#i just know shes my cousin cause my mom made me watch the twilight series just bcs of that fact
boxbunny63 · 6 months
everytime i see something remotely twilight related i get reminded that the mf who wrote twilight is my FUCKING COUSIN
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Asher & Caelum? ^_^ 💙
Ty for the ask and thank you for creating such a fun game!
If anyone else wants to send in some, feel free!
Asher: Favourite Video Game?
My favourite video game is definitely Twilight Princess! I've played it four times. My favourite franchise is The Legend of Zelda (I even named my husky Zelda after the version of her in TP specifically cause there's a wolf lol), and a close second in the series is Skyward Sword.
Other than that, I really love Mario Kart, especially with a group of people.
UNDERRATED PC GAMES: the nancy drew games. I love them. my cousin got me hooked on them when we were kids. we still play from time to time when I go to her house cause she has the good ones downloaded. I've only ever finished two of them, but I've gotten really close to the end in like... 5 or 6 of them?
I also watch a lot of gameplays on YouTube, so some comfort games I like to watch are mostly horror ones (don't ask me why I find horror gameplays comforting?? I don't even know??) like markiplier's fnaf series, or his at dead of night series.
Caelum: Do you have a comfort item?
HMMM this is a good one, I had to think about it. It's one of those things that should come easy to me, but I have a lot of different items that I'm super attached to and I'd be upset if I lost them... I'll give a short list of items in my room that are vital to me:
My purple pillow that I use everyday- putting it on my bed is part of my routine now and everything feels off if I don't have that pillow on my bed during the day.
My Avocado squishmallow thing that I won at Wonderland over the summer- his name is Larry. (I just looked it up to see if he actually is a squishmallow and APPARENTLY HIS NAME HAS BEEN AUSTIN THIS WHOLE TIME??? idc he'll always be larry to me.)
A crocheted cardigan with fun sleeves that my mom made for me (and gifted to me as a birthday surprise after months of begging her to let me keep it when she finished it)- I don't wear it that often. I'm scared to ruin it now because it was pretty much the last birthday present I ever got from her, so I treasure it, but I love looking at it folded on my dresser and appreciating it. Similarly, another item is her robe. it still smells like her, even after 10 months.
My haikyuu jersey hoodies- I have four hoodies, one for each of my comfort characters from that show and it makes me insanely happy to know that I have them I can't explain why, they're not even that comfortable :').
And finally: My bookshelf. This might be cheating cause I have a ton of stuff on there but looking at my shelf and how I have my books arranged makes me happy.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
[created by: krissyw1993].
Randomly Random - Part 1
Middle name? Not sharing that.
Favorite color(s)? Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, and yellow.
What college do you want to/or are attending? I went to a local community college and UC.
What do you want to/are you majoring in? I majored in psychology. 
Democrat/republican/other? Other.
Birthday month? July.
Do you dress according to your mood? No. I dress according to comfortability, hence why I only wear leggings and oversized graphic tees now.
Tomboy/girlie girl I’m a comfy girl.
Are you good at doing hair/make up? Nope. I don’t even try anymore, but I was never any good at it.
Do you wear glasses? Yep.
Can you drive? No.
Are you shy? Very.
Are you always worried or stressed about something? Yeppp.
Tell me about your dream wedding. I don’t plan on having one.
Randomly Random - Part 2
Do you like to sing? Sure. Too bad I don’t sing well.
Do you like to write poetry? No. I dabbled with it some when I was a teenager, but it wasn’t good.
Can you swim? No.
Do you like the pool or the ocean? I love being near the ocean, but not getting in it. I’m not a swimmer and I have a fear of deep water.
Do you hate water in your face? I like letting water go on my face in the shower, splashing water on my face, or using a mist spray fan. The spray fans are a must have for me in the summer.
Do you hold grudges? No, I’m not one to really hold a grudge.
Are you/have you ever been in love? Yes, twice.
Do you/did you ever sleep with a teddy bear? if so who gave it to you? I have a few stuffed animals that just sit on my bed.
Are you a very random person? No.
What do you do when you're nervous? I get squirmy and have a hard time sitting still, I mess with my hair, I pick at my my nails, I bite my lips, and I twiddle around with my hands.
Do you love making new friends? I haven’t wanted to be social these past few years. I’m not attempting to make any friends right now.
Do you like the twilight series? I was a big fan when the books and movies were coming out but then I outgrew it.
