#i just love vns so much
inkykeiji · 1 year
Hii Clari, i agree that a lot of dialog and character development in genshin is very lacking, and the characters become interesting AFTER they go through the readers' filter and we fill their personalities. I know you are no longer writing for the genshin men but do you plan to share any of the pieces you were working on even though they are discontinued? Regardless, have a great day <3
hi anon bb!! exactly!!!!!! exactly. the characters are pretty much just a collection of traits and a handful of memories with a name slapped on them. we, as the players, can then take those traits and make something out of them—make them more cohesive, or explore how we personally think the character would act and behave in a specific situation based on the collection of traits the game gave them. and for the type of game genshin is, that’s fine! like it clearly isn’t a game that’s super focused on character development and depth, especially since again the main goal is to keep players spending money and grinding for the new characters that are constantly being churned out, making the other characters feel just like cardboard acquaintances you meet once or twice and then move on from as they stay static or disappear completely. it’s a lot more focused on gameplay and combat, and that’s okay, it just isn’t my thing.
i do plan to share those pieces, but they’re being reworked for other characters that aren’t the genshin men. so the alhaitham x reader x ajax piece will either be for keigo n dabi or chuuya n dazai; the tutor!alhaitham piece is now for clive, and the royal!au with ajax n thoma i have no idea what to do with, but i’m sure i’ll figure it out. the point is, i put so much work into those stories and love them way way waaaay too much for them to just sit abandoned in my documents. when will these be released??? no idea. i’m so dang behind on literally all of my writing; work has me totally swamped atm, life has just been super chaotic in general, and yesterday someone very close to me suffered congestive heart failure, so i’ve just been having trouble finding the time to work on anything other than my tiny lil prompt pieces :( you’re so sweet, thank you so much!! i hope your weekend is going splendid <3
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14dayswithyou · 2 months
I can see you, saint... ^^
Is it okay to make fan comics and such about Ren and angel???
✦゜ANSWERED: aaaa of course!! Everyone is welcome to create any kind of content for 14DWY so long as it's not offensive or illegal. And thank you very much for considering making a fancomic for da game! I really appreciate it ;v;
Tagging me (either @14dayswithyou or @cutiesigh) will also give you a better chance of having me see + reblog it!! ^^ I also encourage everyone to look at and follow the #14DaysWithYou and #14DWY tags to see all the amazing content from people in the community!
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mara-phelion · 3 months
so i finished my first playthrough of seekL and got the seekLove ending
person a (edited as odxny): "i was gonna say i'm from dc i got pajamas on at 2am-"
person b (edited as thrim): "i'm gonna be honest, i'm ONLY looking at your titties right now"
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snowthatareblack · 8 months
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he says, even though when we die in the second ending, he's on the floor carrying our lifeless body, crying his heart out, as his tears stream down his face and drip onto the floor where our body used to be, but is now gone without a trace like a ghost.
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rosynova · 5 months
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some silly guy posting <3
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ratatatastic · 3 months
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oh like... you know...🫳?
Panthers Championship Parade | 6.30.24 (x)
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sharrkroy · 1 day
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isn’t the view amazing?
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ifwebefriends · 5 months
I hope these silly Australian dogs live happily ever after together :)
Epilepsy warning: Slight Flashing images around 6 seconds to 8 seconds in
[Video ID. A 30-second fan edit of various pictures and clips of Chilli and Bandit Heeler from Bluey roughly in sync with the song Taking What’s Not Yours by TV Girl. The first clip is from the end of The Sign when they look at each other over dinner. The pictures include (in order) them as kids meeting in Fairytale, their wedding photo from Puppets, them as new parents from Baby Race, them sitting together on the playground from Pirates, and them looking at fireworks in Bob Bilby. The other clips include (in order) Bandit taking a picture of Chilli in Bob Bilby, Chilli tackling Bandit towards the end of The Sign, Bandit hugging Chilli in Relax, Chilli spinning and falling into Bandit’s arms from Housework, Chilli jumping on Bandit’s back in Piggyback, and Bandit and Chilli ballet dancing in Work End ID]
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sibyl-of-space · 3 months
theres a certain emotion you can only unlock by reading all 47832094893284302 hours of higurashi and then listening to "you - destructive" on loop for like 3 hours like a year later. but ive unlocked it. and im experiencing it
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perilegs · 8 days
For video essay recommendations, An in-depth look at Romance in video games is so good and brings up a lot of interesting points from the standpoint of a historical overview. I'm a big enjoyer of romance in video games and!! This video was not only funny but incredibly thought provoking.
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aieevee16 · 6 months
An (Over) Analysis Of Obscura: Cirrus
This is mostly me ranting about Cirrus' character and my opinions about him.
Spoilers ahead for Cirrus and his route ahead.
Trigger Warning: Implied abuse of power, trafficking, murder, religious themes and Sadism.
