#i let all the fruity business her brother was up to just fly over my head bc i didnt care what the adults were doing
liu-yu-xin · 4 months
i am not even kidding as a child i first learned about gay people from cardcaptor sakura. I rmr thinking there’s something different happening between her brother and his friend. And i was right. But i didnt care in fact it annoyed me i thought that took up too much time in the manga i would skip all of it to see her do magical girl transformation . And i learned about lesbians thru sakura’s friend who had a crush on her and made her costumes and stuff i might not be remembering this right but i do know the gay brother is real bc i looked it up a few years ago.
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twilightdruig · 3 years
pairing : george weasley x fem!reader
summary : “hi i’m your neighbor and while i know we’ve never spoken but you’re a single parent of two and my sister recently died leaving me to raise her infant and i have no idea what i’m doing, help?” au
warnings : swearing , mentions of character deaths , fluff , au where george lives alone with his two children in a cottage near the burrow , au where fred and cedric live.
words : 2.6k
a/n : this is my first fic so it’s probably gonna be shit (as you can probably tell i’m not good with titles either) but yeah hope you enjoy :> and i might do a little part 2 on this soon
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holly l/n was loved by multiple. a sweet hufflepuff student who was favored by all the teachers and students. her sister, y/n was a scary and intimidating gryffindor who hung out in the library.
ever since the battle of hogwarts death eaters have been imprisoned in azkaban. but, that didn’t mean all harm was gone.
now here y/n l/n was, standing in the heat of the summer, her nephew connor l/n mourning the death of a family member.
the service was beautiful. a few hogwarts students came including luna lovegood and neville longbottom and professor sprout and professor flitwick decided to pay their respects. headmistress mcgonagall sent her condolences through a letter as well.
conner wasn’t old enough to go to hogwarts yet. there was no one else for holly to leave connor with. her husband, ronan died during the war, all connor’s grandparents died and the only appointed godparents were holly’s best friend cedric diggory and her sister y/n.
cedric diggory was now teaching first year flying at hogwarts and is married to cho chang.
y/n was currently doing nothing with her life. she wanted to live alone in a cottage, reading, stitching, picking apples and getting drunk on fruity cocktails. but now? she had to take care of her sister’s spoiled son.
y/n hated children more than she hated the people in her own hogwarts house. more so, she didn’t know how to take care of them.
she had to enroll her nephew in hogwarts, teach him basic life skills and other stuff like that. there goes her life goal on being that cool stoner aunt that hates love and children.
“shit, connor!” y/n exclaimed as her 3 year old nephew accidentally ate a ton tongue toffee made by the joke shop in diagon alley owned by the weasleys.
“sorry aunty y/n”
she was never close to the weasleys. all of them, stereotypical gryffindors, loud and chaotic and always the main characters.
the only thing she knew about them is that one of the twins live next to her. y/n didn’t know how to shrink his tongue and thought it was quite the convenience that he lives next door. he was a single dad with two daughters, maybe he could help her control her nephew and technically her adopted son, now.
she sighed. “put on your coat, we’re visiting our neighbors, ok con?” the little boy nodded in response
went the small cottage came into view, there were two little girls picking flowers on the front yard and a tall red-headed man on the porch watching them.
“hey! weasley!” she yelled with a small smile as she approached the small gate.
“l/n? what are you doing here?” george asked
y/n gestured to her nephew who was holding his now 3 foot long tongue. “he accidentally ate one of your products and i’m not entirely sure how to fix it”
“right, right” he laughed “come on, connor right? i’ll reverse that”
y/n felt a tug at her oversized cardigan. she looked down to see two identical ginger twins.
“hi there!” one smiled.
“hello!” y/n tried to sound as nice as possible. looking back at her teenage years she remembered laughing at kids who fell of their brooms their brooms when she’d watch first year flying. she remembered laughing at seamus finnigan when something blew up in his face. or when she’d laugh at any kid accidentally getting hurt.
“these are for you! they’re pretty just like you” the other twin exclaimed.
“i’m charlotte and she’s billie” charlotte giggled.
“how do u know our daddy?” billie asked
“oh! um, we went to school together and i live just next door” y/n replied
“do you know our uncle freddie?”
“i know all your uncles and your aunt ginny, aunt hermione and uncle harry. they were all famous when we were in school”
“wow!” they both exclaimed
george and connor came back out. “look aunty y/n! my tongue’s normal again!”
“aunty?” george questioned. “holly. she died quite recently.”
“oh! i’m so sorry. i heard about her. yeah. i believe mum sent some flowers for the service”
“yeah we received them”
“i’ll see you around?” george inquired
“yeah, yeah. and i might need some parenting advice? you knew how i was back at hogwarts”
“i am flattered, dear l/n”
“oh hush. and they get along.” she pointed to the three children running around.
“they do. and yes, i would love to help you tame that little rascal” george laughed.
“thank you, george. really.”
“i’m just next door, yeah?”
“yeah” y/n smiled “come on, connor. we’re going home. but we’ll definitely be seeing these lovely ladies soon.”
“bye pretty lady!” y/n heard two young voices call after her
“daddy, who was she?”
“is she gonna be our new mommy?”
george and y/n had been hanging out for the past weeks. he had given her advice on taking care of connor and how to deal with children. they also spent time talking about family and their time back at hogwarts. she was told about the attack of death eaters at one of his brothers’ wedding and how his daughters were named after his brothers bill and charlie.
a knock at y/n’s door interrupted her reading.
“oi, l/n!” she heard a familiar voice on the other side of the door.
“weasley” she muttered.
connor recognized george’s voice and the twins’ giggles, he decided he would take matters into his own little hands. connor knew how stubborn his aunt was at the young age of seven.
“hi billie! hi charlotte! hi uncle george!” the little boy squealed.
“hey there, con!” george ruffled his hair while billie and charlotte ran over to y/n.
connor and the twins were two years apart. connor was going to hogwarts the next year. no doubt would he be trouble to professor mcgonagall but everyone knew they were always her favorites.
“aunty y/n! uncle george brought cookies!” connor yelled excitedly. y/n was never the type to bake or cook. she did try to but it always ended in almost burning the house down. she usually fed connor fruits or store bought food.
“you didn’t have to” y/n responded while taking the plastic box.
“oh yes i did” he teased “i heard you’ve been starving this poor little fellow”
“daddy didn’t bake those cookies” charlotte stated “grandma did” billie continued
“oh” she smirked at george then turned to the twins “tell your grandma i say thanks!”
“uncle george! i wanna show you something outside! the twins can come too!”
“connor, what are you gonna show them?” y/n grumbled.
“your paintings! they’re amazing” her nephew jumped.
“paintings, eh?” george smiled “okay, let’s go, champ. see those paintings of your aunt.” the two scurried outside, two redheaded girls following after.
y/n groaned and fell back into the couch, finishing her book.
it’s been a few days since george and the twins came with cooking to y/n and connor’s cottage. she wanted to throw connor a little surprise birthday party.
connor has loved the twins and george so much, he thinks of them as blood relatives. y/n decided to call up cedric and cho to look after connor while she’d do some errands.
the two arrived exactly on time as y/n was preparing to go out. she had on a simple cardigan and loose denim pants.
“ced! cho! hi, how are you guys?” y/n greeted as she saw her old friends apparate into the cottage.
“hi y/n!” cho greeted “hey nerd” cedric snickered.
she sent cedric a small glare before connor jumped at the two.
“uncle ceddy! aunty cho! you’re here” he shouted.
“yeah buddy! your aunt’s gonna run some errands and visit your uncle georgie?” cedric winked at y/n. she had been owling cedric about george and how he’s been helping her with connor.
“are you going out with uncle george?” connor asked, eyes twinkling.
“i don’t know, actually. i might check him out next door.”
“george weasley?” cho teased.
“yes, cho,” y/n rolled her eyes “but on that note, i have to go”
“bye, connor! behave okay?” she crouched down and squished his cheeks.
“bye, ced! cho!” her voice faded when she dashed out the door.
y/n passed george’s cottage to see if he actually might want to come with her and do errands.
she was standing outside the small gate, hesitating. ‘maybe he was busy’ ‘he wouldn’t want to do errands with me’ ‘maybe he would if i told him it was for connor’s birthday’ she thought. y/n didn’t know why she was overthinking her choices. the first time she was standing right outside the gate she bursted in and demanded george to fix whatever happened to her nephew. now, she was nervous. her palms were sweaty and clammy.
she pushed herself in and walked to the front porch. she knocked a few times and was met with a head of messy brown hair.
“hermione?!” she squealed
“y/n!” hermione jumped to hug her old friend.
there were overlapping voices in the background and when they pulled away she was met with multiple mops of ginger hair, a head of blonde hair and another with black hair behind hermione.
“l/n?” ginny weasley asked, quite shocked what she would be doing outside george’s door.
“oh! did i interrupt something? i am so sorry!” she said feeling a bit nervous.
“oh! you must be the dearest y/n george keeps talking about!” an old woman she thought was mrs. weasley approached her from behind her children.
“hi there!” y/n said feeling a little embarrassed she might’ve barged in on a family reunion.
“ah! l/n? i have heard of your family! muggle-borns right?” arthur weasley joined his wife.
“uh, yeah!” she pursed her lips “i am so so sorry i interrupted! i should go. tell george i’ll swing by next time”
“oh it’s absolutely alright, dear” molly reassured her.
“george! there’s a really pretty girl! get your arse out here!” fred yelled to george who was probably inside the house.
“is she here?” charlotte and billie ran to the door.
“hi girls! tell you dad i was here yeah? say i’ll come by next time” most of the weasleys came back in. she took it as her time to go on with her day.
“oi! y/n! wait up” the voice she recognized as george’s called after her.
“george, hey”
“where’r you off to?” george pointed to the small bag that was swung over her shoulder.
“errands. connor’s birthday is coming up so i thought i’d prepare something for him. first birthday without his mum, you know”
“his birthday’s coming up?” george looked as excited as a child on christmas morning.
“yeah. why?” she smiled
“you’re talking to one of the best party planners there is. you also did talk to another one of them… i think”
“oh yeah”
“i wanted to ask if you wanted to come but seeing as to your family is in your house… i’m gonna take a wild guess and say you aren’t available right now” she giggled.
“maybe if you went another day” he said sympathetically. george really wanted to go and prepare connor’s party with her. he treated him like his own and boy did he remind him of how fun it was to be a kid. he loved his aunt so much it was adorable.
“george. seriously, it’s okay. spend time with your family” she laughed.
“yeah, yeah. i’ll see you when you get back” he waved.
connor’s small birthday gathering was in full swing. y/n became acquainted with george’s siblings. bill, charlie, percy (whom she was actually friends with back in hogwarts), fred, ron and ginny. hermione was a very good friend of hers and so was harry. she recognized fleur from that day in the cottage as beauxbatons triwizard champion.
connor had quite a bunch of guests for his birthday. cedric, cho, luna, neville, fred, percy, ron, harry, hermione, bill and fleur and their little victorie. of course, billie and charlotte helped george and y/n fix up the party. mr. and mrs. weasley sent a small cake for connor when they heard about y/n not knowing asingle thing about cooking.
fred offered to take care of the twins and connor while george and y/n ran off somewhere. the two found themselves near a small creek. y/n explained how the cottage was where she’d go off exploring and the only person who knew was holly. she was overjoyed when her sister got the cottage she used as a hideaway.
george was surprised when there were lights and blankets and everything. the soft sounds of running water was calming.
the two were pretty intoxicated when they sat down; stumbled onto the picnic blanket. y/n was sober enough to not spill her deepest darkest secrets. george on the other hand…
“have i ever told you how pretty you are?” george mumbled next to her. y/n only snickered and blushed.
“um, can i hold your hand?” he continued, taking a look at the girl next to him.
“sure” she winked.
“you know” he started again “i actually fancied you a bit back in school”
“yeah?” she rolled over to her side “i wonder… what did you like about me?”
“i don’t even know. my heart just felt so full with you. still does, right now, holding your hand, under the stars by a stream.” he had this glint in his eye when he looks at her.
“hey,” she brushed some hair out of his face “these past few months have been great. and you’re a huge help with connor. you know i’ll always be there for you, right?”
“yeah darling,” he yawned “yeah”
“wait, george!” she sat up “no. don’t fall asleep!”
“fuck” she groaned before falling back down on the blanket.
“i think i love you” she whispered.
morning rolled around and they were still lying somewhere in the forest behind the cottage. some childish chatter and laughs were heard from where they were still sleeping soundly.
until, a red ant bit y/n and george’s intertwined hands. “ah shit!” y/n woke up from the bite. her yell also woke up the sleeping man next to her “what?! what happened?” he jumped.
“oh. did i wake you up?” she asked.
“no. it’s honestly no worries” he said “but i do have a killer headache”
“an ant bit me” she muttered, wanting to scratch it.
“hey, no don’t scratch! i’ve had a lot if experience with insect bites” he explained “want me to kiss it better?” he teased.
“oh, ha-ha” she rolled her eyes but blushed.
“we should probably head back” he checked his watch while standing up.
“ah! there the lovebirds are!” fred exclaimed.
everyone was cleaning up from last night. there were children running around while chasing balloons and each other.
“yeah,” george started “we, um, fell asleep”
“sure ya did” this time ron teased the two.
“i’m gonna clean up here,” y/n offered “you guys should go home. you know, get some rest”
cedric gasped “y/n l/n! are you kicking us out?” he said in mock offense.
“technically, yeah. i doubt connor got any sleep”
“maybe we should,” fleur said with her accent “victorie was very excited for the party she is very worn out”
george snuck behind y/n “i think i love you too” he muttered under his breath. he wasn’t sure if she heard it. she did.
“i’ll see you later, y/n!” he yelled “come on, princesses, we’re going home. we’ll see connor and y/n later”
connor and the twins hugged while y/n said thank you’s to all the guests.
maybe it wasn’t such a bad decision to ask for help.
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I Spy
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Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales/Fem!Reader (AFAB, no y/n)
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: Brief mention of bad(abusive/manipulative) parents, general adult topics, swearing.
Summary: You meet a cute guy at a bar, you date, you fall in love, and oops, it turns out you’ve both been lying about your careers. Classified only stays classified until you get assigned a mission together. (SpecOps&Spies, with Young!Frankie)
A/N: Hey guys, I was bad and started another fic. Whoops. This one is for Triple Frontier because I love that soft boi Francisco. The flavour of this fic, the vibe if you will, is basically the spiderman pointing meme. I’ve vaguely set the timeline to like mid-2000s? so I’ll be trying my best to stay true to technology and aesthetic of the era. There was so much denim. Anyways, that means I’m trying to write for about a 27-33 year old Frankie and a similarly aged reader. I don’t see this series being more than a couple chapters at best, so it’ll be short and sweet. Also, like, very little angst if I can help it; I just want this one to be a good, cute, fun read. Hope y’all enjoy! Xoxo
“So, you’re coming out tonight, right? You’re not busy or anything?”
“Please don’t say it like that, you know how busy work actually is. And I’m a grown woman; if I didn’t want to go to a shady dive bar with you and your very loud friends from the office, I’d say so,” You loved your best friend, and you missed spending time together, but you really couldn’t say the same for her co-workers.
You had nothing against the women she worked with, and you found that they were all perfectly lovely and usually quite fun to be around… it was just that when the alcohol came out, the volume control and verbal filters disappeared.
You wouldn’t say that barhopping was what you’d prefer to be doing tonight, along with more or less babysitting your friend and her friends, but you didn’t know when you’d next be able to squeeze in a night off to just hang out and have fun, so this was happening. You would laugh and smile and keep the drunk secretaries from going home with questionable people, and then you would look back on your ladies’ night with fond memories until you could eventually attend another.
You had known when you picked your career that it would be an around-the-clock, all-day, every-day sort of thing. You never deluded yourself into thinking you would have much of a social life or long-term relationships. Most partners, hell even most friends, would have a problem with you jetting off for weekends, or disappearing for days at a time under mountains of paperwork and appointments.
It just made your best friend that much more important to you. You’d met as kids, went through years of school beside each other, hung out, did stupid teenager things and then stupid young adult things together. You’d cried and laughed and fought and made up a million times, you’d gone to different colleges and still kept in touch, moved away, moved back, and you were still going strong. She was your ride-or-die, your anchor and your parachute and everything in between, so if you could use some of your precious, hoarded, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it time off to see her, that’s just what you’d do.
“You should take some of that fire, and direct it at your boss. Tell him no for a change. I’d love to see his face at that!” She meant well, always trying to look out for you and your health when it came to your beyond demanding job. You weren’t even allowed to tell her a fraction of what you were doing in your professional life, and she knew it, but that didn’t stop her from being ready to throw fists at your employer at a moment’s notice.
“One does not simply tell the über-rich that they don’t need to fly to Paris, again. Being a PA is a full-time nannying gig, except your charge is an adult who can argue when you say no, and you cannot put them on timeout when they’re being a brat. Where he goes, I go, and unless something drastic happens, it will probably continue on like that for a while.” She laughed at your jokes, and your heart hurt a little less at her glee. You knew she would never give up on you or blame you for your work being unpredictable, but that didn’t make the sting of last-minute cancels and missed outings hurt any less, for either of you.
“But it must be nice, just getting on a plane and going somewhere amazing at the drop of a hat. Travelling the world like a superstar, meeting people, having amazing adventures with mysterious strangers…”
“Easy there, Mamma Mia, your wanderlust is showing. And I’d take you with me in a heartbeat if I could. You were born to be a jetsetter, not to be stuck in this town with nothing but the office cubicle beside you to stare at. And I still think you should apply for one of those immersive culture grants you keep mooning over. They’d be fools not to fund your writing expedition!” She was an incredible person, three full degrees to her name in the time it took a normal student to get one, and a brain that could run miles around the rest of the professionals in her field. But she was tethered to this quiet backwater town, and she wasn’t free to fly like she deserved.
“You know I can’t just… go, like you can. My mom, it’d just break her heart… I don’t want to leave her alone, not after Dad,” You honestly doubted that you’d ever meet a woman more horrible and undeserving of her own daughter’s kindness. Helen was a parasite full of lies and manipulations and greed, and she had attached herself like a bad rash to your friend after she’d chased away the rest of her family members.
Your friend searched for the good in everyone, but you wished she’d stop looking for it at that home.
“You deserve your own happiness and freedom, and she should be encouraging you to spread your wings if and when you’re ready.” Politicking your friend was never something you enjoyed. She was the last person you wanted to use your negotiating credentials and sly subterfuge tactics against, but you wanted, needed, her safety and health more. You considered it almost bribery; dangling her dream future in front of her in exchange of being rid of the garbage in her life.
“Hey now, we’re getting way too deep into sad-drunk night conversations, and this is strictly a happy-fun-drunk night. Please leave all baggage and woes at the door, thank you!” You admitted your defeat and surrendered your verbal power point on Why Helen Needs to Disappear. You would get her next time for sure, give her the accelerant to burn down that bridge. “Anyways, the reason I called was to remind you of our haunt for the night. One of the girls, Kelly, you remember Kelly, found this adorable little hole in the wall. A total boys’ club apparently: darts, pool, sports games on the TV, but Kelly’s sister’s friend’s brother Tyler said the place was a favourite of the local army guys. So, if nothing else, we’ll at least have some hunks to look at for a while. It’ll be great!”
You jotted down the directions to the bar as she listed them, and the time you were expected to arrive there.
“Oh! And wear that cute little blue number you bought last spring; I know you still have it so don’t you dare lie. It makes your ass and legs look divine, and I think you could stand to make a new acquaintance tonight.” That Little Blue Number was buried in the back of your closet where you had hoped it would remain forever, but luck was not on your side tonight it seemed. But it did make you look, and feel, fantastic.  It was just so… breezy. “And heels! Real ones, not your cute little personal assistant kitten heels. Those black strappy ones would work like a dream!” You just sighed dramatically into the receiver and agreed to her demands.
“I’ll let you go now, and yes, I suppose I can be presentable tonight, dress and all. See-ya later!”
Hole in the wall was right. This place was basically underground it was so on the D.L. It was warm inside though, and in the middle of autumn with so much skin on display, you could not be more pleased to get away from the chilled outside air.
You would describe the interior as comfortable with a hint of rustic; lots of warm dark wood and low lights, mixed with the soft Latin music crooning in the background and the few patrons’ conversations adding to the ambience.
All in all, it was probably the nicest dive bar you’d been to in your hometown.
Your party was easy to spot where they had claimed a group of pushed together tables towards the far side of the establishment, and you carefully made your way over to them in your tricky high heels.
You said your hellos to returning faces and introduced yourself to the new additions, and accepted the chair you were pointed to and the drink pressed into your hand.
And so, the hours rolled.
You had enjoyed two fruity cocktails and a flaming shot before you called it quits on the alcohol for the night. You still had a few hours to sober up enough to drive home safely, and you would be able to help the girls get to their rides and ways home too. You appreciated having a social drink or two, but you didn’t care for hangovers and would happily take slightly tipsy over party-hard drunk anytime. Plus, your contract stated you were on-call, always, and you could be required to navigate high-stress negotiations at the drop of a hat. It was just better to cut yourself off, then reap the consequences of your actions later.
You tapped your friend’s shoulder as you walked past and leaned over to talk into her ear. “I’m getting some water for the table; do you want anything else?”
“Mmmm, no I think we’re good for now, thanks!” She was plastered already, but she had a huge grin on her face and was laughing at her co-workers’ stories, so you considered it a win of a night. You gave her a pat goodbye and swayed your way to the bar.
But you just were not accounting for the uneven floorboards, or how much your heels affected your currently less than steady equilibrium, and before you could blink you were teetering over into a nasty fall.
“Whoa there, easy does it, muñequita” Arms wrapped around you and pulled you back into a warm chest. “Careful now, don’t go twisting an ankle in those fancy shoes.”
You certainly did not account for the man you turned around to face. Wow.
His hands glided respectfully from where he had caught you around the waist to your still bent and held out elbows, steadying you as you swayed dangerously again.
Warm brown eyes, soft brown curls, and the sweetest smile you’d ever seen. It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest, and you knew that it wasn’t left over adrenaline from your near wipeout. He was gorgeous and handling you so gently, and you wanted to spend forever in that moment.
“Hey there, palomita, I’m Frankie, can I buy you a drink?”
[Next Part]
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wheezy-kasp-brak · 4 years
Team Zero (Hargreeves Siblings x Sibling Reader)
Summary: After being sent back in time and finding their father, the eight academy kids have ‘A Light Supper’ with him.
A/N: This is a really gross, unedited page because I really wanted to write this scene. I wrote this in only a few hours and I think I could’ve done a crap ton better but I really wanted to post this so...
Warnings: season two spoilers, mild swearing
Word count 2589
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gif credit to @tuagifs​
After the draining argument with their siblings, the last thing y/n expected to receive was a letter from their father. 
To my pursuers, 
I, Reginald Hargreeves, request the pleasure of your company for a light supper on the 20th of November, 1963, half past seven o’clock, 1624 Magnolia Street.
They had received the letter from a strange man in a black car. At first, y/n hesitated to believe it was really from their father but they knew their father better than anyone, even Luther despite what he thinks.
The level of extra Reginald went through to get this letter to them told them all they needed to know so, on the 20th of November, 1963, they arrived at 1624 Magnolia Street just before half past seven. 
