#i know there was no shade implied but that’s so funny LOL
flippinfamarchive · 19 hours
I'm really curious about the DND episode! It sounds amazing, could you tell me a bit more about it?
Howdy!! And I'd be happy to partner!
So, essentially the episode starts with the kid (Flippa) askin' her dad Charlie if she can join in on one of their campaigns, wantin' to LARP and swing a sword around, like how she saw him do it. Charlie is over the moon with this request, but the other dad (Mariana) is very against this since the last time Charlie and his friends LARPED/ played DND at the house, they set the lawn on fire. (Which we see in a very funny flashback, hopefully we can find the episode down the road that focuses on that!)
Reachin' a compromise with Mariana, Charlie decides to run a simple DND session for Flippa, which she's still just as excited fer! He sits down with her, and helps her make her character sheet, a level 1 dragonborn wizard. He then sets up the session and invites his dnd group over. Its then that we meet the gang, who consists of Bizly (who constantly wears shades and a blue hoodie, a bit mysterious, we don't rightly know what his deal is), Condi (A guy with a very 80's puffy vest, We think he's a worker at an arcade? they mention it in the ep but we don't know for sure if he does), and Grizly (a very eccentric kinda guy, when he walks in frame he starts talkin' about an anime called Akira? I have no goddamn clue what that is) They all sit down and start playin' the game, which starts off pretty good, everyone's makin' jokes, Flippa has some cool wizardin' moments, it's goin' good!!
But then the party faces off against a pretty mean Baslisk which messes them up real good. Flippa gets pretty overwhelmed and upset, because she ain't doin' much and not gettin' a hang of the system, and runs off. The group pauses the session and goes off to find her. She's upset cause she really wants to help in the fight but can't even remember what dice to use and she's lettin' the party down. After a moment of silence, the others start talkin' about their first time playin' dnd, with each story being more deranged and funny than the last. Bizly was responsible for a total party kill or a tpk by tryin' to offer the BBEG some "stuff" (very much implied to be weed), Condi's character had to become a mindflayer cause they all forgot an important item, and Grizly's character got swept down a river and nearly almost died at the end. This gets Flippa to laugh and feel much better, ready to take on and finish this Baslisk!!
And after some effort and a lot of healin', the party is successful!! The whole party celebrates by picking Flippa up and parading her around the backyard! The episode ends with Mariana watching the group run around, with a coffee mug before sayin' "Good Grief" with a smile on his face.
And that's the episode! Sorry fer the ramble lol, if y'all couldn't tell I very much like this episode. All in all it's a fairly cute and movin' one! I mean hell, I remember when I started playin' DND, and needless to say I very much related to Flippa's experience fer sure.
If y'all have anymore questions let us know!! I heard wind that there's another episode out there that focuses on the LARPERS so hopefully I'll have more info on them soon!!
'Till next time!
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akkivee · 1 year
i guess since paralive’s anime is coming out in the fall season, i’ve been seeing my fair share of posts from fans explaining how its universe differs from hypmic and one of the posts i read stated that ‘since rap isn’t a form of attack, if a crime happens they’ll just call the police to handle it like normal’ and i just started wheezing LOL
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queenie-avenue · 4 months
i think a cupid just shot my heart as i read abt yan! barista!! I have a what if, where reader was pressured by their friends egging them to find someone that they made a slip of tongue and accidentally claimed and said they found someone, resulting in havoc in the group chat with their friends bombarding them with questions abt the newly found someone that reader actually doesnt have
and planning a meet-up asap the next day for readers friends to meet the someone
Soooo she runs off to Minoru asking a favor for him to be their *pretend* boyfriend for the meet-up or perhaps until he manages to woo reader into making him their real lover
Fake it till you make it.
—> helping you, but you didn't want it.
⤻ reader is gender neutral, implied stalking (but let's be fr, he did stalk), non-consensual kissing, fake-dating technically, mentions of arctic monkeys because I was playing it on spotify lol
notes: oh my god anon, i love you so much. i was actually so sad when there wasn't much interaction with the yandere barista and i'm so glad you liked it! i hope you like this! mwah! <333
💌 ⤻ archives.
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You only had one friend group, which you always took pride in. As you said, it wasn't the quantity of friends you had, but rather the quality of the people you surround yourself with. Despite their flaws, you did think that your friends were a swell group of people who simply wanted the best for you.
However, it was a problem right now because you only had one friend group, nobody else could masquerade as your boyfriend to your other friends.
You could barely sleep last night as they bombarded you with questions, asking you about your supposed lover and how the both of you met and an impromptu scheduling of your friends meeting you and your boyfriend.
You suggested neko no aishi for some reason as you thought of who would be able to be your ideal boyfriend, someone you and your friends would approve of.
Your cheeks flushed as you thought of the barista manning the counter everyday.
You shook your head as you decided that you would be a good person and fess up to your friends.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
“That's basically what happened.” You muttered as you grabbed your cup of coffee from Minoru's hands, looking up at him with the most pathetic expression you had ever shown him.
He chuckled softly. “You know,” he started as he always did, “being single is not a really big deal. You have your entire life to find the one you love.” He said as he looked you up and down. “It doesn't need to be now.” He said as he leaned across the counter, getting extremely close to you, an innocent smirk on his face.
“Yeah, I know. But I feel like I'll never find the one.” You muttered. “All my dates have ended in disaster, somehow. Just the other week, one of the guys vomited when we were walking around the street. He hadn't even eaten anything. I'm starting to think it's my perfume.” You said, attempting to make the sad situation at least somewhat funny.
“I think your perfume is just right.” Minoru said, barely above a whispered as his hands tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
You flushed the deepest shade of red as his black eyes raked all over yours.
He wasn't wearing his contact lenses today, you noted, sipping your cup of coffee.
“Why not I pretend to be your boyfriend?”
The statement had caused you to sputter out your drink, staining your skin brown as you looked up at him with wide eyes.
“I mean, it would be quite easy.” He chuckled. “I've been a boyfriend before.” He humoured you.
“I couldn't possibly expect that of you. Plus, you have so many things to do around here. And well, I can't keep lying to my friends that you're my boyfriend, can I?” You said as you moved away from the counter, just in time so you did not hear his, ‘it doesn't need to be a lie’.
When your friends arrive, you puff out your chest and get ready to tell them the truth as they question you about the whereabouts of your rumoured boyfriend.
Just as you were about to speak, a tray was placed in front of your friends, all with adorably decorated lattes that had the signature cat of the café plastered on. “Sorry I'm late,” Minoru smiled sheepishly as he served your friends. “I was preparing some drinks for all of you.” He smiled as he took a seat next to you, wrapping his hands around your delicate waist, pulling you in as you gasped. You shot him a look, eyes widening at just what he was trying to do.
“Is he really your boyfriend?” One of your friends quipped, just as shocked as you were at this sudden development.
“Yep.” He smiled, bowing to them respectfully before turning to face you, his dark eyes boring into you. “[y/n] told me so much about all of you. I’m so happy to meet you guys.” He chuckled, acting like the perfect boyfriend that all of your friends would approve of.
“Oh is that an arctic monkeys keychain?” He asked as he began to initiate conversation with all your friends, surprisingly good at being able to pick up about what they all liked.
You couldn’t tell if he was just that good, or if he been doing research.
That was a stupid thought. How could he even do that?
“Well, I have to head back to work, but enjoy the coffee. It’s all on me.” He said as he leaned close to you. “See you later, dear.” He smiled before pressing a chaste kiss to your lips, that left you even more dumbfounded. You savoured the taste of mint chapstick on Minoru’s lips, how his lips matched yours perfectly, how you felt his lips quirk up when he realised you weren’t doing anything to deny him of your lips. He pulled away, his thumb grazing his lips with a grin. Hus thumb was somehow warmer than his lips, or was that just you? Your cheeks heated up as he even wiped the stain of coffee from your lips.
Your friends squealed the moment he left, complimenting your ‘boyfriend’. You practically went with the flow as you felt dizzy, still confused about the kiss.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
“Why did you do that?” You questioned, practically gasping for air, still breathless after that kiss.
“I wanted to help you.” He said as he closed up the cafe casually as you remained red-faced and anxious.
“You didn’t need to, I already told you that I didn’t want to bother you.”
Minoru led you out as he locked the cafe for the day. “It wasn’t a bother. Trust me.” He smiled before leaning back down to give you another kiss, this time more sensual as he bit your lip before fully letting you go.
“Get home safe.” He smiled, leaving you there in the middle of the street and smouldering afternoon heat.
Soon, that fake boyfriend thing would not be so fake after all. He planned on it.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
m thinkin abt the “blunt vs flowery” language thing and…… in the year of our lord 2023, i don't even want to imagine how far back we'd have to go in genshins timeline until we see ‘hey shawty' written on a cave wall-
you try to be better about it, sometimes, using only the fanciest words and the most floral of tones, but all you ever succeed in doing is giving zhongli flashbacks to the archon war-
in the same vein: modern humor. would literally make them think "is this some sort of divine joke im too mortal to understand?" except even the archons need to cite sources on why a piece of bread falling over would be funny- maybe you slip sometimes, but you only ever get halfway through like “i’m neurodivergent and a minor” before you realize they don’t know what that means— “what if i had blue hair and pronouns” but they’re just sitting there like… doesn’t everybody have pronouns….? and kaeya has blue hair- are you implying he’s divine? what about chongyun?? xingqiu??????
anyway um. this is me bringing up my unfortunate (but very funny) habit of saying “i’ll boil you like soup” whenever i’m mildly inconvenienced and hoping it triggers Thoughts about the casual/slang threats we make and how they cope
sorry if this reads incoherently it’s 1am for me rn— also i’m debating becoming a regular anon here, are your applications open? 👉👈
SORRY IF I RAN U OFF BY NOT REPLYING QUICKLY!! BUT I’D LOVE TO HAVE LABELLED ANONS! I’ve already added some taken name I could see in my mailbox so check the pinned post and choose whatever isn’t taken! phrase or emoji, etc.! :)
this isnt super long bc ur stuff seemed chill on its own/idk what I could add! So I just focused on one aspect
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gif is literally everyone reacting to you trying to speak “flowery” like them lol
ALSO u guys probably dont remember bc I took so long but I’m still writing/going to post that Blunt Lang. AU Fanfic One-Shot! so here’s some quick headcanons ill add on ive got anon!!
No TWs/Content Warnings. SFW.
so this was gonna be chill but-
like anon said about even the archons having to pull out sources/cite your stuff to understand it, like finding really old tablets/scrolls/carved wall words 😭
u giving Zhongli a history lesson/brush up LMAO
If ur annoyed at them u just need to make more jokes, leave em scrambling for their pocket notes LOL
I like to think since you sound the OLDEST
that the ancient shit like Phanes/Four Shades/Seven Sovereigns are the closest in speech
(look theyre all alive and shit for my genshin, goddamit i still gotta tell u guys abt my genshin fill-in lore au)
and they’re closer to the “beginning of history” in teyvat so theyd get more references
theyd literally understand u the best and they like, all in the Abyss or like deep in Teyvat,
so u just casually strolling up to Azdaha’s place instead like
“How’s your day been Azhy?”
“Same as the days many before, my lord. How are thee?”
“Good enough, hey, why don’t I bring some food from my old world by that I’ve made for you to try out? Something new, y’know?”
camera pan left to see Zhongli looking up, then back down as he scribbles notes trying to better understand, Xiao has crossed his arms and is squinting, Ganyu is behind Zhongli and is trying to peek over his shoulder, Cloud Retainer and other adepti have like hidden nearby to overhear lol
“Please do not disturb your countenance my Wànsuìyé, the vernacular is pleasant to mine ears and sufficient for speech.”
“I shall, uh, try my best Zhongli, thought I know ye have- wait- thy have? Whatever, accepted it, I shall keep attempting to better match thee!”
He’s literally just → 😰😣💀
(flashback to at least 1 really ancient/old god he had to fight for his life against, they were the hardest battle he’s ever faced, and Azhdaha was helping him by that point too, so it wasn’t even like he won alone… rip zhongli got ptsd)
He keeps trying to subtly stop you from practicing it, he also desperately discourages others from helping you 😭
(Zhongli was about to be called Rex Lapis again when Venti was trying to get on his last nerve by constantly encouraging you to speak fancier, but in the incorrect way, at dinner with them one time)
Like that last content with them pretending not to kow each other but 5x the tension and Venti is fooling around even more so than usual lol
Safe Travels,
💀 ♒
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonderss / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylazaa / @genshin-impacts-mee / @wholesomey-artistt / @thedevioussmirk
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writerwithnofreetime · 4 months
Random Headcanons for Aokiji/Kuzan
established relationship implied?
Note: I’ve been a fan of this type of content for a while, so I wanted to try my hand at actually writing it :)! If you have any suggestions, formatting tips, or feedback pls let me know! Enjoy :)
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Kuzan is definitely the type whose love language is lazing around together.
The two of you can often be found under the shade of a tree, a book in your hand as he naps quietly in your lap.
It's interesting. I don't see him as the type to actually be married (not in the traditional sense at least) but once he has his long-time partner, he's yours.
All that flirting he used to do with randoms is replaced with him mentioning you every five seconds lol
Kuzan: 'my s/o, my s/o, my s/o'
He doesn't strike me as the jealous type, but he will not stand for anyone blatantly hitting on you in front of him.
He won't lash out per se, just give them an icy stare
He's also not very possessive. You're your own person and free to do whatever you like.
Trying to make him jealous would be pointless. He's too easy going.
He also doesn't think anyone could take him from you tbh.
Kuzan is quite flirtatious, and I think that he would appreciate a partner who's not afraid to flirt back.