First Impressions
Cirrus is one of the main Love Interests of Obscura and he's portrayed as the "Humble Priest", which is stated in the intro of the game, the game's main page on Steam and Itch.io, and the Trailer.
Looking into Cirrus at first glance, he is shown as the "Guiding One" whenever someone comes into the Lunar Church in the Marketplace. He is the priest of the church after all, so it is his duty to provide guidance to the people who seek help or retribution.
Route and Character
[Spoilers for Cirrus' route up ahead.]
In Cirrus route, Cirrus comes off to Vesper, or the Player, as a welcoming being when we first step foot into the Lunar Church. He is seen as benevolent and open to all who comes in. But as soon as we try to engage in small talk, he almost immediately shuts it down, commenting on how mouthy Vesper is. It's safe to say Cirrus doesn't like small talk.
Looking at this interaction alone indicates how he prefers to go straight into business and not wanting to beat around the bushes. He is a busy man, after all; a priest, nonetheless. He'd rather get things over with as quickly as possible so he could move on to his next business that needs to be attended.
Moving forward with Cirrus' route, he can be pushy at times when we refuse him. For example, there is a looping sequence where if you refuse, Cirrus highly recommends to rethink our decision. And if we still refused, he says the same thing over and over again until we comply to his word.
Cirrus does not take 'no' for an answer. He wants obedience and submission and doesn't want any questions to be asked when he tells them to do something. His position in power gives him an edge compared to everyone else, so he's more of an imposing figure and will most likely pressure someone to comply, whether they like it or not.
And as we go forward into Cirrus' route, depending on our choices and interactions, the tension between Vesper and Cirrus becomes more... Intense, to say the least. Cirrus has a way of building up that tension. He comes off to Vesper as a welcoming and Humble Priest, like we see him in the beginning, but slowly demonstrates his dominance and power over others.
And when I say "dominance", I say it as in an intimidation tactic. Cirrus uses his power to influence our choices; quite literally when the choices are:
"No." "Yes."
At some point in the game. In other words, we have no choice but to accept him. And this is seen strongly during our first timed choices. The timed choices gives us pressure to choose and makes us panic. And depending on which option you choose, it can result in multiple bad endings if you're not careful.
But if you manage to get to the path leading to his neutral or good ending, his presence is still intimidating to us as the player. And that dominance seen clearly in his CG art. Comply to whip yourself, he looks down on you and watch with a sadistic smile. Don't comply; he does the whipping himself.
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Here, we see him towering above Vesper, making them look small in comparison to his already talk stature. He looks down with a grin. The lighting of the scene makes him look malicious compared to when we first meet him.
Cirrus may be known as the "Humble Priest" when in actually, he is the "Sadistic Priest" once you play his route.
After the initial whipping scene, it can go either way depending on your choices, he could either help you on finding the Lunar Ichor cure or get rid of you as soon as possible.
The Endings and Intimacy Points
I won't do each ending because there's a lot of endings but I will talk about how Cirrus handles the situation in the endings. There are two categories of Cirrus' route endings: Help and Remove.
If I remember correctly, Cirrus has two Help Endings.
The neural and good ending tells us that Cirrus sees us as someone who's worthy of his time and energy to lend a helping hand in finding the Lunar Ichor. The Help Endings tells us that Cirrus will only give us help if we show him he has power and we submit to him. If we are willing to give him power over us, he will provide us with the answers we need. He is a priest, after all. He is there to provide to those who seek help and guidance.
And then we have the Remove Endings. As what it implies, there are many ways for Cirrus to "remove" us from his presence. One of which we remove ourselves from him all together if we have chosen one of the timer options. Going back to Cirrus, he has other ways of removing us from him, which are literal back stabbing (murder on the spot), and selling us off to someone else.
If he sees us as someone who's unworthy of his time and energy, he won't hesitate to get rid of you. It is "out of sight, out of mind" for him. He is a priest, after all. He has other important matters to attend to.
And when it comes down to his Intimacy Points, you just gain a perfect 6/6 when getting his best ending. If not, you're automatically on the neutral and bad endings. The points tells us that Cirrus prefers perfection and has high standards when it comes to devotion. It's either him or not when it comes to his standards on you.
He's the "You're either with me or against me".
When it comes to Cirrus' design, he has subtle hints that he is not all that he seems to be.
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If we look carefully into his design, we see a lot of snake imagery on his priest robes. Snakes are often associated with evil or the devil in Christian Mythology. The snake also represents deception, trickery, and manipulation, which is also seen in the story of Adam and Eve, where Eve is tricked by a snake, who is the devil, into eating the forbidden fruit.
Cirrus is a priest; a follower of the Lunar God, nonetheless. The star pattern on his blue scarf and crescent moon brooch indicates his worship of the Lunar God. But he doesn't act like how a priest should be like as we progress into his route. The snakes on his robes may have been a foreshadowing as to who Cirrus really is.
