#i kind of hoped she would give it a proper mv but oh well
cowboy-like-moony · 1 year
Personally thought cruel summer was going to get the tour music video ever since she made it a single
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morkleemelon · 4 years
nct ideal types 2021 :: 127
dream version | the confirmed facts are all from various interviews or fan questions but ‘my thoughts’ may well not be accurate! this is just for fun~ mark and haechan are in the dream version
moon taeil
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confirmed: someone cute with a short bob hairstyle
my thoughts:
taeil is a super chill, laid back guy who gets along with more outgoing members like johnny and haechan. this makes me believe he’d want a funny, outgoing partner to balance with his personality
he mentioned cute so this makes me think small or petite. definitely shorter than him.
he said once that he would love to sing to his future girlfriend all the time (she will be so lucky oh my gosh). not to mention he is very passionate about music and dropped out of a prestigious music school to join nct. so he would definitely need someone who likes and appreciates music
he said if he were a girl, he’d date yuta out of all of the 127 members. so perhaps he just thinks yuta is boyfriend material, but maybe taeil is attracted to the strong-minded, caring type
seo johnny
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confirmed: someone who smiles at him a lot. similar to girl’s generation’s yoona
my thoughts: 
johnny seems to get along with everyone so this is a bit tricky to try to determine. he confirmed he likes yoona so going off of that, she’s obviously gorgeous and has a beautiful smile. her personality is also elegant, but down to earth and funny
he was voted by everyone including himself as the most romantic member. he says that he hopes one day he can build christmas trees with his wife just like he used to do with his mom (I’m so soft). I think he’s looking for someone who likes sappy romance and will flirt back with him
he’s tall. and since he named yoona as his ideal type, I think he’d prefer a taller girl (but not taller than him). then again, I’m not sure if he’d care all too much 
he said he would date doyoung if he were a girl so I think that entails someone easily tease-able, neat, and proper
lee taeyong
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confirmed: someone who can teach him, lead him, and make up for his flaws. a girl with long hair of any race. laid back. his ideal type is the same as ten’s. someone hard-working has a tough style. 
my thoughts:
he’s highkey a weeb (don’t deny this). no matter how charismatic he is on stage, we all know he’s a big softie who likes bugs and frogs and anime. he expressed he had a really hard time coming out of his shell and he’s quite introverted. he needs someone who’s strong-minded and knows what they’re doing
I remember when the rookies just came out in like 2014 and TY was 19 (?) ish and he confirmed that he’d never dated anyone yet. nobody believed him because he was so handsome but I have a feeling he was telling the truth. it’s been several years since then so I’m not sure how things have changed, but I have a feeling he would like someone experienced.
“any race” what a king. looks-wise besides having long hair, I can envision someone with great style. perhaps dyed hair, multiple piercings, tattoos, the works. fashion is something that tae really appreciates
nakamoto yuta
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confirmed: a girl with short hair and is around 15 cm shorter than him (so about 160cm aka 5′3″). an empathetic, cute girl who doesn’t ‘act pretty’. someone bright and comfortable
my thoughts:
he has a lot of confirmed facts about looks which are also really specific. maybe he just knows what he wants. but I also thinks he has experience. it seems like he wants a tomboy who has a strong vibe
he likes being the ‘oppa’ and taking care of others like we see him do with winwin, mark, and jungwoo. he’d be into someone who looks up to him and who he can lead
I don’t have a reason but I think he would like someone who laughs a lot and laughs at his jokes (maybe because mark does and he loves mark)
someone who’s not embarrassed to be herself
during oshiete japan they had to pick out of 4 types of roses to gift to their ‘girlfriend’. him and haechan were the only ones who chose to give 3 roses to their ‘girlfriend’. the psychologist analyzed this and said that they’re ‘flirts who seek attention’. so that being said, I think yuta would like someone who gives him a lot of attention and reactions
kim doyoung
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confirmed: someone polite and who treats their elders well
my thoughts:
I mean this in all seriousness, someone the exact opposite as haechan. while we can see in rare times that he does care for him, doyoung usually cannot stand haechan and all his tricks and taunting. as his confirmed type outlines, doie is really looking for someone who takes things seriously and listens to him well
I think he often feels underappreciated - a lot of times during his mv viewing reactions, the editors show another member during his part or just cut him out and you can tell he’s really disappointed (it hurts my heart). he would really like someone who goes out of their way to make him feel appreciated. 
when nct 127 went on oshiete japan, doyoung was the only one to pick the potted rose and the psychologist there said that it means he isn’t looking to just date around, but rather to settle down and have a stable relationship. I strongly believe that doyoung is looking for someone long-term.
also, his love language is giving gifts (from my observation since he often gifts the members foods during mv shoots and gifted TY the couple ring). my best guess is that he’d want to spoil his partner a lot with gifts to show his feelings. someone who appreciates his gifts and understands that they come from his heart
he thinks ariana grande is hot so that’s the only visual thing I can think of. she’s obviously very gorgeous but she’s petite and has an amazing voice
jung jaehyun
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confirmed: a kind woman with long, straight hair who can communicate well with him. someone dependable, healthy, and into sports. someone usually calm but can be cute. doesn’t care if she’s older or younger. someone similar to him. someone like singer/actress IU. 
my thoughts: 
he has a lot of confirmed facts so I don’t have to make many assumptions here. someone with girl next door energy? 
he says he likes IU, so going with that, someone petite and cute. She’s not afraid to speak her mind and treats everyone with kindness.
I think J was born to be romantic (literally, born on valentines day). he said his previous ambition was to be a teen dad and his lines from make a wish english version “spoil her with loyalty” sum up my next prediction: he wants someone like a best friend who’s in it for the long run
dong sicheng
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confirmed: someone with long, black hair
my thoughts:
he said his favorite actress is shu qi. although I don’t know if he just likes her acting or if she actually fits his ideal type, she is a traditional chinese beauty which I think winwin appreciates
he’s really introverted and is often overwhelmed by affection (i.e. all of the nct members). the exception is jaehyun and winwin seems to be the most comfortable around him. this makes me think he wants someone calm and chic
sicheng prefers staying inside to going out. not to diagnose him at all, but I reckon he can get socially anxious around large amounts of people. he’d like a partner who doesn’t overwhelm him and understands him
he really can’t cook (he couldn’t turn on a stove to make an egg on winformation). in the end, it wouldn’t matter, but i’m thinking that if you can cook you’d certainly earn some bonus points with him. it’s like that saying ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’.
kim jungwoo
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confirmed: n/a
my thoughts: 
of all the members, I think jungwoo has expressed the least about his ideal type. not to make any unnecessary assumptions (but that’s all this post is really), but someone said he has strong bi energy. I can’t say anything because I’m not bi myself and I’m not him, but I can see this being a thing. take this with a grain of salt because I don’t actually have evidence
during oshiete japan, he was the only one to pick the large bouquet of roses to give to his ‘lover’. the psychologist analyzed this as him liking to pretend that he is in love and wanting to show his good side. he “can’t express his real feelings and doesn’t want to ever show his lame side to his lover”. because of this, I strongly feel that jungwoo would need someone who lifts his confidence and reassures him
the members he gets along with the most are probably yuta and mark. their personalities are quite different but based on their similarities, I think he is attracted to confidence, open-mindedness, and good work ethic.
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atlafan · 4 years
Girlfriend - One Shot
a/n: I have no fucking self control! I was going to save this for Friday, but it’s fluffy and cute, so here we are. If you haven’t seen Charlie Puth’s mv for Girlfriend, I strongly suggest you watch it. It’s so cute, and so is the song, which inspired this quick little piece. Enjoy! 
Words: 2K
Warnings: FLUFF!
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“Do you want to come over for dinner Friday night?”
It was a simple question that he had asked, and yet he was the one ready to shit his pants. Harry had been seeing Y/N sort of casually for about two months. They had met through mutual friends. It was cute, actually, he was having a pool party and one of his friends brought her.
“Harry, this is my friend, Y/N.” Greg had told him.
“It’s nice to meet you, thanks for having me.” She smiled. She was so cute, and polite. She excused herself to go change into her swim suit, and put her drinks inside.
“Where have you been hiding her?” Harry asked Greg.
“We work together! She’s super funny, thought I’d bring her along. That’s cool right?”
“Yeah, of course.” Harry peered over to watch her walk inside. “Might have to get to know her myself.”
“Good idea, sort of another reason why I brought her. I thought you two would get along well.”
And they did, maybe a little too well because she stayed at Harry’s house pretty late. She was one of the last people there, Harry gave her a tour of the house, they somehow ended up in his bedroom, and one thing led to another. She didn’t spend the night, which was just fine with him, but he did give her his number in case she ever wanted to come over again.
They started doing more things as a group: going to bars, dancing, movies, and game nights. Most nights ended the same, going back to one of their places and shagging.
“You know…I wouldn’t hate it if you spent the night.” She had said to him one night just as he was pulling his boxers on.
“I really like fucking in the morning.” She said without missing a beat. Harry smiled big at her.
“Can’t say no to that now can I?”
He settled in next to her, spooned her all night long, and when they woke up she delivered. They had sex in her bed, and then had sex in her shower. They made breakfast together, and then he headed out. Harry was having so much fun with her he completely forgot he was sort of seeing a couple of other girls too. Unanswered texts and calls displayed on his phone…maybe he didn’t want to see them anymore. Maybe he only wanted to see Y/N. Did she feel the same way? Did she have a couple of other guys too? That’s what led him to ask her to a dinner at his house. Sure, she had been over for dinner before, but usually it was a long forgotten pizza as he fucked her on the couch.
“I’d love to come over! Can I bring anything?”
“Just yourself, babe.”
He took a deep breath after they hung up. He wanted to make her a fabulous meal, show her how serious he was about wanting things to move forward. Harry hadn’t had a proper girlfriend in quite some time, but he felt ready to take this next step with Y/N. He only wanted to be with her, he was sure of it.
He picked up a ton of ingredients to make a roasted chicken, and a ton of other sides. He was going to make mashed potatoes, and green beans, and…well…he didn’t let the potatoes boil long enough, so they were lumpy when he mashed them. He added sour cream and butter, but it looked disgusting. His chicken also was still frozen when he put it into the oven, so the skin burned.
“She’s gonna think I’m a fucking moron!” Harry was usually a pretty decent cook, but he was so nervous he couldn’t get any of the recipes right. “Fucking, Christ, get it together Styles.” He runs a hand through his hair and opens his drawer that he kept his takeout menus in. “Hi, yeah, I’d like to place an order for delivery…”
While Harry waits for his food to show up, he swiftly cleans the kitchen. He looked cute. He had a patterned short-sleeve button up on with a pair of shorts and loafers. His door rings, and he grabs his food. He takes everything out of their containers and plates it up to make it look like he made it. He essentially ordered what he wanted to make anyways. He gets everything onto the table and lights a couple of candles. He was happy with his work. His nerves were shot, but he was excited. Although, there was that little bit of fear in the back of his head that she’d just want to keep things casual.
