#i just wanted a flashie save for my challenge tho :((
unnerving-presence · 1 year
this wesker tunneled the chris out (lore accurate), annihilated the rest of us, but let me escape
he stole my heart
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gicaarts · 3 years
My take on @tamak0's draw this in your style on Instagram!
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I wanted to make something a bit different from the other posts I saw so I made Luca and Alberto as sea monsters! It was written on the rules that changes on the characters were allowed so I hope that is ok 🥺
That's the situation: it's a sunny day, Alberto is on work break, the underdogs decide to hang out together and get themselves some gelato, they sit on a bench to do some small talk, but suddenly the sky starts leaking, it's nothing but a sudden summer rain, drizzle is all that falls from the sky, but it's enough water to soak their ice cream cones, luckily Giulia now has the habit of carrying an umbrella around with her since she's pretty much going to get in contact with water a lot because of her aquatic friends. Luca doesn't have one though, so he tries his best to protect his gelato from the water with his own hand while they wait for the rain to go away. Meanwhile, Alberto keeps talking about his countless stories as a lifeguard and how he's "kind of an expert" on his job saving people from drowning and teaching little kids how to swim. Poor kitty right there in the corner wasn't having fun at all though, it left its shelter just to take a closer look on the strange and flashy sea monsters but ended up getting taken by the rain and started running as fast as it could before getting completely drenched, the cat ran so fast that the underdogs only noticed it a few seconds before the cat completely disappeared from the place, they all laughed at the situation as soon as they lost sight of it
They are 16-17 in here cause I honestly have no idea of how I would picture them as adults, that's why their designs are kinda lazy too, I sort of had to do this in a rush cause the challenge's end line is almost here so I didn't have exactly enough time to think of better designs, but I guess these ones are enough to get by, I'll definitely change their designs in the future tho, but I've always pictured teen Giulia with long hair in a low ponytail, that's for sure, so I'm glad I had the chance to draw her like this!
I am still very happy with how this came out though, trees and backgrounds are usually my weak spot but surprisingly they were a lot of fun to work on and I'm very proud of how they turned out! I am really satisfied with the colors as well, I love how colorful it looks! I also played around with different colors for shading and it actually looks better than I expected, especially the shading of Giulia's skin!
I like the final result very much so I hope you like it too! 🥺
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Soul Chicken (Hawks x Reader)
Prompt: Soulmate AU where the first words your soulmate says to you are written on your wrist and while Hawks has an absolutely unhelpful phrase written on them, y/n has something....unique.
(so this was generated by an OTP one shot generator and it caught my attention :D it was... challenging to say the least but still fun!)
contains: 4 year age gap (not that ya’ll would mind), fluff
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This was the one thing Hawks always managed to save for later. With just how fast he likes to move, he regularly shoved the idea aside. It was as if his mouth acquired a bitter taste each time it entered his train of thought.
How did this enter his mind once more? Oh right. The two people he had saved turned out to be soulmates. Such luck for them, he supposed.
Not that he didn't care, though. This bird child-man always dreamed of seeing who the universe had paired him up with. But to his luck, the letters etched on his skin were almost cursed. Cursed to the point where he merely gave up his search.
The first words his soulmate would tell him. The first words that would open new doors for his feathers to explore. Despite keeping his smirk pasted on his face, his heart would ache when he hears people saying it.
Those were the words inked on his inner wrist. A 3 letter word that was as overused as the word 'you'. How in heaven's name was he supposed to find his other half with every other person greeting him 'hey' with different variations.
Munching on his piece of chicken, he cleared his desk and began to look over the files his agency prepared for him. Laid on his desk were the profiles of possible interns he could gather intel from.
"Todoroki Shoto." He read and scanned the bio data. Endeavor would not be happy if he took him in. As tempting as it would be, he placed it on the discard pile.
"Bakugo Katsuki." His pupils shrunk at the memory of this kid being chained to the post. All while trying to bite off All Might's hand. "Little too wild for my taste."
"Tokoyami Fumikage." He immediately stamped the approval sign on it. A fellow bird in his agency? Hella fun!
"(L/N) (Y/N)." The 4th placer in the UA sports festival. His eyes drifted to your age. "Huh, interesting. Eldest of the class due to late enrollment and personal issues. 18 while the rest 16."
Nodding his head, your quirk wasn't too flashy but made up for its efficiency. Similar to his Fierce Wings. With his index finger tapping on his desk, he turned to his desktop and began digging up information about you.
Orphaned at the age of 6 due to villain attack. Jumped from foster house to foster house, a trouble maker? Top 2 in the class, makes up for intelligence? Pleasing to the eyes. Not bad, if he were to put it more into thought.
Biting the last chunk of meat, he approved of your possible application in his agency.
"Yami…" You nervously whispered as you gripped onto his sleeve. "I'm nervous. I don't understand why he'd include me as a possible intern "
"Nonsense. You proved yourself worthy during the Sports Festival." Tokoyami tried to reassure you. Behind you, the window gave him a grand view of the city moving fast.
The two of you were now seated snugly inside the shinkansen. Because it was in the afternoon, the train wasn't as crowded despite buying reserved seats in advance.
Tokoyami's words seemed to work. Letting go of his now crumpled sleeve, you apologized but he simply told you it was no big deal. Looking at your hero suit cases, your eyes landed on your wrist.
It always made you wonder, what situation would your soulmate say those words. It was all too… random yet specific. Rubbing your thumb on the rather long phrase, your thoughts were cut.
"Is that… what your soulmate is supposed to say?" Tokoyami asked as he read the sentences. "Rather unique to say that on your first meeting."
"Ugh. I know." You sighed and tugged your sleeve a little lower. "I honestly gave up thinking of scenarios on how I'd meet this person."
"You are of legal age. I think it would be much easier to access places. But seeing those words, maybe you just have to look for people eating?"
"That's true but I think a part of me just wants to be surprised as to how we'd meet and how we'd exchange phrases. I did think this person would be at a fast food chain or some sorts, but I'd like to think he's responsible enough."
Tokoyami simply nodded. Looking down on his wrist, he too, began to wonder what circumstances would bring him and his soulmate together.
Feeling the train come to a halt, the two of you began to exit and board off the train. It felt like a blur, to be saying farewell to faces you see everyday. Though it would only be for a week, you would miss Ochako and Tsuyu.
When the high rise buildings were now in sight, Tokoyami nudged your elbow and pointed to a hero holding up a sign with your school's name on it. As the two of you walked towards the hero, you saw how the sign truly matched Hawk's Agency.
Ah yes. Hawks.
Your anxiety began to creep back up. Why would a pro-hero like him want an orphan who went to school late intern for his agency? Was this some sort of pity party? Or was your quirk enough to catch his attention?
"Calm down, (L/N)." Your friend whispered as he opened the car door for you. You sat in the back as he sat on the passenger's seat.
"Are you all excited to meet the #2 Pro-Hero?" The hero asked as he set the car to drive. His cheeks gave off he was smiling from your angle. "He's a pretty chill guy, you know. So if ya'll are anxious, he'll only catch that and make fun of you."
"How long till we reach the office?" Tokoyami asked.
"2 blocks from now. It's that building over there."
The two of you followed where his index was pointing at. It wasn't easy to miss. The building was huge and it was evident that his office was on the top floor. From your eyes, it would be the perfect height to take off for his wings.
The hero dropped the two of you by the entrance. Thanking him for the ride, 2 sets of eyes watched as the car turned to the corner. Probably to park in the underground carpark.
"Shall we?"
"We shall."
The two of you proceeded to the receptionist. Judging by your uniforms, the two of you were given key cards to enter his office on the 35th floor.
"He's still out, though. Make yourselves comfortable. He won't be taking too long!" The receptionist said with a smile as she pointed towards the glass elevator. That got you thinking fire drills must be a pain in the ass with this amount of floors.
The view going up felt as if you two were flying. The way the horizon slowly showed itself was something you could look forward to for the whole week. Your bird friend agreed as well.
When the elevator doors opened, you two were met with a frosted glass wall with 2 capital 'H' on it. Similar to what his belt had. It was nice tho. Branding on point.
Before you could enter, you heard the buzzing of a phone. Feeling it wasn't yours, you looked at Tokoyami and told him it was alright for him to take it. Telling you he'd follow suit once the call was over. Pushing the door for you, you walked into his office. 
The office was definitely expensive. Glass windows framed 3 out 4 corners, his desk was simple but you could tell that the material was durable and expensive, 2 large paintings hung on the wall as well. Most probably commissioned since it fits Hawks image.
Walking towards one painting, you were about to touch the edges when your vision began to blur. Your body felt as if it were being tugged into the air rather forcefully. Harshly spinning you around, you were face to face with the Pro-Hero himself.
Your heart raced when it sunk in that it really was him. He was more handsome in person. His piercing yellow eyes seemed to observe you. Watching your every move.
His hands began to roam your sides. Patting motions till he seemed to find what he was looking for. Taking it out from your pocket, his gloved hand now held on to your ID.
His eye twitched. You were officially the 15th person who had said 'hey' to him in a span of 4 hours.
"I swear that phrase would be the death of me." Hawks reacted in an emotionless face. Trying his best to compose himself to a student who merely wanted to feel the painting. "Tsk. Knew that last nugget was bad luck."
Though it wasn't his intent to scare you, he just thought it would make a good long running joke for the duration you would stay. He just… snapped when he heard those words coming from you.
Looking back at you, he placed you back on your feet and took off his yellow visor. A big teasing smile appearing on his features. Complete opposite to what yours had.
"Hey, take a chill pill, my little intern. I was just messin' with ya." Hawks assured you as he gave you the finger guns.
"Y-You… S-S-Sentence…" Your mind failed to function upon hearing his first to you. The same words you had memorized and knew by heart. Your eyes were desperately trying to hold on to something but all you could focus on was Hawks and his crimson red wings in front of you.
The look on your face was a mix of shock, fear, and a slight dash of awe. What did he say that made you react that way? All he commented about was…
His mind clicked and his jaw slightly dropped. His pupils enlarged when he finally bought 2 and 2 together.
