#i just hate that i have to be so careful rbing stuff in this fandom
dimonds456 · 10 months
I'm being dragged back into Cuphead against my will and will be reblogging stuff. PLEASE tell me if I rb from a proshipper, k? k.
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ruthlesslistener · 7 months
I got harassed because of you. Because you declared anyone who doesn't headcanon the Knight as a child to be sus. So thanks. Hate how you seem to be the "headcanon/lore expert" these days, to the point where no on else is allowed to headcanon differently from you. All the hk antis seem to cite you as their "reliable" source always, even outside of tumblr.
i. turned on anon yesterday. What. how did you find me this quickly already.
Anyways, another announcement just to make this potently clear to anyone stupid enough to treat a tired college student with a neurodevelopmental disorder as some sort of pariah of headcanon/lore expertise: i said that headcanoning the knight as an adult was 'sus' in a half-hearted jokey manner right before i went to sleep late at night based on bad porn takes that i came across while scrolling twitter and nothing else. Then when my friends were like 'uh wait no more interpretations exist' i went 'oh shit my bad, i still dont like it bc of personal tastes tho so please dont flood my inbox about it again, but its fine'. I don't even believe in anti rhetoric either, I'm constantly reblogging why they're fucked up and their harassment campaigns are wrong and dangerous, so idfk why they'd consider me as a reliable resource
Also, why the fuck would anyone take me as the lore/headcanon god?? Nothing about what I do is special. I don't even care that much about my own headcanons, almost all of what I find fun about the fandom is comparing and contrasting my headcanons to those of other people's because I love seeing what they get up to. As for canon, literally everything I loredig about is in the game already, I'm just rambling about it through my own perspective as someone who likes to do media analysis. Nothing about what I do is special or should be treated as such, and I always talked about my hcs/interpretations as someone who assumed that people knew they were just that: ramblings and nothing more. I love different hcs, I just sometimes don't click with others because of my own weird squicks and triggers
Also also: I don't post my headcanons outside of tumblr and what I write on my ao3 in my fics, so idk how you want me to somehow control the rabid freaks on other websites. I'm not doing this to be an influencer, gain popularity, or broadcast some superiority complex. In fact, I've actively spent the entire duration I'm in this fandom worrying about bothering people with my hcs/ramblings, but posting them anyways because if I don't talk about it then it makes me want to chew my own leg off. The main reason I've not been talking about it on my tumblr and have only been passively rbing hk stuff recently is specifically because I'm trying to avoid causing that sort of damage again after this whole disaster
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floralovebot · 3 years
Thanks for sharing the post, even though it didn’t get the biggest reach I still think it’s an important message. And with repetition/more reblogging more white fans will come to notice. I’m glad ppl brought up Insta and Twitter stuff because it’s definitely horrible there, and like mentioned they must be lurking here too. Anyways thank you for taking the time to write the post and educate everyone on this important matter.
thank you! and yes, however one of the problems is that white fans have already noticed, they just don't reblog. and as we all know rbing is the only way for something to reach a wider audience. the network has under 150 followers so the fact that it got to 50 notes is still impressive, but that was mainly a product of other people reblogging it. white fans will continue to ignore that post and others like it because they either consider it fandom drama, don't agree, or just don't care enough. either way, it's not going to reach the whole fandom because most of the fandom is white. and white fans hate to get "called out" with their own racism and complacency.
and yes definitely! i literally completely ignore the twt side of the fandom, although a good portion of that is mainly not liking twt in general. i don't know if those fans are lurking but if they are i wouldn't be surprised. i occasionally see winx content on insta but i'm not active on that side of the fandom and i likely never will be. it's mostly young kids and teens. some of them know better but those are usually the fans of color anyway so :/ too many of them, including the adults, completely ignore whitewashing and continue to directly support things like fate/s8/wow etc.. it's insane
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evandore · 3 years
rant thingy i guess???
