#i just demolished my brother lmao.
goldshadows · 5 months
after 26 years i finally found my secret talent: darts
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discotenny · 9 months
I saw this yumejo tweet once that just made me go oh.
the idea of you being your f/o's comfort character....
like imagine. you are just a fictional character they happened to find and took comfort in.. you make them imagine a better, cozier life where they feel loved.. ramuda secretly takes little photos with an acryl stand of you at the cafes he tours or sasara keeps your keychain in his pocket for good luck and gives it a kiss before his shows, uhhhh toki always watches your show to power up before beating someone up- LMAO idk but rightttt??
Honestly, I feel like Ichiro would be the most obvious with his fanatics. He's already been shown in canon to be an unabashed anime / manga fan so can u imagine how he'd act towards you??!?!?!
Ichi has a binder full of prints for your official art that he keeps in the Odd Jobs Yamada office. He looks at it in downtimes, kicking his feet and squealing as he stares. Ichi also scours second hand sites to try and get merch for cheaper than official. He owns pins, stickers, plushies, and SO, SO MANY KEYCHAINS.
He honestly is the one most likely to write/read fan fiction too LMAO. Shipfic, platonic fics, reader insert- it doesn't matter. Don't tell his brothers, they'd be absolutely mortified.
Ramuda secretly runs one of those Twitter accounts that take pictures of their mochis/nuis in different irl settings!!! He MAKES little outfits for a nui of you and is so proud of all of them.
For every little cafe he goes to he always makes sure to take a pic that implies cute little nui of you is the one that just demolished 3 pieces of cake.
In the times where Ramu was still working with Chuuoku, he'd pull your nui out of his pocket and talk to you while he's scheming ;_; He has the image in his mind that you're the only one that would ever accept him as he is.
But my favorite image of this ask has to be DOPPO!! DOPPO!!! DOPPOOO !!! I saw this image once of ties that have anime charas in the inside and I think it's so silly to imagine Doppo has one of those of you AHAHAHA.
Doppo can't have personal items on his desk at work, so aside from his tie he has a little keychain of you tied to his bag :C Whenever he gets in his real shitty moods Doppo holds onto it and just mutters mutters mutters.
Since Doppo is the chara that speaks the most of his personal life / inner thoughts in his raps- imagine that he frequently mentions you in his verses and ship art of you and Doppo starts floating around in the Matenro fandom LOL. He'd be so embarrassed but he'd secretly love it.
Dice keeps a mochi of you in his pocket at all times, calling it his personal good luck charm. Whenever he's gambling he squishes it real hard and always has to apologize to it after.
Saburo is the most embarrassed about having a comfort character. The most obvious he is about it is having you as his desktop background but other than that he is too embarrassed to go out and buy merch. Ichiro buys him a lil plush of you for his birthday and he starts to cryyyyy.
Hitoya keeps an acrylic standee of you on his office desk but he faces it towards his clients LMAO. He comes across as so unserious.
jkaiofeawfewa this was such a good concept omggegwargew
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karatekels · 2 months
So, as we all know, part 1 of season 6 is dropping tonight! It's looking like midnight my time, and because I am a large baby, that is past my bedtime.
I'm going to be binging the episodes early tomorrow morning, and posting my ranting rambling thoughts here - maybe I'll just use this post? - the way I did for the first five episodes of my rewatch.
I will hide them under a cut, and I don't plan on posting anything about the new season outside of this post for a week or so.
Basically, if you want to avoid spoilers: read with caution!
Episode 1: Peacetime in the Valley
…God I really love how they do music on this show.
Okay this peace better die real fucking quick because I’m annoyed.
Looking at this newspaper clipping, I wonder if we’re supposed to care about little details or if they just didn’t really care and it’s completely random. If it’s NOT random, I have thoughts:
Why is the photographer who took Terry’s mugshot only named by their initials. Anyone know a B.T.?
…okay, looking at the column on the left, this had better be a joke. CLOWN MURDER?!
And then the article itself is cobbled together. Unless this is just a fake newspaper as a plant, then this is pretty week bud.
Coincidentally, if you or any other showrunner would like to hire me to write fake newspaper articles for your show or movie so that people like me don’t tear you apart online, I am available!
Okay so Tory and Robby are clearly still together, and the only thing that isn’t complete peace is Kenny and Anthony only looking at each other from a distance?
Amanda YES, bring up Terry getting the charges dropped!
Kreese vs. US Marshals eh?
Stop talking about my man without showing him, Daniel.
Oh good, already tension between Daniel and Johnny’s views on things.
…wow we really are just forgiving Benedict Penis Breath for some reason, huh?
…Johnny wants to use fire on the children? I can think of a couple that can be guinea pigs *cough*KYLER*cough*
Ohhhhhh… Daniel picking Chozen over Johnny isn’t gonna end well. What if instead we got rid of Daniel and Johnny and Chozen hung out.
– insert Sekai Taikai exposition here –
And the new name of the dojo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis… I MEAN, WE’VE ALL BEEN CALLING IT MIYAGI-FANG FOREVER.
Of course Daniel is angry (I mean it is a stupid picture of Mr. Miyagi but still)
…Chozen going against Johnny here really doesn’t check out. But I am here for a Chozen vs. Johnny fight.
The worst double-date in history! WHO CARES IF SHE DOESN’T WANT TO LEARN MIYAGI-DO??
Robby, don’t you dare speak ill of the precious Kenny/Silver mentorship dynamic you JERK.
Daniel (and Chozen) being so dismissive of Johnny’s feelings makes me sad
Tory looks so sad and I hate it. Eat your waffle cone, Miguel.
Robby why in the hell would interrupting the game make Kenny want to listen to you? Also lmao look who’s taller now Kenny grew like 2 feet.
HI SHAWN. …Being ominous in an arcade is great.
Daniel preaching balance when he’s simultaneously…Daniel is infuriating.
…Chozen alcoholism subplot? ANDNO KUMIKO?! BUT I SHIP IT SO HARD!
Oh Johnny really brought the axe huh?
Shawn your child brother is starting high school please do not take him to a strip club.
WE DON’T WANT TO FIGHT, he says while joining the fight!
…am I Stingray? “Because it’s awesome” – I WILL BELIEVE IN COBRA KAI FOREVER.
And he appreciates that Amanda is a smokeshow.
Don’t you dare disrespect ponytail dude, Shawn Payne.
Did the prison system actually help Shawn? SHOCKING.
Daniel being the bigger person? Only took HOW MANY DECADES?!
…so we’re calling it Miyagi-Do? Even though it’s not just Miyagi-Do? THIS IS DUMB.
We don’t get to see how Kreese got to Korea? REALLY?!
Episode 2: The Prize
NICK! YAY TERRY BACKSTORY! (Also Barrett yay but I mean… TERRY)
Kreese defending her is so cute OH MY GOD SHE’S IN THE AIR CHILL OUT GRAMPS.
