#genuinely try talking to ur elders. ask them what it was like when they were growing up. ask them about their life experiences.
wazzuppy · 2 years
psychonauts 2 said "older generations are not inherently evil for their ways of thinking. they have lived and have suffered in different ways than you have, and while that doesnt neccesarily excuse their actions, they are still deserving of the opportunity to grow and better themselves. you are never too old to make yourself a better person. sometimes all you need is someone new and kind who's willing to listen" and it was right
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decolonize-the-left · 2 years
i have a question and im kind of nervous about asking it but please bear with me, youre like one of the only older ndn’s i know and i only even recently got into contact with anyone who might be able to get me in contact w *my* tribe/community (which super excites me bc i made a friend and theyre my tribe and theyre going to teach me stuff & my prayers were answered! but for a long time its just been me and my dad and alot of information that we’ve kept to ourselves bc people told us we shouldnt bother)
but like, im nervous about using 2spirit bc im reconnecting & also not just native, im white too, but it defines my identity really well. im also 19 so maybe im wrong. ive been suppressing reconnecting for years bc of the way i was treated in the town i grew up in, and some online interactions. i know you arent the end all be all, but idk, its hard to know where to look for guidance when you dont have any elders. not that youre an elder i just look up to you and have been trying to work up the courage to ask. (my grandfather passed some years ago, and his mother before i was born. his father wasnt even in the picture) when i pray and i ask the ancestors, i know what my answer is. i feel my answer. but im afraid of what people will say to me, even when i know it
sorry for bothering you with this i hope you have a nice day mx. antifa (cause. ur the ceo. I tried mx. the-left and mx. decol but mx. antifa was better)
Okay so I got this a little bit ago and I've been putting it off because I have my own identity issues as a mixed person and I'm certainly no authority on anyone else's identity.
That said, 2spirit is a term that means a Lot more than just a way to identify yourself. There's a community role that 2spirit ppl play. Tbh? I'm a bit too far removed to tell you exactly what that role is and it's definitely something you should talk about with your tribal friend to see how 2spirit plays into your own tribe.
I guess what I'm saying is think less of what the native terminology can do for you and invite more genuine connection to your own tribe instead. There may be another word they use, role they play, or even an entirely different word that's even Better for you within your tribe. And if reconnection and picking up bits of identity along the way is your goal then you should certainly be doing so with the teachings and traditions of your own tribe.
I share a lot of the experiences you mentioned and this ^^^ is why I personally don't identify as 2spirit.
I'm now comfortable in my mixed identity and I do feel like I have a right to reclaim that identity. But that doesn't mean I get to participate in that identity with ignorance. Personally, I don't know much about being 2spirit and as such I wouldn't want to do something Wrong by reclaiming it and using it ignorantly/offensively.
Like I said, I'm certainly no authority though and ultimately this is your choice, your identity, and your journey.
Nobody can (or will) give you permission for this, and it seems that's what you're asking for. But this is a personal decision. And tbh I'm doubtful you'd find an ndn willing to say "yes you're native enough" because it's definitely um. Idk how to explain it without sounding cheesy and corny as hell, but only You know if you are native enough. It's something you feel and know and accept in your core, in your heart. Nobody will Ever be able to tell you you're native or not. Only you. Only you know how genuine your connection is.
And those of us are anti-blood quantum and are aware of the identity issues it causes don't see any natives as "part native". That's a colonial concept to us. Being native isn't something you can quantify and measure. It's not in your DNA, it's in your ancestry and proximity to natives and culture. A lot tribes for example would accept outsiders into their tribe and not sharing our blood never made them any less a part of the tribe. Never made them less native once they were accepted. Their connection to community is what made them native, who they called family is what made them native.
You either identify as native or you don't. And if you claim and live like a native and have that history and feel comfortable then who am I to say "no you aren't native enough"?
Me and the natives I know would never undermine the identity of a mixed native like that.
I'm sorry it wasn't the answer you wanted but I hope I helped.
(also omg mx. Antifa? I'm obsessed, everyone call me this instead of decol or dtl from now on pls)
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*looks at the last ask you answered* TELL ME ABOUT UR SIGNUS HCS
This post might get long, which is pretty much standard for all my other headcanon dumps, so. Yeah
Okay so the standard stuff: what's canonically confirmed about Signus?
- They're some kinda void cryptid, no one knows where it came from
- They were worshiped by the Statigel clan until they all got Fuckin' Merked. This also included them deriving some of their weaponry & equipment from the power of Signus itself, which was pretty much lost once the whole place was destroyed. I haven't managed to find any information on what happened to it after this.
- Their next appearance in the Calamity timeline is when someone hired them to kill Yharim, but they weren't able to because DoG pulled a fucky wucky and trapped them in a pocket dimension for god knows how long
- After this, they had at least some hand in Statis's death, meaning that they switched sides before the rebellion leaders died
Alrighty so. Everything from this point forward is Very Non Canon and I'm being very careful here because Signus in particular does not leave as much room for lore expansion as some of the other chrs and I'm particularly interpreting them as being a lot more sympathetic than the "unga bunga I kill whoever you point me at" characterization that seems so popular these days. Got it? Good. Anyways moving on (take a shot every time I say 'anyways' or 'moving on')
- I have a lot of thoughts about Signus's exact origins but at risk of getting too far from canon I'm not going to talk about that here or possibly ever. We're starting off at their first known appearance: being worshiped by the Statigel clan.
- It's mentioned that the clan used its power to improve on and strengthen their equipment. The Statigel clan doesn't seem like the type to exploit their deity's power for their own ends (*cough* ANAHITA *cough*), and neither does it seem like Signus wouldn't know about what was happening, so they were probably fine with what the clan was doing. Plus, worship seems to be what strengthens gods in the Calamity universe, so the clan likely wasn't on Signus's bad side.
- Gonna digress a bit here with one little tidbit of a theory I have, and it's to do with the cosmic kunai. Yeah, that confusing ass knife I don't know how to draw. In the lore, Statis is reported as having received it from his clan's elders, which isn't unreasonable because as we've established, they've been drawing upon Signus's power for their weapons, right? But the thing is that the cosmic kunai can't be crafted— it drops directly from Signus. (And I know, you don't have to tell me, don't try to get lore from gameplay and all that, crafting recipes are non canon, etc etc. This is a theory and I'm not claiming it to be canon at all, I'm just reading way too deep into it.) I've taken this (probably incorrectly, but whatever, I'm too far gone by now) to mean that they were, at some point, directly given that weapon for one reason or another, implying that Signus was probably genuinely cool with the whole worshipping deal.
- Okay so everything is cool and dandy for maybe a couple hundred years until the unrest within the clan and outside of it due to the royal family's fuckery starts to happen. Signus likes these silly flesh bags enough to give them free shit, but not enough to go through the hassle of saving them from imminent destruction. They give their best equipment to some kid, unleash said kid upon the world to do some good ol' fashioned mass murdering, and then subsequently die.
- Whoops. No more worshipping perks. They're kinda bummed out about the slight loss of power, and they do check in on the sole survivor of the people who venerated them from time to time, but revolution and trying to take down tyrannical shitty governments is boring— frankly, this void cryptid has better things to do, and anyways the kid seems to be doing just fine on his own. It's basically the deific equivalent of putting your Sims on "care for self" and scrolling through your phone for three hours. Oh hey would you look at that, there's some new dude in town aiming to become Calamity's Next Top Tyrant. Huh.
- Moving on: as it turns out, this vengeful new upstart and his cute pet dragon are horrible, horrible people! Who would have guessed? Signus is kind of appalled but not nearly enough to take action. There's a growing rebellion too, which coincidentally just so happens to be located in the mountains where their old worshipers used to live! That's fun. They sit back with some popcorn for a bit and watch everything go down, but they're not gonna interfere unless someone asks them to.
- Shocker! Someone's asked them to interfere! Mr. Sole Survivor kid over here does some summoning ritual at one of the mountain shrines and hires them to do what they do best: murder! Signus is like "Yeah ofc I gotcha bro" and blips off to go do some tyrant murdering. It's an important job from a loyal customer, so they zip over to the Jungle Temple and get ready to rock.
- Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. This is not good. What the fuck is this spiky blue hotdog doing? They clocked in for another regularly-scheduled murder for hire and now they're trapped in a pocket dimension with this worm trying to kill them? They did not sign up for this. So now Signus, feeling pretty terrible now that they both A) have lost some of their power due to the worshiper situation and B) have failed their first and possibly most important contract ever, is decidedly not having such a good time. And when said worm offers them a job, they decide it's not like they've any other way to get out of there and accept, figuring that they'll just work out the failed contract another time. Maybe they'll offer a refund or something.
- This decision quickly proves to not be good, as later this kid shows up at the temple looking frighteningly dead inside, and then Signus has to kill the last remaining person with any sort of faith in them.
- So, having had the one thing they even marginally gave a shit about destroyed, they resign themself to working for this edgy teenage emo worm in exchange for more power and something to do to pass the time. Yay...?
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mrneighbourlove · 4 years
Burnt Heart: Ch 5. Reflection
A new morning arrived to the Slatki residence, and several of the older children were waiting in their father's bedroom to keep him from leaving. They discovered his presence with missing leftovers from the fridge, and a peak into the bed.
Sleep wasn’t kind to the man, but it wasn’t awful either. Although rested, Kahli had also had so much on his mind. Dreams of an absolution for one. It didn’t take long after he stirred awake to feel their presence outside. With deep breaths, the man rose to go through his selection of robes. Satisfied on a rich dark blue, he dressed appropriately before knocking on the door. “Would you all like to talk in here or in the living room?”
"Depends." Keira said, "Are you going to try to leave or listen to what we have to say?"
"Your fight with Mom wasn't necessarily... quiet." Manaco informed his father.
“It was better than the first. And no, I did not plan on leaving immediately. Once again. Upstairs or downstairs?”
"... let's go downstairs. More room. It's a little stuffy in here."
Kahli opened the door, surprised all his children were cramped together. “You look like a cradle of puppies. Move along. I’ll cook you all breakfast.”
"We already ate, we got a plate ready for you." Ahusaka set a dish full of eggs, bacon, and diced fruit in front of his father. "It's not... Mom's cooking, but it's edible. I cooked it, not Urboro."
"Hey, you ass, at least I didn't set my own butt on fire." Urboro scowled.
“Don’t swear.” Kahli shot his elder daughter a look. It appeared he slept in a little more than expected. Or maybe they all woke up early. Either way, he made his way down to the living room. Sitting on his recliner chair, Kahli took his plate of assorted foods, beginning to dine as the kids settled around the living room.
Grievous herself decided it might be best if she waited in the bathroom for all her half siblings to have a moment to speak.
"Listen, we know you want to storm off to the Empire, but we don't think that's the best idea." Miku explained, "We understand your point of view, but we understand Mom's too."
"It's like you jerked the rug out from underneath her, but not only her, us too." Manaco told his father. "We just found out we have a half-sister, like... two days ago."
"We are trying to be fair here, but... we got to be a little selfish too." Urboro huffed. "We don't want you running off and there's a chance of you not coming back."
“Would that be so bad, all things considered Urboro?” Kahli chewed on the bacon, taking his time with it. He didn’t know if it would be his last. “There’s a chance to regain some honour in a warrior’s death. It’s like the tales of all those knights I used to read to you.”
"Of course it'd be fucking bad!" Urboro protested with a snap. "Look, regardless of whether or not Mom is mad at you, we still need you! For fuck's sake, Zaltana is only seven years old!!!"
“And you’d do your best to mind your bloody tongue around her.” Kahli’s golden eyes flared with the furious shine of a dragon at his daughter. “How many times do I have to tell you to cool that tongue of yours Urboro? Apologize to your younger siblings.” The tone and power Kahli were evident this conversation wouldn’t continue until Urboro did as her father told.
"Apologize?! I haven't done anything wrong, you're the one who has an army of other kids out there!" Urboro scowled.
"Ur!" Manaco got between his sister and his father. "How about you go outside to cool off for a moment?"
"Ugh, fine. But you know I'm right." With that, she tromped outside.
“What is wrong with her behaviour...” Kahli muttered under his breath. Finishing his bacon and eggs, he moved onto eating his fruit. “I have to confront Zannah. Now that the secret has been discovered, it can give me a loophole to confront her about it.”
"Loophole? ... you're not thinking of dragging Grievous back there, are you?"
“No. The loophole was I was forced into secrecy. Now that it’s no longer secret, I can demand to be given freedom.”
"And? What will that solve? She can still hold you to your life debt." Miku pointed out. "That's two different things."
“I can ask to be rid of our debt. Either through combat... or begging.” The latter thought disgusted Kahli.
"And if you died, where would that leave us?"
“Alive. With no need to mourn me.” Kahli finished his breakfast, setting his plate down to the side. “Your mother made her point clear. Without her in my life, what passion do I have to go on? You kids are rather self efficient, and most of all, you’ll grow up. That’ll leave me alone. Can you tell me, right now, you’ll visit me as I grow into old age and am left alone?”
"Of course we will be there for you, you're our father." Manaco looked at Kahli like his sire had lost his mind. "We would never abandon you, regardless of whether or not we agree with what has happened or will come to happen."
"Besides, all you have to do, is give Mom a little time." Ahusaka assured his father. "That's all she needs. You know best of all that it takes time to rebuild trust that has been broken."
"It's not like you to give up so easily." Keira crossed her arms. "Are you really going to give up on Mom without a bit of a fight?"
"You have to see this from her point of view too," Miku tried to be a peacemaker.
"You kept something from her, even though you couldn't say a word, it's still hurtful. She's never kept anything from you. How would you feel if she did something of the sort like this to you?"
“She tried to kill me. I’d be angry, but I’d never have laid a hand on her, let alone blast her with magic. It was absolutely insane. What’s more, I’d have considered her situation as a whole instead of letting my emotions get the better of me.” Kahli shook his head, trying to diffuse his rising tension. “Zaltana, can you bring your sister back inside?”
"You can't expect Mom to turn off her emotions, Dad. Not like you do half the time." Ahusaka sighed. "Mom isn't that way, she feels more so deeply than others."
"She's the Earth Sage, her emotions and magic go hand in hand together now." Keira said.
"We don't think it was right of her to lash out at you, but we don't agree with what you did either." Miku stated.
Zaltana was quiet, but gave a soft nod as she went to fetch her sister.
