#Do cameras need a wifi connection?
roadimusprime · 6 months
trying not to believe they turnt the Internet off before they left for work. 😒
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xcziel · 2 years
i need a new phone, they're making me get a new sim card and this one's like ... so full
i don't have anywhere to store things to back it up but still have them accessible bc i don't have a desktop and like - my sd card is so full i can't save stuff from the phone to it
but new phones don't have sd card slots anymore????????????????
along with not having headphone jacks
so like i literally cannot buy a new phone and transfer all the crap on this one bc none of them have enough memory????????????
even the really fancy pricey ones are utterly shit in this regard??????????
(for clarity: i am speaking solely of android phones, i know not of iphones, i've given up on apple)
like i want a phone i can do photo edits on AND download mvs AND store multiple instances of 51 fifty-minute long episodes of a single chinese tv show to watch whenever PLUS a bunch of movies and screen recordings?
128GB is NOT ENOUGH for that especially since at least 12GB will end up being OS right?
like i literally was just looking to buy a new phone of the exact same kind i have right now bc it's perfect - it's only flaw is that it's old and full and won't be getting new updates - but i can't bc they're literally only available refurbished and then STILL thin on the ground
most likely bc they're the last phone generation with sd cards and headphone jacks!!! i don't blame people for not giving them up!
i just want to put the new sim card in something else so i don't have to worry about transfering and i can leave most of my stuff where it is and use Old Phone as a music player i guess
but i WOULD get a NEW new phone!!!
if only! they! had! expandable! memory!
we do not speak of cloud storage - if you have to keep paying extra for it, it doesn't count as part of your phone!!!
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vse-kar-vem · 8 months
joker out cooking livestream recap:
-they cooked chicken in mustard or somethjng. potatoes are in it as well
-nace's government name is, in fact, nace ! bojan thought nace's grandmother calls him ignac but no
-bojan tries to transfer the potatoes into a bigger pan. which they cannot find. they do find ANOTHER pan (disgustingly unwashed)
-jan's parents are currently taking care of igor, who has everything he needs: food. a roof over his head. cuddles if he wants. jan is not worried
-we have a short discussion about dishwashing soap. they use the original green fairy brand soap which is nace's favourite. jan doesn't have a favourite. bojan claims that WASHING HIS HANDS WITH DISH SOAP IS WHAT KEEPS THEM SOFT ("i have baby hands") ??????? APPARENTLY?????
-then jan and nace walk around the house feeling up each other/every one else's hands. bojan's hands are confirmed the softest but it's concluded that his secret is not dish soap but being a singer and not an instrumentalist (or playing an instrument badly, his words not mine)
-throughout this entire livestream jure sharpens two knives. good for him, it's very impressive (he slices grapes! and lemons! truly a resourceful kitty)
-we learn that kris is not here because he's MODELLING???? HUH???? 🫢🫢🫢
-we get an update on kamila's flowers (withering on top of the fridge. 😞)
-the connection was SO BAD im not kidding, which was why we missed out on a lot of stuff ☹️☹️ they don't have wifi and are relying SOLEY on data
-their favourite british supermarket is aldi, because it's cheap and the quality is ok. obviously they diss british produce, which like fair enough
-they sing a little ditty about their current circumstances-- shit wifi, potato cooking, etc (ft. NACE'S SINGING VOICE!!) honestly it was highkey a banger
-they answer some questions ie. "drop hints" about the new song. we get 2 rhythms and one singular chord
-they decide do an mtv cribs (tiktok cribs) style house tour which would be GREAT if anything would load 😐😐 so we ended up with a very very cut-up fridge tour (they have at least 2-3 cartons of milk and slovenian sausage (?). also oyster sauce
-the stream REALLY starts lagging here (as if it wasn't already). ok me personally i only caught "-- doesn't want us to go in his room" (about jure or kris??) jan and nace consider going into bojan's. then extended lag on a very ominous staircase. no rooms seen by me at least 😞😞
-they come back down and answer more qs! that i don't remember! sorry this recap was for me and not you 😞
-oh yeah they get asked "who cleans the kitchen?" a beat. jan and nace both laugh "yeah, who cleans the kitchen??" i think that says a lot about this household
-they talk a bit more about the song-- will give you (uncle roger voice) eMoTionaL dAmAgE. that hurt my soul to write but at least i (cantonese) am allowed to do the accent, unlike SOMEONE ELSE ON THIS LIVESTREAM (thanks bojan. at least you were shit at it enough so that it came off just slightly interesting and not anything else)
-that's all i can remember!! bojan finishes cooking, jan and nace sign off to eat. prolonged minute of staring and waving at the camera. i notice they are both very beautiful men. end of stream !
