#pidge also does rhythm guitar if need be
apprentice-s · 1 year
thanks for the support on bassist keith he's my special little guy
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sabertoothwalrus · 6 years
@catnippackets​ I keep thinking about your voltron band au dream and I wanted to give my input. I feel like what instruments they play should parallel what the instrument’s role is in an ensemble
face of the band
center of attention
provides lyrics/melody
Rhythm guitar
plays chords to the beat of the song
less demanding, often also the vocalist
Lead guitar
considered second in terms of receiving attention
provides melody
often does solos
needs to be agile/fast
Bass guitar
often unappreciated but invaluable to the band’s functionality
provides chords and rhythm
creates harmony and structure
helps to bring out the best in other instruments
heart of the band
creates foundation
control of pace, rhythm, tempo
can do chords or melody
Shiro = vocals/rhythm guitar
Keith = lead guitar
Lance = bass guitar
Hunk = drums
Pidge = I feel like synth would make most sense but I realllllyyyy just want her to play a melodica but she might be asthmatic so idk
Allura would be the producer and also the recording artist/sound designer
Coran’s the manager that’s just a given
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texasdeath · 7 years
Voltron Band AU because I'm in love with this AU
⁃ The Space Paladins is their band name ⁃ Their genre is a little bit all over the place ⁃ Sometimes it's more 2000s alt rock ⁃ Sometimes it's indie rock ⁃ Sometimes it's just plain out pop ⁃ Allura on main vocals and extra percussion ⁃ Keith on melodic guitar because his guitar solos are just beautiful ⁃ Lance on rhythm guitar ⁃ (he thought he would be on melodic guitar but them he saw that Keith was a fucking god) ⁃ Pidge on bass ⁃ And she's really good ⁃ (When first making the band everyone was shocked that Pidge can play the bass bc they're so small and basses are super heavy) ⁃ Hunk on drums and can play sax ⁃ It's just in case he needs to play Careless Whisper at concerts to piss off Keith and Lance ⁃ Shiro on keyboard and backup vocals because he has a HUGE range. He's like fucking Brendon Urie ⁃ (Guys. I know it's usually Pidge on keyboard in these head canons but this how I'm gonna do it okay?) ⁃ Coran is their manager but more like their goofy uncle ⁃ And in all honesty, Coran isn't the best manager but he's definitely a keeper ⁃ Their top selling songs (lyrics w/ them) are: ⁃ Playing Pretend: "I'm tired of playing pretend// let's never be friends again" ⁃ That one was written by Lance (fans think its about Klance) ⁃ 1992: "Let's live like its 1992// listening to Nirvana// and climbing fences with you" ⁃ That was written by Keith (fans also think it's about Klance) ⁃ Falling Up: "We're falling up// we're flying down// we'll spin the world round and round" ⁃ That was written by Pidge ⁃ and Whine: " All you do is whine with your wine// always on the break up hotline" ⁃ Written by Allura (about a girl she knew in high school) ⁃ And of course their fandom ships Klance ⁃ Everyone else in the band does too ⁃ Hands out flowers to their fans during concerts like The Smiths did ⁃ Has done covers of: ⁃ Three Small Words (Josie and The Pussycats) ⁃ Ain't It Fun (Paramore) ⁃ Time To Pretend (MGMT) ⁃ Space Age Love Song (A Flock Of Seagulls) ⁃ Creep (Radiohead) ⁃ And others I don't wanna write down the whole list ⁃ During interviews Pidge and Keith make snarky remarks during interviews like the Beatles usually did ⁃ Reporter: "Do you have any input on the current political situation, Keith?" ⁃ Keith: "No, I don't even smoke." *smokes cigarette* ⁃ Reporter: "Shiro, what's your favorite type of girl?" ⁃ Shiro: "I guess my girlfriend?" ⁃ Reporter: "What about you Pidge?" ⁃ Pidge: "I guess Shiro's girlfriend" ⁃ People also ship Shallura ⁃ (but it's already canon but the fans didn't know that until later) ⁃ Keith is labeled the Emo™ ⁃ He sometimes even wears eyeliner and everyone loves it ⁃ He's also a fucking savage on twitter ⁃ Like, about as savage as Frank Iero ⁃ Lance was on Instagram Live and someone asked if Klance was real ⁃ "Umm..." *live video has ended* ⁃ Everyone was fucking pissed ⁃ Someone asked Keith if Klance was real ⁃ "Next question..." ⁃ The fans are onto them ⁃ Once they did a special cover of Sweatpants by Childish Gambino ⁃ But Pidge was the one who rapped it ⁃ They made it look like Allura was about to rap it but then Pidge jumped in and started rapping like a god ⁃ Everyone was absolutely shocked ⁃ After about three years of dating, Allura proposed to Shiro (yes, the girl proposed to the boy. That is how it's gonna work, okay?) during a concert while singing a song they wrote together called I Wish For Forever ⁃ None of the band members knew it was going to happen and everything just stopped ⁃ Shiro cried ⁃ Hunk and Lance did too ⁃ And oF COURSE HE SAID YES ⁃ That's all I have for now ⁃ I might make a part two because I love this au ⁃ Imma go listen to Careless Whisper on repeat and see how long I can last
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ishgardenjoyer · 8 years
Voltron Music Headcanon AKA Lance and Shiro start a band
• so one day Team Voltron (finally) has a day to rest and Shiro and Lance are just sitting in the common room.
