#i just love when brunette men have problems and issues and it renders then a little pathetic (gale. mulder. various doctors. aloth. corvo)
afterthefeast · 5 months
ep 3 rewatch
it’s been done to death but the fact that goodsir is the one who prevents silna from getting the charms she needed is so juicy. man despite your best intentions your hands are bloody from the start eh?
also hartnell & silna is a really good interaction because like, he’s really quite kind and respectful, be puts some supper in and gives condolences for her father but it doesn’t ultimately matter. i think it’s an example of how no matter how good their intentions are or how kind they may be the crew cannot do the right thing because they just have this insurmountable epistemological barrier by virtue of having been raised to buy into empire.
now that i’ve remembered who he is it’s possible de voeux is my most hated character in this show
also throwing silna’s father down the ice hole just. so cartoonishly evil.
obsessed with how consistently miserable meals on the erebus are shown to be. obviously this one is sad for good reason because gore isn’t there but it does paint a picture of a truly soul-sucking working environment. just deeply awkward for everybody involved.
also interesting to read the body language in franklin’s flashback to his officers chatting back in london. fitzjames is halfway out of the circle but leaning in pretty much how someone slightly left out of the school friendgroup would act (foreshadowing that he’s out of his depth and overcompensates socially?) and gore is the centre of attention (tallies with the impression that gore was pretty universally popular and does suggest to me that his early death really sent things downhill on erebus morale wise).
honestly jane franklin is so interesting to me. love that she’s a bit of a lady macbeth in some ways despite next episode pointing out that she also thinks her husband is a bit of an idiot.
mandatory religious service sir john u fucking square
the fact that franklin refuses crozier’s rescue plan right after we’re shown he had no rescue plan in the first place — motivated primarily by vanity. “i will not lose another man” is not his motivation surely. hilarious that he accuses crozier of vanity because of this as well. something deeply paternalistic about the whole speech too - franklin saying he takes some (but not all!) responsibility for crozier’s shortcomings as a captain. something about how everything crozier is is because of sir john, who is retroactively taking credit for moulding his whole personality, except for his flaws which are inherent to crozier, indelible failures. ALSO actually this is completely the imperial mindset like straight up. british imperial policy in africa (in contrast to french) focused very much on like, emphasising difference between indigenous people and the british administration. they would educate “able” colonised people in the british system but they would never be british (the french response, also evil, was just to say that everyone was now french what a gift). like, the attitude of, we will make you, as much as we can, a good imperial citizen, all of your achievements will be because we gave you that opportunity, but also you will never truly be one of us because you will always be Other and therefore wrong. very franklin & crozier in that scene.
the irony of course is that, the above said, in a limited sense franklin isn’t wrong — crozier’s tendency to isolate himself is actively detrimental.
also fitzjames’ obvious eavesdropping is really funny especially considering that it was not necessary. dundy was also listening in but managed to get away but fj just sort of freezes? very secondary mean girl behaviour of him
ok interesting that blanky & crozier assume little would refuse to disobey sir john and send off the search parties. also “there’s a spare captain on erebus”, fun thirty second foreshadowing. but also good example of how crozier is like…idk his self-sacrifical tendencies are obviously ultimately completely thwarted, and also not at all the best for his ship
DIGGLE WAS THE COOK??? ok craaaazy that he ended up in cannibalism kitchen then
IRVING WATERCOLOUR SPEECH. best moment of this whole fucking show. again really interesting that hickey has initially really misread the situation and it is worse than he thought it was BUT it’s also so funny how much he is clearly enjoying playing the repentant sinner. kind of into it methinks. also “you’re in the world’s best place for it” [“repairing” yourself] and “god sees you, mr hickey. here, more than anywhere” OKAYY.
DIVORCE!!!!! <3333
“to think you were such a good wife to me, all this months” hmmmmm
RAT SPEECH okay putting a pin in this speech because i am too tired to fully go through it but there’s a lot there about like. idk general human/animal stuff, also “rats devouring each other to make more rats” kind of a thesis statement maybe?
“just ask jopson” classic messy bitch jopson
“he sees something in me” / “he doesn’t see you at all” — “a man like me will do anything to be seen” / “that is not how i see you” yet another parallel between hickey & billy and crozier & fitzjames. which could mean anything
“educate this creature as to the dominion of the empire and the will of the lord behind it” well.
honestly goodsir trying to figure out how to arrange the leg will always be famous
little & dundy honestly looking straight up suicidal about fitzjames’ excessive grief. yet another erebus awkward workplace moment.
