#i just don't care about cyl by now but
randomnameless · 2 years
I don't understand why Bernadetta fans feel entitled enough to claim she was robbed from CYL. It's not like she was an important character, her dad has more plot relevance than she does. I'm not crying "Robbed!" because my favourite secondary character hasn't won.
Were you around during the A!Tiki redshiter who cried and ranted and made a general fuss everytime Y!Tiki received an alt?
Let's say the feh redshit is full of people who love their favourite characters, and some are prone to throw a tantrum whenever their fave isn't released.
Something Jugdral fans came to learn and accept during the past 20 years lol, that's why there's less outcries at "when the fuck is oldvis going to be released".
also, I'm not here to say whether Bernie's blazing performance in her base game has anything to do with how ardently some people rally behind her, but given the prevalence of 3H characters in the CYL picks, crying for Bernie is like pouring oil on a bonfire.
However, I'm also genuinely pissed at "Boobs'n'snakes" getting the first place, or how someone who appeared for 5 seconds and was only revealed to have assets and to simp for the self-insert, with hints of a "tragik backstory" is apparently the most popular female character of the franchise.
My fwend @crushednugget made an OC prediction and I hate how right it was ; I remember a time where the FE series weren't just a glorified dating sim, and as of February 2023, Gullveig winning CYL just hammered the fact that now, FEH at least, fully embraced the dating sim aspect.
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ajentmm · 27 days
Weave of Fate (CYL6) Refine Theorycraft
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I didn't think I was gonna make this blog. I Kind of thought I was done doing these things. But. I started back up and then suddenly. I field inspired to finish it. I really don't think That? These choose your legends heroes absolutely need. They're refined this year, just like last year. They are good, serviceable on average, But, I can see that with so much powercreep that's been happening, these guys need the upgrade to compete with the newest stuff in Summoner Duels. I just kind of wish that we got more refines for older heroes, so that we can catch up to CYL units. And we are just now seeing CYL4 heroes fall off after their refines.
I.S., if I do this blog now, would you promise to give us like 8 new re finds every month? How about just 7 every month? Every month that there isn't a remix, we could have two extra 5-star heroes. I know this would mess up the New Power Banners with colour sharing or even 5 focuses, but like I don’t care.
Anyway, CYL6 heroes were an oddly thematic group. We had two blue haired lords, riding horseback, with magic weapons, and have daddy issues. One having a dead dad, and the other is a dead dad to be. Then there’s two ladies, blessed with godly powers, wearing the outfits originally worn by little girls. With Tiki, the little girl was herself. In Byleth’s case, the god and little girl are the same. Let’s get to it.
Byleth: Sublime Light
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Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 39/41/43/26/24  Max Invest 47/49/51/33/31
Inner Wellspring: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants【Null Follow-Up】to unit for 1 turn, and also, if Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat and if Special triggers before or during combat, grants Special cooldown count-1 after combat.
Divine Pulse - Atk/Spd Catch 4 - Spd Preempt 3 - Spd/Res Hold
Divine Pulse: Boosts damage by 25% of unit's Spd. Reduces damage from foe's next attack by 75%, and unit's next attack deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd. (Resets at end of combat.)
BTW The Max Investment has been bumped up with the Dragon Flower limit increasing. Keep that in mind when reading my old posts.
Brave Byleth is the weakest of the four. Her Special doesn’t deal enough damage nor does it reduce enough damage (enough meaning Brave, Follow-Up, or Potent Follow-Up Attacks), and her Special realise on attack first and following up, using Spd Preempt. Spd Preempt only works on ranged units, and even then, Spd creep made this skill difficult to beat, even when Phantom Spd isn’t factored in. A good solution would be an upgraded Spd Preempt, like~may~be~
Spd Preempt 4: If a skill compares unit's Spd to a foe's or ally's Spd, treats unit's Spd as if granted +7. Inflicts Spd-4 on foe during combat. If unit’s Spd > foe's Spd, grant the following: If unit initiates combat or foe’s Range = 2, reduces damage from foe’s first attacks during combat by 30%. If foe initiates combat and foe’s Range = 2, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack (Excluding when unit's Savior effect triggers.)
Yes, we’re doing Tier 4 Skill Theorycrafts too. This can provide some defensive utility for ranged units, even if they aren’t fighting other Ranged units. It’s basically the same 30% that Guard 4 and other skills provide, but the Phantom Spd will help too. But back to Byleth. Her weapon has Time Pulse 4 built in, so she can have her Divine Pulse precharged, but it can skill be broken by Scowl. With Brave! Female! Robin’s new Creation Pulse, we can see that Special Jumping by 2 is a thing we can inherit now, might as well double dip.
Inner Wellspring: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6, [Null Follow-Up], and “Unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces” to unit for 1 turn, and also, if Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, and also, if unit’s attack can trigger unit’s Special, grant Special cooldown count-1 before unit's first attack during combat. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, and also, if Special triggers before or during combat, grants Special cooldown count-1 after combat.
On top of just granting Special Jump as a safety net for Byleth for interrupting Scowl, she is also getting everything from her legendary alt’s Goddess Bearer (Man that skill was bad, can’t wait for the remix to give her allies all of these bonuses). Next we need to increase her damage and damage reduction, and give her more stats, and some self healing to live on enemy phase more.
If unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit (X = 25% of foe's Atk at start of combat, - 4; min 5, max 14), reduces damage from foe's first attack by 10% of unit’s Spd ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes) and unit's next attack deals damage = total damage reduced (by any source, including other skills; resets at end of combat) and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
We start with giving her more that +5 to all stats. Getting a scaling off the enemy’s Atk means she will be more powerful against more dangerous foe, even though most of them have on average 50 Atk, meaning +8, but when that 72 Atk foe comes, you will be ready. I’m giving True Damage reduction base on her Spd, then adding it to the true damage of her follow-up attack, of about 6-7, and this is added to reduced damage (and is doubled when facing Brave Attacks) and Special’s increased damage. We’re looking at possibly 20 True Damage, she just needs to survive the counterattack. . . . Hmm. . . she still needs Damage Reduction Piercing. . . and a Scowl effect to not get nuked on the counterattack. . . Damn, this is harder than I thought.
Seliph: Enduring Legacy
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Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 40/43/41/37/18  Max Invest 48/51/49/44/25
Holytide Tyrfing: Enables [Canto (2)].
