#i kept wanting to type 'barbell' and i know that is not it
foxgirlintestines · 1 month
The one piece of advice I can really give to younger trans girls is that you really need to embrace the parts about you that you actually liked pre-transition. There is often that crushing weight of gloom and self loathing that comes with severe dysphoria that tells you that everything about you is wrong, but that can just your mind being clouded with negative emotions, and it becomes harder to see the positives. In the end, though, you probably aren't going to become a perfect barbie doll, and that's ok, but striving to become something like that can drive you crazy.
When I first transitioned, I just wanted to be a girl, no ambiguity, just look like a stereotype. It was never really possible, I'm almost 6 and a half feet tall, and the women in my family are not thin, when I got on estrogen I gained weight fast, and it did not go to all the right places. I wallowed in bed a lot, and I just kind of kept getting worse. Oddly enough, it was getting into fetish content where less standard body types were lusted after more than regular anime proportion waifus where I started to see some of the more positive aspects of being amab. I was tall, strong, could be threatening and having a big squishy gut was actually quite attractive. I started to remember things about me when I was younger that I kind of pushed out of my mind. I was the "guy" who would run the mile in PE then casually walk along-side my friends and keep them company so that they didn't get teased, and one time I picked up my overweight friend and just carried her the last bit of the way because she was exhausted and the teacher couldn't really do anything about it because even as a young teenager I towered over him. In theater when there were heavy props to move I just lifted them up and tossed them around when we didn't have grip present. When we were out drinking in college, I was the "safety" who intimidated people so they would not try and take advantage of the drunk girls. I am big, and even if is not very feminine, I like that about me.
I changed my transition goals, I started working out again, not just cardio exercises to lose weight, but weightlifting, squats while holing a barbell, throwing around a medicine ball, and doing laps around my backyard while holding a ~150lb dead tree I ripped out of the ground while doing yardwork on my shoulder. I got healthier, I got happier, and much to my new endocrinologist's chagrin I've been gaining more weight, though now it's muscle. There are still plenty of things that I changed to be feminine, I wear my hair long, I wear girly clothes, often cute shirts with open tops that show off my large arms shoulders and cleavage, and mini-skirts. I put on make-up, lots of bold goth get-ups with heavy eyeliner black lipstick and glittery deep grey eyeshadow. Long painted nails, jewelry, hell sometimes a sparkly rhinestone tiara when I really want to ham it up, cute open toe heels when not wearing my big stompy boots, and of course the biggest one (pun intended) my massive boobs that I got the largest implants legal to be used in the US to make me busty as hell. I don't look like a barbie, and I no longer want to. I'm to the point that people often don't know whether to call me sir or ma'am, but the fact that people say sir or ma'am meekly like they are afraid of getting it wrong is way better gender confirmation than being called "lady."
I am happy now, well, at least happy with my body, there is plenty of shit in the world that still makes me depressed as hell. At least I no longer feel that dysphoria, and it makes those other things a bit more manageable. I think even if I did achieve my original transition goals, I would not be as happy with my body as I am now. You got to find that about yourself too, sometimes you will actually miss things about who you used to be, even if those times were overall worse.
As a silly little comparison, these two pictures of my fursona (which reflect my ideal body type) were made before and after I accepted the things about my body that I didn't want to change.
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zawazawanightmares · 2 years
Fleetfoot & Rosary
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You, Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic), are connected to Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP Your partner has a starter. Type /starter or tap here to see it.
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): /starter
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: https://external-preview.redd.it/4jneRjVXwNK2qydD-R7CjxI3XzA_jvWc6lyig1dH0UI.jpg?auto=webp&s=875ae1a86ef36ebd5536cf74cbd224d622ca00b7
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): Fleetfoot was lifting outside her house, straining with a particularly heavy barbell. "If you're a teammate, it's my day off. If you're a fan, wait a minute and I'll give you an autograph after my rep." She just kept going without turning around.
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: Wait! Is she in her pony or human form?)
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): (In her pony form, although I can adjust her to be in human form. Note when I say Pony form, I mean "up right and with human proportions".)
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: Yeah I get you, luckily I’ve been searching for mlp RPs so lemme type up my response)
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: The dark alicorn looks at her expectantly, wondering how long it’ll take her a while before she realises exactly who was in her presence. “Oh, well, I see that if you are so busy then I’ll have to return some other time.” She shrugs nonchalantly. “Perhaps you’d like to come over for tea tonight as it is your ‘day off?’” Rosary offers kindly.
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): Fleetfoot sighed as she put down her barbell. "Listen, if you're the insistent type, I'm going to have to tell you to---" Fleetfoot stopped when she really got a good look at the woman talking to her. "Wait...who are you? Some type of royalty or something?"
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: The Alicorn grins and simply nods, as such royalty are expected to. “I am. Although I am from a far and distant land, much too similar to where Celestia was born. Nobody knows, but I’m only here for holiday, to see the sights and to… well, it’s sort of… complicated.” She clears her throat, running her hand through flowing mane with red cheeks.
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: (Is it OK if I alter her appearance a bit? The fanart is of celestia and it feels odd to me if rosary is just with similar appearance to her in this universe lmao)
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): (It's cool!)
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): Fleetfoot actually felt...flustered by how casual Rosary was being with her. She didn't like it. "Whatever! So you want to see the sights. Was one of those sights my sweaty buns while I'm training on my day off?"
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: “Actually…” Rosary fiddles with her fingers nervously. “That’s… almost spot-on, Miss Fleetfoot.” She chuckles. “I understand that you.. are.. single, right?”
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): Fleetfoot actually blushed. "Y-yeah. So? You got something you wanna ask me?"
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: Rosary smiles… almost smirks really, and she edges closer to the Pegasus, pulling her closer with her own magnificent golden and dark wings. “Well, I heard that you’re quite the treasure, Miss Fleetfoot.” She whispers, tracing hearts on her chest. “You’d do well to help me with some.. breeding, perhaps?”
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): "Breeding? Lady, we just met..." Fleetfoot tried to play it off as being cool but she was already getting hard. "I mean, I wouldn't mind helping you out with that but shouldn't we get dinner?"
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: “Oh, of course. It’s all up to you, since I personally chose you, but I can most certainly sense that you’re intrigued by the idea.” Rosary grins mischievously. “How would you like to take this, my dear?”
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): "Uh..." Fleetfoot looked back. "Well, we could go back inside, settle this in my bedroom?"
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: That pleased the alicorn. “Just how I like it~” She kisses Fleetfoot on her cheek and let’s her lead the way, clearly excited for a hookup with this odd stranger.
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): Her own wings jutting out due to her excitement, Fleetfoot eagerly led her back inside and took the alicorn to her bedroom, lying her on the bed. "How do you wanna do this? Gentle, fast, hard or premium?"
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: Rosary giggles softly at the Pegasus’ own excitement, following through with lying on the bed. “Premium? What do you mean..?” She asks, taking off her dress to reveal nothing but a busty body with golden freckles shimmering here and there… and almost nothing but a lacy underwear beneath it.
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): "How about I just show you? You are royalty, after all..." She then moved down to suck on Rosary's neck while moving her hand down to rub the alicorn's slit through her lacy panties.
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: “Oh!” Rosary’s breath hitches at Fleetfoot’s pursue. “Oh my.. This mustn’t be your first time if you’ve had all these… mmh… all t-these options..?” She asks, wrapping her arms around her partner’s waist.
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): "Let's say being the fastest Wonderbolt gets you a lot of admirers." Fleetfoot answered before trailing kisses down to her chest, sucking on one of her nipples while moving her hand inside her panties to rub her pussy directly, pushing in a single finger.
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: Rosary’s cheeks turn red more and more with the sensation of Fleetfoot’s finger making it’s way in without hesitation… and oh… her tongue… “It must be.. so much effort for you..” she hums softly, one of her hands gently petting the top of Fleetfoot’s head while her other gently gropes and massages her thighs and butt.
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): "Totally...but I was given these skills for a reason and I decided to use them for the good of the people." Fleetfoot proudly explains as she licks down her stomach, pulling out her finger only to pull down Rosary's panties with her teeth, planting a kiss on her bare pussy.
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: Rosary moans before she places her hands over her mouth. “I.. didn’t expect to feel this good already.” She admits. Truly, she was very warm and very hot down there, and woah how she tasted… so.. addicting..
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): "Looks like you underestimated how this was going to go." She teased Rosary before dragging her tongue through her folds, getting a good taste of her before continuing for several minutes. Eventually, she moved on to lap at her clit, humming on it while looking up at her own personal princess.
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: Rosary hadn’t felt this good since who knows when! “Y-you are a woman of your word, aren’t you?” She smiles bashfully, trying to keep herself from moaning. Goodness, if they only just started and she was already feeling this good…. What other tricks did Fleetfoot have up her sleeve?
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): "Dang right! I promised you the Premium treatment, you're getting the Premium treatment..." With that, she got up and prodded the alicorn's entrance with her tip. "You ready?"
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: The alicorn grins and wraps her arms around Fleetfoot’s neck once again, and nodded. “Just… be sure not to hold back, OK? I want you to enjoy this as much as I am too.” She pleads.
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): "Don't worry, my Lady. I already am..." She bent down to kiss Rosary deeply...while slowly pushing in her entire length, making sure it fit right before she began to move.
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: “Mmh~! ♡” Rosary’s hands dug into her shoulders as she pressed herself deep inside of her. The alicorn was so warm and tight.. almost like she was pure and innocent of such an act, and yet, with those moans? It only guarantees what the true power of a princess promises.
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): As soon as she was sure the princess was comfortable, Fleetfoot began to thrust. Slowly at first but soon enough she was picking up enough speed to shake the entire bed. It definitely felt like getting railed by the fastest, and the most durable, Wonderbolt.
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: She couldn’t help but to pull her in for more kisses, getting more and more sloppy and lewder each time. Her moans were turning into squeals, and her mind was turning into a mush of greed for more of Fleetfoot. Hm.. she might just have to keep her all to herself after this~
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): Fleetfoot's tongue twisted around with hers as she kept pounding her into the bed. She felt like she was soaring through the clouds and she was about to make her own lightning bolt...
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: Any moment later and Rosary expected for the bed to break. Not that she.. minded of course, oh no, she probably wanted this more than she admitted.
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: She felt her heart beat more and more with each thrust — things truly were electrifying for her!
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): With a grunt, Fleetfoot came a deluge inside the princess, still humping as she felt herself empty out inside of her. "Oh wow...I needed that more than I thought I did..."
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: Rosary buries her face into Fleetfoot’s neck as she fills her up so well that her stomach now had a cute bulge in it. She too, eventually came, panting and moaning with ecstasy. “Oh~! Fleetfoot~!”
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): "Oh, my princess..." She moaned in a sultry tone...before she suddenly blinked back to reality. "Wait, what's your name?"
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: Rosary grins sneakily and gently massages Fleetfoot’s sore shoulders. “Rosaria. I am Princess Rosaria Sunray” She giggles softly.
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): "Princess Rosaria Sunray. Beautiful name..." Fleetfoot said in an entranced way before suddenly averting her eyes, feeling like she was losing her coolness by being sincere. "So uh...do I fly you back or something?"
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: “Oh?” Rosary gives her a cute pout, like she was offended of something. “Didn’t you say you wanted dinner, young lady? It’s the least I can do for having you.. fill me up,” she pats her stomach. “On such short notice!”
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): "Heh! I guess I did go the extra mile for you..." Fleetfoot grinned. "How about sandwiches?"
Rosary / F / Unicorn-hybrid / elegant / has sun powers / lit. RP: The alicorn sits up with a smile. “Perfect. Shall we have them here or would you like to go somewhere?” She asks, her horn lighting up a mesmerising golden colour, prepared to do to Fleetfoor’s bidding like a genie.
Anthro!Futa!Fleetfoot (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): "How about we go out? I could use the air..." She said with a smile.
You left the chat
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
Hi sky!! It’s me again!
I absolutely LOVE how you do my requests and your work and it makes me so happy, and i apologize if I’m requesting to much!
Can I request Headcannons for Kid + zoro + luffy When their s/o is comfortable enough with them that they show their childish side around them like “don’t step on the cracks!” While walking or they do something that’s childish
fluff and FemReader please!
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Kid, Zoro & Luffy with Childish! Fem! S/O
Summary: You and your boyfriend have been dating for a while and you finally decided to show them your cute hidden side~<3
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Eustass Kid:
- A big bad pirate captain and a cute childish woman
- What a pair
- You and Kid have been dating for three months (with him getting peer pressured by the crew to confess to you ofc), you were comfortable enough to show him your hidden childish side
- You were subtle at first, putting stickers on Kid's hair and tools whenever he's not looking.
- The redhead was annoyed at whoever put multitude of flower stickers on his spiky red hair and precious tools. He confronted each member of his crew (so basically threatening them) and caught you putting big ass stickers on his favorite wrench.
- He was like "Oh, it's you." *Insert (⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠) face* XD
- You had a spare sticker on your hand so you decided to stick it on Kid's nose and giggled at his scrunched up face
- He forgave you. Barely
- He made you rip off your stickers tho, making you pout.
- But at least he keeps spoiling you with the cute souvenirs he made.
Roronoa Zoro:
- We know how Zoro treats Chopper like his little brother, right?
- Well, when he found out your childish side, he fell in love with you more. Not that he'll admit out loud tho
- You're the cute childish type, don't worry ;P
- Zoro would let you put flowers on his hair and doesn't mind if you tried to braid his hair
- He even supports your balance when you wanted to walk on some railing or edge. Don't worry, he's strong. Have you seen him lifting those huge ass barbells?? Cause damn, boi XD
- You're the one who tugs his hand whenever you saw something wonderful and he lets you lead the way. Cause no one wanted the moss to get lost, right?
- Overall, Zoro will treat you like he treats Chopper but noticeably softer and gentler
- You rewarded him with sweet kisses on his cheeks which he loves so much :3
Monkey D. Luffy:
- You and Luffy are definitely the troublemakers of the crew so yeah, utter chaos everyday 👍
- The crew doesn't mind you but Luffy? Oh gosh, he's terribly goofy.
- Luf tried to give you beetles as a gift, you cried ofc. Nami made sure to teach him a lesson while Robin comforts you ~
- Anyway, instead of giving you beetles and frogs, Luffy gave you stickers instead. You kissed him for this ;)
- You, Luffy, Chopper and Usopp would form a circle and draw random stuffs on the deck. The artistic level would range from Luffy, Chopper & You, and Usopp. Usopp kept bragging about his drawings tho
- Every midnight, Luffy would wake you up to raid the fridge but unfortunately, Sanji locked it up with seastone chains! The two of you whined.
- Luckily, you got spoiled with food by Sanji the next day, so yay!
- Luffy never shared his food and it's a huge shocker to the crew when he offered you a chunk of his meat for the first time. You gave him your special dessert in return.
- When exploring on a new island, Luffy and you would run off to do something fun. Eating and buying the things you like. Luffy spoiled you with his allowance he got from Nami so yeah, you guys splurged the said money on cool stuff.
- And yes, you and Luffy would definitely play "Don't step on the cracks!" everyday <3
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Hello to you too, @gl00ml ! Thank you for the kind words (⁠*⁠꒪⁠ヮ⁠꒪⁠*⁠)!
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jungshook69 · 4 years
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DISCLAIMER: This doesn’t represent the members’ actions or the army’s actions in any manner it’s pure fiction. This is an original work, do not copy. The taglist is open if you want. Taglist is now closed.
WORD COUNT: 1358 words
PAIRING/S: Jungkook X female reader
GENRE: Established relationship au ; Oneshot/Imagine
ABOUT: This oneshot is part of a 7 part BTS imagine called “Jealous”. This oneshot is a reaction imagine of how each member would get jealous of their s/o in a given situation.
7 PARTS: Namjoon || Seokjin || Yoongi || Hoseok || Jimin || Taehyung || Jungkook
STATUS: Complete
You felt a bead of sweat travel down your forehead as your legs moved at an incredulous rate on the treadmill beneath you. Your chest was heaving and completely drenched in sweat as you tried to keep your staggered breath steady. You shut your eyes close, as you tried to engross yourself in the music blasting through your air pods.
Two minutes later you heard the familiar beeping of the machine underneath you, indicating that your hour on the treadmill was over. You hopped off and turned your attention to the rest of the folks in the gym, disconnecting your air pods simultaneously.
You watch Taehyung, Yoongi and Namjoon lifting kettle bells in the corner, Jimin and Hoseok were still running on the treadmills and lastly Jin was situated on a pec-deck machine, and your boyfriend Jungkook was seated beside the older, lifting dumbbells.
You were their personal fitness trainer and took exercise very seriously. You liked to maintain a healthy lifestyle and were incredibly proud of your toned abs that were sprawled across your abdomen, as you took a quick take of your figure in the gym mirror.
You made your way over to Jin and Jungkook and observed Jin’s figure. Now this may sound a little weird, but you never ogled anyone in the gym. You didn’t look at them with lust. When you were observing someone’s figure, who in this case was Jin in a black tank top, you always kept it professional. Your mind immediately kicked into auto drive as you begin thinking about what machine you would recommend them to work at next.
“You know Jin oppa, you don’t need the pec-deck machine.” You spoke up after a minute of thinking.
You caught Jungkook’s attention too. “What?” Jin spoke up.
“See, you already have pretty broad shoulders like Taehyung, but your shoulders are already pretty uplifted naturally. So this makes it appear as though you’re naturally toned at the chest. And trust me when I say you have a great upper toned figure already. I think you should work on your quads. So I think you should ditch the 25 minutes over here every week and swap it out for 40 minutes on the seated leg press machine.” You state your analysis.
“Okay” Jin said without a complaint, moving to switch spots for the rest of the session. This is what you loved about working with them. They always respected your decision and knew that whatever was being suggested was only to make them a better version of themselves.
You were about to move on to the trio lifting the kettle bells, when Jungkook’s feeble voice stopped you, “Noona, what about me? Do I need to change anything?” he said his eyes sparkling.
That was something you found astonishing about him. How his face represented that of a young teenage boy, his doe eyes sparkling, while his body was that of a muscle man. But recently after you had complimented him on his cute face, he had taken it the wrong way, and had decided to grow his hair out, indulging into man buns, in an attempt to make his face look more manly. You absolutely loved his long black hair, but you had kindly explained to him that he needn’t look all macho all the time to impress you. After understanding the situation he had decided to keep his long hair, as he’d fallen in love his new look.
