#i just knew kie was a lesbian
The Greatest of Luxuries - Sarah Cameron x Reader
Dear Reader Duology: Part 1, Part 2
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Summary: Your relationship with Sarah isn't new. Far from it. You love your girlfriend more than anything, just as you know that she loves you. But this new trend of her being almost...embarrassed to be around you? That is new. For fuck's sake...she dropped your fucking hand.
Word Count: 3.7k+
TWs/CWs: She/her pronouns used, adult/profane language, descriptions of relationship issues/relationship deterioration, mentions of a sick family member (not super specific or drawn out)
Note: I had to just throw this out there and be done working on it so sorry if it's bad lolz. Part 1 of the Sarah Cameron installment of the Dear Reader duology series I have going on here on Tumblr. I was inspired to pick this back up because I saw Ms Swift last weekend and was reminded how much I love Dear Reader. Plus, it's pride. So go lesbians, go. Part 2 of Sarah's should come up very, very shortly. And if I'm lucky I'll get Kie's out before pride month is over.
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Your relationship was not new. You’d been dating Sarah Cameron for over two years now. You knew that your girlfriend cared about you immensely. She’d never been hesitant to show it before. In fact, she’d always been touchy and doting, going well out of her way to make you feel special. The first time that Sarah had kissed you in the middle of the conversation, you felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Truly. And the way that she smiled at you afterward and told you that she thought you’d never be interested? She had you. Hook, line, and sinker. So, in truth, the past two years had been nothing short of bliss. Even when there were rocky times, even when you were fighting, you two were strong together. And you loved her. You really did. More than anything.
So no, the relationship was not new. But this? This…this was.
Over the past few weeks—nearly a month now, actually, when you thought about it—Sarah had been acting…strangely. She was far less touchy, a fair bit more distant, less attentive, harder to get a hold of. In essence, she was displaying the whole arsenal of warning signs that something was going horribly wrong in your relationship. Except you couldn’t place what it was. Couldn’t think even slightly of what could’ve caused it. The first week you convinced yourself that you were crazy…just imagining things. The second week she canceled plans on you twice, citing an emergency with Kiara…who then called you half an hour later asking if you wanted to hang out with her because JJ was sick and she was bored. So, at that point, you knew you definitely weren’t crazy and that she was hiding things from you. It made you physically ill to think about so you pushed it away. You hadn’t confronted Sarah for the lies she’d told the week prior. You hadn’t said anything about you hanging out with Kie the week before when she was supposedly doing the same. You hadn’t even made a comment about how weird she’d been acting. You’d been giving her space like you knew she needed. You’d been letting her breathe, not suffocating her like she so obviously hated in her prior relationships.
But, that all brought you to the third week of this incessant hell. To this week. And you felt like you were going crazy and you couldn’t even say anything about it. The churning anxiety in your gut seemed unending. You were a strong, adult woman. By legal and literal standards you should be able to get through this. Or, at least talk to your friends to get help getting through this. But you were keenly aware that this wasn’t something you wanted to broach. It wasn’t something that you wanted to talk about. That’d make it more real. The last thing you needed was to make this worse on yourself. But, it didn’t matter what you wanted. Because this was starting to take a real, substantial toll on you. You were losing sleep at this point which just felt stupid and you felt like there was no one you could turn to. Your appetite was tanking, your focus was shit. And while normally you’d turn to your girlfriend in times of woe, this time, she was the one causing the upset.
There was no way to win.
Despite this, you did your best to remain as normal as possible when you were around anyone else. From Sarah herself, to your friends, to your parents and co-workers, you made painstaking efforts to appear like nothing was wrong. You knew it wasn’t exactly the healthiest of coping mechanisms to completely ignore the problem. But, it was all you could bring yourself to do right now. The only solace you found was in the back room at your workplace. Your parents were the premier florists in the Outer Banks. Their flower shop was a family business that stretched back three generations now on the island as insane as that felt. Standing in the back, tending to the blooms, and making bouquets were the only times that you felt like you could completely shut down the madness of your brain. Even so, a shift could only last so long. Especially without making other people suspicious of why you were working so much.
After the ten-hour shift you’d been on closing your parents’ shop, you could only be grateful that it was summer, so the sun was still shining pretty damn brightly when you headed out at 8 that evening. You made your way to the apartment that you shared with Sarah, a strange sort of dread pooling in your stomach that you did everything to ignore, and felt exhaustion coil around your very being as if trying to choke the life out of you. You trudged up the stairs, trying to paint on the most composed look you could, and unlocked the door, stepping in.
“Hey,” you heard from behind you as you closed the door. You nearly jumped, startled at the presence, and turned your head.
“Hey, Sar,” you greeted with a half-smile as you skirted around her to place your bag and keys down. You took your shoes off and made to go into the kitchen when you noticed her staring at you. You stopped dead and looked at her. “What?”
Sarah’s face contorted in a grimace for a moment. “Did you forget?” she asked, sounding almost hesitant.
The words felt like a punch to the gut. You took a long, measured breath in and looked at her. “Forget what?” I asked cautiously.
She sighed, looking down. “Never mind,” she murmured.
“No, angel, no. What’s up?” I asked. The words felt forced, exhausted. I felt like I could crawl into a hole and sleep for a year or thirty five and would still wake up tired.
“John B’s party is tonight in less than an hour. We’re supposed to be going together,” she said, staring at her hands as she played with her fingers, avoiding eye contact. “Don’t worry about it. You had a long day. I can go alone.”
That stung even more. “No,” you said immediately, an ugly combination of angry jealousy burning in your stomach at the thought. She’d been spending more than enough time with John B lately, as bitter as it was to think so. The last thing you wanted was a night of her hanging out with all your friends—including her ex—at a party while you sulked at home just because you were tired. “I’ll go with you, Sar. Of course I will. Sorry that I forgot it was tonight. Just been busy.” You ran your hand through your hair. “It’s at the beach right?”
Sarah gave you a bright smile that, for a moment, convinced you things were normal. “Yeah,” she said, nodding. She moved forward and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, body pressed flush against yours. Habitually, your arms wrapped around her kissing her back and hugging her. The pair of you remained in the embrace for a few moments even after you broke the kiss. You could hear the smile on her voice as she spoke again. “Thanks for coming. Feel like we haven’t been able to do anything in forever.”
“Yeah,” you said, struggling to keep your voice from cracking. “I know.” You inhaled shortly. “Of course. I’ll go wherever you want me to. Okay?”
“I love you,” she said, reaching a hand up to trace your cheekbone delicately. She looked into your eyes and you, again, remembered why it was so easy to love Sarah so goddamn much. You gave her a half smile and broke away, knowing that the longer she looked at you the more likely it’d be that she’d see just how upset you were. “Hey…you okay, peach? Something wrong?” The nickname made you nauseous. And if you had less control over yourself, you were sure you’d have already devolved into tears.
“No, I’m okay,” you denied, shaking your head. “Just gotta get changed.”
Sarah frowned. “You sure? You’ve been quiet this week,” she said.
You nodded again, resisting the urge to laugh at the hypocrisy of that statement. She’d have to have been around more to know if you’d been quiet that week. “I’m sure, Sarah,” you assured her, tone falling just a touch flat. “Just been busy, that’s all. And I don’t wanna make us late. So just give me like twenty minutes to clean myself up.”
To her credit, at this moment, Sarah was being her normal self. Her attentive, doting self. The self that had been gone all month. “As long as you’re sure,” she said, sounding unsure herself.
Instead of replying, you nodded and fled to the bathroom. And in the bathroom, you spent a few minutes pulling yourself together emotionally before getting your shit together physically so you could leave. And 20 minutes later, after changing into more casual-party-on-the-beach appropriate attire and throwing some stuff in your bag, you were ready to leave.
“Wait, did you eat anything for dinner yet? Do we need to stop?” Sarah asked, pausing as you were gathering your bags.
“I’m set. Why? Are you hungry?” you asked, not glancing back at her as you finished fiddling with your bag.
Sarah paused. “No. I’m okay,” she said eventually.
You looked up again. “You sure, baby?” you asked, reaching out your hand to rub up and down her arm.
At that, Sarah smiled. She melted into your touch a little and nodded. “I’m sure, yeah. John B will probably have something there if we need it. If not we can head out early and grab something,” she said. She gave you a cheesy grin and an exaggerated wink and you couldn’t help but laugh a little. Your heart lightened a bit as you laughed and Sarah practically beamed at the sound that she hadn’t been hearing much of the past few weeks.
You offered her your hand. “Ready to go, love?” you asked her.
She took it. “With you? Absolutely,” she said, squeezing your joint hands.
“Who is actually going, again?” you asked as you got into your car ready to drive over to John B’s where you would park before going to the beach.
“Uhh, the usual. Kie and JJ. Pope and Cleo. John B. I think maybe some other people. Didn’t really ask this time,” Sarah replied, shrugging as she pulled down the visor in the car to adjust her lip gloss. She looked over at you and smiled. “Why? Do you want something bigger? Smaller?”
“Nah, nah, I’m good,” you replied, laughing slightly as you backed out of your spot, starting towards John B’s on the road. “Just curious. Haven’t been able to hang with everyone in a while. Hoping it was gonna be the whole group, is all.”
Absent-mindedly, Sarah reached out and grabbed your hand, nodding at your words. Then, as you began your drive, she began to talk about her day, catching you up on some of the stuff she’d done and dealt with. You listened attentively, feeling some of the stress melt away as you finally got to spend a tiny sliver of alone time with the woman that you loved. It was, for the time being, peaceful. Relaxing. You felt like a calmer, fixed sort of future might be truly possible. The way that she rubbed her thumb along your hand as you held lovingly onto each other. The way that she looked over at you with a soft, adoring expression. The way that she leaned over and casually fixed a piece of hair that had gone rogue from how you’d styled it earlier. All of it was the Sarah that you knew and loved.
Even as you parked the car, you felt like you could’ve been floating on Cloud 9. When you parked and got out of the car, Sarah came quickly around the car, all but pressing you against the door to kiss you breathless. She then dutifully smiled, fixing the lip gloss that she’d transferred over to your lips, then hers again. After that, with a cheeky grin on her face, she linked hands with you again and started pulling you towards the beach. You walked in amiable silence from John B’s property line all the way to the edge of the beach. As you breached the tree line you could see your friends all sat around a bonfire that would, doubtlessly, steadily grow throughout the night.
Kie was the first to spot the pair of you, crying out a loud cheer. That prompted all attention over towards you two as you approached. As everyone’s attention turned, Sarah dropped your hand. Not casually. Not unnoticeably. But, she practically threw your hand away from hers and stepped a few inches away. You audibly heard your breath catch in your throat and felt your face fall. The only reason that Sarah didn’t was that she called back an equally boisterous, loud hello. Sarah practically started running towards your friends and you were left to pick up the shattered pieces of your heart and pride that had been scattered together along the sand of the beach from a tiny, stupid fucking action. Largely, the group didn’t seem to notice the way that you faltered. Not at all. But, you could tell that Kie and JJ were looking at you real funny for a moment there.
When you walked over to them, Sarah was already talking to everyone as if she’d been there all night. And she practically threw herself into hugging everyone. JJ and Kie. Then Pope and Cleo. Then John B. It wasn’t hard to guess which one would last the longest. And you hated the way that your brain lingered on the hug between Sarah and her ex. You knew she didn’t have feelings for John B. At least…not anymore. At least you thought she didn’t. Refusing to linger, you pasted a smile on again and greeted your friends too in turn giving short hugs that you excused away by being tired.
