks about the rubies. Jack knows they are fake, but Portia is able to fool a jewel inspector. They make a plan to have the ton invest in the gemstones in America. She only says not to include the Bridgertons because they are smart, have connections and are affluent in Society.
After Anthony's failed nuptials, Portia gives Jack the okay to talk to the Bridgertons.
Colin starts taking an interest in Penelope’s Ruby Necklace. He wants to become an investor to find some purpose in his life. Colin defends the Featheringtons at Mondrich's when Will Mondrich to tell him that Jack is sketchy.
Jack tries to seduce Portia. He is still engaged to Prudence.
The Featheringtons have a Ball to show they have standing in Society.
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Colin dances with Cressida and takes off her ruby necklace. He takes Penelope into a separate room, ALONE. He tells Pen that there are no gemstones in America. Jack and Portia come in. Colin yells at Jack about trying to fraud the Featherington ladies with no father or husband to protect them. Colin tells Jack to leave the ton and exits the room. Penelope follows after.
Colin drinks. Colin and Penelope dance. He was practicing that speech the entire day. Penelope says Colin is astonishing and Colin says that Pen is special to him. That he will always protect her.
Jack tries to take Portia away to America with him. She says that she is a mother. She can't abandoned her daughters. She took some of the money. She and Varley forged a document saying whichever one of her daughters bares a son will be the heir to the Featherington name. Jack is flustered saying she won't get away with it. She retorts that she is a woman, who would believe that such a cunning scheme would come from her. He is going to be alone. Jack says something cruel and Portia says "No, I am a MOTHER!!"
(You go Portia!!)
Eloise finds out Penelope is Lady Whistledown, Colin drunkenly says he "would never court Penelope Featherington, not in your wildest Fantasies Fife."
Jack Leaves. Of course Prudence has a broken engagement and Penelope has a broken heart.
Then we go into Season 3... where Harry Dankworth and Prudence have been married in the off-season.
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And that is what you missed from the Featheringtons!
Thanks for reading all of this!! You are awesome! 💕
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masonmyluv · 1 year
Barcelona GP - Pedri Gonzalez
Pedri Gonzales x reader
Warnings: ansgt, jealous!Pedri, brother!Carlos Sainz, bestfriend! Charles Leclerc, mentions of some other drivers, google translated Spanish, I hope that’s all
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"Stop calling me that hermanita. I have a reputation around here" Carlos said. "Who's that fella over there?" He asked. "Pedri, come here" you said, seeing that he was a bit lost. "Carlos, this is my boyfriend, Pedro and Pedro, he's my annoying older brother Carlos" you made the introduction and the boys shook their hands. "Good to finally meet you. Y/N won't shut up about you" Carlos smiled. They engaged in a conversation, more like interrogatory, so you made your way over to the other Ferrari driver.
"Lord Perceval, lovely to see you again" you bowed. "My lady" he laughed, placing a kiss on your hand. The gesture made Pedri's blood boil, but he kept cool. "Y/N!" "Lando! Good to see you again" you said, hugging the British boy. "I hope you're good. Both of you, with the rough start and everything" you said. "I've been better..." Lando sighed. "I know. I really hope you get P10 tomorrow" you said sympathetically. "Thanks Y/N. Is always great to meet you before a race" Lando said and went to the McLaren garage. "So... you and Barcelona's golden boy. Who would've thought?" Charles teased. "Yeah... well it happened" you blushed, looking over to the two most important men in your life. "I would be dead by now" Charles joked. "Comment ça? (What do you mean?)" You asked. "He's been throwing daggers here all the time" he chuckled. "He's not that jealous" you shrugged. "Mhm here he comes" he said.
"So... ready for some action hermanita?" Carlos asked as Pedri made his presence well known to you by wrapping an arm around your waist. "Always hermanito" you teased. "How do you like it so far?" You asked Pedri as the two drivers were busy checking their cars. "Bueno" he replied. "Seriously Pedri? I know your inner child is screaming" you laughed. "True, but I don't want to make a scene right now" he said. "Ooohh... you want to show my brother you aren't a little boy anymore. I get it" you said, patting his cheek. "It's not—" "Your secret's safe with me, Pepi" you said, kissing his lips softly. "Hey! No PDA around here" Carlos said. "Overprotective brother phase 1" you rolled your eyes.
After the race, you congratulated even more drivers for their poles and Pedri felt like he wanted to punch everyone. You went over to Pierre, Perez and Alonso, but Pedri wanted to meet Verstappen, so you went over the Red Bull Racing pit. Now that little boy was coming out of Pedri, who asked Max for a picture and an autograph too. "cómo estás? (How are you)" Sergio Perez asked. "Bueno. Y tú? (Good. And you)" you replied. "decepcionado (disappointed)" he sighed. "estoy seguro de que puede manejar (I'm sure you can manage)" you tried to encourage him. "No estoy tan seguro. Pole 13 es malo (Im not that sure. P13 is bad)" he explained. "No quiero que Max gane. alguien más es mejor (I don't want Max to win. Anyone else is better)" you said quietly so the Dutch won't hear you. "Veo que no has seguido adelante (I see you haven't moved on)" he smiled knowingly. "Jamás (never)".
"What a day! Verstappen P1. He's going to win this" Pedri said, making his way into the room after he's had his shower. "Yeah wonderful" you said sarcastically. "Don't be grumpy. Carlos got P4 which is good" he said, putting on his pyjamas. "Yeah I guess" you sighed. "Or are you sad that Leclerc got only P11?" He asked. "Are you jealous Pepi?" "Never said I was. But you seem very comfortable around all these guys. Wouldn't be shocked if you fucked them" he shrugged. "Very highly you think of me, Pedro" you snapped. "Just saying. What I saw today. A bit too friendly for my liking" he said. "They're my friends. And Charles is my brother's teammate! Obviously I'm a bit closer to him than to anyone else! You have no right to be jealous" you said, tears threatening to spill. "Whatever" he rolled his eyes.
You left the room quietly while he was still in the bathroom, and made your way down to the pits. You needed some time alone to think.
"What's up, petit papillon? (little butterfly)"
"Charles, sorry. I had a little fight with Pedro and didn't know where to go" you smiled weakly through the tears.
"You never call him that"
"Pedro. You call him Pedri, Pepi, Pedrito. I get you're mad at him" he said.
"I am, oui. He's being a jealous ass. Thinks I fucked you all" you said, cringing at your words. How could he think that in the first place?
"If only he knew how Carlos truly is. Je suis surpris that he didn't chop his balls off yet (I am surprised)" Charles joked.
"And even if we were to be...you're not my type of girl, but you're his type" Charles said. "stupide de dire ça (stupid to say that)" you said. "Excuse moi. I'm not Doctor Love, but I see that you really love him" he said. "I do. And I'm also jealous. When girls give him pieces of paper with their numbers or Instagram, whispering in his ear to leave me and fuck with them" you shrugged.
"I know. But I try to ignore them and love him for what he is. The man Pedri, not the footballer" you said. "I know. That's why everyone here loves you. Because you saw behind the famous drivers, you saw the people behind them. And you're friends with the actual people, not the drivers. Which means a lot to all of us" he said, hugging you.
"Y/N? Are you here?" Pedri's desperate voice interrupted your hug with Charles. It was enough to look at Charles to know he had a plan. "Hola Pedri. How are you mate?" Charles said, not giving away that you were hiding behind his car. "Not so good. Y/N left after we had a little argument, left her phone in our room and no one has seen her. I'm going insane" he said. "Well, I happen to know where she is, but—" he pointed his finger at Pedri. "You stay where you are, don't move a finger. And she'll come out when she's ready" Charles said, leaving the room.