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icarusredwings · 1 month
Early mornings with Retired Time Lords ❤️💙ft. Shadow the cat stuffy and KITT-E (or KIT-TEC)
"Darling, can I have my leg back?"
"Sigh... I thought I told you not to stay up too late?"
"... What?"
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I passed out and woke up to this being done.
I like how 14 is just 14 with braids and a robot companion and sax is bassically an oc at this point with how many head canons I've slapped onto this man (Though im sure they are definitely NOT hot takes)
For 14: <3
-Was up til 4 am. Hypocrite.
-Wears braids to bed
-Steals Shaun's fluffy robe
-striped spongebob socks
-Holding KITT-E
-Bassically has a mullet at this point
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For Sax: ✨️
-Pointy ears
-Roots are showing
-Sharp ass teeth
-Doesn't know where the fuck he is
-Doesn't wash off his eyeliner
-Not his hoodie (NASA hoodie is 14s)
-Worst Prime Minister
-Holding Shadow the stuffy (made by Rosie)
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-Heart briefs
-Bros got arthritis so sometimes he wears a knee brace. He's holding 14 for balance and comfort.
-Teletubbie socks
-#Girlboss (Pore mask, Facial avocado mask and bonnet)
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(You can tell who I favor)
And KITT-E!! (Technically its KIT-TEC but KITT-E sounds better and I dont think doc wants anything to with any "TEC" s after the Suketh nonsense.
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KITT-E aka:
Electronic- Companion!
Used to be a stuffy made by Rosie until he ripped it up and made the TARDIS a smaller physical host in order to control and mess with.
KITT-E doesn't need food, water, litter, shots, doesn't get cold, can infact overheat/freeze though. All she needs is loved (and charged sometimes) The TARDIS is connected to her like bluetooth. Her ears have recording speakers that speak directly to the TARDIS and the large ball at the end of her tail is a lightweight circulation battery. (She's also magnetic). Her whiskers are how the TARDIS tells her what to do, and her big camera eyes are how she can see.
KITT-E is NOT water proof (yet, hes working on it) and can meow, purr, hiss, growl, and if she wants too, since she's bassically just a transmitter box, The TARDIS can send telepathic information to the doctor by KITT-E (imagine a hot spot shifting Wifi from one spot to another)
KITT-E technecally is just a host, so if the TARDIS gets too upset or broken, KITT-E will simply collapse. Syliva thinks she's creepy because "It's like a ghost possessing a toy"
So far KITT-E has pawed at doors, meowed for attention, followed 14 around, meowed to be let outside, has been scolded for hissing at the Master several times (she still remembers what he did to her), and sometimes you can see her staring at the bugs in the garden.
The more information the TARDIS gets, the more the cat can do. She also likes to curl up with Sylvia, checks on Rose, follows Shaun around curiously, paws at Donna for attention, and "naps" with Wilf. Which is bassically when she purrs, so he's happy with the vibration and sound setting and goes into battery saver mode. Wilf thinks that KITT-E is absolutely the most impressive thing ever and constantly praises the Doctor for making such gagets. Wilf doesn't call her KITT-E though and will call her TARDIS.
"Here kitty.. TARDIS do you want some of my fish?"
"She can't eat dad."
"Oh. Right. Poor TARDIS. No fish for her huh? Why not?"
"Because.. She dosnt have a stomach? Or a digestive system? She doesn't even have a throat to swallow. Theres just wires and gears dad."
"Oh thats so clever. You're so clever boy."
"Really? Heh.. well...it wasnt that hard."
"Oh I mean it. Shes brilliant. TARDIS do you want to come nap with me?"
Wilf just bends down to look her in the eyes like,
"A nap. With me? Would you like that?"
"Heheh, you don't have to talk slowly, dad she can understand you (oh my hearts)"
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gougarfem · 8 months
Can I ask what dumbphone you got? What was your average daily screen time before getting one? Did you keep your old smartphone to switch back and forth or completely get rid of it?
