#i just kinda kept drawing ritsus and it got bigger and bigger
quirkle2 · 4 months
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[zombie au] the image is too big for tumblr i had to cut it in half GVEAUYGV (please for the love of god zoom in)
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nekomassetters · 3 years
"Yeah I saw him too, he's super cute!"
As you walk into the girls' volleyball gym the next day, you see most of your teammates huddled together. When you draw near you're able to hear that they're talking about the boys' volleyball team.
"And their captain was super cute," says Ritsuko as she dreamily reminisces her brief interaction with Kuroo from the day before.
"Did you see that tall kid with silver hair? He's in my class and he's super hot but kinda scary, too. You think Y/N's gonna be okay with them?" Nakamura, another one of your teammates, asks Ritsuko.
You look over and see Ritsuko look past the purple-haired girl, towards you. The rest of the team turns as well.
"I'll be fine," you shrug as you try to get their attention off of you.
"Are you positive?" asks Mito, "One of them came up to me once and kept asking me for my number one time."
Mito gives you a worried look before continuing her comment.
"Each time I said no his smile would get bigger," she shivers as he thinks back to the interaction which, as you guess, was probably with Yamamoto.
You roll your eyes and walk up to the group.
"What do you think of them since you got to play with them, Y/N?" Ritsuko asks.
"They were all actually really nice."
Ritsuko groans as she rolls her eyes.
"That's not what I meant and you know it!"
Your captain sneers at you and then playfully pokes your cheek, hoping to provoke a reaction from you.
"Who do you think is cute, huh?"
You tense up for a moment at the question while thinking back to yesterday. Eventually, you just end up letting out a sigh and walking away from the group.
"Y/N you're never going to get a boyfriend if you keep friend-zoning everyone!"
This was it. Ritsuko had finally provoked you enough to elicit a reaction.
"What the hell do you know about that?" you yell as you turn back around to her.
"Kai-chan came in here last semester, after you broke your arm, looking for you. He wanted to talk about, well, you know Y/N," she teases.
"What are you two talking about?" Nakamura asks out of curiosity and worry, "What's between you and Kai?"
"Nothing," you say as you slowly shake your head, "I just told him I wasn't interested in him."
The girls all begin to groan sadly.
"But he's cuteee," wines Mito, "the two of you would have been cute together."
"Oh shut up," you complain, "he was my friend and I told you guys a long ass time ago he's not my type."
Ritsuko walks up to you and confidently wraps her arm around your shoulder.
"Let's all leave Y/N alone. There's probably someone else she has a crush on anyway."
"U-Uh Ritsu!" you stutter as you push her off of you, "Can we just play volleyball now?"
Once practice has ended, you grab your jacket from your bag. As you reach down you feel someone take hold of each of your wrists. Before you get dragged away you quickly grab your bag and follow your teammates out of the room.
Ritsuko and Nakamura both continue to pull you down the hallway until you reach the boys' gym. Outside, the three of you peek through a window at the boys still practicing.
"Damn they actually are good," Nakamura says as she intently watches the boys play.
"Good call putting Y/N with them right?" Ritsuko whispers back.
Nakamura nods in agreement. You look down and see the girls' grips still on your wrists, causing your cheeks to heat up a bit.
"Y/N's going to get really good again," Ritsuko giggles excitedly, pulling you out of your thoughts, "and I can't wait!"
You look out at the team and watch them continue working on their drills.
"Which one's the setter?" Nakamura asks you.
You and Ritsuko both look around the gym for Kenma.
"That one there, see look, the one with the two-toned hair," Ritsuko points against the glass.
"Oh yeah I see him, he's kinda short compared to the rest of them. Is he any good?"
Ritsuko and Nakamura look over to you, waiting for an answer.
"Yeah of course he's good," you say in his defense.
The two girls then look at each other and begin laughing louder.
"Y/N do you like their setter?" Ritsuko asks as she bumps your arm.
"Of course not," you say as you roll your eyes, "I only just practiced with him once."
"If you only practiced with him once then how do you know he's good?"
You groan and explain to Ritsuko that the two of you did similar drills the day before where you were able to watch Kenma play. She continued to have her mischievous smirk as you talked, but you did your best to ignore her.
As the three of you move on and look back into the gym, you see Kuroo walk over to Kenma and say something to him, resulting in a nod.
"Ooo Nakamura that's the captain I was telling you about," Ritsu says excitedly.
Ritsuko and Nakamura continue staring at the team while Kuroo and Kenma begin to walk in your direction.
"Hey guys, we should probably-"
You take your gaze away from the window and see your friends are nowhere in sight.
"Go," you groan to yourself.
Just then Kuroo and Kenma appear from the gym and stand before you.
"Y/N?" Kuroo asks confused.
"Uh hey," you respond as you nervously wave to them.
"Kenma and I were just going out to look for you," he smiles.
You look over at Kenma who's looking back at you intently. The moment your eyes catch his, you see them slightly widen.
"What did you need?" you politely ask as you look back to Kuroo.
"To see if you wanted to come practice," he smirks.
You agree and follow the boys into the gym. The three of you join up with Lev, Yaku, and Yamamoto to play a quick 3-on-3 game.
In your game with Lev and Yaku as your teammates, you do your best to keep your sets in proportion with the height differences just like you practiced with Kuroo. At the last point of the game, you prepare to set the ball once more. Instead of sending it to either of the boys, you dump the ball onto the other side of the net. The five other players stand speechless for a moment as they realize what just happened.
"Y/N!" Lev yells as he runs up to you.
Immediately he and Yaku wrap you in a hug. You laugh along at them as the other team continues to stare at you.
"What's wrong Kuroo?" you tease as you look to the other team.
"Y/N was so cool and nobody was expecting that!" Yaku says excitedly.
"It's not like I invented something new," you say awkwardly, "Why are you guys acting like it's such a big deal."
"W-We weren't expecting you to do that," Yamamoto admits.
"That's why I did it," you shrug, passing a quick glance to Kenma who still hasn't taken his eyes off of you.
After the game, you help the boys clean up the gym. Once you're done you walk over to your bag and take out your phone, ready to text Ritsuko and Nakamura to chew them out for leaving you earlier.
As you walk out of the room, staring angrily down at your phone, you trip over something.
"Fucking hell," you yell out, louder than you mean to.
Cursing under your breath, you begin to lift your upper body off the ground and look to see what you've tripped over.
"Kenma?" you mutter to yourself.
Kenma stares back at you, completely stunned that you just cursed him out. You scramble to your feet, apologizing as many times as you can before running straight out of the gym.
Dammit, now I look like a total bitch.
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