"Oi, you're a pretty one! You free tonight?" To which you respond with a forwardness he usually never receives
Oh, he's tuned IN.
I also think it would be quite funny fitting for him to end up with a s/o that completely ignores him every time he hits on them
No blushing, no reaction, just carrying on like nothing was said
He'd be determined to get you to acknowledge him
I'm going to end up making a pt 2 I have so many for him lolol
nsfw below
CW: Fingering, Temperature Play, Nipple play, dirty talk, Slight (very slight) sadism, use of the word 'cunt'
If you're willing, you guys would fuck the first night.
He's grown as fuck. There's no point in waiting if it's what you both want.
If you're not with it, no worries. He doesn't mind waiting.
Whenever you two end up hooking up, it will definitely be a pleasant experience.
I know everyone else hcs him as a lazy lover, but I beg to differ.
He is slow- and deliberate. Especially the first time you guys have sex
You're in very good hands. Excellent hands. Dexterous hands.
He knows how to use his fingers.
Temperature play is definitely involved. Kuzan feels it would be a waste of his devil fruit otherwise.
He's a very soft dom with a slight (and I do mean slight) torture kink. He'll coax you through everything.
He consistently talks FILTHY.
You'll be whimpering in his lap, with two fingers deep in your cunt while his other hand nips at your nipples
"Tell me, baby, does it feel good? Good enough to make you cream on my fingers?"
He's going to take his time exploring your body. Foreplay won't end until he's certain that you're ready to take his dick.
He will edge you.
Of course, he's still pretty lazy so. All his favorite positions are ones where he can hold you close, or where you do most of the work.
He loves it when you ride him.
He'll offer his support with his mouth- either kissing various parts of your body (your tits) or whispering some naughty shit in your ear.
His hands will either be at your hips helping you bounce up and down his dick, rubbing at your clit, or grabbing one of your tits.
He's a boob man.
He really likes praising you, especially for how good you are at taking all of him inside of you.
He really likes it when you moan his name (honestly, who doesnt tbh)
When Kuzan feels he's close, he'll change positions to missionary and pin you down to really dig you out
If he can help it, he's going to make sure you cum first or directly after him
When he gets close, he talks a lot less- mostly just grunts, hisses and escaped moans.
He says your name a lot.
For your guy's first encounter, he uses a condom and just finishes inside you.
After you guys have been together and have had conversation(s) about it, he goes raw
His favorite place to finish is on your torso. Of course, he loves when it gets on your boobs too.
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vidavalor · 1 month
Hello! I love your posts about the Ineffable Husbands coded speech so I wanted to ask if you caught the double meaning of the word “clue”! It is one which we hear the first time after the pub and jealous Crowley. The word “Clue” has a double meaning as it is slang for “developing an erection”. Didn’t know if you already caught it, but wanted to share that with you! 😂
Allo allo allo @the-apology-dance! 💕I'm glad you're enjoying reading my wordy rambles. Thanks for the reminder of modern use of "clue." I did think it euphemistic in S2 and why relates to a few other words, so, a shiny little bit o' meta for you on clue, investigate, appearance, suspicion, trace, Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte, and goo in Ineffable Husbands Speak.
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Like you pointed out, in our modern times, clue is used euphemistically for getting/having an erection. In slang terms, it's not that old by comparison to other euphemisms for the same thing-- one of which is, of course, "pitching a tent", which the canopy-themed season didn't ignore, as we looked at in another meta how it's one of the words produced by homophony in Aziraphale's French. The thing that's funny about Aziraphale's euphemistic use of clue in S2 is that it's part of their wordplay for reasons different from how we use it so it winds up not really mattering if they know the reason why the rest of us do or not.
A clue as euphemistic for an erection in our world originated around 2006/2007 off of it being used that way in an episode of South Park. Crowley & Aziraphale don't need to know that or even be remotely aware of it for clue to be euphemistic already in Ineffable Husbands Speak because of the etymology of the word. (And, as with everything, it's also possible that they are-- unintentionally or otherwise-- actually the origin of it.)
Clue-- in the sense of a piece of information that helps or could help in solving a mystery-- is a respelling of the Middle English/Germanic words clew/clewe and the French cleue, all of which mean a ball of yarn or thread. It's a really neat origin for a word because of its built-in metaphor-- getting a clue is pulling on threads to unravel a mystery. It also evolved into having a nautical meaning... and we know these two and the sea.
A clue with relation to seafaring is to raise a sail up through use of the cluelines/clewlines on the ship. So, ah, as you can see lol... we're already at an erection euphemism pretty easily without them having the first clue about South Park, right? Clue is tied to both the sea and to thread/yarn, which is seamstress work, which is part of the colors & clothing-themed euphemisms that they have going on as well. There are some of the colors and clothing stuff in Demon's Guide to Angelic Beings and also it's part of the shades of grey convo in 1941, etc.. [I've other Asks related to Mrs. Sandwich/seamstress & the shades of grey convos so more on those soon.] But it's the element of a sense of mystery involved in clue, along with everything else, that makes Aziraphale so hot for the word.
If one of the metas you read was the one about Tip Top, Thank You & Ticketyboo, then you saw a couple of examples of wordplay around the verb to come. The long and short of it is that we humans, as you know, refer to having an orgasm as having come and, within that, is this implicit sense of travel, right?
A coming is an arrival and to come means that you arrived. It implies a journey was undertaken-- that you went somewhere and eventually got to a destination. Humans do this linguistically with other mind-body experiences as well-- you "go to" sleep; you can have "a bad trip" on drugs, etc.. In addition to this, there is a never-ending list of travel-related euphemisms for sex in support of the verb to come. A ride, for example, can be had in a car, on a horse or with your partner. Relevant to what you're talking about with clue, though, is what else that the verb to come deals with and that's appearances and disappearances.
To come also means to appear-- as in, to come into view. This is amusing to Crowley & Aziraphale since, ya know... they can appear and disappear at will. 😄 They're magical beings who can miracle themselves places and pop up in each other's presence. Sometimes, this is part of whatever they're playing at in the moment, like in 1793:
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Other times, it's in reference to a mystery, which is often centered around a disappearance. As a result of to come meaning to appear, there are a series of other words related to disappearance that show up in their wordplay. Two of them-- suspicion and trace-- pop up in Demon's Guide to Angelic Beings. Crowley buried the word pish (which has ties to nightingales, fish, and peas, as we looked at in another meta) in the middle of "suspicious" while tying it to Aziraphale's ears in the entry. Among the other bits of wordplay in there is that one definition of suspicion is that it is the barest trace of something and to trace also means to lightly outline with touch.
Additionally? Something that "seems fishy" is something that is suspicious.
The word investigate-- what one does with a mystery-- is from the Latin in (in this case, meaning into) and vestigare (which means to trace). So Crowley's use of suspicious in Demon's Guide and Aziraphale's use of investigate in S2 are playing at the same root word of trace-- a word related to disappearance/appearance/to come that isn't just an action one might take to track clues in a case but is also how one might touch their partner when feeling a bit amorous.
But investigate is also funny to Crowley & Aziraphale for another reason: the words inside the word.
Investigate: IN. VEST... 😂 A day hasn't gone by in, like, at least three hundred plus years that either of them hasn't been wearing a vest and Aziraphale has a clue and he's thinking he might take the car that he's made into an on-going sexual metaphor for Crowley and he wants to go do some investigating...
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...and it would seem that this has something to do with why this description of Aziraphale's planned trip involves him pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek in the time-honored, traditional, non-verbal sign for indicating a desire to give a blowjob. Aziraphale plans to thoroughly follow all possible leads but his hope is that following the clues in this in.vest.igation will lead him on a path south of Snake Belt.
It's also hilarious that Aziraphale tells Crowley that he got his clue from Gabriel 😄-- who was singing to Aziraphale in the house this morning.
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Additionally, investigate includes the words gate and ate, right?
Ate obviously relates to their constant theme of food. The word gate originally meant not a door but a hole or to breach a hole and also the eye of a needle... so, we're also back to our ball of yarn/thread in our seamstress-y word of clue. Among its original spellings were geat (so, containing eat) and geatu (containing eat + u lol). As if that weren't enough? The word gate is also found in a French word that is pronounced somewhat similarly to geatu, which is gateau.
A gateau is a rich, French sponge cake that has layers of icing, cream and/or fruit. In Good Omens: Lockdown, Aziraphale is sharing what he's baked during Lockdown but everything that he's baked is euphemistic for fantasies he's been having to get himself off, the content of which he's sharing by way of describing them as kinds of cake. He tells Crowley that he has baked (and "has baked") a Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte, which is almost a Black Forest Gateau but for one, key difference: by definition, it contains alcohol.
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Crowley is the embodiment of an elegant and sexy Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte-- a rich chocolate sponge cake layered with and topped with whipped cream and cherries. In Germany, it is actually illegal to refer to a Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte as such unless it contains kirschwasser, which is a cherry brandy made from regional cherries. If it doesn't have that, it's a chocolate cake or, depending on how its made, a Black Forest Gateau.
Alcohol refers to sex and, while it appears to be a generalized word for it as well, it also phonetically kind of spells out what it is: alcohol is "all-co-hol." A hol is a hole or a hollow in several different languages and it's Dutch slang for anus/arsehole/the ass as a whole. Making things funnier? It's also apparently the Dutch word for a cargo hold on a ship. Alcohol is then sex featuring equal hol opportunity for both of them and for Aziraphale to have baked a Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte is to have gotten himself there fantasizing about having some alcohol with his "whipped-cream"-covered, cherry-topped, black forest gateau.
You'll notice that while they eat chocolate, Aziraphale does not ever eat or bake-- and definitely has never had any desire to "bake"-- a Devil's Food Cake. That would just be offensive. You might also notice that Aziraphale said the name of another kind of cake "incorrectly" in Lockdown-- it's called Angel Food Cake. Aziraphale calls it Angel's Food Cake... verbal italics and apostrophe emphasis included. 😉
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Anyway... back to clue... in the South Park episode that started the euphemism, there's actually a second one that developed as a result, too, as you likely know, and that's clue goo-- which is euphemistic, as you might suspect, for semen. Goo is a word that Crowley actually uses twice in the series-- once in the show itself and it's one of the words that shows up in Demon's Guide to Angelic Beings.
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When Crowley proposes that they run off together in the bandstand disaster scene, he's using a bunch of sexual euphemisms in the process, largely because he knows that Aziraphale is going to reject him. He also is because of language overlap with Armageddon and destruction with sex. In the bandstand scene, he uses "a puddle of burning goo" to describe the end of the Earth as a result of Armageddon but it's also probably an accurate description of Crowley himself after sex. Self-descriptive as well, probably lol.
Because goo is a sticky or, well, gooey, substance but it's also sappy, mushy, romantic sentiment. When Crowley uses the word in Demon's Guide to Angelic Beings, both of those meanings are present, with the idea that what he's writing is total goo (and it is) but he doesn't care. Additionally, he is also referencing its homophone-- gu, the root of the word guru.
Gu is a Sanskrit word that means, among other things: to go (similar in travel theme to to come), water, earth. Guru itself means "worthy of respect." A guru is an expert and guide who dispels spiritual darkness and is one of several references in Demon's Guide where both Crowley and Aziraphale use words relating to healers, the ecclesiastical and other forms of ministry to describe one another, all in a way that relates love and sex in their eyes to a form of spirituality.
Crowley uses guru for Aziraphale and, also, the-erotic-as-religion theme appears to be one of the reasons behind his choice for Aziraphale of the word bishop... one meaning of which is one who, ahem, oversees the actions and spiritual needs of other clergy...
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...while Aziraphale goes full throttle on the blasphemy as he always delightfully does and refers to Crowley as a god... several of them.
Finally, if you're looking for words within words, you probably noticed that the word appear has a rather familiar one in it: pear.
But, that's for next time. 😉
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silent love
pairing: levi ackerman x gn!reader
genre + warnings: - could be modern au or canon (you decide both works lol). no warnings, really. FLUFF. reader has tie-able hair.
word count: 518
authors note: this is my first ever attempt at writing a fanfic. I hope I could do our beloved Levi justice and apologies for calling him "old" twice LMFAO. and this isn't implying that reader is underage or anything (they're NOT underage pls), it's just funny to call levi "old".
I hope you enjoy <3
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Most (read: all) people would agree - Levi was a cranky "old" man who enjoyed making tedious shit jokes, expressing his opinion in the most brutally straightforward way possible, and had absolutely no regard for untidy people who couldn’t clean a teaspoon to save their life. 
Levi would much rather do things himself instead of teaching someone the “correct” way of doing said things. His teaching method is also more so, “you teaching yourself after he points out what you did wrong” rather than, “here, see this is how you do it”. 
So, you found it endearing how he would go out of his way to actually demonstrate the proper way (according to him, anyways) of folding napkins, cleaning windows, or steeping the perfect cup of black tea. One time after you laughed at a particularly unfunny shit joke he made, you noticed from the corner of your eye how his gaze lingered on you for slightly longer than he would usually allow. And how after he turned his head away, the tips of his ears were a shade of the most adorable rosy pink. It threw you off for a second. Seeing Levi Ackerman, poker-faced and all, blushing? It got you noticing small things like these more and more. And one of the things you noticed was how he noticed small things about you too.
He would go off about how those pastries you like are “diabetes in a box” and would proceed to leave them in the fridge or your desk with your name scribbled in bold letters all over the box. He would deny it completely if approached about it though. He would keep an extra rubber band on him at all times because he noticed how you kept losing your own hair bands and how cranky you get if your hair got in your face. He would wait for you, walk with you in silence, and listen to you with the occasional hum to ensure you that he’s listening. 
