#shiros the keyboardist
apprentice-s · 10 months
thanks for the support on bassist keith he's my special little guy
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inspirashion · 3 years
So, I'm co-writing a vld fic and decided to do some art for it. I spent a lot of time on their hairs though *cough* Keith *cough cough*. Fic link is right below:
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Yellow is the most caring and kindest of all the Lions; with a mighty heart, he always puts the needs of others above his own. And like his element - Earth - he is strong, enduring and most importantly, reliable.
Stage name: Yellow Lion (shortened ver. Yellow)
Drummer - introduced as one of the "Legs of Voltron", along with Lance (bassist), he carries the music with his strong beats, tempo and timing. According to Keith, he can always let loose without worry knowing that Hunk got his (and everyone else's) back. Hence, Hunk lifts the band up and holds them together.
Ps: Since his surname was not revealed in the anime, he was given a Samoan one for the fic.
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Blue is the friendliest of all the Lions and is the most accepting of others. And like his element - Water - once he lets loose on his bass, he's unstoppable.
Stage name: Blue Lion (shortened ver. Blue)
Bassist - introduced as one of the "Legs of Voltron", along with Hunk (drummer), he helps to drive the music so that the others, especially Shiro can sing without fear.
Backing Vocals - With Shiro as frontman, he along with Pidge and Keith provide backing vocals to some of their songs, especially during live performances.
Lead Vocals (Spanish Songs Only) - When on tours, Voltron will visit Spanish speaking countries; so Keith had an idea to perform in Spanish for the natives. However, instead of just translating their songs, Keith writes whole new songs but has Lance translate them since he's Bilingual.
Ps: His surname was not revealed but somewhere it stated he's Cuban so he was given a surname.
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Red is the most determined, hotheaded, audacious and temperamental of all the Lions. He is not easily trusting and is difficult to handle aka, stubborn. But, like his element - Fire - when on stage be it singing or playing the Lead Guitar, Red is explosive and fierce.
Stage name: Red Lion (shortened ver. Red)
Lead Guitarist - introduced as the "Right Arm of Voltron" but more known as "The Sword of Voltron", his guitar skills are frightening and like a sword, sharp.
Backing Vocals - With Shiro as the frontman, Keith along with Lance and Pidge provide backing vocals to their songs, especially during a live performance.
Lead Vocals - With Keith being a talented singer, Voltron decided to not let his voice waste. He acts as the main singer for some of their songs, and when this happens, Shiro plays the Lead Guitar in his stead.
Songwriter - Keith is the band's resident songwriter as he writes all their songs. Sure, the others have some input in them - like theme and so forth, but the lyrics and music is all Keith (although he'll drag Pidge with him for assistance).
Ps: In this fic, Keith was adopted by the Shirogane family.
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Green has an inquisitive personality and is the most adventurous of all the Lions, daring with frightening intellect. She is able to create music on the fly, which most times saves the band on stage during a slip-up. Like her element - Forest - she is more connected to music than the other Lions.
Stage name: Green Lion[ess] (shortened ver. Green)
Keyboardist/synthesizer - introduced as the "Left Arm of Voltron", she is most known as the "Shield of Voltron", her keyboard skills are what save the band on a bad day. Able to program a myriad of sound effects onto the keys, should anyone slip up during a performance, Pidge will save the day.
Backing vocals - Along with Lance and Keith, Pidge offers backing vocals to songs, especially during a live performance.
Lead Vocals - Keith loves her voice so he decided to write a few songs with her as the singer. Of course, the others make her perform these songs during their live shows, even placing the songs as hidden tracks in their albums.
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Black is the leader for the Lions, one who is in control at all times no matter the situation and one who the other Lions will follow without a moment's hesitation. And like his element - Sky - he is calm, thoughtful and wise.
Stage name: Black Lion (shortened ver. Black)
Lead vocalist - introduced as the "Head of Voltron", he is the frontman of the band, whose voice is as heavenly as his element. In addition, during interviews, Shiro would do most of the talking, since he is less likely to lose his cool (like Keith), less likely to flirt (like Lance), less likely to drop a snarky comment (like Pidge), overall, he's less likely to create a headline with his mouth.
Backing vocals - whenever he's not the lead vocalist for a song (i.e, if Lance is singing in Spanish, or Keith singing one of his, or Pidge), Shiro will provide the backing vocals.
Guitarist/Bassist -in addition to above, if either of the guitarists are the lead vocals for a song, Shiro will play their instrument, allowing them to focus solely on singing.
Record Producer - He is a record producer by profession, before the band was formed. As such, he's produced some of the band's songs when they started out.
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whattheklance · 3 years
Klance celebrity AU
prompt, not a fic, but kinda lengthy explanation of premise
Keith is lead guitar of a famous band with lead singer/2nd guitar Shiro, drummer Pidge, keyboardist Romelle, and bassist Allura. They sell out concerts and Keith can’t walk outside without a disguise or he’ll get recognized, and possibly swarmed.
He’s the musician who has the least to say in all interviews but as a result most of the fanbase is thirsty for him. He has the most followers on twitter even though he tweets maybe once a month.
While the other band members have had occasionally dates and relationships with fans, just shy of being groupies, Keith refuses. Any fan who hits on him is an instant turnoff. He’s walked away from signings and meet and greets because of these fans.
There’s a literal reddit devoted to collecting social media posts by disappointed fans telling their stories that got them snubbed by him. There’s so many.
The band and their agency knows too well that Keith can be “difficult” but it’s not unjustified. He hates being reduced to nothing but fame. He has principles and if someone violates them he’s done. He just wants to be treated like a human without being placed on a pedestal and objectified.
Keith’s so famous he’s almost numb to it at this point. He has a certain tolerance level for doe-eyed fangirls. As long as they don’t mention their crush, or make any sort of advances toward him, he can let it slide. He can tell instantly from their behavior if they’re into him. But if they try to pretend they’re not, then he pretends as well.
Keith is 26 and hasn’t been in any sort of relationship since the band’s early days, when he was 21. He was in a relationship that carried over from pre-fame to fame. And that transition is what broke them up. He’s had a date here or there, but his love life has been non existent for the most part.
Shiro is the only one who will still try to push him in that area, believing that some of Keith’s frustration stems from an absence of such a relationship. Every time Keith eventually snaps at him, and storms off. Allura, Romelle and Pidge gave up a long time ago and always excuse themselves from the room if Shiro brings up the topic to Keith.
Outside of time with his bandmates, Keith is always alone. And he thinks he prefers it that way.
Enter Lance.
Lance is an outgoing social butterfly who splits his time between teaching latin ballroom dances and flying helicopters for either news or police, depending on the day.
He knows the name of every pop music queen that ever existed from the 70s to today. Any musician outside that realm might as well be a stranger to him.
So that’s how Lance, pop celeb aficionado, can come face to face with A-lister Keith Kogane with a platinum record band, and have no clue that he’s anybody.
Keith frequents hole-in-the-wall bars that he thinks have the lowest chance of getting recognized, or if he is recognized, not being approached. It’s at one of these bars where Keith accidentally spills Lance’s drink on his lap, and receives an angry lecture.
Keith responds with a laugh of disbelief and asks the question he never asks when he wants anonymity: “Don’t you know who I am?”
Which doesn’t faze Lance who mocks him as a result saying he has snowflake syndrome and get over himself.
After a good 5 minute one sided conversation, Keith, also unfazed by Lance’s criticisms because he’s in disbelief that he wasn’t recognized, proceeds to buy Lance two more drinks to make up for the one he spilled.
