#i hope you're doing well my lovely morse anon
2aceofspades · 11 months
morse anon weighing in!
i accept any and all tackle hugs from anyone chill with getting hugged in return!
anyone not chill with hugs gets righteous fist bumps and/or thumbs ups!!!
Also a news bulletin: Ace is feckin amazing and awesomesauce and we will all never let em forget that
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The two anons meet at last raaaaah-
I shall link for context here: ~(said context)~
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dangerously-human · 2 years
I've been following your blog for like 4 years. probably since before i left for college, and now I'm graduated with a job. I have never once known who any of your blorbos are, aside from endeavor, which I watched a few seasons of because I saw the man with the cheekbones on my dash so much that I had a dream about him. still here tho. I've unfollowed like every other blog that doesn't post about my specific interests, but your posts are just so charming that I'm still cheering for you and your TV blorbos from the sidelines. sorry, this is random, just hope you're doing well
This is the SWEETEST message, anon, oh gosh! Way to go on graduating, idk if that's a relatively recent development but it sounds exciting anyway. I also absolutely love that I managed to get you somewhat into Endeavour, I am the Pied Piper of obsessive interests and that is music to my ears. (I also cannot get over you literally dreaming about Morse's cheekbones. 😆) I am honored that you follow me even with very few interests in common! I hope you're having a wonderful evening (or whatever time it currently is for you), and thanks for putting a smile on my face. 💖
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damage-incorp0rated · 2 years
I feel like we don't know each other that well, but I see you on my dash on occasion, and you're cool!! I used to always associate you with gray, but I'm really loving the red too!! I feel like I've been meaning to talk with you a lot more for the longest time but just haven't. so consider this anon as what is hopefully a step towards that! because I really have been wanting to since you seem cool. what's your new username from? I know your old one is from the met song, but this one isn't ringing any bells. I actually used to hear james saying damage incorporated like how he did in a live concert I've watched whenever I saw you on my dash which is kinda cool since I really like the way he said it. and if I'm remembering correctly, I think you're also the first person I've heard the name eddie munson from? I never had any interest in stranger things, but I'm pretty sure you're the person whose blog I checked to figure out who the guy was when I was suddenly seeing a lot of people on my dash talk about him if I'm remembering correctly. so that's pretty cool!! so yeah, uhhh, I'm not sure what else to say. I hope we talk more in the future though! I know that that is completely on me since I'm on anon and you don't know who I even am, but yeah!! we can ignore that! how do I end this ask properly!!
okay it's been a minute since I finished typing but I haven't sent this yet because 1. mild scaredness (is that a word???) of human interaction 2. the color red. I like red. red is nice. why is there so little red in my room. I should probably stop getting distracted by thinking about the color red and send this before I end up looking more insane. oops.
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HOWDY THERE!!! Pls don’t be afraid to shoot me asks I am so attention deprived on this hellsite and it is painful
my new username is from the System Of A Down song “Radio/Video,” fun fact I can do every vocal run on that song without cracking or losing it and it’s one of my little talents or whatever
and I find it awesome that you read my original url in the James voice, sometimes that happens to me. Hilarious.
and I introduced you to the legend and the absolute king who is Eddie Munson from Stranger Things? Broski I am HONORED. He’s a lovely character and I love the positive thrasher rep.
and thank u for calling me cool I actually… genuinely appreciate that dawg!! I have some little crisis moments over how others perceive me sometimes hadghsdggs the validation is quite satisfying although I feel bad for asking for it on occasion
you seem very sweet as well!!! If you want you can shoot me a DM and I won’t have any issues with it.
also yes I used the morse translator… must be the theorist in me but y’know… decoding is fun
have a very cool and epic and awesome night or day depending on where you are!!!!
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danieltrent · 7 years
9, 20, 28, 37, 50, 58, 73, 74, 97, (i noticed you said in the tag that you thought some of the questions were too personal, if you don't wanna answer just skip them xx i hope you're going good
thanks for the ask sweet anon! you definitely didn’t ask any of the more personal questions anyway, but even if you did I’d be happy to answer them!
9.Have you ever been stood up?Answered in this previous post!
20.Does the person you’re in love with know it?nope! well, “in love with” is a strong phrase, but no, I haven’t told her. she’s interested in someone else, she’s moving cities soon, and I’ll only see her a couple times before she gets back so there’s no real point to go through the awkwardness.
28.What makes you feel the happiest?meaningful social contact probably. I wouldn’t consider myself an extrovert, (MBTI says I’m 50-50), but it’s nice having a good conversation with someone and feeling like I’ve made a friend
37.Would you rather be older or younger than your current age?I don’t know. I’d rather be in a later stage in life (graduated uni and working), but in terms of actual age I’m happy as I am I think
50.What worries you most about the future?whether i’ll be able to get through uni, whether I’ll be able to grow my friendship circle, whether I’ll be able to find a job, whether I’ll find someone who I’m happy to be with, whether I’ll be happy with myself, whether I’ll…
58.What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles?I flew to Melbourne and back to see a cousin who had just gone through surgery
73.What/who are you thinking about right now?I’m thinking about you sweet anon, I’m thinking about Prime Possum because my chat box with her is open, I’m thinking about t because of that earlier question
74.Do you like cuddling?absolutely, platonically and romantically - although I’ve never done the former. cuddling is good because I’m a sucker for physical love.
97.Is there anything you’re really passionate about?being a nerd, and anything that follows from that. memorising pi, counting in binary, playing D&D, playing Magic: The Gathering, learning morse code all fit under that.
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2aceofspades · 9 months
*slides in with cocoa and hooks some candy canes to your hat and bag*
Oh look, it appears Ive entered the residence of the amazing Ace! The bestest of bests! The coolest of cool! And the goofiest of goons!
I hope you're doing well, my good friend, and that the rest of the year closes out on a warm cozy note, because you deserve all the kindness and comforting moments~
And to all stress that pops up, well I hope it leaves smoothly and doesn't linger too too long, because now is the time for good times, good friends, yummy snacks, and warm blankets!
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Hi :)
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Gah! I was ~ L I T E R A L L Y ~ just thinking about you and then you popped up in my ask box before the end of the year oh my lucky stars!! 🌟
I am doing pretty well, thank you, and I hope you are too 🙌✨ I'm sending lots of warm and cozy vibes your way 🤗
Thank you from the bottom of my lil goony heart for being so lovely as always 💙 I can't tell you how excited I was to draw this lil cozy moment gah it warmed my heart so so much
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