#i just didn't get bitten by the bug i guess
warlordfelwinter · 1 year
i don't know how the hive interest completely missed me when it got literally everyone around me even my own sister but it is kind of funny because normally i'd hear tarot theme and get really excited and want to play because like. yeah. i love tarot and delphi's whole thing is like divination and stuff. but it's hive so i'm just like... i'm gonna play baldur's gate.
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irondad-defensesquad · 11 months
edit (december 6th 2023): this has been getting a lot of notes - thank you for the love btw! - so i just wanted you to know that this idea has a full story! it's right here. thanks again!
tony is checking his notes while he works, when he hears the door opening.
"oh peter, is that you?" he says, a little relieved but also annoyed. "care to explain why you haven't replied to any of my messages-?"
when he looks behind him, though, there's nobody in the lab.
... the meow startles him.
tony finds the black cat sitting on his notebook, and doesn't appear to plan on getting off.
"seriously?" tony groans. "friday, why is the little black hole in here?"
"he is boss jr., isn't that correct?" the A.I. replies rather smugly.
the man glares at the ceiling. "very funny." then he turns to the cat. "why are you like this. i thought cats liked to be alone. but i guess you just love bugging me."
the cat doesn't reply. he dares to lie down, refusing to let tony work. before they settle on yet another glaring contest today, the older man's phone vibrates on the desk, much to the cat's curiosity. tony quickly takes it and sees he has new text messages from peter.
peter: sorry mr stark, i can't come over today
peter: i have a decathlon meeting and i can't miss it
tony audibly groans. yeah, of course. obviously.
then peter sends another one.
peter: how is tony jr? is he behaving?
tony aggressively texts back.
tony: that is not his name. and no, he's being a little menace, alright. he ruined my couch, he knocked my favorite mug over, and now he won't let me work.
peter: aww mr stark, he just wants attention!
tony: yeah, but he doesn't have to be such a little shit.
peter: stop being mean to him!!!
tony: he's being mean to me.
tony: so what, i'm gonna be stuck with him for another night?
the teen spends a while writing the next text, which becomes many of them, probably indicating he's anxious.
peter: look mr stark i'm sorry i forced you to look after him
peter: i just couldn't leave him in the cold and aunt may already has a lot in her plate
peter: but i didn't mean to make you mad either
peter: i promise i'll try to come over as soon as i can to take him to the shelter
tony's anger fades. he sighs it out.
tony: kid, it's fine. i get it. you have a good heart and i'm proud of you for that. i just wasn't ready to have a stray cat home.
tony: but this isn't your fault, okay? you did the right thing.
he almost texts more but decides not to.
peter: ok mr stark
peter: i'll try to get him to the shelter by the end of the week
tony: no pressure, kiddo.
when he thinks it's over, peter sends yet another one.
peter: hey mr stark? could you take a pic of him? i miss his little face 🥺
tony rolls his eyes and positions the starkphone in front of the cat. the little feline seems to notice it and looks back. and he tilts his head almost instantly. though tony knows it's not out of confusion - it's like he's posing for the photo.
the hero sends it to peter.
who in turn, replies with several stickers of people exploding with heart emojis.
peter: omg!!!! bby!!!! i would die for him!!!!
tony: please don't.
peter: aww he even posed!
peter: guess he rlly takes after you 😊
tony: he is still not my cat.
peter: still... just be good to him until i get back ok? he just wants some company
you don't get it, pete. i'm irresponsible and i ruin everything i touch.
tony doesn't send that.
instead, tony looks at the cat deep into his golden eyes.
his hand approaches the little void. he expects to get bitten or scratched like he has been all day. but worse...
i ruin everything i touch, and i'm going to kill another innocent creature. i'm going to kill him. i'm going to kill him.
the cat is snuggling against his hand, purring.
then he lets tony pet his whole body and his tail touches his fingers.
indeed... all the cat ever wanted was love and attention. the things he never had in the past.
with a relieved smile on his face, tony finally answers peter.
tony: okay.
just a simple reply. but many promises.
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gaily-daily-musings · 8 months
Idk if anyone has seen The Painted Veil. But picture this: it's the 1920s and Obi-Wan is an alpha doctor who studies diseases. While in London he comes across socialite omega Anakin at a party. He is instantly smitten. Love at first sight. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for Anakin.
Obi-Wan calls upon him at his house. He surprises Anakin with a proposal.
“I know we don't really know each other, but I confess I'm quite taken with you. If you would do me the honor of your hand I promise to care and love you the rest of your days.”
Anakin is torn. He doesn't know this person but he is getting older and he's worried. He doesn't want to end up an old spinster. More than that he doesn't want to be a burden on his mother. He agrees on the spot. Obi-Wan is shocked but delighted.
They marry. Fast forward a few months later. They're at a horse track. Anakin has been so bored lately, cooped up in the house with nothing to do. At least as a single omega he got to go out with his mother and friends. But now he's married so he's expected to attend events with his husband. But Obi-Wan is always buried in his work.
Anakin wanders off to get another drink. He meets the handsome Rush Clovis. He was young and virile, not like Obi-Wan who was much more reserved.
“What's your favorite part about a horse?” Anakin asks, a bit too flirtatious perhaps but it's not like anyone was watching.
“Hmm, most people would probably say the coat. But I appreciate the flank.” Rush eyes Anakin up and down with a sly grin.
They exchange a few more quips about horses and racing and the power behind such an amazing beast. Rush comments that he actually owned one of the horses. One thing leads to another and Rush takes Anakin down to the stables to see the horses. They fuck in one of the empty stables.
For a moment Anakin finally feels appreciated. Wanted. Obi-Wan never made passes at him. He didn't hungrily look at him the way Rush did. Obi-Wan was very respectable. Too respectable. He'd hadn't even bitten him. He'd told Anakin on their wedding night that he would not bite him until, or if, he was ready.
Anakin groans loudly. Obi-Wan would never debase himself like this. He wasn't fun. He didn't even touch him. Obi-Wan may be nice but he isn't very passionate. He went out of his way to give Anakin privacy. He'd accidentally walked in on Anakin changing once. He'd simply averted his eyes and walked back out. He didn't even get a boner.
For a minute it's just Anakin and Rush and the slap of flesh. Then there is a small gasp behind them.
Anakin snaps up to see Obi-Wan standing there in wide eyed shock. Rush pulls out and they scramble to get their clothes on. Once dressed, Obi-Wan grabs his arm and yanks him away.
“We're leaving," Obi-Wan announces. His voice is cold. So very cold. Anakin has never heard it like that before.
The next few hours are excruciating. Once home Obi-Wan lectures him in a stiff and furious tone.
“I was well aware that you didn't marry me for love! But had at least hoped you could learn to! I see now I was wrong. You are a selfish, vain thing!”
Anakin hangs his head. Ashamed. He didn't mean to hurt the man. He just wanted some fun. He was bored in this house all day. Feeling stuck and stagnant. He needed more than this.
“Please don't throw me out.”
He can't go back to his mother like this. He's nowhere else to go. And he knows what happens to omegas on the streets.
In the end, Obi-Wan doesn't throw him out. Instead he gives him an ultimatum. Either divorce on the grounds of adultery (a public humiliation where he will be ostracized) or come with him to a remote village in New Zealand where he has volunteered to treat victims of a cholera outbreak. Anakin chooses the later.
The journey is long and arduous. Anakin hates it. He hates everything about it. It's hot and sweaty and there's bugs everywhere. Obi-Wan is not helpful. He doesn't offer to carry his bags or fan his face or even play a simple guessing game to pass the time.
They finally arrive. It's a tiny village. Anakin meets all sorts of new people. Rex and Cody and Wolffe etc. He grows close to a girl, Ahsoka. The longer they stay the more Anakin finds he likes these people. He starts to learn their songs and way of life. He watches Obi-Wan help them. How gentle and kind he was.
Anakin realizes that stability is better than passion. That Obi-Wan is dependable and trustworthy. He'd thrown his one chance at love away for a meaningless fling. He's ruined everything.
Anakin asks Rex if there's any jobs he can do. He's a bit bored as there's nothing much for him to occupy his time. Rex points him to the nursery where they take care of their little ones. Anakin starts spending time there. He bonds with the children and babies. Unbeknownst to him Obi-Wan observes him.
One night, several weeks after arriving, Anakin is changing in his room. A creaky floorboard alerts him to an intruder. Anakin startles and looks up. His doorway is cracked open. Obi-Wan is watching. Anakin's heart flies to his throat. Obi-Wan stands there. He does not look away. Anakin slowly turns to fully face him. He lets his robe fall completely away, revealing tan skin.
Obi-Wan's look is burning. How had Anakin ever thought this man had no passion? He is made of it.
Obi-Wan pushes into the room and grabs him. Anakin goes limp. They back up and fall onto the bed. Anakin spreads his legs, letting Obi-Wan do what he wanted. They kiss hungrily. Anakin bucks up against him, rolling his hips. He's already wet from a single touch. From just one kiss.
Obi-Wan slides in without any resistance. They both moan.
Anamin bares his neck. “Make me yours.” He whines desperately. “Please.”
Obi-Wan sinks his teeth in. Anakin closes his eyes and holds on for dear life.
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cozzzynook · 22 days
May I offer some Forbidden Predabee? :>
Bumblebee grew up in a village that is well known to hunt down mecha-beasts and predacons for the Senate, they have been doing this for thousands of years so Bee never saw an issue with it as a sparkling. One day he heads out into the near by forest to train for the ceremonial hunt, an ancient tradition that lets young hunters prove themselves and those who get selected get to hunt their first predacon with the chief of the village.(Optimus) Being rather giddy and wanting to prove himself that he could be a hunter and not just a scout Bee spends most of the afternoon training not noticing he was being watched from the treeline.
With a quick swing with his sword Bumblebee slips hitting the ground hard before letting out an annoyed groan, this the 3rd time it has happened and the yellow bot is getting rather frustrated with himself. He gets up and angrily kicks his sword to the other side of the clearing before sitting down a tree stump before putting his face in his servos. 'Why can't he just get it right? Everyone else can fight with their swords just fine but not him...how is he going to prove himself at the ceremonial hunt if he can't use a sword?' Lost in thought Bee doesn't hear the sound of heavy footsteps growing closer behind and nearly jumps out of his plating when a talon gently taps him on the shoulder. Whipping around Bumblebee is suddenly standing face to face with a predacon.
"Having trouble with your sword skills I see?" Predaking glanced at the sword before turning to face the yellow bot again. "You won't get far in battle with that kind of trouble" He flicks his wings while he narrows his optics at the bot.
Bee nervously looks between the predacon and his sword wondering it was worth the risk to try and rush for it. However a gentle clawed servo grabs his shoulder gently guiding him back into the open before returning his sword back to him. The predacon smirks flicking his wings again this time in amusement. "Allow me to help you little bug, After all if you wish to become a great warrior its better to learn from one of the best."
From then on Bumblebee and Predaking trained with each other in secret and slowly with time Bee gets better with his skills while also getting closer to Predaking as well. Eventually Bee ends up falling for the predacon and it doesn't take long until the pair are also sneaking out long into the night. However the day of the ceremonial hunt arrives and Bee is suddenly dreading it as he learned that predacon's are more than vicious beasts who destroy everything in their paths and he doesn't want to hurt Predaking by slaying one of his own kind, so Bumblebee comes up with a plan. During the hunt he makes his way towards a little cave hoping to fail the hunt by hiding out then return to the camp with nothing hoping it will be enough, but as he quietly hides he suddenly hears a strange hissing coming from deeper within the cave.
A large Void spider hisses and charges the intruder not being pleased that someone disturbed its nest. With a sudden yelp Bee draws his sword and begins fighting for his life. He is able to doge and cut away one of it's legs before being bitten by its long fangs on his shoulder. He cries out in pain but begins feeling strange and light headed as the venom slowly fills his fuel lines, before he blacks out he hears a sudden roar and the sound of snapping jaws followed by a high pitched screeching noise. When he re opens his optics he finds himself safely tucked away in a warm nest with his wound patched up. Slowly he sits up looking around the nicely decorated den before spotting Predaking who is busy cleaning away the last remains of his dinner in his fangs.
"Heh, I guess I owe you one...but you didn't have to take me back to your den" Bee gives a sheepish smile as Predaking slowly transforms back into his root-mode before walking up to Bumblebee. "You could have just left me outside my village, I'm sure someone would have found me just fine."
The predacon shakes his helm before gently cupping the yellow mech's cheek with his clawed servo. "My little bug, I would not consider myself a true protector if I left you alone and at the mercy of the forest." He then gently places a soft kiss on Bee's helm before gazing lovely at those bright blue optics. "I truly and deeply love you...and I would gladly throw myself at a thousand foes to protect you my dear"
Bumblebee suddenly feels his face grow hot as his door wings give a little flutter. With greedy servos Bee suddenly pulls Predaking into a burning kiss before lying back to allow the larger mech to join him in the nest. It is long after dark when Bumblebee finally returns back to the village, he is suddenly greeted by his Carrier Optimus and the village's medic before he is guided towards the Medic's hut. Optimus is asking question after question about what happened in the forest and why he seemed to sluggish and tired. Bee isn't paying any attention he is just happily humming to himself as he sends waves of comfort, reassurance and joy through his spark bond to his secret Conjunx, now only if he could get Carrier to stop worrying about him for once.
Hope you enjoyed this little Au idea. All those Barbarian and fantasy Au's got to me lol.
Oh my gosh i love this idea!
Whoever you are, thank you for sharing i love this so much
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michverdun · 2 years
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"I promise I'm not 'overcompensating' for anything. I just was bitten by the iron bug that's all."
The taller man looked down at his boyfriend, who was currently 5' 5" (165cm) and 354 pounds (161 kg), at least for today. There was a good chance he would be heavier by the end of the week. While the taller man didn't want to call him insecure, it seemed like any joke about his height always got under his skin.
"Are you sure this wasn't about how my family made fun of your height when we saw them last Christmas?"
"Of course not! I knew how much you liked going to the gym, and I wanted to be able to go with you. Plus, none of them well be laughing when I show up with this." He flexed flexed one of his arms, the peak almost reaching his fist. the shorter man grumbled under his breath, a little disappointed in not reaching his fist. The taller man just rolled his eyes.
"Okay, as long as this isn't just about the jokes they made, I guess it's fine."
"I promise, I have plenty of reasons for doing this, like getting you hard."
The shorter man grinned as he started to flex again. Like clockwork, the taller man pulled his boyfriend out of the gym, so that he could worship all of those muscles at home.
