#i know a warung just like this nearby
anonymocha · 1 year
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pov you are adam
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lagycart · 1 year
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bali trip - day 3.
midway in our trip, today we are going to switch hotel to another place in ubud, so we decided to do some exploring around on the way there. we had our breakfast in the hotel restaurant, which serves the same breakfast menu. this time we waited quite long too, for the food to be served.
we went shopping at kevala ceramics after checking out, this place has a warehouse nearby which sells products with small defects at a discounted price, which is a really good deal. my friend end up buying quite a lot of stuff, if not because of luggage limit, i believe she would get even more. also bought a piece of art glass around ubud area which is really cool as well.
for lunch, we went to warung babi guling pande egi for the famous bali guling dish. the restaurant is popular for the paddy field view but it was all muddy when we arrived. we ordered two of the signature babi guling dish to share since there’s quite a lot. the food taste pretty okay, the pork skin was quite tough to bite though. we bought some pork skin crackers as well which is really addictive.
went to alas harum bali which became the top tourist attraction after rebuild. there’s a coffee store, day club, restaurant, paddy field, huge swing and lots of different photo spot inside, which is quite amazing. entrance fee is required but you can walk around as long as you like and take as much photos as you like. all services do require additional payment though. we went on the big couple swing, which was lots of fun and also got some photos taken. the view is simply amazing, but sometimes you do need to wait for your turn at certain photo spot. if you have a day or half day to spare and just want a good place to chill, this could be an option, although it is quite a pricey spot to visit since everything is catered for tourists.
after our prolonged time at alas harum, we went to satria argowisata for my friend to get some bali coffee, because the ones at alas harum was way too expensive. they do offer the coffee tour to you if you want to know the making process of the famous kopi luwak.
before going to our hotel, we went to warung kintamani for the popular mujair nyat nyat, a fried fish dish with lots of chili paste on top. they serve the fish with rice and beansprout, we also got the chicken version to try. the chili paste is really good, the flavor is so appetizing and the fish is also enjoyable, but it seems the fish size is quite limited, depending on what is available in the kitchen.
after a satisfying dinner, we finally head to our hotel at samsara ubud. the road leading to the hotel gets really narrow and dark but our driver was good and brought us there safely. the hotel staff is super friendly, gave us drinks and snacks while we check in, and also explain all the facilities and activities available, for us to plan our stay for the next 2 days. our villa here is also 2 bedroom, with a big private pool, the room is beautiful and huge and the bathroom is simply amazing. we did notice that the water pressure is kinda low though during our stay.
since we arrived quite late, we just showered and unwind before going to bed for the day.
to be continued...
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Parcly Taxel: There appears to be an attitude of naivety towards foreigners and tourism in Bali, a belief that it can only benefit the future. The concomitant risks are high. Travellers and hosts alike have to play their part in maintaining the common harmony between them. Spindle and I know this well, having received a holistic education under Luna.
Princess Luna: Philosophy aside, you just want to have fun overseas, don't you?
Parcly: Right, I shouldn't be digressing. For most of the day, the airspace around Bali is swarming with noisy, packed airplanes. To avoid them, I woke up at five in the morning to little-known constellations. Parts of my body were still rearranging themselves at breakfast, a cherished feeling among genies because of its association with one-of-a-kind wishers and wishes.
Twilight was on the verge of breaking above when my wings spread, then thrusted down, across the uppermost balcony of Canterlot Castle I favoured as a terminus for flights. Owing to the short travel time of two and a half hours, I needed no consciousness tricks or simple pleasures to sustain myself throughout. Spindle remained possessing the eternal ice crystals around my heart, fanned by my magic and the cool air streaming around.
Spindle: As I lay dormant, I reminisced about tales that call genies "spirits of the air" or something similar, drawing a parallel with my own species, the spirits of winter. It is true that they all dissolve into a fine mist in their bottles, yet I find this appellation misleading – even in our own universe there are numerous genies who reach into domains other than the sky.
Arriving in Ngurah Rai at ten in the morning, there was an odd dearth of ponies. A look around revealed the reason: it was Ramadan and many were fasting in their homes. Not one to provoke them, we went off to the hotel we would be staying in, the J4 in Legian.
Parcly: Within a minute we met the great tangle of streets, stalls, signs, money changers and the like that characterise this place. Regarding currency, one rupiah is about ten times smaller than a won and about 100 times smaller than a yen, both of the latter small currencies I've handled before, so prices often run into the tens or hundreds of thousands.
For an hour I sat motionless on the hotel room's matress, struggling to comprehend the frenzied motions outside. Merely dodging the swarm of motorcycles along narrow streets without irritating anypony felt like an achievement in itself.
Spindle: By the time we had our first local lunch of mixed rice and ice lemon tea at Made's Warung she was numbing again. The sheer chilli kicked her up, but in her eyes I made out a deeper longing, one for a little peace.
Ocean Flow: Indonesia contains a large part of the Malay Archipelago, the largest among all the seas. Bali lies in its south, east of Java (the most populous island in the world) and the capital Jakarta. Between island chains lie impressive jungles, mountains suiting my husband Sky Beak, coral reefs and of course the odd mix Parcly saw here.
Having received word from her mentor Luna, I swam up to Kuta, the most notable of Bali's beaches. Instead of Mount Aris-like scenery I was greeted by waterfront stalls, leading me to discourage Parcly from swimming there for the moment. I did agree to transform her into a seapony soon.
Parcly: A gift indeed, Flow, considering that the close shaves I had on my initial exploration compelled me to nap until nightfall. Touters were heckling me to use their services, I spent more time walking between vehicles than waiting for them to pass and my hooves were waltzing around little boxes of flowers on the pavement.
Flow: So where did you go for dinner? You missed a beautiful sunset, dear…
Parcly: I know, but like Canterlot, Bali really lights up at night. A trek of 1.5 kilometres along Kuta Beach took us to Papa's Limoncello, where I had a pizza roll, mixed fruit juice and tiramisu cake.
Flow: The establishments on the southern coast of Bali – the provincial capital Denpasar is nearby – are frequented by visitors from all over the world. There is a wall hiding the beach, but it is low enough to see over into the ocean from most spots. At night, the chaos overland settles down into a slow, soothing flow complete with powerful ocean breezes.
In my hippogriff form I chatted with a filled Parcly after her dinner, talking about my home in Seaquestria and its features. Marine engineering can take advantage of the supportive properties of water to realise structures even more grandiose than those on land.
Spindle: Neighbouring our hotel were a group of discothèques. As we walked (or floated) home they raved at maximum volume with live performances, sports telecasts and a royal wedding broadcast from the Griffish Isles, together hot enough to vibrate my translucent coat. Even I was full of emotion; beside Parcly as she lay on her bed, I faded away into her heart a happy windigo.
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hknshi · 5 years
DEBATE (2015-2017)
Every year, a very massive event called Kemahiran Amal Islami (KAMIL) for schools that are registered under JAIS will be taken place. students from various schools will be competing with each other by entailing any preferred category that suits them best such as debate, forum, nasyid, choral speaking, syarahan and so on to bring the most out of them as well as to glorify their hidden talent. with undue reverence, id like to clarify that my school ALWAYS conquers most of the placings. but with the exception of our debate teams, I’m still proud that we made it till the state level in the year of 2017, AT LAST ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
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I found myself being part of the debate team for 3 years. that was when things started to look up. i was the second speaker along with my other unflinching comrades.