“You don’t have to agree with me. You don’t even have to forgive me. I just ask you understand I had no choice in the matter.”
"We understand that, though... can you understand Mom as well?" Manaco quietly replied.
Once Zaltana brought Urboro back inside the house, the elder sibling stood there with her hands on her hips.
“I’ve had years to come to terms on her fair reaction should she ever discover the truth.” Kahli glared towards the direction of the bathroom where Grievous hid. “A truth that could have been remained hidden for the betterment of all. Why is she hiding?”
"You don't get to judge what she thinks is fair, Dad. You know better than that." Manaco ran a hand down his face. "And she's hiding in the bathroom because she doesn't want to be in the middle of this conversation, doesn't want to be the punching bag."
“Physically or emotionally?” Kahli didn’t stop his gaze towards the bathroom. “As for your mother, I think I do. You know what she said to me? That she’d find revenge against the Emperor. She can be as furious as me as she wants, even foolishly take her fury out on me, but she must not ever be so idiotic as to attack the Empire.”
"You tried to attack her out of revenge once, Dad." Ahusaka poked a hole in Kahli's logic. "You got no room to call Mom an idiot."
“I attacked when it wouldn’t bring war down upon all of Hyrule.” Kahli countered back with remorse in his voice. “And look at what that attempt on her life brought me. A debt that keeps me in her pocket.”
"Mom was probably just speaking in the heat of the moment, Dad. We all know that she wouldn't do something so reckless to ruin the relationship that Aunt Zarazu tried so hard to build." Urboro stated bluntly. "Give her a bit more credit than that. Besides, that bi---Zannah, would know it was Mom. She's not stupid to openly attack her."
"Ur has a point, Dad."
“She better not. That would only ruin all of your futures.”
"Good grief, will you at least try to get some sense of normalcy back with Mom?" Urboro asked with a roll of her eyes. "Or not? That's what we're asking. We don't want you two apart. We want all of us to be a big happy family again."
“I want that too. Everything I’ve done has been for the betterment of this family. It’s Zizi who needs to understand my position.” Kahli sounded so exhausted. “But no. She rather never be near me. There’s no excuse when it’s the truth. I know I caused her pain, but gods as my witness, I’d never go out of my way to purposely put her through it.”
"And did you tell her that?" Miku asked her father. "Mom thinks you'd choose Zannah over us."
“I did. She’s simply too angry to listen.”
"Then give her time. At least a week to cool down, and then try again."
"You're not the type to give up."
"We know Mom still loves you, otherwise, she wouldn't be so hurt." All his children believed in their parents. No, they held hope for them.
“A week?” Kahli closed his eyes, crossing his arms and pondering on the fact. Once more, he glanced at the bathroom. “Bring that ridiculous girl out.”
"... Grivy, would you mind coming out of the bathroom?" Manaco gently knocked his knuckles on the door. "... besides, Zaltana needs to pee."
“...that is acceptable.” Grievous exited, still covered in tribal paint.
"... can you help us fix this?" Manaco asked her honestly. "We could use any ideas you have."
“Me?” Grievous was genuinely caught off guard.
“Yes you.” Kahli rose from his chair, his gaze menacing on her. “Seeing you were the one to kick off this chain of events in the past few days. Why did you even leave? It’s clear you like fighting. The Empire can provide that in spades for you.”
Grievous suddenly looked downcast, embarrassed perhaps. “Well, I-”
“Spit it out girl.”
“I didn’t like the idea of being a commander. It’s too constricting for me. I’m sorry I came and ruined your perfect family dynamic because I felt I didn’t belong with my own family. That answer satisfy you?”
"... should we be a part of this?" Miku whispered to Urboro.
"What? It's drama, of course, we're going to be a part of this." Urboro snickered.
"Look, we need you to help us patch this relationship. We've always been close as a family and we don't want to lose that." Manaco gestured to his siblings.
"You're part of this family too now, whether you like it or not." Keira noted to Grievous. "So, you need to make a decision now if you're going to stay and help, or leave like you intended."
“How can I help?”
Kahli narrowed his eyes, disapproving of her. Was she only here to have questions fulfilled? “You wanted answers? Here’s a list. I’m your father. I did everything Zannah asked including reviving my tribe from extinction to pay off my life debt to her and keep my family safe and healthy. This family is my kin. You cannot hope to ever beat me or my eldest son in combat, let alone me. And by the look of your face, I’d say you have no proper will to stay. What’s your answer?”
“I-” Grievous paused, anxiety filling her. She hardly ever felt anxious, but with all these eyes waiting on her, how could she not?
"We need a decision, Grivy. You stay or you go." Manaco asked her directly, "Which is it going to be? Either you stay here, and have some support, from us, or you go out there. Alone. Into the world that you don't know."
"Stay. I'll stay." Grievous swallowed her discomfort. "I should excuse myself for now. I don't know how effective I can be in helping you. Give me time to think please."
"All right. You can bunk with me for the time being." Keira offered Grievous. "We all need some time to think."
Zizi hardly ever ran from her problems. She liked to solve conflicts as soon as possible to continue on without strife. Now, she did not want to go back home. All she wanted was the comfort of someone familiar, who would not pick a side, and simply let her be for a while. Thus, her mind wondered to her old friend from so long ago. She was older now, at the grand age of 51 years. No longer was she some spring chicken, or anywhere close to a child. Yet, Skull Kid still tolerated her presence.
Deep within the Lost Woods, Zizi's ears picked up on a jolly and magical tune. As she pushed away foliage, the little imp was dancing on a tree branch, playing his flute with little care in the world. The tune was positive, and had a magical, jolly nature to it. When he finally noticed Zizi listening along, he continued to play, jiving back and forth until his tune was done. "Zizi! What are you doing so deep in the woods? I don't think a Sage of the Forest could find herself lost, but I have seen stranger things."
"What else would I be doing out here, silly?" Zizi kept a smile on her face as Skull Kid turned to look at her. "I came to see you. I needed a friendly face." She then asked him. "Entertaining the fairies again? I'm surprised they let me pass through. Maybe being an Earth Sage has perks now?"
"First off, I like playing for myself. Second off, its a song I learned from a friend who was also a Forest Sage like you. Titles matter. What's so cool about calling yourself the Sage of Dirt? Forests are magical." Skull Kid pointed his flute aggressively at Zizi like a teacher would do with a pointing stick. Hopping of the tree with a few frontal flips, Skull Kid scuttled his way towards his friend. "Odd that the friendliest face you know is a mask, but I guess I shouldn't complain. He he he."
"Mask or no mask, you're still Skully." Zizi rolled her eyes when he clarified the 'correct' title. She was a Zemlja, a Lorleidian of the earth. Forest would be placing a limit on her capabilities, in her opinion. Watching him bounce around, Zizi then asked, "I haven't seen you in a while. Zaltana is going to be celebrating her eighth birthday in two weeks. You going to come to the party?"
"Hmmm, will your fierier children and sister be attending?" Skull Kid causally threw his arms behind his head to rest back on them.
"I have fifteen, eight of who are fiery and seven of who are earthy, and they'll all be attending, so yes." Zizi chuckled. "Even Manaco. He misses you too, you know. He still talks about that permanent ink prank you pulled on Vaati."
"Well, kid wanted to be a little rebellous. Although, he's not quite a kid anymore. But two weeks? I'll think about it. Maybe I can make the event more fun~" His arms switched to being swung from side to side. "You look tired. Were you up all night? Or sleep under a tree?"
"If you put a stink bomb in the bonfire like last time with the triplet's birthday party, we're going to have words." Zizi shook a finger at him. "Fun would be a paint fight, like you did with Chatima's ninth birthday. We were all shades of the rainbow for days." Sighing, Zizi shook her head. "I am tired. Haven't been sleeping too well. Found out some... unsavory news about my husband. Though, I'm here to see you, not to mope."
"Oh? You think I'm a distraction then? Well... how long of a distraction do you need?"
"You're a very good distraction, and an even better friend. No one can help me bake chocolate chip cookies like you." Zizi reminded him. "As long as you're willing to put up with me."
"Put up with you? Easy." Skull Kid thought for a moment on what they could do. Snapping his finger, he had an idea. "Hey! Why don't we go to the Forest Temple? Could use some maintenance."
"Forest Temple? That sounds like a good idea." Zizi then repeated. "Maintenance?"
"Make sure the trees are healthy. The doors all still working. The wolves happy. Clear the Skulltala webs. Etc. Etc. It could take a while though."
"Sounds just like the distraction I need," Zizi then asked him with a small grin, jesting. "How did you get to be a mind reader?"
"Stick around long enough and you can read people easily enough." With a giggle and hop, Skull Kid made his way to the temple. "Can you still run and keep up?"
"Hey now, I'm older, not old." Zizi reminded him. "Run? Why would I do that when I can just ride?" The vines shifted from the earth and carried the Zemlja. "Work smarter, not harder, Skully."
"Boo. That's not fun. And only shows you gotten softer~" Skull Kid did a few more flips, gleefully jumping from trunk to trunk lying on the forest floor.
"At least I'm not slow." Zizi teased as she shot forth on the vines, zipping past Skully. She hung upside down on the vine, and snatched his hat before the vines quickly moved her away. "Come and get it!"
Skull Kid laughed, chasing after his friend. It seemed this would be what Zizi needed for a time. At least until she was ready to confront her source of fears and wrath.
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/612488276332478464/burnt-heart-ch-4-boiling-point
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/612496080371957760/burnt-heart-ch-6-trading-one-pain-for-another
Crossover with @ridersoftheapocalypse. Shared world with @s-kinnaly
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2e10 Live Blog
“Justice Under Siege”
ALRIGHT so despite the fact that it is the 1 week anniversary of my death, OPM has forcefully wrenched me from the underworld to come continue with the season. So here I am and I’ve already posted my guess for what this episode will entail so lets see how well I handle it! (see: how much I scream) As always, I’m watching as someone who is up to date on both the Manga and webcomic
lets try that again ok
AHA YES OMG we’re starting with this!! I was totally expecting to pick up exactly where we left off, with Destrochloridium at the HA but OK throw me for a loop! Mix it up! “ORA ORA ORA ORA” I love Saitamas VA, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I laffff oh my god it keeps going in the background as Kind talks I can’t
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This is the scariest Saitama face I have ever witnessed wtf??? Why does it look so creepy?? Also, they added quite a bit to this scene huh? I guess They have to amp up the jokes since shit is getting pretty serious otherwise at this point in the series. OH SHIT THE DING ‘NO OTHER WORDS CAME TO MIND” OK Excellently done that got me I cackled fffffffffffffffff
OH MY GOD KING THAT SICK BURN?!?! I dont remember that I guess they’re really making it a point to be like ‘HEY LOOK THIS IS GONNA BE USED!!! IT EXISTS!!!’ but like I dont care cause it was worth it for the joke hhhhhhhhhhhJUST
Yanno, I just realised I think I know where every sing scene in the whole opening comes from down to the omake. Also just realised we are definitely getting Genos/Bang/Bomb vs Centipede cause that joint attack Bang and Bomb use is in the opening. Huh why did that only just now click anD OH MY GOD BB GENOS IM DYING NO
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Ok now we’re where we left off and oh dear god I HATE that squish noise please stop no OK Gyoro’s weird Eye twitch was a cool touch. Oh wait Narinki is the highest ranking executive now? I thought he was just the top donor of funds or something? eh anyway- lol wow Gyoro puts on a convincing sob story voice this is so funny?? Cause its Complete BS and I wonder what my reaction would be if I didn’t already know that AHH OK BUT THAT ‘HEHIHIHIHIHI’ LAUGH THO OMG SO GOOD
WHEW ok but seriously just the MENTION of assembling all the heroes is raising my blood pressure asdfghjkl if I may have one thing in life PLEASE LET IT BE A THIRD SEASON PLEASE IM BE G G IN G
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ASDFGHHJKL Did Destrochloridium just shout Itadakimasu?? HULU y u no translate that??? DOI as he gets smooshed pfffffftttttttttttt omg the sound pls ohmigod everyone knows steel is no match for a hardened body i just fukken HEKK I love this show so much pls he sounds so concerned that destro DIDNT know that
“Better step up” OH MY GOD YES DO THE THING
OK WAIT This is actually badass and not just a joke?? Darkshine, er, Blackluster(??) stop u r 2 good I cant handle it rn
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oooohhhhHH OH OH OH OH PLS SHOW EVERYONE I WANT PLS THE MONSTER ASSOCIATION!!! PLS!! SHOW ME WIFE?? CADRES?? PLZ?? yo total side note but I LOVE Murata’s monster designs?? Every time I reread opm I just oogle at a new one I never noticed before they’re all so unique and good. Also At least 3 of them in this sequence look like pokemon i swear- lol the silence no applause, if that was a joke in the manga i totally missed it uuuuwaAAAAAAAAAAA SCREAMING SCREAMING I AM SCREAM CADRE YES YES ASDFGHJKL ARE YALL READY TO SEE T H  A T FACE FOR THE REST OF THE SERIES THUS FAR???? HUH????
ew oh wait I actually feel bad for Awakened Cockroach, and he twitches after getting eaten oh noooooonono ew oh no dude im sorry no AAAAAAAAA WIFE HELLO oh their voices are so sad when they’re terrified for their lives I dont like it :[ ITS OK UR SAFE 4 NOW ILY PLZ BE CAREFUL AND STAY AWAY FROM PRETTY MEN 
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMYCYBORG SON MY HEART I WEAK GENOS BB PLS BE CAREFUL ILY TOO hey heres a WACKY  and TOTALLY LoOnEy IdEa, what if,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHAT-IFF,,,,,,,,,,, everyone was HAPPY???? Crazy I knowww I just want the best for my sons and babies and children boys wives daughters loves and husband, is it so much to ask???
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Oh my god he looks so Sad here please no Genos everything will be ok please don’t be reckless do not be reckless listen to Dr. Kuseno you fool 
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CHILD EMPEROR MY SON I LOVE YOU TOO BOFOI UR AN ASS oh my god please can you even TRY to be a good mentor for the kid???? Thats it Zombieman adopt him pls remove shitty Bofoi influence replace with Best dad man influence. ANYWAY ok that was a tangent huh oops sorry. Ok but look at him. Child Emperor is genuinely adorable and a sweetheart poor kid don’t lose your faith in adults.