Thanks!! I'm considering a switch too.
i have a doro 7030. i chose this specifically because it runs whatsapp in addition to regular calls and texts, so i can stay in contact with friends who live abroad or primarily use wifi (sms messages can get expensive if you don't have a good contract lol).
my average daily screentime was 11-14 hours, depending on how much i slept.
i initially kept my old smartphone for its camera, my banking app and spotify. my social media apps built up again, and i ended up migrating back over to it. i no longer have a smartphone because its battery completely died, but if you need to keep one, install an app that restricts you to the absolutely essential apps you kept it for, and only turn it on for emergencies (not every day/week). do not try to use both. our brains are programmed to get hooked on a smartphone no matter how much we try to limit it. they are deliberately addictive. (also, blue light is bad for you lol)
if i have to take a photo and send it instantly, i use someone else's smartphone. i also have a little digital camera which i take around with me to snap photos of surroundings, friends, etc. i scan college work onto my laptop with a printer (you can use public libraries for this usually if you don't have one). i use online banking on my laptop and do not bring my laptop with me when i leave the house or my room each morning. before i had a laptop i used the PCs at college or the library.
girl do it. make the switch. it genuinely will do a world of good for your mental health and social connections. you got this <33
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libraford · 10 months
What type of camera do you usually work with? Are they DSLRs or those new fangled "mirrorless" DSLR-style cameras? I'm looking into potentially getting a new camera. I currently have a Canon EOS Rebel DSLR and a bunch of the new ones are these mirrorless ones...what makes them different from a point and shoot? (Nothing wrong with a point and shoot but why would I want the big one over the regular one?)
I use a Canon Mark DSLR that's a bit outdated- I think it was a factory overstock from 2009. My newer camera is a Rebel from 2019, but I typically dont use it much because the Mark has better ISO capability.
I have never used a mirrorless, but our company is switching to them soon.
So as far as I'm aware, there are two ways to improve camera technology from where weve been the past decade.
1. Features like wifi connectivity, which are great for some types of photography and pointless for most people
2. ISO capability- it processes better detail in low light situations.
I'm told by people who shoot mirrorless that they are a massive improvement for ISO. Which is why they're kind of a big deal- they make it easier to get good detail in the dark and the technology to do so is getting less expensive to produce.
I want one, personally, because I do a lot of indoor photography and I need to balance exposure for shutter speed. But I cant really afford a new body right now and I dont NEED one, so I'm going to wait a few years and see if they show up secondhand.
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moonystoes · 1 month
So, uhm, about that comment on Lou's blog about the France Brasil game and Élisa... That was me😅😂 And her going to Wolfsburg was very delusional, but we could need her now more than ever 😂 Hendrich and Hegering are massive, but both over 30 and their contracts end after this season. Djikstra is out with an injury, Küver too iirc. Küver and Hegering both get easily injured, so that leaves us with only Wedemeyer I think as a fullback iirc. So, yeah, it would be better if Wolfsburg would sign one more cb but what do I know? 😂
And for the game, I tried to find a video that shows the foul and is available for you to watch, but I only found videos that are only available in Germany or if you have a VPN that shows a German adress. However, I can translate for you what the German commentator said : "I think that this is the earliest yellow card in this tournament or at least I can imagine that it is. Against Jheniffer who got into this duel with De Almeida. Boah, after 20 seconds... Let's look at this again...and I don't know what it is with those Oliver-Kahn-memorial-kung-fu-kicks. Because Marta did such a thing or a very similar one in the last game against Spain, was sent off of the pitch with a straight red card. And that is, well, difficult (not as in hard but more in a way that it is very much on the line to a red) to go up with a straightened leg. Jheniffer had a lot of luck with this. This was more a dark yellow." Unfortunately the cameras didn't really show where exactly Élisa was hit but it looked like it was the cheek/ side of her face or neck. So I hope the commentary makes it visible how dangerous it was.😅
And with Ann-Katrin (Anne) and Jess, it is such a cute story. If they were to make it into a Netflix show, it would probably skyrocket in wlw community 😭😍
And you can 100% figure it out later if you like women. I was 15 or 16 and only needed to see Keira Knightley in Bend it like Beckham😂 But at 14 I was a little bit homophobic. The typical "I don't have anything against lesbians, but I'd prefer if they didn't kiss in front of my eyes". I was just jealous and didn't know that😂 Also 18 is not that old to find out if you like women, some only figure it out in their 30s or 40s or even later😊
Yeah, I wish we could have gotten a France Germany final to get back at the French😂 We need to start a new streak of France not being able to win against us. But oh well, we didn't make it to the final as well😂 But thanks to the 🐐 Ann-Katrin Berger (not Ronaldo, sorry Élisa😂) we got the broooooonzeeeee😁😁 Also, Spain's wnt has never won against our wnt (at least according to the commentary) , so I don't know why they thought they'd have a chance😂 Our handball men also kicked the Spanish out😘
Also excited to read that you have plans for for a Pauline fic. She's quite underrated.
And sorry for the long and late response but I took a break from tumblr😅 - 🇩🇪 anon
LMFAOAOAOOA BITCH YOU FOOLED ME. I did notice the tone was very similar to yours but I was like 'um....maybe German people are like that in English...idk maybe' 😭😭 yk what at least Lou didn't call you delusional 😔🙏
for the video of the injury, I have a really slow VPN ans I can try it I don't mind.
