#i like him best when he's a fucking weirdo LMAO
ardentpoop · 9 months
remember when rava and kendall were talking abt da family and rava was like "jesus christ your family dude" and kendall immediately got hard
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thelovelyruin · 11 months
 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖘.
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 : choso x fem reader 
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓 : choso has had a crush on you for oh so long.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 : smut, porn with plot, vaginal sex, oral sex, praise, love, teasing, fingering, edging, (emotional choso lmao).
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖙 : 5.5K
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 : inspired by lyrics from white roses by charli xcx.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘 : hello lovelies, thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoy it, if so, follow me for more. au revoir!
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Maybe my only light, don't you recognize you're the only one I want?
Choso knew for a while now that he was in love with liked you. How could he not? Not when you’re always sparkling in every room you walk in, and all he wanted was for you to be his firecracker. It didn’t go unnoticed that guys on campus practically throw themselves at you, acting like dogs whenever you wore a particularly short skirt or a tight top, he knew cause he was looking too. Unfortunately for him, you pretty much had him in the friend zone. To be fair, it’s not like he’s made a move yet, so how were you supposed to know? Well, that didn’t stop you from referring to him as a mutual friend while talking to other people. Now, the one person who did know he liked you was his brother, Yuuji.
“Dude, you better tell her before she gets a boyfriend, then you’re really gonna be hurt.”
“Shut the fuck up, Yuuji.”
“C’mon, you know I’m right.”
And he was. When Choso caught wind that you had a thing for Megumi, (which was debunked because he made Yuuji ask you and you told him no), he pretty much wanted to throw up. Not that Megumi was a bad guy or anything, he was your best friend after all, and Choso was just related to Yuuji, who was Megumi’s best friend. His proximity to you was short, while Megumi and you talked all the time. He started thinking about what it would be like to be that close to you, inhaling your scent, seeing your smile when he spoke to you, the way your chest moves up and down when you breath. Then, he realized that kinda made him sound like a fuckin’ weirdo, so he stopped.
Now, he was in hell a bus with a bunch of other people in your friend group, headed to the mountains for a ski trip. It’s not like he didn’t like your friends or anything like that, it’s more so jealousy that the only thing he’s ever been able to say to you is a measly, hey, when Yuuji introduced you to him. That and Megumi and Todo were arguing, about what, exactly? Women. Megumi expressed that he wasn’t picky, which was the catalyst for Todo telling him he has to take what he can get cause he’s so stand-offish. So, now they were going back and forth about Megumi’s ability to pull. And, it was giving Choso a damn headache.
“Hey there, Choso!”
Cold like ice, petrified, lovin' what you're doin' to me.
Choso nearly shit himself the second he turned to his left and you were sitting in the seat with him.
“Um, hey.”
He hated himself for how awkward he sounded. He was too worried about the fact that you never really talked to him, but that was his own fault really. All the times he’s gotten the opportunity to talk to you, walking around campus, parties, and he’s never taken the chance. So much so, Yuuji came to him and asked if he had something against you, which sparked the conversation where he told Yuuji he actually had feelings for you. Then came Yuuji’s antics.
“I know you’re chillin’ over here by yourself, but I wanted to come say hi!”
You looked around the bus, seeing the chaos running amuck.
“I’m sorry about them, Yuuji told me when there’s too much going on, it kinda bothers you, but I can totally get them to shut up, if you want.”
He was gonna fuckin’ kill him. Now, his mind was boggling. What else had Yuuji told you? Lord knows he couldn’t keep his damn mouth closed, for all he knew, Yuuji had went ahead and told you he likes you.
“He said that huh? What else?”
“He also told me that you’re a little shy, but you warm up once you get more comfortable! If there’s anything I can do to help you out, just let me know, kay?”
He was scorching at this point. Why the fuck would he tell you that? As much as Choso wanted to give Yuuji a piece of his mind, his brain wasn’t really working. Because now, he was able to get a good look at you. Pink tinted lip gloss that accentuated your already pretty lips, and that perfume you were wearing, you smelled like a piece of strawberry cake. And he wanted a damn slice.
“Do yo mind if I stay back here with you? I’d rather not go up there and hear them bicker.”
“Uh, um…sure.”
You were infectious. He could feel himself practically light up when you asked him that, you wanted to sit with him? He must be dreaming and he knew he was when he saw you begin to take off your jacket.
“Know it’s cold outside, but this jacket is just way too hot for this bus. Hold it for me?”
Choso obliged immediately, the jacket served as a cover for the tent growing in his pants. Of course today of all days, you wear a v-neck shirt, your tits practically spilling out the fabric and talking to him. If he was hearing things correctly, they were begging him to free them from their captivity. He quickly snapped out of it when you began resting your head on his shoulder.
“Gonna take a nap, kay?”
This was gonna be a long fuckin’ ride.
White roses in the snow, never let me go.
When you guys got to the lodge, Choso exhaled deeply, removing his headphones and preparing for a long day. He had wanted to take a nap on the bus, but all he could think about was your pretty little head on his shoulder, and how it might be the last time. So, he relished in the moment, sighing when you stirred awake. You turned and gave him a little smile, followed by a yawn as you reached for your jacket. Everyone began to walk out of the bus, you were shortly behind, but you forgot you left your purse in the front row of the bus. As Choso walked up behind you, you were about to panic.
“I can’t find my purse anywhere! Did I leave it somewhere else?”
You began to check under the seat, giving Choso a front row view of your ass, stretched out by your insulated leggings. You were driving him crazy. The drive up was already enough for him, but now your ass perked in the air? He was practically edging himself. He knew he probably shouldn’t be looking, but he was mesmerized as you shifted around looking for your-
“Looking for this?”
You jumped up, looking at Megumi holding up your bag. With the assumption that you’d probably forget it, he went ahead and grabbed it to meet you outside the bus.
“Ooo, thanks Megs! You know you could’ve told me you had it!”
“Yeah, yeah. Sorry bout that.”
With that, you grabbed your bag from him and smiled, proceeding off the bus. Choso was stuck, still in awe, but as Megumi was walking off the bus, he shot him a menacing look. Had he caught Choso staring at your ass? Probably. Shit, was he gonna tell you? Choso panicked a bit but took a deep breath and took his exit off the bus. If Megumi was gonna tell you, he deserved it, he had no business looking at you like that. But fuck, was it hard.
Lyin' in your bed and movin' slow, takin' off our clothes, givin' you it all.
Everyone piled into the cabin, which was pretty damn nice for a vacation rental. Everyone had a room fortunately, and there was a hot tub out on the back patio. While the girls went to find their rooms, the guys stayed behind to help with bags. As Choso went to pick up his and a black suitcase that was closest to him, Yuuji intercepted him. With a wink, Yuuji handed him a bubblegum pink suitcase. 
“A gift, for you.”
Choso rolled his eyes at him and took the bag, still upset with him for the things he told you. Walking through the halls, he looked for your room, wondering if you were still walking around. When he couldn’t find you, he sat your suitcase down in the room at the end of the hallway, seemingly empty.
“Why thank you, kind sir!”
He turned to see you in the doorway, giving him one of those bright smiles. You looked around confused for a bit, like you were looking for something. Then, Megumi walked into the room with his bags, and of course, your makeup bag. Why hadn’t he thought of that? Megumi shot Choso a confused look that said what the fuck are you doing here?.
“Sorry Megs, this room is off the market!”
“Oh no, whatever will I do? I’ll go find another room, but here, you forgot your makeup case.”
“Awe, we can share the room you know!”
Choso cleared his throat, causing the two of you to look at him. Him and Megumi were both obviously taken aback by your offer, causing you to chuckle at them.
“Awe, I was just kidding, duh! Megs, if you sleep with me, people may get ideas. Promiscuous ideas.”
You gave him a smirk and laughed at his flustered reaction. Choso had to contain himself. You had blatantly friend-zoned Megumi, right in front of him. Then, there was the look of defeat on his face that made Choso nearly jump for joy. Not that he was praying on his downfall or anything, but seeing Megumi lose this little game made him pretty damn excited.
“That goes for you too, Choso! Things like that are how rumors start.”
Now, Choso felt like shit. And it didn’t help that Megumi was now smirking at him with a look that said welcome to the friend-zone, bitch. It’s not like Choso got the idea that he would be sleeping with you, but it didn’t feel very good that you dismissed the possibility altogether. Even more reason to carry on, there was no chance he was admitting his feelings to you now. After that, you kicked them both out, preparing for a day at the lodge.
All I need is you and me alone. Love is like a rose and baby, let it grow.
Once you guys were done at the slopes, it was evening time. Everyone had decided to cook for dinner. Much like a potluck, all of you made something with ingredients you brought from home. Nobara’s pasta salad was pretty good, and Inumaki’s onigiri wasn’t half-bad, but the best thing was your brownies. A little known fact about Choso is that he loves sweets. That’s why when he tried your brownies, he nearly scarfed the whole thing down. You got the perfect texture, rich and fluffy with a decadent chocolate. You noticed him eating one and walked over, a blush on your face.
“So, how do you like them?”
“They’re delicious.”
“Really? You think so?”
“Yeah, good job.”
You were beaming now, so proud of your baking. Choso felt really good, satisfied in the fact that he made you feel that way. Maybe he wasn’t always a fuck up.
“Hey, we’re about to do spin the bottle! You two playing?”
Maki had walked up to ask you, a slight look of annoyance on her face, it was obvious she wasn’t interested in playing, probably dragged into it by Nobara. But, that all changed when she saw the optimistic look on your face, her dread turning into a smile.
“Uh, duh! Sounds fun, you’re coming right, Choso?”
It’s not like he had much of a choice, because before you even finished your sentence, you were dragging him over to the living room. He didn’t really wanna play, but damn, he was happy you were touching him.
“So, we spin it and whoever you land on, you have to kiss. Sounds good? Okay great.”
Mai hadn’t given anyone a chance to answer the question, cause to be frank, she didn’t really care. All of you sat in a circle now, couch and chairs moved back to accommodate everyone’s seating arrangements. Choso sat next to Yuuta on the opposite side of the circle, while Yuuji sat between you and Megumi. At least Megumi wasn’t sitting next to you. Mai crawls over and spins the bottle first, landing on Todo.
“Hell no.”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“It means hell no! I’m not kissing you.”
As her and Todo sent killer looks at each other, Yuuta went ahead and spun the bottle, landing on Maki, who was blushing like crazy. Everyone knew Yuuta had a thing for Maki, but it was a surprise when Maki kissed him back. After cheers and howls from the others, they sat back in their positions. You went up and spun next, Choso staring at the damn bottle like he had the powers to stop it. It landed on Megumi. Choso nearly lost his shit, I mean, was the damn universe against him? Yuuji raised his hand, a look of concern on his face. 
“Uh, Mai, I don’t think she wants to kiss her best friend, that would be kinda awkward.”
“Well, spin again.”
Yuuji, you fuckin’ saint. You give Megumi a playful pout, while he looked like someone’s sad puppy. Crawling up to spin again, Choso held his breath, mentally preparing for who it would land on next.
He couldn’t fuckin’ believe it. The bottle had landed on him. You give him a sultry smile, crawling over to him and kissing him firmly on the lips. He nearly died in that moment, high on the adrenaline pumping through his body from the feeling of your lips on his. You pull away and smirk at him, crawling back to your position on the floor, earning some whistles and claps from the others.
“You know all you had to do was kiss him on the cheek, right?
“Yeah, but I wanted to make things exciting!”
Oh, Choso was excited alright. All the way down to his-
No one knows the secrets that you know. Come on, pull me close, lay me in the snow.
After playing a few more rounds, Yuuta and Maki got a bit tired, calling it a night. Yeah, right. At that point, someone got the idea it would be fun to go out to the hot tub, which you happily agreed to. Choso couldn’t be more uncomfortable. Sitting in the hot tub with Megumi and the others was the last thing he wanted to do, retreating to his room. That is, until there was a knock at his door.
“Choso, you’re coming out right? Where’s your trunks?”
Choso was about to die, and you were killing him slowly. When he looked at you, he didn’t expect you to be wearing such a revealing bikini, one of those with the triangle tops and thong bottoms. He nearly short circuited when he saw how pretty your tits sat in the cups, rubbing together a bit more due to your lean on the door. It didn’t help that you were fucking pouting again, giving him that look that said you weren’t gonna take no for an answer. And you looked really damn good in pink.
“Uh…yeah, sure.”
“Yay! Hurry up and get changed, I’ll wait out here for you!”
With that, you sat down on his bed, tits bouncing from the gravity shift. He could’ve sworn he was high, but damn it, he had to keep it together. He swiftly grabbed his trunks from his suitcase and went to the bathroom, closing the door shut behind him. For a moment there, he considered relieving himself before having to sit with you half-naked beside him, but there wasn’t enough time for that and it would also be really fucking wrong.
After putting on his trunks, he opened the bathroom door, you still waiting for him patiently. When you saw him, your eyes went wide. Choso was not the type to walk around shirtless, but he knew he couldn’t get into the water with a shirt on. It’s not like he was bad looking, just less built than someone like Todo, so in turn, he was convinced he was mildly unattractive. 
“Ooo, Choso, nice abs!”
Who was insecure? Not him, never. Your validation was all he needed to be in better spirits, loosening up a bit as you guided him through the house. Nobara, Yuuji, and Megumi were already in the hot tub. Much to Megumi’s surprise, you were holding Choso’s hand as you walked out onto the patio, and Choso could swear he could see the smoke shooting out of Megumi’s ears. As you got into the hot tub, Choso took a seat next to you, clearly fighting the temptation to stare at your body again. Yuuji started talking about some thing that happened back at school, but he couldn’t pay attention at all, why? Because, thankfully, you were still holding his hand.
I know you can feel it.
You'll be mine every night, I'm tryin' to effortise you're the only one I want.
Everyone had long since gone to sleep, the clock showing 1 AM now. Choso had been tossing and turning all night, just couldn’t stop thinking about the day. It was the most he’d ever interacted with you, and it was making him nuts. The way you touched him, spoke to him. Respectfully, he was in love with you. Tensed, he decided to go out and relax on one of the chairs on the patio.