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I still remember how keen, eager and immersed my team was during each training session and only God knows the overabundance amount of brainstormings, tears and sweat we had been through just to ensure we were all prepared for each succeeding battle. win or lose, shout out to luqman, irsyad, izzah and maisarah for making everything possible, YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! and will always have a place to reside in my tiny little heart.
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pictures were taken right after we won our final round, defeating our all time rival, SAMTSH. we hung up together at a warung corner nearby to celebrate and marvel at this little achievement. to the state level we go!
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one with cikgu ira on our hunt to buy new grey blazers. 📸: hazwan
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debat bm
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my team 
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debat bahasa arab
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ok fast forward to KAMIL state level
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nabihah, one of our hardworking school photographers, my November buddy, and a roommate. miss u sis <3
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to wrap it up, we got third place for our finale, not that much but alhamdulillah. a day to remember.
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sat down for a nice chat, consoling our gloomy hearts because we just lost the previous round to SAMTTAJ.
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our first and third speaker, irsyad and luqman
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a question loomed, why did I perform so badly during that round. I WASNT THE USUAL ME, WHY ;_;
but then, who would have thought that second speaker turned out to be my….hehe stay tuned!
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stacylaughs · 7 years
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April 19 - 26, 2017
Our dive guide on Gili Air organized a speed boat and private car to Kuta, Lombok. Ady said it would be RP800K for two people, but they charged us RP850K. We didn’t argue. It was fast and easy, but obviously not the cheapest option. The speed boat got us to Bhangsal, Lombok very quickly, but the drive to Kuta took at least 2 hours and we were grateful the driver was there for us when we arrived. He dropped us off at the hotel - easy peasy!
Sometimes it felt like time was dragging during the week in Kuta, Lombok - but now, looking back, it was one of the best parts of my trip around Asia this spring. Seven nights at Dream Hotel Kute Lombok (includes a small breakfast) was $224.49 total, but it’s worth the price as it’s the best area to stay in Lombok. It’s right next to Kuta Beach, and while the beach is mediocre and full of hawkers, there’s lots to eat nearby and it’s easy to book tours to go places or rent a scooter to go to some really nice beaches.
Unlike Bali, Lombok is Muslim, so no pork, you’ll see women wearing headscarfs, and hear the Muezzin call from a Minaret several times a day. You don’t have to worry about dressing too conservatively; shorts and a t-shirt or even a dress are fine.
At first, I had a distaste for Kuta, Lombok as it was dirty (garbage everywhere), the stray dogs are not friendly late at night, people on the street are always hassling you, and prices are highly negotiable. The locals are definitely much more crass and rough around the edges than those in Bali or on the Gili Islands. I’ve heard and read that not all areas of Lombok take to tourists kindly and maybe it’s because Lombok isn’t as major a tourist destination as others. It was difficult for me to keep a smile on my face after I realized that someone only saw me as a quick way to make money. Then, I realized that the locals were just trying to make a living and I was in a very beautiful place with more than enough money to live well, so I chilled out and was less defensive.
Kuta is was the most developed area I saw in Lombok and still it was just a few convenience stores, many open-air bamboo construction businesses, a couple of ATMs, and a handful of restaurants. Kuta is what Bali must have looked like 20 years ago. 
Local food at warungs will be the most affordable but the foreign food was too tempting for me (albeit pricey in comarison). A surprisingly high number of wood oven pizza, but I didn’t really enjoy it. My favorite places to be were KRNK (burgers), The Mexican in Town (Mexican, duh), El Bazar (Moroccan), Nuggets (Indonesian), MILK (coffee), and Bus Beach Bar (drinks). No matter where you are, you will be pestered by kids selling bracelets, some as young as 5-years-old. They’re children, but they know all the sales’ tricks and several languages. They really know how to test your patience, but please be kind to them. It broke my heart when I saw adults be mean to them.
Booty the tour guide
We befriended a local named Booty. He owned a tourist hut and his wife owned a clothing shop. He was quick to smile but never laughed at our jokes. We gave him a lot of money for tours and to rent scooters, but he always seemed unhappy about negotiating and asked us to pay more so “we could both be happy.” He was an interesting character, as it was obvious that his business was in tourism but he didn’t seem to like tourists much. 
Waterfall + villages trip
We paid Booty RP550K to drive us to waterfalls and two villages. This was a private tour and we could ask to stop anywhere + stay in any place for as long as we’d like. 
First, he drove us to a park that had a group of five waterfalls (including Benang Stokel and Benang Kelambu Waterfalls). Admission is RP10K for locals but Booty told us we were required to have a guide since we were foreigners -- we later did some research and found this was not true. The guide wanted to charge us per waterfall seen, so we chose to see three, which was RP90K a person. The guide was immensely kind + helpful, though, and probably the nicest person we met in Lombok. 
Rob jumped off the first waterfall, which was 11 meters/~35 feet. You couldn’t jump off any others but there were spots to swim in cool water from Lake Segara Anak of Mount Rinjani.
Benang Stokel features two waterfalls falling more than 30 meters down a steep cliff face covered with ferns and jungle vegetation. Benang means “thread”, and describes the thin streams of water that gush down the cliff, like silver threads. The waterfall to the left is the higher of the two and is more powerful. The fall on the right side splashes into a small rocky pool at the bottom. 
Although parts of the trek can be a bit slippery and arduous, the track is safe and is not really challenging if you go slow. The view of Benang Kelambu at the end looks straight out of a hair-product commercial. Kelambu means “netting” and refers to the waterfalls, which spread out across the greenery like finely draped nets.
After the waterfalls, Booty took us to two traditional Sasak Villages. The Sasak are the indigenous people of this island, which today make about 85% of the total population of Lombok. First, Pusat Kerajinan Tenun PATUH, where I learned to weave (women in that village have to learn to weave before they can get married) and then purchased a large weaving for RP750K (negotiated down from RP1500K). Negotiating was hard and price was based on nationality; it hurt to hear the people there refer to us openly as “US dollars.”
The second village we went to was called Sade. This village is set up for 10-15 minute tours and you can only walk around led by a tour guide. It’s set up for tourists but still has a very much a lived-in village feel. He gave us some interesting insights into life there and we walked around, looked inside some houses, saw their temple, how they store food, etc. We learned about some of their traditional customs, like what they do when they want to marry someone, which is that the man kidnaps the woman! He takes a risk though because if she says no, he has to pay a fine. The guide will ask for a donation at the end; our guide book suggested a minimum tip of RP40K.
Snorkel trip to the small gilis
The three Gili islands are quite well-known, but gili actually means “small island” and there are many of them. Booty organized a private car to the Lembar harbor and boat to let us snorkel three gilis (Naggu, Sudak, and Kedis) for RP800K (total price for two people), which included snorkel gear. Again, we could stop anywhere we’d like and stay in any location for as long as we’d like. 
It took around thirty minutes to reach Gilli Nanggu by boat from the harbor. The island had a RM5K per person “cleaning fee” but there was quite a bit of garbage on the beach and in the ocean. It made me sad to see other tourists standing on coral and feeding the fish. Bad ocean behavior, so I tried to swim away from them. Lots of wonderful fish to see.
After we were done, we hopped back on the boat and traveled ten minutes to Gili Sudak (sometimes known as Suda). Sudak is even smaller than Nanggu and although the beach wasn’t as wide or long as the one on Nanggu, it was the perfect shady spot for a coconut drink. You can also have a meal here if you’d like. Some more nice fish to see in the ocean here.
The last island, Kedis, is very tiny. No bigger than the size of a tennis court, except round, with a few trees in the middle. 
