#i know bisexualer is not a word
gay-strawberry · 4 months
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mister sparkly soft puppy heart eyes they call him
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rjalker · 4 years
I am having sort of a wierd disccusion with my friend about Bi Lesbians.She says that they are both Biphobes and Lesbophobes. She says that Bi and Lesbian are mutally exclusive, and that Lesbian only means "women that are only attrackted to other women". I don't really think that's true, that really sounds like some sort of gate keeping, but she knows much more than I do about the comunity and bisexuallity. How can I address those claims? Is she right? Anyway sorry for bothering you.
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Historically, lesbians and bi women were literally just called lesbians, because lesbian just met women who love other women, not women who are exclusively attracted to women.
There's also the split attraction model to consider it, and you can tell her to look that up. I'll try to find the post that has the quote about this whole dumb argument.
The most basic thing is that how other people choose to identify has no impact on your identity, and she needs to mind her own business and chill out.
People say that pansexuality implies that bisexuality is transphobic, when it literally doesn't. You can have multiple words that means similar things, it doesn't mean that one of them is wrong. There is no right or wrong when it comes to identities.
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cptablovegood · 5 years
Are any other bisexuals mildly incensed that despite the fact that  Ulysses:
Masterbates to women sometimes
Identifies as a 4 on the kinsey scale (only one point above equal attraction to same and opposite genders)
Sometimes enjoys giving oral sex to women 
Sometimes enjoys having vaginal penetrative sex with women
Gregg Araki had to go out of his way to have the character say that he’s most certainly gay and not bisexual. 
You’re really gunna write a character that is bi/pan then actively have him refuting the fact that he’s bi while saying that he likes having sex with women in the same breath? What kind of backwards biphobic bullshit is this? We get so little bisexual/pan rep, especially with men. And usually when a character is its always ‘I don’t like labels’ or ‘I’m just attracted to who im attracted to’ but this goes one step further and has someone showing bisexual behaviours who refuses to call themselves that. Like it’s a dirty word and they’ll be tainted by association? 
And yes I know that how an individual chooses to identify is entirely their own business but this isn’t a real life person this is a character that the writers have chosen to present this way. Why is the act of bisexuallity in TV/film ok  but the word itself still so taboo? Why are our identities being erased and when are we going to get proud characters saying ‘Yes I am bisexual’ or at least questioning that they might be?
It’s not even the only time in the show that it happens. When Ford ask a man that’s going to have a threesome with him and Severine if he’s bisexual he laughs and goes ‘Well I am an aries’ and when Carly says that she occasionally “ends up with cunt in her mouth” she laughs and says something along the lines of ‘At least i get to say I’m interesting’.
Bisexuals exist. We’re not confused. We’re not going through a phase. We’re not greedy or undecided. We’re not an interesting quirk to pull out at a party. We’re people and a valid identity and we deserve respect and representation and out and proud bisexual characters. Stop writing bisexual characters and then telling us that they aren’t ‘bisexual’. It’s biphobic. Do better.
Also I know like only 3 episodes of Now Apocalypse are out on official sites but all 10 have been leaked and I’ve watched them all if you’re wondering where I’m getting some of my info from. 
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norsesuggestions · 7 years
About lesbian spaces. Do you know of any places in Stockholm that are not obvious like a lesbian bar, but they are still lesbian places in reality? Like, maybe there is a yarn store where all the women who work there just happen to be lesbians.
Yes this is VERY MUCH a thing in stockholm.
The number one such locations in stockholm is the universities gender studies depermant who should get some kind off reward for passing down wlw culture through the generations in stockholm. Like i am not even joking, gender studies in stockholm be wlw as fuck.
And there are feminist book stores (hallongrottan, now shut down), feminist cinemas, queer dance classes, etc. There are alot of places that officially on the surface ate just a “feminist space” but in actually, is a lesbian, bisexuall and/or trans place.
There is this entire thing, that one must do, as a lesbian in stockholm were one must learn when they with feminist actually mean a political event, or if they ACTUALLY mean IT IS A LESBIAN PARTY HELL YEAH
oh there is so much terminology, and subtle differences between different words, to keep track of in Stockholms lgbtq life!
But what is the problem is this thing thing are rarely permanent locations, they are just temprory. And even when they are aiming to be permanent, they will constantly quickly be shut down. Currently, officially, because have absurdly expansive rent they need to pay in stockholm city (except our dear gender studies depermants, we are permanent).
We do have 1 permanent location in stockholm that should not be forgotten, and that is RFSL headquarters. RFSL is the national organsation of lgbtq people in sweden. In their locals all sorts of lgbtq aktivites are held, some of them aimed towards lesbians.
They are though, currently risking to be forced out of their locals in vasastan, stockholm brcause of the absurd high rent stockholm city are demanding from them. It is important to note here, that the location of RFSL head quarters is in a historically poor part of stockholm city, that has now been gentrified. Stockholm city demanding high rent for RFSL headquarter could therefore be seen as a part off a gentrification politics of all the inner city of stockholm, were stockholm officials only want a “easily consumable for the upper class, straight, cis and white inner city of stockholm”.
Currently i think RFSL have been able to negoitate to not pay so high rebt for their Locals, but one worries for how long thay deal will be respected by stockholm politicans.
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safitheartist · 7 years
Most embarrassing person I met lately.
A “anit social justice warrior” who came on my post about a fictional character and her haircut, claiming I don’t know what bisexuallity means because I said straight people can’t touch her, then claiming I’m applying a sexuality on a character based on her hair cut, despite me already pointing that it is a meme. Then claiming I’m the one that’s getting upset in the conversation which followed with him getting mad over *me* dragging it out because I qutoed his own post back at him and then claiming he’s Bi.
Like bitch, if ya gonna pose as a minority don’t get unreasonably offended over a meme that’s been around since 2014, stop sounding like a edgy white kid who’s trying to imitate black people (like dude abused the N word more then south park abused Kenny in their entire air time), and don’t let slip that you don’t even really know the definition of the sexuality you’re possing as in your first fucking reply.
If ya want to out yourself as a edgy white guy who’s trying to pose as an minority to futher oppress them that behavior is a top guid yall.
And if I’m wrong and he is a bi black dude then he’s even more fucking embarrassing because he doesn’t even know the definition of his own sexuality and tries to pick a fight with somebody who actually did research when she started to realize she aint straight and his internalized racism sits so deep he sounds like a white kid who’s trying to act like he’s black.
He was so embarrassing I tell yall, I had pitty and blocked him before he could dig his own grave even deeper.
He also had “Attacking shitty sjw posts and they flawed logic” or something just as wanna be ‘mature’ in his bio you just knew was actually writen by a 15 year old with a ugly face and no life, like bitch it was a joke about a fictional character and her fictional hair cut and ya face planted so fucking hard it’s literary the most embarrassing display a 'anti social justice warrior edge lord special snowflake’ ever showed and I am still laughing about it.
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