These things aren’t grand love gestures in Levi’s eyes. He may not even know he loves you. But to him, it doesn’t really matter. He knows this feeling is new to him and that you are important to him. He just knows that he wants you to be safe, happy and doesn’t mind spending all his time with you. Even if it’s in silence. Even if you don’t know how he feels for you. Even if you never will, because he’s lost too many people in his life and couldn’t bear to lose you too. So he’d show you his love, instead of using his words. Because it’s easier that way and he still gets to protect you and love you in his own subtle loving way. 
So yes, Levi was still a cranky “old” man with an appreciation of ridiculous shit jokes, being straightforward and cleaning like his life depends on it. However, he would tone it all down for you. Although, if you knew this you’d tell him there’s no need to tone anything down. Because that’s the Levi you fell in love with.
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weirdkpopgirl · 1 year
Our Kisses | Chenle Imagine #4
Title: Our Kisses
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 745
Warnings: mentions of a heated make-out session (I tried not to make it too much though), and my personal opinions about American movies lol.
Author's Note: Just another Chenle imagine that came to mind. I kind of wanted to write something that was a little out of my comfort zone. My inspiration for this short story reflected my own personal thoughts about kissing (even though I have not had my first kiss yet). I know everyone has different opinions, and I respect that. Thank you for reading ^ - ^
The glowing white numbers on the clock showed 11:46 pm. But being awake at this hour wasn’t unusual for you-- or your boyfriend. Currently, you were snuggled up on the couch together, watching the third movie of the night. The current one playing was some American film that Johnny had recommended. 
Twenty minutes into the movie, a kissing scene came on the screen. Seeing the male protagonist practically swallow the female character, made both of you feel uncomfortable. Your nose scrunched up in disgust when you heard a moan.
“I don’t understand why they have to show that,” you commented, cuddling closer to Chenle. The scene continued to escalate hungrily among the lovers on the television in front of you.
Chenle made a face and agreed, “I know, right? But honestly, I don’t think all kisses are gross like that.”
“Isn’t all kissing the same?” You raised an eyebrow, having difficulty registering what he meant. 
He shook his head, glancing down at you. “Not necessarily. I mean, you and I kiss much differently than Western actors in movies do.”
Your stomach fluttered at his words, almost certain that a faint shade of blush had appeared on your cheeks as well. 
“You think? How so?” You kind of already knew the answer. But you still wanted to hear his point of view.
A small smile played on the boy’s lips. Just thinking of the idea made him feel funny.
“Well, when we kiss, it’s more gentle and sweet. We don’t need to use our tongues to show affection,” He explained nonchalantly. But his eyes softened, as he looked at you.
Your cheeks flushed even more but with warmth. Listening to his reasoning allowed your heart to weigh on the special connection Chenle and you shared. 
“Huh, I never thought about it that way before,” You admitted. “I do love the way we kiss. It feels intimate and more... real?”
Chenle slipped his hand into yours and intertwined your fingers in reassurance.
“Me too. I feel like our kisses are a reflection of how much we care about each other.”
As the movie continued, you and Chenle began to get bored with the plot. But neither of you felt tired enough to fall asleep.
Suddenly, Chenle turned to you with a mischievous grin. “Do you wanna have some fun?” 
His eyes sparkle with amusement, while yours narrow with suspicion. 
“What are you implying, Chenle-ssi?”
You held back a gasp when he leaned in closer. His lips hovering just inches from yours. “Let’s try kissing like they do in the movies.”
His suggestion set off an internal conflict in your brain. You recalled a previous scene from the movie shown not too long ago. Even though Chenle was your boyfriend, you couldn’t imagine copying something so…scandalous.
Chenle noticed your hesitation and pulled back a little. “Just this once?”
He gave you those pleading eyes. So after some brief contemplation, you exhaled a deep breath before nodding.
With your permission, Chenle leaned in again and you felt his lips press against yours with a fervent passion. His right hand rested on the back of your head, getting tangled in your hair. This kiss was definitely much hungrier than the ones Chenle usually gave you, and you shut your eyes tighter when he slipped his tongue.
Unexpectedly, you found yourself getting lost in the moment. Your mouths moved together in a sensual dance, allowing him to explore your lips in a way that felt strangely exhilarating. At some point, you felt Chenle’s arms wrap around your waist, pulling you even closer to him as the kiss deepened.
Finally, the both of you pulled away. Although you were practically gasping for air, you surprisingly didn’t feel too grossed out about it. But then again, Chenle had the ability to change your perspective on things.
“That was…amazing,” He breathed.
You shrugged, with a small smile. “Yeah, not as bad as I thought. But I still prefer our kisses. They’re more…”
“Us?” Chenle finished your sentence. 
A sense of relief washed over you. Truthfully, it was nice to be with someone who shared your views of intimacy. But trying something new, confirmed that you guys didn’t need to rely on exaggerated displays of affection. The kisses you shared with Chenle were special no matter how gentle or light. 
At the end of the day, each one of your kisses exchanged represented the meaningful love that no movie could ever replicate.
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kitsunabi · 1 year
Alhaitham’s 跚跚來遲 is honestly a hilarious insult to throw at Kaveh and it’s a dang shame the translations don’t quite do it justice. What's even funnier is that if you go into the official subtitles 跚跚 is written as 姍姍.
I believe the English specifically uses "And here's Kaveh, bringing up the rear," and honestly its just not as funny as it could have been
EDIT: ok y'all deserve to know the deets I kept in my tags, so i moved it up to the main post below LOL
#that's the fun thing about chengyu imo is that it's only a few words but it paints a whole other concept/picture #the straight translation of that is >faltering< and that isn't really accurate either #that phrase effectively implies that Kaveh is taking his sweet time even though he knows he's late XD the shade #afaik the 2 diff characters mean the same thing but its a weird case of genderized written text which carries additional meaning #normally you use the women radical as opposed to the foot radical when referring to women (go figure) but the connotation is that kaveh is super graceful and never hurried
姍 is a interesting word that isn't commonly seen on its own but shares a meaning with 跚 (both can refer to slow paces) so it's both shade and fun clever wordplay with homophones
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docholligay · 2 months
Do you think lena could also be 'can't I just die in your arms without you making it gay'
Not necessarily to human beings named Doc who are me, or at least that's not who came to mind as I was absent-mindedly reblogging the post.
Boy do you not care about this. Boy am I going to make you regret asking ahahah.
ANYWAY, Lena and Mina (lol) in their respective worlds both do fit the space of the sort of smartass quick-witted trickster, but despite that I see their personalities as being massively different.
Trying to envision Lena saying this to anyone I think she might be conceivably bleeding out in the arms of, it just doesn't work for me, because I don't think she has the same level of at least INTENTIONAL flippacy with people's feelings. Sometimes she accidentally is a bit of rhinoceros about shit, but she's basically thoughtful if a bit scatterbrained and thinks before she speaks ALL THE GODDAMN TIME. The closest I could get for her is if it's Fareeha, and it would be more like, *bleeding out* "If I'd known this was all it'd take to get a tender word from you, i'd 'ave done it years ago." I can see her minimizing the ISSUE, maybe, in the, "What this? Not even the worst time I've had this week. Bit annoyed about the jacket, though." while bleeding out, but that is very tonally different to me.
Mina, on the other hand, thinks about every fucking thing she says, all the time. Everything is calculated. She's extremely quick and clever, true, but everything has about 17 shades of meaning behind it. In that way, she's one of the smartest fucking characters I write, sometimes smarter than I can handle writing her, because every statement is 3D chess on top of being funny. So, if she's telling Haruka, 'Can i just die in your arms without making it gay. Cmon man" (Which also fits the basic patter I have in my head for her) she's stating about 8 things at once, one of which is the inevitability of the situation, one of which is 'buck up', one of which is 'yeah yeah I know but i know that all this isn't going to make you feel any better', one of which is 'it's uncomfortable for me to have a level of honesty about my feelings because truth be known I'm as bad as Michiru I'm just better at hiding it because I don't play the ice princess', and probably others that I can't even get to because as previously noted, Minako is smarter than i am.
I think there's a level of minimizing how people feel to Mina, too, because of that level of discomfort. It's a joke because I make it a joke, because I don't want to deal with it, because frankly I deal with enough, and I'm not going to be responsible for one more fucking thing.
ALL THIS TO SAY, I don't think i'd back button out of a fic that had Lena saying that, but in my head, it wouldn't be her because it implies a level of emotional distancing I can't see her maintaining from anyone she's likely to be dying in the arms of.
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WeRE BACK W THE LONGPOSTS!!! 128 !!!!!! !!!!Spoiler & content warnings: csm ch. 128, canon typical violence ect. ect.
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THIS IS FUNNY BUT ALSO VERY SERIOUS!!! Because in a literal sense, this implies that Denji’s only reason for living is sex. The hope that some day he could have sex was the only thing keeping the trauma and bad things at bay, and without it he is susceptible to the power of the Falling Devil. (Also a side note, but ace asa mitaka ftw!!!!! Shes so right tbh kinda is gross )
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They are on a plate. Ok, well. Uh. Huh
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Okay, and that’s the guy the plate is for!!! I think hes the same devil from an earlier chapter w the falling devil, like the weird big worm dude. Personally I think this guy is the gluttony devil; I think it would be cool to have that contrast with Fami. Though it’s also implied that this guy will be killed/punished if he does not eat them. (“The falling devil has no tolerance for diners who do not finish their meals”)
It seems like this devil is still in hell (the doors…) , and since the falling devil mentioned she came to get asa on orders from a superior this might be that guy? Like, he made an order and shes cooking it for him like idk she runs a devil restaurant. Wouldn’t make sense that she would kill him though if he is her superior? Or maybe it would. Idk!!!!
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WHOS THIS?!?!??!?Why do they know the things they told denji? The whole “until sunrise” thing seems kinda arbitrary, because devils can still be out in sunlight? Why is that important? How did they sneak up on the falling devil? Lots of questions.
Chainsaw arms. This is probably the same person/devil/hybrid/whatever with the csm silhouette, the one that killed Yuko. Those chainsaws are 100% not fake!!!I do not think this is the same person who gave denji blood (mostly bc i thinks its yoshida but w/e). This person is sleeveless, which to be fair, probably would be given the chainsaws. But the person who gave denji blood appeared to be wearing a dark longsleeve overcoat, most likely a school uniform.
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I guess it’s possible they took it off, but then they would have had to change shoes??? I really doubt that that’s just the shading, because we can still clearly see denji and asa’s white shoes while they are running through- well, wherever they are
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Personally I think it might be a “chainsaw woman” just because I think it would be funny that Asa tells him “no woman will have sex w a guy w a chainsaw face” and then a woman with a chainsaw face shows up. That would be funny, c’mon!!!! Alternatively, chainsaw man devil. Alternatively alternatively, some more crazy fujimoto plot twist idk.(based on the pose and the chainsaw in falling devil’s torso, this person has a 3rd chainsaw, PROBABLY in their head like denji’s)
Umm thats all i got for now im supposed to be writing a research essay might update this later lol
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i bet if sydney was played by idk one of the riverdale girls or sydney sweeney or some shit these terrible "carmy has more chemistry with SUGAR!!111!" and It'S jUsT a MeNtOr/MeNtEe ReLaTiOnShIp takes would not exist. it's so obvious what they're salty about. i just have to laugh.
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Chile, they’d be a thousand Carmy x Sydney fics if she were a white girl, esp if she were Sydney Sweeney.
We’d see think pieces about how she’s moving feminism forward and countless white women would be talking about her relatability.
We’d see countless pfp of white Sydney and dissertations on even the most minuscule thing.
And you know what, more people would be fucking angry with how Richie speaks to and has treated her. They’d be no excuses or contextualizing. It would be seen as flat out unacceptable. He’d be called a bully, douche, asshole, piece of shit, jackass, etc. some would compare him to their loser ex or their ex who was abusive. Someone would bring up DV stats.
White women are about white women.
Whenever they enjoy a black female character, she typically has less power and isn’t a love interest. When a man is interested in her, she’s “too good” for a man and it would ruin her.
They want us to be undesirable and sexless. Strong, but not actual power.
Smart, but not as smart as them.
The funny thing about people claiming Carmy has more chemistry with sugar is that Carmy barely wants to be around sugar. Lol. He looks like he’s rather be anyone else. He doesn’t hate her, but he’s busy and doesn’t want to talk about depressing shit.
And when has having a mentee/mentor relationship stopped grown folks from doing who and what they want to do???
No shade, no tea, but honestly, the only people (not just white people) who insist that Carmy and Sydney have a purely mentee/mentor relationship are those vested in them not ever getting together. Whether that be dating, fucking, or whatever.
To insist that they have and should continue to have that type of relationship says that these people aren’t paying attention to the narrative and, at this point, are flat out disregarding it. The season shows us that Carmy doesn’t simply view Sydney as a subordinate. And, say of you missed that for whatever reason, the season literally ends with them becoming business partners.
Mentor/mentee where?
Why is he discussing business plans, allowing her to have as much input as she does, feels accountable to her, etc if she was just a mentee.
Carmy pegged her as an equal the moment he saw her. That’s why the series wanted us to know she was OVERQUALIFIED to work there. And not only that, Carmy knew it and implied as much when they first met.
Why do they think he lets her lead or feels comforting leaving as she’s running things???
I bet you he wouldn’t have done that with Richie, Tina, and Ebraheim.
