3cosmicfrogs · 8 months
Wip Ask Game
i was tagged by: @zilia1938
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Note: I'm not a writer, BUT very happy to give in-progress screenshots of my WIPs or talk about them!
take a bite come on
esen on horseback museum collection
the homoeroticism of going on campaign
tagging @erisenyo, @nieyao, and whoever wants to do this! idk if this appeals more to writers or artists, so go forth and share your works!
and be welcomed into my askbox if you want me to talk about any of these wips!
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little-meowyao · 9 months
OMG YOUR WIPS!!! PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT "Omega Broodmares JGY", "toxic 3zun" ans "NHS kills JRS"
@zilia1938 NHS kills JRS here
Okay so for the NHS kills JRS WIP is pretty much what it says on the tin. NHS plots to kill JRS. I'm a firm believer that JGY did not kill JRS and I also believe NHS was completely morally beyond salvation after NMJ died.
He drove MXY to suicide and (if indirectly) did the same to QS, so it makes sense to me that he would be doing the "destroy you and kill your entire family" punishment. So yeah, in this, he poisons JRS's food with a slow acting poison, and JGY and QS wake up to their son dead on his bed.
Jin Guangyao takes a closer look, and feels his smiling mask breaking. If not for the stillness of his chest, the pale hue of his skin, and the lack of color on his lips, Jin Rusong could just be asleep. The sudden realization gave him whiplash, and Jin Guangyao braces himself on the bed, before his knees give out.
"A-Song, A-Song, no, no, no, gods no–"
The omega broodmare JGY one is also pretty much what it says on the tin. There is a shortage of omegas (because yk. People kill them a lot), so there's this "service" (aka trafficking) where people (alphas) that are rich enough can "rent" an omega to mate with and have children. These omegas get little to no post partum care and the resting period is however long it takes to get to a place to another or to get bought again.
I'm working off CQL canon mostly, so what happened is that, a little after being thrown out of qinghe, JGY is captured by these people. He stays as a broodmare for 10 years (and 13 pregnancies in 10 years), and the LQR (who's a beta and who's utterly clueless about how any of That works) buys him and pays the price to keep hin to marry LXC.
JGY is very weak at that point, he has horrible chronic pain (esp during heat) because of continuous pregnancy and forced heats and stuff.
Lan Xichen supports him heavily with a hand around his waist as they walk through Cloud Recesses, holding his hand. Meng Yao is grateful, that he doesn't have to expose his poor balance and weak body just yet. "Mingjue-xiong told me you were killed..." "Nie-zongzhu threw me out. He probably thought I would end up dead."
Lastly, toxic 3zun is a fic for a kink meme prompt where as NMJ's temper worsens, 3zun become toxic and mutually abusive. See: NMJ beating up JGY and less frequently LXC, JGY and LXC messing with NMJ's autonomy because "it's what's best", JGY manipulating/gaslighting them both out of fear/self preservation, etc. NMJ is being an asshole in this and it needs to be rewritten (because it's from my NMJ hate era...), but regardless, have this snippet
Xichen focused on the feeling when Guangyao stroked his jaw with his thumb, a quiet, unknowing reassurance. Xichen did not tell Guangyao the tea was drugged, but Guangyao trusted him and obliged when he told him not to drink. Xichen himself can dissolve the drug with his golden core the same way he does with alcohol.
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neerasrealm · 3 years
.what if. Slenderman grew wings. Whag would happen.
OHH FUNNY YOU SAY THIS!! Because um. On this blog's canon Slender creatures DO have wings. I've mentioned it before but it was ages ago so! Lemme go over it
The four slenders in this canon, Slender, Trender, Splendor and Defender, are all hybrids. They are partially angels and partially fae.
Each of them have a set of retractable wings that can simply disappear into their bodies, much like how their tendrils can.
Like how Splendor prefers to keep his tendrils out so he can multitask easily or just simply fidget with them, Defender preferred to keep her wings out as often as possible.
All of them are capable of and skilled at flying. Trender likes to do it to de-stress.
Slender is arguably the weakest flyer out of the four of them. He much prefers being on his own two feet, Thank You Very Much.
Most of the time it takes months for new mansion residents to find out about Slender's wings. He only uses them every few months to keep them in working order and so he doesn't forget how to fly properly.
LJ is OBSESSED with Slender's wings. When they're in private Slender will allow him to touch them so long as he's very, VERY gentle.
Slender has taken LJ flying with him before, but they're a bit old for stuff like that now.