"Holy pidgeon smokes…" Hawks thought out loud while nodding his head. "Looks like things are bout to get interesting, my little soul chicken~"
You couldn't help it. A soft giggle escaped your lips when he called you his 'little soul chicken'. By now, you were positive your cheeks were all sorts of red. When he took a step closer, you bit your lower lip in an attempt to calm your rapid beating heart.
"Don't bite your lip now, birdy. We just met." He said as he used his index and thumb to make you face him. Damn. You're prettier up close.
His feathers seemed to shake a bit and he let go of his touch. A second after, Tokoyami entered the door and bowed at his new mentor. After telling him there was no need to act all business like, he pointed towards the couch and told you both to sit down.
"So today," Hawks began. "I won't let you both do much. Just get settled in and take the feel of this agency."
His eyes would linger at you when he said the words 'settled in' and 'take the feel'. When he saw you understood his implied meanings, he gave you a wink and proceeded with the necessary instructions.
"Tsukuyomi. Your room would be on the 27th floor." He said and tossed the keycard. Tokoyami caught it with ease. "And you, my precious love nugget, will stay on the 30th floor."
By now your face was numb from all the heat that had traveled upwards. Expecting him to toss it, the key card was given to you by one of his feathers. Taking it from the floating feather, your breath hitched when the feather found its way to your lips. Brushing it ever so softly before returning back to his wings.
Tokoyami wasn't quite sure what was happening. He had heard that Hawks had a carefree attitude, he just didn't expect him to hit on you right then and there. (Though he did have a feeling that at one point you were bound to get bombarded with his flirtatious attempts.)
"So… Any questions?"
"What time do we start tomorrow, Sir Hawks?"
"We start at 7am. That good?"
The two of you nodded. With that, he dismissed you both and gave you free will with what you wanted to do on the first unofficial day of internship.
"Not you though, chickadee!" The way the light bounced from his golden eyes made them glow. "We still gotta talk."
Tokoyami squinted his eyes at you. His peripheral vision on Hawks. Brushing the thought aside, he excused himself and went towards the elevator.
When you heard the ding, your heart stopped when Hawks stretched his wings. Showcasing their impressive span. They began to shake a bit with each step he took. He would spread his wings and pull them back half way before extending them once more.
By the time he was in front of you, you were all smiles as he began to fold his wings alternatively. It was all too amazing, how this person had wings as a quirk. In the blink of an eye, all you could see around you were his feathers and the gorgeousness of his face.
"What was that for, Hawks?" You covered your mouth. Trying to hold in a giggle.
"Hey. Don't. I like seeing your smile." He said as he gently held your wrist, pulling it down to reveal what his eyes wanted to see. "And that little exhibition I did was a small mating call, soul chicken."
You began to fold your arm and imitate how chickens flap their wings.
"Not as impressive as yours, but I hope that did the trick!" You were now grinning from ear to ear. Seeing him chuckle at your lame attempt at flirting caused his stomach to swarm with little lovebirds.
"Oh. It definitely sealed the deal~"
His hand began to trace your arm till he stopped on your hand bringing it closer in order to see his first words meant for you.
'I swear that phrase would be the death of me. Tsk. Knew that last nugget was bad luck.'
"I can see why your eye twitched when I said 'hey'. That's literally the most overused word." You commented when you saw his mark.
"That's what I tell myself everyday." An amused grin plastered on his face. Suddenly, his pupils shrunk and his feathers began to ruffle. "You afraid of heights, birdy?"
"Not really. No. Why?"
His arms wrapped you tightly. Bringing you chest to chest with him. His wings now spread out with the occasional flap.
"Better hug me tight, nugget. You're in for a wild ride~"
Giving your cheek a quick kiss, he flapped his wings once more. This time with a bit more force in them. You could feel your feet leaving the ground. On instinct, you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck.
Next thing you knew, you were screaming with joy at the feeling of being swooped away from your feet. Literally.
Little did you know that Tokoyami had been watching the whole fiasco.
"Things really are going to get interesting." He said with a small smile on his face. Happy that his close friend found her soulmate.
With that he finally exited the office and made his way to his room.
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sparrowwritings · 3 years
Final Fantasy Writing Challenge Day Thirty-One: All that glitters is not gold
Day Thirty -- Masterpost
Normally, Bailey Gatlin wouldn’t even bother looking at a job like this. She generally got by through odd jobs and the allowance that her brother gave her each week (when the money was available, anyway). Living like this didn’t leave a whole lot of room for frivolous spending, and her boots were worn down to the point where she could feel every bump in the road so that needed to be addressed. 
But. She absolutely, desperately wanted to pick up that jewelry set that she saw in the market just that morning. The pieces were gorgeous and bright and they matched her violet eyes and there was a kind of net of gems and gold that would look so nice in her hair...at the cost of Bailey needing to use her boot money to get it. Just as she was about to lament her lack of pretty things, a sheet of paper had blown into her face. After a minute of wrangling it and looking at the offender, a she suddenly had a plan for being able to get both relatively easily.
A journalist for the biggest newspaper in Ul’dah, The Mythril Eye, was looking for help with an article. No journalism experience required, all travel expenses paid, with a stipend to be granted on completion of the article. No actual number had been put in the ad (since they’d get everyone at their doorstep if they did), but there was an address listed for those who wished to apply. There were more details, but Bailey ignored them in favor of running straight for the place. 
This was going to be absolutely perfect.
“Wha’ d’ya mean, ‘no?’”
The miqo’te journalist folded her arms and gave Bailey a disapproving look. “I shouldn’t’ve taken on that ad is what I mean by no. You’re the fifth person today that’s just looking for a quick buck. You’re gonna run off as soon as I tell you what the article’s about.”
Well that just wasn’t fair. “I’ll have you know I c’n handle anythin’ ya throw at me.” She threw her arms to each side. That, combined with her annoyed expression made the lalafell look more like a pouting child. She knew that, but still maintained eye contact with the journalist who still hadn’t even introduced herself. 
After several solid seconds of silence, Bailey’s stubbornness won out. The journalist sighed and scratched at one of her ears. “I’m not going to hold my breath about that one...I’m writing an article about all of the good the Warriors of Light have done for us lately. With interviews and testimonials from whoever I can get to talk to me. Your job would be to not only get a hold of and arrange for me to talk to people, but also any other way you can assist. Arranging rooms, making sure we both eat, that sort of thing.”
She could feel her eye twitching. Her right ear certainly did with her irritation. “Sorry, I don’t think I heard ya right...yer sayin’ ya want a glorified gofer? So ya don’t hafta do th’ hard work while writin’ yer article?” 
The journalist at least had the decency to look sheepish. “I’m trying to do something big and flashy for my first official article. I suggested writing a piece on the Warriors of Light since people have been starting to talk about them a lot.”
Bailey thought back to a newspaper her brother, Rennis, had been reading the other day. “Doesn’t th’ Harbor Herald already write about the girl Warrior of Light? What’s her name…”
“Lara Marner?”
“Yeah, her.” 
“She was already something of a local celebrity before she was known as a Warrior of Light,” The journalist answered with a head shake. “I’m looking more specifically to write about people who know both her and Roger Briden as the Warriors of Light.”
“But why?” Bailey pressed. “People with way more experience than you are writin’ about’m already, what’s gonna make yer article pop?”
“Pop?” The journalist’s brow furrowed. 
“Yeah, pop.” She emphasized the word with a literal pop from her lips. “Make it different than all th’ others. Leave th’ readers ta only wanna read yer stuff. Articles don’t get advertisement like a store does, an’ most people are only gonna read it once so ya gotta be more creative ta draw attention.” With a shrug, she added, “Maybe find some sorta gimmick you think people’re gonna be willin’ ta go with.” 
Rennis had always been the more business savvy of the two. As long as the person was right in front of him, he could generally get even the most stubborn of customers to get something from his shop. It didn’t leave him a lot of room to be artistically creative, so the advertisement side of things was all Bailey. She had been the one to coin the name, Gatlin’s Goods. She had worked so hard she could barely stand just to scrape up enough coin to post ads in at least one newspaper. She was fully willing to test her brother’s mechanical inventions in public so that people would ask questions (even though she definitely would have done so even without an ulterior motive).
Instead of mentioning any of that, at the continued stare of the journalist Bailey gave a small grin and a shrug with, “I know a thing’re two about marketin’ yerself.”
Again, all was quiet between the two of them. Then, the journalist slowly, gently, started to smile. “You know what, I think you have a good idea. And a job.” She held out a hand towards the lalafell. “Sahve Lhuke. I can’t promise that it’s gonna be an easy job, but I’ll do my best regarding that.” 
Seriously hoping that said job wasn’t actually going to involve being a glorified gofer, she extended her hand in kind. “Bailey Gatlin. I’ll hold ya to it.” 
The two shook on it. 
“So, what’s yer plan? Or new plan from th’ look’ve things.” 
“It’s going to be a whole series of articles.” Sahve was already rapidly writing something into a blank book she kept in her back pocket. “And we’re going to need to talk with the leaders of Gridania, Limsa Lominsa and the Sultana at some point.”
Well Bailey couldn’t fault the girl for her ambition, even if she was suddenly daunted by the task. “We’re startin’ small tho...right?”
“Of course!”
She let out a sigh of relief. 
“We’re going to talk to the Warriors of Light themselves.”
Warriors of Light Tell About Experiences! An Interview with Young Heroes was a middling success. Sahve had been hoping for more of a hit, but Bailey could tell that the journalist was milking the praise for all it was worth. Again, she couldn’t really blame the young woman. Having her article out there meant more people would read it and come find them instead of making Bailey go looking. Which she definitely was doing more often than anything else.
At least she was getting paid for her help in “assisting” the journalist in her writing. Mostly it was a lot of running around as if she knew what she was doing and managing to stumble into interesting anecdotes about the Warriors of Light. Bailey outright refused to actually write anything. “I’m not lookin’ fer my name on th’ byline, but I also ain’t gonna be blamed fer crap you mess up on.” Was a line that she refused to budge on and Sahve seemed to understand, even if she asked Bailey’s opinion on word choices every so often. 
It was turning into a good arrangement. 