Favorite animal? Dogs and giraffes.
Randomly Random - Part 3
Do you have any pets? I have a doggo named Princess Leia.
What would you name your daughter? I don’t want kids, but I like the name Autumn.
^ your son? I like the name Alexander.
What length hair do you like in a guy & why? My personal preference is short hair.
Do you have friends who are shorter than you? I don’t have any friends anymore, but no just about everyone is taller than me except for little kids.
When you get mad do you cry? Yes. I cry and shutdown. 
Would you ever consider modeling? No. I’m most definitely not cut out for it and I’ve never had any desire to be one anyway.
What color eyes do you wish you had? I wish I had blue or green eyes.
Silver/gold jewelry? I like both.
Do you always wear jewelry? No. I very rarely wear jewelry anymore. 
Are you afraid of needles? Yes.
How many kids do you want? Zero.
Long/short nails? They’re hardly there.
Do you like wearing hats? Yeah, I like to wear beanies especially.
Randomly Random - Part 4
Do you love taking pics? Of my doggo and other things I may find picture worthy.
Do you sunburn easily? More so now I think than I used to. I don’t spend a lot of time outside so when I do spend some time outdoors, like when I go to the beach, my skin is like, “whoa, what is this??”
Does mall Santa Clauses or Easter bunnies freak you out? No.
Do you prefer to call a person or wait for them to call you? I’d prefer not to talk on the phone at all.
Are you scared of crossing bridges? Yes.
Do you have a short attention...oh squirrel...span? No, not usually.
Do you hate sitting in silence but get irritated if someone talks too much? Ha, yes. Well, sometimes I don’t mind the silence. It depends.
Has anyone ever called you baby or hun? Yeah.
What's your favorite kind of chocolate? White chocolate.
Would you consider yourself clumsy? Somewhat.
Do you hate using public restrooms? Yes. I very rarely use one.
Do you like when a guy picks you up in his arms? I’ve experienced that when I had to be carried up somewhere that wasn’t wheelchair accessible and when it was done by Joseph it was kinda nice, ha.
Ever bought ice cream from an ice cream truck? Yeah, numerous times growing up.
Do you hate chihuahuas? I don’t hate them, but they’re too much for me.
Randomly Random - Part 5
Has a teacher ever made you hate your favorite subject? No. 
Do you like hairless cats? I’m sorry, but they are a little shocking at first to see.
Did you ever cry at school? There were many times where I was on the verge and wanted to, but I fought them back.
Have you ever had a poem or story published? No.
If you had/have a kid would you ever let them get a tattoo? --
What's your favorite thing to have for dinner? Wingstop.
Would you ever paint your walls red? Hm. I mean, maybe. Not my bedroom, though.
Have you ever licked a pole? Ew, no.
Has your hand ever gotten slammed in a car door? Ahhhh, yes. That is excruciatingly painful. 
Are you allergic to grass? Yes.
Do you love guinea pigs? Sure.
Do you prefer to write on chalkboards or white boards? White boards.
What is the worst thing you ever did that got you grounded? Lied about taking my medicine when I was like 11 and my mom found my stash that had been building for months behind my bed. Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? Sure, why not.
Randomly Random - Part 6
What would you do if your best girlfriend said she was lesbian? Wow, I would be surprised if my mom came out for sure. I mean, she’s always been with my dad and I never had any inclination that she might be into women, so yeah it would be a surprise.
Have you ever been chased by a snake? Omg, noooo. Thankfully.
Where do you wanna work? I don’t know.
Is there something you tell yourself you're going to do but never do? Yes.
Has a teacher ever called you an idiot? No, but I felt like one because of a couple shitty math professors I had at community college. They didn’t say it, but I felt like they thought it. Not just me, but most of the class.
What awards have you won? Honor Roll awards and stuff for the psych club I was in at community college.
Do you get nervous eating in front of people? Yes.
Would you consider yourself good at taking care of kids? I’m not around kids very often. I used to babysit my younger brother and a couple of my cousins when they were kids, but that’s it. I don’t have a lot of experience with working with kids.
How old would a guy have to be before you wouldn't date them? I don’t know. I’m 31 and I think I’d like to stick in the 30s. Closer to my age, preferably, but maybe up to like 35. It would depend on the situation, but that’s what I can envision as of now.
Be honest, have you ever tried weed? Yeah, several times.