“Noona?” Jungkook’s soft voice disrupted the array of your thoughts.
“Yeah… no… you don’t need to change anything babe, I think your routine is fine, at least for another month.” You said turning on your heels to move towards the trio in the other corner of the gym.
Before you knew it, you were assessing the three and assigning them their respective machines. You were right in the middle of checking Yoongi’s weight plates so it wouldn’t be too strenuous on his fragile shoulders, when a loud yelp echoed off the walls of the gym followed by a loud thump. You motioned the others to wait as you ran towards the source of the familiar voice.
Your eyes met with the sight of Jungkook’s left hand gripping his right shoulder, his eyebrows furrowed, his mouth partially open, gasping for air, a pained expression written all over his sweaty face. Your eyes shifted to multiple giant weight plates all on a pile on the floor, having slid of the dumbbell bar.
“What do you think you’re doing?” your voice half-laced with annoyance, half with concern.
“I was just… lifting weights” he said breathlessly.
“Yeah I can see that. But why are they out of your weight class? Why did you add on an extra 10 pounds to the barbell?” you ask.
“I just wanted to try something…”
“Well you can’t just impulsively change your weight class Jungkook. It’s gonna strain your arm muscles. No wonder you got hurt.” You said crouching down to your knees as you tried to move his arm back and forth, checking on his muscle strain.
“I just wanted to improve my frame…”
“Well you can’t do that Jungkook. We follow a level of professionalism here. There’s a reason I’m your personal trainer.” You said sternly. Nothing came in between you and strict professionalism, and Jungkook knew that. It was part of the reason as to why he found you so enticing.
“I- I’m sorry” he said chest heaving.
“You gonna tell me why you really did that babe?” you say in a softer tone. You could tell Jungkook had a hidden intention behind his impulsive action.
“No reason.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit Jeon, tell me…”
“Fine! I got a bit insecure when you were complimenting Jin hyung’s figure, so I wanted to change things up a bit…” he said sighing.
“Gguk, hey look at me…” he immediately looked up to the voice of you calling him by his nickname.
“Listen… please don’t feel insecure… it’s my job to observe and analyze your guys’ figures and ensure you guys remain healthy and fit. And the comments I throw around about your bodies during our sessions are merely to decide what’s the next step to keep you guys in shape. It’s my job Gguk, you need to understand. I am in no way comparing you guys to each other okay?” you said calmly explaining to him.
“Okay…” he said a small smile forming on his lips.
“Promise me you won’t go ahead and do anything impulsive like that again… because if you hurt yourself, your fans are gonna be really upset and worried about you.”
“Mr. Jeon Jungkook, I never thought of you as the jealous type.” You said giggling after a short pause, trying to lift the tension in the room.
“Noona… hush” he says his cheeks turning red, as he refused to meet your eyes.
You drank in his flustered and disheveled state as you bent down to his level and thread your fingers through his long black hair. His eyes visibly widened as you closed the proximity between the two of you.
“You have some guts, telling me what to do Gguk…” you said dominating the chiseled man in front of you. You watched as his Adams apple bobbed up and down nervously.
“N-Noona… someone might see us…” he gulps, his breath uneven.
“Let them” you say connecting your lips in a steamy kiss, the fear of being caught, leaving a feeling of excitement shiver through your body. You let your tongue dart out, tracing a warm trail along his soft lips. Just as he opened his mouth to give you the entrance you ever so subtly asked for, you pulled your tongue away, completely disconnecting your lips from his.
You watched his hooded eyes, blown out with lust, flutter open, as he looks at you with his mouth agape.
“Sorry baby, duty calls.” You say standing up, smirking.
“B-But…” you watched his adorable red cheeks as he struggled to form words.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you tonight.” You say winking and walking away to resume your job, leaving Jungkook’s mess of state behind.
A/N: I wanted to try something different and write Y/N as a dom character and the male lead as a sub character. Also I wanted to show that Jungkook is a perfectionist. He wants to be good at everything, and he is, owing to his competitive nature. But I just wanted to make a point that he doesn’t have to be good at everything for us to love him. We all love him no matter what, and that he doesn’t have to strain himself, just to feel loved by us.
Don’t forget to follow @jungshook69​ for more content:) You can check out more works of mine here. Have a great day:)
TAGLIST: @yzkyzkuniverse​
ENDING NOTE: Hey guys! I just wanted to say I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of love my series got. I never expected more than 3 people or so to read my story. But you guys surprised me with the amount of people who liked my series. I just wanted to say a big thank you for the support as it motivates me to work harder and give you guys better works in the future. Sending you all a big virtual hug, stay safe, and I look forward to sharing more of my writing with y’all :)
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iambountyfan · 3 years
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ionnalee answered lots of your questions via instagram stories today.
view the full Q&A in our photo album on Facebook or click ‘keep reading’ below for the transcript: facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.283961203734655&type=3
Q: may I ask why you quit iamamiwhoami and went over to ionnalee? A: my name is Jonna Lee and iamamiwhoami is a project of mine.
Q: any advice to people who’s starting to make electronic music? A: don’t listen to what others think or do. don’t be afraid to make your own sounds and care less about what gear and plug-ins to use. listen and feel.
Q: any plans to work or edit a song again with Röyksopp? (I love you) A: no plans. lu2.
Q: i’d like to know if you would return to perform in Brazil if you had the chance. i couldn’t make it last time. A: i will make sure it will happen again.
Q: did you film a video for CRYSTAL with Jennie and Barbelle? A: yes, we filmed a live video but i couldn’t finish it cause of health reasons.
Q: Favorite Depeche Mode song? A: never let me down again.
Q: Hi! What are your dogs’ names? A: Ghost (japanese akita) and Luna (american akita).
Q: What kept you going while starting off as a musician? love from macedonia. A: i had only myself to rely on at a very young age so i developed an interest in finding my own voice early on and when i found it that made me feel not so out of place anymore x
Q: tease something from the future. A: the future isn’t MEH i can tell you that much.
Q: Favourite kind of flower? A: roses and mallows.
Q: The story behind anywhere i roam? Sending love from Brazil. A: the song is about insecurities, motivation and distractions from what matters.
Q: Favorite Swedish word that doesn’t exist in English? A: jordgubbstårta. strawberry cake just doesn’t do it justice.
Q: Did you ever wrote something besides music? Like a story? A: yes all my lyrics are stories and all my films have story based scripts.
Q: would you ever write and record an EP or even an album fully in Swedish? A: i don’t think so but never say never.
Q: where do you find inspiration to create? A: offline.
Q: what is the story of kin? i was fascinated following the journey through each video. A: kin is about creating kin and the struggles faced in the process both personal and as a project.
Q: would you ever work with Fever Ray, Lykke Li or Robyn? A: well if that came to be organically.
Q: how do you know it’s the right time to shelve a song + revisit it later? A: i am a finisher. it’s more about my vision for my projects. what goes where and when and why.
Q: was WOW ever recorded or the cameras were just there for the moment? A: our first show at way out west was all live mixed shot on stage. i think that was obvious to those who were present physically.
Q: Last time you cried? A: this morning.
Q: what has been your greatest “mistake” and what did you learn from it? how did it empower you? A: being in contexts and collabs where i haven’t been 100% happy and in control of my work. it has empowered me to exactly what i want and to trust my own vision.
Q: Favorite mainstream artists? A: not sure what classifies as a mainstream artist now. major label artists?
Q: what scents do you like? what perfume do you prefer? A: pine, rain in spring oh well i don’t like synthetical scents so i am not big on perfume as i get rashes from them.
Q: please, tell me where do you find this inner power to never stop doing what you love? A: i have to constantly reinvent it. motivation isn’t granted. i struggle with that a lot as well. sometimes it just don’t make sense to turn yourself inside out for a project but then you move through it and finish it and eventually find the thread again.
Q: will you ever make more music as iamamiwhoami? BLUE is amazing. A: happy you like BLUE. my musical process looks the same in all projects. what changes is me as a person evolving through life. BLUE was made in 2013 and will not be made twice. hope you like my other works too.
Q: where do you keep all the fan gifts & art from over the years? A: in my studio and at TWIMC label.
Q: what does the extra ‘e’ in MACHINEE mean? A: it’s my mean machinee.
Q: i just want to thank you for your music, it has helped me through tough times. love u. A: that is precious thank you.
Q: are you also involved with the camera work besides the art direction? anything technical? A: besides directing i leave the technical camera work to John Strandh. i shoot a lot of exploration stills for my own pleasure.
Q: Argentinian fans LOVE YOU! A: so many loving messages. thank you for all the love. it means the world.
Q: any advices to help distancing from social media and toxic aspects of technology? A: be offline at least 90% of your week. go outside.
Q: let us know who is John? i love this song! my favourite track in bounty. love u. A: a john is a john.
Q: what is it like to know that your art and music have changed the lives of so many individuals? A: when you put it like that it makes me really happy. but i don’t think like that on a daily basis. i tend to think more like “who gives a fuck anyway.” it’s a blessing and a curse. if i thought highly of myself i don't think i’d make very interesting things. but being reminded in this way through your messages give me air. so thank you.
Q: how do you make a melody, do you hear it in your head from the start or do you need to play an instrument? A: usually the melody is the first thing to happen and it comes out of imagination based on what i have stuffed my brain with since childhood.
Q: when do you think you will next play some shows in the US? A: i am hoping soon.
Q: will you do something else with Zola Jesus? would love that. A: love this woman. surely.
Q: what advice do you have for an artist (drag) who lost the magic and really wants to find it back? A: your voice and expression is important.
Q: You ruined music for me. I’m always looking for something “similar” or “better”. Thank you. A: sorry and thanks.
Q: any advice for improving singing voice? A: practice practice practice patience feeling technicality expression.
Q: do plants talk? A: yes in a very non human way of communication beyond our understanding.
Q: when are we to be blessed with more music? LOVE YOU FOREVER. A: i promise to let you know when the time is right.
Q: did/do your parents support your creativity? A: sure they would have if they could have. i just didn’t grow up in that sort of environment. creativity was an escape i found myself.
Q: any fave drama series? (I love the fact you love The Office. And I love you!) A: loved Mare of Easttown. watch a lot of forensic and HQ true crime things. yes i am a passionate The Office-r.
Q: are u and iamwhoiam the same person? so confused lol. A: who?
Q: what’s your beauty secret? can you tell your fave stuff your using daily? A: hm. i rarely wear make up. trying to be content with myself as i am. often hard. aim to sleep well and eat well. not always succeeding. i spend a lot of time outdoors and i drink a lot of water.
Q: i wanted to live in Sweden, do you consider it a gay-friendly country? love your music. A: yes it is. it gets very dark and cold this season however so gear up.
Q: can man live without work? asking cause i’m 28 yo and still don’t know what to do. A: anything is possible i guess. can you? i find it’s better to just do instead of waiting for lust to make you want to do something. if you’re unsure, help animal shelters that need support.
Q: what do you do on the days when you’re struggling with yourself/motivation? A: i talk to my near ones. avoid social media and take a break from whatever i’m doing to not taint it. and this boy [Ghost]. he gives 0 fucks about human problems. he just wants to go outside or cuddle. usually that puts things in perspective.
Q: just want to thank you for saving my life and sanity with your music. i wouldn't be here without it. A: 😭
love to all of you. be seeing you. xx
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novemberhush · 3 years
Thanks to @mjvsec for tagging me. 😘
Five questions to get to know you better.
1) What colour are your eyes?
Green. A sort of mid-to-dark shade.
2) What little thing instantly tells you that a person is good?
I’m usually a pretty good judge of character, my gut feeling tends to be right about people right from the start, but I’m not sure there is one specific thing that immediately jumps out at me and tells me if someone is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Obviously the way they treat others will tell you a lot about a person, but that tends to be something you observe over time. Anyone can be nice once (or can act like they’re nice anyway), anyone, even the worst of us, can have moments of kindness and consideration for others, but the real test comes in whether or not they keep it up over time and on a regular basis.
3) Do you have a recurring dream?
Not anymore, but I had two when I was a child.
The first one featured a circus strongman, you know the type you see in old media, with a leopard print outfit, shaved head, handlebar moustache and barbell with two round weights that look like cannonballs on the end, and it involved someone throwing a meat cleaver and it hitting his head and slicing part of it off! It was quite gruesome and I have absolutely no idea where it came from or what it meant!
The second one involved my little brother and it doesn’t take a degree in psychology to work out that it was reflecting my worries about not being able to protect him and keep him safe. In the dream my brother was a toddler (as he was in real life when I first started having the dream) and he went through an opening hidden in our back garden that led to an underground maze. I followed him and could see him up ahead of me, but he was always out of reach, always turning a corner ahead of me, and he didn’t seem to hear me when I called to him. He just laughed and giggled and kept going deeper and deeper into this labyrinth (and, no, I hadn’t just seen the movie Labyrinth so the dream wasn’t inspired by it! I still haven’t seen it to this day actually.) and I don’t know how I knew, but I knew there was something terrible, something dangerous, lurking ahead of us, just waiting to get its claws into him, and I kept trying to catch up to him, getting more and more desperate, just trying to get to him in time, but I never could. He was always out of reach. I always woke up before the awful thing, whatever it was, got him, thank God, but I still remember the fear of thinking he was in danger and not being able to do a damn thing to protect him. Those big sister instincts coming out in me, I guess.
4) What is the most interesting class you have taken?
I took a psychology night class at our local community college when I was still at secondary school because my school didn’t offer it and I was interested in the subject and it was quite an interesting class because I love knowing what makes people tick, what makes us the way we are, why we behave the way we do. I love getting beneath the surface.
In school itself, though, my two favourite classes were English Lit and History. I love learning about the people who came before us and what their lives were like and how the times they lived in shaped the world we live in today, how history still affects us.
As for English, well, I’ve always loved stories, loved getting a glimpse into other worlds and other lives, indulging my imagination and expanding my empathy, discovering our differences as well as what we all have in common, being made to feel. I guess I’m just curious about the inner lives of others, about what I can and can’t relate to in another’s experience. Again, it’s all about wanting to know what’s under the surface, isn’t it? It all connects up, I suppose, my interest in literature and history and psychology.
5) How often do you find yourself daydreaming?
All the time! It’s one of my favourite pastimes, creating little stories in my brain, most of which will never make it out of my head, but some I may share with others through my writing.
I tag @sometimesimfandomtrash @foreverthemomfriend @fluffbyday-smutbynight @imwritesometimes @tabbytabbytabby @tulipintulle and anyone else who wants to play. No pressure on anyone who doesn’t!❤️
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thadelightfulone · 4 years
All I Want... 25 Days of Christmas Challenge, Day 6
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November 21st - Part 3
DeeDee heard both her phone and computer go off at the same time. She sighed, turned away from the computer and picked up the phone. She decided to see what the girls had to say first. 
Phyll: DeeDee. We can just hit the hookah spot tonight. No club.
Bev: Yeah, and you know you love the wings from Hakeem’s place. It’s a win-win for all of us.
“Ooooh, Hakeem’s wings.” Her stomach gurgled at the thought. “Ok, maybe not.”
DeeDee: Sorry ladies. I have a bottle of wine and a very interesting book calling my name. But you two have fun. 
Bev: Fine. Next week, then?
DeeDee: Yes, Bev. Definitely next week, I have no class or work. 
Bev: Great.  
Phyll: Punk. 
DeeDee: Love you both. Night. 
Bev: Night.
Phyll: Yeah.
DeeDee slid the phone on the coffee table and picked up the computer. Now, back to her book. She clicked on Erik’s email and started to read. 
Ms. DeeDee, 
There is no need to pout. I promise you that. 
So, you want a career in teaching. You love to see it. I think that is amazing. 
It reminds me of the work I started when I first came to the Center. I used to run an afterschool science program for the local kids. With the same goal as you, I wanted more of us in STEM careers, looking out for us. 
Reading. I wish I had more time to do it. A good book is always a great escape. 
Speaking of which, what are you getting into tonight? 
Mister Erik
“My night? Oh, just in front of my computer. Talking to a man, I didn’t even know existed until a week ago. Just spilling my guts.”
DeeDee never told anyone that her parents met at Southern, but something about Erik made her want to share that with him. Then realization dawned on her. It was another perfect set up for him to talk about his love life and he smoothly dodged it again.
“This damn man.” She rolled her eyes and got up to put the rest of the pizza away. 
“And of course, he used to work with kids.” Like he couldn’t be anymore interesting. DeeDee sighed as her smile returned. She grabbed another bottle from the fridge. It was definitely about to be that kind of night. 
DeeDee came back to the couch and picked up the notebook. She pulled out the neatly folded note, spread it flat and read it for the umpteenth time. 
On paper, he seemed like a dream. Talking to him, even better. There is no way that he was not happily taken by some extremely lucky woman.
DeeDee wondered what it would have been like if she had met him while he was still at Southern. She was on campus back then. A shy and soft-spoken junior who lived in the chemistry labs on campus. And Erik obviously would have been in and out of those same labs, too. 
It’s funny that they never did meet. “I would have remembered crossing paths with him.”
But then again, she didn’t meet Dr. O until he was a Grad Assistant for one of her organic chemistry classes. And she never thought, he would be her mentor when she joined the Ph.D program.  
And then there’s that part. One degree of separation and it just has to be that he is friends with Dr. O. Erik is obviously entertaining her for professional reasons, and not because he could be interested in her romantically.
“Get it together Dee. He is taken.” And yet, somewhere deep inside she kind of hoped that he wasn’t. That maybe he could see her for more than just his friend’s student. 
DeeDee looked back at Erik’s email, quickly wrote her reply and closed the laptop. She popped the cork on the new bottle and started drinking directly from it. With wine in hand, she got up and started swaying to the soothing sounds of Alex Isley and Masego’s ‘Good and Plenty.’ 
It had only been 15 minutes, but to Erik it felt like forever and he worried that maybe she did have other plans. He ran upstairs to change into some work out clothes and came down when his email chimed. He ran over to read it immediately. 
Mister Erik, 
I am sitting on my couch, enjoying pizza and wine. Although, my bottle is gone. 
Other than that, I have no plans for the night. 
I let my best friends drag me out last night, so indoors it is for me. 
What about you? Any plans for the evening, like with someone special? 
It’s pretty early over there; like 7 in Cali, right? 
Anyways, I should probably let you enjoy the evening. Don’t be a stranger.