Lance ever the easy to please immediately forgives him and they spend the rest of the night drinking and talking about stupid shit.
Keith hasn’t had a conversation like this in years, and it has his heart pounding in his chest and smiling every time he tells a story that makes Lance laugh. They drink and talk until the bar closes at 2am to which Lance insists Keith shouldn’t drive home, and spend the night at his place, just a few blocks away.
Keith agrees without hesitation, and back at Lance’s apartment they talk and drink for another hour on the couch. They only fall silent when they realize how close their faces are to each other, and lean in and kiss. It starts out slow and tender but Keith quickly becomes ravenous which Lance welcomes. Keith was painfully hot in his eyes and to be kissing him and under him lit his senses on fire.
Keith manages to keep his fame a secret from Lance for their first couple meetups. He’s just thoroughly enamored by this man who only knows him as a stranger from a bar. It feels real, and new and exciting.
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patchwork-panda · 6 years
Electric Chapel (1/2)
@joltikon here’s that one-shot I said I’d write, where Keith is a stoic guitarist in a popular underground band and Shiro is his #1 fan/crush.
Keith is this cool bad-boy type guitarist who has a bad attitude and doesn't talk to people but he met Shiro at a meet and greet and has been pining after that smoking hot fan ever since and they're both too afraid to interact with each other except on social media.
“Hey Keith, your boyfriend’s here.”
The guitarist immediately went red in the ears. 
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Keith coughed, quickly looking away so that Lance would be unable to see the blush spreading down his neck.
Lance rolled his eyes and let the curtain fall, black velvet drapes obscuring the audience from view once again as he walked away from the wings, his heavy boots clunking against the concrete as he approached his band mate. He laid a heavy hand on Keith’s leather jacket and let out an equally heavy sigh.
“--yet,” Lance finished for him. When Keith scoffed and turned away, Lance merely plopped down beside him and scrutinized the dark-haired young man, his gaze betraying equal parts disgust and amusement as his eyes fell on Keith’s crimson ears.
“But seriously, dude. Do you think you can squeeze any more earrings onto that thin piece of flesh?” 
To prove his point, he lightly yanked on one of the uppermost clip-on rings curled around Keith’s right helix, to which Keith hissed and slapped his hand away.
“Don’t touch those!”
“They’re clip-ons, dude,” Lance deadpanned. “I thought you already had enough earrings to begin with, Mr. Look-at-me-I’m-the-Cool-Rebellious-One (TM). What happened to the Keith Kogane who hated posers?”
“Shiro said he liked my earrings.”
“In an Instagram reply!”
“Shiro said he liked my earrings,” Keith growled, making it clear his decision was final. He turned away from Lance yet again so that he could continue tuning his guitar. “Now go warm up your vocal cords or whatever it was you were doing before--”
“Oh, I’m all ready to go.” Lance smirked. “I’m gonna go out there and do what I do best and the panties are gonna coming flying in from all directions.”
“Uh-huh. And what’ll Allura say to that?”
This time it was Lance’s turn to blush.
“Don’t you bring Allura into this,” he hissed under his breath, his eyes darting around as if she had been hiding behind Keith all along, hoping to catch his little indiscretions. “I know she’s into me as much as I’m into her and unlike some people--”
Considerably miffed, he elbowed Keith a little harder than necessary, jostling his band mate enough that the guitar let out a sour note, much to Keith’s irritation. 
“--some of us haven’t decided to give up before we’ve even tried.”
He’d hit a nerve. His anger boiling over, Keith whirled on him, ready to give Lance the tongue-lashing he sorely deserved but before he could get even a single word out, the stage manager was running up to them and calling for them to take their places; the show was about to begin. Grumbling under his breath, he quickly finished tuning his guitar, ignoring Lance’s snarky comment about how much he loathed Keith being the one to have perfect pitch and joined Hunk and Pidge on stage just before the curtains were ripped away.
Shiro could barely contain his excitement. Granted, he could barely see a thing from where he was but he was excited none the less.
“You know I could just get you a backstage pass and we could have a much better view than this,” Matt groaned beside him, not-so-subtly nudging a few people out of the way as he came back to Shiro’s side clutching a couple bottles of beer. “I am Pidge’s older brother.”
“Are you kidding me?!” Shiro exclaimed, “And miss the whole show?”
“You’d be that much closer to Keith,” Matt said wryly, popping the top of his beer and offering the other to Shiro. “And to clarify, you wouldn’t be missing the show. You’d just be getting a better angle. Not that many people get to see what he looks like from backstage.”
Shiro choked and Matt had the good graces to give him a sympathetic, albeit heavy-handed slap on the back. Thankfully, there was no need to worry, for as soon as the lights came on, blue and pink and purple flashing like an alien warship amidst the screech of an electric guitar, he was up and cheering with the rest. Sadly, he chose the wrong time to take a second swig of his beer and choked again when he saw just how low-cut Keith’s loose white tank top was.
Half an hour later, Keith had locked himself in the dressing room.
“Oh come on, Keith!” Lance howled, his hands in his short, brown hair. “Just come out already! We’re just going for drinks, it’s not like you’re gonna die.”
“You don’t know that!” Keith hollered back, the panic in his voice unmistakable even though his voice was slightly muffled by the heavy wooden door between them.
“Keeeeeith, come onnnn,” he whined, slumping against the door. “Allura said she has to be home in two hours and every minute you’re in there is one less minute I have to get her phone number--”
“I already told you to go without me!”
“For the love of all that is good and holy, Keith--!!”
Luckily, before he could try to bust down the door, he was shoved to the side by a very small and very irritated Pidge.
“Keith, open this door right now,” she snarled, her light brown eyes flashing dangerously. “If you don’t, I’m going to break into your Instagram account and upload pictures of you in all those unflattering outfits you’ve tried on over the past month, AND I’m going to tag Shiro so that he gets to see each and every one--”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
From the other side of the door, Pidge held up a rectangular object displaying a brightly lit photo of a rather wolf-like large black dog.
“I have your phone. Search your jacket. You know it to be true.”
There was a moment of silence in which they could practically see Keith rummaging in his clothes for his cell, then a clatter which they could only assume meant he had thrown open his guitar case to search it as well. As the guitarist let out a series of well-worded swears, Lance took a step away from their pint-sized keyboardist.
“Remind me never to make you angry.”
“I will. Hey, Matt?”
At the sound of his name, Pidge’s older brother materialized in the shadows, dragging along a very buff and somewhat tipsy man, who was doing a rather poor job of trying to escape. Lance’s jaw fell open as his eyes fell upon the tell-tale scar across the man’s nose.
“Is that--?”
And before anyone could say another word, Pidge and Matt had grabbed Lance and bolted, just as the door to the dressing room creaked open. As she ran, Pidge made a wild gesture in the air, prompting a hidden Hunk to shove Shiro through the open door and lock it behind him.
“I’m sorry Keith, I’m sorry Shiro!” the drummer moaned as he took to his heels and quickly jogged out after the others. “I’m sorry!!”
... I want to write an NSFW part 2... upload later, I promise!
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vilestorm · 6 years
Songs For Soulmates *Plance* (Seven[Pidge])
Y’all,,,, this fic isn’t done okay,,, not even close
After a while, Pidge pulled away and looked at Lance, eyes watery. It had taken what, sixteen years? But she’d done it. She’d found her soulmate. Bonus points for him being in a world famous band. Music started playing, and when it echoed, Pidge knew the whole stadium could hear it.