I began this response thinking I had nothing to really say, and then ended on a rant. Lol
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ask-serendipity-sky · 9 months
people just being jm antis in the open now lol
*i won't mention the blogger, but if you would like me to let you know so you can block them or respond, i can send their @ in an ask*
it’s funny that people’s first assumption is that jungkook lied to jimin just like how it was assumed he told jimin he was busy and not to go see him when jimin was the one who went to an event on jungkook’s birthday then went live.
jimin having a job and seeing fans is an issue now?
all these times he could’ve gone to see jungkook if he was indeed doing nothing. but you are all just dying to have something to hate jk over.
confused where jimin said "i didn't see jk on his birthday"?
also coming from the same person (op) that said jimin was "shading jk" bc he said the crowd at yg's concert was more excited then the last one... echoing jjk's hate narratives towards jimin...
and tbh this kind of annoys me about jikook and have for years, like they always downplay their (assumed) friendship. if you're best friends why not act like it? like honestly. makes it hard to defend their friendship when they themselves downplay it.
if jikook are in an actual queer relationship, they are (1) in a conservative homophobic country (2) in the idol industry (3) preparing for military enlistment (4) doing solo work, which gives them more than enough reasons to keep their potential relationship on the low and be vague about eo
but no let's blame them for wanting to be safe bc YOU (op) don't get whatever confirmation or leverage to use against tkkrs...
and idc about any sort of ~privacy argument, who the fuck is private about a friendship with their own member
once again when you are in a queer relationship...
also jimin HAS BEEN private about himself, and has even said he likes to keep his friends to himself, so not a surprise he would do that with jungkook as well (especially if they're dating)
also makes no sense for jimin to post that picture on instagram which was posted for FANS not for jungkook then for him to come on live and imply he hasn't seen jungkook because he's busy (when jungkook now said he wasn't).
so namjoon posting on instagram, hobi not posting at all and only liking jimin's post, and taegi both not posting at all is ok...
but god forbid jm wish jk AT LEAST TWO TIMES (if not more in person/on call)
also the other members are able to post about seven on their instagram, and that is FOR JUNGKOOK, but if jimin does it and it's suddenly wrong?
also implying jimin is lying, when YOU (op) had an issue about people saying jk was lying...
he posted a pic to show they're close but then comes on live to imply the opposite? ok.
in the past they’d do or say something that would make it obvious how close they are (at least good friends) but not so much these days. i’m just tired of the weirdness.
god forbid jikook don't out themselves 😐
i always said (to myself) if they were acting as proper best friends at least it would be easier for me to not be delusional. but are we really expected to believe that jimin would fly to the us for jk’s debut when he didn’t have to but he can’t make it on his bday when jk is doing nothing?
besides the fact that jimin isn't required to do anything if he doesn't want to, jimin never said "i didn't see jk on his birthday"
like he could’ve said he’ll go see him soon or something if he felt fans would call him out on them not meeting on jk’s bday for the first time since they’ve known each other?
it's not jimin's job to make you (op and jkkrs) feel comfortable about jikook
also jimin has been criticized for what he does for jk's birthday for years (being in paris and posting a video, not posting until after jin got jungkook to say who (hobi, jin, jimin) visited him on his (jk's) birthday, posting a photo of jk blowing out his candles instead of a jikook selca or video)
*jk also has been unfairly criticized for what he does on jimin's birthday, but this about jimin rn, i could rant about that as well...
why would he come on live repeating that it’s jk bday and fans should wish him a happy bday when he himself wouldn’t go see him when that makes no sense? it’s just annoying.
bc jungkook is someone jimin cares for, jimin also made sure fans wished th on th's birthday... that's who jimin is
them pretending the us trip never happened when it’s right in front of us and everyone knows about it, them also pretending jk never did the bg vocals on letter like why?
not everyone knows (or at least they are pretending to not know) about ny/ct, it was leaked information and jikook might not want to spoil it before anything releases
if YOU (op) cared about jimin outside of jikook, you'd know there are documentaries for face and potentially letter being reviewed...
did jimin not give jk a copy of face or is he keeping it somewhere else for some unknown reason?
so no one questions why jk doesn't have indigo or the astronaut?
jimin refusing to do a live for who knows what reason but now he wants to copy the kind of lives jk has been doing. none of this weirdness ever happens with any of the members.
so only jk can go live from home and show mood lights now?
let's shame jimin for focusing on himself and his career, i guess...
but when jk was gone for months just to rest and take a break (AS HE SHOULD!!), that's perfectly ok?
and I knew for a fact when jimin showed his flat all the tkkers will try to push dating rumours. so if he wants to do more lives we have that to look forward to even more. yay🙄
do YOU (op) blame jungkook as well for being stalked and harassed bc he went live from his gym and own home?
i need people to actually leave them alone
trying to make sense of their relationship has turned y'all (op and some jkkrs) into jimin and jungkook antis
Hi anon,
That blogger has me blocked but I still know these words are coming from them.
Your statements debunking the bloggers hate are perfectly reasonable and valid.
They are hating on Jimin for no reason. They somehow feel entitled to more from Jimin and jikook and since jikook is not giving them more, they hate only on Jimin.
If jikook being makes anyone this irrational, leave them alone. And stop hating on Jimin for being present in Jk's life.
Thank you, anon.
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Star Wars (1977) #02: Six Against the Galaxy
Roy Thomas, May 10 1977
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What's not to love about this cover? Obi-Wan's red (pink?) "lightsabre". Luke straight up shooting a guy. The colors. The poses. The creatures. The mug (do seedy bars serve drinks in mugs??). And of course, "LUKE SKYWALKER STRIKES BACK!"
Also lol at wookieepedia throwing shade
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The second page graces us with a majestic unconscious Luke, who even looks like a teen for once:
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The scene in Ben's home - rather uncharitably referred to as a hovel by the narration - plays out in a different order of events from the final film - first Leia's message, then a discussion of Ben's past. I'm actually not sure why they ended up switching them - Artoo's message seems like the obvious place to start a conversation and Leia's mention of Ben's clone wars history is a good segue into the rest of the revelations.
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The contents of the message are also somewhat different from the movie, and omit or change quite a bit from the fourth draft of the screenplay as well:
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So in this version, Bail's name is still Antillies (not even Antilles) and Ben served the Old Republic, not him specifically as she says in the film. In the script the Rebellion is also explicitly referred to as the Alliance to restore the Republic (unlike the films, which use the terms Rebel Alliance and Rebellion). I don't really know what to make of Ben being called both a general and commander in the same context but whatever. Interesting that the iconic line "you're my only hope" is a later change - still, there is some inconsistency with the first issue:
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I find it kinda funny how "the Force" is always in quotation marks. No version of the screenplay I've seen does this so I'll just assume it's all Mr. Thomas.
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The discovery of the destroyed sandcrawler plays out like in the film. Afterwards we get Luke shouting for Aunt Beru and Uncle Ben:
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Roy Thomas did write Spider-Man comics and it's cute so I'll forgive it. Let's say that Luke is in a lot of distress and just received lots of weird information about his heritage and maybe his comic version sees Ben as more of an uncle figure than Owen at this point idk
I'll also highlight this panel just because Luke's pretty in it:
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In the cantina we finally get the fight promised by the cover. The alien who seems to have a problem with Luke (I don't want to call the character Ponda Baba as he lacks both the soulfull eyes and mandibles) says his line from the script (which is apparently still an actual quote as seen in the novelization, though I don't see how it relates to what is said/growled in the movie. Maybe Aqualish or whatever language is spoken here just has a unique transcribing system I guess). The rest of his lines seem to originate in this comic though. I also enjoy the "we have the death sentence on 12 systems", which differs from both the fourth draft and final film. They're besties ❤.
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Yeah Ben just bisected those two. Alright.
Next, Chewbacca makes his appearance! I'm not sure why the narration feels the need to insult his looks though.
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The bartender seems to be less enthusiastic about his snitching than in the film or script. The line interesting me here is the one about Han obviously not having a lightsaber - why is that obvious? Sure he's a loser but that's just mean. And why couldn't Chewie be the one slicing people up.
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This might be a longshot but I've been fascinated by the third draft and the idea that "laser-swords" are much more common. Maybe this scene is a holdover from that?
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Next we get the Greedo scene. His death is beautiful (the colors? the shading? the exploding lines? the pose?) and the fact that Han has his blaster in full view seems to imply he's just an insanely quick draw. 10/10 no notes.
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Han's next scene is not quite as cool - in fact, it's the horrible deleted Jabba scene that never should have existed. I'll take it though, just for the awful early Jabba design.
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I mean just looks at this yellow otter-walrus thing with terrible fashion sense. I'm pretty sure it's physically impossible to feel threatened by him.
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I also greatly enjoy this interpretation of star destroyers. Why can't they fly like this in the films...
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The banter inside the ship is pretty much word for word movie dialogue. I do love this 3PO pose:
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And the final panel is honestly amazing!
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Though that ship definitely needs greebling.
Closing remarks: this issue is kind of light on weird He-Man Luke. His incredible expressions make up for it though.
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nuatthebeach · 2 years
hey, for the OTP ask game, i would love to hear your answers on every question, but especially on this four: 22, 26, 30, 51. thank you! 😄
 Brace yourself, 'cause this is a long one.
22. What reminds each other of their partner?
For Harry, Lavender flowers, like the ones that perfume her hair. Every time he sees one during the summer while walking across the garden, he plucks it out to give to her later because that's just the kind of unexpected sap that he is. Also, when he sees a stray, cute kitten and he knows that she would absolutely gush over it, and - well, would you look at that, he's already petting and carrying it home with him because Ginny is going to lose her fucking mind over it. Also, whenever he hears a really funny joke, and he thinks he can't wait to tell Ginny. Also, anytime someone mentions anything to do with Quidditch, but that's kind of a given. Also, anytime he sees the color red because he always thinks that it will always be a worser shade than the sunset glory that is his beautiful wife's hair.
For Ginny, chocolate oranges, chocolate frogs, and chocolate eggs all do the trick because...let's not pretend that chocolate is not a paid actor in their relationship in Order of the Phoenix. When Ginny makes scrambled eggs in the morning, she always wishes that Harry had made it instead because his are always better and Merlin, when is he coming back from that damn mission, I hope he is okay. Every time Ginny looks into the green of Albus's eyes, she's fondly reminded of the fact they match his father's fresh pickled toad hue exactly. When she sees a lightening bolt in the sky and can't wait to take the piss with Harry for having a scar that's less intimidating than the one with an origin of something as nerdy as electric discharge.
26. What are their vices?
Hmmm, I assume you're asking for their relationship weaknesses? Because vice typically implies immorality in most - not all - cases, and I don't know if they would do any of those to an extent. (It’s also three in the morning as I’m writing this so it’s a possibility that I’m being really slow right now lol.) Though I suppose you could say lust and pride, but in healthy doses.
Otherwise, their relationship weaknesses could be just learning how to manage their anger during fights. I've said this before, but they're very passionate people, and while they may not fight over tiny things like Hermione and Ron, they can definitely blow up over large things that build up overtime. Like, Ginny will forget to do the dishes or leave their area messy and Harry doesn't say anything for a while, but it's clear it becomes a big thing later on. Or, when Harry works overtime and Ginny keeps trying to let him be a noble git just like old times until she comes to terms with the fact that it's not like old times and he needs to see that.
I can imagine that they slowly but surely start coming up with strategies. "Obviously, we're both angry about this. How about we set up a time to talk about this tomorrow at 7 pm? That way we can prepare ourselves with what we want to say and be willing to hear the other out in a less defensive way." They may not word it exactly like this, but you get the idea.
It takes a lot of effort and practice, but they're Harry and Ginny. They make it work, always. And it helps that the make-up sex afterward serves as reinforcement to keep learning from their mistakes, too.
31. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
Ooooo okay, so what they would wear and what they would dress the other as are two different things. (I apologize if I disappoint, I'm aware that the wrong clothing choice can trigger some people lmao).
I’m going to try to keep all of these 90s/00s appropriate.
For one, if anything from the movies are true (and we laugh and laugh and laugh), Ginny would absolutely burn that gd flannel, blue shirt, and adidas rip-off jacket that Harry wears in all eight of them. She'd probably style him in one of those early 2000s rugby shirts? Like the ones from Ambercrombie or American Eagle (assuming they'd shop in America anyways, which again, we laugh and laugh). Or maybe a leather biker jacket if we're talking 90s. It would be a nostalgic resemblance to Sirius, as of course, we all know that he had a motorbike. Faded gray jeans and converse shoes are a must though because they're pretty much staple lanky boy tingz. I can also honestly see Ginny making him wear a turtleneck too when it's cold...and we all know he'd look super fit in it during his Auror years.
As for Ginny, she probably wore overalls occasionally while doing barn work at the Burrow, hoop earrings for special occasions, and those 90s choker necklaces. She doesn't wear powder, wearing her freckles proudly instead, but she absolutely loves a good mascara that brings out the amber in her eyes and will dab into some lip gloss to feel girly or even some lipstick - red, to match her hair - when she's older. She is a huge fan of crop tops and oversized flannels (when worn right) and ripped shorts and combat boots as a teenager, but when she's older, I can see her being a big fan of mini skirts (Harry's a big fan too) and low-rise jeans and tote bags and high ponytails in her 20s while wearing a bomber jacket every now and then to remind people of her sporty nature. Oooo and graphic tees too. Ooo ooo and she likes wearing a bunch of those thin early 00s scarves. Like, I mean a bunch. And Harry would really enjoy unraveling them too.
How would he dress her? Tbh, he has kind of shit taste in fashion, let alone woman's fashion, so he'd probably say/think something cheeky, like, "she looks fine in anything, really" or even "she'd look great in nothing at all" if it's just him and Ginny, partly because he's too lazy to think about woman's fashion too deeply, but if he does, then he'd probably get her a sundress with an adorable oversized hat (ever the protector of her, he is, even from the Sun) and bright white sneakers to go on a picnic with him. He surprises even himself with his more than adequate choice.
Of course, they're wizards/witches, so they'd hardly wear muggle clothes anyway, but this is just for funsies.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Already answered! The response is here.
