#i let batter do all the fighting but reeled the control back every few rounds to heal the team
angryborzois · 8 months
I feel like auto-battle failing me is a sign to actually do my battles manually
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askvenomandthekids · 6 years
it takes a monster to raise some kids - chapt. 3
Summary: Eddie Brock’s life is already a nightmare with his monstrous alter-ego. Now, throw some two runaway kids into the mix, and things get even crazier for him.
Part 1: https://askvenomandthekids.tumblr.com/post/177041383497/it-takes-a-monster-to-raise-some-kids-pt-1
Part 2: https://askvenomandthekids.tumblr.com/post/177076018607/it-takes-a-monster-to-raise-some-kids-chapter-2
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15697584/chapters/36597255
Genre: Friendship/Family/Angst
Warnings/Ratings: None Apply
Eddie reels from the sudden flashback. Everything Venom experienced last night are now his memories. He can remember every single detail and sensation, right down to their victims’ lumpy flesh traveling down their throat - he swallows the bile before he could throw up. His head throbs painfully, bordering a migraine. He clenches his teeth, trying to ignore the ache.
‘They’re not ours.’
‘They’re both CHILDREN, not property!’
“Mister Monster?” The little girl speaks up, interrupting their argument.
Eddie flinches, forced out of the internal turmoil. He glances shakily down to the kids. The little girl, bright and oblivious to the danger she and her brother are in, frowns slightly in concern when she sees the caged look on Eddie’s face. On the other hand, her brother is polar opposite, regarding him with a suspicious eye. Trying to mask his growing alarm, Eddie gets on one knee to meet the kids’ level. The brother responds by drawing closer to his little sister, giving the most deadly glare a child’s face could muster. The girl blinks curiously.
“H-hey…” Eddie begins hoarsely, flashing a weak smile. “How did you get in my apartment?”
“Mister Monster brought us here.” The girl answers nonchalantly, stuffing another fistful of cereal into her mouth. Eddie sucks in his breath, knowing what the girl was referring to. How was she not frightened of them? She’s simply too young and too trusting. His eyes slide over to the boy, whose face is closed off.
“She keeps on saying that,” The kid says stiffly. “We both woke up here, and I don’t remember what happened. So how’d you bring us here?” His eyes narrow at Eddie. He was just a child, yet the boy looked like he’s already knew too much.
Eddie falls silent, gauging the situation. How much did the children exactly know? And why were they being escorted by the Life Foundation, no less?
“We - I found both of you. You were inside of trucks. Why is that?”
The boy turns his face away. Silence. No answer. Eddie decides not to pry, moving on to the next subject.
“What are both of your names?”
“None of your business,” The boy snaps, but his sister answers faster.
“Lily!” She proclaims, with a slight puff of her chest. She sticks a finger at the boy saying, “And that’s my big brother Shen.”
Shen flashes his sister a vexed glare. She freezes up, and turns to look at him with big eyes. He shakes his head, ever so slightly. Lily’s small face crumples into a pout, and she sullenly crosses her little arms over her chest. Eddie raises an eyebrow at this odd interaction, his eyes flickering to the older brother. From the deep scowl on the boy’s face, Eddie can safely guess the kid doesn’t trust him. A smart move.
“Lily and Shen. Er, where are your parents…?”
Lily opens her mouth, probably about to blurt something else out, but this time Shen beats her to the punch.
“Our dad’s farther upstate. We’re on our way to see him.” Shen gets up to his feet, grabbing his sister by the hand. “In fact, we should be on our way. Where’s the nearest bus station?”
Eddie furrows his eyebrows to this rushed explanation. He couldn’t tell whether Shen was lying or not, but the boy definitely wanted to get out of the apartment with his sister as swiftly as possible. Eddie couldn’t blame the kid. If anything, he was smartly handling the situation.
Eddie ignores the Other’s voice, and turns his back from the kids.