The building was a tall hotel and the decor very much fit the era they were living in. They wandered towards the back where they slipped in an elevator next to their brother five. Not too soon after, their other siblings joined them in the small box. 
“Good, you’re all here” Five face sported his usual smirk and his body language screamed cocky arrogant asshole however, everyone remained quiet on the lift up to the highest floor. 
That was until a rather rancid smell reached their noses. “Ugh.. Luther!” 
“Sorry, I’m nervous.” The group covered their noses until the doors finally opened, allowing them to take a deep breath of fresh air. 
“Alright, when dad gets here, I’ll do the talking.” Fives natural attempt to assert himself failed quickly when Diego snapped back. 
“I got a few questions for him myself.” 
Y/n rolled their eyes. The seven of them never seemed to be able to enter a room without starting some kind of fight or argument. “Hey, we don’t wanna scare him off alright, he might be able to help us stop doomsday, get us home.”
“No Five, we need to figure out why he’s planning to kill the president.” It’s amazing how hung up on the presidents assassination Diego is, why can’t he just let this go? 
“This is a matter of life or death you imbecile.” Sensing that their other siblings were about to chime in, y/n zoned themselves out. Y/n isn’t exactly what you called a team player. They chose to stay quiet and disassociate themselves from their family. Sick of the overbearing weight of having to save the world when they could be doing other things, like being a normal person. 
Unfortunately for them, they were soon snapped out of their focused state by a loud crash. What appeared to be some kind of decoration was found shattered in small pieces on the other side of the room. 
“Classic.” Allison spit. They all turned their heads when they heard another noise. The doors to the ‘Tiki Lounge” swung open revealing a younger Hargreeves. His posture stood tall and didn’t give them a single glance until he sat at the table, adjusting his sleeves.
“Not only have you burglarized my lab, set my chimp loose, conned your way into the Mexican consulate, repeatedly stalked and attacked me, but you have on numerous occasions, called me...”
Klaus finally joined the table with what seemed like some alcoholic beverage. “Hey Pop. How’s it hangin’?
“...dad.” His voice was stern, slightly scary, but more just assertive. The seven children took a moment to all create eye contact before returning to their younger father. 
“My reconnaissance tells me you’re not CIA, not KGB, certainly not MI5, so...” he paused to slam his pen to the desk, “who are you?” Everyone stayed silent trying to find the right words before five cut in again. 
“We’re your children,” Reginald gave him a displeased look, “We’re from the future.” Dear old Reggie didn’t seem all too happy with the idea of having children, so when the group stayed silent once again y/n finally spoke up from their seat. 
“In 1989, you adopted us all and trained us to fight against the end of the world. You called us the umbrella academy.” The sudden joining of the conversation brought all the attention to them. It surprised the rest of their siblings, seeing as y/n normally just minded their own business. However, they supposed this was their business. 
“Why on earth would I adopt seven-”
“Eight. One of us isn’t here.” Allison corrected.
“Dead. One of us is dead.” Diego filled in the answer to what they assumed Reggie’s next question would be.
“Yeah, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. Enough of that now.” Klaus spun in his seat, talking to what looked like an empty chair to the rest of them. 
Could he just be quiet for FIVE MINUTES.
When he spun back he noticeably shuddered and then it clicked in Klaus’s head. Ignoring the attention from everyone at the table he pushed his chair out and violently pointed his finger at y/n. 
“Hey! Get out of my head!” Everyone now turned their looks back to y/n. They had no response other than slouching down into their seat and turning their head to focus back onto the decor. 
Reginald took the silence as an invitation to begin speaking again, “Regardless, what would possess me to adopt eight ill-mannered malcontents?”
“We all have special abilities.” Five explained.
“Special?” Reginald Questioned, “In what sense?”
“In the super power sense.” Luther finally joined in on the conversation. 
“Call me old fashioned, but I’m a stickler for a pesky little thing called evidence. Show me.”
“Everybody wants to see powers all of a sudden.” Allison proceeded to scoff before she was cut off.
“We’re not circus animals, okay? We’re not gonna bounce balls on our noses and clap like seals for your amusement.” Luther attempted to accentuate his point  by literally clapping his hands together. That’s when Diego pulled out a knife and allowed it to slice through the air and around Reginald’s head, sinking into a support post behind him.
Reggie decided to pull out his pen and begin writing in one of those god-awful leather bound notebooks he constantly wrote in when they were younger. They all leaned in, upset that he was doing it again. 
“What’re you writing?” Diego asked.
“You are zero for two, young man.” At that statement Diego immediately pushed out of his chair, lunging towards their father. However, Five was much faster using his spatial jumps. He managed to flash in front of Diego, effectively preventing him from being shanked by their dad again. 
“Stop!” Fives voice was no louder than a whisper although they all still heard him. 
“Now that is interesting.” Reginald noted aloud. Once Diego was 'calm’ again. Five relaxed, walking back to his seat.
“All right, uh, quick rundown-” 
“Luther, super strength. Klaus can commune with the dead.” As they gestured to Klaus once more their siblings shocked glances paused them once more.  
They’re face scrunched up. “What? We all know Five’s definition of quick.” Their sass earned them chuckles from everyone at the table apart from their very loving brother, Five, and their very loving.... father. 
“Anyways,” They continued, “Allison can rumor anyone to do anything-”
“Yea, except she never uses it.” This time it was y/n who was cut off by Diego. That comment caused Allison to give him a pointed look.
“I heard a rumor, you punched yourself in the face.” Diego’s eyes turned white and his fist soar through the air and hit his nose straight on. His groan from the pain echoed through the room and Reginald adjusted himself in his seat, clearly unamused and slightly concerned.
This time, the academy kids held in their laughs worried Diego might be the one shanking them.
"And y/n has the power to read minds.” Five attempted to finish the conversation however they all forgot about the sibling who most recently discovered their powers. “And you?”
To this, Vanya lifted her head and everyone’s amused looks soon turned nervous. 
“Uh, maybe we don’t take Vanya for a test run.” Luther’s voice was laced with fear and the table tried to agree with him however Vanya seemed to think differently. 
“It’s fine. I can handle it.” She reached forward for a fork and glass. 
“Handle it?” Allison asked, “Last time you handled it, you definitely blew up the moon.” This time, the six siblings tried to stop her and braced themselves for the impact of what might be the end of the world... again.
Once the fork hit the glass she focused in on the ringing noise and allowed herself to blow up the fruity centerpiece, sending chunks of pineapple and mango flying everywhere. 
While they all tried to wipe away the fruit on their clothes Vanya just let out a small “oops.”
“Look, we know you’re involved in a plot to assassinate the president.” To that, Reggie quipped back at Diego.
“You were recently hospitalized, isn’t that correct?” Diego sputtered at the statement. “You still appear to be suffering from delusions of grandeur and acute paranoia.”
Diego, pissed off, pulled out a photo of him. “Am I?” He asked, standing up. The photo revealed to be-
“That’s you. That’s two days from now on the grassy knoll at the exact spot the presidents gonna get shot.” Reginald slowly picked up the photo, looking at it for a moment. 
“Well... I suppose you’ve solved it. You’ve single-handedly unearthed my nefarious plot.” Y/n was taking it in. They supposed that’s what Diego wanted but, there was sarcasm. A lot of it at that.
“Is that what you wanted to hear?” They knew it. “You fancy yourself a do-gooder? The last man who will save us from our descent into corruption and conspiracy? This is a fantastic delusion. The sad reality is that you’re a desperate man, tragically unaware of his own insignificance, desperately clinging to his own ineffectual reasoning. More succinctly, a man in over his head.” At this the table was stunned into silence. 
Diego allowed one tear to slip out. It rolled down his cheek in solidarity. “You’re wr-r-r-wrong.” He managed to finally stutter out. 
He’s right.
Diego’s body shivered. He quickly whipped out another knife and flung it across the table, stabbing y/n’s upper arm. “Didn’t anyone tell you it’s rude to eavesdrop?” His voice was laced with venom and seemed to shut them out of his head. 
They pulled the knife out of their arm and pressed a thick napkin to the wound. The knife clattered back across the table. “Didn’t anyone tell you it’s rude to stab your sibling?”
The group stayed silent until Five spoke up. Shocker. “Look, forget about the president. We have a catastrophic war coming in five days. We need to figure out how to stop it.”
“Why? Men will always be at war with each other.” Reggie tried to reason.
“No, this isn’t just some war. I’m talking about a doomsday. The end of the world.” 
“Well.. You’re the special ones aren’t you?” The group proceeded to glare at him. “Why don’t you band together and do something about it?” 
The siblings collective annoyed thoughts were soon cut off but their brother, Klaus. His body was suddenly jolted forward, shaking violently. His air way seemed to be cut. They all sat concerned and puzzled. 
“Y/n is that-”
“No, I don’t know what that is.” 
“Is he having a seizure?”
“Overdosing probably.” Diego muttered. All of sudden a voice and thoughts flooded Y/n’s mind. They were so loud. Y/n pushed their chair back, standing up. Their hands flew up to their ears, as if covering them would stop the words flowing through their head.
“Klaus, Y/n. Now is not the time. What’re you doing?”
The noises only got louder. “I’m...” His voice was strangled and chalky.
Reginald had quite enough of whatever was going on. “Well, out with it boy.”
Klaus took a deep breath and finally spit out, “...Ben!” He soon gasped and fell out of his chair. He continued to shake here and there and allowed a few groans to get out but none of the above concerned any of his siblings enough to do anything. 
“Well...” Reggie trailed off, “thank you for coming. I’ve seen about enough.” He stacked up his books and climbed over Klaus’s convulsing body. 
“No, I-” Luther tried to speak up, however Hargreeves kept walking. Luther, upset he didn’t get to say anything the whole time he was here, slammed his fists down onto the table. That certainly gained the room attention.
He ripped his shirt open revealing his ape like skin. “Look at what you did to me! Look at it!” Allison nearly spit out her drink and and Five let out an “oh, shit. Why?” with a solid eye roll and slouched into his chair. 
“Okay then. Anybody else wish to embarrass themselves this evening?” Nobody moved, obviously not wanting to embarrass themselves. “I guess I’ll-”
“No.” Y/n shook their head. “You don’t get to walk away after that. You don’t get to just leave after destroying our lives and blaming it on us. You forced us to dedicate everything to saving the stupid world and the stupid people who live on it. I never.. We never wanted to do that. We didn’t get a choice to be who we are, so, because you are the one who disfigured our existences, you are going to be the one who helps get everything back on track.” Out of breath, they finally looked up and locked gazes with their father
“If anyone disfigured your lives, it was yourselves.”
“Really? That’s all you have to say?” They paused before continuing the rant, “You know, Reginald, I don’t think I’m the one who forced myself to become afraid of people because their thoughts were so loud. Leading me to dissociating myself from my siblings and the people around me. In fact, I don’t think any of us would be this fucked up had you just allowed us to be our own people with a family and parents who actually loved us. Who wanted to dedicate their time to furthering us in life, not just using us for their own advantages.” 
“I’m sure whatever I did was to further you in life. I wouldn’t waste my time on something that I was sure to fail.” Hargreeves looked around the room, noticing the mess of a ‘family’ sitting in front of him. “Clearly, I had a miss in judgement.” 
At that he finally turned to leave the room. “You in the culottes?” He motioned to Five. “A word, in private?” Five followed suit leaving the six of them disheveled and wondering what to do next. 
The ring of the elevator doors sounded around them. “Well, that went as good as any Hargreeves family function.” At that Y/n zoned out again. Maybe they didn’t want to but that’s what they had practiced after so many years. Pretending like their siblings weren’t even in the room with them. 
“Where’d that whole speech come from, Y/n/n?” Allison added them into the ‘conversation.’ 
“Oh, um, I suppose I was just sick of allowing him to get away with whatever he wanted to.” 
“That’s one way to put it.” Diego harped on their response, clearly still upset about Y/n entering his head. 
The elevator doors finally opened once more, letting them escape the hellhole of a family meeting they just adjourned.  They all flooded into the hallway not making any eye contact. “Team Zero my ass.”
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Y/N having her cochlear implants turned on and hearing Erik’s voice for the first time.
Feat. Brown Eyed Girl by Tevin Campbell; my future wedding song and the song that my mom had playing for my first birthday party on VHS 😭😭😭. Enjoy!
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Y/N was happy that she had her cochlear implants installed with surgery. Now, she could hear everything. She was profoundly deaf in her early 20’s. Being able to hear most of her life before all that was taken away from her was devastating. Learning sign language was the best thing about it when she started going deaf. It made her feel included. Her family learned just for her. Now, Y/N was at her older sister’s Christmas Wedding. She wore an elegant mermaid fit gown in a wine red color with her curly hair up in a sleek bun with gold accessories. The bridal party lined up outside of the doors before entering the area where the wedding was held. Their cue was Stevie Wonder’s- ribbon in the sky playing. She was so nervous because she didn’t want to fall in her heals and also because of the man she was supposed to walk down the aisle with. Her brother-in-Laws best friend, Erik Stevens:
The first time she met Erik was during the wedding rehearsals. Erik is a gorgeous man. Y/N and a few other women in the wedding party had eyes for Mr. Stevens. Y/N’s sister told her in sign language that Erik would walk down the aisle with her. Let’s just say the other ladies were jealous, even her sister's best friend saying some slick shit like, “she can’t even hear him if he talks to her.”
And Erik actually did try to talk to her. She couldn’t hear a word he said and he felt so embarrassed when he found out she couldn’t hear anymore. That’s when he surprised Y/N. During the rehearsal dinner at a nice steak house, Erik made himself comfortable next to Y/N, spending the entire dinner talking to her in sign language. He was so fucking sweet and intrigued by her. He found out that Y/N is an artist.
(I’d like to buy art from you if that’s cool) he asked her in sign language.
Then he started laying on the charm.
(I’m the luckiest man in the wedding party. You’re so freaking pretty. I was hoping your sis would pair me up with you. I can tell by the way you’re blushing right now that you feel the same way)
And she did.
“What are y’all talking about?!” Her sister's best friend would ask.
(Nothing hater, mind your business) Erik has Y/N in stitches causing her to clutch her stomach.
After the dinner, before Erik left, he pulled Y/N to the side to ask her one last thing, even though he knew she would say yes.
(Can I have your number so we can text, pretty girl?)
She nodded her head rapidly, eyes all wide, making Erik laugh. She was so adorable; Erik had a thing for adorable girls like Y/N. All soft and shy....
Hey Erik!
Don’t you look all fly!
Ooooo Y/N, you’re best man is here!
Hearing that was a magical moment for her. She didn’t want to tell Erik because she wanted it to be a surprise. When she allowed her pretty brown eyes to seek him out, he looked a little confused that everyone was talking to Y/N. She waved him over, everyone looking at them both like they were getting married. He approached her, the tailored black suit with gold tie on made him look like a classic man. He cleaned up so nicely.
(Why is everyone talking to you?) he looked a little irritated because he wasn’t aware of the fact that she could hear now.
“It’s because I can hear now.” She spoke with a shaky breath. Erik froze, staring at Y/N like a veil had been pulled back from her face.
She felt a shock wave throughout her body.
His voice... it was fruity, honeyed, smoky; sexually attractive in a slightly mysterious way, soft-spoken because of his quiet and gentle tone.
Y/N always imagined the different tones of Erik’s voice; how he sounded when speaking to her. She believed he could make his voice sound however he wanted. This moment was exactly what she imagined.
“Did I say something wrong?” His modulated voice had her shivering.
“No. I’m just...living in the moment right now...”
“Well, I’ll let you live in the moment, beautiful. I’m definitely living in the moment I can tell you that,” Now his voice was all husky; a deep rough voice but in an attractive way. This is probably the voice he put on to make bitches toes curl. That’s what her toes were doing right now in her heels.
Oh, so long for this night I've prayed
That a star would guide you my way
To share with me this special day
Well, a ribbon's in the sky for our love
The song began to play, Erik putting his arm out for Y/N to grab hold of. How was she going to focus now that she could hear Erik’s voice?
“You ready, Y/N? We’re walking in now.”
The way he said her name. She couldn’t hide her smile.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” She squeezes his arm.
Walking through those doors, seeing the luxury Christmas Holiday decorations all around she felt like she was in a Christmas wonderland. She just knew her sister was proud and excited about this. They took their places, and right after, her brother-in-law came down the aisle with his mother. He looked amazing as well, Y/N tried to blink away the waterworks. She looked over at Erik, watching the reaction on his face. He looked so proud of his best friend.
Brown-eyed girl come walk with me.
All eyes were on the bride. No words could explain how breathtaking her sister looked. Y/N thought the price of the gown was ridiculous but now, she understood.
Brown-eyed girl come talk with me.
Her brother in law could not hide his tears now. Erik places a hand on his shoulder.
I want to do all the things in love a man should do.
She was getting closer while walking with their father. Y/N was wiping her eyes now, uncaring of her makeup.
All the little things you want me to.
She came face to face with her brother-in-law.
Brown-eyed girl
Brown-eyed girl.
“Hey, brown-eyed girl.” He said, staring longingly into the eyes of her sister.
Y/N strained her neck to look at Erik, he caught her staring, giving her a charming smile. She couldn’t wait for the reception. They were going to talk and dance all night long.
@tgigoldie @soufcakmistress @chefjessypooh@chaneajoyyy@pananegra@theblulife @becincere @blaqwidow91 @fish-outta-watah@moonlight-night-sky @eyeknowmywrites  @crowngold@njadakillthiscookie@blktinkerbell@luvanxi @sheisexcellent1@chocolatedippedinhoney@brandithecrystalgem@dababydababydababydababy@soulfulbeauty19@btitannaaa@sunkissedebony97 @youngblackndgifted@harleycativy @rbhp@thee-germanpeach @thadelightfulone@bugngiz@palmstreesallday@skylahb @bakaris-shorty @nizzle-mo​ 
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Strawberry Lemonade
Here is the story version of this, just for you anon, because fuck school and sleep
(Please take better care of yourselves then I do)
Vore under the cut
These little sessions with Katherine were odd enough as is. His point was only being proven more and more as the time dragged on.
The red head seemingly appeared at his window about a half an hour ago, asking to be let in. Unable to say no, he did just that. He watched as she dusted herself off before she turned to him. Oh no. Not the reporter spark-
“David, could you you shrink me?”
There it is. He shouldn’t have expected anything else of the girl. She was a strong young woman, and that in turn only aided her ability to persuade him. Like with Jack. Both of them were stubborn and could be very intelligent. Both often wouldn’t stop until they got what they wanted. Jack’s only upper hand was the crush strong friendship he had with him. That aside, he couldn’t stop himself from staring at her with wide eyes.
By her expression he had to guess he looked absolutely shocked. “David,” she started. “This shouldn’t be much of a surprise. We planned this, remember?”
It took Davey a good minute to find the memory she was talking about. Two weeks back when he pushed her off and said in two weeks. Well that time was up. Great. He sighed. “Kath, do we really have to-“
“Do you want to be feared?”
“They let’s do this.”
Ok. Straightforward and blunt much? What was worse was that in those few short sentences she had a point. Damn it. He sighed, forcing himself to his feet. Two sluggish steps later and he tapped her shoulder with two fingers. Not even a minute later she was small enough to fit in his palms. That’ll work. Scooping her up he went to go sit back down on the bed.
“Alright. Now could you bring me to your mouth and open it up?” Katherine’s smile never faded. She had to be the one person he’s met who was eager to get into a pred’s mouth. Absolutely insane. Not bothering to argue though, he did just as she asked.
Stepping right in, Katherine got to work. Poking around here and there, jotting down as many notes she could about the layout of Davey’s maw. She sure knew how to keep busy. Though a picture could be of use....maybe she could ask Jack. Yeah.
Davey was having a hard enough time as it was. Holding his jaw open, inner Pred constantly teased with the taste of cinnamon, not to mention it now being around lunchtime. Still, he waited.
Until his door burst open.
Jolting upright, Katherine flying backwards, he can only swallow and hope that Katherine won’t be to mad as he looks to the intruder.
Seeing the small legs disappear down her brothers throat told Sarah enough. She shut the door behind her before failing to fight off laugher at what she had just walked in on.
Almost immediately Davey felt himself go red. His expression something like a hybrid of shock and pure annoyance. The pleased little gurgle signaling that Katherine had arrived at her destination didn’t help at all either, only serving to ignite more laughter from his sister. “S-Sarah! Did you never learn to knock?!”
“Yep!” Sarah wheezes, trying to calm her laughter. Wiping a tear from her eye she smirks up at her, only by a few minutes, younger brother. “Buuuut, dearest brother, I’ve also learned what a predator in action looks like. Who was it this time? Was it your little Jackie~? Did you just want to keep him real close and have him give you belly rubs and praise you like the good boy he says you are-“
“SARAH!” Blushing ear to ear and throughly embarrassed, the teen pushes at his sister. He can feel Katherine shaking lightly in his stomach, only going to show that she is either trying to or not bothering to hold back laughter. Great.
Sarah stumbles to her feet, shoving her brother back onto his bed. “Oh please. You know it’s true! I’ve seen how you look at him. How every little word he speaks hypnotizes you. How with a single look he can turn you into an obedient little puppy dog at will-“
“Can you not be quiet? For five minutes?” Davey groans, pushing himself to sit upright yet again. The look his twin gives him says it all. Wonderful. How in the world can he shut her up?
“You and I both know that isn’t possible. You just have to face the facts, dear brother mine. You are head over heals for Jack Kelly and are too chicken to confess!”
“Oh I don’t see you having a crush on anyone! You don’t know what it’s like!”
“Well I just haven’t met the right girl! Sorrrrrryy!”
Grumbing somethung incoherent under his breath, Davey reaches over and flicks Sarah in the shoulder. The girl doesn’t flinch though. Like she knew what was coming.
Like it didn’t matter when her now much taller brother picked her straight off the floor, looking highly unamused.
“Trying to make me see things from Jack’s perspective, ey?”
Davey huff. “No. Teaching a lesson.” Before Sarah can ask what in the hell that means Davey shifts to lay on his back, dangling her above now very much open jaws.
Her heart drops a bit at seeing that. “H-Hey David. We can talk about this, r-right? No need to resort to this.” She stutters, trying to reason with her brother.
“I don’t know. Can we? If you ask me, this is the most efficient way to get my point across. Help you remember.” Davey takes a moment to lick his lips, opening him mouth again soon after. To get the blood pumping, he rubs together the two fingers pinching the back of Sarah’s outfit. The only thing keeping her in the air.
A squeak sounds from Sarah’s throat. That isn’t good. No sir. “Hey...you wouldn’t eat your own sister, would you?”
“Seeing as you’re a switch, I’m hungry, and I need to get a point across I find it perfectly suitable to hold you there for a little bit. Sound right?”
“I- Come on, David. You’re not funny.”
“I’m not trying to be.”
Sarah grumbled and reached up, trying to push her brother’s fingers away. Davey holds a “strong” grip on her for a while. He should have payed more attention in hindsight, seeing as the moment he looks away she prays herself free.
It doesn’t take long to realize her mistake.
Davey’s not paying attention, the first mistake. His mouth is still open, the second one. He doesn’t notice right away when his sister slips, the final one. Seemingly in a flash, everything goes down. Something makes contact with his tongue and starts to slide back while a fruity-citrusy flavor he would come to identify as strawberry lemonade blooms across where said thing slips. Then it slips too far and he’s left with no choice but to swallow.
