#i lied pidge is on horns
apprentice-s · 10 months
thanks for the support on bassist keith he's my special little guy
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.58
Lance left him hanging until the weekend to wake up properly. His boyfriend had woken sporadically over the last few days, only really long enough to express his relief that Keith was okay, then fall back to sleep. His external wounds had healed within the first 48 hours, all of them breathing easier for it. Coran had said Lance would wake when he felt, probably run down emotionally from Miriam being ill and neglecting himself because he worried too much for other. Matt’s wounds took about the same time, the bottom of his face swollen and bruised, teeth missing and a few hair line fractures in his lower jaw. Matt had tried talking to Pidge, but she wasn’t ready. Keith had more luck talking to Hunk, who’d called demanding to know why Pidge wasn’t making sense and what had had happened to Lance. Telling him there’s been an accident in the tunnels and that both Matt and Lance had been hurt, Hunk demanded answer, Shiro plucking the phone from his hold, and reassuring Hunk on the way to Platt to get them both looked at, before hanging up. Keith had tried messaging group chat to say both Matt and Lance were okay, but had gotten no reply. He couldn’t help but empathise with Pidge, probably understanding her feelings better than everyone right about now. He wanted to reach out, but was scared of the rejection he might face.
While Lance had slept, Keith had done everything he was suppose to. Eaten. Showered. Slept. Trained. Training helped him vent his anger. He wasn’t even sure who he was angry at any more. Kosmo was eager to follow him everywhere he went, Blue preferring to stay with her human, curled up on Lance’s chest except for the times the door opened and closed. Keith didn’t understand cats with doors. They knew what was on the other side, but every time a door opened they seemed curious as if seeing it all again for the first time. Keith didn’t have the time to be curious... despite being on a whole new floor at Voltron. It made sense there was more to the place than what he could see, but now they were further under ground, Coran having his access card over the elevator panel, bringing up a whole panel of underground levels. They were using rooms normally reserved for hunter. Keith and Lance sharing a room, Curtis had his old room back, Shiro between VOLTRON and their apartment, with Matt and Rieva returning to Garrison. They were all worried about Lance, but things needed to be done. Plus Matt was majorly depressed overly hurting Lance, Coran suggesting he visit once Lance woke so they could talk. The incident in the tunnels had to be reported, Coran had promised he’d take any all blame “for the blunder”.
It was some ungodly hour Saturday morning that Lance woke. Keith wasn’t sleeping, instead he was playing with his camera, brought by Shiro to distract him. Kosmo sleeping curled up against his side after a hard day of being adorable. When his boyfriend spoke, Keith nearly jumped out of his skin
“Hey there, come here often?”
Fumbling his camera, Keith rushed out of his bed and to Lance’s. There were two singles in the room, not quite able to fit two fully grown men when Keith was paranoid about hurting Lance in his sleep. Catching an armful of him, Lance held him tightly
“I see I was missed”
“You fucking idiot. You had me worried”
“I know... God, that hurt. Are you still okay? I know I was out of it, but you didn’t get hurt, did you?”
Keith deflated a little, this was how their brief conversations had been going
“I’m okay. Shit hit the fan, but I’m okay”
Lance nuzzled into his chest, poor Blue was now stuck between Lance and the wall thanks to Keith
“Good. I would have to punch you in the dick if you weren’t”
“You wouldn’t”
“No. I feel like I’ve slept for a month”
“Only since Tuesday”
“What’s today?”
Lance groaned, his boyfriend trying to sit up while simultaneously not let him go. Keith moved to be less in Lance’s lap, Lance nearly squashing Blue as he pulled himself up to sit. Blue jumping on Lance’s shoulder before bolting off the bed
“Fuck... hold on... fuck...”
Keith wasn’t going anywhere. Lance’s words falling time with Blue’s leaps. Sitting back against the wall, Lance covered his mouth as he yawned. This was the most progress he’d made in days
“Babe? You okay? You had a huge shock to the system
Lance slid his hands up, rubbing at his eyes before sliding his hands back down to cover his cheek and nose
“Please tell me I didn’t bite you and tell me I don’t remember Pidge being there”
It’d be nice if Lance didn’t remember. He’d barely woken up and there he was making more sense than he should
“I’m sorry”
Keith didn’t know what to do other than apologise. He’d messed up... Lance swearing softly
“Babe. It’s okay...”
It wasn’t okay, because this was Pidge
“Is she okay? Have you heard from her?”
“Not really. Matt tried to talk to her, but she didn’t want to talk. She talked to Hunk, and Hunk was kind of freaking out...”
“Fuck... God... I didn’t want to her find out. What did you guys tell her?”
“I said there was an incident in the tunnels...”
“Couldn’t you have lied and said a prank gone wrong?”
That would have been the smart people’s approach to things. His brain unfortunately decided he need to try and tell the truth because he cared about Pidge and Hunk. Lowering his gaze, he mumbled
“Rieva turned too...”
Lance started to draw his knees up. Keith tearing up. He’d ruined everything for Lance
“Lance, I’m so sorry. This is my fault... if I hadn’t let you go... this wouldn’t have...”
“Stop it. Stop right there. Right now I can’t... You didn’t do anything”
“I should have...”
Hauled up from sitting beside Lance, Keith was manhandled into Lance’s lap like Lance was picking up Blue. Wrapping his arms around him, the vampire rested his forehead against Keith’s arm
“Keith. Just stop. Stop it. No. You didn’t know. You had no idea. Coran wanted to see the tunnels, and we would have been stuffed without him”
“I fucked up. Pidge saw. Hunk and Shay won’t talk to me. Pidge saw Rieva as a damn wolf. You got hurt. Matt got hurt. Curtis popped a fucking horn. Why didn’t I say something?”
“You did. You told me we could totally blow it off. It was fine until Coran poked at the magic”
“He said it was some kind of spell to stop supernatural things from living down there”
“If I had to feel that every day, I wouldn’t want to live down there either. But anyway, how are you?”
“You already asked me that. I haven’t even asked how you feel”
“I’m okayish. My arm’s not broken anymore, so that nice. What happened to Matt?”
“Busted jaw. Coran did some kind of fae magic on him. I feel like you’re changing the topic”
Lance sighed at him. Neither of them were not thinking about Pidge. Nosing at his arm, Lance was no doubt beating himself up internally
“I’ve never... I didn’t want Pidge to find out like this. What I want to do is call her, but she probably won’t answer me. I know there’s magic in the tunnels now, and that’s why we snapped, but I feel like a douche for being mad at Coran for touching it”
“Coran’s been here a bit. Allura too. I didn’t want to leave, but Shiro said you’d be disappointed if I didn’t try to take care of myself”
“I think I would have been angry, but I would have understood. You needed time to process things. I get it. I’m sorry I scared you, but I’m not sorry that you didn’t get hurt”
It clicked in Keith. Part of that anger was because Lance had been hurt. That Lance willingly let himself be hurt
“You can’t just do that to me. I was covered in your blood. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t even know if you’d make it through. You can’t do that to me. I swear I really will punch you in the dick as hard as I can if you ever let yourself get hurt like that again”
“I know... but... God. When Matt turned, I thought... I didn’t even think. It was all instinctual. I just wanted you to be safe”
“You’re still an idiot and I’m still mad at you”
“Join the club. I guess this is it for me. Pidge and Hunk know. I’m going to have to start all over again”
“Pidge might come round...”