Moving on to Cirrus' himself, in all of his sprites, he stands straight up with his shoulders square and chest out. Here are some examples of his sprites as reference.
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He is not seen slouching or hunched over in any of his sprites. He stands straight and tall. It gives him a kind of presence that tells us that he is a very important person, as to which is is. His posture, along with his already tall height, adds to his intimation and dominance over us as Vesper.
A proper posture for someone who must be seen as nothing but perfection. His statues as a priest also comes into play here.
As a follower of the Lunar God, and quite possibly the closest thing to the Lunar God themselves, Cirrus must be seen something similar to a God. He must be perfect in everything. From how he stands, the way his clothes are fitted, the way his hair is styled, even the design of his mask.
He is seen as someone who's other worldly, given the fact he's much paler in comparison to the other Love Interests. His white hair also gives him a somewhat glow to his figure. He is, in other words, ethereal to look at.
And finally, his mask's design. The mask is simple in design, but it's also eye catching enough with it's intricate lines that makes us look at his face more than anything else on him. The mask is eye catching enough for us to pay close attention to him more, which gives him an advantage when conversing with us, and possibly manipulate our decisions.
Cirrus is a complex character that has many layers to him. He is cunning in deceiving the player and manipulate our choices. He is a master with his way of building the tension between him and Vesper as the route progress and how we see him go from the "Humble Priest" to the "Sadistic Priest". I'm sure there's still more about his character I've most likely skimmed over. But this is what I've managed to gather so far about him and his character in his route. And so far, he's terrifying yet fascinating to study on.
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hypaalicious · 1 year
I’m watching Castlevania Nocturne for the plot.
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ninashiki · 1 month
i feel like almost everything in utena has sort of already been extensively discussed in the last two (almost three) decades of utena's existence (not that there aren't new interpretations to be made, there always are) besides black rose arc (mikage+mamiya+tokiko). which is why they're so much fun to think about. i think the need to read between the lines makes it unfortunately easy to misunderstand or look past obvious stuff if you don't pay attention, but to me it's always been really obvious that mikage's arc is a literal representation of the erasure of queerness in ohtori (society?) by akio/everything he represents. and that's so fucking tragic! nemuro was never able to find a name for his desires. he lived and died as a puppet in the shadows.
#rgu#i think sadly that trigger warning list that people always passed around kind of stunted discussion bc of the assumptions it made#like. i think its okay to say that mikage/nemuro was always in love with mamiya and not tokiko#not that its impossible to interpret him as bisexual (similar to how people see utena as bisexual)#but his love for mamiya is what changed his life (same for utena/her meeting anthy)#one scene i never see people bring up is how#at one point mikage says that attaining eternity wouldn't even make 'her' happy#and then akio questions '''her'' you say?'#the only reason mikage thinks attaining eternity wouldnt even make 'her' i.e 'tokiko' happy is because he just had a conversation#with mamiya where he admitted the whole endeavor was making him unhappy#if anything it would have made tokiko happy to attain eternity and forever preserve her brother like a dead flower#which is what akio does with anthy! so fucked!#ALSO another thing#is that mikage sees utena as tokiko returned#just like how utena meets 'dios' - returned as akio#he claims he will finally beat tokiko - in this place (the dueling arena) - which is kind of foreshadowing utena fighting akio?????#anthy!mamiya says to mikage in the black rose musical:#“You can’t win against her. You will eternally lose to my sister who dwells in your memories.”#or “You will never beat my sister; who dwells in your memories.” in the nozomient translation#which makes so much sense because anthy couldn't believe utena could win against akio either#god i could literally keep going#by read between the lines i mean like how akio actively tries to lie to the audience by saying things like#'mamiya was created for you out of your lingering attachment to tokiko'#of course nemuro/mikage being gay isn't all there is to him bc like always everything in utena has 1000 layers#really love the general theme of becoming static and unchanged forever bc of our attachment to nostalgia/memories/eternity#(re: can't grow up)#tho in mikages case he is literally just a ghost summoned by akio. which the utena sega saturn vn confirms#also definitely people talk about black rose arc (i.e me right now) but i feel like the majority of the fandom kind of side steps it#on tumblr specifically at least?? im not on the fansite forums or discord#rgu meta
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duketibbitswaifu · 9 days
🌸 Duke Tibbits Fanart 🌸
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💗 🌸Just received this amazing art from @parasocialerr!!1! 😊 💕 He looks so cute~!!. 🍰 ✨ I love my Dukey pookie bear so much. 💞 🌺 He's so cute!!! 🌸 ✨
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vendarkoe · 1 year
playing slow damage rn why'd they have my beautiful genderqueer king cut off his hair at the end of his route what are we doing to our queens
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anawkwardlady · 5 months
You might want to know, was I right about Umineko tho? Well I was worse than wrong, I was gaslighting myself and none of us are ready for that level of thought.
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