Renting scooters
Renting scooters is a must to explore Lombok as public transit is nonexistent. It is my favorite place to ride scooters, ever. The roads were easy to navigate, traffic wasn’t unreasonable, and other drivers were kind (water buffalo included). We paid Booty RP50K a day for a scooter, and these scooters were in really terrible condition (e.g. weak brakes and missing side mirrors). 
The first thing we did was drive a mile up the mountain to eat at the Ashtari Restaurant. The restaurant has sweeping views of Kuta and its surrounding hills and bays. Go early and get a good spot, like a comfy bean bag chair at the edge. The atmosphere is great for a drink and snacks. 
Then, you can drive out to Mawun Beach (Pantai Mawun). The locals will charge you RP10K per motorbike as an entrance fee. Same fee if you drive a bit further to Selong Belanak Beach. Surrounded by mountains, the beaches are all unbelievably beautiful and shockingly undeveloped. You’ll pay RP5K to use a toilet/changing room --only one per beach. And, there are only 1-2 beach shacks to get a bite to eat or something to drink. A sun lounger is RP50K each. It’s not fancy at all but prices are reasonable. They’re likely the best beaches I’ve ever been to in my life. 
The airport shuttle in the morning costs RP100K a person, but we negotiated a private car with Booty for the afternoon at RP220K for two people.
Other things to do
If I had more time in Lombok, I’d probably be interested in some of the following:
The second largest volcano in Indonesia is nearby. You can hike Mount Rinjani but it’ll take at least 2 days. Even the 3-day hike is bound to be killer. The crater lake looks incredible.
I ran out of energy to visit Tangsi Beach (aka Pink Beach). I was told not to go by scooter because it’s a 2-hour drive from Kuta and the last 30 minutes are very rough road. The sand on this beach is actually white but the bright red Organ Pipe corals gives it a pink hue. Might be a painful beach to walk barefoot on but sure sounds beautiful.
The Tanjung Aan Beach is also known to be beautiful for its turquoise sea and white sand. Apparently, you can climb a rock to see the view over the two bays and beaches of Aan.
You can spend a day at the 4-star hotel, Novotel, for a small fee, lounging under a beachfront cabana, ordering food and using their swimming pool. Love enjoying luxury at the fraction of a hotel stay!
Also consider a multiple day boat trip to Komodo where you can see Komodo dragons in real life. Amazing diving and snorkeling there too.
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mabsj · 5 years
Hi there everyone and good evening. I started to type this post on 19/03/2020, Thursday, 11.30pm. I would like to share to you another horror experience happened to me at Malaysia estimated about 2years ago.
The incident happened along the journey of going to the destination and back to Singapore. That time I was sending my Late Uncle to Thailand. He usually take train(KTM) to go back to his hometown. And his hometown is at Narathiwat, Thailand. Usually his departure to home goes smooth but only for that time of point, it didn’t. He missed his train to Thailand and was stuck at Malaysia train Checkpoint. He decided to stay at the pavement of the Malaysia Train Checkpoint and wait for the next available train the next morning. I could remember the train the he should be boarding departs at 8.30pm and he want to wait till the next morning at 10.30am the next train departs to his destination. As a nephew, who wants to let him stay cold outside there without proper rest. So I grab my brother car and decided to fetch my uncle at Johore Bahru and send him to Kelantan. So from there he can take bus or train to his hometown. I know it’s sounds crazy but his wife at Thailand expected for his arrival.
Manage to grab my brother car and zoom I speed off to fetch him and when I arrive, drink some coffee and fill up petrol and starts the journey. I start my journey at around 10pm at night. I don’t know how long the journey would take at first but according to Google Maps, total journey takes about 13hrs.
First leg of the journey after a few hours of driving, I reach RnR Ayer Keroh, that is Alor Gajah, Malacca Zone. Have to rest for a moment after driving more than 2hrs straight. Freshen myself up and had my massage from the Massage Chair on every RnR Stops. After 1hr of rest, we continued on and pit stops followed by Kuala Lumpur. And from there, my Late uncle ask me to cut through the road. And I know if I were to cut through, I would pass by Raub old highway. And it’s a pitch-black road where cars or motorcycles would use their high beam lights to see through. I got no choice but yeah just want him to arrive as early as possible. And along the road between Kuala Lipis and Gua Musang if I could remember clearly, something happened.
The road which is totally pitch-black while your surrounding is all woods, trees, road lamp only depends on your vehicle high beam lights, just imagine guys, after for an hour I drive, I don’t even see any food stalls. To my thoughts, who would want to set up a stall in the middle of nowhere. And indeed, we saw one. My Late uncle told me to stop, and get ourselves some food and drink to eat and rest for awhile.  I told my uncle, In English,”Are you sure uncle? That shops seems to look different. Driving for hours and out of nowhere appear this shop with no customers sitting on it.”. Maybe it’s late night. “Just stop. We take a rest for awhile. You are tired”. So I had no choice but to make a U-Turn and stop and park beside the Warung.
I was still inside my car while my Late uncle already got out of the car and even sitting on the chair. I got chills around my body. My body hair stands up and I know it does not seems right. Maybe It just my negativity thoughts. So sit with him and waited for order. The light was on but there is no one around. So I walk around the shop and thinking the owner of the shops may be resting or something. I don’t dare to enter the cashier area as I scared I would be caught as intend to rob. So I slowly walk and suddenly a voice came being heard from my back. “Yes What do you want to eat?” Shit Crap I jumped and turn around with shock while catching my breath. I just pass by there and I am very sure there is no one there. “We would like to order some food and drinks”, I replied to him. He walk to the table where my Late uncle is sitting. I followed him by behind. Ordered some food and the way he talk, replied is sound like creepy. The food was prepared quite fast. Usually it will take about 15-20mins. But this one, he served withing 5mins together with our drinks.
So while we are eating, we heard a car passing by. And upon passing by, that car sounded their car horn at us. Maybe he wants to indicate he is passing by. So we both let it be. But it happends again. Another car pass by and sounded their horn at us. Not only once, but nearly 4 times. “Lets carry on our journey. We are running late”, I told my Late uncle. And he agreed. We called the Warung uncle and our eyes are looking at the cashier area because that’s where we last see him entering. And suddenly, we heard a reply behind us. I was shock like how in the world he is right behind us?! I just literally gave him the cash and told him to keep the change and I told my uncle to get into the car. As soon as we get inside the car, I drive off. Make a u-turn to continue with the road. And just about 100m, I look at the Warung through my rear-view mirror. And to my surprise, the chairs were flipped upside-down. Usually when it was put like that, it indicated the shop is closed. I just continue on. I thought to myself maybe I was a little bit sleepy. Few hours later, we arrive at my uncle destination, Tumpat KTM station. We arrive early and luckily his train was due to arrive in 2hrs later. And that was the last train. So I accompany him bought the train ticket, and buy some titbits for him to eat while in his journey to hometown and check-in. Before check-in, my Late uncle advise me to find a hotel or a safe crowded place for me to sleep and depart in the morning instead of straight after this. “it’s ok. I will be fine. If I were to feel totally sleepy, I will find a petrol station or pit stop and get myself to sleep”, I said to him. Just be careful, update me where is your whereabouts, and keep praying inside your heart if anything happened” he said. I was clueless but I was too tired to think for an answer.