Imagine Dragons - Walking the Wire
Pidge looked across the stage to see four - no, five - figures approaching them from the stage. She could make out four of them - Kosmo, the husky whose coat was tinted slightly blue, Allura and Romelle, the cousins who sang backup, and Hunk, the drummer who could put emotions into even the lightest taps to his drum set. The fifth... a woman, Pidge could tell, but she wasn’t familiar with her. As she got closer, Pidge realized it must be their manager, which, if her research was correct, meant that she was Keith’s mom. Pffft, that must be pretty embarrassing.
“We heard the news!” Hunk exclaimed, sprinting for a while to reach the group. “Aww, look, Lance. You got a tiny cute soulmate!” Lance was beaming so widely Pidge thought that maybe his face would split in half.
“Hunk, Allura, Romelle, Krolia, meet Pidge. She’s my soulmate!”
“Ooh!” Romelle’s eyes lit up and she greeted Pidge with a wave. “How exciting! What does it feel like?”
“Romelle doesn’t have a soulmate.” Lance explained, and Pidge nodded. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, I don’t mind! I have the band to keep me company. They’re the best friends I could ask for! It’s thanks to my cousin that I was able to join.” Romelle elbowed Allura, who smiled. “Nice to meet you.”
“So, uhhh, speaking of the band,” Hunk interjected, “do you maybe want to tour with us? Join the band? Oh, and your brother, too. He can come.” Pidge’s eyes widened. First, she miraculously gets an opportunity to meet her idols. Next, she realizes that one of them is her soulmate. And now she was being asked to join the band?!
“Could I?” Pidge asked excitedly. Shiro laughter and nodded. “Absolutely. What can you play?”
Pidge smirked. “Well... I have always felt like your band needed a keyboardist...”
“Perfect! It’s settled.” The woman, Krolia, said. Her black suit nearly gleamed. “I’ll be sure to order you... what sort of keyboard do you prefer?”
“Oh, um, electric, I guess.”
“Electric, got it. You know, I really am happy for you two. I remember the day I met my own soulmate, it was-”
“Mom.” Keith interrupted. He was scowling. Pidge stifled a laugh.
“Oh, I’m embarrassing you. Sorry mister grumpy emo teen.” Krolia teased. Keith sighed. “I’m nineteen.”
“Technically,” Hunk said, patting Keith on the shoulder, “that’s still a teenager. I’m pretty sure Shiro’s the oldest one of us minus Krolia, and he’s what... twenty five?”
“Twenty three.” Shiro corrected. “You were close, though.”
“So, uhh...” Matt shrugged innocently. “Where do I fit in in all this?”
“Well, let’s see.” Krolia took a pencil and notebook out of her suit pocket and prepared to write notes. “Any fortes?”
“I’m good with tech, programming.”
“Lights? Sound?” Krolia prodded.
“I could do either.” There was a crash as one of the lights fell off the grid and onto the guy on the ladder who was currently affixing it. The man yelled and forcefully pushed it off him, somehow able to regain his balance. The giant light crashed to the floor and Krolia rubbed her temples.
“Lights it is. Welcome to the team, Holts.”
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ao3feed-klance · 5 years
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Fcz2Bd
by Kiersat
Keith is the lead vocalist of the band The RockDolls. Every album he makes is about a failed past relationship. Hes given up all hope of finding love and wants to quit the band. His manager, Lotor, has other ideas.
Lance works as a waiter at a diner called Cafe Voltron. He's surrounded by friends and has had his fair share of heartbreak but that doesn't keep him down. He works hard to help provide for his family in Cuba.
One day the two meet under unusual circumstances and a small spark in formed.
Words: 125, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Veronica (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron), Narti (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Matt (Voltron), Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Allura/Lotor (Voltron), Acxa & Veronica (Voltron), Hunk & Shay (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Rock Star AU, diner au, Them/they for Pidge, Bisexual Lance, Gay Keith, Disaster Gays, Past Allura/Lance Relationship, Waiter Lance (Voltron), Waitress Allura (Voltron), Waitress Shay (Voltron), Waitress Romelle (Voltron), Busboy Pidge (Voltron), Cook Hunk (Voltron), RockStar Keith (Voltron), Vocalist Keith (Voltron), Guitarist Acxa (Voltron), Bassist Narti (Voltron), Keyboardist Ezor (Voltron), Drummer Zethrid (Voltron), Manager Lotor (Voltron), Diner Owner Coran (Voltron), keith and shiro are brothers, Secretary Veronica (Voltron), The RockDolls, Cafe Voltron, adding tags as we go, maybe smut later?
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Fcz2Bd
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ao3-feed-shadam · 5 years
by Kiersat
Keith is the lead vocalist of the band The RockDolls. Every album he makes is about a failed past relationship. Hes given up all hope of finding love and wants to quit the band. His manager, Lotor, has other ideas.
Lance works as a waiter at a diner called Cafe Voltron. He's surrounded by friends and has had his fair share of heartbreak but that doesn't keep him down. He works hard to help provide for his family in Cuba.
One day the two meet under unusual circumstances and a small spark is formed.
Words: 4529, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Veronica (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron), Narti (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Matt (Voltron), Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Allura/Lotor (Voltron), Acxa & Veronica (Voltron), Hunk & Shay (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Rock Star AU, diner au, Them/they for Pidge, Bisexual Lance, Gay Keith, Disaster Gays, Past Allura/Lance Relationship, Waiter Lance (Voltron), Waitress Allura (Voltron), Waitress Shay (Voltron), Waitress Romelle (Voltron), Busboy Pidge (Voltron), Cook Hunk (Voltron), RockStar Keith (Voltron), Vocalist Keith (Voltron), Guitarist Acxa (Voltron), Bassist Narti (Voltron), Keyboardist Ezor (Voltron), Drummer Zethrid (Voltron), Manager Lotor (Voltron), Diner Owner Coran (Voltron), keith and shiro are brothers, Secretary Veronica (Voltron), The RockDolls, Cafe Voltron, adding tags as we go, maybe smut later?
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/18111608
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ao3feed-lotura · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Fcz2Bd
by Kiersat
Keith is the lead vocalist of the band The RockDolls. Every album he makes is about a failed past relationship. Hes given up all hope of finding love and wants to quit the band. His manager, Lotor, has other ideas.
Lance works as a waiter at a diner called Cafe Voltron. He's surrounded by friends and has had his fair share of heartbreak but that doesn't keep him down. He works hard to help provide for his family in Cuba.
One day the two meet under unusual circumstances and a small spark is formed.
Words: 4529, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Veronica (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron), Narti (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Matt (Voltron), Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Allura/Lotor (Voltron), Acxa & Veronica (Voltron), Hunk & Shay (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Rock Star AU, diner au, Them/they for Pidge, Bisexual Lance, Gay Keith, Disaster Gays, Past Allura/Lance Relationship, Waiter Lance (Voltron), Waitress Allura (Voltron), Waitress Shay (Voltron), Waitress Romelle (Voltron), Busboy Pidge (Voltron), Cook Hunk (Voltron), RockStar Keith (Voltron), Vocalist Keith (Voltron), Guitarist Acxa (Voltron), Bassist Narti (Voltron), Keyboardist Ezor (Voltron), Drummer Zethrid (Voltron), Manager Lotor (Voltron), Diner Owner Coran (Voltron), keith and shiro are brothers, Secretary Veronica (Voltron), The RockDolls, Cafe Voltron, adding tags as we go, maybe smut later?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Fcz2Bd
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ao3feed-keithshiro · 6 years
Hey Jealousy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2N66y1w
by CheyanneChika
Hunk's old friends have joined a band and now he was to watch these poor souls try to play matchmaker by making one of the band members date...the guy's twin brother.
