#i know the coloring is awful but nothing I did made these look good without making them look grainy
sincerestlove · 5 months
My Angel (Part 2) - R.G.
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hello hello! so sorry i've been gone for a while - kinda lost inspiration and energy to write, but i wanted to put this out! so here is part 2 :) let me know if you'd like part 3, which will likely be the last part.
Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warnings: None; possessive Regina, oblivious, gay and pining Y/N, jealous and kinda crazy/obsessed Cady
hope you enjoy!
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The next few weeks passed without much incident. Regina and I had been spending more and more time together, just the two of us - going shopping, trying new restaurants, sleeping over at her house. Some days, they almost felt like real dates.
Halloween was coming up soon, and of course Regina decided to throw a party for our entire class. I was currently in Regina's room getting ready for said event - we only had a few hours before people would start showing up.
Regina looked gorgeous in her angel costume, finished with large, feathered wings. The costume was ironic, given her nickname for me.
Regina easily somehow convinced me to dress up in a matching devil costume, adorned with plastic horns and a pointy tail. I felt way out of my comfort zone in the outfit, but Regina insisted that I "looked hot", so I kept it on. Obviously.
Regina decided to do my makeup on top of it all, reassuring me that it wouldn't be too much, just a little to match the costume. I, once again, agreed, sitting in front of the vanity as she leaned over me. Her face was so close to mine, I could see the pretty colors of her eyes swirling together and the faint dusting of freckles on her cheeks. She looked absolutely breathtaking. I could feel my heart restricting in my chest by simply looking at her.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Regina teased, a smirk resting on her painted lips. I felt myself blushing, clearing my throat awkwardly.
"Nothing, I just...your eyes are really pretty."
Regina smiled, flashing her white teeth at me. "Aw. Thanks, angel." She leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to my cheek, lips lingering for a few moments. "You're sweet."
I don't think I could've been any redder.
Regina finished my makeup in silence, tongue poking out from between her lips as she concentrated. After a handful of minutes she was done, leaning back to let me see myself in the mirror. It actually looked really natural, which I was happy about. Looking closer, I noticed a bright red lipstick mark on my cheek. "Leave it. Looks cute on you."
I nodded shyly, smiling to myself as Regina turned around, cleaning up her room a bit, as people were going to start arriving soon. Not that anyone was going to come up here. If anyone did, she would actually throw them out her window. "You ready to go downstairs?" She glanced over at me, ensuring that my costume sat in all the right places.
"Yeah, let's go."
As we made our way down, Gretchen and Karen were already here, waving at us excitedly. They both looked super cute in their costumes.
"Hi, Y/N! You look so good!" They complimented me sincerely, moving to fix my hair a little so it fell just right over my shoulders. I looked around for Regina, but she had already left the room, finishing last minute touches on decorations and food prep.
"So...cute lipstick mark." Karen teased me playfully, fingers poking into my sides. Gretchen smirked. I rolled your eyes at the pair's teasing, hand instinctively moving to touch the mark, making sure not to smear it.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up, you two." I flipped them off jokingly, allowing them to drag me into the living room to set up the playlist for the night.
As the sunlight disappeared, people began flooding into the house, music pulsing through the speakers. I still hadn't seen Regina since earlier, a sad pang thrumming in my chest. I was sure she was just being a good party host, but another part of me felt like maybe she didn't want to spend time with me.
Karen made sure I had a drink in my hand to sip on throughout the night, and after a good while I felt myself start to loosen up a bit. Karen pulled me into the middle of the room, dancing to a song I had heard on the radio a few times, but couldn't possibly name.
It felt nice to relax and have fun for once, not thinking about schoolwork or responsibilities. The song was almost over, when I faintly heard someone calling my name. I looked around confused, until my eyes landed on someone in an actual scary looking costume. The girl waved at me, taking out her fake teeth to smile at me.
It was Cady.
I waved back reluctantly, turning my back on her to see Karen already cringing. "Why is she here?" She whispered-yelled. I shrugged, genuinely not knowing. Regina definitely didn't invite her. Karen continued, "You should be careful, Y/N."
I looked at her, confused. "Why?"
"'Cause she has a huge crush on you."
I laughed nervously, glancing over my shoulder to see Cady trying to push her way through the crowd toward me. Fuck. "Really?"
Karen nodded, eyes looking at me with sympathy. "Be careful, okay? I'll be right back, Gretchen is bitching about Jason again. He brought some other girl with him." I didn't want her to leave me alone, but I reluctantly let her go, hoping that I could get away before Cady reached me.
I couldn't.
"Y/N, hi!" I turned around, almost jumping out of my skin at Cady's costume. She looked even scarier up close, dark makeup and fake blood all over her face.
"Hi, Cady."
"Wow, you look great tonight." Her eyes wandered along my body, an immediate feeling of discomfort rushing through my veins. I didn't like the way she looked at me.
"Um...thanks. Your costume is...cool."
Cady lit up excitedly, smiling from ear to ear. "Really? You think so? I actually made it myself." I nodded at her ramble, glancing nervously around the room to see if I could spot Regina. I didn't see her or her gigantic wings anywhere.
"Do you want to dance? I love this song." Looking back at Cady, I noticed she had moved closer to me. I stumbled backwards in shock, apologizing to a girl from my Geography class that I bumped into.
"Oh, uh...I was actually just going to use the bathroom. I'll...be right back." Shooting her a nervous smile, I shoved my way through the crowd, thankfully close to the stairs. I made my way up and into Regina's room, breathing a sigh of relief as the door shut behind me.
Was she always so...weird?
"Hey, angel." An unexpected voice spooked me, looking over at the bed to see Regina sitting comfortably on it, eyebrows raised at me curiously. She must've noticed my anxious state because she stood up and walked over, cupping my face in her hands. "You okay?" I nodded, falling into her arms, almost knocking her over.
I just needed her comfort right now. The interaction with Cady left a bad taste in my mouth, not to mention what Karen told me about her.
"What happened?" Regina questioned, quickly taking me into her embrace, her feathered outfit tickling my cheeks. I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it just yet.
"I couldn't find you." I decided to say, nestling further into her warm arms. The blonde cooed at me, running a hand down my back soothingly.
"I just needed a break from all the chaos, so I came up here for a bit." She sighed, resting her cheek on the top of my head. "I didn't think so many people would show up."
I scoffed at her, fingers digging into her sides playfully. "You're the most popular girl in school, of course everyone is going to show up to your party, Gina." The vibrations of her laugh reverberated through my chest, causing me to smile.
"Yeah, well, the only person who I actually wanted to come to this stupid party was you."
I blushed at that, looking up at her to see that she was already looking down at me. Comfortable silence filled the air around us both for a few minutes. "Why are you so nice to me, Gina?" I asked her softly, only a little bit scared of her answer.
The blonde paused, just looking at me. There was something in her eyes that I couldn't quite place, but it made my heart skip a beat. Several beats, actually. "Because you deserve it." She said it as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
For some reason, the response made tears well up in my eyes. The sight made Regina's heart melt, her hands reaching up to gently wipe the dampened skin, careful not to ruin my mascara. "How about we go finish the rest of this party, and you can stay over? I promise not to hog all the blankets this time."
"Yeah, I'd like that."
You smiled softly, boldly taking Regina's hand in yours for once, the pair of you making your way back downstairs. You weren't paying attention to anyone but Regina, never taking your eyes off of her, bright smile never leaving your face.
So much so that you didn't notice Cady lurking in the foyer, eyes filling with hate at the sight of you with Regina.
She left the party without another word, stealing one last glance at you. It should've been her holding your hand. Not Regina.
"Fuck, I am exhausted." Regina groaned tiredly, flopping into the large couch at the front of her room.
I followed suit, falling face first onto her bed, feeling my own tiredness lingering deep in my bones. The two of us, along with Gretchen and Karen's help, managed to push the last few stragglers out the front door. I made sure to call the two girls an Uber home, ordering them both to text once arriving back at home. Regina dragged me to her room once the house was locked up, the pair of us exhausted by the events of tonight. 
Clean-up was a problem for the morning.
"Y/N, you need to take that makeup off."
I grumbled in protest, feeling way too comfortable on the massive bed, the sheets flooding my senses with Regina's scent. "C'mon, sit up. Let me take it off."
"Fine." I complained, but did as she asked, sitting up on the edge of the mattress. Regina was already waiting, looking at me with soft eyes. She could tell how tired I was, my eyes blinking slowly. Luckily I had already changed into a pair of her sweatpants and t-shirt. 
"I'll be fast, I promise." The blonde assured and moved to carefully straddle my legs, gripping my chin in her left hand, makeup wipe in the other. I was far too tired and far too drunk to actually realize that she, Regina George, who I had a big, fat, lesbian crush on, was actually sitting on my lap, gently wiping the makeup off of my face.
"There, see? Done." She kissed my forehead sweetly, adjusting some pillows to allow me to fully lay down while she finished getting ready for bed. I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but the lights turned off eventually. The bed dipped beside me, Regina scooting closer to my side. She pulled me closer, adjusting me so that my head rested on her chest. Near her boobs.
Her boobs.
"G'night, Gina." I mumbled into her shirt, flinging a leg to wrap around her hips.
The blonde laughed lightly, holding me closer to her. "Goodnight, angel."
I woke up to a loud bang on the front door.
It startled me awake, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes to glance at Regina's large wall clock. The time read 1:23am. The house fell silent again, until the same loud bang resonated through the house. I could hear it even with Regina's bedroom door closed.
Speaking of, the blonde was still fast asleep beside me, arm slung around my shoulders. I gently removed her arm, slipping out of bed to go investigate the noise.
Was this a really stupid idea?
But, I was also nosy and had a strong urge to protect Regina from anything and everything.
I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket, moving slowly toward the door. I spotted Regina's old softball bat sitting in the corner of the room, decided that would be a good enough option to arm myself with.
The front door banged again. Fuck.
I took one last glance at Regina's bedroom door, choosing to keep it open. Gripping the cold metal bat between my hands, I descended the stairs, eyes flicking back and forth in case I spotted anything out of the ordinary.
"Open the door!" A loud, slurred voice yelled from the other side of the front door, my eyebrows furrowing at the sound. The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place it.
"Helloooo?" The person called out again, fist pounding incessantly on the wood. Taking a step to the side, I peeked out the side window, stomach sinking through the floor once I saw who it was.
They were still clad in their Halloween costume, hair messy and eyes looking scarily glazed over. I don't even know if they realized where they were right now.
It was Cady.
My heart rate sped up, hoping and praying that she would just leave. "Y/N," She sing-songed, the sound sending an uncomfortable chill up my spine. "I know you're in there. I can smell that bitch all over you."
Bitch? Was she talking about Regina?
Cady laughed, sounding way past drunk. She was nearly falling over onto the pavement, knocking over the potted plants in the front yard. "Come out here, Y/N. You should be with someone better. You should be with me."
I took a deep breath, willing myself to speak. "Get the hell out of here, Cady. You're drunk." The redhead just laughed, moving back to lean against the door. She kicked it a few times, the sound making me jump.
"Let me in, Y/N. You can come home with me instead. That bitch doesn't even like you. She's just using you for attention - you follow her around like a lovesick puppy." Cady hiccuped before continuing. "She keeps you around just to make herself feel better. She doesn't give a fuck about you. You think I didn't see you two holding hands at the party? That meant nothing to her, just like you mean nothing to her."
I don't know why I was so emotional, but Cady's words stung my heart deeply. I began to question if what she was saying might have some truth behind it. Did Regina really not like me? Was she just using me all of this time?
The silence that filled the home was deafening. So much so, that I began to cry, sliding to the floor of the foyer. The softball bat clanked onto the marble floor, pulling my knees up to my chest like a child. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but every ounce of emotion that I had been holding in, seemed to all pour out at once. My feelings for Regina, my fears about how she felt for me and Cady being a total stalker weirdo, all coming out right now. So very timely. I'm sure all of the alcohol I had wasn't helping. 
Cady continued drunkenly yelling for me outside - I had to cover my ears to try and drown it out. I wasn't sure how long I was sitting there, but eventually, I heard footsteps running downstairs. Regina entered the foyer, a frenzied look on her face. She was looking for me, but kept her eyes on the door for a beat. "Y/N? Where are you?" She called out, eyes alert and quickly scanning the room. They landed on me curled up on the floor, tears streaming down my face. The blonde rushed over, hands resting on my shoulders. "Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm here. What is going on? Who the hell is that?"
Before I could even say anything, Cady pounded on the front door. "The queen bitch is here! Regina George!" Regina's eyes steeled, turning to face the noise. She grabbed the bat in her hands, standing up and marching over.
"Gina, don't!" I cried, fear bubbling up in my chest for her. I didn't know if Cady had some kind of weapon or something that could possibly hurt Regina. Just the thought of that terrified me.
The blonde stopped in her tracks, glancing over her shoulder at me. She sent me a reassuring, confident smile, that sent flutters in my chest. "Don't worry, angel. I've got this. I won't ever let anything happen to you." She gripped the bat tighter, flipping it in her hands. "Plus, that bitch made you cry. She's not getting away with that."
Without wasting another moment, she swung the door open. I scrambled to my feet and followed closely behind her, peeking around the door to see Cady, completely wasted. It was almost scary. She didn't look like a human being.
Regina fully squared her body to the redhead, raising the bat over her head. "Get. The. Fuck. Off. My. Lawn."
Cady simply laughed, acting as if she had no regarding or understanding of the situation. She was just talking out loud and to no one in particular. "Look here, one and all! The bitch is acting tough!" Cady turned to Regina, a scary looking smile on her face. "You don't deserve Y/N. Give her to me."
Regina's brows furrowed, eyes darkening - there was a look on her face that I'd never seen before. Regina looked genuinely scary. "Give her to you?" The blonde stalked closer, looking even taller than she actually was. Even from here, I could see the vast height advantage that Regina had over Cady. "Y/N is not my, or anyone's, property." Regina spat, moving closer with each sentence. Cady's face was slowly changing, her glazed eyes beginning to realize the grave mistake she made and who she was standing in front of. "She does not belong to me. She chooses to be here, she chooses to be around me." Cady began to walk backwards, almost tripping over the shrubs scattered across the lawn. 
"Me. Not you. You want to know why? Because I appreciate her, I adore her, I would to anything for her, I treat her with the respect that she deserves. You could never give her that." The blonde didn't stop advancing. "You think I haven't seen how you look at her? Like a fucking piece of meat?" She was in Cady's personal space now, stopping directly in front of her face. "You don't know a god damn thing about me, or her, or our relationship. You will never hold a flame to that. Ever." Regina clenched her hands, knuckles nearly white around the bat. "If I ever see you near me, Y/N, or my home again, I will fucking kill you. Don't speak to her, don't look at her, don't breathe the same air as her. You don't deserve to." Regina simply pointed in the opposite direction of the house before speaking one final sentence, voice dripping with venom. "Get. The. Fuck. Off. My. Lawn. Before I call the police and ruin your entire life."
Cady, with the fear of God in her eyes, stumbled off in the direction Regina pointed, thankfully not turning around or stopping. I let out a deep sigh of relief I hadn't realized I was holding, running out into the yard to Regina. She stood there with her shoulders slumped, breathing heavily. The bat slipped from her hands and fell onto the grass. "Gina!" I called out to her, nearly football tackling her to the ground. Luckily she steadied me, holding me snug to her own body.
She was shaking.
"It's okay, Gina. She's gone. It's over."
The blonde broke out into a sob, gripping onto my arms tightly, as if I would disappear. "I was so scared, Y/N. I woke up and you were gone. I heard the banging, and I thought the absolute worst." She cried into my hair. I rubbed circles into her back soothingly, reassuring her that I was safe, nothing happened to me, and everything was fine. I don't know how long we were standing there, holding each other.
It was something we both needed, I think.
"Come on. Let's go inside." The blonde nodded in agreement, taking my hands as we walked inside, together. Regina triple checked that the front door was locked before guiding us both upstairs and back into bed.
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this is the end of the main storyline! i have a part 3 basically ready to go, which is basically just a time skip of y/n and regina's relationship.
i will be working through the rest of my asks in my inbox before opening requests back up again!
thanks again for reading! it means the world to me!
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shuenkio · 4 months
You never know || ☆
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Paring: Jake x male!reader
Genre: Fluffy, crush.
Cw: Pet name - "Beautiful"
Summary: You thought he was straight .
Wc: 1.0k
What is love? That's what you've been wondering and low-key craving for. You always thought that love was just a phase during your school time; nevertheless, seeing your friend always bragging about their love life somehow made a small part of you eager to experience it too. 
As a boy yourself, it was one in a million that someone would suddenly appear in your life, ask you out for a date, and eventually enter a relationship. You give up for your own good, moving on from this heavy chest feeling. 
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Not until you developed a crush on one of your boy classmates. The one whose friends shipped you with, as a joke, however, you did fall into your own trap. 
His face was Europe-like with his sharp jawline that could cut through paper, while his eyes are as clear as a beautiful brown color, tracing down to his kissable plumping lip. His body is built for spots only, since every day is football day. I'm not going to lie when he's sweating; he looks majestic and hot, and the veins that are pumping on his arms almost make you pass out from time to time. And he's also the physics teacher's favorite student. Perfect; definitely everyone's type. 
You know you wouldn't have any chance with him; he's a boy, and you're a boy, even though he's always making a lot of a lot of jokes  about femininity in a teasing way that you prefer to admire from afar. 
One day you told your group of friends about it when they're doing a silly challenge by asking if anyone had a crush or been taken. You expect that they'll all be in awe, but to your surprise, they've said it's nothing new; they knew it since the very beginning when you gazed back in time at him with your unhidden heart eyes. 
You are gritting your teeth in embarrassing, blinking hard, and trying to wash your failure moment away as you cover your face. Instead of bushing on you, your friends suggested you should give it a shot. What if he likes men? You don't know if you don't give it a try. 
You think otherwise. There's no way a guy like him is gay; he might have had a secret relationship with a girl already. Losing hope, your best friends come up with a plan without your knowledge; it'd be good if you're oblivious. 
During the school trip, technically you were supposed to be with your other classmates; however, your girl friend said she was uncomfortable with Jake on purpose and wanted to switch you with your partner, who's a girl, so you could have time with him, Sim Jaeyun. 
You zone out for a moment before realizing this lame plan coming from your group, and as you throw a dagger glance at them, you still switch with her for some reasons. 
Under one roof, once you helped him set up the tent, in return, you got a "thanks" from your handsome crush. Who wouldn't go crazy if you could have your times with your one-sided love? Not only that, maybe you could stare at him in his sleep. 
The night fell upon you later on, and you settled down on the soft, thin bed underneath your skin as you tucked in a blanket, covered up to your chest like a burrito. You wonder what he's up to as you steal a glance at the older man right next to you. Accidentally, your eyes met him, and you quickly turned your face away in a swift motion, feeling all your nerves tense up and shaking. You zipped your mouth into a straight line, pretending to sleep on the spot, back facing him, ashamed or—shy? 
"Hey mn!" He spoke up, in a lower raspy tone under his chin, and mumbled as quietly as possible since he was afraid he would wake the others up. 