“Or she might be at home researching every known way to kill a vampire. She’s going to think I was using her... but... I really loved her... I love her, Keith... she was family and now she hates me”
Keith knew this was coming. His heart broke all over again to hear Lance say it. He’d heard all his boyfriend’s fears before. Turning in Lance’s hold, Keith straddled his boyfriend’s lap. Cupping Lance’s face, Lance shook as he cried
“Hey. We don’t know that. She could just need time. I know I needed time when I found out. Shiro can tell you about it. I didn’t know anything... and Pidge... she’s not like me. She was open to the idea before she saw”
“I lied to her for years”
“So did my mum. She... she left me behind. She knew everything and she left me behind. Pidge... Pidge knows now, but you... You two... You two are tight. Pidge needs to calm down and work her own thoughts out”
“But... but now Hunk knows. They... I’ve had friends before, but never like them. I love them so much. I know pushing her now will only make her mad, but when I think about how much she’s hurting... This is why... why I shouldn’t...”
Whatever Lance was going to say was cut off as he dissolved back into tears
“Don’t give up on Pidge before you jump to to the worst. Okay. This is Pidge. She’s probably going to storm in here and start kicking everyone’s arse”
Lance sniffled wetly, Keith wiping away his tears as he attempted a wobbly smile
“She... she would”
“Damn straight. Our little gremlin is a force to be reckoned with”
“I’m sorry... for... she’s your friend too...”
“You don’t have to be sorry. Unless it’s sorry for getting snot everywhere”
Lance barked a laugh before sniffling again
“I’m sorry about that... Hey... thanks... I know I slept a lot... but thanks...”
“I would say anytime, but I don’t want to see that ever again. I was a mess. Hell, Shiro had to bath me because I was so out of it”
“Should I be worried?”
“About Shiro seeing me naked? Nah. About the other stuff, we’ll figure it out”
“I don’t deserve you”
“My boyfriend thinks I’m a catch”
“Your boyfriend would be right. Seeing I don’t see him here, would he be mad if we cuddled?”
“I think I can convince him it’s okay. He’s got this thing where he’s like ridiculously nice to people”
“I heard it’s only to people he cares about that”
“I heard that too... but I think he just cares about everyone”
Lance snorted, but it wasn’t a happy snort. It was a “I’m now beating myself up about something else”
“I haven’t even asked about Mami...”
“I think Coran’s been to visit her. And we can totally go see her too”
“I left her alone again...”
Keith bit back telling Lance that his siblings had probably been with her so she hadn’t been alone, but that would probably be taken wrongly
“She’ll understand. I know you spent the last few days sleeping, but you still need to rest”
“Yeah... probably... you’re probably right... Can I hold you?”
Keith should be the one holding Lance, not the other way around
“I think I can manage that”
“Good... I still... I’m still scared... that I’m going to wake up and find...”
“And find me snoring? That’s more than likely”
“You know what I mean”
“I do. I’m okay, you know. Matt didn’t hurt me, and no signs or symptoms of suddenly turning”
“My blood is dangerous... you should have left me”
His boyfriend was so stupid. He wasn’t leaving him
“Don’t be stupid. I’m not going to leave you when you’re torn to shreds”
“If anything happened to you, I’d never forgive myself”
“Then it’s a good thing nothing’s going to happen to me”
“You can’t make promises like that”
“I can for the rest of the night. Let’s get some rest and talk about this in the morning”
Lance still felt the lingering tenderness of being a werewolf chew toy. When Keith fell asleep in his arms, Lance laid awake for hours processing. Pidge knew his secret, and he really couldn’t blame her for not wanting to see him. He remembered biting Keith, he felt his face all wrinkle up as he showed her his vampire face. Matt and Pidge would be fighting. Matt as stubborn as Pidge was. He’d be trying to talk to her, while she shut them all out as she processed. If she hadn’t approached Matt, asking what was happening, then that was a bad sign. Pidge had waited months for Matt to come home. She would have been glued to his side if this was some rumour she was checking out.
Ever since they’d met, Pidge had been Hunk’s best friend. Lance adored the pair of them, and never wanted to be in the way of that friendship. Giving Hunk the “choice”, Lance wanted him to choose Pidge. But Hunk was the greatest and most forgiving man to ever walk the Earth. He’d talk to Lance, upsetting Pidge, and possibly causing a rift between them. If that was the outcome then it was better he left Garrison. Pidge might come around, but if he was in town there was always that chance of upsetting them. He couldn’t go home. He didn’t have a home to go back to... Not until... not until Pidge had had enough time and space to make her mind up without pressure.
And then there was Keith. He was dating Keith... yet... Pidge and Hunk were so good for his boyfriend. Keith was making friends, starting to see he was worthy of love. And god if Keith didn’t deserve love. He was awkward as fuck, had a low people threshold, and completely hopeless on recent events... He fitted in. He filled the gap and Shay smoothed the edges. Shiro was stuck in this too. He was best friends with Matt. Curtis had a horn! Curtis and Shiro were on the cusps of becoming more and now his curse had been ramped up.
Then there was Coran. He loved Coran. Coran had shown him such unconditional love. Coran couldn’t have know the magic would... but... he... Surely Coran had felt the magic. He should have said something earlier... If he suspected. If he cared... Coran did care. Lance just didn’t understand how one afternoon could turn things upside down. They were lucky that it hadn’t happened on the weekend. Not when Coran hadn’t been there to subdue Matt. He... But if it was in front of Pidge, Shay, and Hunk, then... He didn’t know. He couldn’t have protected all of them. Matt had the jump on him. He’d acted without thinking. Proper thought went out the window when Matt’s claws raked down his back. And Matt... he hoped he was okay. He wanted to talk to him. He wanted to see he was okay. Matt hadn’t been in control, so he couldn’t blame him.
And then he was back to Keith again. He adored Keith, but Keith could have turned. Keith was covered in his blood. That must have been so traumatic for him. Then he’d left him alone to mentally abuse himself as he buried himself in the waves of misplaced guilt. Lance was glad they got Keith out the room and doing things. He had the time to sit by his boyfriend’s side, but Keith didn’t. Keith was human.