• Lance absentmindedly starts humming the beginning to a song (I personally imagine that it’s Floral and Fading by Peirce the Veil. I’m just putting that out there.)
• Shiro starts tapping along to it
• Lance starts singing the lyrics and it is BEAUTIFUL.
• Shiro’s heard Lance “sing” to annoy Keith (He chased Keith through the entire castle singing MCR horribly out of key in a Heavy Metal voice, it was as impressive as it was hilarious), but in reality, saying “Lance had the voice of an angel” is an insult to Lance. Holy quiznak, Lance can sing.
• They finish the song and Shiro pulls a General Shang being all like “You… You sing good.”
• Lance: Thanks, Shiro!
• Lance jokingly tells Shiro that they should start a band.
• Shiro seriously thinks starting a band is a great idea.
• Lance mentions the fact that the castle wouldn’t have any instruments to use.
• “Hey Coran, would the Olkari be able to make musical instruments?”
• “Of course!”
• Lance secretly makes Coran SWEAR not to tell Allura or Keith what they’re doing.
• Shiro and Lance ask Allura to make a wormhole to Olkarion. When questioned why, Lance bullshits a detailed “explanation” as to why Lance and Shiro need to be there.
• Allura buys the whole thing and Lance and Shiro are off to Olkarion.
• “Lance, why did you lie to the Princess?”
• “Dude, you can TOTALLY use this as a way to woo her into falling in love with you!”
• “With me? I thought YOU were the one who wanted to be with the Princess.”
• “I like her and everything, but I KNOW you have feelings for her, so I’m gonna help you lock it up, dude! Bros before Hoes, right?” (In truth, Lance wants to woo Keith instead because he’s been pining for him for a while. Everybody but Keith and Shiro are aware of this.)
• “Whoa, don’t call her a hoe!”
• “Case in point!”
• They get to Olkarion and they describe the equipment they’ll need, along with additional instruments they want to have just in case (drumset, guitar, bass, mics, amps, etc.) as best as they can.
• Lance is surprisingly eloquent with the descriptions. The instruments the Olkari make are better than anything found on Earth. Lance tells the Gibson guitar company to eat their fucking hearts out
• Hunk and Pidge HAPPEN to be in the hangar when they return.
• Shiro freezes as the Green and Yellow Paladins spot him walking out of his lion with a fucking bass drum in his hands
• “Don’t tell Allura.” says Shiro looking like a deer in the lights of an oncoming bus
• “…Or Keith” adds Lance sharing the same expression as the Black Paladin
• Pidge and Hunk look at each other for a moment. “Why not?” Asks Pidge.
• Lance tells them the plan of forming a band to win the affections of Keith and Allura.
• “How about we join the band and help you?” Says Hunk.
• “Deal” says Lance and Shiro in unison.
• Pidge finds a completely soundproof room in the castle and watches the security cams so they won’t get noticed by Allura. (Keith spends all his time in the training room, so he won’t be a problem)
• They successfully metal gear solid all the equipment to the room without getting caught by Allura. They spend an hour in the room rehearsing.
• Lance is on Lead Guitar and Vocals (Lance’s guitar solos are what dreams are made of.)
• Hunk is on Bass and backup vocals (okay, listen to a song with vocals only and tell me the bass guitar isn’t important you fricks.)
• Pidge is on Rhythm Guitar, Piano, and backup vocals. (MY NONBINARY SMOL IS SO TALENTED AND I LOVE THEM AND I’M DEFINITELY NOT BIASED. FIGHT ME) •side note: they also sing lead vocals for Paramore songs, which they are surprisingly good at.
• Shiro is on drums. (Shiro sweats a lot when he plays, so he doesn’t wear a shirt. He also does that thing where he twirls one of the drumsticks while he plays with one hand. Because of course he can. Space Dad can do anything.)
