#because auto never heals the team and just focuses on fighting
angryborzois · 8 months
I feel like auto-battle failing me is a sign to actually do my battles manually
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fictionfixations · 3 months
its only playing star rail that got me to actually take the time to build my characters
trying to clear space for zzz (and still not having enough) gave me enough space for genshin LOL so
looking at my builds
wriothesley and furina arent even fully leveled up
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also idk how team comps work in this game ive only ever focused on the story in this game
i dont know why wriostheley's here besides 'water + ice makes freeze' like
before this i had wanderer. like. hes. bETTER. uhm. i dont know what stat numbers are considered good but this is better then others. like. HES FULLY LEVELED
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i feel like i could create such a better team but in all honesty this is more made up of my favorites. tighnari should probably replace one of them because 1. hes good. 2. I DONT HAVE A BOW USER on the team (the amount of times ive been dying inside facing stuff you need archers for and trying to cheese them with wanderer 😭)
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to be fair if i had it my way id replace raiden with cyno (but i gave up on him cause i didnt have the commitment to go hunting scarabs. ..i dont know WHY i decided wriothesley was a good idea considering i think you have to hunt shit down for him too) but i think raiden's e like. makes everyone stronger??
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or maybe replace one of the anemo boys with cyno but like. i know kazuhas really good. wanderer is convenient for exploration
we're pretending wriothesley doesnt exist (i dont even LIKE characters that consume hp cause im the type who likes my characters fully healed. ..furina is there because furinas my favorite besides cyno)
but in all honesty they arent too bad? like. at least they're decently leveled (talents however... uh.)
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(wanderer. i dont have yae miko so uh. i know he cant use it to its full potential but hh)
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about raiden. i have this
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and this (on cyno rn) and. i mean. the 4 star gives more damage. cause. i mean. yknow. so the 5 star doesnt do as much. and im still mixed on whether to leave it as it is or switch them (or if itd be better by being leveled up to 80)
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also this is furina. in all honesty i should probably give kazuha his sword back.
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im. gonna go grind and build my characters up. and maybe see if i can get furinas weapon in the meanwhile
ive never been a fan of multiple teams (which means end game fighting content with two teams is kinda rough) but in all honesty i have enough characters fully built that i probably could.
like look at tighnari he has a good weapon. hes lvl 80. he has ok artifacts.
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ahdiuhuasdh i have so much i probably have to do in this game. (kind of why im not the biggest fan open world exploration games like this and wuwa. its just. the story is keeping me hooked. its just that sometimes you play so much you get burnt out which is what i did i think. and i dropped the game for months lOL. then sumeru fontaine go brr. more burn out but story cool. BRRRR)
its like. cause theyre both HUGE time sinks. i give star rail a pass because you can set it to auto and do other stuff while its grinding for you ok
which i dont really like but what can you do
..thinking about it now if i downloaded wuwa (i mean if i deleted genshin) i probably wouldnt lag as bad. but also past me has already given me kind of partially built characters. so. less of a time sink. and i dont know if i have the patience to go grinding all over again during the start where you change weapons or characters so many times cause you get better ones and having wasted materials
so uhm. ghjsuifhsiudfj
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crystalelemental · 3 years
So you pulled SS Misty because you love her, but you have no idea how to build a team around her.  Don't worry, I'm here to help, in that sometimes I help rather than cause problems on purpose.
Team 1: SS Misty, SS Elesa, Archie/May/Winona/Lilliebee This is Misty as the central Tech striker.  Her joint Propulsion off status moves means she can be one of the fastest acting sync nukers around, if the odds are in your favor.  Otherwise you need high move gauge, and max evasion.  Which is why Lilliebee is suggested, she’s like the only evasion buffer for a whole team.
SS Elesa is, to me, the ideal partner with SS Misty, when Misty is the damage dealer.  SS Misty's biggest weakness is not having a reliable buff to special attack or crit, and only dealing damage on sync.  SS Elesa gets you all of that, while also speeding up access to sync.  That said, if running Lilliebee, you can swap her out for any special attack buffer, since Lilliebee maxes crit.
May is the optimal partner, providing Rain support and accuracy debuffs that make the evasion boosts of the other two really, really good.  Alternatively Archie, who gives a passive special attack buff and auto sets rain, but he can’t reset Rain or lower accuracy and I kinda feel like he’s both worse than May for support and also just someone who’s going to kill the stage before Misty can do much.  As an F2P option, Winona sets rain, but her support is just flinch and confusion, which isn’t necessarily likely.
The big decision between Rain and Lilliebee support is up to preference.  SS Misty can, with the right build, buff her evasion independently.  But that does rely on giving up Propulsion effects, I’d imagine.  From there, Rain is a 50% bonus, while the max evasion is a 100% buff.  That in mind, Lilliebee is probably the better option for raw damage.  But I really do think there’s value in May’s accuracy debuffs.  Never underestimate the value of shenanigans.  So Lilliebee is the best multiplier overall, unless you have Misty raise her own evasion, but May is the best for a more sustain-focused nuke.
Team 2: SS Misty, Lillie, Wally or other striker If SS Misty isn't used for offense, she does have some supportive capabilities to offer certain teams in certain circumstances.  It's a bit dependent on your opponent, though.
Whenever a Fighting-weak stage comes around, Wally is my only option.  And to get him rolling quickly enough, Lillie is pretty much necessary to use Full Power on him and get him to that +6.  However, I feel like Fighting-weak stages often have Snarl, which...really only hurts Wally when you get down to it.  SS Misty can block the stat reductions, and keep Wally operating at full power.  I have seen Wally clear stages before foe can sync on raw move damage even at 1/5, all he needs is partners who can survive repeated hits.  SS Misty offers some value in this kind of team composition, blocking the stat reductions so he nukes, and boosting special defense of allies (and sometimes regular defense).
As mentioned though, this is very much dependent on the opponent's team to be the optimal pick.  If their plan is to slow down your offense with debuffs, and you need to just beat them down quickly, SS Misty and Lillie are a solid combo to keep that striker operating at maximum efficiency.
Team 3: SS Misty, Classic Blue, tank of choice You may remember with H!Caitlin that one of her supportive benefits is offsetting defense drops on allies.  This, presumably, works with their trainer move debuffs as well.  As a result, buffing with someone like Classic Blue, who suffers defense drops, can be dangerous.  Misty negates the danger and can actually buff those defenses.  Now, instead of trying to mitigate the defense drops, you can just use someone who buffs both defenses.  Like BP Morty.  Who can also heal.  But the thing that SS Misty brings that's valuable is Propulsion on her status moves. It's not a guarantee, or even all that significant a chance, but one possible niche is speeding up that access to a sync nuke.  I suggest Classic Blue because they share theme skills and Misty grants some extra attack, but also because the negation of stat debuffs is more optimal play.  Though it's far from necessary overall.
This is probably her riskiest use, being entirely dependent on I think 40% chances firing off repeatedly.  While better long-term, these kinds of teams don't do long-term, so SS Elesa is probably just the better pick, because you only need Breathtaking once.  But hey, if you want to try and make it work, go for it.  It could also be good for any unit who has a debuff applied after their own attacks, like a Close Combat Korrina or something to that effect.
I do think it’s worth noting that this is not a great plan for, say, Brendan or Clair.  Those units want their lucky skill to negate special attack debuffs, otherwise they are literally only viable with SS Misty, and that’s...extremely specific.
Team 4: SS Misty, Winter Erika/Sycamore, Leaf/Skyla "Okay so what is this?"  Me grasping at straws, if we're being real.
I like running sustain tanks.  I think they're incredibly goofy and fun. But often the biggest threat to them is stat debuffs.  Think Rock Smash Hitmonchan on the Fairy weak stage this Master Mode.  That eventually wears down something like Winter Erika by dropping her defenses too low to take hits.  SS Misty prevents that reduction, prevents them from getting too buff, maximizing W!Erika’s sustain.  Leaf is a recommendation as an all-arounder, since she buffs defense for physical foes, and physical attack for anyone who sustains through that process.  The other big sustain tank that everyone has is Sycamore, who can max buff special defense in one sync, and in that case just bring Skyla, BP Surge, or Dawn to buff defense and have a heal like a Potion to get you out of a tough spot, and you're good.
Is this a good plan?  No.  God no.  Not at all.  But it is goofy and potentially fun.  And sometimes that’s all I’m here for.
Conclusions Honestly, if you're having trouble figuring out how to run SS Misty, don't feel too bad about it.  She is...very hard to plan for.  This feels identical to base Grimsley, but at least Grimsley has a rotating Legendary Arena to dunk on.  I don't know where Misty's good point is, aside from being a very specific counterpick.  If you haven’t pulled her, don’t.  She’s general pool, this is a 7% banner, and she’s pretty niche overall.  Workable, but niche.  Just get her normally.