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
The Island | KTH (Four)
Summary: You’re just two strangers waking up in a room on a lonely island where a company in the business of love has placed you. They believe that thanks to their in depth research you two are destined soulmates. What happens when your ‘soulmate’ and you want nothing to do with each other but falling in love is the only way to leave?
Pairing: Taehyung x Female reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, very slight enemies to lovers, soulmates au, roommate au, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, slight crack, and drama.
Word Count: 11k
Warnings: swearing, sexual tension (?) implied sex
Notes: this is not a reflection of Taehyung’s art! Just saying lol But anyway, hope you guys like this chapter. Tae and oc sure have a lot of moments huh. let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, or send an ask if just want to chat about the stories!:)
Taglist: @ggukkieland @707sblog @peacedreamer14 @dopedreamfireparty @everythingnamjoon @taebae19 @typicalgenzworld @mooniyooni @getmemyfries @helenazbmrskai @justinetingball @jpeachytaev
© taestefully-in-luv
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Month 4
“What the fuck is that?” You point accusingly towards the paper Taehyung is excitedly holding up.
“What do you mean,” he grins. “It’s you!”
“…throw it away.”
“What?! No! I worked hard on this!”
“I look like a god damn frog.”
“In the painting or in real life becau—"
“THE PAINTING!” You leap towards Taehyung and reach for his atrocious artwork. Can he even call this disaster art? No offense, no actually, full offense but its ugly as hell. Taehyung lifts it high above his head.
“Listen, listen…don’t you think this hurts my feelings a little y/n? I worked hard on th—”
“I swear to God Taehyung…if you don’t burn this—"
“OKAY OKAY! No need to put out threats!” he pouts almost theatrically. You eye him up and down, waiting for him to make a move towards a trashcan but he just stands here.
“Well? Go throw it away.”
“Yeah, no.”
You close your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose, “What do you mean no?”
Taehyung narrows his eyes at you and laughs under his breath as he steps closer to you.
“First of all, you don’t tell me what to do. I prefer if it’s the other way around.” He smirks, “And second, I am still going to keep it. For the memories.”
You chew on your lips for a few moments, letting his words sink in. But for the memories?
“For the memories? Why would you want to remember any of this?”
Taehyung frowns at your words, he looks genuinely offended.
“I might not like our situation but…”
“But what?”
“Fuck, don’t make me say it.” He says while turning red. “You know, I still want to make good memories with like, you.” He admits softly.
You finally give in, gently reaching for the awful artwork. Don’t get it wrong, Taehyung’s art is usually so beautiful. He does landscapes and abstract pieces and they absolutely blow you away. But his portraits of people? Disgusting.
“Fine…” You smile down at the painting in your hands then look back at him, “But if I see this hung up anywhere I am burning it myself.” You smirk. “And I will take great pleasure in that.”
“Oooooh please tell me more about your pleasures.” Taehyung wiggles his brows at you.
“You’re the worst.” you smile, “Anyway, do we have a deal?” you stick out your hand for him to shake.
“Deal!” Taehyung cheeses, slapping your hand down and going in for a quick hug instead. You’re surprised to say the least, you kind of guessed Taehyung was the affectionate type but you didn’t expect to be on the receiving end of it. “I’ll be in my art room most the day. Movie night though?”
“Yes, movie night.” you oblige.
“Yay.” He chirps happily, skipping off to his art room down the hall. You can’t help but smile as he disappears from your sight.
But then your heart pinches in your chest. You want to feel happy. Are you just ungrateful? You should be happy. Taehyung is finally being himself around you and you finally feel like you aren’t as alone. But it’s all a façade technically…he’s got no one else, just like you have no one else. In the real world…if you two met would you become friends like this? Or is this all forced? Is your entire friendship fake? You feel your heart sink to the bottom of your stomach, you hate these thoughts.
He’s so different than you thought he would be…he’s lighthearted, he’s funny, he’s silly, he’s talented, he’s human. And don’t even get started on flirty Taehyung…You really thought he was some closed off asshole but as time goes on and he becomes more and more comfortable you see the real him, and you really enjoy it. And you hate that you enjoy it. What are you like? Are you still a brat? Does he still think that? You chuckle to yourself, he probably does. Has he grown so comfortable with you that he’s not as angry about being stuck here with you? No, you imagine he’s still really upset about this whole thing. He just doesn’t voice it to you as much anymore. Maybe he’s avoiding the subject. You can understand why. It’s awkward. This place wants to get you two together but neither of you are interested in the other romantically. You just don’t see it happening.
Taehyung is just relaxing in his room on the verge of a glorious nap, he is finally dozing off, eyes slowly closing when his head snaps up in reaction to a loud crash coming from downstairs. Now what the hell could that be? Panicked, he rushes to his feet. He flies down the stairs in record time trying to find the source of the loud bang. He stands in the living room, glancing around the area for any sign of you. Are you okay? Where are you? Shit. Frustrated, he runs his fingers through his hair and as calmly as possible calls out for you. But nothing. Fuck. Your name slips past his lips in growing panic.
He decides he is going to charge each room in search for you, when he reaches the door to his art studio. He can hear muffled words on the other side of the door.
“Shit. Damn. Fuck.”
He instantly roll his eyes to the back of his head, literally so far back all that’s seen is the white of his eyes.
“Such foul language for such a pretty mouth.” He whispers to himself, slowly creeping the door open, exposing a distracted and distraught you.
“Motherfucker!” you huff, your hands on your hips, eyeing the mess you made. God damn did you make a fucking mess. On the floor is a canvas, brushes scattered and a rainbow of colors splattered all around.
“What. Are. You. Doing.”
Your head whips in his direction, your face turning many shades of reds. He stands at the doorway making his presence known, looking at you expectantly, judgement in his eyes. At least he hopes you can see the judgement in his eyes. Because he is definitely judging like hella hard.
You continue to stand here, your blush deepening. He is too frustrated to find it anything but annoying. You begin to stutter out words he can’t make out. You are trying your best, that much is obvious. You’re trying to explain yourself but he can tell you’re only becoming more and more flustered at the situation. He is sure his annoyed expression doesn’t help your ability to speak. Whoops.
“I-I was…well, you said, well remember you said…” You try. You really try. He almost wants to laugh, but not quite.
“I-I said? I said what?” He keeps his stoic demeanor intact, just stressing you further. He’s almost having fun with this. Almost.
“Well, Taehyung…listen,” you try again. “You said,”
“I said?”
Your eyes scan the room as if there’s something here that will help you.
“Words y/n. I need you to use your words.” He demands, maybe having a little fun stressing you out. He sees your blush become such a deep shade of red that even he feels embarrassed.
Finally, you releases a long breath and words begin spilling out of your mouth.
“You said you wanted to keep that frog picture—“
“Your portrait, you mean.”
“Yes, yes whatever. Anyway, you wanted to keep it for the memories, right? You…you…you’re sentimental like that or whatever.” You pause to take a breath. “And and…”
He raises a brow at you, taking a few steps forward, mindful of the mess you made.
You raise your head to look into his eyes. You’re staring so intensely that he wonders where you got this wave of confidence from. He stares back just as seriously. Your eyes are the same as usual, dark, plain, boring. For the most part.
“And…I decided that maybe, that maybe I want to…paint you…too?” you step forward. “You know, for the memories.” You tear your eyes away from him. But he sort of wishes you didn’t.
His brows pinch together at your little idea. You want to paint him ? He studies your face seeing if maybe there’s anything else. You look tense under his gaze, he admits that makes him feel kind of good. Is that mean? You look so incredibly shy, and it is so fucking...something, he doesn’t know what but it’s something. He continues to observe you and your shy expressions.
He looks down at you and breaks into his best shit eating grin, his hand reaches down to ruffle your hair.
“Yes!” he lightly chuckles, “Let’s make lots of memories!”
It looks like you’re in a daze, his reaction catching you off guard, he guesses. Taking a moment to collect yourself, you look up into his eyes again.
“Yeah, lots of ‘em.” your smile slowly begins to fade, “We won’t be here forever, so we have to leave with lots of memories.” you mutter.
Taehyung feels himself go soft at your words.
“y/n…” he slides his fingers down to cup the back of your head, fingers gently massaging your scalp. “When this is all over…we can still be in contact, you know?” Your eyes travel to the floor, eyeing the mess you made. He’s still getting over that.
“I know…but Taehyung, I still feel like I don’t even know basic things about you! Like what even is your favorite, uh, I don’t know, animal? I can’t tell you how long I have been wondering that and—”
“Then let’s have a whole night dedicated to that. Let’s drink some wine, paint some pictures and learn everything there is to know!” he moves his hand forward, his fingers playing at the ends of your hair, “Like, what shampoo did they give you because your hair is soft as fuck.”
You give him an unimpressed look,
“I know you steal my shampoo sometimes, I’m not dumb.”
“Don’t know what you are talking about.” He cheeses.
“But okay,” you grin at him, “Let’s do that.”
“I love Koalas and sloths!” You’re laid out on your stomach, swinging your legs above you while sipping on your red wine.
“You can’t choose two!”
“I just did.”
“Fine. Mine is…drum roll…its…” he pats the floor repeatedly.
“Oh come on! Tell me! I’ve been dying to know!”
“Its…lion!” he lays next to you, resting on his side. He eyes the painting you are working on. It’s supposed to be him…supposed to be.
“I like lions too.” You add more color to the background of the canvas. He can hear the smile in your voice.
“Sheesh…and you think I am bad at drawing people…”
“Stop being a hater!”
“ME?” he stares at you incredulously.
You and Taehyung are a few glasses of wine in already. He can tell its hitting you harder than its hitting him, you’re extra talkative and all giggly. He’s painted a picture of the beach while you’ve worked on a portrait of him, it’s amusing to say the least—the portrait. Pretty quickly glasses turned into bottles. Bottle number 3 has been opened and now he is also talkative and all giggly. He’s a giggly lil thang when he’s drunk, and he is drunk.
“Okay,” he sits up, sitting on his legs. “First impression of me, go!” he laughs, for literally no reason.
“I thought you kidnapped me.” You state plainly, “So like, a creepy person.”
His jaw drops.
“I’m offended!” He lays his hand over his heart. “You thought I was creepy?! And there I was thinking you were just some hot chick I hooked up!” Yes, he called you hot to your face. He is drunk, he is allowed to do that. Yeehaw.
“Okay to be fair, that thought crossed my mind too.”
“That I was some hot chick you hooked up with?”
“I never said hot.”
“But you were thinking it, right right?” he wiggles his eyebrows in the most exaggerated way.
You smirk before chugging back the rest of your wine, reaching for a new bottle.
“Okay, maybe I thought it.” You admit, your sly smile growing.
“Want me to open it?” he gestures towards the wine bottle.
He reaches for the bottle of wine, his hands brushing against yours. He hates that he feels a quiet fire in his insides when he touches you. He hates how when his skin makes contact with your skin there is an automatic heat that lights up and warms him, burns him almost.
“Do you have someone? That you like?” You slur out, curious about Taehyung’s love life.
“…Yes.” Taehyung admits softly.
“I am what they call a ‘Dilf’” Jin states confidently. The rest of the boys share a look of confusion.
“You literally aren’t a dad?” Jimin looks at Jin with a puzzled smile.
“But you can’t tell me I am not a ‘dilf’ though.”
“Okay Jin, you’re a dilf.” Namjoon rolls his eyes, going back to his book.
“I wanna be a dilf too.” Jungkook whines and Taehyung nods his head in agreement. Jin shakes his fingers at the boys and speaks up.
“You have to earn the title.”
“Yeah, by being a dad.” Jimin deadpans.
“Let the man have his dreams.” Yoongi says before putting his ear bud back in his ear and nodding along to whatever song is playing.
“My dream is to finish this assignment.” Hobi groans into his pile of papers on the table.
“This is your fault for going back to school for your masters!” Taehyung teases. He has just recently dropped out of school and he is loving it. He watches as his friend works night after night on paper after paper and Taehyung no longer has to worry about things like that. He can just focus on the music.
“Are you guys using this chair?” Taehyung hears a sweet voice cut off all their chatter. He looks up to see this gorgeous girl with light brown hair that reaches her waist and eyes as bright as the sun.
“Uh, no.” Taehyung clears his throat, “You can take it.”
“Thanks.” She smiles at Taehyung and then at the rest of the boys before she’s dragging the chair to the table next to them.
“Holy shit.” Taehyung whispers to Jungkook, “She’s so pretty.”
“That’s Hana.” Jungkook looks over his shoulder at Hana and her friends. “I have a class with her.”
“Bro, introduce me!” Taehyung begs. “You literally owe me.”
“From what?!”
“I let you fuck that one chick like 2 years ago even though I saw her first.”
“Oh? You let me? Really?” Jungkook rolls his eyes. “But anyway, sure. I’ll introduce you.” He says nonchalantly, picking up his drinking and taking a sip.
“Taehyung?” you wave your hand in front of his blank face. “Taehyung?” “Huh? Yeah?” he starts snapping out of his memories, “what’s up? What did you say?”
“I asked her name.” you smile awkwardly, “The girl you like.”
“Hana.” He quietly clears his throat, “What about you? Do you have someone?”
“After my ex? I am staying away from men for a while.” You laugh, “Like, can you blame me?”
Taehyung can’t help by frown at your words.
“Don’t close yourself off…” Taehyung whispers to you. “You’re too pretty for that.” He slurs out and you blink at him repeatedly.
“I’m pretty?”
Taehyung scoffs and rolls his eyes playfully.
“Like you didn’t know.”
Hours pass you two by, more wine has been drank and you two are giggling like school children. Taehyung is folded over, laughing a storm as you do your best impression of a dolphin. You can’t help but fall over and laugh your head off as well, the alcohol obviously has made you two crazy.