When his door rings, he sprints over to it, and smiles when he sees her there. She looked adorable, as always. She was wearing a pair of jean-capris, and a peasant style shirt so her shoulders were exposed.
“Hi.” He says.
“Hi.” She smiles and holds up a bag. “I know you said I just needed to bring myself, but I brought dessert. I hate going anywhere empty handed.”
“You’re sweet, thanks.” He kisses her cheek, takes the bag, and lets her in.
“Wow, Harry.” She says as she looks at the table. “Fancy.”
“Expecting pizza?” He winks, and kisses her. “Please, sit.” He pulls a chair out for her and she sits down. He sets the dessert down in the kitchen, and then comes back out to sit with her. “You look really nice.”
“It’s just my usual.” She looks down at herself and then at him. She takes the glass of wine he already poured and has a sip. “Mm, my favorite, thanks.”
“Of course.” He takes a sip as well, maybe it would help him calm down.
“This looks really good, Harry. How’d you have the time after work?”
“Got some of it done this morning, it was no big deal.” He scoffs.
She takes her knife and fork, and cuts into her chicken. He watches as she licks her lips after and then dabs her mouth with her napkin.
“It’s delicious! Tastes like the chicken from that place we went to a couple of weeks ago with everyone.”
“Huh, you don’t say?” He takes a bite of mashed potatoes. “I’m glad we could get together tonight.”
“Me too.” She smiles and reaches to give his hand a squeeze. He stops her from taking her hands back to her fork. She furrows her brows at their hands and then looks at him. “Kinda need that to eat, Har.” She chuckles.
“I know, I just, uh, I wanted to say I like spending time with you.”
“I like spending time with you too, Harry.” She smiles. “May I have my hand back now? I don’t want this to get cold.”
“Right, sorry.”
“It’s okay.” She smirks. “You can hold my hand all you want after we eat.”
He smiles and continues eating. They both talk about their days and what they did at work. He loved watching her lips move as she spoke. He loved her toothy smile, and they she’d sometimes bite her bottom lip to suppress a laugh or two.
“I’d clean my plate, but I don’t wanna get too full. I promise it was really good, though.”
“No worries, gotta save room for dessert right? What did you bring?”
“I just snagged some cupcakes from the grocery store.” She shrugs. “Those ones with the lemon frosting you like so much.”
“Would you…uh…would you…” He was sweating, and so incredibly nervous. He just needed to spit it out. She was looking at him, waiting. “I really like you, and I haven’t been talking to anyone else, and you’re really the only person I want to talk to. I hope you’re not seeing anyone else, but I get it if you are since this has been pretty casual.” He rubs the back of his neck. Her eyebrows were raised, waiting for him to say more. “I guess what I’m trying to say is…I wanna keep seeing you, I wanna see where this goes, and, well, would you want to be my girlfriend?”
Her mouth falls open. She smiles and bites her bottom lip, but still she doesn’t say anything.
“Oh god, you don’t want to do that yet? Is it too soon? I’m-“
“Harry.” She puts her hand on his shoulder. “You’re a wreck.” She giggles. “Calm down, babe. I’d love to be your girlfriend.”
“Really?” He says with relief.
“Yes…I was sort of expecting this conversation with the way you asked me over. Usually you’re not so formal over the phone.” She takes a sip of her wine. “I’m not seeing anyone else, either. I don’t know what kind of girl you think I am, but I’m usually a one guy kind of person, even when it’s just casual.” She licks her lips. “Besides.” She stands up and sits on one of his thighs, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I don’t quite think another guy could satisfy me the way you do.” He wraps his arms around her waist, and hides his face in her chest. She strokes a hand through his hair.
“Can we have the cupcakes now?” He mumbles.
“I’d like that.” She kisses the top of his head and gets off of him. She helps clear the table while he gets them out of the container. They each pop a small cupcake in their mouths. “Mm, I didn’t like lemon much until you showed me these, but I like it a lot now.”
“It’s tasty and refreshing.”
She bursts out laughing and he loves the way it sounds. Her arms move back around his neck as she continues to laugh.
“So, what stereotypical girlfriend things should I do first?” She asks, playfully.
“You could tell me you secretly hate all my decorations and take me shopping. That’s a pretty good one.”
“Or I could ask you to clean out one of your drawers for me way too soon and make you panic thinking I want to move in already.”
Harry presses his forehead to hers as he laughs.
“Let’s compromise on the most important one.”
“Which is what?”
“Leaving tampons in my bathroom.”
“Oh, Harry, I already started doing that.”
“You did?! How’d I miss ‘em?”
“I just put them in the cabinet under your sink…”
“Oh…I, like, never look in there.”
“Exactly.” She taps her temple. “Always thinking.”
His hands grip on her hips as he smiles.
“Alright, alright, what about other toiletries? Leave all your shit all over my bathroom, I don’t care. And then I’ll do the same to your place.”
“Sounds good to me.”
She pulls him close to kiss him, and he swings her around in his arms, hoisting her up to sit on top of the counter.
“As long as the sex doesn’t stop being so hot, I don’t really care how we do things.” He says against her lips.
“Oh, so that’s why you wanna lock me down, for the hot sex?”
“You caught me.”
His tongue swipes along her bottom lip and she opens up for him, letting him lick into her mouth. She tugs at his shirt as his hands slide up her thighs. She wraps her legs around his waist to get him closer, but it still wasn’t close enough.
“Harry.” She nips at his bottom lip. “Take me upstairs.”
“So demanding.” He smirks as his hands grip her ass to lift her.
“And yet, you have no problem listening.”
“That’s what good boyfriends do, right?”
“Mhm.” She kisses him as he brings her up the stairs to his bedroom.
“What do I get for being so good?” He kisses on her neck as he sets her down, her pulling him onto the bed with her.
“Anything you want.” She whispers in his ear. “I feel so bad that you were nervous earlier.” She pouts at him.
“You make me really nervous.” He kisses on her neck. “Butterflies in my stomach and everything.”
“Aww, well, no reason to be nervous now.” She cups his cheeks so he’ll look at her. “I’m all yours.”  
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staytheb · 4 years
My Last
Pairing: GOT7′s Mark x OC [Melanie] Genre:slice of life, slight fluff, slight angst Word Count: 3,945 Summary: Melanie’s beginning to think if the heartaches are worth it over the thought of being alone in the end as Mark isn’t as attentive or much a boyfriend lately.
Warning: not proofread. lol
hi again. this is another re-work, Endure, fitted for this kpop related blog. ofc it’s GOT7′s Mark, lol, but oh well it is what it is also i don’t know much about other people’s views on relationships or other females view about it either, but this is just based on my own along with the song and mv from PREEN called Don’t Like Being Alone. other than that i’m slowly getting back into writing, but it’s not where i would like it to be and so why a lot of re-writing is happening. although it’s not a bad thing or so i think. but yeah, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
It was late and Melanie couldn't sleep. So she spent most of her time scrolling through her phone when she stumbled upon an old music video. She hadn't heard the song in a long while and casually clicked on it. Upon hearing the familiar beat and the singer's vocals, Melanie realized that the lyrics hit close to her current situation. She could've clicked out of it, but something within her allowed the song to continued on.
"Mark, hi!"
Melanie greeted her boyfriend over the phone before asking him where he was.
"You didn't respond back, but I'm outside your apartment complex. Where are you?"
"Oh, yeah, I'm not home. I'm out with the boys right now."
Mark answered before getting distracted on his end by one of his friends.
"I'll call you back, later, okay?"
Mark abruptly hung up on her as Melanie stared blankly at her mobile device with a sad sigh. She placed her phone onto the already occupied passenger seat of a gift bag and large Pikachu plush doll.
"I guess you did forget about it in the end, huh, Mark?"
Melanie muttered to herself while petting the yellow stuffed toy before starting the car.
"I guess playing with your friends is more important than celebrating our anniversary."
Quietly listening to the song of the past that fitted with her present, Melanie realized that it was true. Girls didn't like being alone. They didn't like being neglected or being left alone to think of unhappy thoughts. Girls didn't like the thought of being forgotten or to suffer. They didn't like it when their partners didn't give them that sense of safety, security, and protection. That they don't like it when you don't give them a call or a message just to let them know that you're simply thinking about or missing them. Melanie's heart grew heavy with her last thought. The thought that she really didn't like it when her boyfriend didn't care or know a thing about her either
"Guess who?"
Melanie playfully whispered into Mark's ear while covering his eyes with her hands upon coming up from behind him at the cafe where they were having a date today in a long while.
"Um, Fei?"
Mark guessed with a nervous laugh as Melanie chuckled quietly while brushing it off.
"Nope. Guess again."
"Oh, Min?"
"Not even close. C'mon, it's easy. You should really know, Mark."
Mark pondered as Melanie rolled her eyes playfully before frowning when he couldn't guess that it was her a fourth time.
"Oh, I know. Suzy!"
There was a long pause. Melanie was really hoping that her boyfriend was just messing with her.
"We were just talking earlier before meeting up right now."
She tried giving him a hint, but wasn't sure if that was even gonna be enough with how he's been answering earlier.
"Oh, did we? Who could you be then?"
Mark hummed as he pondered on the answer. Melanie quietly sighed as she was about to end the game when she heard Mark speak.
"Oh! I know for sure. It's, Ayeon, right?"
Mark exclaimed happily as he grabbed onto Melanie's hands to remove them and looked over his shoulder at the person.
"Oh, Melanie. It's just you."
Melanie's frown deepened upon his reaction and the words that left his mouth. Mark didn't notice as he turned his attention away and motioned for his girlfriend to take a seat. Melanie reluctantly took a seat while giving Mark a look.
"We really spoke not that long ago, Mark. Also we've known one another for a long while before we even dated."
Mark casually shrugged with a lopsided grin.
"I guess I'm not good at recognizing voices then."
Before Melanie could counter the waiter appeared with their drinks as Mark had ordered ahead of time.
"Well, if it makes you feel better, Melanie, I already ordered you your favorite drink."
Mark placed Melanie's favorite drink in front of her while taking his own.
"Anyways, I've already paid so don't worry about it, but I gotta get going though." Mark suddenly announced while standing up.
"Brian and I have this project due soon and our boss just moved our deadline forward than it was before."
"But what about our date?" Melanie asked him a bit confused and a slightly annoyed.
"We'll, have another one later this week. I promise. Seeya."
Mark gave Melanie a quick kiss to the cheek before leaving the cafe as Melanie's eyebrows furrowed and her expression soured more.
"You were the one that planned this date and even have postponed it twice already within the past three weeks." Melanie muttered to herself annoyed. "So when are we going to have a proper date, Mark?"
She sighed as she glared at her so-called favorite drink that her boyfriend had ordered for her.
"It would be my favorite drink, Mark, if you had ordered the right one."
She sighed again as she reached out to twirl the straw.
"I like guava. Not honeydew."
She took a sip of the milk tea drink. Even if she didn't like the whole flavor a lot, she disliked wasting things the most. The other thing she disliked a lot was people making promises that they couldn’t keep.