Oh good, sewage in the cooking pots.
Not a real talk about money on this show! Oh, we’re cutting away?
…Why did we linger on that one student when Kim said “Silver is gone now”? Am I just looking for hope where there isn’t any?
I’m sorry, how old is this man going to be now? HE LOOKED 80 IN THE LATE 60S.
Does Amanda just dress like that everyday? Daniel is a lucky man.
I would watch an entire YouTube series in the vein of Trixie & Katya’s “I Like to Watch” that’s just Chozen watching reality shows.
“Your incompetence is why I must stay alive” is a brutal fucking line.
Kyler and his gaggle of 45 year old college freshmen. Or just Brucks.
…please think Chozen and Johnny are a gay couple, Mr. Realtor. Okay no, but Johnny blowing this up pretty spectacularly is pretty great.
Why do I feel like this is going to culminate in Kreese stabbing Immortal Kim because he’s “worthy of taking control”?
As someone who has been in university in some capacity for like a decade, this… was not my experience. Though watching Kyler get shit on is kind of fun.
Deus ex Johnny-fan ftw!
…Okay, so we are just gonna double down on the homoeroticism with men being each other’s weaknesses? I mean I’m here for it.
Frats have always seemed so stupid to me, with hazing and shit. Even for morons like Kyler. Never thought I’d see the day where I’m rooting for Kyler but I guess here we are. DESTROY THE DOUCHEBAGS. (Though how is anyone getting into college with this ASSAULT)
American tourist loses mind in cave, talks to snake. Film at 11.
Kyler acknowledging he’s a moron? I’m here for it. NO NOT ANOTHER FRAT COME ON.
LMAO Johnny insisting he has a job – AND IT WORKS HE JUST STARTS SELLING CARS.
Amanda is right though, what’s in the briefcase, Johnny?
Kim Da-Eun is gonna JUMP Kreese’s bones istg
Episode 3: Sleeper
Chozen freeloading is hilarious
“Chicks dig me” as a response to possibly having a daughter is crazy.
…the cobra is still in your dealership, Daniel?
“I’m a girl dad” – Johnny Lawrence, 2024 (or whatever year this is supposed to be I can’t remember)
…okay this episode is called Sleeper and we’re seeing that same student we did in the last episode when they said “Silver is gone now” DID TERRY HAVE A BASTARD CHILD AND NOT KNOW ABOUT IT?!
You tell ‘em, Devon.
Please don’t be a stupid retcon of Miyagi’s character please don’t be a stupid retcon of Miyagi’s character please don’t be a stupid retcon of Miyagi’s character please don’t be a stupid retcon of Miyagi’s character please don’t be a stupid retcon of Miyagi’s character
Got a lot of mystery boxes in this episode, huh?
…”we can have a girls’ night,” says the 50-something year old man to the 3 teenaged girls he isn’t related to. I do love his relationship with Devon though. It’s a shame she’s going to die in a freak karate accident so that Johnny can name his daughter after her.
…oh and he beat the shit out of people.
Lmao the Ouija board fakeout
Yeah good Daniel, leave your dolled-up wife in the shady gym.
Kreese is really just trying to make a bunch of killing machines (or at least one, anyway), huh?
The Big 3 weren’t lying when they said they were going all out this season with the fights.
Also is Kreese just fine with the snake bite? He’s fine?
Oh noooo, Mr. Miyagi wasn’t a perfect human I’m SHOCKED.
Johnny is SO happy they’re fighting I love it – OH NO BOOOOOOOOOO PEACE. Go get matching tattoos or something you dorks.
Oh no Daniel, is your perfect worldview crumbling? Was surrogate daddy not as perfect as you thought?
Nooo Chozen don’t leave even if it is for Kumiko I’LL MISS YOU.
Yes, let’s end the episode on “girls are easy”
Oh no wait, more Daniel mourning the loss of his innocence
Were the rumours right? We’re going to Spain? LET’S GOOOOOOO – wait how are they going to afford everyone going?
And we’re down to six – Miguel, Robby, Hawk, Sam, Tory… Kenny/Demetri/Devon?
Episode 4: Underdogs
Hawk thinks patriotism will earn him a spot? God I hate that mohawk.
“Each and every one of you has a shot, even though many of you are either our children, close enough to be our children, or are our clear favourites”
Johnny assuming he’s as good as a partner at the dealership is KILLING me
Why is Daniel so against them… actually earning their spots?
Hi Mike!
Lol flashback – but why not show Terry?
AWWW, Penis Breath is so happy with his new name.
If Anthony makes it I’m killing myself.
Devon speaking up for all neglected minor characters everywhere.
What in the actual fuck is going on. Go away Yasmine you suck. OKAY BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF DEMETRI’S HAPPINESS. …maybe her dumping him would’ve been better she is the WORST.
Binary Bros. will be the couple with the drama this season.
This capture the flag game seems fun but Mike can’t look at everyone at once…
I mean your son IS going to bleed and get the shit kicked out of him, Daniel. Wake up. No? Gonna keep feeding him your bs? Cool.
Barnes has quite the craftsmanship.
JOHNNY VS MIKE LET’S GOOOOOOOO… but away from the saw please.
…we’re really just gonna call each other bad boys with a straight face?
Okay Devon, enough with the negative self-talk. You’re sounding like me.
NOOOOOO Binary Bros. are fighting!
Kenny is kind of cocky af and I hope he doesn’t get it.
Smart move would’ve been to go up top and see if you can spot the flag…
Oh SHIT Demetri is being an asshat. Why is NO ONE asking bout Hawk?
MAN now Devon has to feel bad because someone else chea– OH MY GOD IT WAS HER.
Episode 5: Best of the Best
Why does Tory’s mom healing feel so ominous why does Tory’s mom healing feel so ominous why does Tory’s mom healing feel so ominous why does Tory’s mom healing feel so ominous
Oh look Kreese has come for a visit.
And yet another blonde champion has turned against Kreese.
Robby you lovestruck little fool it’s adorable.
I really love Terry (duh) but Johnny is 100% my favourite Sensei.
What about your worst impulses, Danny Boy?  S H U T    U P   and appreciate your hot wife for once, Jesus!
…Carmen is going to go into labour in this episode isn’t she.
AND there it is! Nope wait, false alarm. Everybody go hug Miguel.
Why does Sam and Miguel’s relationship seem so focused on beating Robby and Tory? While Robby and Tory seem actually into each other?
Daniel you suck, you hypocritical, self-righteous twat.
This is some mighty fine acting, Miss Peyton List. Best crier on the show since Xolo!
…he’s right though. SHUT UP DANIEL.
Okay but Johnny this is really stupid you’ve sold cars for four minutes.
