#i just feel off today y'all
tvrningout-a · 1 year
good morning ( and almost afternoon ), friends! i'm feeling foggy-brained today, so!! i'm gonna try to get some writing done offline before trying to put more stuff in the queue. i might tentatively do a lil plotting call as well? though it might come with a condition or two, like having a muse and/or general plot in mind that you're wanting to discuss. i do like to make these things easier on others, but in doing so, i think i make it tougher on myself, too, which contributes to my social battery burning out quickly. and i wanna stop that bc i'd really like to talk to more of you uvu
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starflungwaddledee · 7 months
this is a long shot and i'm sorry to ask, but if you don't mind, can mutuals (or contacts or regulars... just... this community) of mine who aren't jumping ship like... let me know? will any of us still be here? is it over? i'm trying to know if this really is it or what's... even happening. i hate to reassurance seek but i'm feeling pretty miserable and confused.
edit: felt like i was being really pitiful and fragile making this but everybody is being so nice to me and responding so patiently with all your thoughts and i'm in tears of gratitude thank you thank you thank you 💖
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lususnatura · 2 months
just a gentle reminder that THIS is how big the spines around blamore's neck are whenever he doesn't shrink them... so, it's pretty much a surefire way for it to keep other people away from him, NGL ☠️ (unless you are trying to get poked in the eye JSJSJ / j i'm kidding, i'm kidding (,: but blamore really does have several natural defenses against any 'aggressors,' i guess you could say, and it's spines REALLY add to it's uncannyness whenever they're at full - length ).
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#IT WAS PROBABLY NOTHING BUT IT FELT LIKE THE WORLD: musings.#yeah... i have yet to talk about the spines around blamore's neck so i thought ' why not do that today? ' BUT -#i just wanted to let you all know that unless i specify otherwise in an rp then blamore has shrunk the size of them BC although he cannot-#make them go away it can at least make them a littleee more manageable to walk around with (': because i can imagine that they'd -#probably get caught on a lot of thing's if they were at full length all the time LOL but as i was saying here if blamore stretches them to-#their normal size then you should DEFINITELY assume that blamore sees you as a threat because they both serve a psychologically -#defensive purpose as well as a physically defensive one because i mean. I can probably imagine that some people might back down-#if they see them springing out of his neck all of a sudden like THAT but for those who still want to fight him? well then they could kind o#serve as a guard to his neck / head from being injured or cut off though there is a vulnerable spot between the bones of it but SHHH#i didn't tell y'all that / j LMAO i'm just joking again but yesss. they are VERY pointy and feel strong if you were granted permission to-#touch them by blamore + it is a little more lenient of letting people touching it's spines around his neck compared to his spine#so perhaps that could happen to y'all oc. who knows... 👀#tw: bones.#MAN IS BOUND TO LIE ABOUT HIMSELF: headcanons.
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kakusu-shipping · 4 months
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Thought it'd be fun to fill out the Monster Lover Bingo by @sparklebrainz but couldn't do it normally. I wanted everyone to know which monsters checked what boxes.
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maydayfireball · 1 month
Ya know. Wild that I got so many replies from people correcting / trying to correct things that were super minor or didn't matter on the vmd blog
BUT NO ONE POINTED OUT THAT I HAD THREE SEPARATE TAGS FOR つばきP!!!! anyway that's fixed now bc they put all their motions on their booth account to "avoid careless downloads" and it made me realize i missed a few. So the queue is very full again.
Also, my smoke detector started doing the low battery chirp wednesday morning. Unfortunately, the ceilings here are about 8 feet high? I think? so there's like no way in hell I can get to it on my own. The leasing office has a service request system that specifically lists "low battery smoke detector" as an option (bc ALL the ceilings are high, and i know a good number of elderly people live here).. STILL HAVEN'T HAD ANYONE COME OUT AND FIX IT YET.
Anyway, assuming I don't end up dead from a smoke detector related casualty, I'll have something to post very soon.