Miss DeeDee
“Wait! What?” Erik rapidly typed his response and sent it to her. He dropped down onto his couch. “I really lost my touch and can’t even talk to a woman anymore.”
He only asked because he didn’t want to assume she was gonna be available to chat via email all night. Erik knew he would do it, too. He was fascinated with her. He wanted to hear whatever she was willing to share with him. And yes, that meant even if he eventually had to answer the question. 
Erik went to the kitchen and got two bottles of water. From the living room, grabbed the tablet and headed to his downstairs gym. If DeeDee stopped responding at least he could work off whatever feelings arose. He set everything down besides the punching bag.
DeeDee had danced and drank all around her living room. But once she started to spin, the dance party came to an abrupt halt. The wine finally caught up with her and she plopped down on the couch. She slowly leaned over to set the quarter full bottle down on the table and opened the laptop. 
She had a new email. She squinted at the screen. From Erik. 
Her chest started pounding, so she took a few deep breaths and opened it. 
Miss DeeDee,
It is a rare night in for me. I usually work on Saturdays, but I have had the whole day to myself. 
I played ball with some kids from the neighborhood this morning. And I cooked earlier this afternoon and was planning to watch a movie before turning in. 
However, I have been having a wonderful conversation and don’t really want it to end. 
Would you care to join me on a video call?
“WHAT?” DeeDee threw her laptop down on the couch. She stood up and paced the floor, slowly. “He’s gotta be kidding. Right?” She looked at the message on the screen again. 
She sat back down and sent the first thing that came to mind. Was this actually happening? What is going on? Her thoughts were circling around in her head and all through a wine-induced fog. Just her luck. 
“He --” DeeDee giggled, “Oh my god.” She dropped her face into her hands. 
Cool, calm and collected, he was not. Erik’s stomach was in knots while he waited for DeeDee’s response, if any. He hit the punching bag a few times in jest before the nervous energy kept him going. He stayed there for 15 minutes before moving to the free weights in the corner. 
As Erik laid back on the bench to start lifting the barbell, he heard the email alert. He slowly sat up. His heart couldn’t race any faster since he had been working out anyway. But it felt like it was gonna just fly out of his chest. He wrung his hands while he sat on the bench. 
He stood up and made his way over to the punching bag where everything was. Erik grabbed a nearby towel and wiped himself off before he picked up the tablet. 
“Now or never.” He unlocked it and opened DeeDee’s email. 
Uh Mister Erik, 
I am enjoying our conversation as well. But I am not camera ready. And I am definitely not changing to get ready either. 
Let’s do it some other time. 
Erik released the biggest breath. He didn’t realize that he was holding it as he read her answer. Then he started to chuckle. And that small chuckle grew into a big full body laugh. It even echoed off the walls, but he could not help it. He was relieved by what he read, and knew exactly how to respond to it. 
He grabbed all his stuff and left the gym. He went upstairs to his bedroom. Erik sent the email and dropped his tablet on the bed. 
Now DeeDee, 
Did I say anything about being all dressed up for this call? Doesn’t matter if you are in a hoodie and some sweats. 
I just wanted to have the face-to-face interactions while we chat because I can imagine you pouting about a silly question. And I am sure you want to see my reactions to you calling me Mister after I told you not to. 
No pressure, though. You have my email, so use it to connect to me if you want. I’ll be around, you know, since it’s early over here. 
Taglist: @teakturn​ @ghostfacekill-monger​ @shaekingshitup​ @nahimjustfeelingit-writes​ @woahitslucyylu​ @ladymac82​ @bugngiz​ @eyeknowmywrites​ @ajspencer1892​ @arafatih​ @issimplyaamazinggg​ @tchallasbabymama​
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
What in the World? (Akaashi Keiji x Reader) pt.1
Akaashi Keiji. 
There was no denying that this man was gorgeous. An excellent volleyball player, holder of a pretty face, and downright respectful. It was no wonder you watched yourself slowly falling for the vice-captain of the Fukurodani Volleyball club. 
There was only one problem. 
You don't belong in his dimension.
(haikyu!!-bnha crossover)
links: part 2
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“Are you sure you didn’t inhale the fumes?” Todoroki asked with concern. To the others, it was non-existent but to you it was clear. His gray and blue eyes were such a comfort to the rapidly growing situation the both of you just diffused.
Waving your hand around your face, you felt a tugging sensation on your palm. Going with the flow, a faint glow of yellow formed on your palm. Slowly, the fumes that your body inhaled exited your mouth. Todoroki watched as the smoke began to swirl in suspended air. Once there was nothing more to pull on, you concentrated your quirk on the smoke till it seemingly vanished.
“Do you remember what the report said about the dude’s quirk?” You asked. Despite being interns at his father’s agency, Endeavor decided it would be a good experience if both of you worked together on a case. Things were going quite well till the villain pulled out a smoke-gun.
“His quirk was water related.” He recalled. His hand rested on your back as he led you towards a park bench. “The reports the old man gave me had no information regarding that gun he just used. It would be better if we had you checked once we get back to the agency.”
“Yeah. I was thinking about that.” Beginning to walk, you had noticed how he was limping. “You got hurt? You’re limping.”
“It’s nothing.”
“I can heal it you know…” You nudged his side a bit. Knowing just how dense this boy was, you decided your next words would hold no meaning to him. Of course, it didn’t. The relationship you had with the heterochromatic boy was simply platonical. And he too felt the same way. “I wouldn’t mind going down on my knees to fix you up.”
“In that case…”
Stopping on your tracks, you went down on one knee and faced your palm on his boot. Once again, the yellow light glowed from your palms. Seeing how it was slightly brighter than a while ago, you had to admit that half-and-half was good at concealing pain. Though the history behind that always tugged your heartstrings.
When the light died down, Todoroki tapped his foot and balanced on it. Nodding that he was feeling much better, he patted your head and gestured for the two of you to proceed in walking.
The entrance was now a few meters away when a dull pain began forming on your temple. Trying to massage it out, the blast of cold air from the air conditioning did nothing but to worsen it. Noticing that your lips were paling, Todoroki extended his arm for support. Accepting it, the both of you were now heading up to his father’s office.
If this was before Endeavor took the no.1 heroes spot, there was no way in hell that you would intern for him. No matter how much Todoroki would ask, despite the healing nature of their relationship, you found it too awkward knowing the both of you were once the objects of an arranged quirk-marriage. Thank the gods Endeavor thought things out and began to consider your friend’s feelings.
“How was the mission?” He asked. Ever since the high-end Nomu fight, Endeavor laid off the flame-beard and flaming hero outfit. There were times where it felt as if you were speaking to Enji and not the hero himself. It was… comforting in its own ways.
Todoroki did the courtesy of explaining everything that had happened. When it reached the part of the fumes, Endeavor’s eyes landed straight on you. Noticing how your breathing was a tad labored than usual, lips growing paler by the minute, and the mere fact that you were sweating was alarming.
“Good job, the both of you.” He nodded with approval. “(y/n). Make sure to head to the labs and get yourself tested for any remnants. I trust your quirk but your safety is key. Other than that, the two of you are free to go.”
The trip to the lab was quick thanks to Todoroki. It was a bit intense, seeing all the test tubes, glass containers, and heroes wearing lab coats. But the dull pain was now growing more than ever. Despite activating your quirk, it seemingly had no effect.
“Step here, (y/n)-chan.” One of the heroes instructed you. Watching him typing away was not calming. Todoroki may have been on the other side of the room but it almost felt as if your sight was getting foggier by the minute. The headache was practically a migraine now. When the machine above you purred to life. “Just stand still and it’ll be over~”
Doing as told, you tried your best to relax your tensed muscles as the machine began to slide down. Looking at your friend, you squinted your eyes and felt sick to the stomach. With the migraine doubling with pain, all you could do was grit your teeth and clench your fist.
And that’s when things began to go wrong.
Everything around you spun and seemingly became distorted. The last thing you saw before passing out was the hero stopping the machine and Todoroki rushing towards you. With your body succumbing to whatever pain you were experiencing, it did not occur to you that your body barely hit the cold floors.
Instead, you woke up with a loud scream and labored breathing. The room was relatively dark. Standing up, you rubbed your eyes and walked towards the closed window. Upon sliding the curtains, you were met with an unfamiliar sight.
A house.
Where was UA?
Turning around, you surveyed the room and only just noticed how things were different. Whatever poster you had stuck to your walls, the barbells you kept, the hero outfit you had just newly laundered, and the All Might wall clock were now… gone.
Slapping yourself, you felt the stinging sensation and rubbed it off. Your eyes widened and immediately, you activated your quirk. Swallowing a ton of your saliva, you felt your knees grow weak. Dragging your feet to the bed, you flopped your ass and stared at the weak glow on your palms.
Transferring your hand to your chest, you relaxed yourself but only failed in doing so. The rapid beating of your heart was still present. Glancing at the clock, you saw how it was now 6 in the morning. Not wanting to cause a scene, you took a very deep breath and decided to sneak around whatever household you were in.
Slowly opening your door, your eyes followed the hallway leading to a staircase. With one foot outside your door, you could make out 2 other doors on the same floor. A small sound coming from downstairs caught your attention. Making your way down the stairs, you saw picture frames hanging on the wall.
Seeing that it was you with memories you couldn’t remember, a small shiver crept down your spine. Yet, all those pictures were of you and none of your supposed parents. How were you supposed to act when you would confront them? Recalling your hero subjects, the best you could do was to assess whether you were in imminent danger or not.
“(y/n)?” It was unsettling how that voice was familiar yet at the same time foreign. “Are you awake honey?”
Entering the kitchen, you were met with a splitting image of your mother. Basically a doppleganger with how uncanny they were. The only thing different about the scenery was how she was using her hands to cook and not her quirk. Watching her tilt her head, your eyes absorbed each of her movements. The way she covered the pan, the way her features morphed into worry, and how her soft hands rested on your forehead.
“You look scared, honey.” There was no malice in her voice. “Did you have a bad dream? Would you want some (favorite food) to calm you down?”
“N-no. I, uh, I’m fine.” You tried to smile but seemingly failed to persuade her. It was in the tip of your tongue to call her your mother but it just felt too off to do so. Still, her actions clearly showed she intended no harm. “Just nervous, that’s all.”
“I see~” She giggled and went back to cooking the food. “You have to be knowing this is your first day at a new school.”
First day? New school?
“No need to worry, (n/n). It happens for students to transfer in the middle of a school year.” She reassured you. Picking up a trace of sadness in her voice. What the hell happened to make you transfer? “Besides, Fukurodani is a powerhouse school. One of the best here in Japan.”
Things were still vague. No matter how much you tried to puzzle things, you were only left with even more questions. Weighing options, you opted to risk out a statement.
“I’m sorry, for causing trouble…” The sudden clang of utensils hitting the ground followed by being wrapped in a stranger’s arms was a bit too much. Feeling how her shoulders began to tremble, instincts kicked in and you found yourself comforting your ‘mother’.
“Don’t ever say your sorry, (y/n). None of this was your fault to begin with.” She pulled you in a tighter hug. “It was the best for us to leave that bastard of a man.”
‘Okay. So apparently my old man is an asshole here and we got away, I’m about to introduce myself to a bunch of strangers, and the school I’m heading to is Fukuro-something. Shit.’ Those were the words running through your thoughts as your ‘mother’ caressed your cheek and planted a kiss on your temple.
“C’mon little missy~ Get ready for school and eat some breakfast.”
All you could do was nod and walk your way back to your room. Out of curiosity, you opened the 2 other doors. Flicking the switch on, you were met with a storage room and another bedroom. Humming with half satisfaction, you now found yourself taking a shower. Concentrating on your quirk, it was the only thing that made you feel at home. However, it was not calming that your quirk only felt 30% present.
With your uniform on, you were now chewing on a very delicious breakfast. Much better than what your real mother made back home. The small talk you had with other-mother gave you no other information. The only thing that calmed you down was how she was going to take you to school.
Now seated in her car, your eyes scanned the environment. It was very different from home. The house, the neighbors, the fact that no heroes were running or flying every few blocks. It felt peaceful here, you had to admit. An unsettling peace that you were not used to.
The drive was silent till the car turned to the corner and there you saw it. Your new school. By now, it was safe to assume that every single person here was quirkless. First day jitters began to enter your stomach. Luckily, your quirk worked with those feelings.
"Do you want me to pick you up?" Your other-mother asked as she reached for her purse. Taking her wallet out, she handed you some cash. Seeing how you were hesitant, she took your hand and placed it on your palm. "Just to wish you luck."
"Thanks…" Pocketing the cash, you unbuckled yourself and managed to give her a genuine smile. "I'll walk home, mom."
Watching her leave you alone in an unknown environment made you want to hide into a corner or even just to skip and learn more about the world you live in. Luckily, not a lot of people took interest in you. Stepping towards the entrance, you rummaged through your bag and found the instructions, Fukurodani Academy leaflet and, letter of transfer to be handed to teachers.
It took awhile but you finally found your classroom. Sadness flooded you knowing your crazy classmates weren't there to greet you or piss you off early in the morning. Sliding the door open, you were met with an ordinary class. The teacher, ready to welcome you.
"Ah yes!" She ushered everyone to settle down. "So we have a new transfer student today. Come in, come in!"
Very different from Aizawa. That's what your first impression was. Entering the room, you were now facing the class.
"(l/n) (y/n). Nice to meet you all." You almost mentioned your quirk but somehow closed your mouth before you could speak any further. Handing her the letter, you fidgeted with your fingers.
"Oh… You're from UA." Come to think of it, you didn't open the letter. Though it was sealed so you chose not to. Still, the prospect of UA being here was odd. "Quite far from here though, if I may comment."
"Well, the farther the better I suppose." You shrugged and smiled.
"Go ahead and take that empty seat by the back." She said and tucked the letter into her clear file.
The walk of shame towards your seat was as expected. Eyes glued on you as if you were displaying your quirk in a circus. Taking your seat, you let out the breath you had been holding. You survived with barely any information.
Not bothering to check your schedule, you faced your seatmate.
"Uh, what subject are we having?" You whispered.
"Physics." He answered. His side profile was undeniably attractive, you'd have to give him that. Stealing a quick head to toe, his build screamed that he worked out but not too much. With the assumption that he does not have a quirk, you guessed he'd have to be an athlete. When his gunmetal blue eyes met yours, you retreated within a second.
'Way to look like a creep on your first day.' You scolded yourself. Taking your physics book, you prepared yourself for what the day had to offer.
It was hard to concentrate during lessons. The lecture was one you've already taken. Your mind began to wonder, how was Todoroki? The last image you had of him was foggy. How were the others and their internships? Did Deku break some bones again? Probably.
Chuckling at the thought, you started to twirl your pen. Mentally, you wrote down a list of what to do during break.
You would read through the conversations of your phone. Did you have any friends here who you might be able to milk information from? Next, you would have to look up what kind of school UA was in this world. After that, you would snoop around the old photo albums to make sure other-mother wouldn't suspect a thing. Lastly, you would try to figure out a way back home.
When the last bell rang and the class now ready to go home, you packed your bags and practically ran towards the school's main gate. The walk to home would be quite long so a head start was needed.
Taking your phone out, you scrolled through the contacts. Not a single familiar name was listed. Clicking your tongue, you opened the messaging app and scanned through the conversations. Internalizing that some chats had been fresh and recent, you included the task of checking out social media sites to get to know yourself more.
Getting tired of the messages, you kept your phone and took in the view. The creeping sunset casting reddish hues across the buildings. It was similar to home. Home. Would this place be your new home?
"Fuck this." You cursed and fought back the urge of bawling your eyes out.
This mission would be long and the ending unknown. Sighing defeatedly, you picked up your pace and continued the journey back to your foreign home.
- - - - -
a/n: oya oya i actually spent a lot of thought in this fic lol~ but if ya’ll wanna be updated :) tag list it open :) feel free to comment if you’d like to be tagged! take care and see ya’ll in the next upload <3
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zashamalkin · 4 years
Sport24 spent the whole day with Kasterova and found out how the wife of the three-time Stanley Cup winner lives.
Translation below the cut.
Sunday afternoon. The film crew and I drive up to the Malkins' house at 11:00. Anna's morning begins with a workout. The gym is located on the first floor of the house, where we meet the heroine and her coach Igor Kim, the CrossFit champion. “I always try to start the day with a workout, sometimes more intense, sometimes less. Today I will show you the standard workout that I do on the day of the broadcast. It gives a boost of energy, good mood, "  Anna begins.
First, warm up on a treadmill for ten minutes. Then there are jumps and squats, several types of "planks". “I train almost every day. I make myself indulgences: one or two days. To be honest, in Moscow I train less often and less intensively . "
An obligatory part of the program is work with dumbbells. With them, Anna lunges. This is followed by exercises with TRX loops and on the machine. “We work a lot on posture, gait,  ” explains Kasterov between approaches. While the trainer puts “pancakes” on the barbell, Anna talks about working with “weights” and her diet.
- You can't pump your ass without weights. This is unrealistic. And it's not a fact with weights. All have their weak points. I was once asked on Instagram the question: "Is it possible to pump up the ass in two months?" No you can not.
- Nutrition is also very important. - Of course! You kill so much in the gym, work for the result ... Well, what kind of rolls and gingerbread can we talk about? Already somewhere you have to choose steamed fish, vegetables. For example, now I don't eat sweets at all. In general, I have a sweet tooth: I don't eat fruits, but I like milk chocolate, kinders. But over the past two months I have not eaten sweets at all.
After squats with a barbell of 30 kg, jumping with an elastic band. The workout has been running for forty minutes, so it's time to cool down and stretch. At this time, Evgeny and Nikita Malkin appear at the door, who have come to say goodbye to their mother. Dad is taking his son to hockey practice. “When it comes to hockey, Evgeny is mainly involved. He himself sees and understands what load the child needs, how many times a week he needs to do it,  ”says Anna.
After training, Anna leaves to get ready. And in a few hours we go to the Suistudio store to meet with Match TV stylist Ruslan Shakurov and try on clothes for the television broadcast next week. On the way, we discussed with Kasterova her return to the big screen.