Johnny gonna embrace boxing with the students? Daniel can’t really say anything about it not being about Mr. Miyagi then.
She kept… the bottlecap… I AM NOT OKAY.
You did not try, Daniel. Shut the fuck up. I’m mad at you. Go away. Get your head outta your ass.
You don’t get to know everything about anyone, Daniel. Especially when you’ve got your head so far in the sand you can’t even come to grips with who YOU are.
Amanda go find Tory. GO FIND TORY, AMANDA.
Can Robby get a decent haircut for once please? He’s a cute kid, his head deserves better.
Good for you, Robby. (Also why do I feel like he’s going to change his last name to Lawrence once the baby is born and then they’ll all just be one big happy sappy family)
I’m sure that Tory seeing both of Sam’s living and supportive parents there won’t screw her up at all.
Oh that’s gonna be Tory’s therapist or something for Amanda isn’t it UH OH.
OH SHIT. Not Danny striking first.
…Kenny’s gonna be mad about that – oh wait he’s not there and I’m sure it’s going well for him.
Not the bloodstained headband.
…Hawk really kept the dumb mohawk for the tournament huh?
Tory and Kenny gonna be fighting for Korea with Kreese?
(Why is Kreese there? This is televised? The police??)
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tklpilled · 11 months
could i take this genshin character in a (tickle) fight
albedo: probably? unless he uses one of his alchemy tricks or smth idk
alhaitham: i could if he liked me enough
amber: yeah. shes probably smaller than me and even though she's strong i feel like she'd be easy to overpower while being tickled
itto: maybe. depends on the day
baizhu: i could but i wouldn't WANT to because i feel like i'd accidentally kill him
barbara: okay my initial thought was yes. but now that i think about it i feel like she'd be surprisingly good and pull out all the unexpected tricks and stuff
beidou: absolutely not and i'd let her wreck my shit
bennett: obviously
candace: no.
charlotte: i dont know much about her but just looking at her i'm saying yes
chongyun: i dont think that boy has won a tickle fight in his LIFE
cyno: i do think he's REALLY ticklish but tighnari's the only one who could win against him tbh
dainsleif: i think he's ticklish but only in random areas so he'd just stare at me if i tried tickling him and then destroy me
dehya: it would be a good fight. but yes
diluc: on one hand he's super ticklish but on the other hand he'd break my arm easily
eula: yes
faruzan: her old ass bones would SHATTER if i touched her idk
fischl: LMAO yeah
freminet: yes but i'd either let him win or accidentally squish him to death bc i get cuteness aggression and hes like. my son
furina: she'd be way too overconfident in herself and i would DEMOLISH her
ganyu: i could if i wanted to but i'd probably let it end in a tie
gorou: yall act like it'd be easy to beat him. NO that mf is a GENERAL of an ARMY. like i could win but that shit wouldnt be easy
hu tao: i think it'd be close but she'd win. it would be the most fun out of everyone though
jean: i definitely could but i'd be scared to try 😭
kazuha: yes. no question about it
kaeya: HELL no
ayaka: absolutely. she'd let me win too
ayato: idk im kinda scared of him
kaveh: i'd be surprised if he managed to lay a hand on me
keqing: i could if i tried hard enough
kirara: i know nothing about her except that she's canonically ticklish so yes
sara: she's either super ticklish or not ticklish at all i can't decide. so my answer changes depending on which
shinobu: i'm also scared of her but in a way that makes me want to beat her even more
layla: i don't know enough about her but first thought is yes
lisa: god no
lynette: she has not one but TWO brothers definitely not
lyney: i would only win if he let me
mika: i would rock his shit
mona: i could pay her to let me win. i'd win anyway but it would be easier
neuvillette: i'd probably punch him first but yeah
nilou: i could but a part of me wants to let her win
ningguang: yes but only if she doesn't stab me with her $16mil heels first
noelle: she could win if she wanted to but i think she'd be too nice to fight back
raiden: yes. plus i think she'd be curious abt what tickling feels like so she probably wouldnt even try to win
razor: maybe but i'm scared he'd bite me
rosaria: she would ALSO bite me
kokomi: i'd def win. just look at her
shenhe: i could in theory but i feel like she'd accidentally kill me
heizou: i would beat his ass
sucrose: like albedo but MUCH easier
childe: no. he has big brother advantage over me
thoma: honestly i have no clue. i'd just love to have a tickle fight with him regardless
tighnari: i want to say yes but he'd kick my ass if i even thought about it
traveler: i could win EASILY for both of them
venti: i could but i would have to spend like five minutes learning how to undo a corset and it would be really awkward
scaramouche: i want to say yes. i REALLY want to say yes. but realistically........
wriothesley: i wouldnt even waste my time trying
xiangling: in terms of strength and willpower i could probably win but i feel like she's super good with teasing and that would put me at a big disadvantage
xiao: kind of? i don't think he'd know what tickling is/how to do it but i also think he'd kill me before i could teach him
xingqiu: he'd be so confident in himself bc he wins against his friends all the time. hell no i'm beating his pretentious ass UP
xinyan: yes. another really fun one right up there next to hu tao
yae miko: she would end me and i'd probably thank her afterwards tbh
yanfei: see this one is tough bc i can see it going both ways
yelan: another character i don't know shit about. all i know is that she's pretty and her mains scare me so i'm gonna go with no
yoimiya: yes? but i have a feeling she'd kind of let me win bc she thinks its fun
yun jin: in some universe i'd lose. but it damn well isn't this one
zhongli: he'd make me agree to a contract with the tiniest print ever saying "no breathing" or something and then beat my ass when i break it
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annieqattheperipheral · 5 months
NHL PLAYOFFS TIME!! see you in the lb's!!
1. Leafs 2. Avs 3. any Canadian team 4. other blorbos/moots' faves My allegiances will change as rounds progress and teams fall off but will follow this hierarchy.