Even Ren couldn’t help but comment on it the next time she helped him with his booth. “Yer bein’ run ragged, but ya look about as happy as when ya get ta test out my stuff. That’s somethin’.” 
Bailey blinked at him with a head tilt. “Really?”
“Yeah. Guess those articles are worth more’n just th’ regular paycheck, huh?”
It took her a long moment to realize that yeah, they were. She hadn’t even noticed that she had saved up more than enough money for the jewelry set until then. The idea of picking it up just didn’t appeal to her, anymore though.  Bailey’s thoughts these days were mostly on who next to interview, and the process to contact them. Followed by talks with Sahve about what was done and what was *to* be done for the next article. It was all kind of nice. Like she had something of a purpose.
The fact that everyone that she’d talked to (or listened as Sahve interviewed them) had nothing but praise for the Warriors of Light helped Bailey a lot. If the kids (because they really were kids, she’d discovered) had been selfish or cruel or greedy she probably wouldn’t be enjoying this job so much. Maybe that would change with time or with more grey-colored choices, but for now this was how it was. 
That gave Bailey an idea. She made a mental note to talk to Sahve about a future article. One that goes over how the Warriors of Lights’ feelings had changed over time. 
After they finally manage to get that interview with the Sultana that Bailey had been trying to schedule for ages.
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k4nill · 6 years
ROTTMNT: Human AU, some design HCs and random HC
@bootyyshaker9000 This is so long i'm so sorry i just gonna make a post about it i don't wanna flow your dms or anything, so I wrote this down in paper and in spanish so forgive me if my english is shitty and it took so damn long, btw HI!!!~ How you doing honey?
My Heart Ache a Lot (cuzhessopreciousicantbrah)
~ My son Mikey I can't let anybody hurt you. (Btw, Leon call him Miguelito). He struggles a little with puberty, mostly with ocasional acne. His brothers constantly remind him of being careful to not get scars from pinching the pimples obsessively.
~ MIXED BRAH U CANT' TELL ME OTHER WISE, 1/2 cups of african-american and 1/2 cups of latino spice and PUFF yOU GOT CINNAMON ROLL THAT COULD ACTUALLY KILL YOU.
~ Cocoa skin (with that yellow undertone, you know?). Thin hair, curly, natural and the most bouncy-est(?) hair, a little above the chin lenght, tied up in a bun when he's busy making art.
~ Button nose, surrounded by some freckles. With really big, almond eyes. His face gets pinkish when it's to damn hot, he's doing to much work or is REALLY angry.
~ I think I gotta bring up how nice his smile is, he got that smile, that shows up just his upper teeth row, the upper lip disappears and it goes way up his cheeks and then it sinks in his dimples. Art.
~ Mikey ain't that young but his height, complexion and even facial features makes him look a lot younger in comparison to his brothers, he could be like 25 and ppl would still think he's in highschool, never aging ppl.
~Had this beautiful dreads, with the tips colored differently once in a while. Now he's growing his hair to have larger dreads, so he can paint em a different color each and have em in high up-do, like a rubberband ball.
~ Mikey would wear every fucking color, get the fuck away with toxic masculinity p l e a s e. Fits anything 10/10. But loves sports clothing (Matching ones are the BEST) he find's it refreshing and really comfy since Miguel is really active, so if he's needs to go usain bolt he GOES OFF and you can imagine sneakers don't last with him. Probably, every single piece of clothing he owns has at least a minor stain from some sort of paint.
~Wears headbands, sometimes really neat designs and then straight out "what the hell is this vomit stain garbage Mikey?" (from Donnie, mostly).
~ Has fake piercings. He's got several in his ears. He wants to have em for real, older brothers just keep telling him that "when he gets older".
Plus: We all know how the turtles are sneaky sneaky, tricky tricky and rad skillyz skillyz being ninjas but in this human AU his brothers got nothing on him like he's flexible as hell, he comes down the stairs like the exorcist bitch or that other bitch on the ring and scares the shit out of Leon and Raph, can touch his calfs with his neck that kind of stuff. And he doesn't run, he travels back to 1955 to save Marty McFly ass.
Leonardo DABinci
~ Not so long ago I made a post about how Leon is a Latino, quote:
"I can clearly see how Leon is totally a Latino. Like: thick wavy hair, with really small monolid eyes, and medium light skin (latinos know what the hell i'm talking about, those kids that get told they have "ojos de chinito" and rock the neapolitan tanning: caramel where the sunlight hits, milky way where it doesn't and pink when it's too much sun for the day) and then Donnie is this asian™ bean, so, sometimes they are mistaken as blood related brothers (Mostly cuz the eyez) and the stripes are the tanning y'all."
~ In addition, recently someone WOKE™ me up and reveled to me as in a prophecy, that Leon is Half-Chilenian, Half-Argentinian.
~ TBH yall, i just want my boy to do his thing and do them Fornite dances while some dope ass cumbias are playing, this is straight up my dream for real.
~Leon got those damn thick eyebrows more than Raph, plucks em to give em shape.
~Has a lot of scars. Leon is very active as Miguel but he is a troublemaker. Got several scars from fights: face, knees, knuckles, arms, legs. And that one time he came running to get his juice, slipped and smashed into the stove glass.
~Has wavy thick hair, keeps the top messy and fluffy and the rest shorter, undercut typo.
~LEON. USES. GLASSES. Period. But don't use em regulary, mainly cuz he's so active and sometimes clumsy and would rather not buy glasses everytime he goes out.
(Donnie, probably): "Leon, why don't you use your glasses? You are making your eyes even smaller trying to read that sign"
(Dumbo): "No, no! que dices weon? I only need the glasses when i'm reading!"
~Loves stripes in his clothing. In any shape and thickness.
~Low-key uses Donnie button up shirts because he does think Donnie looks so well in em, but he's a little more broad than him (Thicc bacc, bicc arms) so he had tear some up, or pop a button or too.
~Guy who would wear anything and don't give a shit if he doesn't have a defined style. One day he's with that graphic tee, flashy bermudas and some sandals and the other day using some jeans, saggy big sweater, a beret and some fine boots.
~ Loves boots more than sneakers. Got good traction with em. But no one can replace las CHANCLAS i'm telling you, he's so comfortable flipping & flopping.
~ He's hairy. Really hairy. Don't shave, except the faice. He's got that baby face and the trace of where the beard could be. It ain't that thick sandpaper beard aftershave tho, Raph taught him the tricks to the silk road.
~Them sideburns tho, neAT-O.
~He ain't got former training, just some random stuff he's learned from Donnie and Raph. Nontheless, he's the trickster and can go dirty on fighting just to save his ass. But sometimes, his big mouth saves his dumb ass from trouble. (2/100 times, the other 98 times it makes it worse)
~Plus: He's into parkour a lot. Takes Mikey out so he can tag some walls uphigh. These trips are the reason he gets in fights more than his other brothers, he's gotta stick out for his brother in case shit goes down, but mostly because he's a loudmouth and sometimes he deserves it cuz he starts the fire tbh.
The thing goes RAP - PHA - PHA
~ Raph, my soft boy. He still BIG™, ain't ripped like a physiculturist, gotta admit, abs are in fact chocolate abs but got a chunky yet funky tone to it. Big ass arms, to strong to carry my depression and smash all my worries.
~ Obviously African-American, I just imagine this warm undertone to his skin. Thick eyebrows (plucks out his unibrow, and nothing more, that natural angled eyebrow perfect as it is).
~ Hairy complexion (but not as hairy as Leo) to pull out a balbo beard, faded to his hair, then starts the faded high top, (not that high tho) with that cotton natural hair (raph is just my dream tbh).
~ My boy rocks denim everything. But got this particular worn off denim jacket he treats like one of his extremities. It's kinda saggy, old, several splashes of god knows what substances... But he wears it like the most precious thing, his brothers got him for his birthday, selling candy bars and other sweet goodies. Made him cry like a bitch.
~ Snaggletooth fang. I got this random HC that Raph got it in a fight with one of his brothers when he was younger. His first tooth after his decidious teeth, he was so happy, finally "maturing" in his words. In his younger years he struggled a LOT with angry issues, (mainly, as the oldest, he understood a little big more about the rejection above the city for mutants, and built up this feeling of despite).
One day, one of his brothers made him really fucking angry, they got in a physical fight, that ended with his crooked fang, but yet, Raph is BIG and he can't measure his strenght sometimes. Then, his brother is crying in pain, screaming how bad can he treat his brother, as if he didn't love them, just as the people above.
He wasn't angry cuz the teeth (cuz he showed it off, like it made him an adult already), he broke down because he was always feeling so damn angry, being the oldest and yet he was beating their younger siblings over some dumb shit and treated them like people in the surface would. Raph is challenged each day, when he sees his face in the mirror, with the tooth projecting outwards as reminder of all the rage he had to let go to protect their brothers, to make a change on his perspective and emotions, to keep their family and himself happy.
I think this mind set change was the thing that settled Raph as a leader. He got stronger, not physicially, but mentally and emocionally, for the sake of his family.
This HC can be translated somehow to the Human AU but i'm not sure the origin of Raph's rage yet.
~ Would wear any shirt that has anything he likes, PLUS if it is in red. He just loves red. He's the only one obvious with their color preference. Red caps, shirts, jackets, pants and tons of sneakers.
~ Likes jeans but loves that kind of bermuda cut shorts and not all the way down pants. He's got some C A L F S with capitals.
~ Luckily, he does wear matching socks. (We can't see Don's most of the time but Raph shows more leg so).
~Wrist wrist wrist wrist wrist wrist. Loves wrist accesories and probably would wrap around anything on his wrist.
~He's got that classic™ Rock Lee from Naruto bandages from training and work out and sometimes he's just to tired to take off the shin pads.
~Don't show em much but got some big ass brass knuckles in his pockets in case someone messes the fuck up with his brothers. (He would easily let go if it was just him, he's a master of templance, but be warned: not with his family)
Plus: Got one tatto, in his back, below the neck, this celtic rune (we know that celtic runes have several meanings, so he took one with various that would fit him) a Gebo, that can mean partnership, generosity and sacrifice.