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youmissedone · 2 months
{out of smokes} Okay, time for a rant because I haven't complained about this in a long time, haha. L.J. bugs me so much as a person. Let's discuss, heh.
In Apocalypse, he gave Carlos shit for getting bitten and not saying anything. "Shoulda told me you got bit, motherfucker, I'm hangin' wit' you 'n shit." It's a very funny line, we all laughed. But what he's really saying there is... "if you had told me, I would've abandoned you." Or maybe worse, he might've just shot Carlos. I think the former, but even so, he's admitting that he wouldn't be hanging with him if he knew he was bitten. Not... "you should've told me so I can help you," or "so that we can try to find a cure." Nope, he just wanted nothing to do with infected for his own personal safety.
And then in Extinction, he does the exact same thing... gets bitten and doesn't tell anybody. Except there's a few big differences. Nobody really knew what the hell was going on in Raccoon City. Not much was known about the virus, everything was chaos, it was an immediate survival situation. It was also a few hours. Carlos didn't know if he would become crazed like other people, he probably didn't even realize those people were dying and being reanimated. He could've just thought it was something like rabies but with an accelerated incubation time and symptom progression. He was also focused on helping/saving people and wasn't a complainer by nature. So for him to complain about being injured when he had a job to do just wasn't like him. He did make one complaint to Nikolai that the bite wouldn't stop bleeding, but that was in private to a comrade, not around easily frightened civilians. He might not have realized he was contagious either. He was more focused on doing his job and helping people than he was on himself.
L.J., on the other hand, knew exactly what was going to happen to him and why. He knew he was contagious. He knew he'd turn and then endanger his friends. And he didn't care. I don't know what he thought was going to happen, like there was no way to cure him, so... he knew he was going to die. So he literally just put everyone around him at risk because he wanted a few more hours to live himself. I guess he thought they would just shoot him on the spot, which might tell you something about what he thought about his friends. But regardless, he knew full well what would happen to him, and then potentially to whoever he's around when he turns. Also, he kept it a secret for what, an entire day? The rest of a day, all night, and into the next day. A note on inconsistency of incubation times for the T-virus is warranted here, but... I'll let it slide for now, heh.
Maybe I can understand hiding the bite for a little while, none of us knows what we’d do in that situation and people legit get scared if they think they've contracted something fatal, I get it. But after that little while, L.J. should have disclosed it to the convoy because 1) he knows he’ll turn and put people in danger eventually, 2) he’s massively contagious even before that occurs, and 3) he's interacting with other people in close quarters. He was having dinner with Betty the same night he got bit. Did they share drinks or utensils or anything? Because now she’s infected too. Did they hook up at all? She’s even more infected. Like. Did he stop to consider this? He seemed to genuinely care for Betty but then at times he also seemed to not really give her safety a second thought.
And that’s not even the worst of it. He had the chance to be a hero and save lives during the raven attack. He could have at that point been like look, I’m already infected, you guys go and be safe, I'll hold 'em off. But nope, he lets Betty and others take the fall while he’s whisked away with the others and kept safe. Really? You’re gonna let other people die for your safety when you know you’re as good as dead anyway? That's a special kind of selfishness, right there.
Contrast this with Carlos, who never hid the bite he got from L.J. from anyone, and who almost immediately came up with a plan to use his death for something good that would benefit everyone. That was the first thing on his mind… not his own safety, not denial, not dishonesty, not himself over others… but how can I use this moment to everyone’s advantage? What the best outcome of this situation? How can I go out on my own terms? And he doesn’t even hesitate to take one for the team to help everyone else possibly reach their goal of getting to Alaska. Like. Hero material doesn’t even cover this, it makes my heart hurt.
But what hurts even more is… Carlos never once badmouths L.J. for what he did. There’s no… "what the hell" or "thanks a lot." Nothing. Okay, he calls him a "sneaky sonvabitch" when he finds that extra joint in the truck, but I think we'll all agree that was a term of endearment, heh. But... side note... we can add liar to L.J.'s list of character flaws, because how many people asked him if he had any smokes or "alternate" and he said no? Again, L.J. was only thinking of himself. Getting back to Carlos, he bears L.J. no ill will whatsoever for infecting him. If I know Carlos, he was really sorry to lose who he considered a dear friend, and that was it. Even right after L.J. bit him, he didn’t react with… "you asshole!" or something, he just says… “L.J.” And you can hear in his tone that he’s already mourning him. There’s no animosity, no blame, nothing. That’s a serious indication of character right there.
No point to this rant other than that every now and then my feelings bubble over on this subject, heh. I wanted to like L.J. so much, I really did. I found him to be funny, entertaining, and interesting. But I just will never forgive him for what he did in Extinction. Regardless of how pissed off I was to lose Carlos and how sad it was for Alice, Claire, K-Mart, etc. to watch him die that… explosively… what L.J. did is still by itself just such a glaring indication of cowardice, selfishness, and disregard for the lives of others, and it makes me so annoyed I could angry-eat a whole cheesecake myself, heh.
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nugulover69 · 1 year
Dr Pac Man vs Ex-aid & Ghost movie livewatch notes (ex-aid spoilers. spoilers for other shows too probably)
-Holy shit Tanahashi
-Ah this is pre-looney tunes Kuroto I see
-Should mention that I’ve never seen Ghost and all I know abt Takeru is that he has died several times prior to this. good on him for getting an education tho
-Oh shit he’s friends with a monk that’s rad
-"People bitten by the pacmen are developing symptoms of high fever" guess you could say. that they got. pacman fever
-The Pacmen @ Takeru: grrrrr fuck this guy in particular no more henshin belt for you
-Hiiro's dad is so useless love him
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-Monk dude laughing at Poppy's name and no one reacting. it's a silly name guys he's right to giggle abt it
-Iconic lines in cinema
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-Heyyyy pre-character development Taiga, missed you ice king <3
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-Takeru very correct abt how incredible Emu's patience is. a teenager mouths off to me i'm turning them into a pretzel
-Feel like that's surprising regardless of profession Emu
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-Sorry abt your rider transformation impotence cop man
-The baddie's whole deal is directly tied into Emu birthing Parad lmao???
-Takeru and his lady friend have been bugged. sad. also a pair of additional twinks are just Here now
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-Weirdly loud and echo-y ADR grunting going on
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-Takeru's powers coming back bc he believed in himself hard enough. just like parappa the rapper
-A moment of appreciation for Hiroki Iijima's crooked teeth
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-These henshin belts talk too much like shut UPPPPP
-This shit must overstimulating as fuck to kids. so much noise and bright lights good god
-Pacman is Fucking Dead
-Quit flirting on the job you two
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-Emu being hysterical bc he couldn't save one teenager oh yeah you def have not endured the Horrors yet huh buddy
-"I believe there's a special power dwelling inside Emu" yeah its a 6 ft grown ass man dressed like a rave clown marinating in his boy womb
-Is Akari Takeru's like. girlfriend or sister or really good friend bc I cannot tell
-Takeru also spending a lot of this movie grunting in pain and falling over. i assume that's accurate to how he is in his own show
-Don't like Wizard's hideous pink pants
-Aw Drive's belt is a lil guy that's cute
-Love that Gaim showed up already in his suit. was his non-suit actor sick that day of shooting or what
-Ridiculous group of individuals right here
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-"BANANA AU LAIT" real attack name
-Think I watched a porno like this once. less special effects but just as much non-consensual penetration
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-Parad violating Emu's mind exhibit #587
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-Emu once again having more chemistry with a guy not in his own show. Emu should have given him mouth-to-mouth here actually
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-Surprise Hiiro cake watch! Very pretty cake!
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Closing thots: I had fun watching this! I probably would have enjoyed it a lil more if I knew anything abt Ghost or the other riders, but thankfully this was mostly an ex-aid movie ft. others so it didn't dampen the viewing experience all that much. I liked seeing Tanahashi for the whole 2 minutes of screentime he got, the slingblade to Drive was sick as fuck. Plentiful Emu ryona as well; slightly less graphic than when Asakura shoved light tube glass into his eyeballs but still pretty brutal! And hot! What else uhhh the actor playing Takeru is really handsome in a slightly off putting way. His suit is kinda uggo tho, shame.
7/10 pacman died for our sins
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badboypoirot · 1 year
Recapping my second Book 3 playthrough; spoilers under the cut --
Detective: Oliver "Ollie" Kingston
RO: Morgan
Terrible relationship with Rebecca
Personality: Intimidating, Stoic, Stubborn
Traits: Mind over Heart, Pessimist
Skills: Combat/Physical, By the Book
Book 1 Decisions: Bugged by Bobby, did the blood tests, captured Murphy and got bitten (and mostly successful at burying the trauma)
Book 2: Neither Tina nor Verda learned the truth, saved Sanja, Maa-alused signed the treaty
So the main things I was interested in seeing after my first playthrough was how much the ending could vary, how the Tina/Verda hang out would be, and what it'd be like having Bobby along. And wow! I'm still not over the ending.
(Last chance for spoilers)
The ending ended up wildly different than my first playthrough. Given Ollie's awful relationship with Rebecca (finished the file at a lovely 26%), he insisted on going to the auction by himself. Foolhardy, honestly, but I guess parental resentment beats his logical/cautious slant. So there he is, waiting at the meeting point for his escort, and the scream I let out when BOBBY MARKS showed up ☠️☠️☠️
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Up to this point, Ollie had been treating her very disdainfully. I was surprised when she seemed convinced to leave, but of course it's never that simple.
I really liked the scene of Ollie getting put up for auction. I had forgotten that was hinted at in a trailer, and I thought it was heaps more interesting than blending in with the other auctioneers.
Ollie opted to free the prisoners during the ruckus. I actually think he would have chosen to pursue what's-her-face (I still can't remember her name RIP), so I'll admit that was variation-seeking on my part and maybe a touch of guilt making Lucas (my bleeding heart boy) leave them behind. I liked this snippet with Rebecca afterwards:
"I did my best," I say through a breath, walking with her towards the SUVs, where I fall against the nearest one. "I couldn't save them all though. The Trappers had already taken some." Her shoulders rise with a sharp sigh as her features tighten. "You saved more than most of would have in that situation." I frown as I flash my gaze up from the ground to meet hers. "What does that mean?" "I mean that we would have chosen to go after Cessair," she states, stiffening on the spot. "I would have chosen that."
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Sin ended up capturing Cessair though he declined to join the Agency. (Can't say I blame him. They don't exactly seem competent.) I think I owe that largely to the "soul bond" discovery for choosing supernatural research, which seems like a HEFTY chonk of lore that I can't imagine won't show up again.
Oh yeah, and Tapeesa instead of Elidor was kidnapped. That honestly broke my heart more than Elidor did.
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Probably my favorite, favorite part of the ending though... was dealing with Bobby. Ollie ultimately decided to have her memories wiped. He's a pragmatic man, and he doesn't care too much for her to begin with. But MAAAAAAAAAN if that didn't fire up my cylinders for my other Detectives. I'm imagining an alternate Lucas who loathes Bobby for getting him expelled from college but still has a soft spot for her, especially on an Ava-mance playthrough and where Tina or Verda don't know the truth. He's desperate for someone from outside the supernatural world to know what he's going through. Someone who might make up for all the ways his relationship with Ava is lacking. Ugh! Just ugh!!!
"If you could forget about all of this, have the memory erased... would you?" I ask. Hopefully it's vague enough that she won't realize it's an actual option. She doesn't move for a few moments before finally easing herself up a little to meet my gaze. "I don't know." "You don't?" She heaves out a small laugh. "Part of me thinks that knowing what you do will help... maybe not having that barrier will help you not hate me as much any more."
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Speaking of Tina and Vedra -- not much to say except that the scene was really cute. I liked the reprieve it gave the Detective with all he's been going through. It's hard for me to say if I prefer it to dinner with Tina. The lashing she gives Ava was just *chef's kiss*, but god, I still hate Tactical Agent Adrian Stupid-Face. I'm very interested to see the dinner with Verda which I think will be my next playthrough with Detective Robin Greene.
At the end, I'm just impressed with how much variation Mishka has stuffed into this. Perhaps it'll seem less magical after a couple more playthroughs or when the beautiful people of @wayhavenguide dive into the code. (Please check out their Book 1 and Book 2 guides if you're into that! They really put a lot of work into assembling accessible, in-depth guides.) But I'm left just fascinated with how Mishka has written five different romances that can totally stand on its own yet still intersect wonderfully with a customizable MC and the overarching story. I suppose I'm just gushing at this point. I love this series.
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Their Doll 11
Silent scream
B.Barnes x Stark!Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
series synopsis:  y/n Stark, all records of her non existent, and yet Hydra still find her. When she is kidnapped by a certain super-soldier and no one believes her, she finds herself searching for unexpected familiarity in her not-so-distant past.
Series Warnings: smut, violence, torture, swearing
Chapter Summary: y/n gets shut up
Warnings: mentions of violence, swearing
A/n: The timeline in this has been altered, as there I things I wanted to include but I also wanted this fic to follow the storyline/timeline of Winter Soldier and Civil war.So for purposes of this fanfic, Peter Parker was discovered by Tony at a much younger age - when he was bitten - and has been an intern with him since, almost like a protégée.(For the purposes of this story Peter was bitten much younger too - more like when he was 9 or ten rather than 14/15)
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"Fuck you." I snapped, mustering all the saliva I could before spitting it at his face. He flinched back when it splattered over his cheek, his fingers swiping through the spittle before he was shaking it from them and standing back to his full height.
"It appears this one is never going to cooperate. If she won't give us information, why let our experimentations on her possibly...benefit the girl the the future?" The general spoke menacingly to the guards behind me. "How about way find a way to shut her up?"
My heat thudded so hard in my chest it was like someone was punching me from the inside, all air knocked from my lungs before I was being hoisted up to my feet again with two rough grips on my upper arms. My chest heaving, I coughed a ragged breath before composing myself. The glint of the silver blade in the corner of my vision sent my eyes bugging out of my skull and my mind into a flat panic.
So, I did what any rational person with my capabilities would do. I began to hum the deep melody - one a seldom sung - and a smirk crawled its way onto my now curved lips. Clearly, the general was prepared, but the two guards behind we weren't so lucky.
A desperate cry pierced my tune, harmonising with my voice as I heard the havoc I was causing. This was the first time I'd enjoyed a kill, the very first time I'd wanted to use my powers for such a horrific reason. I'd only ever used this part of my power a few times, but this was the only time I'd been fully lucid whilst doing so.