⚠️Remember to mute lb's you're rooting against⚠️ and tag your posts w lb⚠️ it's a highly emotional time. you've no idea the levels of anger and disappointment you and others are about to reach🫂 bc refs.
wag jackets
oilers @ panthers [3-4] ...😭😭😭 that's all i got rn. next year. BELIEVE
panthers @ rangers [4-2] have you guys tried killing each other you should consider🔪 LMAO PRESIDENTS TROPHY CURSE LIVES ON
oilers @ stars [4-2] o canada!🇨🇦 WHEEEEEE!!!!!💫
bruins @ panthers [2-4] idk just kill each other🔪 they sorta did??
canes @ rangers [2-4] pls end ny. well, like try ok☺️ im sry sweet gale wind🫂
avs @ stars [2-4] my babygirls pls destroy my brother's team🫶 this one HURTS😞😭 my brother texted sorry
oilers @ canucks [4-3] i just hope everybody has fun🇨🇦🍁 but think I'll mostly be for edm while my bro roots for his previous home van i was pretty neutral by the end of this series but i suppose i was on the money!
caps @ rangers [0-4] caps you still made it to playoffs with the silliest reg season and you've got that to lord over the rest of the metro. even if it was a sweep. that was a branding choice 💅
bolts @ panthers [1-4] i hope they rip each other apart. demolish thyself Florida Man. turns out panthers are the most Florida of the Men🔪
leafs @ bruins [3-4] 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
isles @ canes [1-4] yea ok good stuff see ya boresville ny💤
vgk @ stars [3-4] beautiful shaming of last year's champs💅
preds @ canucks [2-4] what a matchup of both Norris & Adams finalists. fuck yea quinnifer what a first season as C😐 (a quinny smile)
avs @ jets [4-1] FUUUCCK YEEAAA!!! but oof sorry it had to be a canadian team & helly & jmo that had to lose🥺
kings @ oilers [1-4] yeeeaaa this was a given🙃
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Alright, I did one for my mdzs read so it’s time for svsss’s: Character Roundup!
Yue Qingyuan: lowkey gave me lxc vibes with the whole “overlooking abuse happening under my watch that I am both aware of and fully able to stop” thing, but otherwise, greatest Big brother when his Big Brother Energy™️ is directed towards an actual good person
Liu Qingge: dude was considered the God of War but let his reputation go to the wayside just to try to give sqq a proper funeral. If that don’t give him the best shidi award… also extra points for never liking Shen Jiu (though that comment on his cultivation was a loooow blow)
Mu Qingfang: an actually reliable doctor and friend. Too bad doctors are kinda useless in a story where sex is supposed to be the cure for all medical ailments lmao!
Qi Qingqi: she only existed to be bitchy and serve quips and honestly, good for her; one day she’ll outbitch the bitchiest character of them all (sqq)
Ning Yingying: ok but y’all don’t be giving my girl her flowers! The peak didn’t teach her how to fight cause the world wouldn’t have been able to handle an unstoppable nyy! (I want a rematch between her and the palace princess so she can properly stomp miss daddy’s girl into the ground)
Ming Fan: I guess he didn’t die this time around, good for him?
The nameless Qing Jing Peak disciples: I love how somehow sqq raised an entire peak of disciples who are crybabies to his face but disrespectful behind his back to everyone not their shizun (and he thinks it’s just lbh, smh)
Liu Mingyan: always lurking, always writing. Anyways, go make your coin, queen!
Sha Hualing: Luo Binghe owes my girl unlimited PTO, stop overworking her! 😭😭😭
Mobei-jun: congrats on the unintentional husband! Maybe go to someone else for relationship advice
Zhuzhi-lang: breaks my damn heart
Tianlang-jun: breaks my damn heart, but deflects with humor
Su Xiyan: she really did the damn thing, yet all of it is speculation 🤣
Old Palace Master: go to hell, fucking demented old man, fucking stranger danger ass creeper; he deserved having the most torturous death in the book
Shen Jiu formerly known as Shen Qingqiu: he wasn’t a character and didn’t deserve to be, that’s why he got replaced with someone everyone else liked better. All in all, a pitiable backstory and a pitiful end to a character who starts the story erased from existence. Redemption don’t work on the unrepentant
Bingge: oh sweetheart…we need you your own comfort Shen Yuan and a lot of professional help…
The System: still can’t outbitch the bitchiest character of them all LOL
The nameless “righteous” cultivators: Y’all consider it righteous to attack defenseless demons, including infants and toddlers, cause they “might be evil”? Go to hell, i hope at least one of y’all’s evil ass sects got demolished before the merge failed
Shen Qingqiu starring Shen Yuan: thank you, King, for your service in fixing all of your predecessor’s fuck-ups and thereby proving that it’s never to late to atone for the abuse you (not actually you) have wrought, despite what some people have to say 😒 Anyways, enjoy your honeymoon with the man every woman (supposedly) wants!
Luo Binghe: oh honey, oh sweetie, we need you a therapist; go on and enjoy your honeymoon with the man every man wants while that’s pending
Bingqiu: they make each other so happy 🥺 You couldn’t pry this ship from my hands if I was Tianlang-jun’s rotting plant body.
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blupengu · 10 months
Oh my god I just finished Lucas’s route… oh my god I’m so mmmmmmmm I don’t even know bruh y’all oh my god 😂 big fat spoilers for virche and long ramblings as usual under the cut
Oof where do I even begin my word vomit like, ?!??!??!?!?!?? The funniest thing to me is still the fact that they they didn’t bother trying to hide him being Bourreau with the exact same fucking sprite poses lmao, but I guess that wasn’t really the mystery
CAPUCINE BETTER WATCH THE FUCK OUT THOUGH IT’S ON SITE 🔫🔫 (and whoever this mysterious benefactor is… better not be some shit like, it was Salome all along lmao)
Like okay I know Lucas is a lil extremely way cracked in the head in his despair ending (oh boy oh boy) but… he’s so pretty? When he’s in his Bourreau outfit and his hair is tied up?? Covered in blood??? Stab me harder please 👀 … Do I have a problem? Perhaps… but I’m just keeping true to my dubious taste in anime men 😌
You can’t give me a pretty character with long hair and blue eyes with a gentlemanly “oh ho” personality who’s such a sweetie, while everyone thinks he’s delicate but is secretly (obviously) super strong and very sus, and then tell me how super fucked up his situation is and *NOT* expect me to fall in love????? Boy you had me at the first “ehehe” laugh, you saint-germain-esque motherfucker, I 100% have a type in these games I am very predictable 😂
Aaaaaah I don’t wanna think about Nadia… 😩 girl, sweetie, honey, GIRL. Girl. Too good for this world. Too pure, too innocent… Girl I am so sorry you’re in this game LMAO jeez. I knew… I knew shit was gonna be bad, but oh I was so hoping it was not gonna go that way………. But with everything being all about despair you knew it was gonna happen…….. Big FMA fucking “big brother Edward” and oddly enough hatoful boyfriend vibes… I DID NOT WANT IT THOUGH NO I DON’T LIKE IT!! 😭 I am so scared about what Lucas’s salvation ending is gonna be now, and where it’ll start changing from this end… because BOY. IF THIS DOESN’T GET FIXED…! I am going to be so heartbroken, family in fiction just get me y’all ;-;
… God I know it’s not all gonna get fixed though, there’s just no way, there’s too much shit going on, something’s gotta give, especially in a game like this? If it was your normal otome game maybe, but… I don’t think Nadia’s making it… and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Lucas didn’t either… even if they both do, they’d barely be able to live another year so I can only see bittersweet endings lmao I’m very worried 😭😂 I NEED THAT FANDISK LOCALIZED NOW!!!