Kung fu kicks??? LMFAOO
Noooo not you getting mad at gay couples because you were jealous 😖😖
For the Pauline fic, you'd think me staying in a place with no wifi for 5 days will motivate me and inspire me to write it...but no, I just decided to connect with the nature (aka talking to people 😔) I did write the plan out, now I actually have to do it 💔💔
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sy5tem-m1s5ion-c0sm0s · 7 months
William... You okay?
Eye-strain warning for some panels
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> The Captain begins running away, surprisingly ignoring any rooms he comes across as if he has a goal in mind. As he’s running, he ignores your question for the moment, almost as if he is detached from what is happening around him.
> He sprints into the communication room, nearly running directly into the door from being faster than the automatic door. As he runs in, he nearly trips but quickly catches his footing and orientates himself before walking towards the monitors.
> [data transfer: 87% complete]
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> The Captain rushes towards the chair, sitting down before frantically typing him. You repeat yourself since he ignored your question the first time, causing the Captain to stop and look up at you. He goes to say something but pauses before saying, “Yeah- yep, I’m one hundred percent fine, totally fine, trust me, you don’t need to worry about me. Everything is under control, probably just a surprise party, which is why no one is around, but I can assure you, everything’s fine”. > From just his eyes, it was obvious that he was lying.
> Without waiting for a response, he goes back to frantically typing, muttering something about something needing to speed up under his breath.
> [data transfer: 100% complete, verifying files]
> [warning: wifi connection required, requesting connection]
> [connection successful, continuing verification process]
> [you can now view any nearby screen when you are connected to the internet]
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> The Captain stops typing before staring at you in silence for a second. He looks down at something, shaking his head and whispering, “Okay, William, get ahold of yourself; everything is fine. It’s not happened again. Everything is fine.”
> He sighs and quickly looks back up at you, saying, “Okay, ARG-03, I need you to check the cameras for anyone; this is incredibly important. Can you do that?”
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> You don’t say anything, causing the Captain to stand up and say nervously, “ARG-03? Are you there? Can you please check the cameras?” > [request received, processing request] > [error code 500 - Internal Server Error: ARG OS 03 encountered an unexpected error and cannot complete the request.] > You still don’t say anything, causing the captain to repeatedly whisper the word no as he climbs up on the chairs, looking at you eye to eye. He grabs the monitor, albeit with too much force, and yells, “ARG-03 DO S0M5TH1NG! PL3A5E”
> [Warning: Critical damage to ARG OS 03’s hard drive was detected. It is recommended to safely turn off ARG OS 03 as soon as possible to prevent corruption to the hard drive] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > [Previous] > [Next]
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atlantahammy · 6 months
Trigger warning for: Blood, Murder, Guns, mentions of organs, etc.
Astra was scared, she had no idea how she ended up in this situation, caught by a crazy alien worshiping cult that wanted her blood, organs, and body for some ritual that she could only mentally describe as 'whack-ass'
Thrown in a holding cell with no windows, vents, or even light, only that coming from the small slit on the door.
Her component pouch was snatched from her to prevent her from casting anything that would aid in her escape.
With Cameras likely watching her, so she couldn't pull anything from her bag of holding without it alerting them to her lie that it was a simple bag, enchanted to get ingredients preserved.
At that thought she quickly huddled into a corner and used her cape to hide her form the best she could, she was facing a corner, her cape hood pulled up, her back facing the door and the rest of the cell, it dropped in the rest of the fabric of the cape.
It didn't obscure her movements, but it was enough to hide what she was doing. This place likely had Wi-Fi phone, and radio signals blocked, which sure, made sense, but did they have magic signal blockers that even without all those, allowed her to stay connected to the internet?
Probably not, because they were not as terminally online as she was.
She quickly turned her phone's screen light down and silenced it, and snapped a picture of herself, thankfully she never had the flash on to begin with.
Next she went to her discord app, and found the room she and the Hamato's were in and quickly typed, not worrying to much of typos and autocorrect, only that the message got crossed:
--Turtle Tank-V.I.P Chat🟥🟦🟪🟧🟨🟩🏒-- Voidwalker (Astra): I hate to sound alarmist, but IDK WHERE THE FUCK I AM AT! ITS DARK, COLD, THERE NO WINDOWS OR VENTS, AND A FUCKING ALIEN CULT THAT WANTS MY BLOOD AND ORGANS??? OH AND THEY TOOK MY FUCKING SPELL COMPONENTS, SEND HELP PLZ. FlavourTown (Mikey): Rayray! ohmigosh We were so worried, we saw them take you and we couldn't follow! ;^; RedAngel (Raph): How do you have working wifi?! that and they didn't take ya phone?! NeonLeon: Lets not worry about that right now and focus on tracking her down, which I'm sure Donnie's on right now.. Astra do not let them know you have your phone! Voidwalker: NO SHIT. Voidwalker: Sorry caps lock. Bootyyyshaker9000: Completely within reason, but, good to know, and worry not Leo, I am already tracking her location, Astra, don't worry we're coming, and please, do inform them if a single hair is out of place on you, I will personally, re-arrange every one of their atoms.