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whysamwhy123 · 2 months
#Nothing to see here folks!#Just an old bitch whining and being annoying about stuff - move along! Pay no attention to the hater behind the curtain!#Wrestling is Bad Actually#*Heavy sigh*#I miss wrestling#I really do#I miss watching it and enjoying it and getting excited about it and writing fic about it#But I just can't do any of that anymore. Tony Khan ain't letting me LOL#And I have boring real life adult problems and wrestling used to be my escape from all that but NOT ANYMORE!#It's just really hitting me today how much I'm in Fandom Limbo#I stopped watching AEW months ago because - to put it as diplomatically as possible - it is very much Not For Me anymore#And everything I've seen and heard since then has only confirmed I made the right decision there#But I don't currently have another hyper-fixation to fill the void#So I'm just stuck here desperately waiting for something else to come and save me from this nightmare#And I don't want to be a hater! I used to fucking LOVE AEW and I take no joy in how much I think it sucks nowadays#And I don't wanna be a party pooper either - I see everyone else squeeing about the Bucks or Junglecorpse or MJF and Ospreay or Bryan#And it's just like...I'm glad y'all are having fun - really! But GOOD LORD does none of that appeal to me in the slightest#Most of my faves aren't getting booked - let alone pushed!#And the few that are are even worse off because Tony's booking is SO BAD it makes me unable to give a shit about wrestlers I used to love#I feel like Lieutenant Dan on New Years - everyone else is having a grand ol' time while I'm just sat here like 🙁#I feel like I'm going through the fives stages of grief in regards to fandom at the moment and it is not a good time let me tell ya#So yeah - don't be surprised if I stop being a wrestling blog the second the new Dragon Age game comes out#Save me Bioware! You're my only hope!
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catboyolli · 2 months
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boowhumps · 6 months
Whumpril 2024
Day 1 - Limp
- Swearing
- Descriptive Body Horror
- Self-Harm
- Blood
Karyme could hear her heart beating intensely in her ears. Her breaths came out shallow, as if a invisible force was pressing against her chest.
She found herself stumbling, her vision blanking out the more she moved. Her ankle seemed to drag across the grass, holding her back.
She grabbed onto the closest thing she could find, and used it to push herself further up ahead. All around her, tall trees stood, preventing the sun from touching her.
She yearned for the warmth to reach her, her and her cold, frozen body. Even when she could see the sun rays, she still shivered.
She wanted to make it out, so the sun could grace upon her.
In reality, Karyme wasn't even sure where she was trying to go, but she felt the urge to go somewhere else, away from where she was now.
She steadied herself against a tree, stopping to rest. She looked around, until her gaze fell to the floor, where the green grass looked oddly dark.
She studied the patch of grass closely, watching as drops of red dripped from somewhere, staining the grass further.
Her eyes traveled further, landing on herself.
She could see her torso, the black fabric of her turtleneck appearing darker near the middle.
Karyme goes to touch it, only for a stinging pain to travel through her body quickly. She hunches forward, grabbing onto the tree to keep herself up right.
Disoriented, she looks at her hand. Her skin tone pales in contrast to the dark red blood that thickly coated her fingers.
Then it hit her.
The blood.. this forest..
She had been here earlier, hiding from.. someone..
She didn't succeed.
She was found.
She remembered being backed up against a tree, looking into the eyes of.. someone..
Then pain. Searing, hot pain.
Then blood.
A hole. A gaping hole that was in her. Blood seeping through it, like a waterfall.
Her limp ankle dragging behind her, broken beyond repair.
Little cuts running up and down her arms, both of them, some not deep enough to bleed, others deep gashes, causing pain.
A pounding in her head, blood escaping from somewhere, blinding her.
Karyme remembered.
A voice rang out.
A familiar voice.
She let go of the tree.
And she collapsed.
Kaiden was panicking, plain and simple.
I mean, who wouldn’t be panicking in this kind of situation? Leony had freaked out, claiming that Karyme was in danger, and couldn’t give more than the name to the supposed place she was in.
La Immort. The biggest, and most dangerous forest in Eris.
Why would Karyme be there, well, Kaiden had no idea. He had no idea about anything that was happening. He could hardly remember the past few weeks, not to mention what caused Karyme to leave without a word.
Nonetheless, Leony’s persistence was enough for him to go searching for answers.
That’s where he was now, searching in La Immort.
