#i just know it.
s1ushyz · 5 months
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Okay, I might be overthinking this, BUT this has to mean something.
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blueparadis · 1 year
The subtle borderline yandere energy in him.
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guiltyidealist · 4 months
I cannot STAND the shipcourse label terms.
"Anti-ship". "Pro-ship".
They're such fucking misnomers for what they're actually referring to that it's not even CLEAR what they're actually referring to.
I struggle to even apply any of this shit to myself. Labels serve as a concise way to communicate something. A label has failed to function as a concise descriptor when it does not describe what you want it to.
Put the shipcourse connotations to these words aside for a second. Just take them for their literal, face-value translation.
I'm not """anti-ship""". I'm not fucking against shipping. Nor am I """pro-ship""" per se?? I'm shipping-positive and shipping-favorable -- like sex-positive and sex-favorable, I'm good with other people doing it and I like doing it -- but not indiscriminately???
There are ships I dislike and there's nothing about it related to ethics. "Anti-ship" and "pro-ship" are such absolutist fucking terms, black-and-white and binary and un-nuanced, "this or that".
But here's the thing: these words don't just mean "how you feel about shipping". Shipping is hardly the tip of the fucking iceberg. A small, singular, surface-level facet to a deep and complex issue related to art, reality, human relationships, and responsibility.
(And that's problem #2 with the labels: encompassing a fraction's fraction's fraction of what this is really about and making it sound like petty fandom bullshit instead.)
What it's really about is portrayal of sensitive and fucked up matters in fiction, and of how to engage with it. It's about what's healthy and what's not. It's about what's ethical and what's not.
It's about boundaries; the line between fiction and reality, the line between artists and their works, the line between creator and audience.
It's about the nature of art, the nature of the relationship between an artist and their artwork, the nature of the relationship between artwork and those who view it. It's about art as a medium through which interaction occurs simply by one person creating it and another perceiving it.
It's about responsibility and accountability. It's about the placement of responsibility and accountability in the artist-viewer relationship. Who is accountable for what. Where does the artist's due diligence end, and where do the viewer's discretion and critical thinking begin. Who takes credit or blame for what.
It's about consequences and who receives them. It's about how art reflects upon the artist, and how it doesn't. It's about what it means to create, to bring something forth to the world and to put it out there to be perceived and judged and acted upon.
I ran out of spoons but. TLDR: shipcourse labels suck so much -- dysfunctional and counterproductive, misleading, wildly failing to capture stances in the real issue at hand -- and we should stop using them actually
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randomalistic · 7 months
If I play hat in time (i have it installed) I’m gonna fall in love with snatcher so I’m waiting as long as possible in fact I will never play it ever
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voskhozhdeniye · 4 months
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6ft2lesbian · 17 hours
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Aerospace fighter pilot not-quite-a-girl that lives in my head now and is suddenly the origin point of 70% of all the gay thoughts that pass through our brain. Her name is Olive Viggen and so far she has been extremely 19 years old about everything. Beginning a years-long codependent homosexual relationship or getting a Kriss Vector for her birthday probably wouldn’t fix her, but would definitely make her feel better about things for a while.
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graviconscientia · 7 days
ANOTHER divorce?? A blogvorce, but still!! Exciting all the same.
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moregraceful · 1 year
two incredibly on brand thoughts, 1) hendrix lapierre and connor mcmichael flinging each other around after that win....ohhhh something's simmering there, i'm watching; 2) where is the anon that was trying to sell me on shane wright/matty beniers earlier this season. i have a half-formed thought about gay club hopping in palm springs. actually no, one more thought because i just googled it, 3) if ANYONE wants to talk to me about the fact that palm springs has something called the big gay bbq, please get in my inbox
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But like did anyone else take this scene as Zeke X Tina foreshadowing? Or was it just me who watched the entire movie searching desperately for any hints towards their relationship at all and took Zeke interrupting Tina’s romantic speech with Jimmy Jr as just that HAHA. 😍
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okkalo · 1 year
u still call me it.
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stfuhair · 2 years
ok thruth here: i think that Will is as powerful as Vecna/Henry/001.
it may be dumb but, i think that MAYBE will remember brenner because he tried to take him at some point but he couldnt. and we all know that all elevens siblings were MADE on the lab after 001. And that does not apply to our dear Will since ofc he doesnt ave a tattoo, thats why Vecna targeted him, not Eleven, not even 8, and we know he knew then both and liking or not can FIND them, he could find eleven in a snap but he didnt, he went to the other more powerful source that is Will, thats why he didnt killed him he tried to make Will join him,
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sanctamater · 1 year
you may hate me for this but booker de.witt loves nickel.back
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rcsetorn · 2 years
Said I would, so I’m finally playing FFXII.
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thebestbooksaround · 1 year
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Thank you, Mandzu <33333
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bcdwclves · 1 year
I just KNOW Link and Zelda be having crazy, bed-breaking, sloppy bareback breeding sex on their twin mattress.
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abbacchiosbelt · 2 years
xiao is addicted to sucking on his partner's tits. that's it, that's the post.
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