• Coran calls Allura and Keith to the common room
• They start playing Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low the moment Keith and Allura walk through the door.
• During the verses of the song, Lance gets up close and personal with Keith as he sings, hitting him with the smolder™ (he brings his fucking A-GAME. Puffed up chest, confident grin, the occasional hair flip, and “fuck me” eyes that gave a whole new meaning to “if looks could kill”.)
• Homosexuality, thy name is Keith.
• Shiro decides to wink at Allura, as well as mouth the words “dear Allura, count me in” during the chorus.
• rip allura
• once the song is over, Allura compliments Shiro and caNNOT STOP STARING AT HIS CHEST. She kisses him on the cheek and tells him she really enjoyed it and that they should do this more often. (Obviously, she doesn’t know that that sounds really sexual. OR DOES SHE?)
• rip shiro
• the space parents become a flustered, giggly mess. Shiro pulls her into a passionate kiss. Not only that but Allura is also pulled into his sweaty rock hard chest.
• rip allura part 2: electric boogaloo
• Keith starts violently making out with Lance, and they do that thing where they walk and make out at the same time until they get to the hangar, where Keith (who’s still getting all icky-sticky with Lance) knocks on red’s foot so she’ll open up.
• they “have a bonding moment” in the cockpit.
• Red is… Surprisingly okay with this development.
• they do the walk of shame™ back to the common room
• Lance [internally]: I have no shame. This is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me.
• when they return to the common room, everyone is applauding them. Because red and blue finally made purple. They finally did the mambo with their clothes off. They finally did the bedroom rodeo. They finally did whatever fucking euphemism for sex Pidge could think of.
• Hunk bakes Keith and Lance a “congrats on the sex” cake the very next day.
• this becomes a common occurrence within the castle (the performances, not the sex. Okay, also the sex. You get the point.)
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kyesbird · 8 years
for that weird headcanon thingo- allura, lance, hunk, shiro, pidge, and keith. :3c
Allura! Ok prepare for an essay about my wife;
What they smell like: Mostly like shampoo. So much hair??? Smells a little like Kenzo’s Flower perfume.
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): Side sleeper, no set schedule. She sleeps in bouts of 3-4.5 hours whenever feels like it/has the time, but is easily anxious and sometimes! Just cannot.
What music they enjoy: ??? I feel like most of the time, she just likes white noise bc that doesn’t interfere with her thought process. Otherwise, she doesn’t like any specific genre or band, just random songs that she finds catchy.
How much time they spend getting ready every morning: about 10-15 on a regular day. Hair is brushed and tied up night before so she can just undo it and look amazing in 2 seconds, outfits coordinated last night (unless she’s coording with someone) so maybe 3-5 minutes changing clothes and picking accessories, makeup is maybe 7 minutes for moisturizer, bb, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, lip tint. 30 minutes if she showers in the morning instead of at night.
Their favorite thing to collect: Photos of her friends and family. She wishes she had more photos of her parents and friends from Altea, but covering her bedroom walls in photos of the new people in her life make up for it, a little. (the first thing the team gets her when they go to earth is a polaroid camera, you know, the hipster kine.)
Left or right-handed: Right, but sliiiightly ambidexterous.
Religion (if any): Probably whatever was the dominant religion on Altea, though she’s probably out of touch with it now.
Favorite sport: Wife throwing ilu Shiro An Altean version of basketball but in zero-G with jetpacks. She’s also gotten into surfing thanks to Hunk and Lance.
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): Sightseeing, esp to see natural wonders of the planet and historical landmarks. She likes seeing how other planets have changed over the 10k years she’s been out. Taking part in the culture and getting to know the people is also handy since she’s a diplomat.
Favorite kind of weather: Since rain on Altea was, like, glass and on fire, she preferred clear weather. Once they get to Earth, she still prefers sun bc she likes outdoor activities and humidity makes her hair annoyingly high-maintenance, but she enjoys storms that are so bad the day is cancelled and everyone hangs out and they cook on a gas burner and play card games by lamplight. But, everyone enjoys those days.
A weird/obscure fear they have: mushrooms in places mushrooms shouldn’t be.
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: Carnival games: any strength-based games 100% she’s got. But she’s also fairly good at knocking shit down with balls.
What they smell like: b4 covering himself in three entire cans of axe like the doucheass he is? Laundry soap and dryer sheets. Very slightly of skin/haircare products, if you’re face-to-face with him. Overall, very nice b4 the axe. 
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): A morning person, generally sleeps before 11 and gets up at 5 or 6 feeling great. Back sleeper, is perfectly still in his sleep and sleeps like a fuckin’ rock.