As JJ brought you into a hug, one of the last two you were giving one to, he held you for a moment longer. “You good?” he murmured seriously, low so no one else could hear.
“Yeah, J. I’m good,” you replied, tired. You shrugged when you pulled back, not meeting his eye. You knew full well that he’d call you out for lying, regardless of who it was in front of. You pretended to stretch your back for a moment to cover the obvious avoidance and then gave him a lazy grin. “You good, man?”
“Yeah. I’m fine,” JJ said, voice flat and unimpressed. Even without seeing your face, he knew damn well something was really off.
“Hey,” Kie greeted, interrupting before JJ could say something else. She brought you into a tight, warm, lingering hug, refusing to let you pull away. “Haven’t seen you in forever. Where the hell have you been?”
“Flower shop has been busy,” you said, shrugging. “Not gonna leave my parents hanging. You get it.”
“You and those damn flowers,” Kie laughed, hugging you tightly still. You found yourself relaxing into her arms and hugging her tightly back, some of your tension decreasing again.
“I just care about the dahlias,” you joked.
Kie groaned, bumping your hip with hers, loosening her grip just a little while she grinned. “Trust me we know you love your dahlias,” she said.
“Hey,” Sarah said, practically materializing by your side.
You jumped slightly and turned, Kie’s arms falling. Sarah looked unhappy, brow puckered as if she just tasted something particularly gross. You reached out to take her hand and she pulled it back, making it look natural even though everything about the movement was anything but. And you knew it from the way her shoulder jerked, even if her arm didn’t betray it.
“What’s wrong, babe?” you asked her, struggling to keep the hurt from your voice, but miraculously managing.
“Can you and JJ go get some wood for the fire while we start to get it growing,” Sarah requested, a sweet but strained smile on her face.
You raised a brow looking over at the fire. It was blazing strong and high, burning brightly. And there was a small pile of wood next to it too, ready to be thrown in when needed. You felt your heart stutter. You pursed your lips even as you nodded, patting JJ’s shoulder so he didn’t make a snarky comment.
“Yeah, sure,” you said shortly. You craned your head towards JJ. “Let’s go man.”
“I’ll come with you,” Kie said, suddenly, looping arms with both JJ and you before pulling you in the direction of the woods you’d practically just emerged from. You frowned but let yourself get pulled along, a fake smile slipping off your face with each step, leaving nothing behind. When you were a few paces behind Kie looked over at you, and you refused to look back. “What the hell was that about?”
“Nah, what the hell was any of that?” JJ added. “Why is Sarah acting so weird right now? Fuck’s that about?”
“Not a clue,” you replied, shrugging, pulling away from the pair of them to move a few paces ahead. You ran a hand frustrated on the back of your neck then shook your head. “This is so…whatever.” Again, you shook your head and cleared your throat. “Don’t even worry about it. Just some weird shit, guys.”
You saw them exchange a glance out of the corner of your eye, but you steadfastly ignored it, refusing to let yourself even acknowledge it. Deny, deny, deny. That was the ongoing chorus in the back of your head as you kept walking. Kiara said your name in a tone that you were all too familiar with. In a tone that dictated she would get an answer out of you whether you liked it or not. You slowed your steps, hands balled into fists at your side. You turned your head over your shoulder.
“Kiara,” you said, voice cool.
“Talk to us,” she said.
The beeping of your phone from your pocket saved you from having to answer immediately. You shook your head, frustrated, and tore your phone from your pocket, starting to unlock it. “Nothing to say,” you mumbled. Your mother had texted you. Repeatedly. Within minutes. Your eyes narrowed and you then widened as you read the words. “Oh my…” You blinked rapidly at the news.
“What’s up?” JJ asked, sounding deeply concerned at the sudden change in my affect. You didn’t answer, just re-reading the texts over and over and over again, trying to force them to sink into your brain. JJ said your name twice and still you didn’t answer. You felt Kie and JJ both at your shoulder, reading the texts over them.
“Shit,” Kie muttered. “I’m sorry.”
“I gotta go,” you replied, shoving the phone in your pocket and shaking your head.
“Hey, hey, wait,” JJ said, catching your arm. “You good to even drive? Do you want me to run and get Sarah?”
“No,” you said, extracting your arm immediately from his grip. “Don’t ruin her night. I don’t fucking care. I’m good. I gotta go.”
“Do you want us to tell her?” Kiara called as you started to rush towards your car.
“Don’t care,” you called back immediately, body feeling cool.
You got into your car, calling your mom as you peeled off of John B’s property as you started racing towards not your apartment but the ferry. When your mom answered, you heard not a greeting first but her chattering rapidly on the other end of the line sounding exhausted.
“Mom?” you called.
“Honey, you got ten minutes to get on the last ferry of the night,” she replied.
“What happened?” you asked.
“Your aunt collapsed. It’s not looking good,” she said quietly.
You cursed. “I’ll be at the dock in five,” you said. “Are you guys with her? At the hospital?”
“Yeah,” your mom replied. “We’ll see you soon, honey. Is Sarah with you?”
“No, Sar’s not. She’s in the middle of something. I haven’t told her. I gotta go. I love you, Mom,” you said shakily.
“Love you too. Drive safe,” she said firmly. You could tell there would be more questions in the realm of Sarah later, but you knew that your aunt would take precedence. You shook your head and started driving, hands shaking even as you held the wheel in a death grip. Your phone started to ring again. And on your car’s dash, you saw Sarah’s name and contact picture show up. You shook your head and declined the call, immediately putting your phone on airplane mode for the moment.
By some sort of miracle, you got to the dock in time and got yourself a ticket before the boat left for the mainland. On the boat, you turned off airplane mode, switching it to Do Not Disturb, making it so that none of your friends could contact you. So that Sarah couldn’t contact you. As you did so, you got rid of the notifications that remained. The last was a double text from Sarah.
My love, you’re scaring me. I hate to think that you’re out there overwhelmed like this and that you’re alone.
Please talk to me, peach.
You loved her. You did. You loved her more than anything. But the past month had been too much. And if you weren’t enough for her anymore like her actions had been suggesting? Well, then this was a good excuse to get the fuck out of the Outer Banks and get your head back on straight. To figure out what you want if things aren’t going to work out with her.
All you could do was take out your phone and fire off a single text of your own. To Kie, not to Sarah.
Tell her not to come.
You put your phone away.
You’d waited all month for Sarah to talk to you. It was her turn to wait now. Your family would come first. And if that meant that your relationship would end? If that meant that you’d be the one in the wrong? Then whatever.
Deny, deny fucking, deny.
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appocalipse · 1 year
I haven't even watched s3 of obx bc I knew they would make Jiara a thing that killed the show for me. It's a bit like ST where everyone gets to cross date but are still bffs at the end of the day. Like Kie and Pope dating at first, Pope and JJ being best friends I just know realistically Pope would feel hurt by Jiara, but it's never going to be addressed, you know. Plus, I don't even see Kiara as heterosexual. She screams closet lesbian to me, lol. Also, what is it in shows that make found family friendships into everyone likes each other romantically, but there is no drama?
And you're right. JJ got the Steve treatment this season where his entire plot revolved around his love life and nothing else. Ugh, both my boys suffered so much, and after s4 of ST, I couldn't sit through another show where my fav was being treated that way again.
I loved s1 soo much. s2 was already a bit meh but tolerable, but s3 I just knew I wouldn't like. As soon as they started to lose focus on the characters and included ridiculous heist plots, it was over. Maybe I'll give it a chance, but idk if I'm strong enough (lmao that sounds so dramatic)
YES! Kiara absolutely screams closet lesbian to me too! Especially after the way Pope and Kiara "broke up", I honestly thought like, okay, now it's finally going to happen. And it would have felt way more realistic to me if she started to slowly realize who she really is from that moment on. It would have been a much, much better storyline too! Like, her parents, how the Pogues would react, all the things that would have been interesting to watch, much more interesting than good old "rich character A falls for poor troubled character B, who thinks they're not good enough".
I think they did us dirty. Kiara shared at least a kiss with each of the boys in the group, and that always bothered me cause now it seems like the writers were kind of just testing the waters to see which ship the fans liked best to go with that. Jiara has no chemistry in season 3, it feels like a bad fan fiction to me.
Some people say Kiara and John B was never a thing, but s1 Kiara definitely gave off the vibe she liked John B as more than friends, definitely. Even the way she was so against John B bringing Sarah into the group was written in a way that gave that impression all the time.
Season 3 is an absolute nightmare. Not only because of Jiara, but the ridiculous plots they decided to explore. Season 1 was good because yeah, they were teenagers trying to bite off way more than they could chew, so everything they did had consequences. It didn't feel so unrealistic as it does now. John B and JJ got arrested. Pope had to decide between college or helping his friends multiple times, and in the end not everything was okay because of that. I actually loved how the show kept telling them nope, you're just kids, you're not going to outsmart the police or a filthy rich grown man.
Sorry, this ended up way too long, lol. But thank you so much for this Sandra, I honestly need to get this off my chest 🫠 love u.
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cognacdelights · 2 years
bestie as a fellow hater i hate to say it but that ship is popular af:( i just checked the comment section on insta and youtube for the trailer and everyone is so happy about them😭 like i’m sorry but i don’t see any chemistry at all, also i really really wanted lesbian kie
maybe i just follow the right people bc i see a lot of people who are no longer interested in the show bc of it lol
i mean i’m just embarrassed for the pate’s tbh line imagine being bullied by children into ruining your show
i mean kiara is lesbian coded but i would have settled for a kiara that knew how to have friends tbh
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ao3feed-zentan · 2 years
Why can't I talk to bakery boy?
Why can't I talk to bakery boy?
by Bahata
Just an FYI they speak Japanese, but I will write in English.
Tanjiro is the eldest in the interracial Kamado family, most of his siblings are pure Japanese, but from his mother's side, he is Korean. He lived in Northern Korea for 7 years, only until Kie finally escaped and ran to her baby father. Ever since then, all the trauma from abuse and gunshots in North Korea. Tanjiro never wanted to leave his parents side, and since they both knew Korean, they didn't bother teaching him Japanese. He finally gets the courage to go to the school his younger sister Nezuko goes to and try to make friends.
This story though, is in Zenitsu's Point of View.