Your breath stops midway, clenching tight together. Did you just hear him calling your name, oh Lord? You are unable to turn to face him as you respond to him with a simple "yes." 
"Can I ask you something crazy?" He uttered back, his voice remaining the same, as he looked above the tent ceiling, waiting for you. 
Once again, you thought you were about to explode in any second. If you could eat your fist right now, you would swallow without leaving any pieces. 
"Sure, go on, I'm all ears," you finally reply, pulling in together to sound as natural as possible, but luck is not by your side. Your voice comes out like you've been chasing by a bear. 
Jake takes a deep breath. He narrows his eyebrows in a mad expression, poking his tongue against his mouth, as you turn to face him. He looks like he's about to break things into pieces. 
"Did you like me?" He breaks the silence, and the atmosphere grows thicker instantly. Those sentences are both pleading and terrifying at the same time, as you feel a ping of reality hit you once you process his words. 
You swallow hard, finding good words to answer back. Not even the exam was hard, like confessing your true feelings to your crush. 
"I'm sorry if I do. I'll stop if you're uncomfortable; it was just a silly fee." Before you could finish your words, he burst in, even more upset. 
"Why did you hide such things from me? You supposed to tell me, Do you know how much I try to impress you with all the efforts I put in?" He announced, folding his arms on his chest, while laying down, still looking at the ceiling, frowning. 
Your heart is racing, beating in the wrong rhyme, taken aback by his unexpected statement. All along, is he doing all of those things just for you? You feel like a shrimp. 
"Yeah, you don't have anyone?" 
"Why would I when you're existing??" 
Catching your guard, you cover your mouth with your palm in a shocking experience. This is going to haunt all of your dreams. Jake looks unfazed; his face is slightly blushing, but he didn't care; all he cared about was you. 
"Don't be such an idiot; we're crushing on each other now; we're boyfriends; no more talking; come here!!" 
The last thing you realize is that you're already in his embrace as he tightens the hug, resting his chin on your head as he places a soft kiss on your head. 
"Stop leaving me hanging again; I hate it, okay, beautiful?" 
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ English is not my language
🗣️ crd to the owner pic(cherish)&dividers(anitalenia)
Ps: I wrote this unconsciously, lmk if there's any wrong 👹
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queensunshinee · 4 months
Time Of Our Lives || Part 3
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Part 3:
Liana hadn't seen Art for three days. Ever since they started studying at Stanford, not a day had gone by without his presence being felt. Even if just for five minutes, he would pop up suddenly and disappear just as quickly. Liana wouldn’t say it out loud, but his presence had started to grow on her. She was never the most popular kid or the most popular teen. She always had two or three friends. And Art, it's not very clear who he is in her life, but he's a figure that's there. Present. Breathing the air she breathes. Knowing the people she knows. Laughing at her words, annoying her with his. She hadn't seen him for three days and it's bothering her. So today, she decided to go to the open practice for the first time, and Art wasn't there either.
"Are you looking for Art?" a female voice sounded behind her, and she turned around. Facing her was Tashi. Liana searched for the words, something that was always complicated for her; finding words in front of people she didn’t know or felt threatened by. Right now, she needed to answer 'yes' or 'no', and all she could do was stare. "You're Liana, right? Patrick showed me a picture of you with the boys, and I’ve seen you a few times with Art. Are you looking for him?" she explained and asked again. "Oh, yeah..." Liana managed to find her voice, feeling the blood rushing to her cheeks. Unwanted color flooding in. "Did you see him?" she squeaked, trying to steady herself in front of the girl before her. "He just texted that he wasn't coming to practice today. Nice to finally meet you. Maybe we can have lunch sometime." She smiled briefly and moved towards the court, leaving Liana in the stands. A bit more worried than she had been before.
She knocked on his door three times. Then another three. And then six more. After the fifth round, he opened it for her. It was the first time she had been in his room, and he couldn't hide his surprise. "Li?" Art's voice sounded weaker than usual. "You didn't come to the open practice," she said coolly, looking at him and furrowing her brows. He didn't look good. In fact, he looked like shit. His hair looked greasy, his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were sunken with dark circles around them. Art Donaldson looked awful. "What happened to you?" She gave his arm a light push, which made him lose his balance and almost fall, but he understood her intention and moved aside. He ran a hand through his hair, a tic she knew he had; when Art was nervous, frustrated, or confused, his hand automatically went to the back of his neck, a few seconds of that until he gets a grip and acts as if nothing had thrown him off balance. "You were at the open practice?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Stuck on that piece of information. Almost wanting to request that the sentence be engraved on his tombstone when the time came. 'Here lies Art Donaldson, whose open practice Liana Levi attended.' His parents would surely be thrilled. "For four and a half minutes, then I realized you weren't there." She said as she walked to the window and opened it. "Your room stinks," she stated, turning her gaze back to him. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" she added. Sure, they weren't best friends, but they were supposed to be each other's emergency contact. They were supposedly here together. He made sure to remind her of that once a day. And now, in a real emergency, he wasn't talking to her. "Because it doesn't matter, I already feel better," he tried to speak in a more upbeat tone, one he thought characterized him but failed miserably at it. Her hand was on his forehead, causing him to immediately lean into it and close his eyes. "You're burning up, damn it, Art." She moved her hand from his forehead to his cheek, realizing that the situation might be worse than she thought and beginning to think of a plan. "Okay, I need you to get in the shower, alright?" she spoke softly. He looked at her, his mouth half-open. "Where's your spare key?" she asked, without looking at him too much, opening the closet intending to find clean sheets there. Art watched her bustle around his room, and despite feeling awful, worse than he had felt probably in the last two years, he found himself smiling. Liana was worried about him. She would make sure he was okay. "Art, do you hear me? I need you to get in the shower, I'm going to get a few things. Can you do that for me? I'll be back in half an hour." she said assertively, and he handed her the key as she requested. "Please be done with your shower when I get back." She ran her hand over his forehead once more, almost causing him to surrender to her touch and close his eyes again, but just as she had entered like a storm, she left like one.
Liana went down to the cafeteria after making a phone order. She returned to her room with the soup and grabbed the bag she had prepared for Art. When she entered his room, the shower water was still running, so she decided to use the time to change his sheets and put the lemon, ginger, and honey in his fridge. He came out in a towel and looked at her, leaning against the doorframe. He felt blessed. His head hurt, he had sneezed forty times that day, and all his muscles ached, yet he felt blessed. "You didn't have to, Li..." he mumbled, and she turned to him. "Good, you're out. Get dressed and eat the soup. If it's cold, let me know and I'll go heat it up." There was a microwave on each floor, so that was an option. Art went back to the bathroom and put on long pants, unable to bring himself to wear a shirt. "I also brought you some pills I had. If you need anything else, I can go get it, this is just what I had in my room," Liana babbled, realizing she was behaving in an uncharacteristic way. It dawned on her too late that Art probably thought she was crazy. More than that, that he didn't want her presence in his room right now. She had invaded his personal space and decided on her own that she was there to stay, when he hadn't really invited her. He had done everything to avoid seeing her in the past few days. He sat down to eat the soup at his desk, unable to take his eyes off her for fear she would disappear and he would be alone again, wallowing in his own misery. "Is it hot?" she asked, not knowing what else to say. "It's great. Thanks, Li," he smiled sincerely, and she reached her hand towards his forehead again. "Can I?" she made sure to ask this time, hesitating and seeing him nod. Her hand moved from his forehead to his cheek automatically, and he sighed for a second. "You're still warm." Her brow furrowed again. "When you finish, take this pill, okay? It's supposed to help with the fever..." she added, starting to gather her things. "Are you leaving?" he asked. Art's voice sounded more desperate than he intended. He wanted to sound indifferent, as if he didn't mind being alone. As if the last three days hadn't been an isolated nightmare filled with self-pity. "You can stay a bit longer. If you want," he added quickly, saying the sentence fast as if it would make it vanish from the air. "Okay," Liana said and nodded. "We can watch an episode of 'Gilmore Girls'," she smiled. Every summer, she forced Art and Patrick to watch a few episodes of 'Gilmore Girls'. If she had to be stuck with them, at least some of the time they would do what she loved. She was sure they liked the show because sometimes they would make comments about it. Art shrugged while finishing the soup, acting as if he didn't care if she stayed or not. In reality, he wanted to smile victoriously because he had won today. No one could argue that Art was the winner of this day. "You can take a shirt from my closet if you want," he told her, and she nodded. If they were going to watch an episode of the show, they would watch it on his laptop, in his bed. She couldn't stay dressed in jeans, and besides, they had seen each other in much less clothing over the years. So Liana put on one of his oversized boxers and a Stanford shirt that was at least two sizes too big for both of them. Art looked at her and nodded for a moment, lying down in bed and waiting for the moment she would say it was too much for her. That despite all her good intentions, she and Art weren't going to share a bed just so he could feel better. They hadn't done that since they were six, probably because she wouldn't even sit next to him on the same couch. "We're in Logan's season, are you excited?" she asked with exaggerated enthusiasm and sat down next to him. He automatically pulled her closer. "Aren't you afraid of getting sick?" he felt like the biggest jerk in the world for asking only after he had pulled her that close. "My immune system has never let me down, Donaldson, and it’s not going to let me down today." She started the episode while getting comfortable next to him.
As the episode progressed, her hand found its way to his hair, playing with one of his blonde curls that, just like Art Donaldson himself, had grown on her. "That feels nice…" his voice was barely audible as he was close to falling asleep, his head half on the pillow and half on her shoulder while his arm was wrapped around her. Just before Art fell asleep, focused on Liana's breathing and her fingers in his hair, instead of the show, he realized he didn't need much to feel good.
heyyy there. How are we feeling about this chapter? I hope the slow burn isn't too slow for you...any thoughts? I know that Patrick wasn't here at all, but he'll have his comeback, don't worry. Also, should I do a tag list? It feels a little too much since I really don't know if there are readers who want to come back. I really want to hear from you so feel free to talk to me (PLEASE). By the way- I still feel like my English is ruining the story, but again, I'm trying. Thanks for reading. It means a lot ❤️
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waywardcrow · 9 months
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Christmas blues.
Summary: Someone hurt his fairy and Bucky will do everything to fix it and give you the Christmas you deserve.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader.
WC: Almost 2K.
TW: Overprotective Bucky, sad reader because of an abusive ex, Christmas blues, talk about revenge and torture but just mentioned, crying, talk about cheating from reader’s ex and ex best friend, pinning dumbasses, ugly Christmas sweaters and Bucky wearing reindeer ears, kind of drunk writer (aka me), let me know if I missed something.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language, please tell me if I make grammar mistakes.
Part of the Take my hand (wreck my plans) series.
Pictures from pinterest, graphic and dividers by the amazing @ firefly-graphics so all credits to the creators.
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Something had happened, Bucky knew it.
You were different after coming home from visiting your parents. They were going on a cruise ship for Christmas so you’ll be spending it at the compound with everybody for the first time.
He could thought it was the perspective of not spending the holidays with your blood family but you were so excited before you left to have Thanksgiving with them, it didn’t make sense.
Every time someone tried to engage you in decorating the tree or bake cookies for the kids, you smiled politely and declined, leaving everyone worried.
“What’s up with fairy?” Sam asked when he arrived with Sarah and his nephews; they agreed to spend the holidays there so nobody feel left out.
“We don’t know” Natasha replied watching you leave after they failed once again, this time you didn’t want to go ice skating.
“You don’t know?” Sam raised a brow, crossing his arms in front of his chest with a silly smile “I didn’t thought you were familiar with the concept.”
Bucky left them bickering to go find you and he did, your gaze was set in the sunset, not paying much attention to the cold in the air that surrounded you in the balcony.
“Hi sweetheart” you barely reacted, more used than him to Bucky being charming with you.
“What are you doing here? You could catch a cold” Bucky saw you take in the thin layered Henley he was wearing, practically nothing compared to your coat.
“I don’t get sick, honey” he reminded you, making your skin heat despite the winter, feeling like a dumbass. What a scientist you were “I appreciate the concern, though.”
You nodded.
“Are you alright?”
“I should be the one asking that” he said, bumping you gently with his shoulder, Bucky was too delicate with you still but he made every day an effort to be more open, especially with you. He watched your lips become a firm line and his heart started to beat faster in his ribcage. Something had happened, he was sure “I’m here if you want to talk fairy, we all want you to be ok.”
That broke you.
A tear escaped your control and Bucky’s heart sink down, he couldn’t help it when he hugged you making you hid your face in his chest, making you wrap your arms around his waist.
He let you cry; rubbing circles in your back and when you calmed down, Bucky took you to your apartment to make you hot chocolate.
When it was ready Bucky sat next to you in your colorful coach, watching you took a sip while making a mental list of all the awful ways he will torture who hurt you.
“I ran into my ex while being at home” you said without looking at him, making Bucky’s whole body tense. He only heard a few things about him from Tony and Pepper but none were good “he is engaged now, to my ex best friend.”
Oh Bucky would rip his arms away from his body.
“Did he… what did he said to you?” he got closer to his fairy; it should have been very bad to have you crying like that.
Your lower lip trembled so did the mug in your hands so Bucky put his right one on top of yours.
“He said I was invited to the wedding, that Lara and him were grateful I brought them together like they didn’t cheat on me for a year” your voice cracked and more years followed.
That bastard, hot anger cursed through Bucky’s body, he will make them suffer.
“And then Louis made fun of me for buying too much in the Christmas market, he said he was sorry I don’t have anyone to spend Christmas with, like an adult so I have to overcompensate being childish.”
The entire time your eyes were focused in your hands, so embarrassed to be this honest with him when it was your idiotic ex who should be very concerned about what was coming to him, he will recruit Nat and Yelena and Tony to make sure he will pay for every one your tears.
“He is right” you said wiping your tears with your sleeve “I’m childish and dumb and…”
“Hey, hey” Bucky stopped your self-destructive train taking both of your hands in his “none of that is true, fairy” he reassured you making you look at him “he is an asshole, an abuser” Bucky spited that word out, thinking about someone like you having to live with people like that jerk made him want to punch him until his metal arm got tired “he is wrong, you are not what he says.”
“Thanks Bucky but…”
“Ah ah, I’m not letting you be mean with yourself, you’ll do the same for me” it was true, you were so gentle with him and always help him to be gentle with himself too “you deserve the whole universe, honey” Bucky cupped your face in his hands and your breath caught in your throat.
His ocean blue eyes were so kind, so full of trust that it was impossible to not believe his words.
God, he wanted to kiss you so bad but it wasn’t the time so he left a kiss in your forehead “You are not alone, you are so loved by everyone that meets you and it kills me that you have to suffer all that shit, I’m so sorry fairy.”
You hugged him and stay there for a while, feeling the pain in your heart becoming easier.
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The next day  Bucky was knocking in your door before breakfast.
You were feeling bad for telling him all that, for letting him see that part of yourself that wasn’t bright, he had enough pain in his life and still he took yours and made it less heavy.
“Bucky? What are you doing here?” he looked so handsome even wearing the ugliest Christmas sweater you’ve ever seen “what are you wearing?” you whispered, not so sure if you were still sleeping, he was wearing reindeer ears too.
Did Tony and Bruce mess with the time lines again?
“We are going shopping, fairy” he handed you a matching sweater that looked your size “get ready, we leave in ten minutes to get waffles” and with that he disappeared in the hallway.
Confused you did what he said, maybe he needed help with his shopping and it was the least you could do after oversharing the previous night with him.
You met him in the elevators with your ugly sweater on and he smirked.
“You look good, fairy” bashful, you gave him a tiny smile and he felt it like a victory.
And the madness began.
True to his word, he took you for the best waffles you ever eat and then to the Christmas market in Brooklyn, still wearing his silly outfit, parting the crowded area like if he did that every random Sunday, oblivious to the chatter around you both and the not so discreet pictures some took of him. His whole attention was on you.
Bucky could recognize when you liked something, Louis words were still echoing in your mind but he made you feel so safe with him that remembering all your work with your therapist was easier and if you doubted before buying something, he would buy it for you.
You wouldn’t let Louis and Lara take anything more from you and he would help you with that.
“What do you think of this one? It seems perfect for Sam” he told you showing you a funny looking owl with a Santa hat, making you giggle.
“Put it some goggles on and then it will be perfect” you said without thinking, feeling all the cold leave your body when he throw his head back and laughed “oh no, forget I said that, poor Sam.”
“I’m never forgetting it doll, it’s exactly what I’m going to give him” he paid for the owl and gave the old lady in the vendor cart a smile that probably extended her life a decade.
Three hours later, lots of pretzels and hot chocolate you both were taking your car to go back home.
“Thank you for today” you said with a quiet voice when you parked outside the apartments “I know yesterday I was a lot, this made me feel better.”
“You’re never a lot, fairy, you are perfect” there was something else behind his words but before you could ask, Sam shout startled you.
“Hey, lovebirds, Sarah and Clint made lunch” he was wearing only shorts and a t-shirt which was insane but the basketball equipment explained a little, same as the presence of Thor, Cass, AJ and Yelena who looked very proud of herself.
“Let’s go” you said and follow the others, not noticing Bucky’s disappointment matched yours.
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Christmas Eve was so much better than you expected, Natasha and Yelena didn’t leave you alone for a second, Wanda helped you wrap your presents, Tony, Morgan and Pepper would hug you randomly through the day and kiss your cheek, the rest of the team did things like that and you felt so loved.
Bucky made sure of it.
He didn’t tell you Louis and Lara were being taken care of, he probably never will, instead he choose to spend the afternoon making letters to Santa with the kids, having the perfect view of you from the living room while laughing at Morgan’s antics who tried to convince AJ and Cass that Happy was Santa. Nate was buying it by then and it was adorable, the chaos also reminded him of his sisters.
“Who wants dessert before dinner?” Yelena asked from the kitchen, the young widow didn’t miss the chance to steal sweets while you and the others cooked and apparently she wanted the kids to do the same.
There was a loud chorus of enthusiastic answers that made him wince even if the disapproval of the parents in the room made him smile. After a short but intense discussion, Sam and you convinced the others to let it happen, it was Christmas after all.
“Just one cookie, ok? We have to wait for dinner” Sam said holding the tray for them and the little munchkins yell, sugar high already “they are not for you, terminator.”
Sam tried to take them from him but you took the tray from your friend.
“Don’t listen to him, take as many as you want” you said, making a silly face at Sam who responded with a similar one.
“Thanks, fairy” Bucky took one of your cookies and barely noticed Sam going towards the Christmas tree “they smell so good.”
If that didn’t make your skin feel on fire, Morgan’s words did.
“Auntie fairy, you are under the mistletoe with Mr. Barnes” a giggle escaped the little girl and then the others kids who laughed at your reaction. The adults in the kitchen stayed in silence, despite Natasha’s “kiss her, dumbass” comment and Bucky… Bucky was looking at you like you were the only one he could see.
Biting your lip, you doubted for a heartbeat before standing in your tiptoes and giving him a kiss, short and sweet, just like you.
And then, Tony let out a wolf whistle, Yelena an exasperated sigh and you could hear Sam in the back asking who dressed an owl like him and put it in top of the tree but your focus was mostly in the handsome man in front of you who took you by the waist and kissed you again.