This is going to go so well.
Words: 724, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Kuron (Voltron), Allura (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Kuron (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Flower Shop, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Singer Shiro (Volron), Guitarist Keith (Voltron), Bassist Kuron (Voltron), Keyboardist Lance (Voltron), Drummer Pidge | Katie Holt, Manager Allura (Voltron), Florist Hunk (Voltron), Kuron & Shiro (Voltron) are Twins, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Keith/Shiro (Voltron) Angst, Jealous Shiro (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Pining Shiro (Voltron), Kuron (Voltron) wants to help, Matchmaker Lance (Voltron), Matchmaker Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron) is so Done, POV Outsider, No One Reads These Tags | Tag Wranglers Read These Tags
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2N66y1w
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Hey Jealousy
read it on the AO3 at Hey Jealousy
by CheyanneChika
Hunk's old friends have joined a band and now he was to watch these poor souls try to play matchmaker by making one of the band members date...the guy's twin brother.
This is going to go so well.
Words: 724, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Kuron (Voltron), Allura (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Kuron (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Flower Shop, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Singer Shiro (Volron), Guitarist Keith (Voltron), Bassist Kuron (Voltron), Keyboardist Lance (Voltron), Drummer Pidge | Katie Holt, Manager Allura (Voltron), Florist Hunk (Voltron), Kuron & Shiro (Voltron) are Twins, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Keith/Shiro (Voltron) Angst, Jealous Shiro (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Pining Shiro (Voltron), Kuron (Voltron) wants to help, Matchmaker Lance (Voltron), Matchmaker Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron) is so Done, POV Outsider, No One Reads These Tags | Tag Wranglers Read These Tags
read it on the AO3 at Hey Jealousy
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realityisiron · 6 years
What Happens Before a One Night Stand Sheith AU
Because it’s my birthday and I haven’t given you guys anything new that I’ve been writing, here you are! There’s a paragraph of super suggestive stuff somewhere below the cut, but that’s about it.
He’s caught between the pulsing of the techno band and the flickers of Glitter Dusted Eyes in a Crop Top. Lance and Pidge are hopping up and down in the swelling waves of the crowd, Hunk bobbing his head and passionately mouthing the words beside them because somehow he knows the band. Shiro should be out there by anyone’s definition. If Hunk can do a spot on impersonation of this band’s ‘soprano in a wood chipper’ sound while in the middle of the dance floor, Shiro can surely swing his hips to the beat and act like he enjoys his friends. Which he does, he really does. But he’s far more in his element leaning against the bar watching from a distance. That way he can know all his friends are safe in one place and keep tabs on the doors and anyone offering them drinks.
And Glitter Dusted Eyes in a Crop Top – Crop Top for short – can’t accidentally brush against him at the bar. Shiro is positive his heart won’t manage well if that happens. They’d made eye contact a few minutes after Shiro and his group had ordered their drinks and Shiro had managed to smile without realizing it before – upon realizing what he’d done – ducking his head and trying desperately to slip back into whatever conversation Lance was leading. Maybe it hadn’t even been eye contact. Crop Top could have been casually looking around the room. Crop Top probably didn’t even notice the guy with the bad dye job on his bangs – AKA Shiro. Truth be told, the white hair was actually natural thanks to the accident, but try convincing anyone else of that.
Lance had the decency to wait until Pidge and Hunk hit the floor before he turned to waggle his eyebrows at him.
“Who was so distracting, Shiiiiiiiiiii-ro?”
Shiro stumbled through his sudden interrogation with “That guy with the black hair. And the crop top.” He hadn’t dared to mention the golden glitter around Crop Top’s purple eyes.
Lance’s only comment was that he should go dance with the guy. Since then he’s been, surprisingly, leaving Shiro alone. The grad student’s inability to make the first move is most certainly not going to interfere with Lance’s plans to dance until he drops and laugh until he can’t breathe.
Still, just because Shiro can’t touch – and hell below knows he wants to – doesn’t mean he can’t look. But only for three beats at a time. Any longer than that and he’ll start to imagine running his hands over that bared abdomen, feeling the shudders of Crop Top’s laughter beneath his fingertips. He’ll imagine what Crop Top’s voice might be like, a heated secret whispered in his ear and against the dip between his jaw and neck. Still, one bar of music is more than enough for Shiro. He keeps his drink in his hand, his head turned towards the stage, and – most importantly – his eyes on his friends or the band. Well, at least for a few bars of music. He looks every once in a while, which might just be the most masochistic thing he could have done to himself… and also possibly the creepiest. No problem, though, because he would deny carefully timing his glances at Crop Top to the grave.
It’s one of his music breaks again again, except for the fact that the band’s keyboardist is playing with a launchpad now, one hand dedicated to an electric chord while the other travels across the buttons unleashing arches of zaps and buzzes and trilling beeps. Five bars become nine, then twelve, then seventeen, and by the time Shiro thinks to glance back at the crowd Crop Top is gone.
It’s not as if Shiro had expected having the good fortune to talk to the guy. While open to flings and one-night stands – even if a couple had become more than that by accident (see his entire friendship with Lance for more information)  – Shiro’s clubbing habits weren’t exactly helpful in achieving either. He avoided drinking enough alcohol in public to take off the edge, he tended to bottle up any thoughts of making the first move, and he lingered on the sidelines more often than not. Still, Shiro had reasoned with himself that maybe if Crop Top ever stopped dancing he’d make his way over and say something that in the moment he’d pretend was smooth. Tonight hadn’t originally been one of those nights where being with someone was the goal, but Shiro’s eyes sweep the club a second and a third time and he finds that maybe… well, maybe it would have been nice. And now…
Well now Shiro is left to imagine.
It’s too bad on several levels, because Shiro doesn’t even know his name, let alone his voice or-
“Hey. You wanna dance?”
Shiro tenses but doesn’t jump (definitely not, no, not at all) as he turns his head and finds-
Crop Top.
Glitter Dusted Eyes in a Crop Top.
In a small voice he manages a rather eloquent “What?” Shiro is honestly still reeling from the music and the eerily timed appearance and the way Crop Top has sidled up beside him with his lips tucked into this little smile because that’s not even fair.
It only gets worse when the smile splits into a grin - not showy or particularly charismatic like Lance’s, but sharp; a challenge. Crop Top’s eyes are dark beneath glittering gold eyeshadow, observant, fiery and heated despite their cool violet color. “I asked if you wanted to dance?”
“I don’t-“ The words are slipping out of his mouth until Lance’s rogue comment interferes. You should dance with the guy. Shiro huffs a laugh of disbelief that he’s taking Lance’s advice before he looks back over at Crop Top. “Yeah.” His drink – whatever it is, he can’t quite remember – is left abandoned as he slides off his stool. Shiro knows Crop Top’s hand is guiding him onto the floor – his brain is all too aware, actually – but he can’t help but feel that grin is doing half the work. It’s becoming a star performer in his head and it’s only been present for five seconds.