"Y/N, amor, I'm so sorry... I trust you, I know you won't cheat or anything like that... I just saw you being so friendly with them and just remembered how we met...you weren't like that towards me and I thought what do they have and I don't? I don't know the answer to that... but I know I love you and had no right to be jealous. You go through this almost every day with me and the fans and you're not throwing a tantrum at me. You understand me and I should've done that today too. I'm sorry... I feel so bad" he sobbed. "Oh Pedri, come here" you said, leaving your hiding spot and hugging him. His head fell on your shoulder, letting tears soak your hoodie. "I'm so sorry" he whispered. "It's okay... maybe I should have warned you about me being friends with almost everyone on here. But they are my friends and I get very few chances to see them lately, so it's always good to see them" you said, threading your fingers through his hair. "And with Charles we're just friends. Best friends. Who do you think I told that I was seeing this Spanish football player huh? He was the only one who knew and he told me to go for it. Even if it fails, at least I tried. And look at us. We're together and happy" you said, pulling away to look into his glossy eyes. "And you're special to me, Pedri. I love them as friends, but you're the only one I love like I want to scream of happiness... or the one I want to rip the clothes off" you chuckled. "Eres preciosa (you're precious)" he smiled, pecking your lips softly.
"Now that's what I want to see, hermano" Charles said, leaning on the door. "Spanish looks good on you" you chuckled. "Well, Carlos taught me some" he said, wiggling his eyebrows. "You should go to sleep. You have a big race tomorrow" you said. "I'm sorry for all this" you said. "Don't. I'm happy to help a friend" Charles said, hugging you. "But I'll chop you dick off next time" he said to Pedri. "Got it, sir" he joked, taking your hand in his. "No need to call me that. I'm only 5 years older" Charles laughed. "You're old, grandpa" you said laughing. "I will pretend you didn't say that. Goodnight" Charles replied.
"God I was so worried about you" Pedri said, back in your hotel room. "I mean I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't found you. Probably faint" he chuckled, hugging you from behind as you tried to fall asleep. "I love you" he whispered. "I love you too, Pepi".
"Yes! Go Charles! Go Carlito!" You yelled their names as they passed the finish line one after the other. Charles first place, Carlos second and Perez third. "I'm so proud of them" you said. "And where is Verstappen? I can't see him on the podium" you teased Pedri. "He just had a bad race day" he shrugged. "Aham. As you say. Let's go celebrate with them".
"Carlito!!! I'm so proud of you" you said, hugging your brother soaked in champagne. "Don't call me that, hermanita" he whined. "And Charles! I'm so proud of you too. You really deserve this" you said, hugging the Monegasque. "Why aren't you calling him Charlito?" Carlos asked, making you laugh. "I should, shouldn't I? Pedrito, Carlito and Charlito. The three most important men in my life" you said, pulling them into a group hug. "I don't like it" Charles huffed.
"Don't be sad, Charlito" Carlos imitated your voice and they started bickering (playfully).
"You good?" You asked, seeing Pedri was a bit zoned out. "Yeah. Just enjoying the view" he replied. "Which is?". "Mostly you" he smirked. "Come on, we have to celebrate" Carlos said, throwing his arm around Pedri's shoulder and dragging him after him. You and Charles walked behind them. "So everything's good in paradise?" He asked smirking. "Yes. Again, thank you so much" you said. "That's what friends are for, non?". "Of course, Charlito" you giggled. "Hey!".
Hope you like it ❤️
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kurogane2512 · 1 year
hi! this is my first time making uhh a request? on tumblr so please forgive me if it's... weird or wrong in any way. i just wanted to ask if you could write opera singer Signora and reader? the idea popped into my head when i was listening to her battle theme on repeat. It could be anything you want, really... like comforting her before an important concert or giving her a bouquet of flowers and praising her after the show or cuddling with exhausted Signora after said concert... anything you come up with. you don't have to write it if you don't want to or you don't see it that way obviously. thanks!
Anon this is literally one of my favorite requests of all time, bless you fr. I have had so many hcs of what Signora could be if not a Harbinger and a professional singer (specifically opera singer) is one of my favorite hcs exactly cause of her lore and theme song <3
Side note this is the first Signora request I have had in a long time and I'm so happy to see people haven't forgotten her for new Harbingers :)
Game: Genshin Impact
Characters: La Signora x fem!reader
Type: Fluff (modern au, childhood friends to lovers, insecure and envious reader, kissing, very slight angst)
"Y/n? Hi, how are you!?" Rosalyne spoke on the phone, the two of you were catching up after months.
"I'm fine. What about you? How are the shows going?"
"Oh, they are great! It's exhausting but I'm having so much fun!"
You smiled bitterly, "That's great to hear. I hope you are taking care of your health."
"Mhm, don't worry. I have to maintain my physique for the shows; and I have a trainer as well now~"
"That's good. Are you—"
"Ms Signora? It's time for your rehearsal."
Someone spoke from Rosalyne's end, making you bite your tongue and hold back from speaking. Signora was her stage name, and her crew referred to her by it as part of professional courtesy.
"Oh, is it time already? Just give me a moment, I'll be there soon."
Rosalyne replied to the person then came back to the phone, "Sorry about that. What were you saying, Y/n?"
You hesitated to continue, "....Oh, nothing much. Just the usual, don't mind me. You have a busy schedule to keep up with."
"Are you sure? I can spare a few more minutes...."
"No no, it's fine. We can talk any time later. You go and all the best."
Rosalyne smiled, "Thank you, Y/n. Goodbye then~"
You put down the phone and let out a sigh then laid down on the couch you were currently sitting on, you lost track of how many times something like this had happened ever since her career began. You both were supposed to be best friends since childhood, Rosalyne was always more popular and sought-after than you given her beauty and pleasant behavior. However, there were a few secrets about her that only you knew hence you two were closer than most knew.
You grew up as neighbors, she was your girl next door. Her biggest secret you found out was that she was a great singer; she used to sing alone in her bedroom whenever her parents weren't home and you could easily hear her. You eventually revealed this and she pleaded you to not tell anyone as her parents didn't want her to pursue it so she kept it as a hobby. Unknowingly, you became her comfort. She could sing freely in front of you and only you.
A golden opportunity eventually came when a singing competition was being held in the next city and you secretly signed her up. She was elated that you did that but also very nervous, you gave her all the encouragement she needed and she appeared in the contest. Although, she didn't win, she got noticed by a decent number of recruiters and accepted the offer of the owner of the opera house in the capital city.
"She's doing great there while me....? I'm dragging myself through these assignments and projects I have no interest in....Why did I take up this course? I can't complain, it was my own choice but...."
Tears formed in your eyes; you missed Rosalyne, you missed your one and only friend.....and the love of your life. You never told a soul that you had a crush on her since childhood, and now it seemed impossible for you to confess to her. The last time you had seen her was almost 6 months ago, you were in different states most of the time and she was always busy with her shows.
The opera house owner initially gave her a role in one of the plays there but the positive response for her brought in more opportunities and she quickly got her own solo performance there followed by touring around the country for special shows. You had realized she reached a place out of your reach; you had no talent in performing arts, at most you could held in backstage but it was no respectable job.
"....I need to complete these assignments. Guess I'll play one of those...."
You browsed through your phone and plugged in your headphones before playing a familiar song and closing your eyes, it was one of Rosalyne's performances that you loved to hear whenever you missed her or needed some comforting. You were, of course, happy for her success. You knew how passionate she was about it and were happy to know she was in a place she liked; you couldn't help but feel that she left you behind. Yet you couldn't blame her for it as it was your own inability to not be able to follow her......