After sending him, I went to nearby shop to buy some drinks and ciggerate. A long journey back, but this time, I decided to take a shortcut to Johore Bahru. Instead of driving back to where I drive previously, I decided to drive by Terengganu, Cherating, Kuantan, Mersing, Kota Tinggi, and lastly, Johore Bahru. The journey took about 9-10hrs according to GPS. The GPS that I use previously is Google Map. But this time, I use WAZE. A lot of people said WAZE is much better. But yeah, there is positive and negative of it. and furthermore, the route that I’m going to drive is Kampung Area. Where the road is only meant for 2-way Traffic, no lamp post. And the darkness is, I could say honestly, from the view inside your car, the visibility is just 5-8metres without your headlight turn of. But if with headlights on, if you are using Halogen Headlight, low bean your visibility will be around 10-14metres. But with high beam, you can barely see after 100metres of your view due to fog. Advisable use HID 8000K. its white and yellowish. And that’s the minimum of using low beam. Don’t use LED. It may be clearer but you going to blind up the oncoming traffic. That point I was using Halogen light. The length you may heard it quite far. But in reality, inside your car, your 10-14metres is not exactly as what being mention. It was counted from your car front bumper to the furthest.
I started my journey. Just after I turn right upon junction ahead, I saw the dark road ahead of me. There will be cars but minimal. Like you can see around 1 or 2 in every 7-8km. and the dangerous is, the bend, big lorries, blind spots. That is not going to be my dangerous. There is much more dangerous ahead which without my knowing.
I just enter the zone of Terengganu. It’s creepy. Been driving for 1hr. And I don’t see any food stalls. Kampung route they do have food stalls but not like RnR. This one is built just beside the road. Some of it will open 24hrs but some will not. 20mins driving along Terengganu zone…………
 20mins of driving, in the middle of nowhere, pitch black just only hoping for your headlight, MY CAR SUDDENLY BREAK DOWN! Break down in the middle of nowhere. You don’t even know how far is the workshop and you don’t even know how far is the petrol station. And furthermore, some of the kampung area have telecom signal and some do not have and some will have but not as strong. And my phone signal is weak. Like 1bar. And mostly will be no network. I was scared at that point. So I try some of my basic knowledge and see what’s wrong with my car. Theirs is a different between car battery weak, no petrol and sparkplug out. I just top up petrol before my journey back and petrol is out. I turn my car key to ignition slot and turns out all the indicate is still clearly visible. No weaken of lights symptoms. I tried to start the car and my car cranks up. And spark plug and battery is not an issue. So I look around the engine bay with my phone torchlight to see anything burst. And suddenly…
Guys. My boot door suddenly SLAMMED!!! “BAAAM!!!” I was shocked till I hit my head on the hood cover when I suddenly raise up my head in a shocking way. My heart pump truly fast. Just like you finish your 400m sprint. Firstly, I thought it’s the wind. But it’s impossible. It may be cold at night but there is no wind. I’m driving an SUV and my boot door opens sideways. I mean pull the door and it opens sideways.  So I check inside my car if there is any animals like monkey or something but there’s none. So I check the surrounding of my car and still there is no one. To my confusement, “maybe passing by cars that regulates winds close my boot door”, I said to myself. So I didn’t manage to see what is the issue to my car engine bay, I decided to give it another shot to start the engine. Just by only one CRANK, the engine starts running. Felt happy and closed the hood of my car and get inside my car and start driving.
Everything goes smoothly. BUT only for the time being. I didn’t ever thought of what is going to happened next. What happened next is, my car became heavier and heavier. My thought was maybe I’m driving uphill. But at the same time, I played surah Yassin through the CD Player. When it started playing, my car begins to shake aggressively. At the same time I heard soft screaming. I was like, gosh. May this be a bad dream. Not reality. Hahahaha. Just want to make myself relax and not to think negative. I decided to play it louder. Not too sure whether I turn the volume up to the max or not, I just turn it up to full blast. I can’t stop the car because the road is like pitch black. And I know it’s not safe to stop. Make my decision to continue driving and stay inside my car.
Multiple cars high-beam at me. Even the truckers. Just to be safe, I turn on my hazard lights and driving slowly so that it any vehicles behind me can pass by. I have to search for a nearby Mosque. I can’t go to Surau because surely it will be locked. So I go to Masjid and it’s 45mins from my location. Like it or not, I just have to make my way there to make myself safe. 45mins of driving, I reach to nearby Masjid and the gate is still open and I drive inside and park my car and I went to take my ablution and sit inside the Mosque till I fell asleep till dawn. I woke up upon hearing the Azan Subuh. Wake up, and re-take my ablutions again and do my Dawn prayer.
Get into my car once done praying and I didn’t realise my phone battery was dead. Charge it up and to my surprise, I got a lot of whatsapp missed call from my Late uncle and his wife, FB calls and text even from my wife. So I told my wife, I’m fine and want to continue my way back home. I’m still at Terengganu Zone. Been driving for 3hrs and still at Terengganu? Usually it will take about 1-2hrs.  She will know my whereabouts because we both install GPS Tracker app so we will know where each other are if we were to go for holiday and we lost each other. I arrive Johore Bahru at around 6pm. Reach home at around 7+ pm. I wash myself up and had my dinner and have a chat with my wife. She told me that my Late uncle was worried because he told my wife, while on my way sending him to Tumpat,Kelantan, there is something following us when we stop for supper on this one Warung. He wanted to accompany me till dawn but I insist of him to reach his hometown meet his wife on time.
My Late Uncle worried till he call me non-stop and ended up to inform my wife if I were to reach home, told me to give him a call. I did and I told him what happened. I do know it’s spiritual activity around that Kampung but I know, Kampung area is always like that. Weird things happened during at night. Just need to calm down and realise yourself and know what decision are you going to make to protect yourself. To me, something like this is what I call Challenging. It challenge your mentality, your Iman. I may be scared but not totally scared. Because what I learn is, if you are scared with spirits or could say Syaitan(Satan), Syaitan will continue playing with you. But if you are brave, remember, Allah is there to protect you. Don’t ever kneel down to Syaitan. It will be the worst. That’s all for my Paranormal Incident that trully happen to me after I send my Late Uncle to Tumpat,Kelantan.
Signing off,
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The Cheapest Cities to Book for Your Next Vacation, According to Airbnb
New Post has been published on https://onlinedatingloves.com/awesome/the-cheapest-cities-to-book-for-your-next-vacation-according-to-airbnb/
The Cheapest Cities to Book for Your Next Vacation, According to Airbnb
People say that one of their biggest traveling regretsis being held back by finances. While it certainly cost money to jet-set all over the world, savvy travelers know that some of the cheapest cities to visit can make for picturesque and unforgettable getaways.
Thanks to deal-scanning sites and budget airlines, it’s easy to score affordable airfare. That, in addition to Airbnb( because actually, who needs hotels ?), anyone can book a trip on a budget. Needless to say, it’s no surprise that touring all corners of the globe has become the norm, because getting there is more accessible than ever before. And with the search for” budget travelling” being on the rise( up 64 percent from last year, according to Pinterest ), Airbnb released a list of 10 worldwide destinations with astonishingly affordable listings.
Ahead, check out the accommodation site’s top picks, along with money-saving hacksfrom travel experts, advisors, and bloggers who’ve been there, themselves. From drinking wine in Bologna, to eating street food in Taipei, to seeing gardens in Moscow, you don’t have to let money( or absence thereof) dampen your wanderlust. If the places below are on your travel bucket list, get ready to check off your most dreamed-about destinations.
Bologna, Italy
Source: @yulia_vasilyeva
Believe it or not, your stay in Italy can be super budget-friendly. Head to Bologna, and you’ll find plenty of Airbnb listings for under $75 a night, with many in the $50 and under range.