So when the song came to an end, Melanie wasn't sure how or what to feel now. There was such a mixture of things to feel and it left her mind to do what it wanted to do on its own. Due to the lyrics of the songs it didn't stop the thoughts from floating about in her head. Girls really just didn't like being lonely, ever. If a girl really had to choose to be heartbroken or being alone, then in the end she would rather choose to be heartbroken. Because it's easier to deal with a broken heart than facing the loneliness of being alone. Eventually though over time it wears the person down. Melanie sighed as the realization of those thoughts hit her again and she wondered out loud with a far off gaze.
"So how much longer could I endure the heartaches before turning to loneliness in the end?"
"Melanie, hey! This is Sunmi. She's a colleague. Sunmi this is my..."
Mark introduced his co-worker to his girlfriend yet he seemed like he blanked out on when to introduce Sunmi to Melanie.
"Hi, Sunmi. I'm Mark's girlfriend, Melanie. It's nice to meet you."
Melanie introduced herself instead while shaking hands with Sunmi. Melanie had showed up to Mark's work to give him a surprise lunch since it's been a while since she's been there.
"Wow, you're so pretty. Mark didn't mention that he had a girlfriend though."
Sunmi complimented Melanie, but also didn't mean anything by her next set of words that stung Melanie a bit although she didn't show it.
"I see. Well, we've been dating for more than a year, but have known another one like five."
"Wow, that's pretty cool. I'm totally surprised I haven't met you since I've been working here longer than Mark."
"Well, the opportunity never showed up until now." Mark responded while rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"Right, I see."
Melanie shot Mark a small smile while holding up a homemade lunch towards him.
"Well, I just came to give you lunch since I made a little too much earlier."
"Oh, I already ate."
Mark casually said as he didn't take the offer meal.
"I see. Sunmi?"
Melanie turned her attention to Sunmi with a small smile.
"She already ate, too." Mark answered for his colleague.
Melanie nodded in understanding and was about to take back the meal when Sunmi reached out and took it from her hands.
"But I don't mind. I had a light lunch and I haven't had a home-cooked meal in a long while. Thank you."
"You're welcome. I hope you enjoy it."
Melanie shot her a kind smile before casting her eyes onto her boyfriend.
"Anyways, I'll get going. See you later."
"Okay, bye."
"Bye, Melanie. It was nice to meet you."
"Yeah, me too."
Melanie shot them a smile before turning around to leave while mumbling for only herself to hear.
"How long can I keep this up until I can't anymore?"
Several days later the couple attended their friend, Jackson's, birthday dinner at a restaurant that Melanie has been wanting to go to. There were some people that Melanie knew and others she didn't. Everyone was enjoying themselves with eating, laughing, and telling jokes and stories throughout the night. Some time later the conversation shifted and the atmosphere between them all suddenly grew awkward due to an innocent question by one of Mark and Jackson's friend.
"Hey, Mark. Where's your girlfriend?"
Melanie stared at the male, Chris, who had asked the question although she's been sitting beside Mark all night.
"Did Sunmi have something else to do tonight?"
Although she hadn't known Chris for that long, but she was sure that Mark had introduced the two of them before. Right? All of a sudden Melanie wasn't able to recall if Mark had introduced her as his girlfriend to his friends, but she herself did state that phrase all the time.
"Chris, Sunmi's not Mark's girlfriend. It's Melanie." Another friend, BamBam, corrected while pointing at Melanie.
Melanie actually knew BamBam longer than she did Mark. That was how she and Mark met in the first place through BamBam.
"You remember her, right? You met Melanie at my Christmas party a few months ago. Besides, Sunmi's only Mark's co-worker."
"Oh, wow. Now, that's embarrassing. I'm so sorry about the confusion." Chris apologized while looking between Melanie and the person, sitting next to her on the other side of her.
"I thought you were Jinyoung's girlfriend because the two of you have been talking a lot to one another throughout dinner."
Melanie cast Chris a polite smile while excusing herself as she grab her things stating that she just needed to use the restroom. Somehow that question had turned her off from enjoying the rest of Jackson's birthday dinner and didn't want to spoil  the rest of it with her sour mood because of Chris' question. Melanie instead took a breather once she exited the restaurant and tried to gather herself while debating if she wanted to go back inside. She didn't want the others to think it had affected her too much causing them all to become awkward in the end.
She inhale and exhale a few times while looking towards the night sky with a heavy heart. If she actually left now, then it would be awkward since she had come with Mark. Also she knew that Jackson would get upset and blow up her phone if she didn't properly bid him a good night. The last thought caused a slight chuckle to escape as she let out another calm breath already deciding to head on back inside. Just as she had turned around Melanie saw that Mark was making his way towards her.
"Hey, Melanie, are you okay?"
He held her shoulders while looking at his girlfriend with a worried look.
"Yeah, Mark, I'm fine."
She mustered up a small smile upon answering her boyfriend.
"I hope you're not that upset with Chris about what he had said earlier. It's not really that big of a deal to be worked up about."
Melanie's small smile instantly disappeared. She cast her boyfriend a tired and annoyed look.
"Not a big deal, Mark? Really? Are you being for real right now?"
Melanie meant it as a rhetorical question, but she saw that Mark was about to respond to her and didn't allow him to.
"Chris assumed that you and I aren't together. That you were dating your co-worker, Sunmi, and I was dating Jinyoung."
Her tone suddenly became firmer and she felt heated.
"Honestly, Mark, a majority of them seem to forget that you and I are actually a couple. Do we not interact like one or something for them to think otherwise?"
"Of course we do, Melanie." Mark answered immediately as if trying to reassure her of their relationship. "We go on plenty of dates. We hang out as much as we can. We hold hands, we kiss, we cuddle, and we do all that other lovey-doevy stuff that other couples do, too."
Still to Melanie it didn't sound all that convincing.
"Are you sure, Mark?"
Mark opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out. He looked like a fish with its mouth opening and closing while thinking of what kind of answer to give his girlfriend. Melanie sighed tiredly and decided whether she should or shouldn't continue her relationship with Mark.
"Do you even know what I like or dislike, Mark?"
Melanie asked him.
"Like my favorite flower? Favorite color? Favorite food? Or even what movies or dramas I like to watch? Or the hobbies I enjoy?"
Mark continued to look like a fish staring right back at his girlfriend.
"Do you even know the date of my birthday or of our anniversary?"
Still no response. Melanie sighed softly before asking two more questions in hopes that her boyfriend could maybe salvage what little they had to continue on with their relationship.
"Do you even know anything about me since we've known each other for five years or about us since we officially got together, Mark?"
Mark slowly removed his hands from her shoulders and let them fall by his sides. He also avoided all eye-contact with Melanie and chose to instead look at the ground that seemed to be way more interesting than his girlfriend. Because of his actions, to Melanie, this indicated that he didn't know or was unable to give her any sort of response she would be satisfied with.
"I can't do this anymore, Mark. I really can't." Melanie admitted with a sad tone.
"I love you and only you, but I just can't endure any more heartaches because of you, Mark. I can't endure an us when there's really just a you and just a me in this kind of relationship of ours."
She cast him a teary gaze.
"I really thought that I'll be your last without worrying about the loneliness."
Melanie took a few steps back from Mark which caught his attention more after hearing what she had just said. He looked up at her alarmed.
"What are you trying to say, Melanie?"
She cast him a sad smile.
"Let's break up."
There was a paused before Mark stared at her.
"Like taking a breather sort of break?"
Melanie shook her head.
"Or did you actually meant...?"
He trailed off with widened eyes although he knew exactly what Melanie meant, but couldn't let it sink in to process fully. The sad smile only grew on Melanie's face as she took a few more steps back from Mark.
"Goodbye, Mark, and take real care."
It was four in the morning and Mark was outside of Melanie's apartment after their break-up from a few months ago. He knocked door every so often in hopes of Melanie answering so he could actually speak to her. They haven't contacted one another since the break-up and so Melanie wondered what her ex-boyfriend wanted as she peeked through the peephole. She was going to ignore him, but he was persistent. She sighed and opened the door with Mark in mid-knock so that her neighbors wouldn't become annoyed and check the situation.
The pair stared at one another as Melanie awaited what Mark wanted to explain himself. As for Mark he stood there as to collect his thoughts as his mind totally blanked once his ex-girlfriend opened the door. Still, even after like three minutes had passed, the silence continued without either of them speaking. Melanie sighed knowing that she shouldn't have expected Mark to change and was about to close the door when Mark held a hand against the door to prevent Melanie from closing it.
Just as Melanie glared at Mark and was about to say something, but she quickly noticed the dark circles beneath his eyes. Melanie also noticed that his faced seemed haggard than before. She wondered how she could have missed that and only noticed them now. She assumed her mind was hoping for something else and missed them. Melanie face soften as she came to the thought that it might've been due to their break-up that caused Mark to look so pale and tired, too. Well, she hoped that was the case.
Mark suddenly blurted out as Melanie's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Your favorite flower, forget-me-not. Because of the color and how it got it's name."
"BamBam probably told you that, Mark."
Melanie tried to reason, but Mark shook his head with a small smile.
"There's a horror movie with the same name and the flower ended up becoming your favorite after you watched it."
"BamBam probably told you that, too, since my sister and him are the only one that knows that."
"Blue is your favorite color although you don't wear it often."
Melanie was going to counter, but Mark continued to talk.
"But you do wear your most disliked color which is red a lot though."
"Look, M-"
Mark interrupted her and pushed the door a little wider when he felt that Melanie was trying to close it on him again.
"You don't have a favorite food in particular as you like eating everything, but you do have a stash of snacks and candies that you even carry a few in your bag. It's the same with movies and shows as you don't have a favorite and you like watching them although you're not into animated films like your sister."
Melanie tried to wrap this whole thing around her head, but it just left her more confused on why he was answering the questions months later.
Melanie asked causing Mark to stop to stare at her.
"Why, what?"
"Why, now, Mark? What does it matter to you in finally being able to answer the questions months I asked after we broke up? So why? Why now? What does this benefit you in the end?"
"Because I can't continue to convince myself that I don't miss you, Melanie."
Mark confessed.
"I try so hard to not think of you, Melanie, I do. I always see your face every time I close my eyes. I just can't escape. I don't wanna fall asleep knowing that you'll end up appearing in my dreams all night long every time."
Melanie was left speechless by his confession. As for Mark he felt relieved admitting what's been burdening him these past few months.
"I never realized how much of a difference your presence impacted my life when I came to terms with the truth that you were no longer mine or a part of my life anymore."
Mark wanted to reach out and take Melanie into his arms, but he restrained himself knowing that he didn't have that privileged and right to do that anymore.
"I neglected your importance and your feelings, but most of all out of everything in the end I failed to see that I neglected you, Melanie, and the love you gave." Mark admitted.
"You're the one who was supposed to be my last that I would love and only love, but I treated you like you meant nothing to me."