"She's practically a celebrity now....she has so many fans and followers. I bet some famous actors even like her....maybe she already got confessed to a few times. I don't know....she doesn't tell me anything except the success of her shows. Well, we barely get time to talk about anything else...."
Some days later, you were having a particularly upsetting day as you failed to turn in some projects and lost credits that could potentially make you repeat the semester. You knew what the problem was, and you promised you'd make up for it. You decided to give a call to Rosalyne to have a small chat with her, hoping to uplift your mood. It didn't matter what you talked about, you just wanted to hear her.
"Ms Signora, a call for you." a makeup artist handed Rosalyne her phone as she was currently getting ready for her show, a smile formed on her face seeing your name on the screen.
"Hi, Y/n, what's up? Did you call to wish me luck?~"
".....You are having a show, Rosa?"
"I will in....approximately 20 minutes so we'll have to be a little quick~"
You bit your lower lip and furrowed your brows; of course, you should have expected this.
"I see. All the best then...."
Rosalyne sensed your strange discomfort, "....Are you okay, Y/n? Do you want to say something?"
"N-No, I'm fine. I had no particular reason to call, just wanted to know how you are...."
"....I see. I'll call you after the show then."
"Sure, that's fine."
That night, you curled up on your bed and cried yourself to sleep while hoping for Rosalyne to call but the call never came, you couldn't deny you expected no better. Weeks passed and you didn't talk to her at all, not even any messages. Until one day you received a mail containing tickets to her next show along with all travel and stay arrangements followed by a message from Rosalyne telling you about it and asking you to come.
Well, fortunately you were going to start your semester break when the show was scheduled hence accepted. It was very surprising to you that she did this but you were nevertheless excited to see her. On the day you reached, you were picked up by her manager and taken straight to the venue while your belongings were kept at the hotel. You requested to buy a small bouquet on the way then were escorted to your seat which was the VIP corner of the auditorium, offering the best view and sound in the place.
You requested to meet Rosalyne before the show so you could give her the bouquet but were denied due to the tight schedule hence had the bouquet sent over through her manager. The show began soon after and Rosalyne came on the stage wearing a dazzling pure white dress with a shimmering border, her platinum blonde hair half tied into rose buns and the rest freely hanging. She smiled looking at the audience then the orchestra began playing and the next thing you knew, you were entranced by her.
She sparked like a bright star on the stage, her powerful yet melodious voice soared through the audience and uplifted everyone, your heart beats matched the beats of her song and you were lost in her rhythm and flow, completely enraptured by her. You didn't know she had improved so much in the time you had been apart, all you did was listen to her old shows but you could tell she was even better than before.
You felt like you were in a different world, a different realm altogether with her voice as sole guide. You couldn't take your eyes off her even for a moment, she truly held the skills to capture an audience with her voice alone. In the end, she suddenly turned towards you and your eyes met as she smiled and sang the final note looking at you. You didn't know if that was intentional or just your imagination but you were enthralled.
Once the show ended with an endless round of applause and a standing ovation, you were finally escorted to her dressing room backstage. A crowd cameramen and anchors was gathered outside the door but nobody was let in, you were taken in through the backdoor and finally met your love once again.
"Ms Signora, Ms Y/n is here."
"Oh, come in come in!"
Rosalyne happily allowed you in and stood up as soon as you entered, "Surprise!~"
She mused as she smiled widely and you smiled back then she practically ran up to you and embraced you, "I'm so glad you came, Y/n!~"
"Thanks for calling me, Rosa."
She hugged you tighter, "Oh, I was dying to hear that! How was it?! How did I do?!"
She released the hug and held your wrist while bringing you to the sofa and sitting down together, "You were great, of course! It was truly amazing....I-I don't have any words...."
"Aww, don't flatter me that way, Y/n. Be honest with me...."
"I am, it's the absolute truth. I-I really can't describe it in words, I'm so proud of you, Rosa."
Rosalyne smiled brightly and hugged you once again, you reveled in each other's embrace for a while before she pulled away, "Oh, thank you for the bouquet. It was lovely~"
"Hehe, your favorites, right?~"
"Mhm, you know me so well~"
You gazed into each other's eyes before she smiled and stood up, "Let's go home, I'm really hungry~"
"Where do you live....?"
"Oh, they didn't tell you? I'm in the same hotel as you; in fact, right next door. So, we can stay together until late and catch up as much as we want, just like old times~"
You looked at her wide-eyed then nodded with a smile and followed her out to her car then were dropped at the hotel and taken to her room. You sat on the bedside and waited as she changed into more comfortable clothes and removed her make-up, you ordered some food for you through the room service facility while she came out.
"Ah, it's been so long since sat together this way. How have you been, Y/n? How are your studies going?"
"Oh...it's fine, I barely managed to pass this semester but it's ok, I won't be held back."
Rosalyne gave a soft smile, "I know you are smart enough to pursue something so difficult. Do ask me for help if you ever want to, I'll support you however I can."
You recalled the incidents where you wanted to talk to her in hopes of receiving comfort but were denied, you smiled bitterly and nodded.
"I know, thank you. What about you? When is your next show?"
"Hehe, there's no show until next week. That's why I called you this time, we can go around the city together and hang out. It's been so long since we went out~"
"Hehe, I'll look forward to it."
"Aaaaand, I also have an exciting news~"
"Oh? What is it?"
Rosalyne giggled and took a deep breath then announced, "I was offered to sing the main theme of an upcoming movie!"
Rosalyne brimmed with happiness and excitement as she declared that, all you could do was think how much farther she'd go away now but you didn't want to ruin her happiness.
"Oh my god! That's great, Rosa! What movie is it?!"
"Hehe, I can't tell you yet but they will officially announce all the cast including my role within the next week so you'll find out soon enough! I can tell you that it's by a famous director you have heard of~"
"Wow, that's amazing....I-I'm speechless. I'm so happy for your success, Rosa...."
You tried to sound as cheery as possible but tears were forming in your eyes. Rosalyne was quick to sense that you weren't being genuine, you may have not met for a long time but she knew your habits and behavior well.
"....You don't seem happy, Y/n. What is it?"
"W-What? No, of course I'm happy for you. You totally deserve it and if the movie is good then you'll get even more opportunities like that....Y-You can practically become a celebrity singer now....Of course, I'd be happy!"
Rosalyne stared at you in disbelief, "Don't try to fool me, Y/n. You should remember I can look past you in seconds. Tell me, what is it? Do you not want me to do this?"
Your lips trembled and you looked away, "....Even if I didn't want you to, it's not like I can make you not do it. I have no right to...."
She was taken aback then gently cupped your face, "Talk to me, Y/n. What is it? What's going on in your mind?"
"H-How does it matter what's going on in my mind?! It's not like you are ever there to listen!" you suddenly shouted, making both of you surprised.
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean that! I'm really sorry, I-I'll just go I'm not feeling well. Forget what I just said, please don't take it—"
You stopped speaking as she suddenly embraced you, keeping your head near her chest and tenderly stroking it.
"I know....I know I have neglected you and our friendship."
"What? N-No, that's not the case—"
"I fully accept the blame, Y/n. You don't have to hide it, I know it very well. That's the main reason I arranged for you to come here today, so that we could finally spend time together like the friends we are."