“Sure thing. Er, closest one is a few blocks away, I can write you an address…” He stops, wincing in pain when its voice comes crashing back. It drills into Eddie’s skull, more demanding this time.
‘Shut up. Shut up.’
Oozing and alien black liquid begins to ebb up Eddie’s neck. His stomach lurches. He can’t transform in front of these kids, anything but that. They had to leave while they still can, before his insane alter ego forces them to stay. Eddie sinks his fingernails into his arms, desperately focusing on the pain to keep the symbiote in check. He’s twitching erratically, clearly disturbed.
“A-actually...you guys should...just leave.” A sharp whimper escapes him. The symbiote’s mental and physical willpower are far too great. If the kids won’t move quickly, then it’ll take over in a matter of a minute. “Please.”
He couldn’t see the kids’ faces, but he can feel their frightened eyes on him.
“Come on Lily.” Shen finally says. There’s a brotherly urgency in his voice, since he clearly understands the growing danger of the situation.
“But he’s in pain!” Lily cries out, indignant. “Is Mister Monster being mean to you?” She might’ve asked Eddie, but the adult man was much too distraught to pay attention to them anymore.
“Lily, we have to leave, right now.”
Before she could protest, there’s a crackle in the air, and the kids are gone.
Eddie didn’t even have enough time to ponder how they could’ve possibly left the apartment without going out the front door. He’s too busy mentally wrestling with the Other, trying to keep it from coming to surface. Black, spiderwebbed veins bulge at his forehead and neck. Black eats away at his eyes. A guttural growl rises out of his throat, more demonic than human. He screams, throwing himself on the floor. He can’t let it come out. They both had to calm down. They both had to calm -
“No!” His voice already sounds distorted and warbled, as if two people were speaking at once.
This resistance only makes the Other more aggressive. His veins flare up, feeling like they caught on fire. His clothes ripple, as if something was struggling to rip out of the fabric. It was horrifying, unnatural, plain wrong to feel the alien symbiote crawling through his skin, trying to take over. He thrashes against the walls and floors, battering himself in an attempt to subdue them both. It’s too much. It’s all too much. Pain wrecks his entire body, and Eddie is completely helpless to it.
Just when he was about to surrender completely to its control, the TV, still playing this entire time, is interrupted by an emergency alarm.
“- We interrupt this broadcast with a public service emergency. This message is brought to you by SHIELD. We thank you for your patience.”
The television replays the ear-splitting alarm, bringing intense pain to both Eddie and the symbiote. They screech together in unison, moving to cover their ears from the harrowing noise. The TV continues rattling on, and a pleasant female voice announces:
“Attention NYC citizens. Be on the lookout for two mutant children. Both possess unstable psychic powers that can pose harm to the average citizen. If you do see these fugitive mutants, do not interact with them under any circumstances. They are hostile, and will not hesitate to attack, I repeat, will not hesitate to fight back. If you have seen anything suspicious, or suspect foul play, please contact SHIELD’s emergency public number immediately…”
Hearing this message, Eddie weakly rolls over to glance at the screen. On the bottom is scrolling text, reads: DANGEROUS ESCAPEE MUTANTS. A STATEWIDE MANHUNT HAS BEEN ISSUED AND IS UNDERWAY.
Onscreen shows Lily’s round and smiling face along with Shen’s sharp and cynical scowl.
Shen rushes through the streets, dragging Lily close in hand.
His heart is still pounding from the encounter they had with that unsettling man. There was a presence, a dark presence that clung to the stranger. It was sickening, and it was trying to reach out to Shen. He was sure his sister sensed the aura as well, yet she wasn’t fearful in the slightest like Shen.
“Too tight!” She complains, her short legs struggling to keep up with her brother. Lily tries to pull her hand away from Shen, but he keeps her grip on her. “Shen, we’re walking too fast!”
Exasperated, Shen pulls her to the side. He gets on one knee, and looks her straight in the eye.