- The news of your return to Russian television excited the public. When did you receive an offer from Match TV and how long did you think about it? - Everything always happens spontaneously with me. As practice shows, if you prepare for some projects for a long time, then something will definitely happen. We knew a lot of guys from Match TV, including managers, chief editors, and sound engineers, and worked together at Russia-2. We basically kept in touch all this time. Before the anniversary of Match TV (November 1, 2020, the channel celebrated its fifth anniversary. -  Ed.) I got a call from one of the channel's top managers and invited me to a festive broadcast with Dima Guberniev. I was just about to fly to Sochi on vacation. I was very inspired by this proposal, immediately changed tickets, returned earlier and came as a guest presenter. The broadcast went easily, even there were such reviews: “We understand that you had a five-year break, but you worked so well, it was obvious that you were comfortable. Professionalism is not lost. How do you think about working while Zhenya is in Russia? " We discussed everything with the management, including Tina (Kandelaki, general producer of Match TV. -  Ed. ). By the way, she just charmed me. An incredibly smart, wise, amazing woman.
- When the season begins in the NHL, will you fly with Zhenya to America? “I don’t want to reveal all our secrets, all our agreements with Tina. We have a specific goal with her for the next year, to which we are moving. Perhaps I will periodically appear on the air. I will stay with Eugene in the USA, then I will return to Moscow for a month. All this does not exclude my possible journalistic activity in America.
- Before the first broadcasts after your return, were you very nervous? - No. Many thanks must be said to Dima Guberniev, who was able to relax me, create a comfortable atmosphere, and it was all “for fun”. The first broadcast was easy, there was no excitement. Another thing is when I was offered to return. Here I am already responsible, I am the one who broadcasts with the guests. Before the first broadcast, I was worried. But everything went well. I know how to cope with nerves, years of work and experience have not gone anywhere.
- Has it become difficult now to combine personal life and work? - In general, I spend a lot of time with my child. Of course, now it turns out less. But you have to think about yourself somehow. All these years I really missed work, broadcasts, these feelings. Fortunately, I have a very understanding family. First of all, my husband, who supported me incredibly strongly. Before each broadcast, he tunes me in, gives me parting words. He's happy for me. Understands that I will not stay in Moscow forever.
- From the outside one gets the impression that your life in recent years has been ideal. Husband with son, Miami, high income and the ability to buy whatever you want. Why did you decide to return to television and what did you miss? - In general, I was not born in some kind of golden cradle. In order to achieve some results in my career, I had to work hard. Actually, it hasn't gone anywhere. Yes, we are definitely lucky. We have a wonderful life filled with comfort. But understand that there are pros and cons everywhere. This does not mean that I wake up when I want and do what I want. Living with a professional athlete is also a certain job. A lot of time and attention is spent on Eugene. He is the head of the family, he is the main earner. We are all adjusting to it.
The desire to work never left me. By the way, many acquaintances said to me: “Nafig do you need this? You already have everything. Live, get high. " But, probably, I am so arranged that I cannot. There was a feeling that I had not completely done something, that I still want ethereal emotions, sensations. It's like a drug.
- You are constantly included in the ratings of the sexiest and most beautiful women in Russia. When you open these articles and news, what emotions do you feel? - It is very nice. Recently, a rating of Maxim magazine was compiled, at first the publication announced a list of girls who were included in it. By the way, they have a very cool editor-in-chief Alexander Malenkov, we have known each other for a long time. He has a cool editor who deals with Instagram. And they wrote that I am one of the few who does not appear in the media, but at the same time do not lose the love of the electorate. For me, this is also a pleasant moment. We come to Moscow for just a couple of months, but nevertheless, people do not forget. The guys from my fan group leave comments under the posts all the time. Naturally, this attention spurs.
As for all these ratings, I will not say that it gives me confidence. I am a very self-critical person, I will find a bunch of flaws and flaws in myself. But, apparently, it means that people cannot be fooled. I like it, it's cool. I really appreciate all this.
- When you first moved to America to your Zhenya, how difficult was it to get used to your new life? Here you had a job, loved ones, and there is only him. - It was difficult, especially in the first year. A new country, people, a language that at that time was not at the same level as it is now. Naturally, there was a certain barrier. Zhenya was constantly on the road, plus pregnancy, no one canceled hormones. It was very hard, there was not enough work. I reflected very hard on this at the time.
- In the hockey world, it is often discussed that you spend more time in Miami, and Eugene in Pittsburgh. Doesn't he take offense? - It's all not true. I don't understand where it came from at all. I heard that from someone too. Miami just has more opportunities to take cool photos. And even then, if you look at my instagram, then there are photos from Miami and Pittsburgh approximately equally. But people are strange. If Zhenya leaves for three weeks, then, naturally, my child and I will fly to Miami. We, in fact, bought apartments there for this. Plus Nikita goes to an American school there, learns the language.
- Anastasia Ovechkina told me that if she and Sasha go to the shopping mall to buy groceries, they will recognize him everywhere and ask to be photographed. Do you and Zhenya have the same situation in the USA and Russia? - As far as Pittsburgh and Moscow are concerned, Zhenya is one hundred percent recognizable. Going out somewhere and not taking a picture with someone is unrealistic. He's so reliable. Now, maybe because of the coronavirus, he is somewhere afraid, after all, he is responsible for his family.
At first, his recognition was a problem for me. When we started dating, I understood who he was, but did not imagine the extent of his popularity. Going out somewhere to eat so that no one stares at you is really difficult. I don’t remember that. But now we already know certain places, we can sit in a separate room in the restaurant in order to calmly spend time alone or with a family.
- Is it unrealistic for you to go to Gorky Park with your family in good weather? - Get out this way we'll get out. But it will definitely not work out there quietly.
- Is the situation in America the same? - Yes.
- When you first started dating, was it difficult for you to get used to the fact that the schedule of the second person should be put first and your life should be adjusted to his schedule? - Now it's harder for me to talk about it, because I've already forgotten my feelings, whims. I'm used to being adjusted to me. But everything was smooth. Yes, and I fell in love, I wanted to please him, create a comfortable atmosphere so that everything in our family would be good. Everything was calm, harmonious, without any hysterics. There were, of course, small ones (laughs) .
- And you are still in a foreign country, alone. - Yes. Zhenya supported me. Sometimes, however, it seemed to me that he was not doing it enough. But then it passed, there was a complete mutual understanding.
For a pleasant conversation, we quietly reach our destination. In the boutique, stylist Ruslan Shakurov is already waiting for us. He takes a tour of the store, shows him the bows he likes, and we go to the fitting room. For the broadcasts Ruslan picked up three pantsuits: bright yellow, beige and blue with stripes. By a collective decision, we choose the brightest - yellow. In it very soon Anna will appear on the air. At the exit from the store, she even admits: “I never thought I'd say this, but I'm really a little tired of shopping” (laughs) . We go to a nearby coffee shop to discuss some more interesting topics.
- The first question suggests itself. Are you a shopaholic at all? - Well, in general, like any normal girl, yes. I love it. Cheers up. It's always nice to pamper yourself.
- In quarantine, your husband posted a video of how he plays computer games. Do you mind? And does he not involve his son? - Absolutely all children play with gadgets: be it a phone, an iPad. Of course, there are limitations. But I cannot completely forbid. He still pays attention to his peers, to older guys who play. I try to offer alternatives, some interesting games. As for Zhenya, I am also calm. Each person has their own ways to relieve stress: someone needs to go for a drink, someone has a smoke, someone needs to play computer games. I don't see it going off scale. Plus, he communicates with many guys there, who, like him, play. Zhenya is not the only hockey player. If it relieves stress, for God's sake. This is not the worst thing that can be.
- You have repeatedly said that you have a difficult character, both of you and Zhenya are hot-tempered. How is it in your family after unsuccessful games? - I relatively recently caught up to the end what my husband experiences after unsuccessful matches. When around, perhaps, no one noticed his mistakes, but he knows to himself that he played badly. I had such a broadcast when I was left very unhappy with myself, but everyone around liked everything and no one said anything bad. I went out and was not at all, because I realized that I did not spend it as I could, and reflected on this for several more hours. Probably at that moment I compared myself to Zhenya and realized that it was difficult to find some words at that moment.
In general, my husband doesn't have many bad games. Zhenya always shows himself, in almost every game. But if the match was not very successful, I step aside, do not torment me with questions and conversations. We had dinner, he went to play a computer game or read a book. At such moments I try to just not go to him. A person needs to be alone, to come to his senses.
- You somehow teased each other in the comments of Instagram. Is it the same in life? - Constantly! This is our communication style. Of course, in some moments there is tenderness, warmth. But we often joke about each other, everything comes from his side. Moreover, Nikita is becoming more mature, and her husband begins to involve the child in his events. It's funny! In general, in our family you will not get bored.
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cake-writes · 5 years
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Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Polyamory
Word Count: 3k
Requested by @thorman-barnes​​: What about Stucky having a crush on one of the newest Avengers (reader)?
I figured I should probably format it properly since it’s longer than my usual drabbles. Enjoy!
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The first thing Bucky noticed about you was your smile, which lit up your face in such a way that the breath caught in his throat. Despite the stark, fluorescent lighting in the hallway, you were gorgeous, and the laugh that followed was even more so as you shoved Sam in the shoulder with a certain playful familiarity. 
You were friends, it looked like.
That was when Sam spotted him standing there like an idiot, and he introduced you with a grin – prefixed your name with ‘Captain,’ which made you snort. It wasn’t very ladylike, but Bucky didn’t care. He thought it was cute. It suited you.
“Come on, Sam, it’s ‘Major,’ now. Haven’t these good ol’ boys taught you a little respect?” you teased, nodding over to Bucky who was apparently one of the 'good ol' boys' you were talking about. Sam made a show of rolling his eyes and despite your casual demeanour with him, you addressed Bucky a bit more kindly, “Sergeant Barnes, right?”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” he stammered.
It caught him off guard, someone using his title from the Army. All anyone called him these days was the Winter Soldier, but not you. No, instead you directed that beautiful smile right at him and held out your hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Sergeant.”
“Bucky,” he corrected, finally regaining his bearings a little as he shook your hand. Your handshake was surprisingly firm, much firmer than he would have expected from a woman. Then again, women these days were far more empowered than he was used to, not that that was a bad thing. It was just a new dynamic for him to adjust to along with everything else.
“Well then, Bucky,” you said, eyes twinkling with mischief, “You wanna help me teach our boy here some manners?”
Oh, he liked you already.
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The first thing Steve noticed about you was your ass.
He didn’t mean to, honest, he didn't – just happened to round the corner into the plane hangar at the exact same time you bent over to pick up the file you’d dropped. He certainly wasn’t the type to really look at, let alone ogle a woman until he felt some kind of romantic way about her, but Christ, did you have a fantastic ass. The dark blue catsuit on your body almost seemed tailored to fit, enhancing every single one of your curves.
Any other day he would have helped you collect the strewn papers, well-mannered as he usually was, but he couldn’t help but stare. You must have just gotten back from a mission if the torn fabric on your thigh was any indication; not to mention he could smell the gunpowder residue on your clothing, coupled with the slightest hint of your sweat and inwardly he cursed his enhanced senses for it. You smelled so good.
When you stood back up again, papers in hand, you spun around on your heel and made to leave the hangar. The little gold oak leaf on your collar glinted in the muted sunlight: a Major, then, but he didn’t know what branch. Air Force, maybe. You were wearing blue. What drew his attention away from the fact that you technically outranked him was your hair – glossy, just like your lips, he found, when they curled into a smirk.
You’d caught him staring.
His face was beet red before he even had a chance to introduce himself. Not that he really needed to, because he was in uniform and you were already holding your hand out for a handshake. He didn’t fail to hear the amusement in your voice when you offered him your name.
“Steve,” he responded, swallowing thickly when he realized exactly how small your hand was in his, how nice it felt. “Steve Rogers.”
“I’ve heard good things about you, Captain.” The way your eyes trailed down his body for the briefest of seconds before they snapped back up to his made him nervous, but not so much as when you added, “Very good things.”
At that, his throat went bone dry.
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To say that the mission was awkward would have been an understatement.
It was unplanned, a hostage situation: rescue a group of rookie SHIELD agents who had royally fucked up. The only people on hand were the three of you, unless you counted Bruce, who was in the middle of a time-sensitive experiment in the lab and he really didn’t want a week’s worth of meticulous work to go down the drain.
In your opinion, the mission should have taken priority, but you told him that you’d manage somehow. If nothing else, Bruce Banner could pull off some serious puppy dog eyes. You didn't realize until after you got in the elevator that you'd screwed yourself.
You found Steve and Bucky in the gym. That was where they usually were, either there or in the kitchen because their metabolisms were ridiculous and they were in a perpetual state of eating. You’d been working with them for about half a year now, and you still didn’t understand how they managed to get anything else done.
“We’ve got a mission,” you said abruptly, throwing a couple of gym towels at them.
Steve caught his at the last minute with an easy, “Thanks, doll,” a pet name that never failed to make your cheeks flush. You were sure he did it on purpose, because there was always a distinct twinkle in his eyes that let you know he’d noticed your reaction to it.
Just like now.
Bucky’s caught him right in the face, however, because he’d been in the middle of a deadlift and his hands were occupied. He dropped the barbell with an annoyed grunt and pulled the towel off of his head, giving you a look – the look, the one that conveyed exactly how much he appreciated your bullshit. Hint: he didn’t, but the playful smile on his lips made your heart warm.
That was how you ended up on the Quinjet with them. You’d been on missions with them before, of course, but never just the three of you. There was always at least one other person there, or just one of them. Never like this.
It was awkward as hell because you’d been attracted to Steve and Bucky since you met them, and as obvious as you tried to be about it, they just wouldn’t take the hint despite how much they flirted right back.
Steve was subtle. He snuck glances at you every now and then, called you ‘doll’ and ‘sweetheart’ so casually, slipped sweet little notes into your duffel bag right before a (planned) mission. Sometimes, you found them and they lifted your spirits. Other times, you found them at the worst possible moment, like a couple weeks ago when Tony yanked it out of your hands and read it out loud to everyone on the jet, the two of them included.
You didn’t talk to Tony for a week after that. Or Steve. It was embarrassing as hell, passing notes back and forth like the two of you were in high school when you were supposed to be a professional. You still had yet to live it down.
Of course, his notes never contained anything of real substance. He liked to compliment you – your hair, a new blouse, the bracelet you’d bought yourself for your birthday. You blushed anyway. He also liked to remind you to be careful, or to try out one of the new fighting techniques he’d taught you.
Steve was sweet.
Bucky was just as stupidly obvious as you were. He was handsy with you; liked to touch you, feel you, know you were there, especially after a difficult mission or when either of you had a particularly gruelling day and you absolutely loved it.
Bucky was by no means good at giving massages, but he liked to try, and to his credit he usually managed to work the soreness out of your neck and shoulders. When you returned the favour, he always played into your hands like putty. Made you feel a little proud, actually – proud and turned on, which was a nightmare of a combination in such a relaxed atmosphere.
You were always so relaxed with him.
You often found him in the middle of the night in the living room, kept awake by what you assumed were the horrors of his past and just as often, you stayed with him until the early hours of the morning. More than once, he’d fallen asleep with his head in your lap while you threaded your fingers through his hair.
Bucky put on a tough front, but you knew deep down that he was just as sweet as Steve.
Needless to say, the whole situation was incredibly frustrating.
You were playing a dangerous game, though, and you knew it. They were best friends. Nothing would come between them, not even you as much as you desperately wanted to. That was one reason you never made a move. Another was because they’d been raised in a different time, when it was the man’s job to make the first move. As dumb as it sounded, you didn’t want to emasculate them.
So you made your intentions obvious as hell, but still no dice.
It was a quick flight. You briefed them on the way, running point on the operation because you were the one who’d received the phone call. You'd led plenty of missions in the past, of course, but not here and not with them. Awkward. Nerve-wracking. Uncomfortable. That's what it was.
Even so, it went without a hitch. The four agents you rescued were beyond grateful, but somehow, the flight back was even worse.
One in particular wanted to take you out to dinner as a thank you. You politely declined at least three times, but he just wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer until you made a clear point of taking the plane off autopilot to get away from him. Not only were you way out of his league (not to toot your own horn), but it was late, you were tired, and you already had someone else in your heart.
Two someones.
The Quinjet was tense and quiet until you finally arrived back to the compound. The agents were too busy licking their wounds, so to speak; Steve and Bucky were having a hushed discussion at the back of the plane; and you, well, you were in a mood.
It pissed you off that he hadn’t taken your ‘no’ the first time. How disrespectful. You were an officer in the United States Air Force, for fuck’s sake, and you deserved to be treated with respect. He was just some low-level agent, and it was entirely his fault that you had to sacrifice your Friday night.
You worked yourself up so much by the time you got back that you missed the sidelong glance the two boys gave you before they helped the group of agents off the plane and to the medical ward.
You’d be the last to disembark. Because you took point on the mission, it was your responsibility to ensure that everything was just as you’d found it: full tank of fuel, first aid kit replenished, floors clean and tidy. You’d seen Steve run through the checklist plenty of times. Bucky, too. Now it was your turn.
Grumbling to yourself, you dropped some gauze and bandage wrappers into the trash bag in your hands. The agents had been in pretty bad shape, even him, so much that you were going to have to mop the floors after because they’d bled all over the place. Fantastic.
After a quick tidy, you slung the first aid kit – duffel, really – over your shoulder and went to the cabinet in the hangar where the extra supplies were kept. You had to bend over and dig for some of the things you needed, specific sizes of gauze and certain lengths of bandages but you finally found them; and, when you shut the cabinet doors, you nearly jumped out of your own skin.
“Jesus Christ,” you swore, throwing a packet of gauze at Bucky. “Don’t do that!”  
This time, he caught it easily. “What’s got your panties in a knot?”
“Nothing,” you told him, but the angry way you shoved the supplies back into the kit made it pretty obvious that you were lying.
“Sure doesn’t seem like nothing,” Bucky commented dryly.
You frowned at him before you held out your hand, palm facing up. “Give me that.”
His brows rose in amusement. “I’ll give it to you if you tell me.”
What a child.
You rolled your eyes and went to snatch it away yourself, but he held it over your head, taunting you with it. Now, you weren’t exactly tall, but Bucky sure was. He was tall and strong and when you jumped for it, he just held it up even higher.
“God damn it, Bucky,” you cursed. “Give it here.”
“Ask nicely,” he teased, lowering it so that it was within your reach once more.
You groaned. “I’m so not in the mood for this.”
But then you went for it again anyway – except this time, you didn’t realize that he’d brought it much closer to himself until you landed. You wound up having to catch yourself with one hand on his shoulder, otherwise you probably would have smacked heads or something equally as stupid.
