#i kinda want to tone it down
Guess who feels guilty for not editing in a long while now that I've mentioned it in another post? 😶
Guess who's editing right now? 😅
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clover-46 · 1 year
the writers on here making the miguel fics need to remember his fangs inject paralytic venom hes not a real vampire it was just a joke in the movie 😭
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oh but i still want him to bite me don’t get me wrong idgaf if they have venom 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
#the copious amounts of smut i’ve seen with this man and the fangs is crazy#y’all need to tone it DOWN wheres the fluff omg??#there’s like so many smut x reader fics clogging the miguel o’hara tag and people can express their creative liberties or whatever but it’s#getting CRAZY#like why is almost nobody talking about his character and writing an analysis on him#AND WHY ARE SO MANY FICS WRITING HIM TO BE SOME FERAL AND MEAN BEAST#firstly it’s feels racist to write a brown latino man that way.#second it feels fetishiz-y with how people only sexualize the fuck outta him and talk about nothing else when it comes to him#to add onto that people are drawing him with a MUZZLE on#at first all this didn’t really register in my head as bad but after seeing so much i see it 😭#also some spanish speakers have said people are using incorrect spanish when writing dialogue for him and thats kinda funny#don’t use google translate please 💀#miguel o’ hara#spiderman 2099#across the spiderverse#i also saw someone say miguel would not be a good partner or something and i just know you didn’t pay attention#and i wont go into why because its spoilers but we have seen him be soft and happy with someone he cares about it’s just trauma that has#made him mean and depressed#he was obviously projecting onto miles in the movie when he acted like that let’s be fr#why am i writing a novel down here idk i just wanted to talk about it a little#i love the smut (trust me) but pleaaseee don’t start being fetishize-y
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skymagpie · 23 days
I have thoughts about the opening of TWW as it stands now, it just doesn't work for me because it makes all of the involved characters look incompetent at best and straight up stupid at worst. You are telling me there was no serious council meeting to decide whether they should bring a city with civilians into uncharted territory without scouting ahead?
When Dalaran was ported during Legion it was out of necessity (as it was under attack) and then it housed some of the strongest people on Azeroth (the Class Hall representatives) while also reinforcing it's defenses. Sure they were going to port it anyway, but it happened now with little preparation because they were getting bombarded. In TWW Khadgar asks you to go help people nail shelves to the wall before teleporting. And everyone knows that Magni's vision showed a city burning at Khaz Algar. Does it never occur to anyone that maybe we are in danger bringing a city over without any prior knowledge of this location?
Also everyone keeps saying that this was done because there was no other choice, the citizens of Dalaran should've known what they are in for (dying apparently), Dalaran was used as a military base before, Xal'atath sabotaged it from within (where? lmao) and like all of this could've been fixed in one scene while also not making everyone look like an idiot.
Instead of the pointless Radiant Echoes quest, have the pre-patch event be Alleria leading hunting parties after Xal'atath that always lead to a dead end. Have Alleria literally be stressed and worn down over days and weeks so that she is too distracted to even suspect Xal'atath might be in Dalaran already. Use the repetitive gameplay aspect of the event to wear down the player too and give us that sense of pointless hunting that Alleria is also experiencing at this point.
Then have her attend a council meeting with Khadgar and the others, including Drenden, and have Thrall, Jaina, Anduin and Magni there too. Show us how tired Alleria is of this chase and have Khadgar comfort and encourage her that she is doing everything she can. Then have him voice his concerns about porting the city on a whim, Khadgar is as responsible for the lives of the people in Dalaran as the ones they try and help. Have the council disagree with this porting.
And then have Drenden stand up and say how even though he is new, he knows of how Dalaran stood against the Burning Legion and how the world needs them now and this is a sacrifice that must be made. Almost convince the player he is not Xal'atath. Have Xal'atath as Drenden address Khadgar directly and play into his heroism and goodness and cast any doubt aside about this porting before he makes the final call. Show us how Xal'atath sways the entire council to do this one decision on a whim. Even have Khadgar tell Drenden to secure the wards around the city.