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat and deals damage = X × 10% of foe's Def (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat, max 4; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, if unit's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, unit’s HP > 1, and foe would reduce unit’s HP to 0, unit survives with 1 HP. (Once per combat. Does not stack with non-Special effects that allow unit to survive with 1 HP if foe's attack would reduce HP to 0.)
Luna - Atk/Spd Clash 4 - Lull Spd/Def 3 - Heir to Light
Heir to Light: At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 and [Null Follow-Up] to unit for 1 turn and unit can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack.)
Seliph is still a good sword calvary, with 4 move, Null Follow-Up, Luna based true damage, and his clam to fame, Miricale. The issue is that all of these have counter play that have become more prevalent these two years. [Stall] still exist, but Balwuk is working better. We got skills that increase the amount of Spd need to Follow-Up. We have so much Damage Reduction. And we have Fatal Smoke 4, which specifically disables Mircale like effects, if it’s not from the Special. So, I’m just going to assume that they aren’t going to give him a refine that makes him nullify the nullify. So, let’s go with. . .
Holytide Tyrfing: Enables [Canto (2)]. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and deals damage = X × 10% of foe's Def (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat, max 4; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, if unit's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, unit’s HP > 1, and foe would reduce unit’s HP to 0, unit survives with 1 HP. (Once per combat. Does not stack with non-Special effects that allow unit to survive with 1 HP if foe's attack would reduce HP to 0.)
I was going to put Yunaka’s scalable Damage Reduction Piercing here, but I figured just having the 50% DRP is fine.
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat, reduces the effect of [Deep Wounds] by 50% during combat, and after combat, restores 10 HP to unit.
So, he now has more stats and Null-Guard. I did add the 10 HP healing after combat, since Mystic Boost 4 was a game changer for Seliph. I also added the 50% [Deep Wounds] stuff from Breath of Life 4, since you weren’t going to replace his C slot with it, Right?
Tiki: Fated Divinity
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Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 40/4327/37/41    Max Invest 48/51/34/44/49
Remote Breath: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against dragon foes. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and also, if unit's attack can trigger their Special, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat, and if foe's attack can trigger their Special and unit's Res ≥ foe's Res+5, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe's first attack during combat. (Cannot exceed the foe's maximum Special cooldown.) If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Glimmer - Atk/Res Finish 4 - New Divinity - Def/Res Menace
New Divinity: At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Res-5 on foe during combat, and also, if unit's Res > foe's Res, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 40%, foe cannot make a follow-up attack during combat.
If Byleth was the weakest of the bunch, Tiki would be the one who got powercrept the most.  She introduced the Scowl effect,  which was a better way to prevent foes from attacking with their specials, but requiring a Res Check. She was then robbed of this uniqueness by a bunch of Dragons. Rhea came with inheritable skill Scowl, and Veyle came with a pef Drive version. She also got directly power crept by herself! Twice! Okay, let’s see what we can do.
Remote Breath: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against dragon foes. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and also, if unit's attack can trigger their Special, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack and unit’s follow-up attack during combat, and if foe's attack can trigger their Special and unit's Res ≥ foe's Res+5, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe's first attack, and also, if foe's Range = 2, inflicts additional Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe's first follow-up attack (Cannot exceed the foe's maximum Special cooldown.) If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
First, to increase Tiki’s dragon fire power more, I gave here Special Jump on her follow-up attack. She may have already been able to trigger Gimmer on the follow-up if the foe attacked, but if the foe can’t counterattack, or Guard is in the way, this can help. Plus, if she wanted to run the new Dragon’s Roar Special from L!m! Alear, she can us Emblem MarMar’s Engage effect to trigger it twice. Second, since Veyle got an upgrade with her Fallen alt that granted Scowl on Follow-Ups, might as well do it for her.
If a skill compares unit's Res to a foe's or ally's Res, treats unit's Res as if granted +7. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, inflict penalty on foe’s Atk/Res = 15% of unit's Res at start of combat, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, and restores 7 HP to unit after combat, and also, if unit's Res > foe's Res, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 20% of unit’s Res ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).
With Phantom Res, an increase of 10 Res, and a penalty of 15% of her Res (6-8), that’s and addition of 24 Res to make the Res check for both her Scowl, Dragon Wall, and her new True Damage Reduction in this refine. I also thrown in a “neutralizes foe’s bonuses”, just cuz. This can all help since her max of 49 and Brave Soren’s new max is 54. It might be overkill with Res creep not being as pronounced as Spd creep, with Dragon Wall 4 not including Phantom Res, but it’s a Brave unit, you gotta make them future proof.
Chrom: Fated Honor
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Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 41/42/42/37/17  Max Invest 49/50/50/44/24
Geirdriful: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against armored foes. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = number of [Bonus] and [Penalty] effects active on unit x 2, + 5; excludes stat bonuses and stat penalties), reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 40%, and also, if [Bonus] is active on unit, grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
A Fate Changed! - Surge Sparrow - S/D Near Trace 3 - Inf. Spd Tactic
A Fate Changed!: Moves target ally to opposite side of unit and grants another action to unit. Grants any [Bonus] active on target ally to unit and Pair Up cohort (if any) for 1 turn and inflicts [Isolation] on unit and Pair Up cohort (if any) through their next action. (Additional action granted and Isolation inflicted once per turn only. Granted bonuses exclude stat bonuses inverted by Panic.)
Finally, there is Chrom. He is the best out of these 4 and that was just because his stat boosters relied on him getting bonuses or penalties and we've gotten so many new bonuses and penalties that really easy to stack up.  And there's no cap, fam! Sure, we now are getting units that can remove bonuses, or steals them, but you can pair him up with those stealers. And like, he still has an assist skill that grants him another turn. Wait, that skill is how he can get bonuses that he grants to his allies though the skill Inf. Spd Tactics. Man, what a bad skill, I'm not even gonna make a new version of this. He needs to use up an action to get the bonuses in this kit, and in Summoner Duels, it's the opponent's turn after that. I guess he just needs a way for him to get stat bonuses in combat without needing get them himself.
Geirdriful: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against armored foes. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = number of unique [Bonus] and [Penalty] effects active on unit and allies within 2 spaces x 2, + 5; excludes stat bonuses and stat penalties), reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 40% ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and also, if [Bonus] is active on unit, grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.) and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.