Every sound made him jump, hoping to see Karyme, only to be met with nothing. It didn’t help that it was windy either. The cold air sunk into his bones, making an already unpleasant situation even more unpleasant.
He wasn’t even sure he should be here. Even when his heart pushed him forward, his mind screamed at him to turn around.
Kaiden was a mess, completely conflicted.
Until he heard it.
A sound clear as day, unlike everything else he heard in these woods.
A scream.
It was loud enough to make every hair on his body stand up rigidly. Alarms went off in his head, but yet, he didn’t move.
He should run, run and escape whatever the hell caused that kind of a scream from someone.
But something was stopping him.
No, he had never heard Karyme scream.. or do anything for that matter.
But what if it was her? He couldn’t just leave her..
It was risky to keep going, but he had to.
So with a shaky breath, he trudges on.
His eyes are tightly shut, as if that will keep him safe.
He stops once again at the sound of something else.
It’s heavy.. wheezy even, like a whistle..
He takes a step forward.
He hears something else take a step.
It goes that way for a bit, step by step, each one approaching each other unknowingly. Invisible strings seems to tug at them, pulling them ever so close..
Finally, Kaiden takes the last step.
A scent is carried through the wind, a metallic one..
The smell is overwhelming, overpowering even..
His eyes scan the area.
Then he sees it.
Clear as day.
He wishes he couldn't see.
There's so much.. blood. Just, everywhere.. it.. this can't be happening, no, this has to be fake..
A pair, no, a single, red eyes looks back at him. There's nothing behind her gaze. Not pain, not.. anger, just, nothing.. numbness..
His voice is stolen away from him.
He can't say anything, fuck, why can't he speak!
Say something..
Say something!
His mouth opens slightly, a small breath of air coming out.
She blinks.
Then she falls.
It happens in a spilt second, Kaiden can't even react, but his body can. He's at her side in seconds, just as fast as she fell.
He grabs her, trying to help, his ears ringing.
She gasps, her hands pushing at his chest.
Even with a huge wound going across her torso, she has enough strength to try and push him away. She cries as she fights against him. Kaiden just grabs onto her wrists, holding her still as she thrashes and cries.
Kaiden doesn't know what to do, fuck, he doesn't know what to do! Think, for the love of Selyna please think..
911. An ambulance, he needs an ambulance.
He scrambles with his phone, somehow managing to dial the number despite the blood coating his fingers.
He talks to someone, a lady. He can't make out what she's saying, but he responds.
At some point, she tells him to try and stop the bleeding.
Kaiden is shaking, yet composes himself enough to coordinate his movements.
He has a jacket, a old one, he can use it, it won't matter, it's not important.
Kaiden holds the jacket up, and closes his eyes, mumbling a quick prayer before pushing it down onto the wound.
Karyme reacts, a short cry escaping her throat as she clutches onto Kaiden's shirt, letting the blood smudge onto it.
Kaiden's ears finally stop ringing, and he hears himself speaking quickly. He can feels tears in his eyes. They're blurring his vision, he blinks them away, they come back.
"-okay, your okay, dear Selyna please be okay.." He says quickly, feeling out of breath despite his limited movement.
Karyme lets out a choked sob, gripping onto him even harder, scrunching up his shirt in her grip.
The jacket made a sacrifice, but the bleeding won't stop. He can't make it stop, why don't it stop.
Kaiden keeps applying pressure, letting out a breath he didn't even know he was holding in. He takes her frail body into his lap, while still talking.
"Stay with me, stay with me, you gotta stay, okay, no leaving, you need to stay here, with me, yeah-?" He stammers, his breaths short and rigid.
Karyme's still conscious, by some miracle. Her breaths are just as short as his own, maybe even shorter. They end with a bit of a wheeze.
Kaiden's eyes wander over her, spotting so many different injuries, even her ankle which seems to be fractured, maybe even broken.
Kaiden just keeps listing the same things in his mind.
"Broken ankle, punctured lung, head injury, impaled.. broken ankle, punctured lung, head injury, impaled.."
He can't fathom how she's still breathing, nor how she got this way in the first place.
All he knows is that no average person did.. this.
It was something else.
Something bigger..
..someone more powerful..