~ For starts, Donnie is my asian bean. Creamy pale skin, monolid eyes, with that puffy under eyelid, of course noticeable dark circles, but he got that EYESMILE BOI. (You know that people who kept straight face but the eyes are just screaming happiness??? That kind of eyesmile)
~ Hair black, thin, straight cut (his hair is kinda wavy) at his shoulder's lenght, got that fade styling in the back tho, usually wrapped in a high ponytail/bun. (Mikey loves to mess with his hair).
~ He's got that thin eyebrow hair, so, he fills em up to make them thicker, so gives him more of an assertive feature. (Also he is jealous of Leo and Raph eyebrows, nontheless edge so sharp to cut a bitch) Got that hairless complexion so not much about facial hair.
~ Obviously keeps them THIGHS™. (So far, to me their complexion on the show is the same as in the human AU so... ) Jeans were invented to the sole purpose to fit Donnie so well.
~To wear, jeans are a go to, but damn sweatpants comfy AF. Big old sweatshirts, swearters and hoodies. Underneat, digs button shirts, short or long, never with flashy prints, yet some minor deco, (to him is all in the elegance....). Raph and Donnie share an interest on sneakers, so he can wear like 1 hoodie for 10 days straight but a different sneaker each.
~But wears missmatched socks like the fuck out of here BOI, looking neat and clean and you come out with this yeeyee ass bullshit.
~ Donnie hides the fact that he's riPPED under the hoodies and sweatpants often, (he's tall as shit and his brothers calling him spagethi bOI don't help much) so people make the assumption he's the weakest of his brothers. He's the only graduated on black belt on Karate and knows his shit on MMA. On his younger years he was indeed saved many times by Raph's strenght, Mikey's swiftyness and Leon's cunning. This "being the weak" complex got to his head and started training solo. His brothers are amazed of Donnie's self-improvement and he often disguises it as the "i did it so i wouldnt be the weakest, you better watch out when i supass yall" but they all know he suffered inmensely seeing his brothers hurt because of him, so if they go down he does too, to protect them.
Plus: Complementary headphones with neon designs, blasting nightcore, dubstep and DnB songs with every Donnie purchased.
In my AU, these kids grew up really poor. They learned the value of hardwork since they were really young. Like in the Teetle Universe, people see them as misfits. Especially, because they are a "patched up family" (they are not blood related) and being looked down by the economic factor, mostly.
They got some real internal issues. But, the only thing that keeps them sane is how tight their brotherhood is.
Donnie and Raph have a job and go to college. Struggle a lot with their younger siblings rebellious stage.
Leon and Mikey go to highschool and do some baked goodies or art comissions to have some sort of income. Ain't fond of school that much, real troublemakers.
April it's a freshman in college and has much more accomodated life, but somehow, she's always felt she doesn't belong to anywhere, until she meet our boys. April learns a lot of life hardships while hanging out with em.
This would be, basically the series:
April meets this guys, this is sort of a slice of life anime, with lots of comedy and fun shots, however it develops around April learning valuable lessons that will help her as an adult, about friendship, loyalty, respect, empathy and kindness, after all the things the boys are going through.
I'm not sure how am I gonna accomodate Splinter in this, but eventually I'll figure it out.
I'm not got at drawing but i'm gonna try to make some of their designs.
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survivorelara · 6 years
Episode #11: “I ain't gonna be a hero anymore” -Sam
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Lmaoooo drew is soooo bitter he’s soooooo Mad 😂😂😂😂😂 not my fault that u were kind of a brick wall to talk too!!!! I hate how these entitled bitches think if your not being flashy your not playing the game at all I know I’m probably not gonna win the game but I’m still trying anyways and outlasting these bitter bitches always makes me feel soooo good. I also have an idol in my pocket and like I feel like I got allies to that will listen to me last round I threw John Coffeys name out and he got out I just gotta let the other people do my dirty work but since it’s near the end I am gonna get More aggressive now to make these people feel sorry that they saw me as a goat it’s kinda pretty hard to make a move pre merge when your constantly on the winning tribe tbhhh I’m gonna take Drew’s final words with a grain of salt because he’s soooo wrong LMAO don’t come for me when ur big three placements are shit.
Honestly I don’t hate him tho I’m not trashy enough to hate somebody over a game I always did like drew he’s cool and he was  my first hosting duo buddy but if he rude to me in ponderosa or FTC I’m legit coming for him.
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Woo F8. (This is all I have in me at the moment. I have a lot going on right now, and it's more of a me problem than anything else.)
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So yeah, I ended up voting in the minority which is a little awkward since ciere is still in the game but I'll survive. I was just tryna save someone close to me and I knew i could trust but I guess it wasn't meant to be. I knew I wasn't going anywhere last vote but it was so important for me cause it was gonna set the whole pace for the rest of my game, and even though things didn't exactly work out, I believe I can recover and still cause some major damage in this game. I tried to play a "real" game, but that's usually pretty difficult to do on a vivor org. The gloves are off now, it's time to play ruthlessly. Who's ready for shit to go down, I ain't gonna be a hero anymore
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Everyone is trying their hardest to be on the opposite side of Andrea sort of double-agent-esque without being caught but it's so freaking obvious. Roxy seems to always dance around the idea of voting Andrea, and Drew just blatantly suggested voting someone else even though Andrea is logically the best boot.
NOW that 4-some of Myself, Roxy, Ci'ere, and Drew are supposedly voting Emma at the moment, but it's like... Why? Also I'd rather not considering Emma is probably the least likely on that side to vote me out, which is why I'd rather keep her, as well as she's in my ideal F3 plans almost always given everyone's perception of her.
Kori wants to gun for Drew T. Purrfect! 😺 Drew H. must have some kind of...sixth sense because destroyed us all in that challenge and I thought I did well! When I got to the puzzle, he had already found & solved the entire thing. A beast.
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Okay, hello! 👽 Since things have finally died down, for the moment, I’m going to reflect on the happenings of last round & this round. This will probably be an obese confessional with a ton of grammatical errors so, sorry in advance lol. Where do I even begin ASDFG
Kori told me that since Drew H. was immune, we should go for Drew T. & I was down for that. I confirmed this with the rest of the Revatis: Andrea, Emma & Loris. That was the 5 we needed for majority.
However, Sam has a different agenda. Drew T. informs me that Sam is coming after me when I just subtly tried to let him know I wanted to go to the end with him... Kori tells me that Andrea said she wasn’t voting for Drew T. & that’s when I realize things are starting to turn against me. There were already 3 votes on Drew T. (excluding myself) so if I could flip Roxy or Drew H. that would be a majority to save myself. I immediately went to them both & told them that I might be able to secure the votes next round for at least a tie because Kori was interested in flipping. I think I mentioned this previously, but Roxy has been telling me that Drew T has been throwing her under the bus which I confirmed to her to be true. I mention this again to her now to turn her against him. Drew T. then explains that he wants for us to vote Andrea & I’m all for this blindside, but how do I know that he isn’t trying to trick me into splitting so then I would be eliminated instead :O He seemed very genuine about this plan tho in which I felt comfortable.
I make an alliance chat for the four of us & we agree on Andrea, but Roxy seemed to be indifferent about the idea in pms. She doesn’t feel comfortable with giving Drew T. power after he threw her under the bus. I ultimately give her the choice because our votes would make-up a majority & I would be able to place the blame on her for picking Drew hehe. With less than a minute left she decides Drew T. & that was all she wrote.
I believe this move definitely strengthens my relationship with Roxy who seemed kind of like a third wheel to the Drews. Had Drew T. stayed he would’ve assumed Andrea’s position as the person with the most connections & Sam would’ve been in his pocket. I guess Drew H, Roxy & I could’ve countered that, but what’s done is done. Sam has now lost his closest ally & me who had his back, so now he’s tied to Andrea (and Loris apparently).
The vote impacted Heuser negatively because Roxy & I didn’t tell him about it...which was a mistake. He said he “would’ve been okay with doing the other Drew & that was probably our only shot at taking out Andrea”. Maybe we should’ve taken out Andrea because she still has several connections & the Revati idol is still floating around somewhere, ugh. Heuser says he’ll win every single immunity challenge from here on out if that’s what it takes for him to get to the end (and so far he’s on a 2-win streak).
After the votes were revealed, Sam was expecting me to be angry & blow up his pms. Nah. I’m going to give you the Dani treatment because boys can’t stand when you don’t respond to them hehe. I kept my composure & was really cool about the situation which I am SO proud of myself for because usually I’d be popping off on everyone and their mother by now lmao.
Loris admits that he has to vote out people he’s gotten close to & since he’s telling me that, he’s not playing me. He wants to take me to the end. That sounds rad! Another person that thinks they can beat me in the end and will take me there. Loris tells me everything about his day & he’s hilarious. Loris is a f u r r y.
Fast forward to the present day. Right off the bat Kori warns me about Andrea coming after me because I’m “mad & hate her.” I legit hold no hostility against Andrea nor did I give her any reason to think that, so I’m slightly offended she would say that. All I said to her was that we agreed to Drew T., but she sheeped Sam and tried acting like Drew T.’s name never came up... I also asked Sam what happened and tried to guilt trip him just a bit. Sam says that he felt closer to Drew & tried to save him by going for what he thought was the easy vote aka me. Well guess what...I’m still here, binch. You thot wrong. I tried socializing more with Sam for the past couple of days and even subtly hinted to him in my last tribal answer that I wanted to go to the end with him. His loss.
When things get slightly spicy in the tribe chat between Andrea & I, she exposes Kori. Kori says that Andrea implied coming after me, but she says she explicitly said my name and she said she didn’t know. I’m starting to see Kori’s game & maybe he’s not as slick as he thinks. He claims to actually want Drea out, but he’s pulled tricks out in the past & I have my eye on him. Oh & someone told Andrea that there was an alliance made to vote her out. Roxy says Andrea came to her about it too so I presume Heuser went to her about, but I already exposed him to her hehe.
So I gather up my messy peers Heuser, Kori & Roxy forming a squad of Rexhars & Bad Binches. We seem to all want something different & the trust there is severely lacking... Roxy wants to vote Loris, Kori wants Andrea, then there’s Drew and I that pushed for Emma.