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Uh, the episode is running late still not to Garou yet either?? hmmmmmmmmm again I’m getting nervous are they gonna rush it?? lol the saitama throwaway OH OH FINALLY OMG MY HEART ISNT READY MY FAVORITE GAROU IN THE WHOLE SERIES OH MY GOD
im… im screaming… i love these two so much it hurts it does really. I was not prepared for how adorable it was possible to make Tareo either can I hug?? I must hugg?? And Garou’s voice is so calming and he’s being so sweet? I was really expecting to sound more… i dont know, whiney? Every time he shows up on the screen I love him more and more ffs
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This is such a good shot. Desktop wallpaper material right here.
Oh my god, this moment. And the music is just yanking my heart strings stop.
Oh yeah, they interrupt right. I like these heroes and all, but none of them are particular faves the fact that I think SO MANY OTHER FAVES were are RIGHT before them this ep just kinda overshadows their existence for me. I think this is the ONLY time in the series where Garou goes up against heroes and i cheer for him 110%, don’t even feel a little bad about who he’s beating the shit out of, and that’s kinda messed up of me but thats how impartial I am towards all these guys?
Back to Garou and I love him. hhhhh.
He smak the table
He laughs. Oh no his laugh. OPM forcefully dislocated me from the underworld to watch this episode and has thusly YEETED ME TO HEAVEN THAT LAUGH. I really need Garou to be happy.
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Do you see this man? Do you see him? I do and I’m crying thank you
Omg I got really caught up it watching them talk but the sparkles around death gatling whe Tareo was looking at them snapped me out of it. oi I cant handle this. Garou I want you to know that you have successfully turned the bad guy into the one everyone wants to win. You did it boy you did
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like I know how this goes but I’m so anxious anyway the hhhhhhhhhhhhh the fight choreography is a little clunky but I don’t care OH ok cool Glasses actually kept his little spotlight nice but Garou GAROU PLS B CAREFUL OK except WHAT THE FUCK IS HIS MOUTH DOING THAT LOOKS SO STUPID WHAT THE HELL?? HOLY SHIT IM GETTING DIZZY STOP wh- wh- wait no. NO IM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET COME BACK PLEASE I NEED MORE WAIT NO UHG this is my reaction at the end of every episode when will I learn?????????????? never. The answer is never.
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NO POST CREDITS STINGER and AS MUCH AS I LOVE GENOS’S FACE I already knew he would be in the episode next week. Yall I am so lost as to where the final episode will land. WTF.
This ep was a roller coaster oh my god. Non stop plot not that the tournament is done, and we saw like EVERY CHARACTER my feeble heart could not keep up. The ONLY thing that bothered me was part of the fight sequence at the end, like it was half drawn beautifully half animated so stiff and blocky ??? Threw me for a loop. But next week is only gonna get more intense??? I’m gonna guess we’ll get through the Elder Centipede fight??? But then what does that mean for the last episode??? I am full of SO MANY QUESTIONS??? I really don’t want the season to end yet, 12 eps is not enough. There’s only 2 more. Just. I’m not ready to let go of my bbs it feels like I only JUST got them… Well! Before I devolve into more of a blubbering mess, thanks yall so much for reading!!! As always, see yall next week!
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laughing-with-god · 5 years
Unpopular opinions part two🤪
1. Old Kpop fans deserve their respect.
They were here before it was ‘cool’ or ‘normal’ for them to like Korean pop. Before it was accepted. Before the ‘Korean wave’ was a thing. They were here before Vlive, world tours and merch. They were here and have watched many idols go to the millitray, multiple scandals and disbandments. Pls be aware of how young you are as a fan to the entire industry as a whole. Esp since it was prob an elder Kpop fan that put you on and made the fan culture was it is today: more accessible to fans all over the world.
2. A lot of the hype in America for Kpop isn’t genuine....
The shows that include BTS and stuff only did it to get a boost in ratings. If you honestly think Ellen and John Cena are armys....I got some bad news for you. It’s literally just white men at board meetings looking at what teenagers think is hot at the moment. Also, if you honestly think BTS was gonna get that Grammy.....sis no. Maybe in the future but like Kpop isn’t recognized as ‘real’ music yet.
3. Big Bangs’ Top needs to come back.
His scandal wasn’t even that bad tbh. He smoked some weed with a one of his bitches🤷🏻‍♀️ his name literally stands for ‘The Orginal Pimp’. Like we know he had hoes, just like any other famous guy idol. And she was a total social climber who tried to defame him, this was proven by the outrageous things she did after the TOP scandal calmed down. So all the bad things she said about him should be taken with a grain of salt. Personally, weed isn’t a big deal esp since we apparently got rapists out here now👀 but in Korea it is a big deal. Still he reflected and has been quiet for like 2 years now. How long should he punish himself for? He was one of the best rappers out here🤧😩
4. The big three are the big three for a reason.
SM, JYP and YG are some of the oldest companies that have been around with the most distinct style and influence. The amount of revolutionary groups to come from those companies alone is i n s a n e. Being the big three isn’t about money, so ppl saying BigHit outsold so them so they are bigger than the three, is just wrong. The big three have been doing this consistently before some of you hoes were even born and produced amazing groups over and over again. BigHit’s success is new, and they only have one big and successful group at the moment. Give it some time🤷🏻‍♀️
5. Fan service is a thing.....just thought you should know
In Korea, idols are taught to please their fans by any means necessary......this includes acting very cutesy and clingy with certain members. Yes.....some of your opts are for show.....they know what they’re doing.....😬
6. BlackPink’s Jennie was being lazy
Sis......you’re a whole barrel of laughs if you honestly think that we’re all just haters who decided to attack her out of the blue. When she was being dragged for her rude faces, I defended her bc some resting faces are just naturally aloof looking. But c’mon. Y’all really trying to play the mental health excuse or the tired excuse when all her solo activities actually had energy??? It’s rude bc all her members actually pulled through🤷🏻‍♀️ no hate to her but sis was lacking🤷🏻‍♀️
7. Some Ideal Types are kinda.....weird? Idk lemme explain
I know that having an ideal type is kind of a given in Korea but can we talk?? I think the whole descriptions of the the types given by some of these idols is kinda.....VERY FUCKING DETAILED? Like the weight and stuff. And no hate, it’s okay to have a preference but I wanna talk to some of these fans. I literally watched some fans change their entire persona for their bias. My sister even tried starving herself for a bit bc someone said Taehyung perfered girls who were like 90-100 pounds. Please guys, don’t take that stuff to heart......
8. Facemasks literally don’t do anything
Not necessarily Kpop but Kbeauty. Ummm....dermatologists even admit that it doesn’t do anything to your skin. It can make ur skin feel nice for a short period, but in the long run you are actually doing more harm than good to your skin......just think about that next time you wanna buy a facemask.
9. Be careful with Kbeauty.....there’s a fine line to walk
If your eyeliner is meant to make your eyes look Asian.....it’s cultural appropriation. If you’re using bb cream or foundation that’s way lighter than your actual skin.......that’s colorism. Also trying to give yourself aeygo bags is kinda fetishizing a feature that many Asians have. Just don’t. Work with what you have instead of tryna became a whole other race. 🤦🏻‍♀️
10. AOMG should become the new YG
YG is so fucking problematic these days, it’s sad really bc they were that one company that was all about hip hop and ‘dark’ concepts. I think they were even called the black label out of the big three 🤔 so they are def taking a hit with all these scandals they got rn. I got to thinking....what other company is all about hip hop and more rap driven whilst having a good management/ceo? AOMG! Jay Park is literally so nice and all the artists under them have so much creative freedom and make good music. If Jay Park made a boy group or a girl group?? It’d be fucking over for YG! Y’all should blow up Jay Parks dm’s and ask for a group debut 🤪
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defenestrata · 6 years
slowly slides in and places fred + all on ur desk :) time for Perishing !
sdjfsdhjfsdhi’m love you. okay so ladies and gents we are taking a trip away from london and korea and heading to the united states which is where this is set, massachusetts most specifically. onto freddie —
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
a solid five minutes. he’s not hyperactive or anything, but just, the feeling of doing nothing is so awful to him. he has no chill. meditation isn’t real. also like, he sometimes gets little intrusive thoughts if he’s tired.
How easy is it for your character to laugh?
surprisingly easy ! fred laughs at a lot of things, despite how preppy and harsh he may seem at first. of course, half of it is either fake or a bit overenthusiastic but he’ll laugh. he’ll laugh at a lot of things. 
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
usually studying for a bit — he does that before bed anyway. otherwise, it’s usually not that hard for him to fall asleep. he works hard and sleeps harder. 
How easy is it to earn their trust?
no one has ever earned frederick michael estelle’s full trust. not his father, not his mother, not his two step-mothers, not his brother, not any of his friends. it’s for the better that way, in his opinion. superficial trust for small things though, is easy to earn, so long as you’re a decent human being. 
How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
well, whatever someone has done really has to bother him on a very moral level in order for him to genuinely refuse to trust someone even superficially. otherwise, because he rarely shares his secrets or deep considerations, trust isn’t even a big deal to him. 
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
at the beginning of his character development, he has an enormous respect for law, and considers them completely immovable. over time, he comes to understand the flaws of modern america and adopts a less extremist point of view. 
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
drives with packed cars. diners. marble floors. loads of things. fred’s childhood was peak americana, with an upper class vibe to boot. he spent a lot of time at dinner parties and in tuxedos, in debates, getting a convertible for his sixteenth birthday and so forth. what in generally triggers the most nostalgia for him is his home city ; boston. god, he loves that place, despite all its flaws. and he loves that feeling, especially because he can always relive many of his memories that are related to the city. 
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
fred was a good kid, to be quite honest. he was always determined to impress everyone around him, so he’d bend to their will if they wanted him to act a certain way. refinement? you got it. charisma? work up the charm. intelligence? bring it on. if anything, he had some frustration and anger issues in his teens, especially in between his father’s marriages, and he was told to shut up and deal with it. and that’s what he did. 
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
like a motherfucking sailor. he may be WASP-y but he’s seen how much high society curses, so go ahead. swearing is a more effective way of getting rid of anger than — breaking things, or whatever other people might do. and fred is bad at bottling things up. first swear word was probably ‘fuck’. a classic. and he has immense respect for classics. 
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
fred doesn’t lie too often, but he does make a lot of false promises, mostly related to visiting his family. he hates going back home, which is unfortunate considering he studies less than an hour away from his hometown. he’s tried everything from the ‘i’m sick’ excuse to ‘declamation club’ to ‘broken ankle’ to avoid visits. 
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
perish. he’s a stubborn fool who will try to understand everything on his own terms, and if he gets an incomplete picture, too bad, he’ll live with it. although he knows he probably won’t get an incorrect picture in the first place, he’s just way too thorough for that. 
How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
get a friend to scratch it for him. duh. 
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
fred looks pretty good in sober colours, and its what he usually wears too. but, just as a wild card, he does look really, really, good in more adventurous choices, especially stark whites, blacks and even reds. but he’ll never wear them, he hates looking loud and attention-seeking. 
What animal do they fear most?
no animal. why the hell would you be scared of animals in new england —
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
extremely confident, and he’s well-capable of thinking as he talks without much hesitation. it’s really one of his best talents, making sense while giving great presentations with fantastic oration. he doesn’t need to rehearse jack. 
What makes their stomach turn?
people crying or screaming, it just has him totally taken aback, which he’s not as used to as you’d think. he is utterly incapable of handling debates in a rational manner if he’s being goddamn screamed at. 
Are they easily embarrassed?
surprisingly, yes. underneath that façade of utter and sheer confidence, he’s really concerned with maintaining that impression with others. he doesn’t take kindly to being humiliated or having his pride attacked. he won’t respond with embarassment as much as he’ll respond with unbridled rage. and angry fred is terrifying. 
What embarrasses them?
levity in situations which do not need it. so pranks, mocking jokes, being teased or belittled in public. compliments don’t embarass him one bit until they become on the subject of his looks. then he gets a little flushed, but flattered nonetheless.
What is their favourite number?
why does that even matter ?? ( it’s 9. ) 
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
he’d bark at being asked to define familial love, he’d say it doesn’t exist. and then if you asked about platonic and romantic love he’d tell you to buzz off. it’s one of the questions he just doesn’t know how to answer. in his conception, if he’d want to kiss them and marry them, it’s romantic. 
Why do they get up in the morning?
because you don’t get rich and hit it big without fucking working. he’s actually really driven, half out of demonic pressures to do well, and half out of spite for his brother, who he has to out-do in every respect.
How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
jealous fred is the worst. he will get so aggressive and possessive and rude, with seemingly little control. however, it takes a lot to push him to that limit, and he’s usually good at warding off encroachers on what’s his before they even try to make a move. 
How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?
there’s really only one thing that he’s envious about — the love and attention his parents give his elder brother nicholas who’s just as much of a prick as he is, except just a little less concerned with doing the right thing. and he’s pretty much made it his life’s goal to get to the world of finance quicker than nick and do better. 
Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
kind of ? he’s a hot-blooded teenager so it’s not like sex is something sinful or foreign to him, but he doesn’t really discuss it with people anyway because there’s no one he’s close enough to talk to about it. also, why would you talk about it anyway — it’s not even something worth discussing. 
What are their thoughts on marriage?
to summarise: marriage is great, but only if you’ve found the one. since finding your version of the ‘one’ is impossible, and will likely lead to at least two divorces that permanently fucksup your kid’s perceptions of family and marriage — don’t ever get married. @ his dad. 
What is their preferred mode of transportation?
his own car. that kind of freedom can’t be beat. 
What causes them to feel dread?
situations that he’s unprepared for, essentially. if some kind of curveball comes at him (and he didn’t know that there would be curveballs involved), he’ll panic. it’s why he needs his more inventive friends around to be at his best.
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
nah. rip the band-aid off. end the suffering quick. besides, it’s not like he’s had the privilege of knowing a lot of sweet lies over the course of his life.
Do they usually live up to their own ideals?
every now and then he gets something done that he’s really proud of, and that’s when he considers himself to have ‘lived up to his ideals’, but it’s usually only for the short term, and the gratification is there and gone in an instant. 
Who do they most regret meeting?
all his friends at uni. 
Who are they the gladdest to have met?
all his friends at uni. now figure that one out. 
Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
most of his stories are kind of posh experiences like country clubs and stuff, but he’s seen a lot of businessmen’s embarassing moments. he’s really good at anecdotal humour. 
Could they be considered lazy?
nah, def not. if he needs to get something done, he’ll get it done, with the maximum delay of a day or so. of course, that’s only when he’s feeling healthy and normal. if he’s reached a threshold of despair or whatever, then he’s way less productive. 
How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?
easy tbh? if something was his fault then he makes sure to try and make up for it before the guilt starts weighing in on him. of course, if these matters are emotional then he takes a longer while to make up for it, so he starts Perishing sooner. 
How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
he … tries to be. it’s fine when someone comes up to him to chatter about their new favourite video game, but not when someone shows up excited about their new boyfriend or girlfriend or significant other. he’ll listen, sure — but he won’t really listen, y’know. 
Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?
he was highkey hoping that college would be the time when he finally experiences the mystery of love. but it’s not really looking that way — he has way too much coursework. 
Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)?
fred’s memory is impeccable. he laughs in the face of your puny lists and phone notes. names and numbers are doable, but if things need to go a particular order, usually he can just brute force the memory in. just parrot it. 
What memory do they revisit the most often?
times with his first stepmom. she was the only one that actually tried to be more than just a wife to his dad, tried to be a mom. took him places he wanted to go, bought him stuff, baked cookies for his bake sales and accompanied him on school trips as a chaperone. she was the closest to a mom that fred will ever get.
How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
he can’t ignore them, really. it’ll always be there at the back of his mind that you’re loud or you’re irresponsible or that you’re arrogant. but that’s not all there is to you. so he’s pretty level headed in that respect. 
How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
not.. at all. he says he accepts constructive criticism but he doesn’t consider a lot of criticism constructive. he’s surprisingly bad at handling criticism. he just thinks he knows better than most people. 
How do they feel about children?
they’re okay. not great. he could do without them. 
How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
so. so. SO. badly. his end goal is to eventually surpass his elder brother in terms of material success without resorting to foul means. and by GOD he will do it. 
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?
[ bo burnham voice ] straight…. white…. man
A) Why are you excited about this character?
he’s a fool. but he’s my fool. also he’s like…. a really old oc lmao i made him in like … 2014? and he was in middle school back then so it really feels like he’s grown with me as i shifted him to a college story. 
B) What inspired you to create them?
i wanted to make a vaguely contradictory kinda character where he’s a total mess and extremely capable at the same time. so he’s very productive, smart, efficient, but also has a short temper, panics in every situation that he’s not ready for, and so forth. 
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
he was the sidekick to kazu, my mc. but by now each one of them stand on their own. 
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
i think he was a ginger in the first draft. he’s got dirty blonde hair now. he’s also a bit more… muscular, shall we say. 
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
maybe? i’d think he was a prick to be honest. i feel like we’d get along only if we were forced to get to know each other. but otherwise we wouldn’t even want to meet. 
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
he’s my idiot son. a combination of pride and frustration and amusement. 
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
he truly needs to fucking RELAX like fred please not everything is a matter of personal pride and performance. 
H) What trait do you admire most?
he’s very sincere. surprisingly moral, wants to do things honestly and with integrity. the way he takes everything so seriously is honestly kind of cute sometimes. 
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
three cheers for unoriginality!
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
ok i still don’t know what this question means but to be safe i’m gonna say no. 
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inurnctdreams · 6 years
falling in love with a dreamie's older sibling - taeyong!au
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:: first post on this new blog!! i'm a lil rusty so pls bear with me, it's been a few 。.:*・゜゚・*
(I also got super carried away but I have more ideas for this au if anyone wants a part 2!)
ok so taeyong was a lil (a lot) scared when they told him he'd be the leader of this new group with infinte members
but he took it in his stride bc hey four's not so bad, they're all around his age and mark's very mature and hardworking
six he can deal with, plus, hey! a friend for mark, even if donghyuk can be a brat
and then the dreamies debuted
he was like "yes i know i said mark was mature and hardworking but you're putting him in charge of six babies. he's still a (my) baby!!"
so ofc, even though he wasn't their official leader, he took them under his wing and looked after these children bc that's just who taeyong is
and yeah maybe they're rowdy and hyperactive but they're good kids and they understand what being an idol expects of them
he wouldn't change them for the world and he loves his crazy (not so) little family
the other older members help out a lot too so he never feels too pressured
he can do this!!
then you came along
your parents had asked you to keep an eye on your younger brother when you moved into seoul for school
you attended their debut showcase with your parents but you only had time for a quick hug and an "i'm proud of u!!" before you had to rush back for work so you didn't really see any of the other members
hey you gotta support yourself in the big city somehow
you ofc streamed all of ncts stuff and supported them in any way you could, which wasn't a lot being a student in the city with your own lil apartment
though you always tried to text your brother often to make sure he was eating and taking care of himself/he was being taken care of
and you managed to sneak in a few visits to the dreamies' practices or between schedules
but you'd never actually been to the dorms
you got to know the other dreamies too as they hung out while you facetimed him or appeared in the vlives you could catch
but! finally, there was a day where miraculously you were both free
so you planned to go for ice cream and ofc some of the other dreamies heard of your plan and begged until your ice cream catch up with your lil bro turned into an ice cream catch up with ur lil bro and two of the other dreamies
so the day finally arrived and you were stood outside the dorms after being waved through by security, not exactly knowing what to expect
there were like 18 teenage-early twenties boys living in those three conjoined apartments with almost no adult supervision
so while you were sorta expecting dirty laundry everywhere, stained walls and sweaty smells, surely someone had to be keeping them in check??
the door swings open to reveal your excited little brother and a relatively clean living room
a couple of guys you recognise from various performances/ads/general idolness are lounging on the sofa
you can hear music coming from somewhere further in the apartment
and something that smells absolutely divine is coming from the kitchen
"(Y/N)!!" your brother pounces on you and drags you inside, introducing you to all the members in the room and shouting for his fellow dreamies to hurry up getting ready
they're all lovely and you're glad they all seem as nice as your brother described them, glad that he's got friends and support here when you can't give it to him
the three boys all put their shoes on by the door and you're exchanging polite goodbyes with the other boys when a head pops round the doorway on the other side of the room
and oH
you definitely recognise this one
lee taeyong, general leader of nct and the guy you'd sorta maybe taken a small (huge) liking to from the moment you clicked play on the 7th sense MV
he's even cuter in person
"you guys off?"
"yeah taeyong-hyung! (Y/N)'s taking us out for ice cream!"
"Hey, I'm your elder, brat! How come you use honorifics with him and not me huh?"
and ofc you're joking but the look on all the guys' faces as you reprimanded and simultaneously embarrassed your little brother was golden
then you started laughing as you were practically dragged out of the apartment
but not without a lingering look from one lee taeyong
you start hanging around the dorms more often after that
you're on break from studies and now you've broken the ice with the rest of your brother's group members, it's quite a nice escape from the world
if you count them whining about teasing and pranks a nice escape anyway
and it has nothing to do with taeyong no sir
speaking of ty track
you were not what he was expecting
when the dreamies would go on about you they described you as such a nag
always making sure they were eating/sleeping/resting/working hard
"honestly more of a mom than you, hyung!"
and what was wrong with that?
you were concerned about your lil bro all alone in the idol world, in his eyes it just made you a good older sibling
but he wasn't expecting you to be so... carefree yet caring along with it
like how you tricked them all the day you met about scolding your brother
or how you'd help the dreamies (and johnny and taeil) prank each other then act like you had no clue what was going on once caught
or how you'd try dancing to nct's choreo when you visited the practise room and fail adorably yet pridefully every time
or how you'd help the kids with their homework when the other members were busy, even though he could see the pile of your own in your bag when you opened it to get your pencil case out
or how you offered to help him cook/clean despite not living there
or how you'd sneak in with the spare key they'd given you when you knew they were out all day and would come home exhausted, only to find the laundry done and folded, dinner portioned in the fridge and you snoring sweetly on the sofa at 3am
or how you'd basically become a part of that crazy (still not so) little family
or how he'd pretty much seemed to have fallen in love with you without even realising it
it hit him suddenly though
one night, you'd texted him to say you wouldn't be able to make it to dinner at the dorm tonight because you'd been called into work
and he was disappointed, sure, but work was work and he admired your ability to support yourself in the city
he looked around at everyone at dinner and realised how much he missed your laugh, and your witty comments, and your habit of scolding your brother for talking with his mouth open
and wow... how did this person become so important to him so quickly??
so dinner had been cleaned up and everyone was chilling/in bed when he gets a text
"hey tae i know its really late and i know you told me not to but i missed the last bus so i started walking home from work and i think someone's following me. i know it's probably nothing but we should've listened to yuta when he said not to watch that horror move last night and i'm scared"
and this feeling just swells up inside him
this need, to protect you, to find you and never let you out of his sight again
and before he knows it he's shoving on a hoodie and sneakers and shutting the apartment door softly behind him, texting simply a "where are you?" in reply
never mind it's like one in the morning, and he's kinda angry because he told you he didn't like you walking home alone late at night, but that's just fuelling him more
you tell him you're a few streets away from your apartment and the boy just does a complete 180 and starts running in the other direction
he comes to a stop at the beginning of her street, panting a little
and then he sees you
tired? i don't know her??
you're standing under a street lamp and you're shivering and before he knows what he's doing he's tugging you into his chest and holding on for dear life
you scream but then you recognise the cologne and the set of arms wrapped around you and you relax, hugging him back and burying your face in his chest
and all that built up tension and terror from being alone in the cold and dark leaves you
bc taeyong's here, he came to your rescue
"i'm sorry" you keep mumbling, and eventually he pulls back to look you in the eye
"stop it. yeah i'm a little mad you put yourself in danger, but right now i don't care. i'm just glad you're okay"
and you nod, looking down at your feet
and then you start giggling
and he's like wtf
now he's genuinely concerned something's wrong with you
"your shoes don't match"
and he looks down at his feet to see that, in his haste to get to you, he'd put on very mismatching sneakers
and yeah, that is kinda funny
so you're both standing under this street lamp at half one in the morning, after he'd run from the dorms to make sure you were safe, laughing over the fact that he had on one bright orange sneaker and one black and green
and you both look up at each other at the same time
and he stares into your eyes (which happens quite often now he thinks of it... you two always seem to be subconsciously seeking each other out)
and he just knows it: he's in love with you
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hipchub · 7 years
hi pls write a drabble abt harry and louis are in highschool and theyre boyfriends and beau is harry's lil sister and louis is so intimated by her glares that's why louis doesn't often go to harry's home and cue in beau liking louis after they did a food fight in anne's kitchen (this is based on bunboyfriend's (?) post and I want u to write it bc ur the love of my life)
this is so adorable and i probably can’t do it justice but i tried
based off of this post
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“your tie looks like shit.” louis startled and turned around, groaning loudly in annoyance when he found his sister, lottie, slouched against his door frame, eyeing him. 
���i’m aware of that, thanks,” he snapped in agitation, twisting around to once again face his full-body mirror and fumble with the stiff fabric hugging his black-collared neck. he heard a shuffle behind him and watched mutely through the glass as lottie sauntered into the room and threw herself onto his unmade bed. 
“i don’t get why you’re so nervous. haven’t you two been dating for like… ever?” she asked, tilting her head, cocking an eyebrow, and resting her cheek on her fist. 
“we haven’t been dating ‘for like ever’,” louis said, huffing and pushing the tail of the tie over the poorly-made knot. “we’ve only been dating for two months and twenty-four days,” he paused while lottie groaned, “and i happen to be meeting his family—his whole family—tonight over dinner.” 
“so what? you’ve known him and his family for months, louis. it’s not like it’s that big of a deal.” she laid back on the mattress and strewn clothing, and stared up at the grease and ryan gosling posters shamelessly pinned to the ceiling. 
“occasionally saying ‘hi’ to his mum after spending most the night in his room is not the same as meeting his family,” louis said irritably. after failing for the tenth time to properly tie his tie, he groaned and yanked it from his neck. “if all you’re gonna do is judge me, then get out of my room,” he said angrily, glaring at her while he fixed the leafs of his collar. 
lottie stared blankly at him before pushing herself from the bed and walking out of the room. after his door shut, louis, through the wood, could hear her yell, “mum, louis kicked me out of his room because he’s too whipped for his stupid boyfriend to talk to me!”
an hour later, louis was stood in front of the styles’ door with a bouquet of red roses and an expensive bottle of chardonnay. he nervously threaded his fingers through his quaffed hair again despite his mother’s previous protests (“it looks lovely,” jay said after louis’ countless attempts to fix his hair, smiling fondly and gently straightening up louis’ collar. “you look lovely, boobear”). the cold breeze and onpouring snow made the eighteen-year-old shiver, and his nerves nearly convinced him to leave with the excuse of a cold he’d caught due of the awful, wintery weather. 
before he could second-guess himself again, the door was swinging open, warm air was pouring out and engulfing his frigid frame, and harry’s mum, a beautiful woman wearing a very festive apron, was standing in the doorway with a wide, welcoming smile etched on her face. “louis! come in, come in,” she said, opening the door wider and allowing him to step in. 
“hi, miss twist,” louis greeted sheepishly, shuffling inside and standing semi-awkwardly with his gifts in hand. 
“please, call me anne.” she smiled and kindly took his jacket, hanging it on the familiar coat stand beside the door. 
“um, this,” he stuck out the bottle of wine, “is for you…” 
anne graciously took the bottle and read the label. “thank you so much, louis.” before she could question him about the commute over in the subdue snow blizzard, however, harry began making his way down the stairs, calling out a rhetorical, “is he here?” a short moment later, harry’s fuzzysock-clad feet met the last step and his gaze met his finely-dressed boyfriend’s. 
stunning would be an understatement, louis thought when his eyes landed on harry, his gorgeous, utterly gorgeous boyfriend. “h,” he whispered in an almost inaudible greeting, breath quite literally stolen from him by the genuine reincarnation of aphrodite standing a few feet before him. “these, uh—these are for you,” louis said in a stammer, thrusting the bouquet forward and nervously tugging his bottom lip between his teeth. 
harry’s eyes widened and lit up, and, louis swears, not even the stars could compare. his shy smile was beautiful (as always), lips red-bitten and hands cautious as he took the bouquet and brought it to his nose, smelling the roses like some duchess in one of the many rom-coms harry’s had him watch. christ, louis was gone for him. 