Each Slender's wings are modeled after a species of butterfly or moths. Slender's are based off the zebra swallowtail butterfly <3
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scrollypoly · 4 years
hellooo :3 uhm- sorry if im bothering you, but would you mind writing headcanons for Jason the toymaker with a s/o that hates stuff like physical contact and so? im just- i just wanna read headcanons for jason qwq just jason and stuff bout him and soo- sorry qwq
Ahh don't be sorry, you’re not a bother at all! I really like Jason, and I love his design so much. It's probably in my top 2 favorite designs if we're being honest. I did both general headcanons and s/o headcanons so enjoy :)
Jason the Toymaker Headcanons
Jason seems like he would be ancient. I mean like, if we were having a conversation and he just went, "I'm actually 1000 years old." I wouldn't bat an eye honestly. It just makes sense to me best if he's an old as hell demon I guess.
Because of this, his mannerisms are a tad dated. In both good and bad ways. Expect him to hold open doors, pull out chairs, and take your hand like the perfect gentleman he is. Also be prepared for the occasional offhand sexist remark. Just twist his arm back until he surrenders :)
He's super manipulative, and really good at it too. Probably rivals Ben in the "acting all sweet and innocent when you're actually the exact opposite of that" department. Doesn't help that he has a pretty face and charming smile.
He and Laughing Jack have a . . . very odd relationship to say the least. Like how you see two friends kinda be backstabbing to each other's faces but simultaneously don't hurt them unless you want to get hurt back. But they don't trust each other that much. It's interesting and notable.
With a touch avoidant s/o:
He's not super cuddly, but he is fond of having an arm around your waist or taking your hand.
So he doesn't understand why you don't want him to hold you?? Did he do something wrong?
He will be bratty.
It takes a couple of tries to explain to him, and he still doesn't really get it, but you’re his s/o and what kind of man would he be if he didn’t treat his s/o with the respect they deserve?
Expect gifts in the form of toys to make up for the lack of physical affection.
And definitely gets more vocal about his love for you. Also expect love letters.
If you do decide to take his hand or scoot closer to him, he will be over the moon. With the biggest dumb grin on his face. Makes him feel so proud that you trust him like that.
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carnizoid · 4 years
Happy birthday :) I hope you have a great day and nice people and, maybe, presents :))🐛🐛
aww Thank you bro!!! have a nice day too!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💞💞💞💞💞💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💘💘💘💘💘💗💗💗💓💓💖💖💕💕💕💕
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frozensriracha · 4 years
Oh yes you are
cute anger intensifies
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achilleasfury · 4 years
Jason finding a child that looks like his gay boss in his workshop/room and decides to raise it, after his lover just fucking dissapeared(part one)
(this kinda evolved from an idea based on @neerasrealm ) A child. There was a fucking child in his workshop. How the hell did the child get in here. And why the fuck did it look like Zalgo, but in tiny and annoying. And it cried. Why the fuck did it cry. And why the fuck did Jason know how to deal with a crying baby. Actually he didnt, but after picking the child up and cradling it for a few minutes, it went silent. For a second he hoped it just kinda died, but as he looked at it, it smiled at him. Why the fuck did a child smile at him. And where the actual fuck was Zalgo. The damn god had a lot to explain. He better would come home soon. Jason sighed, shifting the child on his waist. He had no idea what he should do now. The best probably would be to just wait for Zalgo and drink tea. Maybe strangle the infant, if it was too annoying, but who could predict the future? Jason couldnt. After a little preparation, Jason could put the child aside and make himself tea in peace. He then proceeded to just grab a random book, place himself on the couch next to the baby and relax. He quiet enjoyed the peace. For 30 minutes. After that period of time, the damn child started to fucking cry. As he looked to the baby, trying to figure out, what was wrong this time, his eyes lit up a little green. This silented the baby and it stared with big big eyes up to Jason, probably confused. Or exited. Because it started to laugh. What kind of magic man was Jason with children?? The ginger just put the child back down again, thinking about what humans and their offsprings needed to survive. Food. They needed food, just like him. And babys needed to be feed like every two hours. Jason just stared blankly at his tea. If he would have to keep this fucking child, he wouldnt be able to sleep long. “Oh fucking hell. This is horrible.” What did babys even eat? They didnt have teeth yet, so.. Jason got flashbacks from the ‘how to fuck’-lesson from his father. He was m a l e. He couldnt breastfeed a baby. But