SO when i was prettifying my phone i was deciding which i apps i use the most (so i knew what to keep and what to delete/delete from home screen) and i decided pinterest was one of my mains cause i use to use it a lot and i mean A LOT. it was my first real introduction into ‘social media’ and how i discovered what tumblr was lol
but the problem was they recently updated it so a lot of its different -new things are scary and confusing- so i didn’t use it for quite some time. this was also during the time i quit using my tumblr main for like 5 months and then randomly came back. in that time i somewhat lost my interest in homestuck (somewhat cause it’s still brain rot but internally now and i care more for my aus) and minecraft filled that void! but i made a sideblog for that and decided to use my main for things that i’m really interested in/make me happy
so that’s why i’m now rbing flowers and aesthetic shit! anyway what i’m trying to say is that my interests have shifted quite a bit and im trying to distance myself from fandom stuff (i’ve gone back to a passive enjoyer! and honestly i might make another sideblog for it)
but the problem is i’ve been using pinterest since i was 11. i had saved over 70,000 pins. i made boards for practically every fandom imaginable. i saved stuff for fandoms i wasn’t even in. (not to mention the frankly horrifying amount of political arguments i had gotten into in the comment sections) my page was honestly just a giant mess. nothing on my for you page appealed to me and i was clicking not interested on every other thing i saw.
my first solution was to hide all of my boards (i had over 60 but half were already hidden) and attempt to start again. but it just didn’t feel right. i still had everything left even if others couldn’t see it and it was bothering me. so i decided to make a whole new account from scratch. i changed my bio to say that the account was archived -i had about 150 followers which isn’t a lot but it was enough to constantly get notifications- and changed my name to my tumblr. and i started a new!
let me tell you the start was HORRIBLE although i think most new social media accounts are. i hate those things where they say ‘select five things your interested in!’ like no!!!! i don’t care about any of this stuff. but i did it. saved a few pins to start (i chose some option that it was showing a lot of like models and pretty girls so my first board was literally called ‘pretty’ and just a bunch of girls lol)
and i’ve been using it for a couple hours and i’ve gotten to the point where i’m happy with what i’m seeing :] it’s mostly girls/makeup/plants and it’s very nice. plus i’ve discovered that they added a new feature where next to your for you page there’s a bunch of pages all based off of your boards where you can just click the plus and add it to you board!!! which is super cool esp for what i’m about to say next-
the one main problem (that was honestly pretty easy to solve but it still pisses me off that i had to go out of my way) was that while my for you page was mostly girls/models/makeup stuff all of the people were white which i noticed from first glance. also the algorithm is set up so if your for you page is mostly filled with say jewelry and maybe a few pictures of plants. if you save the pictures of plants and then refresh than your for you page would be filled with mostly plants! so i knew that if i saved a few pins of women who were not white than my page would get changed
also annoying that just searching up models once again only gave me white women but to be honest this also happens with other social media. looking up models of color produced the most diverse! but i also made sure to look up some specific ethnicities that i wasn’t seeing. and this wasn’t just a race thing none of the people i was recommended were plus sized. but searching up and pinning a few seemed to fix it. so now that whole thing is fixed which is good because it was for my pretty board and beauty isn’t specific to a certain race or body size!
anyway i made a whole bunch of boards and i’m feeling good also discovered my love of abandoned trains covered is forestry so uh yea
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3amflailing · 5 years
Just a lil thing as I’m making more original posts now I guess (like maybe one a week but whAtevEr), and maybe using this as a platform to rant into the wind about my problems...
Fuck TERFs. Fuck anti-semitism. Fuck fascism, and incels, and all those whose hate is dangerous. Get off my blog and block me. You are not welcome.
Similarly, all those of marginalized communities are welcome here- this is a safe space. I’m doing my best to be intersectional and to learn how to best aid others- feel free to send me stuff if there’s somewhere I’m lacking.
That being said, I do use tumblr for mostly fun purposes now (not that I don’t care about RBing important social and political posts) bc I need a platform catered to my own mental health and fun. Along those lines... if you want me to do content warnings don’t be afraid to ask, but I can’t promise to be a reliable tagger. Most of my blogging is done really late at night when I want to see some funny memes before heading off to bed and I have a shitty memory. (Also too my blog content is kind of just an archive of what I like and also a place to put my fandom stuff bc none of my friends ever watch the same shows,,, I don’t cater to an audience)
so yeah cool if u wanna follow me, cool if u don’t, I’m trying my best and I might ramble here a bit more
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