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Merry Christmas lovelies! Hope you like this one, please tell me what you think, if you want to see more about Bucky and fairy, etc.
Love, Lily.
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leakyweep · 1 year
Corazon x Afab!Reader: Lingerie
Warnings: afab reader, lingerie, face riding, oral (f receiving), nicknames (love, darling, baby), teasing, penetrative sex, creampie, a little surprise at the end eheheh
Words: 2.0k
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Corazon stood over you, the smoke from his cigarette making the room a bit hazy, just like your mind. The look he was giving you was lusty, and he blew some smoke from his lips cooly as he leaned down to the garters adorning your thighs. He plucked one with his finger, watching in awe as the slap of the elastic made you jump.
"For me, baby?" he asked gently, using that same finger from before to gently cradle your chin in his hand. You were sitting on the edge of your shared bed, a new set of heart-themed lingerie gracing your curves and dips. He admired the fabric with his hands, his gaze, and his length, as you could see from the imprint in his pants.
"Y-yes, I thought you'd like it because-" You were cut off by Cora's palm covering your lips, leaning up to your ear to whisper,
"I appreciate the sentiment, love, but these won't be on too much longer."
The tone of his voice made a shiver run down your spine; it was hoarse, unnerved as he took another drag from his cigarette. You pushed your thighs together to create some friction where it was most needed. He noticed this and dragged his fingers from your chin to your pebbled nipples, twinging them between his slender digits and sighing.
"Your already so ready for me, hm?" He pushed you gently back onto the bed, cigarette held firmly between his pointer and middle finger as his gaze tore through you, his mind muddled with all the things he wanted to do to you with that sinful body of yours. "Wonder how ready you are for me down here..."
His fingers had strayed from your breasts, tracing a squiggly line from there to your belly button, to the waistband of the lace covering your intimate parts- a moan escaped your throat, making Corazon gaze up at you. His head was now between your thighs, his fingers pressed deliciously into the luscious skin there. He was staring at you with those half-lidded eyes that told you he only wanted one thing.
Your thighs unconsciously parted for him to rest his head there, his amused expression unmistakeable as he examined the wet spot staining your pretty undies.
"You know..." Corazon started, your gaze darting down to meet his mocha-colored eyes, "You look so... magnificent like this, but I'd much rather see you without them. Nothing will ever match that level of beauty."
You cheeks and ears tinged pink at the compliment, your hand covering your face bashfully. "R-Rosi, you're so sw-ah!"
His fingers had pulled the fabric to the side, not even bothering to set his cigarette on the bedside table before he began to feast on your already-dripping cunt. His tongue started at the top of your clit, tracing down your labia and rounding back upwards. As his tongue swirled in all his favorite places, the smoke from his forgotten cigarette wafted into the air. It made your nose twitch as repeated mewls of his name left your lips.
"Taste, mm- taste so good, baby," he muttered, his voice muffled by your pussy. Your glazed eyes stared down at him, at the way his head bobbed and shook as he devoured you. No one had ever treated you the way he did, and the way he always ate you like you were his last meal made you feel special, which was exactly how he wanted you to feel.
His velvet muscle explored the parts of your entrance that he could reach, your wet covering the outside of his mouth. His nose was bumping and sliding against your clit, stimulating you in all the best ways. You were cursing and yelping desperately, tugging at his blonde locks harshly to pull him closer to your cunt. You were basically riding his face sideways, using his mouth for your own pleasure.
He was praising you all the way through, his voice muffled by your wet mound covering his face. He had always enjoyed eating your pussy, the sweet taste of your cum burned into his tongue's taste buds. He had eventually changed your position to sit on top of his face, your underwear forgotten at the end of the bed. Corazon relished the way the garters held your thighs and legs, the pudge being pinched at the cuff, your skin spilling out from the top just perfectly. Your curves were accented by the top, which covered both of your nipples with a red heart.
"You got all dressed up for me baby... you always look so sexy..." his gruff voice was hard to hear from between your legs, and you held onto the bed frame to steady yourself as you ground down onto his tongue.
"R-rosi! F-fuck, 'm gonna-" you were panting, your eyebrows furrowed in a pleasured arch that matched the sinful bow of your back, "so good," you moaned loudly, your head tipping back to look up at the ceiling. His tongue explored your wet folds, swirling around your puffy and throbbing clit.
"Go ahead, baby, cum on my face," there was a smile on the man's face as he bumped his nose up into your slit, his tongue moving lower to your hole and claiming it with the tip of the wet muscle. "Want you to cum, please-"
His desperation to make you cum made the coil in your stomach break, the heat spreading from your core throughout your whole body as you shuddered and called the blonde's name over and over like a prayer. He always made you attain the heavenly feeling, as if he were your own god to pray to. He definitely looked the part.
After coming down from the high, your head angled down to look into his deep chestnut eyes. The were clouded with lust and adoration, a look you were all too familiar with. You pulled him up and over you, his torso resting in the cradle of your bare legs. He had shed his shirt and jeans, leaving the thin cloth of his boxers in the way of what you really wanted.
Licking your lips noticing the hardness imprinted in his underwear, your eyes flitted back to his. "I need you, Rosi, wanna take care of you," your hands were already traveling from his cheeks to his chest, down through the ripples and dips of his abs, to the waistband his boxers.
"You can have whatever you want baby," he started, licking his bottom lip and reaching towards his underwear. Your lips turned up into a smile before slowly falling back down as his hands did the same. "But... you gotta ask nicely. Haven't I told you this before?" He tutted, leaning back and sitting on his heels.
"Pl-please!" you begged wantonly, reaching up to his underwear but not before he could scoot back some more. "Please, Rosi, wanna touch you."
He chuckled gently, reaching over to hold your face gently. "That's my good little darling. Look and sound so beautiful for me... doing all this-" he motioned to the lace adorning your curves, "-just for me. What did I do to deserve this?"
As he inched closer and closer to you, his boxers were pulled down his legs just as slowly. When he finally made it to your lips, you had pushed his hands down with your own, making him laugh. "So eager for my cock, huh?"
"Yes," you breathed heavily, your eyes lighting up at the sight of his strained cock bobbing from his waistband and resting against his torso. "Need it, please-"
"C'mere," he grunted, pulling you from under your thighs closer to him, your clit pressed against his abdomen, "Gonna give you what you want."
You nodded eagerly, watching as he gripped his hardened and veiny cock, utterly impressed by the size and curvature. It was angry, leaking, and you wanted nothing more than to feel him shove it into your tight cunt. He teased your slit, plopping his shaft on top of it and beginning to use the mix of your arousal and your release to slip his dick across your pussy.
He gently began to thrust his throbbing member across your folds, slick coating it in a shiny gloss. "Yeah... you feel how wet you are for me? My dick's sliding so easily through your pussy... So pretty for me..."
Your cheeks reddened, feeling as warm as the rest of your body did as he spoke so filthy of you. The squelching noises coming from between your legs was no help in this situation, making you feel bashful at the sinful noises. "J-just for you-! Please stop teasing me, Rosi... Need you."
The desperation gracing your tone made his cock throb, giving him no choice but to stretch your pussy with it, slowly pushing in and relishing in the feeling of your tight walls engulfing his weeping member. He let out a grunt as his hips kissed yours, sweat mixing as he gave himself a moment to bottom out in your wet heat.
"You feel so good, baby,-" he cut himself off with a moan in time with his hips pulling out to the tip, pushing himself back in with a symphony of moans from your throat. "Always so perfect for me, love."
As he began to set a rhythmic pace, his face becoming sweaty, lipstick smeared across your breasts, mingling with the dark marks he was sucking into your skin. Tangled in the sheets, his legs intertwined with your trembling ones, Rosinante used the leverage from his lankiness to pound into you, his eye makeup running down his face. It matched the mascara running down your own flushed cheeks, relieved tears gracing your eyes at finally being filled by his perfect cock.
You felt fingers wipe tentatively under your water lines, the tears being erased by the man's fingers before he started kissing them away, smearing more of that damned lipstick on your face. "Don't cry, my darling.. you look lovely like this."
The feeling of your inner walls choking his dick while his lips danced across your sweaty skin was enough to make him cum in seconds, but he held back the tightening feeling in his balls momentarily to watch your climax rip through you.
Your mewls and groans were stifled by the feeling of your knees pressing against your chest, Rosinante's lanky form above you engulfing you in mind, body, and soul as you felt your orgasm wash over you, legs shaking in his grip. You felt his fingers squeezing your ankles, enough to leave pretty bruises, and you knew he was nearing his end as well.
Every nerve in your body was on fire, vision hazy, but you knew Rosi was painting you with his warm spend when that certain- quite needy- moan tumbled over his lips. His body shuddered above you, fingertips leaving crescent moons in your ankles to match the bruises there.
Basking in the soft glow from the pale moonlight, Rosi kept himself buried deep in you, the connection of both your bodies and souls making his heart swell with adoration.
Holding you in his arms, your eyelids drooping slowly even though you were still clad in the top half of your now ruined lingerie, it was all worth it for Rosi. He loved you, adored you and he'd keep you safe at any cost. Hearing you drift off slowly to sleep, muttering a sleepy but tentative, "I love you,"... it was his reward. The best part of making love to you when he was able.
He wouldn't change anything about you, so he figured in the morning he'd tell you not to waste money on lingerie; that he preferred you with no clothing anyway.
As he began to drift off to sleep, your relaxed form held tightly to his chest, he felt something at his feet begin to move, and winced as a sharp sting tore through his ankle.
"Shit!" he exclaimed, beginning to pat out the fire with his bare hands, your own face alight with surprise as you turned to the clumsy man.
"That's it, Donquioxte Rosinante! No more cigarettes in bed!"
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scruus · 1 year
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★̶̲ [ 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 ]
✎ sub xiao + dom gn reader notes: handjob; porn with plot😱; cum eating; a wholesome start. Yo i actually spent good time on this i hope it does well.
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You could feel your heart rise and fall in your chest, your breath hitch and the inside of your jaw tightening when you saw him enter the wangshu inn.
Shit, You promised yourself you wouldn’t cry. This should be a happy moment. A moment you both were looking forward to since a long time. So then why did the tears slip down your face as he turned to look at you?
Those lovable eyes of his that you would wake up to every morning, were now looking at you with concern and surprise while his body rushed frantically towards you.
Maybe he was scared what he was seeing was an illusion and he wishes to have a fleeting touch before you disappeared?
But the moment he saw You stretch open your arms and step forward to engulf him, did he know it was you in your real form…
Your face clasped between his hands, the heat radiating from it made the color of your reddish cheeks further deepen as you both stared at each other with a wistful longing.
“Why didn’t you tell?”, he asked before placing you head on his shoulders and caressing your hair, softly and gently.
You snorted out a laugh between your tears, “well then it wouldn’t be called a suprise wouldnt it?”, as you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him tighter. “Sorry for crying i just….I couldn’t help it”, you muttered softly hiding your face in his neck.
Tch, he mutters before pressing a kiss to your temple, “i missed you so much”. You smile in response.
The unusual silence around you two brought you back to reality as you noticed the people staring. The aunties whispering coyly between themselves while all the kids were silently giggling at the display of affection. Xiao gently releases you from his grasp and you both stand awkwardly, trying to avoid facing the people or each other.
You cringed in thought knowing that so many people just witnessed you crying. Gosh thats so awful, you think before turning to the side and seeing your lover’s cheeks pose a red hue.
And suddenly all your embarrassment vanished in thin air.
Aww he is embarrassed, you almost giggle to yourself seeing how adorable your boyfriend is but stopped yourself from further flustering him (specially in front of others).
“Okay now! Everybody get back to work please! Nothing here”, you clap your hands, startling xiao. Everyone scurried away after your announcement although a few eyes still lingered around so you held xiao’s hand and dragged him up to your room.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・・.・゜*: ゚✧*:・・゜゜・・
Grunts and needy moans filled the dark room that was dimly lit by the sheen of the moon and the flickering table lamps as you drove xiao roughly against the wooden wall of the room.
Your arms circling xiao’s waist, lips hungrily sucking his and your knee prodded against his crotch. Xiao’s hands were gripping the material of your shirt, trying to stabilize himself but his brain was far too gone to even stand properly without your help.
“am s-sweaty [y/n]”, he tries to mumble out between your kisses and his moans.
He didn’t want to smell like a wet sock while meeting you and definitely not while you two were having an intimate moment after so long.
“Xiao does it really look like i give a fuck?”, you say hurriedly taking your jacket off, maybe the heat of your bodies closing in on each other was getting to you. “I am close to fucking ripping your clothes apart but no”, you speak in a hushed voice as your lips make down towards his neck, “i want to take my time ruining you”.
Xiao moans softly upon hearing your words. Oh archons he missed all of this so much. Your hands rummaging through his body, your lips softly tearing him apart and your eyes lewdly undressing him till his bare body becomes your reason of breathing.
Xiao starts slowly grinding on your leg, unaware of his needy actions and the pleas of “more” spilling from his mouth. Lingering your eyes on his bruised, spit covered lips and then moving to his his glazed eyes which are almost too close to letting the tears pricking at its corners fall if you resist any more of his request for a kiss.
“kiss me please”, he says with such a mellow voice, you could feel your entire body getting weak. Archons, he has you whipped hasnt he.
You lean in, prodding his lips open with your tongue while xiao moans in your mouth. One of your hands move towards his crotch and slips inside his clothes. Xiao’s eyes open wide as he gasps upon feeling the soft touch of your fingers on his leaking cock.
You smile against his lips when you hear him mewling in your mouth. “It feels good doesn’t it?”, you whisper as you continue to rub his leaky dick. Xiao nods, breathless and shaking, trying to rut in your hands.
Not having your hands touching him for so many days was agonizing and now as his hips stutter in your slick hands, he could feel his brain slowly turning into mush. His speech pattern getting more incoherent as he chases after his high.
Sucking on his neck, you promised yourself to mark him like a pretty doll so that the next day, the entire village would know who he belongs to. Obviously xiao would be covering it all up with some lousy apparel (to avoid getting in trouble) but seeing the morning light illuminate his body, adorned by your marks on him would be a godly sight.
Xiao’s legs started trembling as well as his desperate moans upped a pitch. His quivering hands clawed at you, looking up at you with doe eyes as if begging you to hold him before he falls apart under your touch.
You pulled him in close, leaning beside his ear. Beads of sweat trickled down his temple as your warm breath touched his face. “Cum for me xiao”, you hush out.
And he cums.
He cums so hard that he could feel the breath in his throat hitch for a few seconds and his nails dig in your skin. He could feel the eyes roll back in his skull and his back arch into you while your arm held hold of his trembling body. There is no way anyone outside hadnt heard his guttural scream because the pleasure racked down on his body so hard.
Your hands felt his dick twitch and spasm as spurts of it stained his clothes as well as your palm.
Xiao rested his chin on your shoulder, heaving and his body so weak he knew he would fall down the moment you pull yourself away from him.
Slowly and weakly, xiao pulled himself up as he tried to lay his back against the cold wall. It pricked his skin. His body was hot and his face was a blazing crimson hue. He looked all ruined and this view was just for you.
You held out your cum covered hand in front of his face, your mouth in a sly grin and your eyes staring at his dazed and watery ones.
As if it was an already known command, he moves forward and starts sucking your fingers. Licking them from your fingertips all the way to its base, his tongue moving in wonders. Your fingers prodded against the base of his tongue as he choked on it, savouring and gulping down anything that was on your hand.
Throughout all this, not once did you two break eye contact. His droopy misty eyes spoke of lust and so did yours. It was as if you both had the same thought in your mind.
You wanted to ruin him. He wanted to be ruined by you.
You both knew you were insatiable and the moon was still up.
“Its going to be a long night xiao”, you smile.
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HEAR ME OUT— levi finally confessing his feelings for Y/N on new years
OMGGGGGGG THIS IS SO CUTE (this also ended up longer than i intended because i decided to add dialogue LMAO sorry)
i can imagine him doing it as a new year's resolution type of deal
like you'll be walking along the docks, with fireworks planned to go off across the bay. as you're watching the fireworks, he's intently watching you, his lips slightly parting as he appreciated the wonder in your eyes from watching the pretty colors, which were getting reflected off your face, painting your eyes with colors that made them seem to pop out even more to him than they already did
it's levi, so of course he'd be struggling even then over whether he should confess or not. i can see him maybe admitting it to himself a few weeks ago, but being unsure of when or how to tell you, or if he even should tell you. will it ruin your friendship? what if you didn't feel the same? what if he wasn't good enough for you?
but seeing you in those colorful lights, with nothing but innocent curiosity and awe in your eyes, gave him the resolve and desire to finally confess.
he'd be lost in you, and wouldn't even notice when you start trying to chat with him again after the fireworks show had ended and the new year had officially begun.
"what's your new years resolution?" you asked. "i'd probably say mine is trying to be cleaner at home, but i already know that's not gonna happen. you're probably going to have to come over to keep my shit together."
"you'd still be a shitshow even if you suddenly become a master at cleaning," he mentioned with a scoff.
"well?" you pressed with a head tilt, still prompting him to answer your question about his new year's resolution.
it took him a moment to respond.
"...probably be better at voicing how i feel without ignoring it."
"well, you never were good at words, were you?" you smirked as you casually teased him. "you just end up scowling at everyone, so people just think you're feeling grouchy all the time."
"and what about you?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"do you also think i'm nothing but grouchy?"
"hmm," you mumbled, thinking about what to say. "maybe 80% of the time. the other 20% seems to involve you being worried about something, usually if something wasn't clean enough or if you were going to run out of tea."
he snorted at your comment. you couldn't read the expression on his face, but it did seem like he was deep in thought, as if he was trying to formulate something to say. as you said, he was never good with words.
"well, let's start simple. what are you feeling right now?"
"...a little annoyed at how loud those damn fireworks were. a bit disappointed in how many drinks four-eyes had."
"well hange had been working their butt off trying to get their lab together after the holidays. they deserve to let a load off, even if that is being 5 shots in and playing dumb party games."
he averted his gaze as he tried to formulate his next words.
"...and probably confused," he whispered quietly.
"there's this brat that's been pissing me off," he eventually said. "has been for a few years actually. and it pisses me off even more that part of me looks forward to it."
you raised an eyebrow at him. "you look forward to being pissed off?"
you saw him begin to shuffle around awkwardly.
"...only when it comes to them, i guess," he mumbled, still looking down towards the ground. "...kinda realized that i've grown quite fond of them, in a way as more than just friends, but that i've been too caught up in my head to really acknowledge it."
now you were the one frowning.
"levi ackerman actually having feelings for someone?"
there was a hint of astonishment and animosity in your voice as you turned to better face him, holding your hand against your waist in an almost accusatory fashion.
"who the hell is this mysterious person and why haven't i heard of them?"
he remained quiet for a moment before finally looking up, his intense, grey eyes looking directly into yours.
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serxinns · 2 months
can you please do yandere class 1a x reader that loves making jackets based on their quirks and hero names please my heart is burning ❤️‍🔥for this please!!!