Astra breathed a sigh of relief, one chat was on their way.. but she went and copied and pasted her message into another chat, one with her hometown team in it.
She couldn't help but think about how she was a admin there, and thought quickly, copying the invite link and slapping it into the turtle-tank to let the Hamato's join in coordinating this rescue effort, despite the fear of them not getting along, she knew how Inferno and Drakus could get.. Still, seeing her friends talking helped calmed her nerves.
At the sound of noise, she quickly socked her phone away back into her bag of holding to ensure it wouldn't be confiscated.
She didn't need it out, and it wouldn't mess with Donnie tracking her, as it wasn't what he was tracking, but the subdermal tracker Donnie had on her, and she'd improved with her magic for her and his family..
She just now needed to survive till the groups got there to help her. ----
Some hours later, the groups were sneaking outside the compound in which Astra was being held, Donnie antsy to get in there and get her out, Devi, Astra's father, was ready to storm the place like a wrecking ball, the only thing keeping him from doing so was the fact Wolf was keeping the small wizard under his arm like a sack of potatoes... That and holding him partially like a bomb.
The last to arrive to the party was Mata, Astra's sword teacher, the strawberry-blond, nine-tailed Kitsune, but he was not in his normal kimono outfit, which took Leo by surprise the most.
In fact he wasn't in his normal fluffy, fox yokai form at all, this was a tall, young, willowy man with dark skin, and tattoo's on his shoulders.. Dressed down in black in what was clearly ninja gear, but.. Something was off and Leo knew it, as his eyes darted over the man it became clear why.
Mata wasn't just dressed like a ninja, it clicked with Leo that Mata, was in fact a ninja, but not any kind, he was a full-blown Shinobi, an assassin...
"Raph still thinks this is to many people." Raph grumbled as he looked at the people there, the group was large, more chances at them getting caught, but Leo clearly had a plan.
Leo tsked as he looked over at the defensive wall and at the cameras and guards, there were far more people and security here then he'd expected.
"Donnie, you got the cameras?" Leo whispered to his twin, who gave an affirmative nod as he worked to disable any and all alarms.
"Good, now we just need to deal with the guards--" "Don't worry, I have that covered."
Mata told Leonardo grimly, and before the blue turtle could protest, the fox was gone in the blink of an eye.
A series of cracks and gurgles caught his attention as he looked to the wall where two guards below now lay slumped and unmoving.
Wolf, the werehusky-wolf cringed. "Ohh.. thats gonna hurt when they wake up." He commented as if he was watching a sporting event.
It did ease Leo's nerves about Mata likely murdering them without hesitation.
He then spotted movement above as Mata was quickly paralyzing the guards with a series of hand movements to their backs before knocking them out.. But one unlucky guard, saw him as his partner slumped to the ground in front of him.
This caused Mata's red eyes to widen in surprise but quickly he lunged to paralyze the guard, only for him to move out of the way, and strike Mata harshly in the center of his back with the butt of his gun.
Mata hissed out in pain, but quickly recovered, despite his back now screaming at him to stop moving. He needed to keep this guy from sounding the alarm.
The guard went to run, pulling out his radio, but Mata was quicker on the draw, using a Kunai to break the device in one swift shot.
The guard panicked, dropped the device, and focused on running, only to be out-run by Mata, who was now in front of him, ready to try and knock the man out, only for him to dodge and slide under Mata's arm.
Mata cursed under his breath and moved swiftly to catch up and then stated harshly, in a low tone.
"You don't want to do this," he warned.
Mata's warning was met by a middle finger, and the drawing of a gun, that would surely alert the whole base.
Mata had the decision to make now, and it was one he didn't take likely, blow their cover and try to disarm the man, and let him get a shot off? or ensure silence and their plan..
Astra's life was at stake, as where there's if caught, so the life of one.. for the lives of many who this man threatened.
Without hesitation and a swift movement, Mata drew one of his dual blades and aimed for the neck as he lunged at the guard taking aim at him.
Sadly for him, Mata was faster, with a sickening thud and smattering of blood, the man lay motionless on the ground, in a puddle of blood.