So here’s the change. Just like how heroes with Bonus Doubler 4 barrow bonuses from allies can, in case their bonuses are disabled by the foe, Chrom will barrow the [Bonus] and [Penalty] effects from allies, just when in comes to making him a stat ball. In case there is some hero in the future that can just remove [Bonuses] before combat, this will give him an out. But hey, we can still give him bonuses at the start of his turn, right? Another change I made was adding Null-Guard to the additional condition. I figured that there’s already a [Bonus] that makes Special Charge, but there wasn’t one for Tempo. This will let will help him trigger Aether on that second hit.
At start of turn, if unit’s HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Def+6 and “if unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 40%” to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit or targets unit, grants [Dual Strike] to unit and target ally or unit and targeting ally for 1 turn. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, and restores 7 HP to unit after combat, and also, if the number of [Bonus] or [Penilty] effects active on unit (excluding stat bonuses) ≥ 4, unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range during combat.
I don’t know which bonus he really needs and would be fair to have, but I when with Bonus Doubler, just for more stats, and Rearmed Lucina’s DR Bonus. This word get him to +12 to all stats. I also improved A Fate Change but giving him an additional [Bonus] that only he and his targeted ally get, DUAL STRIKE! Now he needs to use his skill, get another action, have one ally move close, and then he can get the Brave attack. His ally could get it too. With this, he is getting 2 [Bonus] and 1 [Penelty], He’s getting +20 to all stats, and he get the new effect, Distant Counter. Yep, I’m adding the Prime skill to his kit. Now he can run any A slot while having Prime too.
Overall, I guess I could do refine for CYL6. I just had to put my mind to it.
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cylixil · 9 months
Maybe I Should Make an Introduction Post, Actually
I'm Cylixil, though people also call me Cy or Cyl (I guess depending on how they read my name?)
Anyway, welcome! This is a space dedicated to the god Apollon :] I've been wanting to make one for a while now but I've also been putting it off since my "godphone" with him is more or less constantly active, so it didn't really seem to have a point... But he thought the header was funny so :3
Here's a bulleted list about me bc idk how else to talk abt myself:
I use any pronouns
My name is a mix of other names that are personal to me, Apollo's included
I only learned "cylix" was a thing that existed when I looked my name up
I am an Aquarius so its doubly funny to me
I'm... not really sure what to call myself? I guess I'm a devotee, but not quite in the traditional sense? I don't do physical offerings, nor do I have an altar for him. I guess my mind's his altar in a way lol I started talking to him years ago and never really stopped.
I still have trouble hearing him tho, since his responses are like thought bombs that last 0.1 seconds and my brain has to process what he meant from that alone. Still, it makes it easier to differentiate between his responses and my imagination.
I hesitate to call myself a "godspouse" for obvious reasons, but I guess in a way it fits, even if I'm more like a pathetic little wet cat that he has to take care of lol
I love him a lot :]
I'm still not sure what I'll be posting here, but have another list on stuff that might pop up and their main hashtags if they have one:
Reblogs of posts about him
Reblogs of things that remind me of him (could be shitposts or other random stuff): #SunLightOfMyLife
If you see that^ tag on an art post it is me pulling on his arm and going "!!! Look at this!!!!"
UPG stuff: #whatsUPGod
Songs Apollo woke me up with: #Apollo's Alarms
Maybe stuff I write. If he insists. #Devotional Quill
Miscellaneous/general stuff: #GeneralRamblings
Oh, just to be clear, this isn't a fandom thing. This is a ...religion(?) thing (is it a religion if I'm just vibing with a god)
Anyway I don't know if this part of the site is still alive but on the off chance someone sees this: All are welcome here, unless you're a dick or asshole. Don't be either. They stink.
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electricprincess96 · 2 years
Is it that surprising the FEH OC won? The moment she showed up in the top 20, that's when everyone shifted gears to ensure her victory. It happened with Veronica via the jump to dethrone Camilla back in CYL 2, moreso when the base alt isn't playable. And again with Gatekeeper, where Foul Play was so obvious you had to breath in copuim to believe it was legit while the JP base was seething. Soren is just an extension of the playing favorites ball as he had an alt recently many noticed despite 2nd
Well yes it is surprising because the midterms weren't numbered in place of where they actually were in terms of numbered votes. So people choosing specifically her to get behind to makes no sense, like why? Why did they want to shift gears to support her why not Anna, or Fem Robin or Elincia etc? And why get behind any of them at all? Especially with a new catagory involving the character whos position changed the most. If these people dont actually care about this character (and i know most people dont i didnt even remember her name until these results and i see absolutely zero people talk about her the way they did the Books 1, 2, 3 and 4 OCs) then why care if she wins? To try and stop Bernie winning? Well that doesnt work cause again the midterms were in alphabetical order not in order of their placement at that time in the votes. Both Bernie and Heroes OC (I've forgotten her name again) could have been 19th and 20th respectively for all we knew. Now yes we know realistically Bernie was in the top 4 at least on the female side at the midterms just based on previous CYLs and the fact we know she's popular but there's no way everyone could have collectively got together to decide to specifically back this one random Heroes OC just to stop Bernie the way they did with Camilla in CYL2 because the way CYLs was done this time was too different. At least when it was Veronica the midterms clearly showed Camilla was in the top 2 at the time and Veronica was at least relatively close behind so it's more understandable. The fact way more people are shocked at this inclusion when way less people were shocked at Veronica because we'd mostly all heard about the campaign to dethrone Camilla. I think her midterms results whatever they may have been are legit, but I don't think she'd have come first without some botting help at play. Not a lot since it seems overall vote numbers were much lower this year, but still some.
And what's the problem with fans "playing favourites"? Yes Soren got an alt recently although it was a Tempest Trial unit so hardly anything to write home about. But the point of CYL is for fans to vote for characters they like and Soren is popular, and he only has like 2 alts anyway and this is only POR/RD's THIRD Brave Alt (After Ike and Micaiah) 3Hs already has more than that on its first year in CYLs. Soren deserves to be there just as much as any other previous winners (and for some of them he definitely deserves it more)
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
Claude is my second favorite lord behind Dimitri. He’s so underrated and I’m glad your blog exists. How do you feel about people who say Yuri is “what Claude should have been”? I personally like them both and feel like they’re different enough characters who should have had supports with each other.
Thanks!! While I wouldn't call Claude underrated - he consistently lands in the top 10 most popular characters of 3H in official polls (often times only losing to Dimitri) - I feel like he's the lord with the least amount of interesting meta written about him, at least in my experience lol
And oh boy... you know how a lot of people say that they would've liked Edelgard a whole lot more if so many of her fans weren't Like That? Yeah, that's how I feel about Yuri.
