#i just finished watching the finale and I cried lollll
dartbread · 10 months
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I’m gonna miss them so much ;-;;
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pidgecv · 7 months
pre-bed thought dump so i can actually sleep without too many thought swirling around and clogging up my brain (my friends r all asleep so i can’t spam them instead 😔)
i miss turtle posting btw i’ve decided to do more turtle posting again (probs starting tomorrow w some sketches i’ve been hoarding or smth)
man my tumblr activity graph is gonna be wack anyways i finished reading orv, cried a few times, i’m emotionally devastated but at least FINALLY the boy is implied to be back. I have dnd at 9:30am and i have NOT told my parents (worse case i’ll walk there) yet i am. so tired. but my brain is zooming. i can not read very well. but my brain is ZOOMING.
here is a collection of some of my fav late orv chapters (a lot of them aren’t included bc i got tired of taking screenshots every damn chapter istg) ((also i read most of the novel ages ago now so this is from my recent “so the nightmare begins again” bout of hyperfixation))
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i think i saved a fuck ton of lines i liked from some of the earlier chapters on my ipad but i don’t think i set my ipad to nightlight earlier and i’m not up for getting blue light biden blasted rn
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i’ll go back to turtle posting pretty soon i think since last time i hyperfixated on orv i speedran the stages of hyperfixation and this time i’m even out of novel to read. i have reached my very own conclusion. my phone is lagging to hell when i type it’s taking my letters around a second to appear on the screen but i’m not exactly typing any slower so it backlogs and i can just sit there and watch the words be typed if i go fast enough lollll.
i’ve gotta draw raph in my au man. i gotta make him interesting bc i love him he is literally wonderful i just really suck at drawing him and leo bc rise is an artstyle that’s a total 180 from the stuff i’ve drawn previously. i continue to amass more art styles, soon no one will be safe. I just want to do them justice. they’re not the main character but they’re important and i feel bad for not fleshing them out well yet. i want to write them well and i want to write them with importance. i want every character i write to be with a purpose. to have potential for their own stories. i don’t want them to be hollow side characters, and the first step to achieving that is giving them designs i love. i love to look at and draw. i’ve achieved that with donnie and mikey and i’m starting to with leo but i’m so intimidated by raph because as important as he is as a character to the story i want to write he is by far the hardest for me to draw in the way that i think fits. in the way that i want. because i know what i want in his design and character, but i can’t quite get it right in the context of the artstyle i want to draw my au in. might have to bend some of the stylistic rules i set for myself to get him to work unfortunately.
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thetiredstuff · 4 years
Quarantine q&a
Thank you for tagging me @green-eyes-and-classic-rock
Are you staying home from work/school?
Yup since about a month now
If you’re staying home, who’s there with you?
My mom and I 
Are you a homebody?
Yes, have you seen all those memes that say that nothing has changed for them because this is how they normally live? Well, that’s literally me. My life is nothing different except now I don’t feel guilty about the classes I skipped because there are none lollll. I mean I have like 4 hours in a week if that so yeah life’s pretty great atm. (Obviously, it goes without saying that I’d much rather’d go back to how it used to be because tons of people are suffering) 
What movies have you watched recently? what shows are you watching?
Contagion (cuz why not) and that’s it for movies. Show tho I’ve been rewatching Merlin which I do not recommend because this show is giving me grief and trauma like I’ve never known before. I’m a dumbass because I knew this would happen. I literally cried for hours on end the first time I finished it completely because the fuck that finale so this’ll be interesting. Also, Prodigal Son, Law and Order: SVU, FBI: Most Wanted. 
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
Jibcon in May. I wasn’t even going lol but I really love the panels and how chaotic J2M are so I love just refreshing my Twitter and YouTube for some new shocking content. But something that actually involves me, no. Because I hadn’t planned anything. I’m more of a “we’ll see what happens kinda gal” when it comes to making plans. 
What music are you listening to?
Little Mix, they’ve got some great music dude. 
What are you reading?
Fanfic and tons of it. That’s basically it. 
What are you doing for self-care?
Nothing, literally just lie in bed all day and go downstairs for some food and back. So I am doing terrible at the self-care part, don’t be like me. 
tagging anyone who wants to!!