Mata let out a disappointed huff, he did not want to do that, and his hand was forced. He looked to where the group was, and raised his bloody sword hand with a thumbs up and a smile with his eyes, as his mouth and nose were hidden by his mask.
"... Remind me not to get on that guy's bad side." Leo cringed in equal parts amazement and horror.
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mocacheezy · 2 years
Moca watches: TF Earthspark
🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗
(ep. 11 -14)
Ep. 11 - Hashtag: Oops
Hashtag pointing out that the barn is the only spot that has WiFi before running after Twitch made me chuckle. Nice to see the problems from the first first episode with Robby remains the same XD
I love the way the root mode changes, she looks so pretty!
NIGHTSHADE SWEETIE 😭 They did great they are so awesome just *screams*
The size difference between big sis Twitch, big bro Thrash and the other Terrans is just so cute and cool. Twitch is barely the size of Hashtag's torso 😭
I also expected Dot to freak out more over the altmode.
Also WHAT THE FUCK?!?! IS THAT STARSCREAM?! IS IT SOUNDWAVE?!?! Do these G.H.O.S.T. bitches not keep track over who got detained?!
I am just really fucking confused like WHAT IS THIS?!?!????
Ep. 12 - Outtakes
The amount of second hand embarrasment. Camera footage is hell and I stand by that.
Also Jawbreaker is... So cute and so dense and just wants a straightforward answer
Still tho he didn't have to insult Bee like that (even if he didn't mean to). His social skills will require some work
I appreciate Hashtag's enhusiasm but the second hand embarrasment for Jawbreaker is killing me
Also I am p sure that camera is either getting broken by Megs, or Elita and he will escort these two back home.
Also Optimus avoiding cleaning duty is just hilarious and I love it
Were it not for the fact it would make him sad I would die for Jawbreaker.
Elita-1 had workout routines that are too intense for Optimus. I fucking love this.
"When I feel it in my spark you'll be the first to know"
I swear this show gieves me the warm fuzzies, like there really isn't a need to choose something right away. It's just such a nice message
Ep. 13 - Missed Connection
Nightshade is a mad scientist in making
Very different interaction than what I expected but honestly? I like it. I'm all here for Dad 2.0 Wheeljack and Science Uncle Tarantulas
I also really adore the way Tarantulas is animated. His mouthpiece especially, and just movement in general is so cool
I ALSO adored the fact that I was waiting for a betrayal but there was none!
There was no "You foolish protoform I used you for my gain!". Nope, this spider is just tired and wants to live a different life. And he enjoys Nightshade's company and wants to protect them.
And he does end up protecting all of them!
Again, I did not expect this at all, but I enjoyed it immensly
Ep. 14 - Security Protocols
Twitch is so, so worried it breaks my heart
Breakdown and Bee were buddies
Also the two of them are like bros, like siblings and BREAKDOWN DID-
And the reaction of the Malto family is just heartbreaking
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sexydreamgirl · 2 years
hello hera, it’s 1:28am and i’m sitting out on the balcony having a cup of cola because i started spiralling a little and just wanted to go outside so i could clear my head. you’re one of the first tumblr loa blogs i came across, so i’d like to just sit down and have a little chat :) i like talking about my deep thoughts on stuff, sadly i don’t know anyone irl who’s into loa so most online blogs are my only like connection to likeminded people i guess. i tend to get embarrassed going on a little blurt about these things so feel free to ignore this if you think it’s boring lol
recently i decided to personally put my foot down and keep it there when it comes to manifesting and it’s sweet because i’ve noticed my thought patterns change when it comes to my confidence which is just so nice but i still sometimes get my fair share of doubts and worries when it comes to manifesting. i wrote down everything i was thinking and hung up about in this moment instead of running to a blog crying and throwing up because “i couldn’t figure it out myself” when really i guess i could…i just needed to write it down in my notes. anyways long story short i found out i am afraid of persisting because i assume things will take forever to manifest and because i want what i want by the time i want it. “ok well…why are you afraid because you write out your reality??” and yes you’re completely right, i do write out my reality, i say when things happen and what happens…no one else. so why do we get scared?? we think we can’t fly yet…wifi and bluetooth exists?? how tf were cameras made like…something that takes a shot at that moment and it’s there for life like that sounds illogical af yet it happened?!? so why can’t i say i’ll get green eyes by monday or i got purple hair yesterday cuz that sure as hell sounds as real as “this box can take a shot of this very moment and will never really fade.” i just find the human mind so insane how it can build itself up and then rip itself down. the brain is a powerful thing, you are the most powerful thing.
anyways i’d like to be an anon ( 🪐) if that’s ok, i won’t send anything as boring as this next lol. my goal is to have the biggest most mouthwatering success story ever with a few “illogical” manifestations and i’d like to share them with you :) plus this would help motivate me.