Hmmm this is actually one of the kind!! Thank you for the ask
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Sewing was your hobby and comfort, you learned it at a very young age from your grandmother and ever since you got your quirk,
your quirk is needles, this gives you the ability to shoot needles off your fingertips and hands, and can even make weapons with them, the drawback of the quirk is your hands will get cut up and sliced if you produce so many needles which results in blood loss.
You started small by making napkins and fabric coasters at a young age then started developing into making more stuff like Scrunchies and small blankets in now making clothes! Thanks to your grandmother who was a former Fashion designer
but your favorite creation was clothes! 50 percent of your clothes were handmade and decorated by you! You always have an area for your yarn with each color and pattern!
When you got accepted to Ua you were a bit of an introvert since all you wanted to do was continue with your hobby without any interruption but life had other plans,
your classmates were all so interested in your personality that they were determined to want to know everything about you you were able to befriend everyone in class but were good friends with Tokoyami and everyone in the class despise it
Tokoyami would smirk whenever you talking unaware that your classmates would glare in jealousy while Tokoyami felt victory having your attention and being your "favorite" Here, one day It was snowing hard outside you, takoyaki and Jirou the 3 of you were heading your way to the cafe which got some very good warm drinks during the winter,
Jirou was complaining about how her earphones were cold and tried to cover them up with her scarf but they kept poking out of her scarf "Ugh these stupid ear pieces" she grumbled trying to stuff them back in her ears again, you noticed and decided to give her your earmuffs "aw y/n you don't have to I'll be fine" "nah it's cool I have plenty in my dorm room anyway"
"Plenty?" She asked a bit confused grabbing Tokoyami and Dark Shadow's attention "Yeah I make them I sew stuff like clothes, pockets and even jackets it's nothing" Jirou and Dark Shadow's eyes shined with amazement they before you can speak Dark shadow immediately went up to yout face "YOU CAN MAKE JACKETS CAN I HAVE ONE PRETTY PLEASE!!"
"D-dark shadow!!" Tokoyami pulled him back face turning red in embarrassment You chuckled "no no it's fine! I'm happy to make you a jacket if you'd like! You too Jiro!" Jirou eyes started to swell and almost made you fell when she hugged you "your such a sweet person y/n sometimes we think we don't deserve you!"
When you got back with some hot drinks you measured both takoyaki and jirou and waved them goobye promising thr hackets will be done tomorrow, you got to work making the jackets you made sure they were comfortable and fitting for them even adding some accessories that fit their quirk after 6 long hours it was finally done,
safe to say you were very proud of your work especially the accessories!
The next day you gifted them the jackets and they were amazed jirou almost died of happiness wanting to lift you and take you away Ina. Wedding gown but kept her composer "These look amazing y/n!" She spinner around with the jacket a bit while you smiled "And it fits perfectly too"
Takoyami formed a small smile "I'm glad you both like it!" The 3 of you started complimenting each other's jackets forming ideas for your next clothing unaware that some of your classmates were watching you
Wn you got to class you were started when a bunch of your classmates bombarded you with questions and complicments
"Did you actually made those jackets!? Super cute!"
"I want a manly jacket"
"Why didn't your dumbass tell us that you can make jackets!?"
"Ignore these pest y/n of you run out of materials you can ask me I can create it right away for you!"
"C-can you perhaps teach me y/n! I'll like to make a blanket for my pet rabbit!"
Every classmate was crowding around your desk either begging you to make a jacket or to help you "Oh shit.." you thought this was gonna be a long day "Fine but on one condition..you owe me a lot for this!" You narrowed your eyes while everyone else was nodding eagerly
For the next 2 weeks you started making everyone else their jackets each based on their quirks and personalities momo was a big help by creating materials to make the jackets and Ochako and Sato were also a big help in encouraging you and baking you sweets
And by the next day, you gifted everyone their jackets, and let's say they went wild Mina and Hakagure were squealing and thanking you repeatedly while Iida promised you gift you something back for this generously, "Hey bakugo they all put on your jacket!" Kirishima said as he was currently wearing the jacket a tinted blush forming "It's good I guess.." sero and Denki protested demanding the blonde to give them a proper compliment
You watched how everyone was either bragging, showing off, or just In love with your creations you were glad things went well
by the end of the day, you were exhausted just wanting to crash in your bed and sleep as you slowly opened the door you were met with 100s of gifts from each of your classmates showing their gratuities you smiled even brighter as they watched from behind glad to make you happy as much as you did and will cherish the jackets forever
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beanmachine69 · 1 year
Brother's Beloved Bestfriend | Daniel Ricciardo (part ii)
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Warnings: Public(ish), unprotected sex. (please cap it before you tap it.
part i !!
part iii !!
Daniel was a lot of things; respectful being one of them. He’d always made everyone around him comfortable, and always looked out for them. So even though he was confused and hurt, he respected whatever decision you had made; you knew what was best for you and if that meant completely cutting him off, then he’d respect that too.
Except now here you two were again, two years later. Here you were, passing by him everyday, all the time, looking as beautiful as ever, wearing the necklace he gave you. He thought he had gotten over it, that somehow he had moved on with no closure, but he hadn’t. How could he have thought that when last summer when you weren't here and your parents told him to sleep in your room he touched himself thinking of you? Your sheets smelled like you faintly and the whole room reminded him of the night you two had spent together, and it all piled on to be too much to control himself. To be fair, he knew he could have gotten by a night or two without air conditioning, but the idea of sleeping in your room was almost too good to pass. Did he feel awful after doing it? Yes, he felt like a creep, but it wasn’t something he was willing to admit to anyone anyways.
He wasn’t an idiot though, he could see how nervous you were, and how your stare would linger when you thought he wasn’t looking. He was also fully aware of how your eyes would light up with expectation anytime you two would be alone- which had surprisingly increased a lot the past few days- he knew you wanted him to bring the topic up, but to be fair he really was looking for the right time. There wasn’t a moment where he wouldn’t want to pull you away into a quiet room and ask you why you did what you did. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t hurt by what you did, but some part of him knew you well enough to know why; he knew you’d freak out over having to explain it to your family and secretly, Daniel wasn’t looking forward to that either. He could convince himself into claiming that he understood why you cut him off and didn’t want to pursue your very very obvious feelings, but what irked him the most was the lack of confrontation. He had his hesitations too, obviously; you were much younger than him, you were his bestfriends’ sister, your family had been so kind to him, the list went on- but he didn’t cold turkey you.
Now, waking up to you practically throwing a tantrum over having nothing to wear for some family event in the evening, made him realize that it was going to have to be today. He had to bite the bullet and say the words he'd been meaning to say all these months. He knew no one would be home till evening, so now would be a great opportunity to finally talk to you. To solve your pressing problem, he decided to do you a favor and take you shopping, you so clearly seemed to need it.
Your brother had been complaining about how weird you had been acting the past few days, and Daniel knew why. He knew exactly why you’d been throwing such an attitude around the past few days and why you seemed so sullen half the time, when usually, you’d be the best company around the house.
“What about this one?” he asked, pulling something blue off the rack, “I know you like blue.”
“Yeah, the color is nice, but I don’t know if I like it.” You pouted.
He pursed his lips, getting a hold of the dress by his other hand, which was already struggling to hold several other hangers. You two had been shopping since 11 a.m, and it was nearly 2 p.m now and you had finally found a store with clothes that seemed to interest you. He was patient with you, he really was, but at this point you both had scanned the whole mall and were exhausted. Kudos to him and his f1 driver stamina, because now you were certain you were the problem.
“Okay, this is nice.” He commented, pulling a red dress from the rack. How cliche. “Be a doll and go try these on.”
He had managed to contain the flirty comments for the past few days, but now he was tired and couldn’t stop imagining you in all these dresses. The tension had built up so high between you two in the past few days that Daniel was certain if either one of you didn’t act on it soon, it would turn suffocating really fast. He was hoping to sit you down at home after your shopping trip and talk to you, but at this point you two would reach back to a not so empty home.
You had been in the changing room for a while, which wasn’t surprising since Daniel had thrown a heap of dresses for you to try. He was on the lower floor of the store, sifting carelessly through the racks when he thought of checking in on you. Moving upstairs he had noted how the store barely had any workers. The thoughts going through Daniels’ head were certainly inappropriate, prompting him to clear his throat to distract himself as he reached the changing rooms.
“You done there? What’s taking so long?”
The sudden voice startled you, you had just taken off the second last dress and were onto the last red one- standing in nothing but your bra and panties, you let out a shriek when you heard the voice.
“Jesus, it’s just me.” Daniel said, voice lower now so as to not scare you further.
“Yeah, um almost.”
“Alright let me see-”
“NO!” You shrieked again, afraid that he’d walk in on you naked, “Give me a minute, oh my God.”
“Okay, okay I’m sorry stop screaming.” He said, stepping back to sit on a stool the store had so kindly left out for people in his position.
God, the thought of you naked and in a changing room had integrated the thousands of thoughts that ran through his head. It didn’t help to note that your shrieking and screaming hadn’t alerted anyone from the store either. God, this was wrong, this was so so wrong- yet, it didn’t feel all that wrong either, especially with how you were looking at him today. He shook his head to rid himself of the thoughts, this was wrong and he wasn’t going to act out on it. He had to stop thinking about bending you over in front of the mirror and-
“Alright, this is the one.” You announced, opening the door to the little cubicle.
And god, what a sight you were- that little red dress hugging your every curve, the color complimenting your skin tone. Whatever they said about little red dresses couldn’t have been more true, it was at this moment did Daniel realize why the cliches existed in the first place, you looked divine. He couldn’t seem to get his eyes off of you, he knew all the dresses were great, despite not having seen them, but this one took the icing off the cake. It was just managing to hit the half-thigh mark, revealing your bare legs to him, and all he could think about was how those legs felt wrapped around him, bringing him closer into you.
“Oi, are you even listening?” You asked, snapping your fingers at him.
He looked frustratingly attractive, sitting on that chair with his legs spread open, his back leaning lower on the chair, his crotch displayed on highlight. He looked a little tired, but the moment you opened the door, his eyes shifted, glazing over every inch of your body, taking you in from head to toe, careful as to not miss a single inch of skin- covered or not. He was sitting there, legs spread open, looking at you like a starved man. You couldn’t deny it- you were turned on- he looked so good you couldn’t help but rub your thighs at the thoughts that were running through your brain. The way his eyes scanned you from top to bottom made your knees weak, his once cheery expression was gone, his face now portraying some sort of lust that seemed so primal in nature that you were convinced he was willing to fuck you right there and then- and you were not going to complain. With the way you both were looking at each other, you knew exactly where this was going. Your eyes didn’t break contact with his as he got up, slowly covering the distance between you two, his tongue passing over his lips momentarily. If there was any doubt or denial, it needed to have been expressed by either party now.
Your previous hesitations had dissolved over the course of the past few days, seeing Daniel again had reignited all the past emotions you had felt, all the sadness, attraction, happiness, anger and all other possible emotions had resurfaced, bubbling in you and making you more miserable than you’d want to be. You knew how good he felt now, you knew that you were both on the same page at some point, that one equilibrium point where you both had wanted each other enough to act out on it. You knew he had to have liked you a little bit- or atleast enough to want to fuck you, but seeing how he’d look at you now made you realise there was something more, you both were still on the same page, especially now that he was in such close proximity of you.
“Are you sure about this?” He whispered, not breaking eye contact, face now mere inches from yours. His thumb got a hold of your chin, gently pulling your face up to look at him.
You nodded frantically, losing all possible hesitations as your hands started working on undressing yourself. You obviously knew where this was going, but you really liked the dress and didn’t want to have to look for another.
“Yeah, just like that, good girl.” He encouraged, a smile prancing on his lips.
Grabbing a hold of your hips, he turned you around to face the mirror, assisting you in removing the dress, gently putting it aside as he kicked the trial room door closed. His hands made their way up and down your body, one of them draping over your shoulder, massaging your boob in his hand. You could see his arm flex, making his tattoos move as he massaged you, his lips finding their way to your neck.
“God, you’re so fucking sexy.” He whispered, locking eyes with yours in the mirror.
This was something you’d noticed around the first time, and you noticed it now too; his accent got deeper when he’d be turned on, and apart from the fact that it turned you on, it also was a reminder of how often his voice had done this in the past few days, the thought making you grind your nearly bare ass on his clothed crotch, moaning a little at the friction mixed with the pleasure his lips were pressing onto your neck. He hissed a bit when you ground your ass harder, making his other arm snake its way to your panties.
He started off slow, looking at you in the mirror frequently to catch any discomfort in your expression. Your face was a pretty clear giveaway that you didn’t mind, but your sopping core was a pretty good sign too.
“Baby, you’re sure about this right?” He asked, two fingers lingering at your entrance.
“Mhm, yes Danny please.” Now you weren’t sure whether to grind into his hand or onto his crotch- both feelings too good for you to pick between one.
“If I wasn’t going crazy right now, I’d make you beg for it.” He mumbled, lips against your neck.
You moaned as his fingers slipped in easily, not realizing how wet you were, just glad that he was finally fucking you. He started a little slow, holding on to the little bit of restraint he had in him, but the moment you started moaning his name around him, he lost all possible decorum- pumping his fingers in and out of you, curling them a little to hit your g-spot, making you moan even louder. Even after two years, he knew how to make you feel so fucking good. Though he had lost all possible decorum, you hadn’t- still aware of the fact that you two were in a public space, you clamped your mouth shut with one of your hands, the other reaching back to hold onto him as he picked up pace, thrusting his fingers harder into you, prompting you to arch your back. Your orgasm was building up fast, you had wanted this for so long you couldn’t hold yourself together.
“D-danny, I’m gonna-”
“Cum for me, come on be a good girl.” His voice had dropped so low, he was almost growling.
You didn’t need to be told twice, you felt your stomach tighten as your back arched further into his touch, your orgasm rushing through you, making you moan loud enough for your hand to barely be able to control it.
Your body slumped against his while you came down from your high, your eyes watering just a bit from how strong the orgasm was. Looking at him in the mirror made you shift a little, realizing that he was holding you up straight, eyes locked into yours, lips now leaving sloppy kisses on your shoulder. He was still fully clothed, his appearance not having faltered one bit as he managed to give you one of the best orgasms you had felt in the past two years.
“You alright darling?” He asked, looking over at your face again to detect any signs of discomfort.
“Yeah, yeah I’m good.” You sighed, feeling his warmth against your bare body.
“Hm, good.” He whispered, turning you around to face him, lips crashing into yours in a kiss that had been prolonged for far too long. His hands firmly held onto your waist as yours moved upwards,one pulling his face closer and the other resting on the back of his neck.
“Danny lemme-” You began when you two pulled away, trying to squiggle out of his grip and onto your knees to deal with the pressing bulge in his pants.
“No, no darling, I need to fuck you.” His voice was low, but his face was so close to yours that you could feel his lips move against the sweat trickling down the side of your face.
You nodded as a response, your words having left you completely. You knew how badly you both needed this, body still slightly quivering from your first orgasm, you kissed him again, this time allowing your hands to wander around his body, and eventually pulling his shirt off. You didn’t know how much time you had before a store employee would walk in, so you both worked fast. He turned you around again, making you face the mirror, his hand pushed on your lower back as the other wrapped around the front of your waist, prompting you to bend over. He undid his buckle, shimmying out of his jeans and watching as his hard cock pressed against your now bare ass. Your movements were involuntary as your ass began grinding against him again, your hands propping themselves against the mirror for support. Looking at him through the mirror was a sight, his hair was ruffled because of the shirt you had thrown off, his eyes focused on his dick that was inches away from where you both needed it. If you turned your head a bit you could see his thigh tattoo, which you were focusing on when you suddenly felt a sharp stinging pain ripple through your cheek, making you gasp and look up at Daniel. His hand soothed the stinging skin, moving down to align himself with you, looking at you one last time for reassurance after which he slammed himself into you.
The sudden entrance made you gasp, not having been given enough time to adjust as he began slamming into you. The little cubicle filled with the noise of skin slapping against skin, accompanied by moans and grunts from the both of you.
“Is this what you wanted huh?” He asked, hands gripping so tightly onto your waist, you were sure he’d leave marks, “God, I’ve wanted you for so. Fucking. Long.”
Each word of his was punctuated by his thrusts, and you had absolutely no doubt in his statement- with the way he was animalistically fucking into you, you were certain that he needed you just as bad as you needed him. You could feel your second orgasm tighten its way in your core. You were surprised at how fast he was going to make you cum again, his dick was huge, sure, but this was almost embarrassing. You could hear your moans change in tempo as your orgasm rushed you closer to the edge.
“Fuck, you’re close again aren’t you? I’m gonna make you cum again, aren’t I?” He asked, a smirk painted on his face, knowing that you were in no state to give him any answer.
You nodded, eyes desperately locking into his and barely being able to stay open.
“Beg for it baby, beg for release.”
Your whine was low, almost drowned in the noise your hips were making when they’d collide with his. But you managed, to the best of your abilities, to bring some words out.
“D-dan please, please let me cum. I wanna cum on you.”
“Fuck yes, there’s my good girl.” He grunted, hips maintaining the perfect pace as his hand found its way to your clit, rubbing frantic circles, “Cum for me baby, cum on my dick.”
The second orgasm ripped through you, way harsher than the fist, your hand clamped around your mouth to try to control the pornographic moans that slipped from your lips. Your walls clamped around him, your hips quivering as you moaned his name behind your hand. He didn’t stop at that, continuing to pound into you at a much more rapid pace than before, both hands on your waist again, holding you up at this point as your body almost crumpled at the overstimulation. He didn’t go on for too long, your orgasm helping him reach his high with the way your walls were clamping and quivering around him, and the way your hand was muffling your noises. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold off for too long to begin with, knowing that he'd thought about your perfect body for so many nights.
"Darling where do you want me to cum?" He asked, words spitting out at a faster rate than usual.
"Inside me." You whined, your cunt aching now with how sensitive it was.
He didn't have time to think of anything else, the idea of cumming deep inside you had completely pushed him over the edge, hips stuttering as he came, pushing his seed deep in you.
“Fuck.” He whispered, looking down at your ass as he came down from his high, pulling out with a final groan.
You smiled, completely blissed out from the orgasms and the feeling of his cum trickling out of your entrance. He felt as good as he did the first time, making you mentally curse at yourself for ever thinking you could replace this feeling with some stupid guys from your college. You bit your slightly swollen lip, as you turned to kiss him, arms wrapping around him. This time around the kiss was more gentle, his hands slowly going up your spine.
“I missed you, y’know.” He said, pulling away and leaning down to pick your clothes up.
“Hm?” You asked, pulling your clothes onto yourself.
“Oh come on, don’t be surprised. I thought I made my feelings pretty clear about you that first night around.” He chuckled, adjusting his pants back on.
“We are not having this conversation right now Daniel.” you replied, gesturing towards the clothes behind you two.
“Shit, yea we need to get going.” He mumbled, eyes widening a bit at the realization of the time.
Daniel had obviously insisted on paying for all the dresses you had tried on, despite your efforts and reminders that you only needed one dress. He was smiling at you the whole time, even holding your hand when your face turned red as you realized that all the store employees were looking at you two weird, they knew, of course they knew.