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ripharm-archived · 4 years
Arknights: Episode Isekai’d
Repost don’t Reblog!
You get sent to the Arknights Universe Isekai style! So how well do you think things would go for you in this Post-Apocalyptic  Quirky Fun World?
01. Basics
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What Race are you? Sarkaz
Where do start from? Ursus
Do you have Oripathy? Yes.
What Abilities, Skills, Powers, etc do you have?
weapon: throwing knives and smoke bombs type of arts: basic healing arts, manipulation of iron (but that’s too complicated so he just focuses on using it for ‘smoke’ bombs so far) S1L1: auto. 50% chance phys & arts dodge. instant self-heal 10% total hp. (at L7, 75% chance phys + arts dodge, instant self-heal 30% total hp) S2L1: manual. half charged. 50% chance phys & arts dodge. +atk 50% over 5 sec. will force retreat after. use up to 2 per battle. attacks become aoe arts damage. up to 4 enemies at a time. (at L7, can be used right away. +atk 100% over 5 sec.) class: specialist tags: melee, fast-deploy, crowd control phys strength: normal mobility: normal phys resistance: normal tactical acumen: excellent combat skill: standard arts assimilation: excellent
How do you survive?
Spamming healing arts, but other than that, let’s dodge and roll the fuck out of here. their kit would be more based on scouting.
Do you seek out a Faction, or try to join Reunion or Rhodes Island?
Not actively. Ends up in Rhodes Island after the Chernobog incident. Probably one of the survivors they picked up but just never left. There’s food and shelter. And folks are nice to the Sarkaz.
02. Interpersonal
Who you do (HOPEFULLY) run into first?
rangers, who wouldn’t wanna get found by a nice dude who probably wouldn’t kill you right off the bat ... maybe. just imagine running into reserve team a6 first (orchid, popukar. catapult, midnight, & spot).
Who do you think you’d be best friends with?
friends ................ that’d be nice... but nah, let’s go for spot. we can exchange comics.
Who would you most likely get into conflict with?
everyone. tall people.
Who would be a (HOPEFUL) love -interest for you?
pulls out the ace card.
Who would you be rivals with?
not really rivals, but def look up to folks with similar skill sets and try to mimic them. like w, projekt red, phantom
What is your dream (un)wanted harem?
can’t really think of any? lol. like fawning after me is ng. now, people watching ... the drama in arknights is enough for having a reality tv show.
03. Direction
What do you do?
survive. find a goal. thrive. maybe i’d go back to being angry healer. but nah. not for a long time. fighting with the meeboos because one stole your lunch sounds like fun too.
If you found a way to return to your world, would you want to?
.... nah..... havin’ a new chance to start over sounds p damn good to me. even if it’s in a crazy world where ‘normal’ stuff are luxuries.
Tagging: @kjeragwarlord​ ( you made it after all ), @rhodesphalanx​, @stealops​, @knightlcve​, @theabyssalmuses​, @outsidercocktail​, @hcpehearted​
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game-ideaz · 5 years
Random Shooter Idea
It’s a shooter similar to overwatch or battleborn.
Ya know, team based class based shooter set in the future. It’s more a TDM shooter but objective based game modes are present.
Characters can be customized in depth. Each ability has augmented versions that each have strengths and weaknesses. Weapons have 2 attachments such as extended mags or a different scope. There are obviously skins(for characters and weapons) and similar cosmetics because fashion is important in multiplayer games.
—————————-——————————————Another unique thing is 3 of the characters. Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. They are 3 robots that are exactly the same. Their purpose in-lore is to replicate mercenaries without having to worry about loyalty or disagreements. In game they are straight up loadouts akin to CoD. They can equip any weapon or ability from the actual characters.
Weapons themselves are either two-handed or one-handed. Two handed weapons have an alt-fire and one-handed weapons leave room for a second one handed weapon or another ability.
Abilities can only be bound to the same button they are used on the original character. Including off-hand abilities. (One handed only) —————————-——————————————
Various parts of the map are interactive. This includes activating lifts, locking doors, and more. They are activated by noticeable control panels near the part of the map that changes.
Story:Nothing super big, mostly just world building with a conspiracy against an evil robot manufacturer plot and some side stories.
—————————-—————————————— Characters:Not fleshed out but main ideas and themes are there.
Unnamed Generic CoD actalike: Instead of some boring white guy it was a black trans woman. Still similar gameplay. Assault Rifle you can ads with, explosives launcher (wrist mounted because future tech) sprint, etc
Pacifist Healer:An African American man and protester who was turned blind in a robot rights protest gone Wrong. Was put into a coma and woke up almost 30 years later. Father of the CoD-like character. Fights with only his hands and focuses on debuffing enemies and healing allies. His passive makes automated turrets and (some) sensors not track him since he is unarmed. He also sees the game different from everyone else. Pitch black except for outlines. It’s only a visual change and it wouldn’t actually make the character worse, just different.
Cool Hacker: A non-binary person who doesn’t actually hide their everything! Uses a semi-auto pistol (one-handed) and has a hacking alt-fire. They have a black light graffiti art style. (think kda but more chill) Other abilities include a smoke bomb for stealth and anti-cc and a passive with increased interaction range.
Delta: Remember the 3 custom robots from earlier? This is one of them gone rouge. He was made for some war in some country he never cared about despite practically being created for it. The company that made him wanted him back so they could reset him for the next customer. He killed the entire squad sent and stole their vechicle to go off the grid. After a few years of living on the streets and killing for money some black market dude tracked him down and had an offer. Work for him and live in a massive penthouse instead of a moldy trash can. Long story short, they are now boyfriends (husbands if human+robot marriage manages to ever get legalized) and Delta is a hit man for the biggest drug trader in the world. (Longest lore since it’s also for A, B, and C) He has a short range high damage shotgun and a grappling hook (that can grab enemies)
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greatopoo · 4 years
Get Best Car Accident lawyers In Moreno Valley
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Accident lawyers In Moreno Valley
Getting a lawyer for your case is very important since sometimes there are some technicalities when it comes to cases. That is why is very important to get the right lawyer for your case. That is why I have gathered most law firms in Moreno Valley with their details and after reading these articles you will be able to make a sound decision about the lawyer or law firm according to your needs. This is what each law firm/lawyer says about themselves carefully read and review them. Overview  At Taimur Qazi car accident attorney at Moreno Valley, their qualified staff of personal injury attorneys is committed to making sure that after the accident you aren't left wondering, what next? , annually over 2.4 million individuals are hurt in vehicle accidents with 35, 000 of those leading to deaths. Taimur Qazi understands how some families may suffer following a collision whether it's fatal or not. Going throughout the legal process can be stressful and hard at times. Using a knowledgeable accident attorney to assist you, help you, and direct you to the compensation that you deserve could be vital! Every attorney on our staff has experience handling even the most difficult of injury cases.  They possess the competency and the ability to settle 95 percent of their cases without having to go to court. We've several years of service to the public our company stands out among all the other men. Their lawyers have fought auto and motorcycle accidents, slips and falls, medical malpractice, and awful wrongful death cases. Our offices have accumulated millions of dollars for clients within the last 10 decades. Call them today for a free case evaluation, where we'll inform you precisely what your case is worth and answer all your questions. Top Personal Injury Attorney. Do Cut-Rate Lawyers get Cut-Rate RESULTS? Do they REALLY charge lower prices? Read the Fine Print! The law firm you choose could make a major difference. We are going to inform you of the 3 QUESTIONS to ask at any Attorney you call that can help you pick the RIGHT ONE.  MORENO VALLEY AUTO EMERGENCY LAWYER. Moreno Valley is the biggest population city in Riverside County besides the city of Riverside. This generates an unfortunate opportunity for traffic jam and auto accidents. In the event you or family member was hurt in an automobile accident, you want an experienced injury attorney.  If you ever find yourself in an accident, you can suffer a trauma that keeps you away from work. This could put financial pressure on the household, on obligations, and dreams.
Heiting & Irwin
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Heiting & Irwin is a car accident attorney in Riverside who has over forty years of experience with customers in personal injury law. We've recovered over $300 Million for clients in Moreno Valley and across the Inland Empire. Personal Injury Attorney at Moreno Valley, Ca. Life after a vehicle accident in the Moreno Valley, or anyplace else for that matter, can be extremely stressful. You fight to make ends meet, pay medical expenses, and maintain your household afloat as your financing and emotional state depletes. In reality, you ought to be focused on recovery so that you can restart your work, family life, career, hobbies, and activities they know that, and will do anything possible to minimize the unwanted effects that accidents of all sorts have on the victim and those around him. Her. In Heiting & Irwin, they understand the frustration you are feeling after auto incident injuries in Moreno Valley, Riverside, or the surrounding towns, towns, and communities. their experienced personal injury lawyers have served individuals in Riverside County and Southern California since 1976 with a profound commitment to fundamental values, simply doing what's right. In case you've been hurt in a Moreno Valley auto collision, contact the expert personal injury attorneys at Heiting & Irwin today. They 'll struggle for your rights and chase the compensation you deserve following an auto incident harm due to the negligent or careless actions of another.  they believe your job after an accident ought to be to concentrate on healing. Contact them today for the assistance and guidance you need.