[Lily, we have to move. The bad men are gonna find us.] He says directly into her head. Shen squeezes her shoulder to emphasize his point. He has to make her understand.
Her eyes fall to her feet. He knows she remembers those bad men perfectly well.
[But Mister Monster chased them away.] She retorts, stubborn as ever.
[You mean that weirdo back there? He’s not gonna protect us! Nobody’s gonna help us unless we get to Dad.]
A loud alarm blares out of nowhere, interrupting their discussion. Lily and Shen’s heads perk up, and they turn to look where the sounds were coming from. A small crowd of people already gathered around a window shop, multiple television screens playing an emergency broadcast onscreen. Curious, the siblings join the gathering crowd.
“Attention NYC citizens. Be on the lookout for two mutant children. Both possess unstable psychic powers that can pose harm to the average citizen…”
As Shen listens to the broadcast, his face pales. They’re on the news? Wildly, he glances around. Surrounding strangers are looking at their phone screens, definitely watching the emergency broadcast. The female announcer’s voice from the screen plays from multiple screens. Starkly conscious of watching eyes, Shen pulls Lily closer to his side. He starts to back away. Lily glances up, confused.
[We have to go.]
Before he could start running, someone nearly knocks them over.
“Watch where you’re going!” A man in a business suit says, looking up from his phone screen with a scowl. When his eyes lie on Shen and Lily, they both widen. “Wait just a second...you’re those mutants from the broadcast -”
The man is suddenly knocked off his feet from an unseen force, crashing on the ground.
Shen tugs Lily, and they break into a sprint. He runs blindly through the sidewalks, pushing anyone in their way with his vectors. Some people curse at them, most stop and stare, others recognize the siblings and begin shouting after them. Desperate to shake the attention off, Shen takes a sharp turn into a brick wall.
Instead of running smack into it, he phases through the wall, Lily towed behind.
Once they’re out of the streets, Shen skids to a stop. He quickly glances around their surroundings. Now, they’re standing inside a narrow alley. Dumpsters are stacked against the walls, hiding them from any passerbys. Good. No one can see them. He allows himself a moment of reprieve. At least they’re away from prying eyes. For now.
A shaky breath escapes Shen’s lips. How were they going to get to Dad’s now? They would have to take a train, but with people everywhere, they’re bound to get recognized.
“I’m thirsty.” Lily says, rubbing her eyes.
Shen worriedly looks down at her. It also strikes him in that moment that he, still a mere eleven-year old, virtually had no means to take care of his little sister. They had no money, shelter, or means of discreet transportation. They’ll definitely get caught. He bites the inside of his cheek, forcing down the anxiety. He can’t freak out in front of Lily.
Before Shen could comfort his sister, a shadow is casted over him. He looks up to see the most horrifying monster that ever crawled out of his imagination.
It’s tall, taller than any adult Shen has ever seen. It’s a hulking mass of bulging muscle, easily towering over them. A spider symbol is on its chest, similar to Spiderman’s costume. The huge difference is, the monster’s suit - or skin, Shen thinks, is completely pitch black. 
What looks like a pair of eyes, stares down at Shen and his sister. At least, he thinks the monster is staring at them. He couldn’t tell since it didn’t have any pupils. Worse of all, it’s wearing a frightening smile, full of too many shark-like teeth.
Shen tried not to scream when the monster steps toward them.
He scrambles to his feet, getting in front of Lily. He has to protect her, at all costs. His hands begin to heat up, gathering flame. He wills his hands to stop shaking.
“Get away from us!” Shen shouts, his voice cracking near the end. He directs the fire at the monster, and it’s tar-like skin immediately begins sizzling.
It recoils, hissing like a nest of angry snakes.
Seeing a chance for escape, Shen screams at his sister. “Lily, run! I’ll hold him off!” She doesn’t seem to hear him, though. She’s staring up at the monster, entranced. “Lily! Please! Come on!”