Tears formed in your eyes and you wrapped your arms around her, "I....I missed you a lot....s-so much all this time....I wanted to talk to you many times b-but you....you were always busy and I knew I can't interfere. I felt so l-lonely.....and alone....I just wanted you to be around to listen, nothing else....T-Then, I started feeling that I'm far away from you now....y-you are famous and have so many fans, your career is going great while me...I'm a nobody. I'm just an ordinary student trying to complete my degree....what right do I have to know someone like you—"
"Stop....Don't say anymore...." Rosalyne suddenly whispered before pulling away and cupping you face, tears forming in her eyes too.
"How dare you think that way? Don't you remember what you did for me? The whole reason I'm here today is because of you! How did you think I would ever forget that and abandon you?! That....that stupid competition you applied in for me is what got me here! Don't you dare speak as if I have forgotten all the times you supported me!"
You looked at her in surprise, unable to believe her sudden outburst.
"I know I haven't been there for you recently and I'm sorry about that! I truly am...But don't even think for a second that I will abandon you!"
She leaned closer and you suddenly felt a soft sensation on your lips, you realized it was her lips cuddling with yours gently.
".....I love you, Y/n. I don't want us to be just friends anymore....Be my girlfriend. I promise I won't neglect you and I will treat you right, I will love you and care for you just like you did for me all this time."
More tears flowed down your cheeks as she tenderly wiped them with her thumb while you nodded.
"Me too....I love you too, I have loved you since we were kids....And it's okay, I'm not angry with you anymore. All I wanted was to hear that you are still with me....."
"I promise I will be."
You smiled at each other then she pushed you down on the bed and connected her lips with yours in a heated manner, you kissed roughly and passionately as if you were starved of each other. Her hands interlaced with yours as she licked your lips and rolled her tongue with yours, intensely kissing you. She then proceeded to plant kisses on your jaw followed by moving down your neck when a knock was heard on the door.
"Room service."
Both of you chuckled together then sat up and allowed the waiter in to keep the food. You both then proceeded to eat together happily, reveling in your new relationship and promising to keep each other happy.
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winterarmyy · 1 year
An important message to all
Please stop and read for a moment.
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Dearest readers,
Just a gentle message from me. I got this ask a today and I just want to remind you that if you don't like or agree with what I write, or you don't like me in general, you can block me. If the contents of my work doesn't sit well with your morals or views in any way, you can block me. And as return, if I find you being rude to me, I can block you as well. As I did exactly that to this nony.
At first, when I read the first lines of the ask, I was totally cool about answering it because you know, I am basically a stranger. You don't know about me at all so it's fair for you to ask of my situation. I mean, I can be a ceo of a company and you still wouldn't know.
I was already crafting the answers in my head, until my religion was brought up, until my family was insulted;  And I really don't appreciate that.
Sure, you can insult my writing or me as a human being, regardless of my religion, and I would take it like an adult. But, insulting my faith? My father, my brother, my future husband that I haven't even met yet? That is disrespectful. And I don't need this type of people in my life.
To be clear, I am not autistic nor I am trying to be misogynistic. Which reminds me, why would anyone make that comparison in the first place anyway? I am fanfiction writer. All works are fictional. The characters and the scenarios within the work are fictional. It does not translate or convey any influence relating to my religion or beliefs at all.
My inspirations has always all come from movies, books, songs, arts that I've enjoyed and some might be a bit too twisted for anyone to digest. And there is nothing "cute or sexy" about writing violence in the first place. That scene was meant to be disturbing, to trigger some sort of fear from my readers. Not to make them think "aww yinn is so cute for writing this". No. And I'm sorry if any of you sees it that way. Perhaps, it was my horrible writing skill that have failed you.
When I started writing, I was scared of posting it anywhere until i read some tumblr posts about how I should be proud of my work and that was the reason I start sharing them to this particular community. It was with the hope that they would appreciate it without judging where I came from or what my background looks like. So please, don't disappoint me. Don't make want to quit writing all together; because it would be the lost of joy in my life.
And, I would love to remind all of you to be kind to one another. The difference in the color of a person's skin, their body shape or weight, gender or sexuality, the God that they prayed to, should not be an excuse for you to be unkind. Respect each other. If you can't, then remove yourself from the situation. As simple as that.
With that said, from this moment on, anyone who approach me with any kind of disrespect will be blocked by me immediately. I may be soft most of the time, but I simply do not tolerate this kind of behaviour.
Thank you staying this far.
Until then, stay gold everybody.
Yours, Yinn 🤍
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astrxsee · 7 months
FALSE GOD chap. 2
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(chap 1) (chap 2) (chap 3)
percy jackson x child of demeter!oc
𝑰𝑵 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑪𝑯 Rose St. Claire sets off on a quest to save the goddess in chains.
𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑪𝒀 𝑱𝑨𝑪𝑲𝑺𝑶𝑵 learns to see what is right in front of him.
!CONTENT WARNING! gore, romance, swearing, blood, heavy themes
a/n: omg! hi i love posting on tumblr so much?? like i finally wanna write again LOL anyways I can also take requests! only if you want anyways pls i hope you like the next chapter i PROMISE there will be romance but it’s a slow burn dw
also can someone please show me how to link the first chapter i cannot for the life of me pls and thanks
sorry for the delay yall fr i just have to be in the right headspace to write im so sorry anyways i hope you like it please feel free to give any feedback
also if you like it i would be happy to put anyone on a tag list as well <3
The clicking of heels against the polished floor grabs my attention, the game I was holding in my hand lays idly to the side. Bianca shoots me a nervous look from her seat next to me before peering up at the stern lady. The lady's grey hair was slicked back into a bun, her nose crooked, almost like a scythe. She did not look very nice.
"Bianca Di Angelo." She states, matter of factly. "I am here to take you, your brother," The woman shoots a pointed look at Nico, "And your... friend."
The look the mysterious woman gave was poisonous, her eyes daggers as she looked at me. Her nose sneered as she took in the surroundings of the casino. It was loud, I could tell she didn't like it.
"My name is Rose." I snapped, quickly rising to my feet. I cross my arms as her eyes narrow as she looks at me. I glare back at her, not backing down from her imposing stare.
She sighs and rolls her eyes muttering something under her breath, something along the lines of 'stupid demigods'. I feel Bianca stand next to me, putting a calming hand on my shoulder. She quickly steps in front of me, breaking my cold stare at the unpleasant woman.
"Excuse me, but are you here to take us to school?" Bianca asks, her head tilted in a curious way. The old woman nodded, a careless look on her face.
"Yes, now come, we haven't got any time to lose. Don't ask any questions." The woman says before turning on her heel to the exit of the casino. I cast a look over my shoulder to Nico, his face twisted in a worried look. His hands fiddled with a silver army soldier toy, as he glanced around at everyone except the lawyer.
"Are you sure we can't just stay?" A small voice speaks out from behind Bianca. The stern woman whips around to look at Nico, who looks like he was about to cry. The lawyer scoffs.
"Stupid boy. You three are too important to be kept here." She bluntly states. Kept here? Too important? Her words make my mind spiral. I cast a worried glance over to Bianca who also has a troubled look on her face.
I couldn't help the nervous feeling in my chest. My Dad had brought me here about two months ago. Now that I think of it, I couldn't really remember what he looked like, let alone why he left me here. Were we being kept here? I shake my head, trying to rid my mind of these troubling thoughts.
My brows furrow as I try to remember the events leading up to entering the casino. It feels like the memories are just out of reach, like a blank space fills the area where they used to be. All I could remember was the year; 1976. I didn't want to go back out there, I didn't want to face what was waiting for me on the outside. Surely, the police would still be looking for me. Most of all, I didn't want that... thing to get me.
I roughly bump into Bianca, who stopped in her tracks. Daylight poured through the open door of the casino, I could hear many voices and sounds coming from outside.