“thank you,” harry said in awe, making no move to say anything else.
anne, seeing as the two could and would easily just continue to stare at each other for the rest of the night, cut in, throwing a smirk to harry’s older sister, gemma, at the dining table. “how about i put these in water for you, and you two can take a seat at the dinner table?” with gentle hands, she removed the flowers from harry’s grip and left towards the kitchen without receiving a reply. 
after a moment, louis shuffled forward and grabbed harry’s hand, taking a second to admire the nude nail polish, and smiled down at the boy. “you look lovely,” he whispered softly, eyeing the light purple knit sweater and black jeans. “made of lightening.” 
a pink dusting painted harry’s cheeks and he pushed at louis’ chest, hiding his blush behind his fist and his movement towards the table. “shut up,” he said, glancing back at the older boy and sitting opposite of his elder sister.
sitting down at the table across from harry’s younger sister, beau, the nerves flooded louis’ mind and body again, accompanied by a bouncing leg, clammy palms, and butterflies in his tummy. he would hate to ever admit that an innocent, little girl was the main cause for his anxiousness, but she was. 
the little curly-haired brunette was why harry and louis’ hangouts were usually at louis’ rather than harry’s, and, if they went to harry’s, the reason why it was usually later at night rather than in the evening when beau was awake. harry tried to get louis to admit to his fears after louis hastily shot down the idea of babysitting beau with harry one night, but louis flat-out refused. it wasn’t his fault beau’s glares and crossed arms intimidated him. harry tried to tell him it was beau’s way of protecting her big brother, and that she was actually a real sweetheart, but louis couldn’t stand the thought of harry’s family members hating him, hence the nerves. 
currently, as predicted, beau was making a foul face at louis, making him frown and shift his gaze to the generously-sized breadbasket before him. when harry’s hand landed on his denim-clad thigh, louis decided to make an effort to not let beau’s looks bother him, and just accept that she was only trying to protect her best friend (well, ‘best friend’ according to harry. apparently she was quite fond of a girl called naomi, but that’s none of louis’ business). 
when anne came back to the table moments later, she was accompanied by a large array of food as well as gemma, who’d preciously excused herself from an interesting conversation about her university in order to help her mum. harry and louis helped, too, laying the plates out onto the table while anne opened the bottle of chardonnay for her and gemma to enjoy. 
dishing out the food lasted about five minutes because of how much there was. louis’ plate resembled a rochester garbage plate; cornbread, chicken, bread, mashed potatoes, and macaroni lay on top of one another in a heap of butter, calories, and heaven. harry’s plate, as well as the rest of the family’s, mimicked his, and louis was honestly salivating; he couldn’t wait to dig in and experience the kind of stuffed that only usually happened on christmas day.
an hour and a half later, plates cleared off, room full of uplifted chatter between louis and harry’s family, and harry’s hand openly wrapped in louis’, louis’ nerves were gone. after the obvious shift in his mood whenever meeting beau’s scornful and pouty gaze (either that or the fact louis let her have the last bread roll), beau eased up a bit on her silent punishment for him. 
“well, i say we take this to the living room and have dessert?” anne suggested, starting to stand up and clear off the absolute clutter of dishes. 
being the oldest in a primarily female household and having been used to helping his mum out, louis was quick to his feet. “no, no, miss twist,” louis said, not missing the small protest of, “it’s anne,” from her. “let us take care of it.” 
upon their own request, harry and louis stacked and brought all the utensils, plates, and bowls into the kitchen (careful not to drop anything) and set up a system of washing (harry) and drying (louis) while gemma, anne, and beau situated themselves in the living room and looked for a family-friendly movie to watch. 
“so, that wasn’t too bad, hm?” harry asked with a cheeky smirk dancing on his lips after a few minutes of quietness.
“no, it wasn’t…” louis said, trailing off as he ran a towel over the inside of what was the mashed potatoes bowl. “it wasn’t bad at all. you were right, as usual.” 
“’as usual’,” harry repeated. 
“as usual,” louis said, looking at harry and smiling. “as usual you were right. as usual you look absolutely handsome. as usual i want to kiss you.” 
harry giggled and rolled his eyes, shutting off the water and placing the last plate in the dishrack. “what would i ever do without you, romeo?” harry said teasingly. 
“well, for one, you’d have to dry all these dishes by yourself,” louis said. harry laughed loudly and quickly kissed louis’ cheek (when louis tapped his lips, harry responded, “not in front of the children,” despite them being alone) before heading towards the living room. “get the dessert, please and thank you!” 
louis laughed and watched warmheartedly as harry walked from the room to join his family. he finished drying the dishes in a few minutes’ time, stacking them all beside the sink rack because the cabinets were foreign and he didn’t want to intrude, and neatly folding the towels back. he was carrying the dessert, a plate of skillfully blue frosted cupcakes, into the living room when beau barged into the kitchen and bumped into louis, causing him to drop almost half of the cupcakes (mainly onto her). 
louis stood, jaw dropped open in shock. “oh, my god,” he whispered, staring at beau’s frosting-covered cheeks and silk pajamas, and seeing his life flash before his eyes. “i am—i am so, so sorry, beau,” louis tried to apologize, turning to grab the roll of paper towel of its dispenser. except, louis hadn’t even been able reach the paper towel before he felt something small, dense, and wet impact his back. 
having a sneaking suspicion, louis reached behind him and dipped his fingers into the blue sugary substance that now tainted the back of his shirt. he knew who the culprit was, which was why he quickly darted to the opposite end of the kitchen, plate of remaining cupcakes in hand, and crouched behind the marble island. “this means war,” he called out, gathering some frosting onto his fingertips and painting two lines under each of his eyes.
when he got no reply, louis tried to briefly loom over the countertop to get a verdict, but a green-frosted cupcake—where the hell did she get those? —came whizzing past his face, grazing him only slightly, and hit the faucet behind him. louis ducked, un-necessarily rolling across the tile before reloading his ammo and grabbing another cupcake. he poked his head out from the side of the island and blindly threw a cupcake, hoping it’d hit his desired target. if the unexpected laugh and the childish taunt of, “you suck!” was anything to go by, he horribly missed. 
louis probably shouldn’t have started a cupcake war in the kitchen of his boyfriend’s house with said boyfriend’s little sister, but he figured he’d deal with the consequences later. he grabbed three more cupcakes and shouted, “fire away!” before throwing them all consecutively, rolling from his hideaway behind the cabinets and leaving himself out in the trenches. 
beau smiled faintly and ducked all the oncoming cupcakes, pelting her own back at the teenager. louis grunted and dodged two, but was stuck with the third and fourth, frosting drenching his face. the war continued for several minutes before louis was absolutely coated in cake, a mix of blue and green frosting, and christmas-themed sprinkles. 
“it’s a bloodbath,” he said, mock-crying as he fell backwards against the now-dirtied cabinets. “beau, if i don’t-” he coughed and spluttered, making beau giggle loudly in amusement, “-make it out alive… tell harry i, i-” 
“hey lou—what the…?” harry stood in the doorway staring at the dessert-covered scene in front of him, mouth agape and eyes open wide. 
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Okay, I am totally digging your idea of the shimada dragons being eldritch horrors. How do they work besides being total agents of destruction? Can they converse with their hosts? Do they feel affection for them? Pls tell me ur headcanons. And hanzo having two dragons, oh boy. Is this still sticking with canon or is it veering off to au territory where the clan uses hanzo as a weapon? If we stick w/ the original timeline, obvs hanzo is still alive and kicking. But hes already nearing forty...
So, I tried to explain some of thisin a fic about Genji getting his dragon, but it’s not done because it’s beingsuper uncooperative. Imagine that, Genji being uncooperative. Anyway.
The whole exercise was essentiallyme and my friend trying to figure out how the fuck blizzard gets off havingliteral magic dragons in their (admittedly al-dente) sci-fi universe, and yeah,I’m trying to make it not directly conflict with canon or the current timeline.Luckily canon is pretty vague about a lot, so I have a big sandbox to play in.If it becomes explicit lore that they’re literally magic, I invite Chu orKaplan to fight me behind the nearest Denny’s. I’m pretty sure I can take them, what I lack in height I make up for in sheer rage.
So, I looked at the dragons, andbeing a terrible person who loves sad things, my first thought was “Those definitelygive you cancer. That’s some high energy bullshit. These Shimada guys are turbofucked.” Next question, what the fuck do weird glowing cancer snakes care abouta random subset of the Japanese population? Well there’s something, probablygenetic because it’s only just them, about them that’s of interest, there hasto be. 
Enter, two of my favorite things,multiverse and aliens! This shows up a little bit in the Hellboy comics, Tanis, and The City at the End of Time(which should have been so much better than it was). Also, uh, cough, a fandomthat I spent waaay to much time in despite the many, many problems. Anyway, ifthe dragons aren’t from this universe and need some kind of conduit to comehere for Dragon Reasons, then the Shimada clan could be that conduit. Eitherit’s something about their genetics or something about the place they’re allliving, but something about these people made them more attuned to whateverwavelength the dragons are on. So I think the Shimadas themselves representthin spots between their universe and ours, with the Well being the crossoverpoint where it’s easier for the dragon and the host to entangle, and the entanglementlasts until the host dies. (Sidebar: That all grew out of the antenna model forontological dualism) (Sidebar: I think they’re only dragons because the ancientShimadas expected dragons so that’s what they got. They could be anything, and theyinhabit more than just 3-space. This is kind of the vibe I’m thinking of. If they’d shown up in medieval europe, they’d probably look like angels or saints.) It seemed weird to me that they’re just hereto kill. They could be eating people, or some facet of people (heat, electricalimpulses in the nervous system, etc.) but that seems super inefficient. There’senergy everywhere here, once the meat people let you in, why would you let thembe your gatekeepers? But that got me thinking, what if they’re here to getsomething and the Shimadas are acting as an antenna or foothold for them? Is theirkilling for the Shimadas more of a side effect? If they do need the Shimadas tobe alive, then it makes sense they would protect them.
Circling back to multiverse for amoment, what if their universe is dying, undergoing its heat death?  They seem to be beings made of energy, atleast partially, (pulling from CatEoT, there were beings there whose minds transcendedmaterial form and were fucked whenthe heat death began.) Point of interest, there are supervoids in our universethat just seems weird. Fun fact, Earthis in the largest supervoid known to science, the KBC Void. What if the dragonsare actually here to strip mine energy and entropy and take it back to theiruniverse to keep it alive longer? A heat death is just the end of alldifference in energy levels, so if they’re stealing more energy from here tomaintain differentials to keep going, that would be a reason for them to behere that isn’t a weird crush on the Shimada clan.
Okay, but, uh, they’re killing thehosts. They give them cell-degrading radiation exposure when they manifest, becausethe Shimada doing the summoning is at ground zero for a second, roasting alive.Well, I don’t think the dragons actually grok that point! They’re beings madeof energy, and I think they mostly view the Shimadas as a web of heat and electricalimpulse and chemical activity, but I think very few of them understand them asconscious creatures because the way they think is so divergent. It’s like wonderingif your car has feelings. It’s real damn complicated, but is it thatcomplicated? Maybe, but probably not. So, like when your car squeals and you dosomething to fix it, that’s kind of like what the dragons are doing when themantra is repeated. But in using your car, you are damaging it through wear andtear, and that’s what the dragons are doing through repeated summoning. TheShimadas understand this as a kind of tit-for-tat, obviously the spirits wouldwant something so their lives must be it. And if this all started in prehistory youcan’t really blame them, when the conceptual framework for talking about the multiverse scientifically is so recent.
I don’t think they communicatelike humans do, through body language, touch, and vibrating the air withspecialized organs. I think they communicate feeling and intent more directly, probablywith energetic impulses. So, the mantras that the Shimadas recite (which varyfrom person to person) act as a sort of trigger or alert. Thinking about specific thingsexcites parts of the brain in a specific way, and there is some low levelelectric current involved. If the dragons learn to recognize that, kind of inthe way we recognize our phones have low battery because the meter changes,then they manifest and attack to protect their host. If the host dies theylose their foothold in this universe, so they do what they can to keep them alive.I don’t think the Shimadas grok that this is a side effect, I think theygenuinely believe them to be spirits. (My understanding is that a thought likethat wouldn’t be out of line with Shinto. A very devout Christian would believein angelic interference, for instance.) I do think the dragons recognize otherhosts, and try not to attack them generally if they’re in the line of fire, andthat the dragons, after a while, learn to pick out what their host thinks of asfoes. So, Genji’s dragon wouldn’t attack a friend (let’s say McCree is standingbeside him, providing covering fire) because it’s learned that the kind ofattention Genji is paying McCree is good attention, but will attack the guyjust as close trying to stab Genji, because that’s bad attention. It does takea while for that to set in, and some dragons are less discerning than others.
They can, however, learn to ‘talk’.They mostly just don’t bother. It’s a pain exciting the aural nerves in theright way, learning what the right way is, and they usually misinterpretfeelings when shared directly and dump a bunch of cortisol and freak out. Imaginetrying to learn to talk to your cat. (Spoilers for a fic I may never finish, Ithink Genji’s does talk to him. I think Genji has a very close relationshipwith his dragon, and that is basically unheard of. He’s a natural adorcist andlearned more from his dragon that the clan had in hundreds of years. Genji’sdragon is enamored with him, and Genji with her. It’s part of why he’s stillalive, she shielded him from a lot of the damage Hanzo’s dragons would havedone and shunted a lot energy away from his vitals because she learned from himwhat to protect. Genji would probably have just been burnt to a crisp if she’donly been on the offensive. She also helps soothe some of the phantom pain bypulling strings in his nervous system.)
(Okay, this section is pretty dark.)
Hanzo’s dragons think there’ssomething wrong with him. He keeps hunting down other hosts, making it harderto do their work, and keeps getting damaged. I don’t think Hanzo thinks hedeserves to do the honorable thing and kill himself directly, but I do thinkonce or twice he’s thrown down his weapons to let someone kill him, right afterGenji. His dragons won’t let it happen, they come on their own and attackeverything around him. They do not trust his judgement, and they’re harder forhim to summon and sometimes come when he doesn’t want. They don’t understandthe family politics that when into attacking Genji and then attacking the others,they think he’s just a malfunctioning machine they have to put up with.