Crop Top slips the two of them into the writhing and the pulsing before whirling to face him. His hands are hot on Shiro’s neck, slipping through his undercut and massaging the base of his skull. That alone is enough to turn away whatever interested looks either of them might’ve been getting. It’s subtle but effective, the simple possessiveness behind it. It’s perfect for making Shiro’s legs second-guess themselves, heat rushing through him.
Shiro’s brain is heavy in his head, drunker on the playful fingers threading through his hair than that drink was ever going to get him. By a miracle he remembers to hold Crop Top’s hips, thumbs brushing hip bones that jut above low riding black jeans. He holds himself back from touching more than what he already has. The rest requires much more specific permission than what he’s been given, and there’s only so much he’s comfortable doing in public anyway.
Shiro bobs and sways passably to the beat – this type of dancing is not his forte by a long shot. Even if it were, he’s far too focused on the magnetizing way that Crop Top’s hips circle and buck, effortless and artful.
It’s amazing how he arches against Shiro and his hips roll just so. Shiro’s lungs make a desperate grab for air that he tries to consciously soften. But no amount of trying can keep his head from falling back as Crop Top does the movement again. Feeling the easy flow of muscles beneath his fingertips is one thing. This is another.
“Can I-?” Shiro’s eyes flicker to Crop Top’s, lightly squeezing Crop Top’s hips meaningfully as they do that fucking roll again; that’s what they should be labeling it. The Fucking Hip Roll.  The Fucking-
Suddenly Shiro isn’t in the club. He’s somewhere drowning in promises and praise between sloppy, open-mouthed kisses against collarbones and Adam’s apples, racing hearts pounding with nothing but skin between them. His fingers dig into a slimmer back, their chests flush against each other, just on this side of unbearably hot, moans pouring over Shiro’s lips, and Crop Top’s hips pressing against him – pushing him back into the sheets – with that fucking hip roll.
Shiro didn’t need the mental image. He really, really didn’t.
Crop Top smiles as if he’s been waiting for Shiro to ask just that. Maybe he has. Maybe he was just waiting for Shiro to start. “Go for it.”
The mindless, easy dancing has always been hard for Shiro. But his hips understand the purposeful movements of grinding very well.
His head falls back with a stuttering exhale.
Shiro doesn’t contribute an ounce of how good it is to the way he finally meets Crop Top in the middle, his shirt riding up with each liquid thrust so that their skin touches in heated flashes. But he does thank his lucky stars for the ghost of a shudder that goes through Crop Top when he laughs. It’s nearly a full-on thing as he lets his head fall forward, resting warm against Shiro’s heart, laughter bubbling up inside him. Shiro doesn’t know why this gorgeous guy started laughing, but he wonders if he keeps doing it because he can hear how loudly Shiro’s heart is pounding in his chest.
It doesn’t matter either way because he continues to grind against Shiro. And even that isn’t so important to Shiro at this point. He chuckles into Crop Top’s hair, a grin growing on his face.
He’s happy so long as Glitter Dusted Eyes in a Crop Top stays with him a little longer.
The ocean of bodies doesn’t have room for two people uninterested in arching against the rest of the group, so over time they find themselves at the edge of the dance floor where the volume is lowered just enough to be on the side of hearing yourself think again.
Shiro leans against a wall. He’s not out of breath by a long shot - or at least he isn’t when Crop Top isn’t stealing the air straight from his lungs, his lips tasting like he swallowed the sun, a touch of sand and fire in the way he kisses roughly, aggressive, no room to guess when he bites at Shiro’s bottom lip and pulls. But Shiro’s body is out of any dance ideas that would be suitable for a public dance floor. Crop Top slots himself between Shiro’s arm and his side, breathless from laughing. Shiro waits for him to catch his breath before finally asking “What’s your name?”
Crop Top looks up at him with those eyes again, still dark and smouldering, smiling. “Keith. Yours?”
“You come here with anyone?”
Shiro nods, gaze flitting over the dancers to frantically recalibrate. He’d let Crop Top - Keith -  distract him, but luckily his eyes land on Pidge soon enough. Lance and Hunk haven’t left her side, though another woman with broad shoulders has shown up, muscles prominent beneath her dark skin. She was introducing herself to Hunk as they danced – May? Shay? Shiro could only guess on her lip movements in the low lighting.
“Over there. Pidge finished this huge coding project and Lance will take anything as an excuse to go celebrate.”
Keith arches his eyebrows. “College student?”
Shiro shakes his head. “They’re college. I’m in the grad program at the same school.”
“Do I get to guess what for?”
“Go for it.”
Shiro waits while Keith gives him an appraising once-over, one that seems far more focused on how his gray shirt hugs his muscles than looking for hints at Shiro’s dream job. Then his gaze goes sharp, taking in tiny details like the hint of a tattoo just above the top of Shiro’s black skinny jeans, his gleaming silver watch, the effortless sweep of eyeliner into wings Shiro perfected freshman year of high school. Shiro feels as if Keith has just lifted up the hood and is examining everything that makes Shiro work.
Finally his gaze flicks back to Shiro’s gray eyes. Face blank and voice a perfect monotone he says “Fashion design.”
That shocks a laugh out of Shiro. “Shit, time to switch my degree. That sounds like way more fun.”
Keith’s mouth quirks up at the left corner. “So what is it really?”
“It’s general science, actually.”
Keith hums. “So Bill Nye?”
Shiro can’t believe that’s the first time someone’s ever said that to him. He groans. “All of your guesses sound more exciting than what I’m actually doing.”
“Which is?”
Shiro sighs, glancing over at where the bartender is taking away his long abandoned drink. Probably for the best. There are a couple people swaying where they stand while eyeing lonely drinks. He’s been around Lance enough to know that there were some drunks who became low key conquerors in their own right, claiming drinks for themselves. He isn’t sure he wants to guess who might have decided to taste test his. “I wanna be a teacher, actually. Maybe high schoolers? It isn’t what I originally set out to do but…” He fully expects for Keith’s gaze to already be searching the crowd by the time Shiro looks back at him, but instead he meets those piercing violet eyes head on.
Shiro stills, not prepared for the eye contact. “I know it sounds boring but I think it’s cool. Science is everywhere and it’s essential to everything and it’s so amazing and my teachers in high school were terrible at teaching it..”
Keith leans further into Shiro’s warmth, even if the club is already warm. “Science is good. I remember going to Six Flags for Physics Day. We were the only class where the teacher made us do a packet and record data for all the roller coasters…” He shakes his head fondly. “It was fun though. And the space unit was the best part.”
Shiro snorts. “How dare the teacher make you learn things on Physics Day at Six Flags,” he jokes. “But you liked it? Is it related to your major at all? Engineering or something?” Keith looks like he’s Lance and Hunk’s age, after all.
Keith shrugs, a little tense at the mention of his major, but the motion mostly easy despite that. “I like looking up at the stars, thinking I’m racing between them. I used to live out in the desert. The view’s way better out there than here in the city.”
That Shiro understands painfully well. Back during training he’d been out in the desert for weeks at a time. It reminded him of how the galaxy could swallow you whole, and yet he wasn’t afraid if it ever planned to do just that.
“But actually I’m an apprentice at a repair shop. Usually I take night courses on the mechanics. I don’t think I’m ready for the college lifestyle. Not sure I’ll ever be.”
Shiro nods. “It’s not for everyone. You do what’s right for you.”
Keith says nothing after that.
Fuck, Shirogane. You made this conversation way too serious way too fast. And obviously the whole college thing was a sore subject.
“So… space,” he starts, trying to find safe ground again.