Also I did NOT expect Ankou to suddenly show up at the end?? Aight sir I see you, don’t worry you’re right behind Lucas for me… knowing he got his ass absolutely demolished by Lucas though is kinda hilarious, like I thought Ankou was gonna be some all powerful magic dude but nope. Lucas cut him into little bits LOOOL rip in pieces literally 💀 humanizes him surprisingly for me 🤔
And wtf was Ceres’s plan…? Like… hey lemme go die?? Hope Lucas snaps out of it after he stabs me??? GIRL PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE’S ALREADY DEAD. That’s such a shit plan how was Ankou okay with this 😂
At least uhhhh…. We’re his wife now………? Consolation prize… sorta…………?? 👀😬 yikes lmao but at least all his CGs are so pretty 😌
Wait I just checked his CGs actually… there’s… three left??? And 11/18 (oh shit that’s today’s date LOL). Oh yes, oh hell yes that means more for the salvation ending with variations, give me MORE!! I’m kinda sad now that the “good” endings are locked behind the final route… I need to know what the “good” ending is (BIG quotes around “good” lmao)
I’m gonna need to make one of those “do it for him” memes now to feel better, but I guess I’ll have to hold off until I get all his CGs LOL
OH MY GOD WAIT THERE WAS SO MUCH GOING ON I DIDN’T EVEN TALK ABOUT THE CAGE HOLY CRAP 😂 ah how could I forget?! Actually, after finishing his route I don’t have a lot to say about it… it was super hilarious when I first saw it and my only thought really was “not this shit again” lmao, but at least in this case it made more sense…
Ah okay I’m think I’m done venting… off to do Scien’s route next… maybe I’ll give Lucas a day to cook in my head though, this is the longest rambling text post I’ve ever done lmao… or maybe I’ll finish up the happy bits I have left to do from the even if tempest fandisk 😭
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These two are so precious I can’t 😭
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beomgyusmcnugget · 2 years
warning: an actually somewhat positive 2 cents about Halloween ends
I just came back from the theater and was suprised to come on here and see everyone absolutely demolishing this film (I mean it’s hilarious and y’all do have a point) when I actually enjoyed it!
My mom turned to me, disgruntled and mumbling as the end credits rolled, and a ginger guy and his s/o were talking to us after the movie and saying how much they thoroughly detested it. But I actually found it to be the best of the modern sequels
I think the reason I liked acts one and two so much honestly is due to my utter loathing of Halloween kills. That movie spit on me and threw me in a dumpster. Holy fuck I hated it so. So much. They made Michael into a god damned chainsaw, he wasn’t even Michael anymore he just cut down everyone in sight, and it was so stupid I literally yelled at the screen in the theater (luckily I wasn’t the only one). So I think seeing a Halloween film where the body count is back to the single digits soothed my soul from a few years ago. Also bringing the killers back down to a more human level, just with a knack of surviving the impossible, was cathartic and reminiscent of the first five (except three bc who actually watches that one) films, which imo the brother Michael to Jamie niece pipeline is superior (when Paul Rudd gets added to the mix is when I start hating it and switch over to H20).
I also love next gen nonsense, and I and aware I am hereby the scum of the earth, and that’s where this movie excels for me and also majorly disappoints. Because I thought we were getting the transfer of evil from Michael to Corey, but also a what if Laurie didn’t fight for good and instead submitted to the lure of evil and it’s ease? I thought the inclusion of Alyson in that was cool, however they totally fucked it up.
Because at first it’s like oh Alyson doesn’t want to fight it anymore, or maybe she was cristened in the evil because of how she grew up and wouldn’t that be the perfect way for Michael to win if not in flesh: Laurie’s own granddaughter committing to evil. However they just didn’t do that?
All of a sudden Alyson isn’t .. dark. She’s just done with her phase ????????? Like whyyyyy it could have been so perfect why must you do this to me?
Also in the vein of massive disappointment yet mid movie satisfaction is Corey’s whole character. Because I liked how he was a mild blend of young Laurie and Michael (smart baby sitter -> killer ig is the only link lmao) and some of the set up was clever if not slightly crude in execution; i.e, him sleeping and sort of hiding in the home of his first kill, much like Michael hid in his childhood home where he killed Judith. I loved that idea, and giving him his own mask, specially a creepy Halloween one reminiscent of Michaels clown mask which I thought was cool.
I waited for the end of the credits in hopes of a scene shot from the window of Jeremy Allen’s house, with nothing but breathing for audio, and a slow shot of someone picking up the scarecrow mask and looking out at haddon field from the window.
But, no. 🗿
However I still have hope for this, idk why I guess I’m just delusional. However considering Michael let himself die imo and allowed himself to be carried to the massive meat grinder, and that Corey sat up after being stabbed in the neck, I get the impression Corey could have sat up after his neck was snapped (considering he was shot multiple times and sustained two falls from fatal heights and a fucking neck wound but what ever) and if Michael wasn’t ready to go then he could just punched the window from the roof of the car, so I figured that scene when he was over Corey was a sort of eye signal thing to take over the mantle bc the whole movie he was turning to Michael for guidance but it was his time to fully grasp the role. Therefore Michael allowed them to kill him and destroy his body as Corey became the sole owner of the form, which would explain why both of them were in mid strength throughout the movie bc evil incarnate can only fulfill one form fully.
But. No.
And if not that, I figured Alyson would then be who the evil was transferred to. Idk I guess I supposed she was going to play an actual role in the film but … sigh.
So yes while I have many complaints about how they dropped the ball with the end, what this movie could have been, and what it delivers in the first and second act make this one of the more compelling sequels imo, and by FAR the best of the new three, in my opinion at least. The last two new ones were honestly disrespectful to the franchise imo and completely misunderstood the point of Michael: he’s not like a machine gun. He’s scary cause he’s evil and stalks his prey, not because you guys found some cool and gross cgi to attach to your film and decimate an entire town population. That’s an apocalypse atp, not a slasher or killer.
So this one definitely payed wonderful homage (ty for adding the picture of Annie and Linda 🥲, the knitting needles!! Someone stabbed on the wall, and Corey standing watching Laurie like Michael in the first film) and had a decent vibe that fit in with the original imo better than Halloween kills (my genuine arch nemesis). However the ending didn’t just fall flat, it fell from an eight story building.
HOWEVER. THEY ADDED DONT FEAR THE REAPER IN THE END CREDITS. And I feel that song should get more credit as the iconic Halloween song.
And though many are upset about Michaels lack of screen time, I was honestly so pissed that they made him a terminator in the last film, I was okay with it.
And Laurie, dear, pls step on me.
Jamie was 10379128/10 in this movie. *chefs kiss*
So sorry if you read this whole thing :/
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Strings of Fate Ch7!
And he's back in Wilbur's body!! The sheer relief, Bee. Goodness, it is so sweet. He hugs his big brother Techno!