Here’s our current plan: We’re all in agreement to at least make this tie. We would like to avoid this though by getting Sam to flip. To accomplish this we’re going to pitch Emma because no one’s connected to her besides Andrea probably. Before that though the other 4 will probably vote together for one of Roxy, Kori or I. After the vote initially ties, we lock in our revotes for Emma & get Sam to realize that he’s putting his own game on the line for her. If he flips then we succeeded with Emma being voted out & we have the numbers for next round. No one would use an idol on her either unless this plan is foolishly leaked. If Sam decides to go to rocks then the odds are still in our favor with Andrea, Loris & Sam drawing against 2 of us. And trust me bby, I’m ready for ROCKS ROCKS ROCKS.
Heuser thinks I’m actively trying to get the other side to vote for me because I would be safe in a rock situation. Of course that’s a perk of my plan, but I’m really just trying to do what’s best for us & it would make the most sense to turn them against me. He also gave me this compliment that I would like to note: “you're amazing with numbers in games, you see layouts really well”
I’m being nice to Sam because I like talking to him and hopefully he won’t try to push for me again. If I shunned him then that would automatically lead to him wanting me out, so it’s time to do damage control for the move he made against me. He says that Andrea and Loris are trying to take each other out. :O Maybe me @’ing Andrea wasn’t such a bad thing after all if it means these two big players take each other out hehe.
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HI!!! trIBALS sad and boring and scary bc names are getting thrown and then retracted and I’m gonna fall asleep and then wake up and I’ve gone home??? most likely. Jk I don’t think?? I’ll go??? I love Sam and Emma and Andrea and love ciere ok basically the majority of the cast I don’t have more than 2 f3 deals which statistically means I’d have to betray someone.. no way!! ALSO TWO TRIBALS TIL LEGACY WOOOP WOOOOOP
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As the days go by and the number of people start to dwindle, I feel myself becoming more and more ruthless. ever since john left, I had promised everyone in the game I was with them, and even though I betrayed that trust to a certain zosma last round, I still find myself having to cut someone im close to loose. it's incredibly risky, because all these people claim to be loyal to you and wanna go to the end with you, but you gotta cut most of them off so that never happens. so it becomes a game of, am I cutting people that were truthful to me, or keeping the people that are truthful to me. for all I know I could be voting people that do want to keep their word with me, or I could be saving them. i'm just hoping im making the right call.
so right now I do have a f4 in mind that I would like to see happen, and im gonna do what I have to in order to make that happen. obviously like I said before, it means cutting allies loose and pissing people off. but hey, that just makes the game more exciting, it could end up biting me in the ass if i make it to the end, but least im gonna have fun getting there and who knows, maybe i can pull out a win? man we love being the villain.
so the vote started off with this whole andrea vs kori ordeal, which somewhat bothered me since I wanted to go far with them, but I definitely had a preference between the two. now, it seems like it's gonna be an emma vote, which I don't want to happen yet. so I came up with an idea to get numbers on roxy, because I feel I can beat her if we did go to the end, but I don't trust her as much as I do others, and she isn't in my end game plan, so now seems like a good time to cut her loose. plus, everyone knows loris has been after her, so it was mad easy to throw him under the bus so roxy doesn't flip out on me until the moment she gets blindsided. that'll be a fun time, but if this all works out and she goes over emma, then im set for f4 unless I ended up trusting the wrong people. god I hope im making the right choice here.
so after the results of this vote and roxy screams at me, other people like kori are definitely not gonna trust me anymore. but that doesn't matter, because he isn't in my ideal f4 or even f5 scenario. im tryna get ciere back on my side, which I hope is working. he seems like he could be biting, idk if he really has anyone else or not. esp since his name seems to be floating around again and I told him id let him know if it was, so nows my chance to extend an olive branch of trust again
all of this could end up blowing up in my face and getting me voted out, but the thing is in order to win this game, you gotta take risks. and that's what im doing, im taking another massive risk here. I dodged a sniper bullet last round after the ciere vote didn't quite work out, but ive rebounded hard and back in the drivers seat, and it's time for roxy to go just as drew t predicted. man that'll be a fun time for those two in ponderosa!
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If just once my game could not depend entirely on these absolute fucking idiots that would be amazing. Only thing i'm waiting for at this point is to leave another alliance chat at 8:01
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Well from Ci'ere and Andrea two ideal boots for me to Roxy or Emma two non-ideal boots... this game just knows how to take the most violent of turns.
I guess we'll see if Sam's being even half honest with me if he votes Emma. If he does I think I've got some ideas for moving forward, but we'll see. I just don't know how things are gonna go moving onward, and I just hope this doesn't go to rocks or an idol play that totally isolates or knocks me out of this thing.
I'm also just hoping I don't end up regretting voting Emma instead of someone else.
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Tribal sucks. Idk what going on and idk who i wanna ally/work with.
is how I feel in terms of trust rn w big gap with roxy and ciere~  
but cant have a f5 lmao huh idk i am confused n lost
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Vote Emma they said, it's the best thing they said, Roxy agreed to the whole thing but ofc apparently something happened in the last 10 fucking minutes, and she voted for me in some sort of fucked up attempt to save Emma?
I'm pissed to fucking hell, if I have a chance to cut Roxy I'm fucking doing it, this was bullshit and a half. That's assuming I somehow survive this shit. I think Drew is keeping me, and my understanding is Sam is keeping me.
That's 2/6 so I just need 1 of Roxy, Andrea, Loris, or Ci'ere to keep me. Ci'ere might keep me because the odds of Andrea or Loris going are technically good, and Sam isn't a terrible option gone for her, but I don't know if the others would/will, and it's just UGHHHHHHHH
I hate this, and I hate that it ended up being me that was stuck in this situation, though I likely brought it upon myself trying to kinda play all sides and be in the know for this whole thing. I'm just hoping for the best. (Regardless Roxy's a goner if things go the way I hope.)
Well, I did a LOT of scrambling and clawing, and I've got a F3 deal with Loris and Sam, which I honestly think could have been the best deal for me given the circumstances.
Provided nobody flips and Ci'ere, Drew, Sam, and Loris all vote the way they claim they will, I might actually come out of this alive, and hopefully I get a chance for revenge.
If it goes to rocks then ideally it'll be Andrea that goes, but that's a 1/4 chance and probably knowing my luck it won't go that way.
I just hope that everyone's being upfront at the moment, when there's not shot of an idol play there's no reason to lie about which way you're really voting at this point.
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im going to cry like fuck this game for a minute.. idc ab it... sam is just too 💗💗😍😍😍💗🏋🏾‍♂️😍😍🏋🏾‍♂️😂🏋🏾‍♂️❤️👀 i love him what a soul. idc ab this stupid revote or anything just going far w him hopefully.
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I'm having a very calming moment right now, I'm feeling good about my chances and I think I've overcome this voting situation. Roxy is trying to appeal to my goodside, but the farthest I'll let her go is 6th because if I can take Andrea out first for my own self-assurance I will.
This is just the calm before the storm, it's a storm in my mind, and it's a storm outside, this whole situation has been a storm. Everything is a storm, and I'm gonna ride it to the finish.
Emma is voted out after a 3-3 tie in a 5-1 vote.
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ts-autumns-world · 3 years
Episode 6: “If someone can fuck you over once, then they can choose to do it again” - Raffy
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Does this idol system have killer clowns walking around? Carnies doing handstands? Haunted Big Bertha’s? Who knows cause I CAN’T EVEN GET ACCESS TO THIS DAMN IDOL SYSTEM AND YALL ARE OUT HERE POCKETING SUPER IDOLS LIKE ITS AN IPOD TOUCH AND WE’RE 12.
WOW WHAT A VOTE. Raffy immediately having to use a Super Idol is probably ridiculously on brand, but in all honesty, seeing BENJ of all people go, is a shock to my system. I've voted out former finalists, but I thought that Benj was gonna go DEEP in this game. But now I need to focus I have to get Top 3 in this challenge to get these damn tickets. But my final thought on this super idol is that at least a *good* person got the Super Idol
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this reward challenge has me so lost i hardly even go here i dont know any monologues i can perform
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we're doing basic text dr today because if I talked I'll probably cry and no one wants that sahjahsjajs
so the vote happened and we were successful in voting raffy in majority. we being me Chris and benj BUT then it turned out raffy had something stupid called a superidol HJAHSJJHAS (sorry this is gonna be bitter time get ready) and was able to just basically cancel his elimination after seeing the votes???????? because who cares about strategy and having to make plans and being smart and capable of reading the tribe in successfully using an idol? no no no lets let someone just not talk to anyone and then save themselves and vote out someone who WORKS SO HARD AND IS SO ACTIVE AND PASSIONATE LIKE YEAH OKAY SAJHJSAHHJASASHJAHJSHAJS THAT MAKES SENSE
I'm sorry I'm so sad. benj was voted out because of this and I feel really empty and hurt about it. he was my best friend on this tribe we talked constantly every day and we were close in timezones and I trusted him and loved him and now we've been robbed of playing with each other in merge. we had so many plans for us too we wanted to pretend to not be that close and purposefully vote opposite and stuff. it's all ruined.
I think raffy deserves praise in FINDING the idol. but the idol itself is a get out of jail free card and requires no strategy when used like that so asjhasjhashjashj and only used in his 2nd tribal. so I'm glad it didn't last any longer and also that he didn't use it in the way survivor players usually do. by making everyone fear them sahjsajh COS THAT WOULD HAVE WORKED ON ME LIKE A CHARM. but instead we were able to flush it and even tho I've lost benj and I'm sad about it, I am very thankful that we got it flushed now and before merge. it's way more dangerous in merge. and like there was no way we could beat that. unless we split vote I guess but that wasn't possible. and also I just did not remember this was a thing BECAUSE NO ONE IN SURVIVOR HISTORY HAS USED A SUPERIDOL THE WAY IT WAS DESIGNED BECAUSE USING IT WOULD CAUSE MORE TROUBLES FOR THE HOLDER SO THEY ARE VERY STRATEGIC ABOUT IT JSAHHJASAHS so I'm actually excited to see how this carries raffy. would like to clarify I'm not anti raffy he's so nice and fun and this was such an exciting tribal thanks to him and I would have loveeeeed it as a viewer I'm just bitter because benj is gone and super idols suck. HASJHASJHASJH raffy if you read this do know I think you're great and congratulations I just think it was an easy way out WHICH IT WAS.
