#i just dumped so many thoughts onto the tumblr ask page im so sorry
nitroish · 3 years
Hey have any favourite headcanons about Legend at all? How would the chain react when Legend tells them about his adventures (Specifically how he watched his uncle die, had to rescue his sister and was traumatised by soldiers?) Also they they definitely get arrested/captured at some point and Legend just straight up turns into a painting, leaves the cell and a few minutes later kicks the door open whistling while swinging the ring of keys around his finger lol. (Sorry about the long ask!)
this got kinda long sorry skjgkjfd long answer for a long ask!!! and idm long asks dw :)
this is all hc from here on out
i really like the hc that he has arthritis or some kinda pain in his bones!! both in his arms and legs tbh, hes done equal damage to them both over the years im sure. i also like the hc that he genuinely didnt know that koholint was a dream. for less angst? he loves eggs and rice, but the eggs gotta be not runny. he also likes curry !!! he and ravio would make it together and it was really fuckin good. he likes banana bread (cos koholint) and also pumpkin bread (specifically skyloft's).
for the reactions to some of the things during his adventures?? they would be fuckin horrified, probably. theyve all seen and heard some shit, definitely, and theyre all varying levels of disturbed about a lot of things they hear the others had to deal with. but they also can all tell when something Really fucked with whoever is talking about it, and those things in particular bother the chain more than some (some!!) of the other subjects. its not? fun?, for lack of better terms atm, to see someone still hurt over things. not in a "get over it already" way but in a "im sorry this happened to you" (and that its still affecting you) way.
in legends case? seeing his uncle in the sewer and having to Leave him there would bother him. never getting his guardians remains to bury properly? for a year? that haunted and continues to haunt legend always, even after his uncle was brought back by the triforce's wish. even if his reanimated uncle didnt blame him and said it was alright. even after he (sort of) got to bury his uncle the second time around.
that's a guilt you cant get rid of, at least not for him. its also not something a kid should have to deal with in general, and the chain would fucking hate that legend had to mourn his uncle twice, if he was even able to mourn and process his death at all during his adventure and before the next adventure.
warriors in particular would be pissed about the soliders thing, i think, and rightfully so. in general, too, not just from them literally hunting him and trying to kill him. all in all theyre shitty soliders, at least in my hc? its laughable, how shitty they are at their jobs. they wear armour and all that because its for show. they are there for the fame and glory. all the bark, none of the bite. in alttp the soliders only know one fucking method of battle each (spear, sword, bomb, etc), and that, to wars, is so fucking stupid and hilariously sad.
that, and theyre already fucking weirdos and assholish!!! in the literal games one of them says zelda smells nice and that it's what makes guard duty worth it. another one asks link if shes still as pretty as ever??? its fucking weird. some whine about having to do work, some slack off very obviously, and some just fucking zone out and dont pay attention. theyre not good fucking guards, man. (also link sneaks into the castle multiple times. sneaky, sure, yeah, but also the guard in front of the castle in alttp literally woulda seen legend walk to the garden on the side????)
its why, imo, they were controlled so easily so many times? theyre shit at their jobs and border on bad and weird already anyway. warriors wouldnt think they were honorable or whatever At All.
also the,,, them getting arrested is a little funny. nine armoured men, arrested. for what!!!!!! who knows. breaking out not recommended (very illegal!!!) but thats no fun <3. legend does it anyway.
"we outta here bois :)" "legend what the fuck"
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bang-tae-n · 5 years
You mocha me crazy
Walking into the café, you were determined. It was time to get down and dirty with those textbooks. It was the start of the second semester and you decided to not disappoint your parents like last semester so it was grind time. You asked the barista for the strongest thing on the menu, whatever could keep you up for the next however many hours you planned on being there. You sat on the high top table off to the side by the window and began to pull out all the utensils needed. After everything was neatly set out, you closed your eyes and inhaled deeply. The barista comes by to give you your drink when he sees you with your eyes closed. You exhale and slowly open your eyes. You see the barista next to you staring and you jump.