Katy Thomas, who created the travel blog Katy in Umbria, gives her tips on touring the city on the cheap.” A plate of pasta alla bolognese, a glass of light, somewhat fizzy red wine called Lambrusco, water, and a cafe should come to EUR1 5, while the walk-to is free. For a quick and easy lunch, stop at a bar and try un panino con Mortadella, a sandwich with the famed cold cut for under EUR5 .”
She adds a hack that’ll save money for sightseeing history buffs.” If you’re interested in checking out some museums and art galleries, then the city cardmight be a good investment for EUR2 5.”
Lyon, France
Source: @france. vacations
With Airbnb listings averaging $79 per night, head to Lyon on a dime, and you can say you’ve been to France.
” Lyon’s old one-quarter, Vieux Lyon, is worth savoring, with streets every bit as atmospheric as in Paris ,” says Rachel Heller, founder of the travel blog Rachel’s Ruminations.” For a bit of history, start at the Romanesque/ Gothic cathedral of St. Jean Baptiste( free ), dating to the Middle Ages; its stained glass windows are mostly original and absolutely magnificent in the darkness of the cathedral. From there, stray the constrict streets, moving slowly uphill as you explore, or else take the Fourviere funicular( EUR1. 90) up the hill. In either example, at the top, admire the opulent interior of the 19 th-century Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourviere( free ). Stroll its garden and admire the views of the city. Jumping back farther in history, visit the wreckings of a Roman theater( free) nearby
” To feed cheaply in Lyon, don’t buy pre-made sandwiches ,” Heller recommends.” Instead, buy a cheap baguette at any boulangerie( baker) for under EUR2 and some cheese and fruit at a grocery or supermarket for a couple of euros more. You’ll have enough for two meals: simple, delicious, and very cheap .”
Busan, South Korea
Source: The Culture Trip
The average Airbnb in Busan is a miniscule $47 per night. So while airliner tickets to Asia can be quite pricey( although, you can still find some pretty sweet deals ), you don’t have to spend much once you get there.
” In Busan, most of the major tourist attractions are free ,” explains Bino Chua, the travel blogger behind I Wandered.” This includes the picturesque temples — Beomeosa, Seokbulsa, and Haedong Yonggungsa — as well as the modern architecture of the Busan Cinema Center. The lifestyle here is outdoorsy, with beaches right at one’s doorstep; you’ll also get to spot some of Korea’s famed cherry buds in spring.
” A trip-up to Busan is not complete without visiting the village of Gamcheon, a former slum that has find urban resurgence, thanks to its brightly colored houses and charming alleyways. There are so many free things to do in Busan that you probably won’t need to spend on attractions while there .”
Porto, Portugal
Source: @leboudoirdetimea
If Portugal is on your pail listing, don’t let finances get in the way. Make a trip-up to Porto, where you can book an Airbnb for under $50 a night.
Tammy O’Hara, proprietor of Million Miles Travel Agency, says touring around township can be super affordable.” The city is very walkable going downhill, and public transportation is plentiful and inexpensive. A must-do, in my opinion, be able to find a tile-making factory( I went to Gazete Azulejos ). The tour is about three hours and includes a walking tour, coffee, and nata( custard tart ), and the opportunity to attain your own tile. It is about EUR4 0 per person .”
O’Hara mentions that the food in Porto is especially cheap — and delicious.” Do a port wine tasting, try the bacalhu( salted codfish ), the francesinha( go to Bufete Fase, one sandwich is definitely enough for two people, about EUR7 per person ), and natas,[ which are] available for EUR1- 2. A lot of the bakeries also have a coffee or port special for EUR2- 3,[ which is] excellent for a quick breakfast or after-dinner dessert and wine. Go to Nata Lisboa, Majestic Cafe, or Fabrica de Nata .”
Ottawa, Canada
Source: @heynadine
With Airbnbs in Ottawa averaging $66 per night, tourists in the northern US can leave the country for cheap, and without stepping foot on a plane.
” Two of Ottawa’s top attractions are completely free to visit ,” points out travelling blogger Kris Morton, inventor of Nomad by Trade.” Visitors can enjoy the Rideau Canal for free in any season, skating when it’s frozen in wintertime or walking or running along the pathways in warmer climate. Guided tours of Parliament, including the Senate or House of Commons are also free, though it’s recommended that you reserve tickets in advance online.
” Don’t miss the Rideau Canal — a UNESCO World Heritage Site that runs through the heart of town. If you’re visiting in winter, you’ll want to check out the Winterludefestival, held there annually for skating and other cold-weather fun .”
Prague, Czech Republic
Source: @aroundprague
Full of history and culture, Prague is the home of stunning architecture, and, it is about to change, plenty of $10 – $20 Airbnbs.
” Prague is as easy on the bank as it is to navigate with its top-notch transportation system ,” says Sara Graham, a brand and communications consultant and writer of How To Make Big Moves: Relocate Without Losing Your Mind.” For the budget traveler, it’s a no-brainer … beer is almost the same price as water .”
Graham’s first recommendation for a sunny springtime day?” Grab snacks and rent a peddle barge for a self-guided cruise on the Vltava ,” she says.” This is a lovely low-cost way to see the bridges, which can often get crowded.( Approximately $13 for a four-person boat .) Craving pizza? Pizza Nuova does it best this side of Naples. Classic pizza Margherita ($ 7) and vino, with a downtown position. Invariably, there’s always something going on in Old Town Square, even if it’s just the usual throngs collecting to watch the medieval Astronomical Clock ring in the hour .”
Bali, Indonesia
Source: @thebaliexpert
Want some time in a tropical paradise without draining your bank account? Head to Bali, where luxurious Airbnb accommodations can run around $ 130 per night( or as little as $30 for smaller spaces ).
” Bali is one of the most magical places on the planet ,” says Erin L. McCoy, editor-in-chief of Let’s Travel Spain.” One of the best things to do in Bali is to visit local temples, and these are usually either free or available to visit for a small donation. The Ubud Water Palace is gorgeous, flanked by ponds blooming with lotuses, and decorated with the most intricately carved figures. The colossal Besakih Temple is Bali’s mother temple, and looks down on broad fields from the peak of a mound. The Ulun Danu Beratan Temple, a short distance from Ubud, appears to float over a serene lagoon. These are just a few must-sees, and you can rent a taxi for a whole day for only a relatively small cost .”
When it comes to food, McCoy says,” For low-priced local fare, check out Puspa or Warung Biah Biah, both on a cobblestoned, pedestrian-friendly side street at the heart of Ubud. For coffee, stop in at KAFE, a hangout for expats and digital nomads .”
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Source: @riodejaneirobrasil
Even budget-conscious travelers can check out this seaside city, where a variety of Airbnbs will cost you under $100 per night.
” During Spring breaking, Rio receives its autumn, which is a perfect time to visit; not too hot , not too cold( if we can say that Brazil gets’ too cold ‘), and not too mobbed ,” says Reylla Santos, a clinical and addictions counselor who’s from Brazil. “[ There are] plenty of places to visit, beautiful beaches, bars around the beach( you can drink caipirinha while enjoy the breeze ), museums, breathtaking landscape. In Rio you also receive a lot of tourists; hence, detecting someone who speaks English won’t be a problem. There are multiple alternatives of things to do, places to go, and where to eat .”