Words: 948, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime), 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Kamado Tanjirou, Kamado Nezuko, Tsuyuri Kanao, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Kamado Kie, Kamado Tanjurou, Kamado Takeo, Kamado Shigeru, Kamado Hanako, Kamado Rokuta, Kamado Family (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Kamado Siblings (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Kaigaku (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Relationships: Agatsuma Zenitsu/Kamado Tanjirou, Agatsuma Zenitsu & Kamado Tanjirou, Kamado Nezuko & Tsuyuri Kanao, Agatsuma Zenitsu & Kamado Nezuko & Kamado Tanjirou, Kamado Nezuko & Kamado Tanjirou, Agatsuma Zenitsu/Kamado Nezuko, Agatsuma Zenitsu & Kamado Nezuko
Additional Tags: Kamado Tanjirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Bottom Kamado Tanjirou, Everyone Loves Kamado Tanjirou, Good Friend Kamado Tanjirou, Agatsuma Zenitsu-centric, Good Friend Agatsuma Zenitsu, Agatsuma Zenitsu is a Mess, Bisexual Disaster Agatsuma Zenitsu, Oblivious Agatsuma Zenitsu, Human Kamado Nezuko, Protective Kamado Nezuko, Kamado Nezuko is a Good Sibling, Mentioned Tsuyuri Kanao, Minor Kamado Nezuko/Tsuyuri Kanao, Gay, Gay Sex, Everyone Is Gay, Gay Panic, Gay Male Character, Gay Character, Lesbian Character, Childhood Trauma, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Muteness, Korean Characters, Japanese Character(s), High School, Alternate Universe - Normal High School, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Bakery, Kamado Tanjurou Lives, Kamado Hanako Lives, Kamado Rokuta Lives
From https://ift.tt/DHB8Cd2 https://archiveofourown.org/works/45810085
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jeyramarie · 3 years
Okay it's like 1AM and I have a math and history exam tomorrow in the same day but whatever, can I ask for a kiara carrera x reader (female if possible) where reader is lesbian (and likes kiara) but is scared to come out cuz her family are this perfect family they are rich and and well known and readers parents are known to be perfect and so everyone expects reader to be smart top of the class talented and over all just perfect and they especially expect reader to be straight so she goes and dates JJ so people won't think less of her and kiara who has been crushing over reader for years now is really unhappy about it and she's all jealous and at first reader thinks it's cuz kiara likes JJ but later on kiara starts saying things to reader like "I bet we'd look good together don'tyou think so y/n?" And reader is all frustrated and blushy and she starts getting more touchy with reader and doing cute shit like comparing hand sizes just to piss JJ off and hoping reader might start liking her back (which reader already does) and well this ask has been long so that's pretty much it, could they like end up together too idk how I have no ideas, also can reader be like this outgoing soft bubbly girl that's always there for everyone cuz like my shyness could never bring me to even be outgoing or be there for people so here is where I escape that, also can reader be girly, that's all damn this is one long ask but um make sure you eat well and drink water, don't forget the water it's important and take care of yourself you're important too and I hope you have a wonderful morning/evening or night wherever you have. Ba byeee <3
don’t think i forgot you😭 i left it for last because i wanted to get every detail right, or try to. i hope you like it 🥲❤️ take care, babes😌
You’re a kook but just like Kiara, you hung out with pogues and felt like one too. Your parents were betty uptight and demanding. They wanted to be the family everyone would want. So, they asked for perfection. They demanded perfect grades, good etiquette, perfect talent, everything.
But you weren’t at all perfect. You’d been keeping a secret for some time and you never knew how you were going to say it, or even say it at all. You were gay, lesbian to be exact. How will you break to your parents that their “perfect daughter” was far from that?
All that brought you to date JJ, fake date him. He knew the whole truth and was all in when you presented your plan. The only thing was that not even the pogues knew you were gay or that you really liked Kiara.
You were all hanging out at the Chateau and you were sitting next to JJ as he explained something about C.H.U.D. to Pope. Kie walked in and immediately frowned after seeing you next to the blonde. No one knew it but she was crazy over you as well.
“Kie, you okay?” You asked feeling concerned as you watched her throw her bag on the dining table.
“Yeah.” She answers dryly and sat across from you. 
“Okay, JJ, that makes no sense.” Pope stood up, walking towards the small cooler to grab another beer. 
“What makes no sense?” You chuckled, pulling your feet up on the chair. 
“Some C.H.U.D stuff babe. He’s completely hating on it. You know what, Pope? You just don’t have good taste.” JJ said, playing with her vape pen. 
“What do you mean I don’t have good taste?” 
“You don’t like C.H.U.D, man and it’s awesome. Right, babe?” The blonde said, tapping your thigh which caused you to nod and smile. 
From the corner of your eye, you saw Kie look down at her hands with a frown. And it took everything in you to not go up to her and kiss her. You stood up and walked over to the cooler, grabbing two beers. One for you and one for Kie. You sat down next to her, sipping from your beer as you stared at the boys. Her eyes burnt into you as she looked at you up and down. 
“I bet we’d look good together don’t you think so, Y/n?” Kie throwed her arm over your shoulder causing you to look at her and back at JJ. She wanted to make him jealous and make you all nervous. And she succeeded. 
“Um.. I-I think so.” You stuttered, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“I’m gonna go inside.” JJ muttered.
“Wait, J-”
“Nah, forget it.” He said disappearing into the Chateau. 
That was one of the many times that Kie’s actions pissed JJ off. “Pissed him off”. He was only pretending of course which made it fun whenever you went to “see what was wrong” when in reality you guys laughed and planned your next move. 
A few days after, they were all hanging out at the marsh on the HMS. You were suntanning with Sarah and Kie on the boat as the boys swam around. The current topic was jewelry. There was a fancy kook party coming up and Sarah had invited all of you which led you to scrap for pretty pieces of jewelry. 
“I mean, you can wear my rings.” Kie suggested. 
“Nah, I don’t think so. Your hands are bigger than mine.” You groaned, sitting up to sip some water but instead your hand was pulled to your side as Kie placed both hands together. Her skin was soft against yours and the touch made your heart skip a beat. 
“Oh, it’s true. Your hands are so tiny.” Kiara chuckled, rubbing her thumb over your hand. At that moment, JJ was on the boat, water dripping from his hair as he cleared his throat causing you to yank your hand away from the pogue. 
“You know this is getting annoying, why don’t you tell her already?” JJ said abruptly causing your eyes to open wide in shock. 
“Tell me what?” Kie chuckled looking at you and back at the blonde. 
“Shut up, J.” You muttered with gritted teeth. 
“Just fucking tell her, Y/n.” The blonde said once again getting everyone’s attention. 
“Tell me what?!” 
“That Y/n likes you.” 
Silence filled the boat as everyone stared at you but your eyes were kept on the ground while tears ran down your cheeks. You wanted the marsh to just open and swallow you at that point. 
“Y/n?” Kie whispered causing you to look up at her. 
“Um... maybe we should leave you girls alone..” Sarah whispered and stood up, pulling JJ off the boat to go swim with the boys. 
“What JJ said, is that... was he telling the truth?” The pogue asked and you sniffled. You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and nodded  before wiping tears away. 
“I’m sorry, I- I didn’t want you to find out this way.” You whispered and continued to cry, pulling your knees closer to your chest. 
A soft hand touched your knee, causing you look up to see Kiara. Her hand drifted to you jaw, softly grazing her fingers over your skin. And before you could speak, her soft lips were pressed against yours in a sweet kiss. Butterflies erupted in your stomach as your hand flew to cup her cheek, pulling her closer to you. The pogues hollered in joy as you separated from the kiss with bashful smiles. 
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tbmaybank · 3 years
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Warnings: none really. Drinking I guess, LGBTQ reader, coming out to friends.
Summary: reader is JJs little sister, and he discovered her one secret from him.
A/N: this is just a short little thing that popped in my head last night.
Requests Are Open!
Being the little sister of JJ Maybank had its ups and downs. He was by far the best big brother anyone could ask for. He was protective of you, he was always able to make you feel better if you were crying either by making you laugh or giving you little pep talks. Growing up without a mom, and having the dad you guy did, he was pretty much your parent. He’s the one who made sure you were ready for school every day, the one who made sure you ate every night (even if he didn’t), and the one who accepted and loved you no matter what.
The downside is he could be a little too protective at times. Once you got into high school it got worse. He would threaten any guy that looked at you. “I’m not gonna let one of these assholes make you a teen mom.” He would say when you called him out on it.
“J, I can promise you that’s not gonna happen.” You would tell him. Truth be told, you weren’t interested in the guys. You had figured it out in middle school when all your girl friends were crushing on the boys in class, and you found yourself looking at girls instead. You didn’t tell anyone back then, still trying to understand it for yourself, so you just faked crushes on boys like your friends. Being 16 now, you knew for sure though, you were a lesbian. And you weren’t ashamed about that, you just hadn’t gotten around to telling anyone yet. You didn’t have anyone you were specifically interested in, just a few hook ups here and there, so what was the point of an awkward conversation.
You did feel bad for not telling JJ yet, maybe it would save him some stress from fighting every guy that looked at you. You knew you should tell him soon. But right now, you decided to just enjoy the last few days of summer. The annual bonfire was tonight, and this was the first time JJ didn’t fight you on going.
You piled into the van with the Pogues to head to the boneyard.
“You can’t get drunk, and don’t even think about going back with some dude.” JJ lectures you as John B starts driving.
“Let her live a little, JJ.” Kie says, rolling her eyes.
“J, I keep telling you that you don’t have to worry about that.”
“Well I’m going to worry.” He says, clearly not understanding why he doesn’t need too.
“Let’s just enjoy the night.” John B says as he parks the van, and everyone climbs out and heads to the beach.
Later that night, the party is in full swing. The Pogues were all pretty drunk, everyone broken off in conversations with other people when JJ suddenly realized he didn’t see you. He stumbles over to Kie.
“Where’s y/n? I don’t see her at all.”
“She went that way.” She says, smirking, pointing to the wooded area. You didn’t know this, but she had seen you sneak off with a cute blonde girl, confirming a suspicion she had about you. “But I would just let her be, J.”
“Why? Is she okay?” He sounds worried, scared something happened, instantly guilty that he didn’t stop whatever it was from happening.
“I’m guessing she’s more than okay right now.” She laughs.
JJ instantly gets mad, thinking you must have snuck off with a guy. He starts charging towards the area Kie pointed out. When he gets to the edge of the trees, he can see you, leaning against a tree, with your lips attached to the blonde girl.
“Y/n?” He says, making you pull from the girl, wide eyed. You and your brother just stare at each other for a minute. The girl, who’s name you can’t remember, feels the tension and walks away.
“I-I didn’t know,” JJ starts, “I didn’t know you were into..” he trails off.
“Blondes?” You say, trying to break the tension.
He starts laughing, hard. “Yeah, blondes.” He says through the laughter. “Come here.” He says and pulls you into a hug. “Why didn’t you tell me? You know I love you no matter what, right?”
“I know, I love you too. I don’t know why I didn’t tell you. It just felt like an awkward conversation to start.”
You guys start heading back to the party, his arm around your shoulder. “Don’t hide things from me, you can tell me literally anything. Plus, you could have saved a lot of fights from happening if you told me this before”
“Well, to be fair I did tell you many times that you didn’t have to worry about guys.”
“Okay, fair.”
You guys make it back to the group, John B asking if JJ had to fight off any guys, causing your brother to give you a look.
“No he didn’t. There’s something I should probably tell you guys, though.” John B and Pope look nervous, while Kie is just smirking while drinking out her cup, knowing exactly what you’re about to say. “So it turns out I’m actually not into guys. Like.. I like girls.” You look down as you say this, getting really nervous. Even though you know they won’t care, and it won’t change anything, you can’t help the fear of not being accepted.
Immediately you feel yourself being pulled into a hug by all of them though, and you can’t help the tears from falling. With JJ, it’s easy to hide the emotions with humor, it’s what you two have always done. But with everyone else, it came flooding out.
“We all love you, y/n. Thank you for telling us.” Kie says as everyone pulls away and you wipe your tears away, smiling.
You felt a new sort of freedom, the people you loved most knew about you now, and they loved and accepted you completely. In a sense, it felt like your life was just beginning, and you couldn’t be happier.
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fan-girling-101 · 4 years
Something New
Request by Anonymous: Kiara smut where they get caught by JJ and he's like "No no no don't stop bc of me" and then he joins 🥺👉👈
Kiara X Reader X JJ Maybank
Summary: Resquest^
Warnings: Smut, swearing, unprotected sex
Word count: 1358
Keep in mind this is my first smut ever and it’s not edited.