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cycat4077 · 5 years
Changes: A Sonny x Reader fic
(You know I’m in too deep with a fandom when I start writing fics...)
Sonny Carisi is ruining my expectations of men and, much to my dismay, slowly converting me into a “legs” woman. So it’s no wonder I want to write cute fluffy stories about him. Except this one doesn’t start out so fluffy. Like no fluff at all. Actually a lot of mutual loathing. But hey, what’s the opposite of hate? Yep! Love. We’ll get there folks ;)
Title: Changes Ship: Sonny x Reader (OC female character) Chapters: 1/? (should be more to come) Links: AO3, FF.net (or see below the cut), Chapter List
Notes:  I love Carisi so much and Peter does such a fantastic job portraying him (and he's absolutely gorgeous to boot). It's hard to see Sonny as anything but a total sweetheart...But I wanted to try something a bit different. What if he and a love interest got off on the wrong foot and she was really annoyed by everything he did? How does that dynamic change when they finally start getting to know each other? Hope you enjoy! It was a quick idea that popped into my head. I do plan on continuing it for a bit, so any feedback would be loved!
Chapter 1: Summer Hire
This is the point in your life where you’d probably hear a record scratch and a voice-over version of yourself would say: “I bet you’re wondering how I ended up here?”
Well, you suppose it’s not the worst thing in the world but it’s not the exact vision you had had for yourself when you moved to New York.
You’re a university graduate. You did a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in biology upstate and, after finding your calling as a teacher, you completed a Master's in education to top it all off. The affiliations and contacts you made there led you to NYC when a part-time lecturer position opened up in Manhattan. It is in your discipline and you only have to teach one course per semester. It’s your foot in the door, doing something you truly love. But, the part-time position also comes with some drawbacks. The classes you teach aren’t offered in the summer, and with a wage that pays you by the lecture, summer break essentially means your income comes to a halt. New York isn’t exactly a city to offer affordable living either. This means money is tight, leaving you with no other choice but to seek out some temp work.
And low and behold, a position at the NYPD’s special victim’s unit became your new meal ticket. Being a teacher already means that you have the necessary police background checks completed and you have previously dealt with an issue on campus that vouches for your credibility when it comes to confidentiality. You are hired no problem, but the downside is that the job is for a bookkeeper. And bookkeeping is the fancy term the NYPD used for “clean up the paperwork messes we’ve let accumulate”. But a job’s a job and it will cover your summer bills.
So here you are: It’s your first day as SVU’s “bookkeeper” and you were told to find Sgt. Olivia Benson when you arrive. You walk into the squad room and your ears are immediately overwhelmed by ringing phones and the sounds of chatter. There are detectives whizzing by, going about whatever it is they do. You hug your notebook to your chest as you try to seek out the sergeant among the chaos. You see a brunette head into an office and figure that she’s your best bet.
“Hello,” you speak meekly, as you stand at the door.
The woman spins around and greets you with a quizzical smile.
“I’m here for the summer bookkeeper position,” you continue.
“Oh, yes! Welcome to SVU. Let me introduce you to the squad.” Sgt. Benson leads you to the center of the squad room and hollers to get everyone’s attention. “Listen up, everyone! This is our newest member of the team. She’s here to take care of all the filing messes you’ve left around here.”
You hear a chorus of lighthearted groans and chuckles from the rest of the team as Benson gives you a pat on the back.
Just then a tall, lanky man comes lumbering in towards the two of you. “Really, Sarge? A temp?” he scoffs.
“Carisi,” starts Benson, sounding very much like a mom scolding her son, “you know just as much as everyone else here that we have a backlog of case reports that need serious filing”.
He shrugs his shoulders, raising his hands as if to say whatever, you’re in charge! before walking away and plunking himself down at a desk.
Benson shows you to your new work station and the mounds of filing that are in disarray. “Don’t worry,” she reassures you with a warm smile, “it just takes these folks time to warm up to new faces.” 
But it’s too late you think as she walks past that Carisi guy. His arrogance has immediately put you off. Him and his smug attitude. You get the same kind of defiance from your teenage students, for crying out loud!