So where did that leave him now? Coran hadn’t wanted him coming here thanks to the new vampire in town... but he couldn’t go back to Garrison. He could work from anywhere, provided he had his phone and laptop. Coran kind of owed him... so maybe he could live here until the dust settled. Blue and Kosmo were already here. There was no way he was asking to stay with Keith and Shiro. That wasn’t even a question, and if it was, he’d say no. He wouldn’t put them in danger, nor drive a wedge between them. Shiro probably had a few choice words over him biting Keith. If he could, he’d punch himself in the mouth for that. Keith was precious to him. Moving to the step of having sex was right for them. He felt closer when Keith was buried inside of him, and not just proximity wise. He felt accepted by his boyfriend, and while sex might have happened, he still wanted to take things slow with Keith. He wanted to build a real relationship with him. He wanted to support him. Not financially or anything like that. He wanted to support him the way his boyfriend always supported him. He’d been awake a little while before initiating conversation, trying to process all that happened. But he couldn’t do that when he had so many questions. Keith was stupid enough to think that they could just go see Miriam. He loved that in Keith. He was broody, hot headed, and he’d grown since Lance met him. Or maybe he’d finally been able to open up? To be himself? When morning came, he’d message Pidge. He’d apologise and let her know he’d be staying in Platt, and he’d be ready to talk when she was. That was the only solution to the situation. Until then, all he could do, was bask in the feel of his boyfriend against him.
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Lance's voice comes over the tape recorder,  "Careful!"
Hunk's comes up next, "Sh-hh!"
A door opens and everyone shouts at the same time, "SURPRISE!"
Someone blows a party horn as Keith curses, "Jesus!"
Hunk chuckles, "Happy birthday, boss"
"Happy- Oh," Pidge laughs, "are you okay"
"No, I!- Christ, one second." Keith says, voice still sounding in shock. 
Hunk chuckles,  "Sorry, sorry; Lance wanted to surprise you, and-"
"No, no, it’s fine, thank you. Just a- shock." Keith assures. 
"Duh!" Hunk's eye roll can be heard,  "Well, that’s the idea."
"Indeed. Though, uh, honestly, the bottle of wine was just fine." Keith says with a sigh.
Hunk laughs,  "Pfft, yeah, as a decoy."
"Yes, well, thank you. This is very- elaborate of you."
"Plus, it was kind of fun, giving you a heart attack." Pidge snickers. 
"Mm, I’m sure. I notice you didn’t jump out at Hunk when he had a birthday." Keith says annoyedly.
Lance's smile is easy to hear,  "No, he’s way too jumpy as it is." Hunk lets out a sound of indignation, "We were worried he might damage himself!"
"Hey!" Hunk protests, “Well- I preferred going out for ice cream anyway.”
“You went for ice cream?” Keith sounds slightly disappointed.
“Yes, you were there!” Pidge reminds him.
Lance chuckles, “You had- rum and raisin, and taught us all about emulsifiers.”
“Oh. Right, yes,” Keith’s lie is unconvincing. “I- I remember.”
Hunk’s smile is easy to hear, “Liar.”
“Well, thank you anyway. This is all- very touching.” Keith says gratefully.
“We just wanted to do something to lighten the mood, you know?” Hunk says happily.
“Yes, I’m-“ Keith sighs, “aware it’s been a- rough start.”
“That’s not what this was about; we just thought you could use a chance to unwind.” Pidge corrects him.
Keith exhales with a note of happiness, “I.. suppose it couldn’t hurt.”
There’s. Soft knock at the door before Lotor can be heard. “Knock knock.”
“Double boss!” Hunk says happily.
“Lotor?” Pidge asks curiously.
“I’m not too late for cake, am I?” Lotor responds.
Keith sounds surprised, “There’s a cake?”
Lance pouts, “How did y- Hunk! That was a secret!”
Hunk protests again, “I didn’t say anything!”
“He didn’t have to. Nothing escapes my notice, and I like to keep an eye out for this sort of thing.” Lotor says knowingly.
“Well- it’s- good to see you.” Hunk says happily.
“Yes- Y,yes! Come in?” Keith addresses Lotor.
“So, how old is the birthday boy?” Lotor asks fondly.
“Uh- thirty-eight.”
“Liar.” Pidge reprimands.
“How would you know.” Keith asks indignantly.
Hunk laughs, “What, does someone need to change their password again?”
“I- what?” Keith asks as Hunk continues to laugh, “Pidge! Have you been going through my computer-“
“Definitely not; No idea what he’s talking about.” She lies.
“‘Course not!” Hunk says knowingly.
Keith mutters under his breath as they laugh together, “That’s really not appropriate.”
Lotor suddenly cuts in, “Anyways. Somebody mentioned cake.”
Hunk chuckles, “Uh, yeah. You did.
Lotor gives an inhale of mock surprise, “Yes, I did, didn’t I.”
Hunk sighs, “Alright, alright. Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag now, anyway, look- just give me a second.”
There’s shuffling as a cake is supposedly brought out and everyone starts to sing happy birthday, Keith protesting as they do.”
Keiht’s eye roll is easy to hear in his voice, “Alright, yes- thank you. I do hope you’re not planning to light those candles.”
“Oh, goodness.” Lance gives a fake gasp, “A source of ignition? In the Archives?” Both Hunk and Pidge laugh, “Uh-oh.”
“Mmm. Oh. Whoops!” There’s the sound of a match strike, “Sorry. My hand slipped. And again- And again- And a couple more times- here, I’m so clumsy today; that is a lot of fire.”
“I’m really not comfortable-“ Keith protests.
“So blow them out, then.” Pidge say exasperatedly.
“Oh.” Keith gives a slight pause, “Right, yeah-“
“And make a wish.” Lotor reminds him.
Keith pouts, “If I wish for you all to go away, do you think it’ll work?”
Lance laughs, “He’s so grumpy today, isn’t he?
As Keith blows it the candles everyone cheers
“So, what did you wish for?” Hunk asks curiously
“I can’t tell you.”
Lotor chuckles, “He wished for a little bit of peace and quiet.”
Keith sighs, “Was it that obvious?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry, Jon. It’s an Archive. Quiet is very much the course du jour.” Lotor says reassuringly.
“Well, after the party, at least. Wine, anyone?” Hunk asks
“Hunk, it’s eleven in the morning.” Keith reprimands.
Lance snorts as Hunk pops open the bottle, “Pfft, yeah, at your birthday party.”
“I really don’t think it’s appropriate-“
Lotor cuts in again, “I’ll allow it. In fact! I’ll join you.”
Keith sounds surprised, “Oh! O-kay, um, a-al, alright then? -Hang on, have you been recording this?” Keith asks.
“Oh! Yeah! I- just thought it might be nice, you know, something to look back on when we’re all old and sick of each other.” Lance chuckles.
“You probably should have told us, Lance,” Pidge reminds him.
Lance laughs, “What, are you afraid we’re going to get sued over the Happy Birthday song?”
Hunk’s voice suddenly goes very high,“Oh, well I am now!”
“It’s just a bit of a privacy thing.” Pidge explains.
Keith grumbles under his breath, “Oh, hypocrite.”