Some people want nothing more than to blow their enemies' brains out, and trust me when I tell you; It felt good.
However, luck was never on my side, and the General had come full prepared. He wasn't even affected, it must've been something to do with the funny earpiece he was wearing.
As my eyes met his, the General's face held non of the cocky, smug tones that I'd expect. No, the only word I could use to describe his old and crinkled features was pure ire, and it was directed at me.
"You conniving, vile little bitch!" He snarled, the flash of silver weeding a sense of utter and complete dread, tangled with fear inside of me, uprooting my confidence. I don't remember a lot after that, to tell you the truth. I know the blade sliced along my throat. I know everything was rained black. And that's about it.
Awakening with a gasp was the last thing I expected to happen. The sight of the blade risen in front of the general burned into my mind, almost as if it'd been scorned against my flesh. But here I was: awake, gasping for breath, completely surrounded by doctors I'd never seen before.
My hand instantly flew to my neck, a stinging sensation pulsing from the delicate skin. I hissed as my sweaty palm made contact with the bandage, the material corse and scratchy against my skin. As a doctor waddled over to me, needle in hand, I flailed desperately, a silent scream ripping from my throat.
Hang on a second-
Silent scream? I tried again, the shrill noise that should be tearing from me simply vanishing as it hit my throat. My eyes widened with the realisation, my bottom lip wobbling as I suddenly pieces together what had happened.
He said he'd have to shut me up, didn't he? The thought made me want to scream loudly, that the blade had touched my skin and left me with no defence.
They took away the hell they'd reigned upon me, something I'd wished I could be rid of for years, and now I was disappointed. Maybe this was their plan all along, that little voice in my head sang. The tears pricked at my eyes, which rolled back lazily as the scratch of the needle poked at my neck.
My calloused fingers ran over the cut tirelessly, trying to itch somewhere that I could never seem to find. I don't know how long I was sedated for, but since waking up the bleeding had stopped and there was now an offensive red line that slid horizontally across my neck.
Every time I touched it, it coaxed a wince from me, and yet that's all I seemed to do. It was like poking a bruise, I guess. The more it hurts the more you want to do it.
They'd returned me to my cell, clearly very little need for restraints against my weakened, starved and dehydrated body. I could see the flesh thinning on my arms, my ribs pressing painfully against my skin. Not only could I see the hunger, but I could feel it.
Manifesting, biting, gnawing hunger. The type that are you from inside out, devouring everything of you until the only thing you could think about was eating. Huh, I guess I was already at that stage then.
My eyes remained locked in place, glossy with the endless tears as I stared at the floor. If I really looked hard enough, the still wet blood smeared over the floors of the hallway resembled something close to strawberry jam. The thoughts of the sickly sweat substance spread over a perfectly toasted piece of bread, accompanied with a big glass of fresh orange juice and washed down by a large coffee made my mouth water. The booming rumble in my stomach made the groan, even more drawn out than expected when I remembered all I'd get to eat today: a small bread roll and a tiny glass of water.
Sadly, the sink in my cell did not contain drinking water. The liquid was so discoloured that I purposely avoided washing me hands, preferring to possible have my own germs coating my hands than whatever they were giving me. I'm not kicking you about, I genuinely think the water was filtered through a clump of fucking horse shit, mixed with fish guts and complimented with a hint of rotting fruit. If I could help it, I'd be dodging that water like the plague (if it didn't contain one already) for the rest of my life.
I'm not really sure why, but my head snapped up in surprise why the door sprang open, a single guard entering.
"The general requires your presence." He deadpanned, eyes cold as eyes and sharp as a knife as they stabbed through me. I wanted to fight back, stay glued to the spot and snap back some snarky remark, but in my current condition I almost couldn't bring myself to care where I was about to be taken, or why for that matter.
I stood without a word, silently following the man until we reached an unfamiliar metal door. I found it almost laughable, really, that they'd reduced my strength so much, that no one even considered putting me any sort of restraints anymore.
The door was pushed open with a child-like whine emitting from its rusty hinges, the metal scraping over the concrete floor painfully. The guard simply grabbed my arm before tugging me into the room, letting the door shut behind his with a hollow thunk.
"Ah, she has arrived!" The general's voice exclaimed, a deviant smile spreading over his thin lips. "And just in time to meet Mr Pierce, too." He said menacingly.
I felt embarrassed, exposed, stood before the room of men. My hair was a mess, tears streaking my reddened face, eyes puffy from crying and the only clothes a wore was a now-battered hospital gown. My eyes darted around nervously, trying to avoid the blonde man sat before me, chin resting in his palm as he surveyed me.
"Why is this one...important?" The man asked, eyeing me up and down before his eyes seemed to fixate on my neck. The scar.
"This," the general spoke, but Mr Pierce kept his eyes on me, "is Miss y/n Stark." Mr Pierce's eyes widened ever so slightly, but it was barely noticeable.
"As in Tony Stark?" Pierce pondered.
"The very same." The general smirked.
"She seems awfully...quiet, for a Stark." Pierce said with almost a hint of disgust, eyes still glued to my shaking frame.
"That's because we shut her up." The general snapped, awfully harshly.
"Is that the scar? How fresh is it?" Pierce jabbed his questions, curiosity clearly becoming him in the moment.
"Indeed. Our doctors here are very good, Sir. They had her all patched up and out of bandages in just three days." The general bragged, shoulders back and head held high as if he was posing for a portrait.
"I see." Pierce mused, brows furrowed in thought. "What do you plan to do with her? Now that she can't tell you anything?"
"Oh, trust me, sir. She wasn't giving anything up either way," he paused, striding over to me and yanking my head back with a fistful of hair, my back mow  pressed to his chest and his mouth at my ear, "isn't that right, sweetheart?"he clarified, and I didn't hesitate to nod my head as much as his grip would allow.
"So why isn't she dead?" Pierce gritted, seemingly annoyed. "It's not like Tony's attached to her, he never looked for her and I've never even heard him mention her."
"But then they'll keep coming. I don't want the avengers on my back, and I'm sure you don't either." Pierce hummed in agreement. "She's with them - her and that Captain America guy arrived together - so why not use her to send a message?" The general suggested.
That's how I found myself tied up, wrists bound and gun to my head as I sat shakily in a chair in the middle of the quinjet. I had no clue how long I'd been since that day, but I do know that I had been sedated once again. The flimsy hospital gown allowed a shiver to chill me, skin  forming goosebumps as I sat before the open door or the quinjet.
"You will tell them exactly as I just did. Got it?" The general pressed, pushing the gun into my head hard enough to make by head throb. Tears biting at my eyes, I nodded furiously, now determined to live with the promise of being free again. "Good. Soldat, make sure she gets back to New York without being seen, I'd hate to have to spill more blood than we intended." The general demanded, a figure rustling its way out of the shadows at the edge of the room. A gasp tore from my throat at the sight of him - clad in black leather and arm as silver as the moon. The soldier - my soldier.
But he simple stared through me, eyes blank and clouded in a coldness I'd never had directed at me from him before.
"And make sure you don't fail this time, soldat." The general snapped. The soldier nodded solemnly, the echoing of boots thudding filling both their ears as the general walked off the ship.
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lascapigliata · 2 years
bugs (for a change) / infestation / bedbugs /
yesterday i saw a bunch of bug bites on my waist and hip. because of who i am i have done a lot of research historically on bedbugs so i thought immediately that's what they looked like.
so we stripped the bed and everything went into a hot wash cycle. i did see on the bed two minuscule little things that i think were bedbug larva on one pillow and blanket, both of which got either tossed or washed also, but also didn't look like the pictures i was looking up online so idk but they were absolutely alive. horrifying
we checked the mattresses (i have 2 on this bed, long story) and didn't see anything else, those larve things or stains or flecks of feces, and then we escaped the house to go to target to get a mattress cover a pillow cover and see if we could get some kind of bedbug spray
my dad came home and ALSO checked the mattresses, i wasn't home but he said he checked them very carefully, and then used our industrial shopvac to vacuum off the mattresses, the entire carpet, the corners of the bedframe, etc, and removed ALL other fabric from inside the room
bc apparently my life is just going to be about not being able to trust any fabric in my life. can't imagine this won't be the subject of my very few remaining insured exposure therapy appointments
put about 3 gallons of bedbug spray on each mattress then the mattress cover on the one i sleep on
my dad's theory is that it's FLEAS so we gave lila flea treatment since if it came from any of them that's who, my parents don't have this issue, but i don't actually think that's what they look like
i slept on a cot last night instead of my bed bc i'm going up to boston and to a friends' place so i don't even want to interact with the bed until i'm back (and i'm only bringing or wearing clothes that was in the clean laundry in my parents room before this and/or went through a hot 70 minute dryer cycle last night + taking a shower right before i leave)
the thing is yesterday the bites weren't itchy at all and that's part of what was weird about them. today they are getting itchy.
and idk what else we/i can do about them besides what we've done; that vacuum would have sucked up anything in the corners or on the mattress and the mattress protector theoretically prevents anything from getting out. so i guess if when i come back i keep getting bitten we bug bomb or call an exterminator ??? and i just die??
i just i don't know what i did wrong. how the fuck would i have brought in bedbugs? how did they come in?? why does this keep fucking happening to me?????? am i really that disgusting a person that i keep having bugs around me all the time????
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Let's make a playlist of your favorite songs
Cassie Lang x Male Reader Stark
Request - Can you do Cassie lang x Stark!reader where he and cassie are the same age since they are born in 2007 and should be 16 in 2023. R is Tony's son and survived the snap. Before the snap he was best friend with Peter and ned when he was like a kid and the three of them hang out. Plue Y/n and peter do like spiderman ideas. After the snap he was living with Tony, pepper, and his little sister in the lakeside cabin. In the year 2021 he got bitten by a radioactive spider but has an alchemax logo and number 42.
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Since you were a toddler you have been friends with Peter and Ned. Always together playing together. Even during high school, you didn't lose your friendship with Ned and Peter. You have always been into creating music and art, sometimes you would like to tag the buildings and the trains. Only, Peter and Ned knew they are your supporters.
Sometimes you and Peter would do parkour. You and Peter have sketchbooks and notes of being a hero and being called ’Spiderman’
You, Peter, and Ned never left each other side. People always saw you three spend time together all the time.
Spring 2018... 50% of the population disappeared. The older you got, you started to study what happened during the fight against Thanos. You collected notes, hacked into your father’s computer and his friends’ computers then into Shields.
You survived the snap when you found out what happened it broke you. You cried when Peter didn't survive, or when your dad is stuck in space. You would spend hours in your father’s lab and look at his stuff.
”Y/N, I knew you would be here. You are like Tony can work on something for hours or days” Pepper said.
She put her hand on your shoulder.
”I miss him and Peter,” You said.
”I miss them too. You should see Ned, he came by earlier” Pepper said.
You nod.
”I will go see him. *sighed heavily* I want Thanos to suffer” You said.
”One day he will,” Pepper said and she kissed your head.
Later, you went to see Ned. Ned did give you new ideas for your spiderman gadgets so it won't break half of the time. You and Ned start to work together on it.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
The year 2021...
You walked through the alley for a short cut. You dropped your cell phone, you bend down to pick up. You stood up and checked your phone while walking you hit a web. You tried to get rid of the web and you didn't notice the radioactive spider crawl on your shoulder and bite your neck.
”What the hell?” You yelled.
You rub your neck then noticed the radioactive spider on your forearm. You noticed the spider has an alchemax logo and number 42.
”You are coming home with me” You mumbled.
You went home and straight to the lab. You put the spider in a small tank and watched it move around.
The next day you woke up feeling strange. You couldn't explain it, you are in shock just seeing electricity go through your hands. You start to breathe hard and your heart started to beat fast. You go to the bathroom to wash your face suddenly you turned invisible.
”I have powers!” You yelled.
Your mood changed, now you are happy that you have powers. You always dreamt of being a hero and having powers, you couldn't stop smiling. You called Ned and told him to meet you at your house. Ned did help you figure out what kind of powers you have.
You stare at your father’s suits and you thought about using them. But you wanted to make your identity as a hero, you want to give people hope again.
the first suit you made with Ned it's an armored suit. Ned helped you pick out the colors red, white, and black. When Ned saw you wearing the armor suit, he freaked out.
”Dude, it's awesome! You will be the coolest hero ever” Ned said.
”Thanks. I can't wait to go to the city and start saving people” You said.
You and Ned high five each other. You go to the city and start saving people. Everyone started to talk about the new hero on tv and the Internet, you felt proud of yourself.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
Being a hero wasn't easy for you. You found out working alone is hard, some people didn't like what you are doing. Other people do cheer for you. Balancing life and being a hero is very hard. But you got an idea and you worked day and night to make the app called ’Friendly Neighborhood 1.0’
People can report crimes and you will go save them and keep you in the loop, what happens in the city.
Today is slow and no one is in trouble. You decided to go tag some places. You swing to an abandoned building, you take out the spray cans, and started to draw. You stopped to put on your headphones then you started to draw again. Once you are finished you took pictures then tagged the subways.
You got an alert on your app, gang gun shoots in downtown. You started to swing fast and you see people caught in the crossfire. You started to venom blast to fight them and you used your web to take their guns away. You noticed the boy is deaf and you started to do sign language and he smiled.
”You know sign language?” Cassie asked.
You nod. ” Yes. I thought to learn so I can communicate with someone who is deaf”
You asked questions to the boy and you're glad he isn't hurt.
”I’m Cassie and this is Roger,” Cassie said.
”I’m Spiderman,” You said and it in sign language.
Later on...
You and Cassie became friends. She found out your secret when your mask fell apart while fighting Kraven the Hunter. Sometimes you would swing to her place to see her. She would always smile when you're around.
Cassie noticed you set a spider-free and didn't kill it.
”I hate spiders I don't know how you stand them,” Cassie said.
”it was a harmless spider. I don't feel scared when bugs are around” You said.
”I hate all kinds of bugs. But it's cute, you liking bugs and not killing them, bug boy” Cassie smiled.
You laughed and smiled back at her.
”Bug boy?” You asked.
She nods.
”Your new nickname” Cassie giggled.
”Thanks for the nickname?” You giggled.
”Anytime, Y/N” Cassie smiled.
~The next day~
Cassie went to your house. She met Pepper then Cassie goes to your bedroom. Cassie didn't say anything, she watches you make beats and you started to sing, you have your headphones on. She kept watching you and you keep making beats. She tapped your shoulder and you looked up, your eyes opened wide.