At the sound of a thick gulp above her Katherine knows what happened. Sighing, she moves out of the way, now sinking into the wall behind her. It isn’t long before there’s another presence in the darkness. Wonderful. Might as well let Sarah know who she was. “Hello.”
Sarah wasn’t ready at all to be swallowed down. To be pulled into the unfamiliar, right, wet confines of Davey’s throat. It wasn’t like she slipped back that fast. Was Davey just that out of it? In the darkness of the chamber holding her she wasn’t at all expecting a female voice. “H-Hello?”
“You’re Sarah Jacobs, are you not?”
“Yeah. That’s...me. Who are you?”
Sarah’s mind began to search. Search for a Katherine she knew Davey knew. Who did.....was it- no way. “Katherine as in the Katherine who helped the boys win the strike?”
“That would be me, yes.”
“Well then pleasured to meet you. I’m Sarah Jacobs, as you seem to know, David’s older twin sister who’s taste he apparently COULDN’T RESIST!”
A groan from above shook the room, seeming to vibrate in their bones. The world shifts, sending them tumbling onto each other as Davey shifts. Despite their limbs being tangled in each other’s and them being squished together thanks to Davey’s new position they can’t help laughing.
“Oh don’t be like that, David!” Sarah shouts, making sure her brother can hear her. “Just admit that you like the taste of me- scratch that, the taste of people more then actual food at times!”
There’s another groan and the sound of fabric shifting faintly outside. Davey burying his head in a pillow. Could this get more embarrassing? Hopefully not. In a last ditch attempt to shut his sister up, he huffs. “Shut up.”
Once again, the laughter of two young women can be heard, albeit, muffled, from his stomach.
Just his luck.
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dinglemingle · 4 years
Tonight (I Wish I Was Your Boy)
Chapter Three(ao3)
Results day
Aaron had been dreading it, Vic was excited, of course, knowing she'd done well, Aaron, however, would rather be doing anything else.
But no one would allow that, so here he was, in the hallway of Hotten academy, far too early for his liking, with a plain white envelope clasped in his hands
"Go on, open it!" Chas was the first to start pestering him, it seemed she was more interested in his results than he was
"Aaron your killing us here" Paddy soon joined in, the pair always nosy
Staring at the envelope, he hesitated, brushing his fingers against its seal. If he was being honest, he was worried the paper was going to tell him what he already knew, that he was thick and destined to work a dead-end job for the rest of his life. He knew he'd probably failed, he just couldn't actually bring himself to find out. Even more so when he'd bumped into Vic before, ecstatic because she'd passed with flying colours. He was proud of her, really he was, but did feel somewhat disappointed, knowing his own results would pale in comparison
After more badgering from his mum and paddy, he knew he'd have to bite the bullet, and began to tear open his results.
Aaron was gobsmacked
He was expecting to have failed everything, yet here he was with six passes. He'd done particularly well in Science, Engineering and P.E
He was still taking it in when Chas and Paddy appeared behind him, peering over his shoulder
Chas upon seeing his results engulfed him in a smothering hug
"Oh my baby!" squealing, she squeezed him tight
"Get off" Aaron awkwardly shrugged her away and avoided her kisses
"I'm proud of you son" Chas was still beaming
Paddy was less touchy-feely, simply giving Aaron a firm pat on the back
"Well done" he choked out the words
"Are you crying" Aaron laughed, noticing the tears brewing in Paddy's eyes
"No, it's just uh me and your mum are so proud of you" he stuttered, taking off his glasses to wipe away the tears
"Soft lad" Aaron smiled
He was pleased with his results, really pleased in fact, this meant he'd be able to college and that maybe he wasn't as thick as he thought.
On the drive back to Emmerdale, Aaron sat happily, looking forward to tonight's celebrations
It was twenty past seven and they were supposed to leave thirty minutes ago. Vic had insisted on curling her hair, however, and now she was meticulously applying lipgloss
"If you hurry up we can make the next bus" Aaron stared at Vic, who was going over the same spot again
She always did this, whenever they went clubbing she'd take absolutely ages to make sure every element of her look was perfect
"Oh no it's fine Robs taking us" she replied like it was nothing, still focusing on the mirror
Aaron stopped fiddling with his phone and snapped his head up
"What" it came out more high pitched then he'd like
Vic finally put the gloss down and turned to face him
"Well he's going to the same club and he's got a car so he said he'd take us" she explained and turned round to inspect her appearance once more
Taking a moment to digest the information, Aaron took a deep breath and tried to get rid of the lump forming in his throat
"What and he's alright with you going clubbing is he?" He said, trying to fake composure
Vic had finished sorting her face out, and was now pottering around the room, grabbing her heels
"Well I had to talk him round and give him a tenner, but he's a bit pissed at dad so it didn't take much convincing" she nudged him over on the bed to slip on her heels
"Besides he knows there's a group of us, and he'll be there so he can check up on me"
It made sense, Aaron thought. He knew how much Jack would hate Victoria out at a club, and the satisfaction Robert would have at taking her there behind his dad's back.
He supposed he could manage a 15 minute car journey. Whether he could handle seeing Robert throughout the evening was a different story
As if on cue, Robert came bursting through the door
"Are you ready yet" he stood tall in the door frame, leaning against it slightly
Jesus. He looked fit, Aaron thought. A light blue polo shirt hugged his torso, his blond hair was swept across his forehead, shiny and soft
Vic started speaking, but Aaron didn't hear her, distracted by Robert so close to him.
Without warning Robs eyes locked onto his, for a moment Aaron shared the eye contact, before quickly breaking away, embarrassed.
They chatted for a bit, until Vic began to move, and Robert was out the door, so Aaron grabbed his coat and trailed behind them
The journey to the club was hell. He'd tried to engage in conversation with Vic, but a phone call from Adam asking where they were took her attention away
He and Robert sat in awkward silence, neither really wanting to speak to the other, yet hating the tension in the air
Aaron looked out of the car window, trying to seem interested by the vast country lanes but he couldn't help noticing Robert looking at him through the rearview mirror
He avoided Roberts eyes, confused as to why the lad kept glancing at him.
After ten minutes they pulled up outside of the club.
Practically leaping out of the car, Aaron muttered thanks to Robert, and then hurried over to Vic.
The pair found their way to the group who were stood at the entrance expectantly.
Aaron felt uncomfortable, Adam and Vic had quickly begun chatting, Pete and Ross were laughing about something and Vic's mate Amy was mindlessly texting on her phone.
He looked down at his feet, as the group moved into the club. He managed to get past the bouncer pretty easily with his fake I.D and before long he was at the bar, the first round falling to him.
Having just ordered, Robert appeared at his side. He shot Aaron a smile, which was flat out ignored, before grabbing the barman's attention to order
"Oh Robert remember the straw" Aaron turned to find the owner of the voice, it was Tanya Holden, she was Robert's year, a bit stuck up from what he heard, and a good friend of Christie Whites, so it wasn't really a surprise
Robert smiled and nodded before turning back to request a straw for Tanyas obnoxiously fruity cocktail
"Thanks babes" the dark-haired girl called across the dance floor
Robert rolled his eyes at her squeal, earning a smile from Aaron
This caught his attention and he looked over at the lad
"Alright Dingle?" he asked
Aaron looked at the boy, who had inched closer and took a gulp of his beer, which had just been placed in front of him
"Robert" he gave a nod before grabbing the drinks and hastily making his escape
He felt Roberts eyes on him as he rushed away from the bar, desperate to avoid his attention
Aaron stood in the corner, nursing his beer, the evening had dragged on, the DJs selection was mediocre, and his company even more so.
After finishing his third drink he decided to head out for a cig. Donning his puffer jacket, he stepped out into the cold ally way, reaching for the lighter in his back pocket. He lit the cig, and took a long drag, letting his shoulders relax
To be honest,he'd been looking forward to the night, but he'd barely got a word in with Vic, her being far to busy snogging Adams face off and Ross and Amy had headed out on the dance floor, on the pull, so he'd been left with Pete who was mind-numbingly boring. He took another drag, as the doors beside him flung open, not caring to look up Aaron waited until the person appeared at his side to notice it was Adam
"Alright mate" the lad asked, leaning against the brick wall
Aaron really couldn't be bothered to reply,he'd already dealt with one boring Barton brother, he wasn't sure he had the energy for another
"I'm fine" he replied curtly, taking no interest in the boy
"So-" Adam started, before stopping as Aaron rolled his eyes
"Mate what's your problem" he questioned, staring at Aaron head on
"Not got one mate, just don't appreciate you sticking your tongue down my best mates throat" Aaron bit back, bringing the cig up to his lips again
Adam sighed before looking at Aaron again
"Sorry, I'm not trying to steal her away from you or anything, I just really like her you know"
Aaron finally looked at the lad, noticing his hurt puppy expression. He hadn't meant to be a dick, he was just frustrated
"Nah mate it's me, just being overprotective" he stuck out his hand, offering it to Adam "can we start again"
The lad accepted, grinning
"Adam" he said shaking  Aarons's hand firmly
"Aaron" he'd smiled back
15 minutes passed and the pair had easily slipped in conversation about everything from music to football, it turned out Adam was actually pretty decent after all
"I'm gonna head back in,it's freezing out here, you coming?" Adam turned to move, walking towards to doors
"Yeah in a bit" Aaron replied, wanting a minute on his own
Adam smiled at him and disappeared through the side entrance
Aaron breathed in the cold air and contemplated lighting another cigarette
From the darkened end of the ally, his attention was drawn to giggles and hushed words
He brought his head to the source, and could just about make out two figures backed against the wall
Aaron didn't really want to watch people necking off in an ally, so he shoved his lighter in his jacket and made his way to the door
He reached out for the handle, just about to pull when a familiar voice whispered "Robert" into the shadows
Confusion swept over him, as he slowly turned back to were the couple were huddled
He crept closer, trying to get a look at the pair, he knew he shouldn't but when the voice spoke again he was certain his suspicions were true
It was Katie
Aaron stood shocked, a million questions brewing, why was Katie here? Was it the same Robert she was with? What about Andy? Was he here too?
A moment passed before one of the shadows moved into the light.
It was Robert
Robert in that polo shirt looking as fit as ever, yet he wasn't leaning again the door frame or shooting Aaron looks in the car or trying to make conversation at the bar
No, instead he was planting kisses to Katie Addymans neck whilst his hands roamed over her body and she laughed into his hair
Aaron had seen enough, he quietly scarpered away and back into the club, unable to process what he'd just witnessed.
As he made his way through the sweaty bodies he passed Christie, asking if anyone had seen Robert
He almost replied. before realising he couldn't exactly blurt out that yes he'd seen Robert, and that the older lad was outside getting cosy with his brother's girlfriend
instead, Aaron raced to a free booth and sunk down into the leather seat, mind and heart racing
It wasn't long before a flushed, sweaty Robert made an appearance on the dancefloor, circling his arms around Chrissie's waist and planting a kiss on her head
Aaron shook his head, staring as Chrissie snogged Robert, unaware of what he'd been doing moments earlier
The pair broke apart, and Robert's eyes found Aarons, smirking at him
Aaron furrowed his brow, questioning why Robert's actions, surely he hadn't seen Aaron outside, and even if he had that wouldn't be his response
Aaron brushed it off and rolled his eyes as he took in Roberts full appearance. He raised his eyebrows at Robert as his eyes glanced down to his crotch, this time he was the one smirking
It was Roberts turn to be confused as he followed Aaron's eyes
The cocky expression on Rob's face quickly fell, as he sheepishly looked around, before zipping up his very open fly
The pair locked eyes again, Robert's jaw clenched as he bore holes into Aaron's face
Aaron ignored the lad and phoned a taxi, well and truly done with the evening
When he got home he ignored all the texts from Vic and walked straight past his mum who had ambushed him with questions the moment he'd gotten through the door and raced up the stairs, quickly changing and spending the rest of the night lying in bed, unable to think of anything other than Robert.
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Code: WTF (1/3)
hey, so here’s a little three part fun fic involving fbi agents and russian spies! (with just a little angst) enjoy!
warnings: a small depiction of death, but it’s not super bad
ship: platonic ralbert, platonic spalbert, soon to be sprace
word count: 1927
editing: ofc not
Making decisions, Albert has come to realize, is not his forte.  Granted, he’s generally good at helping others make decisions- he’s got that sort of innate way of looking at the whole picture, which is good when you’re trying to help someone sort through different situations.  But he can never seem to apply this strong suit to himself.  
Like when he was thinking of career paths and he’d spend hours at night staring at his ceiling and wondering whether or not he wanted to commit himself to a world of chance and danger and join the FBI.  Because, wow, had that been a dream of his ever since he watched his first James Bond movie at nine years old.  There was something thrilling about watching that action- seeing how he could use his sharp problem solving skills for something bigger than himself.  He wasn’t sure if he was ready to pledge himself to something that seemed almost like a life sentence, but he also was never one to run from a challenge.  So...after a couple years of college and a bachelor’s degree in engineering, he started studying for his Phase I assessment.  
It was grueling.  The entrance exam was no easy task and it only got harder from there with the ‘Meet and Greet’ and Phase II written assessment.  Not surprisingly, though, he had made it through and soon he was off to Quantico, where he was tested against his own willpower for upwards of 21 weeks.  It was tough, but he made it through with flying colors.  
Shortly after his 28th birthday, on a sunny and almost too hot July morning, he’d been trying not to let a giddy smile spread across his face embarrassingly as Director Larkin swore in his class- awarding them with their badges and credentials.  The smile did break through however when Larkin had looked directly at him while speaking of “Those most fit and impressively accomplished” and winked.  But he was proud of himself.  Sue him.
After the ceremony, Race- his roommate during Quantico whom he’d grown particularly close to- had handed over some suspicious looking store brand lemonade in a shitty, plastic cup and bumped their shoulders together, smiling as he raised his glass.  Albert mirrored his grin and clinked their glasses together.
“To the dream.” Race had said, taking a sip.
Albert drank too, and echoed, “To the dream.” 
Now, three years later, he’s finding that his bad decision making skills are still very present as he stares at the shelves of brightly colored cereal boxes, trying to decide what he wants this week’s breakfast to be.
As a Senior Special Agent, it’s very serious reconnaissance work.
Just as he’s reaching for a box of Dark Chocolate Crunch Cheerios, Race materializes next to him, looking a little tight around the eyes as he places a couple cans of Progresso soup into their basket.  
His movements are calculatedly casual, but Albert knows him well enough to know his stress tells.  The way his shoulders are just slightly raised, ready to launch into motion at the first sign of trouble.  The tense of his jaw and the slight scrunch of his nose- as if he’s smelling something off.  Bad.
“Hey, Al,” Race says, straightening.  Even his voice is that sort of forced casual it gets when he’s inwardly freaking out about something, “Do you remember our trip to Morocco?”
A shiver runs down Albert’s spine and he gives himself credit for only hesitating for a moment before recovering.  Morocco is their personal code for ‘hey, someone is definitely following us, so we either need to dip or do something about it.’
“The first or second trip?” Albert asks, his words just as rehearsed.  
And that’s their follow up code.  The first trip means it’s an unknown party; the second trip means it’s someone affiliated with whatever operation they’re currently assigned to.
Really, it’s counterintuitive to even ask, because they haven’t been on any major assignments in nearly a month now.  Director Larkin had given them both time off from the big stuff after their last operation had gone decidedly south when they lost a couple of the DEA guys they’d been teamed up with in a surprise shoot-out against the drug corporation they were tasked with bringing down.  
It was jarring to say the least, and neither him nor Race complained too much when Larkin had suggested laying low for a while.  It was the first time they’d ever lost their own men on a mission and in such a gruesome way.  Some arterial blood had sprayed Albert in the face, getting on his tongue and clogging up his nose.  He doesn’t remember much after that.  Race says he dissociated big time.  Albert doesn’t really care.  He just knows that he still can’t eat tomato sauce on his pasta, because the red of it still looks too much like--
Yeah, no.  Alfredo sauce is a new favorite in the Dasilva-Higgins apartment.
“First trip.” Race says, watching as Albert carefully puts the Cheerios box in the basket.
The sudden feeling of being watched pricks at Albert’s neck and he resists the urge to look behind him.  
“When’d you first notice?” Albert asks, dropping his voice lower and motioning for Race to follow him as he moves down the aisle, still trying to look nonchalant as he grabs a random box of Fruity Pebbles.  The gun that’s tucked into the waistband of his jeans becomes a noticeable weight against his lower back.  It’s a comforting weight, if not a little disconcerting.  But that’s basically in their job description.
“On the way here,” Race says, following Albert’s lead and plucking a box of shitty granola bars off a shelf behind them.  As long as they look busy, they look normal, “Noticed him walking behind us around the time we passed Suffolk.  Was wary, but didn’t think too much of it until I saw him lurking by the bananas while I was getting some apples.”
“Didya get a look at him?  Any discernible features?”
Race shrugs, eyes darting over Albert’s shoulder, then to the side, “Not really.  Short, I’d stick him around 5’4”?  Dark hair and eyes.  He’s wearing jeans and a leather jacket, kept his hood up.”
Albert hums, “And you last saw him by produce?”
“Okay,” Albert says, “Come on.”
They forgo the rest of their shopping list and hurry to check out, trying to maintain a sort of ostensibly relaxed appearance.  Just as they’re leaving the market, turning the opposite way from which they came, Albert’s neck prickles harder.  His stomach swoops a little and he hesitates, waiting for the right moment to turn around and grab the collar of the offending party, pulling him into a nearby alley and pushing him against the bricks.
He hears Race curse, but doesn’t look at his field partner as the guy against the wall’s hood falls away.  For a moment, Albert’s stunned, instinct falling short as his gaze sweeps over the guys face.  
And as shocking as it is, it’s comforting in a way.  Because even after eleven years, Albert would know those brown eyes and sharp features anywhere.  
His grip on the guy’s collar slackens and he feels his shoulders slump a little, “Spot?”
Spot grins, “Heya, Al.”
“Wait, so you know our stalker?”
It’s probably the millionth time Race has asked that since they’d dragged Spot back to their apartment on 14th street, taking a few cautionary side roads just in case.  Now, they’re gathered in the kitchen, each of them settled in with a beer even though it’s arguably too early to drink.  
Whatever, Albert thinks, It’s five o’clock somewhere, right?
Besides, what else are you supposed to do when the guy you’d been best friends with until he allegedly fell off the face of the earth, shows up in your life again by stalking you while you’re grocery shopping.
Yeah, Albert deserves a drink.  And he’s technically not on the job right now-- ok, he and Race are always ‘on the job’, but he’ll digress.
“Yup,” Spot answers for Albert, taking a swig of his beer, “best buds since Lindsay Hartman splashed punch on him during ninth grade homecoming, then pushed him into the refreshments table where I was getting a sandwich.”
Race shoots Albert a bewildered look and Albert shrugs, “I was kind of a dick back then and I was going through a gay panic, so I brought her to the dance and then accidentally blurted out that I thought her brother was hotter than her during the slow song and...well, ninth grade wasn’t the best year for me.”
“Clearly,” Race sounds amused, but he’s obviously still too shook up by Spot’s existence to jab Albert too hard.  
Albert can’t blame him, either.  It’s inherently bizarre to have your current and past best friends standing in the same room after thinking you’d never see one of them again.  
“Albert never mentioned you,” Race says, looking at Spot.  He’s got his ‘agent face’ on- studiously taking in all of Spot’s mannerisms, while not wavering his gaze from his eyes.
“Wouldn’t expect him to,” Spot says, unbothered, “We lost touch after high school.”
“More like you disappeared unexpectedly and never answered my phone calls or texts and I thought you died, but I couldn’t find anything on you since you were off the fucking grid.” And yeah, maybe Albert’s a little bitter, because he and Spot had been closer than close, but during their second year of college, Spot transferred to some school somewhere in Europe and never spoke to him again. 
Spot looks a little guilty now, but he still manages to be the dick Albert always knew him to be and says, “Tomato, tomahto.”
Albert rolls his eyes, “What even happened to you, man?”
“That’s actually what I’m here about,” Spot says.  A shadow passes over his face and he suddenly looks sharper- rougher, “I- uh, there’s, uh, some...trouble regarding...things...”
Race and Albert exchange a look and Albert can see the words, well, that’s vague, bouncing around in Race’s head.
“What kind of trouble?” Race asks.
“So,” Spot starts, then stops, shaking his head, “This is a bit of a crazy story, but anyway.  I moved right?  Overseas?  And I ended up, um, getting into a bit of a...situation.”
Wary now, Albert places down his beer and crosses his arms, “What kind of situation?”
“I kind of got recruited by the FSB?”
The shocked silence is almost palpable.
Race recovers first, “The Russian intelligence agency?”
A pause, “Yeah, that’s the one.”
Albert can’t handle this.  This is too much.  Too weird. 
He scrubs a hand over his face, “You do know what I, what we-” he gestures between himself and Race, “-do, right?”
He knows Spot knows.  He needs to ask, anyway.
“So, you’re telling a couple of FBI guys that you’re part of the FSB?” It sounds weird to Albert’s own ears.  He laughs a little, because really, he has to.
“This is fucking weird,” Race states, pointing out the obvious, “Anyway, is there more to your so-called ‘trouble’? Or are you just now realizing the moral wrongness of being an American in the Russian spy network and want some sort of atonement?”
Spot seems to have an internal battle with himself before he mutters something that sounds like ‘fuck it’, “Albert, you’re my next mission.  I’m supposed to kill you.”
“Oh,” Albert says, frowning down at his crossed arms.  Then, Spot’s words process, “Wait, what!?”
hehehe we love an russian fbi drama
thanks for reading, chiefs
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@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @localfakeitalian @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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clevernewdimension · 5 years
Polaris Part Twelve (M)
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Parts: Preview, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen (Coming soon!)
Genre: Action, drama, romance, sci-fi, etc.
Paring: Jongin x Character
Word count: 5.9K
A/N: I have a lot going on y’all. TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR: mentions of rape, pedophilia, sexual abuse, and sexual assault. Violence, blood, attacks, etc. And finally some SMUT
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I frown, feeling very weird and awkward dressed like this. We were waiting at the table for Arham and Celieste Winters who were running a bit late. Which was fine as it was giving me some time to try to calm myself. Jongin seemed fine, calm and collected. Around the cuff of his suit coat there was a small fighter ship that would light up and fly around it twice before doing into a ‘dive’ off the cuff itself. Something tells me Sehun had a hand in his suit as well.
He glances at me, smiling before shaking his head as I nervously tap my fingers on the table. “I feel just… so out of place here,” I mumble quietly.
“Well, other than your very obvious nerves, you look like you do,” Jongin says, taking a sip of the glass of water we both have. “Though, I know you’d rather be in the hanger right now.” He shrugs, giving me a look of pity, “Sorry. If I wasn’t the one who had to be by your side for now, you’d probably wouldn’t have to be here.”
“I can pretend to be something other than a grease monkey for a day or two,” I say, shrugging. I look past Jongin, seeing two people approach. She smiled, stark white hair pinned back. She wore a red dress, that was tight to her body going almost to the floor. On her arm was a man, his suit was black, pin stripes as his black hair looked like a mess that he ran his hand though a lot throughout the day. He was tanned, glasses on his face as he was smiling brightly.
I stand, and Jongin takes the hint, standing and turning. He smiles, sticking out a hand.