"Bianca, what the hell." I ask, my mind snapping back to reality. I glance up and all words are lost as I become rooted to my spot. The cars zoomed by in the road, hundreds of billboards lined the bustling streets. There were bright screens with neon words that I couldn't even understand. Where was I? All I know that this was not 1976.
"Hurry up, children. We haven't got time to loose." The lawyer snaps. I look over to her, my mouth wide open. Bianca and Nico still had their eyes glued to the unfamiliar scene, their faces contorted into looks of panic.
A feeling of anger rose up inside of me as I took steps closer to the woman. She didn't even flinch as I leaned as close as I could to her.
"Where the fuck are we?" I yell, my confusion getting the better of my rationality. My arms gesture to the enigmatic scene in front of me. What year is it? What happened?" My mind is running too fast that I can't comprehend one thought. Where were we? What happened while I was in the casino? Why did it look like we were in the future?
An annoyingly amused smile makes it way onto the lawyers face. She shakes her head and lets out a condescending laugh.
"Stupid girl." She began, her eyes bored, "I told you to not ask any questions." My eyes open incredulously at her dismissive words. My entire world had been flipped on its head and she tells me not to ask questions! The anger boils up in my chest as I stand there with millions of questions. I notice pink flowers start to pop up in the cracks of the sidewalk, I didn't care at this point. I couldn't control it.
"What year is it?" A soft voice breaks me from my confused spiral. Bianca, now looking over to the woman, asks, her face full of confusion. She then looks at me, her eyes filled with tears.
"2007." She bluntly states, rolling her eyes as if it was a stupid question. My hand flies to my mouth in shock as I hear the woman's words. 2007! I have been in that damn casino for thirty one years? I reel back, the realization finally hitting me. I shake my head, a feeling of sickness washes over me. This can't be happening.
The woman guides us towards a large black car. I had never seen a car so big and with so many seats! She motions to the driver to leave after we all file into the car. Nico looks completely lost, his hands still on his silver army toy.
"Now, you may be confused." The woman, Camille according to the driver, starts. I scoff at her words, my arms crossed as I look out the window. A growing feeling of sadness wells up in my stomach, a twisting sort of feeling. "I can assure you that you will be safe at your new school. We will be there shortly."
How much did the world change? Why does time pass differently in that casino? Why did my Dad leave me there? Thousands of questions circled around in my head, too many unknowns for me to handle.
I feel my breaths begin to quicken, my hands shaking. I fiddle with the pins and patches on my worn out bomber jacket, quickly grounding myself. I think of my hands in cold grass and a warm breeze blowing over my face. I breathe out a sigh, accepting of the absolutely crazy situation.
I place my hand over Bianca's, she breaks her stare from out the window to look over at me. I give her a reassuring smile and her hand a small squeeze. She gives me a small smile, telling me that she's okay.
"Okay, children, grab your things. We're here." Camille orders. She quickly climbs out of the car and starts making her way to the man standing outside of the ominous front doors of the school. I grab my green duffel bag and follow Bianca out of the car, Nico follows me slowly. I didn't even want to think about how scared he must be. We all follow Camille slowly, our necks craned up to take in the vastness of the school.
Standing on the pathway, there stands a man. He towers over my friends and I as we stand behind our lawyer. He gives us all a large, slightly creepy smile. His two different colored eyes almost seemed to glow as he looked at us.
"Welcome to Westover Hall. Your new home."
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
taglist: @cxcilla
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miaxox · 1 year
First time writing for Miguel except it's a Miguel x daughter reader. Whoops. Gotta pretend I'm not madly in love with him for a minute. Enjoy.
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Warnings: Some curse words, trauma, angry Miguel, sad Miguel, emo Miguel. Joking. Angst and loss.
Caption: Miguel had lost Gabriella-His youngest daughter when his world collapsed with her in his arms. His eldest daughter Y/n was always neglected by Miguel and was instead favourited by her mother. But, just like Gabriella, her mom was too taken from her. In a fit of rage towards Miguel for not treating her like a daughter, Y/n escapes from Miguel's side and leaves not knowing she landed on Earth 42 with a terrifying alternate version of her friend Miles Morales. She finds comfort in Miles and soon they both become a terrifying spider duo. Y/n stays there with Miles not knowing Miguel was on the hunt for her, along with some other Spider people and he wasn't gonna stop until he finds her.
Miguel felt lost.
Lyla had tried her best to get Miguel to stop looking at those old pictures, those videos. The ones of him smiling and laughing. The ones of him holding his baby. Without Gabriella, Miguel felt alone. But he wasn't alone. He had Y/n. His eldest girl and the one person who despite him not loving her the same as Gabriella, stuck by his side.
“Miguel, you gotta stop” Lyla states. Miguel didn't answer.
He stared at the picture of Gabriella he kept on his computer for hours. His eyes grew drier and his face dropped to a frown you'd swear he'd never smiled in his life.
Y/n gently opened the door to his office. Her heart beating a mile an hour as she stepped in. Would he notice her? Maybe. Maybe not.
“Papa?” Y/n asked stepping forward. Miguel didn't answer. Lyla looked over at Y/n, she glitched and faced Y/n.
“He's not taken his eyes off that screen in hours. Days even. He just keeps replaying the same video over and over” Lyla states with a sad look. Y/n sighs and walks forward.
“Papa, can I talk to you?” Y/n questioned gently. Miguel closed his eyes as if he was trying to block out her voice. “It's important” With that, Miguel shut the computer screen off and turned his back to her. Y/n took a chance and stepped forward again.
“What is it Y/n?” Miguel sighed. Y/n stood silent for a moment before playing with her hands nervously.
“I'm worried about you,” She said. “You haven't spoken to anyone in days. And I know you're hurting and it's hard but I'm still here! I'm here. I'm not leaving and it feels like you don't care if I did.”
Miguel hit the desk and turned to her with a glare. “Your right.” He stopped walking and faced her. “I don't care”
“QUITE LYLA!” He yelled as Lyla disappeared in an instant. Y/n stood back a little frightened but held her strong attitude towards him.
“I have tried so hard....to prove to you that I wasn't the reason Gabriella is gone. I'm still your daughter. I tried to save Gabi I really did. I was with her when she disappeared and so were you! Don't act like your the only person who lost her!” Y/n yelled. Her blood boiling.
Miguel crossed his arms and glared down at her. “You didn't try. If you tried she’d still be here.” He uttered under his breath. Y/n looked shocked and stood forward in fury.
“I DIDN'T KILL HER! IT WAS MY FAULT!” She cried out.
Miguel glared at her. “You didn't try hard enough. She's gone. And you're still here. That's not fair and you know it”
Y/n scoffed. “Why? Because you loved her more?” She yelled. Miguel gave her a look.
“I didn't love her more. What are you talking about?” He gritted his teeth. Y/n stood back in fake shock.
“Wow, not even gonna admit it. You never wanted me there. Not now, not then. All your focus was on Gabriella. Her soccer matches, her school plays, and her days out at the park. All of it. Not one time have you told me you wanted to hang out with me. Just me. Not ONE time!” Y/n spoke harshly. “I don't think you'd even care if I was gone too. It's like I was never here in the first place!”
Miguel rolled his eyes at her words. He would never admit he favoured Gabi more. His mind racing with endless things he would like to say to Y/n p. But not one of them was “I love you”
“Fine. If your gonna ignore me. Fine. That's it. I'm done here.” Y/n glared before turning on her heel and marching to the door.
“And where the hell do you think your going huh?” Miguel yelled.
