#i know younger ppl like to make fun of baby boomers and stuff and like i get it but.
wazzuppy · 2 years
psychonauts 2 said "older generations are not inherently evil for their ways of thinking. they have lived and have suffered in different ways than you have, and while that doesnt neccesarily excuse their actions, they are still deserving of the opportunity to grow and better themselves. you are never too old to make yourself a better person. sometimes all you need is someone new and kind who's willing to listen" and it was right
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flyingcookierambles · 3 years
my younger sister got a puppy and is now referring to everyone in my house as if they were her puppy’s relatives (ie aunt, uncle, grandma, etc.)
i dont have an issue with this or ppl calling their pets their fur babies or whatever since i also baby talked my previous hamsters and all but
she keeps saying stuff like “look [dog name], auntie [my irl name] is here” and the “aunt” thing is pissing me off for gender reasons
the thing is too that ive tried to tell her that im non-binary/trans before and she didnt get it/refused to understand, told me to my face that “i have a vagina so im a girl,” and then when i got kinda upset and left the room, she later came to my room like “uwu dont hate me bc i keep misgendering you and deadnaming/misgendering trans celebrities like caitlyn jenner, demi lovato, and elliot page, and i hope you know you’ll always be my sister.”
plus she loves to keep outing me casually.
i dont remember what exactly we were talking abt, but my sister and mom were talking abt romance or smth allo-related and i was in the room and must’ve made a comment or something about it, bc my sister when said something like, “[irl name] doesn’t get it, she’s non-binary or whatever.” which like. wut. that doesnt even make sense in that context, since sex != gender and also sex &/or gender != sexuality, plus the word that would’ve made sense there would be bringing up my ace or aro identities. thankfully my 60+ year old boomer mom didnt notice the word non-binary so i wasnt questioned about it but like bruh wtf love being almost casually outed, hate this houseg reiagoheroihgoierhafouboubfoubrghoae
anyways im feeling kinda shitty abt being called “aunt” and stuff all day, might head on over to r/transtryouts and make a request post.
(also fun fact this is the same sister that i came out to only because she kept thinking i was a lesbian and sexually harassing me with stuff like “so how many girls did you kiss at college? are you having sex with college boys???” “[irl name] is probably secretly wild” etc., so one night i sent her a ton of ace info articles from aven, wikipedia., but i doubt that she read any of them since she brags about hating reading and learning. but at least she stopped asking me abt what “wild shenanigans” i got up to in college. which was basically none unless you count playing sdv and watching netflix til 5 am on weekends.
also my family keeps thinking that being ace (i doubt that any of them know what aro/ the SAM model even is) means not understanding sex jokes and stuff. like. bruh, i may be ace, but im also a dumb 12 year old boy who very much enjoys the funny meme numbers 69 and 420 (not sex related, but a good number lol) and also dick/ligma/sugma/deez nuts jokes. )
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