He's a fine character, right? Interesting in his own right. But holy fuckin' shit, havin' to hear that Yuri is just Better Claude around the time of the Ashen Wolves' initial release over and over again as someone who loves Claude made me just cringe every time I saw Yuri, and I still feel that way now. Like, there was a tweet that was gigglin' over Brave!Claude's "So how's the weather" comment in the FEH CYL Forging Bonds for the 3H winners, and someone comes in with no prompting from anyone else and says "Why do people even like Claude? I find Yuri to be the better of the two of them." And just *waves hand* that attitude really soured me to Yuri by extension, cuz in my experience that happened so often. Again, Yuri's a fine character himself and I'm not saying his fans as a whole are like this, just for me personally I had too many annoying encounters with the fandom involving Yuri for me to like him that much, which isn't helped by the fact that I don't really like any of the DLC characters that much as a whole.
I would have loved if he and Claude had had supports though! In particular, I think they could have been the best thing to delve into both Yuri's past as an assassin for hire and Claude's past as someone targeted by assassins - get to know their real feelings as someone who was willing to kill for money vs. the target of people willing to kill for money, the depths of Yuri's possible guilt (or possible lack thereof) and whether Claude holds any hard feelings towards assassins in general (or if he doesn’t care). Does Claude get angry if he ever manages to find out Yuri's past involvement in this, or does he try to understand him despite his own personal experience? How does Yuri react to having this brought up by someone who couldn't hope to understand what kind of position he was in when he decided to take on the hits? That was a real missed opportunity, especially when considering that they at least somewhat respect each other. It could have lead to a very interesting look into their characters by delving into a topic that's brushed to the side a weird amount of times in this game lmao
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burr-ell · 3 years
If its community voting event, of course there's going to be a way to cheat. I've honestly learned to take it in stride, it's a bunch of pixels. It's not actively hurting anyone and I'd be lying if i said the results didn't make me laugh evey now and then. It looks like ppl bots for votes for the characters that have like an impossible shot at winning, so let them have their shot. It's not like the Lord characters wont have their 5th alt or something anyways. Let em have this, they ain't gonna get their favs in any way else, lol
i'm not sure that "of course there's going to be a way to cheat" is a justification for simply allowing people to cheat. what's the point of even having a voting system if everyone just cheats it?
i mean at the end of the day it's a gacha game, it's designed to suck people in to get them to whale for Ultra Rare Jpegs, but like...this can be actively hurtful because of the attitudes people have about it. gatekeeper fans were incredibly spiteful and nasty toward chrom and marth fans last year, and there's evidence that both he and marianne were botted. and this year, we've got redditors voting for abysskeeper—who's even more of a nameless, faceless npc than gatekeeper—just to spite chrom fans. this thought process absolutely is toxic and harmful to communities. the point of this is to have fun rallying support for your fave, and when entitled people are petty and nasty about it, it's no longer fun and part of the audience is alienated.
and cyl isn't just a "get your fave in the game" competition, it's "which of these characters deserves to have a super busted brave alt that every player can pick for free". that's why it's literally called "choose your legends". random new characters get in the game all the time, but can you honestly tell me that marianne of all characters deserved a brave alt more than eirika or byleth? that gatekeeper deserved a brave alt more than chrom or marth, two mainstay lords of the series?
i mean look, if you don't care, fine, but don't come into my inbox telling me not to. and "just be okay with cheating to make other people feel better" isn't the hot take you think it is.
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razumairon · 3 years
OC interview: Marayn Lavellan & Fendryn Lavellan
Much love to @blueheaded for the tag 💕
I'm tagging @gipgio and @cao-the-dreamer but don't feel forced to do it ofc💕
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Note: the interview takes place after Trespasser
Can you introduce yourself?
Marayn: sure, I can't see why not. My name is Marayn Lavellan, formerly Surana, and I'm from the clan Lavellan somewhere in the Free Marches. I'm 26 years old and after disbanding the Inquisition I moved to Kirkwall with my daughter and my family.
Fendryn: oh, alright dude. Well, I'm Fendryn, I'm from the clan Lavellan, I'm 29 years old and I like throwing knives. I'm joking! I just enjoy darts tournaments.
What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
Marayn: *sighs* I understand that many are curious about the Inquisitor's private life and that some are confused after my... last known relationship, but I shall tell that I identify in my biological gender, thank you, and that I find myself as bisexual and biromantic. More I shall not tell, I'm sorry
Fendryn: ah, yes, the "everyone wants to know anything about the Inquisitor" thing. Well, I don't see a reason why I shouldn't appreciate what men and women have to offer. It's a fancy way to say that I'm bisexual biromantic, you need to thank Varric for the words. About the relationship status, it's not something that I can just hide, you know: how can Thedas forget what a delicious scandal was the marriage of the Inquisitor Lavellan and Magister Dorian Pavus?
Where and when were you born?
Marayn: I was born in Denerim, in 9:17 Dragon. Not that I actually knew the year before learning how to count time, I just made my calculations.
Fendryn: I was born in Denerim, in 9:14 Dragon. Don't you ever think my father knew the year, we all made our calculations when the Keeper taught us time measuring.
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
Marayn: It's not like I have much of a choice, I usually do range attacks with my staff, but I do have a knife for when enemies come too close. I don't have always someone near to protect me, you know.
Fendryn: oh, no contest: my knives! I think of combat more like a deadly dance, I like doing crazy moves and twisting my blades, enemies never expect you to be so graceful and beautiful when you fight. They don't expect crazy moves as well.
Lastly, are you happy?
Marayn: I... I'd rather not discuss it, thank you.
Fendryn: could be happier. I have my loving husband, my family and an adorable niece to take care of. The Inquisition is disbanded and I travel a lot, I can't really complain if it wasn't for that particular about my ex best friend and brother-in-law wanting to destroy the Veil to restore the elven age.
Family and Friends
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
Marayn: I have my brothers, Fendryn and Cylben, my father Rhavil and my grandfather Naudril. My mother died years ago while giving birth to me, Cyl is the only one that remembers her, Fen says that he has a couple of memories of her but he's always vague when he talks about her. My father remarried a couple of years after we joined clan Lavellan with Brelayne, so she was my stepmother. I say was because... well... my family got banished by the clan but I'd rather not discuss it. I had a stepsister, Ellana, but I don't want to talk about her. I also have a daughter, Hlireni *smiles*. I can say I have a good relationship with all of them, except for Ellana and, recently, Brelayne but... I'd rather skip the question now, thank you.