Also @green-eyes-and-classic-rock I am loving your responses to these questions. They are quite pathetic and sad but relatable tbh 
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lululawrence · 5 years
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lululawrence’s February 2019 Fic List
Click here for previous months’ fic lists
It has officially been a year of my making monthly fic lists and I’m so happy I decided to start doing this. I have so much fun sharing what I’ve been reading and how much I’ve enjoyed it. I’m so glad to keep going with it and hope you like it too! This month I continued my catch up on the Tomlinshaw exchange but also started reading a lot of fics I’d been holding out on for awhile. So, without further ado, here are the awesome fics that rocked my world this month!
play the game by @candybarrnerd / icarusinflight This one was sexy and filthy and I just...don’t have much more to say hahahahaha It’s Tomlinshaw and reading it had me pretty much dropped right into Nick’s emotions and I loved it.
Leave Your Mark On Me by @fullonlarrie / FullOnLarrie OMG okay so like. Omega Harry who doesn’t even think he’s interested in alphas quick bonds with Alpha Louis because otherwise he can’t get the job he wants. But there’s a massive twist! And then feelings! And realizations! And pining! And flirting! And it just grows so perfectly and I loved it very much a lot. I can’t even find the right words and I think I finished it a week ago as of writing this little thing but yeah. It’s amazing.
Owner of a Lonely Heart by @shiftylinguini / shiftylinguini It’s a kind of Tomlinshaw rash marriage in vegas kind of fic but also not? There’s so many more feelings to it than something as simple as that. But it’s defo strangers to lovers and honestly the non-cameo Liam makes might very well be my favorite part of it as well as the Neil/Niall fiasco just because it plays out SO PERFECTLY with Nick and Louis. hahahahaha Gosh this fic is hysterical and soft and painful and just so many things. It is a perfect little fic. I love love loved it.
oh, i just want you to come with me by @hiatusniall / weddingbells I’ll be honest hahahaha the bit with the sprinklers had me wanting to cry a little because I was just imagining everything being ruined BUT the bookends were beautiful and the pain and the miscommunication cause, let’s be real, Tomlinshaw would never just have easy and straightforward and good communication. They’d have to fight it out and be stupid boys first, and this really captures that. It was a super fun read, I really enjoyed it!
Come and Get Your Love by @rsadelle / rsadelle A five times Tomlinshaw Fic! Featuring awesome dads Nick and Louis! This was so sweet and soft and cute and there was a twist I wasn’t expecting! And little interludes that just added even more to what was already incredible. It was such a fun read, I adored it.
dead set on a getaway by EmmyLouWho EmmyLouWho strikes again! Seriously, their fics are ALWAYS gold. I don’t know how they do it. This time features Tomlinshaw in a BOOK STORE. OOOOOMMMMGGGGGG!!! And the way it all finally comes together is adorable and perfect. And Gemma is hysterical hehehe Gosh such a fun and fluffy fic.
happiness hits like a train on a track by leighbot New dad Louis meets his neighbors Harry and Liam and Lirry are fucking adorable, okay? And they try to play matchmaker and it all goes horribly wrong and is so funny and yet bad BUT THEN! Nick to the rescue! For real, in the same ways the previous set ups had been all wrong, Nick is so right and I LOVED IT. Also, Louis’ relationship with Penny’s mother is so fucking cute too. I just can’t handle it. I loved this one too.
Say It With Flowers by @reminiscingintherain / reminiscingintherain Back to Larry! For a bit, anyway hahaha Roni took the most hilarious prompt and made Louis so awkward and angry and forthright it was incredible. Meanwhile Harry’s just confused and yet it somehow all comes together and I so so so enjoyed reading this! It was the perfect read after a long day. hehe
The Sleepover by @homosociallyyours / homosociallyyours THIS GIRL DIRECTION FICLET IS THE MOST ADORABLE PERFECTION EVER?! It’s so pure! So soft! So sweet! Gosh I loved it very much a lot.
Charity Ficlets and Tumblr Drabbles by @becomeawendybird / QuickedWeen This collection of ficlets has such gems! Merm Louis, a magical curse au, AND a prompt I gave her that essentially takes Rachmaninoff and Stravinsky in Old Hollywood and makes them Harry and Louis. It’s all AMAZING and I LOVE IT.