The days go by, albeit slowly, as you trudge through paperwork. You’ve familiarized yourself with their previous filing system and are trying to sort and stack to match it. It’s tedious work but overall, not the worst possible job. The one thing that does annoy you though is Carisi. You watch him around the office from time to time. He’s got a loud, boisterous voice that always lets everyone know when he’s around. He’s got that brow of his which always seems to be knitted in disgust. Even the way he saunters around like he’s some tough guy makes you feel sick. And he always stands there with his hand on his hip like he’s someone important. Not to mention how brash he is with everyone he talks to and how he’s always trying to show off his legal knowledge to anyone who’ll listen…and even to those who won’t.
On top of his general demeanor, he has not exactly been friendly with you either. He clearly hasn’t given you the benefit of the doubt and he definitely doesn’t consider you a squad member. In all fairness, you’re not really a part of their detective team, but you still see these people everyday. Most of them make an effort to be nice to you. You can even sometimes overhear him let out these little quips about the paperwork or he’ll refer to you like you’re not even there. Carisi never ceases to make your eyes roll or your blood boil.
About a month into the job, you decide you need to work late. There’s at least a year’s worth of backlog and you really want to get the ball rolling with the organization. On top of that though, during the day you came across a really big mess. Folders that have cases mixed up and they desperately need proper sorting. So, overtime it is!
Everyone had already left and it’s just you in your messy bun, shuffling through countless papers and files. Well, you thought you were the only one left…
But of course, in comes Carisi with that stomach-churning saunter and that grumpy face of his. You let out an annoyed sigh. How was he going to try to insult you this time?
“You’re still here, newbie?” he chirps when he sees you.
“Backlog of paperwork, remember?” you quip back with just the perfect amount of sass.
“Ah, yes, how could I forget? Very important job and all…” His words absolutely drip with sarcasm but you are adamant that you won’t let him get to you. So, you just roll your eyes and turn back to your work.
When he notices your lack of rebuttal, he adds, “Clockin’ some oh-tee, myself. Mighta missed a lead in somma these files from our latest case.” He rolls up his sleeves as he speaks, exposing his forearms.
You, too, notice how warm the squad room is. Damn summer heat.
“That’s nice.” You fake a smile, watching him from the corner of your eye.
He plops down at his station a row across from your work-space, stretching himself out as his long, lanky legs crowd out his desk space. Carisi glances down as if he’s about to delve into his work, but then looks back up and over to you. You feel his blue eyes boring into you from a distance. “Why the hell you take this stupid job anyway? I assume the pay is total crap.”
Your head snaps up to glare at him. What a bold statement. He knows nothing about you yet he has the audacity to assume that this job is worthless? He probably thinks you’re just some desperate girl who needs to take whatever job she can get. Nothing to her name; nothing of worth.
“For your information,” you punctuate the words, “the college courses I teach aren’t offered in the summer.” You wanted your words to be a knife and to twist them so as to wipe the smug look off his face.
“Yourra teacher?” he says, taken aback.
You’ve got him! Not so smug now! “Yes, biological sciences at one of the colleges here in Manhattan.”
Carisi looks genuinely shocked. His eyebrows are raised and he’s just staring at you. You’ve finally rendered the mouthy detective speechless. You would do a victory dance, but you wouldn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing you enjoyed it that much.
“Wow,” he states with a small smile, “that’s really awesome.”
A compliment. Wow indeed. But then you notice something. His normally knitted, grumpy eyebrows that you detest so much are actually softened and expressive. In fact, his whole demeanor has suddenly changed. He looks…kind.
“What?” You finally break the silence, still trying to put up the hardened front.
“Nothin’. Just neva knew that ‘bout you. Why haven’t you said anything?” he questions.
“You never asked,” you reply simply. And, before you can stop yourself, you add: “Besides, I’m just a temp.” You immediately regret saying it. It was a dirty dig, especially when Carisi was actually trying to be nice.
“Yeah,” he says, scratching the back of his neck, “Sorry ‘bout that...”
His apology hangs heavily in the air for a few long moments before you decide to quietly utter: “It’s alright.”
You both silently return to your work for another few hours. Eventually, however, you can’t see straight. Your eyes hurt and your headache is growing worse. Your glasses had slipped so far down your nose that someone may mistake you for a little old granny. Your hair is sticking out in all directions, seemingly trying to escape its bun-prison. It’s most definitely time for you to head home.
You look up to see Carisi totally overcome with fatigue as well. He has bags under his eyes from a hard day. You know his job isn’t easy and you can admit that he actually does take it very seriously.
You stand up and close the open file in front of you. Your movements release Carisi from his work-induced trance. “Headin’ out?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you reply. “Can’t take anymore of this tonight.”