Fendryn: It depends, of which family are we talking about? I've two siblings, Mary and Cyl, my father and my grandfather. I also had a mother, but she died when I was a child. Cyl still remembers her though, and also dad and grandpa. I had a stepmother, but since I got kicked out of the clan I guess she's not my stepmother anymore. Oh, and I had a stepsister too, but she got banished from the clan after trying to kill me and Mary with her magic. Ah, yes, the best day of my life after my marriage. I have a good relationship with my true family, a pity that I can't say the same about Lyne and Ellana. Well, I had a good relationship with Lyne, but she preferred the clan over us, so...
Have you ever ran away from home?
Marayn: I, personally, did not. My family did when Cyl discovered his magical powers, we ran from Denerim to the Free Marches and joined clan Lavellan.
Fendryn: Not for serious reasons, mostly to play in the forest with my friends when dad forbade me to. Or did you mean that time we had to flee to save our skin?
Would you consider marriage or having children?
Marayn: I have a daughter, actually. It's a decision I would have preferred to take with more time, but I'm happy she's with me. More I shall not say.
Fendryn: *chuckles* I'm already happily married, buddy. As for children... I don't know, Dorian and I never thought about it, but I think we're not going to have children soon, given our situation. I wouldn't want my son or daughter to miss one of their parents.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
Marayn: I don't "hate" anyone, I just dislike people but act politely regardless. I must admit that I don't like Sera and Vivienne.
Fendryn: Vivienne, but it's not much of a secret.
Which friend knows everything about you?
Marayn: Oh, Dorian, of course. We were good friends even before Dorian and Fen fell in love.
Fendryn: Tough one, I get along easily with people, but I'd say Varric. No, Solas is not my friend.
Asked by Fans
Are you literate? Have you been to school?
Marayn: Yes and no. I never "officially" attended school, but my Keeper taught me and Fen to read, write and calculate. I enjoy reading.
Fendryn: No, the Keeper taught me and my contemporaries things and stuff. She taught to my dad and grandpa, to be perfectly honest. None of us could read or write before joining the clan, we were only able to count but not over 100 I guess.
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
Marayn: I try to focus on the present.
Fendryn: The Exalted Council being a fucking mess.
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
Marayn: Can I skip the question?
Fendryn: That 5 years old children are apparently too old to suck their fingers when in discomfort.
Do you have mental health or physical issues?
Marayn: None that you shall be informed, thank you.
Fendryn: Count my scars for that.
What is your current main goal?
Marayn: One I do not try to reach happily
Fendryn: Slapping Solas. Very hardly.
Drink or food?
Marayn: Drink, definitely. I enjoy warm drinks when outside is cold.
Fendryn: Food, with no hesitation. Have you ever tried my dad's cooking?
Cats or dogs?
Marayn: Cats. I don't need an animal so loud and cheerful in the house, I already have Fen for that.
Fendryn: Dogs. Cats are so boring.
Optimist or pessimist?
Marayn: As the (former) leader of one of the most powerful organizations in Thedas, I try to be optimistic as much as I can.
Fendryn: Optimist. There's no fun in being a pessimist.
Sassy or sarcastic?
Marayn: Neither of them, but I like witty responses from time to time.
Fendryn: Sassy, but I admit both is good.
Have You Ever
Been caught sneaking out?
Marayn: No, I try not to do things secretly.
Fendryn: No, I'm as invisible as a shadow.
Received flowers?
Marayn: Yes, once. They weren't true flowers, of course, I don't like the idea of them perishing for my own pleasure. They were made of cloth, but they were beautiful.
Fendryn: No, Dalish don't use flowers to court people and Dorian is not really into flowers. I must admit, I don't like them to die in a vase full of water only because they look good.
Ghosted someone?
Marayn: No one that I remember.
Fendryn: I don't think I had.
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
Marayn: I... *sighs* yes, many times.
Fendryn: Pffff, I'm the one making jokes here.
Can you introduce yourself?
What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
Where and when were you born?
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
Lastly, are you happy?
Family and Friends
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
Have you ever ran away from home?
Would you consider marriage or having children?
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
Which friend knows everything about you?
Asked by Fans
Are you literate? Have you been to school?
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
Do you have mental health or physical issues?
What is your current main goal?
Drink or food?
Cats or dogs?
Optimist or pessimist?
Sassy or sarcastic?
Have You Ever
Been caught sneaking out?
Received flowers?
Ghosted someone?
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
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crystalelemental · 3 years
Can we just get a new FE game popping this month out of nowhere like the last Paper Mario game so we get some new shit in the game? Bc I know that next year cyl is going to be another 3h sweep for the lulz and to screw 3dsFE fans by kicking Chrom out again. And the dancer banner and at least another seasonal and new heroes banners will be 3h too. I'm just glad that Sacred Stones got some shit bc I don't see them getting anything else until 2023, seeing how it went for Gaiden.
I’m personally hoping for the Genealogy remake that has the potential to spike Julia into a possible Brave alt.  I’d really like that, but we also have to admit that would propel Sigurd and Seliph to the top as well and deny Chrom yet again.  So that’s not a great solution either.  I guess skipping to Binding Blade would work since Roy’s already in, so there’s not really anyone to take that top spot, but I really don’t want to see them skip Genealogy and Thracia.  Binding Blade is already a fantastic game (barring some mechanical bullshit), but Genealogy and Thracia need so much help to be recognized and cared about.
I think Sacred Stones is getting a lot of attention right now because people noted how few seasonal alts they had and requested more, so I kinda expect there to be a decent number of them this year, especially with Eirika’s win.  I don’t expect New Heroes this year, but that would put the likely New Heroes for them in 2022.  I don’t think they’ll hit the same proverbial dry spell that Valentia’s been hit with.
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keratoconusgroup · 6 years
An FYI for any Glasses Wearers - Don't Upgrade Lenses.