Has anyone ever broken up with you with a note? No. Via Myspace message and text message, though.
Have you walked into a wall? Yes.
Do you have sensitive teeth? I do. 
Do you sleep with a fan on? Yep. Even in the winter. I don’t mind if I need to bundle up if I feel too cold, I like doing so.
Randomly Random - Part 7
When you hear sirens, do you get afraid its someone you know? No.
Do you often get nosebleeds in the winter? I’ve never had one, thankfully. I would freak out.
What's a word you use to substitute for a cuss word? “Crap.” “Dang.”  What was the worst thing you ever did to get detention/suspended? I never had detention or was suspended.
Have you ever suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder? It’s not something you experience like a cold or something, if you have PTSD then it’s something you have. It can be better managed for some and there are treatment options that can be helpful, but it’s more than likely something they’ll deal with all their life. It may be of varying degrees, everyone is different. 
Have you tried the new crackle nail polish? No. Do you enjoy the "i love you more" argument? That’s toooo cheesy lol. 
Do you like the color yellow? Yes.
Trees are awesome! Yes? Sure. They serve a pretty important purpose and they’re beautiful.
Do you suffer from nasal allergies? Oh do have relief. Yes. My eyes suffer, too.
Marrying your cousin. Yay or nay? Um, no.
Are you distracted by anything shiny at the moment? Ooo shiny!! No.
Has your parents ever called you names? No.
Have you ever seen a cat have a hairball...i have soo gross Yes. Blech.
Randomly Random - Part 8
Have you ever had a tooth pulled, i have : / Yeah, I’ve had to have a few pulled.
Do you still watch tom and jerry? : ) I haven’t in quite awhile. I saw a trailer recently for a Tom and Jerry movie that’s coming out soon, though... random.
Do you use your hairbrush as a microphone? I’ve done that before.
What's your usual morning routine? Sleeping. ha.
Do you ever get bored with something so you're unable to finish it? Sometimes. Or I’ll just stop doing it for awhile and maybe come back to it later and try again. Or I’ll just finish it anyway. It really depends on what it is.
Do you wanna redecorate your room? My room could use organization and a makeover.
Have you ever worn black to someone's house & left covered in fur? Probably.
What would i expect to find under your bed? Nothing.
If i were to walk into your room, would i be able to see the floor? Yes. I don’t have stuff all over my floor.
What is something you did when you were a kid that you still enjoy? I still like to color.
Has anyone ever said they would love you forever, was it true? Not in those words, but something like that. And no, things didn’t work out.
Do you watch America’s Got Talent? No.
Do you ever sit and look at old photo albums & recall memories? I haven’t in awhile, but yeah that is something I like to do.
Do you watch onision on YouTube, if not you should he’s hilarious. Nooo, definitely not.
Randomly Random - Part 9
Don't you just hate taking showers in the winter? It is harder for me, yes. I don’t wanna get in cause I’ll get cold beforehand and then I’ll take a hot shower, feel good, and then have to get out and feel cold again. 
Do you say "epic fail" a lot? Not a lot, but that is something I say.
How personal does a question have to be so that you wont answer? I think I’m pretty open on here for the most part. Definitely more so than I am in person, that’s for sure.
Do you ever feel like sometimes you have short term memory loss? Sometimes.
What if a stranger came up to you yelled BATMAN & ran away? I’d be caught off guard and just like, “wtf...”
What's your favorite kind of pudding? I love banana cream I used to love banana pudding, but I don’t eat thick stuff like that anymore because of the thickness and texture. My eating habits have changed a ton these past few years.
Did you ever run over something with a lawn mower? I’ve never used a lawn mower.
When someone says don't look do you look? Ha, I can’t help it.
Have you ever played spin the bottle? Nope.
Did you ever have a cat that was obsessed with shoes? I’ve never had a cat.
I believe i can fly! Ever jump off things & try to fly? No, I know for certain that I can’t fly.
What was your first Halloween costume? I feel like it was a witch. Well, when I got a little older. Not sure about the very first like when I was a baby.
Ever have chicken pox? Yeah, I had it when I was 7. Not fun.
Did you eat your Wheaties this morning ? What was for breakfast? I haven’t had Wheaties since I was a kid at my grandparents house. That was my grandpa’s favorite cereal. Anyway, it’s 4:51AM so I haven’t had breakfast, but I am craving a breakfast burrito from one of my favorite places.
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