I love how Techno immediately calls for Phil when Tommy tries to explain the comet. He's like "I dunno how to deal with this- oh wait, I don't have to!"
And Phil shifts from "my son is having a nervous breakdown?" to "ohhhhh it's the other one" and makes him some coffee.
It must be very relieving for Tommy to finally have someone know about the swapping. Because for a moment he doesn't need to be Wilbur. He doesn't need to come up with these cover-ups or strange excuses. He doesn't need to try and act like someone else. He can talk to his dad as just himself.
And Phil lets Tommy call him dad!!! Ahshaghdajhd I'm dying I love angel duo
I assume the person Phil was swapping with was his wife? That makes the most sense to me. That would make for a cute little story. If only he could remember it.
Wilbur's got some amazing friends. Niki just immediately believes him despite how crazy Tommy sounds and instantly resorts to explosives. And Jack goes along with it just because. Everyone needs a rocket duo in their life. Pure chaos and wholesomeness!
And Techno of course is there to demolish the property of the government.
The train! Wilbur and Tommy on the train I am going to cry. This part in the movie always makes me kind of sad. They're so close but just too far:(
i'll be back in a second for chapter 8!!
WOOHOO TOMMY'S BACK!! of course the first thing he does is hug his brother he's literally been mourning him :(
lmao yeah techno is not prepared to deal with his brother having a mental breakdown and thinking the apocalypse is coming. he's just like "dad please help." meanwhile phil puts the pieces together pretty quickly and is just like ok gotta get techno out of here so we can talk
oh it was such a relief for tommy to be able to talk to phil as himself. if they didn't have the time limit with the comet, he probably would've stayed there all day just chatting with phil. it was such a weight off his shoulders, even if he had gotten used to pretending to be wilbur at that point
angel duo <33 love them
yes in my head i was imagining that the person phil was switching with was his wife :) neither one of them remembered it later on when they met as adults, but they still felt a connection to each other the 'first' time they met that neither one could explain
niki has a lot of faith in wilbur. if he's being dead serious about something like that, she's going to trust him. plus, she's got her own anarchist ideas and was definitely excited to get to use the demolition equipment. poor jack is literally just along for the ride he doesn't believe this shit at all but he's not letting his friends commit domestic terrorism without him
the train :((
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icyfox17 · 1 year
for the asks thingy!! which is super cool btw :0
🌸 , 🌐, 👫, 💀
La Belle Fleur Sauvage 🌸 — What flowers do you want in your grave?
answered this one with gracie, i don't really have big opinions on flowers :0 i love most of them, lillies are my favs but hmmm i know carnations represent death in italy (pre sure) and those are absolutely gorgeous so !!!
The Man Who Lives Forever 🌐 — How would you spend a lifetime of immortality?
i'd love to travel the world, and do hikes. so many hikes. i'd love to do things i wouldnt normally do in fear of being arrested/dying LMAO like . i'd do cliff diving, i'd hike crazy trails, i'd sneak into those hallways at malls that are only for on duty employees, i'd go roof hopping, i'd probably try having some exotic pets (like a fox wink wink), i'd try all the hobbies in the world (piano, painting, stained glass, spray painting, violin, cello, etc), i'd volunteer at homeless shelters and work in libraries, idk immortality terrifies me but . i think i'd make it worth it if i had to
Brother 👫🏻 — Who would you want by your side in an apocalyptic battle?
this is hard bc like . on the one hand, the person i trust the most obviously, on the other hand, i don't want them getting hurt at all.
or do i choose like a fictional character . so tempted to say wf!wilbur bc he is soowjaoirlk but also . he has been through WAY TOO MUCH help maybe solace!wilbur heehee hoohooo just as long as he doesnt get mind controlled again we'll be fine and he's like so bamf that he could demolish the apocalypse FJKDAJD
The World Ender 💀 — Describe your “coming back from the dead to take vengeance on your enemies” outfit.
PLSSS i see u tommie i see what ur doing
uhm i honestly have no fucking clue? okay okay im picturing a mix between pirate/musketeer vibes and fantasy vibes. like obviously i'd need a cloak, there's no question. i love leather aesthetic, so like leather/combat boots? not the knee high ones more so the ankle ones. i'd have multiple swords and daggers on me. maybe on the belt i'd have a pouch for like spell components? hehe
yeaaaaahhh like that yaur muscle emote
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spencer-is-dead · 1 year
Who wants to hear a really random story about how me and my cousins went to war on a regular basis (and I may or may not have bit my cousin)?
No one? Alright, let’s go.
So, to understand this whole mess you might want to know the hierarchy of my mom’s side of the family. My cousin Jesse P is the oldest, he’s like four years older than me, I am the second oldest, Micah P is after him and is Jesse’s brother, he’s a few months younger than me, Judah L is next, then my sister Sadie, and then Judah’s brother Peter, and then my brother Henry. Except Henry isn’t really a player in the game since I was around four to six when the war took place, so he’s like really little.
I was Jesse’s “partner” and Sadie was with Micah, since both of the L’s were too young to really play. When the cousins come over twice a year we would usually hang out with them. Now, one fateful day, Sadie and Micah took it upon themselves to push a rock into my grandmother’s fish pond. My grandmother didn’t catch them, but she had an inkling that it was them, so she asked them. And they had the NERVE, the absolute AUDACITY to say that some beavers pushed it in. So since then, Sadie and Micah have been known as the beavers. That was how the first faction got started.
The second faction came in 2016. I know this because this is the year the Trolls movie came out, and I am ashamed to admit that it was my hyperfixation for almost a year. Anyways, we all went to Toys R Us (RIP) every Christmas when the cousins were around. Jesse got a Robin (from Teen titans) costume. Now I obviously had no idea who robin was because my brain somehow did not connect the Batman robin and the costume. Anyways, I got a Poppy (from the trolls movie) headband, and me and Jesse both became the superhero squad known as the robins.
Me and Jesse had been fighting the Beavers long before we became the robins. I’m pretty sure the biting incident came before that. But yeah, we regularly went to war. And by war, I mean aggressive roughhousing. Like I would absolutely demolish this guy. Sometimes the L’s would join in (mostly Judah) but usually it was just the Ps and My family.
Eventually, the fighting got so bad that they had to pull me off of Micah like some sort of dog, and then they (the parents) took it upon themselves to ‘unite’ the factions and make them the Puppies, which was really stupid to me even back then.
Eventually, on a Disney trip in 2018, me and Micah started to get along, like some sort of enemies to friends thing. Now we’re not completely friends, but we bonded over our shared love of anime lmao, he’s really into demon slayer, and I think he watched SxF. Ah well, just goes to show how stupid these squabbles really were. But, hey, it was kind of fun to play games like these, minus the getting ripped to shreds part.