Do NOT, and I mean under (almost) ANY circumstance, pay for Thinner lenses. . My whole life, with my "Strong prescription" (around the -4) I've always been advised to go with a High Index lens. . Since I found eyebuydirect (I'm not affiliated with them, but if someone is getting glasses, I'd love i you hit me up for my referral code) I've been able to get these 'expensive thin lenses' for only about $150, to my door, not $600 locally. I had every pair checked on the machine at the local optom, they're always exactly what I order. Anyway, since they're affordable now, I never hesitated to get the thinnest I could afford.... . Then a whole list of education kinda chanced upon me at the same time. First, Youtube suggested something I'd never have looked up, one of those "Heal your eyes naturally!" type videos. It was all bullshit, but one part made me google more. It was something along the lines of "We're starting to learn that minor aberrations and interaction between reflections at the edge of an object are a key factor.... yadda yadda yadda". Hmm... ok.... Google google google, yep, all checks out.... Previously expected the brain was able to correct minor aberrations, but now for people who don't have perfect eyes, maybe not.... ok.... yep.... . Then I dug further. (In ABBE charts, the higher number, the better) . https://www.2020mag.com/CMSImagesContent/2015/9/Lens-Material-Chart---Dick-Whitney_web.png . (from here: https://www.2020mag.com/article/does-material-abbe-value-influence-your-patients-vision) That article is from 2015, the importance of abbe has been speculated to be even greater recently..... . Hard Resin - is Index 1.5, normal 'plastic' lenses. CR-39 Yes, the ones with the best visual clarity are the cheapest. The ones people 'scare you away from' as being big and heavy... . Yes, they ARE thicker, yes they ARE heavier, but we're talking single grams, and in a -3.75 Cyl prescription, less than a 1mm thickness change (using a ruler, not a vernier) . To my knowledge (I emailed EBD), 1.55 is still a form of modified CR-39 which is why it's abbe value is still 'OK'. And Trivex is just stronger. (read here if you want; https://www.allabout...es/polycarb.htm) But I wouldn't bother with this 'sacrifice' in clarity unless you're over a 5.0 prescription. (I'm not an optom, just very experienced in glasses by this point). . People will tell you they're thinner and more delicate, and OK, so they do scratch easier. For people with only readers which spend most of their day on their shirt, rubbing on things, maybe the scratch resistance is worth it. However, if you wear them all day, I don't scratch my eyes with sharp objects... I'm sure you don't.... it'll be no harm. . I used to use GLASS sunglasses, never once broke a pair, and I was rough on them. CR39 is MUCH stronger than Glass anyway. I've asked my 2 local optoms, I can't find a single instance reported of plastic lenses 'shattering'. Cracks? In extreme cases yeah, but never dangerous, no shards in the eyes, just broken glasses. . Personally; With my 1.7x lenses, which are polycarbonate, I honestly thought I was going colourblind. I wouldn't get things wrong, but they'd 'flicker' before my eyes, and rotating my head slightly would clear it up. My 1.6 Lenses were 'better' but still had this issue if I was tired. I could focus, but I was still getting eye strain, which made 0 sense (until now). . I'm now wearing some 1.5 index glasses, the difference and clarity in the same prescription is phenomenal. I paid $40 for grind lenses and frame, delivered (Over $600 locally!!) and I couldn't be happier. Just thought it was information people should know. . 1.5 lenses. Stronger than Glass. As clear as any lens we can make (Including glass). Cheap. And the Cons? ....are overplayed for marketing. * Heavier (I don't feel it) * Thicker (1mm [less?] at -4ish) * Delicate (I call bull, try and break a $2 pair of readers from the chemist) * Scratches easier (possibly, but if you wear them during all waking hours, who cares). Just my over enthusiastic FYI for the day :) submitted by /u/Master_Scythe [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/Keratoconus/comments/8jqynf/an_fyi_for_any_glasses_wearers_dont_upgrade_lenses/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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randomnameless · 1 year
It seems like FEH is keeping post timeskip designs for legendary units, because they don't have a lot of talks to say about Fodlan's war. And Nopes designs for ascended units, which are a mixture between logical (like Eir and Elincia) and strange (like Y!Tiki who's all her own about Marth and not A!Tiki who becomes a new Naga), or even weirder (like Ishtar, who seems to have come from another world as she abandoned Julius and joined Seliph).
I'd say Y!Tiki is all about Marth, but also Caeda and is generally a Y!Tiki post FE3/12 who has friends now, and won't be lonely ! So in a way, it's also the end of her journey (as Y!Tiki).
Hilda is supposed to be her better/best self in Nopes, which is all kinds of lols, Ishtar who is... super weird, like no jokes, this Ishtar is an Ishtar who forfeited her vengeance and love/affection for Julius to do the "right" thing, but even if she is borderline suicidal in her FB, I don't think she could find happiness and resume living so fast after what happened, she might have saved children (all of them?), she still lost a lot - I still can't see her join Seliph, like not at all (Ishtore who).
But I disgress, and if A!Ishtar is anything to go by regarding the potential Judgral!remakes, I'd happily stay in my line with my fanfictions plot bunnies from 6 years ago.
To be fair, with base!Rhea in, all my FE16 wishes have been fulfilled, of course I'd die for Nabatean alts or even Syrup Mythic!Willy when but given how Rhea had to wait 4 years to be added, I think Syrup's chances are close to none.
So yeah, even if the pattern seems to be Nopes design for A!units or R!units (for units who have a Nopes!Design lol), I actually stopped caring because as I pointed out, the student cast, even if some BL are more fleshed out thanks to Nopes, doesn't interest me that much.
I just hope no FE16 units will take up the next CYL - truthfully I'd like if they install a "one unit per game" rule for the next CYL to be honest, Engage gets the first female unit? Then the second unit will be the non-female engage character who got the most votes - it'll prevent it from being like FE16, where CYL was just "another Fodlan banner".
But I know that's not going to happen, else CYL won't attract that much attention and money lol
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
Do you think they purposely timed the last Bernie and Dorothea alts to be released just before CYL? They could pull a Camilla, but I just don't know how much staying power 3H characters have. The only character who I can see scoring high because of a lack of alts is Marianne, but since 3H sweep last year was just all timeskip designs, I think it's a little less likely now. This might actually show how 3H characters really rank in the franchise.
I don't know if it's necessarily deliberate but it might potentially hurt their chances since something similar happened with Eirika a few years back.
I do think 3H will feature in the top 10, you got to remember plenty of players started playing Heroes BECAUSE they played 3H and thats the only game from the series they really know BUT I don't necessarily think it'll dominate the way it did last year but I might be wrong.
Dorothea and Bernie are also not on the level of popularity Camilla was, Camilla was the Fates equivalent of Edelgard I terms of popularity (maybe not exact numbers wise but IS kept giving us Camilla alts becauseshe obviously made them enough money in Orb sales whenever she was on a banner and cold hard cash doesn't lie), Camilla was the "it girl" of Fates and the only reason it took her so long to get in was because the voting pool was more competitive, she was up against Lucina, Lyn, Celica and an actual online effort to stop her from winning which got us Brave Veronica. Dorothea and Bernie have their fans but the only real thing they've got going for them over Camilla is the fact the voting pool is now without all those super obvious winners.