“Somewhere you hopefully will never find me!” She shouted and slammed the door. Miguel was left angry, confused, hurt, and at a loss for words. Lyla apeared by his side again with a shocked stare.
“Miguel, what was that?” She asked. Miguel waved her off.
“Just Y/n having another tantrum about her jealousy.” Miguel sighed. “Dont worry. She won't go far”
Lyla stood a little hesitant. “Your sure about that Miguel?”
Miguel stared at the computer where Gabriellas smiling face was found.
Stealing a watch from her father was one thing, jumping into a random portal she made with the watch she didn't know how to use, was another.
She screamed and began to glitch as her body fell through the portal. She tried to grab onto something but ended up landing on her back. She groaned in pain as she sat up. Her eyes clamped shut.
When she finally opened them, she was faced with a dark view. Her mind race as she held her side and stood up from the floor. She seemed to be on some sort of roof.
She hissed and walked over to the edge of the roof where she was faced with a dim city. Only a few lights here and there. It was like hell. So dark and full of chaos. Her eyes trailed over the building and down towards the traffic below. Cars drove back and forth but there was yelling and fires and city lamps flickering on and off.
Where the hell was she?
“Dont move” A voice spoke behind her. She did as she was told. Her body froze. “Make a sound and ill end you right here” The voice forced something into the back of her head. It felt like...... a metal fist?
“What's your name girl?” Another voice was heard. She hesitated. Her voice was shaky.
“Y/n” She answers and held her hands up in surrender afraid of what these people might do. One of the men chuckled.
“Turn around kid.” The man ordered as she slowly spun to face them. Two figures, one dressed casually with a whitish grey beard. The other wore a purple suit with claws and a long cape down the back. A mask covered their face as they tilted to look Y/n up and down.
“I'm Aaron. Aaron Davis.” The older man spoke up. His voice was deep and threatening. The other guy's mask unfolded and revealed Miles. Miles Morales.
Not her Miles, this Miles was taller, more threatening and his face was deadpan as he glared at her.
“I'm Miles Morales” He nodded up and took a step towards Y/n. He looked her up and down again before speaking.
“But you. You can call me, The Prowler”
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rosaletarosie · 2 years
"Give me monkey hcs"
"Angst or no angst?"
Your wish is my command >:')
Hope it helps your motivation though ! ^^
Category: headcanons
Fandom: lmk
S/O Gender: gender neutral
The sun and moon duo reacting to their S/O's death
Let's start with..Sun wukong !
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Oh shi-
Welp..let's start this! I hope I don't cry-
Soooo...let's say that wukong has been calling you on for hours now and you haven't been picking it up
He thinks that your just busy and forgot to tell him but what he didn't realize is that you were already killed at your apartment and he didn't know about it
An hour later mk called wukong telling some kind of bad news, he rushed over to where mk was and he was at the police station
He thought mk did some kind of misunderstanding but it was far more worse..
He wore his disguise and went inside the police station, there he saw mk crying and mei comforting him
He gets closer to mk and asks what happened..this is what mk replied "monkey king I..S/O.." he mumbled, "WHAT?! WHAT HAPPEND TO THEM?!" wukong replied
Mk wiped his tears and stood up and gives his mentor a soft hug, "S/O is...gone monkey king.."
Once he heard about the news, he knew someone killed you because I mean who would kill the only thing HE loved? It could have been someone who he didn't have good relations with or a vengeance scheme?
The first thing that came to his mind was macaque..he thinks macaque was the one that killed you
He went to see macaque but he would never realize that macaque would actually be this..honest before, macaque explains that he was not the one who killed his lover because he knows that he would be dead by now if he did..
Once wukong came home to flower fruit mountain without a lead he goes on a RAMPAGE!
After he went on a rampage he just sat down..looking at the sky..crying...
He will never feel the same again without you..
He doesn't want to fall in love again..if it means losing someone mortal again..
He..he could have given you a immortal peach as soon as he could but he didn't...it's his fault..it's his fault..
Next up..the six eared macaque !
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Wish me luck trying to survive while writing this yall
Anyways..I believe that macaque would have already known in before anyone knew you were missing and assassinated
He sends out his shadow clones to check if you were alright but..he was too late..
He would hide away and lock himself in a room and all he will think about is who and how someone would kill the only good thing that happened to him in his entire life
He would probably think that it was wukong but declined it because he knows that he isn't the type of person to kill his lover...right?
He then visits wukong to reassure himself and by his surprise wukong actually wants to help him
Wukong told him that he will help him since his S/O actually helped him on some tough times
But when they have no leads macaque retreats back to his base and screams and punches the walls and then have a breakdown
....he would never thought he would lose something so important to him..he tried but..I guess it wasn't enough..
Of course it wasn't enough..when was it enough anyway..?
Why did I have to make macaque's last part WAY TOO RELATABLE WJSKJWJSWJ
Anyway I really hope you enjoyed it <33
Also sorry if it's too short :')
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scorchieart · 6 months
Checking in...
Hello, friends. I know it's been longer than a hot minute since I actually interacted, and I'm still currently on hiatus, but since I spent a sizable chunk of the past 2 years here, I thought it was a disservice to just up and vanish. I typically keep irl issues off this blog as I like to keep it a place that makes me happy, but the past 6 months have been some of the toughest of my life and I didn't want it creeping onto this space. However, it is currently Ramadan; the month of sincerity, devotion, and reflection. And with Spring just on the horizon, it seems a perfect opportunity to engage in some dual mental and physical declutter.
A lot has been going on around the world lately, and it seems like just keeping up with it all is a full-time job of its own. So much so that keeping up with your own life ends up taking a backseat some days. For myself, I have been working through grief and guilt on a scale that feels simultaneously not enough, and yet unjustified. It's a hard feeling to describe in words and I haven't been exercising my writing muscles lately, so I hope you'll excuse me cutting off here. But in talking with and reconnecting with friends this month, I've learned it's a pretty common feeling with no clear-cut remedy, but there are multiple ways to work through it. Prayer or meditation, taking care of your body, sharing your experiences instead of bottling them up. Whatever you do to re-center yourself and your morals. But the first (and I believe the most important) step is to sincerely admit to yourself that you're not feeling well and that you want to improve. That's a difficult idea to come to terms with, but catching yourself midway through a rough patch is monumentally better than letting yourself sink deeper into despair.
The purpose of this post is not to ask for sympathy towards myself, but to encourage you to take a moment to sympathize with yourself. And if you can't do it alone, find someone you trust to give you a hand. It's ok to not be at your best all of the time. Asking for help is not weakness, it reveals hidden strength. If you take anything from reading this post, I hope it is this.
Aside from that, just a few admin things to finish off. Despite me being a techy person, I'm actually rather inexperienced when it comes to social media and online interactions (if that wasn't obvious). First, I'm very sorry for the pileup of tags and DMs and asks that I haven't responded to. I hope to start on them in April. Next, I recently started a new sideblog for multifandom stuff. It doesn't have much on there, but in case you see a reblog from @bird-on-a-branch down the line, that's me. Lastly, if something I said or did was a slight to anyone here, please accept my apologies. Lots gets lost in context online, and as I said I am not the best with these types of interactions, but I won't use that as an excuse if I hurt someone I consider a friend.
Also, thank you to all the peeps on here who've kept in touch, even with just a quick hello or a little joke to cheer me up. It honestly means a lot to me <3 And thank you all for your patience and understanding. Take care of yourselves. Listen to some birdsong, and have a great day.