“Oh uh, h-hi.” A blush creeping up on your face. “I was just uh,”
“Preparing for war on those textbooks? Yeah, I get it. I got a five page paper due in two days and I haven’t started. Here’s your coffee.” He sets down the drink on the only empty spot left on the table and walks back behind the counter.
Woah...No, y/n this isn’t some tumblr fanfic, hehehe just because you’re at a café doesn’t mean you’re gonna fall in love with a barista or some guy that walks in the door. You look back at the barista preparing the next drink. Those freckles are cute tho-THIS IS NOT THE TIME. FOCUS. You try to clear your thoughts and start your work. After you open your notebook and grab a pen, you’re off. You don’t think you’ve ever worked so hard for school in your life. Maybe the café was the key. After working for almost three hours straight, (minus the few moments the barista came over to check on you) you looked at the time on your phone. 10:58pm. You give yourself a mental high five. The barista who you had conversed with earlier came over.
“Hey, we’re closing in a few minutes....get out.” You look at him in shock.
“I’m just kidding...well not about us closing...just, finish up.” He awkwardly backs away and you giggle to yourself. You pack up your things and head on out the door. As you walk down the street you feel proud of yourself for actually getting work done. You somehow didn’t get distracted by stupid memes online this time. Guess I should come back here more often.
~The following week~
Ooooooh man, why did I do this to myself? I was doing SO well. You rush to the café, your bag bouncing behind you. The little bell jingles as you walk in and the barista looks up.
“Welcome back! Got more work to do?” He smiles.
“OH yeah!” You practically throw yourself onto the chair as you dump out all of your belongings from your bag. The barista walks over to you, wiping his damp hands onto his apron.
“Can I get you anything?”
You turn to him mid-dump, “A venti double shot on ice would be SPLENDID.” You turn back and frantically look for a pen. The barista leaves to go start your drink. He returns as you start a video for class on your laptop.
“So what happened? You were so put together last week?” You pause the video.
“Yeah, that was the peak of my academic success. It’s downhill from here.” He laughs as he sets down your drink. “I was assigned a project last week and I put it off for a few days until I completely forgot about it. Luckily, my friend asked how my project was going, which led to me panicking and running over here.”
“Why’d you have to come here? I’m sure you have a table at home.”
“Well, I got so much done last time I came.” You start typing something into the computer as you continue, “Plus, the company is nice.” You didn’t even realize what you were saying until it was said. Your eyes widen, what do you even do at this point? You bite down on your bottom lip and slowly take out your earbuds and ever so slowly put them in your ears, hoping and praying he didn’t hear that last part.
“Well...” he starts. Yep, he heard. “I’ll leave you to your work.” Maybe he didn’t? You watch him as he walks away and then turn back to your computer. You finish the video for class and then good ol’ coffee boy walks over to you.
“Yes?” You ask mid-type.
“I’m bored.”
“Hi bored, I’m busy.” You back space on your keyboard as you started to type that. He sighs out loud.
“FINE, I’ll go back to cleaning tables then.” He lingers for a minute and then goes and takes a customers order. You continue your project for another hour when you decide you need a break. You walk over to him at the counter. You sigh loudly and he turns around.
“IM BOOORED.” He smiles at you. “How about a muffin?” You raise your eyebrows excitedly.
“Blueberry or chocolate chip?”
“Surprise me.”
“Alright then, close your eyes and give me your hands.”
You put your hands out in front of you and close your eyes thinking about which one you think he’ll give you. He places something in your hand but it’s way too light to be a muffin. You open your eyes and see that it’s a napkin. You look up at him quite upset that there was no muffin placed into your head as promised.
“Sorry, we’re out.” He gives you a sheepish smile. You frown and walk back to your table with the napkin in hand. You put the napkin face down, not realizing there was anything written on it until freckles comes back with an apology cookie. The napkin falls off of the table and you go to pick it up and notice the little note but don’t read it until he leaves. As you examine, you realize he was trying to ask you out through a pun:
I can’t expresso how much you mocha me crazy with how brew-tiful you are, even if you’re just coming in to do school work. I would love to get to know you more 🖤
You look over at him at the counter and he winks at you, making you blush. There’s no way you’re going finish your project tonight.
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