#i kinda forgot the tag for this event thing 😅
What is a king to a god?
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I've been thinking about DQB2ber, and what to do for week 1. All I could think of was that one part in Moonbrooke when someone says something about the king, and Malroth is all like "psh what's a king to a god?"
I don't know, I might end up doing something else before the week is up.
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Request is closed(dead)
RULES + info about me
NEW IMPORTANT RULE: PLEASE TELL ME IF UR A MINOR OR NOT IN YOUR REQUESTS, I DONT WANNA TRUAMATIZE ANOTHER ONE 😭 (bc either I forget to put all warnings/correct tags or put some smut or slightly sus pictures.) ゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
Edit: advanced apologies. I absolutely do not know how to lock my NSFW fics. And I might not have put specific warnings like, I put some bad words in it. I'm really sorry, I'll still try my best, tho.
Edit: Hello! Sorry if you found one of my posts, and it didn't have credit to the pictures. Sorry, sometimes I forgot while writing to put credit, and since every time I post, I delete the pictures. Storage problems 🥲
I'm so very, VERY shitty with my Grammer 💔
Please be very specific with your ask bc I'm a dumb little shi- I mean a bit...behind in my brain. Like what theme: angst, fluff, etc.
I prefer if you ask for part 2 in the requests and saying which writings, but doing in the comments is just fine.
Draft limits: 10.
I usually make the reader doesn't have a gender/specific gender or just do both genders. I also like dom reader so ahem...so like yeah, if you wanna do like (???) x reader and you don't want a dom one then tell me :D
(Again, I do mostly dom reader but can do sub reader <3)
I do some stuff like yandere, obsession behavior, etc. But reminder: I do not support this in real life. Just in fiction. I hope you understand, I'm not like bad or anything 😅
I've seen some people who like a character but they are like younger than 18 and either they don't know it or they look older for their age. So I'll allow it as long as the character isn't too young, like under the 15's, and I'll gladly age them up for any reason, although in some cases , I might decline so I apologize for that.
What Fandom I do
I can do anyone or something. Oh, even manga/manwha/manhua
But the fandom I'm mostly familiar with is:
1. Genshin
2. Obey me
3. Honkai star rail
4. Hazbin hotel
5. Jujutsu kaisen
6. MHA (I'm not actively in it, but I still kinda know most stuff in it, and I'd still do any requests from it).
But again, I can do anything. Well, anything I'm able to do properly.
(Unless you ask me about a character that exists, but I don't know them. Might take a while BUT!! I'll still do it because you guys are my lovely requesters ♡)
What I do not allow
I honestly don't know yet. No one has requested anything I don't allow. (Except for my friends, but I forgot what they said so...)
This is an like idk, a blog that has 18+ things. If you don't feel comfortable, I'm sorry. I have some fluff in here, but uh... yeah- anyway, my super close (and some what hºrny) friends have access to my account, so if there's a post about anything weird or something, I swear it's not me. (I hate to admit it, but they're scary, and if you're reading this, my friend, please stay from me. I have holy water, you demonic, spawn of Satan, and uhhhh scary chihuahua lookin thing. <3)
. . . Anyways I welcome you with open arms.
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beyourownanchor6 · 2 months
Lol you are right, we keep coming back!
Oh it definitely got weird. And they tried to integrate it with the cwtv multiverse and it got even weirder because of spoilers but basically in integrating it they contradicted events of the original series
Lmao the ending of arrow was so bad. The ending of Supergirl made it impossible for Superman and Lois to take place in the same universe because she fucked up the bag. Legends got canceled without any ceremony and it ended on a cliffhanger. Black Lightning was great but it also ended too soon. The ending of The Flash was very disappointing. Basically nobody stuck the landing.
Oh god i wish i could forget the school shooting episode. It wasn't even traumatic (and i'm saying this as someone who survived two separate Activr Gunman Situations in junior high and high school), it was just bad. And i never saw that episode of one tree hill (i only watched a handful of episodes, i was firmly a The OC kid), what was that like? And you're right, they probably wanted to steer clear of the controversy.
OMG I FORGOT VENOM WAS MARVEL 😂😂 Yeah, Symbrock is also one of my ships. I don't care for deadpool but i do like spideypool. Also MattFoggy from Daredevil (my absolute favorite marvel hero).
Omg same. My goal is at least 12 books in the year and to cut down half of my Read Later from AO3. I wanna get through the buddie backlog so i can get into BuckTommy, and i do wanna get back into Sterek. Also you definitely got time to read 10 books! Good luck!