“You’re so predictable,” he said, then, and you weren’t sure whether to huff indignantly or ask what he meant.
Inside, though, your heart was pounding, not because of the jumping but because of your close proximity. Something was different. This wasn’t like that relaxing atmosphere on the sofa, either in the middle of the night or with his thumbs massaging deep circles into your shoulders. There was tension, and a hell of a lot of it.
You could feel his body heat through his tac jacket – he always ran hot, and so did Steve – and you felt your cheeks start to burn. You were way too close.
When you went to step away, however, his free arm slid around your waist and he pulled you closer, flush against him. Your breath hitched when you looked up into his eyes: such a beautiful pale blue, normally, but darker than usual.
“What are you doing?” you asked quietly, fingers curling instinctively in the material of his jacket.
“Kissin’ you.”
You didn’t have time to respond before his lips were hot on yours, and you absolutely melted against him. Your other hand came up to grasp at his jacket in a desperate attempt to pull him even closer as his talented mouth worked yours, sending a rush of heat through you straight to your core.
When your hair was gently brushed to the side, it didn’t register at first; only when another pair of lips pressed a kiss to your neck did you suddenly break away, eyes jumping between the two of them in alarm.
“What’s happening right now?” you asked, like an idiot.
“We saw someone flirting with our girl,” Steve told you, one of his large hands slowly sliding down your spine to the small of your back, and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch. “Didn’t like it a whole lot, did we, Buck?”
“Not one bit.” Bucky released you, then, and gave you a gentle push toward Steve. “Come on, sweetheart. Don’t be shy.”
You stared at Bucky for a moment, flabbergasted, before you finally turned to Steve. The problem was that you did feel shy all of a sudden. You weren’t sure why. Maybe because it was a lot to take in all at once, after you’d convinced yourself that everything had all been an exercise in futility.
Then Steve smiled at you -- sweet and genuine, just like always -- and pulled your hand into his, giving you enough confidence to bury your fingers in his hair and bring him down for a kiss. It was passionate, full of months of pent-up frustration just like the one you’d shared with Bucky. Your body was on fire, burning with need and desire and everything you’d always wanted from the two of them.
When Steve pulled away, you looked up at him in a daze.
“Guess you didn’t read my note,” he said softly.
Your voice was breathy when you spoke again, “What note?”
“I asked you to hang around so we could talk. It’s probably still in your bag.”
Bucky snorted. “Why would she check her bag before she got back to her room?”
That was the same question you were about to ask, but when Steve shot him a pointed look, it all clicked into place.
“Steven Grant Rogers,” you said incredulously, taking a purposeful step away so that your back was pressed up against Bucky’s chest instead – the very same Bucky who slid his arms around you protectively, chuckling a little into your hair.
Steve’s face immediately flushed at your tone.
“I-- I didn’t mean--” he stammered. “I meant for privacy!”
You laughed at that, taking Bucky’s metal hand into one of yours and holding your free one out to Steve. It felt like a weight had been lifted off your chest; either that, or you were floating on air. Possibly both. “Well, I guess we’ll need some privacy, then, won’t we?”
The only other time you’d seen Steve’s face so beet red was when the first time you met him, and it was just as endearing then as it was now.
He was sweet. Bucky was, too. 
They were yours. 
Both of them.
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(If you like my work, please consider donating to my Patreon or my Ko-Fi!)
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jiminspjm · 5 years
Seins + M. Yoongi
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❋ “my boobs look like mosquito bites.”
⇢ characters : demon!min yoongi x oc [established relationship]
⇢ rated: [m] mature audiences
⇢ genre: angst, fluff, smut, slice of life, action, slow burn, fantasy, humor
⇢ glossary: unprotected sexual intercourse [dont be silly wrap ur willy], nipple play, dirty talk, slight dom!yoongi [he is actually a softie shh], slight tit slapping, spanking, grinding, oral [f recieivng], piercings.. ahem, squiriting, this is basically just filthy, impregnation kink [slight], rough-ish sex, cum, cum & cum, creampie, is that it?? oh aftercare too lol
⇢ index: 5.4k
You wouldn’t call yourself an insecure person. Not even when Lily Yang said your chest looked like ant hills in the seventh grade, or when Lee Hyun said your ass was flatter than a piece of paper your freshman year. Children are brutal. You probably did squats for a year straight until genetics kicked in and you actually got an ass, and Lee apologized and you told him that his dick looked like a shrimp. Anyway, genetics graced your ass but sadly your boobs looked like a deflated balloon. Honestly if you could, you would get a boob job. Yoongi said no, and his reasoning was because he didn’t feel like sucking on plastic. But also because your nipples are so sensitive and he thinks its cute that your tits fit in the palm of his hand.
Okay, so maybe you were insecure every time you went to the beach and you saw girls with perky boobs, all bouncing and bubbly, and eyeing your boyfriend like a fresh piece of meat. You try not to show it because Yoongi said he will spank you until your ass is bright red anytime you comment something about boobs. It's a win win, in some situations. But god dammit you can’t help but feel insecure when your boyfriend is sex on legs. You are deep in thought as you sit with your best friend Cho at your favorite café on a particularly hot summer day. A thought comes to mind causing you to look at Cho who is sipping on her coffee.
“Cho what if I got nipple piercings?” You said, resting your chin in the palm of your hand, looking at the baristas bustling around the café.
Cho choked on her green tea latte, short coughs came from her mouth and she tried to choke down the liquid. You started at her, stirring your straw in your iced mocha.
“I-I’m sorry, what?” she finally got out, a rasp in her tone and she held her hand up to her chest. You looked at her, eyeing the dark hair that fell from her ponytail.
“Yeah. I mean, I dunno, what have I got to lose?” You shrugged, bringing the straw up to your lips.
“Uh, how about a nipple?” Cho said, smacking her palm on the table, eyes wide as she looked at you. You held back a snort, as you leaned back in your chair. Your eyes wandered to Cho’s supple chest, constrained by her white tube top. “Babe I really don’t understand why you’re so insecure…” Cho mumbled, bringing her drink up to her mouth.
Rolling your eyes, you pouted at her. “I’m not. Well maybe. It’s just my chest is small. I don’t know what difference having nipple piercings would make.” You spoke truthfully. Cho sighed, placing her cup back down on the ceramic plate.
“I mean, that's the point, what difference would it make. if that’s But what you want. You’re a grown ass woman,” Cho spoke, picking at her nails. Your eyes widened, surprised she actually encouraged you to do it.
“You’re serious?” You asked incredulously. Leaning across the table. She nodded, poking your nose.
“Yeah, I don’t see why not. I’m sure Yoongi will like them,” Cho said, a smirk rising to her face and warmth seeping over yours. You quickly parked your bottom back on your seat, the legs scraped quietly across the scuffed wood flooring. You thought of your boyfriend Yoongi, who was currently running errands in hell.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Min Yoongi, first in line to the throne in hell, successor of his brother Kim Seokjin. Bleached hair, tattooed, piercings, no filter, but really the softest baby ever. You practically look like my little pony next to him. It wasn’t an odd occurrence for supernatural beings to roam the earth, in fact Cho was speaking to a friend of Yoongi, someone by the name of Kim Taehyung, a water nymph.
You were surprised when Yoongi asked you to be his girlfriend, of course you said yes. It’s been 4 years now, and you two are still putting up with one another. Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice Cho typing away on her phone.
“Shit, I’m meeting up with Tae, gotta run babe. Tell me what you decide!” Cho says, standing up from her seat, tossing a bill on the table and dropping a kiss on your cheek. You heard her heels click across the floor, as the bell dinged and she was gone.
You blew a loose hair away from your face, crossing your arms in front of you. Leaning forward to drink the rest of your watered down coffee, your phone dinged.
[big scary ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)]
4:37pm: gonna be home late petal, don’t wait up, loveyou. xo
4:37: ahh :( okay, loveyou more! c:
Chucking your phone in your bag, you slung the strap over your shoulder, before proceeding to walk out of the café. Pushing the oak door open, the bell dinged quietly as you exited.
It has been a week since you spoken to Cho about the nipple situation and long story short you got them pierced the day after. Honestly you were really debating about it, that night when Yoongi came home you were gonna ask him about it, but you decided to suck his dick instead.
So basically it’s been a week and he still doesn’t know that you have barbells going through your pert nipples. Your excuse for not having sex was the good old period trick. You would think that since he is a demon blood wouldn’t bother him, which is technically true. But, if blood is coming out of your vagina he doesn’t want anything to do with it. Unfortunate.
Anyway, you aren’t sure if your little white lie was working or not due to the fact Yoongi is a supernatural being, and he can sense any smell in a ten mile radius. That is besides the point though because today is supposed to be the last day of your “period” and the piercings are nowhere near healed. You swear air could hit your boob and your nipples would immediately start throbbing and you wanted to die.
You were this close to going back to the piercing parlor to get the barbells removed, if possible, but you decided to tough it out and take some Advil and a nap. Luckily you could sleep with no shirt since Yoongi wasn’t supposed to be home till later that night.
Or so you thought.
Yoongi came home about an hour into you nap. The platinum haired man yawned as he tossed his keys into the bowl on the table by the front entrance. Slipping off his sneakers, Yoongi ruffled his hair as he walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
“Petal?” Yoongi shouted into the apartment, as he reached into the cupboard. The tattooed man furrowed his brows as he grabbed the cup and placed it on the counter. Yoongi waddled into the common area before hopping up the small flight of stairs to enter your shared room. Pushing the large door open, a blast of cool air made goosebumps form along his arms. Of course you kept the apartment cold so you had an excuse to cuddle him.
Upon opening the door Yoongi saw you laying on the king sized bed, the white silk sheets pooling around your body. Fully opening the door, he walked up the end of the bed. A smile graced his face as he saw your flushed cheeks and messy hair buried into the pillow. You were lying on your back, chest rising and falling as one hand fell off the side of the bed. Yoongi was about to close the door when he noticed you shifting around in the bed. Stopping in his tracks, he watched as the sheets fell off your chest as you moved around to lay on your side.
His eyes widened as he saw the glint of metal on your nipple. Yoongi swear his dick just fell off as he quietly walked over to your side of the bed, and peered over your body. Instinctively, large black wings extended from his back. Another t-shirt ruined. But Yoongi could care less as he hovered over your body. He internally screamed as your body shifted again to lay on your back again.
His eyes went to the silver, barbells that pierced through your perky nipples. Yoongi was 100 percent sure his dick fell off, as he quickly retracted his wings and got onto the bed and straddled your sleeping figure. On his hands and knees, he got real close to your face. Your nose began to twitch as you felt hot breath fan over your face.
Why does it smell like raspberries and mint? You thought in your sleep, as you furrowed your brows unconsciously. Bringing your hands up to your face, you rubbed your eyes slowly.
“Wake the hell up, _ _ _.” Yoongi practically growled above you, his hands digging into the sheets next to you. Stirring in your spot, your eyes began to flutter open slowly.
“For fuck sake,” Yoongi grumbled as he leaned his body down to take one of your sore nipples in his mouth. You jolted as you felt his cold tongue piercing swirl around the abused bud. Eyes open completely now, you looked to see your boyfriend sucking on your sore nipples.
“Y-yoongi, when did you get home-!” you groaned, as he began to swirl his tongue over the bud. Ignoring you, Yoongi took his fingers into his hand and sucked the skin before pulling at the other nipple while he continued to suck on the other.
“Nggh, Yoongi, please! Shitshit, I’m still soree-!” you were cut off with a moan once more, as Yoongi sucked a bit hard before pulling back, but still rubbing one bud between his fingers. You looked up at him through your lashes, his mouth had a slight sheen on it as he smirked at your dazed expression.
“So, baby when were you gonna tell me that you got your cute, little nipples pierced?” Yoongi questioned, leaning down to peck kisses on your jaw. Your jaw went slack as he began to twist both nipples at the same time with his thumbs gently.
“F-fuck, I’m sorry! I didn’t want you to be-,” your cut off when Yoongi gently slaps your tit, immediately soothing the sore skin with his palm.
Yoongi speaks into the skin of your neck, “I didn’t ask for an apology petal, I asked you a question,” he teases, prodding at your neck with his mouth. Your jaw is slack as he gently begins to rub circles around your nipples.
“I, fuck, I don’t know! I know you hate it when I talk b-bad about my chest, so, fuck, I thought this would make a difference!” You manage to get your sentence out, kicking your legs around Yoongi who is still straddling you.
Yoongi hums, still tweaking your nipples with his fingers as he looks at your face contort into pleasure. In all honesty he didn’t care that you got them pierced, if anything it made him want you more. Pulling his hands back from your chest, you let out a shuddery moan as Yoongi leans back on his heels to look at you.
Breathing harshly, your eyes wander to the tent that begins to form in his pants. Yoongi follows your eyes, to his pants, a slow smirk forms on his face as he brings his large palm over his pants.
“See something you like, petal?” Yoongi drawls. Your eyes widen as he squeezes himself. Shaking your head up and down slowly, Yoongi chuckles lowly. Getting up from the bed, he pulls his shirt over his head exposing the ink that swirls around his toned stomach and chest. His tan skin has a slight sheen of sweat as he completely pulls the grey t-shirt off. Sitting up, you begin to crawl over to him slowly.
Watching your movements, he looks down at you, your face level with his stomach. Peering up at him, his eyes are pools of obsidian, drowning you as he brings his fingers up to your mouth. He drags his fingers around your lips, gently tapping the smooth skin. He hums as you look up at him with your mouth parted.
“Ah, your mouth would look so pretty wrapped around my cock, is that what you want petal? Hmm. Your lips wrapped around my fat cock?” Yoongi spoke smoothly.
Nodding your head vigorously, Yoongi chuckled and withdrew his hand. Looking up at him still, he slowly dragged his hand up your neck, gently squeezing the skin under your jaw. You kept eye contact with him as he kept squeezing gently and then releasing.
Before you could ask him to stop teasing you and to fuck you, Yoongi brought his hand in front of him, swiping it in an upward motion. Your body jolted as you were thrown on the bed and your hands pinned above your head. Yoongi and his fucking telekinesis.
“Okay asshat was the really necessary?” You asked, raising a brow at your boyfriend and looking up at him.
“Yes, it was, I’m a demon what do you expect.” Yoongi smiled, as he crawled onto the bed to boop your nose.
Rolling your eyes at your boyfriend, you looked at him as he caged your body beneath him. His eyes trailed down your body once more, particularly to your chest.
You couldn’t help but blush under his intense stare. Yoongi gently brought his fingers up to prod at your puffy nipple, gently circling the skin.
“So what’s the real reason you got these hmm?” Yoongi asked genuinely. Sighing, you looked at him before groaning and laying your head on the pillows.
“We have been over this, Yoongi. You know my chest is small I look 12, and-,” Yoongi wasn’t having any of it as he slapped your sore tit
“Fuck!” you cried, as he immediately began to soothe the red skin. Tears began to well up in your eyes, as the skin throbbed slightly.
“Shhh, petal. I’m not doing this to hurt you,” Yoongi murmured, removing his hand from your boob to cage your body. He rubbed his thumb under your eyes to sweep away the tears. “I’m doing that because you don’t need to be so insecure. I’m not in love with you because your of your ass, even though that’s a plus-,” you snorted a laugh and kicked his thigh. Yoongi smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your eyelids. “I love you because your beautiful, and generous and you put up with my shit, stop doubting yourself. I love you and your body with or without the piercings.” Yoongi’s voice was low as he stroked a thumb across your cheek.
Tears began to well up again as you nodded at his words.
“Can you remove your damn telekinesis so I can hug you?” You laughed through teary eyes. Yoongi grinned at you, rosy gums peeking through his lips. Swiping his hand through the air, you immediately felt the release of weight on your body, as you immediately sat up and hooked your arms around your boyfriend's neck.
“Oof,” Yoongi groaned, as you trampled him on the bed, his arms immediately latched around your waist. You felt his warm breath fan across your bare chest.
“Ow! Yoongi not so tight,” you whined as he squeezed you tightly, burying his head into your neck. Pulling back slightly, you pinched his neck, “... i’m still sore asshole,” you mumbled, letting go of his neck to straddle his waist. Yoongi laughed, letting go of your waist to lean back on his legs, a slow grin began to overtake his face.
“Why don’t you let me help you…” his voice began to trail off as he leaned upwards to latch his mouth onto your nipple. You sighed, tilting your head back, as his he rolled his tongue piercing along the skin. Slicking the puffy skin with saliva, his hands trailed down your bare back to grab onto your ass. Squeezing the fleshy skin, he roughly pulled you forward, making you squeak. Before you could scold him for being abrupt, you felt something particularly hard poke at your center through your athletic shorts.
Stuttering over your words, Yoongi chuckled against your chest, the vibrations made wetness gush at your core. A lewd pop resonated through the room, as Yoongi detached from your nipple, to take his thumb into his mouth. Looking up at you, he sucked at the skin, before rubbing your nipple gently.
“F-fuck,” your moan came out broken as he returned his mouth to your chest, along with rubbing your other nipple.
“Mmm, I can smell you petal. You’re practically soaking through your shorts,” Yoongi spoke quietly against your chest, as he gently bit into the side of your tit.
You nodded, as you threw your head back in pleasure, not even processing his words. Hands limp at your sides, as Yoongi fondled you.
“Be a good girl and grind on my cock? Want you to cum before I sink into you, would you like that petal? My fat cock stretching your tight, wet hole?” Yoongi asked you lightly, biting the skin of your neck. He gently jutted his hips upward against you.
“Yoongi p-please, yes.” You opened your eyes slowly, watching as Yoongi removed his hands from your chest. Your arms began to work as you grabbed the collar of Yoongi’s shirt, to bring him into a heated kiss.
Your teeth clacked against one other, as you sucked on his tongue, not caring as saliva began to wet your chin. Yoongi blanked for a moment at your abruptness, before growling against your mouth and jutting his hips against your clothed center once more. Whines came from your mouth, as you continued to suck his lips. Trailing your hands down his neck, you hooked your fingers behind his neck, and began to grind against him.
You felt his bulge hit your clit, making you pant against his mouth.
“Yoongi, it feels so good,” you whined, moving your hips back and forth. Yoongi growled before taking both his hands up to your chest and running his palms back and forth against your nipples. Tossing your head back in elation, you bit your lip as your sopping cunt grinded against him.