(Uh, that’s over)
So, with two dragons, I do think theclan wanted him to be their weapon. I think, in the lull after the Crisis,there had been a kind of status quo with the various yakuza clans and Sojirowas content to maintain it. Others, now that they had a WMD in their pockets, wantedto expand territory and influence. Sojiro was like “HARD FUCKING PASS” and as long as he wasalive, he prevented Hanzo from going on more assassinations than necessary, and kepthim to more administrative things, even if that meant doing more work withdragons himself and dying faster. (Sidebar, I think the assassination thing iskind of a secret. Only people in the know would ask, and they don’t take money,they take favors. Money can be tracked. Favors can’t. Only the family is involved at any stage of planning orexecution. The client families and client organizations and random mooks haveno idea, because the rest of the clan’s business is grey market brokering or smuggling.) That’s also part of the reason the elders were so adamant Genji getin line, because if Hanzo died young they needed him to take charge. Sojirokind of let Genji be a useless fuckboy because it would keep Hanzo safer if hewas the only viable heir. It broke his heart to do it, because it ruined hisrelationship with Hanzo and the brothers’ relationship with each other, but hewasn’t going to bury Hanzo. Hanzo never puts it together, he thinks his dadjust liked Genji better and he wasn’t a good enough leader to bring him in line. Genji didn’t fuckingcare, because he was a spoiled brat, but kind of kens the truth in Nepal afterhaving to sit down and actually sort through his life and his choices.
So, because Hanzo has fuckeddirectly off, he’s done less damage to himself with the dragons than he wouldhave otherwise, but he’s still getting sick. (For a long time, it was a realworry of Genji’s that Hanzo would die before he could kill him. And then, whenGenji forgave him, that’d it’d be too late.) Nobody in the clan actually doesanything to fucking TREAT the cancer, because they think it’s part of somemagic bargain. The dragons do not fucking care if you get chemo, Genji knows asmuch. So, Hanzo’s bought himself some time by running away (and killing otherShimadas by being sneaky rather than dragon fights when he can, since hisdragons are flaky, per the dark paragraph.) If Genji can bring Hanzo to Dr.Ziegler, she can absolutely get it under control. (He’s probably got someconcerning nodules, but not full blown malignant tumors in all of his him.) Hermethodologies could absolutely target and destroy cancerous cells and repair thedamage, if Hanzo will accept the treatment. So he’s not doomed, if he doesn’twant to be. (He’s trying to race liver failure and cancer on his own though, soGenji needs to get the lead out if he’s gonna put out this tire fire.)
I think I answered most of yourquestions? I love talking about this, so if you weren’t clear I’m happy toelaborate! Please forgive any spelling/grammar fuck ups, I wrote this all downkind of stream of consciousness.
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fableweaver · 5 years
Arc of the Lonely Astronomer
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Arc of the Lonely Astronomer
Zaire was scrying over Myr. The city hadn’t seemed to change much over the time she had been gone. Winter had come, but the only sign in the mage city was a dusting of snow. She unfortunately could not look into many buildings; her power was not great enough to break through the sigils and wards of other mages’. She didn’t have the power to look anywhere else either; she could only look somewhere she was familiar with so she looked home. She had gathered however that Varas Lonelove had returned from Cair Leone, as well as the princess Ileana and her son Anton. The arrival of these mages had upset power in Myr a lot.
Zaire could only watch from outside, but she could tell by the brief glimpses of Ilya that he was not pleased by the return of these mages. One time Zaire saw Ilya and Varas arguing, but could not hear anything. The argument ended quickly and they parted, leaving Zaire wondering what could have happened. She wasn’t sure what Varas would make of Ilya’s partnership with the Legion or his experiments for immortality. Varas wouldn’t have argued over the humane aspects, Zaire knew enough about him from Xavier, but he could have issue with how Ilya was going about it.
It was now nearing the end of the year, Zaire gazing into her mirror and seeing no sign of any change in the political tension in Myr. Servants began decorating for Cael’s Day and the sight of those decorations made her think of Xavier. It was a festival for families, and after the death of her father Zaire had spent it alone with little more than a fine dinner and an extra glass of wine. Bitterly her mind went to what she and Xavier could have been doing for the festival had he lived. She put the mirror down, tearing her eyes away from her old home and an older pain.
She was surprised to see one of the dwarves sitting across from her in the King’s library. It was Darin, the one Lady Iounn had knocked out with her hammer. Zaire had been able to sense his power in the Elder Magic, a presence of power about him that reminded her of nature more than the High Magic. He was a handsome man, deep blue eyes that seemed to see more than what was before him.
“What did you see?” Darin asked in the trade tongue. “Hors told me about your…” He indicated the mirror, seeming to struggle with the word for a moment.
“Mirror,” Zaire supplied and Darin nodded. “I only have the power to look back at Myr, the capital of Dridia, my old home.”
“You are homesick?” Darin asked and Zaire looked away.
“No, I am sick for what could have been,” she answered wrapping her arms around herself. She looked at him and saw the same sort of solemn look, sympathy in a minor understanding of her pain.
“Can you see anything you want in your mirror?” Darin asked.
“No, I only have the power to look to a place I have been before,” Zaire answered. “A stronger mage could direct the mirror to look anywhere, but I don’t have the power to command such a powerful sigil.”
He looked disappointed but pressed on.
“Then have you seen a woman in Myr?” Darin asked. “She is half Daunish, half Aldan. Her hair is dusty gray, her skin brown like the Daunish, and her eyes… the dark blue color…”
“Indigo?” Zaire asked and Darin nodded. He rarely fought for words; it was interesting how well he actually spoke the trade tongue. “No I haven’t seen anyone like that. An Aldan outside of Alda these days is easily spotted. Who is she?”
“The witch Pepper who wields Melanthios,” Darin answered. “She is… was my lover.”
“Why was?” Zaire asked.
“Fate brought us apart,” Darin answered. “She left me to seek the song.”
“It isn’t forever,” Zaire said bitterly. “My lover is dead.”
“I’m sorry,” Darin said sounding genuine. “I did not know.”
Zaire only looked away, wrapping her arms around herself once more. Darin seemed to sense her pain, so cleared his throat and looked to the papers of calculations strewed about on the table.
“So how goes the stars?” Darin asked and Zaire appreciated the change in topic.
“Slow,” Zaire answered. “If I knew maybe more of what I was looking for I could determine what might be significant. Do the Phay have any mythology of the stars?”
“No, and if they do it is not through the dwarves,” Darin answered. “We are after all a… we live under the earth.”
“Subterranean,” Zaire said and Darin nodded, then he seemed to remember something.
“The Daunish have old myths though,” Darin said. “Maybe they have something that could help.”
“We’d have a long way to go to talk to the Daunish,” Zaire said, before remembering that there were now two here at court. It had been two weeks since the dwarves and Daunish had arrived at court and Zaire had paid little attention to how negotiations were going other than it had claimed most of Iounn’s time.
“Ronan could answer some things,” Darin said.
“He is not busy with the negotiations?” Zaire asked.
“Only Conor and Iounn are working with Sten and Roland,” Darin said. “Ronan is free. Come.”
Zaire gathered a few things and followed Darin out of the study and back to their rooms. There they found Donar, Hakk, Bgrim, and Ronan who was strumming a tune on his string instrument. Donar looked relieved to see them, looking bored. Ronan stopped his playing to stand and greet them.
“Greetings milady,” the minstrel said as he stood and bowed to her. “We haven’t been introduced. I be Ronan the wandering minstrel at yer service.”
“Zaire Weaver.”
“Careful of him Lady Zaire,” the dwarf called Bgrim said mildly. “He’s a bit of a flirt.”
“I cannot deny I enjoy the company of women,” Ronan said with a smile.
“We’re here to actually ask you about the mythology of stars,” Zaire said. “I’m having trouble narrowing down what to calculate when it comes to the stars.”
“I ken some myths but not a lot I’m afraid,” Ronan said seeming embarrassed. “There be only twenty n eight constellations accordin ta Daunish myth. Which stars we be talking bout?”
Zaire laid out a star map on the table to show him.
“The Golden Bow is here,” Zaire said. “I think Atarah is the other important constellation, but the Sect’s mythology of this constellation is limited. The constellations according to them are angels, this one is said to be the moon goddess’ daughter. She is called Atarah the crowned angel, but there isn’t much else about her in their texts.”
“Well that constellation be bigger in Daun,” Ronan said, pointing at the map to show how Atarah included several stars from Urs. “It was called the Broken Wheel. It was said that Fors created a wheel ta guide the mortal spirits o the Phay ta Tir Aesclinn but her first wheel broke and so she threw it inta the sky. The half of the wheel can be seen, and the shards scatter along here.”
“Poetic but Fors only made one wheel,” Donar said. “And she made it out of aether not stars. There’s a difference.”
“It be just a story,” Ronan said with a shrug.
“Well I think that shows the Daunish myths won’t shed much light on this,” Donar said.
“We baint ken less we try,” Ronan said looking at Zaire with bright eyes. Zaire felt her face heat with a slight blush and looked away.
“You said your knowledge was incomplete,” Darin said noticing Ronan’s attentions. “Perhaps we should also ask another for some tales of Nyrgard to see if their mythology could shed some light.”
“Who?” Ronan asked but Zaire already had the answer.
“Prince Soren is a bard,” Zaire said. “He was trained in all the tales of Nyrgard, he’ll know them all. He might actually know one about the song.”
“We should go ask him then,” Donar said standing. “Hakk, Bgrim stay here, we don’t want to all be out in the keep.”
Hakk nodded as Donar led the way out of the room, Darin at his side. Zaire followed feeling Ronan following her. He was silent, Zaire sensing his discontent with this plan. They walked to the main hall, but did not find the prince. Zaire remembered the children and wondered then if he was in the gardens with them. She led the way then out to the gardens where they found Modi, Lofn, and Nora playing in the snow under the watchful eye of Colm.
“Have you seen the Prince Soren?” Zaire asked Colm.
“O’er there,” Colm said pointing. Zaire saw under the shelter of a yew tree Soren sat with Ingrid talking. “I be keepin an eye on em don’t worry,” Colm said, his green eyes languid.
“Does the Lady Iounn know of this?” Zaire asked lowly, suspecting Iounn would be angry. Colm shook his head, looking like he had eaten something sour. Zaire patted his arm and walked over to the pair, the two dwarves and minstrel following her. As they approached Zaire heard Soren was reciting a poem, a battle epic, and his hand rested just a hair’s breadth from Ingrid’s. Ingrid saw them and looked both relieved and disappointed, Soren trailing off. Before Zaire could speak Ronan beat her too it.
“Lady Ingrid,” Ronan said stepping forward and taking Ingrid’s hand. “Are you alright? This man isn’t bothering you is he?”
“This man is a Prince of Nyrgard,” Soren growled as he stood up. “I would never assault a lady especially not one so fair.”
“Seemed to me you were bothering her plenty,” Ronan answered. “She has been through enough without having another man force himself on her.”
“You would slander her?” Soren said hotly.
“Enough!” Donar shouted and both men jumped. The children had stopped playing to watch the exchange, the winter air deadly silent. “Lady Zaire, please accompany the Lady Ingrid back to her mother’s rooms. We’ll continue the discussion of the stars later.”
Zaire nodded and held her hand out to Ingrid. The young woman took her hand and stood, following her back to the keep. Zaire took her back to Ingrid’s rooms and closed the door relieved.
“Thank you but that wasn’t necessary,” Ingrid said sitting in a chair. “I didn’t mind his company.”
“Your mother told me of what you suffered,” Zaire said.
“No doubt it is court gossip already,” Ingrid said lowering her head.
“Shame only rules you when you let it,” Zaire said and Ingrid looked up at her. Zaire knew she read in her the same pain she had endured.
“How did it happen?” Ingrid asked. Ingrid’s eyes were sad and hollow; Zaire didn’t need to ask what she meant.
“I was eight,” Zaire answered and Ingrid’s eyes grew wider. “A sigil was cast within me so I could not bear children, in order to cast the sigil the mage had to reach inside of me.”
“That sounds awful,” Ingrid said softly.
“It was,” Zaire said. She rarely thought of that day, but she could still remember the look in her father’s eyes as she had been returned to him weeping and bleeding. He had consented to it; it had been the only thing to save her life. “I think the worst of it was the mage that did the casting didn’t care. To him I was little more than a dog he had on his table. He had no compassion and so he was not gentle. Even a touch of kindness might have made it bearable.”
Ingrid’s eyes were haunted, no doubt thinking over her own trauma.
“I think you’re right,” she said in a small voice. “One, he gave me a blanket out of pity. Even though he had been hard and mean, that blanket made me weep.”
Zaire only nodded and a silence stretched between them.
“How… I mean my mother told me about your lover,” Ingrid said. “How did you get over the pain?”
“The sigil placed within me had an outer sigil that caused me pain anytime I even thought of a man in such a way,” Zaire said. “Or a woman for that matter, any arousal was met with pain. I had grown so used to it I had hardly been aware of it. I probably hadn’t touched another person in years, not even the brush of a finger from a stranger. To me human contact meant pain.
“Xavier removed that sigil, though not the one that prevents me from having a child since it was beyond his skill. He had to force me; he removed the sigil without my consent. The pain of that and the fear hurt me deeply. I almost didn’t forgive him for that, until he showed me his own pain. When he touched me, kissed me for that first time… I felt what could be like to be loved by another.
“So if you are wondering if you could find love I don’t know Ingrid. It depends on the person, and it depends on you.”
“I see,” Ingrid said tears falling. “If this hadn’t happened… Soren is what I had always wanted but now…”
Zaire could not answer in words; instead she went to her and held her as she wept. It was all she could do and Zaire felt powerless; she wondered how Iounn could have lived with such a pain considering this was her daughter. When Ingrid was done crying Zaire left her to rest, going to seek out the prince. She found him alone pacing before one of the fireplaces in the great hall.
“Prince Soren,” Zaire said mildly and Soren stopped his pacing. He looked at her with concern, not for Zaire but for Ingrid she knew by the way he looked at her expectantly.
“Is the Lady Ingrid alright?” Soren asked. “I hadn’t meant to argue in front of her…”
“Do you know what she has endured?” Zaire asked him and Soren stopped.