”Cas!” You said too loud.
”Hi Bug boy. You are talented” Cassie said.
”Thanks. Sorry, I didn't hear you come in” You said.
”So, you're into music?” Cassie asked.
”Yes, also I'm into art. If you want I-I-I can show you my work” You said shyly.
”I will like to see it, Y/N,” Cassie said.
”Cool!” You said.
You grabbed your sketchbook and she starts to look at your art.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
The year 2022
You told Cassie you wanted to upgrade and design a new suit. Again Cassie caught you making beats this time you teach her how to make beats.
”This is fun, Y/N,” Cassie said.
”I’m happy that you're enjoying making beats,” You said.
”Y/N aren't you scared when you swing around the city?” Cassie asked.
”At the very beginning, I was terrified when I would swing and jump from extremely tall buildings. Much later on, the fear went away so I'm not scared anymore. If you want you can swing with me around the city” You said.
”Okay. That would be an interesting experience, but yeah let's do it. Oh, I got an idea how your suit can look” Cassie said.
”Tell me,” You said.
Cassie started to explain how your suit should look with what colors. Music is the main inspiration for your suit 2020.
You are standing on the roof with Cassie. She wrapped her arms around you very tight.
”Ready?” You asked.
”Y-yes,” Cassie said.
You hold her tight and you start to swing. Cassie’s heart is beating faster and faster, you feel her grip tighten. You keep swinging and you noticed how scared she is. You stopped on top of the hotel building.
”Are you okay?” You asked.
She put her hand on her chest.
”No!” Cassie yelled.
You laughed and she smacked your arm.
”I’m guessing you had fun?” You teased.
”I got scared halfway. I thought I was going to fall, I don't know you get used to that” Cassie said.
”Takes time. I got over my fear the more I started to swing” You said.
”I won't do it again,” Cassie said and you laughed.
Cassie is sick and you went to buy soup for her. You knocked on her window, she opened it and let you in then you take off the mask.
”I got this for you, Cassie,” You said.
”Thank you, Y/N” Cassie smiled.
”Cassie, I know we been friends for a while but I really like you a lot and I hope we can be more than friends,” You said.
”Y/N, I like you too a lot. I would kiss you but I don't want you to get sick” Cassie said.
You smiled and she sneezed.
You and Cassie do spend time together mostly watching tv or movies. Cassie finds it sweet that you're taking care of her. You gave her medicine and reheat the soup. Later, you and Cassie do play board games, video games and asked questions about each other.
You noticed Cassie has in her bedroom for a while. You go upstairs and you can hear her crying
You sit next to her on the bed ”Cas, what's wrong?”
”I miss my dad so much” Cassie cried.
You wrapped your arms around her and she starts to cry more. You rub her back and you listen to her.
You did try to make her feel better worked for a little bit, but she is still feeling depressed. You stayed with her all-day
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
Finally, your 2020 suit is complete. You can't stop smiling and start to put on the suit. The led mask, you loved it when Cassie told you about it. You got an alert on your app
”Time to test out the suit,” You said.
”Be careful, Y/N” Cassie said.
”I will,” You said.
Cassie watched you swing away.
You were busy saving people, Doctor Octopus and Kraven the Hunter kidnapped Cassie. They sent you a message and you got angry. You started to swing rapidly to Doctor Octopus’s lab. Cassie is tied up in a chair and she is feeling terrified.
You start to fight them. You used venom blast to punch Kraven, then Doctor Octopus grabbed you. Kraven punched you then you kicked him in the face and you used your web to cover Doctor Octopus’s face. You turned invisible and you started to fight them.
You grabbed Cassie and left the lab. You stopped on a roof and she hugged you tight then she smacked your chest.
”What was that for?!” You yelled.
”You know I hate it,” Cassie said.
”I’m not a speedster. I had to swing us away from them” You said.
You take off the mask.
”I know but I still hate it,” Cassie said.
Cassie started to ramble on then you did the same ramble on. She kissed you and you kiss her back, you and Cassie pulled apart and smiled. It's the first kiss.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
Time Skip~
Everything changed for the best. You found out Tony came back from space, you ran to him and hugged him.
”I missed you, dad,” You said
He kissed your head and held you tight.
”I love you 3000, Y/N,” Tony said.
Peter came back and he hugged you and Ned. Ned told everyone by mistake you are dating Cassie. No one knew about the relationship just yet.
”Sorry, bro,” Ned said.
”When we will get to meet her, Y/N,” Tony said.
”Soon, dad. Don't worry about it, Ned” You said.
You celebrated with everyone and you can't stop smiling.
You and your family moved to the woods, now live in a cabin. Now it feels like a family and you don't want that to change. Your little sister started to scream and ran towards Pepper.
”Why do you have a pet spider?” Tony asked.
”I hate spiders,” Morgan said.
Pepper was going to kill your pet but you stopped her.
”Stop!” You yelled.
The spider is in your hands.
”The spider is my pet. I got used to him being around” You said.
”Y/N, I will never understand why. But please just keep him in the cage” Pepper said.
”I will,” You said.
You go to your bedroom and put the spider in the tank. You feed him and just watch him.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
Date Night...
You arrived with pizza and she kissed you. You and Cassie played videos and it became competitive. You were going to take her out, but there is a rainstorm. The night is going well, she is having fun with you. You and Cassie eat pizza and started to debate what is the best movie and worst movie.
Later, you and Cassie started to play Uno but you and Cassie argued about the rules. You and Cassie eat more pizza and tried to play Uno again. Later, you and Cassie watched a movie on the couch, but end up falling asleep.
Scott found out what happened, he is in shock. He rushed home and knocked on the door. Cassie opened the door, they start to cry and they hugged each other. You did spend the night at her place, then Cassie introduces you to Scott.
“Wait, you're Tony’s son!?” Scott said.
“Yeah, I'm his son,” You said.
“Hurt my daughter and I will go after you,” Scott said.
“Dad!” Cassie yelled.
“I won't break her heart,” You said.
“I will keep my eye on you, Y/N,” Scott said.
“UGH!” Cassie mumbled.
Later, Scott joined you and Cassie for breakfast.
Later, you meet up with Peter to show him your 2020 suit. Peter is loving the suit and asked many questions about how you build your suit. You and Peter worked together to save people.
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chaislatt · 3 years
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ravenclaw , head boy, muggleborn
excels in every class he takes
when he first discovered he was magic, he flipped out
he had a matilda episode in his room one night
he was staring intently at his toy planes, wondering how it would be like to fly one someday
then suddenly it just?? levitated??
as an eight year old, he did the only thing he could do in such situations—scream bloody murder
first year : in his newly pressed robes and neatly gelled hair, sat at an empty compartment and started reading his textbooks
until the compartment door opened and a cat just walked over him
“oh sorry, leon doesn’t behave very well” says ten who he did not think would stick around but guess what? his cats liked him
being sorted into ravenclaw, he quickly became famous for being the smartest and wittiest most sensible? wizard of his year
he was especially great at charms got so surprised that there was an incantation to make things float, since all he has been doing is just think it (flitwick got a shock at his first year doing wandless magic)
as he grew older, almost everyone depended on him for help in everything
he couldn’t go a day walking in the corridors without someone asking to meet up at the library or thanking him because they aced their tests
but of course, this little ravenclaw had a limit
he didn’t mean to, but one day he just snapped at a poor gryffindor who kept bugging him to meet at the courtyard to practice spells (everyone finally left him alone, too scared to face the wrath of a wizard who knows all the spells for duelling)
OWLS year—the most memorable year for him, as he and ten spent nights in the library (and sometimes in the kitchen but if anyone asks only ten was in there) studying their bums off
that summer, ten just received a holler from him (surprise! he got all o’s)
naturally, he had been picked for prefect and head boy
the first years LOVED him
he taught them all the secrets to their tower and even handed them a parchment full of riddle answers, because let’s be real, even though you’re a ravenclaw doesn’t necessarily mean you want to use your head all the time
eats at the hufflepuff table because they have better breakfast items
adopted a whole assortment of kids with ten (winwin kinda just sticked around because yangyang was his buddy)
would be the boys’ go to— from pesky spells, ink blotts on their robes, th right grams for mandrake powder, they all depended on him for it
hendery was once asked why he wasn’t scared of him (knowing what happened before)
“he’s not dumb enough to duel someone because they’re bugging him. that’s why he’s in ravenclaw”
overall 9/10. minus one point because he still feels the need to get the last remark in everything.
hufflepuff, pureblood
loves hanging out at the common room
doesn't really care much for grades, but does his best when studying
his housemates call him a sloth
moves so slow, especially in the mornings
likes taking walks along the corridors because it's fun to see other students rush and run to their classes while he walks a leisurely pace
always has his tie loosened
sometimes, he doesn't even tie it, he just wraps it around his collar and hope no one notices everyone does
has a talent for transfiguration
will turn anything into cat snacks
he once turned his homework in kibble and his excuse was "my cat ate it"
befriends all the cats in hogwarts
sometimes he lays down at the courtyard and they all just gather around him
one legendary moment (as lucas likes to call it) was when he was walking down the corrider and a train of cats just followed behind him in a single file
sweet wizard boy, befriends humans as well
he's so likeable, everyone just feels drawn to him
has this laidback energy that feels like a breath of fresh air when things get hectic in the castle
speaking of fresh air
he likes to stroll around outside, most of the time dragging yangyang and winwin out with him
"winwin could use the fresh air and your voice doesn't echo" - ten to yangyang
his sister is friends with yangyang's sister, so growing up he kind of babysat the three whenever their families would be together
he didn't imagine that it would continue during school, but poor winwin looked like he just wanted to get his head bitten off
despite having a lot of friends, he sticks with kun most of the time because he's not as chatty when he's focused (and kun is focused all the time so)
his favourite thing to do anywhere is lay down on his back and play with his wand, sending wisps of magic swirling around in the air, creating beautiful artwork
received pencils and a notebook from kun so he could just draw because "your magic might hit someone and i do not want to be involved with any of that"
doodles all the time
he likes to draw butterflies and magic them off of the paper and makes them follow his friends around
doesn't really say much when no one's talking to him, but will keep the conversation going casually
wanted to become a prefect so he could have his own bathroom
would patrol around at night with his cats (hendery jokes how he looks like filch and now he takes his filch impersonation seriously)
when catching students, he makes obvious remarks like "oh wow good to know that there aren't any gryffindors in this corridor! it would be an awful hassle to report them. good thing everyone's in their chambers!"
very lenient on students he doesn't know, but will threaten those he does and ask for something in return
accidentally gave yangyang the idea of becoming a prefect so he needn't have to worry at night
also accidentally gives yangyang dare ideas to give to hendery
he doesn't mean it! most of the time
overall 10/10. everything is cancelled out by the fact that he goes around the castle with atleast 2 cats following him around.
slytherin, pureblood
mr frowns-a-lot, mr don’t-talk-to-me, mr i-want-to-go-back-to-my-dorm
the most stereotyped slytherin
first years believe that slytherins are scary because of him (but they immediately get debunked by hendery “you’re scared of a tall dude who gets tired from talking and likes to eat chocolate? yeah okay”)
but yes this not so little bean finds talking draining
it’s not that he doesn’t want to, but why would he have to talk about his day when as far as he knows, everyone just did the same thing he did??
you can barely get a sentence out of him
will reply with nods or shrugs and just point or look at things
only talks during class when the professors ask him questions
yangyang bugs him the most
when he got assigned to take care of this chatty, full of energy first year he almost cried
ended up just following him around and yanking the back of his robes to stop him from getting into trouble
because of this, yangyang’s friend are his friends
first got introduced to xiaojun, lucas, and hendery
ended up becoming a babysitter for four
when he met ten, he almost cried again, but now out of happiness  because he got yangyang to shut up
met kun last, and immediately took a liking to him for no reason at all
no one knows how, but suddenly mr-i-dont-want-to-do-anything started getting more mischievous and talkative
the whole hall got surprised when he laughed at lucas’ lame joke
this may be an exaggeration but the boy doesn’t even smile
after this incident, lucas just kept talking to him and he just kept replying, and pretty soon the four little troublemakers would joke around with him and he’d just sit back with kun and ten when he got too tired
this made him attractive
but unlike lucas who got confessed to everyday, there was no one who confessed to him
he didn’t really talk to anyone else and just minded his own business when he was alone, so everyone was too scared to confess to him
which is a huge relief to him because the not so little bean is actually very awkward
proven when hendery accepted yangyang’s dare of going right up in winwin’s face omygod when i tell you his whole face turned red
he avoided hendery for a week until he realized it was too hard since they have most of their classes together??
speaking of classes, it’s a miracle how he just passes everything since no one actually ever sees him studying or doing homework
it’s like everything he does is magic well
overall 7/10. doesn’t really try that much and will only voluntarily hang out with kun.
hufflepuff, halfblood
was tiny, like a little bug
no one knows when he got so tall (summer of second year, he had to buy new robes for third year because they were already too short)
spends breakfast half awake, focusing on eating his meal and listening to yangyang complain about how hard his transfiguration classes yesterday were
he’s never around for dinner because he’s always at the pitch and no one has the energy to talk to yangyang in the mornings so he’s the poor guy
everyone loves him, no one can find a single thing to hate about him even if they tried
loves care for magical creatures with hagrid (he measures his height with the half-giant)
other classes? not so much
sure he tried a little bit, but why would he need to transfigure something into a pen when he could just look for one, and why would he need to concoct a drowsiness potion if he can just will himself to sleep
speaking of sleep, he does that a lot
he likes to wait for xiaojun during fourth period because they had arithmancy next, and he would lean against the corridor and sleep
learned how to sleep hunched over so it looked like he was focusing on class (begs whoever he’s sitting with to wake him up)
why does he do this?