Much to Shen’s disbelief, she goes towards the monster instead of running away.
“Mister Monster?”
It crouches, but that hardly made the monster any shorter. Even crouching, it’s still so tall, sunlight won’t shine into the already cramped alleyway. The monster leans forward, its smile growing impossibly wider. Shen freezes up in place. How is his sister not running, screaming her head off? She stands there, unaffected by the monstrous freak of nature.
“LITTLE ONE,” It utters in a horribly garbled voice. “YOU MUST COME WITH US.”
Its clawed hands begin reaching down for Lily, and Shen is brought back from shock. Brotherly fury comes rushing back into his blood. The nearby garbage dumps suddenly combust into flames. To Shen’s command, they levitate and hurtle towards the monster.
“Get away from her!”
The assault bounces off the monster, nothing more than weak blows. The monster growls, annoyed. It sharply turns to Shen, then grabs him by the scruff of his neck. He plucks Lily from the ground, and settles her into its arm. Its face comes close to Shen, and a creeping smirk twitches at its slobbering mouth.
“LET US GO!” He wildy thrashes his arms around, hoping to land some punches on the monster. When his fists connected with its face, it was like punching hardened tar.
“Shen! It’s Mister Monster! He’s here to help!”
Innocent and pink warmth surges into Shen’s mind. It’s his sister’s presence, sending some empathic waves to calm him down. He stops fighting, only briefly, and throws her a perplexed look. He glances back to the monster’s, grinning face. 
It cocks its head, its pupilless eyes sizing up Shen. Then, it’s skin peels back, like a grotesque peeling away of a rotting onion. 
Shen freezes, and can only stare, horrified. Underneath the unnatural black skin, is another face - a human face. Tired and tormented eyes look at Shen, and he recognizes that face immediately.
“It’s you!”
“Sorry kid.”
No longer wearing that monster’s face, the man set Shen and Lily down on the ground. It was plain, plain weird seeing a human head on a monstrous body. It unnerved Shen to no end. He moves to grip Lily, covering her head if the man-monster-thing was going to hurt them. 
Thankfully, the man-monster shrinks back down, the tar skin melting into versatile liquid and snaking back under the man’s clothes. In a few seconds, there stands no longer a monster, but only a man.
Lily pushes Shen’s hand away from her eyes. “Hi Mister Eddie!” She says with her ever-bright smile.
The man - Eddie, gives Lily a funny but forced smile. Shen only stares, dumbfolded. He tries not to think where that strange black liquid went, and manages to find his voice.
“What...what are you?”
The man chuckles. His eyes are strikingly dark.
“Wish I knew. Sorry for back there. We - it - can be a little...aggressive.”
We? Shen frowns, his head still spinning from this craziness.
“L-look. We saw the news. They’re looking for you.”
“Yeah, I know. So?” Shen shoots back ruefully. Unconsciously, his grip tightens around Lily. “Just leave us alone.”
“But they’ll find you again. Those people. Life Foundation.” Eddie’s expression hardens for a second. It’s a poisonous and deadly look, a hint of the darkness the man possesses. It disappears as quickly as Shen saw it. “You and your sister will be safer if you come with us. We’ll protect you.”
“Why? How do you know about the Life Foundation?” Shen’s mind automatically jumps to the worse case scenario. “Why should we trust you? You’re a monster!”
“You’re right about that.” Eddie crookedly smiles. “But if you guys wanna escape the Life Foundation, we’re the only ones who can help you. Everyone else might turn you in. Aren’t I right about that?”
To this, Shen couldn’t reply. He falls silent, knowing perfectly well that this man, Eddie, was right. He still can’t meet the man’s eyes. His mind kept on flashing back to the monster’s face, a slavering and animalistic grin, that’ll definitely haunt his nightmares for the rest of his life. He wanted to protect Lily from that thing.
But how can he even begin protecting her if he can’t protect himself?
He looks into Lily’s brown eyes, searching for her opinion.