Kaiden snaps out of his thoughts as he feels Karyme's grip loosen a bit.
He looks back down at her.
She's gone dangerously pale. Her eyes seem darker than they were just moments before..
"Hey, no, Karyme, stay here, stay with me, don't go anywhere, you need to be strong, help is almost here-" He begins to stammer again as the faint sound of sirens approach.
He only stops when Karyme's hand reaches up, slightly cupping his face. Her lips part slightly, a bit of air escaping through them.
"..baby..?" He mumbles, eyes widening a bit.
Her hand stops.
And it falls.
Kaiden grabs her hand in his, clutching it as to keep her here with him.
"..shit..! No no no no no.. Hey, stay with me, please just stay-!" He begs, tears finally falling.
Her other hand, still gripping his shirt, loosens before falling as well.
"Fuck, Karyme-!" Kaiden cries. "Don't do this to me-!"
Her eyes remain open, blinking slightly.
Then the curtain falls, and they close.
"Karyme, Karyme, baby, please wake up-! I-I need you, please don't die, oh Selyna don't let her die-!" Kaiden begs helplessly to no avail.
Even as the sirens finally are near, and the sound of many footsteps and voices are heard, something isn't around.
The beating of a heart, the sound of breathing.
Some of it is missing.
And it may never be found.
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roadimusprime · 6 months
trying not to believe they turnt the Internet off before they left for work. 😒
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barkingangelbaby · 4 months
venting so much i ran out of tags lmao
#i think im hallucinating ?????#i have my headphones on (listening to boyfeel on repeat n choppin up some paper)#and keep feeling / seeing shadows in my peripheral vision#im probably just dehydrated and having bad floaters but i dont like it :)#today has also been bad dramatically awful#life isn't serious there's no reason to feel this heavy#oop very emo thoughts incoming#life can't be meaningful or ill miss my parents too much but can't be meaningless or im living without them for nothing#im just. struggling very hard this year. idk#i had so much health bullshit going on for months that i put off going to a psych n now im so busy that it feels bad taking time off for it#and im also scared of getting on meds bc the idea of being dependent on something that i might not have access to is.. auuughhh#idk dude my adhd has been debilitating lately and i feel so stuck and sometimes i think i have ocd bc my compulsions are so fucking bad and#all my mental bullshit with my breathing has slowly been driving me wild and peaks my anxiety#and sometimes i worry abt being bipolar bc my mom's mom is and my mom's best friend told me she thought my mom might have been#bc the way my moods are so low or so high is exhausting it feels like i haven't had a “normal” day in so long#but also atp when im happy i feel manic bc idk how to healthily experience happiness anymore#idfk y'all !!!! im also very nonverbal these days#ugh and still going back n forth on telling my therapist ive been suicidal again bc i dont want him to have to report me or anything idk#a few months ago i made a joke about offing myself and he got rly serious n said he'd have to take action if im serious so im leaning no#like. i wouldnt actually kill myself. i just don't want to exist sometimes in this life#its just been very very very very very very very very very very very very very very hard lately without my parents or grandma#and even after all these years it's still heartwrenching to think about continuing to live this life without them#like. i just want to make them laugh. i just want to feel their arms around me in a warm hug. i just want to dance to their favorite songs.#i don't want to think of them and see their dead bodies anymore. i want to remember them healthy and smiling.#i would take care of them again in every lifetime but fuck dude. i just want to remember their good days instead of the end. can i please#please fucking invision them at their best. i want to remember the dad that played baseball and video games and whose laugh filled the room#i want to remember my grandma who was so sassy but kind. whose button nose crinkled when she smiled. who taught me to happily be dramatic#i don't want to remember them being frail. i want to forget the frustration i saw in their eyes. i want to forget seeing them struggle#(insert sadness about not remembering my mom at all)#just. fuck dude. my life is simple and i am safe so i shouldn't complain. but things feel so fucking hard sometimes. i feel so heartbroken
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 4 months
Anyway it's been so long since I've actually been able to add anything to my credit union savings that they locked the damn account 😩
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quirkle2 · 2 years
thank u for all the nice comments and feedback lovelies !! very comforting to hear that everybody's on board :] i think i Will be leaving lu and continuing on w my own links and their stories