Taehyung finally calms down and looks at you with soft eyes, “So, what’s your biggest fear?” he asks, leaning forward.
“No!” you laugh. Fucking laugh. “Listen, we can go back to our serious convos another day…right now I wanna…” you slur your last words, “wanna talk about fun stuff.” you give him the most sleazy wink he’s ever seen. It kind of works for him though.
“Okay.” He agrees easily, “Tell me the story about how you lost your virginity? Don’t leave anything out”
Your eyebrows shoot up, “Wanna know the dirty details huh?” you part your lips and smile.
“Dirty? I bet it was as vanilla as vanilla gets.”
You frown at his words, “I’m not vanilla. I’m fun, I swear.” you pout.
“I didn’t mean it as boring babe. I just mean you probably lost it to like your high school sweetheart, your first love, blah blah blah. The romantic shit.” You exhale a short breath…babe? You like the new friendly nickname, you admit.
“Actually it’s the opposite.”
“The opposite?”
“First year of college. Random guy from a bar. Total one night stand type of situation. I didn’t even tell him it was my first time. I think he probably just thought I was really inexperienced. “ You laugh to yourself. Sounds like a situation you might regret but there is no bitterness in your tone.
“Oh wow. y/n the cry baby can do one night stands?” he teases.
“I’m full of surprises you know.” The glint in your eye tells him he’s going to find out eventually.
“Well then what are the dirty details?” he pries further, leaning into your space again.
“Hmm, don’t think I am drunk enough for that.”
“Oh, I can grab another bottle of wine.” He teases, “But fine.”
“About your comment about me being vanilla…” you begin but Taehyung is cutting you off with the shake of his head.
“I didn’t mean it bad—”
“Are you into vanilla sex?”
Taehyung’s eyebrows crawl to the top of his forehead and his mouth falls open.
“Why are you asking that?” he breathes out, his eyes darkening.
“They paired us together, you know? We probably have more in common than you think…my guess that means sex too.”
“I know we have that in common.” He smirks, “I’m guessing you never looked in the other room?” he quirks a brow at you. “You might find it interesting.”
“The other room?” you tilt your head to the side, “Oh? The one upstairs next to your bathroom? Yeah, I stuck my head in there once…I saw it’s just another bedroom.”
“Is it really just another bedroom though? You didn’t have a look around?” his sly smile grows on his stupidly handsome face. “Like I said…you might find it interesting.”
“What are you talking about?” you slur, “Why would I…?”
Taehyung rises to his feet, walks towards you and leans down until he’s softly gripping your arm and pulling you up.
“Let’s go explore.” He chuckles, “I want you to see the room.” He’s guiding you out the art room, you two stumbling through the door.
You both begin to make your way upstairs, his hand never leaving your arm as you two walk. You keep bumping into him and he only laughs, squeezing your arm every few moments. You guys walk through the hall until you’re standing outside the bedrooms door.
“Go on.” He looks at you with a smirk, “I want you to explore this bedroom.”
“You’re being weird.” You giggle, opening the door.
And just like you thought, it’s just a bedroom. There’s a large bed in the middle of the room against the wall, and a couple of dressers, a closet, a huge ass mirror and other normal bedroom things.
“And?” You glance at Taehyung.
He looks at you with an amused smile. “Explore.” He commands.
You give him a weird look before walking through the room, your hand slides against the dresser that holds the extra large mirror. You catch your reflection and smile at how drunk you look. Taehyung walks behind you and eyes both of your reflections, he steps close to you and chuckles.
“I like this mirror.” He whispers. “Great view of the bed.”
“Uh yeah?” you look at him through the mirror, “I guess so.”
“Explore the drawers.” His evil grin makes you nervous…you look down at the drawers and open the first one on the left, there’s multiple things inside but you can’t tell what they are. You stick your hand inside and grab the first thing it can find. You pull this object out and bring it closer to your face, your drunken vision making it hard to identify what it is. Then your eyes are expanding and you drop the object in the drawer, the loud thud making you jump.
“What was that?” Taehyung whispers, “Something you know right?”
A dildo. Your eyes scan the rest of the drawer only to see more, along with other toys. You quickly slam the drawer shut and turn around to face Taehyung, who is standing so close behind you.
“What the hell?” you stutter out, turning red.
“That’s not all. Check the closet.” He says quietly, pointing towards the closet. And you listen, you walk forward until you’re standing beside the sliding door. You open it and see various articles of clothing.
Lingerie and outfits. Maid, nurse, etc. You stare at the clothes in disbelief.
“What is all this?” you turn to face Taehyung.
“You tell me.” He says chuckling, “Seems like we like the same stuff.” He shrugs. “Maybe you can,” he walks closer and is touching the maid lingerie, “wear this next you’re cleaning the house.”
He’s teasing you. Your stomach twists and turns, your heart is jumping out of your chest and you feel so fucking warm.
“S-Shut up.” You lean back on the door.
“Oh baby, I think you and I both know who tells who what to do here.” He breathes out, not looking at you as he still plays with the material of more lingerie.
“Taehyung,” you sigh, “The cameras can’t hear you in here.”
“Ah,” he turns to face you, “Right. Should we head back downstairs?”
“Yes.” You slur out, feeling quite dizzy.
Month 5
It’s the bright white screen you know all too well…it has you releasing a shaky breath as you wait for the black letters to eventually appear.
“Hey Taehyung…” you call out for you roommate who is making something to eat in the kitchen. “I think we have an incoming message from our,” You pause, huffing out. “Our little friends.”
“Oh. Oh shit.” You hear Taehyung whine from behind you. “I thought they were finally starting to back off…” he sighs out. “Let’s see what these fuckers want.”
Skinny dip for 1 hour. Must be within a foot of one another.
Ex-excuse you? Ex-fucking-cuse you? Skinny who what for when what? Your eyes bulge out of your head. This has got to be some sort of joke.
“Hell no!” you yell out, not even sparing Taehyung a glance.
Voice full of panic, Taehyung is quick to bring up the alternative.
“The penalty!” he rushes. “What’s the penalty? We will just do the penalty!”
No power or running water for 3 days.
“No pow—what the fuck?” Taehyung shakes his head, disbelief written all over his face.
“Wait! And no running water? Like, we can’t flush the toilet for 3 days? That’s bullshit!” you drag your hands down your face, “And wont the stuff in our fridge go bad?”
Several long moments pass between you two and not in a cool way. There’s nothing cool about this shit. There’s tension filling the air around you both. Awkward tension.
“Isn’t this too much?” Taehyung finally says, obviously not able to tolerate the silence any longer.
You both exchange worried glances with one another before Taehyung says some shit you don’t like.
“Let’s just do the request.”
Your eyes basically pop out of your head.
“Are you out of your mind—do the requests? How could you say that so easily!” you mumble, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“I feel like it’s the best choice.” He gives his honest answer. “Plus, you’ve never seen a naked man before? We will get over it y/n. Knowing me and you, we will be laughing about it in a couple days.” He finally turns to face you, throwing a wink your way, “You know it’s true.”
You mull over your options and hate that he’s right. You very timidly respond with a quiet ‘okay’ and avoid his eyes. His dark, intimidating eyes.
Your heart is racing, No, that is an understatement; your heart is on the verge of explosion. Your nerves are scattered and pounding from the inside out. You are freaking out. Naked with Taehyung? And he seems cool as a fucking cucumber.
“Let’s meet outside once it’s completely dark out.” You suggest.
“Read my mind.”
“…Of course I did, we’re” you roll your eyes. “Soulmates.” you laugh bitterly to yourself, “anyway, I’ll just see you tonight.”
“So you’re just going to avoid me until tonight?” Taehyung asks, “It’s not like they’re asking us to fuck.” He sways on his feet, “Just keep your eyes on my eyes and we will be fine.”
“Right.” You choke out, “Because it’s that easy.”
“Are you saying it’s impossible not to check me out?” he teases and you feel your cheeks heat up.
“Shut up.”
Night fall approaches sooner rather than later. You wish it would have taken a million years to appear but nope, here you are. You stand outside with Taehyung in front of you. You’re in an oversized t shirt and loose shorts, keeping it simple since they’re coming off anyway. Taehyung wears his usual sweats and a white tee. You two are standing next to the pool, knowing the time has finally come. After leaving Taehyung earlier this afternoon, you took a much needed nap to clear your head.
“Don’t let your eyes linger.” You mumble, nodding your head in his direction.
“Ha, I was going to say the same thing to you.” He pokes his tongue out. Taehyung looks fucking comfortable as fucking always. Like, this doesn’t bother him in the least.
Luckily, the tension is tolerable. So you decide to make the first move. You begin unbuttoning your shorts—
“Woah! Woah! Woah! Wait!” he yells. His arms flailing, trying to stop you.
You scrunch your nose in annoyance, “What?” you ask, not too pleased since you are just trying to get this over with. If you got told 5 months ago that you would be in a hurry to get naked in front of this guy you would ugly laugh. Yet here you are.
“It’s just-it’s just…we should go at the same time.” Taehyung rushes to say.
“Oh, okay. Pants first, let’s go—”
“No! that’s awkward.” He shakes his head, “shirt first.”
“Okay, okay.” You oblige, “weirdo” You whisper loud enough that he can hear you.
The two of you begin with your tops, you try to focus your eyes elsewhere but they naturally skim the skin of his chest and abdomen as his shirt comes off quickly. Taehyung doesn’t even try to look away as you undress, his dark, intimidating stare causing you to feel chills. You slip off your pink t shirt, exposing your bare torso that is laced with a pretty black bralette. His gaze doesn’t waver.
“Okay, next is our bottoms right?” You gulp. He only nods.
You continue the job on unbuttoning your shorts, letting them fall to your feet exposing your matching black panties. Yes, you wore a sexy matching set on purpose. If he’s going to see you like this why wouldn’t you want to look good? You would do that for anybody. You can feel him eyeing you as he slips off his sweats, leaving him in nothing but a pair of blue briefs.
Finally, you are left in nothing but your underwear. You eye him over, his body is so fucking nice it makes you feel bad for even standing next to him. His briefs are a light blue, leaving little to the imagination. You can literally see the outline of his—you know what. Is he sporting a semi, right now? You do an up and down of your own body when you realize you have more clothes than him!
“Hey this is unfair!” You whisper, covering your chest with your arm. “I have to strip my bra off and you what, just get to watch?”
“Oh? So I am allowed to watch?” he responds playfully. It’s that same teasing tone you’re still trying to get used to.
“Well, you’re obviously going to see…” You grumble, lowering your arm. “Welp, here goes.”
Taehyung swallows rather hard, his eyes trailing your body pretty shamelessly. You reach in front of you, unhooking the bralette and letting the straps fall off your shoulders before letting the whole thing fall to the ground.
“Uh, okay.” Taehyung clears his throat. “Now our underwear.”
“Right.” You say while reaching for the band of your panties, pulling it back a bit and letting it go, the material slapping against your hips. You swear you see his dick move at that.
“Okay.” Taehyung’s breathing is heavier than before, “On 3? 1…2..”
“3!” you shout in unison.
You both begin stripping away your last piece of clothing. You’re the first to be fully undressed. You let your panties drag down leg by leg until they join the pile of clothes at your feet. It’s not that you’re trying to do this in a sexy manner, but if it comes across sexy—then so be it. Taehyung pauses mid action, his eyes scanning your body again. God, you are starting to get really nervous again. His gaze absolutely thrills you, you can admit that. You’d live a life of torture to have him stare at you like this all the time. You see him lick his lips then shake his head. You didn’t just imagine that right?
“Hurry up.” You plead.
Taehyung finally drags off his briefs. By the looks of it he looks mostly hard, as his cock springs free. Holy Fuck. Your last ex—Ben—was not this…blessed. Taehyung has every right to be as cocky as he wants, he’s earned it. His dick is long in length but he also seems to have girth. How is one man blessed this much? You would have to have your hand wrapped around it—or your lips—to really know how thick he is. Jesus fucking Christ, what are you saying? You think your best excuse is that you are dick deprived. Also…how long have you been staring? You will say long enough by the look Taehyung is giving you. It’s that shit eating grin that just screams he is one cocky bastard.
“Okay,” you clear your throat, forcing yourself to look into Taehyung’s eyes. “Let’s get in the pool.”
“You got the timer?” Taehyung chuckles.
“It’s laying on the ledge.” you point at it, walking closer to the pool. “Ready?” you look up at him, waiting for his response.
“You look beautiful by the way.” He says out of nowhere. “I mean, as always.” He winks.
You blush pretty fucking hard at that, you can feel all the heat rush to your cheeks, lighting you on fire.
“Are you-are you ready or what?” you grumble.
“Always.” He grins, reaching for you hand. “Let’s go.”
You two tip toe into the water, pausing every few seconds to get use to the temperature of the water. You stop once the water reaches your collarbones, you walk towards the wall, lean against it and face forward. You turn the timer on and you both exchange a few words but you remain mostly quiet, You don’t think either of you know what to say. Every minute that passes (about 15 to be exact) has your nerves spiking.
You hear Taehyung sigh deeply as he inches closer towards you. Now why would he do that? He inches so close that your shoulders are touching, he sinks a little further into the water and then surprising you, he rests his head on your shoulder. What the fuck is he doing?
“We can have a foot of space between us.” You remind him awkwardly.
Taehyung remains quiet, you only hear his soft breaths.
“You know how hard it is going to be to get the image of you naked out of my head?” He whispers with a chuckle.
“Don’t start using me as masturbation material.” You joke, your eyes looking out at the water. It’s calm and bright from the lights inside the pool.
“Start? You think you haven’t entered my mind before?” he jokes back. At least you think he’s joking.