Melanie regarded Mark throughout his confession and admittance while feeling his words and emotions tug at her heartstrings. Could she really forgive him so easily? Could she even think about being in a relationship with him again? Could she even see a future for them if she gave him another chance, but if he asks for another chance though? Melanie honestly didn't know for sure, but she did know for sure was that she wanted to do one thing right then and there.
"Can I hug you?"
Instead of receiving a response Melanie felt herself being pulled towards Mark's chest without any sort of hesitation. Mark enveloped Melanie into his arms having missed the way she felt within his embrace after realizing how much those intimate moments meant. Although initially shocked by the sudden skinship as she thought that Mark may not have wanted to hug, but she relaxed and hugged him back. Melanie relished in the familiar scent and feel of Mark that she got lost in the mood and missed what Mark had just said.
She hummed while pulling back far enough to look at him.
"What did you say?"
Mark smiled as he repeated what he had just said a moment ago.
"November sixteen. January sixteen."
Melanie gave him a funny look before realization hit her that Mark answered the last two questions before they broke up.
"The day of my birthday and our anniversary."
Mark nodded as his smiled widened before speaking.
"You had a major and long crush on me and liked me ever since moving here."
"I did not."
Mark ignored Melanie's comment.
"You think you suck at cooking which is partially true, but it's passable when you put in actual effort."
Melanie slightly smacked his forearm, but Mark continued with a lighter tone to his voice.
"And you've been wanting for us to officially move in together some time late next year and maybe once we're settled to adopt a pet dog since you're slightly allergic to cats."
"Wow, BamBam really has a big mouth and can't keep secrets."
Melanie pouted now knowing that Mark new that she wanted to live together with him.
"Big mouth or not, Melanie, but I'm so sorry for causing you so much heartache while we were together. I'm willing to spend the rest of my life to never make you feel alone or lonely ever again."
"That's a really big responsibility to take, Mark. How do you even know I wanna get back together with you?"
"Because you asked me for a hug."
Melanie was confused by his words at first, but then remember telling him back when they had first met that for her a hug always meant reconciliation. It was because she was never one for initiating skinship unless she felt like it or when the time called for it. Also if Melanie ever fought with her significant other and she wanted to be the one to make up first, then she would initiate the hug to settle the score.
"You remembered?" She asked in disbelief.
"Eventually I did after thinking and reminiscing over the past few months and the time we spent with one another over the years for it to register in my memory."
Mark admitted with a sheepish chuckle.
"It just took me a lot longer to realize a lot of things, Melanie, but I really hope you'll continued to lead me well and be patient because I don't wanna lose you ever again."
He gently cupped her face while rubbing circles over her cheekbones with his thumbs.
"I don't know what I'll do if I can't see your face ever again, Melanie."
"Then don't, Mark."
Mark was confused before Melanie hugged him again, but tighter as she spoke into his chest.
"Because I've loved and missed you too much to not have endured all of it for this long to not give another chance at us again."
Mark hugged Melanie just as tight while nuzzling his face against her head.
"This time and until the end of time, my love for you will make up for all the heartaches I caused. Because you are my last and I'm yours."
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my annotations for chappy 11 of ysijwa
this is just for drea and leyla to read so if you're not drea or leyla pls keep scrolling :)
ok this is pretty chaotic and like i said earlier i treated this ike a wattpad comment section so... have fun ig :)
jealous y/n you say???
now i know why you ignored all my tiktok asks lmao
truly madly deeply intended :)
damn he's kind of a narcissist yk? like "I have to be serious my entire family depends on it" shut up mr darcy you're not special
devout in his religion hmmmmmm hopefully we see some more religious trauma content bc me too vampy
awww he wants kids but now he cant have them bc hes... dead :(
AWWW his sister taught him to knit :( if he doesn't knit bloodbag a sweater i swear to god
stuffy moron is correct
he's so dumb she was with him bc he's hot that much should be obvious to him🙄
i love that he remembers the spinal cord dislocation and the dead leaves . like yea im dead rn but the leaves in my hair are really what's bothering me the most
what the fuck is a maw
ok i looked it up i get it now
"attachment is for gullible idiots" yup and youre one of them vampy 😌
"the warmest skin his icy fingers had ever had the good fortune to touch" im so soft rn
oh so now she has "a wholesome beauty about her nature" ? i thought she was just cute enough 🤨
"the responsibility of keeping her safe, satisfied, and happy" how 🥺 🥺🥺
"as long as he breathes" i thought he didn't breathe lmao BUT I GET THE SENTIMENT
"always when it comes to her" IM SCREAMING RN THIS IS SO SOFT I CANT
ill never forgive him for being so dense either his brain is basically a rock
couldnt be me i dont want to be percieved
HEY a hamilton obsession is not childish😤
'the only person who was allowed to touch him there was y/n' he's like a little kid who's possessive omggggggg
oh this reminds me i rlly hope everything in that chest was new and had never been used on anyone else owijfowiejfioewj
oh please my irish king can control himself let y/n meet the other vamps🙄
"if they knew all along why did it take so long" yk im wondering the same thing dummy
"every day was a battle to earn her love and affection" wtffff how could she hurt him like that he is just a baby
i think he needs therapy tbh
yes he does deserve to be treated with respect and dignity😤
"supporting and tolerating them despite your differences" exactly unless they're a republican
they did everything backwards but it's what baby needed🥺
im literally gonna 🔪 bradley how dare he hurt my favorite ribeye like that
PROPER BOYFRIEND-GIRLFRIEND BONDING PLSSSSS im sure he makes sure to say stuff like "as your boyfriend' or 'since youre my girlfriend' all the time now
"everything that has to do with harry has always and will always make her feel safe and secure" ...who's gonna tell her👀
awwww my love language is also quality times bestiesssssss
(this is more serious you might want to change the words to nose kisses or something because esk*mo is a slur)
HE wants to be wrapped in HER arms and get forehead kissies like a little baby🥺🥺
i can tell you wrote this chappy bc leyla would never write about ice cream
omg i have a thot imagine if she got a heart murmur or something and obvi he knows bc he can hear it so now he has to find a way to make her get it checked out out without being suspicious 😭
“nearly blinds himself for eternity” what a drama queen i love him
maybe learn how to turn your brightness down grandpa
“can women sense emotional distress” why is this so funny oiewfjwieojfioewj
not a psychotic episode 😭😭
crippling mommy issues woejfkljdklsjsdf me too king
awwwww he made her a full buffet i would cry
matchy socks im gonna sob
king is a chef 😌
y/n’s head @ harry’s clavicle rn: 💥
“his plush chest” drea its ok you can say titties
“absolutely flawless”? are you sure shes not just cute enough 🤨
he got her oat milk 🥺the sign of true love
hes such a shithead i love him
she traces a tiny heart on him wtfffffffffff im sad
this… is hot
“theres no room on the counter” owifjlksjfslkfjklsj
HE WOULD WALK THROUGH FIRE FOR HER maybe then he’d be a little less cold
im sorry that was wrong of me lisjfskldjfwoiejewiojrei
oh boy hes gonna kill her
literally shut the fuck up mr english major
do it bestie kick him in the balls
“character development at its finest” what a self aware king
y/n stop being mean to him baby just wants to feel close ☹️
“I’m anemic” ok king whatever u say
ahhhhhhh it’s yoga time
“just ask your cervix” jlksdjflksdjflkdsjflk
“if only you knew” ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
yeah y/n isnt like those other girls 🤪 shes different 🤪
yes bestie objectify him
“He hasn't been this stiff since rigor mortis”
i think about this on a daily basis i truly do
grey shorts? what a slut
“call the lapd im pressing charges” me after walking up the stairs
him using his shirt as a towel im BARKING
“I wasnt jealous” yea ok 😃
yeah harold she just wanted a little kiss 😤
yeah 😃 its bc he ran track 😃
no bc thats so fucking cute that she pretended she had never seen the show before bc he was excited to introduce her to it 🥺
I would do the same tbh i feel like it would be fun to wash dishes with harry idk why
“that skank” oisjksldfjklsjfklsdjflkd
he gets her a cup of water 🥺
ok but like wouldn't she want to wash her hair after it got all sweaty at yoga
awwwww she got his toothbrush ready for him why am i so soft rn
memory foam mattresses sound nice but actually they kind of suck bc you sink down and feel trapped in them 😃
niall is probably on the dumbest side of tiktok idek what side but it’s probably annoying and he thinks it’s hilarious
noooo baby youre not a monster🥺 someone give him a hug rn
well actually you are kind of a monster but its ok we still love u bestie
I too run on caffeine and pizza pockets 😌
chatsnap hes such an old man 😭
true lmao if you dont have social media i immediately dont trust you
not the i just washed my hands tiktok 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“my eyes are stinging” hes such a baby 😭
“are you all right” “I dont know :(’ i cant handle this my face hurts from smiling lksjflkjafklj
he has a kitchenaid stand mixer omg thats so sexy
ok but has anyone ever gotten salmonella from raw cookie dough bc i think thats just a myth
fuck u for that one vampy
wow he could never deal with my chronically ill ass
I agree body is absolutely an instrumental masterpiece
“I know youre kinda into that (getting smacked in the face)” SHUT UPPPPPPP SKJFSKDLJFDS
“I think i popped something” ok old man 😭
why is the word wench so funny lkfjslkfjdslkfjsdlkfj
dont hand it over i want to see him snap
not guerrilla warfare 😭😭😭😭
do it bestie give him a concussion he deserves it
“no piece of art could ever compare to her” 🥺🥺
“remember that time you told me making out was childish” “no” i hate him 😭
THERE IT IS AGAIN “sex isnt the only way he can feel close to someone anymore” SHUT THE FUCK UP IM SOBBING
this reminds me of the dehydrated intercourse with demonrry
“don’t care, relationships are about sharing’ hes so sdjfksldjfklsjf
suing disney for false advertisement 😭
THIS SCENE IS KILLING ME LKJFKLSJFLDSJ “just pucker your lips over it” “You have actual brain damage, dont you?” DREA I LOVE YOU KSDJFLDSKJFLKSDJ
how do those bubbles taste babe
ok drea wtf i was so happy and now this??????
“everything’s wrong” NO SHUT UP SHUT UP ITS HAPPY HOURS
not the boob privileges 😭
WAIT THIS IS FROM THE BSE MV ISNT IT “dance is just so hot rn” “depressing shades are just so hot rn”
“youre so fucking cute, my baby” me when i see literally any picture of him
“betrayed. objectified. taken advantage of. used. “ i hate him sm 😭😭
stop him worrying she’ll think it's weird and wont want to do it 🥺
“bold of you to assume id ever be convicted” PLS DREA LAKFJDKSLFJ
“the more you talk, the more appealing manslaughter sounds” I CHOKED DLSKFJDSKLFJDKSJFDSKLJ
Im sorry but its really funny to me how you wrote the sentence “wrong metal, he thinks ironically” … get it ? like IRONically lkfjdslkfj im sorry i’ll show myself out
“this boy?” what a fucking cutie i want to kick him
I forgot what a bop helpless is thanks for reminding me im gonna go listen to the entire soundtrack again-
theyre so fucking cute i hate them
so yea bascally this is the best thing ive ever read and i love you so much and my face hurts from smiling :)))
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lesbiancarat · 3 years
Yay!! Im happy to hear that! Hopefully you can rest up well from your semester!