I think its possible one of the Byleth's might sneak in, for some reason people seem to love this block of wood. Also apparently Yuri and Gatekeeper are getting some traction on twitter. I like Yuri a lot but if they're just gonna give us his timeskip design then honestly I'm not interested. Gatekeeper could be.... something I guess I mean I liked him in the game but out of the entire series of Fire Emblem I'm sorry he doesn't deserve to rank above like 90% of these actual playable characters.
But honestly this one is actually really hard to predict, voting being locked to Nintendo Accounts now might lower the likelihood of botting (depends on how desperate someone is). Besides Marth, Eirika and maybe Chrom all the really popular Lords already have Brave Alts (sorry to all Leif, Seliph and Sigurd fans but you gotta admit compared to the above very few people actually care about them) and normally the Lords are the easiest characters to get a large number of people to all agree to rally behind. Camilla was an exception because she was just that popular, Veronica because people rallied behind her to beat Camilla that year and Lysithea was riding "new game" wave being one of the more popular characters from that specific game so recency bias helped her a lot there.
This will definitely prove whether or not 3H has any real staying power because the latest spam of Fates hate seems to almost be a backlash to the fact people are starting to get over the honeymoon period on 3H and realise its a mediocre to good game with a pretty overall meh plot riddled with plot holes and the only really well written route is the one that's closest to standard Fire Emblem.
I guess we wait patiently for the half way results, that should give us a good enough idea on whether it's another all 3H banner (which I honestly pray it isn't cause last years banner was boring as hell) or if we'll get something more interesting.
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
Not even picking my free unit and refuse to spend a dime on this banner. If Gatekeeper got in legitimately I wouldn't care because I used to like him But now every time I see him it's just going to be a harsh reminder cheating still wins. And the only way to not reward is it praying for the banner to tank so IS will finally pay attention. I love heroes I don't want it to shut down but if it did because of this? Good. I can't stand cheating
Oh I'll still pick my free unit, bastards made me go through this toxic fandom I'll freely take the product of their labour without paying for it (although I highly doubt the product of their labour will be that interesting, only character I think they'll get super creative with is Eirika because they've genuinely done all her obviously alts already).
But I won't spend money on it. It would be one thing if Gatekeeper won fairly, like if he got like 1k votes more than Marth. But there is no way in like 3 days he not only overtook Marth but nearly bested Edelgard's vote total from last year (last year which included being able to vote from multiple devices, not needing a Nintendo Account and no doubt wide spread botting. Like I'm sorry Nameless NPC is in no way shape or form rallying that many votes in 3 days, I'd be calling bots if Chrom had managed that never mind Nameless NPC #401)
Yeah the whole ordeal stinks of botting and I ain't cool with it. But I wonder how profitable Brave Banners actually are to Heroes. You get a guaranteed one unit free and the majority of the people take their one unit and go, not bothering with the rest or try to +10 them so I wonder if IS genuinely don't care about cheating in CYL because its just a Heroes tradition by now and thats the only reason they do it every year but they don't actually care because it doesn't make them much money. Like I highly doubt last years CYL made them as much money as L!Edelgard or L!Dimitri banners do.
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
Y'know, after seeing how IS decided to reward cheating and botting twice, I'm throwing the towel. I'm not participating in future cyls and community events. My faves didn't even manage to reach top 200 and a fucking npc of all things is getting before them and as a brave. This is supposed to be "vote for your faves" not "let's see what meme of the moment we can bot into first". I can't anymore, I'm done for both cyl and the fandom.
I mean I'll admit I'm voting in A Hero Rises right now but that's like 90% because I want the downloadable backgrounds (I'm a graphical design whore don't judge me, they aren't anything amazing but I'm easily distracted by pretty characters).
But yeah I guess as I've said I think the Brave Units don't actually make IS that much money cause they give one away for free so like most people only really want or care for one maybe two of the units on the Banner so most people take their free Brave unit and go. I mean I only cared about Camilla in CYL3 and to this day she's the only one I have. I happen to have gotten lucky with CYL 1, 2 and 4 cause I have all units from 1 and 2 and Claude, Dimitri and Edelgard from 4. But that wasn't me actively aiming for them I just got lucky.
So it's possible IS just don't care because it doesn't make them a lot of money directly, they probably make more money on your regular Seasonal and Legendary/Mythic Banners.
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
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Damn it Chrom you're the new Marth 😐
I don't mind that too much though cause oh look at that 2 Rhea's in the top 8.
Honestly though out of the Top 8 ideally for me the free unit will either be Freyja or L!Corn (but I'd also accept Duo!Micaiah) cause honestly the rest I either already have (I wouldn't complain at getting a 3rd L!Dimitri or a 2nd Seiros admittedly. I don't need a second Rhealeth Duo and I would be slightly disappointed at missing out on another unit but I don't think they'll win anyway so... and I don't want another Bravelgard cause she's not even good fodder, I'd have preferred L!Edelgard like Edelstans you're dumb as fuck for picking the Edelgard that's easier to get for this rather than the one that's limited availability) or I don't care about them (Duo!Lyn like I just don't care about them, it's cute but I don't have any desire to use them).
Its actually kinda hard to guess who'll win. Seiros is kinda the obvious choice for most, will have to wait and see. I'm probably gonna join whoever have Bravelgard first round in the Gauntlet because I don't need a Brave Unit getting near the end of this.
But yeah.... poor Chrom, this is gonna become a a running joke now isn't it? And it wasn't even particularly funny to start with. Although at least he was replaced by like Rhealeth Duo and Duo!Micaiah two actually good units and not by a Nameless NPC this time (and I doubt there was much botting going on, on this one definitely not to the extent of CYL)
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
Oh boy, Seeing BEdelgard so high in this a hero rises... Guess who is going to be 1st next year...
I doubt that, if she doesn't get first this year she won't get it next year. A Hero Rises isn't like CYL, everyone (ok mostly everyone) knows that AHR is about getting every player a super busted unit and recency bias is normally a huge factor here because of Powercreep. Everyone wants the most recent super busted unit ie. Legendary Ike, Duma, Altina all being past winners. That's why Seiros is so high, she's the most recent busted Mythic Unit.