Hold me tight, Marlboro Light, lovin' what you're doin' to me.
He brought a cigarette to his mouth and lit it, inhaling the smoke like a breath of fresh air. Laying back, he put his arm behind his back, allowing himself to decompress.
“That’s a bad habit, ya know?”
You had come out on to the patio, dressed in an oversized t-shirt and shorts that were practically underwear. He brought his hand to his face wiping down, preparing to fight his boner for the umpteenth time today. You walked past him, taking a seat on the chair next to him and taking the cigarette. To his surprise, you smoked it, inhaling softly and blowing out.
“Thought it was a ‘bad habit’?”
“A habit I never denied having.”
You put your lips around it again, Choso in a trance. He didn’t even care that your sticky lipgloss was staining the filter, all he could think about was how good they would look around his-
“So, you don’t talk much. Why’s that?
“Not really much to talk about.”
“Nonsense, there’s always something to talk about.”
The cigarette is finished now, Choso sitting it in the ashtray. You stood from your chair, walking to the door and waiting for him. He stood up too, noticing how cold it had gotten, following behind you into the living room, fireplace crackling with a light fire.
We're gonna melt down, gonna disappear into the sun.
“Oh yeah, like what?”
“Like, about how we can finally warm up in here.”
You sat on the rug in front of the fireplace, patting the floor beside you, signaling Choso to sit with you. Like a fish to water, he came down and sat, looking between you and the fire.
“So, what are you studying?
“Um…Pre-Med. I wanna be a phlebotomist.”
“Like blood and stuff? How cryptic!”
You playfully jab him, talking for what seemed like forever on all sorts of topics, music, movies, memories. Every thing you said made him fall more in love with you. Your enthusiasm in the way you spoke about your interests, god, he wished you talked about him like that. Eventually he became more and more comfortable, relaxing a bit.
“So, wanna talk to you ‘bout somethin’.”
“What’s up?”
“A little birdie told me you were crushin’ on me, is that right?”
Yuuji was a dead man. Choso locked his jaw and stared down at the floor. This was it, this was the end. He knew damn well you were out of his league, he couldn’t even compare to the guys who approached you. Guys like him don’t pull girls like you, shit, at this point, he had something in common with Megumi. Unrequited love for you.
“Um…I…uh… yes.”
“Is that so?”
You looked him in his eyes now, getting a bit closer to him. He swears he’s gonna combust, your face is so close to his, god, if he had any balls he’d make a move on you right now. He nodded and sighed, ready for the influx of humiliation.
“Yeah, I like you. A lot, actually.”
“So, what are you gonna do about it?”
The fuck did you just say? He was hearing things, has to be. There was no way you were implying he make a move on you, but when you brought your hand over his and gave him that sultry look in your eyes, he knew exactly what you meant.
Gonna burn down together, like fire, we can't get enough.
“Fuck it.”
Choso slammed his lips on to yours, so high on life that he nearly comes undone at the feeling of your hand crawling behind his neck. You start to lean back onto the rug, Choso climbing on top of you, claiming your mouth as his as he begins biting your lower lip. And when that makes you moan softly, he swears he was gonna fucking lose it. He moves down to your neck now, kissing and sucking the skin there while your fingers run through his hair. Can’t help but leave hickies all over it, now that he’s got you, he wants everyone to know you’re his.
We're tied like white roses, you know we're never comin' undone.
As he comes down your neck, his lips find their way onto your chest, licking the skin of your breasts as his hand comes under your shirt to massage your tits. Isn’t it his lucky day? You’re not wearing a bra. Choso’s imagination runs wild for a second there, thinking there was a possibility you were braless because you intended to fuck him, but it was an incomplete thought as he brought your shirt over your head. Back on you immediately, he took a nipple into his mouth, tongue circling on the bud, obsessed with the light moans and whimpers he was pulling out of you. Sucking all over your chest, he was running on lust and adrenaline. Kissing his way down your stomach, making you arch your back a bit, he found his way down to your shorts, taking them down slowly as he kissed the skin around your pelvis. He hit the jackpot. You weren’t wearing any panties either, and to make it better, you spread your legs for him, your lower lips inviting him to indulge.
'Cause I wanna stay forever, I know that you're the only one, only one.
“Wait, what if someone sees us?”
Choso is a bit frustrated now, interrupting him sucking the skin of your thighs. He nearly told you he didn’t fucking care, but when he looked up at you, there was that damn pout again. Swiftly, he scooped you up as you scrambled to grab your clothes before anyone found them. Hoisting you over his shoulder, you giggle a bit as he carries you down the hall and into your room, ensuring no one could hear you from all the way down there. After closing the door and locking it, he sat you on the bed, laying you out and opening your thighs so he could continue is mission. That had you chuckling, which was interrupted by you moaning his name as he took your clit into his mouth. He was a man starved, exploring pandora’s box for the first time. The sweet, sweet treasure he’d been waiting so long for, you exceeded his expectations. He was dedicated, sucking the bud in and out of his mouth and massaging his tongue against it in a circular motion. God, did it feel good, your fingers were pulling at his hair, you could swear it was gonna rip out. But he didn’t care. You could’ve killed him right now, but your pussy was already killing him. Especially when you got wetter and wetter, which Choso decided he wanted to explore before the main event. With two fingers, he brought them into your pussy, feeling your walls stretch around them. He was self indulgent, pumping them in and out of you, curling his finger up to hit that spot that was obviously very effective. He’s heard you say his name over twenty times now, each time you say it his dick is aching more and more. You were being so good, arching your back as he took all you could give, making you feel things you’d never felt before. You’ve had your fair share of lays, but Choso was surely the best so far. You feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, whimpering as you rub your pussy on his lips. He was going crazy, his tongue working on its own at this point, fucking in and out of you as his thumb rubs your clit. And he wasn’t ashamed to moan as he ate you, he wanted you to know just how much he enjoyed it, how grateful he was. With one particularly hard suck, you came undone all over his lips. God, you were an angel, back arching off the bed as you pulled his hair, bringing him up to kiss you and kiss you he did. He was hungry now, continuing to finger you as you cracked from overstimulation.
“God, Choso, please.”
White roses in the snow, never let me go.
He wasn’t stupid, he knew exactly what you meant. That’s why he immediately went to work, stripping himself of his pijama pants and top, leaving just his boxers, which he was currently freeing his dick from. Now, Choso wasn’t the thickest guy around, but what he didn’t have in girth, he made up for in length. That’s why you looked in anticipation as he pumped his hands on it, taking some of your cum to saturate it before slipping inside of you. He’s died, thats it. He’s in fucking heaven. His brain can’t even comprehend the way you feel, almost upset with himself he hadn’t made a move on you sooner, knowing he could’ve been putting his dick inside you a long time ago. But none of that mattered now, not when he finally found himself all the way in.
Lyin' in your bed and movin' slow, takin' off our clothes, giving you it all.
Your moans, they were becoming too much. Choso wasn’t selfish, not at all, but the way you were sucking him in, he was tortured, waiting for you to adjust to his size. He was gonna do whatever he could to make this good for you. He didn’t even care about cumming himself, as long as you cum again, he’d be complete.
“You ready, baby?”
“Yes…please…fuck me.”
And with that, he let go. All resolve he had to not rush into things? Gone. Asking you to be his girl first? Gone. He was fucking you, here and now, and you were loving it. You bring your hands up to rub his back, pulling him in closer so you could kiss him, moaning into his mouth as he fucked you. God, you were addicting. He was doing anything he could to hear you say his name, singing him a lullaby that would be etched into his brain forever. All of a sudden, you bring your legs up to wrap around his back, locking him in place to fuck you deeper. That was Choso’s breaking point. He fucked you like he was insane, he swore you two would fall into the mattress. And you? You were so fucked out you were speaking what sounded like it was supposed to be his name. He brought his lips down to kiss you again, feeling the vibrations from your throat of you whimpering in pleasure.
“You like that baby?”
“Yes, Choso, so much.”
“You’re killing me.”
Choso had no thoughts, so focused on the way your pussy sucked him in and out, feeling like it was made for him. You were wrapping around him like a warm blanket, and he was addicted. He saw it when your lips parted to moan out louder, and as much as he loved the way you reacted to him drilling you, he had to bring his mouth up to your ear.
“You gotta be a little quieter, princess. Can’t have everyone hear how good you feel.”
He had gotten a bit cocky now, knowing he was about to make you cum again. It was so obvious, the staggering of your moans, your nails in his skin, your tits pressing against his chest from arching your back. Your whimpers sounded more like begging now and it was sending him over. He felt himself about to cum, but he had a mission to complete first. He brought his thumb up to rub your clit, making you squirm uncontrollably.
“Choso, I’m…I…”
“You gonna cum for me, baby?”
You couldn’t even answer, too busy focusing on every motion of his thumb, like watching every stroke of a paintbrush on a painting. Unfortunately for you, he needed that validation.
“Let me hear you, baby. Am I making this pussy feel good?”
“Yes, Choso, fuck!”
With that, he rubbed your clit even faster, bud sensitive from the second orgasm approaching.
“Wanna feel you cum for me, kay?”
Fuck, you were a good listener. In seconds, you came all over his dick, body jerking as you felt the ripples of your orgasm consume you. You swear you’ve never came that hard before, and Choso was reveling in it. The way your pussy was spasming around his dick, he couldn’t hold it much longer.
“Where do you want it?”
All I need is you and me alone. Love is like a rose and baby, let it grow.
That was it. With another thrust, he spilled himself into you, heart and soul. God, was he in love with you, even more so that he unlocked a new part of you. His orgasm felt like an eternity like his body was giving him triumph after waiting so long to have you. And when it all came crashing down, he dropped beside you and laid on the bed. It was instinct, wrapping his arm around you to lay on his chest, panting from the fatigue settling in after fucking you the way he did. 
Neither of you said anything for a few minutes, Choso instead running his hand over your side, eyelids getting heavy. You shuffle a bit, turning you body to rest on your arms, looking up into his eyes. He was preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. What if you only wanted to fuck him? To be fair, you never told him you liked him back, and when he realized that, he felt himself go back to his typical nervous state.
“So… did you like it?”
“Yeah, a lot.”
“Good, um, glad I could make you feel good.”
You give him a confused look, like you were expecting him to say something else. He shook a bit, intimidated at the way you stared at him. The result? Word vomit.
“Look, I don’t know if you, uh, like me…you know like-”
“I do. Have for a while now.”
His heart skipped a beat, stomach doing backflips. He couldn’t believe it, he must be dreaming.
“You, uh, what, I-”
“Surprised you didn’t know. Everyone else does, even Megs. Sadly for him, I’m crushin’ on you. I mean, why else would I agree to kiss you? Or hold hands with you? Or not say anything when you shamelessly stare at my tits?”
You had a damn point. He felt stupid now, again, wishing he would’ve said something sooner.
“Can…um, do you…shit, will you be my girlfriend?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
No one knows the secrets that you know. So come on, pull me close, lay me in the snow.
The next morning, Choso wakes up before you. You were like an angel, sleeping and breathing softly under the sheets, still laying on his chest. Begrudgingly, he pulled off of you, needing to piss and have a smoke. When he finished in the bathroom, you were still sleeping, and the last thing he wanted to do was interrupt. So, he quietly put his clothes back on, walked out the room, closing your door softly. He walked down to his room and jumped at the sight of Yuuji at his door.
“Choso, you motherfucker, didn’t think you had it in you!”
I know you can feel it.
♱ the song used in this story is white roses by charli xcx. 🖤
♱ masterlist.
♱ all fics playlist.
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𝖆𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖞𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖓.
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lovefrombegonia · 4 months
Just random rambling on Shen Jiu:
Shen Jiu is so great. Like he despises men but also finds the company of women embarrassing. He hates when someone has authority on him but also knowingly, intentionally makes bad, horrible, villainous decisions. His introduction was him about to smash a kid's brain out because the kid was "taking the best begging spot". He has so much ego, so much superiority complex but also dying with deep inferiority complex. What is...WTF is wrong with him?? Like, babygirl, sit down? Have a tanghulu? Drink some relaxing tea?? Stop abusing the child, and maybe get some therapy?? Stop projecting on your female disciple, you fucking weirdo?? Stop abusing your soulmate??? But no. HE KNOWS ALL OF THE WRONG HE IS DOING. He knows he is a bitch ass loser. And he will still pretend to be the master of the universe. He is like "I can tell myself I am doing wrong but YOU CAN'T DO THAT." Shen Jiu is a clown. A clown. Who won't leave my mind. He is just there, you know. Just there at the corner of my mind, glaring at me with his arrogant stare. A clown, an idiot, an insufferable gremlin. He is a ghoul with a pretty face but his prettiness is lost in the ugly scowl.
I saw this post on twt talking about SJ is NOT a misogynist. And I agree. He is not a misogynist, by definition. He doesn't hate women. He just doesn't think women are a threat to him, which gives him some sense of safety. But he also thinks women are weak. So, in that way, you could say he is one. But I don't think so, personally. He is a misandrist tho. He hates all men. He even hates himself LMAO
This is why his loyalty towards Yue Qingyuan is so confusing. Him saving Liu Qingge is confusing. He spared the women in the house when killing them all, yes, including qiu haitang, when he would have saved himself a lot of trouble, if he was able to do that. Like, what happened, babes? Did your long dead conscience wake up for a second? His long dead conscience also seems to wake up at the cost of his IQ because the dude will not even clear up any misunderstandings. I remember a great line in ATLA series said by Iroh. I am paraphrasing: pride is not an absence of shame/inferiority but source of it. This applies SO WELL to this infuriating man. This fucking joker sitting at the corner of my mind. He has so much ego. So much of "ooff they hate me anyways, why bother even clearing up" and "they are beneath me, why should I clear up". He really manifested his own fall from grace. He even realised he is manifesting all that but he won't clear it up. Why didn't he even clear up that Qiu House was abusing him when QHT blamed him? Was he too ashamed to tell others that he was so "weak", he was beaten by those men? I really find him annoying...