- Scorchie
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nikitaxlee · 1 year
Golden hour/ Felix Lee x Reader NSFW Part 1/3 'Home'
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NOTES:When writing this I imagined the reader living in a house similar to the picture. If it's not your vibe, totally get it, imagine something else, I just really liked the architecture in this photo. VERY IMPORTANT: There is cheating in this story. I do not condone cheating,I do not think it's right whatsoever. I included it in this story because I felt it was necessary to the plot. WARNINGS: SMUT, ANGST, KINKY SHIT,
The sun kissed your face as you cooked. The breeze wove through your hair from the open windows. You hadn't felt this good in awhile. Being an architect took a toll on you with the constant late nights being put into creating the designs, to simply just not having time for yourself anymore. It was nice being able to finally be at peace with your work. You had several partners these days who helped you so now you could take time off whenever and actually get a good night's sleep.
As you were lost in thought stirring the marinara sauce for your pizza you were making, you heard a knock on your door. It startled you and almost made you spill your sauce. You walked to the door to open it.
Shit, seriously right now? I swear if it's the neighbors agai-
"Oh, hey felix." You said surprised he even had the time to be here.
Felix and you had broken up on good terms at least. The relationship died after a year as he was an Idol and you were an architect meaning you both had zero time for each other. You decided to part ways a year ago and you hadn't seen him since.
"U-um, Hello Y/N, Chan gave me your address, sorry for barging in on you, I just wanted to see how you were doing."
"O-oh yes of course, come on in." You were stuttering like an idiot but you couldn't help it. It was Felix. Sweet old Felix. The one person who felt like home to you. The person you would come home to just to walk in and be bombarded with hugs and kisses. The boy who took all of your firsts. The boy who told you to become an architect knowing that it might affect the relationship but was willing to sacrifice that for your dreams. You loved him. You love him.
"Would you like to stay for dinner? The sunset is exceptionally beautiful around this time of night." You asked.
"Oh, I couldn't possibly intrude on your life especially after not seeing you for a year. I just popped in to say hello and see how you were doing." "Felix, I insist." He looked at you with warm eyes and nodded.
You excitedly gave him a tour of your house and especially your plants. You told him about the inspiration for the house and the layout of everything. When you both made it back to the kitchen the sun was hitting the kitchen perfectly so it created a golden glow.
Golden hour.
You both chatted over some wine and pizza. You caught up and talked about idol life and the rest of the boys who you were pretty close with still.
"So, Y/N, have you been seeing anyone?" You nearly choked on your wine when you heard him ask. What would you say? No felix I've only been with 3 men after you because you were the only person I needed.
"Um.. Well only a couple and that was after drunken nights at the bar and club."
He looked at you with something you couldn't read. A look of hopefulness?
"What about you?" You questioned silently praying he was single.
"Yeah, haven't been with someone since you." he smiled. You let out a breath of relief you didn't know you were holding in. As you guys finished up conversation. You realized it was getting late. "Felix, are you ok to drive home? You can stay the night if you wish." Hoping he would say yes.
Felix had a look of sadness, "I'm fine to drive, I wish I could stay but my.. um.. mom is staying with me at my house and I don't want to leave her alone. Maybe some other time though?" You nodded
"You're welcome over anytime."
Felix walked into his gloomy apartment. It was a very nice apartment but it just didn't feel like home. I wasn't as warm and cozy as yours.
It didn't have you
"Hey babe, welcome home." Kim said as she hugged him.
Kim was his girlfriend of 2 months. She weaned herself into his life and eventually forced herself into his apartment.
"Hey Kim." He said as he reluctantly kissed her.
She laughed before wiping her face of all emotion "Where the fuck were you."
"Kim, baby, I told you, I was hanging out with Chan and just having guy time." he laughed anxiously.
"Oh, ok. You better not be cheating on me." She switched to her sweet tone "I got dinner for us. Just chinese. I know how much you like Chow Mein!" she said
Felix smiled at her kind gesture. Felix actually hated Chow Mein. It was actually Kim's favorite. But of course Kim dictated his life.
"And then after dinner I have dessert for you." She smirked as she bit her lip. Felix internally cringed. It was like being with you for a couple hours had completely reprogrammed him.
He wanted to go home
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sillyromance · 8 months
Hello! I don’t know if you know this character well enough, but I’ll try my best. Can you please make some kind of scenario with G1 Sunstreaker?
Good day, dear anonymous!
I'm very sorry that completing this has taken so much time... But, finally, I've come up with an idea for the writing. Perhaps, it has turned out too fluffy...
Nevertheless, hope you enjoy!
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Not alone.
- Y/n!
You turned – your eyes locked on the lemon-yellow frame of Sunstreaker. Your big autobot friend had just returned from the mission: his crimson brother was somewhere nearby too since you could hear his loud crispy voice; he was buzzing annoyingly like a big bug in a child's fist. Definitely, boasting again… If there was a battle, those two inevitably found themselves right in the middle of it – and none of the twins was shy to show off, talking about their victories and crazy adventures. Though, that time it seemed like one of the young heroes decided to spend some time with a little human instead…
- Hi, pal! How’s it goin’? – You tried to make your voice sound in the most optimistic way possible, though a careful listener would easily recognise you pretended.
- We’ve fried some ‘cons, obviously! You should have seen how their armor got covered with that appetizing crisp! – He went down on his knee, his blue optics looking attentively in your eyes. – A usual day, really… But I see there’s somethin’ wrong. Mind to tell me?
- It's nothing. Well... I don’t know. It’s not that important. – Your gaze avoided his, your hands going back and forth, rubbing your hips and leaving long white stripes on the jeans.
There were many other bots around. Optimus, Ironhide, First Aid… Of course, they were very compassionate and understanding - but you didn’t want to talk about your problems while it was so crowded. As for Sunny, you felt grateful for being cared about, especially if it was someone who usually cared about himself more than about anyone else… Still, such stuff were not for everyone to know…
There were many things going wrong in your life lately. It would be hard to count them all… However, it didn’t mean you would let yourself act like a baby and cry on a random shoulder – no matter fleshy or steely. The bots and people working with them had a lot of things to do. Decepticons never lost a chance to cause even a tiny trouble – though, honestly, usually it was a complete disaster. It was a war… There was no time for being weak. The world wouldn’t save itself.
Sunstreaker titled his helm on a side and smiled softly.
- I thought of a ride around the base… I wondered if you'd like to join me, huh? I doubt you will reject such a cool guy like me.
- Sure not, Sunny. – You couldn’t help but smirked teasingly at his charming behaviour. - Though, I’m afraid to burn down like those ‘cons. It’s getting kinda hot around here, haven't you noticed?
He laughed lightheartedly, you accompanied him. Then he turned into his vehicle mode. Getting in the car, you heard Wheeljack calling for you two:
- Hey, guys! Where are you going?
- Oh, doc! It's just a little ride!
- Don’t you remember, Streaker – you and Sideswipe are helping me in the lab this evenin’!
- Don’t worry, doc! You know, you can count on us!
- Yeah… I don't think so after the previous time I…
- Whatever, bye!
Before the inventor could say anything else, the Lamborghini drove off the place at full speed, heading to the exit.
Evening air was refreshing; it carried soothing scents of warm sand and wild flowers. Rubby-gold clouds swam in the peach sky; tired ochre sun was slightly touching the edge of the horizon. The bot was silent. It was a little bit surprising, though you was grateful. You didn’t want to chat at that moment.
Looking at the rocky, orange landscape, you sighed with satisfaction. That was exactly that you needed. Noisy and humid atmosphere of the base tired you up; Sunstreaker saw this perfectly at the very minute he spotted you on that corner. He knew you well enough. You two didn’t waste much time on long preludes at the first meeting and got along just fine. The more you hanged out together, the closer you became. So, you quickly reached the point when friends start reading each other’s minds.