who could? And if noone could, what should he do then- panic rushed trough Jason. He didnt wanted to have to bury an infant. This couldnt be his legacy. This wouldnt be his legacy. Much to his exitement, a bottle of warm milk just fucking popped up besides him, like something was watching him and decided to gift him mercy. He looked up, shot a quick smile to the roof. Just to be nice and not get set on fire. He didnt wanted to have too much stuff to relate to Natalie and Jane. Another sigh escaped him. He already felt tired. If Zalgo wouldnt come back soon, Jason surely would lit something on fire. Arson seemed to be the perfect answer to everything now. He may should consider getting a therapist. And then sent the bill to Zalgo. After feeding the baby, he just put it down. “You need a name. What in the world even are you? You know, I hope its just a nightmare and I wake up later and you’re not there anymore. That would be perfect.”, Jason waited a few seconds, just for the dramatic effect. Then he looked up the gender of the infant, while trying not to cringe. “You’re a boy... And you look like a really really young Zalgo..”, he needed to think about that. “Fuck it, you’re just gonna be named Zacharias, Zach for short. Why? Because I want non-german and non-israeli speakers to suffer, when you’re going to be older.” Jason then proceeded to smile down on Zacharias, then look at him in absolute disgust as the baby vomited over himself. “This is a fucking joke, right? Are you fucking kidding me?”, Jasons eyes lit up comepletly green. He rememered why he was disgusted by young kids, and terrifyed by teenagers. After cleaning up this mess, searching after baby clothes, not finding any, then proceeding to sew some fitting ones, changing Zacharias’ clothes, and drinking a glass of red wine, Jason was comepletly done with everything. The best part of this was that Zacharias had fallen alseep during the clothes changing. And then Jason fell asleep next to him. (I WANTED IT TO BE LONGER, BUT IM JUST GETTING OUT OF AN BLOCKADE IM SORRYYY- I’ll try to upload the next part tomorrow or at last at wednesday :))
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fekst-fucker · 3 years
yea its fucking horrible lmao the boosting system is so weird and now u can also pay so that it gets boosted so uh- its @zilia1938 ! :D which is basically just my name everywhere LMAO - gym ball anon
EVERYBODY! GO FOLLOW GYM! I’ll go look you up rn bb hold on 😩💔
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katethechaser2021 · 4 years
@blue-mask-boii isn’t a catboy y’all. He can be too fucking nice to be a damn cat. Cats are assholes. He’s closer to a dog than anything else @shhh-go-to-sleep @homie-cidal-liu @zilia1938
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glorious-gremlin · 2 years
@zilia1938 you.
Still have.
My fucking
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little-meowyao · 9 months
WIP tag game
Tagged by @wishthefish!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Okay so I have
Failed sunshot with NMJ
Toxic 3zun
omega broodmare JGY
Claustrophobic JGY
dark!huaisang drives da-ge insane
NHS kills JRS
trans sms suyao smut
trans sms fic fic
@mostlikelytofangirl, @zilia1938, @evilhasnever, @pvwj, @jgydidnothingwrong, @thatswhatsushesaid,
I have no one else to tag that I remember rn
Send asks!
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neerasrealm · 3 years
yes hes a monster fucker *lip bite* but hes a special one /hj
hi what are you implying
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neerasrealm · 3 years
Hey hey hey. What about. Either then. Revived Isaac headcqnons. OR. The meeting. Lj sees zombisaac :0
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I do have an idea of how they would meet each other again.
As I've said before, Will works for Zalgo, and of course this means Isaac also works for Zalgo. Meanwhile LJ is very much on Slender's side.
They encounter each other during a fight between their two sides.
Isaac lunges to attack one of them and that's when LJ swoops in, blocking the hit and knocking the person out of the way.
Isaac goes still, staring at the giant figure. He looks so- familiar. But he just can't place it.
It's only when LJ lifts his head, revealing his face, that it clicks for Isaac.
Since being revived, he can't remember much of his life before. He remembers his parent's abuse, the boarding school, the murders, but not his own death. He doesn't know how he died, until he sees his imaginary friend standing in front of him, alive and fully real.
When Jack sees Isaac, he doesn't initially recognise him. Isaac is rotting, missing flesh in places, his skin pallid and pale. His features are too sunken to be recognisable. Unless of course, you're the person who hasn't been able to forget his face for over a century.
When the realisation hits LJ, he's horrified, and confused. How could Isaac be alive? Why is he alive? He'd spent years wishing he could talk to Isaac again, regretting everything he did to him, mourning. But he'd moved on, or so he thought.
When he sees Isaac it all comes back, the regret and the sadness and the anger at him for everything he did.
