#i just cant Stop Thinking About It
balleater · 2 months
i personally think character permadeath is one of the most interesting things that can happen in a dnd narrative, and the fact it was something actively chosen to be done by sam for such an insanely clutch move. i will never get over this. i am so excited for what comes next.
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the-littlest-laney · 4 months
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“what i wouldn’t give to be in church this sunday
listening to the choir so heartfelt, all singing,
‘god loves you but not enough to save you’
so baby girl, good luck taking care of yourself.”
im goin thru it rn, i promise this is my last kristen and cassandra piece for a while. i can’t handle the angst anymore.
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isa-ah · 1 year
literally how do I cope with a movie where the baseline message is that trans children are treated like monsters who will destroy society but ultimately the only person they're trying to hurt is themselves bc they lack the love, support and resources their peers get unconditionally. and that the surveillance state would kill as many civilians as it takes to eradicate trans kids to maintain the status quo by any means necessary.
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offorestsongs · 29 days
one thing about the Savanaclaw Rook card that keeps bothering me is the implication that apparently this man did all his tree-climbing, running-around-forests in ripped jeans
that just cannot be safe, can it?
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parme-san · 4 days
im being sent on like fetch quests to find the pancakes
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neet-elite · 2 months
whitney (dol) thoughts.
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just thinking about whitney's friends walking into his room only to be greeted by the sight of him getting absolutely ruined by the PC. high pitched squeaks, legs up in the air, drool rolling down his cheeks; and he can't even fight you off of him to regain his dominating composure because it feels so unfairly good to have you riding him like that. broken beyond repair, babbling nonsense for you while his friends crowd round him with shaky hands and quiet voices. a few of them growing bold enough to snap a few pics, and once the group at large notices just how fucking out of it your cunt has whitney acting, more of them start recording his downfall. encouraging you to have him make those pretty sounds again, coaxing you into bullying him some more just to watch him sob a little- it'd look pretty on camera!
having his friends watch him beg for you to let him cum, how completely and utterly humiliating it'd be for him to grovel for your kindness, watch fat tears well over when you deny his request oh so cruelly. it's fun to show off like this, right? ride him until he busts anyway, fat load creaming your pretty cunt for his friends to laugh at when you tut down at him. the role reversal is addictive, his nails digging into the fat of your thighs when you don't stop bullying him and fuck him into overstimulation- which in turn only causes his whines to become broken and croaked for the cameras adorning him.
just wanna ruin him publicly, y'know? because the poster children for exhibitionism, photos and videos of him and the PC everywhere, taking turns fucking the other into stupidity for the camera.
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burntbirdss · 1 year
alright hear me out,
just listen,
it’s kinda stupid but it’s been on my mind for a while now,
Hawks as puss in boots and Dabi as kitty soft paws.
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prnkill · 2 months
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thinking about how the vees are celebrities compared to other overlords. they're very much so? in the public eye. active on social media , in magazines ― they promote each other's works. generally speaking the public really likes the vees , they def have the favor of the masses , bc they're marketed as new , exciting , modern !
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captainrayzizuniverse · 6 months
I know I don’t live in America and I’m not we’ll versed with their politics and I see a lot of people saying that please vote for the lesser of the two evils and don’t waste your vote by not voting and basically anything to not let trump win. I genuinely get that. When you grow up in a corrupt country like Lebanon you’re constantly faced with this situation.
But having a self proclaimed Zionist President re-elected after he’s been very very blatant about his unequivocal support for the genocide against my type of people and is providing limitless aid to israriri to continue this Holocaust 2.0 and has rejected every ask for ceasefire, completely breaks my soul. Just knowing that after all of that and he still gets to be President of a country that has so much veto power and us chanting in the street every week “Biden Biden you can’t hide we charge you with genocide” has a footnote that says “but we’ll still re-elect you because the other guy is gonna be worse”…honestly it’s so so disheartening. I just want him to lose. I just want him to realize that the reason he lost the election was because of his support of Israel and people waking up. This will go down in history where people overlooked the actions of a genocide complicite world leader for what they believe is a greater cause. Like what could be a greater cause than this? There’s no end in sight. People in vulnerable countries around the world are fearing that their turn is next. And trust me I have no doubt that if trump was in office right now he’d be doing the same if not worse (I genuinely don’t know, but based on history I wouldnt rule it out)…but yeah from my perspective this is definitely a punch in the gut for me and I can’t stop thinking about it.
At least I know trudodo doesn’t seem to be in line for a re-election which is relieving at least.
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idontmakelaugh · 2 years
alicent held rhaenyra's hand again after 20 years
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lunarcry · 3 months
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joining the astral-skydweller war on the side of the skydwellers
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glassamphibians · 11 months
does tao wake up every single day and plug in a flat iron or curler or whatever and voluntarily do that to his hair
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3fling · 2 years
This is so niche but I literally *cannot* stop thinking about an insane au where the freelancers get sent in to clean up for the 141 on a rough mission like. Boy I can feel the mental illness revving up on this one.
Imagine the freelancers just jumping off Niner’s ship like always, Gaz sees it and all he can say is “God fucking damnit. It’s the goddamn marines.”
Like imagine rookie Wash being a piece of shit like saying something like Grif “semper fi, bitches” giving the 141 a stupid little informal salute and laughing. Either him or York saying smth “we heard you army tikes needed some help so they sent in the big boys” “Never send an army thug to do a marine’s job”
Poor Carolina and North desperately trying to keep everyone else in line and apologizing to Gaz and Price and almost immediately having to break up a fight between the younger freelancers and Soap.
Also. Imagine Ghost sidles up like “what’s the problem here?” to Wash, and then Maine just HULKS over and growls and even Ghost is like “wtf are they FEEDING these freaks?!”
Bonus Wash tells Soap to “hit that” abt Ghost
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correct me if im wrong but shouldn’t this second-year medicine student have at least put a blanket on the poor guy that got stabbed?
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lesbianambulon · 2 years
not to simp on main but during the tfp orion pax arc when ratchet responds to starscream being hurt and wants to trade info for medical care and ratchet is angry and boderline yelling at starscream being very demanding and serious-
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panspy · 7 months
listen. i love practical effects and dislike unnecessary cgi as much as the next guy. but. theres just something about colored contacts that throws me off. they just almost always are looking in different directions and have that odd dark ring around the iris.
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these are just the ones that came to mind. you see what i mean. and like its not always a problem with the show/movie itself cause some characters in the same pieces have contacts that look good!!
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