#i keep writing y/n as either a massive flirt or a massive simp smh
neerasrealm · 4 years
... okay. but. poly slenjack with y/n. and y/n has a child, maybe three years old, from an old relationship which didnt work out. and them meeting over the child and y/n watching Lj and Lj thinking its their little sibling, bc apparantly y/n looks younger than they are. and yeah- than they meet slender and everythings fine, and then the shock. the child called y/n a parent name :o okay weird but Im tired sorry qwq
I’ve had this ask sitting in my inbox for forever and I’m SORRY I didn’t have any ideas for it until a few weeks later and then some stuff came up and I just didn’t have energy to work on anything but- it’s finally done. Sorry it’s short but- I did my best eheh-
‘’Alright, we’re here.’’
You stop your car and look into the back seat where your child sits. Their name is Sam, and they’re the smallest cutest thing, with short curly hair the exact same colour as yours and big innocent eyes. They look up from their small plush rabbit and stare at you. You smile gently. They’re a little sweetheart, and a little shy, but what kid isn’t? 
You open the car door and step out. You unbuckle their car seat and take their tiny hand in yours. ‘’C’mon sweetie.’’ you say gently. ‘’There’s someone I want you to meet. I think you’ll like him.’’ you smile down at them. They look up at you with big, curious eyes. The two of you walk through the park to the kid’s playground. Despite the fact that you’re supposed to be the responsible parent, you can’t help but feel excited as you approach the park. Why? Well- you have a crush on a children’s performer. Specifically one that dresses like a clown and speaks in a thick cockney accent. Your taste in men is amazing, I know.
His name is Jack, and you've only met him a couple of times. Funnily enough though, not through him being a performer, but instead Jack's- well er- his husband. Yes, you're crushing on a married man but-! He's already in a relationship with two people. He has a wife too. And well- both of his spouses are attractive. You may or may not be crushing on both of them as well. 
As you approach the playground you spot him. He's not hard to miss. Jack is tall, extremely so. He dresses in striped socks and sleeves, along with shorts and a short grey shirt that only really covers his chest. Oddly, he covers his torso with bandages, and on his shoulders he wears tufts of feathers. It's an odd costume, but certainly an eye-catching one. You smile and pick Sam up. ‘’C’mon sweetheart. You’ll like him, I promise.’’ 
It’s still early, so Jack hasn’t attracted too big a crowd yet. Just a few kids and parents. You watch him stretch, then grin at the few kids watching him. He backs up, then bolts forward into a cartwheel, that goes into a series of flips followed by ballet spins and-
Jack spins directly into you and you stumble back. You hear him yell in surprise and something grabs you, keeping you from falling. You blink in surprise and right yourself. Poor little Sam is clinging to you in fear. 
‘’Ah- sorry abou’ tha’ luv! I didn’ see ya,’’ Jack’s rough voice makes you look up. He gives you a worried smile. ‘’Ye okay?’’
‘’Yes, I’m alright.’’ you smile at him, then glance at Sam. ‘’You okay sweetie?’’
‘’Mmm-’’ Sam buries their face in your shoulder, glancing at Jack in fear. You bounce them in your arms slightly. Jack smiles and leans down to look at them. 
‘’Ey kiddo.’’ he coos. ‘’Did I scare ya? I’m sorry abou’ tha’.’’
Sam stares at him. You comb your hand through their curly locks and smile at the clown. ‘’They’re a little shy.’’ you murmur. Jack smiles, glancing up at you for a second before looking back at Sam. 
‘’Tha’s alrigh’,’’ he steps closer and leans down, holding out a bony black hand. ‘’Me name’s Jack. I’s nice ta meetcha, kiddo!’’ he chirps. Sam doesn’t shake his hand. Jack moves his palm up and cocks a brow instead. ‘’High five?’’ Sam reaches out and pats their tiny palm against his. He grins and chuckles. You smile to yourself. ‘’Who’s yer friend, kiddo?’’
Sam looks down at their plush rabbit, then up at Jack. ‘’...Christopher.’’ they mumble. Jack breaks into a wide grin. 