“I should call it a night too,” he says, standing up and straightening his tie. “Uh, lemme walk you home. It’s real late and there’s creeps hangin’ ‘round at this hour.”
You catch his eye. He looks genuinely apologetic. 'You' from a couple of weeks ago would have said no way in hell. Heck, 'You' from a couple of hours ago would have shut him down instantly. But something makes you say yes. For some reason your gut is telling you to give him a chance – that maybe you had judged him a little too quickly as well. “Sure,” you nod. “Thanks, detective.”
He flashes you a half smile. “Please, call me Sonny.”
Notes: Unfortunately, society does a lot of labeling and judging based on very little information. Doesn't matter what job you have or what you look like. If you take the chance to get to know someone, you may be pleasantly surprised :) 
Chapter 2 here
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ricandhaiz · 5 years
Blindsided, Chapter 3
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The day was warm and sunny with a slight wind as Nic made his way to the university’s main plaza to meet Allie. Given the burned portions of skin’s hypersensitivity to the sun, he’d opted to wear a long sleeve denim shirt and jeans with a baseball cap. While navigating through the throng of students coming and going to campus, he noticed that most of the people gathering for the men’s acapella group’s lunch time performance were women. He spotted Allie and Charlie sitting on a patch of grass underneath a large jacaranda tree not far from the arched gateway separating the upper and lower portions of the plaza. Charlie wagged his tail and barked in acknowledgment as he approached them.
“Nic, is that you?” Allie asked.
“You weren’t kidding when you told me this show was popular with the girls,” Nic replied as he sat down next to her. “I’m surprised there aren’t more men here. This place is practically swarming with women. I think I’m outnumbered three to one, which are great odds for any single guy who’s looking to pick up a girl.”
Allie smiled. “You think so?”
“Absolutely,” Nic replied as he thought about what his pre-accident self would have done in this situation. “It’s their loss, I guess. Lucky for me, I’m already sitting next to the prettiest girl on campus.”
“Wow,” Allie exclaimed, giggling. “You do have a way with words. My B.S. meter is usually pretty good at spotting a player a mile away but the way you just said that almost sounded believable.”
“You think I’m lying?” Nic replied.
Just then, a petite brunette wearing a red t-shirt and jean shorts arrived with arms laden with food and drinks. She greeted Allie with a warm hello as she bent down and handed her a can of Coke and a tuna sandwich. She turned to Nic as she sat down next to Charlie and said, “You must be the guy that Allie’s been talking my ear off about. You’re Nic, right?” Nic glanced at Allie, who was blushing. He nodded. She extended her hand to him and said, “Hi, I’m her roommate, Nicole.”
He shook Nicole’s hand and said, “I can’t imagine what she could’ve said about me. I’m really not that interesting.”
“Oh please,” Nicole replied with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Your name rang a bell as soon as she mentioned it, so being the overprotective and nosy friend that I am, I took the liberty of looking you up on the internet. You’re one of the Spanish soccer players who got into that horrific car accident in L.A. two years ago, right?” Nic nodded again, feeling decidedly uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was taking. “It was all over the news.”
His face fell as he recalled all the news clippings about the accident that his abuela had shown him when he had first returned to Spain. “Have you talked to anyone else other than Allie about me?” Nicole shook her head. Relieved, he added, “I’d appreciate it if you could keep what you’ve learned about me to yourself. It was a very painful period in my life and it took a long time for me to come to terms with what happened. I had to undergo months of physical and psychological therapy to get to where I am now. During that process, I decided that I needed a fresh start. That’s why I came here to study.”
“Of course,” Nicole replied contritely. “Mum’s the word.”
“Have many people asked you about your accident?” Allie asked as she popped the tab on her soda can.
Nic paused, then said, “It hasn’t really come up in any of the conversations I’ve had with my professors and classmates. I think they’re savvy enough to realize that it’s a sensitive issue for me and have chosen to respect my privacy in that regard.”
“Allie tells me that you’re in an MBA student,” Nicole said in a tentative voice. “Do you know where you’re going and what you want to do after you graduate?”
Nic sensed that her question had a lot to do with her concern for Allie and where a possible relationship with him might lead. In an attempt to assuage her concerns, he replied, “My family has been in the wine business for generations. Naturally, my papá would like to pass the business on to me once he retires but nothing’s set in stone. I could decide to stay here after I graduate. It’s too early yet for me to say for sure one way or the other.”