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Me and Kiara have been together for about two months. It’s been the best two months of my whole entire life. I knew from a young age I was lesbian and the second I met the turtle saving girl I just sorta fell. When she told me she was bi she didn’t tell me how she realized. A few months after that she came to my house pushing me against a wall kissing me. The pogues knew I was lesbian I never told them they just saw me kissing a girl at a kegger, they were fine with it not really caring so now JJ comes to me with all his girl advise. We never told the pogues Kie being scared too, I’m fine with it the secret part actually being fun.
So here we were watching Lady and the Tramp for the fifth time this week. It was the best disney movie. I sit next to Kie on her bed cuddled into her arms, her hand playing with my hair as I quoted the movie while sitting there. Her hand moves down pulling my thigh so I was straddling her.
“I’m not having sex with you while watching Disney.” Her hand reaches for the remote closing my TV smirking up at me. I shake my head at her as she flips me on my back, her now on top. Her lips attach to the spot where my neck meets my shoulder, sucking a dark mark that will be there tomorrow. “Kie.”
She giggles getting off her top before throwing mine off. I move up so I’m sitting with her on top of me, with my back against my headboard. “Where are you parents?” She asks between kisses over my body.
“Uhh. Canada visiting family.” I say, all the pogues always joke about me being Canadian, I mean I got free health care but whatever, and the president here sucks. “Good.” She mumbles against my skin.
Her arms reach around my back to unclasp my bra letting it fall from my shoulders. She just sits there staring at me with a huge smile on her face telling me multiple times I’m gorgeous. It makes me blush seeing how much she loves me. Her hand goes to my boobs playing with them before her lips close over my nipple. A moan leaves my lips, my back arching making her pull back as she explodes into a fit of giggles. 
“I love how good I make you feel Angel.” “Yea well I love how good you make me feel, McDreamy.” I giggle as her lips go over the same nipple making the giggles turn into moans. Her hand starts playing with my other nipple rolling it between her fingers before switching her lips to the other.
My hands go to her hair gripping the roots. She lets my boob go reaching her hand down to pull my sweatpants down with my light blue panties which were always her favorite. She then pulls her short-or well my shorts down leaving her in a pink pantie set. I try to unclasp her bra before my hands are pinned down.
“I don’t think so Y/N.” I whine as she gets off the bed going to find something. When she comes back she has one of my black belts in her hand. She sits back on my lap tying my hands to the head board. “But Kie.” I whine trying to free my wrist. “Sh sh sh. I never said you could talk.” I absolutely loved when Kie dominated me just the thought could get me wet.
She takes off both her bra and panties sitting completely naked on me. Without warning she plunges a finger in my pussy. I moan as she presses her lips to mine going at an agonizing slow pace. Her lips over mine muffled the sound of the moans coming from me as she added another finger.
Third POV
JJ walked into the Y/L/N’s residence completely oblivious to what was happening up stairs. He walks up the stairs going to Y/N’s room. “Y/N how do you know if-” The words in his throat died as he saw what was happening on the girl's bed. The two girls stopped what they were doing staring at the Maybank boy who was now leaning against the wall looking at the two with a signature JJ smirk on his face.
"No no no don't stop because of me" He said looking at the two. Two of Kie’s fingers still deeply in Y/N’s pussy.
“If you’re going to stay you can at least join.” Y/N said shocking Kie and JJ. Of coure though JJ wasn’t going to say no throwing his hat and shirt off. Kie didn’t mind either, she was down but she was shocked Y/N wanted to. Y/N was full on lesbian never once had having sex with a guy come across her mind she loved pussy and that was it.
Once JJ was completely naked he joined the two on the bed, Y/N’s hands now free. No one knew what to do so Y/N took it upon herself and started stroking JJ’s dick. Kie got the idea and started kitten licking the head. The two girls gave JJ an amazing double blow job, Kie coaching Y/N through it. Without any warning JJ pined Kie to the bed slowly entering her. Off to the side Y/N watched her girlfriend be fucked by her best friend. It turned her on so much so she started rubbing her clit listening to the moans coming from Kie and the low grunts coming from JJ. 
Soon Kie felt the coil in her stomach snap as she cumed all over JJ’s cock. He pulled out of her panting trying to catch his breath before glancing at Y/N as she laid down beside Kie ready to be fucked for the first time but a real cock. Y/N was never nervious when it came to sex but right know she was. She was a girl always down to try new things without hesitation but right now she was. He moved over to the light/dark haired girl rubbing the tip of his cock over her slit making her quitly moan.
“Just a tip JJ she likes it rough.” Kie says running her hands through her girlfriend's hair. “Oh I can do rough.” He says slamming his cock into her, her moans echo through her house as she gets dicked down for the first time. JJ places his hand around her throat squeezing lightly making her moan even more. 
Kie could just sit back and watch as Y/N did so she straddles her face. Y/N’s hands move to the girl's thighs as she rides her face. The moans coming from the girl beneath her vibrates through her making the pleaser much better. Pretty soon all three were cumming, JJ’s seed shooting far into Y/N’s body. After they all ride out there orgasams Kie gets off Y/N and JJ pulls out of her both flopping down on both sides of her on her cum stained sheets.
“I can’t believe you just came in my girlfriend.” Kie was the first to speak, turning to face the panting blonde/brunette/ginger watching as the cum leaked from her small pussy.
“Tell me about it.” He nods. “I mean you made her cum and I didn’t, that’s a little unfair.” The girl between the two just laughed, sitting up to see for herself all the cum coming out of her. 
“I wouldn’t mind doing that again.” Y/N sighs starting to play with JJ’s seed. “Oh JJ what was it you needed.” She turns to the blond. Kie leans over whispering in Y/N’s ear how she was going to make her cum with just her fingers, shoving three fingers in her as JJ tried to remember.
“Oh how do you know if a girl just wants sex or a relationship?” The two girls shake their heads, not surprised that JJ wanted to ask that.
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sortagaysortahigh · 4 years
Control | Kiara Carrera
Welpt, here’s some kie smut/fluff based on this req! All i gotta say is I’m sorry for criticizing southern Christians (lmfao half of my family).
Warnings: unsupportive family, SMUT, drug use (mary-jane), oral (f giving/f receiving), dominant reader, fingering, slight dirty talk, squirting, praise kink, idk a couple other kinks i think, cussing, spelling and grammar errors, and some corny gay shit bc yk i love dat shit
Word Count: 3.6k
Fem!Reader x Kiara Carrera
The room was a mess, pillows were thrown on the floor, there was a pile of clothes stacking up from the both of you trying on different eighties inspired outfits, the remnants of a-horribly built-fort, a cloud of smoke in the air, and in the middle of it all was you and your best friend. Kiara Carrera. 
The two of you have been friends since the fourth grade, you two went through everything together, first fights, first periods, first kisses, except yours was a little different than hers. You’d told your mom the day it happened, you were so excited to have finally kissed your crush, you made the move and it worked for you. 
You were thirteen at the time. You ran through the front door of your house, looking around for your mother, finding her in the kitchen. The smile that spread across your face surprised her, you were overly excited about it and you knew you could tell her anything and you wanted to share the moment with her.
“Mom! Guess what! I took your advice” she smiled at you, drying off a pot she’d finished washing and raised a brow “that's great honey, the boy advice?” she sounded hopeful but your smile slightly dropped when she said the word ‘boy’. 
“Uh yeah! So I made the move! And I kissed her!” you bit your lip still smiling and stared at her. When she dropped the towel in her hands onto the counter your smile dropped, you furrowed your brows and started picking at your nails. She sighed, hands leaning on the counter and she looked at you-she looked disappointed-and it hurt.
“Honey, I think it’s best you not tell me anything else about the people you choose to involve yourself with. It goes against God. I can’t love you if you’re like that. So don’t tell me anything else” She held eye contact with you the entire time, her tone was flat and dismissive. Your lower lip trembled and the tears kept flowing down your face. 
You immediately ran upstairs and called Kie, telling her what your mother had said, telling her how much it hurt, how she said she wouldn’t love you if you were out and open. Your mother had always been a more conservative woman, being raised in the south she was very hell-bent on God’s will and the hypocrisy that most southern Christians held.
But you didn’t care, you were proud of who you were. So the two of you have always had a rocky relationship, but you had one of the best support systems: Kiara Carrera and The Pogues. People that accepted and loved you for being yourself. 
The two of you were somewhat high-not high enough to make any rash decisions-but high enough to feel relaxed and mellowed out. You looked up at the ceiling of your room and burst into a fit of giggles, she grabbed your arm and you looked at her, still laughing.
“Yessum?” “what’s funny” “Remember that time JJ tried to mack on that really hot redhead touron? But she was a total lesbian? And I definitely took her home with me?” the two of you burst out into laughter, remembering the look on JJ’s face when you grabbed the girls hand and she gladly followed you. You noticed Kie staring at you but you just smiled at her then looked back up at the ceiling. 
She thought you were the prettiest person on the planet-hell the Gods probably crafted you themselves. She would always stare at you, but she knew you brushed it off, she had tried her entire life to push the fact that she was ‘strictly dickly’-going as far as to say that on more than one occasion when people would ask if she was your girlfriend, or your date to an event. Having no idea how her parents would take the idea, but she knew for a fact that she had a thing for you.
She remembered all of the times you called her crying because of what your parents said to you. She remembered holding you and telling you it was going to be okay and that she’d always be there for you. Kissing the top of your head and letting you sob in her arms. Hell she remembered all of the times she was jealous of your hookups or your exes, hearing you talk about all of the dates you’d taken them on, and how you were planning on making things official-usually you never did though.
She’d been in love with you since the two of you were in the sixth grade, when she asked her mom what it felt like to love someone, after that she realized she was in love with you and over the years her feelings never changed, she just chose to ignore them. Sure she’d been with guys-hell she liked guys, but she knew she liked girls too-she was just afraid to talk about it. 
But then there was you, the one that was open and honest about liking girls, the one that embraced everything about herself and she loved it about you. You were hot headed sometimes, then you were caring and compassionate, you were emotional and wore your heart on your sleeve but you weren't afraid of a fight-physically or verbally. There was so much about you that she loved. 
“Okay babydoll why are you staring and zoning out again? What's wrong” you rolled over, laying on your side, and looked at her. You had to admit you had a thing for your best friend, but with her awkward strictly dickly comments over the years you knew she wasn’t one to dip her toe into the pond. She was beautiful, and she had a killer personality, anyone would be lucky to end up with Kie. Sometimes you’d wished you were that person, but you were realistic, and you needed her as a friend-you’d been through everything together.
“It’s nothing y/n” you furrowed your brows and scoffed at her “Stop lying to me, obviously something is on your mind” she sighed, and looked at you. You swore for a second she was looking at your lips, but you weren’t entirely positive. So you waited.
“When you came out, were you scared?” you nodded your head at her “I was scared, but I knew I had people who were gonna care about me anyways, and honestly I’m still not one hundred percent out, can’t really handle the whole family rejection thing, why?” she bit her bottom lip, she looked confused, you tried holding eye contact with her, but this time, she held her gaze on your lips.
Usually that was your signal, to make the move, but you were hesitating, what if it’s not what she wanted? What if she’s not into you like you’re into her. The what ifs always clouded your head when you had genuine feelings for someone, but in this moment, you knew it was now or never. 