“Captain Kim,” Arham says, shaking his hand as I take Celieste’s hand and shake it. “Nice to put a face to the name. Hope you both haven’t been waiting long.”
“We’ve been here for only about five minutes,” He says, smiling, “And please, just Jongin!”
He nods, before reaching a hand out towards me, “Miss. Lang! Pleasure to make your acquaintance!”
I take his hand, shaking it. “Nice to meet you both. Thanks for… making time to have dinner with us?”
Celieste smiles, “It’s ok, no need to be nervous. We’re legitimately here just to introduce ourselves. We’ll talk shop about security about the elections coming up tomorrow.”
“We’re big believers of meeting people and getting to know them before getting into business,” Arham says, nodding. “People are interesting, especially when they’re from galaxies away.”
Jongin gestures to the table, “Shall we order?”
We take out seats, a waiter coming and getting our orders. I got the blanquette de veau, and the waiter suggested I pair it with a Marsannay wine.
Celieste was sitting to my left, Jongin to my right as I tap my fingers on my thighs in nerves. I was so out of my element. Name a Fighter part and I could tell you where it goes but this is just bizarre for me.
“So, I have to admit,” Celieste says, “As the head of security, I did look up both of you beforehand.”
“I hope our files were kind,” Jongin says with a nod, taking a sip of water.
“I was very impressed, honestly,” She says, before looking at me. “I can’t believe you managed to be the gunner during the attack of Ysimir. I can’t imagine how terrifying that must be.”
“I was trained for it,” I say, nodding, “But it was terrifying. I’ve been in a Fighter before but Jongin flies like if he were to stop going full throttle at any moment the Fighter would explode.”
“I mean, it’s worked,” Jongin smiles.
“I also saw you’re from Tribil,” She says, resting her chin on one of her hands. “I’ve worked with Tribil for securing a safe shipment here. They’re… well, not exactly pleasant.”
“The Tribian monarchy isn’t exactly known to be good to work with,” I say, “Be it to other planets or their own people.”
“I’m glad you agree,” She says with a smile.
“We don’t get a lot of traffic from Tribil either,” Arham says, “Some planets are like that. Keep to themselves.”
“Yeah,” I say, not wanting to say anything about the marks just yet. With the royalty on the planet, it’s best to keep that secret a secret for the time being. Who knows if they’d go scorched Earth if it gets out.
“I’m also sorry to hear about your Father, Jongin,” Celieste says. “I can’t believe someone would betray you and your brothers like that.”
Jongin frowns, “Trust me, he hasn’t been a father to us for years after we left. We really didn’t have much to lose in that department.” I could see the hidden anger there, at the mention of General Kim. I can’t imagine how he feels, knowing his own family wanted him dead. Must be complicated, as their relationship is.
“It must still be traumatic, though,” She says, a look of genuine worry on her face. She seemed like a good person, though highly curious.
“I’m just glad that their plans were discovered before it was too late,” He says. “I’ve worked all my life trying to defend people, and I want to continue to do so, even if it comes at a personal cost.”
I smile sadly at that. Always the self sacrificing hero, Jongin is. For once I wish he’d do something for himself instead.
“That’s very noble of you,” Arham says, nodding.
And it is. Jongin is actually very noble. I feel like anyone who’s ever read about him thinks he’s like the act he use to put up around me. Truthfully most of the time when he talks about being the best Fighter pilot, it’s in a factual way. Sometimes he jokes, but it’s never conceited in nature anymore.
Celieste shakes her hand, “Enough with the sad topics. So, Jongin, please, tell us about yourself.”
“Well, when I’m not flying, I’m training with my friend Yixing,” He says, “My hand to hand isn’t as great as his.”
“You have to have something outside of work to do. I find myself feeling trapped without hobbies.”Arham says, smiling. “I use to be a workaholic. That did nothing but give me gray hairs.” He just smiles at Jongin, gesturing to the small amounts of pepper he has in his black hair. “Just some advice from an old man.” He nods. “But,  do you have anyone special in your life,” Arham asks,
“Not exactly,” Jongin says, smiling a bit awkwardly. “Been a bit busy for a relationship.”
I feel my face heat up a bit at that. I could feel Celieste’s gaze on me at that.
Arham looks to me. Before he could speak, I start, “I’m mostly in the hanger, fixing anything and everything I can get my hands on. When I’m not doing that, I mostly read.” My face goes redder, “And um… also single.”
“Life doesn’t wait,” Celieste says, “Sometimes you have to find some happiness for yourself. Putting work ahead your whole life will make time waste away.” She grabs her husband’s hand, “I almost let him escape from me because of my job. But thankfully I had a friend who made me realize what I would be giving us.”
He smiles, lightly squeezing her hand back.
Just as she said that, the food arrives. We eat, talking about the dinner and sipping the wine. The one I had was very fruity. Delicious, but not too much. The conversations shifted to current politics in both the Syndicate and on Earth. Jongin was much more knowledgeable about Earth politics than I was, as I remained quiet and just took all the information in.
I couldn’t stop thinking about what they said. About letting life waste away. I know Jongin loves me, but I haven’t made any moves at all out of fear, I guess. I’ve never really been that open to anyone. To be in love and in a relationship with a person, you have to be vulnerable to them. It’s not like I didn’t trust Jongin. I do. I’m just scared of being weak to anyone, I suppose. That and I was scared I’d hurt him. Especially after what he’s been though recently.
Soon, the dinner was over as we were walking outside. The night was cool, as we waved goodbye to them. It was nice. They seemed like good people, honestly.
Jongin smiles, looking at the sky. “Wanna take a walk before heading back to the hotel? I’ll make sure you don’t fall.”
“Alright,” I say, looping my arm though his, “But if I sprain my ankle, you’ll never hear the end of it.”
Jongin laughs, “I believe it.”
I take a deep breath, looking around at the people passing by. This part of town more upper class, but you still see a bar or pub filled with people, happily drinking. The lake ahead of us as we take a seat on a bench, seeing the Geneva Water Fountain shooting water over a hundred meters into the air. From this far away you can just barely hear it over the city life as I stretch.
“You seem better now,” Jongin says, sitting next to me as he sets his jacket beside him.
“I’m just happy not to be like… interviewed anymore,” I mumble, taking my shoes off, not caring that we’re in the city. I massage the bottom of my foot, before frowning, “Besides, it means I get away from… Rhys.”
“Iz wha tri monsil, tri kree tu mo,” Jongin says, the words sounding vaguely musical. “For them to force you back, they’ll have to kill me.”
“Don’t tempt them,” I quietly mumble to myself.
Jongin’s hand touches my shoulder softly. “If it would stop them, it would be worth it.”
“I forgot you also have better hearing,” I whisper, hearing him laugh. “But please don’t. I wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt.”
“And I wouldn’t be able to if I had to know what they are forcing you to do.” Jongin looks me in the eyes, turning to face me. “I already feel guilty because I know that you still can’t let go of what Minjung made you do.”
“It’s like being in prison in your own mind,” I explain, thinking back. “I wanted desperately for that kiss to never end because I know once it did I couldn’t stop from shattering your heart and possibly murdering you.”
Jongin shakes he head, “Funny,” Jongin says, smirking but with more of a playful undertone than a conceited one, “I never wanted it to end either, but for completely different reasons.”
I feel my face heat up, dropping the subject as I just look out at the water again. We kept silent, enjoying a rare moment of peace we have. What Celieste said came about to me. About letting things pass by and love go away. I bite my lip, looking at the fountain. Jongin deserves to be happy. I deserve that too.
A hand on my arm pulled me from my thoughts. “Best get back,” Jongin suggests, “We don’t have an early day tomorrow, just a kind of stressful one.” Soon, I was putting my shoes on, Jongin taking his jacket and we walk back to the hotel.
I kick of my shoes instantly, yanking pins out of my hair and letting it fall down. I take out the earrings as I watch Jongin take his shoes off too.
I take a deep breath, seeing him like that. He was extremely handsome, dressed up like that. But he always looked the most handsome to me when he was in his flight suit, looking up at the sky with a huge grin. Jongin deserves to be happy. I deserve to be happy. We make each other happy. So why are we just dancing around this and not acting on it? Are we going to let something like what happened taint what could be forever?
I shake my head to myself, “Not this time,” I whisper. I turn, seeing Jongin. He looked at me, hearing what I said and looked confused. Perhaps it was the small amount of wine giving me some courage, but I move, stepping close to him. He looks at me and before he could say anything, I stand on the tips of my toes. My hands holding his face and I press my lips to his quickly. The kiss was quick, my fave heating up before I part. I look in his eyes, “I kissed you because she told me last time, and I’m angry that she stole that from me.” I shake my head, “Forget that one happened. That one… think of this instead.” My face was burning in a blush, the nerve coming up as I let myself ramble, “I’ve wanted to kiss you for a while and I never realized and I don’t want that fucking one to be the one y-”
Jongin’s hands pull me closer, lips on mine, pressing in what was almost desperation. I could practically feel the passion in him, like it was radiating from his body. My hands move running though his silky hair, holding it as I hear him let out a small groan from that. He pulls away, “Lyra, please,” He says, and I could see how vulnerable he was. He looked almost scared as he looked me in my eyes. “If you’re not serious about this, my heart can’t take it,” Jongin quietly says, “If this is just… casual or just for fun, please don’t give me hope about this if you’re not serious.”
“You fucking idiot,” I mutter. “Ever since you’ve dropped the act I’ve found myself actually liking the person you really are.” I shake my head, “I’ve been in denial for a while about my feelings for you.” I smile, “I love you, Jongin. I don’t know for how long, but there’s no denying it anymore.” He smiles the most brilliant smile I’ve ever seen. Like a huge weight has been lifted from him. The sight made my heart soar, making me smile even bigger in response. I shake my head as I tighten my grip on his hair a little, “Now, if you don’t take this dress off me and show me how much you want this, I’m going to rage.”
He looked stunned hearing that, before his hands reach back, pulling the zipper down quickly. “Don’t have to tell me twice, Baby,” He mutters, pushing the dress down my body. I shiver, the warm dress falling to the floor. I feel my face flush, knowing I was half naked in front of him. I reach forward, pulling his tie off and ripping his shirt open. His lips press to mine, like they were molded to be fit together. It feels wonderful, it feels just so fucking right.
I didn’t have a chance to appreciate him shirtless and finally just stare unabashedly for once as he picks me up, lips on my neck as I let out a small gasp. My hands sliding down his back as he pressed me into the bed, grinding our hips together, teeth softly biting at my neck.
“Jongin,” I moan out, our mouths connecting again. This kiss was pure raw feelings. All tongue as his hand cups one of my breasts. It’s bizzare, I’ve had sex before, but this was different. My feelings are entangled here and it just feels so much more gratifying for me, with him.
When he pulls away, he mutters against my lips, “The way you say my name makes me go crazy.”
I reach down, pulling at his belt and wanting his pants off. I need this, I want him all over me. “Please Jongin,” I moan against his mouth, “Haven’t you waited long enough?”
His eyes are wide, as he moves, pulling his pants and underwear off in one quick move. I pull my underwear down, leaving myself completely nude as he moves over me. I pull him, moving so I straddle him. I don’t want to wait. I didn’t want foreplay. There’s enough time for that later, but now I was just desperate to have all of him.
I reach, holding him so I could sink down, moaning at the feeling. I haven’t had sex in a while, and the feeling of him, the friction of him sliding into me was pure bliss. I gave myself a moment to get used to him, to fully appreciate this moment. Jongin was moaning, hands on my hips as I was down, fingers holding tight my not harshly so. I lift my hips, his hands helping me move as I started a fairly quick rhythm. Our sounds filling the room, but I only heard him. His moans, his groans, the way me looked completely in bliss. Soon, though, he looked even… I don’t know how to describe it. Sexier? Seeing Jongin looking at me with almost a predatory gaze. “Fuck, Jongin,” I say out, leaning back a little, closing my eyes and just enjoying the feeling.
I felt like I was high, having just confessed my feelings to the man under me. Having him here, hands on my skin, squeezing my ass and reaching up to grab a breast. I remembered the rumors of how great he was at this, how all the people who left him were like under a spell of sorts. I always ignored it and rolled my eyes, but now I understood. Even under me it wasn’t enough, him planting his feet on the bed and thrusting up to meet me, the sound of skin hitting echoes in the room along with my moans.
Before I knew it, I was pressed to the bed, Jongin over me. My legs over his shoulders, hands on my hips as he pressed our hips together. This angle making me yell his name.
“Lyra,” He moans, one of his hands finding mine, gripping it tightly before he buried his face in my neck. The pace he set was faster, igniting my body on fire as I closed my eyes.
My other hand grabbing at his back, “Jongin, I-”
“Me too,” He says, “Fuck, fuck,” He reaches between us, fingers brushing my clit before I felt the tightness in me finally give in. A tsunami of pure ecstasy falling over me, my hands holding onto whatever I could. Our eyes locked onto one another, and something about that made it more intense. I feel Jongin move, pulling out. His hand pumping himself a few times before he spills over my stomach. The hand holding mine still entwined, as he gives it a squeeze. He smiles, brilliantly.
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before I look at him, seeing him look from my stomach up to my face. He reaches over, grabbing some tissues from the bedside table. He cleans my stomach, tossing them into the trash before he gets back into bed, lips pressed to mine. This kiss soft, sweet. Showing me his love.
“If this is another dream, I’m going to be pissed,” He mutters against my lips.
I smirk, running my hand along his chest like I wanted to earlier, “You have wet dreams of me?”
“Hard not to when you’re so fucking gorgeous,” He says, looking in my eyes. “And just calling them ‘wet’ is putting it mildly,” He says, pressing a kiss to my temple.
I shake my head, before moving and pressing my face into his chest, draped over him. “No dream this time,” I say quietly. “Goodnight, Jongin.”
“Goodnight, Babe,” He says, the biggest smile on his face as he closes his eyes.
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When I woke up the next morning, I was alone. I sit up, stretching before looking about. Jongin nowhere to be seen as I just shrug, before getting up and going to the bathroom. The sight of my hair alone gave me a shock. That good old ‘just been fucked’ look going, especially with the hairspray from last night. The make up was super smudged, making it looked like a nine year old was putting it on a clown. I don’t see any marks, which I was thankful for and heaven forbid if I had to call Sehun and ask how to cover them. Man would have a field day with that. I turn on the shower, quickly getting in and washing everything. My body was a little sore, but that was fine. The usual, really.
I quickly dry, thankful I remember to put the dress uniform in her last night. I dry my hair, putting it into a neat bun. I hate wearing a dress uniform, and it’s rare a mechanic ever has to, but this is one of those occasions. I put on underwear, taking the blue pants and put them on. I get the dress shirt, putting it on and tucking it into my pants. It was black. I quickly pull on my suit like jacket, buttoning it. I see the shiny new badges from the battle of Ysimir. One for fighting, one for the honor of being the one who helped take down the war ship.
I decided to forgo make up. To me that was dressing pretty and acting. This was me.
I put on my socks and shoes as I sit on the edge of the bed, seeing Jongin walk in. He was already in uniform. He looks at me, smiles before handing me a bag. “Got you a croissant for breakfast, figure I’d let you sleep more after… well…”
I smile, moving and pressing a kiss to his cheek, “Thank you. I was afraid I was going to starve for sleeping in late.”
His face flushes, “Um.. y-yep, no problem.”
“If you think last night was still a dream, I would give you a better kiss, but that’s not allowed in dress uniforms,” I say with a smirk. “So instead I guess I’ll just have to make you wait for it instead.”
“This relationship has barely started and I’m already having heart problems,” He whines to himself, making me laugh. I take a piece of my croissant, eating it as we move out the door.
As soon as we’re outside, it’s back to business. “A car is arriving from the U.N. to take us specifically there,” He says, “They’ll give us badges once where there.  The most minimal of security clearances, so best to stay with whomever they have guiding us or else it’ll be very messy.”
“Roger that, Captain,” I nod, taking another bite.
The drive to the U.N was nice. I watched the city go by once again, seeing the people going about their daily lives. That was, until we got to the U.N. I see people with signs, questioning the Syndicate. Protests as close as can get to the gates without angering the guards. It’s clear people are not happy. They probably feel betrayed. And they should feel that way.
The car was stopped inside the gate, the protesters quite a bit away as we step out of the vehicle. The yelling got louder the second they recognized the uniforms. Cameras taking pictures and people taking video to be broad casted in this and any known galaxies.
Security handed us badges to pin to our chests. The building was completely white, a globe in the water as I take a deep breath. We were guided inside, before we see Celieste standing ahead of us. She was wearing a black pant suit as she smiles. “We’ll meet in the assembly hall soon so we can hear from the two of you what you both know about the situation. We want over all information as well as your personal experiences from the day.” She looks at us, “Do not hold anything back. If you follow me we will escort you into a room so you both can discuss privately before you see the assembly.”
“Would it be alright if I contact our base,” Jongin says, looking at her. “Just to make sure we have as much information to tell you as possible.”
“We’ll provide you a way,” She nods.
The place was extremely clean as we’re directed into a room. It looked like a small office. A few bookshelves and a desk. A small communicator is handed to Jongin with a nod. The door shuts and before I speak, Jongin holds up a hand. He takes a small implement from his pocket, scanning the room. He nods, finding the small little mics and turns them off.
“We’re good.”
“Should we tell them about…,” I say, looking at my arm.
“I’m going to ask about that,” He says, pushing in a series of buttons. He speaks into the communicator, words are no language I could recognize. Smart.
A few minutes, then he hangs up. Jongin nods, “Minseok has a bunch of proof he sent over as part of the information. Says that when it comes time to talk about your part that day is when it will come up.” Jongin places a hand on my shoulder, “Are you ok with that? Would you rather I explain?”
“What about Rhys,” I ask, my heart racing as I feel panic start to rise.
“They’re ready to take him into custody the second it airs,” Jongin explains, nodding.
“Ok,” I nod, before he smiles at me.
“I’ll be there for you if you need me,” He says just as the door opens.
“I see you found the mics,” Celieste says, nodding. “Smart. I should have told them to take them out.” She tilts her head, “Follow me. No need for you both to get mics, the stage has them ready. All you have to do is speak.”
Soon, we’re in this huge room, with many seats and people filling every single one. Behind us was a hologram projection of the U.N. logo.
Celieste sits at the only empty seat at the front, a mic on her shirt. She unfolds a folder, “Please state your names and occupations for the record.”
“Captain Kim Jongin,” He says, standing almost regally. Shoulders back and all the confidence in the world. “Fighter pilot and leader of fleet Altair.”
“Master Sergeant Lyra Lang, Fighter mechanic,” I say, trying to appear just as confident as Jongin.
“How long have the both of you known about the corruption of the commanders,” She says, looking at her folder.
“I learned the day of the attack here on Earth,” Jongin explains. “After an attempt of my life was thwarted. A plan made by them called Clipped Wings.”
“I learned a few days before that,” I say, “Special Forces Captain Zhang Yixing informed me by finding the truth. He instructed me to hide the info chip used to release the truth to the public.”
“Why didn’t you say anything earlier,” She asks, looking at me.
“Who would have believed me,” I asked. “The encryption level on that chip was more than I could crack, so even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. Besides, Captain Zhang was planning on a way to show it to everyone, but he was being silently hunted down as part of Clipped Wings.”
“Where did you hide the chip,” She asks.
“On top of one of the blades of my ceiling fan in my room on the Syndicate base here on Earth,” I explain, “I taped coins that weigh roughly the same on the other blades so that there would be no noticeable difference.”
“What is Clipped Wings?”
Jongin nods, “A operation that the corrupt members of the Syndicate thought of in order to reduce the number of Krytons killed. They knew that we were killing them faster than they were made. If we started seeing less we would go looking and found out what they were doing,” The hologram beside him shifts, as we see faces of people. I recognize Jongin and Yixing. “They planned to kill those of us who are good at killing Krytons. The best fighters, pilots, and special forces members who were exceptionally good at it. As you can see,” He says gesturing to his face, “They clearly didn’t discriminate no matter who it is, as even though my… my father is Ex-commander Kim, they were willing to kill me to keep this a secret. And they did make the attempt.”
“No one else knew about this but the four commanders,” She asks.
This time, I answer, “There was a list on the infor chip who knew and who didn’t. Only one of Five commanders didn’t know, and that was Judicial commander Krims.”
“Tell us about the attempt on your life, Captain.”
“My sister planned it. She ordered someone to come in my room and attempt to kill me.”
I take a deep breath. Here we go. “Me.”
Celieste looked taken back. The crowd muttered before I opened my mouth to speak again. “But I didn’t want to. Because though all this, another secret was found.” I see the hologram shift to an arm with one of the marks. “In Tribil, life is not how they are portraying it on the outside. People are starving. If you work in the mines, they keep you fed just enough to work and not enough to revolt against them.”
“What does this have anything to do with this,” A man asks in the crowd.
“Just bare with me,” I say, “Another way to earn enough credits to get some food is errands. Then you eat maybe once every three days if you’re lucky. But there is another. If you agree, to get all the food you can eat. But that requires taking the mark.” I point, “That is a tattoo that is infused with nanotech. If you agree, you get this one,” I say, pointing to it. “You also have to get one if you leave Tribil. What is does is a person with this mark, Tribian for the letter A, has to listen to the person with the other mark.”
I look out at the crowd. “You can not disobey. Even if you try. They tell you to do something, you must do it. Even if you fight as hard as you can in your mind, you body will act.” I point, “When they let Tribians leave, they are forced to get this mark and told never to reveal the greatest secret on Tribil.”
“What is that secret,” Celieste asks, looking concerned.
“The people who get these marks are forced into prostitution,” I say, “Most of the people who get them are tricked. Told that it’s for being a maid.”
“Prostitution is legal on Tribil,” Someone shouts.
“Not this kind,” I say. “The bylaws of the Universes that Tribil signed said that they will not force people into it. That they have to consent to the sex. On Tribil, there is no such thing as consent. There is only orders, and you follow them no matter if you don’t want to.” I could feel tears in my eyes. “But first let me tell you about how it connects to the day of the attack and Clipped Wings.”
“I had it, and Kim Minjung got the other one,” I look at Jongin, “She ordered me to go to Jongin’s room and kill him.” I shook my head, “I fought as hard as I could, but there is no stopping you once you have the mark. So I tried. And I failed. So she ordered I try to kill myself.”
“I stopped her from doing that,” Jongin says. “It was discovered that with an F level strength magnet, and with an electric shock, you can pull the nanotech out of a mark. After the attempt on my life failed, Doh Kyungsoo too her to the hanger and pulled the nano tech out.”
“The attack happened almost immediately after the attempt on my life,” Jongin says, “So we fought. We too out the main threat, the bomber, and killed all the Krytons who were there. We also stopped Ex-commander Kim and Kim Minjung from escaping. We knew that Commander Krims wasn’t corrupted, and immediately got him involved so those who are corrupt would face justice.”
“What about the marks use on Tribil,” Celieste asked. I could tell she knew something was up with the marks.