[What do you wanna do, Lil?]
She blinks, a thoughtful look crossing her face.
[I like them. They won’t hurt us. And we can make them buy us McDonalds. I’m hungry.]
Shen sighs, defeated. His sister’s simple and childish logic, wins this round. He forces himself to look at Eddie.
“Fine, we’ll come with you. Then you’ll tell us everything.”
“McDonalds.” Lily tugs his vest, insistent.
“And, we want McDonalds.”
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yodauk79 · 6 years
Redheads and demons
Chapter one
Her body was tingling her every cell was telling her the creature was close she could feel the statically charged air the hair on the back of her neck was on end. A rift had opened in this area a tear between the dimensions. It could have been hours or days she could not tell but Amy could feel it in the air but what had entered our world the jungle floor was densely cover with foliage a mist hung in the forest the dense plant life and mist could hide a big animal. This was not good she thought where the fucking drone she said is. Control responded “30 seconds till drone arrival” she readied the aa12 shotgun with its frag 12 exploding rounds and crouched down scanning the area for any movement it was close where you are. Her radio beeped to life
“Amy drone in position hold while we scan the forest for heat sources”.
“Amy large heat source 10 meters East it’s not moving it matches the profile of the wild animals type we don’t think it’s the sentient but it’s the size of a large bear. It must have stumbled through the rift we are moving to get a visual you are cleared to engage”
Finally, she said under her breath. She was up and sprinting in the direction of the target her heads-up display in her mask showed it and her location it was still stationary. If she could keep the element of surprise this would be quick as she moved a noise echoed through the forest. The creature was startled It reared up on to its hind legs Amy stopped and dropped to the jungle floor it was 5 meters away it was big bigger than reported.
The creature was over 9 feet tall and about 4 foot wide at its shoulders’ and chest. its fur was dark brown it had sections of bone over the skin and fur covering its shoulders and chest forming armour plating it's eyes were red had a longer snout than a bear its Teeth were long and razor sharp it's fore legs were long like a gorilla it had 4 inch long claws which came out from the pore they would slice through her with ease it had horns coming out of its skull like a ram and along its back it had the bone plating protecting its spine there was a row of spikes over the bone which stuck out 4 inches from the beast the bone plating also ran down its for legs she had been told about these creatures in training by her mentor that they are like our earths rhinos which would wonder the barren lands of the other dimensions earth. she had encountered only a few so far the last one was a lot bigger and she had a good team with her and a good man died from then on Amy told herself she would do it alone.
Amy softly told the control to engage it with the drone to distracted it, Amy tensed her body and prepared to run she moved the shotgun to her left hand and pulled her sword from her back Amy had been trained in Japanese martial arts and was an expert with the katana she counted down 3 2 1
“Open fire with the drone”
The opened fire with its 5.56 m249 its rounds doing little damage to the animal’s bone armour as the firsts round hit Amy was up and sprinting she unleashed the aa12 automatic fury upon the beast’s chest-pumping round after round of the frag 12 explosive ammo. As the last of the barrage had hit Amy raised her sword and prepared to make her first blow the rounds explode sending thick purple blood and flesh flying into the air it splattered over Amy amour the beast stager’s back. Amy slashes the beast across its hind leg opening a huge wound exposing the bone the purple blood spurts out flying feet into the air the creature roared in pain. The beast swung its massive claws at Amy hitting her on the side of her chest and sending her flying against a tree the force of the impact breaking a rib.