Hope you didn’t get too bored, my mom’s side of the family isn’t nearly as complicated as my dad’s side. I might share more about the weird things about my family, since I don’t think any of us are normal.
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ilhoonftw · 1 year
my favorite auntie's brother bought a land that's basically abandoned? there's even a house... that looks like someone got up and left. there's something wrong with it structure-wise so it has to be demolished, but it's just full of stuff? i think the kids of prev owners live abroad or something, they sold everything as it is. my auntie's new hobby is going through all that stuff, there's So Much things. she decided to learn how to sell things online, i mean trashing it all would be wasteful. the furniture alone is in great shape, no bed bugs, old craftmanship etc. i was tasked with helping her with the internet side of things 😎 her brother said she can do whatever she wants, the goal is to get enough money to cover at least 1/3 the expenses related to trashing the waste from demolition. with how prices of things go up everyday i doubt that's possible but hey, that's not my business lmao
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viiridiangreen · 2 years
lrb i realised the length of the tag ramble was getting a lil unhinged so
#i am making........... not like an Insane amount of money but as much + prolly more than my formal job by playing with randos online#we r trying Very Hard to get our brains to cooperate & actually like#try & use the extra income to improve our qol#like finding somewhere we can order food from consistently on a low budget so that occasionally splurging on something tastier is like#doable & not scary#and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my bf is still a photographer with a Mysterious Eye Condition that doesn't just make shooting impossible but like#severely limit what he can do day-to-day so......................#& mainly so I don't have to work the day job then cook & clean then work the night shift#& like he was starting to take on some of that workload but some days he genuinely can't keep his eyes open without excruciating pain so#baby steps ig#his dad was already Comfy money-wise but he got like an insane raise recently so#bf is trying to handle getting back into contact with him Strategically so that he can actually get proper medical attention#without demolishing his mom's savings#we'd been dealing with some Bullshit before the pandemic but honestly the lockdowns & everything we had to do around that were Devastating#lol. lmao#step 1 is preventing total capsizing step 2 is like health stuff we've been neglecting in favour of Not Starving#step 3 is moving towards like..... career stuff for both of us that might be like even remotely sustainable like#monetarily and health wise#step 73 maybe i can see an actual psychiatrist and try the Chemical Approach to whatever the fuck is wrong with me#(ik it's not magic but. goddamn i would've liked to have had the chance to treat what is Very Likely a deadly cocktail of uh-#-ADHD + some other bullshit. like as a child. like when my brother got dx'ed. but noooo my parents had to have a fundie meltdown &-#-swear off any contact with mental health professionals for anyone in the family after they tried to give him pills#even as my dad tried & failed to provide for all 4 of us on his income as a PhD in PSYCHOLOGY AAAAAARGHHHGSHDFHJS)#chomping and biting and rending and tearing and stomping#not to be an insane entitled person but things didn't have to Get Like This if either my bf or i had been shown like 0.3 oz more care from#the adults in charge at the right time#is uhhhhhhhhh treating children + teens like human beings really that fucking impossibly difficult?????????????????????????????????????????
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wholesome-lesbiab · 6 years
Apparently urban exploration YouTube channels are a thing??? Why did I not realize this before holy shit can anyone recommend me any good ones
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dr4kenlvr · 3 years
let them know ur mine <3
pairing: baji keisuke, smiley kawata, mikey sano, peh-yan x gn!reader
genre/wc: fluff (0.7k+)
request: How about some hcs for baji smiley Mikey and ig peh with an S/O that likes to wear their toman jacket bc it has their name on it so people will know who the reader’s boyfriend is
a/n: for the sake of the request, let's pretend the uniforms have the boy's name on it because i don't think it actually does?? but yes cute cute cute i love this yes yes
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the first time you wore his jacket, was when he offered it to you in the hours of the chilled evening
you two had just spent a day together, and hadn't expected the temperatures to drop so suddenly—"here, take it okay? you can give it to me in the morning."
so, you spent the rest of your time together in his jacket and baji couldn't help but notice that other's would take note of toman's symbol, and see his name embroided onto your back
did he feel a growing sense of pride from that? LMAO YES OF COURSE
his teasing ass probably leaned in with a lingering touch at the small of your back, and whispered: "y'know—everyone's looking at my name on your back, whadd'ya think hm?"
so now even you're on board with this whole "look-at-my-jacket!-i'm-dating-him!" thing
baji thinks you look adorable in it too, sometimes you look better in it than him
"y'know what—just keep it, i feel demolished."
but he means well !! <333 he just loves you sm and is so happy that you love him sm too
one time he caught you sleeping in the jacket and did a little dance of excitement before falling asleep with you ^^
smiley had a plan constructed in his mind
this boy "just wanted to see" what you would look like in his jacket, but really, wanted to see you with his name adorning you back
and guess what—he ended up absolutely falling in love with the sight of his name adorning your back
when you take it off to give it back, he just goes: "ah, ah, ah~ you keep that on pretty thing."
cue his mischievous grin
walks around so proudly, smile so wide and bright with a lazy arm slung around your shoulder as he pulls you closer to him
"that's right, that's my s/o right there!" he yells, as you literally go off to do anything
you could be running off to throw away your trash and he'll cheer you on LMFAO
he always wants to show you off; you're his pride and joy, why would he not?
asks angry to take photos of the two of you from the back so he can set it as his lockscreen <3
angry agrees, but immediately regrets it when his brother turns to place a kiss on your lips
GAHHHHH mikey found you so cute when you asked if you could try on his jacket
"yes, yes—omg yes, take it now."
i think he literally squealed when you put it on AHAHHA
you laughed as you imitated mikey's famous kick with little expertise, nevertheless mikey laughed along with you
with feigned fear, he dramatically clutched his heart and yelled, "AHHH PLEASE DON'T HURT ME OH STRONG NEW LEADER OF TOMAN!!"
it was a fun time
now, mikey always wants you to wear his jacket. if it's hot, cold, warm, raining, hell—if there's a hurricane, he'll be alright so just take it <3 the sight of you never fails to make him smile <3 (omg mikey i miss you pls come back)
his lockscreen is a live photo of you kicking the air with a huge grin; and every time his thumb presses down to activate the video, his grin is one that mirrors your own
draken, looking at you and emma "fist fight": y/n might be stronger than you, to be honest.
mikey, nodding approvingly while stroking his imaginary beard: you might be a bit late on that, ken.
cracks knuckles you thought SMILEY was bad?? well ..
say hello to humanity's number one s/o lover, praiser, supporter, appreciater: peh-yan.
he's unequivocally the one to bring up the idea of you wearing his jacket just "because"
one word to describe him: boastful !!
he's so happy to have copped such a wonderful person and he wants the WHOLE WORLD to know
every time you where his jacket, his whole heart soars and he cant help but wrap a protective arm around your waist as you two walk off together
wheres a smug grin himself LOL and is nodding approvingly at the glances people spare you two with
"you guys see this? that's MY name HAHA LOSERS !!"