“It’s used in prostitution, like I said before. I had the mark. I was forced to do many things I never wanted to, and if I begged them to stop they would just tell me to stop talking, or tell me to act like I loved it, and even if I didn’t want to the mark made me.” I glare, out at the crowd. “The bylaws also say that there is to be no child prostitution, but in Tribil, that is the regular.” I hear a lot of gasps from the crowd. “I was nine when I was told I’d just be a maid. So I got the mark because I was desperate and starving.” I shake my head, “I was nine years old then Iscar Rhys told me to get into bed. When he told me to beg him for it. When he told me to open my legs and stop crying.” I shook my head, feeling the tears flowing now. “Iscar Rhys, the previous king of Tribil was a pedophile and a rapist. And his son, the current king? He uses the mark in order to have sex with women. He’ll order them to take his beatings. Instead of making me beg him to keep going, he got off to people crying and begging him to stop. Rape is his ultimate fantasy.”
“Liar,” I hear from the crowd. A man gets up, his form shifting as the illusion tech faded. He raised his arm, a gun in hand before he was tackled to the ground.
I see a guard from my left coming, rushing over.
“Take them to safety,” Celieste says, glaring at the man on the ground. “How in the fuck did he get in?”
“Ask my colleague,” He says with a grin.
The guard got to us, and as I turn to him, I felt pain. I look down, seeing a knife sticking out of my chest. I look up, his form shifting too. He smiled, before taking a pistol from his side.
“Courtesy of Rhys,” He says, “Said to say if he can’t have you, no one can.”
He raised the gun, pointing it at Jongin. I hit his hand up, so the shot soars away.
In the blink of an eye, I see Jongin take the gun, shooting him in the shin. He falls down, yelling in agony as he grips the knife tighter. The blade was pulled out as he fell, blood seeping down my chest.
I fall back, Jongin catching me, “No, NO!” I hear him yell, a hand over my wound. I see medical officers running up, and a few taking the person who attacked us into custody. I felt the sharp pain just as I looked at Jongin.
I feel a kiss to my forehead, “Don’t you leave me, Lyra,” He says, tears coming to his eyes. “I love you, you hear me? You’re not allowed to die on me. Stay with me,” I see the fear in his eyes as he looks down. “You can’t leave me now,” I hear him say, voice in pain as the tears fell.
I wanted to tell him it’s ok, but just as he says that, my eyes flutter closed.
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NCT Jaehyun x Reader + Johnny x Reader Characters: olderbrother!Lee Taeyong, Jung Jaehyun, Johnny Seo, Nakamoto Yuta Summary:  Taeyong, who was the coolest, baddest boy in school, happened to be your psychotically protective older brother. He instantly hates on whoever even remotely shows interest in you, and ends up loathing the flowery nerd Jaehyun for sneaking sappy poetry into your locker. Warnings: Honestly no plot, angst-ish?, punching, degrading, hot-headedness, slightly graphic, etc. Words: 1k+
A/N: baby this is an au ok. we all know taeyong is the fluffiest child of the world soOO yeah
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Taeyong popped a large-ish cherry lollipop in his mouth and twitched his nose as he stormed off to his target.
“Ya, Jung Jaehyun!” he screamed, causing you who was minding your own business, fixing your things in your locker, to whip your head in the direction of the idiotically enraged man.
You knit your brows deeply as he made his way over to you.
With his flame red hair, black leather jacket, skinny jeans, and rough walk, it was unmistakable that this gangster was looking for trouble, even with the stick of candy sticking out of his lips.
There were some still wholly confused as to how you two were related, with how contrasting you looked against him in your peach dress and fruity perfume. And even you question it sometimes, but quickly push it away because you knew deep down, Taeyong was simply a soft boy that loved cuddles.
But it wasn’t one of those days for him.
Today, he looked like he was looking for blood.
“Yaaa,” you drag out as your older brother made his way over, “why are you being mean to Jaehyun when he isn’t even here—“ but alas, Taeyong seemingly missed you, his eyes focused on someone farther. And suddenly, it wasn’t too much of a surprise to find out that he was going for something—someone—directly behind you.
Then there was a loud clash against the lockers.
You jolted back in surprise, gasping. With your hand clutched on your chest, you turned around and saw no other than a glasses clad Jung Jaehyun pinned against metal by his shoulders with Taeyong staring him down, absolutely furious.
“YA!” the assaulter erupted, making you cover your ears in panic.
You dashed forward and tried to separate them, but Taeyong didn’t budge a bit off of Jaehyun.
“I told you to stop leaving your sobby love notes, and arts and crafts projects around my sister, loser.” Taeyong growled, tightening his grip on Jaehyun’s clothes. “She wants nothing to do with you, or your four eyes.”
You let out a breath in frustration, “Taeyong! Taeyong that’s enough!”
“And another thing: stop creeping around her, or I'll beat you up better than Sugar Ray.”
You whined and once again tried to peel off your brother away from the poor, bluing Jaehyun. “Taeyong…” you released like a threat, but to the said person's ears it was simply irritating.
He growled and tuned to you. “STAY OUT OF THIS!” he shouted, shoving you away, unintentially sending you falling back on your tailbone.
You made a pained sound and simultaneously two different voices called for you. One was Jaehyun, and the other, you knew to be Johnny, who currently running down the hall towards this hurricane.
Johnny hated it when his best friend, Taeyong, got his sister, you, involved in his muck. Johnny tried to get you to stay out of it as much as he could. He hated seeing you get hurt; it angered him.
Taeyong turned to you, stunned, “Are you okay?”
And unexpectedly, Jaehyun pushed his captor off and yelled, “How could you hurt your own sister?” all before throwing a right hook to the other guy’s nose.
Tayong gripped his face and went flying back. Though admittedly, he didn’t think the scum Jung Jaehyun had it in him to fight back, with how used he was with fist fights, he quickly regained composure, and quickly retaliated.
“YOU BASTARD!” Taeyong shouted, throwing a solid punch to Jaehyun’s cheek, before ramming into him and punching him onto the ground.
It was at this point Johnny came and helped your stunned, screaming self up from the floor. You screamed at your brother to stop, but it fell empty to his ears.
 “JOHNNY DO SOMETHING!” you cried and turned to the said man. Johnny was a good guy and a good friend, and he wasn’t particularly scared of Taeyong, but that wasn’t the reason why he hesitated for a moment. He hesitated because there was a bitter taste in his throat, because you thought Jaehyun was actually cute no matter how unpopular he was.
Neither did Johnny fuss about popularity really, but he honestly couldn’t fathom what you saw in this awkward chump… when there was him.
Eventually though, as Johnny was a good person, he had taeyong off of a badly bruised ad bloody nosed Jaehyun in a matter of seconds. Did I mention Johnny was extremely tall?
You ran to him Jaehyun as Taeyong was being pacified by his best friend. You hear your brother try to tell you off, but you ignored him like he did you. You lifted Jaehyun’s head and used your shaky hand to wipe off the red on him with your baby blue hankie.
You boiled in anger and your tears welled up. You whipped your head to your brother and shouted with a broken voice “ARE YOU PSYCHO?”
“Get away from him!” Taeyong barked, trying to get away from Johnny.
“You could’ve killed him, moron!”
“That’ll teach him to stay away from you, teach everyone who dares come near you with goo-goo eyes!”
“He barely even talked to me, Taeyong!”
Taeyong scoffed, “He’s a lunatic!”
“Oh, and beating him up proves you aren’t?!” you fumed. With a digusted scoff, you turned away from your brother, “That’s enough. Take him away from here, Johnny.”
Your heart broke at the sight of the flinching man on the floor. You looked at the crowd around you and scoffed once more, “SOMEONE CALL A NURSE! RED CROSS! AN AMBULANCE! ANYTHING!”
 Taeyong fought off Johnny, “Fucking, dumbass! I’m not leaving my sister with that garbage!”
You huffed and turned to Johnny who looked at you with soft eyes. You urged him by calling his voice, but Johnny didn’t move your brother away at all.  
“I think you should leave too,” Johnny spoke, eyeing the man on the floor.
“You dogs,” you speak lowly, “I can’t just leave him here.”
 “Well, actually,” a voice called and emerged a guy named Yuta. “You can now. You shouldn’t be here,” he added, looking down his best friend, gripping the handle of his first aid kit in hand.
Tayeong laughed dryly at the sight of Yuta, “What a fucking nerd.”
 “Yuta,” I say with a soft voice
He sighs and turns to me, “I’d say it’s not your fault, but… you’ve done enough here.” Yuta then crouched down and started tending to his friend. At this point a couple of students in the Red Cross started piling around us.
“Lets go!” Taeyong shouted. He snored and spat out blood to his side. You stood up from where you sat and walked off with Taeyong and Johnny. Your eyes were fixated however on the battered man surely unconscious on the floor.
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peckhampeculiar · 5 years
Straight to the sauce
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Three producers from Peckham and Camberwell talk about their homegrown recipes and why so many people do indeed like it hot
Chillies are loved around the world for their unique flavour, wide-ranging heat levels and the buzz they give us as we add ever-increasing amounts to our food. The hot sauce business is booming, with lots of independent producers simmering, fermenting and blending chillies before funnelling them into handy, shakeable bottles.
Jen Ferguson, co-founder of Hop Burns & Black, said her business is enjoying a bumper year for hot sauce, with revenue from hot sauce sales in the East Dulwich Road shop alone up by 54% in the first three months of this year compared to the same period in 2018.
From the mild, everyday cayenne-based sauces to those made with the beautiful but serious scotch bonnets we see every day on Rye Lane, people can’t get enough of these spicy additions.
Now, three local brands – Peckham Sauce Co, Disco Hot Sauce and Slow Richie’s – are making names for themselves with their addictive homegrown recipes. Exactly how does one end up in the hot sauce business?
Archie Woodward of Peckham Sauce Co got into it through his love of fermentation, originally just making gifts for friends and family. A combination of “trial and error mixed with serendipity” led him to “create a unique fermented hot sauce that was like nothing [he’d] ever tasted”.
After doing some research and finding there were very few other fermented sauces on the market, he decided to use his background in marketing to launch a new business and has “never looked back”.
Just down the road in Camberwell, Jen Katan and Oli Kissick-Jones of Disco Hot Sauce were inspired by the scotch bonnet bounty so freely available in this corner of south-east London. “We were walking home from a night out and decided we wanted a late-night snack with some decent hot sauce but knew we were out of our usual fridge stock,” Oli explains.
“There’s always the opportunity to buy scotch bonnets from any of the late-night convenience stores so at 2am we embarked on making some of our own. We both have a lot of energy so we figured, what better time to knock some up?”
For brothers Richie and Alex Calver of Slow Richie’s it was a case of developing their established street-food brand, loved for their giant, juicy burgers and now their “hog kitchen” at Brick Brewery.
“Having had a career as a chef before starting Slow Richie’s, I believe in making food from scratch using fresh ingredients, not just opening a packet or jar,” explains Richie. “We were raised on spicy foods, so all our hot sauces contain a hefty amount of chillies.”
This includes that ever-present scotch bonnet, which they blend into their “Blenheim Black” with Brick Brewery’s Blenheim Black ale, where its fruitiness balances well with the bitter hops.
In fact, all three producers are huge fans of the chilli so familiar to residents of this part of London, with the Peckham Sauce Co fermenting their Batch One hot sauce with the bobbly, lantern-shaped bonnets as well as Dutch chillies, paprika, coriander, mustard seeds and garlic. This produces a sauce that is fresh and hot but aromatic too. “Some people say it’s quite similar to ’nduja [the spicy Calabrian sausage], which I can kind of see,” Archie muses.
Jen and Oli make their Disco Hot Sauce with a heavy dose of turmeric in addition to the scotch bonnets, inspired by a trip Jen took to Panama, where she fell in love with a “scotch bonnet-based hot sauce with mustard, fresh vegetables and herbs like onion, garlic and lots of turmeric. They serve it everywhere and keep it in recycled whiskey bottles.”
She resolved to come back and make a version of the sauce, albeit with a special “London twist” that includes English mustard.
With the hot sauce market crammed full of products, these cooks focus on small batches produced with high quality ingredients. “All of our chillies come from Rwanda,” explains Archie.
“We work closely with a few farms out there because the quality is second to none and it’s less than 24 hours from picking to landing at Gatwick. From there they get chopped down to a mash, then we chuck in salt along with our favourite herbs and spices. We then seal up the barrel and let it sit for at least one month but it can be up to three. Once that’s complete all we do is blend down the barrel and throw in some vinegar.”
At Slow Richie’s, all sauces are handmade in the kitchen at Dulwich Hamlet football club and they often take things one step further by working with high quality local producers.
In addition to their collaborations with Brick Brewery, they’ve made sauces with Gosnells mead (a green cayenne number) and Kanpai sake (roasted chilli and horseradish). Richie also cultivates some of the chillies at home for “small batch sauces”, including the fearsome Carolina Reaper, which currently holds the Guinness World Record for the hottest chilli pepper on the planet (it has been claimed that other chillies are spicier but this has not been confirmed by Guinness).
So what’s the best way to enjoy these sauces? Slow Richie’s, unsurprisingly, suggests trying it on their swine-based sandwiches at the brewery. Their behemoth Black Hog sandwich is made with slow-roast pork, black pudding and their Original Hot Sauce, while the Classic Hog comes with an impressive shard of crackling and their sweet-spicy chilli apple sauce (see their Instagram page @slowrichies for incredible photos that should come with a trigger warning for the hungry). Diners can then buy a bottle to take away and douse their sandwiches for ever more.
For Archie at Peckham Sauce Co, a bacon sandwich is number one. “It’s my favourite thing about the weekend,” he says. “I also made a Batch One braised short rib, which was pretty mind-blowing and the recipe for that is over on our Instagram [@peckhamsauceco] if you want to check it out. Batch Two [their habanero, yellow pepper and peach sauce] is pretty decent on tacos because you get a good hit of sweet, tangy spice.”
Jen and Oli are less specific, saying: “We eat it on literally everything! We also experiment with recipes and post the creations on our Instagram [@discohotsauce]. Last Saturday we made a spicy cod and fried egg ‘disco bap’ for breakfast and drenched that with Disco Hot Sauce. We add it to mayo for a spicy mayonnaise.
“It can also be used in salad dressings to add a kick, or as a flavour enhancer in a stew. We’ve also been experimenting with drinks too – a Disco Michelada went down a treat during the summer and the Disco Mary was on the drinks menu at the Montpelier pub last summer. We’re hoping to introduce it to the White Horse menu very soon.”
All the producers clearly have strong ties to Peckham’s creative community. “Being a local in south-east London has been brilliant for discovering food entrepreneurialism and connecting our favourite dance haunts and music networks with the sauce,” Jen enthuses.
It turns out the name Disco Hot Sauce comes from a combined passion for music and chillies. “I’ve worked in the music industry most of my life for labels such as Universal and currently Kobalt’s AWAL,” explains Oli. “I still DJ regularly and spent my early London days running dance parties and hanging out in late-night discotheques.”
“So much has changed in the six years Peckham has been home,” Richie says. “In that time the food and drink scene has grown massively and it’s been great being a part of it. There’s a real festival feeling in the area throughout the summer months; from the rooftops to Peckham Rye Park, everyone is having a great time. There’s very little reason to leave the area these days, with so much going on.”
Archie agrees: “I live in Peckham and it’s the best place in London – there’s literally no other place I’d rather be. There’s always so much going on, with new places popping up and exciting events. There’s very few places where you have it all and I think Peckham is one of them. The day I have to leave will be a very sad day.”
0 notes
cowboy-crimez · 7 years
5 times stan tries to make bill blush plus the 1 time he succeeds
 stanley uris/bill denbrough
tags: modern!au, no pennywise, nothing is Bad Ever, technically it’s a thot stan au, teenaged losers club
@stenbrough this is less of a thot stan au and more of a thot in theory stan au but ty for saying it was okay to use some of ur hc’s !! they’re a hoot and a half
read on ao3
brief a/n: im a minor/around the same as age the characters which is why i felt okay writing/posting this
Stan doesn’t think he’s at all conceited or vain when he says that he’s attractive. At 17 he’s mostly grown into the lanky limbs that plagued his childhood, his face filled out to be nicely angular but still soft and kind. His hair is still curly but now he knows how to style it, knows how to make the curls fall across his forehead, almost into his eyes to make him look cute. The scars around his face from the time that a dog attacked him smoothed out over the years; instead of them being puckered, raised, and uncomfortable, they now lay flat, only paler than the rest of his face. Even those aren’t ugly anymore.
 So Stan doesn’t think he’s too full of himself when he says he’s attractive. And he doesn’t think he’s tooting his own horn when he says that a lot of people are attracted to him, want to date him, even. His only problem is that the one boy who he’s attracted too, and he wants to date, seems to be a fucking idiot.
 “Bill, can you help me with this?” Stan says, twisting a curl around his index finger. Bill nods, and leans across the table where the Losers are eating lunch. He looks down at the binder full of paper in front of Stan.
 “T-t-this is chemistry.” Bill says, looking up at Stan, “I’m shit at chemistry.”
 Fuck. “No, you’re not,” Stan says, biting the end of his pencil a bit. He thinks it gross, the metallic taste, and oh lord, the places the pencil has been. But apparently it’s cute. “Just try to help me, please?”
 Stan flutters his eyelashes a bit. He did it last week with a girl in his history class, and she turned red as a tomato. Bill looks at him, tilts his head. For a second, Stan thinks he finally has him.
 “D-do you have something in your e-e-yes?”
 Stan sighs. Out of all the boys in the school, it had to be Bill.
 I really commit and sacrifice so much for style, Stan thinks, dragging his feet along. His boots are way too heavy, and his pants are a bit too tight to be comfortable, but, fuck, if they don’t make his - admittedly, flat - ass look good. It rained recently, so the ground is damp but the air is fresh.
 Another sacrifice: all he has is his off the shoulder sweatshirt, so if it rains again, he’s screwed.
 He walks up to Bill’s door, knocks, and a few moments later Gerogie opens the door.
 “Bill?” he asks. Stan nods, and Georgie closes the door slightly, so he can turn and yell, “Bill! Stan is here!” before opening the door again.
 “What’s up, Georgie?” Stan asks, laughing at his antics. He’s growing up too fast, Stan thinks, and he knows that soon Bill will be crying over how big his baby brother is. Richie sometimes jokes that when they go off to college, Bill will cry the most purely because he’ll be leaving Georgie behind, and Stan has to admit, he might not be wrong.
 He makes small talk with Georgie for a few minutes, not much to talk about since he saw him only a few days ago. Bill comes clamoring down the stairs, and starts pulling on his shoes. He waves, and Stan waves back. Bill grabs his car keys from the key hook, ruffles Georgie’s hair and shuts the door behind him.
 Ever since he got his license and his car, he’s basically been the group’s personally taxi. As Stan climbs into the front seat, he has a brief moment where he imagines kissing him in the back seat, Bill’s long fingers tangling into his curls. Bill’s lips are always slightly chapped; Stan wonders how they’d feel against his own soft ones. The thought leaves quickly, and Stan is left there, face a bit warmer, as Bill turns the car key.
 They drive to the library where they’re meeting Mike and Eddie. Bill parks and shuts the car off. As Stan opens the door he sees the library steps, and the perfect plan pops into his head. He makes sure to walk a little bit faster than Bill, just enough so that he’s a few steps ahead, but not enough for it to be suspect. Even with Bill’s much longer legs, Stan reaches the steps first, and puts his plan into action.
 He makes sure that when he steps he moves his hips more than strictly necessary, aware that he’ll be at the perfect height for Bill to look at his butt. He’s about halfway up when he hears Bill mumble something to him, still at the bottom of the stairs.
 “What?” Stan asks, turning his head slightly, as he takes another step. Except with the damp ground and his clunky boots, instead of gracefully taking a step, the toe of the boot gets stuck on the lip of the stair. “Fuck!”
 Stan’s knees hit the concrete, and his forehead hits the flat of the library entrance.
 “Oh my god, S-s-stan, are you o-okay?” Bill asks, rushing up the stairs to kneel next to him.
 “Fuck, shit, piss, fuck,” Stan grumbles, putting a hand to his forehead as he turns to sit on the offending stairs. “Ow. Am I bleeding?”
 Bill gently takes a hold of Stan’s hand, moving it away from his head. For a moment, Stan think this would be so sweet, if he hadn’t just ate shit in front of his crush.
 Bill inspects him for a moment, “No, b-b-ut you’ll have a n-n-nasty bruise later.”
 Stan pouts, “Help me up.” He makes grabby hands, and Bill laughs, standing up, before pulling Stan up too.
 If Stan is limping slightly when walking into the library, Bill doesn’t mention it. He doesn’t get the same luxury when he goes home later that evening and his mom freaks out over the huge blue mark on his forehead.
 Eddie’s house is always too warm. His mother must pay a fortune on heating. Ever since Eddie got into a huge fight with her when he was 13, she’s loosened her grip slightly, especially after he couch surfed on all their couches for a few days when she refused to change her ways.
 But she still refuses to let the house to cold, less her precious baby Eddie bear catch a cold in the night. So whenever the losers hang out there, they always end up sweating, stripping out of their coats, hoodies, and sometimes shirts within minutes.
 Richie, since he goes over the most, came up with the perfect solution: bring popsicles. Even though it’s hailing outside, the Losers are inside, not really watching their Texas Chainsaw Massacre marathon, and eating the fruity popsicles that Richie brought over.
 Someone is screaming on screen, but they’re too busy listening to Beverly’s reenactment of how some kid managed to flip his desk in math while leaning back in his chair.
 “So it’s dead silent, Cole and Phillip are getting absolutely destroyed by Ms. Jackson, and then BAM! All we see is papers flying everywhere-” She takes a break, laughing too hard at the memory. Bill smiles at her. Even though his crush is long gone, Stan knows that there’s a Beverly shaped soft spot in his heart, probably right next to the Georgie shaped on. Stan wonders if there’s a spot in there that will be shaped like him one day.
 A drip from the popsicle runs down his hand, onto his wrist. Stan starts to lean in to lick it off, when he notices that Bill’s eyes have shifted from Beverly onto him. Without thinking, Stan meets his gaze, sticking his tongue out as he runs it up his arm, catching the juice on his tongue. He’s moving more slowly than necessary, but no one else has seemed to notice him. He sees Bill gulp, his own popsicle melting in his hand, forgotten. Stan takes that as a sign to continue.  He runs his tongue up his own popsicle - strawberry flavoured - and once he gets to the tip, he slowly puts it into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks as much as he thinks will look hot.
 Bill is still watching him, even though Beverly has recovered enough to continue her story. For a second, Stan thinks maybe he should quit while he’s ahead, most of the popsicle isn’t in his mouth and he can see the tips of Bill’s ears are pink.
But that could be the heat. It could be because they came from the outside only a few minutes ago, so it could be the temperature change. Stan wants, no, needs  to know that Bill is red because of him.
 So he keeps pushing, looking right at Bill, who’s eyes keep flickering from his lips to meeting Stan’s gaze. Stan can almost feel it at the back of his throat, and he’s about to pull it out, having enough evidence that he thinks proves his point. But then Mike starts laughing, and his arm flies out and nudges Stan’s arm, the one that’s holding his popsicle.
 Then Stan’s eyes go wide, pulling the popsicle out of his mouth quickly, as he retches.
 “Oh my god, if you throw up on my carpet, I’m kicking you out.” Eddie says, from where he’s laying on his bed. Stan doesn’t reply, only covering his mouth with his free hand as he gags and coughs. Mike pats him on the back, saying, “Sorry!” over and over again.
 Stan waves it him off, “It’s okay.” he says weakly, eyes a little watery. His face is red, and while it’s mostly from choking, a part of it is because Bill saw him choke while he was trying to be sexy.