“Stop playing.” You laugh awkwardly.
Taehyung is quiet again and you can feel the tension that always visits you two starting to build.
“Do you…have you…have you thought about me before?” you manage to slip out, surprising yourself.
“You’re asking if I’ve—”
“If you’ve thought about me when you have ‘alone’ time’ ya know?”
“Do you think I haven’t?” he lifts his head and stares at you. “y/n…I’m a guy. And you’re kind of the only person I see.”
Oh. It’s not like I see anyone else. His last words repeat in your mind. Of course, that makes sense. He’s stuck with you, of course you’ve entered his mind, probably against his will or whatever.
“I see.” You say softly. You step to the side, getting further from him and he frowns.
You two stand here, barely speaking. Maybe another 20-30 minutes pass when Taehyung dramatically huffs out.
“Listen y/n…about earlier.” Right earlier. When you made a fucking fool of yourself. Asking your friend is he has ever jacked off to you before! Before he can continue you slap a finger over his pouting lips, shushing him.
“Do you really think now is the time?”
“We have time to kill—”
“—okay! So let’s talk about something else!” you happily offer.
But you guess Taehyung isn’t having it, he steps closer and rests his head on your shoulder again, his breathing picking up. Why is he breathing so hard?
“Just hear me out, okay?”
You only stare ahead, exhaling deeply. What to do…maybe there’s no harm in hearing him out, right? Oh wait there is harm! The feeling of fucking rejection. Why does it feel like rejection? You don’t know. Why the fuck you care? You don’t know that either. But he’s fucking sulking, like a baby. You thought you were the baby here? You guess he needs to have a turn every now and then…
“You probably,” he sinks in the water just a little deeper, “hate me, right?” you don’t hate him…”Me, your friend, has had dirty thoughts about you, yada yada,” he closes his eyes.
“ wait what—” This is because he has had dirty thoughts about you?
“So about what I said…I’m sorry…”
“Taehyung it’s fine,” you rush to say in embarrassment, “I don’t know why I asked! Seriously, it was stupid. I crossed a li—”
“Wait why did you ask?” That’s when you freeze. Yeah why did you ask?
“Why?” he stands up straighter, his head tilted towards you.
“I was just curious Taehyung.” you defend. “It’s not that deep.”
“Curious? About me?” he raises he brow, he pauses while thinking over his words. “Like, sexually?” he finishes, caution in his voice.
Fuck. What did you get yourself into?
“Taehyung…I already said it was stupid. Plus,” you decide to be bold again, “Hearing it was only because I’m the only one here or whatever didn’t do great things for my ego.”
“Wait—” you hear him stifle a chuckle. “That’s what you’re mad about?”
“Well…” you drag out the word with a pout. You don’t mean to be such a baby yet here you are.
“Wow! I thought you were mad because I’ve thought about you impurely, not because it wasn’t a good enough reason why…wow.” He laughs! He’s basically laughing at you!
“Oh my God, y/n. You’re joking right? I can’t just say I have the hots for my friend now can I? That’ll just—”
“Do you?” your voice is much smaller and quieter than you anticipated, like it barely escaped. Taehyung stays quiet for a second too long that it makes you ten times as nervous.
“Are you…” Taehyung looks at you with a look on his face you can’t quite place, “I’m naked in a pool with you right now and I am going crazy. Absolutely crazy.” Taehyung sighs out heavily, a frown taking over his face. “You’re ability to be so naïve just…baffles me.” He admits, defeated.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re a beautiful girl y/n. Of course my mind has wandered. It doesn’t mean I—fuck. It doesn’t mean anything deep or anything like that. But yes, being with you and your fanfuckingtastic tits is giving me some trouble.” He says darkly. “And don’t think I haven’t noticed you checking me out either.” He smirks. “We are human.” He finishes.
A long, deafening silence accompanies you both. Its sitting in the water between your bodies. Just lingering, waiting for one of you to break it in half and drown it in this very pool. But no, it remains. And that person won’t be you. But several minutes have passed by and he is still fucking quiet. Maybe you should be the one to say something? You’re about to you swear , but you hear Taehyung grumble something under his breath.
“What’s that?” you say.
“I said, it’s only fair if I ask too.” Ask what? Oh. Wait. That?
“Ask what?” you ask, pretending you don’t know.
“You know what.”
“Nope.” you say, popping the ‘p’.
“y/n.” “I’m not answering that.”
“Come on.” He leans his face towards your neck, his breaths hitting your wet skin. “It’s only fair.”
“Okay what?” he pushes on. “Come on y/n, have you thought about me when you get yourself off or not?” he asks, his voice really low. How does he get his voice so deep? Fuck, it sends a shiver down your spine.
“Maybe once or twice I have thought about you too.” You admit, feeling a rush of adrenaline as the words leave your mouth.
“Once or twice?” he repeats lowly, “What did you think about?” his words crawl on the side of your neck as they leave his mouth.
“I’m not answering that.”
“I want you to tell me.” He sounds so breathless while being so demanding.
“You’re no fun.” He chuckles. “Aren’t you curious about what I think about?”
“Not really.” You lie. “Don’t worry about my imagination. It’s the only action I’m getting anyway.” You laugh.
“When’s the last time you had sex y/n? Please tell me it wasn’t with your ex…”
“Yeah it was.” You admit and Taehyung pushes his head back, not liking you admission.
“Why haven’t you?” he asks.
“I felt so betrayed Taehyung…it’s sort of hard to trust anyone after that.” You sigh, “He hurt me bad. I’m…”
“You’re what?”
“I just don’t feel comfortable.” You say softly, “I don’t think I will for a while.”
“I see…I’m so sorry. I wish that didn’t happen to you.”
“It’s in the past now.”
Ben holds you close as he comes, his hands leaving behind their marks on your body from how tightly he holds you.
“Fuck yes.” He groans, “Did you come?” he asks quickly, breathing hard into your neck.
“It’s okay.” You sigh out, “As long as you feel good.”
“I felt amazing honey.” He kisses the side of your neck over and over. “Shit, we gotta get going. We’ll be late for work.”
“Do we really have to take separate cars?” you whine.
“Just for now babe.” He promises, lifting himself off your body, leaving your pussy aching for more.
“He look so handsome today as usual…” you hear Layla talking to some of the other girls. “I’m telling you…he’s going to ask me out. He’s been eyeing me lately and complimenting me.” She gushes, catching your interest.
“Who?” you ask, setting your belongings down on your desk.
Layla turns to face you, waves her hand and smiles.
Ben? Like your Ben? Her boss Ben?
“Ben who?” you blink at her and the other girls laugh.
“Obviously the only Ben we know!” Layla giggles and you feel your chest tighten.
“You think he’s going to ask you out?”
“Yes girl! He comes to my desk a few times day, calls me gorgeous, so on and so forth.” Layla says quietly so only you girls can hear. You feel your heart drop.
“I don’t think so.” You speak up. “Ben wouldn’t. He’s already seeing someone.”
“Oh really? Who?” Layla scrunches her brows together, “Because—”
“Me.” You blurt. “He and I are…”
The other girls stop their giggling and look at you with shocked eyes.
“There’s no way.” One of them says.
“y/n, are you serious?” Layla blushes, feeling a little embarrassed now.
“Yes, for months now.” you admit. “But we weren’t telling anyone…yet.”
“Wow! I can’t believe this!” another girl says, her hand coming to her mouth.
You then in a hush hush voice tell the group of girls yours and Bens story. You tell them how he pursued you, you finally agreed and how you two have been dating for over 6 months. They gush and gasp and giggle. It feels good to finally tell people, you think.
But unfortunately for you, it wasn’t good at all.
“y/n?” Taehyung knocks you out of your daze. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Fine.” You sigh, feeling weak. “I’m okay.”
Taehyung looks at you with pity, his eyes full of it. He stands tall and floats until he’s standing in front of you.
“I’m going to hug you.” He states calmly, “I really need to hug you.”
“Taehyung…” you step back until your back hits the ledge. “Now isn’t really appropriate.”
“I don’t care. I’ve already seen you naked.” He says nonchalantly. “C’mere.” He opens his arms wide for you and you shake your head.
“I said, c’mere.” He inches closer and closer. “Or I’m coming to you.”
“Taehyung.” You whine, but you let him get closer to you.
His wet arms reach out for you, he’s gripping your shoulders first before his hands easily slide down your arms until they’re under water holding on to your waist.
“C’mere.” He repeats. And you slowly inch closer towards him, your arms hesitantly circling around his middle. And then he’s pulling you in to his chest…he sighs when he feels your budding nipples graze his skin, he sighs when he feels the fullness of your breasts being pushed into him, he sighs when he feels you.
You release a long breath as you hug him, maybe you needed this. This type of human contact. You pull back and look up into Taehyung’s dark eyes, he’s already gazing at you.
“Thanks.” You mumble.
“I think of you because you’re cool. And really pretty.”
“Huh?” Why is Taehyung suddenly complimenting you?
“When I’m��you know. I think of you because you’re cool and really pretty. I could think of anyone ya know? That’s how an imagination works. But I still think about you.”
You’re sure your face is a dark crimson, with how hard you are blushing. How are you supposed to take this new information?
“W-Well,” You find it hard to look into his eyes. “I guess, same.”
“Because I’m pretty?” his tone is lighter all the sudden, you roll your eyes.
“What do you think? Timer should be going on any minute now.” Taehyung throws a glance over his shoulder towards the timer.
“Hmm…” You turn, reaching for the timer, your wet hands getting ahold of it. “Less than 5 minutes.” You read it.
“Oh.” He sings, “If you have a secret, share it now!” Taehyung chuckles into the water, his lips creating bubbles on the surface.
“You want to know even more about me?” You stand a little taller, the water reaching the tops of your breasts. You see Taehyung’s eyes linger for a second before meeting your eyes again. “If you wanna know anything, just ask.” You reach your arms over your head, releasing a yawn.
“Okay…” He places his fingers on his chin, “It’s about me though.” He stops, his fingers dragging down his neck. “Ah, never mind.”
“No, it’s weird.”
“Aren’t we passed weird?” you giggle.
“No, it’s really weird.” He sighs out, sinking down into the water until his head is fully under.
You watch as he rises back up, the water cascading down his golden skin, the water from his hair dripping onto his shoulders.
A few moments pass, Taehyung stands here thinking to himself while you just shamelessly watch. You watch as he chews on the inside of his cheek, his eyes upward, scanning the stars. He hums some tune to himself, deep in thought. Honestly, you love when he does this. He looks so…good. Not in a sexual way, you swear. He just looks so him. So Taehyung. He goes from chewing on his cheek to his bottom lip, his teeth digging into the plump flesh. You gulp, God he has no idea how good he looks like this.
“Well?” You ask impatiently. Trying to wave away any more of those thoughts you were just having.
Taehyung releases his bottom lip from his teeth as his lips form into a pout, his eyes closing.
“I’m thinking…”
“Less thinking, more asking.” You feel way too curious about whatever it is he wants to say. And the minutes are passing you by.
Taehyung opens one eye to look at you, he exhales, and faces you.
“Does it sound like I’m in love with Hana?” he says quietly.
“W-What? You’ve only really brought her up once…”
“But when I talked about her did it seem like I have deep feelings for her?”
“She thinks I only like the idea of her” Taehyung mumbles to Jimin and Namjoon. “She doesn’t think I like her as much as I say? Which is so stupid!”
“Isn’t she right though?” Jimin asks with a frown, “You only ever talk about how pretty she is…”
“Jimin means you don’t really have that much in common with her, do you?” Namjoon questions softly. “You don’t…you don’t seem as into as you have been in the past. Are you sure you actually like her?”
Taehyung stares at his friends in disbelief, not believing his ears for one second.
“What are you guys talking about? I fucking like her.” He grits out.
“Are you sure you aren’t just lonely—”
“I don’t want to hear this.” Taehyung stands up from the couch, “I’m going to go see her.”
Taehyung makes it to Hana’s apartment but her roommate answers the door and frowns when she sees Taehyung,
“Uh, I’m here to see Hana.” He gestures inside the apartment.
“Right…” the roommate stands off to the side and lets Taehyung in. “She’s in her room.”
Taehyung walks through the apartment and down the hall until he’s knocking on Hana’s door. She opens it quickly, hugging him and pulling him inside.
“Hey you.” She smiles at Taehyung and he smiles back with his teeth.
“What brings you here?”
“Just came to hang out, maybe watch a movie?” Taehyung sways from side to side, trying to not make this awkward.
“Sure, you can choose the movie.” She goes to her desk, grabs her lap top and gestures towards her bed. “We can watch in my bed.” She says shyly.
“G-Good idea.”
“So how did you like it?” Taehyung asks excitedly. ‘Castaway on the Moon’ just finished and he is so happy he got to show her his favorite movie.
“Honestly?” she chuckles awkwardly, “I didn’t really like it.” She admits. “it was weird.”
“It’s not weird! It’s amazing,” he pouts and she giggles.
He does feel really disappointed that she doesn’t like his favorite movie…is that a red flag? No, he’s just being dramatic, he thinks.
“Next time I’ll choose the movie.” Hana cuddles closer to Taehyung. “Okay?”
“Taehyung…” you begin, “Where is this coming from?”
“She doesn’t think—my friends too—don’t think we have a lot of chemistry. That I’m forcing myself to like her, but that’s not true! But sometimes I feel confused. And I thought I could get an outside opinion.” He admits, “But this was stupid you don’t have to answer.”
You can tell him you believe in his feelings or you can tell him you don’t think he’s even talked about her enough that you take his feelings seriously. But will that hurt him?
Beep beep beep beep beep beep.
The fire place is turned on, creating a safe and cozy atmosphere. The gas lit flames burn a hole in the tension that fills the room. What sort of tension? Not sure.