One Touch Is Never Enough by @fullonlarrie / FullOnLarrie Werewolf Louis goes to get a massage and things do not go as planned. Gosh I was cackling at this so much, it’s so great. A super funny, super ridiculous read haha
London Rain by @writsgrimmyblog / Writcraft Basically canon compliant Tomlinshaw where Louis wants to finally explore possibilities with boys and takes to online dating to try it. Gosh this fic is such a great read. There was a lot of emotion and parts that made me laugh out loud, it was absolutely fab.
Brave Love by @angelichl / angelichl And they were roommates!!! For real, though. They were. And there’s SO MUCH PINING and omgosh it’s so beautiful and soft and sweet and Harry and Louis are just so precious in this, okay? It’s so so so amazing. A great valentine’s day read.
hold on for one more day by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface This fic had me rolling but also so worried and I might have cried just a little bit, but seriously the Tomlinshaw banter was so great and so were the soft feels! The careful watching after each other and there’s a part where Grimmy is just so worried and scared and Louis is so so so soft and sweet and I’ll leave it at that. so good.
time stopped then sped so fast by sarcasticfluentry I went through the Grouis tag on AO3 and found very few fics. I loved them all, and they’re coming now, hahaha This is...basically Greg James/Louis Tomlinson porn lollll most of them are, tbh. It’s got panties though hehehe and if size difference is a kink for you, then this definitely has that for ya. An oldie but a goodie!
Let me be your good night by @conscious--ramblings / Conscious_ramblings I apparently read this ages ago when it first was published and I don’t remember it which seems impossible I don’t know how that happened?!?! This is Harry/Louis, but they go to a swinger party and Greg and Nick get added into the mix. It’s such a great read, though, because Harry and Louis are exclusive and never really considered adding more into their relationship, but this night changes some things and the way Sheena goes through the emotions of it all is so beautiful. And hot. Like damn hot. So. If that’s your jam, I would defo recommend this one.
sugar, butter, flour by EmmyLouWho After two incredibly smutty fics, have an entirely pure and smut free goodie from emmylouwho! hehe It’s a Nailed It AU and is SO GOOD. It’s so funny the way Harry, Zayn, and Niall are all depicted and the way it all plays out had me giggling the entire way through. A super cute, super fun read.
Like An Anthem In My Heart by @goodmorningtoyouuniverse / GMTYUniverse This fic, y’all. I love footie fics, but I’m also super picky about them because I love footie myself. This one was written so so so well in all aspects, but the football aspects had me screaming in excitement in a football chat. It was sooooo good and it involves a forced outing and how it was all handled and it was so believable and beautiful and the emotions and the relationships and the cameos of real players and people had me flipping out in a good way and I just. It was so great. One of my favs of the month, easily.
Taste Too Good by sarcasticfluentry Okay this one is more PWP basically, but it’s kinda...well, it’s Grouis, but it’s also...Tomlinshames. Is that the ship name for Nick/Greg/Louis? It is now. lol Anyway, this fic was a lovely little read and the switching in POV gave you a little insight on everyone’s feelings and thoughts throughout so yeah. haha
'cause i like it dark and low by sarcasticfluentry What can I say? More filthy, filthy Grouis PWP. lollll But it was good! haha
The Post-War BP by @jaerie / jaerie As per usual, Jenna comes in and just takes A/B/O and makes it an entirely different beast. I have no idea how her brain works, but I’d love to see inside it hahaha This is a fic where it kind of holds to the more traditional omegas stay home, have children, etc but in this world an alpha is required to be a part of the relationship in order for an alpha to have a chance at being produced. Add in a war where alphas were shipped off to fight and not many returned, and suddenly a Breeding Plan is introduced. This fic is somewhat dark, quite twisted in parts, and does involve some unsavory content, so please beware of tags. I ADORED it though.
Tell Me Your Secrets by @dimpled-halo / dimpled_halo This was for the Popularry fest, which I’m doing horribly at keeping up with. It was based on the film For a Good Time Call and I’d never heard of that until I read this, but now I wanna watch it! haha Harry and Louis are pseudo enemies to friends to lovers as they move into an apartment together and start a sex line and It’s...amazing. hahaha Such a great fic!
And that’s it for this month! Happy reading, and don’t forget to leave the authors kudos and nice comments!!