So you felt yourself leaning closer to her-then above her-and closed the gap, connecting your lips. At first she didn’t kiss you back, then it felt like she melted into it. The kiss was anything but short and sweet, it was full of frustration and passion, her hand found the side of your face, and you placed one of yours on her waist, deepening the kiss. You asked for entrance and she granted it, you fought for dominance in the kiss and eventually won, your teeth clashing a few times, and light moans leaving both of your mouths. 
When you pulled away you made sure to bite her lower lip, raising a brow. “Testing the waters huh Carrera?” she bit her lip, slightly out of breath, her eyes were tracing your face and she was a little red. “Yea, something like that”
When you sat up slightly she was caught off guard, watching you put your hair in a bun, you smirked at her then leaned back down, kissing down her neck this time. Taking your time, licking her skin and nipping at it. You made sure to leave marks and put more effort into the spots that brought moans out of her.
This was something you were kind of used to, the straight girls wanting to dip their toes in the water, figuring out what they liked and didn’t like. Except something about the way that she gripped your shoulder and the back of your neck felt different, she sounded needy but she felt different. Maybe it’s because of the emotions attached to this for you-but something about them-felt reciprocated. You brushed off the thoughts and continued leaving marks on her skin.
You unbuttoned her shirt, reaching around to unclasp the straps to the grey bra she wore. She sat up slightly taking everything off, then tugged on your shirt, so you quickly discarded it, throwing it across the room somewhere. Going back to kissing her skin, one hand on her left breast, lightly massaging it, bringing out another moan from her. Your mouth working it’s way to her other breast, leaving marks on it, then focusing on her nipple, lightly licking it and bringing it into your mouth. You felt her back arch and listened to the light moans leaving her mouth making you smirk. 
Her hands were pushing you down so you looked up at her. “Baby tell me what you want” your hands were already unbuttoning her shorts, and one of them traced small patterns at the waistband of her panties.
She was frustrated, and she wanted-no-need you. “Anything please y/n” you gave her a slight laugh, leaning above her again, one of your hands held your weight, while the other was slowly slipping into her panties. “I need specifics sweetheart” 
“I need you to touch me, your fingers, your mouth-anything, and shit I need to touch you” you raised your brows at the last part, it caught her off guard-most of the straight girls you’d been with didn’t want to reciprocate-that’s when you realized, she wasn’t straight, but she was scared of admitting it. 
“I’ll take my time with you, and I’ll show you the ropes” with that your hand was in her panties, your middle finger immediately found her bundle of nerves, making her moan, her back arching off the floor, her eyes slowly closing while you rubbed circles into her clit. “You’re soaked baby” you leaned down, kissing her neck again, moving your finger to tease her entrance.
“Please” with that you slipped two fingers into her, slightly catching her off guard, making her moan your name. Then you placed your thumb on her clit, rubbing slight circles while you angled your fingers upward, making sure to hit that one specific spot every time. You could feel her clenching around you, and you kissed her-she was hardly kissing you back-you were swallowing her moans, working her through her release. 
When you took your fingers out of her shorts she looked at you, watching you put them in your mouth, sucking off her juices and moaning. “You taste amazing” with that you pulled her shorts and panties off, positioning yourself between her legs, wrapping an arm around her thigh and licked a line up her cunt. “Don’t tease me please, fuck please don’t, y/n” you laughed at her begging you, you had to admit it turned you on, and it was probably on your-long-list of kinks.
You found yourself sucking on her clit, then flicking it up and down with your tongue, watching her squirm. You lightly ground your teeth around it, which got one of the most explicit moans you’ve ever heard out of her. You dropped her leg and grabbed her neck with your hand, giving it a firm grasp, then slipped two fingers into her again. “You’re so wet, come on baby, you wanna cum huh?” 
One of her hands gripped your forearm, the other found its way to your hair, pushing your bun back and grasping your hair at the roots, making you moan into her. “Please y/n-shit-oh fuck-yes-yes I wanna cum-yes” her grip got tighter and you felt the familiar clench around your fingers, so you went back to focusing on her clit, pushing her to her orgasm, and pushing her after, lapping everything up, pushing her into another orgasm, then trying to do it over and over again until she pushed you back.
“You need a break?” she laughed at the concern in your voice “nah I wanna be in charge” with that she sat up and pushed you back, making the both of you giggle while she worked at your shorts, not wasting a second to get them off. 
“Here’s a tip baby, start slow, then pick up the pace, it’s different than being with a guy, guys are easy-and here, you’ll need this” you handed her a hair tie and watched her tie her hair up, straddling you making the both of you laugh. “Is this really necessary” “Hate to break it to you baby, but this isn’t like the pornos you’ve watched and hair as long as yours gets in the way when you’re the top” She blushed and furrowed her brows looking at you.
“On top?” you laughed “no, the top. I don’t know if the straights refer to is as that, but you’re the top when you’re kinda like the dominant one-giving instead of receiving, personally I’m a switch, so I bottom sometimes-only on special occasions-I can give you the whole gay dictionary on a different day, right now we have other things to focus on” she smiled at you, biting her lip and rolling her eyes. 
“So is this a special occasion then?” you shrugged and winked “I dunno is it” with that she leaned down, kissing you, this time the kiss was slower and softer, she was gentle and she wasn’t rushing things. She tasted like mint and it made you smile into the kiss. Then you felt her hands wandering, going towards your breasts but hesitating, so you grabbed her hand and guided them. 
When she started kissing your neck and leaving marks you moaned “Kie, I like teeth” she smirked and you felt her start to nibble at her neck, then she bit into your shoulder and it brought a louder moan out of you-you were thankful your parents were gone for the week. 
She ended up at your breasts, paying extra attention to your nipples, making you grip her shoulders. “Yeah baby, just like that, fuck you’re so good at that” you knew she’d leave marks, usually you wouldn’t let the girls you slept with leave marks on your body-they symbolized that you were someone’s-and as hypocritical as it was to leave marks on other girls and not want them on yourself-it’s how you were. You’d always been guarded, sex was just sex, nothing more. But with Kie, your walls were falling down.
She went lower and lower, leaving kisses down your abdomen, listening to your heavy breathing, then you felt a finger on your clit, making you moan. “A little more pressure-fuck-just like that baby, fuck Kiara” she smirked looking up at you, hearing you moan her name gave her butterflies, watching your back arch, hearing your moans, watching your head roll back-all because of her. 
When you felt her fingers shift and her insert a finger into you-then another, you shifted your hips “fuck-curl your fingers up a little more-shit-yea right there-oh god” she was concentrated, biting her lip, she was determined to make you cum. Your breath picked up and you looked up at her with hooded eyes, biting your lip. You were so close, and she was starting to figure it out when she felt you clench around her. 
“Please-don’t stop baby-fuck it feels so good, shit I need more” she blushed, biting her lip and inserting a third finger, keeping the pace up and pushing you over the edge. You gripped her forearm and the rug under you “Kiara-baby oh god” she made you squirt and was a blushing mess.
When you felt her fingers move you sat up, leaning on your elbows, and looked at her, she looked nervous about going down on you, so you laughed at her. “What?” you smiled “I can tell you’re nervous about eating my pussy-” “that’s so vulgar!” “-and you making me squirt wasn’t vulgar?” 
The two of you started laughing at each other, then you shoved her back a little bit. “Don’t worry champ, you don’t need to do that today, and dont blush” she scoffed “you just don’t want me to be in charge” you scoffed at her bold statement “y’know for your first time with a girl you sure are talking a lot of shit, I don’t have an issue with power here baby, you know why?” you were smirking at her now, moving so you were sitting up, leaning closer to her. “Why?”
You grabbed her neck and brought her closer to you, choking her again, hearing the moan leave her mouth. You whispered into her ear “because I know how to take control” you bit the bottom of her earlobe slightly then moved back, moving your arm, standing up and pulling her with you. You pulled her into your bed and turned to look at her.
“So what was all of that about? You into girls now?” she blushed looking at you, then looking up at the ceiling. You weren’t into pillow talk-but she was your best friend and you knew something was wrong. Plus you had feelings for her, but you promised yourself to repress them a long time ago. 
“I’ve been into girls-well a specific girl for a while-” you nodded and cut her off, part of you was jealous of whoever this girl was, but you knew you’d rather have her as your best friend-and a friend with benefits-instead of spilling your heart out to her “-so you wanted some practice beforehand? I can show you a lot more” your hand started wandering back between her legs, your fingers found her clit and you started rubbing circles into it. 
“Fuck-no-that’s not what I wanted-shit” she was moaning and you smirked “oh then what was it that you wanted? To see if everything they say about me is true?” you started to speed your fingers up, knowing she was already sensitive, but you liked watching her squirm and moan, her legs starting to shake. You had a bit of a reputation amongst the girls in the obx, you’d been with kooks and pogues, you liked having sex, and lucky for you-a lot of girls liked to test the waters, you’d turned a few out-but it wasn’t something you were proud of. You didn’t like to go after straight girls, it kind of just happened that way sometimes.
“No-shit that’s not it either-oh my god” she bit her lip, and you brought your mouth to her nipple, licking it and grazing your teeth against it again, your fingers felt her wetness and you smirked. The room was full of her breathy moans and the sound of her wetness against your fingers. “C’mon baby, I want you to cum, can you do that for me?” her back arched off of your bed 
You stopped licking her nipple to move your head towards her ear, biting the lobe again and whispering “You like it when I play with your pussy hmm?” the moan she let out made you blush slightly “answer me baby” she nodded her head so your fingers moved even faster, applying more pressure to her overstimulated clit. “Yes-fuck yes-oh my god I’m gonna-fuck” you were bringing her to the edge, feeling her go past it. 
“Fuck-I love you” her words caught you of guard, your motions slowed down and you stopped, sitting up to look at her with wide eyes. Your immediate thoughts were that this was a joke, maybe it was the pleasure, or the weed-no it couldn't have been the weed-the two of you weren't that high. Your heart was racing and you were just staring at her, biting your lip.
“I guess the cats out of the bag, huh” your eyes widened and you were speechless, waiting for her to keep talking. “I’ve uhm-I’ve had a thing for you for a long time-but I just-I guess I was scared? I didn’t know what people would think, and I dunno, I’ve always kind of cared about what some people think.” you sighed and nodded your head “And then after hearing about what happened with your mom-and even now-it scares me because I wanna be who I wanna be, but I don’t want them to look at me like I’m different” you laid beside her, pulling her into your chest. 
“It’s okay to be scared-and for the record, your feelings are reciprocated-i love you too, I’ve loved you for a long time Kie, but I know what you mean, and if you don’t wanna come out, i’m not mad at you baby. It’s hard, and it takes a lot of guts.” she sighed, tracing shapes into your arm. The two of you laid in a comfortable silence, you kissed her neck lightly-lovingly. 
“And for the record, the way that girls describe you? Yeah you go above and beyond” you laughed at her and rolled your eyes “well if you want, we could be-y’know-exclusive” 
“Like a couple-but I don’t want you to be with me if people don’t know about me” she rolled over looking at you, and you placed a hand on the side of her face. “Like i said, I’m not mad that you aren’t out, and i don’t give a shit about people knowing or not, If i say i'm off the market, I’m off the market. They don’t need to know who.” she smiled at you, and you gave her a soft kiss.
“So are you like-my girlfriend?”