Lance concedes, “Alright, alright, fine, look. I’m turning it off. Any last words for your future selves?”
"Yes," Keith says into the tape,  "Fire Lance."
As the tape recorder stops, Keith sighs, sitting on his bed in the cottage. He’d been listening to the tapes they’d been sent over and over again. He frowned as he looked at it sadly.
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sokkabi · 6 years
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klance college au fic rec
i’m currently in college and nothing if not self-indulgent so i thought i’d make a fic rec with my favorite klance college au’s :’)
1. unmixed signals by breeeliss
Lance honked his horn. “Keith, get your bitch ass in my car before I run you over.”
“Sorry my dad taught me not to enter strangers’ cars.”
“You’re gonna get sick standing out here just get in.”
Keith cupped his hands around his mouth. “HELP!” he yelled. “I don’t know this man! He’s trying to kidnap me!”
In which a rainy Sunday morning brings with it some wet groceries, a valiant rescue, and some much needed romantic clarity.
2. Better Than Coffee by anonymous
Lance can’t help but linger around a perpetually grumpy-looking employee who works at the nearby teahouse. Keith, despite all the Yelp reviews, turns out to be surprisingly kind. Lance starts coming every day—although he insists it’s only for the boba.
And to complain about the customer service, of course.
3. if the silence was a song by angstinspace
“It’s … Your show is on so late at night,” Keith tries to explain, as if Lance didn’t know this already. “I guess I was just wondering why that is.”
A crackling silence answers him, and Keith’s stomach sinks. Did Lance hang up? Keith can’t exactly blame him.
But then he hears Lance make a noise––a short huff of breath that might have been either an impatient sigh or a quiet laugh … Keith has no clue.
“That’s the reason you’re calling? To complain about my time slot?”
or, Keith starts anonymously calling Lance's college radio show and develops an unexpected crush.
4. it grows stronger by tylerproposey
5 times Keith helped Lance out of a situation and the 1 time Lance tried to pay back the saves.
5. my heart has chosen you (please choose me, too) by spiritcrimson
“I meant, you and Keith should join us. Make it a double date!”
And. Oh. Oh fuck no. It’s one thing for Lance to have lied about his non-existent romantic relationship with Keith, which was a mess he was going to have to clean up somehow, but quite another to fake said relationship in front of Hunk and Allura, both incredibly perceptive. Lance had only lied because he didn’t think he’d actually have to pretend to be dating Keith, because he’d figured he’d make up some bullshit excuse later, like they broke up or something, and no one would be the wiser. But this? This complicates things.
Lance just wants to be a good friend, but that apparently includes having to pretend to date Keith, and let's just say, things kinda spiral from there.
6. we don’t need to keep it hush by iloveshinee
snuggle muffin (6:38): haha i know right
snuggle muffin (6:38): i love you too
Pidge’s eyes widened, and she audibly gasped.
No fucking way.
7. first day of my life by eso (cazzy)
Lance has avoided asking about it all night, mostly because he’s pretty sure it’s weird to ask your friend if they’d be interested in cuddling in the same bed.
8. 5 + 1 times: lance and the search for keith's boyfriend by haikquu
Who could it be?!
Lance tried to convince himself it wasn’t jealousy… it was just friendly concern. He had to ensure that whoever Keith was with treated him well, not that Keith needed Lance to look after him, but still, Keith deserved the world and Lance wanted to make sure whoever he was with gave that to him.
Just buddy-buddy concerns.
or alternatively; 5 + 1 times lance doesn't realise he's keith's boyfriend
9. dewey despicable by ghostystarr
"To the toddler who left coffee stains all over the ancient myth books – have you ever heard of these fantastic things called lids? You can put them on all sorts of things; cups, Tupperware, a coffin. Which is exactly what I’ll be shutting you in if you desecrate my thesis paper’s primary sources again."
10. you never stood a chance by kagshina
lance to hunk ♡
>i’m gonna fukin die hunk oh mygod i sent
>keith a work out selfie that i wan supposed to fcukin send to you and you know what it said
(Or, Keith is beautiful, Lance has a crush, and there's lots of shirtless selfies)
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stardust-and-blades · 5 years
*looks at s7 and s8′s writing of allurance and throws it away”
Okay yall here are ways I, a klancer, would have made Allurance so much more sweeter:
--Season 1 allura @ Lance: Your ears are hideous!” --by the end of season 1: “You know, your ears aren’t so bad. They are actually kind of cute.” --Switch Shiro out with Lance. Yes I loved the mission they went on with each other but consider this hot take: Lance immediately swooning when Allura beats the shit out of a sentry and steals his gun hEART EYES MOTHERFUCKER --*yeets lance into escape pod* Lance: Allura no! It should be me, not you! *cue aNGST* --Lance and Coran viciously tracking down where Allura could be and Lance and Pidge sneaking in without a hint of comic relief bc this is a dire situation and he is worriedTM --Pidge: “She’s going to be okay, Lance. Something tells me they wont dispose of her right away. We have time.” Lance: *cocking gun* Then we better get moving --Pidge and hunk actually gossiping about the possible relationship between Allura and Lance rather than uhhhhh being mean --When Allura first gets captured Keith pulls him aside to check up on him because he is a worried friend and knows what it’s like to have someone--a friend--be in danger --”What do you care, mullet?”  “Listen, I know you’re hurting. We all care for Allura and I was in the same state when Shiro was captured” (he is speaking from a platonic lens but regardless of platonic or romantic it applies in terms of emotions) --Bc I’m a feminist I like the idea of Allura breaking herself out and meeting up with Pidge and Lance. and they end up meeting a whole slew of Galra trying to stop them from escaping Allura is thrown Lance’s weapon as a strategy and it tURNS INTO A SPEAR --DUAL WIELDING COUPLE? YES. THEY SWITCH THE WEAPON AROUND WHILE ALSO INITIATING COMBAT AGAIN COMBAT COUPLE ACTIVATED --#PidgeAndKeithShooketh --Hunk and Shiro: :3 --Coran: -_- --Coran: “That’s weird the bayards are only supposed to be used through one chosen person not two” --Allura: ??? Lance: *clueless as fuq* --When Lance gives Allura his bayard since she is the next blue paladin he cracks a joke and she laughs. Is happy to give blue to her bc he trusts her --Lance gets himself in a pickle during a fight scene and Allura comes in with her lion like pew pew bish don’t fUCK WITH HIM --When Allura had to sacrifice her father’s memories for the good of the castle, Lance lent out a hug bc he too, may experience loss since he is away from his family and not sure if they are alive. And they in turn are not sure he is alive. --When Allura is being harsh to Keith about his Galran heritage, he pulls her over and explains to her the past of Earth similar to her background, but that hating doesn’t solve anything. what is important is to love others for who they are, not their ethnic background. He even brings up the evil Alteans, that no one is all pure and no one is all evil.  --When one of the evil altean sentry’s almost shot lance (but sven jumped in), Allura hears and checks up on him, going all healer mode. Same with sven (altean magic biiiiissshhhh where wAS IT THE REST OF THE SEASONS IM DISTRAUGHT) --Lance doesn’t really flirt with the mermaids in season 2 and when plaxum goes to kiss him on the mouth he gets distracted and she gets his cheek --Lance: O_O surprised but also going “why do am I not a fan of that??? I should be? @ God explain” --When Lance unlocks his sword bayard she teaches him all sorts of sword techniques since Keith is gone and when Keith does return, the two of them teach him. Allura demonstrates with Keith so Lance can analyze and Keith most of the time doesn’t react to Allura “attacking” and touching him bc again, ACE AS FUQ. --Lance: Man I wish that were me Allura: *literally flings Keith across the room with one well planned kick to the solar plexus* Lance: Man I wish that were me --Lance at Keith: I need relationship advice Keith mcfucking knife kogane: what’s a relationship Lance: God I need to set you up on dates. What about that acxa chick Keith: nah I’m good *goes back to book* --Lance at hunk: i need relationship advice Hunk: say no more *whips out countless of poetry and song lists for lance to use to wooTM Allura* --When lotor comes in fuck jealousy. Fuck it I hate the jealousy trait so Lance is sitting there, seeing them interact, and is confused as to why it slightly hurts but he is willing to let go --When you love someone so much you see them happy with someone else, you let them go bc you care about their happiness more than forcing a happy ending for yourself (cue more langst rip SHE LIKES YOU YOU SILLY BOY) --While I am a lotura shipper since this is strictly Allurance rewrite, Lotor is ace as fuq and sees Allura as a friend and she in turn thinks the same thing --As they are looking into alchemy and shit they stumble upon Honerva’s entry on Zarkon and her growing affection of him and Allura is like “Love is both beautiful and chaotic Lotor: Maybe, but it is what warms the heart and sparks endless passion Allura: Do you love anyone? Lotor: I love my generals. Not romantically, but they are my family. Allura: What is romantic love like? Lotor: That, my dear, is something you must find out on your own. Alchemy can only take you so far. Allura: *crISIS* -When Allura saved Lance from death’s grasp she is checking on him like, every hour  “Allura I’m okay” Allura: you dIED Lance: But your sweet talking brought me back to life *cue goofy grin* Allura: I don’t know if I should smack you or kiss you Lance: What Allura: whAT --Fuck the fight with Lotor bc they are now best friends and allura goes to him for advice and gossip and be like “what is this feeling so sudden and new” --Lotor: :3 --Lance one night is walking around the castle with his face mask on and runs into Allura and she sCREECHES “WHAT IS THAT” “IT’S A FACE MASK” “WHY IS IT EATING YOUR FACE OH MY GOD LANCE TAKE IT OFF” *Cue Lance informing her of what a face mask is and, when he removes it, she can’t stop stroking his cheeks and he’s livingTM) -They have a night of talking about their families and Lance putting a face mask on her to help her skin and braids her hair. It soothes her from all the stress she has been dealing, especially as a diplomat and paladin of voltron. --Hunk even made them altean brownies in the shape of hearts awwww --They fall asleep next to each other and the mice inbetween them --They were spooning until fucking pidge barges into Allura’s room and stARTS PLAYING THE HORN TO WAKE THEM UP PIDGE WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS --They scream, I scream, we all scream bc pidge is a shit --They don’t kiss in season 8 no no no they actually kiss in like, season 5 or 6 as the finale and it’s under the stars in the castle and all pretty and despite my bitterness over the red and blue and pink stars being completely thrown out the window, the blue and pink stars glow -three words: Space Mall Date --He gets her something sparkly at said mall or on earth and she marvels over it.  --On earth he gets her a rose quartz necklace and she loves it and never takes it off. She tucks it under her armor and when Coran advises it would be best to take it off she refuses  --When they crash land on earth after honerva’s fucking weird ass altean mech attacked for like, two episodes, Lance is sleeping by Allura’s side bc he woke up first and when she wakes up she pats his head. --She frames his drawing what do you mean it isn’t nice it is pure ART --Lance makes her another tiara as a replica of the one she sacrificed for Shiro. He gets Shiro’s help in finding the perfect stone to resemble the one she gave Shiro --It sparkles. Cue brownie points --They get in like, one argument and its about who the space mice are traveling with when they were in the voidTM --Lance doesn’t know how to dance but Shiro and hunk teach him so he can woo the socks off Allura --There is a ball episode. She enters in a beautiful dress and Lance is pure mush holy shit thats mY GIRLFRIEND --She even hAS THE NECKLACE HE GAVE HER RATHER THAN THE DIAMOND ONES ROMELLE FOUND OOF --Allura? Dying?? No the lions are sacrificed or there is no sacrifice at all bc Honerva alone should have been the one to have died only, not Allura. Dying is Dumb. --The alteans see through Honerva’s lies and actually overthrow her and Allura takes over the Altean colony because she deserves to be with her people and get to know them and yes that is her human boyfriend what about it. --They have a pretty wedding and she has juniberries as her bouquet. Shiro catches it. Adam isn’t dead bc like I said DYING IS DUMB. --They rule new altea together and explore the universe and help other planets learn to be independent and no longer used to Galra control. They help find proper galra diplomats (like the blades and kolivan and krolia and Keith) --They still have to fight the living supporters of Sendak bc the fires of purification yea what happened to them did they die --Peace is a long road for them but they achieve their dreams, love each other, and have fantastic friends  --side note lotor still not dead bc again he is a diplomat for both alteans and galrans and is as valuable as Allura is with diplomacy
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sp4c3-0ddity · 6 years
Ink on a Page
an Inkheart AU (sort of)
Category:  Gen Word count:  ~3200 Chapters:  2/?
Pidge has lived a normal - if unstable - life with her mother for the last fourteen of her sixteen years, but even the fantastical books she reads never could’ve prepared her for the wild twist it takes when an ‘old friend’ of her mother’s appears unannounced at their door.
Chapter Two Summary:
Pidge and Colleen pack up and move cross country.
Read Chapter Two on ao3
Or read from the beginning
Or below the cut:
Chapter Two:
Colleen woke Pidge up early the next day, but when she complained, her mother retorted that it was already nine.
“But it’s Saturday,” Pidge whined, pulling her covers back up over her head. “I don’t have school, and I have all day to finish my homework.”
Colleen tugged the covers away from her face, staring down at her with hands resting on her hips. “I’ve got a new assignment now.”
That shocked her awake, and she shoved her blankets back and sat up. “We’ve only been here for three months,” she pointed out. “How can you have a new one already?”
Colleen sat at the edge of the bed, patting her knee comfortingly though she wouldn’t meet her eyes. “I finished this one quicker than I expected,” she admitted. “I’m sorry, love, but it’s time to go. You can transfer to a new school—”
“This one is still new,” Pidge grumbled.