What music they enjoy: He loves music! He has a lot of acoustic covers, some of which he did, and a couple of songs he wrote himself. His music library is mostly pop, stuff that’s good to sing along to, the occasional rock or rap song…and a ton of anime OPS and J-pop from the weeb phase he never QUITE outgrew and K-pop that he knows the dances to by heart. He’s only a little ashamed that he can sing all the way through Snow Halation and Go!!! but knows like 7 words in Japanese.
How much time they spend getting ready every morning: It’s bad. Depends on if he has a uniform or is stuck in space with one set of clothes. Shower is necessary, 10-15 minutes. Skincare is 10 minutes to apply, 10 minutes to sink in while he wanders around his room naked, drying off and picking out an outfit. 5 more minutes to remove and then do toner and moisturizer. Changing is like a minute, but then accessorizing and re-picking his outfit takes maybe another 5-10. Hair is usually less than a minute unless it’s being especially uncooperative. Makeup is blessedly just BB, eyebrows, shadow and liner on a regular day. 10 minutes. Total time is about an hour, but he can cut it down to 30 minutes if he MUST.
Their favorite thing to collect: Skincare products. You know that bin of product Stef has in the bathroom? That times like 5.
Left or right-handed: Right.
Religion (if any): …I’m honestly not sure? I feel like he’d follow whatever his family follows. Maybe catholic?
Favorite sport: Surfing, then beach volleyball, then basketball.
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): Local food and shopping. He bring back omiyage for days if he’s not travelling with the team.
Favorite kind of weather: Sun, he also likes going out.
A weird/obscure fear they have: Too many birds at once.
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: Shooters, rhythm games. Music gun gun is his jam. He is also the currenT DDR champion of the team, although Shiro and Hunk are returning challengers. He’s also hands down the best at that one sniper game.
god these are so long holy shit. HunK THO:
What they smell like: A REASONABLE amount of TASTEFUL cologne and a little laundry softener. Not the douchey kind that smells vaguely of money. Otherwise, smells like whatever’s cooking, or coffee.
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): Side sleeper also, holds things. Also a morning person, but a little later than Lance at 11-12 to 6-7. Sleeps light and moves, snores slightly if he ends up facedown.
What music they enjoy: he has a few songs Lance sang for him in the library. He ALSO does covers on ukulele or guitar (Mostly ukulele) and has a few original songs he did, but doesn’t record them for the most part. Lots of rock and alternative, some pop, some acoustic covers, some music he picked up from the others (just the catchy stuff)
How much time they spend getting ready every morning: To make up for Lance, he takes about 15 minutes. Quick shower if it’s hot (long showers at night) an all-in-one toner/serum/moisturizer that Lance got him on, brush teeth, comb hair, change clothes, done. He usually has time to make breakfast.
Their favorite thing to collect: Tools, gadgets, materials, etc. Stuff he can scrap and use to build new stuff. Similar to Pidge’s collection, but more focused on hardware. They usually cooperate on projects, so this works out.
Left or right-handed: Right, but pretty capable with left.
Religion (if any): Not really, but his family is Catholic.
Favorite sport: Surfing, hiking and judo if those count.
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): Getting to experience the culture. Local food and talking to the people and taking part in the culture. He looooves the universal translator.
Favorite kind of weather: Rain, and storm parties.
A weird/obscure fear they have: Shiro in his kitchen wormy lookin bugs
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: ALSO good at shooters and rhythm games. Taiko no Tatsujin reigning champion and a returning competitor for Lance’s DDR crown. Also Lance’s music gun gun partner, they literally never play with anyone else.
What they smell like: Clean. Just like soap and deodorant. Kinda fob, actually. Maybe kinda sweaty if he’s been fighting or training or something.
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): side sleeper, tends to curl up a bit and needs to have something or someone pressed against his back, so will wedge himself between pillows or against the wall. Will also spoon anything left in arms reach. Moves a lot, sleeps light, prone to nightmares and sleeptalking. Also restless and prone to anxiety whenever he’s trying to relax, so he doesn’t sleep much. A night owl, he usually sleeps from 3-10, give or take an hour.
What music they enjoy: Probably indie stuff, mostly. Kinda hipster stuff, he’s the type that has favorite bands. 
How much time they spend getting ready every morning: 30 if he showers, 15 if not. Skincare/makeup is just moisturizer, then bb and eyeliner and MAYBE shadow if he’s feelin’ it. Change clothes, brush teeth, hair wax if necessary, and good to go. Except he’s tired for like an hour after he wakes up so.
Their favorite thing to collect: Books, star charts, stuff about space. He was kind of obsessed and is still pretty fascinated.