Unhooking your hands behind him, you pushed him down to lay flat on his back and then took his hands above his head. Yoongi panted, as you held his hands above his head, grounding your hips into his.
“Oh, oh, ffuck, Y-yoongi,” you kept whining as you moved against him.
“Fuck, that’s it baby. Rub your cunt on my cock,” Yoongi growled, before leaning up and taking your nipple in his mouth. The simulation of the grinding, and his tongue piercing against your sore nipples was all it took for you to scream and throw your head back, as you released. Garbled noises came from your mouth as you released Yoongi's hands. Quickly he sat up and threw you down on the bed as you came down from your high. You huffed as your body hit the foam.
Yoongi wasted no time ripping right through your shorts and undies, exposing your sopping center to his greedy eyes. Amber bled into his pupils, as he gripped your legs and pulled you to him.
“Yoongi wait, I’m s-still sensit-!” you didn’t have a chance to push him away as he ran his tongue flat against your center, his piercing spiking pleasure that shot into your toes.
Obscene slurping noises came from your center, making a deep blush seep onto your cheeks.
“Taste. So. Fucking, Devine.” Yoongi growled, pulling back and licking your arousal with his tongue. His fangs were protruding, indicating he was most definitely turned on.
Your chest heaved as you watched him begin to shuck his clothes off quickly. His shirt, jeans and boxers came off.
As Yoongi pulled his boxers off, he sighed as his fat cock flopped onto his taut stomach. The rosy head weeping with cum. Your mouth watered as you saw the protruding vein run under the shaft. You would never get used to how big his dick was; body shuddering at the thought of your center stretching over his bulbous head.
But the thing that has your center dripping more than it already was, was the barbell piercing that went through the head of his cock. Long story short it was a dare, and demons have a low pain tolerance first of all. And Yoongi, being Yoongi, obviously doesn’t back down from a dare so he got the piercing.
To be honest at first you were worried that the piercing would rip your vagina in half, but since we are here right now, we can all agree that it didn’t. But hey, that’s one way to go, getting split in half by your demon boyfriends monstrous cock, topped with his dick piercing.
You were brought out of your thoughts as you heard Yoongi’s low grunts, looking at him between your legs, you watched as he jerked his hand slowly down his shaft.
“Like what you see?” Yoongi winked at you, making you roll your eyes at his inflated ego.
“Hmm not sure,” you teased, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. The mattress creaked slightly as Yoongi situated himself between your legs. You sucked in a breath as he took his cock in his hands once more and nudged your clit with his tip.
You both groaned simultaneously as he began to slick his length in your arousal. Yoongi swore under his breath as his hands came to grip the pillow beside your head as he rubbed you with his cock.
“Fuck, look at you dirty girl. Not even inside you and your soaking my c-cock, are you gonna cum like this?” Yoongi’s dirty words made your center cream, as he pressed kissed against your slick skin.
“Y-yoongii, please, please,” your moans came out garbled as he picked up the pace, grunting lowly in your ear. Pulling back he looked you in the eyes, flecks of amber coated his pupils as his fangs began to protrude once more. He took your hands in his to hold them above your head.
Arching your back, you felt the knot in your stomach begin to tighten quickly as Yoongi rubbed his cock against you.
“Mhmhm, it feels good,” you whined, as Yoongi leaned down to take your nipple into his mouth.
“Then cum. Soak my cock with your juices so I can fuck them back inside you. Be a good kitten and come for me,” Yoongi whispered against your chest.
His dirty words was all it took for you to topple over the edge in pleasure, as the knot snapped and you released all over Yoongi. Throwing your head back, you felt your cunt clench around nothing, as Yoongi continued to rub his cock against you.
“Oh f-fuck look at that! Squirt all over my cock, you dirty girl,” Yoongi pulled back to look at you release, a bit too hard, all over the bed sheets and his cock. Your legs twitched as you laid on the bed, skin slick and cunt sore. You heard Yoongi breath heavily over you, letting you relax for a moment. Not even caring that your were sensitive, you pulled yourself up and pulled Yoongi to your body.
Smashing your lips against his, you clawed at his back as you pushed him onto the bed and grinded against him. You felt his hands grip onto your waist tightly, before you felt his head prod at your center. Swirling yourself around him, you wasted no time sinking onto him slowly. You both shuddered as your center popped over his fat tip, before completely sinking on to him.
You immediately began to bounce up and down on him, his piercing hitting your cervix each time. Yoongi was mesmerized by your tits bouncing in the slightest, the piercings reflecting off the setting sun that poured in through the blinds. He took both his hands up to your boobs, squeezing the flesh before tweaking your nipples between his pointer finger and thumb.
Groaning at the painful pleasure, you rested your hands on his chest as you bounced on him.
“You feel that? My cock deep inside you, hitting your cervix? That’s where I’m gonna shoot my cum, make you nice and full that it seeps out of you. And everyone will know your mine.” Yoongi kept his voice steady as he tweaked your nipples.
“Yes! Yoongi, I’m yours please, want your c-cum. I love your cock, its so big.” You whined as you clenched around him, milking him slowly. You could feel yourself creaming his cock, as you bounced repeatedly on him.
Not wanting to be below you anymore, Yoongi gripped you by the hips and tried to flip you over. You being stubborn didn’t want to, which resulted in you two rolling around on the bed. He pulled your hair, as you sucked bruises into the skin on his clavicle. Eventually the fighting for dominance led to you two tumbling off the bed, silk comforter wrapped around your sweaty bodies.
Your shriek turned into a moan as Yoongi’s body broke your fall resulting in him being below you, causing his cock to sink even deeper into you.
“Fuck!” Both of you moaned simultaneously, as his cock sunk deeper into your wet heat. Your nails made deep indents into his strong chest, as you felt yourself clench around Yoongi’s length.
Yoongi dug his hands into your ass, before slapping the skin hard. Making you clench around him, as you groaned into his neck.
“You better fucking come, or you’re getting a spanking.” Yoongi growled below you, lifting your body up and slamming you up and down on his cock.
“I’m close! Please Yoongi!” You cried, as you blindly grabbed his hand and guided it to your tits. Yoongi obliged, taking your nipple between his fingers once more. Your mouth hung open as he rolled the puffy skin between his fingers. He tweaked the piercing back and forth, making your nipple even more sore. But even with that you were so close but couldn’t get there.
“Y-yoongi, can’t,” you mumbled, feeling the muscles of your thighs burn. Ignoring your cries of frustration, as he grunted below you. You felt your body becoming limp as Yoongi fucked you, his cock making your walls burn in pleasure.
“You. Will. Fucking. Take it.” Yoongi punctuated each word with a thrust, making you scream as you scratched your nails down his chest. Again, you felt the knot form so tightly you thought you were going to implode. Digging your face in Yoongi’s neck, you felt his pulse as his breaths came out harshly.
Yoongi was becoming impatient, so he gripped you by the waist and laid you down on the sheets that covered the floor. His cock never left your center, as he hooked your legs around each side of his waist and sat up on his knees.
Your arms were spread out by your head, as Yoongi gripped you by the waist and began to thrust into you once more. At this angle you swore his dick was going to penetrate your cervix. Your mouth was open in a silent moan as you watched his dick slide out of you. It was coated with your creamy release, and you could feel his piercing hitting your center as you clenched around his bulbous head.
“Feels, Nggh, good Yoongi-i,” your words were slurred, completely fucked out by his cock ramming into you. Yoongi licked his upper lip, which was slick with sweat. Platinum hair dripping with sweat, as he leaned over your body. His tattoos were slick with sweat as he continued to thrust into you, his dick pulsing at the thought of you creaming him.
“Look at you. Completely wrecked around my fat cock.” Yoongi snarled at you before he leaned down and took your nipple in his mouth. You felt your arms twitch as he licked your nipple, his hot mouth encasing the sore bud.
Licking it a few more times, he pulled away, then gripped your hips once more and began to fuck you thoroughly.
“Fuck, I can see my dick budging inside you. That’s where my cum will be. Would you like that petal? My cum making your insides nice and sticky?” Yoongi’s words came out breathy, as he held your body up to thrust into you.
You nodded, as you felt your body bounce. You felt your body beginning to become sore, and your orgasm was approaching rapidly.
“Fuck, fuck, you’re gonna cum? Yeah, give it to me baby. Cream my cock like a good-,” His words were but a distant voice as you felt yourself finally come undone. You screamed, throwing your head back as you creamed Yoongi’s cock. Gripping at the floor, Yoongi fucked his way to his own orgasm, filling you up with his cum. You felt his hot seed seep into your hole, mixing with your squirt.
“Fucking, shit. Squirt all over my cock, that’s right. I own this cunt.” Yoongi went feral as he continued to slide in and out of you. He slid out completely, making his seed spill out of your abused hole. Swirling his tip around you a few times, he gathered his release before pushing his head back in.
You felt tears well up in your eyes as your core popped over his bulbous head, along with his piercing. Yoongi breathed heavily as he brought his fingers up to his mouth and then moved them around your aching clit.
“Y-Yoongi s-stop,” you whined, as your hips stuttered causing his head to push in further. You groaned as he pushed your mixed arousals back into you, before pulling out completely. You felt your body decompress as your eyes fluttered slightly. Soreness began to seep into your bones, as you laid on the hardwood floor. Yoongi was being a little shit, making sure to overstimulate you and rub the head of his cock against your sore pussy. The cool piercing made you jolt against him.
Weakly you lifted a hand, attempting to slap his abdomen. “Yoongi, little shit, stop.” You groaned, making him chuckle and retract his dick.
“I’m sorry, are you alright? I know I went a bit rough today,” Yoongi spoke softly, gripping your hips to pull you onto his lap. You shake your head, wrapping your sore arms around his sweaty shoulders.
“Mm, I know, mmm sore.” you mumbled, lips moving against his neck. Yoongi chuckled, running his blunt nails across your back. Leaning into his touch, you allowed him to wrap the sheets around you and pick you up from the floor. Your eyes fluttered slightly as he stood up and wrapped your legs around his waist.
“C’mon let’s go clean you,” Yoongi spoke gently, pressing a kiss to your hair. You smiled, pressing your lips to his shoulder as he walked into the master bathroom. The evening sun was shining through the large window next to the tub, stores and skylines visible through the fairy lights strung across the balcony.
Yoongi set you down on the marble counter, before pressing a kiss to each of your cheeks and walking over to the porcelain tub.
You stifled a yawn as you pulled the silk sheets tighter to your body, and leaned against the mirror, not caring if it smudged or not. The sun was reflecting right on you, causing a satisfying warmth to seep into your skin. The sun showed all your lines, freckles, even that scar on your jaw from when Min Holly scratched you by mistake. You didn’t even register that Yoongi was filling up the bathtub, or the fact that he was just staring at you.
“You’re beautiful. You know that,” Yoongi spoke over the flowing water. It was a statement, no room for argument. Your eyes opened to look at him, squinting slightly due to the sun. You smiled at him, something warm seeped over your cheeks, and it wasn’t the sun.
Yoongi shut off the tap to the tub then proceeded to walk over to you, he pulled you by the hips so that he stood between your legs. A defined jaw, but also puffed cheeks looked up at you.
“Cheesy,” you softly spoke, resting your forehead against his. He grinned at you, looking in between your eyes.
“Only for you petal.” Yoongi spoke, leaning back to press a kiss on your cheek. 
Hi hello! Yes this is a repost, for personal reasons I decided to take down seins for a few days and its edited now haha, but i hope u all enjoy! pls leave me feedback, i really wanna know what you guys think :( all my love! xx also updated my wips hehe.
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Sports Beel Anon: No that was a typo. It's a her - I definitely want a her. Thank you so much for noticing and asking!
Hi, baby! 💕
I'm so fucking sorry it took me so long! I hope I managed to do a good job. I tried my best to snap out of my writer's block. ✨
Training session
"What do you mean I can't?", your displeasure was easily visible.
"You can't join the team, y/n. This isn't a normal school. You can't just put on a uniform and hope for the best. You'd be playing against demons. And with all honesty, I'd let you play just so you can see what you're actually dealing with, but that would lead to you getting injured if not killed. So, naturally, I can't let that happen.", Lucifer was clearly irritated with your lack of common sense.
"But that's not fair! I worked so hard and-"
"I'm sure Levi would love to discuss this with you. But, unlike the rest of my brothers, I have work to do. Now, if you'll excuse me...", he gestured towards the door of his study, demanding you leave already.
With an irritated grunt, you turned on your feet and left. As soon as you closed the door behind you, tears started forming in the corners of your eyes, but you didn't want to cry, so you looked up and the celling and formed your hands into fists, pushing your nails into your skin slightly until the sensation of crying went away.
In order to forget about this for a while, you made your way towards the kitchen. Maybe you'd find some sweets Beel hadn't already eaten or even better, some alcohol in the cupboards.
However, before you were able to go snooping into the kitchen, Beel greeted you with a half full mouth.
You tried to make some small talk and be on your way, but Beel wouldn't have it.
"You're sad.", he simply stated.
"No, Beel, I'm fine.", you lied.
You weren't a good liar.
"What happened? Is it cause I ate the last burger? I'm sorry, I was hungry...", his expression made you melt and your anger dissipated.
"No, it's not that..."
"Then what is it?"
"Lucifer won't let me join your team because he thinks I'll get hurt."
For a second he didn't say anything, as if pondering you just said.
"I have to agree with him on this one. Demons don't play nice."
Oh, so he wasn't just saying that to piss you off... But you could hold your own! Or... could you?
"If you want, you can train with me! And then I'll play some games against you. How does that sound? Would that make you happy?"
"Yes, Beel. That would make me very happy."
His whole face lit up to the sound of your words.
"Great! Then meet me in my room in half an hour. We'll start training then!"
That gave you enough time to change into some workout clothes, tie your hair in a bun and drink a protein shake. Eventually, the time was up and you excitedly knocked on Beel's room.
"Come in!", he raised his voice so you could hear him through the door.
Surprisingly, his twin brother was nowhere to be seen. You just stared at the empty space on his bed.
"He's napping in the attic if that's what you're wondering.", your answer came, "He usually sleeps there when I work out."
With no time to waste, you both started to warm up before you could get to the real training.
"I don't know your workout schedule, but for me today is leg day. Is that okay with you? Or would you like to do something else?", he asked.
"No, no. Legs are okay."
It was all laid back and chill, until it came to your favorite exercise, squats. But not just any squats. No, you were doing barbell front squats. It was the type of squat where you place barbell and weights on the trapezius muscles at the back of the neck. It was your favorite because it didn't only work out your legs, it also helped your butt.
However, you were spent. Working out with a demon was a lot more exhausting than anything you've ever tried before and although you hated it, you had to admit that you were starting to agree with Lucifer. If only training was tiring you so much, then actually playing against demons would be...
"Hey, y/n, you're not doing it right. Your form is all wrong.", he grabbed ahold of the barbell as if it was weightless, "Let me help you.", the request seemed innocent enough.
He started explaining you how to correctly do the exercise, but you couldn't concentrate on any of his words. His chest was pressed against your back and his crotch area brushed against your butt. He was hot and sweaty, but he smelled so goddamn good. You couldn't focus. It felt as if the room was getting hotter and hotter by the second.
"Are you even listening, y/n?", he lifted the weights and put them on the floor, "Is everything okay?", he turned to face you only to be greeted by your blush.
Too embarrassed to say anything, you closed your eyes shut, wishing you could just teleport out of there.
"Y/n... Did I do anything wrong?", he came closer and cupped your cheeks.
His actions made your eyes open instantly and when you saw how close his face was to yours, his lips inches away from your own...It made you, unintentionally, moan.
Taken aback by your reaction, his eyes widened, but in an instant, a soft smile covered his face. He came closer and pressed his lips onto yours, gently, as if afraid not to hurt you.
"If you wanted to train like this you should've told me..."
You didn't even think of the possibility before, but now that it was presented to you...
He was just as excited as you. You could clearly see that through his shorts. So, naturally, you kneeled and pulled his bottom clothing down to his ankles.
"You move fast...", he smirked.
Suddenly, you were feeling hungry, hungrier than you ever been and you started to understand Beel better. You felt closer to him.
With soft slow licks you covered his length in saliva before taking his head into your mouth. The ginger demon's hands grabbed ahold of your hair as you started to move your head up and down his member.
The heat was getting unbearable and your arousal was getting too much to ignore, so you used your free hand to slip into your panties and start massaging your sensitive spot. As pleasure was building up, you stated to suck fasted, using more tongue. But when you felt his cock twitch, he pulled you by your hair away from his member. A string of saliva connected your mouth to his length.
"I want more of you if that's okay...", he said through heavy breaths.
Your reply was wordless. Sitting up, you discarded your shorts and panties in the process and made your way to his bed afterwards. Down on all fours, you awaited Beel's next action.
Much to your surprise, instead of getting filled up, you were getting teased. His tongue played with your wet folds as two of his fingers toyed with your entrance. As your moans got louder, he knew he found the right spot and kept gently rubbing that area. You were getting wetter by the second, so he felt it would be the right time to give you a taste of what's to come. One of his fingers made its way inside you, which made you grab the sheets and bite onto the pillow in front of you to muffle your moans. It hit just the right spot inside you.
"M-more... Give me more..."
Your pleads were heard and he inserted another finger. It curled up inside you just as deliciously as the previous one and moved at an agonizing speed. So slow you stated to grind your hips, fucking yourself on his fingers.
"Please fuck me...", you whispered hoping he'd hear you.
"Hmm? I didn't catch that.", he stopped teasing your nub.
"Please fuck me!", you said quickly.
"Gladly.", he smirked.
His fingers were soon replaced by his cock, which stretched you regardless of the previous preparations.
"Tell me if it hurts, okay?", his hands massaged the small of your back as if easing you into it.
After giving you a bit of time to adjust to his length, he started moving slowly. Your walls clenched around him and eventually you had to speak up.
"Faster, please..."
Beel picked up the pace and his grip on your hips became stronger. Not strong enough to hurt you though.
Unconsciously, your hand started rubbing onto your clit, in the ecstasy filled search for release. Soon, your legs stated shaking and you were lingering on the edge.
"Beel, I'm gonna..."
"Go ahead and cum, y/n."
As if he pushed a button, your body follows his command. Pleasure induced spasms took over you and soon after you whole body felt as if it was floating. Your kind was blank as Beel continued to thrust into you long enough for his own orgasm to come.