Keith tilts his chin up to look at him. “Uh huh.” He seems speculative, but the corners of his mouth are angled upwards.
“Like, Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel?”
Instantly Keith’s face lights up, his jaw dropping. “I mean, sure.” There’s a breathiness to his voice like he’s trying to contain his laughter. “But which one of us dies?”
Shiro’s eyes widen and he puts his hand up in protest of the idea. “Sorry, mistranslation. I meant Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.”
This time Keith’s laughter escapes. “Better.”
“Who’s the beast we’re slaying then?”
Keith rolls his eyes, but he’s smirking. “Depends. Wanna get out of here?”
Oh hell. First, Shiro hadn’t thought that Keith would even talk to him, and now… “I don’t want another mistranslation. Do I wanna get out of here for…?”
“I mean, I’m on board for sex. I’ve got the first two seasons of Star Trek Next Generation but honestly I’m not in the mood for a marathon. Not with Star Trek anyway. What about you, though?”
“Sex is… Sex is good.”
Keith blinks, sensing hesitation. He pushes away from the wall, the fingers of his right hand weaving with Shiro’s left. “You sure?”
Shiro swallows hard, trying to get himself under control. Then he smiles, giving a firm nod. “Yeah. Sorry, I was in my head for a second. But yeah, I’m good with sex.”
That grin is back, the one that got Shiro on the dance floor in the first place, and it’s giving the Cheshire Cat a run for its money. “Then we’ll decide on the way.” Shiro forgets for a moment what they’re deciding on. It takes a few seconds to remember Keith was running with his not-at-all-sexy Star Trek flirting. He tugs at Shiro’s wrist, but Shiro pulls back.
“Wait. We should each tell someone where we’re going and with who. Not that I think you’re a serial killer, but safety first. You’ve got someone here with you to tell?”
Keith jerks his head towards a guy on the dance floor dressed head to toe in gray and magenta, then tugs out his phone. “My place. I’ll give you the address for your friends. Meet you back here?” Keith hands him his phone so Shiro can input his phone number, then a few seconds later his own phone is buzzing with an address.
When Shiro spots Lance, he tries not to be so obvious as to bolt over. He can be cool about this, even if his veins are thrumming with energy. Lance spots him and gives him an open-mouthed smile accompanied with an obscene flick of his tongue.
“Finally decided to join me on the dance floor? Been awhile, huh?
Shiro smiles, shaking his head. “Yeah, but only for a bit. I just…” His spine goes rigid. “Where’s Pidge and Hunk?”
“Pidge is waiting in the longest line I’ve ever seen,” Lance explains, flicking a thumb in the direction of the women’s restroom. Most women look miserable waiting, but Pidge is beaming. Months of hormones and clothes shopping and padded bras had led up to the moment where she finally could enter the women’s bathroom and pass, and she appreciates it every time. “And Hunk is being wooed over there by some girl named Shay. Hobbies include rocks, saving Mother Earth, and benching bars three times your weight.”
Shiro chuckles. “Sounds perfect for Hunk.” But it does mean that Pidge is going to be gone for a while and that he probably can’t interrupt Hunk. Which means… Ah. Lance is his only option. Which isn’t really that horrible. Lance knows when to tease and when to lay off, and he can keep a secret well into the grave (Shiro is assuming, since he still hasn’t spilled about the time he saw Shiro drunk or just how many times they’ve had sex - which is to say, that one night stand they had might have been more of a… four night thing). He always makes it his business to stay educated about sexuality, and he is both open minded about and equipped with all the safety rules of casual hook-ups. He is actually the perfect guy to tell, except for the fact that Lance was Shiro’s first hook-up. “Listen, Lance, I’m uh…” Shiro shoves his flesh hand into a pocket, glancing back towards where Keith is getting the attention of his own friend by shoving him? Huh. What a friendship. Oh well. “I’m heading out.”
Lance stops mid crazy-sharp-arm-dance-movement-thing-that-doesn’t-look-dumb-because-Lance-is-doing-it. “Oh really? Not feeling good, or is it just not a good night?”
A pink flush creeps up from somewhere high on Shiro’s chest. “Actually, I’m heading out with someone.”
Lance whips around to stare at Shiro so quickly Shiro thinks a bone or eight should have snapped in the process. “Crop top guy?” Shiro nods, a small and soft movement of his head. “Nice. We got a name and address in case he’s a supervillain here to kidnap you or something?”
There’s a good half second there where Shiro seriously considers acting disgusted, really hamming it up, but his stomach is doing about as much dancing in ten seconds as Lance has been doing all night. “Yeah, and a phone number. And his name is Keith.”
Lance is snatching Shiro’s phone eagerly, saving the number and the address and even snapping a photo of Keith. He takes his new job with such sincerity that Shiro can’t help but feel safe. “Alright, we’re good to go on this end. Permission to tell Pidge and Hunk where you’re going?”
“Uh, yeah. But tell them no one else okay? Just you three.”
“Of course, my man. Your sex life is yours and yours alone. I’ll text you at one A.M. to make sure you’re still alive and stuff, okay? Text me if you end up staying there or not. And we’ll come get you if you need it. Just text me something obvious. ‘Danger’. ‘Bad’. ‘He came in five minutes and I’m hella bored now’. You know, the works.”
Shiro smiled softly. “Yeah, got it.”
Lance grinned. “Good. Now be safe and have a good time.”
Keith’s already waiting for him at the door.
46 notes · View notes
autisticsheith · 7 years
Uh. I have nothing to say for myself and absolutely no idea where this thinks it’s going, but it it’s brought to you by the fact that shaggy, long-haired!Shiro/Kuron/whoever apparently makes me crave Sheith-flavored punk AUs, featuring grungy punk Shiro and beleaguered college student Keith.
I literally tossed it off in about an hour-and-a-half, so there is absolutely no plan here and I promise absolutely nothing because I don’t have a clue what I might or might not be promising in the first place. Your guess about what happens next is as good as, if not better than, mine.
Unbeta’d, but it’s really not even a complete fic anyway. Pretty tame, though it contains a few references to casual drug use.
“Okay, guys. How about let’s take it from the top again? And, uh, try to sound better this time?”
Even though he knows the people tormenting him can’t hear him, Keith groans and slams his fist against his desk. The cheap, secondhand lamp rattles, briefly threatens to fall off the edge, then settles down. Rubbing his eyes, Keith glares down at his notes on Jane Eyre, and they might as well be in Ancient Greek, with how much they’re swimming for him right now. Another yawn slips loose as he glances at the alarm clock beside him. Its red digital display reads back 04:06 AM like it gets some perverse joy out of Keith’s current misery. Knowing his luck, it probably does.
For the umpteen-thousandth time tonight, some loud, boisterous asshole in the garage below his shitty little apartment calls out, “And one! Two! One, two, three, four!”
The drums come first, banging out a rhythm that Keith couldn’t make heads or tails of, even if he had gotten a decent night’s sleep this week. Next, comes the keyboardist, who makes no sense as part of a punk band (last Keith heard, this genre was supposed to be stripped down or something), but at least they actually know how to play. If not for constantly interrupting his ability to rest, Keith could probably forgive the bassist, who only sounds garden variety inept. But the lead guitarist charges into the song like a stampede trampling an entire row of china shops. Whoever they are, they make their instrument wail like a cat that’s having its neck broken, and can’t stay on-tempo to save their life.