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cybrfang · 6 years
Bar Herping And Derping
Chapter 1 – the correct place to start. So you were at the bar, listening to Summertime Sadness in October, like what the fuck it’s not even summer? Anyways, Ron Swanson leaned into you and asked, “Want another dry martini?” and you looked at him in disgust. “Yes,” you roared. In a jiffy, he made the dry martini and pushed it across the countertop in a jiffy. You sat there, bobbing your head to the dulcet tones of Lana Del Rey’s summertime sadness. Then, all of a suddenly, Anakin Skywalker came up to you. “Hey, would you mind scooting over so that me and my girlfriend can sit at the bar together? She’s is bregant. I would appreciate it,” he asked. You rolled your eyes. “Stop fucking hitting on me, you sick pervert. I knew you donnot have a gf.” You turned around and walked away, muttering under your breath, “God, I wish I wasn’t so hot. This happens all the time.” The music started pumping through my veins. Even though it wasn’t summer I loved this song. I started sing along with the lyrics. I didn’t even realize the spotlight was on me until I finished and everyone was staring at me. I thought they were all going to laugh, but I was surprised when they all started applauding. “Oh my gawd stowp it!!!” she whimpered, turning red and hiding behind her hands. (Y/N) was wearing purple trip pants, silver metallic doc martins, elbow fishnets, and a black cami with um with uh oh PEIRCE THE VIEL on it. I found the palest shade of foundation at claires. Purple glittery eyeshadow, I did my eyebrows so dark and pointy that like it would hurt if you pointed at them lol. My lips were lined with dark azz red, aand inside was like a black that matched my soul/, everyone loved it. I did my hair hair long neon yellow for the night and it reached my butt. My eyes were wearing their own contacts. They looked like a sharingan. Cool right?! I had the best figure. Kinda like Rush Limbauge. Cuz I’m out here lookin like a ten (That was a little thing for all my Brendiun stanz lollll ;3) (A/N) You look so god oh my gawd I wish I looked like that.
I sat down at the back. That’s when he walked in. “Oh my good I love this song.” I continued dancing. I felt a hand on my waist. “Oh… forward are we?” I didn’t yell at this person because I had a headache and they felt so right. All the suddenly I turned around and it was fucking Daniel RAD\cliff . But I played it cool because I was cool. When all the sudden he leaned and kissed me. “Want to go to the bar and get a drink?” She asked, with his lips against hers. “Okay.” He yelled. We walked to the bar and got two whiskies from Ron Burgandy. He gave me a thumbs up as he saw who I was walking with, because he’s secretly gay. I wrapped my hand around draco’s puurtectively. Because no barman was going to steal ma boyfriend, or I would slity ma wristys. Daniel laughed, “It’s okay, I won’t leave you. Because I love you.” “How?” she asked. “I’m ugly and nobody thinks I’m attractive. They all yell at me and think my singing Is bad.” Daniel shook his head. “It’s not bad because I own this bar… and I’ve been listening to you sing here every night. I’ve been waiting to get the courage to talk to you, because I’m actually really scared.” Daniel leaned in, I thought he was going to kiss me but actually he looked down at my boobs. “You know what I just noticed? You've got big old biddys like Grandma Tsunade.” He smiled and touched one. I blushed and smiled. “You’re such a pervert Daniel-san. Stop it lol.” Daniel leaned into the barman and asked for a drink. “What do you want?” Ron Weasley asked. “A whisky please.” Daniel winked. (Y/N) wrinkled her nose. She didn’t like alcohol, but for him she would let it go. They sat at a table together, Daniel with his whiskey and me with my orange juice. “So how many times do you come her?” He asked me. “Oh this is my first time really.” I replied. I hated bars and people. “Oh well do you know that I was Harry Potter? And this dude in this movie called a man in black, and also this guy with horns, as well as a dude who infiltrated Nazis, and this dude holding a gun?” I nodded, “Also you were in a play and showed your dick while you fucked a horse. I’m part horse, and all levels except physical I’m on crack. Haha just kidding.” Daniel laughed and pulled out a bag. “I actually am on crack.” (A/N) Me: O MG don’t you think guys on hardcore drugs are soooooo hawt! Daniel: I’m not actually on anything you know.. Me: owo shert up I know lol, but didn’t you drink a lot in filming and screw your fans? Daniel: Can we not talk about this please? Me: SHERT UP!!! XD