He pulled out and crashed onto the bed next to you, turning you around and holding you into his arms as his warm seed dripped out of you.
"How about you train with me next week as well?", he kissed the top of your head.
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xaviermayne · 4 years
My Brother's Favorite Toy
Grayson was out getting groceries, and Ethan was in his bedroom getting close.
The vibrator in his ass buzzed hard against his desk chair as Ethan sat stroking his dick, his shorts and underwear around his ankles. Ethan looked down proudly at his dick as his hand slid up and down all 8 inches. Grayson was right, Ethan thought. This does feel amazing.
Grayson had been raving about this vibrator for weeks, which irked Ethan to no end, especially since Ethan had checked online and, because of the pandemic, it was backordered for months. Ethan had been hearing Grayson every night. Around 10pm, like clockwork, Ethan would have to pause his music because he could hear the quiet whirring of the vibe and his brother's muffled groans. Last night Ethan even got up and pressed his ear to the door, seething with jealousy.
So, when Grayson went on his Thursday morning grocery run, Ethan knew this was his only chance. When the garage door closed, Ethan had slowly counted to ten, then darted to Grayson's bedroom. Idiot, Ethan thought, when he found it barely hidden in Grayson's dirty clothes hamper.
Now Ethan knew what all of Grayson's fuss was about. Pushing up on the balls of his feet, Ethan leaned back in his office chair as the vibe pulsed and hummed in his ass. He almost felt like he was having waves of orgasms just from the toy flitting against his prostate, without even cumming. Of course, precum still drooled down his dick, which Ethan quickly swiped with the side of his finger as extra lube for jerking off. He felt another wave of p-spot pleasure rise up on him, when he started to feel his balls tingle too, and he knew a full climax was coming. He grabbed a dirty pair of underwear to use as a rag for his impending load, and then—
"Ethan, I'm home!" Grayson shouted as the front door slammed shut.
Ethan felt all of the blood evaporate out of his body.
"They were out of almond butter so I got cashew butter," Grayson shouted. "Try not to cry about it."
Ethan sat frozen in shock for a moment, then the adrenaline kicked in and he scooted back in the chair, and ripped the toy out of his ass with a thwop.
"Ah, fuck!" Ethan screamed, then slapped his own hand across his mouth. It turned out that quickly ripping out an anal toy can kind of hurt. Sweat began beading across his forehead as he looked down and also realized that, in his act of adrenaline, Ethan had also broken off the tip of the base of the vibrator. The tip with the charging port and the power button. No, no, no, no, no, Ethan thought.
Just then, Ethan's door swung open. Had he really forgotten to lock it?
"Dude it's not even gonna taste that diff— dude, what the FUCK!" Grayson screamed as he looked into Ethan's room. There sat Ethan, naked and drenched in sweat, face as white as the precum dribbling down his boner, with dirty underwear in one hand and a vibrator in the other. And not just any vibrator.
"Dude, what the fuck are you doing?" Grayson screamed, only slowly being able to process the scene before him. "Is that my fucking vibrator? Were you using it?!" Ethan gulped hard. "Whoa wait, and you fucking broke it?!"
There was a stunned silence that, to Ethan, felt like it lasted eight entire years.
"Dude, I can explain," Ethan finally croaked. Then he looked down at the broken bit of the toy dangling from the base. "O-okay. Actually, I guess I can't."
To Ethan's surprise, Grayson just shrugged. "You know what, don't even bother, bro. I know exactly how you'll make it up to me. Just pull up your fucking shorts for now and help me with the groceries."
Stunned, Ethan pulled up his shorts, rearranging his still-throbbing wood into them, and followed his brother out.
That night, just around 10pm, Ethan got a text.
Grayson: Yo, remember how I said you'd have to make it up to me?
Ethan started typing, then erased it.
Grayson: Your punishment starts now. Come to my room.
Ethan tossed his phone on the ground and put his head in his hands. What the fuck am I about to have to do? he wondered. Then begrudgingly, he stood up, and sulked to Grayson's bedroom. He cleared his throat awkwardly and rapped on the door.
"Yeah. Come in."
Ethan turned the doorknob and let the door slowly swing open. Grayson lay at the edge of the bed, his feet firmly on the floor. He had his phone above his head, the light of the screen dancing across his face. He was totally nude, save for a pair of clean white socks on his feet. His dick wasn't hard, but it wasn't totally soft. Ethan knew this since he'd seen his brother's dick soft plenty of times before — only because they lived together and had played sports together though, nothing gay. Well, not until now, at least.
"Ummmm, what are you doing?" Ethan asked, eyes fixed on his own shadow stretched out before him.
"You broke my toy," Grayson explained. "It's backordered for months. And I can't cum without it."
"Look, bro, I'm sorry," Ethan said. "I know it's super weird that I even borrowed it. And then to break it... I mean it was a freak accident!"
"Shut up," Grayson commanded flatly. "I can't cum without something in my ass. And I really, really need to cum."
"Okay," Ethan shrugged. "Do want me to, like, get a pickle from the fridge for you or something?" He laughed at his own joke.
Grayson grabbed a plastic bottle laying next to him and threw it at his brother, hitting Ethan squarely on the cheek. "It's not fucking funny," said Grayson. Ethan winced at the pain then looked down and noticed it was a bottle of lube. "Squirt some on your fucking finger and get to work." Grayson casually raised up his legs and let them rest in the air, revealing the tiny pink dot between his tanned ass cheeks.
Ethan stared at his brother's ass. He'd seen his brother's ass cheeks a hundred times, but never his brother's hole. It looked pristine and tight. It almost looked like a girl's, Ethan thought, if you didn't look at his masculine, muscular glutes or, y'know, his big shaven balls sagging down, one slightly lower than the other.
Ethan approached his brother and heard the tinny sound of a girl moaning — some porn video on Grayson's phone. He dropped to his knees with a sigh and squirted a few drops of lube onto his right index finger. Though this was the first time seeing his brother's hole, it actually wasn't his first time thinking about it. Sometimes, when Ethan was extremely horny — like, hadn't jerked off for days horny — he'd watch his brother during their workouts and would catch himself having weird fantasies, like picturing what his brother would look like doing those barbell squats naked. Ethan would think about Grayson slowly lowering down into the squat and his ass cheeks spreading, a bead of sweat dripping off his swaying balls. Ethan would find himself hard and wanting to play with his dick, but would quickly snap out of it and flush with shame.
But now, here it was. His brother's hole. He ran his lubed fingertip around it until it glistened in the haze of blue LED lights in Grayson's room. Then, carefully, Ethan slid in the very tip of his finger.
"Slow," Grayson barked.
Ethan sat for a moment, his finger right at the precipice of his brother's hole, as the girl in the porn video moaned delicately. Hesitantly, Ethan pushed a bit more in. Grayson seemed to wince, but stayed silent.
It carried on like that for a bit, with Ethan slowly sliding in and Grayson occasionally commanding him to go slower, or questioning how trimmed his fingernails were. Eventually Ethan had a full finger in, and Ethan noticed his brother's warm hole didn't seem to twitch and squeeze as much. He was loosening up.
Grayson switched videos, and that's when Ethan noticed his brother's ass really starting to open up. With a bit more lube, Ethan was able to get his middle finger in, too. He was even pretty sure he heard Grayson let out a little grunt of pleasure when he moved around in him.
That's when Ethan found it. A few inches in was Grayson's throbbing prostate. He pressed on it gently with his middle finger.
"Huh!" went Grayson's startled grunt. As Ethan rubbed it more and more, Grayson's growls devolved into breathless moans of pleasure. Ethan watched Grayson's dick slowly rise from a thick slab of meat lounging on his balls to a beautiful pulsing tower, quivering as precum leaked down.
"Hoahh," Grayson moaned, in a certain falsetto he'd never heard from his brother before. Not even last night with his ear pressed again the door. Was he fingerbanging his bro better than the toy? Encouraged, Ethan furrowed his brow and started hammering at his brothers p-spot, determined to drive him totally wild.
He looked up and smirked as he noticed Grayson's toes were curling inside his white socks. Ethan tilted his head to see beyond Grayson's dick to his face, and his mouth was wide open and his eyes were rolling back. He had thrown his phone onto the mattress and whatever video he'd been watching was now not only muffled by the comforter, but drowned out by Ethan's own guttural groans and squealing moans.
Suddenly Grayson pushed his hair back with his hand and said in a hushed tone, "Oh my god, I think I'm gonna—" Ethan's eyes lit up and he put his fingers into machine-gun mode. Then, with both hands gripping his own hair in confusion, Grayson let out a yelp and Ethan watched as Grayson's balls suddenly raised up and a heavy stream of wet white cum surged out of his dick. Ethan's eyes followed the load as it seemed to almost touch the ceiling, then come down with a splat on Grayson's tattooed leg. In fact, Ethan noticed, some of it even got on the jack-o-lantern tattoo he'd given his brother a couple of years ago.
Ethan curled his fingers again and Grayson's body convulsed, another thick stream beaming up and falling, this time settling in the valleys of Grayson's abs, flexed as he kept his legs up. Ethan smiled as he pressed again and yet another load shot up. He realized he was full-on milking his own brother's prostate. He kept pulling the trigger and watched as his brother shot load after load, until eventually it seemed like his dick kept straightening for another shot but there was nothing left to shoot.
Ethan slowly slipped his fingers out of his brother's hole, which quickly tightened right back up to the perfect pink dot it was before. Grayson groaned as he finally lowered down his legs. Cum was everywhere, on Grayson's thighs, his abs, all over the bed. A drop had even sprayed on Ethan's face. Ethan made sure Grayson wasn't looking, then tongued it off his cheek. I tasted thick and bitter and buttery.
Ethan looked down at his own dick, which was harder than he'd ever seen it, and the front of his shorts were completely drenched in his own precum.
Biting his lower lip, Ethan looked up at Grayson. "Sooo... my turn?"
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demilitarised-zone · 4 years
So I had this request asking for Bandit/Jäger fluff or smut, but it's gone? Tumblr swallowed it? Idk who sent it in, but I wrote it anyways, so here goes^^
Mission reports, colleagues, friends - they all either praised or resented that pokerface of his, that stone cold facade not letting on how he truly felt. Bandit isn't seen smiling as is, all that lay on his lips was a cold snark towards anyone and anything. A protective layer one might say, a souvenir he's kept like a tattoo, carrying it on his soul instead of skin.
Marius will know it's all bullshit. A resolve as fragile as the smoke of his cigarettes; Dominic had already pressed three buds into the ashtray, spending a good minute on each while looking at anything but him. It's how it always went whenever they had a fight. For as sharp as Dominic was to pick up signs, he was just as oblivious when it came to his own feelings, pulling off the look of 'I'm fine' in front of others. IQ and Blitz will know they had a fight. It's in the cold air, in those icy glares and crossed arms - like probing a wall was it, talking to him, trying to circle in on the problem: Him. But no, he'd drink a beer with some colleagues and chat about the latest sport event and no one would even notice how he clutched the can until it formed into a barbell shape, how his jaw sat tighter or how his tone was heavier from all the heat of their argument. No, that pokerface hides it all and he feels comfortable like that, thinks he's so indifferent to that ache of heart; a pathetic lie. But he's stubborn. Stubborn enough to let his heart thud when his gaze lands on Marius being his usual self again, talking and laughing with the others. It ain't getting to him is what he tells himself.
Dominic remains stubborn even when his lips crash unto Marius', when their teeth clunk in the first few for he is harsh, he always has been. Some mutters under his breath as he's keen to move on, leave bite marks on his neck that'll have him whimper and clutch to his arms that hold him locked with no room to escape. His voice portrays such a contrast to that chest heaving with all the heat and heaviness left from their fight - soft it was, gentle almost as he mumbles his excuses into the hollow of Marius' neck, eagerly seeking warmth in the only way he knew. Words are slurred, sentences cut and languages switched, cowardly tactic to not have Marius understand what he was saying. Moans and ragged breaths spur Dominic on, concerns about the rest coming home soon ignored. It's a type of rough love. It's the type of love Dominic holds. Marius will know what it means when Dominic's hands wander across and beneath clothing, an arm around his waist keeping him locked tight.
'Don't leave.'
Not that he'd ever say it outright. And it would still show, emotion seething through whatever thin cracks his frown didn't cover. It shows in his tone, stoic and missing that warmth he kept around Marius, it shows in those dark eyerings and potruding veins on his hands for he's been working longer to keep his mind of forming thoughts. Because he knows he's the idiot, that all he had to do was apologise for once, a simple sorry would be enough. He's saying it now, mumbling in into the neck he leaves a bite mark on seconds later; how he didn't mean to, couldn't stand this. It'll be so silent that Marius' noises drown it out, were those voices in the hallway? Footsteps? He hasn't gotten enough noise complaints yet this month is what Dom thinks, a squeal, his hand had wandered past a belt.
One that would soon be tossed to the corner along with everything else, so needy, he didn't even bother undressing himself, pants hastily yanked down with an annoyed groan as the zipper got stuck; Marius will hear the rustling of clothes, feel the warmth on his ass as a hand caresses the skin, heaving up and leaving him gasping at the sudden heat. He may complain about Dominic being rough, being so profane, greedy even, and all he'll receive is a cocked brow, can't even finish the sentence with how he's left whimpering as teeth left one mark after the other. A hasty text message to Elias who had wondered where they went off to. It's telling him to stay out, barely decipherable through autocorrect.
The phone got lost between sheets that get clutched tight, tussled and left as big as a mess as Dom wanted Marius to be. With a voice so soft as the bedframe creaks, faint music of whatever party Rainbow had that did nothing to drown out the moans and mewls.
Prussian blues will melt into lilacs when Dominic's pressing another cigarette bud into some glass on the balcony. And just like its smoke did the steam of yesterday vanish - their fight an annoyance of the past when he glanced inside, eyes soft like the sheets Marius was wrapped up in, snoring softly.
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starker-stories · 4 years
Piercing Play
Title: Piercing Play Link: AO3 Square Filled: G-1 Ship: Starker, Peter Parker/Tony Stark Rating: E Major Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply Piercings, Tongue Piercings, Ear Piercings, Nipple Piercings, Corset Piercings, Dom/sub Undertones, Aftercare, Possessive Tony Stark
Summary: “Your body retracts in anticipation of the pain,” he explained as he took the forceps from Peter’s hand. “If you did somehow manage to push the needle through — put your tongue out, Peter.” Peter did. Tony situated the forceps, gently pressing them together. “You’d likely flinch…” He took the needle in his right hand and held it above Peter’s tongue, in the center of the forceps opening. “And wind up with a crooked, at best,” he paused, “piercing.” He pushed the needle through.
Created for @mcukinkbingo​
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Peter had been fascinated by the idea ever since he saw pictures online. But he healed quickly. Perhaps too quickly. Experiments would have to be performed before he brought the idea up to Tony. But that alone, was another whole issue. What if Tony didn’t want to do it? Worse, what if Tony thought he was weird for wanting it done? Still, experimentation didn’t commit to anything, right? He could just accumulate data and then never act on them.
Tony stared back at Peter as he went around him to get his breakfast. He smiled.
“What?” Peter said, offended at the scrutiny.
Tony kept smiling cryptically.
“I found it in your jewelry drawer!”
“Um hmm.”
Peter rolled his eyes. “Why is it weird for me to wear it when you used to!”
“Never said it was weird, Pete. I was just surprised. You’re so stubborn about me buying you jewelry. A one carat fancy red diamond… it’s ostentatious even for me.”
“A diamond? I thought it was, I dunno, a garnet? That’s May’s birthstone.”
“No, baby. It’s a diamond. Red’s the rarest color. I bought it… I don’t know why… on a whim. I’ve never worn it. I haven’t worn an earring since I was at MIT. But the clarity and color are perfect. Because it’s a single earring, not a set, I got it for one point two instead of the four it’s worth, even as a single stone. I forgot all about it until this morning. When’d you get your ear pierced?”
“One point two… You mean million?” Peter squeaked and went to remove the gold stud.
“Keep it. It’s pretty on you.” He bent over and put a kiss behind Peter’s ear, behind the earring. Tony smirked. “You know I can’t resist it when you wear my colors.”
Peter blushed. “I don’t know if it’ll last or I’ll heal out of it. I did it myself when I first woke up. This morning.” He paused, screwing up his face. “Alone. In Bed. Again.”
“Sorry. Finally solved the problem I’ve been having with the glove. I’m gonna crash while you’re in class.” He downed the rest of his orange juice and started toward the bedroom. He stopped and looked back at Peter and smiled again, taking in the gold stud with its sparkling red diamond that was in his ear. “That’ll probably stay as long as you keep it in. As soon as you take it out, though, it’ll close up because of your healing.”
“I can keep it?” Peter asked.
“Yep. You finally let me give you something expensive,” he teased.
Tony was right. The earring stayed as long as he left it through the hole. When he took it out, it closed up even before he could put the earring back in. He had to pierce it all over again.
So Peter knew that a piercing, left in, would stay. Even knowing that, it took longer for him to work up the nerve to do the next experiment. He’d read that piercings didn’t always stay, even for non-enhanced people. In a lot of places, they simply worked their way back out. Especially if the piercing was through a flat part of the body, instead of a dangly bit like an earlobe. If a normal human rejected a piercing like that, what hope did a spider-bitten one have?
Then, as always, there was the issue of finding out if Tony was interested.
Maybe it was because he felt bold in the mornings. He waited until Tony would be tired. When he had been working through the night again. Peter laid everything out on the glass topped table and propped the magnifying mirror up where he could see himself.
“Ow ow ow.” The ear piercing didn’t hurt like that! He was being a baby. He couldn’t be hurt. Peter tried again. “OUCH!”
Tony walked into the dining room, watched the situation, and finally gave himself away by chuckling.
Peter jumped. He hadn’t realized he’d been being watched. “It’s not funny!”
“You do realize if you do that, you’re not going to be able to kiss me for two weeks,” Tony said, amused.
“I don’t get infections,” Peter said, irritatedly.
“It’s a little harder to do to yourself than an earlobe.”
“Yes! It shouldn’t be.”
“Mmm.” Tony came and sat in the chair next to Peter’s at the dining table. He turned until they were facing each other. “Your body retracts in anticipation of the pain,” he explained as he took the forceps from Peter’s hand. “If you did somehow manage to push the needle through — put your tongue out, Peter.” Peter did. Tony situated the forceps, gently pressing them together. “You’d likely flinch…” He took the needle in his right hand and held it above Peter’s tongue, in the center of the forceps opening. “And wind up with a crooked, at best,” he paused, “piercing.” He pushed the needle through.