Taehyung and you are sat comfortably on the sofa, sitting with crossed legs facing one another, your knees just barely touching. A bowl of popcorn rests between you and blankets wrapped around your bodies. Separate blankets, of course.
Taehyung and you have decided to move the party inside (with clothes: on) and continue talking.
The ringing of the timer didn’t completely ruin your conversation only delaying it.
“And I don’t know,” he takes a handful of popcorn and stuffs it in his mouth. “I think we would make a cute couple.”
“Yeah but like I asked, what sorts of things do you two talk about? Not if you guys are a cute couple.”
“We talk.” He states.
“You aren’t helping your case.” You sigh out, biting your lip. “I want to believe in your feelings Taehyung but…”
“I know.” He cuts you off, “I know.”
“So why are you forcing it?” you reach for some popcorn yourself, “Why do you want to like her so bad?”
“I don’t know….” He admits softly, “I really don’t know.”
“You’re unsure of your feelings.” You say bluntly. “That’s what it seems like.”
“Maybe I am.” He wraps the blanket around his shoulders tighter. “I’m like you…I don’t know what love is.”
“And just like me, you’ll find it someday.” You promise him with a sweet smile. “Right?”
“You will for sure.” He breathes out, “I think I’m a ….”
“God, I don’t even want to say it.” He throws his head in his hands. “But I think I am a hopeless romantic.”
“I just want some cute love story with a cute girl. And Hana is perfect.”
“But does she thrill you? Challenge you? Make you laugh?”
“She’s…” fuck, he doesn’t even know. Does he even know Hana that well?
“Hey y/n…” Taehyung looks up at you, his eyes finding yours and you shrink in your spot.
“Can we watch my favorite movie? I’m curious what you might think about it.” He gazes at you and you nod your head slowly.
“Sure Taehyung.”
“Also, you can call me Tae.”
“Holy fuck.” You sob into your hands. “The fucking noodles.”
Taehyung looks over at you with a soft smile as he has his own tears falling down his face.
“I know right?”
“He finally felt like he had purpose Tae,” you look at him with a pathetic scrunched up face, tears still leaving your eyes.
“EXACTLY!” Taehyung wails, “EXACTLY!”
“This movie was amazing, and how everything turned out...wow…and how she…and he…my goodness. I’m still crying.”
“I told you!! I am so glad you enjoyed it.” He moves closer to you on the sofa without thinking.
“Only lame people wouldn’t like this movie!” you basically yell out and Taehyung scoots even closer, his shoulder bumping yours. But you barely notice, still too invested in the movie.
“Yeah.” He agrees with a smile. “You really must be my soulmate.” He jokes with an awkward smile. “No one else really likes this movie.”
“Ha-Ha.” You roll your eyes, “But anyway, that’s crazy since it was so good.”
“Stop praising it or I’ll have to marry you.” He jokes again and you start turning a rosy pink.
“Stop.” You whine, swatting his shoulder.
“Let’s call it a night, yeah?”
You and Taehyung clean up the kitchen and living room and head upstairs for the night, he walks you to your bedroom door and lingers.
“Tonight was crazy. I saw you naked.” He brings up the request and you go redder than red.
“We can literally never talk about it again…”
“Am I allowed to think about it at least?” he winks, his voice low and making you feel tense.
“Goodnight Taehyung.”
Month 6
Today is one of those days…Taehyung is in a bad mood and you’re being a brat. He hates how much you’ve been teasing him today…he is sorting through his feelings for Hana but you insist on walking around with small shorts and low cut tank tops, claiming it’s ‘hot’. He finally has you cornered though, he’s finally had enough. He’s got you pushed up against a wall, his face so close that your breaths mingle with one another.
“You’re really pushing me today…” Taehyung leans closer, his warm breath fanning over your face. “Today’s not the day y/n.” he warns.
“How am I pushing you? I’m literally not doing anything.” You jut your bottom lip out and look to the side.
“You’re being…such a fucking tease.” He decides to say, “Which is giving me a real headache.” He leans down, his arms on either side of your body.
“So I give you a headache?” Your eyes look up into his and you smirk. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
“You are real annoying, you know that?” he can’t help but chuckle, but then he’s exhaling a deep breath and rolling his eyes. “Ask for forgiveness.”
“Ask for forgiveness?” you scoff. “Seriously? And what am I asking forgiveness for?”
“You’re lucky I’m not telling you to beg.”
“Beg?” you scoff again. “Who do you think you—”
“y/n.” his dark eyes gaze into yours. His hand slides down the wall and then it’s at your waist. He pulls you in and leans his head down closer to your face, you feel the lump in your throat grow as you ty to swallow it down.
“Ask for forgiveness.” He tells you again, this time much more softly.
“And if I don’t?” You stare up at him and he chuckles.
“Do you really want to find out?” his gaze doesn’t waver as he looks at you…the way he stares at you makes you feel bare in front of him, like he’s stripping you of your clothes, of your skin, everything.
“And if I do?” you whisper. “What happens if I do?”
Taehyung narrows his eyes at you as he licks his lips repeatedly…you’re really testing him aren’t you? He can’t tell if you’re toying with him because of the cameras or if it’s because you’re a brat.
“y/n.” he says your name like the sound of a slow breath. It feels intimate, the way he calls out for you. You can’t help but gulp as you blink up at him.
“You want to beg, don’t you?” he smirks, he pokes his tongue out as he eyes you. You can see the amusement in his eyes. “You want to…” the words are dying on his tongue because what can he say? Everything he wants to say would probably be deemed as inappropriate.
“I want to what?” you tilt your head up, your eyes scanning the entirety of his face and he leans further into your space.
“Just do as I say, tell me you’re sorry and we can move on.”
“Do as you say?” you lean back until your head is lightly hitting the wall, “You think I would really listen to you?”
“Such a brat.” His hand doesn’t let go of your waist as he leans back as well. “Why do I deal with this? And yes,” he rolls his head back. “I think you would very much enjoy listening to me.” He pauses and bites his lip. “If this company really thinks we’re a match made in heaven then I am sure you can assume what I mean.”
You silently gasp, a blush painting itself brightly on your cheeks.
“Ah,” he leans in again, “So you do know what I mean.”
“Taehyung,” you mumble, “Sometimes your flirting for the camera is too much.” You whisper quiet enough the cameras can’t hear.
Taehyung leans down until his mouth is at the shell of your ear and you can hear the smirk.
“Who says it’s for the cameras?” he leans away from you again, he finally drops his hand from your waist and is about to turn to leave when your hand flies to his shirt.
“Wait.” You blurt out, “I’ll…” you look off to the side. “I’ll say sorry”
“Oh?” Taehyung looks amused to say the least, “Go ahead, then.”
“Only if you tell me what’s wrong today.”
“It’s nothing.”
Your hand goes from the middle of his shirt to his shoulder and you look up at him with big, doe eyes as he blinks down at you over and over.
“What?” he whispers.
“Please.” You whisper back, “I’ll be good,” you promise in a low voice.
Taehyung feels his chest get warm, the heat traveling from there to his toes. He looks at you with his serious expression and softens.
“You are good.” He breathes out. His gaze intense as he stares into your eyes.
“Then…” you pause. Taehyung keeps his eyes on your eyes until he’s not. His eyes slowly travel down your face until he’s staring at your lips. He notices how plump they look, how your tongue darts out to wet them. He feels himself being drawn closer to you, leaning in further and further.
“…Taehyung.” You say breathlessly and Taehyung blinks repeatedly, clearing his throat as he leans back again.
“Fine, don’t apologize. Brat.” And he’s stepping away from you and you watch his back as he walks away.
Taehyung. Is. Such. A. tease. And it drives you absolutely insane. You’re sure the company that watches you is having the times of their lives as you suffer. Why does he have to go this far? It only makes you want to challenge him and go even further yourself. There was a moment, right? Where he acted like he was going to kiss you? Of course he wouldn’t actually do that. This is just for show but god, it still drives you nuts.
Taehyung rushes to his bedroom, slamming the door shut as he rests against it. What the hell is wrong with him? He’s just frustrated. He misses Hana. But why do you have to be so infuriating and you know, hot. And it makes him angry. He wasn’t actually going to kiss you, of course. But there was a moment of strange tension that he…he can’t describe. Taehyung slides down the door, falling to the ground. He remembers his first kiss with Hana, it was sweet and nice but like, he doesn’t remember it being intense not like how it feels when he gets close to you.
“Taehyung!” Hana giggles as she pats his back as she’s thrown over his shoulder. “Put me down!”
“Never!” Taehyung laughs just as much as he runs around in circles. “Ugh, so heavy though.” He jokes.
“Hey!” Hana hits his back, “Come on, put me down.” Her giggles softly relax and he’s setting her down back on the ground, her feet finally planted on the ground as she keeps her arms loosely thrown around his neck.
“You really love carrying me.”
“Holding you is fun.” He smiles, “And you’re not actually heavy. Actually you weigh nothing.”
“Yeah, right.” She playfully rolls her eyes.
“So.” Taehyung chuckles awkwardly, looking into Hana’s eyes.
“So…” she steps closer to him, tightening her hold around her neck. “We’ve been hanging out a lot …” she flutters her lashes, “And..”
“I kind of want you to kiss me.”
“Oh.” Taehyung’s eyes widen. He was not expecting that. He smiles at her and nods his head. “Yeah, I can do that.” He teases, leaning in until his lips are against hers. He pulls back but she pushes herself forward to kiss him more and he sighs in her mouth, loving the feel of her lips.
“We should do that more often.” Taehyung breathes out and Hana giggles.
Taehyung groans into his hands, recalling his memories. He does miss Hana but he feels like every time he thinks of her…he somehow is also thinking about you too. But it’s not like he’s thinking of you like that but yeah, you’re on his mind. And he’s got to chill out. He stands up from the floor and walks to his bed, throwing himself on it with a bounce. He’s still so frustrated. He recalls dinner yesterday, how he…
“I’m staring at you because you have sauce on your lips.” Taehyung says from across the dining room table.
“Should I get it for you?” he teases, standing up from his chair, the sound of it screeching against the floor makes you flinch.
“No, no.” you shake your head, “I can do it myself.”
“What if I want to help you though?” Taehyung tilts his head with innocent eyes. “I’ll clean you up.”
Taehyung walks to your side of the table and bends down until his face is level with your face, he smiles at you and raises his thumb up to your lips. His thumb brushes across your bottom lip slowly, the heat of his finger making you sigh out. He leans in closer as he finishes wiping the sauce off your mouth. When he finishes he takes a moment to look into your eyes like he’s searching them for something. He’s not sure what though. You feel yourself being hypnotized by his gaze, you, yourself stare back at him just as deeply…you think he’s going to lean away any second but instead he brings his hand between your faces and brings his thumb to his mouth. His thumb pushes past his lips and he’s licking it clean, the action purposely agonizingly slow.
“There. Got it.” He breathes out, “All clean.”
Your eyes widen just the slightest…he’s a tease. A fucking tease.
Taehyung’s eyes light up in amusement when he watches how you flush under his hard stare and he starts laughing.
“W-What?” you spit out, your embarrassment has you stabbing your food with your fork. “What’s funny?”
“You.” He says with a grin, the air is starting to thin out as he laughs. “You make me laugh.”
“Glad I can entertain.” You roll your eyes.
You’re so…fuck, you’re so sexy. Taehyung has been wanting to admit that for a while, but god, he has to really fucking control himself. But he’s trying to keep these thoughts at bay because he needs to figure out what he’s doing about Hana.
He lays here thinking of all the moments he has flirted with you for the camera, he groans into his pillow when he has the hardest realization. Is it really for the camera? The tension between you two is so fucking thick, the air is suffocating, making it hard to breathe. The intensity…the thrill. You are the only one who makes him feel like his world is burning with a passionate fire. Hana is nice but you? You’re you and he’s realizing how much he likes that.
He’s realizing a lot. It’s been 6 months and he thinks he is ready to admit that this is beyond what he signed up for. He signed on to get along, but this? This is a whole other journey he’s going on.
Taehyung sits up in bed, his face gone pale as he makes his realizations. His mouth hangs open as his mind races. Does Taehyung just want to fuck you? Or….does Taehyung like you?
Suddenly, there’s soft knocking on his bedroom door, his head snaps in that direction and he knows it’s you—well duh, who else would it be? He scrambles off the bed and he’s opening the door. You’re wearing yoga pants and a long sleeve shirt now with an innocent smile on your face.
“I turned the AC down.” You say. “Now I won’t make your life hard by wearing hardly any clothes.” You’re teasing him and he’s going wild for it.
“Oh really?” he breathes out, “Are you going to say sorry?” he teases back, his breathing picking up.
“Should I ask for forgiveness?” you mock him and he raises a brow at you.
“I’m going to make you beg y/n.” he says lowly, “Keep this up and I’ll be carrying you to the other bedroom.��
Your smile drops at his words. What does he mean by that? He’s taking the acting too far…
“You ever begged before baby?” He walks closer to you, making you uneasy. You step backward further into the hall and sigh out.
“From now on, you’ll only ever do it for me.” He says so low, that you barely hear him. But you do hear him and you shudder.
“Taehyung.” You warn softly, you push him by the shoulders, backing him into his bedroom. Once inside you close the door and look at him expectantly.
“What?” he rolls his eyes at you.
“You’re being too much…” you whisper. “But fuck, I gotta admit you’re good.” You breathe out roughly, “It almost feels real.”
“I wasn’t kidding earlier.” Taehyung walks towards you, his hand reaching out to touch the ends of you hair, “Who says this is for the cameras?”
You glance up at him, clearly confused.
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh y/n.” Taehyung feels his heart start to race. “This just got a lot more interesting.”
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