Amy coughed up blood her armour had absorbed much of the Impact but the bladed claws had still made it through her amour and sliced her skin her accelerated healing had kickend in and started to heal her. The beast was trying to move its rear leg and began to drag the wounded limb access the floor Amy charged the beast emptying the remaining 12 gage frag rounds into the beast as the rounds detonated in the beast’s body. Amy leapt into the air she brought her blade down upon the beast shoulder and drove it down through the beast’s bone plate and into the beast’s chest with all her amplified strength. The beast’s blood spurts out over Amy’s armour the beast swings its forelegs at Amy desperately trying to get her off. Amy made one last push with the blade cracking through the beast's ribs the beast reeled in pain and throw Amy off balance. Amy fell back she drew an s&w 500 revolver from her back and fired two of its massive 50 calibres round into the beast one pierced its now shredded chest smashing its spine as the bullet exited the beast's body it ripped a huge part off its back the second round hit the beasts head. Which exploded the back of its skull sending skull fragments, brain and purple blood flying which splattered the forest canopy? The creature was dead she slumped to the floor exhausted.
“It's dead” she shouted down her radio Send in the extraction team Amy got up and walked over to where it was first sighted by the drone she could see the half-eaten corpse of a male. He must be a local hunter from a nearby village the poor bastard must have been the first thing it saw when it came through the rift this part of Africa is sparsely populated.
He was one unlucky bastard, she thought. Her radio beeped “extraction team 2 min’s” she carried on looking around heading for a clearing so the transport could land after walking for 10 minutes in the thick jungle she was hit by the over powering smell of rotting flesh and death she came across an open mass grave the tribe must have been wiped out by loggers they all had gunshot wounds the rift was around whatever it is on the other side that is opening them is attracted to death. here she marked the location on her h.u.d for the bodies to be incinerated the smell must have drifted in to the other side of the rift and the beast followed it in to our earth a drone would now be assigned to patrol this location in case anything else came through there a lot worse on the other side she though.
Amy could hear the osprey’s engines she headed to the clearing the osprey was overhead now its twin rotors turning upwards it would hover above her location. The clearing was too small for the aircraft to land the rear ramp started to lower, she could see a crew member began to lower a line down to her. She touched her amour where the claw had gone through it still hurt like hell but the wound was almost healed having altered DNA does come in handy she thought her amour was not as fortunate it' was dented slashed and covered in purple blood, skin and brain it smelt vile she could not wait for a shower or a hot bath either would be nice right about now.
she could feel the gunk seeping into her body suite the winch had now finished lowering the line she hooked on and prepared to be pulled up as she got above the tree line she could see the burnt out remains’ of the village poor bastards she thought. She would love to get her hands on those murdering fucks, at least monsters she hunts kill because it's in their nature but those who murdered innocent villagers’ just for the land they had a choice they do it out of greed and one the day they will pay. As she boarded the osprey and look back at the village and the sight of the mass grave and thought but it's not my fight she told herself she shouted at the crew chief “is the device ready”
He shouted back “its primed Ma'am set for 10 minutes”
“Ok she said let's drop it and go”
“I need a bath,” she said the Osprey crew dropped the device over the mass grave and headed home. She had one more look back and removed her helmet and face mask, she removed the hair band and allowed her long red hair to fall down her back it came past her shoulders. A few minutes later the device exploded with a blinding flash incinerating a 500 square meter area the blast was so hot it turned sand to glass and left nothing but scorched earth in its wake that should remove any trace of what had happened and remove any smells that could go through the rift.
She unloaded the ammo from her weapons’ and made them safe the crew chief inspected her weapons’ and agreed “clear said the crew chief” he then handed Amy her kit bags. “I thought you may want to get out of that amour it's a bit ripe” she smiled. “Thanks chief” the crew chief was a 45 year old British army veteran who had many combat tours under his belt he treated Amy like a second child she took her bag she removed the hard case from the bag and removed the katana from her back its magnetic lock released the blade from the battered amour she wiped it down with great care and remove the dried blood. She placed it into its case next she placed the aa12 into its foamed slot within the case she removed the s&w 500 from the holster on her lower back both would need a good clean when she gets back home she closed the case and locked it.