“Baby I’m your wife”
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Wingman - Kiara Carrera
Request: 32 & 40 for Kie x f!reader please. I love your writing, you’re so talented!!!
A/N: This is kinda short but I just wanted to kind of get into writing Kiara.
Outer Banks Masterlist
“Bourgeoise Pig” aside, Kiara looked beautiful in her dress for Midsummers. You thought so the minute you saw her across the lawn, standing by Heyward’s Oyster grill. You knew Kiara from school, she’d been new at the kook academy last year and, while you had never actually spoken to her, you had definitely liked her. She was beautiful and funny and a bit of an outsider like you were.  
Not that it was unheard of in the Outer Banks but the kook academy was nothing if not archaic and being “the only lesbian” in school was an immediate red letter on your life. When Kiara had first started at school, you’d had an instant crush but had stayed away. Sarah Cameron had made friends with her immediately and you didn’t want anything to ruin her chances of being accepted by the kook princess, especially being friends with you.  
Still, you couldn’t resist the urge to walk over to Heyward’s, if only to get closer to Kiara. She was laughing with a friend when you walked up to the grill and you chanced a look in her direction, immediately feeling heat rise to your cheeks when she looked over and smiled.  
“Oh my god, damn, you clean up good.” Kiara joked, moving around her friend to see you. “I almost didn’t recognize you!”
“You too, you look beautiful.” You replied, “or I mean-”
“Thank you-”
“Kie was just saying how much she hates midsummers, what about you?” Her friend asked.  
“I didn’t say I hated it.”  
“No it’s pretty awful...” you smiled, pressing your hands against the skirt of your dress. “I would much rather wear pants myself but it’s the only time of the year my mom gets to see me in a dress.”
Kiara smiled, eyes scanning your figure. “Well you look incredible.” She replied, trying to imagine you in trousers and a blazer. She remembered seeing a picture of you from the school dance the year before in a floral power suit. Kiara imagined it would be something like that, “I’m sure you would’ve looked good in pants though too.”  
“I like your,” You gestured to your head, eyes on her floral crown.
“Ya know,” Pope announced, swinging an arm over Kiara’s shoulder. “Kie is an exceptionally good dancer. I was gonna dance with her but I’ve got to work so...”
Kiara’s eyes widened as she looked at Pope and then back at you, “uh, could you excuse us for a second?” She asked, grabbing Pope’s arm and dragging him a few feet away. When she was far enough away from you she rounded on her best friend, “What are you doing? Are you hitting on her for me?”
“You’re just standing there like, ‘oh uh, nice outfit’...you’re worse than me!” Pope exclaimed.
“I don’t need you to flirt for me, I’m perfectly capable of flirting with someone.” Kiara replied, glaring at him. She looked over at you, still standing by the grill, looking over at the party. She couldn’t be completely mad at Pope, she really did want to dance with you.  
“Well don’t stand here talking to me, go tell her.” Pope said, nudging Kiara in your direction.  
“I’m going!” She hissed, waving him away as she walked over to you.  
Life at the kook academy was hard and even though Kiara had never actually spoken to you during the school year she had definitely thought about it. She’d sworn every day that she was going to introduce herself, invite you to hang out, actually talk to you. But she chickened out every time. This was no time for chickening out though, and not just because Pope would never let her live it down. She took a deep breath as she approached you, regaining her confidence.  
“Sorry about Pope, he’s...” Kiara waved her hand around making you laugh.  
“It’s okay.” You replied, “so did you want to dance?”
“Yeah, totally.” She took your hand, walking over to the dance floor that had been set up on the lawn. “I never dance at these things to be honest.”
“Oh, it’s totally lame but, you know...it’s a good excuse.”  
“Spending time with you?” You offered, hoping you had read the situation right.  
“Not for nothing but, I kind of imagined us having this moment...not at midsummers.” Kiara admitted.  
“So Pope was flirting with me for you?”
“I am perfectly capable of flirting with you, trust me. Pope just doesn’t know how to mind his own business.” She replied, glancing back at her friend who shot her a thumbs up.
“I’m not complaining.” You reassured, “now, tell me more about how you thought we’d be having this moment?”  
“We’d definitely be on the beach, first of all...” Kiara began, smiling already as she pictured it.  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @ssprayberrythings @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @jjsthumbring @faded-blue 
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amerie-wadia · 4 years
a figment of my worst intentions
what really happened during kiara’s kook year that made kie establish the strict no pogue-on-pogue macking rule (inspired by betty by taylor swift) → read on ao3.
but if i showed up at your party
would you have me? would you want me?
would you tell me to go fuck myself
or lead me to the garden?
in the garden, would you trust me
if i told you it was just a summer fling?
i’m only seventeen, i don’t know anything
but i know i miss you. 
Kie had been working up the courage to tell Sarah for months—she had been working up the courage to tell anybody, somebody for years. For her whole life.
It was never the right time and it never seemed to be the right person either.
For a while, Kie wasn’t sure. Nobody in the world had ever talked to her about what it actually meant to be anything other than straight. ‘You just know’ didn’t really cut it either. Because she didn’t ‘just know’ what any of it meant. Sure, girls had always been beautiful, but just because she thought girls were beautiful didn’t mean she was sexually or romantically attracted to them.
“She’s so cute,” her mom would comment as she looked over Kie’s shoulder at her Instagram feed.
“Yeah, she is cute,” Kie would respond half-heartedly because obviously her friends were cute but her mom also shouldn’t be commenting on girls’ bodies. Kie was trying to teach her to put less of a focus on her looks, but it never seemed to work. And sure, her friend was cute, but her mom thought so too and that had to mean something.
“She’s so hot,” Sarah said one day as they lay sprawled across the couches in Sarah’s bonus room. Megan Fox was hot, everybody thought so. It wasn’t weird to think she was hot and Sarah seemed to agree too.
And Kie thought girls were beautiful. So many girls.
She never really thought about what it would be like to kiss them or touch them and she never thought about having sex with them.
Granted, she didn’t think much of sex at all. Sarah talked about it all the time, but Kie didn’t get the big deal was.
One night, after Sarah had been going on and on about how her new boyfriend was really good at going down on her, Kie decided to look it up, as she’d been too embarrassed in the moment to ask Sarah what she meant by it. One Google search lead to another and Kie was scrolling through a porn site. The thought of it alone was enough to make Kie want to hide under her covers forever and never face another living soul. It felt dirty and wrong and every instinct told her that this was exploiting women and she needed to close the tab. But she scrolled because the article she’d read had been weird and she had never heard of some of the words and body parts that supposedly she had. So she scrolled a little farther.
And dicks were gross. Like abominably gross. They looked wrinkly and slimy and the thought of letting one touch her, letting one come near her mouth, made her feel stiff and scared and small. How did anybody want to touch those? Maybe with the right guy it would be different…
But nothing about the women grossed her out. The images were hot and Kie knew she was supposed to react that way to them. Thinking the women weren’t gross didn’t mean she thought they were hot either. It just wasn’t grossed because she had looked at herself a million times naked or in the mirror when she got out of the shower. There was nothing shocking or revolutionary about seeing naked women. It was a little hot, though.
Finally, she clicked on a video and instantly wanted to scream when the intro music blared through her bedroom. She turned the volume all the way down and paused the video for a moment just in case one of her parents came knocking at her door. Nobody came. She hit play.
She scrolled through the video, not quite ready to actually watch it yet, until it came to the part she had searched for. The guy doing that was much less scary and much sexier. She understood the appeal of that. Maybe having sex wasn’t as scary and gross as it had always seemed. Until he stopped doing that and started pounding into the girl. Nothing about it turned her on whatsoever. But the video barely showed anything but an entirely too zoomed in image of the grossest action
Kie had ever seen in her life. She closed the video and decided that was enough for the night.
The next time Sarah talked to Kie about sex it made both more and less sense. Sarah seemed to think that all of it was hot, not just the part where the guy went down on her. She told Kie that she had never done the other part—the real part—but that she had always been excited about it. Kie didn’t know how to say she had never felt excited about that, but quickly the conversation moved back to their history homework and that was that.
Kie had so many more questions but she wasn’t ready to ask.
Freshman health class was an absolute joke. The district had a strict abstinence-only policy and her health teacher gave them a quick sex run down where she mentioned the word condom only once but STD and unwanted pregnancy like ten times each. Kie was more confused when she left than when she had gone into class that day. Sarah hadn’t been paying any attention to the presentation and then proceeded to heavily make fun of it during lunch. Kie laughed along with her jokes, even though some of them she didn’t quite understand.
In typical North Carolina fashion, there was LGBT sex education—let alone straight sex education.
Not that Kie was inherently curious about what it meant to have sex with girls. But it should at least be offered. There had to be some secret lesbian or bisexual girls in her grade who were just dying to know what they were supposed to do.
Kie didn’t understand a lot of sexual attraction, wondered sometimes if she was just young or immature or weird. She wondered for quite some time if maybe she was asexual. Occasionally though, she got a really strong urge to touch herself and it made her question it even more. She didn’t understand what any of the sexualities actually meant and what they entailed.
The only thing that made sense was that she was nowhere near ready to have sex with anybody yet.
Her first kiss came too soon, sooner than she wanted or was ready for. It was weird and fast and when his lips left hers the space between her lips and her nose felt slimy and sticky. She touched her lips for a moment, thinking there had to be a trail of spit leftover from his own but when she pulled her fingers away there was nothing. He was grinning across the circle of people but Kie felt trapped under all their stares and shoved the empty beer bottle in Sarah’s direction.
Sarah was absolutely giddy and Kie wished she had never told her friend that she’d never actually kissed anybody before.
The guy was in her Biology class and he had always been such an asshole. She never in a million years would’ve kissed him if it wasn’t for Sarah.
“It’ll be fun, I promise. And even if the kiss is bad you get it over with and then when you actually meet somebody you want to kiss you’ll know what to do.”
It had made sense when Sarah explained it that way and begrudgingly Kie sat crisscross applesauce beside Sarah on the shag carpet floor. Luckily, the bottle didn’t ever land on Kie a second time. Sarah had fun and when the game was over she had found herself a new beau. Kie decided it would be best not to remind Sarah that she was still technically in a relationship.
Sarah wanted to stay past curfew so she could talk to the guy so Kiara had to call home and convince her parents that she was already over at Sarah’s house. Sarah did a good impression of Rose from the quiet solitude of the bathroom and Kie’s mom seemed to buy it. They stayed way too late, late enough that there were only a few people left and things were getting awkward. Rafe had to come pick them up since neither Sarah nor Kie could drive yet. That was even more awkward.
Kie filled them each a glass of water from the kitchen and managed to make it upstairs to Sarah’s room with about two-thirds of the water still in the cups. Sarah had two sips and then spilled the rest on the hardwood floor. Kie drank her entire glass and then pulled off her jeans and tossed them in a ball on the floor. Sarah was still in her party dress but had crawled into her bedsheets as if she didn’t care. Kiara took of Sarah’s wedges and threw them down by her jeans.
She borrowed a pair of Sarah’s pajama shorts and then crawled into the bed beside Sarah.
“What did you think of Topper?” Sarah asked in a slurred mumble of letters that Kie needed a moment to piece together.
“He was okay,” she said quietly, tying her hair into a bun on the top of her head, wishing she had her bonnet and also her retainer at home. She was still drunk enough that neither mattered all that much in the moment.
“I think I could fall in love with him, really Kie,” Sarah hummed. Kie didn’t know how to respond to that because Sarah was dating Chris and Topper was kind of a dick. Not kind of, he was a total dick.