Scott J Corwin, A Professional Law Corporation Picture AdScott J Corwin,
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A Professional Law Corporation  Car Accident Lawyers Serving Moreno Valley, CA (Riverside-San Bernardino, CA)  Seeking Justice For Attorney  Since 1992, Scott J. Corwin and his legal staff have helped thousands of injury victims, obtaining greater than $100 million in total recoveries for our customers. Our LA auto crash law firm can be able to assist you, too.  No Recovery, No Fee  Probably the most typical questions we get is about just how much hiring an attorney will cost. The answer is nothing until they come through for you and achieve a verdict or settlement in your favor. In addition, we offer you a free initial case evaluation, so call today or use the contact form to start your path towards recovery.  Injuries Could Be Devastating  A severe injury may cause an assortment of issues for you or your family. If you or one of your household members was hurt because of someone else's negligence or carelessness, you might be in immediate need of:  Suggestions on how to proceed with your case, which is probably worth much more than the insurance provider is supplying you.   Help to figure out how to manage medical expenses or funeral costs, which can place an enormous strain on your finances.  Healthcare from experts and specialists so you and your wounded family member can recover just equally as far as possible, as soon as possible.  You deserve answers. Telephone Scott J. Corwin, APC, at 310-919-3406 to get a free consultation with an experienced injury attorney in the LA area. WHY CHOOSE SCOTT J. CORWIN?.  NO UPFRONT FEES OR COSTS: You just pay the attorney fees if we win your case. All personal injury and wrongful death cases are handled on a contingency fee basis. Which means that we only gain a commission if we get you results. FAST RESOLUTION WITH MAXIMUM RESULTS: Over 95 percent of our customer's cases settle in 5 to 9 months and our customers are very satisfied with the results. We only file suits when necessary as cases where the defendants dispute accountability or won't cover enough in compensation. We're known for getting maximum results for our customers in an expedited way.  REPUTATION: Their law firm has been rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau and keeps a spectacular reputation in the Southern California legal community. Keeping an AVVO rating of 10.0, Mr. Corwin has also been named Southern California Super Attorney in LA Magazine 10 years in a row, from 2007 through 2016, placing him at the top 5 percent of all personal injury lawyers in the region. Mr. Corwin was named Top 100 Super Attorney in 2015 and 2016. PERSONAL ATTENTION: whenever you Mr. Corwin to represent you, he'll personally manage your case from start to finish. You'll never be passed off to an associate or paralegal. Speedy RESPONSE: whenever you need us, we're here. We're very responsive to customers and may be reached 24/7.
At RM Law Group
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RM Law Group is a personal injury law firm that serves clients in San Bernardino and all of Southern California. Our co-founders, Michael Recinos, and Jason Martinez were motivated to establish a personal injury law firm later finding their passion for assisting the injured. Knowing that they were helping victims during their time of need gave both attorneys a feeling of personal gratification.  They understand you may require the most amount of compensation in order to cover medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Our attorneys will never pay for less than what you deserve only to look at your case off of our list. Rather, they will continue to aggressively negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf. At the event a settlement is not possible, they 'll be ready to present your case in court and continue fighting on your behalf.  they know all the tricks and tactics that insurance adjusters will use to lower the value of the promise --and we won’t let them get away with it.  Our Law Firm Can Handle All Personal Injury Law Cases  Our skilled team of attorneys has experience representing clients in a broad assortment of personal injury cases. Some of our firm’s lots of practice areas include:  Vehicle accidents  Truck accidents  Motorcycle accidents  Bicycle accidents  Pedestrian accidents  Dog bites  Slip and fall injuries  They Handle Clients With Respect They Deserve  There is an infinite number of personal injury law firms in the area, but that doesn’t mean each of these firms is equivalent. One way we separate ourselves from the competition is by treating our customers with the respect and compassion they deserve. At other law firms, you might meet with a legal assistant or paralegal during the initial consultation, but that’s not the case at RM Law Group . All of our consultations are directed by one of our attorneys so customers can get advice from an experienced legal professional.  they never take on more cases than we may handle at once. By being selective with our cases, our attorneys are able to spend more one-on-one time with every customer. If you pick to hire us, your attorney will be your main contact. Our customers are frequently updated on the status of their case, so they never feel as though they're left in the dark. Our purpose is to take more than the lawful aspect of your personal injury case so you're free to focus solely on your own recovery.  Our dedication to our customers is evident in the work we do. In fact, it's helped us get the reputation of being among the best law firms within the city.  Schedule A Free Consultation With RM Law Group Today  In case you've been injured due to the negligent acts of another person, seek legal representation from one of our experienced personal injury attorneys as swiftly as possible. To arrange for a free consultation, call their law offices at (909) 453-2707 or (909) 740-7131 or fill in the contact form on their website. They concentrate on your needs in the Law Offices of Mauro Fiore, Jr., in Southern California serving LA, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, and Orange counties. They represent victims of injuries and their families. We are going to assist you to submit a claim and chase the maximum compensation you deserve for your injuries.  Their law firm has been constructed on fundamentals the company doesn't charge for any penalties or costs until we recover compensation for our customers, and our goal in each case is to maximize recovery for any injuries or harm that is sustained.  Attorney Mauro Fiore, Jr., was a member of The State Bar of California for more than a decade and has resolved more than $40 million in personal injury claims along with other complicated legal issues for his customers.  They represent individuals in all kinds of personal injury claims, including motorized vehicle accidents, injuries at work and medical malpractice claims which include!  Motorized vehicle accidents, such as car, truck and motorcycle accidents  Slip-and-fall accidents in commercial buildings medical negligence claims  Workplace accidents, such as construction injuries and workers' compensation claims  Their company also handles employment cases for applicants and employees who have been wronged by discrimination along with other labor law violations. Including discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination along with other kinds of mistreatment by companies.  Recent Important Case Results  High school soccer player hurt in soccer game settled for $5.2 million.  Women killed in defective tire discount accident case settled for $one million.  Young kid hit by city bus suffers brain injury settled for $2 million.  9-year-old hit in crosswalk due to hazardous construction zone settled for $1.5 million.  Man suffered kidney harm due to taking recalled drug settled for $one million.  CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION  Toll-free: 866-583-9564 Local: 626-593-9031 
Costa Mesa Personal Injury Law Firm 
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Launched in 1994, the personal injury law firm of Morey & Upton, LLP, helps recover compensation for individuals with sustained wounds, spinal cord, brain along with some other catastrophic injuries from car accidents involving semis, motorcycles, bikes, and pedestrians, in addition to dangerous or defective products or machinery. Having recovered around $150 million in settlements and verdicts and across the state of California, Morey & Upton is seen as one of California's premier personal injury law firms. Many of the lawyers have backgrounds, with decades of expertise, and time plead the case in both state and federal courts throughout California. A few of the partners have educational qualifications that are unmatched by local competitors.  No matter in the event that you need help recovering from an accident involving a motorcycle, or an accident that stemmed from defective construction equipment, Morey & Upton has the size, power, and tools required to go toe-to-toe from significant entities, as well as large insurance agencies that are often involved with the procedure. Don't handle the case on one's own. The lawyers with Morey & Upton have a reputation for getting results and will do all things possible to ensure you get the best compensation for your injuries. The firm provides free consultations, contingency fee arrangements as well as Spanish translation services. Case Results  Wrongful Death  Plaintiff's mother killed by stepfather. Morey & Upton, LLP Verdict: $6,000,000  Government Liability  Sudden Road Condition / Catastrophic Personal Injury: $4,000,000 Settlement  Soccer Injury  Soccer Injury - Child vs. School District. Morey & Upton, LLP Settlement: $3,500,000  Construction Site Accident  Iron Worker severely injured due to negligent crane operation. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $3,100,000  Construction Site Accident  Catastrophic leg injuries and spinal cord. The client told by other attorneys that he didn't have a very good case. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $3,000,000  Molestation - Child vs. School District  Molestation. Child vs. School District. Morey & Upton, LLP Settlement: $3,000,000  Motorcycle Accident  Motorcycle in a catastrophic collision with a bicyclist. With liability, there were no independent witnesses to this crash. The defense basically claimed the Plaintiff rear-ended the bicyclist. Morey & Upton, LLP convinced the defense to tender their policy limits given the prospect of excessive judgment. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $2,500,000  Auto vs. Auto  The defendant rear-ended a household of four while running a personal errand in his company's truck. Consequently, the household's two young children sustained multiple skull fractures. Sadly for the family, the insurance provider denied coverage along with the suspect's employer denied liability. To make the case more strenuous, the doctor treating children testified that the children had made complete recoveries. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $2,500,000  Products Liability Claim  Catastrophic spinal cord accidents arising out of motorcycle accidents. The client told by other attorneys that he didn't have a very good case. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $2,350,000  Shooting Case  Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $2,000,000  Slip and Fall  Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $2,000,000  Motorcycle Accident  Uninsured motorcyclist sideswiped by an automobile. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,850,000  Parking Lot Crash  The client hurt when a vehicle backed into her, leading to a neck injury. Client's previous attorney valued the case in $200,000.00 to $300,000.00. The client kept Morey & Upton, LLP to take over the case. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,500,000  Common Carrier Auto Crash  The limousine passenger was seriously injured when the limousine driver suffered a myocardial infarction and crashed the vehicle. The defense contended that their insured driver's myocardial infarction was an unforeseeable medical event. Morey & Upton, LLP convinced the defense to tender their policy limits given the potential exposure. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,500,000  Auto vs. Auto  Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,450,000  Catastrophic Pediatric Brain Injury  Convicted felon slammed his truck into the back of a vehicle wherein the young customer was a passenger, severely injuring the customer along with the other 3 occupants of the automobile. Before attorneys represented all four taxpayers and advised the customer that she didn't have a claim against the driver of the vehicle that she was in and would have to share the truck driver's limited insurance plans with the other 3 taxpayers. Morey & Upton, LLP was retained to take over the case and recovered $100,000.00 (the full policy limits) from the driver of the vehicle wherein she was a passenger along with the truck's driver's coverage available to the customer except for $50,000.00 (for the other 3 occupants to share). Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,300,000  Auto vs. Auto  Customer in two accidents and endured injury leading to operation. An insurance provider in the first accident denied liability and maintained the client's back operation was from the second accident. Insurance providers refused to provide customers any compensation for many decades. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,300,000  Automobile Accident  Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,250,000  Motorcycle Accident  Motorcycle Accident. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,200,000  Construction Defect Collision  Homeowners severely injured due to hazardous conditions made by the contractor. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,100,000  Motorcycle Accident  Motorcyclist involved with a collision. Morey & Upton, LLP was able to secure the bulk of the $1,250,000 policy limitations as part of a multi-plaintiff policy limits settlement with numerous injured parties. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,050,000  Auto vs. Auto  A customer had a long history of preexisting back troubles and, finally, had back surgery following the accident. Morey & Upton, LLP convinced insurance carrier client acute back injuries related to an accident. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,000,000  Automobile Accident  Family on vacation in an auto accitdent. Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,000,000  Auto vs. Pedestrian  Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,000,000  Wrongful Death - Auto vs. Auto  Morey & Upton, LLP settlement: $1,000,000 Southern California Personal Injury and Auto Accident Lawyers  Whenever you employ an attorney, you want someone who is skilled, seasoned, honest, dedicated, and proactive in achieving the best possible result in your case. At Martinez & Schill LLP,
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Clone Wars     Episode 18
         Mystery of a Thousand Moons
 So,    Mystery of a Thousand Moons
Starts   with a really strong quote
   “ A single chance is        a galaxy of hope,”
   And into the episode
    “Hard pressed Jedi,”
      [Shows Ahsoka]
       Ah, mate?            that is one of the biggest Mary Sue’s in the series,           Reason you can’t see her face?            She’s smiling
      “ everyone on Naboo would be dead now,”
         That         assumes           that           they         would           be         very     unaccountable         and        toxic
    Like,       no      one      they      had       to       blame        but   themselves,       for      that
  Just another boring day saving the universe....
   You did help
   I will give him that
   Obi-Wan did do something        in the previous            Episode
                      A child soldier also had a fight his battles
 But that’s besides the   point
Pretty sure that’s a war crime
   *Surprised there not taking him to the Galactic government for that
      Virus           Bombs
      So it didn’t dispose
   So long as you established some mild amount of accountability
    And locked him up
   That shouldn’t be a   problem
  A droid must’ve taken it........
    These episodes never do start off           on the right foot               do they?
      It’s always some hilarious miscarriage of logic                Turning out to be true
Okay, where does this            lead?
 Okay, bullshit, movie               You showed that little fucker running away       When     his      shit    was      taken
  Truly doubt he has such specific programming as to ran away when object of your concern has been taken but resume       oper     -ation                     And        Track          A         Vial          That          Could         be       Anyway
     It’s not impossible but it is damn well    unlikely
    So they didn’t destroy these      fuckers
    [ You can tell     they didn’t plan this shit        in advanced]
      We saw that little   fecker - there was    nothing in his hands
       Really ret-con        ning
       It’s not worthy of a    sin on its own;       But it’s a damn good way to     piss off your audience!
   Hopefully the episode is         worthy of that             ret-con
 Oh they’re actually         taking him    some what     seriously
 That’s-       A bit      better
 Not  Perfect
    Might’ve        Been         Self-           Destructive           But          he at least had the intell        -igence not to auto-        Mate it-
    Wait,          It       Caused           An        Earth        Quake?        (We did see the security system overreact, so I’m not going to call that one too harshly 
     Also, okay
    Lock down the lab    quarantine those fuckers         And they will be fine    in like five days        (Maybe more if you want to like        pass them some             ibuprofen)
        This is fine
         Safe              room
           This is the place of a mad (unaccoun-         table doctor - who thought killing people was a      good idea-”
    You’re honestly    going to trust the safe       room?
    Better        idea;  get the       fudge out of there
 (And again just toss whoever got sick      some ibuprofen)
   Problem solved
      They          Have           Masks
     They’re         Adults
       They’re            Fine             .....
        Okay,      Padme
  Okay,  she does have the. thing
   (Not sure if it was in a      previous scene - I wasn’t paying attention    that much)
  Hey, the only character I actually care about is   here!
  (He’s the only one         whose sickness isn’t         his own fault
    Yeah sucks      that no one else got those protective suits
      Well at least all the sick guys some    ibuprofen
      (I’ll try to keep the ibuprofen jokes down to a   minimum)
      Ahsoka,  has sealed off the entire    facility
     Cool, pass people down there some food   (and medicine) and wait for it to pass   down
       Break out
   You locked down the facility?
  How can the dude unlock it   down?
   Can’t you just-
    No, sit in quar       -antine
     Let the people out      side keep the door shut
      And don’t feck around     with this thing
  “Be    care-ful,”
   No      one        is
   Put this        on
   “You’re bringing the       child?! ‘
      He’s - like,               The only one               of you guys can get sick from this thing!
Oh, yeah   let’s drag the other child soldier into this!
  (Are      you trying to get everyone killed?]
   Dude,      Seriously
   Also you asking the “Mad” (Unaccountable!) scientist,        For the antidote?
     Scour on the planet
     You’ll likely find some (medicine) ibuprofen, capable of lessening the side effects, and compatible with their biology
     Manufacture a plague
     That’s        really     impossible       unless      everyone         is         an      unaccountable         (Like in order to get that it should’ve killed you too)  
     And (Possibly)  anyone nearby
  Who    wasn’t     Practic      -ing       Account-
Per     son     ally                  Bull-shit
   That      this      works
    Stop      poking        the     wound
     Someone wants to fuck around with mother nature and pay the consequences that’s their own prerogative
     So long as you   don’t fuck    around with mother      nature, it         ain’t         Your       Pro      blem
   So stop dealing with that fucker and go toss the clones some       food
    Or look for some damn     ibuprofen
 (I’m sorry    it’s becoming the      running joke        of this episode)
                                                    Seriously this                                                      guy should be                                                           dead
                                                       Unless                                                            he had a damn good healer on his team
                                                         Whom I respect                                                            immensely, having to deal with the majority of individuals who decide to, “ fuck around and find out,”
                                                       Who decide to say, to mother nature, nah                                                            I got this
                                                         And hold them                                                             accountable
                                                            * having both the ability and mak- ing the decision, to do so
                                                         And that’s feckin  
                                                         on the other hand whoever                                                 cured this guy clearly wasn’t practicing                                                              accountability,   
                                                     As if mother nature decided this guy was                                                           too stupid to live, you sure                                                           bet he’s not coming back into society 
 Kill me now         I sure          wish       they would  
(Un-            Accou           n            -tability) 
unaccountable        freak               of          nature
 “ first droid breaks out of that laboratory,”
  There’s one
  Also well guess    we’re sealing it off till it      dies           Bye       Made,    Man
     Didn’t they say it was eradicated?
    Through the adjacent        herb
    Put in accountability
   There we go
   Problem       solved
   Fastest way to        save
   Again throw a     Tylenol           (Yes I have changed the thing,”
   Find an actual antidote
  Again is there not one?