And he genuinely didn't think that yqy won't just give up his life for him...huh... Umm? He protected you when he genuinely thought you murdered your martial brother. How did that not click?? You thought he did that coz you thought that he thought this will stain his "honor" if this thing comes out in the open, but it was ALREADY OUT IN THE OPEN!!!
Actually, ykw I am stopping rn coz this clown is pissing me off. See, this is why, I don't like thinking too much about him coz he just sucks me in. Just SUCKS ME IN LIKE A BLACKHOLE. He is a blackhole. He is terrifying, fascinating, he cannot be defined in simple terms but also simply calling him a scum makes sense. If Shen Jiu could become a heavenly demon, he would manifest as the god of rot and vengeance. He rots everything he touches and vengeance defines his rise in and fall from power.
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KINKTOBER (reuploaded)
Pegging (Matt)
Request: none but yall begged for me to bring it back lmao
Warnings: pegging obviously, sub!matt, best friends, bi reader, fingering(male), dual pleasure strap on, use of vibrator, slight edging, use of matty, mommy kink, whiny!matt, 0.2 seconds of matt sucking the strap, i think that’s all, lmk if i missed anything!
A/N: sorry this is a few days late, i’ve been super busy. tomorrow will be posted on time
Y/n’s pov
I was in the kitchen working on my MacBook when my best friend Matt came in and sat across from me. “Hey Matt.” I greeted him without looking up from my computer screen. “Um hi Y/n/n. Can I uh ask you like a really weird and personal question?” he asked. I was a bit confused but nonetheless nodded in agreement, “Sure I guess…” I said while clicking save and closed my laptop to give him my full attention. “I uh- I can’t ask you here, can we go to my room?” he stated nervously, only adding to my confusion.
We got into his room and Matt closed the door behind him, “So you know how you’re bi?” “Oh really, I am? I had no idea!” I replied sarcastically. “Not funny, but like you’re bi, obviously. I um, uh I-I know you have a strap-on…” he stuttered and trailed off. “If your question is why do I have it, I’m going to hit you for being dumb.” I joked, making Matt squirm uncomfortably, “Have you ever, you know, used it on a guy before?” he inquired nervously. “No… Why do you want to know about my sex life you weirdo?” I was suddenly getting a bit flustered because how the hell does Matt know I have a strap-on in the first place and why is he asking me about what I do with it?
“I- uh- I really like y-you and I have um- a fantasy involving you a-and I really want you to do it. Please don’t get mad.” he stated in a rushed tone, stuttering over a few words. I was beyond confused and a bit shocked, “That’s not how I expected this conversation to go. Um, okay, wow- what’s um… what’s this fantasy?” I asked curiously. Matt started to nervously pick at his nails and chew on his lip, avoiding eye contact with me as his cheeks turned pink. “Would you please dom me?” he asked, “And peg me…” he added, saying it so quietly that I almost didn’t hear him.
“What!? Matt are you sure? It’s probably gonna hurt, I’ve-I’ve never done that before. I’ve only ever used it to fuck a girls pussy.” I replied flustered and just as nervous as Matt. He finally looked at me with pleading eyes, “Please? I have lube and I’ve fingered myself before. I’ll be a good boy and listen, I promise!” he begged me. Looking at his face, I reluctantly agreed “I uh- okay, we can try it. I’m just scared I’m going to hurt you.” I told him softly. “You won’t hurt me, it’ll just be uncomfortable at first. I really want this, I’ve thought about it since we were 17. Can we do it tonight? Chris and Nick are going over to a friend’s house.” Matt said quickly, clearly excited that I agreed.
“Sure I guess, but I’m gonna want foreplay beforehand. And I’m probably gonna want to kiss you, like a lot.” I laughed as Matt’s cheeks turned a deep shade of pink again. He started looking down again nervously “Can I kiss you right now?” he asked softly, instead of answering I just tilted his head up and captured his lips in a short but sweet kiss. “Mhm, thank you.” he blurted out after, as I got up and made my way to the door. I sent him a wink before going to my own room where I pulled out my strap-on, which happened to be one for dual pleasure, meaning there was a vibrating dildo that went into me as well.
Even though it had already been cleaned after the last time I used it, I decided to clean it again anyway. I also decided I needed to ask Matt another question so I texted him to come to my room. I laid out a few sets of lingerie, that basically cover nothing, on my bed, but I wanted Matt to pick one anyway. “Um what did you need my help with?” he asked as he stepped into my room, closing the door. “I want you to pick which one you want me to wear tonight.” I said while pulling him over to my bed to look at what I had picked out. I stopped when I noticed Matt kept trying to cover his crotch with his hands, instantly knowing he was hard. “Are you hard right now Matty?” I teased, causing him to blush deeply.
“Only a little bit. I didn’t touch myself, I promise! I-I do have a vibrator in m-my ass though but it’s not on. I just wanted to edge myself so I could cum more later, ‘m sorry I didn’t a-ask.” he stuttered out, extremely flustered. “Do you have the remote?” I questioned as he was eyeing this one black set, which was mostly just straps. “Yes, and I want this one it’s really sexy.” he blurted out before blushing heavily. The one he picked out was a black leather bra and panties set with a grater belt, the bra was basically just an outline of one as it had nothing covering my tits. It did hold my them up nicely though, just like the panties, which were crotchless, and the garter made my ass look good.
“Can I have control of the vibrator until tonight? You think you can handle that without cumming?” I inquired, wanting to know how far I could take things with him. Matt dug into his pocket before pulling out the remote and handed it to me with an embarrassed smile. “I think I can as long as it’s not on 24/7.” he told me as he grabbed my hand and started nervously playing with the few rings I had on my fingers. “Can I ask you a serious question?” I asked Matt, resulting in him nodding. “I’m not judging you, I just want to know, but you don’t have to answer if you feel uncomfortable. Why do you want to be pegged so badly and like having things up your ass? I don’t care if you are, but are you like gay or bi?” I questioned, causing him to drop my hand.
Matt’s face turned a bright red and he had to clear his throat a couple of times before speaking. “N-No, I’m not gay or bi, I don’t find men attractive. I was just young and experimenting one day and figured out how to stimulate my prostate. I wanna get pegged because I’ve seen it on pornhub and it looks really hot.” he said softly. “Plus you’re someone I trust and if I’m being honest, you’re really attractive and you domming me would be the hottest fucking thing in the world to me.” he added, blushing heavily. “Noted. Thanks Matty, that’s all I needed.” I smiled at him before Nick conveniently called for him. This was the perfect time to start teasing him with the vibrator.
After putting the other two lingerie sets away, I walked out to the kitchen, pretending to go back to working on my laptop. I watched as Matt sat down next to Nick on the couch, pulling the small remote out of my pocket I pressed the + button, turning it on to 1, making Matt’s breath hitch a little. He looked up at me with pleading eyes to stop as he was talking to Nick but I turned it up again to 3, making him squirm a bit. “Matt, are you okay? You look uncomfortable and you’re not paying attention.” Nick asked, genuinely concerned.
Matt’s pov
I regret giving Y/n the remote to the vibrator now because I didn’t think she’d turn it on when I was talking to my fucking brother. I was fine when it was on level 1 but when she turned it up to 3 my brain went a bit foggy, I zoned out a little bit until Nick put his hand on my shoulder. “Matt, are you okay? You look uncomfortable and you’re not paying attention.” he asked, I quickly came up with an excuse. “Yeah I’m fine, my head just hurts a bit.” I lied, looking at Y/n and silently asking her to turn it off, which luckily for me, she did. After talking to Nick, I walked over to her, “Please don’t turn it on when I’m talking to my brother!” I pleaded, but that just made her turn it up to 5 while smirking.
“But doesn’t it feel good Matty?” she asked, I let out a whimper and nodded before walking back to the living room. This went on for the next two hours or so until Nick and Chris left, my boxers were soaked with precum and my dick was so hard. I was laying on my bed and I swear I almost came in my pants when Y/n walked in. She was wearing the lingerie set I picked out along with the strap-on, which was black and matched the set perfectly. The strap-on was definitely smaller than my dick, maybe 5 or 6 inches max, but that was good because I don’t think I could take one that’s upwards of 7 inches.
I started squirming as Y/n stood above me, looking down at me and telling me to get undressed. She already had me take the vibrator out like 15 minutes ago, not that it really mattered. “You’re already being such a good boy for me Matty.” she praised, making me whine a bit as her eyes raked over my body. “I’m ready for you to dom me.” I confessed, causing her to stop staring at my body and smile at me. “Where’s your lube at?” she asked me but I just got it for her instead, “Thank you handsome, can you lay on the bed for me?” she asked sweetly, knowing I was a bit nervous to get pegged and have sex with her in general.
Y/n’s pov
I know Matt said he wanted me to dom him, but I could visibly tell he was anxious and nervous so I was trying to be as gentle as I could with him. “Matty, if it’s too much or it hurts too bad let me know and we’ll stop and cuddle okay?” I said while moving some hair out of his eyes. “I promise I’ll say something.” he replied, “What do you wanna start with first babe?” I asked him, wanting to do things his way. “I want to makeout with you.” he giggled, I hovered over Matt and we started kissing slowly at first, then we started full-on making out. I was sucking on Matt’s tongue and he was letting out the prettiest whiny moans as I ran my hands up and down his sides.
Experimentally, I started ghosting my hands across his nipples, loving the whimper it pulled from him. I pulled back for just a second, “Does that feel good baby?” I questioned while rubbing my thumbs over his nipples before rolling them between my thumb and index finger. “Yeah but please more!” he whined, not making too much sense, “Please what baby? What do you want me to do?” I asked as I kissed all over his chest. “Want you to just peg me already. I’m ready mommy.” Matt squirmed. His eyes opened widely when he realized what he just said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mea-“ he started before I cut him off with a kiss.
“Don’t be impatient baby, mommy will fuck you when she’s ready.” I said sternly as I moved towards his aching cock. I discreetly turned my vibrator onto 2, not high enough to make me cum but just enough to get me more wet. His cock was already covered and dripping with precum, “This really gets you worked up, doesn’t it?” I teased as I grabbed the lube. I squeezed some onto my fingers and circled his puckered hole before slowly slipping one in. “Two fingers please, I can take it.” he whined, I added a second finger and Matt was right, he could indeed take it.
I started scissoring his hole opened before adding some more lube and a third finger causing Matt to whimper. “Too much?” I asked, not wanting to hurt him, “N-No just so full.” he panted out in response. I fingered Matt for a few more minutes until he grabbed my wrist and stopped me. “I-I think I’m ready mommy.” he said, looking up at me with those innocent blue eyes. “Are you sure?” I asked as I pulled my fingers out, wiping the rest of the lube off on my thigh. “Really sure, can- can I get it wet with my mouth and control your vibrator, please?” Matt asked nervously.
I handed him the remote and stood up, Matt quickly turned my toy up to 5 which caused me to squirm before he got on his knees. “You look good on your knees baby.” I complimented, making him blush heavily. “How do I um you know, suck dick?” Matt asked, his last two words barely above a whisper. “Well I’m not going to feel anything so you can just do whatever.” I explained, Matt nodded and started to suck on it lightly for a minute as I looked down at him.
He whined and stopped sucking, “I can’t wait, just use lube because I need it now!” he complained, desperately trying not to touch himself. “Okay, get back on the bed for me then.” I said while stroking the side of his face. Once Matt got back on the bed, I put some lube around his hole and onto the strap. “It might hurt baby, so tell me if you need to stop.” “Okay Y/n, please I need you so bad!” he whined. I placed the tip at Matt’s entrance and slowly pushed it in about half way.
Matt let out a choked sob as his hands tightly clenched the sheets and his face held a look of discomfort. “It’s okay Matty, you’re okay.” I soothed him, “P-Put the rest in.” he whimpered. I pushed in the rest of the way before stilling my movements again, not wanting to go too fast. Matt being the sneaky little shit he is, decided to turn my vibrator up to 7, I let out a loud moan as he did so. “Please move.” he groaned quietly, I started pumping at a slow pace as he started to groan a bit.
Even though I was feeling so much pleasure from the vibrator and I wanted nothing more than to start pounding into Matt, I stopped myself because I didn’t want to hurt him. “F-Faster mommy!” he loudly whined, I sped up my movements just a little bit, loving Matt’s whimpers and moans, “Feel good baby?” I panted out. “More! Need more!” he cried out, grabbing onto my shoulders, “Want me to go faster or harder?” I asked, wanting to clarify what he wanted.
“Both, please! Feels so goo—“ he cut himself off with an extremely loud moan as I started fucking into him rougher. “RIGHT THERE! FUCK MOMMY, D-DO THAT AGAIN!” he begged, bending his knees and putting his feet flat on the bed to arch his back more. Even with all the pleasure Matt was experiencing, he was still thinking about me, he turned up my vibrator to 10 which caused me to also join in on his loud moaning.
“Right here Matty? Is that where it feels good?” I asked breathlessly, “Yes! Yes! Please touch my cock, please! Please!” he needily moaned. I started rubbing his cock in rhythm with my thrust as we were both getting closer to the edge. “A-Are you close mommy?” “Very close baby, I just want you to cum first.” I told Matt, speeding up all my movements. “Choke me! Choke me tightly so I can please cum!” he whimpered.
I used my left hand to choke him and a couple seconds later, Matt was painting both our stomachs white with copious amounts of cum, cause me to cum as well and pulled out a him. “M-Matt, vibrator!” I cried for him to turn it off as I was getting overstimulated, “Sorry, sorry.” he apologized out of breath and turned it off my vibrator as I collapsed next to him on my back as we caught our breath.
I took off the strap and I was honestly just going to put it on the floor because I was too tired to clean it right now but Matt took it from me. He licked all my cum off the vibrating side before he put it on the floor and scooped his cum off of me. Matt stuck his fingers in his mouth to taste himself and moaned when I moved to lick the rest of his cum off his body. “You were such a good boy Matty, you did so well.” I praised him as I kissed his neck, sucking a minimal amount of hickies into the skin.
“Thank you Y/n/n, felt so good.” Matt blushed as I stood up to go take another shower “C’mon let’s go get cleaned up real quick.” I said while helping Matt up. I grabbed my clothes and strap-on as well as a pair of socks, boxers and a tshirt for Matt before we went to my room to take a quick shower. When we got out and got dressed we looked at the time to see Nick and Chris would be home soon. As to not be sus, we sat in the living to watch a movie and Matt was now extra clingy.