I guess it just made me feel powerless because there's nothing we could have done here to beat a superidol. and even if we did do Blake instead, it wouldn't change anything.
speaking of Blake he is really upset :(( I think making merge will cheer him up tho which is great because I think it's happening after this reward challenge for tickets
BENJ GAVE ME ALL HIS TICKETS AFTER DYING???????? AND IDK WHY LIKE do all the eliminated people get to give tickets to someone? and can it be anyone and not just someone on their tribe? much to think about. but this means I have 8 now which is pretty good I think. thank you benj I love u sm <3
it makes me wanna calculate how many tickets everyone had and who they would have given them to....hmmmm will think about it. benj has been the one who had the most upon leaving I think?
also my tarot was right because it gave raffy the tower and benj the hanged man and it all happened today AHHHH it's so sad how I predict things but don't know what it's predicting until it happens. makes me wanna reevaluate everything and see what it all could mean. could be handy.
I trust Chris the most here and I do trust Ricky I just hope they trust me. I do think we're gonna merge soon tho I really do. it makes sense.
I wonder if the tickets are for an auction or if they are the way to enter the outhouse yourself now. like the new idol system? maybe.
I'm excited to merge and get to talk to everyone and be with jinx and captain AND TALK TO JUDE MORE. YEEEE I just wish benj would have been able to join me :(((
stupid showy superidol
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A true strategist's dream is a chessboard, and if we being honest, this is just Social Chess, never view anyone as a chess piece, but they're needed for movement. I'm going to be Jinx's favorite chess piece, because they need me too.
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I can no longer trust Chris in this game. He chose his side, and he chose against me. If someone can fuck you over once then they can choose to do it again. I am not able to hold it against Mikki because I did not even try to reach out to her for the whole round. So, fair enough. However, Chris just decided that I needed to go because people thought I had an idol. I guess this is the outcome. He never even promised to rebuild the bridge of trust. He just gave me "I just don't want us to lose." He's 100% targeting me again if we go to tribal. I hope I'm sent to the Outhouse as my ass is grass if I remain in this place. Maybe if I have Blake it'll be fine. Right? 
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HERE is my spreadsheet with trust rankings and dm counts and stuff, I also added notes on all my trust rankings for each round and some of the dm counts so if you look carefully you'll see the black like corner thing that indicates a note and all my comments on that trust ranking or whatever will pop up if you hover shajhjsahjas hopefully that works
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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO super duper califragilistically excited to do this reward challenge and hopefully avoid the Double council that I know is coming because I’m pretty sure Autumn is sick of Tua winning which is a weird sentence to type but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The plan really backfired heavy on us....I thought Raffy just had a half idol but nope, he had a SUPER IDOL and we lost Benj. It made for an awkward post tribal, but I'm just going to keep my head up. I am usually good with damage control so lets see what happens boom boom
Honestly, I liked this idea but I feel like I'm gonna be crippled by the fact that I am getting a little sick, we'll see though. I think I did okay with my damage control, but truth told, I would not blame Raffy or Blake if they wanted me out now. With Ricky back in the picture, I guess there is hope, but I have learned to not give peeps the FULL benefit of the doubt outright so I am going to sit and wait
I had another disaster and I pray that the one I could semi finish can be taken in, if it is, then I think I've got 4 tickets, but if not then I will forever be sad about what happened!
How in God's name didn’t I get 11 tickets?? I didn't even know I had more than 2
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This twist is legit the worst thing to happen to me. I have no clue who I am going into tribal with. I don't have prior connections that other may have before the game. And my super idol play was super flashy. So, obviously, they would want to come for me as a prime target. I feel so defeated and I haven't even met these people yet. AND I have to go to work tomorrow so I can't even socialize/communicate as much as I would want in order to keep myself safe. I might as well be one foot in the grave at this point.
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Ahhhhh I just made the merge!  Also with my pals too? Omg I hope Ricky lives at the vote. I hear Joey has been messy messy but also wants Captain?? We'll see how that goes, especially with Lily C and O Railroad there. I'm just excited for the next step in the game! I also missed Jinx and Jude so much!
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Well….well….well. This is not what I anticipated. Good one, Autumn. I had a fantastic call with Jinx earlier today which helped me get a better handle and the game and feel more connected. I believe Raffy and Blake are working together and this is a great opportunity to separate them. Instantly Joey and I agree to call and figure out a plan. We both agree it’s gonna be best to get Ricky on our side. We both talk to Ricky and I suggest to Ricky that we go for Blake and he is down. Such a relief. It’s stressful to be this close to merge and think that it could slip away. I hope Joey lily o and I are on the same page no matter what. I haven’t been able to talk to her yet but I hope she is good to go for Blake. Fingers crossed.
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I'LL MAKE VIDEO CONFESSIONALS WHEN ITS MERGE I SWEAR. But this is a really unique twist, I love it, but it also puts me and the Lily sandwich in a precarious position. Immediately, my thought was "go to Ricky and tell them I let them out of the War Room on Night 1", and boom, immediate bonding point, it turns out wonderfully, in talking to Ricky it was quite obvious they felt on the outs, with no power all season(they're either lying or its true, hey you never know), and for me its important to just keep them comfortable. We're voting out Blake for literally one reason: If we don't, Jinx is gonna kill us, cause yanno they're winning this game, its a foregone conclusion at this point.
God it's going to be brutal, imagine being Blake, not particularly well liked, and always going premerge. Maybe next time you'll finally make merge/jury, but nah you're not taking away my opportunities to shine.
Even at midnight on a Friday before merge, I still feel nervous, I always feel nervous, even if I'm in an incredible position, being a crucial swing in a pivotal vote to set the pace for the merge, it's absolutely crucial that I make sure Ricky is good with us 3, once again the 2 votes I've been in, I've been a key decision maker, making dreams come true, and making nightmares real too for others. Its a pretty delusional take that I'm seen as a valuable number, and that's what I need to be, the number to make moves possible, while also having the agency to play my cards right in the middle.
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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WON FOUR TICKETS IN THE AWARD CHALLENGE!!!!! I wasn't expecting that at all and I'm so delighted. AND THEN it turned out you needed 11 tickets to make it to merge and be immune from the last premiere vote and I had 15!!!! because of winning that and because of benj giving me four tickets when he was voted out. AND NOW IM FINALLY WITH JINX AND CAPTAIN AND JUDE AND AHHHHHH IM SO HAPPY AHHHHHHHHHHH ME AND JINX WERE JUST SCREAMING RIGHT AWAY AND I KNOW JINX AND CHRIS HAVE AN IDOL BETWEEN THEM COS THEY EACH FOUND HALF WOOOOOOO I FINALLY GET TO PLAY WITH THEM I CAN'T TELL YOU ENOUGH HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME. but then I was chosen to go to the outhouse so I didn't get to talk for long and still haven't gotten to talk to captain properly or Jude so :(( and I found nothing in the outhouse but this isn't a complete loss. if captain didn't look there then I know Ricky has something and I can use this info and if captain did find whatever is in there then WOOO!!! and also I can potentially use the fear of me having something if I must and that opens up many fun opportunities. nevertheless this experience in the outhouse has given me knowledge and in survivor knowledge is a currency, and I'm gonna buy as much as I can with it. I DO REALLY HOPE I GET A CHANCE TO FAKE SOME KIND OF ADVANTAGE THO THAT WOULD BE SO FUN AND I DEFS HAVE THE MEANS TO DO IT ASHJASHJASHJ but I need a reason to you know asjhashjashjashj any who that's all I have to share for today but I MADE MERGE IN MY FIRST SURVIVOR GAME I CAN'T BELIEVE IT I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD MAKE IT I'M SHOCKED AHHHHHHHH now I get to play with people I love and meet new people and YEEEEE happy dance, I've exceeded my expectations so I'm just happy here on out. I hope I can do some fun things and game planning with jinx, captain and Chris now plssss
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I can't believe I was literally half a point away from the ticket requirement. If I had just been a tiny bit higher, I would've made immunity and had the tickets to be safe. It's kinda on me though, I forgot the "pop culture" part of the post and only verified that when it was literally the last day of the challenge (one where I had work no less, so it's a miracle I was even able to submit). But anyway, the vote isnt gonna be the end of the world. The post-swap Tua tribe is sticking together, and we seem to be getting Ricky on our side for an easy Blake vote. First thing that was suggested to me so I'm totally okay with doing that because it's just easy. I just hope that if the other side looks anywhere its not at me
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This game literally feels like a Jane Elliott experiment half the time, and it does kinda bother me, maybe I'm just so used to my privilege that its about time it gets switched up on me
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Guys, gals, non binary pals, I think I have done it. Merge, no votes cast against me, being a crucial piece to how plans come together. God, that was the easiest premerge of my life.
Friend of mine wanted to know about Tumblr Survivor. So we’re talking and she asks me what the hardest situation you’ve been in is and I said “ You’ve clearly never been in a 6 person group with you running a 3-3 split and you need a flip to basically guarantee your merge/jury spot
And you basically have all your friends breathing down your neck if you don't execute the right person, it's like cutting the wrong wire in a bomb scenario”
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I think I made bonds very quickly and will just narrowly avoid getting voted out. However, Blake seems to be getting the votes which I do not want to do. But I fear that if I push Ricky to Joey and the Lily's then they will just vote for me. Ugh. This sucks. If I vote with Blake, then the best we could do is tie. However, that puts me in a rough spot at merge because I would have 3 people mad at me. This is a really tough vote to be a part of. I probably won't even know who I am voting for until the last minute. 