“Was the kiss really that good?” Kie asked because it was the nicest thing she could think to say. Sarah turned, shoving her hands under the side of her face and looking across the bed at Kie.
“It was the best kiss of my life. I mean, the things he can do with his tongue,” she squealed. Kie shushed her gently so Sarah wouldn’t wake her dad and Rose in the next room. Sarah just laughed as a flush rolled across her cheeks and she bit down her bottom lip. She was looking past Kie as if she could see Topper standing in the doorway behind her. “He’s so hot.”
“I guess.”
“Come on, Kie. Don’t act like you can’t see it.”
Kie really didn’t see it. Sure, Topper was the only boy in their grade who had abs—which he never shut up about—but Kie didn’t get the big appeal with abs. There were other and better features that were way hotter than abs. Eyes, for a start, held so much emotion and were beautiful. Hair was hot too, when it was styled right. Arms and hands were even hot sometimes. But abs just looked like Legos and Kie had never cared much about them.
“He’s okay.”
“Name somebody hotter,” Sarah challenged, smirking like she had stumped Kie.
“I don’t know,” Kie mulled, nobody in their class was all that hot.
“Seriously, you have to like somebody,” Sarah whined, and then in a much softer tone, “you never talk to me about boys. Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I trust you. You’re my best friend.”
“Then tell me what boys you think are cute.”
Sarah was really close and her cheeks were flushed and she was grinning and—oh. Oh, fuck.
Kie wondered for the first time in her entire life what would happen if she just leaned in and pressed her lips against somebody else. She only let herself wonder for a moment. It was stupid. It didn’t mean anything. She wasn’t sexually attracted to Sarah, she just wanted to know what it would be like to kiss her. Not kiss, just touch Sarah’s lips with her own. To just lean in and see what happens.
“The guys in our class are so stupid and half of them don’t even wash their hands when they go to the bathroom.”
“Kie,” Sarah whined, giggling in her drunken state, “They don’t really have to wash their hands anyway. It’s not like they have to wipe.”
“They have to hold it in their hands, Sarah.”
“But like, not the pee part.”
“Ew,” Kie squirmed, laughing herself as Sarah erupted into a fit of giggles.
“They wash their hands when they shit.”
“Not all of them,” Kie argued, knowing for a fact that she had seen one of the boys come out of the bathroom with a mysterious brown tint on his fingertips. “Trust me.”
“Whatever, Kie. I know you like somebody and I’m gonna find out who it is. Just you wait,” she trailed off as a yawn overtook her. Her eye lids fluttered and suddenly she was scooting closer to Kie and rested her head in the space between Kie’s collar bones and her head. Sarah was warm against her exposed skin and pieces of his hair tickled the bottom of Kie’s chin.
Something in Kie’s stomach tingled. Something lower than her stomach tingled.
It didn’t mean anything. Kie was just lonely and the touch surprised her. It was nothing.
Kie thought maybe she should reach out and wrap an arm around Sarah or something. Sarah seemed content and Kie thought it might also make the entire thing feel too intimate and weird. She didn’t want to give Sarah the wrong idea. Sarah pressed a kiss to her cheek and then rolled back over to her side of the bed.
“What about Zach?” Sarah asked as she tugged the sheets back up around her.
“He’s gross,” Kie answered because Zach truly was gross and often wolf-whistled at girls in the hallway.
“He farts all the time.”
“Okay, what about Eddie? Eddie is like the nicest guy ever, tell me you don’t think he’s cute.”
“I don’t think he’s cute.”
“God, Kie!” Sarah exclaimed, pulling the pillow from underneath her head and slamming it against Kie. Kie laughed because it was easier than continuing the conversation. “I’m gonna figure it out.”
“Go ahead.”
Kie tried her best not to think about the few seconds when she pictured leaning in. She would erase it from her memory or wash it down through her system with the alcohol and pee out its memory in the morning. It was a one-time thing and there was nothing to dwell on or over think about it. And, she hadn’t actually kissed Sarah or really even thought about kissing. She just wondered if Sarah would lean in at all or if she would pull away. A science experiment, really.
Until it wasn’t a one-time thing.
Until she thought about what it would actually feel like to kiss Sarah.
Until she thought about the parts of her body that tingled when Sarah curled up beside her.
Until Sarah would run up to her in school and sling an arm around her shoulder or hold her hand as they walked down the hall to class or played with her hair when she was bored in class and didn’t want to listen to the lecture.
And Kie started to realize that it absolutely was not nothing.
And that it wasn’t just Sarah. Sure, it was mostly Sarah. But it wasn’t just Sarah.
It was girls. It was girls at school and at the grocery store and at the Wreck and online and everywhere she went there was so many beautiful girls. And it wasn’t nothing at all.
Kie decided it was okay for her to admit out loud—out loud in her mind not with her words—that she liked girls. That she didn’t like boys at all, not even a little bit, but that she liked girls. She watched lesbian porn and didn’t looked away or skip through. She let herself think about girls in bed at night or in the shower. She never let herself think of Sarah because she couldn’t make it weird.
She really didn’t want to make it weird.
Which was hard because Sarah was a very touchy person and a very flirty person. With everybody, not just guys or her latest boyfriend. Sarah was always touching her or telling her how cute she looked and sometimes when Kie did something stupid Sarah would laugh and then cup Kie’s cheek and tell her how sweet she was. It felt like flirting and Kie had to repeat like a mantra over and over and over again that Sarah didn’t know what she was doing.
Kie was desperate to say this new—not so new—revelation out loud. Telling it to her parents felt way to formal. Telling it to anybody but Sarah felt like a betrayal.
But saying it out loud meant she could never take it back.
And what if she wasn’t actually a lesbian? What if she just didn’t understand what she was feeling and she had confused finding girls beautiful with being a lesbian? What if she finally kissed a girl and it felt awful? What if she went through the trouble of telling the entire world she was a lesbian to find out she was straight all along. She could be straight…
But Sarah wouldn’t judge her, probably not. It was probably going to make things weird between them, Sarah probably wouldn’t be so handsy with her anymore. But then she would stop pestering Kie about finding a boyfriend and they could talk about girls and guys together.
Everything was going to be okay, all she needed to do was find the right time and she would tell Sarah.
The right time, Kie decided, was going to be after Sarah’s birthday that way if things did get weird it wouldn’t ruin Sarah’s special day.
But then everything did go weird and suddenly Sarah was posting a snapchat story of a birthday party that Kie definitely hadn’t been invited to and the entire world came crumbling down.  
The first thing Kie did was make a mental list in her head of every time she had ever been drunk. She could remember all of it—had never been drunk enough to actually forget things or blackout—and she had never come on to Sarah or mentioned her feelings for girls. No conversations, so brush of her lips on Sarah’s forehead. She didn’t think it was obvious. Sarah had never acted like Kie freaked her out at all.
Sarah and Kie were best friends.
But Sarah’s snapchat story had birthday balloons and they were drinking champagne and Sarah drank a shot from Topper’s belly button and Kie had never been invited.
Sarah hadn’t fucking invited her.
As the walls shattered and the floorboards beneath her feet sunk into the sand, Kie let her fury consume her and she dialed three little numbers before she could even think twice. She knew Sarah’s address by heart and the call was quick.
Kie never understood what went wrong. She never did anything, she retraced her steps and mulled over every word. Sarah hadn’t even acted weird, didn’t distance herself from Kie leading up to the party of anything.
“You bitch,” Sarah had cried the next day in school when she marched right up to Kie. “You called the fucking cops on me?!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kie said with a stone-cold façade, shoving past Sarah because the thought of Sarah actually being mad at Kie right now was enough to make her blood boil.
How dare Sarah not invite Kie to her birthday party. How dare Sarah feel entitled to anger.
They didn’t say another word to each other and Sarah avoided Kie like the plague. Kie was angry, even more angry than she was sad for a while. And then she was all sad and completely lonely and found herself hanging out with Pope, JJ, and John B because there was nobody else and she couldn’t handle having feelings for another one of her friends ever again.
“If I’m going to be part of the Pogues,” she announced one night after JJ had suggest they formally invite Kiara into their stupid ‘HMS Pogue’ club that apparently revolved around fishing and surfing, “then we have to make something clear.”
“What’s that?” Pope asked, taking a sip of his beer and flicking JJ’s hand away when JJ tried to tilt the can so it spilled all over Pope’s face.
“Absolutely no Pogue-on-Pogue macking.”
JJ pretended to fall over so his back crashed into Pope and he threw a hand dramatically over his forehead as if he was in true distress.
“Break my heart, Kiara, why don’t you.”
“Shut up, JJ. I think we can do that,” Pope agreed, even though she ended up putting JJ in a head lock. He smiled at Kie though and she knew he would at least be respectful of it.
“That’s fine by me,” John B agreed too.
“Dealio,” JJ whined as he tugged at Pope’s grip until the other let him free.
“I’m serious.”
“We hear ya.”
Everything was good for a long time. The guys flirted with her here and there but never anything serious and nobody ever bothered her. And then John B kissed her and that was weird. Kie had never thought of him that way. She loved the guy, he was one of her best friends, but he was far from her type and luckily, he seemed content with just being friends.
And then she started dating Sarah and the first thing Sarah said to Kie was that she was a ‘shit talking bitch’ and Kie wanted to bury John B in the sand and let high tide have its way with him because how dare he defend Sarah fucking Cameron right in front of her?
And how fucking dare the Pogues trap her on a boat with Sarah fucking Cameron?
“I mean, really,” Kie asked softly, hesitantly, when the weed had subsided her anger and the darkness concealed her fears. It seemed like the only time and space in the universe where it was safe to ask about that night. “What did I do?”
Sarah was quiet for a moment, eyes red and wide but Kie could tell she was still sober enough to think properly. Sarah sighed and looked away for a moment.
“You liked me.”
Shit. Fuck. Maybe she had let it slip or maybe she had been a lot more obvious than she thought or—
Sarah kept talking and Kie realized Sarah didn’t mean ‘like’ as in romantically but ‘like’ as in platonically. It was confusing as hell but it was a lot easier of a conversation so Kie went with it.
She was still mad but she admitted to Sarah that she had called the cops when they were laying side by side in bed that night. Sarah laughed and called her a bitch, but in the flirty and carefree way Sarah had when they had once been friends. Kie decided that maybe they could be friends, but she had to stop thinking of Sarah when she was in bed at night or in the shower. She could never in a million years lean in or even think about leaning in.
So when Pope got high for the first time and told Kie he was in love with her, she went with it. Not at first. It wasn’t what she wanted and she wasn’t going to pretend to love somebody she didn’t. Especially when that somebody was Pope—the kindest, most thoughtful, wonderful boy in the world who actually washed his hands when he went to the bathroom and held in his farts like a gentleman. Pope was the absolute last person in the world she would ever want to hurt.
But he was also safe. She loved Pope, so maybe one day she could learn how to be in love with Pope. When he kissed her there weren’t sparks but it wasn’t gross and it didn’t make her feel small and stupid.
She knew it was a mistake. She knew it was selfish. But she did it anyway. She clung to Pope when she heard the news that Sarah and John B had drowned. He held her tight and cried against her neck and kissed her forehead. She held on to his shoulders and shut her eyes and wished it was Sarah who was holding her instead.