This will just pay off so much in the scene between Xal'atath and Khadgar because you know she dogwalked him during that council meeting and played into his virtues and ultimately he now thinks its his fault he moved the city here and cost all those people their lives. Why not have him die with regrets? Feeling like a failure?
To top it off, in the scene where Drenden reveals himself as Xal'atath to Alleria, why have him just grin to her and act like Xal'atath in drag? Give him few more seconds of sounding like Drenden, tell Alleria that maybe she is just tired of all this hunting, put his hand on her shoulder and just have the realization that he is Xal'atath slowly sink in so that Xal'atath reveals herself once Alleria already knows.
Not saying this would be perfect, but just one scene like the council meeting could've established so much about these three characters and add more weight to the loss everyone suffers. Let them be human, let them have doubts and disagreements, show Xal'atath playing right into that and actually manipulating the stage and the council right under the players noses too.
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jamiethebeeart · 7 months
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Did I kind of lose over seeing @sykloni 's lineart for Lydia and Freakshow? Maybe a little, but loved the chance to color it for @green-with-envy-phandom-event
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vaugarde · 4 months
another thing about lily orchard's vids that really kill their quality even outside of the batshit takes is that its soooooo clear she detests this job and only likes doing it for money. and like.... yknow, fair, you gotta make a living. not everyone loves their jobs and thats obvious. but a lot of people do video essays for the passion and engagement, to put their opinions out into the world and have a discussion.
when schaffrillas productions has a negative opinion, it's almost always in juxtaposition with a franchise or creator he wants better content from (or its for the bit) and its also entertaining bc hes not calling you a morally bad person for disagreeing with him. you dont get the sense that he resents the job, yknow?
watching lily in comparison is draining. she goes out of her way to make it look like her opinions are the Only Morally Correct Ones even when it doesnt matter and she speaks with such vitriol that you just feel bad watching her videos. she just comes across as exhausting
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spaghettiandart · 2 years
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worm except nobody dies and they all grow up and go to therapy ok thx
it has been a very long time since ive attempted drawing the undersiders n here they r. none of them would wear this in canon and i thrive off of that knowledge
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calamitaswrath · 5 months
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Barely even done with my first drawing, and I already just gotta get started on the next one. . .
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mintharan · 1 year
i think people's perception of the Emperor suffers a lot from many not realizing that he and Ansur were lovers, because it makes it pretty obvious that he's motivated by a genuine desire for equal partnership.
I also think it's funny how these same people are so desperate to read his relationship with Stelmane as romantic when he tells you twice that it wasn't like that.
There's paintings of the two of them in Ansur's lair??? What do you think Ansur could have meant when he said "friends, yes, and more"? real 'they seem like such good friends' energy.
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lemorgo · 1 year
hikaru is so bpd
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essektheylyss · 2 years
Is there any Essek scene in particular you’re hoping is included in the show?
Oh man oh god oh fuck. This list could go on SO long.
To be fair, the thing with Essek is that there are a lot of very small and fun but not narratively load-bearing scenes, and then a few major scenes that have a decent amount of narrative weight to them. For instance, the first study scene (the second is important but could be combined into it if that the pace required it), the Scourger incident, the dinner, and most of episode 97 have a lot of narrative impact, either for Caleb's arc or for the plot as a whole. I've already suggested I need to see the ninth floor tower conversation animated like a fish needs water to breathe, and I'd love both the times Essek physically pulls Caleb out of danger, of course.
There's also a lot of wiggle room in how you pace the Nein and break up their arcs (which I think was more rigid translating campaign 1 to LoVM—even when arcs are shifted around, the sequences of events are kept somewhat orderly) which means that speculation is pretty hard, particularly when it comes to Essek, who meets the Nein so far into the campaign. Basically, any of these things might not be as narratively necessary by then, depending on what they choose to cut or focus in on. I could speculate on that, and I'm sure I will extensively, but at a certain point I might as well just write a series worth of scripts as a fun side project.