“I… There are rumors but they are all lies,” Soren said. “She isn’t… She wouldn’t have…”
“Others call women whores even if the woman was raped,” Zaire said. “It is the way the world goes. Her reputation is destroyed, though I doubt her mother cares about that, she only hurts to know her daughter suffered such an experience and still suffers from it. The fact is Ingrid survived rape, I have as well, and can tell you the pain is something that stays with you for years.”
Soren was silent, his face gray and eyes wide, yet he met her gaze which most men would have looked away from.
“I don’t care what happened to her,” Soren said at last weakly.
“You should, you need to take care and be careful around her,” Zaire said. “Patience will win her over to you, time will be the only cure as her pain is still fresh. I can tell you one thing, had she not suffered as she had she would love you without hesitation. As it is she feels soiled and afraid. Her shame and fear will keep her from you for some time.”
“What can I do to ease her pain?” Soren asked.
“I don’t know,” Zaire answered. “Each person is different.”
“What about tales then?” Soren asked. “Ingrid said she wanted to be a bard.”
Zaire thought that over and nodded.
“She is like her mother, full of pride,” Zaire said. “Let her gain her pride back in her ability of a bard and I think she will recover. But I warn you, do not touch her. Let her come to you, it may be years until she warms to it.”
“I can wait,” Soren said and Zaire glared at him. He met her gaze and Zaire at last looked away hoping he would keep to his word.
“When the negotiations are over I believe you should go to Lady Iounn and discuss her daughter’s future with her,” Zaire said and Soren winced.
“She will not be thrilled,” Soren said. “But I will.”
“And no more fighting,” Zaire said. “Ronan will be warned off again, keep away from him.”
“Yes Lady Zaire,” Soren said bowing to her. “You are surprisingly commanding right now Zaire.”
Zaire had no answer to that so she bowed and took her leave. She wondered though at what Soren had said, she had become braver. But this wasn’t new, she still remembered saving Xavier from the Legion and Ilya. She had been brave then too, and Zaire realized Xavier had been the one to change her. Before she had been too afraid to even touch another person or speak against those who oppressed her, and now she was defending others. Xavier had saved her in more ways than one.
The negotiations continued Iounn complaining often of the stubbornness of men. Though they were still arguing over the price of their aid, Sten had summoned nearby lords and they too arrived to add to the confusion. Details were being sorted out, horses and ships arranged, and a wagon trail for supplies organized. Zaire had no idea so much went into organizing an army, it seemed like going to war was more about logistics than battle. She was glad to be excluded from the discussions, focusing on her own calculations.
One day however Iounn called a council of her own of the dwarves, Hors, Ronan, and Zaire. They gathered in the dwarves’ room Iounn looking around pensively.
“I believe it is time we decide which paths we follow,” Iounn said. “Sten has agreed to send and army to Daun, we are now just arguing over numbers and price. So where will each of us go? To Daun to war or to Alda in search of the song?”
“We are going to Alda,” Donar said. “I know Daun is in danger, and that they need guidance in battle against the Orcs, but Runi charged us with the search of the song. I know there are others seeking it, but we do not know if they will find it. Ronan will be our guide. We go to Alda.”
“Hors, you said you had a plan of some sort,” Iounn said turning to the dragon child.
“Of a sort yes,” Hors answered. “And I already know where your heart lies Iounn, you want to go to Daun. Sten and Roland are riding to war with the army, it is in their natures. You know you will be needed as ambassador for them in Daun if the two are to hold together in battle. I will be needed as ambassador to the Dwarves, someone is needed who can speak the Phay language. I am going with you to Daun.”
“But Hors, what about Melanthios?” Darin asked. “Pepper is probably in Alda with the dragon blade.”
“You can carry a message from me to him,” Hors said. “While I would very much like to meet with Melanthios, we have our own paths. Once he learns I am alive and reborn he will agree to this.”
“Would you two not be more powerful together?” Donar asked and Hors sighed heavily and then answered in the Phay language. Donar went white and covered his eyes.
“What is it?” Iounn asked worried.
“Nothing Iounn,” Hors said. “I would not let it happen so there is no need for you to know.”
“Secrets,” Iounn growled. “I am not a child Hors.”
“To me you are,” Hors answered. “But I am not telling you to protect you from a hard truth Iounn, I am keeping this secret out of shame.”
Iounn looked at the dragon child puzzled, but then nodded.
“Very well, if you see it as best.”
“So it is decided each of our paths,” Hors said.
“Wait,” Zaire gasped. “What of me?”
“You will be safest here,” Iounn said as if soothing a child. “You can continue your work and send letters of your discoveries. We have plenty of time until the second resonance.”
The thought of safety was appealing; the idea of going to war with Iounn terrified her. But she looked at Darin and saw his anticipation to leave and seek out his lover. She thought of Xavier then and how he had told her once to flee to Alda. They were his people, though he had never lived there, they were his blood. She felt the desire take root, to get just a little closer to him through the Aldan.
“I want to go to Alda with Donar,” Zaire said, forging on before anyone could object. “I can keep up I swear. And we will be traveling through southern Dridia my native country. I can do my calculations anywhere, and the libraries in Alda are said to be nearly as extensive as the Tower of Balal. I will be of more use there than here. Ingrid and Lofn can continue to research here in case there is anything here.”
Iounn was frowning and Hors lashed his tail, both looking ready to object when Donar spoke first.
“Very well, your company is appreciated,” he said smoothly.
“What?” Iounn said. “She is in heartbreak and a mere scholar; she is not fit to go traveling across the kingdoms.”
“She says she can keep up and I believe she can,” Donar said. “And it is my decision who I take with me not yours. A mage in our party would be useful through Dridia as well.”
“She is in my service,” Iounn argued.
“She is not your slave, she has the right to leave when she pleases,” Donar said.
“The laws in Nyrgard are different,” Iounn said hotly.
“Iounn, would you really force her to stay?” Hors said lamely, apparently having a change of heart. “She has a right to her freedom. I know you want to protect her, but Zaire is not your daughter.”
Zaire looked to Iounn shocked and saw tears in her eyes about to spill over. Iounn turned to her as well looking furious. She stalked over and lifted Zaire off her feet in a big hug, pressing her face to her shoulder.
“You come back you hear?” Iounn said hurt and Zaire returned her embrace startled to find tears of her own. She remembered her mother, though she had been nothing like Iounn, she still felt the resemblance in the warm embrace.
“I will,” Zaire said.
“We will protect her Lady Iounn,” Darin said. “You can have faith in that.”
Iounn only nodded seeming overcome.
Days passed once more in the long steady way of winter. Zaire was used to the stable calm weather of Myr, controlled by the mages. There during the winter it hardly ever snowed, if it did it was little more than a dusting. Here the snow continued to fall until the roofs of the city were groaning under the weight of it. It was so cold even in the keep Zaire went about wrapped in a large fur cloak. Zaire now understood the Nyrgarder’s love of fur and leather.
Still she marveled at the beauty of the snow. On some days the clouds were so thick and wind so strong one could hardly see anything outside. But on clear days the sun shone so bright against the snow it was almost blinding. It was so bitterly cold on those bright days her teeth ached. But Zaire would often go up to the highest tower on clear days to look out over Thorrak Bay and the Ionnfell Mountains. The mountains looked like clouds in the sky covered in snow as they were and the bay spread out in a bright blue expanse that rivaled the sky. Zaire looked down at the beauty of the world feeling tears in her eyes, missing Xavier.
She threw herself into her calculations, not just to forget Xavier but because she loved the work. She always had found it calming and had always enjoyed the calculations. It often reminded her of her father, how he would spend long hours at his desk writing out numbers.
Cael’s Day approached and the Court of Legends was abuzz for the coming festival. Zaire knew little about politics, lords, or the court itself, but Iounn seemed to know it well. The lords of course brought their ladies with them and Iounn had taken the role of hostess though she bore no relation to the royal line. If any of the other nobles took offense to a mere Baroness acting like a queen, they wisely did not voice their complaints.
Zaire had hardly celebrated the God Day before, both because mages hardly celebrated the gods and because she had no one to spend it with. Though Xavier was not with her, Zaire was surprised to find she actually had people around her she could call friends. The God’s Day arrived and they spent the morning in the library once more. This time however Darin and Bgrim had joined them since the King’s council was busy with the festival. Soren and Ronan were not there as he was going to have a lot to do for the festival, so Hors was out on the table reading as well.
Lofn and Ingrid weren’t reading today however, but carving. They both had a bit of soap stone and were carving it into animals, Ingrid carving hers into a bear.
“What is that supposed to be Lofn?” Ingrid asked.
“A dragon,” Lofn answered holding up the lump of stone, it hardly looked like a dragon, more like a twisted cat.
“Why are you two carving those?” Darin asked.
“They’re our Cael’s day gifts for our mother,” Ingrid answered. “We give gifts on Cael’s day; usually we make ours since we don’t have any coin.”
“Should we have gotten gifts?” Darin said worried.
“Only family give gifts to each other,” Zaire answered. “Or lovers, it is a familial matter so you won’t be expected to give anything.”
“Good,” Darin said sounding relieved. “Is this a tradition that spans all the kingdoms?”
“Cael’s day is widely celebrated over the kingdoms,” Zaire answered, remembering her own Cael’s Day celebrations with her family. At first those had been wonderful memories, but after her mother died the God’s Day became a day of sadness. Zaire remembered her father drinking most of the day, even her gifts to him didn’t cheer him. Yet he still got her a gift that she wanted, a haunted look in his eyes when he gave them to her.
“What do you think mother got us this year?” Lofn asked Ingrid.
“I don’t know but I can guess where she hid them,” Ingrid said with a grin. “Let’s go!”
Lofn laughed as she followed her sister out of the library, leaving them alone.
“Those two are spoiled sometimes,” Hors said, but he said it with a smile. “Now that they’re gone though I can ask all of you something.”
“What?” Zaire asked curious.
“Bgrim, you were the one to know about the Giant’s road,” Hors said looking to the dwarf. “Do you know anything else about the mountains around here?”
“I don’t know of any more roads,” Bgrim answered. “I only know a few stories about this area. The Ionnfell Mountains are home to the giants, our people rarely lived here. The Greatlings, the Giants, roamed through both mountain ranges though. Our history goes that we once wared with the Giants, up until men started to rise up out of the mud and beasts.”
“Most of the Nyrgardic legends say that they wared with the giants so much that they became bathed in their blood. They say that is why they are so tall,” Zaire said.
“That is probably true,” Hors said. “As I recall many giants were killed in battle against the Nyrgarders, and their blood could have that affect if it was drunken enough. It would have happened over generations though.”
“Is that why they slumber?” Darin asked.
“No, those in the Weir Mountains slumber as well,” Hors said. “The giant’s fell into slumber at the death of their king. The Giants were born from the Phay Aurgelmir, one of the eldest of the Phay. Kur was the first of the Phay to arrive in Miread, but Aurgelmir was the second. The first of the Phay when they had taken their forms were colossal in size, Kur was said to be larger than mountains and maybe even the moon.
“Aurgelmir was just as large and when he arrived in Miread he created a crater so large it filled with sea water, making what is now called the Thorrak Bay. He also made the mountains, both the Ionnfell Mountains and the Weir Mountains, by shaping the earth with his hands. When he was shaping the mountains however he woke one of the fire mountains. The volcano erupted in his hands and Aurgelmir stumbled away wounded.
“As he lay in the mountains dying he dreamed the giants, they were born out of his blood and the ashes of the fire mountain. The giants had many kings after their race came to be. Not all of the Phay are ruled by those that created them, Kur was the creator of the race of dragons but she died centuries ago. I wasn’t even king after her; I had two predecessors before I took the role.
“The giants’ last king was a giant by the name of Thrym. When the Nyrgarders arrived in Miread they started a war for land with the giants, killing all they could. The giants never developed weapons and the Nyrgarders had good steel and numbers on their side. Thrym fell in battle against Arnór, a Nyrgardic king of legend. When Thrym fell the giants all fell into a slumber, I believe it was Thrym’s will that did so. In their slumber they are protected since their bodies turned to stone and they cannot be killed in this state.
“After the giants all fell many of the Phay talked of marching, it was one of the many driving factors to our march.”
“So that is why the giants sleep,” Darin said amazed. “We never knew. Can they be woken? If they got a new king would that wake them?”
“Yes, a new king would wake them but it isn’t that simple,” Hors said. “The giants usually choose their king by battle. Every hundred years or so they meet and do battle, usually in one big melee. The victor is king, often kings were overthrown in their battles.”
“They cannot chose a new king if they all are asleep,” Darin said.
“Maybe,” Hors answered. “Since the giants fell asleep before the march I fear they might not awaken until the Phay march.”
“Then why ask me about them?” Bgrim said.
“Because I hope we can find one and wake it,” Hors answered. “If someone of enough power sings the march it should be enough to wake a giant.”
“Pepper tried to wake a giant and failed,” Darin said shaking his head. “She has more power than all of us; I don’t think it can be done.”
“Why wake a giant in the first place?” Bgrim asked and then seemed to remember something a grinned. “This was the plan you stated, the way to unite the Dwarves with the Daunish isn’t it?”
“A giant can travel through the mountains faster than any of us especially in winter,” Hors answered. “With a giant we can get to the dwarves and will have a powerful warrior on our side as well. Today is auspicious day; the solstice would be a good day to wake one.”
“Then we should go now before it gets dark,” Darin said as he stood. They hurried to follow him, Hors leaping up to hide himself in Zaire’s hood. They walked from the library and to the great hall where fires and candles made the great room unbearably warm. Nobles and knights had all gathered and were already drinking and singing, tables piled high with the feast of Cael.
“Lady Zaire,” Ronan said spotting them and heading through the crowd over to them. “About time you joined us,” Ronan said with a smile.
“I’m afraid we’re not here for the feast,” Donar said. “We were just about to head out.”
“Out?” Ronan said puzzled. “Have you seen outside? A blizzard blew in about an hour ago; the streets are already knee deep in snow.”
Zaire looked around, but the great hall had no windows nor could she hear anything over the din of the crowd. Darin hurried over to the nearest exit door and cracked it open, a swirl of snow and howling wind coming in before he slammed it shut.
“It seems we are stuck here for the night,” Darin said sourly. Zaire felt Hors lash his tail against her back and she tilted her head towards him.
“Can we do this another night?” Zaire asked.
“We will have to,” Hors answered. “I’m sure you can find another night that holds power for the waking.”