Ahh by that I meant like you know how kpop albums have concept pictures included? Thats how I view what the TTT magazines are just minus a physical disc cx sorry for the confusion!! Honestly this is all so new and interesting, seventeen never really done something like this. Yes we had mixtape songs but not in this way so promotion will be different. I saw wonwoo and mingyu are doing a song but that isn't related to spider so that means its like jun's and minghao's songs. Which makes things a bit confusing lol, not complaining since hey more content for us ^_^ but yeah guess we have yo see when the next solo actually is. Oh and seventeen coming back!! This is the kind of news I needed, I'm shocked they actually have their own usa site to buy stuff (sort of like nct has) because I know bts nor txt don't. Well bts USED to but that was before bighit decided to shut it down in favor for weverse which sadly I don't see the need for (plus call me old and weird but I don't trust buying stuff from apps? Like I feel a bit more comfy on a computer which Ik doesn't mean its not safer but meh, apps make me fishy lol) also Walmart is selling the albums, bless my family uses Walmart alot (like we used it last night xD) so maybe I can squeeze it in next time? Granted I want to wait for the concept photos first because while I do like a surprise, its also just nice knowing what the vibe is. Or be the complete opposite of what the mv will be about lol.
Ahh as much i was being hopeful and had her eat, sadly my bunny didn't make it =c she passed away on the weekend. She was a strong bunbun, she tried her best to make it out but alas she didn't win. I'm a bit happy my gut instinct told me to spend time with her because at least I got to be with her for her last hour. It kinda sucks because I feel slightly guilty because I couldn't get her the proper help so I feel like I let her down (especially after I found out from reviews the food I bought for her is actually not good for bunnies and can cause problems so I feel dumb) I shouldn't since I gave my bunny the best love I could give while caring for her so she wasn't in a bad place with me. Still can't shake that off, feels weird not waking up and seeing her around or like when I play games she isn't near me chilling. Healing takes time of course so I'm making myself busy with enjoying content from my favorite artists. I made a lil promise that I would finish a game that I played alot while she joined me (it sounds silly but I viewed it as like "our game" ya know?) For her in memory. Sorry for babbling about this bsksbsjd. Losing a pet isn't fun at all. I am so sorry about your cat *hugs you* im sure that furry buddy was well loved!! If I may ask of course, do you have a favorite memory of your cat? Like any funny moment or cute ones?
ahhh ok i get what you mean! it will definitely be interesting to see how it all plays out since SVT haven't done a project like this before. I'm really curious how spread out all the solos are going to be. esp with a cb coming up it seems unlikely we'll get a TTT solo any time soon? but then again SVT are always surprising us these days. but i wonder if they'll come out just whenever a member happens to prepare it or if it's all scheduled out at semi regular intervals 🤔
but yeah it looks like bittersweet is part of the power of love project as opposed to TTT... it's getting complicated real fast! and yeah SVT is definitely expanding into/focusing more on US promotions now... it will be interesting to see how it all plays out! but i totally get what u mean about preferring to buy things on the computer it's funny how that is sometimes djfkgj i had been thinking about preordering the other day since it seemed like we wouldn't be able to pick the version we want anyway, but now that there are some shops that let you i definitely want to wait and see the teaser photos. every day i keep expecting them to start releasing but we get a different surprise instead OTL
I'm sorry to hear about your bunny :( but it's good that you were able to spend time with her at the end, I'm sure it made her feel safe to have someone who cared for her by her side rather than being alone <3 try not to feel too guilty about it, since what's done is done and there's no way to know for sure if it was the sole reason for her failing health. it's good that you're able to recognize and work through your grief, and i think finishing that game is a great way to do that and to honor her memory :')
and thanks, we lost her a little while ago now so luckily thinking about her is more nostalgic than sad. but as for a funny story Riley was a gremlin. she got up on the counters and kitchen table a lot when we weren't looking. she also liked eating paper and we had to be careful where we left things bc once she ate my sister's homework. which, ok, she didn't eat the entire paper but she did eat a corner of it and sort of ripped and crinkled the rest. i can't remember if my sister turned it in like that or if she had to redo it djgkgj
here's a picture of the frame/shadowbox thing my mom made for her after she died with photos, her collar (which she hated and hardly ever wore dhfk), and her favorite toy ;-;
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also u didn't ask but here's my other cat liberty from a few days ago :P (she's getting older and has arthritis and kidney issues but she's still alive and kicking!)
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mikarashis · 5 years
Ensemble Stars Episode 4 Analysis
Let’s jump right in!
I’m still not sold on Anzu narrating the flashback/intro things because most of the time she doesn’t really add anything that a subtitle or heading couldn’t provide, but oh well.
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Braid!Hokke!!  And Daikichi!!  
Flailing aside, I’m very happy to see this sort of flashback because it gives me hope for future episodes that they’ll combine important plot points with the main story.
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DAIKICHI IS SO CUTE.  And basically just the dog version of Subaru...or is it the other way around…
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Mention of Subaru’s father...oh no…
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I know everyone’s noticed Subaru doing the Koto-bomb but it’s still perfect.
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Subaru’s reaction to seeing Hajime is the greatest thing.
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They are so pure
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Rei just creeping in the shadows.  Honestly there were so many looks and references between these two that I’m growing more and more convinced they’re going to bring up Deadmanz in the anime at some point (also the Crossroads event has now been fully translated so if you want feelings about these two...go read it…)
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Also this line being included really makes me think it’ll get some focus…
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I mean honestly, Keito has probably read a lot of battle manga in his life
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MY NINJA SON IS WORKING HARD.  I’m so happy to see Shinobu even if he doesn’t get a proper introduction yet.
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Mitsuru’s just eating popcorn in the background.  Mitsuru is me
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I do feel kind of bad for them since as a first-year unit they’re still trying to establish themselves and by going along with Rei’s plan they basically ensure they’re not really earning any points from this system, but also it’s all for a greater cause and they seem happy to contribute to that! 
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This is a tiny little detail but I love that Mao can’t meet Keito’s eyes here.
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Sorry Hokke your training still isn’t over.
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I’M LAUGHING but I’m so sorry, Makoto…
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Hokke no he just literally doesn’t know what he’s doing (help him)
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Me: ...did they really spell Akatsuki wrong
Me: ……...oh they did
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I really like how they used things from the MV for Rebellion Star, too, since that was a contest the game held a while back and everyone kind of collectively decided that Trickstar deserved to win and this of course was the song that was voted for. 
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Mitsuru is still eating popcorn.  Mitsuru is still me.
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I love that Arashi  just wanders into the 3rd year classes to bug Izumi.
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Also I’m really, really glad they have this in here at all because it’s one of the things I think the stageplay did well and I was hoping they’d incorporate it into the anime, too - though, let’s be honest, the only reason Arashi was in the first stageplay was because of Kitamu, but since it does help Izumi’s character, it’s actually beneficial to the way the story plays out.  
Izumi at this point in the year is...not thinking clearly, and Arashi is one of the only people - probably the only person at this particular time - that can keep him in check and knows what he’s like under all the fronts he likes to put up.  The truth is, Izumi really is worried about Makoto, but the ways in which he expresses that somewhat irrational level of fear are...not great.  
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You’re beautiful and a queen and I love you
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Poor girl
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Look at this tiny angry bunny 
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I did see some people saying this didn’t feel like a victory and that Trickstar won too easily but...they barely won.  Without Rei interfering and the combined efforts of people from multiple other units helping them out, there’s no way they would have come out on top, so it can’t really be called a total victory.  
Also, in video game terms, Akatsuki is in no way the final boss…
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I mean, they even say that it’s just the ‘first step’, and it really is
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Honestly Tori and his moving ahoge are so amusing, I’m loving that addition with him.
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Mao literally thought they were just going to kick him out of stuco but again, I’m glad they didn’t because it’s something really interesting with his character.  Also Keito has a massive soft spot for Mao but that’s going to be explored later so I won’t comment on it too much for now!
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I’m laughing at ‘I only asked Tori to join so I’d get you’ because honestly Keito, Mao and Yuzuru are the only ones that actually do any work around there.
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I honestly forget Akiomi is technically the stuco adviser most of the time but he really did just show up to say a bunch of cryptic things and then leave, huh.
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Keito he’s literally strolling around the grounds right now, someone go collect him.
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They actually explained the marble from the opening song pretty early with this but I guess it ties into the scene they showed at the beginning of the episode nicely.
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They really did The Most with introducing Eichi this way
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Of course he had to mention Keito.  Of course.
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I have so much to say about the atmosphere and the camera angles but my first thought looking at this is ‘damn, he’s pretty’ and maybe that’s the most important thing.  It’s very atmospheric with the swirling cherry blossoms and the moonlight and the background music is so off-putting next to all of that, it’s the perfect way to bring Eichi into things.  
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Oh boy, now the real fun begins. 
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I am not ready for Valkyrie.  I am not ready for Valkyrie’s history.  I am...not…
That being said, considering the buildup that the Oddballs were given last week and that quite honestly the main story itself doesn’t really get into why everyone’s so intimidated by Eichi, this is a good way to go about things by showcasing the past events that explain how exactly he took control of the school.  
And by good I mean tears are going to be shed.  A lot of them.  
……..good luck to all of us……..
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kpoprambles00-blog · 5 years
Spring 2019 comeback review [Part 1]
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I don't give a shit if it's the middle of summer, there were way too many good comebacks in the spring. I can't NOT talk about them.
Seriously, I don't know who was in charge of the scheduling for this comeback season, but good LORD they were out to kill me. Every other day it seemed like we had a major comeback, or at least a comeback I personally was interesting. And while that's great, because it gives me a lot of material to talk about here... it also gives me a LOT of material to talk about here. It's one of the main reasons why this is so late; there were almost TOO many damn comebacks and reviews. This review nearly ended up being three parts long. That's how intense it got.
But in the end, I've narrowed it down to 20 songs I wanted to talk about. (I say that as if 20 is a small number...) Now, keep in mind, I have already done some reviews of spring comebacks; namingly, Dreamcatcher, MAMAMOO, TWICE, BLACKPINK and (G)I-DLE. They won't be mentioned here (because that would be overkill at this point), but if you want to read my reviews and find out what I thought of each comeback, they're all on this blog!
Anyway, that's enough rambling. I'll be here for another two months at this rate. Spring comebacks, let's go!
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I didn't think I'd be able to say this after (G)I-DLE, but... this might just be one of the most promising girl group debuts of the 3rd gen. If not THE most promising.