I know this was just a vent but I really loved the tone that was set for this ask.
I really like that you've come to this conclusion yourself, because you're absolutely correct! We are surrounded by so much that once would've been considered impossible or even illogical and yet here it is in the flesh. All of these innovations serve as testaments to the fact that everything stemmed from imagination, so if somebody was able to conceptualize the idea of bluetooth in their head and materialize it, why wouldn't that be applicable to anything else. Imagination is the root of EVERYTHING! Imagination creates REALITY!
We're happy to have you join the family, my love. Welcome!
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darkmedolie · 1 year
If you’re up for sharing, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the Tamagotchi Uni too!💗
Oh I'm very excited too !!!
When the first leak dropped I wasn't too sure if I would want get because the shell design... and it looked like it was gonna be like the smart but in English
But now that they dropped the promo video ohhhh I'm excited!
The wifi option sounds cool (and to be able to connect with people around the world like the pix did is a great idea!)
One thing I feel so hyped about, is how there seem to be so many hat and costumes accessories, I will love to play dress up with my tama!
I'm curious about the "arena" is it gonna be minigames to play against other real online players???
I'm still not so fan of the shell design, but it seems the two central colors are just a printed faceplate (so its highly possible that we'll be able to replace it and give it a different look)
(Yeah I know people say there could be different colors in the future.. but for now bandai has not announced anything officially, so I'm just judging on what there currently is to buy, but if I can customize it , I'm fine with it, one thing I do like about the design is the transparent back, I think its really cool)
From the promo material it seems that all the download will be made through entering codes , and I'm like , oh it might be a bit annoying to enter, the code seems long and you have to enter it with only 3 buttons .... we'll see how it is (but I guess it's better than having the need to have a camera to read qr codes that make the tama extra chonky)
(Also it's gonna be "fun" to enter wifi code like that :'3 )
And it seems like some more connection era characters are making a comeback in this !
(Please give me dorotchi again in a future update please please please)
So long story short, I'm excited for it , but I want to custom the shell (I'll probably get purple for an obvious reason)
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voipexperts · 1 year
VoIP Conference Calls: Benefits to Your Business
VoIP for Business is a staple in the market. The majority of businesses are using it because they recognize the benefits that it brings. VoIP for Business has been proven to be beneficial by the increase in remote work and working at home after the pandemic. This has led to a greater need for videoconferencing as a corporate communication medium.
Until recently, an employee was unreachable when they left the office, except for the occasional evening spent at home or their accommodations on the road. Communication between the staff, office and other employees was difficult.
Business VoIP solutions has revolutionized the way we do business. With Business VoIP's built-in video-conferencing capabilities, you and your team will never be out of touch, whether inside or outside the workplace. Mobility is now possible.
The benefits of conference calling to a company are indisputable if we expand the traditional definition of conference call, which is a group of people using tabletop cameras and microphones, to include group video calls with smart devices.
Cost Benefits
VoIP Conferencing is much more cost-effective than video conferencing between employees at different locations. Toll charges are avoided in many cases because the calls are made over the Internet and not the PSTN. This is especially useful for conferences that involve long-distance or international connections.
Staff mobility and accessibility has been improved
Video calling via WiFi is supported by smart devices such as tablets and smartphones, which has great advantages in terms of accessibility and mobility.
On their smart device, a member of staff can receive and make voice and video calls and take part in individual and group video conferences just as they would if seated at their desk. This can also include VoIP features like call forwarding, pick-up and voicemail retrieval, depending on the capabilities and smart device.
Tumblr media
WiFi is becoming more accessible to remote workers in both public and client spaces. The majority of businesses offer WiFi and many public places, like shopping malls, now offer free WiFi either through their tenants or themselves. Many hotels offer free WiFi and some municipalities also provide this service.
By using public WiFi, remote workers and mobile employees can connect to the corporate network anywhere that there is WiFi.
The full integration of mobile and remote workers in the workforce has now become a reality.
Teamwork can be improved
Instead of using a cellphone or PSTN, staff can make voice and video call and conference calls with smart devices connected to a WiFi network. The ability to communicate visually with another member of staff can improve teamwork. Communication errors and misunderstandings can be reduced.
This allows mobile and remote workers to take part in teamwork, teamwork events and other teamwork activities as if they were onsite with the rest of their team.
VoIP Conference Calls are a great way to bring together teams from both local and distant locations in order to solve a problem.
The response time and quality of the responses improve. Staff can be more responsive when they are able to contact colleagues or customers at any time.
They can be more productive without worrying about losing touch with their team members.