Further, she says,” Watch the sunset at the Arpoador, it’s awesome! Eat a picanha[ a cut of beef] at Garota da Urca, it melts in your mouth. The Santa Teresa neighborhood is cozy and artistic, so if you like these types of things, make sure you go there. The pond Joao Fernandes is also a cool place to go and have a peaceful afternoon or get active by taking a helicopter trip or doing some water athletics .”
Moscow, Russia
Source: @moscow
Yes, you can stay in Russia’s capital city without going transgres by booking an Airbnb between $40 -7 0 a night.” One of my favorite things to do in Moscow during the spring is to visit the central botanical garden ,” shares Igor Bratnikov, co-founder and COO of Wanderu, a bus and train travel booking site.” There are numerous collectings of flora from all over the world … you have to pay an extra fee to get into special exhibitions, but those are usually around$ 5-$ 7, and are definitely worth it .”
Bratnikov adds that, when it is necessary to museums, you can expect to pay an admission fee, but again, it’s nothing that will break the bank.” On average, expect to pay about$ 8 at every museum you’d like to visit ,” he explains.” My two main recommendations include The Armoury Chamber, where you can see authentic royal jewelry dating back to the 12 th century, and the State History Museum, because Russia is a country with such a colorful history that you simply must learn more about it to understand many of the cultural peculiarities you will run into as a guest .”
As far as nosh goes,” you can easily have a delicious three-course meal for about $20 at a popular local eatery( not a fast food place or an international chain ). My personal favourite is Khachapuri, a restaurant that offers authentic Georgian cuisine in a cozy laid-back atmosphere .”
Taipei, Tawain
Source: @taipei. scout
If this up-and-coming tourist destination is on your wishlist, consider booking a trip while it’s still cheap — and local Airbnbs average $54 a night.” Taipei is worth visiting for its friendly folk, plethora of hot spring in the northern part of town, and its fascinating night market culture ,” says Chua.” If you are into Chinese culture, the National Museum here is worth a visit. Many of the artifacts were brought here by the nationalist government when they fled mainland China during the communist takeover .”
He adds that the city’s vibrant street food scene means that you should come hungry.” You definitely have to try street food such as stinky tofu( which entails some fortitude in order to try ), oyster cake, and mee sua( thin noodles with soup ),” Chua explains.” A typical way of enjoying street snacks is to go to the night market of your choice and to try different things from various stallings. You won’t have to spend more than$ 5 to get your tummy filled. A personal favorite night market for me whenever in Taipei is Ningxia Night Market .”
This article originally appeared on The Zoe Report on March 30, 2019
The post The Cheapest Cities to Book for Your Next Vacation, According to Airbnb seemed first on The Everygirl.
Read more: theeverygirl.com
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mybubblyface-blog · 7 years
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As the car entered Citepus Beach, your eyes will be spoiled with sandy beaches and the sea on the way to Cimaja Beach Club.
To live and work in Jakarta means layered of pressures, start from the professional life and personal life too. That’s why me and my best friends like to getaway on the weekend from the hustle and bustle of the concrete jungle.
The best area for relaxing weekend getaway is the beach! There are several beaches nearby Jakarta that can be reached within a day. This time, we decided to go on a weekend adventure trip to Cimaja Beach of Pelabuhan Ratu and stay at Cimaja Beach Club, a famous accommodation among the surfers and also famous for its delicious breakfast.
How did we experience our trip to Cimaja Beach Club? Read more!
1. Cimaja accommodation vs holiday goals vs budget
We want to go on a relaxing holiday by the beach with limited budget. Cimaja Beach Club is the accommodation that meets our need because it sits right in front of the Cimaja Beach.
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Cimaja Beach Club
The price for two persons and an extra bed is affordable for the 3 of us with breakfast included. So, it’s sooo…… within our budget! There are 3 selections of breakfast from Pancakes, Big Breakfast, and Granola. We were actually finding difficulties when we have to decide what we want for breakfast, we wanted them all!
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Pancakes for breakfast, anyone?
The staffs are amazing! They are very kind and attentive, always ready to give information everytime we asked. And they have 2 friendly Dalmatians that company us when we hang out at the Common Space.
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Trooper & Feder
You can check out Cimaja Beach Club website through the following link: http://www.cimajabeachclub.com/ for the accommodation price. Jeremy, the owner, is very responsive and he speaks Bahasa Indonesia too! Too bad we didn’t have the chance to meet him when we stay there.
2. How to get to Cimaja?
We were looking for a cheap yet convenient transportation to reach Cimaja Beach. So we decided that we are going to mix our transportation. We started to check other options of transportation by checking the train schedule and whether the accommodation provides train station pick up, etc. We wanted to arrive at Cimaja at lunchtime, so we made online reservation for the 08:00 am train depart from Bogor to Pelabuhan Ratu. We also made reservation for a car pick up at Cibadak train station where we got off from the train.
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Train boarding pass
These are our transportation details to Cimaja Beach Club (CBC):
From Jakarta to Cimaja Beach:
Commuter Line from Jurangmangu to Bogor station 8,000
Pangrango train ticket Bogor Paledang – Cibadak Executive class 50,000
Car pick up from Cibadak station – Cimaja Beach Club 117,000
From Cimaja Beach to Jakarta:
Car pick up from Cimaja Beach Club –Cibadak station 117,000
Pangrango train ticket Cibadak – Bogor Paledang Economy class 25,000
Commuter Line Bogor to Jurangmangu station 8,000
Total cost per person 325,000
We departed from Jurangmangu at 05:00 am and arrived at Cimaja Beach Club at 13:00 pm. With a mix of transportation types, we have reached our destinations with affordable price yet still have the comfort that we need.
If you want to follow our way of transport, here a few tips:
From Bogor Commuter Line station, you have to walk out of the station and cross the street to reach the Bogor Paledang station.
Carry a backpack to bring all your necessary items, it will make you easier to walk without quickly feel exhausted.
Pangrango train Executive class is very comfortable with reclining seats and most likely full like the economy class, where you have to sit on a non-reclining 3-seater.
Be careful when you use the toilet because the train rail is not always flat due to the contour of the terrain. You will experience minor shakes, so please consider that when you are doing activity in the train especially in the toilet.
All the car drivers only know fast or super fast driving and they are most likely tried to precede other vehicles including buses. I would suggest you to drink Antimo, dimenhydrinate tablets for dizziness and wear your seatbelt eventhough you are sitting in the back.
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Backpack troops!
Of course, there are many other options of transportation that meets your need. You can rent a private car from Jakarta to Cimaja or other alternatives transportation.
3. How many restaurants in Cimaja?
As soon as we arrived at CBC, we immediately ordered lunch. CBC has some lunch menus with relatively same price like in Jakarta. We have ordered fish dabu-dabu with rice and also beef rendang with rice. They were delicious! I know, we’d probably tired and hungry, which makes every food are delicious. But especially the fish dabu – dabu was just fantastic. The fish were fresh and the dabu – dabu was just on the right amount to make the tastiest lunch dish.
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Fish dabu – dabu over rice
In the afternoon, we went down to Citepus beach by public transportation. We enjoyed the sunset and cheap dinner by the beach. There are plenty of “warung” or small restaurant along the beach with mainly Indonesian Chinese food. We ordered meatballs soup, fried noddles, noddles soup, and none other indomie soup with meatballs ( a very typical menu, rite? ). The noddles soup was bad, so sad. But it’s fine; we can always order something to eat at CBC in case we hungry again!
You can find many restaurants around Cimaja and other beaches on surrounding areas starting from seafood and other Indonesian food. We saw one restaurant that serves pizza and pasta, but it was the only one nearby.