“—and you’ll pick right back up where you left off.”
“Can’t I be homeschooled instead?” Pidge wondered. “I looked into it already, and you don’t even have to do anything except make sure I’m following the curriculum, and—”
“School is good for you, love,” Colleen said, finally looking her in the eye. “You need to see people, sometimes; you can’t be a shut-in.”
“I’m not a shut-in,” Pidge said, pulling her knees up to her face and wrapping her arms around her legs.
Colleen only hummed in response – which was better than contradicting her, but Pidge knew she wanted to.
“Is it because of Allura?” Pidge dared to ask.
Her mother visibly stiffened, her lips pinched together, but she said, “No.”
Pidge could tell when she lied, but she also knew when she would refuse to alter her answer.
Then Colleen, changing the subject, said, “It won’t be so bad this time, I think. We’ll be close to a place that might interest you.”
Pidge perked up at that. “Where are we going?”
Pidge grinned. “Really? Can we go to the Air and Space Museum?”
Her mother smiled. “Yes, of course we can,” she said. “I’ll take you there next weekend, if you want, but today we have to pack.”
For once excited about the prospect of picking up and moving – the reason they didn’t have many belongings, aside from electronics and books – Pidge jumped out of bed and across the hall into the bathroom, ready to start the day. And after brushing her teeth and changing her clothes, she returned to her room and began throwing clothes out of her closet and neatly arranging books into old cardboard boxes.
Colleen frequently bemoaned Pidge’s uncanny ability to accumulate clutter despite how often they moved, everything from blank notebooks with pretty bindings to computer parts whenever she tried to build her own (she had yet to succeed without the hardware catching fire). Along with a suitcase stuffed with all her clothes and shoes and a few boxes of just books, Pidge also dropped assorted knickknacks into another box, pens and electronic parts and souvenirs from the places she and her mother lived in, for however little time.
At least they only ever rented furnished apartments, so only the blankets, pillows, and bedspreads were stuffed into the tiny backseat of Colleen’s pickup truck, boxes and suitcases stored in the covered bed. Pidge sorted everything into place while Colleen settled their lease with the landlord, and by Sunday morning they were on their way east to Washington, D.C., a book in Pidge’s lap while she entertained herself on the long drive.
“Why don’t you watch the scenery outside, love?” Colleen wondered as they drove on a winding parkway through trees thick with autumn leaves.
Pidge turned a page and didn’t look up. “There are trees everywhere.”
“You’ll get carsick,” her mother warned.
“I’m fine,” she said. “Besides, I’m almost done with the first chapter.”
Colleen sighed, and when she slowed the car through a curve, Pidge felt the motion in her stomach, faint enough that she could ignore it…and therefore prove her mother wrong. But Colleen said, “Haven’t you read that one before?”
After marking her place with a finger, Pidge turned the book over to stare at the cover of a cheesy horror novel – The Monster in Miami was exciting, if not exactly classy – and the monster it portrayed. “Yeah, but I like it.”
Colleen glanced at her, frowning skeptically, but then she shrugged.
Pidge smirked and said, “I’ll read something else, if you think I should.”
Her mother smiled. “You have another book in here with you?”
“Yeah, I have this one’s sequel.” She nudged her backpack, sitting on the floor between her feet, with her toes. “But…I saw a book on your shelf the other day”—careful—“and I want to read it.”
“Sure, anything you want, love.”
“Oh, really?” Pidge stuck her bookmark into the horror novel and turned to regard her mother, propping her elbow onto the armrest and resting her chin in her hand. “Then when we get to D.C., can I borrow Voltron?”
Colleen slammed on the brakes, and Pidge jerked in her seat as the truck came to a screeching halt. The car behind them honked their horn and swerved wide around them, and Pidge’s heart pounded in alarm, keeping pace with the thrum of the engine. She stared at her mother’s face, trying to assess her reaction, but Colleen kept her face carefully blank.
Pidge frowned, hands tightly gripping the armrest; she should’ve expected as much, but disappointment still made her heart plummet. “But—”
“You wouldn’t like it,” Colleen said. The truck accelerated, and they drove in silence for a few minutes, the only sound that of the radio’s speakers playing Queen.
Pidge faced forward, hands in her lap. She stared out the window, trying to admire the view like her mother suggested, but her buzzing thoughts occupied her.
“What’s the book about anyway?” she asked, voice quiet.
To her surprise, Colleen replied, “It’s about a war.”
Pidge raised an eyebrow. “That’s…that’s it?”
“So you don’t want me to read it,” Pidge guessed, but before Colleen could respond, she suggested, “Maybe you could read it to me?” She couldn’t remember her mother ever reading aloud to her, though she had told her bedtime stories when she was younger.
Colleen tapped her fingers on the steering wheel and said, “That’s not much better.” Without waiting for Pidge to contradict her, she reached for the volume knob on the radio.
‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ succeeded in distracting Pidge from her pressing questions, at least for the moment.
They arrived at the apartment complex late in the evening, and Pidge waited in the truck while Colleen went into the leasing office to pick up their keys. She read from The Monster in Miami by streetlight, eyes glued to the page despite knowing she approached her least favorite part of the book.
Her mother opening the door startled her, and she reluctantly closed the book when she started the engine and drove into the complex towards their new apartment. “We’re in Building G, Apartment 5,” said Colleen, handing Pidge a key once she parked outside the right building.
Pidge took the key, thumb smoothing over rough pastel green paint. “G for green?” she wondered.
Colleen chuckled. “Maybe.”
They got out of the car, unloading as much as they could hold, and climbed up the stairs to the apartment door. Pidge glanced around the complex, taking in as much as she could in the low lighting, while Colleen unlocked and opened the door.
Exhausted, Pidge dropped her backpack and the box she held and collapsed face first onto the worn-looking brown sofa. She heard the flipping of a light switch, but the room remained dark to her, her eyes closed and face pressed into a rough couch cushion.
“Come on, love,” Colleen told her, patting the leg that stuck up in the air. “We need to unload everything before we can sleep.”
Pidge groaned but allowed her to convince her to follow her back outside and to the truck.
Afterwards, they made turkey sandwiches for dinner, and Pidge started unpacking her bedroom. She sighed when she realized the bookshelf in this room was too small for all her books, despite the whole space being larger than her old bedroom.
Pidge gave her favorite books shelf space and left the rest in a box. She dropped her current read on the bedside table, and set up her computer on the desk. Ignoring her suitcase of clothes for now, she booted up her computer and logged into the Wi-Fi.
A click later, the cursor blinked, waiting for her to type a query into a search engine. She tapped her finger against her mousepad, and after a glance at her closed bedroom door, she reached into her backpack and found the notebook she’d started compiling notes in. After flipping to the relevant page, Pidge searched for a local public library, navigated to its online catalogue, and typed ‘Voltron’ into the search bar.
No results.