 Stan doesn’t meet Bill’s gaze for the rest of the night. He finishes eating his popsicle normally.
 It’s a warm weekend, and for the first time in years they ride their bikes around again. When they all got to be 16, they stopped, thinking it was too childish, too immature for them. Then they started getting licenses and cars, so for most of them, their once cherished bikes sat in the back of their garage. But Ben texted them all the night before saying that it’d be fun to ride around town for all times sake, go by their usually haunts, old and new.
 For once, Stan decides to dress for the weather, not for the secret fashion show that is constantly going on inside his head. He puts on sneakers, the first (okay, third or fourth) t-shirt that he sees, a zip up hoodie, and a pair of shorts that he knows he won’t care about if they get dirty.
 They have fun, riding around town, stopping to get snacks, window shopping, the likes. Richie falls off his bike twice, and Stan always has fun laughing at him, especally when he knows it’s not a serious accident. They throw their bikes down on the grass at the quarry, sit around and hang out. At some point Mike shows off his double jointed elbow (just one) which makes Eddie gag, and then the coversation is about flexabilty. Richie can put his foot behind his head, and while doing that he falls off the rock he’s sitting on. Beverly can do a back bridge and walk. Ben surprises all of them by also being able to put a foot behind his head, and unlike Richie, doesn’t fall. Eddie admits that the only reason he can touch his toes is because his leg to arm ratio is way messed up, and that he’s not flexible at all. Bill isn’t flexible, but he can do a handstand and cartwheels. Then, they’re all looking at Stan, waiting to see what he can pull out of his sleeve.
“I can do the splits.” He says.
 “Bullshit.” Richie replies, “You can’t.”
 “Can to!”
 “Prove it!”
 Stan huffs, stands up from his log, brushes off his pants and walks a few steps to wear there ground is flat. As he’s starting to spread his legs - one in front of him and one behind - he notices that he’s closest to Bill. He starts lowering himself, low enough that his palms can be flat on the ground.
 Richie wolf whistles, and for a moment Stan stops so that he can flip him off. He looks up when he’s a few inches from touching the ground, and sees Bill staring, mouth agape. Stan smirks slightly, then smiles sweetly at him.
 Then his back foot slips, and what was a slow descent is now a fast drop, arms not quick enough to stop him, and his crotch, from hitting the ground without warning.
 Stan screams.
 “FUCK ME, HOLY SHIT, FUCKING-” Stan groans, arms giving out and torso flopping over, so his forehead touches his knee.
 He can hear Richie laughing in the background as he moans in pain. He wills his arms to move to try and push him back up, but he’s at an angle where it’s hard, and his thighs hurt now, refusing to move.
 “I’m stuck.” He groans. “Holy fuck, I swear, if one of you doesn’t help me right now I will murder you.”
 “How you gonna kill us if you can’t even stand?” Richie asks, still snorting. Bill stands up, slowly makes his way over to Stan.
 “G-give me your hands.” He says. Stan raises his arms, hold onto Bill’s elbows as he grabs his forearms. Planting his feet, he starts to lift Stan up.
 He thought that getting out of the painful position would feel good, but instead it feels like Hell, so he groans in pain again as Bill lifts him up. Once he’s high enough that he can move his legs independently, he automatically brings them together, letting go of Bill so he can drop to his knees and hunch over. Forehead pressed to the dirt and hands between his legs, he lets out one more scream.
 “Richie, I blame you!”
 Stan decides to walk his bike home that day.
Stan and Bill are in Bill’s bedroom. Alone. In his bedroom. Alone. Not that it hasn’t happened before. When they were younger they hung out alone all the time. Hell, they hung out alone a few days ago. But a few days ago Stan wasn’t wearing a crop top and tight fitting jeans, sunglasses perched on top of his head, as he leaned over Bill’s shoulder to watch a video on his phone.
 Stan’s always been aware that Bill grew up well, but this close he can really see how much he grew up. His shoulders are wider than they were when he was 13. His cheekbones more prominent. He’s still tall and thin, but years of baseball and noncompetitive football with Mike, Ben and Richie made his arms a bit more muscular, legs and thighs a bit thicker. With his head almost on Bill’s shoulder, he can see the tiniest amount of stubble on his chin, in places where the razor missed. Even his stutter is getting better, and sometimes through the pride of seeing a friend get over an insecurity, Stan almost misses the day when Bill would stumble over his words, have to slow down and speak clearly. It feels like they’re all growing up, and Stan isn’t sure how to feel about that.
 The video ends, and Stan can’t say that he really paid attention to it. Bill looks at him. Stan has nothing to say, so he just stares.
 Bill’s eyes flicker from Stan’s lips to his hairline, unwilling to make eye contact. Stan doesn’t have any tricks up his sleeve, nothing to try and seduce him with. He bites his lip without thinking.
 Bill leans a bit closer. Stan has to sit up straighter in order to get closer to him. Bill presses his forehead against Stan’s, noses almost touching.
 Stan’s eyes flicker close as he feels Bill’s breath against his lips. If he concentrates he swears he can already feel them brush, feels the chappedness of Bill’s against his own, can taste the peppermint of the gum he was chewing a few minutes ago.
 Stan is about to lean up a little bit more, close the almost microscopic distance between them, when he hears a loud knock and, “Billie! Billie! You said you would drive me to swimming lessons today!”
 Bill leans away as Stan’s eyes shoot open, a blush covering his face, working its away down his neck when Georgie opens the door.
 “Billie, I’m going to be late.” Georgie says with a pout, already in his swimming trunks and a hoodie, towel thrown over his shoulder, “Come on.”
 “I’ll be d-d-down in a minute, Georgie, go put your shoes on.” George nods and leaves the room, pointedly not closing the door. Stan looks down at his lap, plays with the fraying edge of a hole in his jeans.
 “Do you w-w-want a ride home? I’m sure I could just drop him off, drop you off t-t-t-then make it back to his lesson.” Bill asks, always the gentleman. His face isn’t red, and even his stutter is just from the fact that he stutters, not embarrassment. Stan shakes his head.
 “No, it’s fine. I can just walk home.” He stands up and quickly makes his way out of Bill’s room, rushes down stairs and pulls his shoes on. His face is still warm as he says bye to Georgie, giving him the customary high five.
 When he gets home, he doesn’t slam the door to his room, even though he wants too. He quietly closes it, then lays face down in bed and wonders why he has to like such a fucking dumbass.
 They haven’t spoken about The Incident as Stan likes to think of it. Stan continues to wear the same clothes, make the same suggestive looks, and laugh at the same dumb jokes that Bill makes. He’s good at acting like nothing is different. Except now, he can see Bill making suggestive looks back at him, can feel it when Bill places a hand on his arm for a second too look, can hear the flirtation tone in his voice when Bill tells him that he looks good, that his pants make his legs look good or that his shirt is showing off his midriff.
 But nothing changes. They still hang out with the same people, and they still hang out alone with nothing happening.
 Bill is driving Stan to a drive in theatre that they wanted to go to,  the next town over. The rest of the Losers were either working, busy or were on one-on-one dates. It’s just him and Bill. Alone in a car for 45 minutes there, two back to back movies then 45 minutes back.
 Stan is tired of waiting for change.
 “Pull over.” He says suddenly, making Bill jump a bit.
 “Why?” he asks, glancing over, “Do you f-feel sick?”
 “Just pull over.” Stan repeats. Bill nods, indicates, and pulls over to the side, cutting the engine, and looking at Stan with concern.
 Stan unbuckles his seatbelt and leans towards Bill. He puts his hands on either side of his face.
 “You’re such an idiot,” is the first thing he says, “I have been flirting with you since I was 14 years old, and you have been flirting with me since you were 16. You are literally the most beautiful person I have ever met, the sweetest person in the world, one of the most caring, but you’re so dumb for not making a move yet.”
 The bridge of Bill’s nose is a light pink, “Well, you c-c-could have made one by n-now too.”
 “Shut up.” Stan says, before pressing his lips against Bill’s. His chapped lips are rough against his own, but it’s not unpleasant. Bill’s fingers get tangled in his curls, just like he always imagined. Stan smiles against Bill’s lips when one of Bill’s hands rests against his waist.
 When they pull apart, Bill’s face is red, and for once, Stan’s isn’t. He grins at Bill, and leans back in.
 They don’t make it to the drive in theatre.
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theartificialdane · 7 years
Galactica, chapter 249
Deck the hall with boughs of holly, fa la la la la, la la, la la. The Puerto Ricon sun is shining, and christmas is celebrated in the land of Galactica!
Thank you to everyone who has been patient in the wait for this chapter, and thank you to @samrull @toriibelledarling and @veronicasanders for their help, creative minds and their writing skills <3!
“I don’t think I can do this.”
Fame held onto Patrick’s arm. The comfort of Jinkx’s family jet, that would normally calm her right down, was offset by her fear of flying in such a small aircraft, and with all the people in here? What exactly kept them from falling out of the sky. Patrick squeezed her hand, and Fame took a deep breath, trying to center herself like she had learned in her hypnosis class. She had to admit though, it was nice to be sitting in such a big, plush seat. Hopefully the sedative would kick in soon.
“Of course you can.” Patrick gently titled Fame’s head, giving her a kiss. “Everything will be fine.”
Courtney chattered excitedly with Adore, getting all the latest gossip about her band and the stunning goddess they’d found to play bass, when Bianca tried to catch her attention from the other side of the plane. “Hey, baby! We’re about to take off… You wanna come sit over here?” Bianca flashed her dimples, gesturing to the spot beside her.
“Uhh, thanks, I’m good,” Courtney said, kissing the top of Kylie’s head and turning back to Adore, who raised an eyebrow.
“Damn, B, what’d you do now?” Adore teased.
“Fuck off, Adore.”
“Now now, be nice, sis.” Adore flashed a cheeky grin.
“Baaaaaaaaabe, come ooon.” Pearl smiled as she leaned over the table. “Let me taste!”
“No! Katya is helping me make these for your mom.” Laila laughed, fighting Pearl off as she tried to get her hands on the small fruity cakes.
“Just a bite! I’ll do whatever you want.” Laila suddenly got a flash of Pearl in bed, her girlfriend panting above her as she rode the dildo that had become their favorite, the thick black silicone so familiar to Laila.
“Okay okay, you can have some.” Laila smiled and held out a small piece of vzvar, Pearl taking a bite and moaning in pleasure.
“Mmh.. Thanks babe.”
“You’re welcome, now get out.” Laila pushed Pearl. “I have to work.”
“Thank fuck. You guys are nauseatingly sweet.” They both turned to see Trixie standing at the kitchen counter, chopping potatoes for Ivan’s dinner. Laila blushed, her entire face going red as she realized Trixie had been there the whole time.
“So...Alaska…” Fame attempted to change the subject, turning to the slender blonde. “I’m so glad we get to spend this time together outside of the office.”
“Yeah,” Alaska agreed. “It’s gonna be...awesome.”
Fame cleared her throat, trying to think of something to say to her. “How...um...how are the spring palettes coming along?”
“Hey Alaska, I bet this is exactly what you were hoping for your vacation, eh?” Bianca taunted, pinching Fame’s thigh. “Just chatting about work with your boss?”
Alaska giggled, nervously sipping her champagne.
“Oh, stop it! I was just saying that she’s doing a great job! You’re such a beast!” Fame swatted Bianca’s hand away, getting into a play fight with her, Bianca happy that she could distract her friend from the horror of flying, Patrick giving Bianca a gentle smile as Alaska slipped away.
“These vegan spring rolls are delicious!” Courtney smiled at the flight attendant as she finished her lunch, before she turned to Jinkx, bouncing in her seat excitedly. “Omigod Jinky, guess what?! You know that theatre agent you set me up with? Well, he got me a meeting with that producer friend of yours, Sharon-”
Adore’s eyes got huge and she squeezed Courtney’s arm, whispering, “/Abort, abort!/”
Courtney gave her a confused look, asking, “Huh?” and then turning back to Jinkx, who had a terrified smile plastered across her face. “You know, the one producing Cabaret? Anyway, I met with her last week to talk about playing Sally and she’s so funny, and I think we totally hit it off. She’s a little worried about my accent, which is hilarious because most Americans can’t even tell the difference, and--WHAT?!” She glared at Adore, who was giving her frantic eyes and shaking her head violently, interrupting her amazing news for some reason.
“Alaska,” Fame said, tilting her head, looking at the blonde who was finishing her lunch. “Didn’t you and Sharon used to date? I’m sure I’ve heard about it somewhere.” Fame smiled, happy to have a topic she could discuss with Alaska that wasn’t about work.
Adore’s grip on Courtney’s arm tightened like a vice. “OW! Stop it!”
“Uh, yes, we did.” Alaska cleared her throat and polished off the rest of her champagne.
There was a long moment of silence.
“So…” Bianca began, attempting to break the tension, “Patrick...fuck any cute assistants lately?”
“Are you sure the gift for your mother is good enough?”
“I’m absolutely sure.” Sutan smiled as Violet looked at the silk scarf she had wrapped up for Christmas one last time, before finally putting it in the car. Sutan had come to get her at her apartment, her boyfriend driving the batman car Raja gifted to him for his birthday. “She loves scarves, and as you know, Muslim christmas is all about the gifts.”
Violet laughed. It was kind of weird to her that Sutan’s family celebrated christmas, but she wasn’t saying no to a few days on Long Island in Sutan’s mom’s cosy little yellow house.
Frida yipped, and Sutan picked her up, the chubby little dog that could no longer be described as a puppy wagging her tail as she was zipped into her doggy seat in the back.
Jane sipped on an iced coffee, watching some footage in the cramped Post Production offices, when her field producer, Jeremy, walked up behind her, holding a flash drive, a sly grin on his face. “Check out this sequence I just cut together,” he said.
Jane took the drive and popped it into her system, playing out the reel. It was a sequence over the course of three holiday parties, focused on Bianca Del Rio and her famous predilection for pretty blondes. She was flirting with models, business associates, laughing and flashing her killer dimples. Intercut was Courtney glaring on, looking more and more murderous in each shot, ending with a shot of her literally dragging Bianca away from a pretty young thing and throwing her against a wall. Jane burst out laughing. “This is amazing, remember when we thought she’d be the boring one this season?”
Jeremy nodded. “Yeah, and it gets better. So we found this girl…” he threw some tabloid pictures down of Bianca and a cute blonde making out in a club. “They seem to have had a thing during London fashion week, last year. She’s a singer, got a record deal remarkably soon after this little affair. Sound familiar? She’s also younger than Courtney, so that’s gotta hurt.”
“You’re /so/ evil,” Jane said. “So, what, you’re sending her to Puerto Rico?”
“Exactly. We’re there anyway to film Courtney’s concert. Might as well add some drama!”
Jane winked. “Good job, man. We may have to give you a raise.”
“Oh /man/,” Adore collapsed onto the bed, exhausted. “That was a long fucking day, trapped in a steel tube with those motherfuckers, and one of my presents got squashed! It sucks.”
“Tell me about it…” Alaska grumbled, rolling her eyes. “And I told you not to bring anything soft.”
“It’s not soft. It’s delicate.”
“That’s literally the same word.”
Jinkx sighed, halfway through removing her shoes, one heel in her hand, both Alaska and Adore looking at her. “I’m sorry about everything on the plane-”“
“I know,” Alaska replied tersely.
“I thought inviting that agent to Courtney’s concert was a nice thing, you know? I didn’t realize it was gonna mean Sharon—“
“I get it, Jinkx.”
“Well, I’m sorry. That’s all.”
Adore groaned loudly, one arm covering her eyes. Both Jinkx and Alaska looked at her. “Can you guys, like, please just…not do this anymore? At least for the time we’re here? Because it’s really starting to take its toll on my fragile emotional state.”
Jinkx looked up at Alaska, whose face was suddenly filled with guilt. In the next instant, both of them were on the bed, tackling Adore and covering her with kisses.
She shrieked and giggled, lapping up the attention. “See, this is more like it…” she purred happily.
Courtney sank down into the warm water of the hot tub, the day’s tension melting away as the jets pounded against her sore muscles. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air, admiring the beauty of the Caribbean sunset.
“Room for me?” Bianca asked, standing above her with two cocktails in her hands.
Courtney nodded, and Bianca slipped in beside her, handing her one of the drinks, kissing her lightly on the cheek.
“So...what do you think?”
Courtney leaned against her shoulder. “It’s even more beautiful than you described.”
Bianca smiled, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“Bianca, seriously! Did you have to put me next to Adore and her...whatever you wanna call that situation?” Eddy, Bianca’s brother, opened the sliding glass doors, holding his fiancée’s hand, making Courtney jump slightly.
Bianca looked up at her brother quizzically. “What exactly is your problem?” she asked. “Hi, Rose. How was your flight?”
“Great!” Rose exclaimed. She settled down at the edge of the hot tub, lifting up her skirt and dangling her feet in the water. “And I have no idea what he’s complaining about.”
“I’m complaining because I really don’t want to have to listen to my baby sister engaging in sexual deviancy on Jesus’s birthday.”
Eddy stood at the bar, pouring drinks for them, complaining loudly, when Fame and Patrick wandered outside as well. Courtney groaned, already annoyed with the lack of privacy, but it seemed like that was a big part of an American Christmas.
“If it helps, Eddy, most historians think that Jesus was actually born in the Spring. We just celebrate in December because of the Winter Solstice,” Courtney said.
“Are we really talking about Jesus?” Patrick wondered, settling into a lounge chair with a beer.
Rose giggled. “Eddy hasn’t been to church in 20 years. He’s just being a pain in the ass.”
“Sorry if I don’t think listening to Adore get double-teamed sounds like a relaxing vacation,” Eddy said.
“Gross, dude,” Bianca laughed, nuzzling into Courtney’s shoulder.
“Miss Bianca? Dinner will be ready in 5 minutes,” said Maria, the villa’s chef.
“Thanks!” Bianca called, rising from the water and wrapping a long flowing cover-up around her bathing suit. Fame snickered softly. “What, bitch?”
“No, nothing! It’s cute.”
“You got something to say, blondie?” Bianca walked over to Fame and poked her playfully with her foot.
“No! I just...I can never get used to seeing you in resort wear. It’s so...casual.”
“Oh, go fuck yourself!” Bianca bent down and began tickling her and she shrieked happily, slapping Bianca’s hands away.
Courtney clenched her fists under the water and closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the cool tile.
“You see this one next.”
Violet gasped in delight as Sutan’s mom handed him a photo. “Oh my god!” Violet grabbed it, holding it into the light so she could see it properly. “Is that pink hair?”
Mani nodded, a smile on her face as well. Violet and Mani were sitting in the livingroom, Violet surrounded by photos of the twins, their mom having kept every tiny magazine mention they had ever gotten, and printed every photo they ever sent her. Frida was on the floor napping, snow falling outside the window. Violet and Sutan had gone up early, opting to spend the night at Mani’s so they could help her prepare for the christmas feast, and help her get everything she needed in order, though Sutan would never tell his mom directly that he was worried about her in her elderly years.
“Anada sometime silly boy, he think he was cool.”
Violet laughed, Sutan looked perfect in all of his awkward glory, his hair practically in a buzzcut and bright pink, Raja in the background of the party photo drinking beer.
“Can I take a picture of this?” Violet was already looking for her phone.
“You think that is best photo? Wait until you see high school times.” Violet’s eyes widened as Mani took yet another box.
“There’s more?”
“Anada look very cute in leopad pint.”
In that moment the door to the kitchen opened, Sutan walking in with a tray of tea and sweets that they had picked up on the way.
“... What are you guys doing? Is that my fucking high school yearbook? Mom!”
Mani and Violet both burst into laughter, Violet nearly doubling over as Sutan desperately tried to gather the pictures and speaking in rapid Indonesian.
“What the fuckin’ FUCK are you doing here?!” asked a delighted voice with a British accent.
Bianca spun around, and was suddenly greeted by an adorable young blonde, with perfect winged eyeliner and an angelic pixie-like face. Her mouth was open in surprise. She threw her arms around Bianca’s neck in drunken glee while the others looked on.
“Oh my GOD, it’s been ages! What a fuckin’ crazy-ass coincidence, eh?!” She pressed a kiss against the corner of Bianca’s mouth, giggling, then looked at Courtney, who was standing there as if she was trying to decide whether to throw up or stab her in the throat. “So this is the one who’s making an honest woman of you, huh Bianca?! Hi, I’m Zee. I had a sordid fling with your girlfriend back in her ‘I don’t do long term relationships’ days.” Zee threw back her head and laughed.
Courtney cleared her throat, wondering why Bianca wasn’t detangling herself from this pretty young thing, but determined to stay composed, especially in front of the Housewives cameras. “Hi, I’m Courtney…”
“It wasn’t that sordid...” Bianca said weakly, trying to keep things light.
“Whatever you say,” Zee winked, then exclaimed, “Omigod, Bianca! Remember that DJ at Egg? The crazy motherfucker with the gages?” She hugged her tighter around the waist, resting a chin on her shoulder.
“Uh, yeah, sure.” Bianca flashed Courtney an apologetic look. The thing about Zee was, she was totally harmless, and tipsy, and having a good time. Sure, she might be crossing a line, but Bianca wasn’t about to be a dickhead to the girl. They’d ended on good terms.
Adore and Alaska stepped closer, clearly worried that something was about to go down. Alaska’s eyes drifted to Courtney’s hands, which were clenched into tight fists.
“I did what you said and slipped her my demos and she’s totally playing them all the time now! You’re a fuckin’ genius.” Zee stood on her tiptoes to kiss her again, and Bianca turned her face, making sure that the kiss landed on her cheek and not her mouth. Zee fluttered her lashes. “You’re such a tease…”
Adore finally couldn’t take it anymore. With an approving nod from Alaska, she stepped forward. “Zee, right? Hi, I’m Bianca’s sister. I /love/ your eye makeup.”
“Omigod, thanks!”
“You’re welcome! Can I buy you a drink?”
“Suuuuure!” Zee released the grip on Bianca’s waist and took Adore’s outstretched hand, following her to the bar. “Bianca, why didn’t you tell me you had such a hot sister?!” she called over her shoulder.
Bianca looked at Courtney, reaching for her hand. “Wanna dance, baby?” she asked softly.
“Not really, no.”
Fame and Jinkx wandered back over to the group with Rose, laughing.
Alaska grabbed Courtney’s arm and pulled her over to Jinkx, hoping to avoid any more tension. “Hey Court! Come tell us about your show! Maybe Jinkxy can help you rehearse tomorrow!”
“Are you sure this is a good idea?”
“It’s not a good idea. It’s a great idea!” Pearl smiled and wrapped her scarf around Laila, pulling the other woman in for a kiss. Laila wanted to be annoyed and maybe even upset, but she couldn’t when Pearl was kissing her, the other's lips so soft. Pearl pulled away and took another sweater which she carelessly threw into her bag, even though Laila knew it had most likely cost more than Turbo’s last vet visit.
“Don’t worry cutie. My mom is going to love you.”
“If you say so.”
“I don’t say so. I know so, also you’re bringing her the most bitchin Christmas present!”
“I am?”
“Yup.” Pearl laughed and held up a small black box. “A Cartier nouvelle vintage bracelet that’s a complete replica of the one she wore to her college graduation.” Pearl opened the box, and Laila recognised diamonds immediately.