   Toss the herb  
   Throw them in accountability               Standard              procedure
    There they go
   In here
   Thought that was reasonable
   Dead         Man
   You’re wearing masks
   And are adults....
    Again yeet a Tylenol
     Send them to        Accountability
If there’s anything we should be worried about is         Ahsoka
   Yeet her into       stable           environment 
    And....    hope for the best
    Not       sure how badly this would affect someone who can’t assume authority/         (/accountability)
    The best course of action          is just to not let them near that kind of stuff
     I don’t know what kind of        idiot decided against that    
    Almost, certainly         the same one that decided to bring the other one           unaccountable
      Into the situation
    Aka our toxic “love birds”   of stupidity
   Stop that droid...
   My master....       Will find a cure        For the      virus
 Wasn’t the cure already found?
 Like,      Everyone’s still alive
  And, we have recollection of it
  (Which wouldn’t be possible...)
   Dead yet
    Yeah          let’s drag her into a virus affected room without any knowledge
    Again,  these fuckers decided to takeoff       their helmet
    Is there no regulation??
   Like, if they die      it’s on their own screwup
      No sympathy
   *Like I want them to reach a healer and       be held      ac        -countable          If     anyone       can       and      wants         to         is     another     argument      entirely
  Healing       is      not       a   guaranteed     ability
  In    the   direct     line       of   productivity     you   shouldn’t      be    fucking    around     with     things       that      could       get      you     killed       or     mother     nature
 So someone that will heal you from your   own   unaccountable   actions
Is   not     a   guarantee
 Like    with    food     or    water
  Move them away from you for Jesus Christ sake
   Like, seriously
   Neither of you are healers...
   And Ahsoka can’t assume accountability
   Aight,      Back to this      Scene 
   Right,         Okay
   I think I found the answer for you
   No shit
   Okay,          the         ....      The captain of the guard doubles as a       healer
    Good for him
    Good to know he has that ability
    Rep        Syrup
  Okay     bullshit     movie
  Compatible         cures           can            only              be             found                on               planets                 with              compatible              eco- ology
           Meaning                the cure              (the best cure)              (Or healer)               Should be              on planet
           Possibly                near                  the                  area
              Point being                     this should be on                     planet
                 And a great chance to show some nice        scenery
                And use the new queen
               And show Amidala reacts to how things have changed since she became senator...
I’m   disappointed
 That’s why most    find-a-cure- missions
 Because why would    planet fuck it have     a cure    for an   incompatible species?
You can’t   just toss    that thing up
 Deep separatist     controlled        space
    Does    no one have a      greenhouse?
 (Herb     focuses       aren’t     necessary,        but I did figure there’d be one gardening       person!)
   Move cautiously
    Seriously,          Is there           no      Active     Healer        Focus-       Es-      Or    even      a    herb    guy?
 (It’s possible    it’s just really     weird)
 We did see doctors
 I mean.       Why       Can’t         You        Send      One       Of           Them?
      Like the system’s already    enabling
      You’re telling me there’s, not,  like one      neutrally enabled          herb          guy          That isn’t just like               Yeah, dude      what did you get into..?  
        Oh shit, yeah let me throw some reet wood on that, dude
       Again,          Possible
       Just out        of the ordinary
  “There’s no time         for caution,”
    Whoa, whoa, where did that come from?
   NOW he’s scared about      Ahsoka??
 (Like normally       (And I mean normally is in        Ahsoka not being an abomination of nature,        That would be kind of normal        And a reason to       fret, because        We don’t know- if that        kid will survive)
   It’s really un      earned  
  -Just      Every    where
   No humanity      to any of      this
  “And so is      Padme,”
   Obi-wan         Narrow      -ing      eyebrows
        Like even by your own rules you should care about your        senator
      This is just   really un-earned
       Like,         You did no part to earn       that,  movie
  You didn’t set up Obi-Wan is a demanding       and/or intimidating individual
  You didn’t set up Anakin as a child following orders and having to correct at said orders/responses
An adult that is continuing to enable Obi-wan’s behavior
   You haven’t even set up     whatever Anakin/Padme      ‘s relation-ship          is supposed    to be
   You’ve been writing       (and having them            acted)             Like some          alien hybrid        that’s only job         is to be       an asshole
   As such I can’t take any of this with          any bit of seriousness
   The tone struggling on light         unrealistic-ness
     You need some hum       -anity
  Cause those things      aren’t human
  “ it’s a suicide mission     once we contain the virus,”
    Are you     actually going to start doing that?
     Letting them die out             Or              Getting a damn            Healer?
   Also how deadly is this    thing supposed to be?
   [The thing about healers      that makes them so specific,        There’s A) having access to the plant of       whatever you fecked with        (Having        Herbs on        deck when      you       do)          And the knowledge of which       plant will actually fix the problem   
    (Exclusive to           them.)
    Also,              The willing      -ness]
    Point             Being;         How rare is ibuprofen?
    There are no other medics
    And, you can’t toss them          down some food?
    Like, seriously
     What are your troops    even doing?
     (They don’t seem to be quarantining!)
     (I concur)
   Also, yeah, how’s that awkward car ride going to be?
    No show of Obi-wan as he used to be
   No actual resent-ment from Anakin
         The main reason    most people decide to enable
   Just...        Hey, they’ll be fine!
     (Nothing told]
  “ if we suc       -ceed,”
   Again you set up no     risks-
   This thing could kill them      today or      tomorrow;          I have no idea
      I don’t
     Oh, ok   now there’s other droids!
    [This is getting very        heavily bullshit]
     Also you’re trusting       basically clankers            to open the door?
       Good for    you...
     “How we going to get out?”
     “Not our  problem,”
    Well, there        went any medium         of slight risk
   Dude,      cou-      ghing
Seriously,  winner,           of the Darwin award          over here
        Oh they’re standing right behind the      child      how nice
  My pity is       feckin minimal
    We’re right outside your safety room
   Okay, great
     ‘ can you get the door open,’
      Oh, yeah that’s great
   Like not only should we let the     de-adly virus into the room
    Let the vulnerable      child get the door
  Great job         Amidala
  Any other        Babies        You       want         to      murder?
   “ go     ahead       Jar-         jar,”
   Did you ask the      other kid       to do it for you
    Fecking brilliant
      Didn’t even try to see if Rex and their others were wearing the helmet
   Amidala            Trash
   (Where        she      belongs)
    (You cannot convince   me           she isn’t the villain)
    “i’m sorry Ahsoka”
  For     what,     endangering         a     child        (To    possible     death)
    Because that’s the only reason that         she     would       be   apologizing
  Here;      it    makes     no    sense
 “ we still have       a     job      to     do,”
  No you don’t
  You heard the   droids...
   They don’t give a   shit...
   Oh also now everyone has their      helmet      off
 Winners of the Darwin award,         This Squad
    Now      they’re          on
     Geez, that really    helps...
  Cutting through the     wall,..
   And now they care....
  This episode    really is setting       a bad       example         For        What       Justifies       Using         A         Ret-        Conn        For         ...     Okay someone’s helmet’s going to get broken...
  Ahsoka is just plain      fecking fine
  Good to know that I will never have to worry about       her this entire episode
   Don’t open      that hatch?
    Again,           how?
  Hmm        ....         Aight
 Grave- yard
  Those are       rocks
  Now their        ship parts...
  Simple      Enough...
   No        AA       Guns
 alright     don’t       try        to       land     anywhere       subtle
  (Not like in an unidentified ship Landing in the port will raise any    questions)
 (Obi-wan       loves       conflict)
    You       can’t        not     notice      that
 Every       one       is     down        for    murder
 (Specifically       of        the        roombas)
   Death     roombas
🎵 No emotion 🎵
     None       What-so-ever
  “Welcome to         Iego,”
     Not...    Death     Roombas?
   No          Guns....
.............. ......           WTF
(Anakin’s      an    asshole!)
(Like     I don’t care how they try        to play that off..)
  He’s        Irredeemable
  (Nothing      after this      is surprising)
  Like      they could’ve been     sentient
  And regardless      wrecking someone’s shit  (that isn’t made for practice exercises)
   (More then       five times!)
      Toxic...       Beyond redemption
      (Or anything else besides accountability...      ..)
    Not relatable
   Dick move
  Seven       Teen
 I don’t think   they were battle droids mate
I think they were just automated      welcome
  Anakin destroyed someone’s prized  welcome droids
  That they may just to make people..     happy
  There isn’t exactly a rule about property ownership...            Wait, yes there is...
   Don’t be a      dick!
   (Don’t be a              dick!!)
   (You can’t kick them from       society for it...)
    But...you can bar them from your place
   Not cool...
   “18, actually,”
    Shut up.
    Probably         the       owner         of        the   establishment       you       just     trashed...