"ryohei, please."
"sorry babe."
even if it's fun to see you in the jacket, he'll offer to you whenever it's cold, or you feel a little exposed, literally for any reason just ask
he'll never hesitate to lend it to you, telling you to keep it for as long you need it <3
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @chuuae @kazuhoya @eriskaitto @gwynsapphire @sscarchiyo (send an ask or dm to be added!)
your interactions are very appreciated! <3
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ionianstar · 4 years
NSFW // Obey Me! Brothers Sexual Preferences Headcanons
Wow this got out of hand. I’ll link the New Dateables one as well. I apologize for length lmao
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- call him Daddy, Master, Sir, all that shit.
- Humiliation/Degredation. Gotta earn that praise though
- he'd be sorta into exhibitionism but he wouldn't go as far as to label it. He likes seeing his person flustered over him touching them, and he likes to touch them in public to see that reaction
- introduce him to collars and leashes and you're done for.
- he will choke you
- marks like bites and bruising so you have a lasting impression of him on you
- takes a great deal of pride in marking you as his
- will accept hickeys and scratches
- moans more than you think
- very into impact play (spanking and whipping)
- "my little ..."
- "my starlight"
- "angel"
- (consensual) SOMNOPHILIA. Will use you when youre drifting off to sleep, you are his toy to play with when he pleases.
- aftercare isn't always cuddling in bed.
- Sometimes he'll have to go back to his office but he'll wrap you up in a robe and let you sit in his lap while he works, absently stroking either your arm or thigh or back
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- Tell him he's a good boy, your good boy, and he's blushing and leaking already
- may have a mild humiliation kink to cope with his trauma but may not even be aware of it.
- tie him up and make him beg.
- tests his patience but also allows him to be close to you
- body worship, both ways
- E D G E H I M
- but also let him tower over you and demolish you
- maybe restrain his hands too, he'll love that
- bites, hickeys, bruising, both ways.
- whines and whimpers and mewls, soft noises
- occasional soft swearing under his breath
- peg him. peg him. peg him. milk him dry.
- cuddle him afterwards and reaffirm positive things about him. He may be extremely emotional after and holding him is a great comfort for him.
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- peg him
- soft dom/mes are his thing
- be gentle with him
- but tease the fuck outta him. He will leak instantly.
- loud. Gag him or put a hand over his mouth while he moans and he'll love you forever
- just dom the fuck outta him. He wants to be slutted out and used
- give him positive feedback during everything
- "you're doing so well, baby"
- "does it hurt, love?"
- "tell me how much you love it. Tell me how good I make you feel."
- cowgirl and sensual spooning are his favourites
- aftercare for him is alot of cuddling and positive affirmations.
- he may move to his computer but he'll just put on something for you both to watch and settle back in with you
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- he is a notorious tease. Do not trust him
- ////// C O C K W A R M I N G //////
- it's more of a way to exercise control over you and he loves that shit
- jealous sex will be a thing.
- E X H I B I T I O N I S T
- he'll buy a remote control/bluetooth vibrator and make you wear it when you leave hom together
- just to see you stutter and try to maintain your composure in front of persons.
- make you wear it at the dinner table. Everyone can smell your arousal and that fills him with an obscene amount of pride
- 100% would finger you in a movie theatre with people around
- palm or stroke him "absently" through his pants while he's busy
- he will remember and return the favor later but for now fuck yes please don't stop
- very sensual
- enjoys making out and making you ride his thigh
- sense play. lots of feathers and candle wax and ice cubes
- slow sex usually
- hard rough sex when he's mad
- Nibble on his earlobes, fucks him up everytime
- sensitive neck. Give many hickeys
- grunts and groans, generslly quiet
- "Kitten"
- "Lovely"
- "Angel"
- collar, cat ears, buttplug with tail, you are now his kitten
- marks you as his very plainly
- likes when you dig your nails into his skin
- very much into pain and pleasure
- aftercare is curling up and listening to him read to you.
- He'll place soothing kisses and ice packs on particularly deep bruises and praise you for the rest of the day
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- fucking switch. Can dom but prefers to be a sub for you
- Spank him occasionally, watch his eyes roll up into his head
- likes to draw out play time
- mutual masturbation.
- body worship, both ways
- the most adorable mewls and whines and the loudest, filthiest moans
- Occasional overstim
- likes to be filled so will always have a dildo or buttplug
- He will 100% ride your thigh. He enjoys it
- Doggystyle is fun cuz he can be in control there.
- will suck you off/eat you out with great enthusiasm
- he likes to be praised and will give praise always
- faint, barely there hickeys but S O M A N Y.
- aftercare is 100% always a soothing bath with hair washing, body washing
- followed by gently rubbing lotion all over your body
- could be followed by a massage, his treat, or another round of sex
- but of the slower, more gentle kind
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- D O G G Y S T Y L E
- Will fuck you into the mattress
- hot kisses on your neck with a hand ghost over your throat and one around your waist to hold you in place
- surprisingly enjoys being edged
- will make the tiniest noises and it's so fucking cute
- restrain him. He could probably rip them off if he wanted to but he likes to relinquish that control sometimes
- always afraid he'll hurt you so is generally gentle and sensual
- but get him worked up enough and he will spear you
- lovingly.
- loves getting hickeys, mark him up
- Its one of the few ways he can pleasure you fully without thinking of possibly hurting you
- please give him all the kisses
- mutual masturbation just so he can watch you and marvel at you
- aftercare is getting you some water and snacks and cuddling with you.
- will let you lay on his chest as you both snack.
- will suggest a movie or maybe a hot shared shower.
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- (consensual) S O M N O P H I L I A
- sleepy sex is wonderful
- doggystyle or reverse cowgirl.
- don't worry, he'll help.
- Dom in any situation. Cannot turn it off.
- maybe maneuvering penetrative sex is too much work, he will fuck your thighs and use his own precum as lube
- rutting against your ass and moaning so quietly in your ear
- lots of ass squeezing.
- wandering hands when you cuddle that somehkw always end up in your pants.
- you are not complaining in the slightest though
- lazy hickeys on your shoulder
- likes to give out spanks occasionally
- lots of wrap-arounds and sensual spooning
- call him Daddy once or twice and watch his dick jump. try it, just once
- not loud but swears alot
- will murmur in your ear exactly how good you feel around him and ask you in return to tell him exactly who is making you feel this good
- will never hesitate to use a vibrator on either of you. Makes orgasming easier and he just likes how they feel
- when the energy hits him tho,,,,
- will pound you into the mattress and slut you out
- aftercare is a quick shared shower and then cuddles in bed until he falls asleep.
- sometimes will stay awake and talk for a while, giving you the softest of kisses
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