She stood and began to remove her armour the armour was liquid armour it contained a solution within the armour which solidifies when kinetic energy hits it and could stop a 7.62 round it was lightweight but tough under the armour there was a Kevlar-lined body suite this also had grapheme amour plates fitted. These plates were thinner and moulded to fit over her body; there was a zip which allowed the top half to be removed from the legging. The top half had a zip along the middle like a Hoody to allow easy removal Amy released the locking pins on her shoulders’ and waste and separating the two side of the armour and removed the moulded chest plate and placed it on the deck the chief pointed at the tear in the skin tight fabric, the area around the tear was covered in a mix of human blood and the monster blood “was it bad he asked”
“It was deep cut but I am healing ok being me had its advantages” Amy replied.
The crew chief helps her remove the rear amour plate this was held in place by numerous Velcro straps by which attached to the body suit the rear amour also held the batters for the suite power, radio and hud in the helmet the chief placed it on the deck of the osprey. She pulled a change of clothes out of her kit bag she unzipped the bodysuit top from the bottom half, then unzipped and opened the top revealing her tanned naked chest. Amy massaged her chest for a few seconds they were sore from being squashed down for so long. She grabbed a sterilizing pad and wiped down the blood around where the cut had been, she then used a second to wipe the sweat from her chest and arms. A voice shouted “I will do that for you if you want”.
Amy looked at the chief and said “who is that” the chief replied not looking at her it's the new guy we picked him up when we refuelled. Amy looked at him “he’s a bit of a knob” and she looked around the aircraft none of the other crew paid any attention to her it was normal for her to strip off. She was covered in the monster's blood there no point sitting in it for hours and stinking the cabin out. She looked at him he was just standing there with a big grin “Amy think about what you’re going to do no broken bones I have still got to train him up” said the chief. Amy unzipped the fly’s on the bottoms and said to him “is this what you like” she pushed the trousers down past her hips then slowly pushed them down her legs bending over as she did. She stood up straight her tan toned muscular body now naked she walked towards the new guy her breasts moved as she walked, he was transfixed upon them she put one hand on his shoulder and with the other moved it down his chest and towards his crotch he shoutedd:d “hell yeah bitch”. She leaned into his ear and grabbed him by the balls and squashed hard. She also squeezed hard on the pressers point on the shoulder he was in agony if he moved she squashed both points harder.
“Now listen to me you fucking dickhead you do not talk the women like that. Now show some respect also you have not earned the right to be part of this team, you see these guys have been there for me they have saved my ass many times. Last time I was up against this really big one it was heavily armoured by the time we had found it had already gone through a village killing and eating over a hundred people.
It was on its way to the next when it came across a small African army unit about 30 men they were hunting poachers they had ak47s and 50 cal machine guns it went through them in minutes it was now on its way to the next town which had 500 people I was the only hunter I was still getting used to my abilities and not long out of training this was the biggest one I had encounter I was not ready” she squashed his balls a bit more “do you know who’s boots you are filling
He tried to speak but it came out as a squeak “we hovered over it and opened up with the minigun the rounds did nothing, we tried to draw it away from the town it worked it was now following us we had no plan.
I jumped from the osprey and engaged it I must have put 2 mags of frag 12 exploding ammo in to its chest, they did nothing the mini gun was still firing which distracted it I drew my sword and got close hoping to damage a leg tendon anything. It swung its giant leg at me hitting me the claws slicing through my amour and deep in to my body, I lay there unconscious it was moving towards me. The chief here and bob over there were now on the ground and opened fire with assault rifles 5.56 which just pissed it off.
The guy you replaced mark pulled me to cover and treated my wound giving my hyper immune system a head start, the monster hit bob severing his leg in one hit the crew chief was next it hit him sent him flying. The chief broke most of his ribs punctured his lung and damaged his spine; mark had transitioned to his side arm and fires of a few rounds with his colt 45 which wakes me up.
John are you listening to me your looking a bit distant she squeezed harden he tried to drop to his keens he manages to squeak a yes out
Amy carried on talking
The creature grabs him with its long teeth and starts to crush him, Mark while dyeing pulls the pin on a phosphorus grenade and holds it by the monsters face. It explodes burning the creature face and blinds it in one eye. It roars in pain drops marks dead mangled body.