“Some of the articles I read said that your father also played professional football,” Nicole said.
“Yes, he did,” Nic replied, grateful that the focus of the conversation had at least temporarily shifted away from him. “He was one of three goalkeepers chosen to be a part of the Spanish national football team at both the 1994 and 1998 FIFA World Cups. He played for Real Madrid and Barça for years before he retired in the early 2000s.”
“Is he the reason why you decided to be a footballer too?” Allie asked.
“In part, but it was mostly because I loved playing the game too. My madre told me that I was playing with footballs even before I learned to walk.”
Allie then asked him, “Did people often compare you to your father?”
“All the time,” Nic replied as he reflected on his padre’s storied football career. “I didn’t mind. Most of the time, it just motivated me to work harder, especially since I’m two inches shorter than he is. Most goalkeepers are usually at least six feet tall.”
“Was he very involved in your sports career?” Allie asked.
Nic reflected on her question, then said, “He only gave me advice when I asked for it. He made it clear to me early on in my career that he wanted me to succeed on my own merit.”
“I bet your mom’s mighty proud of what you’ve accomplished,” Allie said. “Not many people have the skill or the talent to make it to the professional level of football like you did.”
“I’m sure she would have been,” Nic replied slowly. “She died of breast cancer when I was a teenager.”
Allie gasped in surprise and bit her lip. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have—”
“There’s no need for you to apologize,” Nic interjected. “You didn’t say or do anything wrong.”
After a brief pause in the conversation, Nicole leaned in as she placed her hand on Allie’s shoulder and said, “Well, now that Nic’s in the picture, maybe Conner will finally take a hint and go and find someone else to bother.”
“It doesn’t sound like you like him much,” Nic chimed in.
“No, I don’t,” Nicole replied matter-of-factly. “And neither does Allie but she’s just too nice to tell him to buzz off.”
“Is that true?” Nic asked.
Allie sighed. “He’s all right, but what irritates me most is his tendency to treat me like an invalid who can’t do anything for herself.”
“He’s such a tool,” Nicole said, shaking her head as she took a bite of her ham and cheese sandwich. “I know he’s a family friend and all, and that your aunt and his mom are close but that doesn’t mean you should feel obliged to put up with him like you do.”
“I know,” Allie said. “But it’s not like I haven’t tried to—”
“But nothing,” Nicole cut in. “You need to stop beating around the bush and tell him to back off, especially now that I’m not going to be there to help run interference for you.”
“You’re leaving?” Nic asked.
“My boyfriend recently got an advertising job in L.A. and asked me to go with him. I graduated this past spring and have been working as a nurse at the university hospital. I’ve already got a few interviews lined up so I don’t think I’ll have much of a problem landing a job.”
“It’s a great opportunity for both of them,” Allie said with a touch of sadness in her voice despite her obvious effort to sound upbeat. “Nicole’s been dying to move to a big city like L.A. ever since we met my freshman year here.”
Nicole nodded. “Hilton City’s alright for a college town but I can’t see myself living here long term. I need to be in a place with a faster pulse, you know what I’m saying?”
Nic glanced at Allie and said, “What does this mean for you?”
Allie shrugged and patted the top of Charlie’s head. “I can’t afford the apartment we live in on my own so I’m probably going to have to move back in with my aunt and uncle for a little while. I’d rather find another roommate but that’s tricky, especially with me being blind. Nicole’s the best. It’s probably going to be near high impossible to find someone like her on such short notice.”
“Where do you live?” Nicole asked.
“My friend, Matt, helped me find a room in a house just two blocks from the south side of campus. I live with an elderly couple whose son recently moved out. They rented out his room to me as a favor to Matt.”
Nicole’s eyes seemed to widen in apparent excitement. He wondered why. She asked, “Are you obligated to stay there for the entire school year?”
“No,” Nic replied.
She quickly followed that up with a few more questions. “Do you smoke or drink?”
“No, and a lot less than I used to.”
“Are you neat? I mean, like, do you tend clean up after yourself or are you the type that leaves his stuff lying around the house?”
“I’d like to think so.”
“Have you had roommates before?”
Nic shook his head, then swiftly added, “But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be a good one.”
Nicole paused, looking thoughtful as she tapped her finger to her cheek. “Would you mind having to share space, like a bathroom with someone, if you had to?”
“What’s with all the questions?” Allie cut in.