“Shit, I have three missed calls from your brother.” He said as he buckled himself in the driver's seat. “I’ll text him back.”
You hummed, now that you were in your senses you had to mentally prepare yourself for the conversation that was to come. You’d been thinking about it for the past few days, but now actually having to execute it seemed like a daunting task. Seeing your hands fidget with themselves, Daniel moved one of his hands from the gear, and intertwined your fingers with his own. He knew you were anxious, and thinking about the several possibilities of the outcome of todays’ events.
“We don’t have to talk right now if you don’t want to y’know. I’m not mad at you or anything, I guess I kinda understood all along.” He trailed off, eyes focusing on the road, his thumb stroking your finger.
“Daniel, we can’t keep pushing this conversation away y’know.” You mumbled, looking down.
“I’m not saying we should doll, we can just talk about it later tonight, okay?” He asked, reassuringly squeezing your hand. “You can get through this grueling little event and then we both can sit down, and peacefully talk about it. Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out.”
His words were reassuring, he even looked away from the road momentarily to pass you one of his signature smiles. You almost forgot why you ever ran from him in the first place, already looking forward to whatever the night would unveil to the both of you.
A/N: so sorry for the delay girlies, will be posting the final part much sooner, hope yall enjoy this haha!
as always, send in requests or criticism, both would be appreciated.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 1 year
Just read yandere sugar daddy AND GOD!! Plz do part 2. I want to see them dating🫣
One order of Rowan coming right up!
Yandere! Sugar Daddy x "Pure"! Reader part 2
Part 1 here!
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An opulent outfit of pure white stood out as it draped on a person in front of a mirror. The hands that caressed it's folds and seams trembled a bit as they tried to calculate the numbers that must have cost to come up with such an intricate piece of clothing. Their face, flushed with a tint of bashfulness, looked like an angel on earth. The way their aura and pure look awed the man sitting on his desk, his eyes ravaging on their form, pure hunger in them.
"You look absolutely stunning, love." His deep voice rang around the dark and dreary office room. "An angel, sent to me, and only me."
His fingers twitched slightly as he grabbed his churchwarden pipe, inhaling a drag and exhaling out the grey, slightly purple smoke that smelled of lavender and mint.
"What do you think? I had to pull quite the strings just to get that dress made." Rowan chuckled a bit. "What did the designer said again? Ah, the sheen on the outfit is apparently crushed pearls and opal."
He had a hard time convincing the dressmaker, but it's nothing a few... Threats won't do.
"It's beautiful..." Your voice let out an airy response, still at awe at how the dress looked good on you.
As you twirled around the mirror that witnessed different sides of your relationship, Rowan observed your form.
He always loved how you stand out of the dark office. You, and your pureness was something he craved, wanted, obsesses with.
Authentic. Uncontaminated.
In his eyes, you were something unattainable, something so holy that he shouldn't dare to even lay his bloodied hands on you.
But he dared to, and he wants to paint your white dress with his red and blacks. His blood, sweat, and tears on your body so soft and refined it's almost too daunting to glance at. He wants to sink his teeth on your untainted flesh.
"Come here, love." Rowan stretched his hand to you and you walked up to him. He whirled you around and made you sit on his lap, resting his chin on your exposed shoulder. His lips, dauntingly pressing against your neck, threatened to place salacious marks of belonging.
That you are only his.
"Stay on my lap, love. I want you close to me as I work." He whispered, his breath hot on your ear as he started to work on his papers.
You only nodded, flushed from head to toe as you tried to focus on something other than him.
You could feel his hardened body, his calm heartbeats, and his deep exhales and inhales as if he was taking in your scent and ingraining it in your mind.
The necklace he bought you before was hanging on his monitor, taken off earlier in order for you to wear the dress much easier.
Were you bored out of your mind? Absolutely. But can you really do anything other than obey the man that spent so much money on you that you swore it can almost make you live up to your 70's without worrying about money and inflation? If you're a brat, probably.
But your nice and innocent nature didn't dare to.
"You know, you can search up things you want to buy, love. If you're bored, at least." Rowan suggested, urging, coaxing. It was weird how he's so adamant at making you spend his money, like it was a weird fetish he had.
You aren't wrong.
You were like an unspoken prayer on his lips, a saint on his sinful tongue he wishes to pleasure and please.
At first, you were always rejecting the idea of spending his money just because you're bored.
But now you didn't even shrug as you daintily grabbed his phone and typed out your birthday as his password and went to an online shop of your liking.
Oh, how he shivered at the sight.
You're tainted with his colors.
His red and blacks.
His greed.
Now, he just wishes for you to get so greedy you wanted more of this relationship.
If not, his efforts of isolating you slowly from your family and friends will be all for naught. And he doesn't like it if his efforts are wasted.
Your fingers hovered over his gallery as you finished your shopping, and you were so tempted.
Usually, he doesn't like it if you try to look at his gallery. It's as if it was totally forbidden to look at it.
But you can't contain your overwhelming (Greedy) curiosity.
So, with a slight twist of your torso, covering the phone, you opened the gallery.
Rowan smirked as he knew what you did, no matter how much you try to hide it.
And as your gasps of fear and shock filled his ears, he chuckled and placed a lustful kiss on your neck. You took the bait.
"Did you like the candid photos of you in your home, love? I especially love the photos of you in your apron." His tongue, the work of the devil, trailed along your jaw as he kissed it. "If you wanted, you could cook for me. Just staying in our home as I shower you with affection and money. And you can just devote yourself to me. As I to you."
Your lips trembled at the suggestion. You wanted to say no. You really do.
You should be creeped out by how he took these photos. It looked like spy cameras. You really should.
But do you, really? But should you, really?
It was so tempting. Like an oasis in the middle of the desert, and you, the unfortunate person to see the mirage and think of it as a haven to rest your weary form on, and not a trap set to ensnare you for life.
And, as your mouth opened to reply, Rowan's lopsided smirk appeared on his devilishly handsome face.
He won.
He finally satisfied his greed, and yours.
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swifty-fox · 18 days
writing prompt request: buck/bucky or rosielemmons & domesticity - muse a rests chin on muse b’s shoulder to read/see what they’re holding
congrats on ur fic !! 💕 /solittles
this is so old but thak youuu ee
sorry i wrote them slow dancing im in a fluffy mood
if you were the only girl in the world
"sometimes when I feel bad, and things look blue..."
Gale taps his pencil against the paper in front of him and tries to decide if this was a sad song.
"I wish a girl I had… say one like you. Someone within my heart to build a throne"
He's sat on the sofa, feet tucked up underneath him like a child and trying to headache himself through the sort of mathematical problems that left even him feeling stupid. Bucky's supposed to be in the kitchen cooking a roast, but Gale isn't sure how much singing a slab of beef really needs in the cooking process. He's been banned, regardless of the signing, because the mess John left behind every time he cooked left Gale twitchy and irritable. He doesn't think it's hard to clean as one goes, but John thought it was faster to do it all at once.
"And what if you need something that's dirty?"
"Then I'll wash that one."
The singing draws nearer, bringing with it the smell of woodsy cologne and cigarettes.
"If you were the only girl in the world, and I were the only boy," John croons.
Gale looks up to find him leaning in the doorway, shirtsleeves rolled to his elbows and hair flopping out of its careful gel from steam. He looked good, looked healthy and whole and Gale thinks maybe five years out they were getting somewhere close to okay.
He recognizes the song now, an old Great War ditty that he'd heard crooned from open saloons and bars as a child.
"Bucky," He sighs, hunching over his work defensively, "I told you I'm all yours after supper."
John smiles at him, sweet and broad and eye-crinkling guileless and Gale isn't fooled by the beast underneath for a single second.
"Nothing-" He slides around the sofa and holds a hand out for Gale to take with a challenging smirk, "-else would matter in the world today, we would go on loving in the same old way."
His voice was still awful, but when it was less quiet and booming there was almost a melody to it, something Gale found pleasant if he were pressed to admit. Maybe it was rose-colored affection, maybe John just loved him enough to make the words sound good.
Gale takes John's hand but he makes sure to sigh at him enough to show his reluctance but John presses a bristly kiss to his cheek on the tug up and places his hand at a respectful spot on his waist and gets them swaying.
"A garden of Eden, just made for two," John says, leading him around their small living room, "with nothing to mar our joy."
Sometimes they bicker about it with their hands and their steps, who was leading. Nothing beyond playful, but they were both pilots both left-seaters and giving up the yoke wasn't something they did without good reason. But tonight Gale is content to give it over to John, starving for any moment where the other man's eyes were bright and clear and present. Better every year.
"I would say such wonderful things to you, there would be such wonderful things to do."
John gives over the lead to him, passing it off flawlessly and Gale sways them as John nuzzles his way into his shoulder.
"If you were the only girl in the world, and I were the only boy."
"Think those guys on base know you're such a softie?" Gale asks.
John scoffs, pulling back and freeing Gale back to his seat, "They think I'm somewhere between God and Captain America himself. I don't think it's even crossed their minds."
Gale hums, adjusts himself as John wraps arms around his waist, chin hooking over his shoulder to peer down at the paper.
"It's done wonders to heal your issue with humility"
"mm," John's lips press against his neck, "You're off by two numbers."
Gale pauses and then squints, curving his mouth into a crooked smile.
"So I am."
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bunnyywritings · 4 months
fun firsts with the colonel and honey bunny
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[a/n: here is day 2 with my husband roy mustang…he just feels like such a lover of tying a pretty thing up and making her squirm and cry, no? I think so…but anyways, i very much enjoyed writing this one so I hope you enjoy ! once again, the use of the term “little” has absolutely nothing to do with body size or anything, just a degradation/condescension thing, should be proofread lol but honestly, I don’t remember ! love y’all 🫶🏼 enjoy!…ALSO I KNOW I KnOW, i completely missed my opportunity to write in his gloves…and i hate myself for it 😔]
© bunnyywritings pls don't use my headers or writing without permission
wc: 3.8k words
WARNINGS: safe word used (stoplight system), sir kink, soft bdsm themes, arm and leg restraints, light degradation, roy uses a vibrator and dildo on reader, spit kink, pussy slaps, implied edging, dacryphilia, cowgirl, spanking, doggy, prone bone, creampie, breeding kink, no use of y/n, reader is mentioned as bunny, is also called: doll, good girl, sweetheart, baby, fleshlight lol uhmm i think that’s all
You’ve only spoken with Roy a handful of times, you both had mutual friends so you’d run into each other surprisingly often. It wasn’t until you both ended up at the same brunch that he finally decided to ask about your availability to film a scene with him.
You had exchanged phone numbers and set up a date for filming, making sure to have coffee or lunch a few times before then just to get to know each other better. It wasn’t until the night before that you realized you had never seen any of his content. That led to falling down the rabbit hole and consuming the available content on his page and even having known that he was into bdsm or power dynamic play, nothing could’ve prepared you for his page. It ranged from soft to hardcore play and it was a little intimidating but exciting nonetheless, if you were being totally honest.
You’d never give him the satisfaction of admitting that you spent that time with a hand between your legs and several mind melting orgasms.
So now, as you reached his place, you couldn’t help but feel all sorts of buzzing excitement and nerves.
“Okay so, before we get started, we had discussed what you’d be comfortable with and what was off limits.” You nodded in confirmation as he opened the notes on his phone and handed it to you. “Are these still accurate or is there anything you want to change?”
You carefully read through the list, impressed by how thorough he’d been. “Yep, these are still accurate.” He smiled gently, taking his phone back.
“And have you decided on your safeword?”
“Mhmm.” You nodded, cheeks getting pinker by the second. “Would it be okay if we used the stoplight uhm…one?”
“Of course. Red to stop, green to keep going, orange to slow down.” He recited smoothly, to which you nodded. “That’s perfect. Classic.” His voice eased your nerves tenfold.
You sat at the edge of the bed as two conversed, watching as Roy finished setting up.
Seeing all the toys and such he was setting off to the side made your arousal sky rocket, your panties growing slick underneath your pants.
“Ready?” He was rolling up the sleeves of his white button up and you found it difficult to not jump him then and there.
“Yeah…” Unbeknownst to you, he had started recording.
“Answer me properly.”
Your mouth went dry. Finally catching on, you swallowed nervously, eyes wide as you looked up at him. “Yes sir.”
“Hmm…what’s your color?” He hummed, standing between your spread legs. You were still looking up at him, in awe of how quickly and smoothly he got into character. He found it quite amusing, he was gonna have fun with you.
Though, at your lack of response, he gripped your jaw and refocused your gaze. “Your color, doll?”
He smirked. “Good girl.” That sent a spike of heat straight to your core. “Lay back for me.” You quickly did as you were told, swiftly scooting back and holding yourself up with your hands. “And let’s get these pesky clothes out of my way.” He unbuttoned your pants, fingers hooked in the belt loops as you lifted your hips to aid him in peeling them off, a groan leaving his lips as he did.
You were wearing a lacy set of red panties and garter belt clipped to beautiful sheer stockings of the same shade.
“All this for me?” He asked, arousal clear in his tone as he watched you remove your shirt to reveal the final piece of the set. A bustier that made your tits sit nice and pretty. “You’re spoiling me, doll.” He licked his lips as he crawled over you, one hand caressing your thigh and the other holding his weight by your head. “I can’t wait to ruin you.” The promise sent shivers down your spine, pride swelling in your chest.
His lips finally pressed against yours in a sweet, soft kiss. Unexpectedly romantic. You felt him smile against your lips before deepening the kiss. Tongues starting to explore each other heatedly.
Moans started to leave your throat once he started to grind his clothed erection into you. “You’re so warm…” He cooed. “Can feel you through your panties.” He snuck a hand between the two of you, snapping the band of your underwear against your skin.
A surprised yelp left your lips, making Roy chuckle.
“Sorry sweetheart, couldn’t help myself.” He pulls away, watching you pout as he gets off the bed and makes his way to the headboard. You watch in excited curiosity as he grabs some cuffs off his bedside table.
Gently taking your wrist, he placed a few kisses on your palm and the inside of your wrist before fitting the cuff to it. “S’that too tight?” He asked, to which you shook your head. “Use your words.” His gentle reprimand made your cheeks flush.
“No, not too tight.” He nodded, continuing to fit the cuffs around your other wrists and ankles with the same care before attaching them to the straps on the bed.
Adrenaline coarse through your veins, your body’s innate fight or flight instinct wanting to take over as you gave the restraints an experimental tug. “Color?”
“Green, sir.”
You couldn’t help the pants that obscured your tone, especially as he lowered himself between your legs. His eyes instantly catching the dark patch on your underwear. Tucking his left index and thumb underneath the fabric, he pinched the front of your panties to tug the lace in between your slick lips, a shuddered moan leaving your lip as it tugged on your clit.
He reached his free hand behind him into his back pocket, your eyes widening as he produced a vibrator from behind his back. Your thighs twitched as he turned it onto the lowest setting. The tension of the fabric against your sensitive bud was enough to make your legs weak but the second he pressed the pink bullet on you over the fabric, all bets were off.
Your jaw fell open with a drawn out moan. “Ohh my god…” Your legs tugged at the restraints, desperation coursing through your veins. “R-Roy! Need m-more…” And almost immediately, the vibration stopped and he let go of your panties.
The whine of disappointment died in your throat when you registered the glare he was giving you. “What happened to your manners, hmm?”
“N-No! No, I’m…m’sorry. Please, I’m sorry.”
He took a moment to look at you. You were already whining and begging for him and he had barely even touched you. If simply toying with you through your panties had wrecked you this much, he was thrilled to see what would happen when he’d finally get to sink inside you.
You pouted when he glanced at you in slight contempt, completely ignoring your pleading and shoving the vibe back into his rear pocket, reaching over to the table and grabbing the one thing that you had been dreading.
The thick, gummy pink, dildo. It had to be at least 7 inches and you just knew that this was gonna be absolute torture.
As he sauntered to the head of the bed, his looming presence was slightly intimidating. “Open your mouth.”
Hoping that your obedience would lighten the punishment, you spared no time in doing what you were told, your jaw hanging slack and tongue lolling out. He snickered and leaned down the slightest bit, his lips and jaw shifted a tiny bit before spitting a glob of saliva into your mouth. The subtle taste of mouthwash overtaking your tastebuds. “Uh uh, don’t close.” He instructed, sliding the tip of the toy against your slippery tongue before feeding it into your mouth. “Show me what a good girl you can be and maybe I’ll forgive you.”
A choked moan left your chest as you wrapped your lips around the toy and he started to push it back against the back of your throat.
Roy watched with a lidded gaze as you gagged around the silicone cock. Lewd, wet noises echoing through the room as he rhythmically fucked your throat. His free hand palming his painfully hard erection through his trousers. The sight made you pull against the ankle restraints, desperate for any friction against your aching core.
“Aww, are you getting all worked up?” His tone was the definition of patronizing. You nodded through the bobbing up and down of the toy. “Too bad.”
A particularly rough prod of the dildo against your throat made tears spring to your eyes. He stopped palming himself and let his hand fall to your thigh, fingertips skimming the top before cupping you through your panties. The touch makes you jolt, hips moving on their own in an attempt to grind against his hand. He scoffed, pulling his hand away but before you could even think about whining in complaint, he brought his hand back down to roughly slap your cunt.
You cried out as a pleasurable pain shot up your spine, the sound muffled as he hadn’t let up with the toy. He did it once more, your clit throbbing underneath your panties.
Roy slowed his movements to a halt, slipping the dildo from between your lips. Apparently, you hadn’t noticed the lone tear that trailed down your temple. Your breasts were heaving up and down with your panting. “Color?”
“G-” You paused, swallowing the saliva pooled in your mouth, “Green.”
Satisfied, he tossed the dildo down on the bed beside your thigh and settled in between your twitching legs. You were beyond soaked, the wet spot on your panties twice as dark as before. “Sorry, doll. I’ll buy you another pair.” His apology was followed by a loud rip! That, paired with a sudden rush of cold against your wet pussy was enough to tell you that he had torn your panties. Gripping the toy once more, he teased your clit with its tip, the bulbous head sliding easily against your heated bud. He then slid it down your slit, coating it in your slick before finally…finally pressing the toy to your entrance. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he pushed past the barrier of your entrance. The stretch was delicious, exactly what you had been craving but, of course, he wasn’t gonna hand you your pleasure on a silver platter. Disappointment replaced the initial relief as he pulled it out. Tapping the hefty toy against your slick lips. “Come on, bunny. Work for it, use your big girl words.”
“M’sorry! I’m sorry sir, please! Please, please! I’ll be good, swear…”
“What are you asking for, hmm? Come on.”
“Fuck me! Please sir, please I-ahh!” Not wanting to wait, he shoved the toy into your sopping entrance. Bullying the fat toy into your tight heat, a drawn out moan leaving your slacked jaw. The pace he set was ruthlessly tame.
It wasn’t too fast or too slow and it was driving you insane as he kept it up, he was hitting that spot inside you that made you delirious but it wasn’t quite enough. He let you attempt to rut your hips for more but it was no use, his pace was steadily pushing you to the edge.