I’m not complaining, I think it’s cute, I enjoyed it. Matt had his head on my shoulder and I had an arm wrapped around his shoulders. I was playing with his hair when Nick and Chris walked back in and thankfully neither of them said anything. They probably just chalked it up to Matt feeling anxious about something and I comforted him. Both boys simply just plopped down on the couch to watch the movie with us until we all called it a night, Matt ended up sleeping in my room.
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skzhua · 1 year
you are my safe haven ('your eyes' series)
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♡ "You were the first person I thought of at the moment."
pairing: lee minho x reader.
genre: fluff, angst.
word count: 10,529
warnings: swearing, suggestive, unrequited love mentioned, minho being minho (savage and flirty).
summary: your relationship with minho has always been tricky. either he was roasting the shit out of you, or he was flirting with you shamelessly. when things start to get complicated with your childhood friend, chan, why is he the first one who come up in your mind?
a/n: this one took me so long to write, but it might be my favourite one ever. i just fucking love lee minho, lmao. i'm so sorry for not posting as regularly as i used to, i'm very much struggling with school and other, but i'm trying my best! anyway, enjoy~
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You and Chan met when your parents used to live across from each other. Being a year apart only, it made things easy for the both of you to get along. You had gone through everything together whether it was growing up, changing schools, making friends, etc. The last big step you had taken together was moving on your college's campus. You roomed with a nice but shy healthcare student, Youngmi. Although she wasn't a social butterfly like Chan was, she grew more at ease with you as time passed.
Another semester starting meant more homework and less free time, and that involved no more nights out with Chan at the local diner. Over the holidays, his friend, Minho, had started to come to your usual hangouts. Nothing against him, but his presence did affect your relationship with Chan. Your crush on him had only been growing since college started and Minho's presence wasn't much of an help if you wanted to confess at some point. Anyway, it's not like you could tell Chan that his friend was causing you problems when really he was doing nothing wrong.
Your first day was finally over. Checking your message app, you saw nothing from Chan. Weird, since he would always answer you. Your last class was with Minho, and after you had put everything in your bag, he was still at his desk, not having moved a bit other than jamming to his music.
"Minho, can you not?"
The man acted as if he had heard nothing and went on with humming happily to the song he was listening to. Despite how much your friendship with him had improved, he remained one of the few people you would give away to Satan to save yourself with no hesitation.
"Min." you tried again, but you were left with no response.
Out of impatience, you snatched his earphones out of his ears, resulting to Minho spatting out one insult after the other. "I was vibing, you moron! You're seriously no fun, weirdo."
"Wow, I'm so affected by your lame insults." you rolled your eyes.
"I'm going soft on you, kitten."
And here it was again, the sudden shift from insults to flirts. Quite honestly, you never understood how he managed to pass from one another so smoothly, nor could you comprehend how it took you by surprise each time. But that's what Minho is, a flirty jerk who loves to provoke.
"Why are you so pressed, anyway?" he asked as he lazily followed you out of the class.
"We're going to the diner, remember?"
"I forgot, actually. See, that's why I need you around." he winked, but you dismissed his antics.
"Chan hasn't replied to my messages yet, it's not like him."
"It's the first day of school, I bet he has hundreds of meetings."
He was surely right, but you learnt with time to not base your thoughts off of Minho's because he never cared about anything other than himself. And right now, he didn't give a damn about Chan not replying to you.
"I don't know, should I call Bin to see if he's with him?"
Minho deadpanned at you. "Are you his mom or something? He's fine, probably just busy. Plus, I'm here. Can't you enjoy my company for once?"
You sent him a disgusted look, unimpressed, as you went outside. That's when, from afar, you saw your best friend. He was as handsome as ever, still wearing his oversized black clothes, and laughing cutely. And he was laughing with a girl. You had literally never seen her before, though you were convinced to know everyone in Chan's social circle.
"I told you he's okay." Minho huffed.
"Sure." you replied, unfocused. "Wait here for a moment, will you?"
You passed your bag to him, not letting him protest, and you ran to Chan to hug him from the back. He was startled for a bit, until he realized you were the one who took him by surprise.
"Hey, there!" he smiled widely before hugging you back tightly, ruffling your hair in a sweet manner. "I haven't seen you all day, where were you?"
"Class... And the best out of this is that I get to finish the day with Lee Minho." you fake-gagged.
"He's not that bad, just a bit annoying." he chuckled. "How was it, other than that?"
"Fine, I suppose. I just really don't want to be back in class. The teachers went over their planned projects, and I wanted to shoot myself just then."
"Don't say that, you'll do just fine. I know it." he said, rubbing your back.
"Thanks, Channie." you blushed a little.
Chan soon realized he had been ignoring his new friend since you appeared. "Y/N, this is Eunhee. She's in my sound art practices class. Eunhee, this is my best friend, Y/N."
You ignored the pang in your heart from the label he used for you, but still greeted the girl sweetly. "Hi! Happy to meet you!"
"Likewise." she replied, seemingly uneasy by your presence despite her polite smile. "I can go find my dorm alone if you two want to hang out."
You turned your attention to Chan expectedly, but his answer crushed you a bit. "No, no. I'll show you." he hurried to tell her, before looking at you sadly. "Do you mind going without me for today? I'll join you later."
You tried your very best to hide your disappointment, but let's say it wasn't much of a success. "Yeah, sure. Do you want Minho and I to order for you?"
"It's fine, thanks. Later?"
He brought you in his arms again, kissing the top of your head as some sort of apology. You felt down enough, you didn't want to break your façade in front of him. So you hurried to join Minho back, who had patiently waited for you at the same spot. He frowned upon seeing your glossy eyes, but you didn't let him question it. You took your bag from him and started to walk to the diner immediately. However, Minho was stubborn. He sped his pace up to catch up with your own and fixated his gaze on you. You attempted to ignore it, but he can be very intimidating when he wants to be.
"What?" you snapped at him, annoyed.
"You like Chan."
You stopped on your tracks and looked at him incredulously. "You're seeing things."
He scoffed as he stopped walking as well. "Please." he elongated the word. "You're almost drooling at the sight of him. And when he's not with us, you only talk about him."
"I don't drool! And I talk about him because we barely have anything in common."
He smirked. "Now, now, kitten. You barely know anything about me, how can you be so sure?"
"You're a pain in the ass." you groaned, starting to walk again.
He followed closely as he laughed alone. "This is a fact, though. We barely talk about anything else than Chan. You must like him, then."
"Then talk about something else, if it bothers you that much."
He paused for a second, trying to think of any moment you two had without mentioning the older man. He could not think of a single one. He had tried to get to know you on many occasions, but Chan would always end up being the main topic. He had noticed way before today that you had a crush on Chan, but he thought it wasn't his place to bring it up. However, today was different. He was sick of seeing you check him out from afar and do nothing about it, so he thought of giving you a little push. Clearly, you were more stubborn than he initially thought.
"Do you actually want to talk with me?"
You let out a chuckle. "I mean, sure?"
"You don't seem sure."
"Like you said, we don't know much about each other, other than our mutual friend."
You reached the diner and opened the door to let Minho in first. He didn't wait for you to sit at the usual table you would be at with Chan. You joined him quickly, and he sent you a sly smirk.
"What is it now?" you breathed out.
"I want to talk."
You shrugged your shoulders, acting uninterested. "Please do."
"Do you even remember my cats' names?"
The question was unexpected for your part. In all of the things he could have brought up, you expected school, life experiences or hobbies, but certainly not his cats.
"I do, actually." you proudly responded, and he quirked an eyebrow. "I'm telling you, I remember!"
"What are they?"
"Soonie and Dori."
He gasped, putting a hand on his chest to enhance the dramatization of his reaction. "How dare you forget about my beloved Doongie?"
"My bad." you nonchalantly shrugged.
"You're such a bad friend."
"Are we even friends, Min?" you huffed.
"I only allow certain people to call me Min, actually."
You wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but Chan entering the place interrupted you. For the first time in your life, you wished he hadn't come join you so soon. He said hi to Minho briefly, before coming to sit down next to you. The server soon came to take your orders, and you asked for your usual burgers.
"Who was your little friend?" Minho asked Chan on purpose, resulting to getting a death stare from you.
"Eunhee. She just tranferred here, so I was showing her around. She's very nice, actually. She even writes lyrics like me! I read some of it, and she's got some talent."
Hearing him talk about someone else with so much praise did not feel good. Nonetheless, you smiled along Chan's talk and pitched in the conversation from time to time.
"I'm sure the two of you would get along well." he finished his monologue about the girl.
"Yeah, she sounds fun."
The night came to an end quickly, and Minho insisted on paying for the food, despite Chan's protests. You were walking to your dorm, when Chan had to go a separate way since he wasn't living close to you. He hugged you good night, and was off to go home.
Minho kept quiet as he walked you home. He didn't mind since his building was next to yours. Although the silence was enjoyable, he felt like something was off. You were acting as if he wasn't there and he couldn't help but notice when you sniffled discreetly.
"You like him that much, uh?"
Not in the mood for his teasing, you groaned in annoyance. "Shut up, Min."
"I'm genuinely asking." You hesitated, not sure if you should be telling him about this. "Hey, I'm serious."
He stopped you and put his hand on your shoulder. While Minho was never one for physical contact, you did know he would not think about it twice when it comes to his close ones. Apparently, he did care about you more than you thought. For some reason, you trusted him enough to tell him. Probably because it was becoming too much of a burden that you needed to confide in someone.
"I'll always be a little sister in his eyes, right?"
He didn't actually expect you to say anything, but he was pleasantly surprised you did. "Depends, things like this can change, you know."
"You don't get it. I've tried for years to get this man's attention, and the moment he meets Eunhee, he seems infatuated with her..."
"For years?"
You nodded your head slowly, ashamed to have been looking at the same man for that long. It's not like you did not try, you actually dated here and there. Nonetheless, Chan was always the one to pick you up after each breakup.
"Rough." Minho simply said.
You ended up changing subjects, as he started to spill out about his cats. He said he rented a dorm for himself so he could have his babies with him, and that he did not think it through when bringing in his third one. Especially because Dori has so much more energy than the two others.
"Thanks, Min." you said as you came to the front door of your building.
"I don't know. For being there."
"Sure." he shrugged his shoulders. "Good night, Y/N."
"Good night."
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You really tried to make Youngmi feel at ease around your friends, and mutiple times. The girl had not much interest in coming out of her shell. You understood that, but her having been in college for a year already, you would have expected her to open up more. Still, her befriending you was already a success.
"This is, like, the only free break I have this week, so enjoy while I'm here." Chan laughed out as he headed towards the cafeteria.
"What if I don't?" you joked.
"Then you are revoked from any bestie privileges. No more driving you home after a night out."
You gasped as to seem shocked. "Who would tuck me in and treat my hangover, then?"
"Youngmi can do that." he shrugged as he nodded his head towards the girl walking next to you.
She didn't say anything as she looked at you in confusion. "What?"
"Nevermind." you sighed.
"Hey, Y/N, look." You followed to where Chan was pointing as he tugged your side, and your eyes landed on Eunhee and Jeongin sitting at a table. "We should join them."
"I don't think we should do that." Youngmi spoke.
"I thought you knew Jeongin and get along with him well."
"We don't want to impose ourselves." you added.
"It can't be too bad. Plus, Eunhee is very easygoing. Let's go."
No matter what you were going to say, you knew Chan was not going to change his mind. You forced yourself to follow him, and Youngmi had the same expression on her face. When you reached the two others, Jeongin's face turned red as his gaze stuck on Youngmi.
"Hey." she waved at him shyly.
"Do you mind if we join?" Chan asked, although he was already sitting down.
"Go ahead." Eunhee replied kindly.
Hesitant, you still sat down and started to eat. Chan began to discuss with Jeongin while the remaining three of you kept quiet. You and Eunhee exchanged some glances, and you felt bad for being so on the edge around her. She hadn't done anything other than being friendly, and it wasn't fair from you to give her the side eye.
Looking around, you tried to find Minho in the crowd. You spotted him quickly, but he did not see you as his eyes were set on someone else. More specifically, Byeol, his ex-girlfriend. He was sitting across from her and they were exchanging obvious glares. You were starting to wonder why he even sat with her, since he had previously told you he doesn't like to think about her. You observed the two of them for a bit, until they shifted glares into smiles. What the hell was happening?
"Youngmi." you turned to your friend. "Don't you think it's weird he's hanging out with her?"
The girl shrugged, since she didn't know them that much. "It looks normal to me."
You then heard someone choke, which turned your attention to Eunhee, who was coughing like crazy. As Jeongin attempted to make her feel better, you took out a napkin and wiped off the water she had spilled. She gave you a small smile, thankful.
"What do you mean, me? What did I do?" she said after she stopped coughing.
"She asked me if I'd be interested in tutoring you."
You hadn't noticed that Chan was the one she was talking to, until he answered. Tutoring? Wasn't he busy enough already? You chuckled as you thought this was an horrible idea, and Eunhee did the same, visibly seeing this as ridiculous as you were.
"What's funny?" he asked Jeongin, not sure to have caught on what made you two laugh.
The young man shrugged, not very interested in the conversation. "I mean, do you even have time to tutor? You barely have any time for the guys and I."
"It would be during the class period." Eunhee groaned at Chan, seemingly not happy with what she was hearing. "She said you're going to fail if you keep going like this."
“Come on, Chan. We’re barely halfway through the term. I can manage myself.”
“Not sure about that. You have halfway left that you can use to actually get better instead of barely passing.”
She gave you a look, almost pleading for your help, but you really didn't know what to tell her. So you shrugged your shoulders, and turned back to Youngmi to continue chatting.
“I’ll think about it…” you heard Eunhee say.
Lunch time went on pretty quickly. Youngmi had class, so you walked with her to her course. Your day was pretty much over, and you were planning to hang out with the boys for the evening. But nights at the diner shifted to you and Minho being alone while Chan needed to attend the student association meetings. Either that, or he was too tired and wanted to rest.