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https://youtu.be/-iPG5SyOCOk blake this is your tape ITS NOT MEAN
0 notes
crystalsoul16 · 8 years
RFA + Minor Trio: Video Games
So I got bored, and being the Mystic Messenger obsessed game addict that I am, my mind wandered to wondering what sorts of video games the RFA would play, like types or genres and some examples (aside from LOLOL in Yoosung’s case of course lol), which led to making this headcanon post. Of course, these are all just my personal headcanons, and I would love to hear what thoughts you guys have for this subject! Sharing headcanons is fun~!! Sorry this got kinda long tho lol I guess I got carried away ^^;;;
Note: If you’re on the mobile app and only see Yoosung’s section, copy and paste the post’s URL into your mobile web browser. That should fix it~
Well we all know that he’s addicted to LOLOL, and probably plays or has tried other MMOs. As perfect as those are for him, I’m looking at other types of games for this. Otherwise it’s too easy lol
Plays RPGs and adventure games the most
When he can make a custom character, his preferred classes are knight or warrior classes, but he’s also open to playing as mages
Definitely the kind of player that picks up every. Single. Side quest. Because he wants to help everyone
Need a certain number of rarely dropped items? No problem!
Want to deliver an item to someone who’s not even a two minute walk away? He’s on it!
Got a super difficult optional boss that you want dead that can–and will–display the Game Over screen multiple times, and you’re offering a class-specific item he can’t use as a reward? Sign him the fuck up!
Unless they want something he doesn’t agree with… -gives Skyrim’s Blades the side-eye-
No matter how hard he tries, he just can’t bring himself to play the “asshole/aggressive character” style
“Sure, this assassin was hired by that one traitor who wants us dead, my party is totally against letting him live since he might try to kill us again, and we have absolutely no reason to trust him aside from his seemingly honest answers which he could have just fabricated to save himself, so logic seems to point at killing him to be safe…………buuuuuuuuuut he could be a helpful party member and then no one has to die!”
Also, he loves games that encourage interaction with other players!
“People think that you don’t get any friends if you play games… but you get tons!” TRUTH!!!
So yeah, games with interaction are great!
Honestly MMORPGs are fucking perfect for him and and that’s why he’s addicted to LOLOL! lol seriously dude game with me plz
Really likes Pokemon for the sense of community with trades and battles and such
Totally attempted to make a competitive team at some point
Whenever new games are announced, he and Seven figure out who gets what version so they can trade version exclusives and such
Can never beat Seven in a battle tho… The one rival battle he can never win T^T
Also this guy is a Kirby fan fight me on this
Not a lot of time for gaming with his schedule, but he doesn’t mind using them to wind down or as a distraction when he has the time or feels really stressed out (and if working out doesn’t help first)
He’s a fan of the more cinematic or story driven games, like Shadow of the Colossus, Heavy Rain, and The Last of Us
Knowing this, Yoosung recommended some Telltale games to him
Zen got hooked. The Wolf Among Us is probably his favorite
Plus their episodic releases really work with his schedule, with each episode lasting about 2 hours, give or take. So if he starts on a fully released one, he can do one episode a day until he’s done
Sometimes he and Yoosung will talk about how their stories went or what choices they made
“Wait, you knew what ‘Glass him’ meant???”
“Of course I did, Yoosung, that’s why I didn’t choose it! What did you think it meant?”
“I thought it meant giving him a drink, not smashing the glass in his face!!!”
“lol well now you know in case they use it again!”
Also, I’m sure this likely goes without saying, but this man is damn good at DDR style games or Pump it Up I guess cuz Korea but you get my point. Good luck trying to beat him lol
I mean, first off, he’s clearly got great rhythm considering his job
And second, great form of aerobic exercise! So why not?
Might try to get Yoosung into exercising more by tricking convincing him to play this with him
He’s definitely a “freestyle” sorta player, doin’ all sorts of flashy moves
Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been asked to do voice work for a game
Maybe a dating sim…
Okay, let’s get the obvious out of the way. This man definitely plays Neko Atsume and no force in this universe can convince me otherwise. It’s about cats and you really only play it in very short intervals through the day, which works with his schedule. It’s perfect for him. Moving on 
With his busy schedule due to running a company and whatnot, there really isn’t a lot of time for him to sit down to play video games despite owning a couple of systems apparently. It might be days or weeks between play sessions. So casual games are more his thing
Okay so, hear me out. Animal Crossing New Leaf
You’re in charge of a village and what gets built where, gotta manage your finances with paying off your house and having new structures and businesses built, sometimes schedule meetings visits with the villagers, cat villagers
Questions Tom Nook’s business strategy regarding the house
“Why have the house expanded before they pay for it? A customer could easily betray your trust that way by never paying you for the final expansion. Paying ahead of time as you do with the exterior customizations would be wiser.”
“Jumin it’s just a game… ;;;;;;” 
Probably made Jaehee get a copy of the game to make some tasks easier
“Assistant Kang, you have perfect oranges in your village, yes?”
“Yes, though why are you asking me right now? Don’t you have a meeting in five minutes?”
“I’m passing the time, and Mitzy requested an orange.”
“Don’t you have regular oranges to give her?”
“Of course, but Mitzy deserves no less than a perfect orange.” plus he still needs her picture, and prefect fruit will help with that
-_-;;; “……I don’t think I can get one to you before the meeting, but I can have a full basket ready for you after you’re done.”
“That will do.”
Also, do not let this man play Minecraft
Remember, this is the guy who made fucking blueprints when he was told to draw a house when he was a little kid. He would definitely get carried away like that in Minecraft 
Like in the tutorial when they tell you to make a house? Basically just a simple box with a door? pffft, nah. That won’t do
He would probably end up building the most elaborate cube-based house you could possibly imagine and leave you wondering how the fuck he had the free time to build that
“Firstly you need a nice foyer to leave a good first impression. A standard house should have at least two bedrooms, though three would be ideal. And a living room and a kitchen are both necessary, of course. I suppose a library or office is optional, but they make a great addition. Getting enough colored wool proved to be difficult, but adding some color with carpets keeps the house from looking bland and–”
“Jumin it’s just the tutorial! You just need a one room house with a door and a bed!”
“That’s not a house, though. That’s a shed with a bed.”
might use it to help plan out layouts for new buildings
Man, most of these guys really don’t have time for gaming, huh?
Jaehee probably has the least amount of free time for gaming tho. Poor Baehee barely has time to sleep :c
She’s honestly really not that into games tho, so this doesn’t bother her. There are much more productive things she can do in her spare time like get some sleep jfc let the woman get enough sleep for once plz!!
Though if Zen did do a voice in a game she would play it in a heartbeat, or look up a playthrough at the very least. Nowhere near the same as seeing him actually acting up on a stage of course, but surely he can do a great performance solely with his voice!
Like Jumin, casual games that you can put down for long periods of time would suit her best
Actually ends up liking Animal Crossing more than she thought she would or wants to admit
She loves how the villagers are always happy to see her and always rooting for her, and she absolutely adores Isabelle
Probably has a Brewster plush or figure somewhere in her cafe
While I don’t think she’d actually play them, I can imagine her being REALLY good at fighting games
Just takes her a quick look through those lengthy combo lists and she’s got that shit memorized, and with a few practice rounds she can kick your ass with perfect wins before you even know what hit you
But of course, she probably wouldn’t play them, so you don’t have to worry about that :)
Yay, someone with some time to game!
Actually no, that’s a lie, but he procrastinates on his work a lot, so he has game time
Anything that’s humorous or gives him a chance to be a jackass would be his shit
Sometimes you just need the stupid humor of a goat flying through the air in ragdoll mode to help you get through the day, y'know?
He also enjoys puzzle games to exercise his mind, and racing games for obvious reasons he can go fast without risking his babies’ safety lol
Okay so in Yoosung’s route, he mentions playing GTO (assumed to be a knockoff of GTA), which makes sense for him because cars and high jinks, but with that in mind you know what he’d really get a kick out of?
Saints Row, especially Saints Row IV, cuz that one has hacking elements, and you get superpowers, and you gotta save people and shit. Sounds great for the Defender of Justice, no? The comedy and great music selection is a bonus, really c:
As for being a jackass… Be cautious if you invite him to play Mario Party with you.
He will purposely aim for the Chance Time spaces just to watch everyone else freak out about it, and he will aim for stealing your stars and often succeeds
He’s also really fuckin’ good at Mario Kart. Do not challenge him unless you like being hit by blue shells and other such items
Also, Battleblock Theater. Great puzzle platformer, good humor, and in co-op mode, a great chance to be an ass!! Much to Yoosung’s dismay lol
“Seven, stop throwing me into the water!! And stop blowing me up! We won’t get the time bonus at this rate!”
“lolol who cares, seeing you get mad is worth it~”
A grumpy Yoosung later got revenge by shoving 707’s character into the water
they laugh about it later lol
Guys, this poor man can’t see well at all. Like, he can only see a little bit out of his left eye. That kinda makes video games a challenge for him
That being said…idk he probably liked Pokemon Snap when he could see
Okay seriously this time, imagining he can see well and his life isn’t shit. He’d be a big fan of games that are about exploration and have stunning views or a unique art style
He’d probably really like Okami, Unravel, and Journey
Ori and the Blind Forest! Get it? Cuz he’s.........into artistic games and that game is really fuckin’ pretty
and he’s bli--
Also Firewatch. That game is fucking gorgeous. He would take so many screenshots in that one plus there’s a camera feature in the game lol
Also imagine him and Jumin playing Animal Crossing together and tell me that’s not the cutest shit
It’s a cute and light-hearted game, which I feel like he’d be into, he can play it on his 3DS when travelling, and it’s something he could play with his best buddy~ I’m down for this
Oh shit sudden thought
Okay hear me out! In an attempt to try to get closer to Yoosung, V asks him to teach him how to play LOLOL. Yoo might be a little hesitant at first but eventually agrees to it and holy shit it actually goes well and yay they’re bonding!
And damn V does a great job as a support mage
Of course V can’t play much due to travelling for work, but they try to schedule play times around that and make it work out. And during his travels, if V comes across a location that reminds him of some scenery seen in the game, he sends a picture of it to Yoosung and can this be a thing? I want this to be a thing because I need more Yoosung and V fluff in my life okay sorry for the ramble MOVING ON
seriously tho he probably really liked Pokemon Snap as a kid
Look me in the eyes and tell me this guy doesn’t rage quit
Like Michael Jones Rage Quit levels of rage quit
That first one is definitely him and Seven
Otherwise he’s pretty much silent when playing
As for games he’d like, anything that’ll let him blow off some steam, like shooters or fighting games
Need a partner for CoD Zombies? Or need someone to co-op Resident Evil with? Well, he’s not much of a multiplayer sorta guy, but if you can convince him then you’re set cuz he’d be damn good at those! 