Now the voting Gauntlet could honestly go any way assuming the current top 8 is the top 8. Edelgard being split could hinder her especially if both versions of her get put out round 1 (which would be the ideal outcome honestly).
I honestly wouldn't have minded if they'd just got L!Edelgard into the top8 because like love her or loath her L!Edelgard is a good unit that's hard to get. Everyone who gives a shit about Edelgard already has Bravelgard and some people who don't even give a shit about her have her (ie. Me. I've already got Bravelgard and don't care enough for her to try and +10 her so I don't need another one, if you're gonna give me an Edelgard give me L!Edelgard).
But yeah I don't think she'd come top next year, you don't really understand how AHR works if you think that. Sure they managed to turn CYL into a shit show but the Heroes community would actually implode if you fucked with AHR.
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crystalelemental · 4 years
I know it's way too early for this kind of speculation, but what do you think FE17 will be? the Genealogy remake would be interesting, but that'd possibly damn FE18 into a Thracia remake, much like Shadow Dragon/New Mystery. unless they decide to make it into 1 game, which doesn't sound probable to me. maybe they'll make a new story, with less, uh, questionable morals to keep the new 3H fans interested into the franchise? will they keep the calendar, the instruction stuff, or go back to the laid back way of Awakening/Fates/Echoes? you don't have to give a long answer if you don't want, I'm just musing a bit here
“You don’t have to give a long answer,” as if that’s ever stopped me.
What do I think it will be?  I have no idea.  But given its popularity, they could be considering it like a Tellius situation, with a prequel game.  I don't think they can go sequel (more on that in the other response), but prequel with Seiros as the focus, going from the Red Canyon Massacre to the end of the War of Heroes?  Sign me up.  I would love more on that.  And I adore games that focus on side stories (Thracia, Blazing Blade), so I'm super on board for a fleshed-out side story about that period in Fodlan.
I can't say what they'd try to do with gameplay, but I do think they'd keep a sort of "home base" kinda thing at a minimum.  The instruction aspect of Three Houses was very specific to that game, and truthfully, I don't know if it will maintain.  Not to be how I am constantly, but I hope it doesn't.  I really feel like the monastery exploration and having to fine-tune instruction for students was more tedious than anything, and ultimately didn't add much to the gameplay experience.  I also feel like the calendar was kind of a bad call too.  A lot of events, as they're laid out, feel like they should be happening back to back.  But because of the calendar focus, you have situations where it implies you traveled far off to engage in a big battle, but then just walked back to the monastery for a whole month before marching out the same direction.  I don't think it blends events together all that nicely.  Frankly I think Fates' decision to have a pocket dimension where you can take care of your bullshit was a better way to hand-waive the question of how you're able to backpedal and stock up in the midst of a campaign.
That said, any non-remake game, and possibly even the remake game, will take inspiration from Three Houses in the same way Fates and Echoes did from Awakening.  The massive success of Three Houses is guaranteed to be an anomaly to them.  They still don't know why Awakening worked, I doubt they'll know why this one worked.  So I anticipate a lot of character tropes and storytelling angles will be reused in future games.  They'll try to mess with perspective and the idea of hidden history muddying the morality of things for sure.  I don't think there's any benefit for them to go back to more clear-cut morality.  Even if there's a lot of fan argument about it (Edelgard and Dimitri fans), that's never a bad thing.  That's still attention being drawn to your game.  That's still discussion around it.  No press is bad press, and this game is still more popular than the rest of the series ever had been.  So they'll keep characters like Lysithea, and Bernadetta, and have that attempt at a complex plot, and a bunch of mysteries that never get answered, and oh god every MU is going to be like Byleth now oh god oh fuck.
But personally, I want the next game to be a Genealogy remake.  I have issues with Genealogy as a whole, both gameplay and story-wise, and a remake could salvage at least some of that.  Support conversations definitely could, and a changing of certain story elements would be nice, although Fallen Julia's already in FEH so like...there goes my greatest hope.
That said, I don't really want them to do too much?  Like, Echoes added a few characters, and while those are some of the best in the game, a lot of that I feel like was to add any sort of significance to Alm's journey beyond the end goal.  Alm's route would be boring as all hell without Berkut, so his inclusion was a massive benefit to the game.  But I can't think of a situation where my qualms with Genealogy is "This just isn't engaging enough, we don't have enough people."  Genealogy almost has too many characters.  If anything their bigger problem is that characters and themes they set up are never utilized.  So it's more about reworking the narrative a bit rather than needing to include things to make a blander game stand out, you know?
I definitely don't think they'd combine Genealogy and Thracia.  I mean they could, but I don't think it's a good idea.  Genealogy, again, has too many characters already.  Combining the games leads to the question of where the hell Leif's army is, and that's adding like 50 characters to the roster.  Since you deploy every unit you have in Genealogy, that's...way too much.  They'd have to completely rebalance the game.  Not to mention Thracia doesn't play at all like Genealogy, and is way too long to be a brief side-story or DLC exclusive.  There's just no effective way to integrate the two.  I think it would be better to just make the game after that the Thracia remake, which...honestly is the best possible outcome as far as I'm concerned.
Binding Blade may not have come to the west, but people know Roy, and this series started over here with Blazing Blade.  We know a lot of Binding Blade information, by virtue of dedicated fans being upset the logical continuation of their starting point never got translated.  Comparatively, Genealogy and Thracia are pretty damn isolated, and it shows in their CYL placements.   They're not well known games at all, and gameplay-wise, they're really awkward and (in my humble opinion), not actually fun to play at all.  A remake is ideal for those games, because it gives them a chance to gain more attention and popularity in the general public's eyes.  Which is good!  Genealogy does have a worthwhile story to tell despite my gripes about its problems, and I honest to god thing Thracia's one of the best stories in the series, with one of the best protagonists in the series.  These games deserve more recognition than they get, and they're not gonna get it until they get remade to be more accessible.
It also dawns on me that the "less questionable morals" may have been about Genealogy's whole incest thing.  Listen, I get it, but they can't take it out.  I don't say this lightly, but that is like...the central point of Genealogy.  The awakening of Loptous is a matter of converging its bloodline, which had only one surviving member.  You really cannot work around this one, without making things either too confusing or too stupid.  If they really felt the need for that, they might back off of the remake entirely, which would be to their detriment.  But considering the Byleth/Rhea situation, I don't think they'll have much trouble.  And besides, it's pretty clear that an act of incest was the catalyst for almost destroying the continent, so I think it's safe to say the game doesn't agree with the practice.
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