4. 3 things you can do at Cimaja Beach
a. Surfing
If you are a surfer, Cimaja waves are perfect for the long-board surfers. You can rent a scooter and reach other surfing beaches.
b. Eat and Eat
Whether it’s the grilled fishes and seafood, fried noddle and noddle soup, or just the simple meatballs soup, you can explore Cimaja culinary by foot, with a scooter, or by taking public transportation.
c. Being lazy
You can have a lazy holiday by walking around the beach and meet the locals catching the fishes, or read a good book while playing with the friendly dogs. You can stay inside the AC room when the heat is unbearable and turn on your playlist with a portable speaker.
There was one interesting story during our stay at Cimaja. After dinner at Citepus Beach, we realised that there was no public transportation to take us back to CBC. In the night, fishermen were renting the public transportation to go to the market. The only choice was to take the motor taxi or famously known as “ojek”.
We found an ojek and he went to find another 2 ojek because there were 3 of us. He returned with only 1 ojek, so 2 of us have to share 1 ojek. It was a unique and funny experience that we will never forget!
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I wanna join them catching little fishes!
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Perfect spot for afternoon beer, don’t you think? 
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View from the roof top
So, what are you waiting for? Pack your backpack and head out to Cimaja for your beach getaway! Who says a beach holiday is pricey and time consuming?
If you have other weekend getaway from Jakarta, I want to hear from you.
  Looking for a getaway from Jakarta the concrete jungle? As the car entered Citepus Beach, your eyes will be spoiled with sandy beaches and the sea on the way to Cimaja Beach Club.
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joyfilledwander · 8 years
Amed, a sleepy town on the far east coast of Bali, is a diamond in the rough. Decades ago, Amed was probably nothing more than a typical mountainside Balinese village. But as tourism crept in, and the depths of Amed’s Jemeluk Bay were first explored by adventurers, so came the restaurants, guest houses & dive shops. Today, Amed still feels like a Balinese village…with a high percentage of foreigners. Only one road runs through the heart of Amed, and in the midst of tourist expansion, the Balinese heart & culture remain evident. Amed continues to be a favorite getaway spot of ours on Bali, so here’s your guide to what to eat, drink, see & do while in Amed.
EAT Warung Amsha This is the restaurant where I fell in love with Amed. Located right on the beach in front of Classic Beach Villas, this place could easily be looked over. But don’t skip it. Some of the freshest Balinese food you will try can be found right here. From the tempe satay covered in rich peanut sauce to the variety of light & tasty curries, health conscious eaters will find plenty to be happy about. Two Balinese dishes to try are the pepes ikan, which is a fresh fish, marinated & steamed in a banana leaf and cooked rich with flavors and the sate lilit, fish shredded & mixed with coconut milk & spices, wrapped around satay sticks and grilled. Delicious, all around. For dessert, try lak-lak, a Balinese dessert consisting of small rice flour pancakes covered in palm sugar & coconut flakes. To drink like the locals, try cocktails made with arak, the local Balinese liquor.  With your toes in the sand and your belly full, Warung Amsha will not disappoint.
Warung Enak This gem is located on the main road of town, nestled between dive shops. The word enak in the Indonesian language means delicious, and this place does not disappoint. The chalkboard menu hangs from the walls around the restaurant, and immediately you see the diverse & unique dishes Warung Enak has to offer. Fresh salads, bbq fish, curries, pizzas, and juices may seem like regular menu standards but Warung Enak puts a creative spin on their choices. Whether it’s a chicken & pineapple curry or a roast pumpkin & feta cheese salad or a smoked salmon & onion caper wood-fired pizza, you can’t go wrong. That chicken & pineapple curry [$4 USD] was top of the list for me, by the way! With the most expensive menu item at $6 USD, at Warung Enak you can eat well for real cheap.
Warung Nikmat I happened upon Warung Nikmat on a rainy afternoon when I was hungry and didn’t want to venture far from my hotel. The menu looked appetizing, but I was really in the mood for pizza. They offered a simple Margherita pizza for $4 USD, so I thought I’d give it a try. The staff said it would take some time, so they’d bring it to my hotel room when it was finished. Fine with by me! Almost an hour later when I opened my hotel room door, I was pleasantly surprised to see a homemade deep dish pizza! Most pizzas in Bali are thin crust, and usually pre-made crust. But Warung Nikmat created a thick & delicious pizza, reminiscent of Chicago style dining, on it’s own unique crust. Needless to say, we ate there again before we left Amed. What a treat!
Fusion FreeDiving Cafe After a day of diving, no need to go farther than Fusion Freediving’s own cafe. Rehydrate with chilled fresh coconut water bottled right in the cafe. Light, healthy and well priced options fill the Fusion Cafe menu. My favorite was the chicken curry, which was plentiful and rich in flavor. Hanging out at the Fusion Cafe is like being part of a family. Almost everyone there is training to be freedivers, aspiring freedivers, or trainers of freedivers. The stories are epic and advice is invaluable. For food & community, step in the Fusion Freediving Cafe.
Galanga Garden Restaurant Top rated for a reason, Galanga Garden Restaurant is a step above the rest…literally. Located on the hilltop away from Jemeluk Bay, Galanga is tucked away in a lush green paradise. A few tables are arranged in a dining room, but most are spread out throughout the garden in little gazebos, or an Indonesian bale. A fusion menu of European & Asian dishes are fresh and exciting. We tried Galanga for brunch, but I can imagine this place being fantastic for all hours of the day. The homemade brioche with fresh jams & fruits was melt in your mouth fantastic. We tried an exotic Matahari juice, which contained pineapple, orange, ginger, honey & curry for an invigorating & refreshing beverage. Galanga is well priced, well designed and well prepared. Can’t wait until our next trip to Amed to eat here again!
Chicken & pineapple curry at Warung Enak
Chicken curry at Fusion Cafe
Brioche at Galanga Restaurant
Galanga Restaurant
Pizza from Warung Nikmat
Beachside Warung Amsha
Fusion Cafe Menu
DRINK Sunset Point This cliffside restaurant overlooks the whole of Amed, from the lush mountainside down to the shores of Jemeluk Bay. Even Mt. Agung makes an appearance. Tables at Sunset Point sit precariously close to the edge, and if it’s a windy day, you may choose a table not so near the edge. Sunset Point offers typical restaurant food, but really shines in the beverages. Creative cocktails, including a few featuring a local Balinese liquor called arak, can be enjoyed, as well as beer. Juices & smoothies are delicious and fresh. But Sunset Point is all about it’s view. The only restaurant on this hillside corner, Sunset Point has the premier overlook of Amed. While Amed is on the east coast of Bali, sunset isn’t as spectacular as other spots in Bali, this is by far the best place to watch it Amed. On a good night, you are enjoying a tasty drink, watching the sun’s sinking rays illuminating a glowing Mt. Agung.
Sunset Point seating
Great view!
Great drinks
SEE Beaches Amed isn’t really know for it’s diverse tourist attractions. It’s a beach town. So you gotta see the beach! What makes the Amed beach unique from southern Bali is the black volcanic sand. Most northern/eastern beaches are exclusively black sand, due to the nearby volcanoes in the region. It’s a stark contrast to the more famous beaches found down south. It’s visually striking and unforgettable. Amed beaches could be good for swimming, depending on the waves and wind. Either way, they are perfect for a beach resort and a good book.