Nicole nudged her in the ribs and said, “Isn’t it obvious? I’m trying to find out if Nic would be a good replacement for me.”
“What?” Allie asked, appearing utterly confused.
“Can you just see it?” Nicole replied, clapping her hands together in delight. “Trust me. I have a sixth sense about these things.”
For a moment or two, Nicole’s suggestion rendered both Nic and Allie speechless.
“Well, say something!” Nicole said. “You know I’m right.”
“Umm…I don’t know. My aunt might not approve of me living with a guy.”
Nicole rolled her eyes and said, “Your aunt needs to bring herself into the twenty-first century. People of the opposite sex live together all the time. Isn’t that right, Nic?”
“Yes, I suppose so,” Nic replied cautiously.
“What do you think?” Allie asked.
“I don’t see why not.” Nic replied as his eyes darted back and forth between Allie and Nicole. “But I’d only do it if you’re one hundred percent okay with it.”
“Really?” Allie asked, sounding slightly off-kilter. Nic was finding it hard to gauge whether Allie agreed with Nicole’s assessment of the situation or not. But then she said, “Before you commit to anything, you ought to come by our apartment and take a look around first.”
“Are you doing anything this afternoon?” Nicole asked expectantly.
“I have an accounting class at two o’clock, but I could drop by any time after that,” Nic replied.
Nicole answered, “Why don’t you swing by at six? Allie and I will make spaghetti.” She patted Allie’s knee, adding, “Sound good?”
“Are you sure?” Allie asked, furrowing your brow as she turned her head in Nic’s direction. “We’re just getting to know each other. The last thing I want to do is make you feel like I’m pressuring you into moving in with me out of some misguided sense of obligation or pity.”
Nic placed his hand over Allie’s and gave it a squeeze. “Believe me, if I do agree to do it, feeling sorry for you definitely won’t be the reason I say yes.”
Just then, a member of The Warblers spoke up. He thanked the crowd for coming and then announced their opening song, “Bohemian Rhapsody.”
Nic was grateful for the diversion. As the very real possibility of living with Allie began to sink in, he couldn’t help but think of this unexpected turn of events as the best stroke of luck that he’d encountered in a very long time. Although there was a part of him that was wary of being exposed to possible disappointment and heartbreak, the desire to love and be loved was much stronger. And so, he decided to keep an open mind and see how things would pan out later this evening.
 It was five till six when Nic looked up at the number on the white door and compared it to the piece of paper upon which Nicole had scribbled her and Allie’s apartment number and address earlier that day. It had been a pleasant and relatively short walk from the university library to their two-bedroom ground floor apartment. He’d stopped and sat on a park bench for a little while so as not to arrive too early and amused himself by watching children feed the ducks which were congregating at the edge of a small pond.
He knocked. A tall, sandy-blond haired man wearing a black t-shirt and shorts opened the door. For a second, Nic wondered if he was in the right place and was about to take a second glance at the paper in his hand when the man said, “Are you Nic? I’m Brandon, Nicole’s boyfriend. Come on in.”
Nic smiled and waved at Nicole and Allie, who were in the kitchen with Charlie, and followed Brandon to the living room. He was immediately struck by how neat and tidy the apartment looked. He glanced at an assortment of flowers in a glass vase on the coffee table and saw numerous pictures of the girls with friends and family hanging on the walls and side tables. He thought these things gave the place a decidedly homey feeling. Brandon motioned for him to take a seat on a red futon which had multicolored throw pillows on each corner.  As he sat down, his eye fell on a picture of a man in a fireman’s outfit holding a little brown-haired girl in his arms.
“That’s Allie and her dad,” Brandon said, following Nic’s line of sight. “I think Nicole told me that that picture was taken just a week before he died.”
“What happened to him?”
“He was one of the hundreds of firefighters who died on 9/11 at the Twin Towers. Allie was five.”
Brandon asked Nic if he wanted a beer. He said yes. The sound of pots and pans clanking and clattering in the kitchen filled his ears as the smell of freshly baked bread and pasta wafted through the air. He glanced at the forty-inch flat screen T.V. against the wall directly opposite the futon and the bookcases on either side of it which were filled with even more pictures, textbooks, audiobooks and CDs.
After returning to the living room with a beer in each hand, Brandon handed one to Nic and plopped onto a white bean bag next to the futon. “Nicole tells me that your thinking about moving in with Allie.” Nic nodded. “She’s a sweet girl, and Charlie’s the best. The neighbors are all right and the landlord’s usually pretty responsive to the girls whenever they’ve had a problem. Personally, the only thing that I think is kind of annoying about this place is how thin the walls are.”