I am up and running at the beast hiding in its blind side. My sword is in hand I jump in and land on its back climb my way to it head and with all my strength thrust my sword in to the beast’s skull. I make a hole put my revolver in and fire of three rounds. I push the last grenade in to its brain before the hole heals the grenade detonates splattering its head and brain over a ten foot radius. These guys have earned the right to sneak a peek at me while I get changed and that’s fine with me.
But they don’t. Do you know why out of respect, we have shared blood with each over I would give my life and they would for me and they don’t even have my abilities there normal human beings”
Amy released her grip the new guy drops to the deck “don’t piss me off I’m part monster and you don’t want to make that side of me angry. “I am sorry” he sobs he looks around the osprey even the pilots have popped there head out of the cockpit to see what’s going on “what your name” she asked “it’s john” “ok john you’re going to be my stewardess for the next 8 hours go and get me a coffee” as john look around the plane for friendly face he see bob at the communication station pull up his trouser leg and revel a cybernetic leg “shit” he thought the chief was now pulling mark to his feet “you have coffee to make move it” he turns to Amy “can you please pop some clothes on the pilots’ are distracted and I really don’t want to fly in to a mountain” “ok I have had my fun” she replied “was that fun for you said the chief.
“I have known you for a year now and you are getting more and more colder in how you deal with us humans I don’t know if it’s your fucked up mixed DNA or if it’s the constant killing but you are changing and if you ask me it’s for the worst you can’t do all this on your own I care about you kid you need a friend”.
“Now please pop some clothes on”
She walked back to her bag and pulled a t-shirt out and pulled it over her head she pulled her red hair free from the top she reached in to the bag and pulled out a pair of shorts she pulled then up and over her hips.
she put on a pair of flip flops and popped her hair in to a pony tail she grabbed her head phones and I pod and one of her favourite book Lord of the rings john return with the drink “well done john you get a cookie”
She sat in her usual seat looking out the window the chief sat next to her and started talking.
“Amy we are looking at 8 hours till we land in the uk the boss has asked for you we are to land at Stansted she told the uk authority that we have been testing some new equipment and that we will need to get the data back to our London lab quickly and that the osprey was the best aircraft for the job”
“You got to hand it to her she is a smart kid her grandfather is teaching her well”
Amy replied “and Taki is waiting for you at Stansted” said the chief as he walked away. Amy had not seen her mentor for months she had been bouncing around the globe shutting down rifts it would be good to see master she thought
“So chief what the real reason for us going to London”
The chief look at Amy and replied
“I believe a rift has opened in London and one of the sentient ones has come throw there’s been a spike in gang killings and with the summer heat and global warming it’s allowing them to move in to colder climates. They want you to hunt it they have been training a team of ex special forces guys who will be working with you so far its killed two girls.
Amy the girls that have died they have similar genetic markers to yours before your body came in to contact with the monsters virus I thought you should know the boss will tell you but I don’t think she knows how to.”
“I’m not meant to tell you yet”
John be a babe and get me another coffee it would be a long flight and even longer for john He should not have been a twat she told herself she put the head phones on and started to read but she could not help but think about when she was attacked and she was made in to this weapon that day now replayed in a loop in her mind the book and music could not distract her from the anger at what had happened grew inside and the pain raged through her body she crushed the cup sending parts flying around the osprey the crew chief look at Amy her eyes were turning yellow he placed his hand on her shoulder and crouched next to her in the isle he said breath kid work through it you are safe you’re not in that forest you’re on the osprey that demon is dead It can’t hurt you breath and relax the yellow in her eyes faded and went back to her natural blue colour.
She opened her hand there were still parts of the cup embedded in her hand the chief pulled them out the wound healed as soon as the fragment was out Amy are you ok.
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