Like. Wow. This sounds like a song that a pre-established artist would release mid-way through their career, only to be received with critical acclaim and everyone calling it "their best song". BUT IT'S JUST THEIR DEBUT SONG. WHAT. There are very few debuts that leave me speechless - (G)I-DLE impressed me, yes, but they didn't drop my jaw or anything. Everglow DID. If you've been seeing a lot of hype around this song, then trust me when I say it's for a fucking good reason.
"Bon Bon Chocolat" is one of the most intense and powerful girl group songs I've heard in the past year or so. I had no clue what to expect going in, admittedly, but man this was a fantastic surprise. The instrumental, for starters, is fucking nuts. It's got this phenomenal 808 bass line that permeates the entire song, along with some really interesting bass drum beats and some gorgeous, vibrant synths to help boost the melody. It's a tour de force of momentum that just does not fucking stop, and I for one am in for the ride. The vocal samples are another standout, as well; the minute you hear those fast-paced adlibs at the beginning, that's when you know that this is going to be something special.
Speaking of vocals, that's probably my only gripe with this song. Each of the members' performances are layered with quite a bit of autotune, which I'm not the biggest fan of. But the more I listen to it, the more I feel like it works in the song's favor. Sure, it does make their voices less distinct and makes it harder for you to get a feel for the members' charms (which is important for a debut, in my opinion), but the song is so damn good that it actually ends up working. In a weird way. The fact that the girls are able to pull of this sound and concept without sounding like they're trying to be the next BLACKPINK is... amazing in my eyes. It's a trap so many rookie groups can fall into, trying to sound like a hugely popular and successful artist. But Everglow have their own charm, and it shines from start to finish.
Lyrically, this song is certainly invocative of a debut. It's got that sort of "you can do anything if you believe in yourself" message to it, but it's a very confident and fresh take. The charm and personality of the lyrics actually works, and is boosted by, the girls' performances and that amazing instrumental. They honestly elevate what would normally be some pretty standard lyrics into something more interesting and worth your time.
You, straighten up your shoulders and get up Look at the world outside the window That's been trapping and hiding you
Oh, and guess what? The choreo is phenomenal as well. WHO WOULD'VE GUESSED, HUH.
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And that brilliance makes a lot of sense when you realise that that was choreographed by Lia Kim. Yeah. Lia Kim from 1MILLION. Only one of the most successful and celebrated dance companies out there right now. She is really fucking good at what she does, and that mastery comes across in spades here. This routine ebbs and flows in all the right places, and you can really tell how considerate she was when choreographing it; you can tell she wanted it to match the song perfectly, and she really fucking nailed it in that regard. It also helps that the girls of Everglow themselves are all great dancers, too; they've got so much power and finesse to their moves that helps them flow excellently from one move to the next.
Overall, this was fucking fantastic. I absolutely cannot wait to see where these girls go next, because if it's anywhere near as good as "Bon Bon Chocolat", these girls are going to go far.
DAEHYUN (대현) - YOU'RE MY (너는 내게)
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Alright, I'll admit that this is a very indulgent pick for me. But shhhhh let me have my moment okay.
For those of you who haven't been keeping up with the latest bullshit going on over at TS Entertainment, you might not know that B.A.P ended up basically disbanding a few months ago. All of the members gradually left the label - thank FUCK - and now they've all gone their own separate ways to follow new paths. Although, as a BABY since debut, I really do think they'll come back at some point. The boys are all incredibly close, and I don't feel like they'd just want to stop being B.A.P just because they're not under TS anymore.
But the first thing a lot of the members have been doing is pursuing solo projects, a lot of which actually dropped in springtime. Yongguk released "Hikikomori (히키코모리)", Youngjae released "Another Night", and Daehyun released "You're My (너는 내게)". And while all three songs are fantastic - you should seriously go check them out if you get the chance, they're hidden gems that more people should know about - I decided to review Daehyun's for this comeback review. I'd love to do all three, but I've got enough songs to review as it is.
And that's mainly because... well, Daehyun's my ultimate bias. (Well, at least my ultimate male bias; Hyosung from Secret is my ultimate female bias). He was my first ever proper bias in K-Pop, and he's been my favourite in B.A.P since day one. So it was inevitable that I was going to be interested in whatever he releases. And it turns out that he really decided to play to his strengths here, because "You're My (너는 내게)" is a mid-tempo ballad that really gives his amazing vocals room to breathe. Now, whilst ballads are not generally something I seek out, I'll make certain exceptions if I really like the artists. And yeah, I was always going to make an exception for Daehyun.
This actually reminds me a lot of one of Kyuhyun's solo songs, "At Gwanghwamun (광화문에서)", and considering that that's another ballad I really like, that's a great thing! Both songs are relatively chill, relaxed and pleasant to listen to, with their own instrumental swells where it's deemed necessarily. But I do honestly prefer "You're My (너는 내게)" a little more in the end - mainly since I feel like it has a bit more impact. The instrumental really suits Daehyun here, and the strings and piano lines are perfect for his vocal tone. They're very warm and welcoming, which is one of my favourite qualities about his voice. Whereas Kyuhyun always goes for a slightly breathier tone, Daehyun is very well able to lean into full-on belts every now and again, and... yeah. I do prefer this overall. Daehyun's voice is just killer for me.
And yeah, as is to be expected from a ballad like this, the lyrics are quite sweet and emotional. They're even a little bit pensive in places. But with Daehyun, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that some of these lyrics are aimed at BABYs as a whole. He's always been very clear about how much he loves and supports the fandom as a whole; seriously, go look at his Twitter and you'll see what I mean. He's a very grateful, very kind person, and that's reflected in a lot of these lyrics. Yes, they can be about romance, too, but considering this is his first time really venturing out on his own outside of B.A.P... it makes a lot of sense. It's very heartwarming. 😊
When things were hard, you were always by my side That's the reason I was able to live I won't forget, I'll always remember
While "You're My (너는 내게)" is probably going to feel like just another ballad to some people, to me - and probably a lot of other BABYs as well - it'll stand out as a big moment for Dae. Wherever he decides to take his solo career from here, you can bet it'll be good. He's a genuinely great guy with some real talent, and I hope both he and the other members of B.A.P do well in their solo careers. They honestly deserve it. 😊
ITZY (있지) - DALLA DALLA (달라달라)
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...where... the fuck... do I start with this.
Okay, so JYP. One of the big three. Of course, going into the next gen of K-Pop, they'll have TWICE and GOT7. But they're mainly 3rd generation groups. Stray Kids are going to need a sister group of sorts to go with them into the next generation, right? So they debuted Itzy! And adorable name aside, these girls had a lot, and I mean a LOT of hype around them coming up to debut. Need I remind you that Shin Ryujin won MIXNINE? Yeah, that's just the start of it.
But... as we all know, this was originally supposed to be a six-member group. Of course, Somi was originally going to be a part of Itzy. But she left, and recently started her own solo career (which will be in the summer comeback review). So that leaves the remaining five members of Itzy to push forward as a beacon of what K-Pop can be, of how different and unique and memorable it can be, right? They might end up being the face of the next generation!
...with a song like this? God, I... kinda hope not...
Yeah, this is going to sound harsh. But JYP, this is NOT how you debut a promising girl group. I'm sorry, but it needs to be said - if you like the song, good for you, I'm glad you can find things you find enjoyable here. But I cannot listen to "Dalla Dalla (달라달라)" and think of it as anything else other than a raging dumpster fire. The only way this song is even listenable for me is if it's rearranged. Which, yes, that's the version I've been listening to since the day it came out. The original version is just... awful. AND THAT'S SUCH A GODDAMN SHAME.
Say what you will about me hating on Itzy for doing something different, but I really do love the image and concept that they're going for here. They're not trying to blend in; they're their own thing, and they make that clear from moment one. But... jeez, "Dalla Dalla (달라달라)" rams that message into your face so hard that it already feels stale. What the fuck happened, JYP? You have five of the most talented trainees out there in K-Pop right now, and you give them this as their debut song?! Don't get me wrong, it has its merits - the verses and choruses are nice. They're fun, upbeat and are great examples of bouncy bubblegum pop. They sound lovely! And the "don't care what people say" bridge is gorgeous as well.
But... the rest of this song... it doesn't even sound like music. It sounds dissonant. It sounds messy. It sounds downright atonal. It's like a rollercoaster that's going way too fast because of a fault in its engineering. It's got this awful mess of synths and blaring samples that just... doesn't mesh. At all. and it ruins the song's ending ENTIRELY. It's so bad. Seriously. I can't imagine a world where I listen to it and find it entertaining. Who let Skrillex lose in JYP's studio?
And the lyrics... yeah, they're fine, I guess. For a concept that was trying to be so different and distinctive, you could've had your songwriters come up with some more interesting lyrics, JYP. They're nothing we haven't heard before. They're spunky, yes, and they suit the girls' age, but... are they really all that different?
Just pretty but not attractive at all I'm different from the kids, I'm different Don't measure me by your standards alone I love being myself, I'm nobody else
Thankfully, there are two good things about this song in the end: number one is the girls themselves. The hype around the members was certainly justified if you ask me. Every single one of them has their own charm and personality, and they seem like they're going to develop into amazing performers; if they're this good now, then I can't wait to see where they are in five years' time. But the second good thing about "Dalla Dalla (달라달라)" is THAT. MOTHERFUCKING. DANCE.
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Now THIS is how you debut a rookie girl group like Itzy. This is one of those routines where I watch it and can't help but wonder how the fuck they're even alive after such an energetic routine. It by no means negates the fact that the song is a mess - I don't think anything could at this point - but damn, this is about the best choreo we could've gotten here. It also helps that all five girls are excellent performers, and they pull off each move with so much finesse and clarity that it's awe-inspiring. And yes, the hairflips are equally as amazing. ESPECIALLY Yeji. Like... goddamn girl, Ariana Grande called, she heard how much her ponytail suits you and wanted to say you can keep it.
So while the routine is possibly one of the best this year, the song... couldn't be further from that. Yeah, if I make a worst list this year, this'll be on it. I sure as hell hope JYP actually give Itzy a song that shows them some respect next time, because this goes down as one of the worst debut songs in my memory. Yeah. I dislike it that much. These girls deserve better, full stop.
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Debuts aside, someone who's had my attention from day one of their solo career is Taemin. I remember hearing "Danger" for the first time and being blown away at just how well he handled himself outside of SHINee. And he's never really let up that momentum; "Press Your Number" was fantastic, "Move" was one of the biggest songs of last year, and now he's released his follow up to that, "Want". And even though I liked "Move" for what it was, I think "Want" might just be its slightly better cousin.
Taemin's established an image for himself that is frought with sex appeal. I mean, seriously, just go watch this man dance if you haven't already. You'll see what I mean. It suits his vocal tone, too, since he's got this very breathy yet charismatic whisper of sorts that just sounds really damn unique. That image was pretty much perfected with "Move", but "Want" evolves on it in a few interesting ways. The instrumental takes advantage of this strange, distorted sample that sounds super different and mysterious; it's not something you can describe easily. But then there's also a thumping bassline and some really interesting, deep synths that work beautifully alongside it. Everything in the instrumental is masterfully crafted, and it all plays into that main image Taemin is going for - this song is dirty, and it's not afraid to show that.