‘’Tha’s a grea’ name!’’ he chirps. You gently put Sam down and let them step slowly towards Jack. He crouches down to them and smiles. ‘’Ye ever seen me shows b’fore kiddo?’’ he asks. Sam shakes their head. ‘’Wouldja like ta?’’ Sam gives a nod. Jack grins and stands up, gesturing for them to follow. You smile gently and watch Sam follow quickly after him. They’re both so cute...your heart flutters. Jack is good with kids- maybe you could use that as an excuse to get to know him better, then you two could get close and- 
‘’Good morning.’’
You whirl around in surprise and see- Jack’s husband. He’s tall, thin and very pale. Almost white. His hair is a very fair blonde, and he’s wearing a proper black suit. He smiles at you. You smile back. ‘’Oh-! Good morning!’’ you smile a bit. ‘’I didn’t think I’d see you here.’’
Jack’s husband, who’s name is Guy, laughs gently. ‘’I wasn’t planning on coming down, but Jack forgot his lunch,’’ he holds up a plastic lunchbox. ‘’But then I saw him with you and little Sam and- eheh, I thought it was cute.’’ he pauses for a moment, looking at Jack with a soft smile. ‘’He’s such a sweetheart, isn’t he?’’ 
You nod. ‘’He is...they both are.’’ you chuckle a bit and look back at Guy. He strides past you and over to Jack.
‘’Sweetheart,’’ he calls. Jack looks up and quickly hops to his feet, grinning. Guy smiles. ‘’I brought you lunch.’’ 
‘’Oh! I forgo’ i’?’’ he tilts his head at Guy as he walks closer. He nods. 
‘’Yes you did, you silly thing.’’ he replies, holding out the lunchbox. Sam runs away from Jack’s side and toward you. 
‘’Mama! Look!’’ they call. You look down and see Sam is holding the biggest most colourful lollipop you’ve ever seen. That’s definitely more sugar than you’d ever allow but- well, too late now. You smile a bit as they run over and stop at your feet, holding the lollipop up excitedly. You laugh a bit and pat their head. 
‘’Sam’s your kiddo?’’ Jack says. You look up in surprise.
‘’Yes?’’ you frown. He blinks in surprise.
‘’I though’ they wuz ye’re siblin’!’’ he replies. ‘’Ye look so young!’’ Guy shoots him a stern look. You break into a smile, then some soft laughs. 
‘’Well thank you!’’ you exclaim. ‘’Not often someone good looking tells me that.’’ you add with a grin. You really hope the slight flirt doesn’t annoy Guy. Jack blinks, then his cheeks flush pink. Guy glances at him and smirks a bit before looking at you again.
‘’Admittedly I thought that too-’’ he says. He tilts his head at you. ‘’Are you...raising them alone?’’
You nod. ‘’Yeah- the uh- other guy didn’t wanna be a parent, things didn’t work out…’’ you look down at Sam and ruffle their hair. ‘’So it’s just us. But I wouldn’t have it any other way, right Sam?’’
Sam nods and smiles a bit. You look back up at the two men. Guy smiles softly. ‘’That’s very sweet…’’ he murmurs. Jack gives him an odd look you can’t really decipher before looking at you again. His eyes dart to Guy a second time and he smiles a small bit, like he knows something you don’t. Huh. ‘’You know, me and Jack have children too. Of course you’ve already met Sally and Slendra...and Jeffery, haha- but if you ever want Sam to have some children to spend time with, we’d be happy to arrange something! And the three of us could get some coffee or something like that while they play.’’ 
Jack smirks a bit. ‘’E’s always tryna ge’ th’ kiddos ta make more friends. Don’t mind ‘im.’’
You laugh. ‘’I’d love that, actually.’’ you tilt your head and smile at him. ‘’How about...Friday?’’
Guy brightens up, clasping his hands together. ‘’Friday is perfect! I’ll bring Sally and Slendra along, will I?’’
You nod. ‘’That’d be great.’’ you look down at Sam and smile. ‘’You wanna make some new friends, sweetie?’’
Sam rocks on their heels. ‘’Will Jack be there?’’ they ask softly. You and Jack both snicker and you give a nod. 
‘’Yes, yes he will.’’ you murmur with a very satisfied smile.
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