Okay, glad i'm not annoying you. I worry about that sometimes. Lol honestly the readmore is a good move, wish i could do it on asks too. I think i'm gonna stick to asks for a bit cause i love that i have a tag on your blog, but in the near future i'll switch to DMs.
it’s a hellsite, but it’s our hellsite? something like that 😅
the cw multiverse sure was…something wasn’t it? they were definitely reaching with a lot of those episodes and storylines.
i’ve erased it from my memory it was so awful 😂 i tried to watch supergirl twice and ending up quitting it both times; thankfully didn’t come back a third. omg legends! that show was sooo good the first couple of seasons, then they got rid of half the main cast and then it became the reject show. they truly had no idea what to do with it. i never watched black lighting; tried to stay clear of more of those shows after all the others lol. i also stopped the flash before the last couple of seasons bc it was becoming like arrow and i wasn’t going through that again lol. they were definitely all—something lol.
oh wow, that’s intense. sorry you had to go through that; that’s so awful. the oth one was definitely intense. i think a big part of it had to do with how it affected the storyline as a whole, but the way they put it together was definitely very haunting. it’s ironically one of the best episodes i do believe. i also love me some oc. i’ve been thinking of rewatching that one lately lol.
venom my most beloved! ngl a lot of that could have to do with tom hardy 🤣 but i do love the character as well! i can’t wait for the new one. i’ve seen a lot of people are into spideypool but it doesn’t speak to me i guess lol. loveeee daredevil. i miss when all the marvel netflix shows were a thing ngl lol
i got my marked for later down to 4 or 5 pages? so ig i have that going for me 😅 my problem right now is that i’m wanting to read for multiple fandoms and my buddie brainrot has kinda disappeared, so now my marked for later is stuck. i did buy 2 new books today, so there’s hope! good luck on both your goals! there’s still lots of time left this year!
no, not at all! if i don’t reply right away its bc i either don’t have beans atm or i just don’t have the attention span, so once the notification disappears (if it even comes) its out of sight out of mind lol. but definitely not annoying me ever! i love giving people their own little tags 😎
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flwoie · 1 year
eh im actually kinda not okay but i will be 💞🥰 enhypen has rlly been getting me through it tho, they’re one of the few things that make me happy these days 🥺😊 (so yes, these wonnies are super appreciated 🥺 i watched his dance jam w seungie and it made me think of u and i~! wonnie and seungie biases just collectively crying over these cuties dancing to rover 😭💗)
okay i wanna unveil myself when i post the fic but…based on how it’s going it may be slightly past the deadline if that’s okay?? it’s a LONG ONE!! so i may unveil myself sooner so we can…discuss…some things? i’m tryna make it as customized to u as possible, so a lot of the major decisions the reader makes, i want to be decisions u would make urself! that’s why it’s taking me a bit longer to write it 😅💞
omg u have a few blogs in mind?? which ones lol im intrigued!! i won’t give it away but there are some things to note:
1.) we did not know each other before this event 2.) we have some groups in common but besides enha there were none we liked/knew abt strongly enough to be friends over them and 3.) i messed up and accidentally interacted w u OFF anon ON MY MAIN by complete accident so uh yeah. u prolly know unless u got a bunch of interactions that day and my acc got lost in them 😅
ooh that’s so cool abt ur name! i quite like the first one too hehe! it def suits the story. now that i know this next step…it gets even more interesting, im so sorry 😭
take care darling!! next ask i think i might unveil myself~ we’ll see tho! 👀 no promises 😉
qotd: how long have u been an engene for? were u part of their iland days too?
for me, i was there when iland came out but the show’s format rlly upset me and i lost interest in kpop for a hot minute. then came back and now look at me. i’ve never been so attached to a group before besides when i first found kpop 😭
have a good night!! i adore you~!!
THREEE!! it’s fine if post it past the deadline, take ur time, i’ll wait 🫶🫶 and i can’t wait to finally see who u are 🤭🤭
well there were two blogs i had in mind, honour (skyjoong) and the one i’m writing for which i can’t say yet lmaoo, i’ll be surprised if you’re not the one i had in mind 😭😭 and i just saw the hints u gave out and i’m gonna look through my tags 🤨 #curious
and ooh i love a cliché story! is there gonna be a sad ending? i’m a sucker for those 😭
answering time!!