“i’m saving up my energy for later”
he’s a quidditch beast
part of the quidditch team, originally tried out for seeker but they realized he couldn’t go fast enough without loosing his balance on his broom
he switched to being a beater, which the team found out he was very good at aha great power comes with great biceps
everyone falls in love with him when he’s on the pitch
he looks big and scary and ultra focused
and they realized after 3 games that he focuses so much because he aims the bludger to hit the player’s upper thigh only (this prevents player from taking a fall and just bruise, not break a bone)
once he accidentally sent his bludger flying too hard and knocked the chaser off, but he was faster than the seeker and caught them (followed the poor chaser for a week saying sorry and giving them semi burnt cookies he made with xiaojun)
gets confessed to every other day and just says “thanks”
but why don’t you ever reject them? 
why deny that i’m handsome?
that makes no sense
as with rejecting them! 
but truly is an angel
he even got winwin to actually converse with him
he makes everyone feel comfortable, talks to everyone and just hangs around when they don’t want to, offering company
overall 10/10. his cockiness about his looks just makes him endearing since everyone knows he can’t break someone’s heart.
ravenclaw, halfblood
kun’s reincarnation
but there’s one problem
he’s still immature
you would think he’s the prime example of a ravenclaw
practices his passions all the time
likes doing brain-productive things
reads about anything he finds interesting
goes in and out of their tower because he thinks solving the riddles is fun
but ho ho ho oh oh no
he’s a little devil
makes snarky comebacks under his breath that takes a little bit for you to understand
makes things harder on purpose just for fun and because he’ll be the only one able to do it
has a joke for EVERYTHING and never repeats them so i guess he can get away with that
he’s a little menace to the society but he can get away with it because it’s all just minor inconveniences
but we all know minor inconveniences are the most annoying things
likes to annoy kun the most because he understands and reacts immediately
doesn’t like to annoy the hufflepuffs because they just smile at him in confusion
despite that, he’s also a little sweetheart
remembers everything his friends say, so he’s always there to remind them
reminds kun about a test he has to retake, ten about his changing patrolling schedule, winwin’s meeting with a professor, lucas’ need to polish his broom after dinner, hendery’s homework, and yangyang about that incoming howler from his parents
when he realized he’s such a great asset, he became a bit nosy too
likes to meddle with all of his friends’ business
so if someone wants to find any of the six, he can tell you a vague description where they are
because of course he’s not gonna tell you lucas is by the lake practicing his swinging, he’s gonna tell you he’s brushing up on his quidditch skills so you’d go running to the pitch
this way he’s not technically doing anything wrong to both parties
one day, kun asks why he likes doing this
“it makes me feel like a king maker. feeding things into their tiny brains and knowing exactly what they’ll be doing”
“that’s not exactly what a king maker does”
“yeah but does it look like i want them to be more powerful than me?”
co-parents a dog with lucas
aka lucas asked him to take care of bella while he’s in practice but he forgot to take her back with him for 2 days so now bella thinks she lives in the ravenclaw tower too
does random errands for his friends as a way of apologizing (but really just as a leverage so he can cause more trouble)
his ultimate goal was to brainwash everyone so they couldn’t live without him and he succeeded????
now they’re the receiving end of all the sermons his professors give him (you wouldn’t expect it, but he causes quite a ruckus in class)
but still, at the end of the day, they choose to sit next to him at the ravenclaw table during dinner
overall 7/10. he’s annoying, but he’s good at everything he does and helps his friends out in different ways. which makes him more annoying because why? why not
gryffindor, muggleborn
does not understand magic. like at all
the only reason he’s still managing is because he refuses to be beaten by xiaojun
he doesn’t know why he’s in gryffindor but anyone who’s ever met him can vouch for the sorting hat
he’s courageous in the way he faces learning magic (it won’t hurt me, i’m magic) he's brave to speak up to anyone and ask for help when he needs it, and most of all, he has the nerve to get right into winwin’s face
surprisingly good at harder spells than that of his year level, so he’s in a few higher level classes
the reason being he wants to save face when with upperclassmen so he actually focuses real hard and actually understands 
because when he’s with his friends, his mind goes wandering and he can’t focus his magic 
a very strange wizard indeed
imagine getting help from xiaojun to levitate a piece of parchment but can explain to ten how to brew an advanced potion
he’s very confident in his abilities
why would he be nervous to stay after curfew??
if filch catches you
then don’t i just have to avoid him??
but has realistic fears
will not go near a broom
yeah okay the broom can fly, but can he?? he can’t even levitate a piece of parchment, how can he levitate himself?
also very practical
lucas kept struggling since he kept spilling his ink pot so he handed him a pen
“dude i forgot these existed!” “who writes with feathers??”
the most laid back yet extra ordinary wizard ever
you can start a conversation with him and he can keep it going for hours on end
very friendly, will talk to anyone but the downside to this is that he talks to everyone like they’re his friends asdkjshjkd even mcgonagall
overall 7/10. uses magic to solve trivial muggle things and still makes bets with yangyang up to this day.
slytherin, pureblood
a force to be reckoned with
spend a day with him and your ears will bleed
why?? does?? he?? talk?? so?? much??
his friends always complain but everyone else in the castle can’t see why
in the eyes of a stranger, he’s actually cold and reserved, hard to approach
but if you actually knew him
oh boy you’d want to not
can talk for hours
he and hendery wanted to know just how long he could talk
so they timed it
talked for 9 hours straight, no one knows how they managed
good thing this talking is actually useful
he likes to recite during class, always has a lengthy explanation for his answers
people aren’t the only one he talks to
he talks to the ghosts and to the paintings, greeting them a lovely day or whatever
besides talking, he also has another passion–quidditch
he plays as chaser for his house, often times taking his time to freshen up, so he goes back at about midnight during thursdays
good thing ten patrols during thursdays
speaking of ten, he’s been a brother figure for him all his life
so when he was introduced to winwin, he got so excited because he had another brother
by the end of the night, fourth year winwin knew everything about first year yangyang
he loooves his buddy
tries to do everything with winwin but he doesn’t let him
despite being too much to handle, winwin actually likes him too (but don’t let yangyang know)
likes to do dumb dares with hendery
isn’t really into pranking and getting all up into other’s business, so they manage their mischief between the two of them
and the whole of hogwarts just enjoys and guesses which of the two would be the one running around the great hall in their pajamas
yangyang actually encourages his fellow slytherins to stop sticking among themselves
mostly because he’s tired of them bugging him to “go ask your gryffindor friend if there’s homework on-”
at the end of the day, all his slytherin friends have been adopted by ten, took a liking to kun, and watches lucas, xiaojun and hendery fool around for entertainment
that being said, he loves his friends
thankful that he has classes with at least one of them for all his classes
all his professors have learned to sit him next to them, otherwise he’ll just slack off and stare into oblivion
he’s actually more productive when he has someone to remind him to be
okay maybe sitting him next to hendery wouldn’t result to school productivity
overall 9/10. it would be an 8 but he actually does acknowledge he talks too much.
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pixie-cocaine · 4 years
Down A Peg
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: Businessman!Brat!Jinyoung × Dominatrix! Reader
Warnings: Pegging, slight mistress kink, dirty talk, Jinyoung cries lol, pretty harsh punishment (rough caning. don't worry tho, the after care makes up for it. Probably.), mentions of breaking skin from caning wounds and bruising 😬, slapping, hair-pulling, strapjob, fingering (m receiving), nipple play, degradation, just pure filth man 💀
Requested: months ago, but yes
Note: Jinyoung has a key at some point and it disappears, but you're not gonna say shit about it. Also it gets lazy near the end, excuse the grammar mistakes.
Word Count: 6.3K (pls don't let this flop, I am exhausted 🤩)
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The last thing Jinyoung thought he’d be doing, was going to a professional Dominatrix session. If anyone had even dare mentioned the idea, say a month beforehand, he’d give them the nastiest grimace manageable and avoid them like the plague, not that he didn’t do that to anyone who tried to weasle their way into his private life anyways. It made even his own subconcious howl with laughter at the position Jinyoung had put himself in now.
So much for trying to s tay away, huh?
He didn’t even think something like this could happen. Hell, one minute he was filing more stacks of papers as his assistant talked his ear off, which he had vehemently told her not to do, and the next he found himself bored, and scrolling through a Domme website the night that followed.
But here he was; standing outside the neat black building with his phone in one hand, and a hand cupped in his pockets as he raised an eyebrow before going in. Past the glass doors, he found his surroundings consiting with soft shades of brown. A mahogony reception desk sat to the front of him against a wall, a long hallway next to the desk, and neutral white lights giving the atmosphere a professional look. His legs moved on their own accord while he focused on stabalizing his breathing, not used to the clamminess now making his palms sweat against his sides, and before he knew it, he was standing at the front of the office. 
A woman in her early-to-mid twenties sat before him, smile sweet and chestnut brown hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. Her eyes were soft, almost inquisitive as they assessed Jinyoung’s appearance and outfit, which consisted of a beige turtleneck and black dress pants. She seemed pleased with the effort he put into his looks if her satisfied hum was anything to go by. 
“Hello, are you here for an appointment?”
Her voice was cheery, like the chime of a bell, and her face beamed with a radiance that Jinyoung wouldn’t think someone who worked in her place of job would exude. He cleared his throat, “I am, yes.”
“Your name?”
“Park Jinyoung,” she nodded and typed something into the computer to her left.
“And your mistress for the night is Madame Black, correct?”
Jinyoung felt odd with how casual this was going. He’d expected.. something else? No, that was a lie一Jinyoung didn’t know what he expected. Maybe a bad experience, he guesses. He just wasn’t used to the way this was such an open transaction, as if he was going to the doctor’s for a checkup or something. It left him confused as he thought of a couple of his previous encounters with people he trusted on his sex life. The way they scrunched their faces in a disapproving frown when he said he wanted to try subbing, only to backpedal at his embarrasment. The rest just flat out didn't know what they were doing. It was almost laughable how little they knew. But this... This seemed like a whole new ballgame.
“Yeah,” He shook his head in confirmation, the sudden movement making him look like an overenthusiastic dog. The woman laughed at the new show of excitement and leant over the console so she could murmur to him despite the space being completely empty, save for both of them, of course. 
“Third door down the hall, you’ll know it’s hers when just standing outside of it makes you wanna piss your pants. Don’t forget to change into one of the robes in the room just to your left. Oh! And just a heads up, Jinyoung,” She smiles with a mischevious glint in her eye and reaches out to drop a black key into his awaiting hand, “She may seem nice, but Madame is not one who tolerates brats. Do go in with the knowledge that she’s not afraid to bite.”
Jinyoung raises a brow at her tease, but smiles back at her nonetheless, "Who says I'm afraid of being bitten?"
With a jerk of his head in what he hoped was a nod, he fought not to not scurry down the hall in his newfound anticipation, smirking to himself at the knowing face of the desk worker. 
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Jinyoung was jittery with each step that brung him closer to his destination, which now stand a couple feet from him, the deep ebony-shaded door looming with a question that made Jinyoung have second thoughts despite thinking it through for hours; ‘Can I handle what’s behind this door?’
Jinyoung rakes a shaky hand through his hair, trying to take deep breaths as he pushes the cold metal of the key into the lock, twisting it to the right until he hears the telltale Click! Of the latches unslotting while he turns the handle and pushes the inlet open, taking a moment to survey the room before him, then kicks the door closed after he steps inside. Of course he can. If the voice in the back of his head said anything, it probably wouldn’t even be a good experience much different to the other ‘dom’s’ he’s had sex with.
Almost immediately, the tart scent of lavender wafts into his nose. The room was spacious, dimly lit by the soft golden glow of candles occupying the corners which cast shadows across the silky wine carpet, and the delicate shades of a peachy pink had consisted of the walls surrounding him. A king-sized bed with fluffy red covers sat against the back wall, a plush pink chair facing it, and you perch right at the bottom of the bed. Jinyoung feels his heart shake at the sight of you.
Just the way you sit with your legs crossed over one another had his cock stirring behind the silk black robe that curtains his naked frame. You wear a gorgeous tan lingerie set, the top is a thin see-through camisole which stops just above the curve of your upper stomach, displaying the supple mounds of your breasts over a sheen of lace, and the bottoms are a simple high-arch panty, the same fabric and look of the top, but with a skirt-like covering which flutters around the curves of your hips whenever you move. The fact that the set shown your bare body in such a delicate show of wispy materials was what made Jinyoung even more worked up. Your position was relaxed as you sat, holding a glass of champagne, and you cocked your head to the side slightly upon Jinyoung’s arrival. You offer a smile.
“Why hello there!” You gleam, and at the sheer enthusiam which you eminate, Jinyoung finds himself mirroring the smile without his own accord. Something about you just dusts away all of Jinyoung’s previous nerves.
“Hey,” Jinyoung sifts through his head to find the right words, “Madame Black?”
You giggle at the way he says it, obviously giving away that he wasn’t fully aware of what he was about to get himself into, “Yes, that’s me. You must be Park Jinyoung, I’m assuming?”
A nod was your answer.
"Don't be shy, take a seat," you nod towards the chair before you, and Jinyoung obliges, smiling at you as he goes to sit himself down in front of you.
"First of all, I would like to discuss boundaries, even if I’ve already gone over the form you filled out," you begin with a wink, "what’s your opinion on rimming and ass-play in general?”
Jinyoung feels his eyes bug out slightly at the way you so seamlessly jump into it. Shameless, aren’t you? But he isn’t complaining.
He clears his throat and, suddenly unable to look you in the eye, settles his gaze on his lap as if it were the most interesting thing in the world, “I’ve dabbled in it by myself but never really experienced proper ass-play things with somebody else,” mustering up his courage to flick his eyes back to yours, he smirks, “I’d like to try it with you if possible.”
You nod, “how about being rough with you? Hair-pulling, slapping, throat-fucking, etcetera?”
He seems to strongly approve if the fast dipping of his head means anything, and if that weren’t enough to give you a gist to how much he liked the idea, he isn’t afraid to say so.
“Anything that will leave me sore, I’m completely into. I like seeing the after effects.”
“Cum-eating and degradation?”
“Very eager to try.”
“Alright, anything else you’d like to add into the mix?”
Jinyoung muses, then shakes his head, to which you hum at. 
“Now, Jinyoung, I’m going to ask you a question, and you’re going to answer with a very well thought-out response,” you raise an eyebrow at the brunette, eyeing him down like the first meal you’d seen in days, “Are you sure you want to do this?
Jinyoung can feel his heart thrum against his ribcage, like the hard beat of a drum, when he hears your words. You were definitely experienced in this, even someone with half a brain could tell. He could feel his lips stretch into a smile, an idea coming to mind as you gently set your champagne glass on the floor a couple steps away from your feet, then sit back up to cock your head to the side. 
“If I’m being honest, Madame,” He scorns the name out, mocking your authority, “I don’t think you’ll be any better than the self-proclaimed ‘dom’s’ that I’ve been with.”
"I mean—look at what you're wearing—how am I supposed to believe that this is a dominatrix scene and not a sub session where I can easily just knock you around?"