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Outerbanks Thoughts
I didn’t see anything in the show that made me inclined to think Kiara had anything but platonic feelings for JJ, and vice versa, so I don’t really get why people seem to want them together other than thinking he’s hot, and I generally don’t think they’d make a good couple.
That being said, originally I thought Kie was into John B and only turned to Pope when she realized that John B didn’t like her like that and was really after Sarah. I think she didn’t go for him originally because she knew he wasn’t in the right headspace and she hadn’t seen him ever be serious about a girl before (same reason I don’t think she’d make sense with JJ) but once she saw him change with Sarah, she realized it wasn’t going to happen between them and went for Pope because he was the only serious one of the boys and he expressed a genuine interest in her.
But now I’m starting to think that Kiara might be a lesbian, or bisexual, or even altogether unsure and is using Pope (in either situation, she’s kind of using the poor guy) as a way to test it out.
The “no pogue on pogue mackin” rule could be like self-preservation, either way:
1) We know she’s been hurt before (the Sarah thing seemed to really effect her) and she doesn’t know where she fits in 100%, so she doesn’t want to rock the boat by dating one of her friends and potentially ruining things if it goes south- I’ve totally done this type of self sabotage before in relationships (just kidding I still do). Or
2) Shes not ready to come out yet and that makes her off-limits, especially to her horn dog best friends (cough, cough, JJ).
Just my theories/opinions/thoughts on the matter.
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poguesofthebau · 4 years
hiii so if youre still doing ships im a pisces and 5’8, med dark brown wavy hair, green eyes and pale. im shy and guarded when u first meet me but super fun sarcastic easygoing once i warm up, i love music and going to the movies, my fav thing to do is drive around and blast music, kinda a impatient and stubborn, but im usually the responsible one when i need to be, just like to make everyone happy
(2/2)  oops here’s a lil more that didn’t fit...love outdoors and going on hikes, care a lot about social issues and environmental stuff, just love laughing and chillin with friends, hopeless romantic but don’t really show that to people, stand up for my friends and can be loyal to a fault, my dog is the love of my life, super competitive and love stupid board games, thank ya:)
i ship you with jj!! (honorary mention: for some reason you strike me as the person to have little ‘friend dates’ and i can just imagine you and john b having board game nights, something i also think jb would’ve done with big john before he went missing, on thursdays to prep for the weekend. you and pope would always save each other a dance at parties or keggers or any social event. and you and kie would spend close to every waking second together, and she would definitely force you to be her date to midsummers and all the kooks think you’re a lesbian couple until jj shows up lolz)
you would bring out the lighthearted, carefree, slightly childish version of jj better than anyone else could. the version of jj who did simple, silly things throughout the day to make you smile, which would in turn make him smile. things like jumping up and hanging by the movie theater exit for a few seconds and trying to do a pull-up, or pulling john b’s hood over his eyes while you all walked around town, or tackling kie into the water during a boat day moments after she’d just gotten out of the water, or grabbing pope’s homework out of his hand and refusing to give it back until pope admitted that he loved him. being with you made jj want to be the best version of himself, and it seemed to manifest some otherworldly happiness that he’d never felt before. your smile was contagious, and smiling was all you ever did around jj.
i can also see jj getting a little upset, maybe even jealous, of the amount of time you spent with the other pogues. he wouldn’t feel threatened by any of them at all-- they were your friends, and he knew that. but you were his person, his favorite person, so when you were too busy having a library day with pope or getting your nails done with kie or bringing john b shopping for his first real date with sarah later in the week, he couldn’t help but feel a little lonely. you’d come home from whatever event you had planned with whichever of your friends one day, and not but ten seconds after you walked into your room, your phone would ring-- a call from jj. “are you stalking me?” you’d ask, skipping formalities as you picked up the phone. “i literally just walked into my house.” “i didn’t have any option besides stalking. i’ve been waiting for you to finish babying john b all day.” you’d roll your eyes, peeking out your window to see if you could spot him. when you didn’t, you flopped onto your bed. “where are you, stalker? you’re not outside my windows, so where are you hiding?” jj would laugh at that, and you could imagine the glint in his eyes when you heard it. “did you check the closet?” he’d ask tauntingly, prompting you to laugh, too. “maybe... under your bed? or...” there was a knock on your bedroom door then, making you jump. “how the fuck--” you began, climbing out of bed and heading toward the door. “did you get in my house?” as you said the word ‘house,’ you swung open your door and found a beaming jj on the other side. he dropped his phone in his pocket, throwing you over his shoulder before you even had a chance to end the call. your laugh was now bouncing off the walls, and jj kicked the door closed as you jokingly smacked his ass. “my pretty girlfriend abandoned me all day to help some kid find an outfit for a stupid date. now i’m here to steal her back!” he’d throw you on the bed, flopping on top of you with a too-loud grunt. you loved spending the day with your friends, but nothing would ever top spending some quality time with your jj.
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oldeibby · 3 years
like i get why they are going in that direction because ( as much as i hate to admit this) jiara is the most popular ship on the show along with john b and sarah. especially with the casual viewers. i just don’t like how she treated pope this season, it was so wrong. i would love for the show to confirm gay kie because there are so many hints for it but sadly i don’t see it happening
i mean it’s obvious they’re doing it because it’s popular and casual viewers like them, but i feel like that’s so tacky and shitty to do just for views? like it’s not even that good (like for plot wise, the way it was set up, etc.) just for views. they could do a lot more that would be better written and such in my opinion.
i also don’t like the way she treated pope. i really like that pope is so kind, and i’m happy he’s coming out of his shell more, but i really would’ve liked to see him tell kie that she wasn’t treating him fairly and talked about it. i don’t even think she knew she was hurting him or being shitty to him. i think she should be told what she did was not okay and talk ab it, like it shouldn’t just be brushed under the rug and move past it like she didn’t tread pope that way?
AND YEAH. LIKW HOW ARE YOU GONNA SET A CHARACTER UP SO SIMILARLY TO A COMMON LESBIAN EXPERIENCE AND SAY IT WAS BC SHE LIKED ANOTHER GUY?????????? like i cant i cant. i definitely don’t see it happening, but with madison being pan (and the cast seemingly not liking jiara that much, imo) i hope she or someone vouches for the idea bc at this point i swear the writers see any sort of gay content ab their show and close their eyes
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brelione · 4 years
Afraid (JJ Maybank X Innocent!Reader)
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Warnings:Handjobs,underage drinking,mentions of Topper,Awkwardness.
This is what I call an awkwardly funny smut.
You never really planned on anyone ever finding out about your fear.You were almost sixteen,it shouldnt have been a fear of yours.But unfortunately it was and you couldnt really do much about it.You and JJ sat by the beach taking vodka shots and talking about whatever came to mind.None of it really made sense or was understandable but it was still quite funny. “So,whats your biggest fear?”JJ asked,looking up at you.He was laying on his stomach,head resting on his hands like a pillow.You laughed,not even having to think about it. “If...If you ever-I mean ever ever tell anyone I will shoot-Im gonna shoot you and im gonna shoot you with your gun.”You laughed drunkenly.JJ wasnt nearly as drunk,laughing at the sound of your voice. “Okay.”He agreed.You sighed,working up the nerves. “You cant make fun of me,okay?”You asked.He nodded,sitting up to look at you and give you his full attention.You were sobering up,clearing your throat and laughing at yourself. “Um…..okay…..alright….so im like really really afraid of penises.”You confessed.His eyebrows raised,inhaling quickly and trying not to laugh before realising you were serious.
 “Wait,actually?”He asked.You nodded,avoiding his gaze.He looked away from you,sighing. “So you’re a virgin?”He asked.You hummed,looking up at him. “Cool,cool.So like are you asexual or lesbian then?”He asked.You shook your head. “No,I have like...you know...thoughts but like,penises are gross and theyre scary and I dont understand them and its terrifying.”You explained.He poked your thigh for whatever reason,laughing.You furrowed your eyebrows. “You’re such a weirdo.”You mumbled,flicking his hand.He frowned. “Okay but at least im not afraid of penises.”He answered.You glared up at him. “You agreed that you wouldnt make fun of me.”You grumbled.He apologized quietly. “So like….when was the last time you saw one?”He asked.You thought about it,tracing circles on your thigh. “Um...I was 13 and I got so scared that I cried and threw up.”You answered.He nodded,tapping your kneecap. “So...who’s dick was it?”He asked.You blushed,biting your lip and looking away from him.You didnt even want to think about it.It was emotionally scarring and you couldnt even drink milk for weeks. 
“Topper Thorntons.”You answered,looking back up at him.His jaw dropped,nose scrunching. “Oh,god.Im sorry….most dicks dont look like that.”He told you,pulling his hat off of his head and running a hand through his hair.You gulped,looking down at your hands. “Really?”You asked.He nodded,taking another sip of vodka to calm himself. “He sent a picture to Kie in like 8th grade and I saw it and I wanted to throw up too.Do you know what an average one looks like?”He asked.You mumbled a quiet no.His heart was thumping loud,his face becoming flushed and not just from the amount of alcohol. “Um...do you want to see?”He asked.You blushed,trying to think of what to say.Silence was all that filled the air as he waited for you to say something and wondering if he had gone too far.He flirted with you quite often just as he did with every girl but most girls werent as innocent as you. “Okay.”You spoke softly.
He cleared his throat,taking another sip of vodka.His hands were shaking as he unzipped his pants,glancing up at your nervous expression.Your bottom lip was between your teeth,hands curled into nervous fists that were close to your face in case you needed to cover your eyes.He hissed as the air hit him,pulling back the flaps of his boxers so his dick was completely exposed.You cringed slightly,legs pulling to your chest.You squinted,fists slowly coming unclenched.You blinked,calming down a bit as you sat up straight. “Oh-you know,thats not as bad as I thought it would be.”You let out a small sigh of relief.He chuckled,avoiding your gaze. “Um...you can touch it if you want.”He said awkwardly before cringing at his own words.You leaned forward nervously,pretty much poking the tip with the pad of your index finger before pulling your hand back when a sound ripped through his throat.
His eyebrows furrowed as he looked back at you. “Did that hurt?”You asked.He shook his head,scooting forward so he was pretty much right in front of you.You reached out again,stroking his member lightly.He bit his lip to hold back a moan. “You okay?”You asked.He nodded.You hand moved up and down,eyebrows furrowed as you got used to it.He wasnt sure if you knew what you were doing to him or if you knew how much he wanted to scream curses. “You can-you can go faster.”He managed to squeak out.You nodded,moving your hand at a hellish pace as he let out a string of curses.This went on for a few more minutes or maybe ten you werent too sure.His moans got louder,panting before removing your hand from him.You looked up at him with a confused expression.He didnt look back at you,his eyes rolling back in his head until only the whites were visible as he climaxed.The thick liquid went all over the sand as he let out a loud pornographic moan.He coughed,trying to get his breath back.You scooted away from him,peeling and picking at your cuticles.
 “You still...you still scared?”He asked.You shook your head. “No,not anymore.”You answered,looking up at him.He grinned. “Well you’re very good at touching...did you know that?”He asked.You mumbled something softly that he couldnt quite understand. “What?”He asked,leaning forward with a grin on his face. “No...I didnt.”You answered,glancing back up at him.He chuckled,reaching his arm out to trace swirls and flowers along your thigh. “I dont think this is fair.”He whispered.You raised your eyebrows,poking at his hand. “What?”You asked.He smirked,squeezing your thigh lightly. “You were so good for me….its only fair if I pay you back.”He leaned upwards to place a kiss on your lips.
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