tbh i can’t remember when i became an engene 🤷 i was there when iland came out but i gave up on the first episode and i told myself i’d start stanning the final lineup THEN I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THEM UNTIL A YEAR OR TWO LATER, A FRIEND OF MINE WAS INTRODUCING ME TO THEM and yeah, that’s how i became an engene. not too long ago tbh cause i was a big moa during those times
it’s ironic cause i’m answering this at night but gn three <33
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astrxlis-archive · 2 years
Hi Fox!! I missed you too 🥺<33 it just so happens that i was recharging my social battery so i kinda don't have enough energy to compose asks 😂 i'm doing alright but not my untouched assignments lmao tho i still do group assignments of course, thanks for asking :D Hm, i was also reflecting as to why on earth am i planning to start a writing blog during the most inappropriate time so i thought of just making it as a reward for myself hoping it'll motivate me (this is more like a joke tbh *facepalm*) How did your midterms went? Anything new you'd like to share? 👀💖 i just found out i could format asks in desktop too so while i'm charging my phone, i'm typing this on my laptop 💪 Well, now you don't really have to worry about tagging stuff i did 👌 either way i still think you're really kind for thinking about boundaries like that's really nice 🥺 i don't mind you asking me about confirmations too, it's totally okay :D Could the Irodori Quest be the culprit for making you think more about Scara? 😂👀 I wanna know your thoughts about the event (main story, side quests or even the minigames is up to you!) too, but please indicate spoiler warnings for other people in case :DD You did well for your first piece about Kazuha!!💗🌹 It's actually fine to delve into the basic known things about the character(s) before tackling down the deeper side of them. I might be lowkey scared by him too, he's just too pretty and such an ethereal person for me to approach 😂 You can keep trying to get a whole grasp on them, so it's not like the world's ending with a mistake😂😘😋 dw about Scara's part, i can definitely see the way how he have power over the reader with the certain part as the neck. TW: mentions of suicide— It's the same site where people try to cut off their life too + the neck connects the body from the head(please do actually correct me if i'm wrong in this 😂 im just describing how i see it sorry,,, this is truly from a perspective of a non-med student so 😅) , which is more like a center point or a bridge for the brain and the heart (the main organs who control our life). I really loved how you connected their fav places to kiss the reader is something that can be related to the characters themselves too (mouth for speaking poetry = Kazuha for lips; hands = Diluc's covered hands with gloves that possibly have burnt marks and are the same hands who wields his claymore to protect Mondstadt, bartend the tavern and do his Dawn Winery work.) It might be unintentional for you, but here i am already giving you a more concrete back-up explanation as to why you chose those certain body parts 😂😂😂
But hey, i was thinking what if you put more of your med student knowledge into writing 👀 like, that's possible and you know the actual stuff so it can also be more accurate 💪
this part you mentioned for kaeya's: "idk how he survives honestly" got me cackling 😂 he'll just tell us "wouldn't you like to know weather boy?" i'm betting on this so hard. I'm wishing you the best of luck for your presentation on Monday!! <333 Stuff must be really tiring but i'm supplying you some energy to get through it all !! ✨✨✨ i'm lookin forward to whatever you have in store for us! 🤭 — 🍰.
hi 🍰!!! 💖
edit: i just noticed i forgot to write my opinion on the event oops.
i totally get it. i noticed you’ve been absent in other blogs as well, so i figured something was up. take your time to rest and recharge!! ✨ also dude, it’s never a bad time to be part of something you enjoy! you’re the one in charge of your schedule, and you can def use it to motivate yourself 💪
my midterms… honestly they could’ve gone worse 🥹 like way worse. all things considered, i might have a fighting chance. as for new things i’d like to share, hmmm… a boba shop recently opened in my city, so i’ve been very happy about that, even though the drinks are kinda expensive because it’s sort of a novelty around here? i’m a basic b tch with my flavor choice tho 😂 other than that my life is quite boring honestly, not a lot of new things happen because i’m always dealing with college stuff 🥸
about scara, here’s the funny thing: i hadn’t even played the irodori festival quests when i had my scara brainrots 😂 i spedrun the entire event in the last two days (along with the minigames/side quests) so i could get the lore and my xingqiu const (C1!!! FINALLY!!!!!). i honestly think scara lives in my head rent free and occasionally likes to remind me he’s there, usually at inconvenient times, which is very in character for him 🙄🥴
as for the irodori festival itself - i had a lot of fun with it!! learning that scara had a lot do to with the kaedehara clan's downfall was very interesting. i wonder how kazuha will react when he finds out the one responsible for it is still alive. a lot of people assume that he'll be fine with it, but i don't know. also, seeing the kamisato siblings interact!!!!! made my day!!!!! i wish we got to see other characters interactions more, like venti and ayaka. that seemed so random but fit so well at the same time.
i wish i had more time to truly enjoy it, because it was a really nice and chill event if you look at it. the poem clues ayato came up with had me invested, honestly.
thank you so much for telling me i did well!! 🥹🤩 dude, he is, isn’t he? i really do want to get a better grasp on him bc everything i read with him involved warms my heart 🤭
you're not wrong! the neck is one of the most important parts of the body, literally everything goes through there. sure, blood vessels and nerves are well protected by the layers of muscle (especially the sternocleidomastoid, a superficial muscle), but at the same time it's such a fragile place???
it was unintentional, but i did think about it later on 😂 and then when you sent this message i was "oh, so my subconscious really went there huh" 🤯 i'm glad you're able to pick up even the little things i don't notice at first when i write things 🫣
dude i read that in kaeya's eng voice 🤡 the way i laughed istg– but yes, i would like to know, teach me your ways kaeya—
i've though about adding some medical knowledge into my writing, but at the same time i'm here like "what if i say something wrong and get called out 💀💀💀💀" so i'm still working through the idea 😂 and my presentation went fine! it was a lot of stuff but in the end it all worked out 🥹 at least now i know why carpal tunnel syndrome gets worse over time lmao
see you soon!! 💕💕
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