“Pearl, I- I can’t afford that. Why would you get that from me? What about you?”
“I’m giving her a hand painted worlds best mum mug, from that pottery class I did with Max.” Laila couldn’t help but smile. Pearl had always been horrible with gifts, her girlfriend generous to the extreme in her daily life, but she sucked horribly at presents. Pearl shut the box, a smile on her face. “You’re my favorite ladies. I want you to get along, and as they say. Diamonds are a girl's best friend.”
Courtney threw open the doors of the balcony and stepped outside, tilting her face to watch the first rays of sunlight peak over the horizon. She breathed in, feeling her nerves settle as the warmth of the sun crept into the purple sky. She lifted her dress up over her head and tossed it down on the lounge chair, letting the fresh air caress her body.
Arms slid around her waist, and she jumped slightly, then relaxed as Bianca’s lips found the back of her neck.
“Baby, please don’t be mad at me…” Bianca murmured into her skin, pressing against her from behind. “I can’t bear it.”
“B…” It wasn’t exactly that she was angry. She didn’t think that Bianca had done anything wrong, really. It was more that this was, again, a reminder of the constant doubt that plagued her. That girl had been vibrant and funny and beautiful, and the chemistry between them was real, and so...Courtney closed her eyes, turning around in Bianca’s arms, knowing that this same discussion would only exhaust her, only make her irritated. “I’m not mad.”
Bianca smiled, dimples deep in her cheeks. “Good. You know, it’s officially Christmas Eve now. How about I show my angel how thrilled I am to have her here?”
Courtney swallowed, could feel herself breaking apart. When would she stop feeling this way? Would she ever stop feeling this way? Like she was only here by luck, some ordinary girl who Bianca had chosen for an inexplicable reason and everything in her life was on borrowed time while she waited for the other shoe to drop. Because if one thing was clear to Courtney after tonight, it was how utterly, utterly replaceable she was.
Cupping her chin, Bianca brushed their lips together softly, whispering, “I love you, so fucking much…” She took both of her hands and pulled her into the room, leaving the doors open so that the gauzy curtains blew in the breeze, laying her gently down on the bed.
Bianca quickly shed the rest of her clothes, tossing them to the floor, sitting down on the bed and leaning back on her elbows, turning her head to look at Courtney with that seductive grin that never failed to make Courtney’s pulse quicken, especially when her eyes swept up and down the blonde’s body. Courtney took Bianca’s face in her hands, pushing her backwards, straddling her on all fours.
Bianca slid her hands up Courtney’s thighs, gently cupping her ass. Her mouth found a stiff nipple and she swirled her tongue around and around. Courtney shivered with desire as Bianca’s tongue continued to lick and toy with her nipple. A hand slid up to play with her other breast and Courtney arched into it, soft sighs and little whimpers escaping her mouth.
Bianca rubbed her knuckles gently around her entrance, already so wet, and then withdrew her hand, causing a pitiful moan. Courtney pressed their bodies together, grinding against her desperately.
Chucking gently, Bianca pushed her hips away, holding them apart. She moved her mouth to her second breast and sucked hard on her nipple. Courtney let out a whine as sparks raced through her body and caused her to thrust into the air, the swollen feeling in her abdomen growing.
“Oh god, Bianca, PLEASE!” She moaned as Bianca tossed her onto her back and used her knees to hold her thighs down. She bent down and kissed her, long and soft and deep, letting her hands wander over her body with a feather-light touch, her skin hot and flushed. She grinned as Courtney moaned again in tearful frustration.
“I love you…” Bianca whispered, kissing a trail down her jaw, rubbing her clit harder. “I love you,” Bianca repeated, mouth moving down her collarbone, hands sliding over her trembling skin. “I love you…” she added, lips pressed against Courtney’s belly, tight with tension so intense she felt it might burst open.
Courtney nodded, panting, as Bianca’s mouth finally found her swollen clit, tongue swirling around and around. Courtney gripped her hair like a vice, crying out in relief as she started to come. “Oh /GOD/…”
Bianca sucked on her, stroking her quivering thighs until her fingers loosened and her body went slack. Then she gathered her up into an embrace, kissing her temples, holding her close, murmuring, “Do you know how much I love you, angel?”
Curling tightly against her warm body, Courtney sighed contently. “Mmmhmm…”
Bianca held her tighter. “You’re the best Christmas present I’ve ever had, baby.”
“What a good boy Ivan, you’re such a good boy!” Trixie smiled brightly as he fed his son, little Ivan’s hair sticking up in all directions as he munched on a christmas morning feast of a bowl of fruit, his brand new Baymax shirt already filled with stains, but Ivan was giggly and happy. He and Katya had woken up at the crack of dawn, properly more excited than Ivan himself when they led him into the living room, the lights on the tree bright as they unpacked their presents, Ivan loving every single thing Katya had gotten him from the grocery store. Trixie picked Ivan up and took him to the sink, quickly rinsing off the little boy, as he was already falling asleep in his arms.
Trixie didn’t look up, too focused on making sure at least some of the food came out of the shirt.
“Trixie. Trix! I’m talking to you.”
Trixie looked up, and he almost dropped his jaw at the sight of his wife. Katya was wearing the exact outfit from the final scene of Grease, even her hair done in the perfect style. Katya had introduced him to the movie, and in a drunken state a few months ago, Trixie had confessed that he never seen anything sexier than that very outfit.
“Katya.. What are you?”
“Why don’t you tell me about it in the bedroom, stud?”
“Good moooorning, my loves, Merry Christmas!” Adore sang softly, climbing on top of her girlfriends, wearing a Santa hat and nothing else.
Alaska opened her eyes, a lazy grin on her face. “Morning…”
Jinkx whimpered a little. “I’m Jewish, can I sleep five more minutes?”
Giggling, Adore snuggled against her and kissed her cheek. “What if I tempt you with cocoa and marzipan coconut pastries?”
Jinkx sat up, red curls spilling down her back. “I’m up.”
Adore giggled and picked up a pastry from the tray, shoving it into her mouth. Alaska reached over and trailed a hand down Adore’s bare torso. “Cute outfit, li’l bear. Very festive.”
“Thank you,” Adore said, batting her lashes.
Alaska stretched, arching her back and continuing to dance her fingers teasingly over Adore’s soft skin. Adore leaned down and kissed her, hands tangling in her hair, pressing their bodies together. Jinkx pushed Adore’s hair off of her shoulder and bit down gently, wrapping an arm around her waist, the other one snaking down her belly.
Alaska’s hands were on Adore’s breasts, toying with her nipples as the younger girl began to pump her hips, rubbing against her vigorously, lips parted, whimpering. Alaska smirked at Jinkx conspiratorially, the redhead grinning back at her and scooting closer.
Jinkx slung a leg over both of them, continuing to wriggle her fingers between their thrusting hips, two fingers sliding easily inside Adore’s hot, wet pussy as a thumb rubbed her clit in circles.
Alaska buried her face in Adore’s neck, clutching her ass and grinding hard against the back of Jinkx’s hand. Jinkx sucked a bruise into Alaska’s pulse point, fingers moving subtly, patiently, her free hand trailing down the back of Adore’s milky thighs, then back up to her hair.
Adore whimpered, hips picking up speed. Alaska’s fingers moved back to her breasts, pinching her nipples. Adore’s eyes rolled back and she moaned, digging her fingers into Alaska’s shoulders. She turned her head to the side, capturing Jinkx’s mouth in a deep kiss, tongues struggling for dominance as she began to come, moaning into the redhead’s mouth, thighs squeezing Alaska’s hips tightly.
Jinkx withdrew her hand, pushing Adore onto her back, crawling down her body to lick her clean, sucking on her clit, holding down her thighs as she writhed and moaned. Alaska giggled, turning to her side and nibbling on her collarbone, fingers drifting over her slick, sweaty skin while she kissed her over and over. “Our pretty baby…” she murmured.
Adore moaned again, arching up against Jinkx’s mouth. “/Fuck!/”
The three girls suddenly jumped at several loud /BANGS/ on the wall. “HEY! CAN YOU PLEASE KNOCK IT OFF IN THERE!” yelled an irritated voice. “Some of us are trying to think about the baby Jesus!”
Adore raised herself up on her elbows, chest heaving, eyes narrowed. “SUCK MY DICK, EDDY!” she yelled back, then looked at the other girls and collapsed back on the bed in a fit of giggles, arms outstretched languidly. “Merry Christmas, babies…”
They grinned, snuggling in beside her and covering her face and neck with sweet kisses.
“Raj, move you legs!”
“Yes mom.”
Raja rolled her eyes, and Raven laughed as she snuggled into the side of her soon to be wife. They were all in the livingroom, gift wrapping all around them as they ate breakfast, little Frida napping on the floor, Violet completely absorbed in the books Sutan had given her, while Sutan was trying to teach Mani how to use the new food processor the twins had given her for christmas.
Raven couldn’t believe the wedding was only a few days away. In just a few days she would be Raven Amrull, and she couldn’t imagine a better Christmas presents... Except the new diamonds Raja gave her, and the fur coat, and the trip to Hawaii and also the most adorable Jimmy Choo’s, but Raven didn’t care about the material stuff in life. Not really, not when she had her Raja,
“What are you thinking about my angel?”
“That I’m the luckiest girl on earth.”
Raven smiled and turned her head, looking up at Raja and fluttering her lashes for good measure. Raja laughed and leaned down, their lips meeting in a tender kiss, and Raven sighed, happiness washing over her.
The gang piled into the limo, sighing. They’d just attended Courtney’s concert on their last full day in Puerto Rico, followed by an afterparty, and were all exhausted, none more than the pop princess herself, who stretched out with her feet in Adore’s lap and her head in Bianca’s, looking like she might pass out.
“Did I do good?” she asked sleepily, as Bianca kissed her fingers.
“So good,” Bianca answered.
“Incredible!” Adore agreed.
“That venue was HUGE!” Rose said. “I’d have died.”
“I sort of died a little when I saw it,” Courtney laughed.
“I’m dating myself here, but I was so jealous that you got to do a duet with Ricky Martin,” said Jinkx. “It was amazing.”
“I know, right?! I’m so lucky he was available. I think we might do a collab on my next album.”
“Really?” Bianca asked.
“Yeah. Latrice is working on it. Fingers crossed. We talked about doing a video where we’re both in drag. How cool would that be?” she giggled.
“That is so hot,” said Adore.
Bianca cleared her throat slightly, realizing that this might be an easy way for her to bring up a collaboration with Farrah. She’d been trying to put that obnoxious meeting with the girl and her mother out of her mind, but the truth was, they did have some pretty disturbing leverage on her. “Have you ever considered doing other collaborations?”
“Yeah, definitely. Latrice is talking to Ciara’s people too, and so we’ll see.”
“What about like, someone more in your wheelhouse? I mean, that kid I was talking to at the Galactica party, Farrah? She’s apparently obsessed with you. Her momager called me and practically begged me to set a meeting. I told them to call Latrice--”
“Yeah, why would they be calling you?”
Bianca shrugged. “I have no idea.”
“And she’s not even a singer. She’s a sitcom actress.”
“Emmy winning sitcom actress.”
Courtney paused, grinding her teeth slightly. “How about we play a game called ‘Let’s not talk about the teenagers who flirt with you at parties’? Hmmm? Rules are really simple!” Her eyes flashed darkly.
“Uhh...yeah, sure. You look really hot in red, by the way.” Bianca tugged at her top. “So let’s talk about that.”
Courtney’s lips twisted into a smirk. “See, you’re already winning,” she said, pulling Bianca down for a kiss.
“It was a hate crime.”
“It’s a perfectly acceptable gift.”
“Don’t defend her!”
“She’s my mom Betty.”
“And that just makes it so much worse!” Betty kicked her shoes off and threw her handbag on the kitchen counter as they were finally finally finally back from christmas with Shane’s family. “She knew exactly what she was doing, and even worse, she made me wear it!” Betty pointed to herself, the bright green fuzzy sweater with a big orange B making her look like an escaped muppet.
“I think mine is cool.”
“Of course you do.” Betty rolled her eyes as Shane pulled at his purple sweater, a yellow S on it nearly burning her eyes. Betty sighed. “Can’t we just drink leftover wine and dessert and celebrate that we survived another year?”
Shane smiled brightly, pulling Betty into a kiss. “A true Christmas miracle.”
Flipping on the kitchen light, Courtney jumped slightly at the sight of Patrick at the table, sipping a whiskey, partially obscured by a pile of Christmas presents. “Jesus!”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Patrick said.
“No, it’s okay. I just didn’t expect anyone else to be up at 4 am. Plus you’re sitting in the dark.”
“Yeah, well…” he shrugged. “Sometimes you just need a minute, you know?”
“I’m sorry to bother you.” She bit her lip and turned around.
“You don’t have to go. Grab a drink. Take a load off.” Patrick gestured to the empty chair.
Courtney nodded, taking a coconut water from the fridge and walking over to the table. “Uh, sorry I’m not wearing bottoms,” she apologized awkwardly.
“Could be worse,” he said. “At least I am.”
She chuckled and then sat down with a deep sigh.
“So. Trouble sleeping?” Patrick asked.
“Something like that,” she said softly.
“You know…” he began, then paused.
“I...don’t want to overstep.”
“Go ahead. It’ll be refreshing to hear a new opinion for a change,” Courtney said.
“Bianca is really happy with you.”
Courtney looked at him, fingers nervously peeling the label off the coconut water.
“Look, maybe I have the wrong idea, but it seems like there’s...like you don’t totally feel secure with her. And so I just want to tell you...it’s not an accident. She chose you on purpose. You’re giving her something that no one else ever has. Including my wife.”
Courtney bit her lip, looking slightly ashamed.
Patrick raised his eyebrows. “I’ve seen the way you watch them. I don’t blame you. It’s unsettling, especially if you don’t know the history. If you weren’t there when it happened.”
“What history?”
“Well...let’s just say that Fame didn’t have the perspective that she has now. I was across the country, but even I could see that she was starting to have feelings for Bianca, that this alleged ‘friends with benefits’ thing was turning into more for her. And so Bianca ended it. Which is the only reason they’re still friends. Otherwise it would have ended in disaster.”
“But you know, I can’t tell you how to feel. I can only tell you what I know, and what I see. And that’s that you make my friend really fucking happy. So...cheers.” He held up his nearly empty glass, toasting Courtney’s bottle of coconut water.
“Thanks, Patrick. You know, I don’t care what Bianca and Raja said during your fight with Fame. You’re not a robotic number-crunching cheater.”
Patrick threw back his head and laughed. “Thanks. And you’re not an empty-headed gold digging sex doll.”
Courtney giggled. “Cheers. To a safe flight back for the wedding of the century.”
“Oh god, yes. Get ready for The Raven Show.” Patrick laughed, toasting her.
“I’m actually super excited. Is that weird? I mean say what you will about Raven, but she knows how to throw a party. I think it should be a lot of fun.”
Patrick raised an eyebrow. “I admire your optimism.”
35 notes · View notes
lxlipetals · 7 years
i get high with a little help from my friends.
TAGGING: Lili, Dylan @ffsdylan, Cole @ole-cole
LOCATION: Cole’s house. Los Angeles, CA.
TIMEFRAME: Sometime in May 2017, who even knows.
NOTES: Dylan’s famous for his pot brownies. (This has been in my drafts for so long and a piece is missing because I forgot to save before exiting one time aka I’m the worst.)
WARNINGS: Trigger - drug use.
Lili shrugged off her jacket as she entered Cole and Dylan's shared place. It was free of the brothers but Cole had told her that he'd be on his way home soon and to just make herself comfortable. And that..she would. Dropping her purse into a chair, Lili wandered into the kitchen (naturally) and began to peruse through the cabinets. Her face lit up as she came across a box of Fruity Pebbles but it quickly fell as she picked it up and realized it was empty. Fucking /Dylan/. Scowling, Lili threw it in the trash and then her eyes settled on a metal pan of brownies, neatly wrapped up in plastic, and she smiled. /Bingo/. Taking two out and placing them on a paper towel, Lili delicately carried it over to the couch and stretched out. She turned on the TV and began to sneak bits of the brownies into her mouth. They tasted kind of strange; but maybe Cole was into organic ingredients, maybe Madelaine had finally gotten to him with her pleas for the entire cast to eat healthier. Either way, they were still delicious and Lili was content to zone out in front of the television and just eat. As she heard the door open, she called out, "I'm in the living room!"
Dylan: had seen Lili's tweet about getting into his brownies. He was sure that she’d posted it to taunt him and try and get him back for eating her snacks while her and Cole were away. Instead Dylan had a shit eating grin spread across his face the entire way home to check on the brownie eating fiend. Only him, Cole, KJ and Ross knew what was really in those brownies and he was looking forward to bursting Lili’s bubble as soon as he got back to Cole’s house. Entering the house he unhooked Magnus’ leash and watched him run off to another room. “So… what do you think? They’re good huh?” he asked, still grinning as he walked into the kitchen and got his own piece of brownie before joining her in the living room.
Lili crinkled her nose as she realized it /wasn't/ her boyfriend coming in the house but decided to play nice for a while. Dylan wasn't bitching at her about eating the brownies, which he implied he made, and this should have been Lili's first warning sign..but she had lulled herself into a false sense of security after the cake. "They're pretty good," she commented and took another bite. Licking the frosting off her fingers, Lili gazed at the TV for a few seconds but she could practically /feel/ Dylan's grin aimed at her like a laser beam. She slowly turned her head to see him looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. "What?" She asked him, suddenly self conscious and her fingers dabbed at her cheeks in case he was mocking her for being a messy eater. "Quit..looking at me like that, weirdo."
Dylan: was trying to compose himself and put on his best actor face here but he couldn’t. This was just too good. None of this was his fault so Cole couldn’t be mad, all that he could do was sit back with Dylan and laugh at the high that was about to hit the blonde. “They are good. Another secret recipe of mine…. Not nutmeg this time. I was going for a more… earth palette They go great with a cold glass of mead. You want some? I make that too.” Dylan did pride himself on being one of the youngest master mead brewers in North American and was actually making a career for himself in that business. Later this summer he’d be opening his own meadery in Brooklyn. He couldn’t do a lot right these days but it seemed he was on the right track with his business. “Nothing. Just happy to see you, that’s all.” He lied, buying himself some time before the high really kicked in.
Lili studied Dylan carefully and she knew something was up; his face kept twitching and there was a note in his voice, like a peal of laughter he kept trying to hold in. "No thank you," she told him about the mead because if she were going to drink anything with her brownies..it was obviously going to be milk. Her hand reached for the last bite and as soon as she swallowed it, nearly choked on his statement. Yep. /That/ confirmed it. He was definitely up to something and Lili was one of his victims. Fuck. What had she just eaten? Had he licked the pan before placing the dough in it? Was she going to get sick? Had this all been an elaborate trap just to stick it to her? Lili and Dylan's relationship was weird; she cared about him, sure, but it wasn't like they usually saw eye to eye on things and they spent more time bickering than they did anything else. "You're never nice to me," she protested and her eyes widened. "What did you do?!"
Dylan: shrugged and bit his own brownie. More then ready for his high to sink in before he got to drinking the mead he’d made recently. he could honestly say he didn’t /do/ anything. He hadn’t pranked her or planned for her to eat the brownies. In fact he’d told his brother they were there, he didn’t even know Lili was coming over or else he might have given her the heads up. “Nothing… Why do you think I always do something? You weren’t even here when I made them… do you really think I would have eaten half the brownies and got one for myself just know if If I had done something to them! Ask KJ and Ross, they both had some too.” Putting his feet up on the coffee table, he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. Still grinning at the thought of paranoid little lili getting more freaked out the longer he let her go on. “You feeling okay Lil?”
Lili was not comforted by the fact that KJ and Ross had eaten them. They could be just as dumb as Dylan sometimes. A worried expression still on her face, Lili searched Dylan with a once over but despite his playful smirk, nothing seemed /too/ amiss about him. Maybe she really /was/ being paranoid. Maybe she should go a little easier on Dylan. Just because he had let her get a sunburn..and sent an embarrassing mp3 of her sex noises to her..and ate all of her food without ever offering to replace it..maybe this could be the part where they turned over a new leaf. "Sorry," she sighed softly and adjusted her position on the couch. "It's been a long day. I guess I'm just tired." She definitely /felt/ a little tired so maybe she just needed a nap. Grabbing a blanket and pulling it over her, Lili licked her lips as a craving for more came over her. "I think I have a tapeworm in my stomach," she commented with a light frown. "I just sat down like fifteen minutes ago and I want more. Are there any left?"
Dylan: couldn't hardly contain himself. Maybe he was a better actor than he let on, since before he knew it Lili was apologizing to him and backing down. He didn't know if it was the weed making her less defensive or if he'd just made her feel bad. Either way, he'd take it. "It's okay. I know I rub you the wrong way and can be an ass sometimes. I only do it because I know you can handle it... I also know if I push your buttons too far you'll kick my ass no problem," he chuckled softy. He still had his eyes closed but could hear her stirring on the couch next to him, finding herself a blanket and trying to make herself comfortable. Dylan's face twisted from the smug grin to a look of disgust when she mentioned the tapeworm. "I mean... Mexican water will do that to a person so it might be true." Oh god she wanted more. Dylan was torn between wanting to give her more to see how baked she'd get and wanting to be responsible and not let her over do it. "How many have you had? There's some more out there but I don't know if Cole's bringing back dinner. Maybe just have one more..." At least he could say he tried to limit her if either of them got mad at him for this. In one last bite he finished his own brownie, already feeling his limbs start to get a little fuzzy. He always had perferred the body high over the head high.
Lili let out a soft snort at the word 'sometimes' but couldn't find the energy to care. This couch was so comfy, it was making herself feel like she was practically sinking through it. "I could definitely kick your ass," she smirked at him. Lili had never been in a fight a day in her life, but she liked to think that she could handle herself. Hopefully. At least against Dylan, who would probably just curl himself into a ball to avoid her flying fists. "I had two," she countered back lazily and stretched her arms over her head. She needed a nap. Or she needed an energy drink. Her bones felt like goo - it felt like when you stayed up for too long and your mind just went pleasantly blank. "What are you, the calorie police?" She grinned at him and then stood up to saunter over to the kitchen to grab one more. "Seriously, these are so good," she remarked and took another bite. "I feel like there's a special ingredient. What's your secret? I won't tell anybody." Grinning at him, Lili perched on the couch and gazed at him expectantly. "Madelaine usually does the cooking at our place but she's never made shit this good. I think you'll have to pass the recipe along."
Dylan: didn't miss the snort, he just chose to ignore it. He had bigger things on his mind, like how he was going to break the news to the bright eyed blonde. "Yeah yeah, don't gloat!" he shook his head at her, not doubting for a second that she could if she wanted to. The second she got defensive he just raised his hands in the air, "Sorry! Have as many as you want... just leave two for Cole. I told him I'd save him some and don't want to hear him bitch when there's none left. Knowing you you'd tell him I ate them instead." Watching her bite into her third brownie he leaned a little closer to her, "you really want to know?" he asked. Dylan motioned for her to move in closer, like he was about to tell her a big juicy secret. "The special ingredient is chocolate fudge pieces and...... cannabis butter." A big grin spread across his face and he leaned back, moving out of the way incase she wanted to slap or hit his precious face after he broke the news to her.