Daniel looked back at me after snorting his coke and I finished smoking pot because I really like it. “DO you want to fuck?” I asked… “Wait lemme call my friend real quick.” He dialed his friend. “Hey Jensen Ackles who voiced Madara Uchiha I’m about to make looove to Mercury Bob The Muppet. BYE HOE!” I tilted my head, apparently Jensen also loved me But I don’t love him. Daniel nodded and pulled me close to him and took off his shirt he didn’t care that we were in a bar. I liked that about him. I was nacked and on top of him, ignoring  all the guys watching because having sex in public is so hawt. He put his thingy inside my thingy and we did it. “Daniel you just took my virginity I love you!” I was orgazaming. It felt amazing. Daniel started crying, “(Y/N)… my love… my sweet… baby. As I’m fucking your pretty pink pussy ((A/N) see I’m not afraid of that word!! X3)) and take your virginity I finally realized that… I love you.” She grabbed her boobies and moaned, “OH YES HARRY YES! FUCK I LOVE YOU TOO!” She whispered. “Will you marry me?!” Daniel had tears going down his face sexily as he cummed in me with his hard pulsing member. “Oh my fcking god my scar hurts.” I put on my clothes and cried. He also put on his clothes. Everyone was clapping. “Yes Daniel I do!” “SO is that how you met mommy Daddy?” “Yes son and daughter… that’s how we met.” THE END! //////OH MY GAWD DID YOU LIKE IT?!! Aghhh that lemon in the end kept making me blushing and it was so hot. I love Daniel Radcliffff he is soooo hot. MMM Okay bye guys!! I will not post until I get 5 good reviows.
Okay please don’t actually hurt me this is a crack!fic 
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firesonic152 brought this twitter thread to my attention and we ended up running with a variation on the idea.
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 https://twitter.com/fconvicted/status/903811242514563072 Bro
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 yay, but also slightly creepy. ^^;
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 it's a whole other level of awkward from saying the wrong name lmO ... lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 X'D okay, but...what if it starts out with Jack just trying to imagine someone who would be ideal for him, and every time he does it, the image gets clearer and clearer and one day Gabe actually comes out of the mirror?
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 :OO!! ELABORATE
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 like...maybe he's lonely but doesn't really know how to connect with people, so he lets his mind wander and starts imagining he's with someone long term. and as he goes from lover to loer, he keeps picturing this other person in the mirror instead of them. maybe Gabe was someone he knew a long time ago and regrets losing contact with, even. So Jack imagines him as he would be. Older, scarred, well built...it's almost instinctive. Meanwhile, Gabe has been having these recurring dreams where he's with this guy and in the dreams, the guy is always watching his reflection really intently. and he thinks he remembers this dude, but it's been so long that he isn't even sure he remembers his name, and he sure as hell doesn't know why he's suddenly dreaming about him.
so, then there's a couple choices--take it from something relatively simple like linked dreams to Jack actually being able to summon Gabe throught the mirror (AWKS), or Gabe tracks him down.
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 OMG I love thisss I like the idea of Gabe tracking him down and startling Jack
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 XD Jack sees him and immediately pops an awkward boner X'D
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 AHAHA does Gabe know what Jack's been using his image for lmao Probably not lol AWKS
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 I don't think Gabe knows that it was Jack's fault. XD All he knows is that he's been dreaming about Jack. He doesn't realize it's because Jack was calling to him.
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 how romantic~~~ except when Gabriel finally finds Jack, Jack is totally caught off guard and freaks out a little
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 I BET HIS DOES! xd **he ^^;
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 He lowkey fantasized a whole life for them that never happened |D a LITTLE too much to dump on Gabriel lmao XDD
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 lol not only that, but he knew exactly how Gabe would look
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 >w> and for good measure they were never together before this bc yay pining
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 THAT'S THE SPIRIT!! Maybe Gabe was a really close friend of his back in the day, but Jack was closeted or something, and even seeing Gabe be out and cool with it wasn't enough for Jack to be comfortable about it?