   He has      a point
   Not a        Kid
   Really...     has       gone        off        the          deep      end 
   No        ...
  Well     a screw in my brain has clearly come loose....
  We already have one badly written      child   character
  Two    in    doubt
  And    now    this..
If you don’t want to write decent child characters      don’t         write     them
 (And      I     mean         don’t       write                               them,         Child       Characters)
   Write          adults    
   (And      I      mean          do           it      properly,       Don’t          childify                Them
    And pretend          like they aren’t        accountable          for their          actions               ......         As              you            can           tell              I’ve            gone            to         some          thing           of             a             Tranquil         fury             state               Now       paying attention        after     Anakin     screwed         with           a        bunch               of      dude’s             property           .......     But there’s really nothing on screen to justify it
    Do        you     know       what    would’ve     been     better?
    If Anakin had actually run into a semi accountable adult, Who bought him from his establishment under said reasons, and that was the core conflict, with Obi-Wan talking to the owner,              And Anakin left to contemplate his action
     Possibly deciding to fix the droids,                  Not out of any attempt             for forgiveness,
     But just because
     Showing            the          realization of the effort it takes to                                                             make                                                           something
       Or        possibly      deciding             to        destroy         them         more
   Showing        his       shift       from        his           original        state
   Possibly         some        resentment          towards          his         origin
      And..  how a good thought can be twisted it into a          bad action
  Children         aren’t        spoiled
   They repeat actions         they have            have been            ordered          to       repeat
    The giving of initiative          to this child
    Makes me       worried that       writers are      victim blaming         Children
 And a popular ‘look at this spoiled brat, he’s clearly responsible for his condition,’ ‘Isn’t that funny’ attempt to dodge responsibility, when in reality it has never been funny, always toxic, And it says nothing good about the medium or the writer who decided to write it 
 Even writers to attempt to mock this trope, Are in thin leniency,     
Because       the     only     way      to    stop    seeing      this      Trope,        is        to      stop      writing         it
    So        it      can      die
  Where       writing         like       that     belongs
   You        know      what     would         be      interesting?
    And adult character      written       like         that
   (Because         adults         are       actually       capable          of         malician
     Unlike       children
     Much          more       realistic
     Much         funnier         for      everyone        involved
 (Including       the      audience)
    And    without       that      pesky    concern that         enabling (and encouraging) the thoughts that children are capable of     malacian              And should be held to the same    standard               Is      Morally        Wrong
  Now continuing on with the   story
  That..     Poor      Droid
 [you know it would make a lot more sense for him       to be here alone         If he was an adult
    And for “Droll”          , to leave a rich millionaire         on an uncharted planet            Alone.                 ......    
   Continuing            on...
[you are here         how child        who shouldn’t        be capable          of intuitive]
     50 tried         50 died
       How long have you been around to          see that          happen?
       You         have           to         get          a        plant
     Nothing           About
    [also how much cooler do you think it would’ve been if those have been   child soldiers and this was an adult just cautiously,         No caution - referen         -ing          How       they         died        like        a      sporting       event?
 Possibly showing Obi-wan’s        enabling side?
    Instead of        this      monstrosity?
    Ok,        we’re      here      now
  Don’t know where     those things came from since they just defeated      the battalion      before hand
    No        Risk
  [Some   -one      gave       the       child            a         gun...
    What            The          Fuck
     You         put        those       eyebags          of     “sickness”          back        where         they         belong        movie
     You’re        (Your)    Mary Sue        didn’t         earn        them
     And      showed         no       signs      before
   While soldiers in almost         complete armor were coughing up their lungs
    Senator’s         Screw-ed
     Show         off       those      eye-bags          of         death        now       movie 
     they       weren’t        there        before
     Anyway                .....
       Don’t             Care
         Look              Fine
         Back             Here
         Why             are             they              on               a             cliff?
          Movie,                you              didn’t               explain            anything
         Something                    .....                 Roots
           Plants              don’t                 like                  it
[do you know this would be a normally philanthropic gesture, from someone ( an adult,) who seemed otherwise un-interested and     enabling of a bad situation
Here        It’s       Just                  🖕
  (Dropped          it)
      On          my       way         to       find        my    decreasing-
     Oh       there         it         is        at       the    absolute    bottom
 Because        I     don’t         give      a        shit-
  There’s no teeth there      animators
      He        found         one
     Hope              on
     Whelp           (        )
      Good             Idea
        It Wasn’t
       We’re  back to the hatch
   How do you know where they are   
how do you know there’s more
  Lots   of things being skipped over
  And I don’t have the time       to format them
 (Nor the patience...
    Really       risking        it
    Don’t.     Care
  Despite       all     logic
  🖕        This
  How    Specific      are       they
   What       was         I   supposed       to      get     there     animators?        (Or       voice       actors)
  They didn’t hit the...
    Again why are the teeth     doing the thing??
  No explanation
      It’s           Bed          Rock
      Screw            Cure
      “You             Made               It”
         Again            could’ve             been                  a              cute            moment                 .....            Instead
           Well                 Spice
            So                he’s not alone
             (Also how    with that supposedly big threat?
              That’s             supposedly             devastated                 several                ships
             Also      so his parents were some old time             Mogul
         What a been nice to have an adult             voice this
           Using the back water               as a justification
            Here;                   It’s just                nothing
              Can’t                 leave                   because                   of                   the                  cur(ve)
                Nice                 justification
                Would be nice if it came out of an actual adult
                  Instead of this walking horror        abomination of nature
Okay, movie    
you might have me back
Does the curse
 Possibly revert
  To a younger age?
   Any one     going to explain that
    Cursed by who my    twitchy friend?
     No start with a          “what is the curse              ?”
   “A Ghost?”
   Shut up Anakin    
There are       force ghosts
  Also- seriously
  We’re mashing            those         two tropes?
     Also why do you       care?
    You      have      people        to      save
   You      have        time         for      weird      curse        bullshi-         (Sorry          too       ag-   gressive)                Later
   Now          is       not       the       time...
    You      know       what?  
    Maybe         it         is-
    BECAUSE       THE       STORY        HASN’T      CLARIFIED         ANYTH-
        I         am         very          angry          at           the        story        right        now
    Mainly               For~
    Anyway .....       .......       Our          Protector
     Don’t fuck around with   magic
        Specifically                Luck
         Because it    wouldn’t exist if people are accountable
          And             the            world            does             not            deal            with          slackers            lately
       (Trust             me               I            know)
         Destroy              all
          Not very specific
          Also    what’s that curse about then?
         Cause             you’re              still              alive
          Obi-Wan                said               language
              Also Obi-Wan your Council turns into force - ghosts
            You, shut the fuck up                   (Lightly]
    That proves     literally nothing
  Also “friend”,       He’s        severely      older than you
   Also I guarantee it’s going to be like an       AA tower or something
 Something explainable
  (Not a bad thing      it’s actually a pretty good thing on logic)
   Just saying   a lot of jumped beliefs
  And the kids shouldn’t care about it
 At most,  trained      to wince at it’s name
   Whatever old man,-
    Let’s go fight that monster
  (Or AA tower)
  Or whatever   it is
  Taken as a   challenge
 Seriously    what is Droll??
   Aight          Okay
   “ blew up those   ships,”
   Besides an        electromagnetic          field             And their own incompetency?
      Real we can handle
   Unless it requires him to be an     actual adult..
    Too bad    I really like those guys
     Children           can’t         Li-
[ How long till they crash?]
    More then he should be able to
   The only acknowledgment of something that shouldn’t      exist
         Aka, it’s an abomination             of fucking nature!
                                     That’s                                         what                                           it is!
 Give him the com?
  And that’s when it hits him...
Like    I’m   100%   betting     (Not     Act-ually)       That       the       kid        is        “behind”.       it
   Aka        Shit   happens      right      after          he      asked  
   Meant          to          be      (dramatic)        irony
      But comes across as a kid          pulling the strings
    Not Gonna notice     that?
    Oh now you do
   What is it
    Okay,          how do they not know that’s what that is?
 Also, only for people going out
     Weird Separtist flex but Okay
So what       next?
  Turn the ship around
  That - would be a good idea
  Destroy the-      satellite-
   Anakin, sees your odds-  
   And decides- 
   fuck yes you have a point
    Turn around
    Turn around
    Tell those guys what happened
     (Also all those previous       pilots just did not give a fuck!)
    Screw with the satellite!
   Leaving the planet
   Again, weird flex
   ... But okay
  ‘They decide (not) to wear the shield like an idiot...’
   ‘Muddled crowd displeasure before dispersing’
      ‘wanted to hear squash’
        Some guy
        *some            separtist              guy
    Like all the adults know what’s going down in the circumstance and just decide to fuck with the foreigner
  Asoka   calling    her    mom
    Also no movie you can’t make me feel bad for               Ahsoka
       Amplify           the          signal
 “Destroyed      all the droids    in the compound,”
   Oh yeah so now you know the    exact number
  Also, hey Amidala,         Do you want to talk about how you       scripted a child       (Out of the safety*            Of the chamber,)
    To fight your damn battle?