i already have some ideas for it. i know i'm going to cut like half of the usual cast and keep the group small, and i already have names in mind for some of them. the au will indeed feed directly into my ranch au (meaning my ranch concept, now separated from lu, will be the ultimate ending)
i think the new tag for the au will be #suncaster au :)
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taegularities · 1 year
hope you're all liking the epilogue and that you enjoyed the whole series in general. thank you for giving it so much love and support. can't wait to share more 🤍
#i'll be completely honest#you guys n the love you give are the reason why i'm still here#bc there are days and weeks when i.... don'tenjoytumblranymore#it's not bc of interaction or anything bc my god you guys talk to me so much ily :(#but tumblr has changed... the bts fandom has changed. the dash is literally EMPTY#it feels so different from when i joined back early 2021... everyone was so happy and loud back then#and so enthusiastic about writing too... like i still fkn love writing all i write#but the level of excitement about writing has changed.. it's why i try to take it slower these days#my god i used to have a schedule lmao could never today 💀#but yeah idk... sometimes im like... this isn't fun anymore and maybe it's time to give up#but that's exactly when y'all come thru and say something SUPER SWEET and i'm like.. wait ykw#i love this space.. it's still comfort and warmth#so yeah thank you for giving me hope and keeping me here you mean so much to me#the platform changes and sucks sometimes but you guys remain here and are as fucking kind as ever and#make this little community irreplaceable#i love you#and yeah. i just needed to get this off my chest bc it has been on my mind for rlly long#especially since those community labels butchered and changed interaction :/ like i just know the c&f family could've been#a lot bigger if not for the label on pt1.. could've really been one of the biggest stories around here but lol it is what it is !! the love#is overwhelming as it is so thank you <3#okay that's way too long pls ignore me bye#tdl???
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zmeydeva-arch · 2 years
people say misogyny has improved in the rpc and at large i would say sure but my god... the way some of y’all talk about your “best boy’s” canon female love interests just oozes hatred. you don’t keep that energy when the tables are turned and your male fave is actually the one acting up in the relationship. i think it’s totally fine to dislike a canon ship and choose to disregard it in your portrayal because you don’t think it serves the way you want to write your muse. although, when that choice is based on the fact that you are painting a woman as “abusive” when she maybe is, at best,  a little mean to the man in question you gotta step back and think about why you are interpreting her that way. also funny that two men can banter and you think that is cute and flirty but god forbid a woman get a bit quippy, now she is a villain! 
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crowdsourcedloner · 11 months
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prettyblondguys · 9 months
Am I allowed to be negative on here about stuff for a minute? Pretty please?
I don't really think that things are gonna change for the better/ get better for me at this point tbh
#Like. I know things constantly change and nothing stays the same but I don't really think it'll get much better y'know.#Lik#I get paid 8.50 an hour to fucking wipe 3D glasses off and retrieve golf balls and get covered in gross mystery liquid bc im in charge of -#-- trash and I have to argue with grown ass men about a claw machine not working.#I don't really think that's gonna change and I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to move out of this house or live on my own or anything -#-- like that or start dating or be the type of normal I want. Just a lot of decisions leading up to me being stuck here forever and yeah.#Shit sucks#Tbc I'm NOT fishing for It gets betters or stuff like that. If I could turn comments off for this post I would lol I really appreciate any#-- concern and stuff but I am Okay#I'm still doing everything I'm still going through the motions even tho the motions suck ass. It's just that I'm constantly --#-- positive and that gets really really hard sometimes lol. Like. My mental health doesn't do well if I'm not forcing myself to be --#-- disgustingly positive so I am. A lot. But it's HARD and sometimes I just wanna admit that no actually it DOESN'T feel like everything --#-- is gonna be okay and that I actually do kinda not like my life lol#I'm good I'm fine I'm just bitching and moaning#I . Wrote this last night bc I couldn't sleep but sent it to the drafts of hell lol. Today's gonna be so fun /sarcasm#Besties I'm fine please please please seriously I'm good#Just pretend Tumblr has a Turn comments off feature lmao#Y'all can seriously ignore this#Will probably delete later but what's the point of Tumblr if not to embarrass yourself by oversharing lol
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