You can’t quite bite back the loud, boisterous peals of laughter that bubble up frrom your chest fast enough when you finally register his words after staring at him for a couple seconds, vacantly blinking at the brunette and trying to figure out if you heard him right. You wipe a tear from your eye, still tittering, “And what makes you think that just because I'm wearing delicate and frilly lingerie doesn't mean I can't fuck your guts out, Mr. Jinyoung the powerful CEO?”
Jinyoung frowns, “How do you know that I’m a CEO?”
God, this was getting more interesting by the moment.
Shaking your head, you rake your eyes up the sultry expose of his hardened calves and legs, slowly meeting his eyes once more, and grinning as you do so, “You must think I’m dumb. You act like that smug little face of yours isn’t plastered all over the city. Regardless..,” You lean forward, "Yes or no, Jinyoung? I promise, I'm well worth the money."
Jinyoung thinks for a moment, still in shock from the mention of his job, even if he already knows his answer before he says it. This was his chance to experience what he'd always wanted. Maybe. You already knew his kinks due to the form he had to fill out, as well as the little transaction, so he had no doubt that you knew which buttons to press, but he wanted to know if you could take him beyond his limits like he's always hoped for. If you knew how to press those buttons just right, or if you were just another let-down with a more professional look and platform. This was it, and he was going to make you work him over as much as you could.
"Yes, I'm sure I want to do this."
Jinyoung feels a shudder wrack his shoulders at how smoothly your facade transitioned to one of pure intimidation and stony expressions. The smile that once graced your seemingly sweet attributes was now wiped away and replaced with a carefully adept mask of indifference.
You keep his stare whilst you bend down to retrieve a big, black wooden box from beneath the bed, setting it beside you as you stand from your spot and lift the lid from the case to pull out a leather clasping, as well as a thick and textured blue dildo which was, admittedly, one of your biggest straps. You look to Jinyoung as you began attaching the proper clippings and belts in order to fasten it around your hips.
“On your knees.”
Taking his bottom lip between his teeth, Jinyoung slowly pushes himself away from the chair and sinks down to his knees, mouth watering at the authority in your tone of voice, and blood beginning to heat underneath his skin as you secure the harness and move to close the distance between the both of you. Deft fingers trace the sharp lining of Jinyoung’s jaw, trailing a line to the dip of his chin before taking it between your thumb and forefinger with a force that worries the bone slightly. 
He's pretty, you think. One of the prettiest men that have ever occupied your time as a dominatrix, with full lips and features that would deem him model-worthy. You smile. You would have fun making a mess of him.
Jinyoung is taken aback for a moment, allegedly in a daze to the golden view from below you. “Hm... 'Promotion'?" He smiles at his own small joke.
You hum, grabbing the ribbed silicone that stare back at Jinyoung, and pressing the tip to the seam of his mouth with short, prodding impels.
“Open,” you murmur.
He obeys, albeit after frowning slightly; letting his lips part to engulf the width of your strap, wasting no time in stooping his head lower so he could stop midway on your cock, his throat constricting around the foreign object now lodged in his passage. You moan down at him with a hand raking through the soft tresses of his hair in appreciation at his eagerness. 
And he does.
Jinyoung started out strong at first; bobbing his head as he craned his neck this way and that to really go in on you without hesitation, hollowing his cheeks and looking up at you with a determinbed look, but after a while of swallowing your cock like he had one chance to impress you, he makes a rasping sound in the back of his throat, vaguely like the creaking of bed springs, followed by a lewd slurping noise before he goes to pull away. You catch the back of his head with a hand, raising an eyebrow as you shove him back down to where he’d stopped previous.
Jinyoung gags, a beautiful, surprised chuck of sound that makes you sigh at the way he sought for purchase at your thighs, a poor attempt to steady himself when you were already pulling back to drive your cock back down his throat with a fist-full of his hair. A range of noises that originate from Jinyoung bounce off the walls of the room, mostly different variations of kecks and physical strains on his trachea, but some being choked-off whimpers and half-strangled gasps of which he could actually get in between you fucking into his face and withdrawing. 
You finally slow your pace to more shallow strokes, and looking past the pretty shine of Jinyoung’s now tear-stained face, you can see the tent in the flap of his robe. You favor him with a devilish grin, one that he sadly can’t see due to staring down at where you had your cock in his mouth.
“Look at me, whore,” the stern demand comes out in a throaty growl as you use your hand, still laced within the damp tresses of his hair, to yank his head back and up at you, resulting in both a muffled yelp and the back of Jinyoung’s neck popping at the sudden movement.
The sight was immoral in every sense of the word. His swollen lips, which were wrapped around the pink cock strapped to your hips, were left hanging open with obvious smears of glistening drool, still seeping from the corners, his cheeks streaked over with it in some places and mixing the stream of drying tears falling from his wide eyes. You can hear him begin to gag around the strap, considering he is shoved down to the hilt, but you only push his head down and keep him there. Instead, staring in amusement at the way he sputters and coughs, wanting to savor how his face begins to turn a lovely shade of red. When you are certain he can’t breathe, you pull him off and let him drink in desperate gulps of much needed air, the soft peach color returning to his face when his lungs begin to relax. 
Stunning, you think.
Jinyoung gasps when you force him up to his feet by his hair, practically stumbling when you turn the two of you around so you can then proceed to to shove him onto the bed, ignoring the groan of the springs due to the impact. His head is a mess from the influxion of air he experiences. Only the ache between his legs keeping Jinyoung tied to this world as he softly pants, laying on his forearms with glossy eyes locked on yours and how you follow suit; crawling onto the bed and taking place hovering right over him. Jinyoung moans lowly when you lean in to press open-mouthed kisses, hot and wet, against his jawline, your hand snaking down the expanse of his hidden body to pull at the tied robe sash, and you treat yourself with a peek down at how it falls open to reveal everything he had to offer. Smoothing your fingers along the breathtaking show of defined muscle and healthy flesh, you curse.
“Of course such a little brat would have a fantastic body...”
Jinyoung lets out a complacent laugh at your subtle annoyance. He knows he has a good body, and he knows he's attractive, which makes you all the more irritated, considering he is perfect in every way, and you have no doubt in your mind that he uses it to get what he wants. 
“You sure are taking your time,” He gripes out, hoping to stir your anger.
You snicker at him, and without thinking too much of it, strike him across the face, not waiting for his head to fully turn to the left before you grab his cheeks, force him back to you, and slap him again. 
Once. Twice. Three times.
You feel his cock twitch against your thigh, and his mouth parts in pleased shock as he breathes.
“Say it again, bitch"
"I said, you sure are taking your—Ah!"
He's momentarily shocked into silence when you immediately shove your hands under his waist to hoist Jinyoung's legs behind his head, essentially folding him in half and displaying his exposed bottom, which is just as gorgeous as everything else about him. That's saying something, because an asshole, dick, and balls shouldn't even be in the same sentence as 'gorgeous.'
Jinyoung doesn't have time to protest, because as soon as he opens his mouth to fuss, he feels a strong, harsh slap land right on his hole. He yelps, kicking his feet out the best he can until he cries out again upon registering the next three smacks that rain down on the same spot.
"Rude, rude, boy. Has nobody ever taught you that you shouldn't speak back to your Mistress?" You growl, blowing cool air over his fluttering rim before patting his ass gently, "Stay like this or else I'm shoving an inflatable plug up your ass and stretching you until you rip."
Shaky and wanting, Jinyoung let's out a breath, doing as you say and hooking his hands into the back of his knees in order to press down and stay in said position. It unfortunately does put a strain on his lower back, but as much as he likes punishment, he's not betting on having his poor butt mercilessly torn open like you promised.
"What's your favorite color?"
The question half-startles him, "Red...?"
"Good choice," You chirp, and like that, you're holding his legs in place again; dangling a bottle of reddish-tinted lube over him as you happily squirt the cool gel onto his hole and two of your fingers. You tease him—gently running your hand up the soft skin of his left leg whilst you push the pad of your digit against his entrance, letting it breach slightly before pulling back to do it again.
"Tell me you want it."
He groans, "I want it..."
"Yeah?" You lie your cheek on his thigh, staring down at him with narrowed eyes. You love how exposed he is right now. Vulnerable to your gaze, and letting you touch him in such lewd ways. You always liked these parts of your sessions—where you could see the raw arousal in their faces. Letting your hand slide from Jinyoung's thigh to his cock, you begin simultaneously stroking him and, finally, pushing your fingers into his ass. He suddenly jerks upwards the best he really can with his legs behind his head, and you already know that both the sensations combined feel odd for him.
"Does it hurt?" You ask, half-wanting him to say it does so you can see the look on his face when you add another finger. But he doesn't, thankfully, and you whisk away the sadistic thoughts that you don't really want there. Instead, he shakes his head with a weak noise of slight discomfort.
"It doesn't hurt, but it feels... Weird?" Jinyoung doesn't seem so sure of himself when he actually says the words out loud. The confused frown knitting his eyebrows together mimes that of someone who was deciding on whether they liked something or not.
"Mm. Give it a minute."
And he does. He breathes heavily at the still-going stimulation to his cock, furrowing his brows everytime you move your fingers in a strange way as you try and find a pace, then, like clockwork as your digits graze upwards of his walls, he gasps, loud and surprised.
"Oh? Did I find it?" You grin, raising an eyebrow whilst continuing to abuse that spot inside of him. You revel in the way he moans. It's actually very melodical, everytime he reaches a high note it sounds like he's about to start singing, and it catches you off-guard when he keens before letting his lower body fall against the bed.
You tsk and shrug, "I was gonna be nice but it looks like you're just itching for punishment."
"Well what the hell did you expect when you put me in a painful position like-"
You give him another good slap to the face, then, almost too aggressively, force him to the edge of the bed so you can bend him over.
"Don't look at me, keep your eyes on the floor or I'll make it worse," you murmur, and with a mischievous smile, you walk over to the large black closet to the side of your bed. You can hear Jinyoung's heavy breathing reverberating throughout the room the entire time it takes to fetch your trusty cane and take position back behind Jinyoung.
The cane is long, about the height of a relatively high-standing desk, and decorated with accents of blood red while the rest is tinted a ravishing mulberry purple. It's thick at the top which makes it easy to hold onto, and it begins to slight as it reaches the the tip, which is skinny and carefully rounded.
"So, here's what we're gonna do," you begin, running your fingers up and down the polished rattan, "I am going to hit you with this cane as hard as I can, and you are going to count each and every stroke that I put on your thighs and backside. Do you hear me?"
Jinyoung sucks in a breath, but nods his head nonetheless.
"Come on, you know better. I need you to say it."
"Yes, I hear you."
"Hear you, what?" You lean forward to whisper into the shell of his ear, enjoying the way he lets out a small whimper and pushes his ass back against you.
"Yes, I hear you, Mistress..."
"Good Boy. Now, spread your legs a bit, and when you feel the cane, begin counting."
Jinyoung does as told easily enough; widening the space between his feet until his legs stand out in a small 'v' shape, and waiting in anticipation for you to begin the punishment. He can hear the blood rush in his ears.
Shwoop- thwack!
The pain that surges in a line against both cheeks is nothing short of winding. He thought it'd sting a bit at most but fuck, he had trouble keeping his legs from wobbling.
"One!" He shrills.
Shwoop- thwack!
Shwoop- thwack!
It feels like it goes on for forever if he's being honest. It's the same pain, but it gets worse with each swing and cut. It doesn't help that your cane had broken skin and drawn blood every couple strokes to both the backs of his thighs and cheeks, and you kept on hitting the same wounds.
"Twenty... twenty-one.."
"My good boy.. you did so, so well," You all but coo, dropping the cane to the floor with a thud as you lean forward to drape yourself over his back, careful not to make contact with his injuries whilst you trail your fingers between his legs so you can continue stroking his cock, grip loose and barely touching him with each swipe over his shaft.
"It hurts...!" Jinyoung's voice wavers, and you can finally hear the submission in his tone. You like hearing him like this; on the edge of breaking down, sobbing out his pain and pleasure, and all for you.
You smile, tightening your fist around his tip and holding it there just to savor the way he cries out and reaches down to try and stop your administrations, "But you like when it hurts, don't you? You like seeing how bad of a boy you'd been, and you like feeling those repercussions wear off even more, no?"
"Mistress doesn't like liars, baby. Say you're sorry and maybe I'll make the pain feel better," You hum, only the slightest of touches ghosting against Jinyoung's nipples, butterfly kisses on the back of his ear.
"I'm sorry.. I-I'm sorry..!"
"Move up the bed. Hands and knees, still."
He's crying as he carries out your command, you realise. Tears, shiny, like the first drops of rain, run in flexuous tracks down his cheeks, and a blush dusts the ball of his nose. He makes no noise, but you can see the stutter of his chest and the way his breath hitches everytime he tries to take in a full inhale.
"See what happens when you don't listen to your Mistress? She has to hurt you, and she doesn't quite like hurting you to the point of drawing blood," you sigh and can't help but frown at the marks left on his body, especially the way you can identify the blooming bruises, which range from pretty shades of red to slowly darkening purples. Not to mention the many long cuts that litter just above the bruises.
"I-I'm sorr-sorry," Jinyoung involuntarily hiccups, and the way he reaches back and out for your top, tugging at the hem to get you to come closer, undoubtedly makes your mask slip a bit.
"Don't-.. don't look at me like that.."
But he keeps doing it. He keeps looking at you with those eyes. Those eyes that plead and beg in only the ways that make your body light aflame with desire to see him break completely under your touch.
"Fuck me... Please fuck me," He whispers, still looking at you from over his shoulder and holding onto your camisole.
"I bet you do. You've had that look in your eyes ever since you walked through the door. Don't worry, though. I'll fuck you. I'll fuck you hard enough to make your mind go blank, and I'll fuck you good enough that everytime you touch yourself, you'll wish it was my hands instead of yours," you crawl onto the mattress and keep direct eye contact as you do so. You want him to take in the fire in your eyes, and know that you mean everything you say.
And from the way he whines upon your hand encasing his throat when you take place behind him, lining yourself up with his entrance with your breath hot on the back of his neck, he gets the memo.
"Have you ever had a cock inside you, Jinyoung?"
"Only finger-ers," He gasps out, still catching his breath to make coherent sentences as his crying dies down.
You nod into his shoulder, "We're gonna take this part slow, then, okay? Deep breaths.. I'm pushing inside, now."