   No one’s going to bring up that          unfortunate implication?
  That’s not a mood killer            for you?
         ........          Open this           bunker....
       The bunker...    Is not that serious a deal
        Seriously they were acting like this thing stays          infectious             for           forever
          Like it has infinite viability
         Also what about food and water?
       What about medicine?
  What about....
Goodbye Aniken
I’m sorry   child killer   was I supposed to sympathize with you?
Because I don’t
Also, ‘goodbye’?
From cutting the com?
 Because literally   nothing else has been established about it?
  Heck Ahsoka’s been running around with no protection and           is not dead
  So clearly not that big of a deal
  Like     she’s got a light cough      (And heavily developed eyebags somehow)
No seriously
   All she did was cut the com so       she could get some rest
  That’s....literally all that seems to be established
    (Yeah,        I know they’re trying to imply that she’s dying
    But you need to establish-)
   Power converter
   How is that going to help?
  “slow down Anakin,”
  Again maybe he can      maybe he can’t
     Literally nothing
   Or possibly been a good establishing moment       about Obi-Wan’s enabling tendency       (And disregard for human      life,)
    Or Anakin fighting against enabling          (Or the urge to         enable)
      But nothing
    “ they’re dying,”
   Or have a light cough       and want to take a nap
        Seriously      slow down you psycho
       “Two steps back,”
       Um, no
   Like,         this could’ve been a good moment
  About,        how Obi-Wan is trying to get him to enable or outright screw over the next generation
    Trying            to         stall         him             Under the guise        of helpful        advice
But there’s just    nothing
“Will to jump,”
  No, it     requires       the    personal    Account         ability      and      respect       (Of    yourself)       Mixed      with       the    sentience,     development        and       most         importantly,        Actualization             Of            An            Adult
    Which        the       tone        refuses         to      commit           to
    The conversation being as compelling as between two anthropomorphized blobs
   Refusing           to          Hold         Anakin       Accountable           For          His         Actions
                              While                                Obi-wan                                     is                                    also                                    let                                   off                                  too                                    light
[We    need      a      lot     more     mother      Gothal       and      less     kicked        puppy      dog)
   As     well      as    internal   struggle
(Obi-wan        is       not       the      hero       in      this         one,        Movie)
    There            is         no        good       enabler
  “At   least        hear        me     out        on    this,”
Yeah     listen      to     the   narcissist.           (One      who       is    completely       ok      with     child   grooming.)
 (Multiple   occasions)
  Citizens       of         a       Llego
  Oh so you have time for a     committee!       (This       is      why      you     don’t     trust      an   enabler (narc)     with      the     plans:
  They      are       far     more   interested       in     getting     approval          (For   themselves!)     then     actually      fixing         the     problem
   This       is       why         we      have       the      rule       of      five
   So    some    asshole     doesn’t      slow     down   productivity    (among      other     things)       because       they       can’t       get      over      their      ego
  (Or     the     benefit       of    humanity      over   themselves)
   All the adults already know this thing      isn’t a ghost
  And all the     kids can’t help    and shouldn’t be involved
  This is literally     just an ego trip      for Obi-Wan
  And this dude
  Who clearly       Must’ve been      Alive 
  Or at least knowingly decided to spew this bullshit
 Because no one‘s first thought is the supernatural
 (Who even bothers thinking about      that?)
  (When you have a life to live)
   (No hate)
 Just there’s plenty of time to contemplate     death
   (Don’t know why anyone would want to)
  Without, you know, screwing up everyone   else
Seriously, just don’t argue with    narcs
  Just send them to accountability        (Be accountable yourself)
    What         is     occurring.?           .....    
   Stole       our     moon
 Also   seriously?
   Is it really time for        prehistoric       chatter         about the long list of tox and baggage these guys have         accumulated?
     You know where the problem is, you know it’s probably uninhabited           (This place looks       pretty damn ancient)
      So, just...
    Look I know why Obi-Wan isn’t doing it...         But seriously a waste of time for Skywalker to be        you know   fighting his inner demons          About      enabling        this      bullshit
     As          an     adult
 Which      he       is     written      as
  With     actualization
 [              ]
  Long      sigh
  Minus        Prime
 Seriously       do      we     have     time      for      this?
   Also what about that some thing another guy
   Down       The        Thing
   Nobody       ever      goes      that     way
 Now on a different   planet        ....      What
Milius     Prime          .......
Vulture    droids ........
Why?       .......
Don’t we have?
Argh      ....... 
my brain is honestly pretty fried at this point
That’s -  that’s   too many details
    ... most of them   irrelevant
 Remote    control
  Please...       Wrap            it       up
  Just...   get it over with
  Lazar     Admitter        .....        Wait, what?
 When was a        laser admitter        Brought         Up?
   What          About         The         Milius...
(I fecking hate             Literary           (And plot)      Littering
    Good       stories         live          by       Chekov’s              Gun
     Die          by       the    accountability      scale
   Which by     if two people die         then   two people must live        (Be born)
 And that gun        better be    feckin fired
Because that     information     takes up     valuable      space
  We were         Introduced           To the      Forbidden            Path       Thing... A while     ago
   On      the     same     planet
 (Supposedly   somewhere        in          the      distance)
 Now we’re    about to leave the planet..
 Where’s the      gun shot....?
   Seriously what’s in the distance?
  Oh   so there’s somehow water
   Also   everyone just fecking around
    Great,        I care about none of these characters
      Except            the          Baby
     [Where’s          Jar-Jar?]
     What           a        waste
    Completely          their          own          fault
      And          yours’
     Child       killer!            (Or guess only     Asoka directly,)
        And dragged     Jar jar into the situation
        Like this is completely her      own fault
    “Born to do,”
    I’m sorry were you going for an actually serious     moment?
    Like that was actually a surprisingly     self-aware moment
    Shame we don’t know if that guy is dead
  Or anything   about the situation      That would      make it     even the      tiniest bit      stressful          .......     
    The scene and everything I think it’s trying to      go for
    You didn’t earn it         .....
 Again, so he’s dead now??
  Seriously, what
 Who was that?
 How long?
???????         ??
  You       are      bad        at     setting        up        a        story
[The who what where are changes on a feckin dime
The risks,      as such,      Are   non-existent
And no idea
What the heck is going    on
[besides a basic blueprint    of what I think the writers are trying to pull]
 [from past experience]
 (They literally didn’t set up anything)
    Must      believe
      Must believe in     feckin what?
      Padme told him not to open the   door
     (For fuck all reason)        
    What am I supposed to feel?
    It’s literally no odds
   No established risk...
   Oh, she fell asleep 
    Feckin drama queen
Also you   
you did that
Good job      “Amidala”              The feckin       child killer               .....
   Back to these frickers fricking around
Really     increases      the    feeling       of      those    nonexistent      odds
   As     well        as        the   completely   non-consistent     pacing       ...
Just get it over with....
 Who things don’t look like what we saw   before...
Heck, they don’t even look like   vultures
[Rolls-         Eyes]
 This works
  Yeah       no
   Okay,          Guys..
   Could’ve been out of satellite distance
  Why are they celebrating?
  They don’t know shit happened
[or maybe they do]
I don’t have the energy to bother with   narc logic
Just let it end...
“That you’re-
 Dude     wrong clip      wrong order   
Yeah     Sure
Oh so now they can open the door?.
  Aniken you are not a healer
  Your a herb-getter at most
   Oh so you have a very important person apparently didn’t have any      medical resources up to this point
   Kinda bull
   Opens eyes        [Not Romantic]
   That’s bullshit
  “I spoke with the medical droid,”
   Would’ve been nice to          see that
  Also, oh yeah well I was arguing     semantics about whether or not they had a healer  
   They totally did
   They could’ve sent it a medical droid
   Avoided did 90% of this bullshit
    Full recovery
    The dude who    hasn’t even gotten the Herbs?
    Or not distributed them?
   “I never lost faith in you,”
     And the most stunted line ever
  [which would make sense for a          child soldier.]
“None of us did,”
 And speaking for a lot of people
  That aren’t you
   [Authority         Assume]
   “ where we weren’t so sure,”
     [Show          Don’t tell,]
      “ well you did make it”
    Despite none of this being established
   Like I don’t think     she knew about the cure
   And specifically told you       not to
 [What kind of      tox....]
  By        the      way           ....    
   “Your padawan was brilliant..”
    The CHILD I recklessly endangered
   Get it over with
   General        skywalker
     Don’t         Care.