That says a lot about Taemin as a performer, too. He uses his aforementioned breathy tone in some places, but then dips into his lower range and full-on belts in others. It's a really damn clever mix of the two, and it only serves to further the song's tone. The vocal distortion effects used here and there are goddamn great, too! This sort of sexy image is not something Taemin's ever shyed away from; he's embraced it, and "Want" makes that message loud and clear. It's so damn well put together, and carries out its concept with such elegance and poise (and a hell of a lot of charisma to boot).
Don't even get me started on the lyrics - you thought the song was sexy? Hooo man, that's nothing. These are straight up FILTHY. They really play into the Adam and Eve concept shown in the video, too. It's very reminiscent of Gain's "Paradise Lost" in that sense, and I really, REALLY like it.
You'll want it more, you'll burn up more I'm your eyes, I'll make you open up new eyes I'm your toy to make you innocent
But, of course, it's Taemin. He doesn't just have a reputation for being sexy. He has a reputation as one of the best goddamn dancers to come out of K-Pop, period. And yeah, watching the choreography for this song shows exactly what I mean by that.
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I feel bad for anyone who attempts a dance cover of this song. Damn, I even feel bad for the fucking backup dancers here. Taemin is just THAT good. He's got such a fine sense of poise and finesse to every movement he has, and you can really tell he doesn't just dance for the sake of it. Taemin is one of those rare people that really feels whatever routine he's dancing to; this is a masterclass in that. And yet, it's as if he's holding back; he knows we're going to want to see him go nuts and blow us all away, but the choreography is restrained... which links perfectly back into the theming of the lyrics and music video. Honestly, the dance makes this song a near masterpiece in my eyes; it's flawlessly executed and masterfully put together.
To think I was nearly going to leave this song off this list because of having so much to cover... I'm glad I didn't. Taemin's one of the strongest solo artists in K-Pop at the minute, and he delights with each and every single comeback. He can step on me and I'd say thank you, and that just about sums up how phenomenal "Want" is as a song.
HWASA (화사) - TWIT (멍청이)
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When I found out that Hwasa was going to get a full-on solo, I can't begin to tell you how happy I was. She's been my bias in MAMAMOO since day one, and her solo projects on past albums have been great. So to see her get a promoted solo was awesome! Yes, it was cut short to actually let the girls breathe between promotions for this and Gogobebe (as well as preparation for their concert), but that's completely understandable. And yet, the song doesn't feel rushed or undercooked at all - it's a full-on solo effort from Hwasa, and a very successful effort if you ask me!
Outside of the debacle with the girls' schedules, I feel like RBW are doing a good job managing MAMAMOO, and that's clearly evident here with Hwasa. They noticed how popular she's becoming, especially after her viral MAMAs performance last year, and decided to capitalize on that by giving her a solo. And not gonna lie, "Twit (멍청이)" is just about the perfect song for Hwasa. It is LITERALLY her strengths and personality condensed into a song. She gets to show off her sultry, confident side that she's known for, whilst also showing a lot of vulnerability and tenderness in the lyrics; she's got a charm that's so damn hard to place, but this song does it perfectly. I couldn't imagine anyone else singing this - it just wouldn't suit them like it suits Hyejin.
The song itself is certainly memorable, too. The instrumental is more reminiscent of standard pop, with some interesting flute elements that make the melody incredibly catchy. The trumpet synths in the second half work really well in contrast with the more natural guitar tones in the verses, too; "Twit (멍청이)" is very good at building and maintaining its momentum as a song. None of it feels forced or shoe-horned in at the last minute, and I really like that! It feels very complete and distinctive.
Like I mentioned, though, the lyrics are much more emotional than you'd expect. Yes, the song itself is confident and in your face (and Hwasa's voice is powerful as all hell, let's be real), but the lyrics are... certainly surprising. Hell, there's even a goddamn reference to Korean folklore, and the story of Simcheong. There's more to the relationship here than you'd initially think, that's for sure. Hwasa admits that because she's so confident and independent, she's often the driving force in this relationship. And yes, she can bring out the best bits of her partner, but at the same time, they're very reliant on her, and she tends to resent them and push them away because of that. They're... surprisingly complex. I seriously didn't expect that sort of emotional gutpunch from a solo project by Hwasa of all people, but damn, I love it! It's super effective.
You're a twit, a man who knows only me Like delicate Simcheong* Look around once in a while You don't realise how hurt you are
* = this is the folklore story I was talking about; DKDKTV did a great explanation of it here.
Following on from that, if there's anyone who knows how to have fun in a dance, it's Hwasa. And damn, does she have fun with the routine for "Twit (멍청이)".
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Not only can you tell that she's really getting into the choreography itself through her facial expressions and movements, but the relationship she has with her backup dancers is nothing short of amazing. It adds so much electricity to the routine, no lie. Every single person here shines, Hwasa or not, and the routine itself is pretty great to boot! The position changes are really fun and interesting to watch, and they certainly do a great job of keeping your attention. They do a great job of letting Hwasa shine, too; you really get the sense she's the star here. Regardless, it's a surprisingly solid routine that suits her perfectly.
That's how I'd describe this entire debut, to be honest: it suits Hwasa perfectly. RBW made a great decision in giving her this opportunity, and it's something I hope she keeps up with in the future. Hell, this was successful enough to warrant a solo comeback in the future, right? I even heard it in H&M one day. That was very surprising, but... also absolutely amazing. Just like the song!
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Man, we were speaking of B.A.P earlier, right? And I've seen an awful lot of hype going around for ATEEZ; apparently they've just really caught on and people see a lot of potential in them.
Seriously, I've been discussing this with a friend of mine, and this sounds pretty much exactly like something B.A.P would've released back in late 2012, during the "No Mercy" era. I can literally imagine what member would sing what part. But don't think that that's a bad thing - "No Mercy" is still a fucking phenomenal song, and "Say My Name" is just as good. Dare I say, a little bit better in some ways?
Like I said, I hadn't listened to ATEEZ before this - but damn, the hype is real. The potential these guys have is astounding. The instrumental here is big, it's bombastic, it's what you'd expect from a boy group. The trap snares and blaring trumpet synths are nothing new. But it's the little touches here that make it truly special, like the whistle melody, or the natural acoustic guitar line. On top of that, ATEEZ are some of the strongest rookie performers I've heard in a looooooong time. They impressed me about as much as Everglow did, and that's saying something. A killer vocal line plus a really fucking great rap line is just the perfect recipe for a boy group in my head, and ATEEZ are the definition of it. They have so much effortless charisma that a lot of boy groups will strive to achieve, but will never quite get. These guys just have it ingrained in them from the word go, and that's hard to find.
I picked this song to review over "HALA HALA" in the end, mainly because I did find "HALA HALA" a liiiiiiittle cringey. That's mainly because of the lyrics - the whole Suicide Squad thing kinda pulled me out of the song. (Jongho's vocals didn't though, good LORD.) But as for "Say My Name", the lyrics are actually VERY different than what I was expecting! I was expecting some sort of uplifting message about how we're going to overthrow society's self-inflicted patriarchy (although Stray Kids did deliver on that front with the MV for "Miroh"). But it's more about how they gain strength from their fans and their success, and how it encourages them to keep pushing and moving forward. They're surprisingly sweet, actually! There are some nice little details here and there that make them really heartwarming.
Say my name, my name is in the search results I have my name tag that I wanted so badly I have friends all around me
Another thing I'd heard a lot about ATEEZ is that their choreographies are top-class; these guys are apparently fantastic dancers.
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And, uh... do... do they even have a main dancer? Or is that just something that's applied to the group universally? I'm... pretty convinced they don't have one at this point...
These guys... these guys are scarily good. Like... whoa. They don't have a single bad dancer. Every single one of them looks like they're into it, they're feeling the vibe of the song, and they just... proceed to murder every move given to them. Like... I only get this kind of vibe amongst groups that are KNOWN for their dance skills, like BTS or SHINee. But even then, they admittedly have their flaws... I'm not seeing one with this routine. It's... freakishly perfect. So much so that I'm kind of disturbed by it a little? I honestly didn't know who to watch during this dance practice. It's the definition of captivating. I would fucking KILL to see this done live, good lord...
(Also Jongho looks fancy as fuck, I love it.)
Yeah, so, um, bear with me while I go buy this album. These guys are going to be huge. I can feel it. Not to be THAT person, but I felt it with BTS when they debuted, and look where they are now... I haven't had this kind of gut feeling about a boy group for a hot fucking minute. You bet your ass I'm following ATEEZ from now on. Every single ounce of hype around them is real.
SUNMI (선미) - NOIR (누아르)
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I remember mentioning on this blog before that "Heroine" was my favourite Sunmi song. It was just the song that stood out to me the most, since I liked "Gashina" but admittedly got a teeeeeensy bit tired of it after how much it blew up, and also since I... really didn't like "Siren" that much. So as far as solo Sunmi songs go, "Heroine" was the standard as far as I was concerned. But I couldn't be any happier to say that "Noir" IS that new standard, and it's by far my favourite song Sunmi's put out yet.
The song itself is actually quite interesting; it's got a very dark tone overall, with its deep synth line, echoed backing vocals, and the striking minor chord progressions. And yet, it's all anchored with what I can only describe as an 80s drum line, full of snappy bass beats and really memorable rhythms. It's a very interesting song musically, but where "Noir" REALLY shines is the messaging. The lyrics, the music video, even the live performance she did on M!Countdown - all of it ties back into the overarching theme.
That overarching theme is one that's very goddamn relevant, actually. In an age where social media is so prevalent, a lot of people get hung up on the attention. A little bit of popularity is never enough. That's what Sunmi thinks "Noir" is, as she described in an interview; we're in an age where people are so addicted to attention that they disregard their own safety in order to get it. It's a trap far too many people fall into, and Sunmi touches on it in a way that's simultaneously candid and very haunting. She even gave us an example of it in real life, too - remember that picture she posted leading up to this comeback? A picture of a hand full of what seemed to be Advil?
Everyone immediately started to panic, and freak out over her well being... but that was the point. We gave her the attention because she implied she was going to do something dangerous. It's a fucking ingenious way of promotion, that's for sure, but it really does show that the themes "Noir" touches on are still alive and well. (KPOP Junkee did a fantastic explanation of this on their YouTube channel.)
In terms of the lyrics, though, they seem to be a bit more cryptic; at first glance, they seem to be about a tumultuous relationship of some kind. BUT that's not the only way you should look at this. DKDKTV made a fucking great video explaning "Noir", alongside an interesting theory - what if we're meant to be looking at these lyrics from more of a Jekyll and Hyde point of view? Sunmi's trying to convince herself to embrace the dangerous lifestyle "Noir" describes, i.e. putting yourself in dangerous situations to get other peoples' attention.