And Multi-man Smash mode in Smash Bros is very therapeutic to him
Especially when his brother gets on his nerves
Which is often…
You can tell he’s really pissed off when he breaks out Mortal Kombat > ->;;;;;
Also, I can’t help but think that he’d be pretty good at the Guitar Hero and Rock Band games
As in “really fucking close to 100%-ing Through the Fire and the Flames on Expert mode in GH3” pretty good
Seriously his hacker hands are probably really fuckin’ fast I’m sure he could pull it off
Though when his bro sets up a “Family Game Night” and you know he would totally do that at some point or some sort of gaming get-together and sets up Rock Band, Saeran usually prefers to play the drums
holy shit drummer Saeran tho
Oh yes, thinking of gaming nights, if you thought Sev was a monster at Mario Kart, hoo boy, Saeran can be pretty ruthless himself
Except he usually saves all of his blue shells and other misery-inducing items for his bro
In a way he’d be your ally if you get stuck behind Seven
But when they need to team up, like for a 2v2 minigame in Mario Party, you are done
Those two working together make a lethal combination that you could never hope to defeat
I blame twin magic
So, hear me out. Card games
They probably play casual card games like Solitaire, Spider Solitaire, Hearts, etc on their phone to pass time
And they come across as a decent strategist to me, considering their job
And card games tend to focus very heavily on strategy
So card-based games like Shadowverse and (don’t laugh) Yu-Gi-Oh and such are probably up their alley
They’d also be really good tactical games like Disgaea
But for the most part they just favor those simple card games like Solitaire. They have too much to do to focus on other such games
Not that Seven hasn’t tried to drag them into gaming with him!
They only agreed to it when they thought Seven would get back to work after a quick game of Mario Kart or Smash Bros or something
Would lose on purpose to make the game go faster
Sev would know though and try to force them into another round
“This time with feeling!”
(;¬_¬) “…Alright, fine…..”
Another victory for 707
“Okay, you won again, now back to work.”
“Oh come on, one more! You looked like you were having fun that time! Sorta kinda!”
-Vanderwood pulls out taser-
;;;;;;; “Right, back to work! Understood!”
Was definitely having fun tho. Don’t tell Seven
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survivormuxloe · 6 years
Episode 16: “I’m a petty bitch betta know that” - Scott
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Oh boy mo lost firemaking. Oh well. I tried. Not sure there is much hope in me winning, but guess I have to try. Ima be preparing a bomb ass speach, and a decent rites of passage. Not looking hopefully but like fingers crossed.
Also I think I’d make end either way now. Scott wants me in the end probably. Ryan wants me in the end probably. So if so. I get 2nd at the least. But I’m probably winning immunity anyway so ;).
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ok its the day after.. n i finished my rop.. hopefully the jury likes it. LOL LIKE I WASNT GUNNA JUST KISS THEIR ARSES FUCK THAT im gunna be honest ab my feelings...
also like. kinda feel bad ab my confessionals last nite ab rhys.. i was a bit. excited. but. its tea. LAMFJBFHBFG
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Final immunity is a little stressful. Like it’s the last one to win, if I win this that’s 5 individual wins. Just something more to put on my speech cause I’m gonna need it.
I’m feeling confident I can manage to pull out this win so like yeah I’m gonna have to work and try to win each part of this.
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im actually gunna lose this fic which is super annoying bc it means i get 3rd LOL! aLMNFBFG
like memory lane i can win if im not dumb which i am so. winterbells i'll 100% lose like i lost to anna lol. endurance i'll 100% lose bc i'm such a forgetful slut i only lasted 40 mins in canadienne.... slide puzzles are legit my worst nightmare and then the mystery task i looked up from last ssn and it took them 11 mins so if i take more than that i lose... yay!
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wow i can't wait to get 3rd place;;;; i feel like scott has gotten into rhys' ear and now i'm not the prime choice to be brought to final 2 grrr. at least thats what it seems like idk. ugh rhys doesnt deserve to make final 2 and it will make for a boring ftc zzzzzz who knows maybe scott or i can pull out an upset. i lowkey think scott would vote me out tho which is ugly and i would 100% be bitter at him idgaf KLFADHSKF
earlier i wasn't really sure what rhys and scott were thinking in regard to who they'll bring to f2, but since then i've talked w both more and i feel like 80% confident both will take me to final 2 so that's cute 8~] i don't think i'm doing well in the final immunity so far so i'm honestly banking on that lol.... as much as I think I'd have better chances against Rhys as the end, I am rooting for Scott to win it and bring me bc that is the ending this season deserves imho. i don't think there'd be a clear cut winner going into it and the ftc would be contentious as fuck... i hope at least lol. Scott def played a really dominant strategic game but def has some iffy relationships with jurors. I played a really purposefully utr game for most of the time but i think it's respectable, although there are some point against me like sitting out of so many challenges, that tie vote with jones voting early being the reason i was saved... but i think i can make a good case despite those faults and i'm honestly excited to show a new me at the live tribal. like i've been nervous as hell every time we had to go to tribal bc calling makes me anxious af, and that was def a contributing factor to me sitting out of the spelling challenge and even the card stacking one. so I'm planning on forming my case around that anxiety, and hopefully the contrast between my ftc performance compared to every live one before that will bank me the jury's respect. kind of like Kristie from AU survivor where she stunned the jury bc all game she had appeared so timid and dumb at tribals. hoping i can channel that energy and pull out the win hehe
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so we got 5 and a half ish hours until deadline. uhm. i'm honestly really happy with my scores? like. i feel as if i have a big chance of winning this and that would be SOOOOO fucking good like both of them can smd honestly if they think im giving this chance up and getting 3rd or getting 2nd to ryan... like i love him but hes beyond dumb if he thinks im taking him to the end i cant throw a victory like that lol.
i dont wanna get 2 confident tho bc knowing my ass i'll be crushed if i lose this fic lol like at least if i dont i know ryan wins so it isnt that bad but it should be me!!! im a selfish cunt i need this jsjsjs
i say this after doing endurance for 5 and a half hrs so my brain is a little floopy rn :) forgive me :) aLFMNHFG
uhm ya. rhys can suck my ass as well with his OH IDK WHO I'D PICK!!! like bitch if u pick ryan enjoy a rerun of canadienne only this time ur losing unanimously lol
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Honestly im done with Scott. Like stop being rude okay. Like I GET IT. YOU DONT WANT TO BE 3rd!. I GET IT. Like quit it with the "I dont want to wait to be cut", cause honestly, I dont know who im taking, OR IF IVE EVEN WON YET. so like stop it. Like ive been told im gonna loose, stop attacking me, because i essentially chooses who wins.
I think my immunity went good. I did good in all the parts I think.
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ok.... time to guilt scott into bringing me to the end lmfao
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Dammit I was so close to winning, but in the end from what I’ve heard I’d be the best choice for Scott to take to the end. So fingers crossed. Scott will take me there cause I really want to make the end. Even if I loose. I’m proud of my game and I just want to get as far as I can.
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BIG FUN! CUS TONIGHTS THE NIGHT. bitchhh i get to pick who i want in f2 with me!!!
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i feel like scott is gonna vote me out and i’m a bit gagged sbdbjsjsjs i really didn’t expect him to slit my throat like dis but. ig he wants to win badly and rhys most likely secures him an easy win so i cant blame him. still sucks though :C i thot we were solid dndjjdjs and ugh i dont wanna join that angry ass jury
ok so i'm still not giving up on tryna convince scott lol. honestly like i've made it this far in the game, no way i'm gonna accept defeat so easily. i don't actually know if it's better for scott to sit next to rhys than me, it probably is but seriously my game isn't amazing and i very well could see scott beating me. i think he's really overestimating how much the jury "hates" him like idk they aren't that petty, if anyone is it might just be michael. but scott really has dominated this game and everyone is aware of it, he should beat either of us.
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So, this could be my last confession.
Scott, I don’t know where he was thinking. I thought it was general concensous that I was the one to loose. Yet here I am Scott is still unsure about who to take and it’s an hour 40 untill tribal.
So like this could speak well about my game if Scott worries he can’t beat me. It could also just be him wanting to take his best friend to the end. So yeah. I’m like 50/50 when I thought I should’ve been 99/1 about staying.
I can’t believe I’m here. I have a half chance at winning. That’s if we’re even which were probably not.
This is probably an uphill battle for me, so I have to go hard or I’m going home empty handed. I haven’t lasted this long just to come second. I do think I’ve played a winning game. I think I can make a killer final tribal preformance just to solidify my case. Hopefully this will be the third winner of celestial.
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So final tribal happened.
Funny how has mo won that tiebreaker I would’ve lost unanimously. So thanks scott for winning that, and the FIC.
I think this could go either way tbh. However if I win it’s because of Scott’s bad jury management which isn’t the way I wanted to win. I would’ve preferred people to see my game more and respect that but because my moves weren’t big or flashy I have been put down to doing nothing.
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it's 2 and a half hours until we find out the winner. am i nervous? absolutely.
do i feel as though i deserve to win? absolutely.
it just keeps ringing in my mind what ryan said in his speech that the jury seemed to root for rhys and be bitter against me. i feel as though my speeches and answers were much better than his and i was able to explain my game so much more clearer so i'm hoping that they reconsider and see that i controlled the game.
if i lose i'll be gracious and nice to rhys because at the end of the day it was my own fault that my jury management was bad but it'll definitely sting because i don't really see that he did much tbh alkfjhfg. i love him but it's tea. especially when he's said that i probably deserve it more. ):
i'm really just hoping for the best at this point! anything can happen and hopefully it'll be in my favour hehe. it's been an incredibly fun season and i wouldn't change it for anything else.
this has been mr scooty toots with his finale confessional, and hopefully mr scooty toots will join the winner and the hall of fame. hehe. will lowkey be awkward if i lose tho!! LOL but oh well alkdjfg
Scott wins in a 8-1 vote!
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