      My        Lady
        That                feckin        endangered            a          child
     Jar-Jar      surprisingly           still         ALIVE            after           that         incident
         I heard you were quite a good child soldier
        And like any other positively over involved groomer...  
          [Like I did with Anakin]
      Can’t resist         the temptation   
     to screw over another generation   
     I was just joking!
  Really starting them young      Obi-Won
  [He really can’t- resist
   The urge to drag someone into his     fucking-
        Obi- won                  Is                   A               Narc             Confirmed
          Feck               Him
          Jar-           Jar                is               a               child
            He            should              not              know               how                to               use               any             blaster
           [aka                Gun]
[unfortunately thanks to   Princess Amidala*
* she’s a Senator
*i’m just    very done...
“ you did a fantastic job,”
  You did a fantastic job          Nearly dying....     You supposed to be defenseless child
    That was like a      goofy laugh
  “I probably do deserve,”
Children     can’t     have    attitude
 “But      not       all       of        it,”
  Amidala     also     deserves       credit         for     ordering        you       into      danger
   Padme,          high        five         for     endangering      children
  Seriously       who        is       still    painting      them       as      the     good     guys?
  They’re   Adults
[ “Thank you”
    For    fucking    nothing ]
 I think I’m going to use my     most repeated comment for           this episode; Not deserved
                             On that                                 subject;
                              It follows the same                                   pattern of the last two                                      Episodes
* One     that       is   constantly    changing,        Just      before        Strike     territory,        For another       formula        that’s          a      different      degree        and       volume       (type)         of    mediocre        and    problematic
     Saving it         from            a         strike           But          not            a       mediocre          episode
       Unfortunately, maybe it’s because it’s the third one to try this, special attention must be drawn to the fact that they have no idea how to do this
     While the bits that are pretty much           prepackaged are fine
       The rest         struggles
  Bringing to light a fundamental unaccountability           In accountability      By disregarding     what made it work in the first place
  And throwing in the trope haphazardly         (With no thought to it’s            (in)conclusion)
     Believing it to be sufficient enough
    Without any of the     necessary set up        Characterization        Or emotion
  With the mystery one, the set- up was erroneous, the “mystery,” rushed and over in 5, with the grace of a good villain
    With this;
    The “set up” doesn’t even get beyond the ground
    Screwing up some of the       key important elements
     - One; The cure’s on planet allowing for some environmental exploration, while maintaining realistic probability
     - Two; The deadline for expiration is explicitly outlined, creating tension
     - Three; The heart, comes for the fact that nobody wants anyone else dead and would rather see them be held accountable, (or live to be held accountable)
     - Fourth; The effects are semi-consistent
     - Fifth (unspoken); children are always vulnerable              (If a adult can survive it- neither can a kid- debatable]
        And also; (Optional) The cure is           seen distributed for a more tangible sense of relief
        You broke three of the five rules
          The three Most important ones
          As such;
          The tone, pacing and tension
            (Never mind the Heart,                     Which I shutter                           to think of,)
                        Flounder                               like                                  a                            (soon-to-be)                               dead                                 fish                                  out                                      of                                     water
If you’re going to do a     pre-established plot 
         Do it            right
  Don’t      cut   corners
    And make it as          manufactured               as           packing           peanuts,
         With              as              much             heart              (Emotional                Value)
0 notes
crystalelemental · 7 years
I think I’ve completed as much of Etrian Odyssey V’s demo as I can, so time to express some thoughts.
So, classes.  I feel REALLY weird not using the class dedicated to inflicting binds.  I always run binds.  Like, always.  I can’t think of a time I haven’t.  But apparently this is one of those times.  I don’t have the Pugilist, so I have basically no options to inflict binds.  There are some of those special skills that potentially can get your attacks to inflict binds or status, but it seems less consistent, since it’s for one turn, and may be random.  So I’m a little upset about that.  Plus side, I almost never run status, and the Harbringer is all about status, which is great.  I really love the idea of that class.
I’m also very surprised at how much I like the changes for Fencer.  The follow-up attacks don’t seem to be all the time.  In fact, it seems guaranteed to follow another attack of that element, but can activate after a certain number of attacks.  Masurao is also great.  They hit like a truck, just like Bushi, though that might be because I didn’t really let them learn any attack skills and just pumped the attack up skills.  I did get Knockout Blow, though.  That skill is fantastic.
In terms of healing...I’m really torn.  The buffs from Shaman are my ideal, but they don’t really recover much HP.  I think I got up to 11?  Which is okay, but nowhere near enough to handle the damage we take half the time.  I like the idea of summoning the dog to act as a side-healer, but the base amount the team recovers is like 2 points, and the amount of TP needed to bring out the pet is unreasonably high.  The basic healer is probably the best choice, but...well...they’re not that interesting.  They do nothing all that unique, and at least in the demo, there’s no party-wide heal.  I think the Shaman is going to wind up being my preferred.  We were able to handle the Owl-bear FOEs with good reliability and no one dead, which is a good indicator.  We could not, however, get through without a death from the centipede FOEs.  Those can poison, and poison definitely results in death.  There really is no way to handle status right now, but at that point, I feel like you need two healers: one for status specifically, and one for HP recovery.
Warlock is okay.  I have no qualms.  They’re a standard mage character, so I like them, but they’re not all that interesting.  At least there weren’t many race skills I wanted out of Celestrians, so I can just pump the damage.
I think that’s the team I’m going to stick with.  Pugilist I just don’t like, despite being bind-focused.  I’ll keep one on a side-team, just for those conditional drops, but I have no intention of using one.
Botanist seems cool, but I like the idea of Shaman better.  I may change my mind over time, but I think Shaman is doing okay.
Rover is...okay, the summoning of allies is interesting in this game.  And the dog having an ability to heal means you can actually get a good amount of healing down per turn if you just pump points into your pupper.  But it’s also...kinda limited?  I feel like you just summon it and then do nothing else since you don’t have TP left.
Dragoon is another I would absolutely use if I could find space.  My gut feeling is that, if I got rid of anything for it, it would be Fencer, but I really like Fencer.  Also, in testing it out, it’s really kinda just...okay?  Gunmount is a great skill, but you can’t just keep using Gunmount to keep re-applying the same skill.  So the DPS is still way behind the rest of the team, and damage is really high regardless of its actions, so I feel like focusing on attacking is better.
Then we have the Necromancer.  Not gonna lie, the party-wide heal and hitting all enemies for Fire damage seems really solid.  However, it reminds me a bit of the Arcanist from EO4.  You need a lot of points for it to run exactly like you want.  You don’t really want to summon on your own.  You want them to be summoned automatically for not taking any damage, and auto-summon after dismissing them.  If you can get them auto-summoned, they’re pretty good, especially if all three of your summoned allies are the wraiths.  I could absolutely see this being an excellent class, I just...can’t be as invested right now.  Also I hate the character portraits.  Why are their outfits like that?
So, final rankings for classes:
Fencer: 4.5/5.  Solid DPS, still love the link skills, I’m a big fan of fencer fighting styles in general
Dragoon: 3.5/5.  Still a cool concept for the tank, but Gunmount is really limited, to my disappointment.  DPS just doesn’t keep up.  Also, I get that it’s back row, but it’s the sturdiest by far, so I feel like this was an experiment that just isn’t working as great as they wanted it to.
Pugilist: 2/5.  Solely because they have binds.  Otherwise, I really don’t like this type of class.  The punchy kind, I mean.
Harbringer: 5/5.  Still my favorite class this time around.  It’s such a cool concept, even if it also don’t get enough points outright to really benefit from Miasma Armor.  I can’t wait to see it in action late-game.
Warlock: 3.5/5.  Strong magic user, but really just feels too familiar?  I’d use it every run because I love elemental coverage, but it’s just not that interesting.
Necromancer: 2.5/5.  It’s neat, but not my style.  I also really don’t like the portraits.  However, it gets a bit higher than initial solely because of how added units work.
Rover: 3/5.  Pretty sure this went down.  It’s a cool concept, but just does not have the TP to really work with the tools it wants.  Also the party-wide healing for having a pet out is super limited.  It’s immediate and free though, so at higher levels it may be good.
Masurao: 4.5/5.  I’m a big fan of this class-type, however.  I like the super strong basic attack type class that doesn’t really need attack skills, but has some hilarious ones just in case.  I really like it, but later-game, I could see them being limited in what they do.
Shaman: 4.5/5.  Still love the Shaman.  Love how it works.  But the healing is severely limited right now.  It’s actually a huge problem.  It needs to be higher up in recovery to really matter.  Work in progress, I suppose, but it can be tough to keep exploring new floors with the current level of healing we get.
Botanist: 4/5.  Kinda like Warlock.  I really think it just feels too familiar right now.  You need the healing skills, so you don’t really get much else in the demo.  However, the Smoke skills are fascinating and a great addition, so I’m super on board.
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