Pidge raised an eyebrow at it; so it wasn’t a very popular book? She returned to the search engine and looked Voltron up from there, but to her surprise she found no related results with that.
“This is so weird,” she muttered. She scanned her notes from the night of Allura’s visit and searched ‘Zarkon’, and when that turned up nothing, she looked up ‘Allura’.
Still nothing.
Pidge sighed and shut her laptop. Maybe she could sift through Colleen’s books when she was out. But considering how overprotective her mother was, even staying home alone would be difficult.
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billsydoesart · 7 years
Voltron AU...
Tumblr media
So lemme tell you about half-demon Keith in my Voltron Supernatural/Creatures AU:
Keith, unlike the many other demons and deities he’s encountered, is only half human. 
For a long time he didn’t know; he only knew that he got horns and could wield fire whenever his temper got out of control. He was even exorcised on when he was 5. That didn’t go very well...
He learned very early on how to control his temper and his demon side, although he still doesn’t know why or how he’s like this
His dad never gave him a straight answer as to what he was, but Keith did some research when he was 10 and figured it out.
He eventually grew up and, after losing control in a class at his high school, was recruited into the Garrison (a very special school for very special kids with VERY special abilities)
and by recruited i mean accidentally summoned by none other than the young psychic, Pidge Gunderson
Pidge was trying to summon her brother, Matt, who had supposedly “””died””” a few months ago off campus (she doesn’t believe that for 2 seconds, but she can’t prove he’s dead or not until she can talk to other spirits which she can’t do apparently. But she can summon a demon??? she hates her powers tbh)
They talk about what happened and Keith is apparently now contracted to Pidge, which on all honesty. he doesn’t mind. His high school was probably going to expel him anyway and who knows where his dad went. The only thing he’ll miss and visiting Shiro’s tomb, which lies empty ever since a year or so ago.
He informs Pidge that no, he can’t talk to spirits, but he can summon fire and grow horns when he gets mad. Pidge thinks it’s cool but not really helpful. Keith agrees. 
There’s a knock on the door and Hunk comes in talking about something going on w his tech going off in the East Wing (he tracks ghosts sometimes) and looks up to see a wide-eyed Pidge and a slightly stunned boy with her
“Uhhh who’s this?”
“Keith. My new demon pal.” *drags Keith down to her level with an arm slung around his neck*
“Oh okay. Hi, my name’s Hunk. It’s nICE- DID YOU SAY DEMON”
Ensue the plan of figuring out how to sneak him around bc the garrison has a “no monsters/mythical creatures” policy and you don’t wanna mess with the head dude of the Garrison, Sorcerer Iverson.
Keith blends in really well and it’s hard to tell he’s part demon, even to an experienced witch like Hunk, so they throw him a uniform to try on and he immediately looks like a student.
Iverson doesn’t suspect a thing.
Keith actually kind of likes being there, aside from being bored out of his mind in Pidge’s room, it’s not so bad. Better than that old desert town in nowhere Texas, anyway.
One day he gets a feeling, like a lasso was wrapped around his gut and was tugging him to leave. So he does. 
He runs and runs until the tugging stops in the middle of a graveyard in front of a small tomb. As he reaches for the door, the tomb swings open and a figure immediately jumps out and attacks him.
After wrestling the creature for what felt like hours, Keith was able to pin him and almost brought his knife down to cut the thing’s neck. But before he could, his clouded eye-sight cleared to reveal a very weak Shiro panting beneath him. Both of their eyes go wide in realization before Shiro passes out.
Keith lugs him all the way back to the Garrison and dumps Shiro in Pidge’s room. 
Hunk is, at first, freaked that Keith may have killed him and starts ranting about why they should’ve turned him in. 
Pidge rolls her eyes at him and listens to Keith’s story about how he and Shiro knew each other from years before. Shiro is the one that helped him figure out what he was and never abandoned him until...the accident.
Keith is never sure of what happened, only that Shiro went out and didn’t come back. His dad had come home drunk and told Keith his friend was dead, like it was an everyday event.
Keith visited his grave every day.
But then his grave went missing. The cops wouldn’t look into it since the whole graveyard was scheduled for reconstruction anyway. Keith was pissed, to say the least. But now he’s just confused. 
Shiro is...alive? No. But not dead either. Just weak
Aaaand that’s all i’m gonna write cause I do plan on actually writing this and don’t want to give everything away.
(yes lance, allura, matt, and coran are a part of this au, just not relevant rn)
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emmaswritingdump · 7 years
Words: 1798
Chapters: 1/1
Pairing: Klance
AO3 // Wattpad
Summary: An AU in which Keith and Lance are paintball rivals.
Sweat drips down Lance's face as he shelters himself behind a large boulder, panting heavily.
"I'm going for it," Hunk tells him.
"You can't!" Lance argues. "It's too dangerous. You could get hit!"
"I have to try!"
The two continue arguing for a moment before Lance finally gives in with a sigh. "Fine. Be careful out there."
Hunk nods, takes a deep breath, and quickly rushes out from the shelter of the boulder- only to be shot within moments.
Hunk falls to the ground.
"No! Hunk!" Lance screams.
"Lance, chill," Hunk responds from the ground. "It's just paintball."
Lance sighs in frustration. Seeing as he and Pidge are the only offense left on their team- although he hasn't seen Pidge in a while, so she could be out- he has no idea how they're going to capture the flag guarded by the other team.
"Lance," someone hisses.
Lance spins around, aiming his paint gun, but falters when he sees Pidge peeking out at him from some shrubbery.
"Pidge, where have you been?!"
"Spying on them to figure out their strengths, weaknesses, and the best strategy to defeat them."
"Naturally. So what did you come up with?"
Pidge huffs. "Their strategy is- well, it'd be a crap strategy for any other team, but it works like a charm for them."
"And what is this strategy?"
"They depend on Keith for literally everything. He's guarding the flag from a vantage point where he can see approximately 95% of the battlefield, with this spot being part of the 5% he can't see. He shoots everyone who isn't wearing a red jersey. The others are just for decoration. We could take all of them out and it wouldn't make any difference- except that we can't take them out because he shoots everyone who tries- but if he were out of the picture, the team would be worthless. Also, they have no offense. Shiro and Matt are back there just standing around, useless, waiting for someone to come try to capture our flag. Their strategy is just to defend their flag and shoot everyone in sight so that when the time runs out, no one will have captured the flag, but they'll have the most players left, so they'll win."
Lance narrows his eyes. "So what you're saying is... if Keith were to, I don't know, accidentally stumble in front of a bus or something-"
"No, Lance, I'm not saying we should put a hit out on Keith," Pidge responds, rolling her eyes. "I'm saying we should either shoot him and eliminate him from the game, or one of us-" Pidge fakes a cough while saying "you,"- "could distract him while the other-" again, she pretends to cough, this time while saying "I,"- "could run out and grab the flag."