“I’m a pretty deep sleeper so that shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Good. I was told that dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Would you like to see Nicole’s room?”
Nic shook his head. “I can wait. I wouldn’t want to do that without her being right there with me.”
“Not a problem. She’s the one who told me to ask you.” Brandon stood up and motioned for Nic to follow. “Let’s go.”
Brandon led Nic down a short hallway and then flicked on the light to the room furthest back. He stepped aside to give Nic a chance to take a peek inside. It was small bedroom with a closet which contained a twin bed, desk and dresser. He pointed to a door opposite the closet and asked, “Where does that lead?”
“The bathroom,” Brandon replied. “Did the girls tell you that you’re going to have to share it with Allie?”
No, not exactly, he thought as he tried to recall everything that Nicole had said to him earlier that day. He replied, “We really didn’t have much time to talk particulars before The Warblers’ set began.” After a brief pause, Nic asked, “Do you think Allie will have an issue about living with a roommate of the opposite sex?”
Brandon shrugged. “I doubt she would have asked you in the first place if she did. But…”
“But what?”
“Her uncle, Big Mike, might look at you sideways and give you the stink eye at first, but I’m guessing that even he’ll come around once the dust settles and he gets to know you better.”
Wonderful, Nic thought as he leaned against the doorframe and stuck his hands in his pockets. Just then, he heard light footsteps heading in his direction. He turned and saw Nicole coming toward him. She patted him on the shoulder and said, “I’m so glad you’re here. Allie’s been beside herself ever since I opened my big mouth and suggested that you move in with her.”
Nic frowned. “Is she having second thoughts?”
“God no. Just the opposite. She’s worried that I might’ve scared you off and that you’re going to say no.”
“Nicole has that effect on people,” Brandon chimed in, grinning. “Is dinner ready?” Nicole stuck her tongue out at Brandon before answering in the affirmative. Brandon replied, “Let’s get some chow. I’m starving.”
Nic sat down next to Allie, who was already seated at a square shaped wooden dining room table. Her long, wavy brown hair was down, and she was wearing a floral summer dress with sandals. Nic reached out for Allie’s hand and said, “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you.” Allie blushed.
Brandon placed a large bowl filled with spaghetti and meat sauce in the middle of the table. Nicole came up behind him holding glasses of champagne. She placed one in front of each person, and then looked over at Nic and asked, “So, what do you think?”
Nic felt Allie’s grip on his hand immediately tighten. She leaned over to Nic and said in a low voice, “You don’t have to decide this very minute if you’re still not sure what you want to do.”
Nic smiled and said, “I think your apartment is very nice and I can’t think of a single reason why I shouldn’t say yes.”
Allie beamed. Nicole let out a cheer, then said, “Just give me a sec. I’ve gotta run back and get the champagne.”
When Nicole returned, she promptly filled every person’s glass to the brim. Brandon stood up and said, “A toast, to roommates old and new.”
Everyone clinked their glasses together. As Nic raised his glass toward his lips, he felt profoundly grateful to be in the company of these down to earth and friendly people. While the others filled their plates, he glanced at Allie and then up at the ceiling. He silently said a prayer of thanks. After more than a year of self-imposed isolation, he finally felt that now was the time to take a chance and let someone special into his life and heart.
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Catastrophe And The Cure → Self Para
Involving: Malia Hale, Caleb Hale, the founders council.
Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2017.
Time: 2 PM, EST.
Location: Waterfront.
District: Mystic Falls, Virginia.
Trigger warning(s): Violence.
Information: After the founders council lied about the cure and claimed it could make a vampire control their blood lust, Malia takes it upon herself to go to founders hall to retaliate. She bumps into some of them on the way however...
Malia was fuming. Of course the council had given her something that would turn a supernatural into a human. She didn't trust them by default, so she'd found a random vampire to test the vial out on and as a result, said vampire was rendered human again. She hated it when people tried to trick her and even though the general population thought she was stupid, she was smart enough to test it out on someone else first. But it made sense that there wasn't a remedy for out of control blood lust issues - that would be too easy, wouldn't it? And since it was coming from the council, it was too easy by default because they were the most untrustworthy people in the world. Malia was growling in anger, her eyes glowing a bright yellow whenever her aggression reached its peak - that was how angry she was. Currently, the hybrid was on her way to founders hall to kick their asses because no deed would go unpunished with her. And really, she wasn't scared of them, why would she be? She was both werewolf and vampire and she was a lot stronger than people probably thought and gave her credit for. If she wasn't, why had she been channeled several times by now? Channeling required power, which was another thing that let her know she most likely had a lot of it. Her pace was brisk as she walked the streets of Mystic Falls, effortlessly navigating herself to founders hall. But before she could reach the building, her father and some of his fellow council members approached her. It was probably a coincidence, but if they were here, then she didn't have to go through the trouble of heading to founders hall. 