Unlike what you would have expected, it didn't affect you as much. Minho was much different than your best friend, there was no doubt. His weird behaviour, though, was odd enough to make you forget that Chan had pretty much abandoned you. He was still consistent with his texts, but you barely actually saw him around, today being an exception.
You joined Minho in front of the restaurant, and didn't bother waiting for Chan since you knew it would only be the two of you. He started to talk about his day and other fun things. But honestly, your focus was not cooperating as you were mostly in your thoughts.
"No, but can you blame anyone? Hyunjin's butt is great." Minho went on with his story-telling.
You mixed your milkshake with your straw in boredom, as you nodded along Minho's talk. "Yeah yeah, Hyunjin's butt is nice."
He raised an eyebrow, offended by your lack of commitment in this one-way discussion. "You're not listening."
"I am! I just told you Hyunjin's butt is nice!"
"Y/N, you've never seen the guy." he rolled his eyes at you.
"That is untrue!" you raised your finger to point at him in defense. "He's the one looking like he was made by angels, right?"
Minho scoffed, a smirk forming. "That would be me, princess." His cockiness almost got to you as you were at loss of words. "And we both know my ass is cuter."
You snorted at his statement. To be fair, you had checked his ass once, and there was no denial that he had a good one. You were not going to feed this ego of his, however. Just then, a ping was heard from your phone.
Chan: Hey! Changbin and I would like to have a little gathering with the others tomorrow. You in?
Y/N: If that means I can finally see you, yes!
Chan: I'm so sorry about that! I had so many meetings and so much work to do. It's supposed to be mostly done, though, so hopefully we can see each other more from now on.
Y/N: Otherwise, I'm complaining to the school that I want my best friend back.
Chan: Stop, you know I'll never leave you.
Chan: See you tomorrow?
Y/N: See you tomorrow.
"Something tells me Channie's the one you're texting." Minho teased.
"Shut you. I could say the same with you texting Byeol earlier."
This spilled out of your mouth without you thinking. You did not understand why it bothered you this much when he was chatting with his ex-girlfriend at the beginning of your night together. It was surely because it was impolite to be on your phone when you're hanging with someone already. Though, you just did the same and he was not bothered at all.
Minho blinked a few times as his eyes were set on you, before he breathed out a huff. "What do you mean?"
You stuttered as you tried to explain yourself. "I-I... She and you were- I meant, earlier today-"
He grinned at your sudden change in attitude. He rarely saw you shy or embarrassed, because you were rarely in this kind of state and also because you were good at hiding your emotions. To say he didn't like it would be a lie. You were damn adorable with the flush on your cheeks, and he had to suppress himself from slipping out a comment about it.
"You were definitely not listening to me earlier, then." You frowned before gesturing for him to continue. "The whole butt thing was because Byeol had accidentally texted me instead of her friend, and she was complimenting Hyunjin's ass in that message. That's why I was laughing then."
"Oh." you breathed out as you nodded your head slowly.
"If it makes you feel any better, I smile much more when you're texting me." he winked.
"Now, for real, you need to shut up."
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Being the first one to get to Chan's dorm, you made yourself at home as you sprawled across his couch, scrolling through your social medias. Chan had plans with Minho and would be coming home with him later, so you hadn't seen him yet. Changbin, however, was there.
"Do you think this is a good plan?" he sighed loudly.
Frankly speaking, you had not listened to one word he said since you were too focused on replaying the cat video Minho had just sent you. "Uh? Yeah. It's an excellent plan." you replied nonchalantly, before chuckling at the video again.
"And, you were not listening." Changbin let out a sigh. "Is this Minho's cat?" he asked, upon seeing the ginger feline on your phone.
"Yeah. Soonie fell off this morning while he was filming him. Poor kitty, but this is quite hilarious. Especially Minho panicking and running to save his child." you went on to explain, a smile still on your face.
"You have it for Minho, now?"
You froze in action from his words. "What?"
He realized that, maybe, he shouldn't have said anything as he scratched his head while awkwardly chuckling. "Forget it."
The doorbell rang and Changbin almost ran to the door to open it. He let Chunhwa in before giving her a big hug. She had brought drinks for the evening, so she straight went to put them in the refrigerator.
"Hey, Y/N!" she waved at you.
"Hi." you smiled. "What did you get for us?"
She raised a pack of beer and a bottle filled with a dark-coloured liquid. "Beers for the guys, and I found this fruit punch thing. I thought we could try it out." she shrugged as she put them down, and pulled a Fanta out of her grocery bag. "And I got this for our Jisung."
"About that." Changbin started. "He won't come tonight. He said something along the lines that Hwayoung was out with some guy and that he didn't want what happened last time to repeat itself."
Last time you hung out all together, Hwayoung had went on a date before joining you and was looking like a wreck. Jisung had to comfort her in Chan's room, and let's say some stuff happened.
"Oh well, I'll have the Fanta, then." you said as you got up to take it from your friend's hand.
Soon enough, the guys came back after they stopped by the convenience store to buy some snacks. While Changbin had already placed the board game on the table, Chunhwa took the time to help Chan out with preparing the ramen soups he bought. Minho sat next to you and thanked the girl as she gave him the food.
"Where is Jisung?" he asked as he started to dig into his soup.
"He's probably comforting Hwayoung again." Changbin answered, which made you feel bad for him.
"If he keeps doing this, he'll end up in a deep depression." you breathed out before the entire room nodded in agreement.
"You're one to say that." Minho said as he nudged your arm.
You glared at him before hitting his arm playfully. You only hoped Chan didn't get what he meant by that. The evening continued as you all picked your pawns to play. You conversed simultaneously since it had been a while since you saw each other. Changbin and Chunhwa were being painfully obvious about their crushes on each other, and Minho kept on bugging you, claiming you were cheating.
"I talked with Eunhee." Chan said, clasping his hands together which took you aback.
"And?" you frowned.
"She accepted my offer. I told you she would."
Your heart sank. No matter when you would talk with him, he always brought her up. Even if you took your feelings out of the situation, it almost looked as if he wasn't your best friend anymore and it hurt. You felt Minho putting a hand on your thigh, probably to bring you some kind of support.
You forced yourself to smile, before managing to say a small "That's great."
You could see that Chan noticed your lack of enthusiasm, but he went on nonetheless. "Yeah, I'll text her the details later. It'll probably be once or twice a week. Depends on her level, honestly."
"Right." you coughed out as you felt a lump forming in your throat, and Minho was quick to notice as he tightened his grip on you slightly. "Sorry, I have a headache. Minho." The boy shot his head up immediately. "Do you mind helping me get some medicine?"
"No, of course." he assured before standing up and offering his hand to help you up.
He gave you a worried smile as you came face to face with him. You didn't know when it started exactly, but he had started to let himself be more vulnerable around you. You almost never saw him having any sort of emotions. Seeing him care this much about you made you feel both weirded out and safe.
Chan watched the scene happen in front of his eyes and frowned in confusion. "Are you alright? I can help if you want and-"
"No." you immediately shut him up. "I'm okay, really. Thanks."
The poor guy was left even more confused when Minho took you away, bringing you to the bathroom. You both closed the door and you stood in front of each other for a moment without saying anything. While he was waiting for you to talk, you genuinely just wanted to enjoy his presence. But as the silence grew, Minho finally decided to break it.
"You could have asked Chunhwa to help you." he said, since he didn't why exactly you chose him to comfort you.
You shrugged, not too sure either. "You were the first person I thought of at the moment. I mean, you had a pretty strong grip on my thigh."
He coughed awkwardly, his ears turning red. "I see. And yeah, sorry about that.
"It's okay. It kind of helped, actually." you admitted.
Another silence took over, but he was the first to speak again. "Do you want me to talk to him?"
Your eyes widened at his proposition. "Are you crazy? Don't do that."
"No, I won't tell him about your crush, or whatever. I can mention to him that it's annoying that he only talks about her." he shrugged his shoulders.
"Min, we both only talk about Chan whenever we are together." you stated the obvious. "I bet you are more annoyed about that."
"Fair enough, but you don't bring up how talented and amazing he is every two seconds."
You laughed at this, and it visibly made Minho relax. If he managed to make you smile a little, that was good enough for him.
"Still, you don't need to do that. It's just as if I'm losing a friend, that's all."
"Do you want to go back home? I can walk you there."
You hummed quietly while nodding a yes slowly. "Actually, yes, that would be nice."
He took a step closer before rubbing the side of your arm, not forgetting to replace the hair that had fallen onto your face as well. "Then, we shall take you home, princess."
You hoped he didn't feel your heartbeat fasten its pace, nor your heavy breathing. He was never a physical person, and his touch felt electrifying. You knew damn well he was only doing this for you to feel better about your whole situation with your best friend, but you were starting to wonder if a part of him actually enjoyed these kinds of moments.
Your train of thoughts was stopped when he let go of you to open the door again, letting you walk out first. As you joined the others, you saw Changbin and Chunghwa being in their own world, and Chan giggling at his phone, most likely texting Eunhee. Oddly enough, it did not pain you as much as it did earlier. Somehow, feeling Minho's body hovering behind you in a protective way compensated.
"I'll go home, if you don't mind." you said to nobody in particular.
Chan let go of his phone, while the two others simply gave you a thumbs up before going on with whatever they were doing. "This early?" Chan asked.
"Sorry, I don't feel so well." you attempted a smile.
Chan stood up and joined you at the front door, concern all over his face. "Let me walk you to your dorm, at least."
You shook you head as a no before gesturing to the man standing behind you. "Minho's coming with me already. Thank you."
"Alright." he trailed off before he gave you a tight hug. "Let me know if you need anything."
"Always. Good night Chan. Bye, guys!" you addressed to the others.
You were quick to leave, and you felt bad Minho had to keep up with your fast walking. Nonetheless, he didn't complain and you found yourself outside of the building soon, breathing in the fresh air.
"What are you going to do for the rest of your night?" Minho asked.
You pondered for a minute, trying to figure out the options in your mind, but nothing came up. "I don't know. Knowing Youngmi, she's already sleeping. That means I can't do much other than sleep too."
"Are you tired?" he asked, and you answered with a no. "My place is close to yours, if you want to hang out."
You never went over at his, meaning you never met his cats. This was a good opportunity to get some cuddles with them, that only if Minho allowed you.
"Do I get to snuggle with Soonie, Doongie and Dori?"
He frowned. "Who do you think you are? Some privileged woman? The cats are off-limit." To that, you pouted at him. "Y/N, no."
"You want to me to feel better or not?"
"You seem to be doing good, now."
"Min, pretty please." you whined like a child.
He let out a sigh, deadpanning at you. "Fine. Not more than an hour of cuddles, though."
Feeling victorious, you took his hand and dragged him rapidly to his dorm. He almost fell from your sudden excitement, which took him by surprise. You were especially strong for someone who barely did anything else than study and work. At his building, he took the lead since you didn't know where he lived exactly. He let you inside first, being the well-mannered man he is, and you were greeted by an orange ball of floof who was visibly confused upon seeing someone who is not Minho.
"Doongie." he said before pointing to the other orange cat who was sitting on the cat tree in the corner of the room. "Soonie. And I have no idea where Dori is."
"You sent me so many photos of them, I would have recognized them without your help."
He sent a glare your way. "Just be grateful you get to meet them."
"Yes, thank you, Min." you laughed before crouching down to pet the cat. "Hello, Doongie." you cooed at him.
Minho huffed at the sight. His cat seemed to be liking you a lot. He went to Soonie, only to see Dori jumping on the cat tree to join his brother. He patted their heads lovingly. At least, he still had those two who didn't betray him. However, he realized he spoke too soon when you joined him to scratch the cats' bellies.
"You traitors." he muttered at his children. "It looks like they love you more than me."
"I'm just that much likeable." you teased.
"Sure you are, kitten."
Your eyes widened as realization hit you. "You call me kitten because of your cats?"
"Why else?" he shrugged as if it was nothing. "I like cats and I like you. This is only logical."
Your eyes went even wider, your heartbeat pacing faster. Did he just tell you he liked you? The Lee Minho who was known to be the most detached person on Earth, the one who never showed his true emotions?
"You like me?" you breathed out.
He rolled his eyes at you. "You're my friend, of couse I like you."
Oh. He meant that kind of liking. You were not certain on why it disappointed you so much. You thought you liked Chan. Well, you did, but ever since Minho came in the picture, you didn't know if you were starting to lie to yourself about your feelings for your best friend.
"Wow, Minho is finally admitting he actually likes having me around."
"Don't let it get into your head too much. This only happened because Chan's busy." he scoffed as he walked to the cupboard in his kitchen. "Now, do you want to feed the kitties?"
You didn't think twice before hopping to join him. You helped him serve the cat food and put it on the ground. You observed them eat together, as you petted their backs. He was babying Dori and Doongie, while you were spoiling Soonie with scratches. Needless to say, you felt like you were two parents watching over their children. And it felt strangely comfortable. If someone told you months prior that you would be in Minho's apartment, feeding his cats, and feeling like you wished it'd be like this all the time, you would not believe them. Because you couldn't quite believe it at this instant.
"Did you want to do something in particular?" you asked after the cats were done eating.
"Hmm." he hummed, thinking for a moment. "We could watch a movie. I have some drinks if you want to do that while watching."
"Sounds good to me."
You opted for a comedy movie while Minho prepared the popcorn and the drinks. You both had already drank a little when you were at Chan's, but some more couldn't hurt. Mid-way through the film, you were already feeling tired and tipsy. Way more than tipsy. Of course, Minho noticed since you were starting to lean on him. He tried to move away, but it was like you were trying to absolutely have some sort of physical contact with him.
"Bruh." he spat out when you were now full on laying on him.
"Uh?" you said as your eyes fluttered opened. "Ah, sorry, Min. I'm just very tired."
"Yeah, it's fine."
"Do you mind if I sleep here for tonight?" you mumbled out and Minho froze.
Normally, he would have kicked you out at that point without any second thoughts. However, your pleading eyes with your tired figure did something to him, and he couldn't just say no to you.
"I'll take the couch."