Meanwhile Isaac is. confused. It takes him a while to connect that LJ was the one who killed him, but when he does he's initially angry. Spiteful about dying. But after thinking about it for a while he starts to feel regret. Jack was his best friend, and he realises that LJ did what he did because he was abandoned, tossed aside. Over time he realises that maybe Jack was right in what he did. He was punished for his crimes by the first person he had ever hurt.
They never get a chance to talk things out, though they have a few chance encounters where they silently communicate their feelings. Isaac not choosing to hurt LJ, or mumbling a 'sorry' before running away. LJ is mad at him but doesn't want to hurt him. He's better than that and he knows it.
Isaac ends up dying again during the war against Zalgo, sacrificing his life to save Will's. After the war Will is released from Zalgo's control and loses most of his magic, including his ability to raise the dead. Will is distraught over the loss of Isaac, who was the closest thing to a father figure he ever had, but LJ is there to comfort him. He had a similar relationship to Isaac, and Will is only a kid in his eyes. He sort of sees Will as a second chance that he never got with Isaac. It's really sweet.
So yeah in basic that's how I imagine zombie Isaac and LJ's relationship/arc would go. Very tense but with a good ending that redeems Isaac in the end, at least to an extent.
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Jason dropkicking his S/O bc their a simp and always make weird jokes
jason has had a long day.
you can tell he’s in a bad mood. he keeps growling every time someone bothers him,
including you.
sure maybe you should give him some sympathy, but c’mon- he’s always in a bad mood.
as you’re watching him work on a new toy you hear him muttering to himself.
‘‘needs to be longer...’‘
you smirk.
‘‘i could use something long too.’’
his head snaps up and stares at you. your smirk widens.
‘‘excuse me?’‘
‘‘you heard me.’‘ you wink
he glares at you and shakes his head disapprovingly
you watch him delicately cut up some fabric and thread a needle. he begins sewing a tiny dress for the doll he’s making.
‘‘you’re really good with your hands, huh?’’ you purr
he ignores you.
he keeps working and finishes the rough version of the dress. he grabs the doll and gently slides her into it.
‘‘i’d love for you to touch me like that’’ you breathe.
jason slams the doll down
he stares at you
you grin. oh. now you have his attention.
silently, he moves over to you. you stand up and grin smugly
he grabs you and holds you bridal style. you grin.
‘‘oho? what’re you doing, jacey?’‘ you purr.
he grins slyly. his eyes glint an emerald green.
‘‘something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time....’‘ he replies, his voice a husky purr.
before you can respond, he suddenly drops you
as you’re falling something suddenly collides with your back. hard.
you screech as pain explodes through your back and you get punted through the air.
you land hard on one of his work tables. specifically the one for woodwork
you’re covered in sand dust, splinters and-
oh there’s a chisel lodged in your stomach.
your vision is blurry and your body shakes.
over your feeble whimpers of pain you can hear the toymaker cackling like he’s in a comedy club
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Laughing Jack smiled at you. He carefully strechted out one of his hands, patting your head. "You did a great job, kid. I'm proud of you, my little pogchamp!", after his soft spoken words he proceeded to tug you into a hug, almost squeezing the live out of you. You did it. You made him proud. You robbed the next store and got him the whole candy section without being caught.
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neerasrealm · 4 years
I imagine his cottage would be somewhere in the english countryside. probably away from people, but close enough to a town that he can go shopping and get a drink
The cottage would be pretty spacious, with a large garden. Probably has a big fireplace inside.
Lots of books. Probably has a study/room just for books
Comfy furniture, lots of quilts and blankets. Nice pillows on the couch.
God I wanna live there.
Spacious kitchen. Probably has old-fashioned metal pots and pans. Y’know what I mean right-
Upstairs is his bedroom, a bathroom with a nice big bath tub and his workshop for making toys
He grows things in the garden!! Strawberries, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes. Definitely a herb garden too.
Rose bushes? Rose bushes.
He has an apple tree in the front. Probably a swinging chair tied to one of the branches.
He sits out on the porch in the evenings and drinks tea...
I’m picturing this man with lil round glasses.
Skirts? Skirts. Yes. He doesn’t wear them all the time but if he’s lounging at home he is wearing them.
It’s a cottagecore au he can’t not have skirts.
Frequents the local pub. He’s not super social but it’s a small english village so he knows everyone and everyone knows him. Likes to chat over drinks.
Anyway Zalgo is the big-city executive that gets relocated there for the christmas season so he can buy the old church for his company and Jason calls him a bitch. They then fall in love and the church is saved. Zalgo learns to love christmas. Hallmark hire me.
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