Lili rose a brow when Dylan motioned for her to come closer but did so anyways, leaning in so that she could catch his whisper. Cannabis butter? What the hell was..It took a few seconds before the dots connected but then Lili realized exactly what Dylan was implying. "Pot?! I ate /pot/ brownies?!" No /wonder/ they tasted so weird! And no wonder Lili kept feeling as if she could float off the couch and disappear through the ceiling. She had thought that maybe she just needed some sleep but that was just the high sweeping its way through her body. "Dylan!" She picked up a pillow and hurled it at him, feeling satisfied as it landed against his face with a thud. "I can't believe you let me eat pot brownies!" Lili never thought of herself as an uptight, goody two shoes kind of girl and she had never judged anyone else for indulging in a little wake and bake but never had it been /her/ thing. She wasn't really the type of girl who did that. "Oh God, I'm high," she blurted out in a panicked tone and began to tug at her collar. She suddenly felt as if it were strangling her. "What if I ate too much, what if my body can't handle it?! Oh my God." Throwing the half eaten brownie onto the coffee table in front of her, Lili raked her fingers through her blonde hair and her eyes widened. "I knew it, I knew you were out to get me!"
Dylan: burst out laughing as the look of sheer panic took over her face. He composed himself just long enough to block the pillow she hurled at his head. “Whoa, don’t blame me! You came here when I wasn’t home, ate MY brownies without asking. You can’t get mad at me for that. You were two deep before I even got home. And I tried to warn you not to have more but you weren’t having any of that. Maybe your boyfriend should have warned you they were they, he knows your eating habits better than I do.” Dylan finished his own brownie and settled back against the chair, enjoying every second of his high and lili’s little melt down. “Oh chill out. I didn’t use that much butter. Now if I had used the good cannibis oil you’d be on your ass right about now! Worst comes to worst you’re going to feel in for a little longer… but you’ll sleep like a baby and wake up just fine. Just don’t worry too much… you’ll start panicking and make yourself more paranoid. That’s when the real problems kick in.”
Lili reached for another pillow to throw at Dylan but then just flopped backwards onto the couch. It was like her arm had suddenly decided to stop working and the temptation to hurt Dylan slid away like hot butter off a pan. "I hate you," she whined with no actual malice in her voice and stared at the ceiling. "I feel very weird. I don't like this. I don't do this." Lili babbled while /sober/, so she was going to need to swallow her tongue in order to take Dylan's advice and not over think things. The last thing she wanted to do was go into an anxious state and end up doing something stupid she regretted in the heat of the moment. Struggling to sit back up, Lili patted down her hair and tried to pool her features into a glare at Dylan but she was sure she actually just looked cross eyed. "I'm gonna get you back for this," she attempted a stern voice but just ended up giggling. Fuck. "Oh no." She was going to get the giggles. Her body was going to float away and the last impression she'd leave behind was actually giggling around Dylan. He was /toast/.
Dylan: raised a brow as he watched her flop back on the couch like a limp noodle. "She is beauty.... she is grace.... she is way too fucking high to pick fights right now," he teased. "Oh shut up, you liked it before you knew you were baked. Enjoy it. Let the stress drift from your body....You're light as a feather, you can do anything right now! No Ragrets... not even a single letter!" he laughed, making a reference to one of his own stoner movies. 'You want me to put on a movie or something to take your mind off things?" the last thing he wanted was her getting paranoid and making herself sick over this. Then Cole really would kill him because he'd come home to find Lili throwing up and Dylan holding {pulling} her hair back ( and trying not to throw up himself ) and would likely look at fault for this. Getting up and going to the kitchen he returned with a bag of chips, a bottle of water and a pizza menu. "Here this will make you feel better. Drink this... eat these... and pick a pizza....Cole's buying." At the first hint of the giggles Dylan pulled out his phone taking a little video of what was going on to use later as blackmail.
Lili watched Dylan curiously as he went into the kitchen and then her eyes lit up. "Pizza sounds /great/," she nodded. God, she was starving. Maybe those brownies had been light calorie, they hadn't seemed to fill her up at /all/. Taking the chips from him, Lili started to pop a few in her mouth and then pulled the remote over, turning on the TV and going through all the stations, her eyes scanning over each one. It had been at least an hour since ingesting those brownies and they were..hitting Lili hard now, especially since her body wasn't used to it. "You ever wonder why they fill chip bags up halfway? Like, who wants air?" She laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she grinned at Dylan. "Want some?" She offered the chips to him and then snatched them back before he barely got a handful. Popping more into her mouth, Lili swallowed. "Order a double cheese pizza. With parmesan bites. And brownies!" Laughing harder at this, Lili suddenly had her attention taken by the TV. "Ooh. Disney." She had landed on a channel playing Cinderella and happy, Lili snuggled into her wall of pillows she had set up. "Gus Gus is my favorite," she told to Dylan, explaining even though he probably gave zero shits. "Mostly because it's fun to say his name. Gus Gus." She was aware in the back of her mind that she was talking fast, and she knew she wasn't being the brightest crayon in the box but she just felt so..happy? And light? And suddenly, even Dylan made her want to wrap her arms around him and gave an affectionate squeeze. Bless Dylan. He had so much potential to be less of a dick to her.
Dylan: "Pizza fixes everything!" Or at least that's what he told himself to justify eating pizza so much in college or when he was playing his video games late at night. Magnus appeared and jumped up on him, he groaned a little when the fat dog crushed his junk a little and then readjusted him so he'd cause him less pain. "What the fuck is that all about? I asked for chips not air! Why make the bags so big if they're only half full? Is that a waste of time and space?" he shook his head, already enraged at the chip companies. His anger shifted towards the blonde when she ripped the bag away after he'd only managed to grab two chips. "Just cheese? No meat? No nothing?" he asked, making a mental note to order one for himself too. "More brownies? You just can't get enough," he laughed and pulled out his phone to order their food. While he was scrolling the dominos app Lili was talking a mile a minute and he was only half listening. "What about gus? ... who even is gus? I thought you were talking about the show Recess until I looked up." Seeing Lili cheer up a bit and move away from the paranoid mess she'd been had made him feel better about the whole situation. She had a tendency to drive him crazy but he still cared about her and wanted to take care of her and make sure she was alright.
Lili "Just cheese," Lili declared and continued to eat the chips. She couldn't get enough. "Make it a large!" She shouted, even though Dylan was literally sitting right next to her. Lili continued to pig out and when Dylan asked who she was talking about, she gave an exaggerated roll of her eyes. "/Dyl/," she said as patiently as she could and tugged his arm so that he was forced to look at the TV with her. "The little mouse! Gus Gus." Gus was the kind of animal friend you needed as a princess. Selfless, brave, and always willing to do the grunt work while you got to live out the fairytale. "I wonder if Gus got a happy ending," she pondered. "He did /not/ get a happy ending on Once Upon A Time." Pausing, Lili wrinkled her nose once more. "Pretty sure he died." That was a sobering thought and Lili allowed herself to be sad for a few seconds before she shrugged her shoulders and then turned to face Dylan, propping her chin in her hands as she gazed curiously at him. He looked both /nothing/ like Cole but very similar at the same time. Twins. What. A. Concept. It was comforting, she found his face comforting..not that she'd ever admit to him. "Can I call you Dyl?" She questioned him, knowing she was going to call him that regardless if he gave her permission or not. "Dyl Dyl. No." She shook her head, then clutched it as she now felt very dizzy. "Dyl Dyl sounds like a pickle," she giggled. "I'll just call you Dyl."
that incredibly awkward moment when I forgot to save this to drafts and Chatzy timed me out. Basically Cole came in, saw Lili was high, decided to take some brownies himself and then Lili decided she was just going to wear Cole’s shirt and underwear because she was “too hot” (hot damn).
Dylan: was trying not to gag at Lili’s constant cutesy talk to Cole. It was nauseating at best and he was doing his best to block it out. “Of course I left them in the kitchen, where else was I going to put them? Food usually stays in the kitchen! I got our /friends/ high on saturday after I baked them… We’re not animals like Lili over there, we weren’t going to eat the whole batch in one sitting….. and you told me to save you some!” He tried to defend himself, growing more frustrated with his brother by the second. Even when he thought he’d handled the situation correctly he was still left feeling like a bit of an asshole for how it all played out. “Lili wanted to see more of Gus Gus… I’d be careful, at this rate she may try and convince you to name your first born Gus!” Even thought it was Lili who put on the movie he couldn’t take his eyes off of it. It felt wrong but oh so right. “Yeap, and she was not up for negotiations on that one either.” Dylan scrunched up his face at Lili when she return in tiny shorts and Cole’s shirt. “I live here too you know! If I’m not allowed to walk around showing all kinds of leg then neither are you!” He was half tempted to cut his jeans into short shorts to prove a point. His hairy legs were not something anyone wanted to see in booty shorts.
Lili "I got hot," Lili defended herself but smirked at Cole's reaction anyways, choosing to ignore Dylan. "Don't be jealous that my legs and ass look better on display than yours," she told him a sing song voice and plopped down back into her position where she switched and instead placed her legs in Cole's lap. Dylan seemed completely enamored with Cinderella and she was pleased. Maybe she'd get some blackmail out of this too. "Gus Gus is the cutest, and he's Dylan's favorite character." She grinned at him and then reached over to turn up the volume. Her body had relaxed further and she rolled her head against the couch cushions, letting out a loud sigh and stared at the TV. "Do you ever wonder if fairy tale endings stay happy?" She wondered out loud, her voice picking up volume. This suddenly became a crisis to her and she gripped Cole's leg. "What if the princes cheat on the princesses after the credits roll? What if they can't get pregnant and have heirs? What if Flounder one day got captured and turned into sushi and suddenly Ariel lost her best friend?" Dismayed, Lili turned to Dylan with wide eyes. "Why did you put this on?!"
Cole: He smirked at her comment about her legs and ass taking a moment before she sat to take in both for a moment, grinning to himself. “You didn’t eat them all these are half a week old?” He looked at the tray he had just decided to demolish. “Hmm I’m actually disappointed in you and the guys not finishing them. But slightly touched you actually listened and saved me some even if it’s led to this,” He laughed looking at Lili running a hand along her smooth lean leg that was draped over his lap. He looked up at Dylan pizza half way to his mouth as he brought up children eyes going wide. “We’ve been together a month don’t fucking start.” He said not realising he might have got a little too much of an over reaction and should have ignored it. He turned to Lili surprised at her question the brownies not having kicked in for him yet. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case for some, especially considering the time periods, mistresses were common for kings of the time.” He thought for moment. "Now I kind of want sushi."
Dylan: shook his head at his brother. “Sometimes I’m a nice guy and save stuff for you. Like this pizza and those brownies. Show some damn respect to your elders, Cole!” he chuckled. “They’re MAYBE three and a half days old, you make them sound like I’ve been hoarding them for two weeks or something. Just shut up and eat them!” Ah sibling rivalry at it’s finest. “I’m not jealous, Blondie. That pizza is probably going to go straight to your ass anyways. Karma works in weird ways.” He aggressively bit into his own pizza as if making a point that he didn’t care what his would look like. “I didn’t even know who Gus Gus was until fifteen minutes ago!” Arguing wasn’t going to get him anywhere, it wasn’t like Lili was going to actually listen to him in this state anyways. Hearing Cole snap at him brought a smug smirk to his lips. He’d struck a nerve and he liked it! Dylan turned back to the movie and was trying to enjoy it but Cole and Lili were going on and on about the logistics behind fairytales and what happened when the movie was done. He looked back at them, confused and slightly unimpressed. “Really? … /this/ is what you two talk about? the whole point of fairytales is to make you believe in happy endings… not make you cynical enough to question what happens when the curtains close and the credits roll! ——— And I didn’t put this on. You did!” He pointed at Lili.
Lili ignored Dylan's pointed reply that /she/ was the one to decide on Cinderella and then her mouth dropped open; she didn't know what to be offended about first. The fact that Cole was actually considering eating /Flounder/ or the fact that Dylan made a crack at her human garbage disposal eating habits. "Don't you /dare/ order sushi!" She glared at Cole, grabbing his phone and holding it protectively against her chest despite the fact that there were two cell phones still free to be used. "And I'm serious! What is the point of watching Disney movies when we /all/ know how they end? The lions eventually get trampled by the bigger animals, the princesses die of the plague, and the princes all turn into fuckboys!" She took the remote from where it was resting on Dylan's lap and paid no mind to how she accidentally knocked his piece of pizza out of his hands. She was too focused on finding something more /happy/ to watch. "Do you think they still play Suite Life reruns?" She wondered out loud. "I want to make fun of Dyl Dyl." Just her luck, she managed to find it on Disney XD and beaming, sank back against Cole as she grew comfortable against him and began to watch. "Did either of you ever date Debby?" She asked casually. Her and the girl were friends but Lili had never felt comfortable asking her about her history, especially with Cole. She might not /want/ to know. "Do we have more pizza?" She also asked, reaching out to take Cole's slice and taking a bite out of it, ignoring the fact that it wasn't double cheese, her favorite. "Fuck, I'm so hungry. Where'd all the food go?"
Cole: “I literally said half a week Dylan that is three and a half days. They still taste good after half a week man.” He said as he finished them. “I mean this isn’t a normal conversation for us this just happened to be the one we just had.” Cole shifted his eyes to Dylan as she mentioned the show looking pretty fucking done, “I’m defintely not high enough for this, tell me you are and I just haven’t had enough time for it to kick in.” He would have tried to grab the remote from her but given how she had already been reacting he felt he would end up kicking him or slapping him away, given how many limbs were in easy access he wasn’t going to risk it. “Not Debby no.” He said shortly giving Dylan a warning look knowing he could bring up the co stars of theirs he had happened to have small flings with. “You ate it all darling” He said leaning his slice further away so he could keep it to himself and out of her reach.
Dylan: shot Lili a glare right back. Even if he wasn’t entirely sure what he’d done to deserve it. Cole and Dylan were still bickering about thinks while Lili stole the remote away. He hadn’t even cared until she knocked his pizza out of his hand and bits of toppings rolled out onto the floor. Which Magnus quickly appeared to clean up. “Hey! We had an agreement. No Dyl Dyl, remember? Who are we suppose to be rugrats if you ruin it like that? —— wait…. no…. you can’t put that on!’ His words fell on deaf ears though and seconds later the them song to suite life on deck came on. Dylan groaned and looked to Cole for help. “Take that away from her.. we’re not watching this! I will never ever be high enough to watch this shit with you two.” Cole’s warning look was so tempting, he wanted to start making stuff up just to see how Lili responded, but he knew Cole might kill him in his sleep if he did. “I kissed her once on a dare but that was it. She did say I was a better kisser than Cole though, so that’s a win for me.” Dylan grabbed his box of pizza and pulled it closer to him. Afraid the hungry hungry hippo would come after it next.
Lili quickly placed the remote underneath her and sat on it before the two could wrestle it away from her. Somebody would have to cop a feel to get it and if it was Dylan, Lili wasn't morally opposed to chopping at least one of his fingers off. "Come along with me," she started to sing out, having watched this show too many times to count as a teenager..and okay, as an adult. "And let's head out to sea!" Dancing along as the theme song played out, Lili ended it with a big finish. "AND WE'RE LIVING THE SUITE LIFE NOWWWW." Pleased with herself, Lili beamed and then turned to face Dylan as he confessed to kissing Debby. Completely oblivious to the looks the two boys were sharing, Lili nodded sagely. "Ah, I see." She acted as if she had something else intelligent to add to the conversation but really, that was it. "We need to get you a girlfriend, Dyl." She stood up, carrying the remote with her and then moved towards the fridge, beginning to place pieces of various food on his counters. Fried chicken..spaghetti..a box of red velvet cake..Grabbing a fork, Lili stabbed the cake with it and began to eat straight from the box. "What are you looking for in a girl?" She called out to him, hopping on the counter and crossing her legs Indian style as she tugged down her underwear so that it didn't rise. "WE SHOULD CALL A PSYCHIC, GUYS." Her eyes wide with excitement, Lili threw her hands in the air and narrowly missed hurtling the fork into the air as well. "We can see if Dyl's going to be cramping my sex life forever!"
Cole: “Fucking hell” He reached round trying to grab the remote from her knowing he was more likely to get it from her without precautions than Dylan was. “Lili don’t make us watch this.” He tried his best but she was too quick and when his attacks pull up the shirt revealing the side of just her underwear beneath he stopped not wanting his brother to remotely get a peak at that much of his girlfriend for both their sakes. “She only told you that because you were having a particularly bad day dealing with the fact you were shorter then me she wanted to give you a little ego boost so you would be more bearable.” He grinned taking another slice of pizza from the box while LIli busied herself in the kitchen, he was defintely going to have to go shopping tomorrow. He turned to Dylan at the talk of a girlfriend “Pretty sure he wants something more casual at the moment, maybe we can buy him a hooker” Cole smirked at his brother.
Dylan: let his head fall back against the chair. Hoping if he hit it hard enough he might black out and get to miss this entire little sing along. “Can we leave her here? Let’s go to that strip club and she can sit here and watch Suite Life.” He yelled over Lili singing the end of the intro. He really hoped Disney would be nice to him and only play one episode that he’d have to suffer through. He was happy that it wasn’t the movie though! “Fuck you! I was not,” he threw a piece of pepperoni over at Cole. “And I got way more action on set than you did. I dated two of the guest extras… Miley… for like a day before she discovered Nick Jones and Dav and Dani who were on Nick and Disney at the time. I did well for myself… you … you dated what like three disney kids… including the twin sister of my girlfriend… which was weird.” Dylan groaned and mumbled that he hated them under his breath the second the topic shifted to setting him up with someone. “No. No. No. No! Not happening. I don’t trust you to play match maker. And I sure as hell don’t want a Psychic coming in here to tell me I’ll be forever alone. Nope. No. Not happening.” Hearing Cole’s suggestion made him grin though, and nodded at his brother. “Good idea. Classy hookers are all I need right now.”
Lili was in the middle of moving onto a box of cookies she had found before she perked up at the mention of Cole dating other Disney stars. Huh. "Who else did you date?" She asked Cole, furrowing her brows. Having the 'ex' talk while high probably wasn't the smartest idea but now that it had been brought to her attention, she couldn't help but wonder just how much of his relationship history had yet to be revealed. She had known he was more experienced than she but she was starting to realize there was a /lot/ she still didn't know about Cole. Or the twins in general. Rolling her eyes at the mention of a hooker, Lili swung her legs off the counter and then pulled out her phone. "We can call a psychic on the phone! Maybe she'll tell us our futures." Coming back into the living room, Lili shut off the TV (much to the boys relief, probably) and searched through the listings, a happy smile on her face as she tried to find a 'legit' one. (Spoiler alert: None of them were.) "How long did you date them?" She suddenly asked Cole, curious. "Like..weeks..months..years.." She trailed off, turning to face Dylan. "And you dated /Miley/? Man. You got out just in time," she laughed. "I wonder how good Miley's brownies are."
Cole: “The clown one I need to check this place out for reasons when single friends need to be scared straight.” He looked at his brother stunned he hoped this loose lipped session was all down to the idiot being high. “I’m going to rip your fucking throat out in your sleep.” He whispered to his brother. As he listed of their exs from the Disney days more than thankful he had actually missed a load of Coles off. “We’ll get you a hooker and a hotel room man, that way we can have house to ourselves for a night and you can stop being such a fucking moppy mess leaning on drugs for help.” He looked at Lili as she came back in his eyes going wide as he sucked in his lips for a moment throwing dylan another glare, “Oh not not long, I mean one was for about a year, but not that long for others...... I mean... no not long.” He squinted his eyes trying to think through the haze starting to slip over him catching the pizza from Dylan shoving it in his mouth so he didn’t have to speak. Thankful she turned her attention back to Dylans mention of Miley at least that had distracted her for a little, he knew he wasn’t one with the smallest dating history compared to her single one. He wasn’t exactly living the normal childhood either so she couldn’t keep that agaisnt him, at least Dylan wasn’t bringing up their early college years.
Dylan: could see by the look Cole was giving him that he was as good as dead. How was he suppose to know that Lili hadn’t at least googled to see who she was up against. “I’m sorry!” he whispered back, hiding behind his pizza box a bit while Lili pried him for more information on his dating life. Dylan put his hand on his chest and dropped his jaw at the sheer disrespect he was getting from his baby brother. “I’m not leaning on drugs for help. I do them because they’re fun! Talk to any 20-something year old gamer. It’s what we do. And I’m just fine so you can shut the hell up.” He got defensive when he came to how he was doing, he hadn’t wanted to tell anyone about Dayna in the first place let alone be judged for how he was coping with it all. “I’m not paying for your psychic… how do we even know she’s real?” he asked Lili as she started looking for numbers to call. Dylan got up and left the room while Cole was clearing up his whole ex mess, making his way to the kitchen to open up a fresh bottle of mead. “Yeah for a bit. Miles and I were close before and after that. She kind of snapped for a while — so did Selena and Demi — but they’re back on track on now. They’re good people. I’m glad they’ve sorted their shit out. Miley makes good brownies… way stronger than the ones I make.”
Lili didn't really want to think about Cole's relationships. She knew a little bit about his previous dating history but they had never gone into extensive detail about it. She knew that the weed /probably/ wasn't going to help out her insecurities about her lack of experience either. Chewing on her thumbnail, Lili nodded. "Gotcha." She wasn't going to make a fuss over it, she was too stoned to gather up the energy and it was none of her business regardless. Shooting Dylan a look at how he snapped, feeling like there was a lot more going on with him than maybe anybody was paying attention to, Lili tossed him her phone. "Call a hooker then," she smirked, no actual malice in her tone. Was it the weed softening her up towards him or did she just understood how it felt to be lonely? Maybe both. Standing up, Lili stretched her arms over her head. "The ceiling is kind of spinning so I'm gonna go lay down and see if it makes itself into a Van Gogh painting." Grinning, Lili affectionately rustled Dylan's hair before side stepping over Cole and squeezing his shoulder. He could join her, he could not, but Lili was pleasantly full from all the food she had eaten and she just wanted to soak in her high and stop fighting it.
Cole: He narrowed his eyes at Dylan remembering to throttle his brother at a later time preferably when they had all come down from their highs, Coles of which was finally starting to kick in. "Mmm" He forced out a through tightened lips in response to the apology as Lili came back into the room/ "I know that idiot I was just trying to rattle you clearly it worked." He shook his head leaning back agaisnt the sofa, "Do the drugs make you play better or do they make you not realise how shit you are and boost your ego somewhat?" He grinned looking at him out the corner of his eye not lifting his head from the back of the coach. "No psychic is fucking real" He murmured keeping his eyes close as the relaxed feeling started to take him over grinning a little to himself. "We're all held at the throat by a few silly mistakes as if they define our lives in some profound way of explaining our continual character but we rise and develop beyond those tethers and how we do it shapes us." He sprouted before laughing to himself at the fake profound bullshit he had just laid out for them. "Miley does make good brownies, we''l have to get you some one day Lili." He grinned at her. He watched her leave the room with somewhat glazed over eyes watching her every movement as she dissappeared down the hallway. He stood up grabbing another slice of pizza taking one bite before dropping it in the box again. He patted Dylan on the shoulder grinning "May want to put on some headphones in a bit who knows brother" He laughed to himself as he made his way the same way Lili had gone finding her sprawled on his bed where he fell down too.
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