He was enjoying your presence, your body lying conveniently on his cushy seats and your hands touching the steering wheel. Though you weren't a cybotronian, you were one of the most important souls in the world for him – after his beloved brother, of course. And your low spirit concerned him much. He really wanted to speak to you there and then, however, he saw it wasn’t a good moment. Well, you would be at your secret place soon anyways – there he would ask…
After one-two kilometers he slowed down and pulled over to the side road which soon made its way upwards a sloping hill. There were much more plants than before; slim and dry trunks of acacias surrounded you, throwing long lavender shades at the car and the passenger inside. Endless blue sea of the heavens was broken into pieces of rainbow glass with thin, blooming brunches. The bot stopped; you hopped out and ran forward to a long pink cliff looming behind the trees. Sunstreaker followed, already on his feet too.
The cliff was a good spot for relaxation. It was calm, quiet, peaceful; a colorful blooming plain and a small bunch of the trees created a beautiful, almost wild landscape. Everywhere you could see was a domain of prairie. Though, downwards, there was a small town in a valley; the streetlights always switched on pretty early, they looked like fireflies sitting on the ancient eastern carpet. At that moment they were shining too – tiny stars floating in the violet air. Tough stone was drowning in plants; yellow grass tickled your bare ankles. The grove on the left rustled softly in the coming twilights; wide waves were walking over the fields.
- So… Now, we are alone. – The bot began, looking at the transparent, smoky moon starting its way above the world. – Maybe, now could you tell me?
You shrugged your shoulders, then looked at your boots – a tiny ant was running around your foot helplessly. You took a long stalk and helped the insect down on the ground.
- I don’t know. It’s… a lot.
The bot chuckled.
- I’m all audio sensors.
- Since when have you become so thoughtful, buddy?
- Since I’ve known you!
- Really? Ok, ok…
You were talking till the sun sat and the sky got covered in its cute glittering freckles. The wind rose; it was already chilly, almost cold. Thin summer shirt wasn’t able to protect you from the cooling night weather. You rubbed your forearms, trying to regain warmth; Sunstreaker glanced at your shivering figure, worried.
- Are you cold, little one? – He asked.
- Yeah… A bit. I think, it would be better for us to return.
- Agreed… - He responded, transforming…
At base everyone had been sleeping when you came. Trying not to wake the comrades up (especially, Wheeljack), you sneaked inside and turned into one of the corridors, heading to your quarters.
- Are you sure you’ll be all right on your own? – Your friend kneeled and let you climb on his large flat palm. His optics were gleaming softly in the darkness.
- Are there any other options? – You smiled.
- Well… - His voice became shaky. – I could… take you with me…
- It would be uncomfortable for both of us, don’t you think?
He thought for a minute or two, then turned to you, expression of his faceplate showing a mix of hope and... embarrassment?!
- Actually, I have an idea… But I don’t know if you…
- Just say it out loud, boy.
He took a deep “breath”, stabilizing his systems.
- I could… I could put you in my fuel tank. So, you would be safe while sleeping and… not alone as well.
You heart skipped a beat.
- Wait, wait, wait… But transformers’ fueltanks work in the same way human stomachs do, don’t they?
- Still, we can’t process organic materials, remember?
He had a point. You exhaled.
- Right… Nevertheless, it sounds so crazy…
- I understand. So... It’s your choice.
You rubbed your chin, considering the offer. On one hand, you were about to be swallowed(!) alive by a metal titan and spend a whole night inside him without any guaranties that something wouldn’t go wrong. But at the same time, he was your best friend; you could trust him. After all, that all was just a matter of trust.
You met his gaze once again - the bot waited for your decision, though you could see the flames of impatience jumping in his optics.
- I… I don’t mind. I know you won’t hurt me.
You could tell he was happy to hear that; tension released the bot’s figure, he grinned joyfully like a big cat.
- Wow! Thank you, Y/N! I swear it's gonna be the best experience possible for you!
- Fine, big guy! Let’s get it over with…
He opened the door of the room he and his brother were sharing. Sideswipe was snoring peacefully on his berth; he didn’t notice neither of you and didn’t hear how Sunstreaker closed the door and lied on his own bed.
- Shhhh… - He whispered as he saw you trying to say something. – He won’t bother us. Sides won’t open his optics even if the skies crack on two.
You giggled. But the bot’s faceplate suddenly went sober.
- Are you still sure?
You nodded confidently.
- Perfect… If anything scares you, just call for me - I'll stop and let you out. Don’t be shy, Ok?
- Ok.
- Good… Now, please, hold still…
His grip tightened a little as you were lifted to his opening mouth. Your feet were laid on something wet and warm – it wrapped around them, coating you in heavy, slick slime. Tingles ran down your spine as you realized it was his glossa tasting you, and the slime was the drool coaxing your limbs, preparing you for… for the way down. Sunstreaker’s throat produced a silent moan of pleasure – it seemed he liked your flavor! Huh… You couldn’t help but blushed, thinking about you being such a tasty tiny candy.
Meanwhile, the bot very gently pushed you further, to the pharynx. Your hands finally met with the pulsing, smooth tongue which leaned to them eagerly, then slipped behind you back. The servo loosened up; now you were in the bot’s mouth entirely, being held by his long, plushie glossa. Misty, hot air filled your lungs; it was too dark to see, but you could feel your toes wriggling in the open space – the awaiting entrance of the esophagus. Streams of oily saliva vanished in that black hole with loud, delicious sounds of gulps. At first, they frightened you; instinctively, you grabbed the flesh of your improvised bed and made an attempt to crawl away from the danger. However, the very minute you did that, the swallows faded. Sunstreacker froze still, granting you a chance to stop – undoubtedly, it would disappoint him, but he didn’t want to startle his human friend. You took a big breath and forced yourself to calm down. There was nothing that would mean harm to you. The mech wouldn’t hurt you - he loved you! You went through so many things together – undeniably, he was reckless sometimes, but he wouldn’t do anything that would lead to death of those he valued the most.
Hesitantly, you patted the glossa – it licked your cheek playfully, comforting, then bend over, letting you slide back to the throat. Powerful metal muscles contracted around your ankles and tugged you in the comforting embrace of the esophagus.
Trembling, the bot outlined a small round bulge on his neck with his digit as you were fully pulled inside his throat. He swallowed hard, yet carefully, sending your warm, fragile body further down his huge tough body. The mech could still sense you wriggle, moving deeper and deeper inside beneath his chest plates. Some more slow seconds – and you arrived at your destination, being dropped into whining chamber of the alien “stomach”, making a nice little bulge on Sunstreaker’s abdomen.
His servo leisurely traced your path and stayed on the lump, massaging it slightly. Inside, it was gurgly and wet, but cozily warm and soft. You felt your friend’s indecisive caresses and pressed your hand against a thick grey wall permeated with long thin energon cables from the bottom to the top.
- How are you, Y/N? Is it OK?
- Yes, Sunny, it is. Don’t worry so much! You did great, by the way…
- Oh… That’s good to hear, I guess… You too.
- Thanks…
It was awkward to have a conversation in that position, so neither of you said a word anymore. You rested against the plump bumps of the fueltank rubbing at you lovingly; soothing quiet sparkbeat and dim light coming from the walls as well as gentle growling sounds and warmth made its work – your eyelids soon grew heavy, you yawned and snuggled into the squishy metal.
- Sweet dreams, Sunny.
The bot curled up around you, hugging his growling, full middle.
- Same for you, dear.
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