"But what if the people stationed around the flag shoot whichever of us goes out to get it?"
"Trust me, they're just part of the aesthetic. They couldn't hit a target from a foot away."
Lance considers. "What if one of us simultaneously distracts him and tries to eliminate him?"
Pidge nods with a grin. "Excellent idea, Lance! Since you came up with it, I'll let you follow through with it."
"What? No! I want to get the flag!"
"Nope, sorry, that's my job. I'm little and fast. It'll be harder to shoot me."
Lance huffs. "I don't care! I want the victory-"
Pidge steps out from the shrubbery and shoves him out from the shelter of the boulder, then quickly dashes back into the cover of the greenery and disappears.
Lance huffs and runs toward Keith, who is standing in a tall wooden guard tower-like structure keeping watch over the camp.
"Hey, mullet-head! Eat paint!"
He aims his gun and begins firing pellet after pellet at Keith's exposed head and upper torso.
Keith drops to his knees and immediately begins firing back at Lance. Lance dances out of the way, narrowly avoiding paint pellets.
"Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith!" Keith's teammates begin shouting for his attention. He quickly glances over to see Pidge running toward the flag, shooting several defenders on her way.
Keith looks back at Lance, then back at Pidge again, and finally makes a decision.
He turns to Pidge and shoots her, exposing one side of his head to Lance.
Lance shoots him.
"Yes!" Lance shouts. Grinning victoriously, he turns and aims his gun to start shooting the terrified-looking defenders.
The noise of an air horn fills the battlefield before he can.
Time is up.
"Are you kidding me?!" Lance shrieks.
Keith comes down from his guard tower with a smirk. "Sorry, Lance, but rules are rules. No one captured the flag, and we have four players left while, if I've been counting correctly, you only have three. That means we win. Good game." He holds out his hand for Lance to shake it.
Lance considers just storming away without shaking his hand, but he realizes that would seem petty.
He shakes Keith's hand, making sure to squeeze as hard as he can. Unfortunately, Keith seems unfazed by Lance's attempt to strangle his hand.
"Good game," Lance grumbles, scowling at him.
"Hey, Lance," Pidge says, walking up to him during passing period the next day. "What's up with you? You've been in a bad mood since yesterday... wait, don't tell me you're still upset about the game?"
Lance huffs with a scowl. "Of course I'm still upset about it! I can't keep losing to Keith, Pidge! He's the worst! He's arrogant and self-absorbed and- he- he-" Lance stutters, searching for more of Keith's bad qualities- even though he knows the first two were made up. "He has a mullet!"
Pidge gives him one of those "I'm done" looks. "So, let me get this straight: you want to beat Keith at paintball because he... has a mullet."
Lance blinks. "...amongst other things, yes."
Pidge sighs and shakes her head. "I can't believe you."
"What? It's a legitimate reason! His hair is stupid. I can't lose to someone with stupid hair."
Pidge just walks away, shaking her head and mumbling under her breath.
That night, Lance lies in his bed thinking about ways to beat Keith.
Suddenly, he comes to a realization.
He doesn't necessarily need to beat him; he just needs to stop losing to him.
If they're on the same team, he can't lose to him.
Smirking, Lance pulls a blanket up over his body and begins to formulate his plan.
"Oh, Keeeeiiiith," Lance singsongs upon spotting the boy.
Keith slowly turns around, a scowl already adorning his face. "What do you want?"
"I think we should team up," Lance says, getting straight to the point. "I'm already great at paintball, and my teammates are good too, and you're... pretty good. If we team up, we'll be unbeatable."
"I'm already unbeatable."
"Are you sure about that? Because I heard Allura pounded you into the dirt last time your teams competed."
Keith scowls more, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks. "Okay, fine, but she's Allura. She could pound anyone into the dirt."
"Not us, if we join forces."
"Actually, she could probably still beat us."
"I'm not hearing a 'no.'"
Keith huffs, but hesitates before responding. "I... I can't abandon my team."
"The team that just stands around and lets you do all the work? The team that didn't even try to shoot Pidge when she ran to get the flag yesterday? The team that just yelled your name until you sacrificed yourself so they wouldn't lose?"
Keith narrows his eyes at Lance, considering. "I'll think about it," he finally says.
"Choose wisely."
"Um, what is Keith doing here?" Hunk asks Lance in a whisper, staring- like everyone else on the team- at Keith.
"He's on the team now," Lance announces happily, to be answered with a chorus of incredulous "what"s.
"He decided he'd rather be on a team that actually does stuff, rather than a team who just depends on him for everything. Now we're invincible! I bet we could even beat Allura."
"We couldn't beat Allura," Pidge responds instantly, to be met with several muttered agreements.
Lance nods. "Okay, yeah, that's probably true, but the point is we could beat pretty much anyone else.
"Now come on, let's get practicing!"
"Bye! Good practicing! See you at school!"
Lance says bye to each of his teammates as they leave to go home. Finally he turns around to see that Keith is still standing behind him.
"I just wanted to say thanks for inviting me to join the team," Keith says awkwardly. "It was nice, today, not being relied on for everything."
Lance barely hears him over the alarms going off in his head.
Keith is sweaty. Keith is sweaty. Keith is sweaty. Keith is sweaty. Keith is sweaty.
Lance finally comes to his senses after a moment and feels a blush ignite his face. "Um, yeah, well-" he clears his throat awkwardly. "-I did it with all the most selfish of reasons, of course."
Keith chuckles quietly. "Of course."
They stand there silently for a while, Keith looking at Lance and Lance avoiding his gaze.
What's wrong with me? Lance wonders. The guy gets a little sweaty, and suddenly I can't talk or look him in the eye.
"Do you- um," Lance stutters out before he can stop himself. "Do you want to hang out sometime? We could see a movie or get dinner or something."
"Like... with the rest of the team?"
"Sure, or um, just the two of us."
Keith raises his eyebrows. "Like a date?"
Lance's face burns and his eyes go wide. He hesitates a moment. "That... that's gay, Keith."
Keith chuckles. "That makes two of us."
Lance's eyes go impossibly wider. "You- you- you're-" he sputters.
Keith nods. "Gay, attracted to dudes, yep. And judging from the way you immediately turned cherry-red and lost the ability to look me in the eye or form a coherent sentence when you saw me sweaty, I'm guessing you're not straight."
Lance gulps. "I may or may not be questioning my heterosexuality."
Keith smirks and takes a step toward him. "Need some help?"
Just as Lance grasps the implication of his words, Keith eliminates the distance between them and presses his lips to Lance's.
The kiss seems to last a lifetime. Lance's face burns, and he can feel Keith smirking against his lips.
Finally they break away.
They simply stare at each other for a moment, before words burst out of Lance's mouth against his will.
"Well. I'm definitely not straight."
Keith laughs. "So... about your offer earlier... I would love to take you up on that."
Lance blushes. "G-great!"
I can't believe I ever thought I was straight, he thinks.
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