You pouted before shaking your head violently. "Sleep in your bed. I'll stay here."
"Y/N, you're not okay. Sleep in my bed."
"Or we can sleep together."
You took his lack of answer as a yes, and stood up on your feet clumsily. Luckily, he caught you in time before you tripped on yourself. You grabbed onto him to find some balance as he led you carefully to his bed. Once he tucked you in, he was about to leave, but you took his wrist to stop him.
"I said we can sleep together."
"I'll just wash up, I'll be back."
"Do you have cucumbers?"
He looked at you weirdly. Sure, you were drunk, but this was so random. You explained briefly it was for a skin care routine you wanted to do to relax. Although it now made sense, he didn't quite understand why you wanted to pamper yourself while being so tired. Nonetheless, he obliged and brought you sliced cucumbers.
"I'll go shower while you do your thingy."
"I'll wait for you."
Your behaviour was strange, but you were awfully cute and you smiled widely at him, hurrying him to go wash. He absolutely adored it, but he knew this was only because you drank. He beat himself up for wanting this to be genuine. The picture of you waiting for him to go to bed and falling asleep together was more than appealing to him. However, he had to remind himself that you liked Chan, and that you'd known the latter for years. He could never do that, come in-between the two of you. He finished his shower thoughts by simply telling himself to get over it. He didn't like you. He couldn't like you. Not like that.
When he came back in his room, he was met with the image of you watching a kids show on his personal TV. Some people would act like horny jerks when drunk, but you were a total child. Alongside with you was Dori, whom you had somehow managed to kidnap to cuddle with. Minho loved it. But he couldn't.
"You didn't use the cucumbers." he pointed to the plate, still full of the vegetable.
"I told you I'd wait for you."
He quirked an eyebrow, starting to see where this was going. "I am not doing some self-care shit with you."
"Min..." you pouted.
You patted the empty side of the bed and, lazily, Minho sat down as he was still glaring at you.
"I'm going to sleep."
You huffed. "You're no fun. Chan would have done it."
Oh, how wrong was it of you to say that. It awoke something in Minho. Whether it was jealousy or pride, he didn't know, but he knew he didn't like it. Instantly, he picked two cucumbers and placed them on your cheeks.
"There. Happy?" he grumbled.
"Very much." you giggled. "Your turn."
You spent the next hour or so playing with cucumber slices, either throwing them at each other, eating them, or shoving them on Minho's eyes. It might had been the first time you saw him genuinely having fun. Not cocky or insufferable like he usually was. He was at ease, and so you were.
It was around 1am when you both grew too tired to continue your self-care session. You snuggled into the blankets and brought yourself closer to the man laying next to you. He stood still as he looked right back at you. He didn't stop himself from reaching out to the side of your face, patting your head.
"Thank you for tonight." you mumbled tiredly. "I think I like you too."
He immediately caught on that you were referring to your previous conversation. Fortunately, because otherwise, he would have went on full panic mode.
"That's good, pretty. Sleep well, alright?"
"You too, Min."
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You and Minho were definitely no longer friends after that night, but nor had you stopped speaking to each other. Quite the opposite, actually. Think of any act of affection a couple would do, other than kissing, and there you got what was happening between the two of you. Chan had almost disappeared, now spending most of his time with Eunhee. You did visit him occasionally to make sure he wasn't exhausting himself too much but it never lasted more than five minutes. That also meant your crush on him had completely vanished. It couldn't have stayed for long, anyway, after you woke up in Minho's bed that morning, realizing you had fallen in love with him instead.
"Strawberry." Minho said, standing up firmly for his choice of milkshake, as he nudged your arm.
"Chocolate." you said, coming closer to his face.
He sighed in frustration. "We had chocolate last time."
"If you're so pressed with your strawberry, just order one for yourself."
He smirked. "But you want us to share, don't you?"
It was annoying how right he was, and you huffed in defeat. "Strawberry it is."
"There you go. I knew you were going to give up."
"Shut up."
He took you by the waist and brought you closer, as if you were not close enough already on the small cushioned bench. You continued to bicker playfully, when you heard the front door's bell. Turning your attention on where the sound came from, you easily spotted Chan. He stood still, baffled at the sight in front of him. He started to question himself mentally, wondering if he had really cancelled on you two that much that he didn't notice you were dating. Coming back to his senses, he walked to your booth and sat in front of you.
"Hey, guys. Am I interrupting, or..?"
"Of course not." Minho exclaimed. "Glad to see you after, I don't know how long."
You could hear the pettiness in his voice, so you hit him slightly with your elbow before speaking. "We've all been busy, it's okay." you smiled. "So, what's new? How are things with Eunhee?"
"It's good, I guess. We had a... moment, and she is pretty much ignoring me since then. You know, when you came over the other day." he explained, while looking pretty clueless.
"What kind of moment?" Minho asked, stretching his arm out to wrap it around you, which earned a look from Chan.
"Uh, I'm not too sure. We danced in my room-"
You cut him off with a laugh, and he glared at you. "That's the cheesiest thing you could have done. No shit you were acting weird when I came over." you snickered, and Minho soon joined you as he tried to ignore the slight jealousy he felt from learning you went over to Chan's recently.
"Yeah, you two are no better. You were all over each other when I walked in." he rolled his eyes.
That was enough to shut the both of you, knowing well this was an unspoken thing you had going on. You never brought it up, and didn't intend on doing so anytime soon.
"So." Minho coughed out awkwardly. "Your moment?"
"Right." Chan nodded. "Well, we were dancing in my room and, I don't know what happened, but I almost kissed her. And, I don't know, she didn't look like she wanted to, so I back off. And now, I'm lowkey stressing out about it because I surely didn't want to make her uncomfortable."
"She wanted you to kiss her." you responded without hesitation.
"You think so?"
"Chan, I know so." You hesitated to continue with your point, but feeling Minho's hand rubbing your arm let you know it might be time to tell him. "I'm convinced she likes you, because she acts the same way as I did with you."
He frowned his eyebrows. "You like me? Aren't you and Minho... well, you know?"
"I used to, and that's not important." you dismissed the topic. "What I'm saying is she keeps sending you memes to make you smile, she gets shy around you, she said yes to your tutoring..."
"And you told me she even bought you coffee for one of your lessons with her." Minho added.
He looked at you both, still uncertain. "Should I invite her to my party, then?"
"What party?"
"My end of the school term party. In two days."
"Go for it, yeah." Minho encouraged. "Are we invited?"
"If you promise to keep it in your pants, yes."
Right. A party. With girls. And Minho. The guy who hooked up here and there after his breakup with Byeol. The same one you were currently in love with. Great.
"You know me better." he laughed with Chan. "I'll behave, I promise."
Later, on the walk back to Minho's, since you had planned to stay at his place, you were more quiet than usual. You were holding hands, but your grip was loose, and you couldn't focus properly.
"What's wrong, kitten?" he asked worriedly.
"What do you think of Siyeon?" you said, mentioning a pretty girl in your common class.
"What is this question?" he chuckled, not sure in where you were going with this.
"She's cute, has good grades, is nice to everyone. And Chan is going to invite her at the party, probably."
He raised an eyebrow at you. "Your point?"
"You could ask her out." you shrugged.
With that, Minho let go of your hand. "I could, but I won't."
"Why? Sorry, but it just hit me that you haven't gone out with someone in a very long time."
"I don't know. I suppose I'm not very in the mood of fucking around anymore. You also stopped talking about Chan with me. I'm not the only one acting differently." he pointed out.
"I said it earlier, I don't like Chan anymore." you rolled your eyes.
"Well, then. Our romantic lives are bland."
"They are."
The conversation was cut short as he didn't have anything else to say. He took your hand again, and led you to his dorm. You got there pretty quickly, and you still hadn't said a word to each other. It didn't mean you didn't understand what was happening, both of you implying the lack of love you had could only mean one thing.
The moment he closed his front door, he grabbed you by the waist to pull you closer and crashed his lips onto yours. You were taken aback at first, not sure on how you should be reacting, but it quickly faded as you melted into the kiss. While he was needy, he was also being extremely gentle with you, making sure he didn't hurt you in any way. It didn't take long for you to get to his room, and he pushed you down gently on the bed. Now hovering you, he deepened the kiss before moving down to place small pecks on your neck.
"Min." you mumbled between heavy breaths, and he hummed against your skin. "This is not a joke, right?"
He separated his mouth from your skin to look at you curiously. "What do you mean?"
"You used to be very... physical with other girls. I just want to make sure I'm not some doll you're playing with before throwing it away."
He looked at you with fondness as he stroke your cheek softly. "I thought I made it clear I've wanted you for months, now. Not just physically, like you said." He pecked your forehead. "If I can have you." Kissed your cheek. "I don't want the skin ship only, this time." He stopped as he glanced at your lips. "I want all of you."
You were the one to initiate this time when you brought him closer, kissing him hungrily. The unspoken tension there was before was no longer there. It was like kissing each other had dropped all of your walls, and you were now fully exposed to one another.
"I fucking hated it when you cried about Chan." he said in-between the kisses.
"Fuck, yes." he said, going back to sucking your neck.
"I hated how much you flirted with me, knowing you weren't sincere." you admitted.
"Trust me, kitten, I was fucking sincere."
You started to play with the hem of his shirt, tugging in a few times. He backed away and smirked at you before leading your hands to help him take off his shirt. The sight in front of you was mesmerizing. You already had the idea that he had a good body because of his dancing, but you certainly did not expect him to look this hot.
"Damn." you let out without thinking.
"I know, I'm hot." he winked at you.
"Of course, you know." you rolled your eyes.
"I'm joking." he chuckled as he pecked your lips. "Are you okay if we continue? I want you to feel comfortable."
"I'm more than okay."
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The party started out well. You had come in advance to help Chan with the preparations, but mostly to help him calm down. The poor guy was so nervous, not knowing whether Eunhee was going to show up or not.
As people kept coming in, you kept on looking out for any signs of Minho. He texted you he had some errands to run for the cats before coming, but you just wanted to see him. After your night together, you spent the next two days doing finals which didn't allow you to meet up again. The morning after, however, he did ask you out on a date to which you gladly said yes. Although labels were not discussed, it wasn't necessary because you both knew you wanted the same thing.
"Hey, Seungmin!" you welcomed the man as you opened the door.
"Still acting like Chan's place is yours?" he joked.
"I've come here so much, it's like my second home." you laughed with him. "Come on in!"
You joined Chan back in the kitchen as he was starting to prepare the snacks. You started helping him out, though you were very much distracted. Looking at your phone every minute or so, Chan pointed it out, making fun of you.
"You tell me to stop doing that with Eunhee, and you're doing the same with Minho."
You froze in place before slowly turning your head to him. "I never told you I was seeing Minho."
"Y/N, you two have been eye fucking each other for weeks. It did surprise me, but I'm not blind. You love him."
You blushed, as shyness crept over. "Yeah, he's really great."
"I can see that. I haven't see you so happy since, well, since forever actually. I'm happy for you."
"Thank you, Channie."
You exchanged smiles before going back to preparing the food. It felt great to spend some quality time with him after such a long time.
"You two fucked, haven't you?"
Your eyes widened from his words.
"What?" he said innocently. "You have dark spots on your neck, that's all."
You grew embarrassed, but couldn't help but laugh. You haven't noticed until now that Minho had marked you that much. You thought he was being gentle enough to not have done so, but it was visibly the opposite. Just then, you noticed a familiar figure appear in front of you, which made the both of you shut up.
"HI! Eunhee, um, wow. You made it! I mean, I didn't expect you to be here. I should, uh-" Chan spilled out, straightening his posture.
Trying to prevent him from embarrassing himself any further, you hit him slightly with your elbow to shut him up before turning your attention to the girl in front of you. "Good to see you."
"You too. I hope I'm not interrupting." she flickered her gaze between the two.
"Of course not!" you both denied, not wanting to give her the wrong image.
Chan stood there awkwardly before starting to walk away. "I should go greet the others. Talk to you later?" he told her, and you gave him a look as to ask him what he was doing.
You didn't know what to say to her. Seriously, it was Chan's responsibility to talk to her and fix whatever happened between them. You just kept on pouring bowls of chips, but ended up speaking.
"I really didn't expect you here. Chan had kind of given up after you ignored him."
It came pettier than what you had intended, but at least the message was there.
"It wasn't intentional. I mean, I did purposely ignore him but I had reasons." she justified, but you shook your head for her to stop.
"I'm not asking you to tell me why, you must have had good reasons. I just..." You hesitated to keep going, afraid you would be saying something you shouldn't. "He told me about how you almost kissed and I'm just letting you know that Chan is not someone to play around with. I don't know why he likes you so much while barely noticing me, but I'm warning you. You don't know him like I do and I know Chan is going to prioritize who he loves first. I don't want this thing going on with you two to be hurting anyone."
Her silence was torturing you as she was processing everything you told her. You replayed the scene in your mind, trying to spot anything you could have said wrongly. But nothing came to you.
"I came here to fix things with him." she finally spoke. "I don't know the history between you two, and visibly you are closer than anyone here. If I hurt you in any way, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to pass my class, that's it."
You had definitely fucked up by indirectly mentioning your former crush on the guy. This was obviously not the outcome you were expecting, you simply wanted to let her know that Chan was precious and needed to be taken care of even when he didn't want to.
"No, I-"
"It's okay, Y/N. You two clearly have something going on. I know for a fact Chan doesn't like me like that and he's way better off with you."
She left before you could explain any further. You cursed under your breath as you tried to catch up to her. However, you were stopped when someone brought you into a hug before familiar lips met yours.
"Hey, there." Minho grinned at you. "You're looking beautiful."
While your heart wanted to stay with him and melt at his compliments, your mind knew you had to make things right with Eunhee.
"Thank you, Min. I have to do something real quick. Do you mind getting me a drink in the meantime?" you pecked his cheek. "I'll be right back, okay?"
"Alright." he nodded before bringing you into another hug. He leaned on your side so his mouth could be next to your ear. "I'm sorry about the hickeys, by the way."