That being said, I do really hope the Scourger scene remains, because it is so cinematically interesting, and I do consider it a major turning point between the wizards, regardless of either of them realizing it at the time or not.
And I also really want to watch him have a panic attack over whiskey cocoa. It is in no way load-bearing, but nonetheless, I would like to see it, and I think I deserve it.
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elkkiel · 3 months
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to seven blogs, anon or not! (no pressure to keep it going of course) <3
Tonee!!!! I have had this sitting here for a while but tysm for sending this in, ilysm!!!! happy timezone my little sunset 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
I was born like 6 hours before Halloween bc my mom didn't want a Halloween baby (not in a legit /srs way but like #justchristianthings)
my first real fandom was creepypasta in tandem with marblehornets. in 2012/2013. I love when people write polyvessels living in a big manor together bc it reminds me of old ass creepypasta fics where everyone lived in slenderman's mansion in the woods loool
I'm a pretty good shot in paintball; I lean waaay stealthy as opposed to offensive when playing, so I have time to line up good headshots (I shot my brother in the side of the head once and it was the most satisfying oldest sibling moment of my life. Did it probably hurt bad bc I hit him where the mask didn't cover? Yes, but also get fucked idiot loooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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i-restuff · 1 year
Imma start posting mutant mayhem clips and stuff on @kyymie now
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rewritingcanon · 5 months
you taking lyrics out of context and purposefully misinterpreting them makes me so fucking tired. leave taylor swift alone.
oh my god every single time i have posted about taylor swift is because an anon is ASKING ME TO TALK ABOUT HER. and i have already said quite nicely that i dont listen to her, nor do i like her, and now you are butthurt?
ofc im gonna laugh at the i hate it here lyrics, didnt she literally date a racist last year (matt heally or whatever his name is, but that could be rumours idk dont quote me) so out of context (whatever the context is that can defend that… lmk 🧍‍♀️) its funny asf. and the one with the gta lyrics was me laughing because i thought it was cringe.
taylor swift will live. if youre so fucking tired go take a nap. listen to ttpd and think its as genius and deep as you want idc.
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coconut530 · 2 months
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no1ryomafan · 9 months
I’m midway through Giant Robo and as much as I hate to point out something that reminds me of getter bc I say every mecha I’ve watched since has been very different:
I immediately notices two characters who have green hair and not only did I call they were siblings just based off of that but they are related to a mad dead scientist. I am once again wondering if Imagawa had the Kei is Genki plot point from the start and the team still used it after he left because this scarily aligns with what fucking happens later in arma. Like I heard he took his script with him but there is- so much foreshadow in the eps he did to the entire family plot line that unfolds in arma. So many lines Saotome saids about Go alluding to he’s a clone, a line from Musashi pointing out Genki is different, even Genki always had that yellow shirt in group photo that upon a second look feels like a *girl* would wear it and not a boy, but they have the cap still. Not to mention like I’ve said in a couple recent post MANY times is the weird factor that Kei originally was a side character, even my one friend pointed this out. Sure, she does show up in the manga when Sho isn’t around much and she did pilot shin getter during that point, but it’s not like she did much since Ryoma was doing the fighting for that section and then she died.
Also just the fact Kei is two characters merged into one is something imagawa would’ve done, given his other works he’s Frankensteining all these characters together and Giant Robo predated Arma, it’s not out of line for him to do something like this again especially when he keeps the same story telling beat of throwing his viewers into it and not explaining a thing. (Also I haven’t seen G gundam but KNOW family is a theme there for him too)
I’m always gonna go insane whether or not what we got in arma was actually lacking Imagawas original vision or not but this made me go more insane.
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kxynhhx · 3 months
ok maybe this is why I don't think much abt self-shipping when I'm in a bad state of mind
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