Zaire nodded feeling disappointed, the idea of waking a giant had sounded exhilarating.
“Who are you talking to Lady Zaire?” Ronan asked.
“Just myself,” Zaire said. They had not told Ronan about Hors, wanting to keep the dragon child as much of a secret as they could. “It seems we are just in time for the celebration.”
“Right, come you must eat,” Ronan said happily. Zaire smiled and nodded to him, letting Ronan take her hand and lead her off. She was grateful that Donar, Darin, Bgrim, and Hakk followed however. Since she had sternly warned Ronan to leave Ingrid alone he had started flirting with her instead.
Ronan took them to one of the guest tables near the king’s table and sat them down. Zaire looked up at the king’s table looking for Iounn, but instead met eyes with Dirk. She felt the blood drain from her face as the prince saw her and stood, making his way over. He had kept his word and stayed away all this time, yet now he was walking over with intent. Zaire stood with a mumbled word about seeing Iounn and hurried to intercept Dirk.
“Lady Zaire,” Dirk said with the same crooked grin as before. “How have you been?”
“Fantastic since you’ve been leaving me alone,” Zaire said caustically and Dirk winced. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to see Iounn.”
“Wait,” Dirk said standing between her and the king’s table. “Maybe we could share a dance together?”
“No,” Zaire answered, trying to step around him, but Dirk grabbed her wrist. Zaire saw heads turning in curiosity and worried that they were attracting attention. Before she had to worry further however someone spoke.
“Prince Dirk, I hope that is not your hand I see on my mage’s wrist,” Iounn said coolly. They both turned to see Iounn standing behind them, her blue eyes sparking with mild anger.
“No Lady Iounn,” Dirk said quickly dropping Zaire’s wrist.
“Good, because if it were I wouldn’t take this matter to your father,” Iounn said and Dirk looked at her puzzled. Iounn’s hand dropped to the hammer she still wore at her belt. “I would deal with the matter with my own power.”
“I understand Lady Iounn,” Dirk said with a quick bow. “I will not go near her again.”
“Good,” Iounn said mildly. “You are dismissed then Prince Dirk.”
Dirk bowed once more, but he glanced at Zaire as he left, his eyes regretful.
“Thank you Lady Iounn,” Zaire said relieved. “Would you really have fought him?”
“Yes, but whether or not I could hold my own would have been another matter,” Iounn answered. “My late husband taught me how to fight, though I think I learned more from wrestling with my brother when we were children. Mainly if you ever want to get away from a man all you have to do is grab his stones and crush them.”
“Your poor brother,” Zaire said as she laughed and Iounn grinned at her.
“I only did it the one time,” Iounn said. “And he suffered no lasting damage, his five children attest to that.”
Zaire laughed again and Iounn moved closer. Hors moved quickly from Zaire’s shoulders to Iounn’s, nestling in her great mane of golden hair. Zaire heard him whisper something to her and Iounn’s merriment died a little.
“The war negotiations are almost done,” Iounn said to him. “We are just working out the last of the logistics. Sten plans on marching at the beginning of the new year.”
Hors whispered something else, Zaire unable to hear him over the din of the room.
“No thank the gods,” Iounn said and saw Zaire’s attention. “Hors just asked if my sons will be marching to war, but they won’t. I know they will want to but the passes to Stóstund stay blocked well into spring. They won’t be able to march until then.”
“But the war could still be going on when spring comes,” Zaire said and wish she hadn’t. Iounn’s eyes clouded over and for the first time Zaire saw fear in her eyes.
“Let us hope they will not come,” Iounn said softly. Zaire nodded pensively and looked out into the crowded hall. Her eye fell on Soren and Ingrid, both standing in a sheltered corner. Soren appeared to be offering a gift to Ingrid, the young woman accepting it cautiously.
“Lady Iounn,” Zaire said and pointed to the pair. Iounn’s eyes melted and she sighed heavily.
“Soren came to me and told me his intentions,” Iounn said wearily. “Ingrid said she would like to get to know him so begged me to approve. I didn’t have the heart to deny her. Soren swore he would not touch her however and he has kept his word so far. We’ve kept it secret as well, no need to put pressure on Ingrid while she is still adjusting.”
“He’ll be good to her milady,” Zaire said.
“I know, and I hope with all my heart he can heal at least some of her pain,” Iounn said. Her face lost some of the tension as her daughter smiled, unwrapping the gift Soren had given her. It was a hand harp, beautifully crafted and a work of art on its own. She smiled up at Soren and he gazed down at her with his heart in his eyes. Ingrid began to play the harp, the sound lost in the noisy hall but her fingers plucked at the strings. Soren’s eyes grew brighter, and he just stood listening to her play entrapped.
An idea suddenly struck Zaire then and she turned to Iounn.
“Hors, Darin said that the witch Pepper tried to wake a giant but failed,” Zaire said. “None of us are nearly as strong as she was in the Elder Magic.”
“I’d still like to try but you’re right,” Hors said heavily. “I doubt we have the power to wake one.”
“Why?” Iounn said puzzled. “I sang to the dragon egg and you were born. Would the song not work here?”
“This is different Iounn,” Hors answered. “The giants’ spirits are inside them entombed, I was riding Fors’ Wheel. Fors spent the power directing me back to be reborn. When you sang to the song you weren’t waking my spirit, you were waking the body that I now inhabit. It is a young body and one that was already waiting for a spirit to inhabit it. It hardly took any magic to waken it; you have some power in the Elder Magic but nothing close to a witch’s. Zaire or Nora have more power than you.”
“Then why I am the one who must be your guardian?” Iounn said bitterly. “Why not a witch of great power?”
“Iounn it doesn’t have to be you,” Hors answered. “I want it to be you, I like you and Lofn. I chose you as my guardian because of who you are not because of any power.”
Iounn looked surprised and flattered, staring out into the hall with a pensive stare.
“Hors I think I know a way to wake the giant,” Zaire said and Iounn turned to her. “One of the treasures from the king’s vault was a horn.”
“A loud noise won’t work Zaire,” Hors said. “The giants’ slumber is a lot different than a normal sleep or even hibernation.”
“No I know,” Zaire said. “But our problem is playing the march with enough power to wake a giant correct? I think I can enchant the horn to play the song with enough power to wake the giant.”
“Volume isn’t power,” Hors said. “Nor do I think the High Magic will work.”
“No but if I enchant the horn to funnel Elder Magic into the sound of the song it could work,” Zaire said and Hors looked at her through Iounn’s hair.
“You can do this?” Hors asked amazed.
“I think I can,” Zaire answered nodding. “I’ll be using the High Magic to direct the Elder Magic.”
“Be careful about that,” Hors said in warning. “The Elder Magic tends to resist control.”
“No but you said it was more like a force of nature,” Zaire said. “That things often just happen in the Elder Magic. I won’t be using the High Magic to command that force, just direct it like a levy directs flood waters.”
“It could work…” Hors mused.
Before he could say more the great hall doors burst open. Everyone shouted surprised as a wave of wind and snow blew into the hall howling, a man marching into the great hall. He was cloaked and hooded, covered in a stiff layer of snow. Servants hurried to close the doors, the man marching past them and into the middle of the hall to approach the king’s table.
“Who dares burst in on our Cael’s Day celebrations!” Sten roared, Zaire noting he was red in the face with drink. Roland, at least a little more sober, motioned for his father to sit and stood to face the stranger in their mists.
“Who are you stranger?” Roland said in a commanding tone. All eyes were now on the man in the middle of the room as he shook his cloak free of snow.
“Freezing that’s what I am,” the man grumbled. “So this is the great hospitality of the Nyrgardic host?”
“State your name stranger or I’ll have you thrown back out into the blizzard,” Roland growled. “You are speaking to the Prince Regent of Nyrgard.”
“I’m speaking to the presumptive Prince Regent of Nyrgard,” the man answered blithely. The crowd muttered and Roland slammed his fist down on the table red with rage. Before more could be said however the man pulled back his hood and everyone in the room stared in shock. He was Markian, handsome and about Dirk’s age. Zaire didn’t need to know him to know this was a noble just by the arrogant way he held himself.
“Prince Orus,” Roland growled. “I’ve heard rumors calling you the wandering prince. Seems it is true if you’ve managed to find your way to Hólmsted. How did you get through the mountains?”
“It is hard for a single person but it can be done,” Orus said mildly.
“You probably killed five horses just to wander around the kingdoms,” Roland said. “Don’t you serve your father better at home rather than as some Rhodin bedmate? Especially with what happened to your brother.”
Muttered words erupted from this. Zaire had heard gossip about how the High King had mutilated the third Prince of the Mark. She was surprised Roland had been so bold. Orus was glaring openly now, his hand falling to his sword.
“Nyrgarders are all the same,” Orus growled. “All cock and no balls.”
“You’re one to talk!” Roland roared. “Markians hiding behind your wall like some coward while the Regarian prince fucks your princess.”
Orus looked ready to draw his sword when Iounn stepped forward to stand between the two arguing lords. She had drawn her hammer but kept it low, her stance every bit the ready warrior.
“Stop these childish insults both of you!” Iounn shouted. “You are Princes and lords of your kingdoms, not some drunkards slinging insults over ale!”
Roland had the grace to look ashamed, and while Orus’ hand fell from his sword he still glared up at Roland.
“I am sorry milord for the grievous welcome you have received,” Iounn said to him patiently. “I’m afraid with the coming war tension has been high within court.”
“So the High King has summoned you as well to war?” Orus said and Iounn looked puzzled.
“No, Daun has called for aid,” Iounn said motioning over to Sir Conor who stood. “A threat rises from the Weir Mountains and Daun is ill prepared to meet it. To what do you refer to?”
“War has risen to the east,” Orus said and whispers rang through the court. “King Son Rue of Lir has been killed and a man calling himself Emperor has taken the throne. He seeks dominance of the Nine Kingdoms and the High Throne. Arian Drasir has ridden to meet this threat and put his nephew on the throne. He has called on the kingdoms he can to send him aid.”
“Word reaches us slowly in the mountains,” Iounn said wearily and Orus nodded.
“The Mark will not marshal to his call,” Orus said darkly. “My father is weak; he wishes only to hide away in Warren as if he were the badger he wears. I have ridden here instead seeking your aid. While Drasir does battle in the east we can take Cair Leone and the High Throne.”
Silence met this statement, shock and fear making the air thick with tension. Then Conor walked forward, his face grim and drawn.
“You would ask Nyrgard to abandon Daun to seek the High Throne instead?” Conor asked and Orus glared at him. “The High Throne would mean nothing if you destroyed the Nine in obtaining it.”
“You do not speak for Nyrgard,” Orus said and looked at Roland. “Well Prince Regent presumptive, how would you like to become the king of not only Nyrgard, but the Nine Kingdoms?”
Roland looked contemplative, but Iounn spoke first.
“And your father would support his claim?” Iounn said. “As well as the Nine? The High Throne and alliance of the Nine Kingdoms was centered around Absalom’s blood line. Currently that line has culminated in only one line, that of the Drasirs.”
“Until now,” Orus said. “Two witches of the moors came to Warren and mended the wall there. They carry the ring of Eileen, twin daughters and the lost princesses of the Alvar house. My father exiled them, they now reside in Alda.”
Zaire noticed Darin then at the edge of the crowd, listening with a slight frown. She hurried over to him as the conversation continued.
“Where no doubt Queen Alora has already married them off and now awaits the children they will bear,” Iounn said with distain.
“Such things can always be remedied,” Orus said. “The twin’s husbands then have claim to the High Throne.”
Zaire joined Darin and looked up at Roland to see a greedy light in his eyes. Before he could speak however Sten stood.
“Whelp,” Sten said. “You are here against your father’s wishes by your own admission. Making promises for your whole kingdom when you are little more than a vagabond. You would draw us into a war that could tear the kingdoms asunder when they are already at each other’s throats. Daun has called for our aid and we have already invested ourselves in their campaign. They have promised us land and realistic profit from battle. What do you have to offer but dreams of greatness that will most likely end in only ash?”
Roland’s greed seemed to die at his father’s words and he sat back in his chair pensively. Orus seeing he was losing the battle flushed with rage.
“The Regarians stole my sister and crippled my brother and you would just sit at their feet meekly accepting their tyranny!” Orus shouted. “What have they stolen from you Sten! Your only daughter raped and torn asunder by the bastard of the Drasirs, your own son’s rightful rule over his people, and even your pride as a warrior of Nyrgard!”
“Enough!” Sten roared, throwing his drinking horn so hard it shattered against the wall. His face turned bright red and he began to gasp for breathe, clutching at his chest. Ekkehard raced forward and supported him, calling for aid and a healer. Iounn hurried to the king’s side and they helped him from the hall, leaving a troubled silence behind.
“Get out,” Roland growled to Orus. “The Mark was once ally to us, but no longer. You’ve insulted my family and honor Prince Orus. Go back to your father and brood in your walled city alone.”
“It seems the might of the Nyrgard warriors is no more,” Orus said coldly. “It seems I have found nothing here worthy of the High Throne.”
He turned on his heel and left, dark mutterings following him out.
“The celebration is over,” Roland said sourly. “Go to your beds, I have to tend to my father.”
He stood and left, along with the other princes. Lords and ladies dispersed in mournful groups, talking among themselves of the news and argument they had just witnessed. Zaire reached the dwarves, who seemed unsettled by the show.
“You’ve just witnessed kingdom politics at work it seems,” Zaire said with false humor.
“It is a wonder your kingdoms are not in a constant state of war,” Donar said mildly.
“I expect it is because the women hold it together,” Bgrim said.
“What did Iounn say about Pepper?” Darin said looking at Zaire. “She said something about marriage.”
“She said that the Queen of Alda has probably already married them to lords of Alda,” Zaire said. “Since they are heirs to the Alvar line they can bear the next High King. The Queen of Alda would have seen to them being married so they can give birth to an heir.”
“Give birth,” Darin said turning pale and shaking his head. “Pepper wouldn’t… I mean she would hate that and it would break her spirit.”
“There is no guarantee that has happened,” Donar said. Darin shook his head and stood, his hands shaking.
“I need to be alone,” Darin said walking away. Zaire watched him go with her heart like a lead weight in her chest. How much pain could it be to know that your lover was now sworn to another? Zaire wondered idly if it was worse that knowing one’s lover to be dead.
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