Workplace efficiency can be improved
Staff no longer have to arrange meeting locations. All participants can take part in video conferencing from wherever they are.
Staff being available for group video calls to customers and other staff members at any time and anywhere, improves workplace efficiency.
Business VoIP can bring tangible benefits for an organization. It reduces communication costs and keeps staff in contact. It is difficult to measure the intangible benefits that improved communication brings, such as increased teamwork and morale.
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whumpster-fire · 1 year
I don't talk about my professional life on Tumblr very often, but I'm actually a wildly successful Grandmaster of Product Development at Internet Of Things Inc in Palo Alto, CA. I'm the genius behind numerous very profitable products you may have seen on store shelves or TV Informercials. Some of my latest hits include:
A subscription based weed whacker that uses only $399.99 proprietary string spools. Also takes $79.99 bottles of wifi-enabled pesticide fluid that are automatically injected into the grass via our patented 3D-printed nozzle design and aerosolized by the spinning string. Rumors that this fluid contains Agent Orange are false: we have added green dye to it.
A suite of smart home products including automatic thermostats, lights, speakers, and doorknobs. Unlike competing products that lock you out of your home if you miss a payment or your internet connection is interrupted, our locks you in and turns the thermostat up/down, strobes the lights, and plays InfoWars podcasts at full blast until you pay up.
A meal planning service with built-in cooking device. Food is delivered in proprietary frozen packets that come with a removable single-use RFID tag. Simply place the packet in the WeCookIt, close the door, insert the tag, and it will heat your food with microwave radiation (that's the same thing used for the WiFi it needs to verify that your food isn't pirated). Available for $1699.95, food packets cost $25-45 per meal on average ($750-$1350 per month with a one-meal per day plan).
A subscription-based pacemaker. Now before you say anything, no, it does not shut down and kill you if you miss a payment: that would be unethical and more importantly illegal. But it turns out that there's no law against it making your heart spell out "I AM A CHEAP ASS MOTHERFUCKER" in morse code at 10-minute intervals 24/7!
An AI-based long-distance dating service. Instead of trying to find an ideal partner for you, it creates one using a combination of ChatGPT to have romantic conversations with you and our proprietary AI art engine trained off data scraped from instagram to generate selfies! Unfortunately we haven't worked out the bugs in the training data and it has a bad habit of either suicide-baiting users or trying to make them wire all their money to unknown foreign bank accounts (the annoying thing is these accounts aren't even affiliated with the company: I have no idea who's getting it but man they must be rich by now) if a single profile remains active for too long.
A Smart Smoke Alarm. It automatically records data from cameras, microphones, and numerous other sensors 24/7 which we sell to insurance companies so that in the event of a fire they can analyze your life and look for an excuse to not pay out.
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unexpectedyarns · 2 years
I’ve been at home this week because my youngest is sick.
I’ve been trying to find a job that isn’t OTR so I can be home more frequently but the parameters all SUCK and the pay rates are abysmal at best.
For instance:
“we fly under the FMCSA Hours Of Service mandate so your (driving) shift will be at least 12 hours and maybe some days 18 hours but at least we cut you off at 60 hours, but you’ll still have to come back and work on Saturday. Oh and your shift will start at 2:30 AM, and we have driver-facing cameras so you can’t use your non-existent break to have a nap. But you’ll make about the same money you’re making now, and you’ll be home for 3 non-sleeping hours every day. Oh and if it rains you probably won’t work that day. “
“Besides your class A CDL, you’ll need this 2 more weeks of training plus certificate plus road test. We only work 9 months of the year. Right now we can only guarantee 20 hours a week unless you pick up shifts that other drivers can’t finish. And you’ll make an average of $4 an hour less than your current job pays you.”
Ok, how about a hospitality position?
“We need a hotel desk person. Must have 2 years’ experience. Must function as manager and auditor. Must help cook the free breakfast and serve it. Must attend to guest needs and run extra items to their room (what used to be known as bellhop). Must help take care of the pool and exercise equipment. Must do 4, 12-hour shifts with a constant smile and must never, ever make a guest feel like they’ve done anything wrong, ever. Salary starting at X to possibly Y (8 to 10 dollars an hour less than my current job pays).
How about a remote order processor?
“Must process orders perfectly. Responsible if the goods don’t get shipped, even though the actual shipper is 3000 miles away. Must never make an irate customer madder. Must have your own laptop with WiFi connection fast enough to suit us, that you pay for. Must be on call to process orders as they come in, 16 hours a day. Must have headset with mic, and a distraction-free, quiet room that you pay for. Current starting salary: under livable wage in every US state.”
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smarthometekkie · 1 year
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