Your high was approaching, your breathing deepening as your moans became stuttered and more frequent. And right as the coil was gonna snap, he pulled the toy from you. Your sudden emptiness made you want to cry. Frustration filling your whole body.
“N-No, no…sir, don’t stop! Please…don’t-” He stopped your complaints effectively by meanly bringing his fingers down against your clit in a firm tap.
“You’ll take what I give you, understood?”
Your weak nod wasn’t enough, his fingers coming down on you once more. A tad bit harsher than before. “Yes sir! I understand!”
That was about 15 minutes ago.
Now, there were tears streaming down your cheeks as he pressed a hitachi wand against your puffy clit, soaked dildo being fucked in an out of your squelching cunt. At least four ruined orgasms later.
If Roy had even an ounce less of the self restraint he so proudly upholds, he’d have creamed his pants a while ago.
Seeing you writhe against his bed, tears streaking down your pretty face, hearing your broken cries of desperation and pleasure leaving bitten lips and hearing the sound of the restraints as you pulled on them, the buzzing of the vibrator with the steady shlick! of the toy was making his pulse thrum wildly beneath his skin.
“You gonna cum again, hmm? If you ask me nicely, I’ll let you.”” You hadn’t even been able to really hear him, your ears tricking you into thinking that they had somehow been filled with cotton. When you hadn’t responded, he set the vibrator on the next setting. The sudden influx of vibrations had made you jolt.
“Oran-nghh!” He had pushed the dildo right into your abused g-spot, but once hearing your attempted safeword, he paused his movements. Quickly switching the hitachi off with practiced ease.
“What is it, bunny? What’s your color?” His voice was a little clearer now, a small pang of guilt swirling in your chest.
“M’sorry…it’s orange.”
He frowned slightly, slowly and carefully pulling the toy out of you. You whimpered, the feeling of being empty suddenly very foreign. “No.” He gently shushed you, “Don’t ever apologize for using your safeword. Thank you for telling me to slow down.” He leaned forward and pressed soft, almost nonexistent kisses to your inner thighs. Kissing down your calf and to your ankle. He unclipped the cuff from the strap before unbuckling the actual cuff and tossing it aside. Massaging the irritated area with so much care that it almost brought more tears to your eyes.
He repeated the actions with your other ankle and your wrists before letting you sit up. “I’ll be right back.” He kissed your nose before leaving the room.
You removed the garter belt and bustier that had been digging into your skin before sliding off your torn underwear. Roy was surprised to see you sat on his bed in just red sheer stockings but he smiled, almost lovingly, at you as he approached with a small glass of water.
“Here you go.” He rested the edge of the glass against your lips before tilting it back, satisfied when you took a few sips before he pulled the glass away and placed it on the bedside table. “D’you wanna keep going?”
“Yes sir…” You smirked playfully, before reaching forward and gripping his waistband. Slyly unbuttoning his pants, and tugging his zipper down.
He chuckled, shaking his head before swatting your hands away. Taking a step back to undress. You hadn’t even attempted to hide your ogling. Eyes devouring his nude form. His taut muscles, broad shoulders, and his hard cock was a blushed pink that made you salivate.
“Give me some room, sweetheart.” You did so and let him pull you onto his lap once he was settled against the headboard.
You pressed a hesitant kiss against his lips, giggling and pressing a few more innocent pecks to his awaiting lips. His hands caressed your sides, the comfort making you slump forward and rest your forehead against his. “We can keep going. I’m okay now.”
“You sure?”
You bit your lip and nodded, “Yes sir.”
“Ride me, bunny. Be a good baby and take what you want.” His words had ignited the heat in your belly as you eagerly reached down between the two of you and took a hold of his throbbing length and lined him up with your entrance. He continued to caress your warm skin as you slowly sank down on him, gravity aiding your movement.
“Oh shit.” You muttered breathlessly, his girth was a lot more difficult to accommodate than you thought, the toy having done almost little to nothing to prep you. “Fuck…” You pulled away from him and readjusted your grip on his shoulders, as you started the attempt to engulf all of him, he snapped his hips upward, holding you down on the entirety of his dick. Your eyes widening.
An unexpected whimper leaving his chest as you settled. He took a few moments, relishing in the way that your gummy walls pulsed around him. You took a few deep breaths, yelping when his hand came down on your right cheek.
“Go on. Ride me.” He instructed through heavy breaths.
You lifted yourself halfway before grinding forward and sinking onto him. Thighs quivering, you finally reached a steady pace without his help. His moans and grunts spurring you on.
Roy was gripping onto the globes of your ass in an attempt to hold onto his sanity. Your insides were so hot and wet, you were sucking him in with every downward thrust but he could tell that you were nearing an end once more, thrusts becoming sloppy and your walls pulsed spastically around him.
“Hmm oh! Oh my god, I’m gonna-oh!” In the blink of an eye, he had pulled you off of him and tossed you onto the bed, smirk curling his lips as a disappointed sob left your lips.
“Hands and knees, doll.” He playfully smacked your inner thigh. “Quickly, come on.”
With an eye roll and a huff, you flipped over and rested on your forearms and knees. Your back arching sinfully as you wiggled your hips. “Just for the attitude-” He pulled your arms behind your back, holding your wrists together with one hand. You yelped as you fell on your face, struggling to turn your head so you were resting your cheek against the mattress.
And in one single movement, you were pulled back onto the entirety of his cock. He first grinded up against you, still flush with your hips, the movement causing his tip to gently massage that spongy spot within you. “Color?” He grunted.
“Green, oh my god, please! Just fuck me, please!” Your desperation was painfully clear and it satisfied him to no end.
And without waiting another second, he pulled out until his tip was just barely kissing your entrance before thrusting back in and bullying his way back into you.
“Shit, doll. You feel so good wrapped around my cock.” He groaned. “Such a sloppy little cunt, and all for me. Hmm?” You clamped down even tighter on him at his words. “Oh…you like that? Fuck-” He rearranged his grip on your wrists. “Such a good girl, taking whatever I give her.”
“Yes! Yes, just wanna be good for you! Your good girl!”
“So desperate to please, just makes me want to keep you here for hours. Make you cum until you go stupid. Until you’re molded to my cock. Make you my perfect fleshlight.”
That’s all it took, your pussy pulsing around him. “Please, can I cum? P-please sir, been s’good! Please, please, plea-”
He leaned down, continuing to thrust into you. His breath hot against your ear. “Go ahead, cum.”
Your entire body convulsed in his hold, your release hitting you like a freight train. “Mmmm that’s it, did such a good job for me.” He released your arms and kissed your shoulders, “My good little bunny.” His thrusts were shallow as he helped you ride out your high.
He pulled out, reaching behind him to grab a pillow before slotting it underneath your pelvis. Gently maneuvering you into lying down on your stomach, legs pressed together. He spread your cheeks to get a good look at your pulsing entrance. “I’m gonna fill you up. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” He lined himself up.
“Mhmm want your cum, please. Fill me up like you wanna give me a baby.”
At your words his mind went blank, all intentions of fucking you slowly were thrown out the window. He buried himself in you and set a brutal pace, watching as he sank into your soaked pussy.
You gripped the bed sheets tightly in your fists, for fear of being pushed off the bed by the force of his thrusts.
You had never been fucked prone before and you had asked to try it with him and good God, this new position had you drooling and babbling incoherently through moans.
“Sucha needy girl, begging me to fuck a baby into you.” He huffed, moaning lowly. “Maybe I should…your pussy’s sucking me in. Begging for every last drop- hah ffuck!” Your creamy cunt leaving a ring of white at the base of his dick, the contrast against his dark trimmed pubic hair was dizzying.
“Shit, can feel you…you’re gonna come again. Do it. Soak my cock and I’ll fill you up!” His thrusts began to turn sloppy.
Your mind became fuzzy, a cry leaving your lips as you came. A rush of release drenching him completely. “M’gonna cum!” He choked a moan, his hips stilling as he released his hot load into you, filling you up. He fucked into you a few times, your body twitching at the overstimulation.
“Ah Roy-!”
He stilled, hips flush against your slick skin. “I-I know, doll. I know.”
He pulled out with a hiss, holding you open and watching you push his cum out. He licked his lips, wanting nothing more than to dive face first into your sticky cunt and clean you up but that’d have to wait for next time. “Don’t move, okay?”
You just hummed, fatigue joining the buzz of pleasure coursing through your veins.
He pulled his drawed open and pulled out a pack of wet wipes, plucking one out before returning behind you. Carefully bending your leg upward, he pressed the wipe against your spent core and cleaned you up. A good-natured chuckle leaving him when you flinch away, whining out, “Too cold!”
“Sorry sweetheart.”
Once you were both cleaned up, he rested against the headboard, holding you as you snuggled into his chest. Your eyelids were heavy, his warmth and his tender touch was enough to lull you to sleep. “Say goodbye, bunny.” He kissed the crown of your head.
Lazily, you looked up at a camera of his. An adorably fatigued smile on your lips as you waved at the camera before diving into his embrace again.
“Are you hungry or anything?” He rested his head back, enjoying your warmth and letting his eyes fall closed.
“Mhmm, starving.”
His laugh vibrated his chest, the movement jostling you the slightest bit.
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@seireiteihellbutterfly @xxstarlightxx @indieburn
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howi99 · 11 days
Le légionnaire part 1
Vacuo's frontline, 5 year of the war
Jean: *looking at his ration for the day* Nothing. *Sigh* Frédéric, is this some kind of joke?
Frédéric: Non caporale, those cock-sucker of Mantle destroyed our kitchen. Nothing was left.
Jean: Et merde.
Frédéric: B-but ze reinforcement from Vale are coming caporale. With food and boisson for us!
Jean: *looking at the no man's land* All of zhis because those sheep think we shall all become slaves without emotions. What kind of life is that?
Frédéric: Honnêtement? I have no idea. That's why i left la colonie to serve in ze Légion. Zhat and the salary.
Jean: *laughing* You still believe we are going to get it? Be serious mon brave! The only payment we are going to get is a pat on zhe back and a medal if we are lucky. And seeing as we are only a douzaine sur zhis front, the next assault will probably be our last.
Frédéric: *shaking his head* Maybe... Hey, did you hear about zhe new law zhe king wants to implement? With zhe stupid name la.
Jean: A oui, zhe colors and all that, right? Something about "individuality" or something. What's wrong with having a name like Ferdinand? Ou Jérémi?
Frédéric: *sigh* I don't even want to know what kind of name zhey going to let me have.
Jean: Well, at least i don't have that problem. I was assigned Jaune as a new name.
Frédéric: Really? Jaune? They just looked at your hair and saw your name and ta da?
Jean: *shrug* Seems like it.
Frédéric: *mumbling* Fils de pute...
Jean: Aw, jealous that my name almost didn't change?
Frédéric: Well your name is at least still in Valois! I have to change it to Pyrus!
Jean: ... It matches your hair?
Frédéric: Bâtard.
Wilfred: *approaching the two* Caporal, there's a man approaching us with a white flag. He said he wants to talk with whoever was left in command.
Jean: *looking at him weird* Then go fetch zhe sergent!
Wilfried: I did, he killed himself. He took the last bottle of wine with him in his death.
Jean: Tsk, fucking coward. Can't even let us keep the wine to warm ourselves...
Wilfried: ...
Jean: ... *Sigh* I'm guessing the captain-
Wilfried: Also killed himself, sir.
Jean: *turn to Frédéric* Well, i guess i got the quickest promotion in history?
Frédéric: We are fucked.
Jean: *turn back to Wilfried* Well, what are you Waiting for? Show me to the man!
Wilfried: Yes sir!
???: Ah! You must der sergeant-
Jean: No, he killed himself. The best you are getting is a caporal field medic.
???: ... Vell, das is not what i was expecting.
Jean: *sigh* Did you come for your reddition?
???: ... Vat?
Jean: Are you surrendering?
???: Oh! Nein. Or well, technically we are looking for a truce. Wir saw a bunch of Grimms approaching, and we probably will all sterben if we don't work together.
Jean: ... Sterben?
Wilfried: It means dying, caporal.
Jean: Ah, yes... *Sigh* we need food. If you have some to spare, we will gladly accept this truce... Monsieur?
Nicholas: Ah, you can call me Nicholas, or just Nick if you prefer!
Jean: So, are you fine with this?
Nicholas: hm... We are in need of medical supplies. *Looking at Jean reaction* Nothing too bad! We only need a saw for an amputation and something to uh... Keep the soldier from bleeding out.
Jean: I see. By chance, the artillery didn't touch our medical bay. I could take a look at your soldier.
Nicholas: Ah! Vielen Dank! I'll be in your debt! Sie ist ein gutes Mädchen!
Jean: Uh yeah, of course...
Nicholas: ...
Jean: uh... Dismiss?
Nicholas: Oh, sorry! *Start leaving* I'll be back!
Jean: *seeing the man leaving* You think i made the good move?
Wilfried: Honestly, what other "move" was there to do? We can't fight the grimm on an empty stomach and all they ask is a medic... No offense.
Jean: *looking at Wilfried* Wil, i stopped taking offense the day i started patching everyone up. I know you didn't mean i was less important.
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return-to-ravenbrooks · 4 months
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Return to Ravenbrooks:
Entry 3
Name: Maritza Esposito
Date of Birth: 1997
Gender: F
Current Address: 910 Friendly Court
Height: 5'5
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Green
Key features: Shaved head, prosthetic leg, custom-made bat
Role: Defender
Abilities: Boxing, strength, speed
Occupation: [REDACTED]
Status: Fair
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If I had a nickel for every time a little argument or scuffle emerged between Nicky and anyone else in the newly formed "Ravenbrooks Investigation Club" I could get one of those nice professional metal bats. Maybe then I could practice my swinging instead of just sitting back and kicking my legs on the arm of Trinity's couch while they scuffed.
Usually, it was nothing. Stress boiled into anger and frustration. Usually, some yelling and gritted teeth and nothing more.
But today wasn't a nothing more day. Today things began to get heated again. Trinity brought up going into the old house again. The stress of investigating must've been getting to her like it's getting to all of us because she shoves him, hard. His head hit the wall hard enough that the thud made us wince. I jerked upwards out of my seat. If it'd been a few months ago I wouldn't have. Nicky had a hard time forming a proper fist, let alone throwing a punch. He was a flighter, not a fighter. But now? I don't know if that strength had the real temper behind it to do anything, but if somehow someway this did get violent?
I didn't have to take a full step before something distracted all of us.
The lot of us exchanged glances. Trinity's parents wouldn't have knocked on their own front door, and they, like most of the parents in Ravenbrooks were away at parent-teacher night.
I leaned toward the living room window, peeking out at the front step. I have to close the curtain and open them again, then again. Like somehow that'll make the familiar face change into someone else.
"...Who is it?" Trinity asks finally.
"A boy and-" I stop, having to think my words out carefully, "...The Carrion's kid..." I mumbled. The words are meaningless to her ears, but I can feel Enzo's eyes widen.
Ivan was the one who opened the door at last, and without a word, the two boys rushed in. They looked awful. An all too familiar level of awful. The taller boy, whose head was decorated with strawberry-blonde hair tangled with sticks and leaves, and what I slowly realize is blood. It's smeared across his face and around tear-stained eyes. His name is Damien, I think, but out of the two of them, it's the boy he's gripping tightly I'm focused on.
He looks different without the thick black eyeshadow and old all-black clothes. Instead, the boy's face is covered in bruises, scratches, and blood. His left eye is swollen shut and there's blood dripping from his mouth. He's dressed in shredded brown shorts and a hoodie much too big for his frame. I can only assume it was Damien's.
No one wanted to take the time to explain the Carrion family to Trinity. It felt dumb and unnecessary. What good was 'Hey did you know there's ANOTHER weirdo family in Ravenbrooks?' What help was it to talk about Lucy Yi's funeral, and the boy from the rich old family who stood up in front of a crowd of sobbing adults and talked about how graceful her corpse looked?
Dad interviewed his parents after it happened, or tried to at least. Apparently, they slammed the door in his face, violently. Stopped showing their faces in public. "I'd be a shut-in two if my creepy son ruined my family name" he muttered angrily after the fact. Hard cut-offs from rich snobs were an annoying barricade to reporters everywhere.
There's such a long period of silence. Empty cold silence and Trinity got out a first aid kit. Enzo cleared his throat finally, but didn't speak.
"...What happened to you, Zach?" I looked up from my spot on the couch. I was surprised to see Nicky speaking, his arms crossed anxiously over his chest. There was almost an heir of demand in his question. Like he of all people was owed an answer. I fought the urge to scoff.
"We... I-" Zach's lip trembled, showing off how busted it up was. If it weren't for the nature of the town, I would've thought he was mugged. His trembles turned into violent sobs again. Damien, who was seemingly deep in thought until now, was snapped into reality by this.
"...Can we trust you guys not to tell anyone?" Damien asked. We all exchanged glances suspiciously, and worriedly, then nodded. He took a long breath. "We were having a sleepover at my house." He said quietly, chewing his lip like he was preparing his words. "I- I don't know if my parents put something in our food or what, but for some reason, we were feeling really tired before the sun had even set, so we went to bed. By some miracle I woke up maybe an hour later and- he was gone... so was my parent's car."
He sat there for a minute like that was enough explanation for their busted-up state.
"...and then?" I prodded. His eyes snapped to me, blinking and chewing his lips in the unsure thinking way again.
"Oh- uh... right. Well-... listen. You- you guys really can't tell anyone about this. Please." He pled.
"We won't," Trinity promised again, this time aloud. She ripped the end of the bandage on his arm, tying it off.
"Well- I'd been getting suspicious of my parents, they always get weird and clingy when Zach visits, and other times they'll disappear for the whole night- so- so I put a tracker on their car." He inhaled after the reveal. Silence again. "...and- I followed the car to the old weather station."
Even breathing seemed to stop in silence as he described the scene to us, the weird tunnel, and the people in robes, two of whom he said he recognized as his parents. Who else could've brought Zach there?
"...what were they doing?" Trinity asked nervously.
"I don't know for sure, something about attempting to 'repeat the steps'. All I know is the group went from quiet and mysterious to- really violent." Zach began to sob again.
"A pit..." he whispered between large tears that matched his wide blue-grey eyes. "Th-they wanted to push me into a pit..."
"I grabbed whatever I could get my hands on around me, I think it was a metal rod from some piece of old machinery. I swung it at their heads. Then there was this- flash of blinding light and- I don't remember much of what happened next..." he admitted. "All I remember is that as soon as I could reach him I grabbed Zach's hand and ran through the forest. We didn't stop to breathe until we saw your house." He looked at Trinity. "You guys are the ones investigating 'whatever evil crap this town is built on' after all, aren't you?" Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Nicky's shoulders raise awkwardly as he rubbed his arm.
The last time I checked, helping the hippy kid whose parents are, apparently, attempted child murderers and the creepy boy whose dad gives money to crows wasn't in the club's mission statement. But there was this spark in Trinity's eyes. It reminded me of the spark she'd gotten months ago, standing infront of Peterson's house in the middle of the night.
"it's us, or it's nobody."