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 anfkanxsnckanx Jack doesn't know how to be like SURPRISE I WAS GAY THE WHOLE TIME so he tries to, how you say, "play it straight" at first
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 lolololololGOOD FUKKIN LUCK WITH THAT!! X'D at this point, he's slept with half the guys in town and is more attracted to Gabe than ever
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 AHAHA OOPS WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 when he was needing partners to fuel his wanton imaginings, ofc Jack, you naughty thing
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 Jack: aggressively shrugs
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 Jack should be aggressively thinking of the perfect way to FIX THIS haha what if they go out drinking one night, and Gabe has enough to get a bit careless about what he says, and he tells Jack why he's come out to find him? and Jack is just I want this SO BAD but he is DRUNK fuck my life
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 LOLLLL gabe: i've been literally dreaming about you jack, googling "how to say "i've been literally fantasizing about having a long term relationship with you and fucking you instead of the real people i'm having sex with every day for like 10 years' but like in a chill way":
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 pfft. X'D Jack, you are FUCKED. Maybe keep that one to yourself.
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 jack, googling "how to kill myself"
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 JACK NO
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 gabe: i'm glad you're back in my life man jack: y. yay
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 okay okay but. jumping ahead just a bit. pls consider: Jack cries the first time they have sex because he's imagined this for so long and never thought it was a wish that would come true
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 akcnskjnakjcnasc does gabe know why he's crying
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Jack could make up some nonsense about it only being that he had a crush on Gabe years ago. pull out the reveal of Jack's fantasies toward the very end, after they've hooked up. Maybe one of Jack's exes knew what was up somehow and spilled the beans and Jack is terrified that now Gabe is going to think he's creepy.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 sdkjcnsnaxKJNSCAKSJCN jack tries to nip it in the bud and get the heck out before gabe can do anything about it
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 but Gabe is just. wait. hold up. You loved me so much that it got through to me across the country? And now you're going to run away?
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 XD well, Gabe was already out, so...unless you want BOTH of them closeted when they were friends
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 gabe is Very Gay but he thinks jack is straight and he assured jack that he wasn't gonna come on to him
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 oooh...what if they were, and Gabe only told Jack he was gay, but Jack was crushing so hard that he didn't trust himself to keep his own secret and he was afraid he would give Gabe away so he started avoiding him and then moved or soemthing??
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 sjicndskjnsouvnsd omg jaaaaack
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 jack you fucked up
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ffffffffffffffffffffff my brain hadn't gone there orz i fucked up
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 gabe is very very nervous when he finds jack he's just really really hoping jack is okay with... the gay thing now
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Jack is completely stunned when he first sees him. Gabe wasn't even sure Jack would recognize him, but that's obviously not the case. He has a couple of seconds to be worried about how Jack will react before Jack lights up. Although, it might have been Gabe's imagination, but it seemed like a strange expression crossed his face before he smiled.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 sdkjcnsiducnsd Gabe thought he'd buried all his real feelings and it was just fanciful romantic notions that were making his dreams seem like so much more. but it all comes rushing right back.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Worse, Jack is so eager to spend time with him while he's in town--wants to show him the sights and take him to the best places to eat. And Jack remembers so many of his favorite things. They click right back to the way they had been before things got weird. It almost feels like they're a couple on vacation together...except Jack goes home every night, and Gabe returns to his hotel room alone. !!!!!!!! that's how gabe figures out that something's up!! their first time is at the hotel, but when Jack brings Gabe home after that, he forgets to take down the mirror! Gabe recognizes it and the room!!
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AHHHH JACK!!!! U DUMMY
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 haha altho i guess Gabe might just think that he's the psychic one instead. unless Jack reacts weird when he says something about it.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 jshbdiybcidhb gabe points it out and kind of laughs when he says he must be psychic but jack immediately gets weird about it freezes for a sec, then puts on a painfully fake smile
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 i'm sorry, but i gotta turn in. ;; early day tomorrow.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 awwww <33333
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 we'll have to finish this tomorrow. ^^ night night <3<3<3
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 gn!!!!