I've already seen this before, I feel so high Everything goes blurry, 1, 2, 3 Now I'm blind, I don't know why I know what it is even if I don't see it, a bad ending
So while there technically isn't a dance for this song (I mean, there will be soon, since EAST2WEST won the #NoirChallenge & that's going to become the official routine - which they deserve, they're amazing!), there's still a hell of a lot to look at here. And overall, this is a serious contender for one of my favourite songs of the year as a whole. Sunmi knocked it out of the goddamn park with "Noir", and I would LOVE to see her try a concept like this again some time. It really shows how much of a professional she can be, and "Noir" is straight-up my favourite thing she's done. I love it. 👏👏👏
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I find it very ironic that we're going from a song that's pretty serious to one that's... not serious at all. Not even in the slightest.
I won't hide the fact that I liked "Bboom Bboom" quite a bit last year, and I found "BAAM" to be even better. (No, I don't think they sound the same.) So going into MOMOLAND's comeback, I was curious to see if all the hate they had been getting would affect their sound; would they change it up from what they'd found success with to appease the haters, or would they stick with something more light-hearted and fun?
They ended up doing the latter, and I'm very much happy with what we got! Honestly, "I'm So Hot" might be tied with "BAAM" for my favourite MOMOLAND song yet. It's incredibly reminiscent of some of what T-ARA released back in their prime; a simple yet fun song with some interesting elements to make it memorable. The trumpet sample in particular is something I really like; I've seen some people say it's fairly grating, but I can't help but love it. The ragtime pianos and old-school vibes here and there really sell it for me, too! It's just an upbeat, fun pop song that you can really just enjoy yourself with.
But what I DON'T get is why people hate on this song simply because they find it "boring" or "nothing new", or even just because it's MOMOLAND. (Yes, rant incoming.)
Since when have songs like this lost their place in K-Pop? To bring back T-ARA as an example, everyone adored "Roly Poly", "Bo Peep Bo Peep" and "Lovey Dovey" when they came out because of how fun they were. Those songs didn't try to take themselves seriously; MBK just wanted to give T-ARA fun, bouncy songs that would stick in everyone's minds. And they did. So why are MOMOLAND getting hate for doing the same thing? These sorts of songs deserve to be here just as much as anything else does. People need to get over their goddamn hate boner for MOMOLAND and just move on. If you don't like the song, that's completely fine! If you hate on the girls for "copying themselves", "never doing anything original", and saying that "they're just trying to repeat the success of Bboom Bboom", fuck you. You're part of the problem. K-Pop isn't a contest, in contrast to what some Twitter stans might believe. Grow up, stop wasting your energy sending needless hate to artists, and move on. Rant over.
In terms of "I'm So Hot" though, it's nothing too insane lyrically - which is what you'd expect going in. Or at least you should. The title alone tells you that this is going to be pretty face-level and superficial. But hey, you need something to turn your brain off to every once in a while, and when the song's as fun as this, I can't really complain!
Why I'm pretty, why I'm cute Why am I not tired of hearing that over and over? People say that I'm pretty, that I'm cute
There's not a lot to go through here in terms of the dance, either - but again, I don't really mind it that much.
~ Dance practice link ~
To be honest, yeah, this routine is quite basic. But a major upside to routines like this is that the idols get time to breathe properly when they're performing. And considering how fucking balls-to-the-wall energetic "Bboom Bboom"'s choreography was, yeah, I'm okay with this. (I still have NO clue how they kept their energy during those stages, that dance is exhausting.) Of course, people are going to hate and say that this dance was designed purely to go viral. How, may I ask, is that a bad thing? How is having a dance that's simple, fun and easy to pick up bad? Not everything has to be mind-blowingly hard. Sometimes it just needs to be accessible, and that's probably how I'd describe this routine overall. It's got some nice elements to it (particularly in the position switches), and it's very easy for anyone to look at and join in with. It's also a hell of an arm workout. 💪
In the end, I really like "I'm So Hot"! It's fun, it's funky, and it's one of my favourite MOMOLAND songs so far. I'll admit that I do miss Daisy and Taeha, though - hopefully they come back soon so we can see an OT9 performance of this!
IZ*ONE (아이즈원) - VIOLETA (비올레타)
~ MV link ~
Alright, I've wanted to talk about this song since it came out so let me just get this out of the way:
"Violeta" has pretty much the exact same structure as "La Vie En Rose" - a relatively quiet intro, nice verse, chorus, rap and second verse, next chorus, final bridge with adlibs, final chorus and final drop to really add emphasis. Their layout is exactly the same. But to say that those two songs are the same is SO goddamn wrong that I might just punch you. Yes, they have the exact same structure. But that works in "Violeta"'s favour, because it's a structure that works. It's a way for IZ*ONE to keep a style and sound whilst still having the freedom to change it up a bit. It's really fucking clever.
In terms of the song itself though, it... actually really surprised me! I certainly didn't expect IZ*ONE to lean into deep house, but here we are. That flute melody is really damn effective, since it's often layered over some interesting percussion snaps and some goddamn angelic synths and melodies. And yeah, the deep house aspects really work here - it all builds up to an explosive conclusion that left me very impressed. I wasn't sure about it on the first listen, if I'm being honest, but it really grew on me!
Lyrically, this song is kind of what you'd expect from a girl group like IZ*ONE. It's one of those really sweet lovey-dovey love songs, full of wonder and charm. That sort of stuff just doesn't appeal to me, but I don't mind it when the song is so distinctive.
Your smile that's drawn in the sky is shining so bright The beautiful flower in your heart You're my Violeta
But, of course, what I was looking forward to the most here was the choreography. And considering "La Vie en Rose" had my favourite routine of last year - and one of my favourite K-Pop routines I've ever seen - my expectations were admittedly very, VERY high.
Buuuuuuuut yeah, they fucking killed it. AGAIN.
~ Dance practice link ~
Okay, admittedly, I don't like this as much as "La Vie en Rose" in the end. But that's perfectly fine by me - routines as good as "La Vie en Rose" are a real fucking rarity. "Violeta" is still fantastic routine, and one that's just a goddamn spectacle. It's a lot more graceful and monumental in a few places, which makes sense considering how powerful the instrumental can be here and there. It's beautifully put together, and expertly performed by all 12 members - Chaeyoung in particular really stands out here. Her skills are NO JOKE. Overall, the transitions are gorgeous, the moves are diverse and delightful to watch, and this routine is still fucking amazing. IZ*ONE are probably one of the best girl groups out there right now in terms of choreography. Yeah, I mean that.
So "Violeta" ended up being a pretty great comeback! I did see a lot of people saying that maybe this should've been the debut song instead of "La Vie en Rose", but I disagree - I feel like this is the perfect follow-up. It keeps IZ*ONE's momentum going steadily, and I really hope they keep up this standard, because I might just end up stanning them if they do. I'm THAT close to becoming a WIZ*ONE. I just don't want to have my heart broken when they inevitably end promotion. ;-;
~ MV link ~
...y'all mind if I just fangirl for the next 5 minutes? I hope so, because that's inevitably what's going to happen here.
I mean have you SEEN this motherfucking video. KARD just... decided to do That. Like they fucking WENT there. (BM and Somin in particular. Hoooooooooooly fuck.)
But let's be honest, this is the song KARD have been destined to make since they first came about. For those of you who were complaining that all of their songs sounded the same, and that you were sick of that California junkee vibe they had going on, then HERE YA FUCKING GO. They didn't come to mess around this time.
If I'm being honest, I'm a huge Hidden KARD, and this is straight-up one of my new favourite songs of theirs. It sits up there for me alongside "Rumor" and "You In Me". It's big, it's bombastic, it's in your face, and it's the kind of song that pulls you in from the get-go. Yes, I'm not the biggest fan of the slightly wet percussion that's used here and there in the verses - I think it sounds a little off - but everything else is just gorgeous. The pre-choruses have this echoey, atmospheric build-up to them thanks to the percussion and harmonies, but then the choruses themselves have this... almost wiry synth that's very reminiscent of something like Yezi's "Anck Su Namun." It fits that sort of Middle-Eastern vibe beautifully. And yet, while that's the sort of instrument that I'd normally despise, it really works here - and I think that's in large part to how much pure charisma the members have.
I'm not going to mince words here, BM absolutely runs the fuck away with this song. He's made for stuff like this, where his energy is naturally called for, and he can do what he does best - being hype as fuck. But that doesn't mean the other members fall short; J.Seph singing is always something I'm happy to hear more of, since I like his singing just as much as his rapping. Jiwoo's lower, slightly rough vocal tone sounds fantastic no matter what she sings, and Somin? Somin BODIES this song. It's stuff like this that make me happy she left April - just think what would've happened if she didn't. Her vocals are absolutely killer here, and from how confident she appears in the live stages, she knows it.
And yeah, with a song like this that's meant to be hype and fit for a party, the lyrics aren't going to be all that special. But since that's not the focus, I'm more than willing to let that slide here. They're fun and catchy, and that's all a song like this really needs if you ask me. (I also like how BM straight-up knows how thirsty everyone is over him. Can he BE any more self-aware?)
Don't try to sober up Just get drunk with the vibes [...] I'm dizzy, why are you messing with my heart?
Of course, one of my favourite things about any KARD comeback is seeing the choreography, since there aren't that many male/female groups out there right now. I always love seeing how the routines work around having both male and female performers, and I've got to say, "Bomb Bomb" might have one of KARD's best choreographies to date. You thought their vocal performances were charismatic? HOOO BOI.
~ Dance practice link ~
This shit right here is why I stan KARD the way I do. The thing I said before about creating a routine for both male and female performers is done excellently. There isn't a move that feels out of place in this routine, and every single member gets their chance to show off - well, apart from J.Seph, who's stuck behind 6 foot tall BM for most of the choreo. Which is a crying shame, he's really fucking good! But aside from that, Somin and Jiwoo are probably at their best with this sort of concept; you can tell that they're not only looking good, but they're really getting involved with the choreography, too. They're into it, and it shows. And then there's BM, who I don't even think I need to explain at this point. He's a fucking dancing machine, and if you've seen KARD before, you know exactly what I'm talking about. But all in all, no member (for the most part) overshadows or outshines another here, and this gives a routine that's both very well balanced and REALLY fucking fun to watch.
Basically, a great song and great choreography makes for a happy me. KARD fucking killed it with this comeback, and I'm so glad to see them shut down the hate they've been getting with something like "Bomb Bomb". I get the funny feeling this is going to be one of my songs of the summer this year - I've certainly had it on repeat enough to warrant that. 😅
...and that's only part one of this comeback review. This one took long enough to get out as it is, so no promises as to when part two will be up. I'm going to try my best to get it up soon-ish, but I'm also working on two album reviews right now, sooooooooooo God knows when that will be. Someone kill me pls. K-Pop has been too good this year so far... 💀
Bon Bon Chocolat (봉봉쇼콜랏)
You're My (너는 내게)
Twit (멍청이)
Say My Name
Noir (누아르)
I'm So Hot
Violeta (비올레타)
0 notes