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mashiraostail · 8 months
Found you through your BG3 stuff and it’s so good I’m foaming at the mouth
Could I request soft dom Karlach with a fem reader, maybe with a bit of praise thrown in if that’s alright?
Thank you I owe u my life
omg ask and u shall receive and it wont be self serving to me at all even a little!
I love Karlach and I love women this was sooo epic
NSFW under the cut :3
"Oh stop it-" Karlach is cringing as Shadowheart quite literally wrings blood from her hair, "you'll make me sick!'
"I can hardly help it, I'm always in the splash zone when I go into a fight with you." Shadowheart doesn't look happy about the situation either, but what must be done must be done.
"You certainly wouldn't hear me complaining, though I do like a more...direct method of delivery." Astarion some how came out the other side fairly clean.
"Oh come on, enough with the blood and guts stuff." Karlach groans, "so gross."
"What, are you trying to save your appetite?" Shadowheart laughs and flicks her hair over her shoulder, sending a small splatter of blood onto Astarion's arm. The two of them made a terribly snarky, gossipy duo. Karlach was just glad they had made friends.
"So what if I am?" Karlach crosses her arms, "I've already been denied ten years why should I be any longer? Especially at the expense of your grimy hair."
Astarion laughs at that, "no, you're right. All the power to you my friend." He looks around a moment, "say where is your favorite midnight snack?"
Karlach whirls around too, "oh shit, have we lost her?"
"She is a slippery one." Shadowheart nods.
"Kalrach would know." Astarion agrees. Karlach guffaws, shoves him. There were plenty of good things about getting her tune up, the kissing, the sex, the cuddling, and the knocking the wind out of Astarion every time he said something gross, odd, or rude.
"Cut it out." She tries to wipe the warmth off her face, being on fire was hot enough, why be embarrassed too.
"Hey! You left without me?!" You're appearing over a small hill, a new, heavy looking bag on your shoulder, "did I take that long?"
"We thought you ran away." Astarion shakes his head, "you took forever."
"Gale asked me to pick up some things." You hike the bag up your shoulder, "camp isn't far though, I guess we picked a good spot with this little market so close and all. What'd you all get into?" You stop once you've joined the group, "oh Shadowheart you smell awful-"
"Imps. Imps and goblins." Shadowheart mutters, "it's always imps and goblins."
"Sorry I missed it then." You laugh a little. Karlach takes the bag off your shoulder. "Oh you've probably been fighting all afternoon I can-"
"Don't worry about it, make up for leaving you behind. I always carry the stuff."
"I told you to go on without me, I guess I didn't think you actually would though." You laugh a bit.
"Well in your absence Karlach has told us all about how, when she does get you to herself you always-"
"Stop!" She shoves Astarion hard enough to make him stumble, "oh I should light you up." Shadowheart is just snickering to herself.
"I didn't-" She addresses your horrified look, "I didn't tell them anything I swear." She holds her hands up, "and even if I had, which I didn't! It's nothing to be embarrassed about, you're killer in bed. Probably just make them jealous, that's why I don't say anything."
You will the color out of your face at her comment and make the short walk back to camp with silly but comfortable conversation flowing between your little group. The sun's set in the sky by now so you're glad to be so close to camp, otherwise it may have been difficult to find your way back.
When you do make it back Gale looks excited to see you all, "did they have everything?"
"Uh...dunno, I'm just the mule." Karlach shrugs, and holds the bag out, "you'll wanna talk to the manager." She jabs a thumb to you, his gaze follows.
"They did I just- Karlach!" You brush the bag over the Gale and hold her wrist, "look! You're all cut up!"
"Oh am I?" She looks down at her arm, sure enough there were a myriad of claw marks on her forearm, "aw shit, look at that. Didn't even notice, little buggers. Enjoy your stuff Gale I've gotta patch up." You follow her away without finishing your afterthought for Gale.
"Halsin's left for the day, he said he had some friends in the area who may have information for us." You frown, "how's Shadowheart?"
"She needs to rest up before she can use anymore healing magic." Karlach shakes her head, "they're barely some scrapes, I'll be fine for now, I'll go clean up, then well...I dunno I'm yours."
"Let me help, it will be easier with two." You look hopefully up at her, "there's a river close by, we can clean you off and patch you up." She's grinning.
"Come on, you're not worried about a few little scrapes are you? Do you know who I am?" She looks delighted despite her words.
"I'm very familiar, that's why I want to help."
"You're worried? About little old me?" She's squeezing your shoulders as you walk together, "or do you just want to play nurse?"
"Maybe both." You glance up at her, she's practically buzzing.
"Don't tease me." She warns, "you'll ruin my night."
Of course you'd never do a thing like that. Though cleaning her up does take precedent, despite her groaning and whining.
"We need to make sure it's clean, then we can wrap it up." You hand her a shirt to tear up into some makeshift bandages. She uses her free hand and her teeth to do so, she certainly notices you shift and avert your gaze.
"What are you all shy about?" She laughs at the color on your face.
"You know." You tut and frown at her, though it's not very believable.
"What? Is it me?" She watches you use one piece of the shirt to wipe the blood, "Am I making you act all shy?"
"You're always so mean to me-"
"Its me isn't it? You like me, don't you?"
"Oh stop." You press a damp hand to you cheek, trying to cool off.
"What? Tell me all about it! Do you fantasize about me? Have dreams about me?" She's leaning towards you, her voice teasing. You use another piece of cloth the wipe her arm off with some water.
You scoff and look away from her, it just makes her laugh.
"Your silence speaks volumes! Tell me!"
"No!" You use three strips of thicker fabric to wrap her arm up, "I won't!"
"So you don't deny it!" She catches you by your waist, "tell me, or you are not getting a single thing from me tonight-"
"You're evil! You should know how it feels to be denied! Have a heart!"
"Oh I've got one, wanna see?" She's laughing, nosing at your jaw, of course you tilt your head for her, you could never deny her, despite yourself. "Come on, just give me a little taste."
"I don't have anything to tell you!" The crimson engulfing your face said otherwise.
"Uh-huh." Karlach wraps her arms around your back, "can I have a kiss?"
You indulge her without saying anything else about the subject, she seems contended with it for now. You have a feeling you aren't quite out of the woods though.
"You look so pretty when you're embarrassed." She holds you by your chin, "I can't help myself." Her hands are tugging at your shirt, you help her slide it off. She takes in the sight of you with as much enthusiasm as always you can practically hear her brain knocking around in her skull, every thud screaming with excitement, 'TITS!!!!'
"I'm so fucking lucky-" She's giddy with it, kissing down your neck and shoulders, probably planning her attack on your chest. "You're such a sweet thing, gods, I don't know how I have it in me to behave all day knowing this is the sight hiding under all that armor you wear."
You gladly clamber into her lap, she's ducking down into your chest, her hands exploring the newly exposed flesh unabashedly. "You're really very pretty, you know?" She says it into your sternum, you're trying desperately to undress her, eventually she takes pity on you and helps it along. When she stands to shake the last of her clothes off all you can do is drop to your knees, she laughs.
"Well I wasn't gonna boss you around or anything." She's grinning at you and gods you love her, it's all you can think about, you're kissing at her stomach rubbing your face into her warm skin, she just laughs some more.
"Aw look't you, so sweet. What is it? You wanna take care of me?" You make a choked off noise at that, nodding and pulling her closer, it's a frantic nod though, rushed and almost desperate.
"Alright, alright, don't start crying now." She pulls you away to look at you for a moment, "you aren't off the hook, but I'll take a detour." She slings a leg over your shoulder and her hand tangled in your hair on impulse and you close your eyes, if only to hide how far back your eyes roll into your skull. Occasionally you feel her nails scrape the nape of your neck. You were pressing your lips to her, running long strokes over her with your tongue and thumbing at the the wetness whenever you needed to catch your breath. Karlach hadn't taken her eyes off you, she was practically singing you praises and it made your stomach knot up desperately.
She uses her grip on your hair to guide you along but she doesn't need to do much, you already know what to do. She pays extra care to pull all your hair off your face to get the best look at you she can.
"Gods, look't you, pretty girl, just like that, 's perfect." Even her moans are perfect, it's obscene. If anyone asked you she should be locked up, wearing a big flashing warning sign. All you can do is moan, hold onto her thighs, beg to be impossibly closer.
"What're you moaning at?" She's grinning devilishly, "you just like the sound of my voice don't you?"
"Yes, yes I do-" The way she tugs on your hair pulls a perfectly lovely moan out of you, and it makes her laugh in a warm, fond sort of way that makes you want to lay down and spread your legs open for her.
"Alright then, lucky for you I love talking to pretty girls." By the grace of some god you find it in you to play a bit coy with her.
"You think I'm pretty?" You're looking up at her with perfect blown out pupils, and swollen red lips wearing her cum like lipgloss, matter of fact it's spread out pretty evenly over your cheeks and chin too.
"Oh fuck-" She drops her head against the tree she's been leaning on, "I'll blow my fucking lid, cut that out. You wouldn't be able to survive the things you're making me want to do to you."
"I'd try, for you." If she had something to say to that you don't let her get it out. You realized your mouth had been too far away for far too long. You missed the feeling of her tugging at your hair, pushing and pulling you to her own accord.
"Oh gods- dammnit-" She's bucking her hips into your face, her hold on your head especially tight, she groans, it's from her chest, low and thankful. You feel her stutter with the orgasm rolling over her and she pushes you away. Her chest heaving.
"You're a dream, you know?" She's pulling you to your feet, she laughs when she has to steady you a bit, then she kisses you. "Taking such good care of me all night. Looking so pretty while you do."
You feel her hands on between your shoulder blades, she's kissing down your jaw and neck, you're putty in her hands, waiting to be put where she wanted you.
"Come on," She's picking you up, wrapping your legs around her middle, "tell me, before I could touch you like this, and you had to take care of yourself. Tell me what you thought of. I'll tell you mine."
"It's so embarrassing-" You honest to god whine at her, if she were a stronger woman she'd be able to suppress the shudder it sent up her spine.
"Tell me, I'll give you whatever you want, all night if you do."
"It was just you-" You groan as she sets you down on your back and crawls on top of you, "your voice, I could hear it in my head so clearly." She's grinning from ear to ear, impish and coy.
"What was I saying? Was I bossing you around?" She laughed a little because gods you were an idiot, all she had to do was lay you down and you were spreading your legs for her.
"Sometimes-" Your chest was stuttering.
"Oh?" She pushes the syllable through pursed, curious lips, "what about the other times?"
"You're moaning," you're bucking your hips, searching for pay off, something anything the heat was unbearable. "Saying I'm good, calling me pretty-" You couldn't help the hand you brought down to rub over yourself, it was just something else for Karlach to look at.
"You like when I call you pretty?" She's attacking your chest with kisses that leave a burning trail in their wake, "you touch yourself and imagine me watching, calling you pretty?" She laughs that laugh again, the one that makes you wanna lay face down for her. "Maybe you're just as far gone as I am."
"I definitely am." You're practically begging her to touch, after 10 years of holding back she finds it almost impossible to deny you.
"Wanna see if it's as good as when you dreamed about it?" She's pulling you up, turning you over, you go because you're so stupid for her when you get like this, she could walk you off a cliff if she wanted.
" Are you gonna make yourself cum for me?"
This was overwhelming, you felt drunk, your emotions were running so high, you were so horny you could sob, "I'd do whatever you want-" She  was kissing at the backs of your thighs, you could feel her breath on your desperate fingers.
"Oh, careful pretty girl you're giving me too much power." She's laughing, her voice was low against your skin and it made you shudder. "I might not be so nice next time."
"No, no, you can do whatever you want to me Karlach- fuck-" You gasp, feeling her thumb brush against you.
"Whatever I want?" You can hear the grin in her voice, impishly charming.
"Yeah, anything-"
"I could tie you up?" She nipped at your skin and that paired with the thought of it alone could get you to cum, "yes please-" Your eyes were glossed over, you were pushing your hips back into her, begging for a firmer touch.
"Oh gods, you've gotten yourself into trouble now. And here I thought you were a nice girl." One of her hands pulls your upper thigh, right were it meets your ass, to get a better look at you.
"You know," Her other hand joins, taking the other thigh, you can feel her nails pressing your skin, "really I can't think of anything else to say but pretty. You are so pretty for me. I can't blame myself for thinking you were a good girl, how could anyone so pretty be bad?"
All you can do is moan, practically cry at it.
"You know it's everything too, not just this." Her thumb brushes you again and you actually think you feel your soul leave your body. "The noises you make, and that pretty red blush you get every time you look up at me. Like I'm deflowering you every time I touch you. Ravishing you, scandalizing you."
"Karlach, please-" She hadn't asked you to beg, that was all on your own accord.
She makes a pouting noise, faux sympathy, "alright, I'll give in. Tell me where you want me, pretty girl. I can't say no to face like your's."
You don't know where to start, you want it all honestly. Lucky for you she's started, replacing your hand with her own then slipping her fingers into you. You were melting into the ground below letting out a desperate warbling moan mixed with a handful of profanities.
"Good or bad-" She cautions and you shake your head, the momentary loss of friction makes your eyes water desperately.
"Good! Good, Karlach, please, fuck-"
You were whining and moaning into your arm, which had been previously holding your chest off the ground. Your eyebrows turn up at it, "oh fuck-"
You were acutely aware of how well she knew your body at this point. Every stroke into you had you moaning, rumbling from your chest, the momentum she'd picked up carrying with a bounce in your cries.
For a split second she was gone, stopping to wrap her arm around your front, as quickly as the touch was gone it was back. Then her free hand was in your hair dragging you up to press your back against her chest and fuck it hurt a little but in a way that made your spine tingle and ripped the most beautiful fucking moan Karlach had ever heard out of you.
"Oh sweetheart-" She moans it into your neck, "you'll kill me at this rate." Her arm wraps around your middle and you grip her forearm with your hand, the other coming around your back to hold onto her there.
She picked back up to pace quickly with you against her chest, bounding forward with unrelenting force that hit you so hard she could hear it in your voice.
"That's it, you pretty thing, just like that, huh? That's perfect." She's cooing into the crook of your neck, "good, good job."
"Fuck-" Your nails dig into her arm, "fuck me, Karlach-"
"The mouth on you lovely girl," She groans into your neck, pulling you into a sloppy but stupidly hot kiss.
"When it was me, waiting to finally touch you, this is what I thought about." You can feel her breath behind your ear when she speaks, "all the different ways I could completely undo you, how good you'd be for me while I did, how you would beg for me to do it. I'd never make you worry about anything, no." She tsks, "I thought about how much fun it would be, taking care of you. I got off thinking about your pretty, empty head, getting railed by me. How'd I do?"
"I'm gonna cum-" You somehow manage to choke it out, "'m gonna- fuck!" Your eyebrows knit together and of course she grins.
"Go 'head, I wanna see it." She was kissing your shoulders a hand coming down to thumb at your clit, you keen loud and still bouncing, "wanna hear it-" She murmured into your skin, "I definitely wanna feel it too."
"Oh fuck-" You gasp, your eyes roll back from the shock of it. Thank god she can't see your face because you must have been drooling. The jerking tenseness of your hips and the way you called out her name like she was an angel would drive her insane for months to come all she can do is sink her teeth into your shoulder.
If it wasn't for her arm around you you'd have slumped to the ground.
"That good?" She laughs and you nod.
"Come on, let's clean you up." She lays you down and takes the extra pieces of cloth you had on hand to wipe you clean, "are you alright?" You only nod again and she chuckles,
"and she was too stunned to speak. Another knock out performance by Karlach."
That gets a snort out of you and you shove her arm, "come off it, K."
"Uh oh, someone sounds tired." Her hand rubs your stomach, you're purring like a cat.
"No I'm not." You drag your hand down her stomach, obviously downwards and she laughs.
"Easy there solider, I think the others are expecting to do a least a little adventuring tomorrow. You look ready to pass out anyway." She gathers your clothes up, then you where you'd crumpled into the floor.
"Come on solider." She hoists you over her shoulder, "let's go to bed, I'll get you all tucked in nice and warm in my tent."
"Yeah, okay....good idea K." You were content to dangle over her shoulder, "K, I love you."
"OH I know you do, pretty." She pats your backside, "but I love you more."
You gasp as she drops you onto her bedroll, "no way!"
"Yes way." She's kissing and nuzzling your neck while you laugh, "admit it before I have to ravish you right here in this tent to prove it!"
For as delightful as your touch was your laugh was just as intoxicating, you nodded desperately trying to squirm away from the ticklish kisses and bites.
"Lay down." Karlach pulls away, smiling, "I don't think there's anyone on the planet who's ever loved anyone as much as I love you." She thumbs at your bottom lip, "and I don't think there's anyone in the world half as a pretty as you are. Sleep tight knowing that." You preen at her words as she settles down into bed with you.
"Let's go to sleep, we haven't go much nighttime left, no thanks to you."
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unofficial-writing · 5 months
She calls me Freddie (Pt. 2)
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Warnings: None really, fluff and a little banter, implications that your normal hair color isn’t red (sorry to my beautiful redheads)
Summary: The Tri-wizard tournament is announced and entering doesn’t go to plan
Word count: 4.9k
(Part 2 - Find all other parts here!)
The next week turned out to be pretty uneventful for you. After you all recovered from what happened at the game you started to use quidditch as your pastime. You, Harry, Ron, the twins, Ginny, and even Hermione practiced behind the burrow. Ginny had begun to take an interest in being a chaser so you showed her just about everything you know, having been one for the Gryffindor team for most of your years at Hogwarts. You played most days leading up to school and on the following Thursday you all traveled to the station in London.
“Did he find a compartment?” You asked George, who you were following through the train. Your luggage was already loaded, leaving you to carry your wand and one of your smaller bags.
“Fred said he found an empty one up here,” He started, peering into each compartment as he passed, looking for his brother. The boy stopped abruptly once he spotted him, which made you trip over his feet. “Aha.” He let out casually, as if he didn’t just have to save you from face-planting.
“Finally. I didn’t know how much longer I could fight off these kids.” Fred complained as you stepped into the little room. He sat by the window with Ginny across from him, who rolled her eyes at her brother.
“It was one first year. And the kid looked terrified.” Ginny told you and George while you hoisted your bag onto the rack above the seats. You gave Fred a look.
“Fred, you did not chase away a first year!”
“Oh no, he didn’t.” Ginny defended him. “He actually offered for him to sit with us but the poor kid ran off.”
George broke into laughter and Fred sighed, crossing his arms. You sat down beside him, fitting yourself into the space between him and the window. It was small enough that he had to scoot over so you wouldn’t be in his lap, which he did so without question.
You patted his knee to comfort him. “We can’t all be good with kids, babe.” You told him casually. The other two Weasleys glanced at you when you said this, but neither you nor Fred treated it any differently so they dropped it.
“It was probably just the kid’s first day and he didn’t want to sit with a sixth year he didn’t know.” George stated, sitting down once he put his couple of bags up. Fred just shook his head and moved on.
The rest of the train ride went by quickly, spent with carefree talk and conversations about nothing important. Soon the clear skies of the morning began to turn grey and by the time you arrived at Hogwarts, the clouds were much darker and threatened to drop rain on the school.