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 FRIEND I'M LONELY AND BORED
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 well that's no good! any more ideas on that last thread?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 WELL WE NEED TO RESOLVE THE PINING SITUATION how can we do it in the most awkward way possible LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 hrmmm... heh heh what if, while he's visiting, Gabe has another dream? and he wakes up out of the middle of it and just calls Jack without thinking. and Jack's still with the guy, 'cause Gabe's dreams and his fun happen simultaneously.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 ^^
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 and it's a more intense dream this time too bc the distance is so small >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Jack fukkin' answering the phone in the middle of getting fucked 'cause the call's from Gabe and, of course, what the hell is he gonna say? prolly freaks out that he answered at all
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AHAHA or he answered by accident and now it's too late he fumbled w the phone and accidentally hit the accept call button
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 what if the guy he's with knocks the phone away 'cause he's annoyed Jack picked it up at all?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 KJDNAFKADNJF YEAH
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 So now, Gabe's listening to the two of them together and HEY GUESS WHAT Jack ain't straight
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 THAT'S REALLY AWKWARD
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 suuuuuuuuuuuuper awkward does he hang up? the guy sounded really annoyed. but listening in on all this...
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 and it gets more awkward when jack mumbles something that gabriel SWEARS is his name but kdjfnadskfnjs
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 and, of course, Gabe is gonna have to rush over to Jack's place once it's over. oh wait he can't see the bedroom just yet. keep out
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 LOL well he can go see jack's place and not go into the bedroom...?? maybe?
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 yeah, prolly. Jack wouldn't want him to see it after all that. but, like, so does Gabe hang up and Jack calls him back as soon as the dude leaves? And Jack, like, isn't even sure why he's reaching out? They just end up snuggled together on Jack's couch, watching a movie till he falls asleep 'cause he didn't want to be alone after
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 kjfksdfksadnksdn jack calls gabriel back afterwards all frantic like "uM I... DID YOU HEAR ANYTHING" and gabriel replies "n............ no the call dropped....... right away.................."
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 X'D GABE YOU LIAR When Gabe comes over, Jack looks all worn out and kind of sad, and his skin is blotchy and beginning to bruise, so of course gabe has to ask if he's okay. Jack smiles at him, all relieved and bittersweet and says he's fine, and Gabe's heart goes doki doki
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 gabriel is Dying he's so in love and holy SHIT jack isn't straight they snuggle while watching a movie and gabriel forgets how breathing works
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Gabe has the hardest time behaving himself while tucked under the blanket with Jack for their movie.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 kajsdksajdnf bc GOD NOW HE KNOWS WHAT JACK SOUNDS LIKE
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 lol haha oh SHIT XD
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 he pays Zero attention to the movie he instead spends the time caught between stealing glances at jack and fantasizing about what he could do right then and there
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 aaaaaaaaaaaaa
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 plus being hyper aware the whole time of every place he and jack are touching
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 eeeeeeeeeeee okayokay...what if, like, when the movie ends and Jack is only barely awake, Gabe starts to get up to help him to bed, but Jack just snuggles a bit closer and sleepily demands that Gabe talk more about himself. And Jack's drifting off with his head against Gabe's chest, more relaxed than he's been in a long time, and the lonliness is almost completely gone for once, and he's just about asleep when Gabe runs out of things to say about himself and just murmurs '...and I've always been in love with you.'
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 SHRIEKING!!!!!!!!!!!!! does jack assume it's a dream later or does he immediately wake up at that lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 could have him assume it's a dream, then really freak out his next partner by gasping out 'i love you' in the middle of things before tacking 'Gabe' onto the end of that.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AHHHHHH IDIOTS
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 and, of course, since they're in teh same time zone now, Gabe's asleep at the time and dreams that.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 CONFESS!! IT'S A SIGN!!! lol Gabe being all HEY LET ME TREAT YOU TO DINNER AS THANKS FOR SHOWING ME AROUND so that he has an excuse to set up something kinda fancy. he's nervous the whole evening, 'cause if he ruins this, he's still got a few days left in town and he doesn't want to miss out on seeing Jack, but then again, if it goes right, he's still got a few days in town with Jack
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 KJDFANDKSANFDS he means to save his confession until the end of the night but like as soon as they sit down he blurts out "i love you" very smooth gabriel
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 XD YOU'RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE!!
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 LOL jack's head shoots up, certain he misheard "excuse me?"' gabriel wants to Die but he balls up his fists and clarifies, "i'm- in love with you jack. i have been for..." he swallows tightly. "almost since i met you."
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;u;
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 jack drops his glass and it shatters on the floor, spilling water everywhere and also glass shards what a mess
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 jaaaaaaaaaaack u fukkin mess Jack is up out of his seat, and Gabe is starting to clean up the mess, but Jack just grabs his arm and is all: 'take me back to your hotel.'