Keith never made it far in music lessons. His second set of foster parents had tried to make him learn, but Keith had failed to understand a lick of anything his poor teacher had thrown his way. Lessons ended after one afternoon’s practice, when his red plastic recorder had wound up mysteriously embedded in the basement wall. Still, even he can tell that it takes dedication to suck as hard as this band’s guitarist.
“Are you sure those Galaxy Garrison punks are really all that bad?” Allura asked him over lunch the other day, after she’d spent the majority of their Gothic Literary Traditions And Society lecture nudging him so he wouldn’t fall asleep. “I certainly don’t begrudge you being annoyed that they’re so disrespectful. But perhaps you might enjoy the music more under other circumstances.”
Not to be spiteful or anything, but Keith wishes that she were here right now. That’d settle the matter pretty easily. About the only redeeming feature of this alleged music, is that the singer doesn’t suck. Sure, their diction leaves a bit to be desired, and if they helped write the lyrics, then they could’ve done better than all of this derivative man, fuck the system but not in a nice way garbage. But vocally, they’re almost decent.
Still, if Keith could spare the cash, he’d literally pay them to stop singing.
He’s twisting the tab off another can of Mountain Dew as the song abruptly stops. The drums drop out first, then the keyboards, then the strings. The singer cuts short a scream that Keith guesses is supposed to sound artfully anguished. Keith almost lets himself breathe easier. But the chorus of yelling is ten times worse:
“Hey, what’s going—”
“Dammit, Lance, you missed the cue again!”
“Don’t look at me! I was following Pidge!”
“Whoa, hey, excuse you! Since when are your screw-ups suddenly my fault?!”
“Dude, you have to get the cue right or I won’t know when the tempo-shift’s supposed to happen!”
“Stow it, guys! Battle of the Bands is in two weeks, and we’re not gonna beat The Ultraviolents unless we work together and focus on the practice.”
Cringing, Keith digs his fingers into the bridge of his nose. In the back of his mind, a voice that sounds way too much like Allura’s Dad tells him not to grind his teeth, but that only makes Keith do so harder. Whatever, Coran’s not here to chastise him in person, and he doesn’t have to deal with these jack-offs for several hours every single night. He, and Allura, and her Father get to live in a nice penthouse uptown, in a swank building that Keith can’t even look at without feeling underdressed and vaguely nauseated. If anyone like Galaxy Garrison ever tried to hold their shitty band practice at this hour of the night, Alfor and Coran could call the cops and get an actual response.
Keith, on the other hand, can only rely on himself. It’s always been that way, but has gotten truer since he moved in here.
Although the singer’s attempt at a rousing speech should’ve cut this nonsense off, the other three keep shouting. Keith hears the words, but for the moment, they make no sense. Next thing he knows, he’s stomping out into the hall. He doesn’t slam the door, because it might bother Rolo and Nyma in the other flat, and unlike some people, Keith at least tries to respect his neighbors, even when they’re overly friendly and perpetually stink like weed and stale hot dogs.
But that’s about the only thing that Keith can spare a thought for, heading to the rickety stairs, practically on autopilot. He’s halfway down before he notices that he isn’t wearing shoes. God, he hopes there isn’t too much broken glass around tonight.
“Guys, listen up!” the singer cuts in again, as Keith pauses on the bottom stair to yawn. “I know we’re all tired, and I know we’ve all been working hard. But none of us is any better or worse than the others — and we’re only as strong as our ability to work together. This band can’t do well by our music, much less win anything, if we’re fighting like Lennon and McCartney all the time, okay?”
“Oh my god, fucking Beatles references? Really?” groans another one. “Dude, could you sound any more like my abuela?”
“Lance, I’ve known your abuela since we were six, and I have never heard her once talk about the Beatles, or speak anything but Spanish.”
“Totally not the point, Hunk!”
From the sound of it, this Lance one kicks a can against the nearest wall. Keith huffs, closing in on the door.
“All I’m saying is that I can’t get my cues right if Pidge keeps trying all this overly complicated bullshit and—”
“Do you assholes have ANY idea what fucking time it is?!”
It’s not until he’s spit it out that Keith realizes how loud he was. Hovering in the doorway into the garage, he almost regrets that. But he can’t show these punks any weakness or they’ll keep on doing this. So, he glares at them. First, at the big guy behind the drums (who’s cute, actually, with his floppy hair and his belly and his big, strong arms; he looks like someone Keith might not mind, under other circumstances). He wilts as Keith frowns at him, and the way he hangs his head kicks Keith in the regret again.
The petite, bedheaded keyboardist calls a glare her way next, but only because she pipes up, “Excuse me?”
Seething, Keith steps out of the doorway. “I said, ‘Do you assholes have any idea what fucking time it is’?” He folds his arms over his chest. “It’s not a hard question, thanks.”
“Well, what if we don’t want to answer it, man!” The one called Lance is tall and spindly, and looks like a guy Keith might consider going home with, if he’d had a couple drinks and felt particularly lonely. “I mean, who the Hell are you to tell us what time it is, anyway!”
“I’m the guy who lives upstairs, jackass,” Keith snaps. “I’m the guy who lives upstairs who would rather be asleep, instead of dealing with you little shits at four in the fucking morning—”
“Hey, we talked to the other two, and they didn’t mind—”
“I’m not them, though, am I? And unlike them, I can’t afford to knock myself out on cough syrup just to sleep through all your goddamn racket.”
“‘All our goddamn racket’?” Lance drawls back in a mocking tone. He even folds his arms like Keith and cocks a hip. Glancing over at the singer, he says, “Asere, come get this! He sounds even more like my abuela than you do. What’s next, man? Are you gonna tell us to get off of your lawn?”
“I don’t have a lawn, you idiot. I barely have an apartment.”
As Lance and Hunk and Pidge barely manage to hold back their laughter, it occurs to Keith that maybe he should not have taken that insult literally. His cheeks flush hot, and his ears start tingling, because of course, his entire head has to blush in situations like this. Whatever he’s doing, it makes the Pidge one snicker, and when he glares at her again, she doesn’t even try to stop.
Hugging himself tighter, Keith groans and turns toward the singer, ready to verbally eviscerate him, since as far as Keith can tell, he’s the ringleader. The other three respect him (more or less), and in the past few nights’ rehearsals, he’s the one who’s made the most decisions about what songs to go over and who was right or wrong about which dispute or other. This means that he’s the most responsible for this mess out of all of them, and the one who most deserves Keith’s outrage. But the words all die before Keith’s even spit out one of them.
The guy in front of him probably has a good six inches on Keith in height, and the body of someone who you wouldn’t want to mess with. Sure, his ripped jeans hang low on his slim hips, but his weathered Pansy Division crop top shows off a pretty toned set of abs. Even worse, the ripped sleeves highlight a really nice set of arms. There’s a gnarled, nasty-looking scar on the right one, up by the singer’s shoulder, and another one, Keith notices, that goes across his nose and cheeks. Now that he sees it, he can’t believe he’d ever miss it, but in fairness, the singer’s hair falls to his shoulders with a devil-may-care ease about it, mostly black, except for the shaggy forelock that he’s bleached white.
Keith frowns as he takes in the guy’s face. Something about it seems… familiar? But that makes no sense, or does it? Whatever it is, Keith can’t place it. He would remember a jaw like that, and definitely that scar… Maybe he has one of those faces? Or maybe he was in a local commercial? Or—
“Keith?” the singer says, his voice soft and his eyes wide. His lower lip quivers and he knots his brow…
—and realization slams into Keith, and makes him freeze. No, that can’t be right. This singer can’t be who Keith thinks he is, and that person can’t be here — this cannot be happening, because that’s bullshit — even if it weren’t, things like this don’t happen to Keith — this cannot be happening—
“…Keith, right?” he says again. “Keith Kogane?”