And he left. He was surely making you feel things, but now was not the moment. You walked through the crowd of people, trying to find Eunhee, but you simply couldn't as there were too many people. Looking behind you, your eyes laid on Chan, alone in the kitchen. You went to him as fast as you could.
"Chan!" you exclaimed out of breath. "Have you seen Eunhee?"
When you took a better look at him, his face had nothing but confusion, sadness, and pure anger.
"What did you say to her?"
And, you were fucked. You shut your eyes closed, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself for the argument that you felt was coming. Chan was rarely mad, but you did not want to be around when he was. Now that he was actually pissed, it was even worse that it was at you.
"So you saw her."
Chan rolled his eyes, as if it was the most obvious thing. "She said you were waiting for me in the kitchen. What have you told her?"
"Nothing untrue, I swear." you breathed out, trying to be careful with your words. "I think she misinterpreted a lot of what I said."
"What did you say exactly?" he asked again, growing impatient.
You took a deep breath in, and searched for any help around, but everyone was having fun and Minho was nowhere to be seen. "I might have spilled out I had a crush on you, but she took it as if I still do." He groaned in frustration, passing his hand through his curly locks. "I also said you like her, and I might have mentioned that you two being together could potentially end up hurting the both of you..."
If you thought he was furious earlier, now he was on full rage mode. Honestly, you had never seen him so mad, and it frightened you quite a bit.
"Why on Earth would tell her that?" he almost growled at you.
"Why? For fuck's sake, Chan, how was I supposed to know what to tell her? You left me there because you were too much of a baby to face her yourself." you snapped at him, which he had seemingly not expected.
"You know me enough to not say shit like that! And I am hosting this whole thing and I saw people coming in. It was the least I could do."
"Fuck off with your lame excuse, because we both know Changbin was already doing so. And for your information, I don't know you as well as I used to because sir decided to disappear out of my life."
He huffed at you as he looked around. He was lost and didn't know what to do now.
"Yeah, I told you already that I'm sorry. But if you love me so much, you wouldn't have told her off by saying you have a crush on me." he yelled out, being heard by almost everyone in the room.
Behind him, you spotted Minho's eyes already staring at you. He was fuming too, walking towards your direction. You didn't know whether he was angry because of you or Chan, but you were definitely worried at that point.
"Y/N." he called out.
"Minho, can we not-"
"So it's Minho, now?" You exhaled loudly, wondering how the night had even taken this turn. "I thought you said you were over him."
"Minho, stay out of this." Chan put his arm in front of him to prevent him from approaching you any closer.
You recognized the protectiveness Chan had of you within his tone, which reassured you a bit that he still cared, at least. Minho didn't fight back, but sent you a disappointed look instead.
"I'll leave you to it, then."
With that, he stormed out of the apartment, not looking back. Meanwhile, the tears you had been holding back until then flooded out and you broke down as Chan held you.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm sorry, it's my fault."
The softness he had after being so enraged took you by surprise, but you truly needed your best friend at the moment. "I'm sorry." you sobbed out.
"Y/N, it's okay. Don't be sorry. You know I can be pretty stupid, right?" he pat your head, and you nodded as a small laugh left your mouth. "I'm the one at fault, here. I should have talked to Eunhee myself, and I shouldn't have yelled at you. Minho is very sensitive, you know that, right? He'll come around, I'm sure of it."
It amazed you how he was still able to find the right words for any circumstances. You loved him, for real. But not that kind of love. This one was reserved for Minho. The only thing on your mind was to run after him. You hurt him, and you couldn't bear with the thought.
"Thank you, Chan. I'm also sorry."
He shook his head. "I told you to stop saying that." It made you chuckle.
"Do you think I should go after him?"
He smirked. "Go get your damsel in distress."
Still sobbing, you snorted at his words before you hurried to get out of his apartment. You felt grateful to have went so many times to his place to know his dorm number. Otherwise, you would have given up much quicker. You stopped in front of his door and knocked softly. You heard someone moving from the other side, and heard a sigh.
"Min." you called out.
To your shock, he opened the door, only a bit, and looked at you. He looked tired, and you noticed he had changed into his pyjamas. He hummed as a greeting, obviously still mad at what happened.
"Can we talk?"
He really didn't want to, but your puffy red eyes and simply the sight of you was enough to break him apart. So he let you in. You smiled widely when you were greeted by your favourite cats. You scratched their heads briefly, before turning your attention back on Minho. He was leaning on his counter (which was hot, let's be honest) and crossed his arms as he waited for you to talk.
"I really and certainly do not like Chan."
"Reassuring." he commented, but received a glare from you to tell him to let you speak.
"What happened was he left me alone with Eunhee and I said some things to her that she interpreted as if I still liked him. Chan got mad and he impulsively said that. I told him about us already, he knows."
He frowned at your words. "Us."
"Yeah, us." you repeated, taking a chance by walking up to him.
Thankfully, he let you place yourself right in front of him. He uncrossed his legs so you could have some space, and you approached him. You took his face in your hands, looking at him lovingly.
"What did you tell him about us, precisely?" he asked, placing his hands on your waist.
"I told him that you're great."
"Just that?"
"He knows we fucked."
He raised his eyebrows as he looked up. "Should have expected that."
You slapped his cheek playfully as you pouted, and he chuckled because you were just adorable. "Shut up."
"Sorry. Go on?" he laughed.
You got closer to him, your lips lingering over his. He would have kissed you, but he wanted to hear what you had left to say.
"And I admitted that I might love you."
He backed away, not having expected this. "Love?"
You sighed. "Dude, we've been acting like a couple for months, and we see each other pretty much every day. Don't act surprised."
He frowned even more. "Dude? Really? I call you princess, kitten, or pretty. And I get dude."
"Min." you whined, but he could only laugh.
He loved messing around with you, but he knew when to stop. "I'll be dude if that's what makes you happy, love."
You grinned from ear to ear. "Shall I take this as you love me too?"
"Don't make me say it, kitten."
You chuckled and played with his hair. He adjusted his posture and was now the one hovering you. His eyes went straight to your lips, and he didn't ask to kiss you before doing so. You smiled and kissed him back, not forgetting to hold him close.
"I fucking won over Bang Chan." he bragged after pulling away from you.
"That was an easy win." you snorted.
"Ah yeah? Am I that irresistible?"
"You know you are."
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @fairywriter-oracle | @xhazmania | @taetertotsv
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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beemers-hell · 1 month
you did doc hcs....and tricky hcs...how about Jeb (not biased)
this is perfect actually bc like a week or so ago I was asked by Another particular Jeb enjoyer to spill my hcs about him (hi walnut lmao)
Jeb HCs!
Around 65~70ish
Trans Man, doesn't care enough about relationship stuff to pick a specific orientation label
Around ~7'04"
South West Asian
Autistic As Fuck, generally very anti social and self isolating but people can get into his good graces and he'll try to show a bit more for them
Due to the fact his body has literally fuckin blown up + he's been in possession of the keystone fragment for so long (and I imagine wielding the KF is gonna fuck you up in the long run) he deals with a whole host of body aches and pains and afflictions, and also arthritis bc that dudes pushing 70 ofc lol
His savior complex thing is a direct result of him having the "I have to fight tooth n nail for what I think is right" brand of autism, compounded with just the insanity of everything in Nevada of course. His initial plan to end Project Nexus was gonna be it for him for his "I need to do whats right" mission, but the keystone fragment kinda drove him fucking nuts, so the "i must purge Nevada of all sinners Period" thing happened as a result
Yeah him n hofnarr had a thing going on, he was a bit too closed off to be fully open n honest about it at the time and now that hofnarr is tricky and he's the way that he is, he regrets how shut in he was. he's too stubborn to give up on tricky entirely which is why I have them still working together to do shit in general, esp in dad au stuff cause boxxy right, but he's not tryna like, figure out how to revert tricky back to hofnarr, he's just tryna maintain a connection with him in general despite the insanely different routes they went down
Jeb is incredibly selfish and Will do whatever the hell he wants if he thinks it serves his mission to do good by Nevada, however he isn't an evil morally bankrupt mf, like doc he's just an asshole, and he's tunnel visioning his way through his crusade. You won't catch him harming people for no reason, and this esp applies to like, kids n shit, but he's not above putting a mf through hell if it means his goals are accomplished
could argue everyone loves guns n shit but Jeb LOVES loves his guns, lil weirdo autistic special interest in firearms (and religion in general but this is about weapons lol)
masks like 24/7 this dude is not comfortable at ALL being ND. He's reserved for the most part but when he speaks oh boy is he bringing out that fuckin thesaurus!
he tries his best to look kept together bc "Savior of Nevada" and all that but dude struggles fuckin bad with executive dysfunction, like his hair is greasy as hell </3
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baby-xemnas · 3 months
One thing I enjoy about Law/Bepo is that I constantly see the debate surrounding “Is Law getting it?” Like, is the man so hot and stoic he’s constantly getting ass or is he a creepy workaholic weirdo with terrible social skills who couldn’t possibly get laid? And the LawBepo answer is both. The man fell in love with a mink at 14 and has not looked back. He can hook one guy, specifically a guy who apologizes like it’s second nature and thus needs constant validation and is over obvious with his feelings in a way that’s nye impossible to misinterpret. Man found his wife at 14 while recovering from a depressive spell and thus has never had to exist in the normal dating scene. Could not possibly hit on a woman at a random bar and be successful on anything but his looks but is, in fact, constantly getting laid cause he picked his wife up out of the snow during his preteens. A creepy little weirdo who built his sexuality around a mink and thus would have a terrible time in a regular dating scene, who is dating his co worker and thus can work and fuck at the same time. Man has a partner with a natural predisposition to swimming and would do great on a regular sail ship but instead chose a submarine so his partner can never be more that 100ft away from him. A workaholic creepy little weirdo with negligible social skills who is, in fact, constantly getting laid, it’s the ideal Trafalgar Law.
Man found his wife at 14 while recovering from a depressive spell and thus has never had to exist in the normal dating scene
put that shit in GRANITE
constantly getting laid cause he picked his wife up out of the snow during his preteens Crying
so. sooooo true. i love how he is so terrible when people flirt with him - easiest examples are Monet or Robin even if neither was serious about it we digress - he didnt even BOTHER being friendly like yeah yeah whatever whatever shut up bitch - he is such a rudeass, the type of rudeass that only comes with being extremely married. he is NOT interested, he will not lift a finger or bother with a smile
its soooo real how technically he has no game cuz he dont need it - i would argue with lack of social skills - he does have them he just doesnt use them - he can be charming as a person if he wants to (cuz how else do you collect such a big crew)
i dooo LOVE the thought of him being STRANGE AND OFFPUTTING and he is really saved by being a hottie when he is put in a fucking situation. he has to do very little, he is hot, and thats exactly what he does - bare minimum, he is so not invested - because he is thinking about how everyone is inferior to Bepo - also Bepo will be jealous if he finds out...Bepo..
BUILDING HIS SEXUALITY AROUND A MINK - YEEESSS thats my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its the same with just HAVING always been with Bepo ofc its fucking normal that a guy is a bear, why the fuck not. thats a guy, thats their guy - Law's special guy in particular whomst he treasures...like IMAGINE living with a permanent furry since middle school thats ought to become normal for you in like a few months..and Law seeing him LIKE THAT ruined humans for him fr...whatever...People? who cares. he has such a lovely wonder next to him. going thru puberty while your bestie, most loyal person to you is a furry...permanently altered brain chemistry. literally built different
you are sooooooooooooo right its so true and its the best
i love that Law a sexy guy who is completely off limits and unapproachable on purpose - he has sex life on easy mode because he saved Bepo once and have stayed a prince charming, knight in shining armor for Bepo EVER SINCE. he is always a hero he is always awesome and the best
laughing about a submarine being confined space lmao oh of course...you are trapped in there with him, Bepo (Bepo: yay \o/♥)
AND ANOTHER THING THAT MAKES LAWBEPO GREAT FOR LAWS CHARACTER - being in a long time established relationship - A CHILDHOOD SWEETHEART EVEN - makes him Very Cool. Oh you kept a good relationship for a decade and even developed it into a romantic partnership? Awesome. It makes a man complete dare i say! I love when characters are married as hell, genuinely a massive flex
thank you so much for the ask you are so fucking right im sorry if my reply is too chaotic xoxo thank you for loving lawbepo with me
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noisyghost · 5 months
Ooo you fed me so well, I wasn’t even sure if I would get answers! So now I’m gonna try my hand at asking who bit Ark, what happened?! This is so juicy (rubbing my gremlin hands together).
oh rest assured, I will answer any and all OC related questions with overwhelming fervor and I will not be cool about it at all <3
The person that bit Ark was Josie! She's what the girlies like to call "a hot mess" <3
im so sorry this reply is so long. I started typing and kept failing to summarize things until it was. way too many paragraphs lmao. TLDR; Ark and Mira were attempting to rescue a woman named Josie who'd basically been manipulated into servitude by a very shitty guy. Josie also happens to be a werewolf. At some point during the attempted rescue, Josie had to watch someone she cared about a lot be killed, and she immediately wolfed out and attacked everyone around her, including Ark <3
I did not proofread this after typing it and it's 1am so i'm sorry if some things dont line up correctly, im stupid :)
Josie got bit when she was 18 on a camping trip with friends and it subsequently ruined her life. She survived bc a monster hunter killed the werewolf before it killed her, but she still got bit and ended up running away from home bc the aforementioned monster hunter told her to (it was either "run away and never come back" or "im killing you right now for real") everyone in her family thinks she died except her sister, Rose, who saw it happen and - upon never finding the body - spent the next 10 or so years looking for her.
Because Josie never really had anyone to explain to her what was going on, or support her in any way, she spent a lot of time alone, and subsequently fell into some pretty dark places. She eventually finds herself stuck in a monster fighting ring bc shes been conditioned to think that this is literally all shes good for. At the very least, she makes "good friends" with another werewolf girl stuck in the same spot as her named Cleo and theyre basically the only thing keeping each other alive for the next couple years.
At some point in all this, her sister Rose manages to track her down, but worried about her and her sisters safety, gets in contact with Mira (who is functionally the lynchpin holding the entire cities supernatural community together whether anyone knows it or not lmao) to ask for help rescuing her from the guy basically keeping her prisoner.