Left or right-handed: He was reaLLY right hand dominant, but the prosthetic lacks some precision for certain tasks so he’s adapted to be more ambidextrous. His handwriting is appalling and he can’t use chopsticks anymore.
Religion (if any): some branch of buddhism he grew up with, but he doesn’t think about it much.
Favorite sport: If martial arts counts, judo, then basketball.
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): Museums and festivals. Enjoys the history and science, and festivals are fun.
Favorite kind of weather: Storms and rain. He likes being outside in the rain and running through puddles and shit. Will come home looking like he showered fully dressed bc he was out playing in the rain like a fuckin five year old.
A weird/obscure fear they have: Isopods
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: ALSO good at throwing shit at carnivals, but generally monopolizes any and all racing games with Keith at arcades. Challenges Lance to DDR regularly but has, like, a 6:1 loss-win ratio. Shiro’s not bad at it; Lance is just really good. 
What they smell like: Coffee. Depending on how invested they get in a project, they might smell kinda sweaty from hours of nonstop work, but usually someone stops them and reminds them to eat, sleep and shower every 24 hours.
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): stomach sleeper, drapes over things. They don’t sleep so much as they crash at about 4 AM, or they power through it and when they’ve finished whatever they were working on they crash for like 15 hours. Sleeps like they’re dead, and is out wherever they fall. Is often carried to bed by their team when found passed out in a hallway or something.
What music they enjoy: Uhh probably like punk rock or something. Regrettably appreciates Keith’s shitty music library.
How much time they spend getting ready every morning: They roll out of bed and usually remember to brush their teeth. They shower if they didn’t the night before and get back to whatever they were working on.
Their favorite thing to collect: Scraps. Like Hunk, old devices and robots and gadgets that they gut later for parts, with a heavier focus on software. Hunk and Pidge share collections, but Hunk’s is organized and neat while Pidge’s is a pile in a corner of their lab.
Left or right-handed: Left.
Religion (if any): None
Favorite sport: They aren’t super sporty, not that they dislike physical activity, they just find normal sports too boring and the rules annoying so  they make up games to play with the team. So far capture the flag with floor-is-lava rules and Assassin are their favorites.
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): Museums definitely, especially on other planets. they prefer the sciencey-ones and will also try to stop by libraries and universities they pass.
Favorite kind of weather: Clear, because rain means slow internet, though they also like the storm parties. 
A weird/obscure fear they have: Being abandoned by the team. Despite being an invaluable and much-loved member of the team, they aren’t super social and worry occasionally that they’ll be left out. This is never the case, though.
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: The bishibashi master, first of all, and also somehow really good at any carnival game involving throwing stuff. Rings, darts, etc.
What they smell like: Line dried clothes and sweat, but not in a bad way, just very natural. Smells like shampoo for hours after a shower, tho (bc thick hair) which is nice.
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): side sleeper, no set schedule. Like Allura, he sleeps whenever he’s tired and feel he needs it, in 3-6 hour bursts. Sleeps light. Also after returning to earth, he never has a bed of his own–he sleeps in his car, under the stars, in rented rooms, or on the couch when he’s alone. Otherwise, he sleeps next to a team member. None of them usually mind.
What music they enjoy: Obscure indie rock, punk rock, and whatever’s on. Also acoustic covers. Also likes that Lance sings at him. 
How much time they spend getting ready every morning: Like, ten minutes. He showers at night and wears most of his clothes when he sleeps so he just rolls out of bed, washes his face, brushes his teeth and maybe brushes his hair or ties it up. Done.
Their favorite thing to collect: otHER PEOPLE’S SHIT. Why’d he have Shiro’s clothes when he found him in the desert? Stole all his shit. Where’s Lance’s bathrobe? Keith has it. Pidge’s notebook? Keith. Why are you wearing Hunk’s jacket? Are those Allura’s hairpins? Did Coran SAY you could use that glass? Things get back to their owners eventually, except some small things they just let him keep.
Left or right-handed: Right dominant but is slightly ambidexterous. His left hand writing is legible, but ugly.
Religion (if any): none
Favorite sport: Again if martial arts count; aikido, which has come in handy oFTEN bc he was a tiny kid. In general he likes any kind of close-combat bc he’s gooD at it; sports in general he’s not stellar at bc short legs.
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): Local food, but mostly bc he likes eating. He just likes exploring in general so as long as they’re seeing new stuff he’s interested.
Favorite kind of weather: Another person who likes to play in the rain, but is more likely to take an umbrella and stay half dry at least. Likes relaxing indoors and warming back up afterwards.
A weird/obscure fear they have: plants that know too much.
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: He’s pretty tied with Shiro at, like, every racing arcade game ever. 
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