Hunching his shoulders, Keith whispers, “…Shiro?” — but he knows it can’t be, because that’s stupid, because Shiro’s gone and things like this don’t happen to Keith. They just do not. Ever. Never, ever in his life has anything like this happened, so why would it decide to happen now.
Except the singer beams at him, and Keith would know that smile if he were blackout drunk. He wrestles his guitar off of himself and hands it off to Lance, and before Keith knows which way is up, there’s a heavy hand on his shoulder. That lasts for maybe half a second, then he’s getting pulled into Shiro’s chest and hugged around the shoulders. Keith’s heart is going so fast, it feels like maybe it just stopped beating. This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening. There is no way in Hell — Keith must’ve bummed some Nyquil off of Rolo after all, and now he’s passed out upstairs, and he is dreaming some truly fucked up dreams, because this. Shit. Cannot. Be happening.
But Shiro squeezes so tight, it starts to hurt. He lets up and mumbles an apology when Keith wriggles, then tells him, “I thought I’d never see you again…”
It takes Keith a moment to nod, then another one to even think of saying anything. When he gets his mouth around the words, all he can come up with is, “I didn’t… Me neither.”
Dimly, Keith’s just glad that Shiro buries his face in his shoulder instead of asking why Keith sounds weird right now. Keith might be on the spectrum, but even he knows better than to admit that what he’s really thinking is more like, Oh, fuck my life.
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ao3feed-adashi · 5 years
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Fcz2Bd
by Kiersat
Keith is the lead vocalist of the band The RockDolls. Every album he makes is about a failed past relationship. Hes given up all hope of finding love and wants to quit the band. His manager, Lotor, has other ideas.
Lance works as a waiter at a diner called Cafe Voltron. He's surrounded by friends and has had his fair share of heartbreak but that doesn't keep him down. He works hard to help provide for his family in Cuba.
One day the two meet under unusual circumstances and a small spark is formed.
Words: 4529, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Veronica (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron), Narti (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Matt (Voltron), Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Allura/Lotor (Voltron), Acxa & Veronica (Voltron), Hunk & Shay (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Rock Star AU, diner au, Them/they for Pidge, Bisexual Lance, Gay Keith, Disaster Gays, Past Allura/Lance Relationship, Waiter Lance (Voltron), Waitress Allura (Voltron), Waitress Shay (Voltron), Waitress Romelle (Voltron), Busboy Pidge (Voltron), Cook Hunk (Voltron), RockStar Keith (Voltron), Vocalist Keith (Voltron), Guitarist Acxa (Voltron), Bassist Narti (Voltron), Keyboardist Ezor (Voltron), Drummer Zethrid (Voltron), Manager Lotor (Voltron), Diner Owner Coran (Voltron), keith and shiro are brothers, Secretary Veronica (Voltron), The RockDolls, Cafe Voltron, adding tags as we go, maybe smut later?
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Fcz2Bd
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ao3-shallura2 · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FFhHz1
by Zaeli_Echo
Y’know that feeling when you somehow instinctively know that the decision you made that one time when you were drunk with your friends was simultaneously the worst and best decision you ever made? Yeah, that was how Lance was feeling right now.
Words: 1140, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: The Paladins of Voltron - Character, Shiro, Takashi Shirogane, Lance, Hunk, Keith, Pidge, Allura, Coran, others - Character, Maybe some OCs
Relationships: Lance/Keith, Keith/Lance, Klance - Relationship, Leith - Relationship, Laeth, Allura/Shiro, Shiro/Allura, Shallura, Alliro - Relationship, Hunk/Shay, shank, Very brief unrequited Lance/Allura
Additional Tags: band au, roommate au, Aliases, Vocalist Shiro, Singer Shiro, Bassist Shiro, Keyboardist Pidge, Guitarist Keith, Songwriter Keith, Vocalist Lance, Bassist Lance, drummer Hunk, Organizer Allura, Bus driver Coran, Stage and Lights management Coran, manager allura, Touring, Fans are called Lions, 'cause why not, (although the instruments are really the lions), All songs are mine, somewhat off a tumblr prompt, Tumblr Prompt, Very sporadic updates, hand with me here, Keith and Pidge are scary best friends, Hunk is a sweetheart, but don't make him angry, Momma bear Hunk, mama bear Hunk, spacedad, Dad friend Shiro
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FFhHz1
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ao3feed-klance · 6 years
Keep Me Where The Light Is
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2I8pYzD
by goldenlanterns
Lance loved to preform. So when a competition was announced for his music school, the Garrison, Lance showed absolutely no hesitation and was ecstatic to sign his band the hell up.
All he wanted was to impress some girls or make Coran proud or something, but now he's in an RV with eight other people heading to Orlando and then hopefully to New York City for a chance to win a thousand dollars over spring break.
The money sounds amazing in theory, but if Keith Mullet Kogane plays one more depressing Led Zeppelin song, Lance will literally wrip his ears from his own head.
Words: 5480, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Iverson (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron), Nyma (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Musicians, Alternate Universe - Music, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Guitarist Lance (Voltron), Singer Lance (Voltron), Drummer Hunk (Voltron), Drummer Keith (Voltron), Guitarist Shiro (Voltron), Pianist Allura (Voltron), Keyboardist Pidge | Katie Holt, Bassist Matt Holt, Teacher Coran (Voltron), Cuban Lance (Voltron), Bilingual Lance (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Homesick Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron) is so Pure, Pidge | Katie Holt is Savage, Matt Holt is Savage, Keith & Shiro (Voltron) are Adoptive Siblings, Minor Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Shiro is Happy™, Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Pining Keith (Voltron), Oblivious Lance (Voltron), Battle of the Bands, Band Fic, But crazier, Roadtrip, Slow Burn, cause who doesn't love a good slow burn
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2I8pYzD
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ao3feed-klance · 6 years
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FFhHz1
by Zaeli_Echo
Y’know that feeling when you somehow instinctively know that the decision you made that one time when you were drunk with your friends was simultaneously the worst and best decision you ever made? Yeah, that was how Lance was feeling right now.
Words: 1140, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: The Paladins of Voltron - Character, Shiro, Takashi Shirogane, Lance, Hunk, Keith, Pidge, Allura, Coran, others - Character, Maybe some OCs
Relationships: Lance/Keith, Keith/Lance, Klance - Relationship, Leith - Relationship, Laeth, Allura/Shiro, Shiro/Allura, Shallura, Alliro - Relationship, Hunk/Shay, shank, Very brief unrequited Lance/Allura
Additional Tags: band au, roommate au, Aliases, Vocalist Shiro, Singer Shiro, Bassist Shiro, Keyboardist Pidge, Guitarist Keith, Songwriter Keith, Vocalist Lance, Bassist Lance, drummer Hunk, Organizer Allura, Bus driver Coran, Stage and Lights management Coran, manager allura, Touring, Fans are called Lions, 'cause why not, (although the instruments are really the lions), All songs are mine, somewhat off a tumblr prompt, Tumblr Prompt, Very sporadic updates, hand with me here, Keith and Pidge are scary best friends, Hunk is a sweetheart, but don't make him angry, Momma bear Hunk, mama bear Hunk, spacedad, Dad friend Shiro
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FFhHz1
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