The stretch is slow and, admittedly, overwhelming; the way your strap's textured shaft tenses his walls around the thickness of it's outer layers has him clutching and the sheets and making all sorts of noises, from groans to whimpers, from low-tones to high-notes, then finally, you bottom out. Your hips meet the plush skin of his ass, which he yelps at, and you take a moment to massage the column of his neck, trying to get him to relax as much as possible. It is his first time with a dick up his ass, after all, and he'd just taken a brutal punishment with, from the looks of it, painful consequences.
"What's the traffic light say, Jinyoung?"
He knows what it means, and when he's actually asked the question, it sparks a sort of satisfaction in him. He means wow, someone who actually checks in with him during sex and doesn't just do whatever they want without making sure he's ok with it.
"Green. Just go slow, please? It still hurts a bit."
He's surprised when you actually listen to him, and begin pacing yourself slower; careful movements of your hips, barely even registered as thrusts, and soft brushes over the hardness of his nipples once again as a distraction from any lingering uncomfort.
"Is it ok to go faster?"
He nods, and turns his face to the side so he can look at you properly. He looks so good like this; watery eyes and a needy expression painted on his face like glass.
It's then that you find yourself kissing him.
It catches him off-guard, obviously, but he leans into it nonetheless, and damn did you know how to kiss. Your lips were sweet against his, mouth moving in tune with his own and it was quite easy for you to take control of things. One squeeze to his throat and he was putty.
You don't even notice that you're thrusting into him too fast until he grabs at your hip from behind and whines into your mouth, which makes you want to go all the more faster, but you don't. You groan, nibbling his lip before you pull away with a grin, and weave your hand into his hair so you can gently push his face into the covers. His arch is gorgeous. Just like the rest of him, you think.
"Jesus, you're a sight.. you know that?"
From the neat curtain of bangs, you can faintly see Jinyoung smile, "Do you like it?"
"Baby you know I like it," You curse as you smooth a hand down the sultry slope of his back, all muscled and strong yet delicate in a way that you find hard to explain.
He moans, loud and clear for you, "Then show me, mistress. Please?"
'Showing him' would be an understatement of what you did. It was like you were possessed; one moment he was on his hands and knees, looking back at you with that fucking face, and the next, you had him flipped over on his back, drilling into him like your life depends on it. You don't know how long you fuck him, but you know that you were in a daze as you snap back to the present.
It's brutal, the way you pound into him. Rough, animalistic, and downright cruel. He's trying his best to stay tethered to this world, but you make it extremely hard with the way you bull his knees into his own chest and stare at him, long and heavy, with each other's foreheads touching and a hand jerking him off at a rapid speed. He wails and cries out every couple seconds, his voice now strained in his throat and wearing thin like the threads of an old spiderweb.
"Is this what you fucking wanted? Huh? Well here it is so fucking take it, bitch. Take it all and don't you dare waste it or else I swear you'll regret it," You growl, your teeth clenched hard enough to put pressure on your gums as you unhook your arm from under his left knee and instead use it to choke him. He struggles at the lack of blood going to his brain, but nods regardless.
"I-I'm c—oh my god please—I'm cumming! I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna-"
"Then fucking cum, you filthy whore. Do it, all over your stomach. Make Mistress proud, hm? Make her proud of her good little fuck doll, I know you can do it, baby."
Letting go of Jinyoung's throat has more of an effect than you anticipated. The influx of air and blood, paired with his approaching orgasm, quite literally throws him headfirst into his climax. His mouth falls open in a silent scream as he writhes and twitches, spilling white on his lower abdomen, and one shot even glances him on the collarbones.
It's silent for a moment as he catches his breath, still shaking, and that's when you make the decision of discarding your strap-on into the basket near your closet with a single toss. Jinyoung, on the other hand, is on cloud 9. He feels like he's floating in a golden sea of bliss, which clouds of cotton candy hanging overhead, and he barely registers it when he feels your fingers on his body once again.
He looks down, "Hm..?"
"Pfft holy shit, look at you," You bring your palm to your mouth as you giggle at the man's euphoria, "Yeah.. Oh yeah, you're definitely feeling it, huh? Told you I was worth the money."
"No shit. That was... Jesus, that was insane."
"Mm thanks, pretty. Sit still, I'll be right back."
You hop up off the bed with another quick glance at Jinyoung before you disappear behind a misty glass door. While you're doing.. whatever you're doing, Jinyoung takes the time to sit up and try and find a comfortable position because of course it's now that everything finally settles in.
"Ow, fuck!" He hisses at the pain of trying to sit on his ass with all the cuts on it.
"Yeah, about that, put your butt up for a moment?"
He frowns, but upon seeing the tube of ointment in your hand as well as baby wipes and a lollipop, sighs and reluctantly bends over.
"I know, I know, but don't worry, it'll only sting a bit. Also, make sure to apply some Neosporin or disinfectant on the backs of your thighs and bottom until they begin to scab up." You drone on about how to take care of the injuries whilst applying the salve, the basics on how to not exercise while they're still open because the sweat can cause an infection, the usual things. When you're done both rubbing the medicine on him and giving him a jog through cautions, you finally twist the covering on the tube of ointment and reach for the wet wipes before meeting Jinyoung's eyes again.
"Roll on your back, please. Feet up in the air and spread your legs so I can see everything."
"Because," you smile, already nudging him to move into position, "You're all messy. I need to clean you up, don't I? Now come here, I even have a lollipop for you since you did so well."
It's soft how you take care of him, Jinyoung thinks. The mood switch is completely different from what you were like when you were fucking him like you hated him, because now, you're so concerned about whether you're pressing the wipes too hard onto his skin as you swipe the cold sheet between his legs and rear end.
"I'm sorry," you say, slowing down on cleaning him to snort at how hard he sucks on the light green candy, admiring how at peace he looks with the warm expression he wears.
"For what?"
"I probably went a little too hard on you. This was your first actual time with an experienced domme, and I'm afraid that I could've ruined it for future references."
"Oh no, don't feel bad. I liked it."
"You did?" Your eyebrows shoot up.
"Of course. This is probably the best I've felt in literal months."
And he smiles. He smiles genuinely one of the most breathtaking smiles you've ever seen, with a slight fan of creasing around his eyes from the rise of his cheeks, and a laugh like pure beauty. You return it.
"Well, I'm glad I could help, Jinyoung. Now, I think it's about time for you to go, considering the session is officially over, and you most likely have a lot of work in the morning," You wink and stand from your spot on the bed.
Jinyoung allows you to help him back inside his robe, even rub the dried tear tracks off his cheeks, and before he knows it, he's slowly walking away from your assigned room, looking back at you as you stand in the doorway with a hand on your hip.
"Goodbye, Madame Black."
"Goodbye, Mr. CEO. Come again sometime, I'm sure you'd love to be taken down another peg."
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misterewrites · 6 years
SVTFOE Homecoming: Karen, the "A.I."
*Tom is walking out of the Lucitor building, tiredly yawning as he stretches his tense neck. He stops when the bush behind him begins to rustle. He eyes it suspiciously while reaching into his jacket pocket.*
Tom as himself: Come out before I blast you out.
??: *calls from the bush* You wouldn't blast me. Even if you did, it wouldn't have been the worst thing you've ever done.
*Tom tenses as Star emerges from the bush, eyes torn between anger and happiness*
Tom: Star.
Star as MJ: Thomas.
Tom: *Flinches unhappily* You know I hate that.
Star: I'm aware.
Tom: I thought you left the country. Your parents said they sent you to Europe for some fancy private school.
Star: Why, missed me?
Tom:...*throat tightens* Why are you here?
Star: You're that Iron Demon, aren't you?
Tom: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Star: *coldly* Don't even Tom. I saw what you were working on when you decided to break up with me and a few months there's a new hero on the block? Two plus two equals you're running around in a suit, fighting crime.
Tom:...Iron Demon is a bit childish. I decided to rebrand myself as Iron Man. Works way better.
Star: You only changed your name because you realized Iron Demon sounds like something a teenager would name himself. Which you are.
Tom: I won't ask again, why are you here?
Star: I want to help you.
Tom: No.
Star: Tom, you...
Tom: *firmly* I said no. I need to do this on my own.
Star: *Furiously bites her cheek* Fine. You and your stupid pride were always annoying. At least take this
*Tom watches carefully as Star pulls a USB from her bag and offers it to him*
Tom: *takes it* What is it?
Star: It's an A.I. program I made.
Tom: *Raises an eyebrow suspiciously* You program now?
Star: I had a lot of free time recently. Look I know you're like some boy genius but even you need help. Just promise me you'll use it.
Tom:....I'll think about it.
Star: *Sighs* That's the best answer I'm going to get, am I?
Star: Whatever. Goodbye Tom *angrily stomps away*
*Later that night, Star waits impatiently at her computer, waiting for Tom to install the backdoor program she gave him*
Star: If he's going to be difficult, then I'm just gonna have to show him how I can be a great help. My "A.I' is going to be so amazing he'll beg me to work with him. I mean this is a totally normal response to him lying to me about becoming a superhero, right?
Random Unicorn plush:....
Star:....Okay, maybe not my greatest idea but hey, what could go wrong?
Computer: Uplink detected, backdoor installed, initiating program "Karen"
Star: About time! *slips on her headphones and leans eagerly in her seat.*
*Her screen goes dark for a moment before the Heads Up Display begins to boot up, showing important details such as vital signs, radio signals and more.*
Star: Huh. *Bits her lip in concern* Tom's got a lot of abnormalities in his blood stream. He should really go to a doctor or something. Even my readings can't tell what it...
??: Hello?
*Star freezes as, instead of Tom's lab, she finds herself staring at the New York skyline, apartment buildings filling the view.*
??: Umm, any A.I. here? Mr. Lucitor told me it was programmed in the suit.
Star: *angrily bites her lip as she clears her throat* Hello!
??: Ah! *The view shakes for a moment* Hey, hi. Sorry, you startled me.
Star: *Barely containing her rage* That's okay. I tend to have effect on people. May I have your name for suit registration? *mumbles under her breath* I am so gonna kill him.
??: What? Oh sure. I'm Spider-man.
Star: *rolls her eyes* I mean your real name for security purposes. *Murmurs softly* Spider-man? Who the heck is this guy?
??: You know if I didn't know better, I'd say you're a real person. I'm Marco, Marco Diaz.
Star: ....
Marco as Peter: umm...hello? Miss A.I.? Is your programming acting up? Maybe I should take you to Tom.
Star: NO! I mean no, no. I'm sorry I was just...umm....registering your civilian identity. For security.
Marco: Yeah, you mentioned that. Maybe I should send the suit back. You seem to have a few bugs to work out.
Star: Sorry, I'm..still...getting used to my system perimeters. This suit has a lot more...computing power than I was originally expecting. So...Spider-man. Interesting name.
Marco: Well *sits at the edge of the rooftop* it's been a crazy few months.
Star: Mhm. Why don't you tell me about it?
Marco:..Sure. I guess. I mean you're an A.I. and Tom already knows the story. So a few months ago, I was bitten by a spider....
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managedmischiefs · 6 years
Tumblr media
I sit up quickly, pushing my books off my lap at the sound of my boyfriend's hopeless sounding voice. "Peter? What's wrong?"
"I-I can't come over tonight." He sniffles. "I'm sick."
"Yeah, you sound really sick." I sigh, resting my elbow on my knee and my chin on the heel of my hand. "Well, I want you to get better. So just relax, okay?"
Peter let's out a cry, sobbing into the speaker of his phone. My heart breaks as he does. He always tries to keep his weakness to himself to stay strong for me. So if he's crying like this to me, I know something is wrong.
"Okay." Peter chokes out.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too."
But two days pass and nothing has changed. Peter misses school and cries every night and morning to me. He says he's too afraid to talk to May because he knows she'll take off work and they need the money for rent. So he locks himself in his room and lies to her, telling fake stories about his day at school.
On the second day, when I call him after school and he's still sick and crying, I hang up. I grab an empty backpack and fill it up with things that could make Peter feel better.
I then tell my parents I'm leaving and run to Peter's apartment.
I wind up on the fire escape, looking in. Peter's room is an absolute mess. There's clothes everywhere, tissues on the floor, bed not made. I sigh, knocking gently on the glass.
It takes a moment for Peter to pop his head out of the connected bathroom door. He trudges to the window and pulls it open just a bit, allowing me to open it fully.
I slip in, closing it behind me. I immediately wrap my arms around Peter's waist, holding him as tight as I can. "Oh, my love." I coo, feeling him almost collapse into my embrace.
Peter buries his face in my neck, his body shaking. "What's wrong with me?"
"I don't know, baby." I sigh, pulling away from the hug and placing my hands at his cheeks. "But I know that you need to relax and stop stressing, that's why I'm here. So go lay in bed and I'm gonna clean up a bit. Do you need anything?"
Peter shakes his head, allowing me to lead him to his bed. He falls onto the blankets, pulling them up to his chin and closing his eyes.
While he rests, I bustle around the room and clean everything I can. I even make my way into the bathroom and clean everything Peter could have touched.
Of course, just as I do that, Peter comes barreling into the bathroom, falling to his knees and throwing up into the toilet.
I sigh, rubbing his back. I hand him a towel when he falls back against the wall, tears streaming down his cheeks. I wipe his mouth off, flushing the toilet.
"It's okay, it's okay." I whisper, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I'm so scared. What's wrong with me? What if I'm dying?"
"I don't think you're dying, baby. Just a stomach bug, I'm sure."
"I can hear your heartbeat." Peter suddenly blurts out, pulling away. "I-I can- it's so loud."
"P, that's weird." I respond, sitting back on my heels.
"I haven't noticed that until now." Peter furrows his eyebrows.
"You haven't really been around anyone in two days." I respond. "Let's go back to bed, okay?"
Peter nods, pushing himself up and trudging back to bed. Before he can curl up, though, I give him a fresh pair of clothes. I'm sure he hasn't changed recently.
"Do you think maybe it could be food poisoning?" I ask, sitting beside him on the bed.
"I don't think so. Unless I ate something bad and I didn't know." Peter says, grabbing onto my hand, pressing his lips to my knuckles.
"Why don't we go to a doctor tomorrow? I'll skip school, we won't tell May, and we'll figure out what's wrong with you."
Peter nods, yawning. "Okay. Sounds good."
"Yeah, get some sleep. Hopefully, you'll feel better."
Peter tugs on my hand, silently telling me to join him. So I crawl under the covers and rest my head on Peter's chest, leaving a kiss on his cheek. I drift off to sleep with my boyfriend's arms around me.
"Babe! Baby! Wake up! Hey! Wake up!"
Peter's whisper-yells wake me up from my nap. I reach out, expecting to feel him beside me, but I only get cold sheets.