DO Diving Ultimately, Amed is a dive town. You can’t walk a mile without encountering a dive shop. Depending on your budget and what experience you want, you really have your choice of shops. Nearby to Amed is a sunken shipwreck from World War 2, called the USS Liberty. It’s the most famous dive site in Bali, and almost all dive trips visit this trip. For a new diving experience, try freediving with one of the few shops in town, like Fusion Freediving & Yoga. Freediving, or extreme snorkeling, is diving without the tanks and only breath holds. But without the loud & bulky equipment that scuba diving requires, free diving allows for a peaceful experience below the sea with the wildlife. For a better description of freediving, check out my husband’s guest blogs about freediving here.
On the way back up
Fusion FreeDiving Shop
Diving views in Amed
Spearfishing with Fusion FreeDiving
Spa If diving is not your thing, don’t worry and just relax. At the spa, that is. Spa services abound in Bali, but one of my favorite spa locations continues to be Jepun Bali Spa in Amed. Aside from the fantastic relaxing & deep tissue massages [1 hour for $6 USD], they also offer body masks and skin care. The Cucumber Soother body mask is perfect for skin that has seen a little too much sun. Beginning with a refreshing rose petal soak in the tub and ending with a cucumber cooling applied to the whole body, my skin felt rehydrated instantly. The Bali Honey mask is also fabulous. I literally watched my masseuse create the mask from natural ingredients. She first scrubbed my skin with a coconut body scrub to exfoliate all my limbs, the covered me in a honey mask and then I was wrapped in banana leaves. My skin felt brand new. Best part, these hour long scrubs are only $15 USD. Another fun experience at Jepun is the Amed Refreshing Facial where I had cucumber slices across my entire face!
Spa supplies ready
That cucumber facial…
Grating the coconut for my honey scrub
Jepun Spa
Massage time
Flower petal bath soak
GET AROUND Walking Amed is so small, you will just end up walking everywhere. Walking up the hill to some of the warungs may take a bit of effort, but not impossible. You won’t see any official taxis like you do in the big cities, and Grab Taxi and Uber won’t work here. So enjoy the slow pace of life in Amed!
Motorbike Rental If you wanted wheels, renting a motorbike for your time is really easy. Most hotels can arrange, or even some guy will offer you one while you are walking. The roads aren’t too bad, and there’s hardly any traffic, so it’s a pretty easy place to do motorbike driving if you never have. I also got motorbike rides places, kinda like a motorbike taxi. You could also ask your hotel about rides up to the hilltop or further out of town stops, and they can arrange.
WHERE TO STAY Manik Garam Villas This guesthouse is new and modern with large rooms right on the beach. They also have an infinity pool with lounge chairs. There’s a full restaurant, which offers a range of meals, but we only ever ate breakfast because of all the other great places to eat in Amed. This guesthouse isn’t on the main bay of Amed, which we preferred, because it’s a little quieter. But less than a 10 minute walk put us in the heart of Amed. A well priced hotel at only $22/night including breakfast!
Classic Beach Villas A beautiful property with quaint bungalows at Classic Beach Villas provide a serene setting while staying in Amed. The bungalows, while simple, are spacious. A lovely lounge area in front of each bungalow is quite nice for mid day naps and early morning reading. Classic Beach Villas also has a large infinity pool with incredible views of both the beach and the reverse, green mountaintops. With breakfast is included each day Classic Beach Villas is a great find at $26/night.
Manik Garam Villas in Amed, Bali
Manik Garam Villas
Manik Garam Villas
Classic Beach Villas
Classic Beach Villas
Classic Beach Villas
Classic Beach Villas
Amed is a fantastic beach village worth the long car ride from the airport. It’s off the beaten path, but yet well developed for tourists. For a video look into Amed, and our most recent trip, check out my December 2016 SnapChat story!
Thinking of visiting #Amed #Bali? Check out my guide of what to eat, drink, see and do! Amed, a sleepy town on the far east coast of Bali, is a diamond in the rough.
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karmaresortsuk · 8 years
Gili Meno an island described as a ‘holiday within the holiday’, the place you visit to become ‘one with nature’, the ‘ultimate castaway experience’. This descriptive terminology was exactly what attracted me to this tiny little island just off the coast of Lombok. I can happily report that right now I am completely chillaxed, laying horizontal with laptop on belly, a fresh coconut cocktail to my side, whilst listening to the sound of waves lap ashore.
Rewind 24 hours and it was a different story.
Before you commit to reading further I would like to point out that this post is a bit different to what you will usually find on my blog. You won’t find any tips, top tens or interesting facts here. This is a post describing how I can be a complete twit sometimes when it comes to travelling. Right now I would like to think of you as my confidant and I in the confession box, ready to purge and cleanse myself of yesterday’s travel sins. So are you ready for this commitment?
Ok…. Let’s begin…
Last night my friend Pip and I decided to walk to the other side of the island to watch the sunset. Instead of walking around the island’s perimeter like any sane safety-conscious female would, we decided to take a short cut through the local community. The small dusty tracks past little warungs and shanty huts were quite a cultural experience at first, but then these little tracks started to get a bit more “rustic” and before we knew it we were deep into the Indonesian jungle. Dust soon became mud, and then mud soon became knee-high mosquito infested water, which was the colour of rust. Of course Pip and I had the perfect attire to deal with this situation. We were dressed in tropical cocktail dresses with pretty matching sandals.
By the time we made it out of the jungle and found the safety of the beach our pretty little sandals had magically transformed into what I can only describe as cow herder shoes.
Pip was borderline hysterical as she waded into the ocean to cleanse herself from whatever water-borne tropical disease she had just encountered, whilst at the same time announcing to the world that she hadn’t had any jabs and was going to die.
We found the haven of a nearby restaurant for some much needed alcoholic beverages and food and then we made travel sin no. 2….
After we finished dinner instead of following the herd of tourists walking back to their accommodation, we thought it would be a far better idea to order a horse and cart. The kind waiter gladly arranged this with a ‘friend’ and we boarded the horse and “carriage” like two tropical Cinderella’s. The horse bolted and we were whisked away back through the jungle by two local men, but this time in the pitch black.
Pip looked at me and I looked at Pip with that knowing look of ‘Shit! Are we going to survive this….. again’.
The roads got darker and darker and the sounds of Mecca from the island mosque got louder and louder. At one point the cart driver made a phone call. I was convinced it was to the group of men awaiting our arrival, so the wife/slave auctioning could begin. Obviously I am not writing this post chained up in a cow shed deep in the jungle, but back at the resort safe and sound albeit after 10 minutes of trauma.
Pip and I were so relieved to be alive that we ended up paying double the money to the bewildered drivers. We had made not one, but two piss poor decisions in the space of 3 hours and our general neurosis regarding the current world political/religious standing did not bode well with our reasoning. We can laugh now, but at the time we definitely wanted to cry.   
Anyhoo, on a lighter but still # StressfulExperience note….. I tried to go snorkelling today and made the snorkel rookie error of not checking the tides. Turns out at the exact time that I was doing my best Ursula Andress impression, was the exact time it was not just low tide, but super low tide. I was literally crawling across the reef on my belly. I finally found a nice patch of waist-high water to explore and ended up getting stung by about 20 mini jellyfish. I think that’s what you call Karma…..
Luckily the sting wasn’t too bad as I don’t think you can get vinegar here and I really didn’t fancy Pippa having to pee on me. Hopefully this evening’s beach BBQ and drinks at the bar will be a more lighthearted jovial experience.
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Gili Meno Island: Forgive me father, for I have travel sinned… Gili Meno an island described as a 'holiday within the holiday', the place you visit to become 'one with nature', the 'ultimate castaway experience'.
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