The sound Peter made was garbled around the protruding needle through his tongue, but the expression on his face was clear. And noticed by Tony. It was anything but pain.
He pushed the stainless steel barbell through Peter’s tongue. “That’ll do until I can get you something better to replace it. But baby, you can’t just be buying your jewelry from,” he took in the quality of the piercing kit spread on the table, “Ebay.”
“Will it stay?” Peter asked thickly. He stuck his tongue out and looked at it in the mirror.
“Same as your ear. As long as something’s in it, it’ll stay,” Tony said. He got up and brought Peter a glass of crushed ice. “Suck on this to keep the swelling down.”
“You knew how to do that,” Peter said, his words broken by bouts of sucking on ice.
“Um hmm.” Tony cleaned up the table. “I know you can’t get an infection, but you should still do the mouthwash thing. About once an hour. You’ll probably be healed around the barbell by afternoon.”
“That wasn’t your first time,” Peter said, a little surprised.
“Nope.” Tony wrapped the needle in a pad of foil until it wouldn’t poke through, then sealed it in a baggie then threw it away. “This some college thing?” Tony asked. “It’s mainstream now, isn’t it?”
“There’s… I know a few people who have tongue piercings. Or lip ones. It looked… interesting,” Peter explained.
“When I was in school, it was just the punks and goths… and the kinky.”
Peter sideeyed Tony. “Your entire life is in the media somewhere. If you were punk or goth, there’d be pictures for me to laugh at.”
“One would think,” Tony said, noncommittally.
Peter rolled his eyes. “And I had this whole… thing… planned.”
Tony smiled. “I’ll bet. I could keep playing dumb and let you. It’d be cute.”
“I hate you.”
“If you hate me, baby…” Tony inched closer, running the palms of his hands up Peter’s thighs. He stopped when they were framing the prominent bulge in Peter’s jeans. He leaned closer and whispered against the red diamond earring in Peter’s ear. “Who’s going to push needles through your pretty pale pink skin?”
“They won’t last, I’ve tried on my arm,” Peter said, his words gasped on heavy breaths.
“There has to be a flap of skin for a piercing to be permanent,” Tony explained. “Surface piercings last for a few months or so, if they’re done right. But that’s on ordinary people. You’ll probably heal it out, even if I put the right jewelry in.”
“Oh,” Peter said, disappointed. He could already tell that his tongue was healing.
“That’s not a bad thing though. If it lasted a few hours, that would be enough. Then,” Tony said, a wicked gleam in his eye, “I would get to start all over on skin that hadn’t been toughened and desensitized by repeated piercings.”
It became a thing for them. A special night. Peter would suggest a new place to pierce and Tony would oblige. The tongue piercing didn’t affect him. But once piercing moved off of the dining chair and into the bedroom, Tony was more than just obliging. And Peter was getting more out of the experience than a new piece of expensive jewelry.
When Tony pierced him, it was more than just a matter of pushing a needle through skin. Tony’s hands wandered before finally piercing a hole in Peter’s body. No need to worry about infection, he kissed the place his needle went. He kissed Peter’s lips as he dragged a needle across his skin, watching the red line form and immediately disappear. He drew abstract patterns while Peter moaned and panted in anticipation of Tony forcing the needle through the chosen place.
Tony pressed his thigh against Peter’s jeans-covered crotch allowing him to frot against it until he came in his pants. Which is how he came twice when his nipples were pierced. Tony came after, while he sucked on Peter’s nipples and played with the rings he’d just put in.
Peter learned that there was a type of piercing called ‘spider bites’, which was of course impossible not to resist. Tony made two holes close to each other, right underneath Peter’s bottom lip line, at the corner of his mouth. After putting in the twin rings, Tony fucked his face, moaning at the sensation of the spider bites and Peter’s tongue piercing.
There was more piercing on his earlobes, yielding two on each side. But that wasn’t the end of protruding bits of flesh where the rings would stay in. He had his traguses done. Two helix and one forward helix. His jewelry was small and delicate, but made of gold with precious gems.
Tony found out that if he coated the needle with an alkali solution, it slowed Peter’s healing. His belly button piercing stayed in over a day. But he woke up and found the banana ring lying on the bed underneath him.
“Baby, you have an outie. That makes it basically a surface one. Not gonna last,” Tony explained.
Peter still pouted over losing the beautiful, diamond encrusted jewelry.
“I’ll have the stones remounted in something that will stay.”
A week later, Tony pushed a very long needle through the center of Peter’s hand. He carefully ran it between the bones of his second and ring finger. The end of the bar that was in his palm was a tiny little ball with one small diamond in it. It wouldn’t interfere with the function of Peter’s hand at all. But the end that was on the back of his hand was a laser carved peridot, Peter’s birthstone. It was surrounded by a ring of diamonds. The carving on Peter’s right hand was an elaborate T. The one on his left was an S. Any mark Tony wanted to put on Peter never stayed. This would.
A couple months later, Tony found a set of four pictures on his desk. Surface piercings all. And he wanted all four done in a single session. It would take over an hour to complete the patterns, if not longer. By the time he finished the last, the first would be rejected by Peter’s body. They had brief sessions where Tony tried out various things to extend the wound time. When he got it up to three hours, he agreed to do the corset piercings Peter wanted.
The guest room had a massage table in the center. It was brightly lit, but only with dozens and dozens of candles. Tony had a surgical tray set up with specially coated needles, forceps, gentian violet, scissors and several rolls of ribbon.
Peter was riding an endorphin high. It stopped hurting eight needles into their session. But that couldn’t take away from the excitement of needle after needle piercing twice through each pinch of skin. The pop of it going in. The push and drag of it coming out.
His breathing was heavy but steady. He held it as soon as Tony lightly touched the sharp point to his skin, before he pushed it in. A little warning to him that the piercing was coming.
Thirty-six times. Alternating sides on his back. Moving each pair in towards his spine a little closer then out again, forming an hourglass shape. There was a tug on each ring as the bead snapped in. Then the quiet hiss as the ribbons were threaded through. Tony tugged on them, pulling them tight as he laced them in an intricate pattern. Peter can feel the skin pinched together toward his spine as he pulls the ribbons tighter.
“Sit, baby,” Tony said gently. He guided him carefully from laying on his stomach to sitting up on the table. “You okay, Pete?”
Peter hummed his assent.
“Words, baby.”
“Yes, Tony.” Peter’s voice was soft and floating, and as high as he was.
“Look up now, precious.”
Peter tilted his head up. The neck lacing piercings were more painful, but Tony was very skilled with the needle. He tried to get it over with as soon as possible.
“Too fast,” Peter said, panting.
Peter shook his head. “Too fast. Can’t feel it enough.”
Tony smirked. “All right baby. These are shallow. I’ll take my time.” He listened for Peter’s fast and heavy breaths. Not strained. Just filled with pleasure. He looked down at Peter’s hard cock. “Gonna have to let me give you a Jacob’s ladder one of these times. “I don’t want any genital piercings. I’ve looked at them, they don’t appeal to me. I don’t want anything to get in the way.”
“All right, baby. But if you change your mind, I think you’d like the sensation.”
“I like this sensation,” Peter said between bouts of panting. “So shut up.”
Tony gave a little laugh. “All right.” He pushed two more needles into Peter’s throat. “I’ll just keep putting beautiful things into your beautiful body so that I know you’re mine,” he purred.
Peter whimpered as the last needles went in on either side of his Adam’s apple.
“Rings now, baby.” Tony never used anything less than gold. Each corset ring was custom made. Each little captive bead, no matter how small, had a little TS engraved in it. For Peter, piercing was about sensation. For Tony it was about ownership.
Yet for each, it was also the other’s.
Peter took pride in every little mark on his jewelry. Sometimes it was hidden, engraved on the bar of a barbell where only Peter and Tony knew it existed. Other times it was blatantly obvious, like on Peter’s hands. Every mark claimed him as Tony’s. He’d be sitting in class and get hard just by looking at the backs of his hands. Peter was owned. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
The sensation Peter was addicted to, Tony was addicted to causing. He loved feeling the resistance as the needle went in. But more than that, he loved the little gasping moan that Peter gave. Sometimes, if it was a thicker needle, or in a more sensitive place, that moan became a cry of intense pleasure and Peter came just from Tony’s needle, no frotting or handjob required. The kid could come just from Tony making Peter’s body his.
“There, Pete. All laced up,” he said after he tied the knot on his chest. “Are you sure you want to go on to the next?”
“Yes Tony.” Peter’s voice was desperate, the way he sounded when he was right on the edge of coming and couldn’t quite get there.
“Which one next, abs or feet?”
“Abs. Please save my feet for last,” Peter whimpered.
It was another long piercing. Lots of tiny little rings to be laced together. Peter chose a set of colors, unlike the plain black on his back and neck. Tony paused halfway done and looked over Peter’s shoulder at his back lacings. They were all still in place, even though they’d usually be coming out by now.
Tony caught a pinch of skin over Peter’s gorgeous abs in his forceps. Instead of immediately doing the piercing, he used multiple pairs of forceps and clicked them together on all of the outer run of positions at once.
“I’ll give you the slow ones you want when I do the center row. These are mine, baby.” Tony’s hands were fast and he used a needle gauge two sizes larger than was required. They made such a lovely, visible hole.
Fast. One right after another. Not even giving Peter time to take a breath between. His attempts to gasp in air only made his head spin. Tony was rock hard against Peter’s own erection as he straddled his thighs.
“Oh baby,” he groaned, looking at the needles sticking out of Peter’s flesh. The drips of blood running down from each. But he didn’t take long to appreciate the visuals. Just as fast he threaded the golden rings back through the holes and snapped their beads into place, giving them a very deliberate tug and twist as he did.
Releasing the forceps was like releasing nipple clamps. Peter cried out as full sensation rushed back into the pinched skin. “Oh Tony!” But his erection never flagged. Quite the opposite. He was straining hard in his briefs. Tony was naked, started out that way. Peter always liked a little bit of clothes on during the sessions.
When Peter screamed Tony came all over the kid’s stomach. Including on some of his fresh abs piercings. The sudden force of his orgasm had him falling forward, as he often did, laying down on Peter’s body. That scream wasn’t pleasurable for either of them. In his moment of passion, Tony had forgotten about the pulled tight corset piercings on Peter’s back.
“Oh fuck, baby, I’m sorry,” Tony said, lifting up fast.
“Check!” Peter said, frantically worried. “Did they pull out?” He sat up on the massage table.
Tony looked over at them. All the ribbons and rings were still in place. “Everything’s still beautiful, darling, just like you,” he said kissing Peter’s shoulder. “Pete, just because you found four pictures doesn’t mean you need all four done at once. Baby, it’s too much for you.”
“No it’s not, Tony.”
“What if I simply laced the edges on your abs, and we see about doing one foot. I know that was something you really wanted,” he said, tenderly. “It will look like little ballet slippers on your feet. But I only want to do one today. Both on another day. Cinderella lost his other slipper at the ball.” Tony lifted Peter’s face and gave him a slow, deep kiss as he reached down and caressed his erection in his briefs.
Peter sighed, disappointed with himself, but the cold sweat he was breaking out in told him that Tony was right. It was too much for one session. “I wanted it so badly.”
“Baby, you’ve been amazing. So much better than anyone else ever could’ve been. Each one of these that you’ve chosen is a full session, Pete. And you’ve done three.” Tony placed one tray of instruments on the floor and sat down beside it. He raised his knee and tapped the back of Peter’s calf. “Come on, my handsome prince. Let me see if the slipper you left behind at the ball fits that gorgeous foot of yours.”
Peter balanced his foot on Tony’s thigh, pointing his toes downward. “Okay Prince Charming.”
Tony smiled up at his boy. “Five down either side and one just below your middle toe. Can you do that, precious?”
Peter bit his lip. “Um hmm. Yes Tony.” His hand replaced where Tony’s had been and he gently massaged himself through his underwear.
The skin on the top of Peter’s foot was tight over the structure of it. A forceps wasn’t able to grasp enough to be effective. Tony laid out eleven curved needles. He slowly worked each of them through Peter’s thin, delicate skin on top of Peter’s foot. Followed by a slender gauge captive gold bead ring. The color laces would change the look. White or black and they’d look like laces for Converse. But in the broad pink ribbon does indeed make Peter’s foot look like a ballet or ballroom slipper. Tony ties a pretty bow right at the bottom of Peter’s middle toe. Meeting his gaze, he kisses his sweet prince’s foot then lets it dangle loosely, helping to arch the boy’s foot into pointing his toes gracefully downward.
Tony rose and knelt behind Peter on the massage table. “Do you feel how beautiful you are, Peter?” he asked, pressing lightly up against the laced pierced corset on his back. He reached around the front of the boy and massaged his erection through his briefs with deliberateness. He looked down Peter’s front over his shoulder. His come was splattered there. But on the left side was a smaller corset piercing in black and pink. With a finger under the boy’s chin, he leaned it back to rest on his shoulder and kissed the side of Peter’s neck as his massaging became stroking.
He ran his fingertips over the piercings on the side of the boy’s neck. Tony placed a kiss over them, and he reached into Peter’s underwear and began to jerk him off. “Look down, baby. Look at your foot. It’s so beautiful, just like the rest of you.”
“Oh,” he gasped out at both the sight and the movement of Tony’s hand. “Tony… it’s…”
“Perfect, darling, but not nearly as perfect as you are. You were so good for me, Pete.” He felt Peter’s cock jump at his praise. “No one has ever been so good for me.” The boy pulsed in his hand. Throbbed. Tensed. And came gently. Shuddering with it. Gasping softly, his lips parted, they and his cheeks flushed red. “My Peter. Such an absolutely perfect… model.” Tony hesitated at using the word sub. That was a discussion they hadn’t had yet. But with the way that Peter got a rush from the pain and the submission, the way he’d sub drop after he came and needed Tony so desperately — which was one of the things he loved most about the D/s scene. How needy his sub always became. How needy Peter became. How the boy clung to him. Whimpering against his chest, sometimes crying, clinging, shuddering, looking to Tony as the only solid, real thing in his world.
Peter was already seeking out the comfort of being held. “Shh, baby. I’m going to unlace your back first. Just a little while longer.”
“Do you have to?” Peter’s words were shaking. Tony could see the signs of the kid’s drop approaching. “They’ll fall out soon.”
“You’re right, Pete. If you’re comfortable with me holding you with them still in…”
“I like that,” Peter said quietly.
“Mmm,” Tony hummed low in his throat. He liked it too. But he was always careful not to assume anything when it came to Peter’s limits. He gathered his boy into his lap, pulling him close.
“You can just stay here. You don’t have to pose to get the pictures you want, sweetheart,” Tony murmured as he put soft little kisses on Peter’s temple. “FRIDAY has the pictures and video. We can sort through it later.”
Peter wasn’t quite ready to have the discussion that his desire brought up. Ever since he realized the reaction he had to the pain of piercing, he’d been reading. For some people it was only the endorphin rush of piercing that they sought out, nothing more. He knew that wasn’t all it was for him. The little marks of Tony’s possessiveness (ownership?) that he carried on each item of jewelry was an important part of it. The prominent marks etched into the peridot’s on his hands. The way that his friends in college, even those into piercings and tattoos, looked at his hand piercings with a little shock and even horror.
He’s been asked what he’s become to refer to as the question. And it’s answer is probably yes. But it scared him. What if Tony’s not into this in the same way as he is. What if he is and is into so much more than Peter’s ready to explore yet.
This part of it… what they called ‘aftercare’, it’s something that Tony always did for him. He held him close in his arms. He pressed soft kisses to the top of his head. Tony whispered quiet praise and appreciation. And he seemed to hesitate just before certain words might come out. Words that would put definition to things they weren’t ready to define yet.
But words that they were both becoming unable to deny for much longer. Especially after that night.
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volkswagonblues · 4 years
🌹 cause im thirsting for more of your writing
@verdanthoney disobeying the rules of the ask game and posting an excerpt, because I laugh in the face of rules
[snippet of a zuko and azula kidfic; in which the two royal sibilngs accidentally get involved with White Lotus shenanigans]
“Concentrate on breathing! Assume your stance! Focus on discipline!”
Zuko concentrated on his breathing; he assumed his stance; he wasn’t sure how to focus on discipline, unless the master meant for him to think about all the ways he’d be punished if he didn’t do the first two, but The Carp wasn’t the type of tutor who seemed to care about punishment. Some of Zuko’s tutors were. Some of them took a special delight in assigning him lines to copy or inflicting little stinging burns across his knuckles. Zuko didn’t know this yet, but the reason he cycled through so many firebending teachers in his short ten years of life was because his father kept hiring those kinds of people — and his mother kept firing them once she caught them in the act. 
Zuko’s parents hated each other, but they were both too polite to say it out loud. They did things like this instead.
His newest tutor was called The Carp. The Carp had a real name, of course, but  that’s what the whole family called him. The Carp had two long tendrils of hair poking out of his upper lip, just like the two barbels growing out of the side of a koi fish. Those quivered when he talked, just like barbels waving under the water. He also had two dark beady eyes and a way of gaping his mouth in annoyance, which made him even more like a fish.
The first time he met Zuko and Azula, Azula had asked him a technical question about the hull designs of icebreaker ships. She wanted to know whether the Fire Nation would ever penetrate the icy walls of the Northern Water Tribe.
“What does a girl know about war?” he had responded brusquely. “Imagine if a fish who’ve lived its life in an ornamental pond trying to understand warfare in the Arctic. You can imagine all you like, but these questions are a waste of time.”
Azula had scowled. This wasn’t how strangers usually treated her. People meeting Azula for the first time usually had one of two reactions: they either loved her or became afraid of her. Not many people dismissed her. In revenge she gave hi the nickname “The Carp”, and it’s stuck ever since.
It was a very good nickname because The Carp wasn’t just fish-like in his appearance. He was a complainer by nature: he enjoyed nothing and complained about everything. Azula had noticed this.
There was a third reason why It was a very good nickname, one that not even Azula could have know. The Carp was The Carp because he was fishy. He was there with a fishy purpose. He worked for a secret organisation. That was why he was Zuko’s tutor, and why he was the royal family on Ember Island during their midsummer holiday. 
He had a secret mission from a secret organization. They called themselves the White Lotus. 
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