Still dry for now, you entered the courtyard in awe of the castle as always. It was now your sixth year here and you were still taken by the school. Raindrops finally began to fall, so you stepped under the covered walkway.
Fred tugged your sleeve to get your attention and when you looked up at him, his eyes were looking out onto the lake. “What is it?” You asked him, stepping toward the stone opening to see better. Out on the water, a huge ship sprouted up from the lake, water draining from it as it lifted above the surface.
“I’ve never seen that before.” You admitted. Ginny hurried beside you to get a look as well, but gasps from the other students drew you to the opposite side of the walkway. There you caught sight of a huge carriage coming in from above, drawn by several winged horses.
“Who do you suppose they are?” Ginny asked as they landed, guided in by Hagrid. They ducked just out of view as they touched the ground.
“I imagine we won’t have to wait long find out.” You said, turning from the spot where they disappeared to see the students flowing into the castle. Everyone filed into the great hall to find a seat. You sat down beside Angelina Johnson, who gave you a huge smile upon seeing you.
“Angie!” You exclaimed, giving her a tight hug. Fred sat down beside you and George across. He gave Angelina an almost timid smile.
“Hey, Angelina.” George greeted. You’d rarely seen George look so nervous. Angelina, of course, gave her smile out to him and asked about his summer, which got them talking less awkwardly. You and Fred exchanged a look, sharing the exact same thought.
The room filled with laughing and cheering as friends were reunited for the year, Gryffindor being the loudest as usual. By the time Dumbledore stepped up to his podium, your stomach ached from laughter. It took his loud voice to silence the hall and once the noise had subsided, he started his beginning of the year speech.
“Now that we’re all settled and sorted, I’d like to make an announcement.” He addressed the students. Fred twirled a piece of your hair to distract you and earned an elbow to the arm, which didn’t stop him. “This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Tri-wizard tournament.”
You had heard of it before but you hadn’t been to Hogwarts long enough to see one take place. And certainly not to see one take place here.
“Now for those of you who do not know, The Tri-wizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. For each school a single student is selected to compete.” Dumbledore continued to explain. This had everyone paying attention, as most of your group especially was interested. You leaned an arm onto the table.
“But let me be clear.” The professor paused briefly to scan the room. “If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint-hearted.” He said ominously and then suddenly flipped a switch and took on a light-hearted expression.
“But more of that later,” he continued. “For now please welcome the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons school of magic!” On cue the doors opened on the opposite side of the hall, having everyone’s head suddenly turn in that direction.
In came a group of girls mostly a little older than you, all in matching blue uniforms with their hair tied neatly behind their backs. They strode through the room elegantly catching nearly every eye, especially from the boys. “Bloody hell.” Ron said. Hermione rolled her eyes.
Behind the girls came an extremely tall woman, probably even taller than Hagrid. “Blimey, that’s one big woman.” Seamus Finnigan said, a few seats down from you. Dumbledore had to reach up to take her arm, guiding her to her seat. The entire hall whistled and applauded except for Hermione, who was mad at Ron, and Ginny, who didn’t care. Dumbledore cut them off.
“Now our friends from the North.” He continued. “Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff.” In came a group of men also around a year older. They were all tall and handsome. Their entrance turned the table and now Ron was huffing at Hermione.
After the students, the headmaster entered with a tall boy at his side. It was Viktor Krum, the quidditch player from the World Cup.
“Blimey it’s him,” Ron said, startled. “It’s Viktor Krum.” He walked through the hall staring at the other hand, not bothering to greet anyone. You weren’t impressed by him. Dumbledore greeted their headmaster warmly, bringing him into a welcoming embrace.
Once everyone was seated and settled, the feast began. Each table was filled with every food imaginable and everyone was happy with what they ate. After the majority of the room was finished, four men entered the hall, rolling with them a large pillar decorated with gold and jewels. It was parked at the end of the room, right in front of the professor’s table.
Dumbledore stood again, making his way over to the pillar. “I’d like to say a few words.” He announced, quieting the room again. “Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who wins the Tri-wizard tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks.”
“Wicked.” You heard the twins say in unison. Fred nudged you with his elbow, bringing a little smirk to your face.
“For this reason, the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule.” The professor continued. “To explain all this, we have the head of the department of international magical cooperations, Mr. Bartemius Crouch.”
The man stood, making his way over to the podium. But he and everyone else were interrupted by the sudden sound of thunder clapping in the hall, rain and lightning following swiftly. Students shrieked, ducking for cover from the sudden chaos. From one of the side doors, a tall man stepped into the room and pointed his wand toward the ceiling, fixing the mess.
After the rain had gone everyone sat up again, looking around in confusion. The man that had entered was tall and widely built. He had a limp in his stride as he walked. “Hey that’s Mad-eye Moody,” Ron announced.
“Alastor Moody? The Auror?” Hermione inquired. Ron leaned down and whispered something to Harry, which was low enough that you couldn’t hear.
“My dear old friend, thanks for coming.” Dumbledore welcomed him, shaking his hand.
“Stupid ceiling.” Moody replied gruffly. Dumbledore nodded and gestured to a seat at the professor’s table, sending him in that direction. After the room had settled again, Barty Crouch finally made it to the front, standing in front of the gold pillar.
He paused, hesitating briefly before speaking as if it was something difficult for him to say. It was definitely something difficult for you to hear. “After due consideration, the ministry has concluded that for their own safety, no student under the age of seventeen should be allowed to put forth their name for the Tri-wizard tournament. This decision is final.” Your face dropped in disappointment and the students erupted into shouts of protest, the twins being the loudest.
“That’s rubbish!” They shouted. The hall fell into chaos once more until Dumbledore saved it again.
“Silence!” He yelled, immediately quieting the school. The professor stepped forward toward the pillar. His hand glided over it, causing it to melt away in front of you. The outer shell of gold gave way to a large stone goblet, a blue flame igniting in the cup.
“The goblet of fire.” He explained. “Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament need only write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly. If chosen, there’s no turning back. As of this moment, the Tri-wizard tournament has begun.”
You glanced at Fred and George, who held an excited expression as if they weren’t just told they couldn’t enter. If you knew them, which you did, they would likely come up with an absurd plan to try and enter anyway. You would just have to wait until they brought it to you.
A few days later, you were absolutely correct in your suspicions. You were in the library, picking up a few books when the twins approached you. “Y/n,” Fred said in a singsongy voice, sliding next to you. George came on your other side.
“What is it, boys?” You asked, setting your books down on the table and turning to lean back onto it. They both looked at each other as if trying to decide who should answer. “Well, spit it out.”
“We have a plan to enter the tournament.” George started, you gave a loud sigh. “And before you say anything, we’ve thought it through completely. It’s going to work.”
“You did, did you?” You responded sarcastically, glancing down at the books you were carrying.
“We did,” Fred returned, ignoring your remark. “But, it requires you.” He held up a finger and pointed to you. You chuckled, crossing your arms.
“Uh-huh. And what does this plan require me to do?” You asked with a tiny smirk.
“We need you to brew an aging potion,” Fred explained, setting a hand down on the table to lean closer to you. “You’re much better at potions than us and we have to make sure it’s going to work correctly.”
You sighed. “It’s not.”
“What, why not?” George asked. “We could probably manage it so you definitely can.”
“Oh no, not the potion. That will work exactly how I make it to. But your plan won’t work.”
“And why is that, Y/n?” Fred asked, the look on his face put a longing feeling in your body.
“You really think that the ministry— Dumbledore for that matter would be thick enough to not think of an aging potion?”
“That’s what we’re counting on.” George stated, making you sigh even louder.
“Ok, let’s say hypothetically this does work.” You said, sitting on the table. “Have you considered at all that competing in the tournament might not be the best idea?”
“Nope,” they said together.
“But we’re not worried about it.” Fred added. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“Oh I don’t know, you could die?” You told them, setting a hand on the side of their heads. “And unfortunately I would miss you both dearly if you died.” You finished in an exaggerated pouty voice.
“When did you get all responsible?” George asked, “You were just as excited as we were to enter.”
“That was before I read about the tasks from the last tournaments.” You stated. “And I don’t want to risk losing my favorite twins.”
“Well. That’s very sweet and all but we still need you to make that potion.” Fred told you.
You sighed once more to get your point across. “Fine.” They immediately grinned and gave each other a high five. “But when this blows up in your face, it’s not my fault.”
“You’re the best, love.” Fred spoke, giving you a sudden kiss on the cheek before taking off with his brother through the bookshelves, leaving you sitting there frozen. You watched them round the corner, your fingertips brushing your cheek. God, Fred Weasley was going to be the death of you.
You met them with their potion outside the great hall the next day. “Here,” You handed them two little viles. “This is your last chance to stop and save yourselves the embarrassment.”
“Yeah not a chance, babe.” Fred said, taking them from you and handing one to George.
“Alright, fine.” You said, throwing your hands up in defeat. “Just remember, this is your own doing.”
“We’ll try,” George told you. The twins ran into the hall cheering, you following a little ways behind. There was a little crowd gathered around the goblet of fire and they all applauded as Fred and George made their entrance.
“Well lads, we’ve done it!” Fred announced, jumping up onto the wood bleachers and holding up his potion.
“Y/n cooked it up just this morning.” George explained further, following his brother. Hermione, who sat a few feet away, turned her head from her book and laughed.
“It’s not going to work.” She sang in a mocking voice. The twins sat down on either side of her.
“Oh yeah?” Fred started.
“And why is that, Granger?” George finished. Hermione pointed out a hazy white line around the cup.
“See this?” She told them. “This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself.”
“So,” Hermione slammed her book shut as if it was outrageous that they didn’t seem concerned. “A genius like Dumbledore couldn’t possibly be fooled by something as pathetically dim-witted as an aging potion.”
“Ah but that’s why it’s so brilliant.” Fred stated.
“Because it’s so pathetically dim-witted.” His brother finished for him. The twins stood again while Hermione rolled her eyes. You took their spot, sitting down next to her.
“Ready Fred?”
“Ready George,” They both popped their viles open.
“Bottoms up.” They said together and drank the contents. Once the potion was consumed, they jumped into the circle beyond the age line.
“Why did you make them that?” Hermione asked, awaiting being able to say she was right. You sighed.
“I tried to tell them it wouldn’t work.” You replied, chuckling. “But you know them. They have to learn the hard way.” And they did. Fred and George tossed their names into the fire, pausing to see what would happen. Nothing did at first so they cheered. Fred shot you a smug look which made you shake your head.
Their success was quickly shot down by the fire spitting their names back out, shooting little flames around the room. The crowd ducked out of the way and the twins were send backward and onto the stone floor. You stood to get a better look over the students but all you could see were grey hair and beards sprouting from their heads.
You broke into laughter as they started fighting, cursing at each other. You were absolutely going to give them an earful after they recovered.
It took them a couple of hours before they were back to normal and they still had some grey strands of hair left in amongst the red. Now they sat in the common room, grumbling as you finished combing out the hairs that didn’t belong. “Stop complaining, I’m almost done.” You scolded George, who huffed. Fred was already finished and sat beside you on, propping his feet up on the table and leaning his head back on the back of the couch.
“Maybe next time you’ll listen to me.” You suggested as you finished, tossing the comb to the side and shoving George away from you. “I could’ve given you a much better plan.”
“Oh please, yours are about as good as ours.” He responded, sinking onto the other end of the couch.
“At least my plans actually work.” You stated. “And my pranks, and that does make them more successful than yours.”
“Pranks are supposed to be funny, Y/n, not practical.” George told you. “I don’t think you’ve ever made a prank better than ours.”
“Oh really?” You said, standing and crossing your arms. “I could prank better than you two any day.” This made Fred pick his head up.
“Is that a challenge, Y/l/n?” He asked, standing up to meet you. The boy immediately towered over you. You should’ve picked your next words wisely and not ended up in a prank war with the Weasley twins, but of course you didn’t.
“Sounds like it, Weasley.” You told him confidently, stepping closer to him. He laughed.
“Ok fine, we’ll see who’s better.” He said, giving you a smirk that almost shook your composure. You tilted your head slightly.
“I guess we will.” You told him, turning and stalking toward the stairs to the dorms. “Good night, boys.” His eyes and his smirk followed you until you were out of sight. And once you were, you realized how badly you screwed up. You were definitely the smartest of the three but you couldn’t come up with something nearly as fast. And now you were on the clock. It wouldn’t surprise you if they had a plan in the next hour so thinking something up soon wasn’t optional.
You walked into the great hall for dinner that night without them, but they had beaten you there. Fred made eye contact with you, wearing a smirk. His brother sat beside him. They definitely already had a plan and you were definitely done for. Regardless, you sat down next to Fred.
“Fred, George.” You greeted coolly. Fred managed to surpress a chuckle. Instead, he copied your demeanor.
“Y/n,” he responded, returning to his meal. You ate quietly beside him, holding yourself together while listening to the twins try not to laugh the entire dinner.
“What’s up with them?” Ron asked Harry, who shrugged in response. The entire section of the table picked up on the change in interaction between you. Especially since you and Fred normally behaved like a married couple. After eating, you silently stood and left the great hall with Ginny. Fred gave you a stupid look in an attempt to break your seriousness. It only managed to bring a toothless smile to your lips, which you hid away quickly.
The next morning arrived and you still didn’t have a plan. It was likely already too late for you but you were too stubborn to just give up. You slid out of your bed yawning, but before you could stand all the way you were met with Angelina’s shocked expression.
“What?” You asked her nervously.
“I… would just go look in the mirror.” She told you. Hermione came walking out of the bathroom, dropping her things once she saw you.
“God, please tell me it’s not that bad.” You said, panicking. You stood and ran past Hermione into the bathroom, gasping as you saw your reflection. Your hair was as bright a shade of red as the twins’ were. You clasped a hand over your mouth in surprise.
“What happened?” Angelina asked, sliding into the bathroom behind you.
“The twins is what happened!” You exclaimed. The noise had finally woken Ginny.
“It’s really not that bad, Y/n. It’s just a bit of a shock at first.” Hermione assured. It wasn’t the worst thing you’d ever seen but that didn’t make you any less irritated.
“Hermione, look what they did to my hair!” You said, groaning.
“Hey,” Ginny said sleepily, rubbing her eyes. She started a yawn but it stopped dead in her throat when she saw you.
“I’m going to kill your brothers, Gin.” You said, trying your best to make your hair look decent.
“Please do, I have plenty more where they came from.” She responded, turning and leaving the bathroom. Once you looked okay to your standards you followed.
You stormed out of the dorm and down into the common room. Fred and George were at the chairs and turned their heads as they heard you enter. “You two!” You pointed at them. They stood immediately, stifling their laughter.
“You shouldn’t have challenged us.” George told you and shrugged, which made you scowl at him. You crossed your arms, absolutely fuming.
“Aww you’re so cute when you’re mad.” Fred stated, pulling your glare to him.
“You think I’m cute? We’ll get ready because I’m about to be gorgeous!” You snapped, beyond pissed off.
“Don’t worry, Y/n.” Fred spoke in an attempt to calm you. “It should wear off in the next hour.”
“It better.” You pointed a finger at him.
An hour turned into the morning and the morning turned into the whole day. By the next morning, your hair was still the same shade of red. When you found the twins in the common room again, they looked surprised and much more panicked.
“An hour, huh?” You asked them, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow. Fred approached you, rubbing the back of his neck nervously with his hand.
“It really was supposed to be just an hour, love.” He told you. There was a guilt in his voice that made you soften.
“Who knows? It could take weeks to wear off at this point.” George stated, not getting up from his seat on the couch.
“Weeks?” You repeated back to him, dropping your head into your hands with a groan. “This is going to be the color of my hair for weeks?”
“Sorry Y/n, I have no idea what went wrong.” He apologized. “But I’ll figure out something to fix it.”
You sighed. “Promise?”
“I promise.”
Fred never mentioned it to you, but he did do his research. He even ventured into muggle hair dye, which seemed like his best option. The hard part was matching your hair color, so he took a small picture he had of you and picked out the closest shade to yours.
That evening you had finished dinner early and beat everyone back to the common room. Now you were sitting in your dorm, having just changed out of your robes. You were just about ready to return to the common room when you heard a knock on your door.
“Come in,” You said simply. Fred came in, carrying a couple of small boxes. “Oh hey,”
“I have a solution,” he announced, handing you the boxes. Inside contained y/h/c hair dye. “It’s only temporary. I figure we could use this until your hair goes back to normal.”
Your eyes softened at the gesture and you looked up at him. “Thank you, Freddie. That’s really thoughtful.”
“It’s the least I could do for turning you into a Weasley.” He said with a little chuckle, taking you into the bathroom.
Fred leaned on the small counter and read the instructions. “Ok, get your hair wet.” He said without looking up from the papers in his hand. God he looked attractive standing there, his long body supported by the counter and his brows creased just barely while he read.
You did as he said, wetting your fiery hair and returning to him, trying to keep it from dripping. He took a little towel and draped it over your shoulders, then positioned you so that you stood in front of him.
He poured the paste into your hair and you sighed as he massaged it in, making sure to get your entire head. “Enjoying this, darling?” He teased, getting an elbow to the torso from you. He laughed and continued to work the dye into your hair.
“You know, it’s only fair if I get to dye your hair too.” You informed him, causing him to pause for a moment.
“Y/n, I wouldn’t look good in any other hair color.” He replied, tying your hair up messily behind your head to let the dye soak in.
“Neither do I, but I didn’t get the choice.” You returned, turning around to face him. He looked at you for a second, considering his options.
“Fine,” He sighed. You smiled, trading spots with him and hoisting yourself onto the counter to reach his head better. “But for the record, you can pull off any color so that’s not a fair comparison.” He argued.
“Ok, Fred. I get it, you have a crush.” You teased him, working the dye into his long, soft hair. You almost detected him falter before returning to his normal composure.
“Oh, you mock me, Y/n.” He said, putting a hand to his chest in exaggerated offense. You both sat in the little bathroom with your now h/c hair tied up and soaking. Once the dye sat for long enough, you rinsed and dried both of your heads and then stood in front of the mirror to study your work. You looked completely back to normal but Fred looked entirely different.
“I actually think I make this work.” He said, turning his head to observe the new color.
“I agree.” You gave him a bright smile, relieved to have your regular hair back.
“It is going to come out though, right?”
“Yes because I, unlike you double-checked.” You stated. “It’ll come out in a couple of weeks.”
“That’s comforting.” He sighed.
“It should be. Because if I said it then it’s true.” You smirked, tilting your head up to him. “And now you have to admit that my pranks are better.”
“Y/n, you didn’t even do anything.” He laughed, looking down at you. His face looked different now that it was framed with h/c hair.
“I didn’t have to,” You explained. “Just letting you fail was proof enough.”
“Fine. Our plans work much better when you’re apart of them.” He got out slowly as if it was difficult to say.
“That’s not what I asked, Freddie.”
“Well that’s all you’re going to get, so you’re just going to have to be content with it.” Fred crossed his arms, not even phased when you gave him a smack on the arm. All jokes aside, he genuinely did prefer when you were there to participate in their schemes and keep them in check. He could admit you were really the only brain in the operation.
Click here for part 3!
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