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 KJADFNAKSDNF gabe is like wait you have a hou- and jack is like yOUR HOTEL NOW
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 XD you two jerks haven't even ordered they just walked in, ate some free bread, broke a glass and left
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 HE TRIED SO HARD at least he hit the goal! XD
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 IT REALLY IS THE DESTINATION THAT MATTERS, NOT THE JOURNEY while they're having sex jack keeps closing his eyes and expecting to see someone else when he opens them but no it's still gabriel
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 awww he's just...so...HAPPY TTuTT
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 >w< afterwards they're lying in bed and gabriel has to ask "bro i thought you were straight"
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AHAHAHA YA DUMMIES but jack still doesn't know about the phone call and gabe doesn't know about the dreams LMAO
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 nopenope ^^ more fun for them to get into
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 maybe jack asks what gabe wanted the other day when he called lollll and gabriel is just "ohh god" admits he was dreaming about jack bc he guesses there's no harm in it now but oh god what if jack knows somehow
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 if he knows he was sending Gabe those dreams?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 i should have put that in quotes lol it's gabe's anxiety feels about what if jack somehow knows that he was listening in that whole phone call >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 ohh gotchagotcha. ^^ well, i mean, if the call wasn't disconnected, and if the phone was face up, Jack would know exactly how long Gabe was listening bit of an exhibitionist, isn't he?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 kdjsnfdksjfnasdkfjn jack opens with "i know you were listening in" and gabe has a heart attack they have to call 911 for real
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 X'D JACK THINK BEFORE YOU ACT jack teasing him, like: 'is it better for real?' and Gabe just rolls right over on top of him and hides his face by attacking Jack's neck with kisses
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 that's when gabe admits he called bc he's been dreaming about jack all the time and it doesn't take long for jack to figure out why
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 oh ho ho. now whatcha gonna do, Jackie?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 well naturally he decides to experiment with a vibrator and a mirror in the room Right Next to sleeping gabriel it's more intense with less distance after all >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 oh my god XD
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 he can HEAR gabriel shooting out of bed and falling on the floor with a flurry of muffled curses
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 XD jaaaaaaack you TEASE! You can have the real thing now! XD
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 exactly >w> he gets the real thing slamming his door open and marching over, all riled up and flustered
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 ohho. a calculated move! -^^- you know, part of the reason it might be stronger is also that he's seen Gabe in real life, had his mental image of him confirmed, heard his voice, caught a whiff of his scent...and then, of course, after they hook up, he knows how Gabe feels inside him.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 kjdanfakjdnfaknsa so what you're telling me is gabriel has the most intense wet dream of his life jack you sly motherfucker
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 lol
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AND JACK KEEPS DOING IT not ALL the time but often enough that gabriel is pretty pissed about it (but not pissed enough to tell him to stop For Serious)
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 but it's a good way to stay connected after Gabe has to go back home ^^ (long enough to get ready to move back to Jack ofc)
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 >w< or jack moves in w gabe bc. it's a little awkward living with your boyfriend in a town where you've fucked 90% of the male population
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 lolololol HADN'T THOUGHT ABOUT THAT ^^;;;;;;;;;
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 jack tells gabe very seriously "thank you for coming into my life when you did bc i was gonna have to move soon anyway, i was seriously running out of people to fuck" and gabe is Very concerned
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 gabriel stops whatever he was doing, turns to face jack and asks very slowly, "jack what the fuck"
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 Jack: no, see, the problem was WHO to fuck
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 "even if you fucked one new person every day you'd have to be doing that for like-" "well your math is wrong lmao 'one' new person..." "j. jack"
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 don't slut-shame, Gabe. It only encourages him.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 HA gabe can't tell if it's kind of weirdly sweet that jack was pining for him so bad he went out and fucked that many people... or if it's just. disturbing
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 it's disturbing, Gabe. Just bc he can't be reasoned with, doesn't mean you can't understand the truth.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 gabe. for the like. millionth time why do you like him
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 poor guy. lol does that make his decisions as bad as Jacks?
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 i think he's a victim of his feelings more than a poor decision maker he was just born with terrible taste in men. it's his unfortunate burden u-u
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 but he looks at Jack and Jack's life choices and still doesn't dump him. except for that one time he may or may not have blown up their superhero hq
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 OOPS
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