"Mm, Peter." I breathe out, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "What's wrong? Are you sick again?"
"Look at me!" Peter exclaims, no longer sounding sick, but incredibly excited.
I pry my eyes open and look around, finding nothing but Peter's room.
"Up here!"
My head snaps up and I find Peter on the ceiling. I let out a scream, watching Peter jump down to the floor and stick the landing perfectly.
"Peter, what the fuck?! How did you do that?!" I scream, cowering back against the wall, still on the bed.
"I don't know!" He shrugs, grinning. "I woke up and I just felt perfectly fine! And their was a bug on the wall, close to the ceiling, so I went to catch it, and I clung to the wall! Don't know why, don't know how but I stick! Look!"
Peter launches himself at the wall, sticking perfectly and then crawls back up to the ceiling, dropping to his feet.
My mouth just hangs open.
"Isn't that awesome?!"
"Peter, that is so weird. So abnormal."
Peter's face falls a bit. "Y-You don't think it's cool?"
I let out a sigh, crawling out of bed and standing in front of him. "I mean, sure, it's cool. But you have to admit that it's not normal."
Peter hugs himself. "I guess it's not."
I snap my fingers, getting an idea. "Why don't we call Tony Stark? He deals with people who are-"
"Abnormal." Peter mutters, turning away from me and grabbing a hoodie from the back of his chair.
"Peter, stop." I sigh, sitting on the bed again. "You know I love you, but this is not normal. You were throwing up and crying a few hours ago and now you're sticking to the wall? Your climbing up to the ceiling? I just want to make sure you're okay, and Tony Stark deals with stuff like this."
Peter nods. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But how are you gonna contact Tony Stark?"
"I don't know, but we have to try."
A week later and I finally was able to contact Tony Stark. It took a lot of calls, some emails, some missing classes, and a call to the personal assistant of Pepper Potts before I could actually get to Tony.
"Why am I speaking to a teenager?" Is the first thing Tony says when he gets on the phone with me.
I roll my eyes. "My boyfriend, Peter Parker, is- uh, special now. He was sick, throwing up and had a high fever for two days. Then he took a nap, woke up, and realized that he could stick to the walls and the ceiling. He can hear my heartbeat loud and clear at all times, and he can hear conversations perfectly when he's two rooms away. It-It's very weird. Is he okay?"
There's a moment of silence before Tony speaks. "And how did he get these powers?"
"He doesn't know." I take a look at my bedroom door to check that the knob is locked so my parents can't come in. "He said the only thing he could think of was that he got bit by a spider at school but-"
"That." Tony remarks. "That is it. That's it."
"Um, what? You're saying Peter is like this because he got bit by a spider?"
"I'm gonna have my assistant, his name is Happy, bring you and your boyfriend up to the Avengers compound."
My eyes widen. "What?"
"Happy is gonna pick you and Peter up on Saturday and bring you up to the compound. And Peter is okay, don't worry. I just wanna meet him. Thanks for the call." And then he hangs up.
Saturday rolls around, so I make my way to Peter's apartment so Happy can pick us up.
"This is crazy! We're gonna meet Tony Stark!" Peter exclaims as he leads me down the stairs, his fingers intertwined with mine. "He's, like, my idol!"
"I know." I laugh, following after him. "Honestly, all I care about is that you're okay."
"I'm more than okay!" Peter grins at me, pushing open the door to the street.
There's a sleek black car in front of the building, and a man standing right in front of it. He pulls off his sunglasses as he sees us, smiling.
"I'm Happy." He introduces himself shortly, then opens the back door for us.
Peter and I slide in the backseat, looking around the incredibly high tech car.
"This is gonna be a great day." Peter breathes out with a smile, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
"It seems that way."
"I've been waiting for this day!" Tony Stark cheers as Happy leads us into the compound.
"Hi, Mr. Stark." Peter grins, holding out his hand, to which Tony shakes it. "I'm Peter, this is-"
"Yes, yes, I've talked to your girlfriend before. Nice to meet you." He shakes my hand now. "We're gonna get straight to business, follow me."
Peter takes ahold of my hand again and we follow Tony up a staircase and down a hallway. We end up in a room with a lot of technology in it, which looks incredibly expensive.
"I'm gonna cut straight to what you wanna know." Tony says as he sits behind a desk, leaving me and Peter standing in front of him. "There's a crazy scientist who did some weird experiments on some insects and animals, including some spiders. Well, his lab got fucked with and everything got released. I'm almost positive that you, Peter, were bitten by one of these mutant, almost, spiders. Now, it's given you superhuman powers. There's nothing wrong with you-"
"Then why was he sick and throwing up for two days straight?" I interject.
"Peter's body was adjusting to the new substance in his body. It made him sick, but he's fine now. You're fine, right, kid?"
"Other than the fact that I can hear that Happy just parked the car, I guess I'm fine."
"That's your enhanced hearing. You're gonna have a whole new set of skills and enhancements now, things like sticking to most surfaces and a spider sense. And that means that you'll be able to sense something is going to happen before it actually does. And that's just two of the things that you'll gain."
Toy walks over to the wall and opens a drawer, pulling out two wristbands. "Put these on."
Peter drops my hand and quickly puts the thick silver wristbands on. Once they're on, they expand so that there's a little button hovering over his palm.
"Now aim here." Tony says, pointing to a blank section of the wall. "And press down on that thing with your ring and middle finger."
Peter gives me a nervous glance before turning towards the wall. And as soon as he pressed down on the band, some white substance goes shooting across the room, connecting the wall to the wristband.
"This is awesome!" Peter exclaims, looking back at me again.
I smile, nodding, I find a seat and cross my legs, watching Tony Stark teach Peter how to operate the web shooters.
And to think, all this came from a little spider bite.
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geek-gem · 7 years
The Mummy
Well I've seen it the 2017 one and I just got out of the shower and I'm on my phone now. I was in the shower for a while cause I was thinking of this and other stuff. Including I felt I was in a weird mood man. I don't know if this is really a review or mainly so kind of but a reaction. Mainly my first thoughts when my dad who was sitting to the right of asked what did I think of it. I told him it was pretty cool. Also my Nana and step grandpa were to the right of him. Including said yeah pretty cool and alright even to my mom just even also me wanting to mention how she made my bed beautifully and how it was finally cleaned after some weeks I think I don't know man a month. Yet I'm just gonna get this out of the way. I feel I have a mixed relationship with my dad. He wanted to go and just when waiting in line I remembered this he asks me about my wallet and phone and that I didn't bring it just it frustrated me even when I didn't wanna bring it. He's mainly right yet just the way and I felt embarrassed and he said don't get frustrated with me. Also when we got home including when leaving home first my step grandpa asked about Rotten Tomatos the 17% and when we got back home my dad says to my mom he said it was pretty good compared I guess to saying my name 17 reviews.....then I said percent okay to be honest I feel like in my head I'm like fuck you dad but I didn't​ say it to home. Also yeah make sure theirs no moldy food for the dog and don't want him sick it was one piece I'm sorry. That just bothered me a bit. Sorry I'll just get to this man. So The Mummy the 2017 version and Universal's start to their Dark Universe featuring their Universal Monsters. To be honest I don't mind cinematic​ universe's and including more movies for me, I like monsters, I'm wanting to see the original movies that started these. Including I like monsters so a cinematic universe around them seems really fricken cool but I wanted it to be good. Along with I legit want I think in one of my posts I talked about after watching Jeremy Jahns review, looked at some comments and I decided to see Rotten Tomatos I went yelled out, "OH FUCK!" Yet I was alone at my house cause I got home early there. Well now I've seen it. I did say it was pretty cool. Yet for a big film Universal has marketed and they are really committed to this. They are really wanting this to work, and become a big franchise. Including they already got some actors and we got a new Bride Of Frankenstein on February 14th 2019 and liked they chose that date cause of Valentine's Day but I don't like the holiday a lot man. To be honest like I said it was cool. But I wouldn't I guess recommend coming back to see it. Mainly if you like monsters but it depends and if your really interested but I want you guys to spend your time and money wisely. I'll be honest Tom Cruise as Nick Morton and had to go to Rotten Tomatos to spell that last name right. I think he does pretty alright. Including you know I'm not the biggest fan of him. Yet I like the Mission Impossible series mainly 4 and 5 almost left 4 again man lol dude. Including he's a good stunt man and all that shit. Mainly he's good at his job. Yet what's the problem I had with the film was it's characters. Including the character of Jenny who I don't know if this is much of a spoiler yet you can tell but fine also that's the name of her character she's basically Nick's love interest. Yet throughout the movie she's not all that interesting. Including I don't buy their romance and even like the reviewers I've watched Jeremy Jahns, Chris Stuckmann, Midnight's Edge, and Angry Joe, but also watched Hybrid Network's review too. Basically their isn't much there for them I wasn't invested in their relationship or their development I suppose. Yet I'm gonna say I legit love her introduction in the film cause it's just so out of nowhere and even funny. Because seriously I didn't expect that. But mainly any of the other characters even Nick their not developed much. Including just you don't care much for them. Mainly I just saw it but yeah. You have no attachment to them. Seriously I will say even in a supposed big film like this. I like it when I'm invested not just what's​ going on but even with the characters. Including you know the talk about Inconstant tone. Will say their are some funny moments and I guess some scenes work. Including seem to like that I don't know dark yet mysterious feeling yet I don't know what I'm talking about man. Including I don't complain much about Inconstant tone. Yet I don't know. You know what I just thought this the film feels bland, if feels bland as fuck man. I feel like for a film like this that seriously should not happened. A epic scaled action horror films that sounds so cool. Yet the way it's portrayed I'm not too excited about it man. Honestly I feel like this may be bullshit what I'm gonna say. Yet like what people said I honestly liked Russell Crowe and Sofia Boutella and had to go to Rotten Tomatos a couple times pressed the scene...her last name is difficult lol man sorry. So spoilers mainly for Russell Crowe's character yet they've marketed his character even with his announcement he plays Dr. Henry Jekyll aka Mr. Hyde. Honestly I haven't seen much of Russell Crowe yet he's a good actor. Really he was pretty cool with what he was given. In fact a lot more interesting then some of the other characters. I honestly hope we see more of him. Including his performance yet also his character were indeed a lot better then others ha man. Now for Sofia Boutella as the title character herself. Really she did a pretty alright job with what she was given. I feel like the way she was portrayed and how her character was. I don't know what yet she's a good mummy yet not that great. I'm sorry I feel stupid cause I'm praising basically two monster related characters. Because they stand out cause the other characters don't stand out as much and that bothers me thinking more about the film. In fact okay I'm gonna be silly so I'm not alone but even before the movie just....think if you've seen this Game Grumps Sonic Boom episode when Danny Sexbang makes a mention of Perci being pretty hahaha....yeah it's kind of like that.... Okay I feel theirs a thing with me and weird ladies no offense lol man. Including this is a God damn Mummy, God damn imagine what it's gonna be like with lol the Bride Of Frankenstein man hahaha or some shit man. But also honestly the action was pretty dang cool even the plane scene where it was marketed a lot and the Tom Cruise scream why the fuck isn't that a meme haha. That was all nice really I didn't mind it. Also some well some parts wanted to be scary like a horror movie...yet I feel like they could of been done better. Maybe like you get this feeling like you don't know what to expect yet this film you expect something I've learned that from many films. Including the ending I've read comments it was confusing so okay we didn't sit through the credits cause I don't​ know if theirs a end credits scene or not man. Just I'm gonna look that up now forgot lol man chill out. Almost left edit ha but looked at Wikipedia okay no end credits scene man. Yet the ending not gonna spoil it man it felt like they were setting up the universe and being like we're gonna see this universe again. I was okay with it and I didn't expect certain stuff man haha. Also I'm gonna mention this you know what I found cool easter eggs. Theirs legit easter eggs to other monsters and I was smiling. Even if I've haven't seen the originals I'm sorry but I was just happy seeing certain stuff it was cool man. I don't know if theirs much else to say well Brian Tyler does the score I guess he did a very good job man. Yet the movie itself. I'm being honest I wanna see this cinematic universe launch and get going. I wanna see the other Universal Monsters or basically characters such as Gilman okay I legit looked on Google I see nothing mentioning him from The Creature From The Black Lagoon ha man , and The Invisible Man who they have casted Johnny Depp as the character and also Jarvier Bedwin as the Frankenstein Monster but smiling a lot. Also even the Wolfman even with rumors of Dwyane The Rock Johnson being casted yet we don't know heard he's been in some serious films and I'm being okay with the idea of the casting. Also with other announcements and actors Universal wants to get. Seriously I've even thought of how I feel this universe should go man. You have some big films and small films. Also these are different characters and some of them people. Such as the story of the Wolfman, and the original story of Frankenstein and maybe you can bring that but do a modern take on it yet respect the original story. Including some random idea like the Wolfman film is like Wolfman meets Dog Soldiers haven't seen both films and just whatever 1941 film or 2010 film the 2010 seems decent but the original and Dog Soldiers seem amazing man. So if you want action yet also that tragic tale of a man being bitten by a werewolf this idea gonna put it out there haha man, the Wolfman taking on other werewolves. Including some of the films are ether PG-13 or R depends of what character their focusing on. Also the idea of all the monsters fighting like the Frankenstein Monster fighting the Wolfman also this silly idea the Frankenstein Monster hits the Wolfman sends him flying towards a person taking a selfie of the fighting whether they got seriously injured or killed yet mainly injured. Also Dracula fighting the Mummy two powerful monsters. Seriously I expect Dracula to be like the biggest asshole like he thinks he's the king ha man. Yet...... honestly not a good start to a cinematic universe so took out the haha before the last ha in the last paragraph and cinematic kept turning to cone lol and cone to come lol.... Sorry but yeah not a nice start. Also when looking up the Creature From The Black Lagoon's name my Nana said bye and we bugged a bit ha man gonna chill out. Also just theirs this thing on Google nice marketing for the movie like saying The Mummy on Google and it's some gif ha, but theirs a article talking about five things wait man damn smiling man. Yes five reasons why it looked again disinterested​ in the box office no disintegrated there looked again but not going on the screen....ha I don't normally go check stuff like that online yet I wanna see this seems interesting and wanna know more stuff okay smiling a lot cause my thumbs type fast yet press the wrong buttons man. So wanted to say if you wanna see a movie pick what you want yet I recommend Wonder Woman which I saw last week that's a nice start to Summer in a way, a beautiful and amazing film I've even made a post well review reaction some what of that too man
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