Stopping in front of the man, Malia loosely crossed her arms over her chest, looking at him as he looked back at her and also cut his little stroll short. The others came to a halt behind him, but if this was them trying to be intimidating, they were failing at it horribly. Malia wasn't someone who got scared. She'd survived on her own for many years, she'd seen and gone through a lot of things, so fear was a rare thing for her. Only in extreme situations did she feel that, but not when it came to the council. "Malia." Caleb gave a brief nod of his head after addressing his daughter. "Dad." she hated saying that word now, calling him that. He hadn't felt like her father in a long time and she didn't like calling him that anymore at this point. "Funny thing about that vial you left on my doorstep. It gets rid of your entire, supernatural species. Then again, you already knew that, didn't you?" she questioned rhetorically, brown eyes shifting to the others behind him, just to keep an eye on them all and not just on her father. "But it cures blood lust, doesn't it? Humans don't crave blood, so if you ask me, your little problem is no longer." he told her, but Malia simply gritted her teeth and growled, having half a mind to let her vampire teeth extend - or even her werewolf ones, just to show them that this was angering her. She kept it at bay for now though, merely allowing her Omega colored eyes to display themselves. 
"How does it feel, dating a human? It should almost make you feel normal. Just think about how it could be if you took the cure too. I wouldn't have to kill you anymore and we could try to mend things." Caleb couldn't be serious about this, right? Malia could only stare at him with an incredulous expression, as if he was insane. "I tested it out on a random vampire because I don't trust you and your Worthington Labs friends." she wasn't usually one for making movie references, but Malia was gradually getting better at things like that. Slowly, but surely. "You didn't really think I'd test it out on Nate, did you? Like I'd trust you blindly? And you can't possibly think that I'd go anywhere near that cure of yours. You said you hated me, that I was a monster and no longer your daughter, so let's keep it that way. My species doesn't change what you said or how you feel about me because I still killed mom. But what you fail to realize is that I'm dealing with it. I know I killed her, but I can't go back in time and change it. I have to deal with what I did, with or without you." Malia commented. In fact, her dad had chosen for her to deal with it without him, but so be it. She couldn't change his mind on that - he'd always hate her for killing the love of his life, whether she was a supernatural or not, that wouldn't change. But she could tell that her dad and his friends didn't like the fact that she hadn't given it to her boyfriend, so that had to have been their intention - for her to be with a human long enough so that she'd want to be one too. But she didn't think that cure could remove her werewolf gene, so she'd probably go back to being an untriggered werewolf anyway, like Caleb. 
"You didn't give it to him? You're smarter than I thought you were." he mused, but soon after, one of the men behind him started shooting at her with a tranquilizer gun. It had to be a weapon that allowed the council to inject supernaturals with their cure by shooting it at them rather than letting them drink it. God, how far were these people gonna go to render the entire town human? Malia was just in time to use her supernatural speed to avoid the needle, actually managing to catch the second one and throwing it back towards the man who had tried to shoot her. It wouldn't cure him because she'd detected a heartbeat and no supernatural species, but it would hurt his neck all the same as that was where it pierced him. "Don't do this, Malia." Caleb was now pointing a gun at her and Malia froze. In that moment, seeing the man who raised her point a weapon at her did something to her. He's not your father anymore, Malia. Don't let him do this to you. He doesn't love you anymore. He hasn't loved you for a long time. He's with them and he'll kill or cure you if he gets the chance and not even think twice about it. Your family is gone. Let it go. The brunette had only paused for a few seconds, which was enough for her father to drop his guard. As he did so, she swiped the gun and used the back to hit him in the face with it, also knocking out the other council members. This gave her enough time to escape, taking the gun with her. She just hoped that there were still some needles containing the cure inside so it could potentially be investigated further. Maybe they could find a cure for the cure? Like an anti cure? Something that resisted whatever it was made of.  
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