Aforementioned guy keeping these monster girls prisoner was named Dekker, and he was basically the scum of the earth. He dealt in monsters and magic and took advantage of a lot of peoples inability to get help (EX: 'you're a werewolf. what are you gonna do? who's gonna help you? no one. theyll just think you're crazy, and then youll end up killing innocent people because you're a monster and that's what you do). Josie and Cleo were his favorite girls and he showboated them around as both arm candy and bodyguards.
The thing with Mira and her work is that she likes to help people as best she can, but she's not like. A superhero with all the latest tech. She's a woman with a smartphone and a handful of 30 year old weirdo friends that share a group chat where someone will text "do we have plans this weekend?" and then someone will reply 3 days later with "i forgot what day it was". They're not exactly the justice league.
All they were trying to do was find Josie and rescue her for her sister. Mira has a lot of power and can do a lot of things, but this Dekker guy was notoriously slippery, and no amount of brute force was going to get them into one of these monster fights without notifying Dekker and giving him a chance to escape with the girls.
So, after tracking down one of these fights, the plan was to sneak in, find Josie and then convince her to leave with them. Originally, it was just supposed to be Mira doing all the legwork. But Ark, who was going thru a fucking crisis of identity at the time and also saw a lot of his own sister in Rose, essentially demands Mira lets him help under the guise of "I'm human, I'm way less likely to draw unwanted attention". Esp since Mira is a 6'4" goddess who attracts attention everywhere she goes lmao (Of note, they had several friends who also urged Ark to Not Volunteer To Do This, but outside factors made it unrealistic for this plan to work without getting caught with anyone other than Ark oops).
So Ark went in to find Josie and Mira was anxiously playing support, ready to rush in and save him if need be. And, to be fair, he did in fact find Josie! He told her who he was and who sent him here (Rose) and told her all she had to do was go find Mira and she would get her out. But Josie was skeptical and, frankly, afraid. She didn't believe that Mira had the power to keep her safe from Dekker, but she also didn't want to believe that her sister had been looking for her for 10 years because she was so disgusted with herself she would have preferred her sister just think she was dead!
However - Cleo, who was with Josie, did not share her fears. Cleo had had Enough, and wanted to run away with her. Josie panicked, afraid that if they ran, they were going to be hunted down and everyone involved with her was going to be killed.
So she ran away to a back room to calm down. Cleo went after her, and Ark kind of followed, but at a distance. Cleo did manage to get her settled a little, but the both of them got caught by Dekker, who harassed Josie into admitting that there was someone there trying to get them to leave, hoping he would respect the honesty. He did not.
To try and mitigate some of the flack, Cleo claimed she was the one the guy was talking to, so he would chew her out instead. Josie and Cleo both felt bad that they'd fucked this guy over, but if he was with someone as powerful as he claimed to be, he'd be alright, surely?
Apparently this was not the first time Cleo has been distant from Dekker recently. It was clear she wasn't as afraid of him as he thought she should be. So he made the executive decision to make an example out of her.
The thing about werewolves and the full moon is this: the full moon is the only time when a werewolf is forced to turn. However, they can technically turn whenever if you supply enough trauma. For Josie, that line was watching Dekker kill the only person she'd loved in the last decade.
He'd expected her to fall in line because that's what she'd been doing for the last few years. He didn't really know what Cleo had meant to her, so he hadn't expected any retaliation. But something snapped in her brain and everything kinda went red.
Josie's a particularly large werewolf - at least 13'; there's a reason she was a fighting champion - so when a beast like that gets let loose in a relatively small arena, things tend to go bad fast! She just blindly started tearing people apart (including Dekker, of course).
Ark had heard the muffled gunshots over the music and the crowd and he just went in on instinct, knowing immediately he was fucked regardless of what he did. Things escalated very quickly after that. It couldn't have been more than 30 seconds that passed inbetween Josie wolfing out and her clamping her teeth into his shoulder. And maybe it was just a moment of grief-stricken clarity, but she wavered just slightly - what the fuck was she doing? She hated him because he'd tried to help and if he'd never shown up, they would be fine. But Cleo had trusted him without a doubt, like she just intrinsically knew something about him. And no matter how much she hated him in that moment, It's not what Cleo would have wanted. Dekker was dead.
Josie gently let go of him, mostly sure it wouldn't matter because he'd die either way. She took Cleo's body and she fled. Mira saw Ark, and she saw Josie run - she could choose one or the other. She, of course, chose to help Ark, immediately struck with the guilt of knowing that he was here because she couldn't talk him out of it, and because she thought she'd be strong enough to keep him safe anyway.
The next couple weeks are a blur for everyone. Mira hates Josie and she hates Rose for coming to her in the first place. Ark hates himself, mostly, because he was tired of being the weak little human everyone had to dote on so he decided to get in over his head playing hero. Well, at least he didnt have to worry about the human part any more.
Josie buried Cleo in the woods. She marked the grave and visits often.
Would you believe me if I told you this very sad series of events somehow ends in Ark marrying a professional wrestler? Or Josie going on to become a lawyer with a house-husband who is also part demon? Because it somehow gets much, much weirder.
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toon-topaz · 1 month
HIII so basically i am obsessed with your vampire if. I've never even had a specific fixation on vampires lol but i LOVE the idea of giving subaru even more reason to be paranoid of the people around him!!! :D ALSO ALSO the trauma of being killed by vampires?? beings he idolises?? Something else he'll probably have a breakdown about yay!!! ^^ ANYWAY if you don't mind me asking how do you think him being human would affect his relationships with others who know/don't know?? Like in canon he's already an incomprehensible weirdo but now that he's ACTIVELY trying to hide something do those not in the know suspect/distrust him even more?? For those that DO know how do they feel about it?? Do they have to like. Actively cover up for him when he slips up?? Does the shared secret bring them closer?? e.g., in Pristella haha what do you mean its suspicious that you've never seen Natsuki eat?? Now that i think about it since Emilia's been established as a subpar liar its probably Otto who has to save Subarus human ass lol assuming he's eventually told as a part of his camp. Sorry for the uncomfortably detailed ask lmao ur au just grabbed me by the throat and wouldn't let go!!
Oh please don't apologize, I am absolutely delighted to be getting interest in my silly little au :D
I’ll try my best to answer all your questions but feel free to ask more or just throw in some ideas of your own hehe, either in reblogs or DMs I don’t mind.
So yes absolutely he will be having many breakdowns about it on top of your usual “stuck in a timeloop of death” breakdowns lol. He learns very quick why being in a world full of vampires is absolutely not fun, and to be fair he did sort of assume he’d get turned at some point and get to live as one. Alas, he’s simply too fragile to withstand the process, if he even gets that far before just dying of blood loss. He’s very tasty.
His relationships with everyone are made even more complex than they already are by the fact that they could straight up kill him if they pick him up wrong. He has to walk on eggshells and he hates it, and so do they. He’s trying so hard to be a tough masculine man like his father, hell he likes being all rough and tumble and play fighting and all that, but he just can’t. Back home he was at least fairly fit and resilient but here, in comparison to everyone else (even the village children)? He feels utterly worthless, and it absolutely starts to skew his sense of self. Was he ever even that athletic? Has he always been so breakable, or is it just that everyone here is superhuman? It’s not even limited to just Reinhard or Garfiel anymore, it’s everyone, including random thugs. The malnutrition from a lack of a balanced diet in the first few months aren’t helping his physical state, nor is the insomnia.
It isn’t helped by the fact that after just a couple loops, he’s legitimately quite afraid of his friends and enemies alike. He doesn’t hold a candle to them, and if any of them were so inclined to harm him, if they suddenly became hostile (he’s carrying a LOT of miasma, AND his human blood is like ambrosia to pretty much every vampire), there would be quite literally nothing he could do to stop him. And the only failsafe he has is rewinding time a bit to try and stop whatever happened from happening this time.
His developing brain is pretty much fucked, because while he’s terrified of his friends he still loves them all so very much, even the ones who have actually killed, maimed, tortured and/or eaten him. The idea of love in his mind goes hand in hand with fear and pain, and there’s no separating it at this point, which leaves him at once incredibly wary and paranoid, and paradoxically very susceptible to manipulation. He can’t hold it against them, if they get a whiff of his blood they can’t help it, no matter how many nights he spends awake and trembling under his covers. The only one he doesn’t fear like this is Beatrice, because she isn’t a vampire. Once they form their contract he at least has someone to hold onto and keep an eye on the door for him. Beatrice swears she won’t let anything get him in his sleep, and she means it.
The one boon all this has given him, if you can call it that, is that it’s turned him into a VERY good liar. He’s much better at improvising a cover story than his canon counterpart, even able to keep track of multiple lies at once. He allows himself to be a bit more open with his own camp, who all are informed eventually, and with a little bit of help from resident fraud expert Otto, he’s able to have a fully crafted and rehearsed backstory, paperwork and all. He’s only this weak because he’s afflicted with a chronic sickness that stunts his vampiric powers. Yes, it’s permanent, it’s a family curse. Don’t worry about how there’s no records of such a disease existing outside of this one certificate that definitely wasn’t forged.
The constant lying is isolating, but at least this secret is one he keeps on purpose, for a very good reason. At least it’s not something he physically cannot talk about lest he and his loved ones be violently punished, like that other thing. Thanks Satella.
As for how everyone else feels about this, I’ve mostly detailed it in that other post (that I have a followup reblog to in the works I promise), I can link it in the replies if you haven’t seen it.
The whole Priestella thing would be VERY funny though, and by funny I mean horrifying, because these damned Archbishops are even scarier now. I haven’t yet thought about how Dragon’s Blood would affect him differently but man it sure is fun to think about.
Anyways yea that’s my brain dump for now uwu, hope you enjoyed and again, don’t be afraid to start a conversation I love to chat
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
I got a semi hilarious/sad request idea, hear me out. How would Liam, Fujio, Ryouta, and Ryuu react to a darling that rejects them during their confession? Darling is sobbing while she tells them about being confessed to/asked out on dates as a cruel joke. She insists there's no way they'd be interested in a weirdo like her, this has to be another elaborate joke or a lie. The yanderes which impulsively kidnapped darling are going what??? You're handcuffed to the bed and that's what you're worried about? Just how low is your self esteem girl
a/n: honestly this is a whole ass relatable mood LOL i fucking love this so much
hope i understood clearly but i wrote it so that darling rejects them, they kidnap darling, darling has a break down, chaos ensues LMAO i love love love this request so thank you for sending it in!
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warning: female pronouns as requested, around 700 words each yandere, mentioned bullying, kidnapping, mentions of knocking reader out
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It wasn't enough; stalking you wasn't enough, watching you from far away wasn't enough, all of it wasn't enough. His greed for you was hot, was growing, was finally bubbling over.
He needed you with him immediately, needed to know that you'd belong to him and only him, nobody else.
He would ask you out, would try to approach you as someone normal, someone who happened to want to ask you out on a lovely date.
The thought of a first date with you made him feel warm.
And, if that didn't work out, well, there would always be a plan B, a plan C, plan D. Whatever he needed to do to make you his.
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liam arieh ★ profile
Liam laughed at your words, all soft and huffing, before his brain finally processed it all. You had said no to dinner. You had rejected him.
You didn't want to belong to him.
"Wait, what?" That signature cocky smile of his was quickly wiped off of his face, replaced with a look of both confusion and slight irritation.
Not the best approach when it came to you, apparently, because you quickly frowned and curled into yourself a bit "I-I'm sorry, I can't go out with you."
"I don't want to—"
"You don't want to?" His feelings for you seemed to broil in his chest, creating an uncomfortable pressure that he didn't exactly want to acknowledge, much less accept.
Instead of clarifying, you just apologised again and scurried off, probably scared in the face of Liam's anger. Made sense but it didn't make him any less angrier.
He stood there by himself, fists clenching and unclenching beside him.
If you didn't want to, so be it.
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When you awoke, you tried to remember exactly what had happened right before you fell asleep.
You were at home and then what?
The gap in your memories worried you enough that, for a while, you just sat there, eyebrows furrowed. Then, you realised, you had your arms tied behind you with a silken something and you were in a room that you didn't recognise.
It was a gorgeous room, well decorated with reds and golds that made it look opulent without being too gaudy. But it was also a room you'd never been in before.
Your heart started thumping wildly in your chest.
You wanted to leave but, unfortunately, your legs were also tied. Specifically, they were tied in a way that made it impossible for you to stretch your them out, much less stand.
Before you could truly panic, a door opened. Your head snapped to that direction and you were relieved to see Liam.
"W-What's going on?" You asked, voice a little small and pathetic. You were relieved to see him but that didn't change the fact that you were a bit too scared and confused.
Liam just gave you an easy smile that would've normally calmed you but, instead, made you even more nervous "Oh, angel, I've taken you here because you've made a grave mistake."
You were only further confused.
So, as Liam approached you, he continued to explain "See, when I asked you to go on a lovely date with me, when I asked you to be mine, you'd replied that you didn't want to."
"Angel, you're not allowed to 'not want to'." He then cupped your cheek when he got close enough, that smile on his face turning more and more into something you couldn't recognise "I wanted to take the easy route, make you mine slowly, over time. But, unfortunately—"
"Wait, wh-when you asked me out... you meant it?" Your eyes watered as you looked up at this man you'd held feelings for "It wasn't—It wasn't a joke?"
Liam's face suddenly fell. That was certainly not the response he'd expected. He wasn't stupid, of course. He knew that kidnapping you wasn't exactly ethical. He'd expected you to fight back or something. Instead, it was this.
"What do you mean a joke?"
You cried more and more until the tears fell, caressing your cheeks "Wh-When—Before—Pe-People used to ask me out as a j-joke. They used to—And I didn't think— I mean, me? Why me? Wh-When you're—You're you!"
Normally, Liam would've preened when met with your praise. However, instead, he felt rather rankled in the face of both your self-effacing comments and the little glimpse of your past.
He moved to cup both your cheeks in his hands, his thumbs wiping away your tears "I don't want to fucking hear that from you, hmmm?"
You stiffened a little, expression showing exactly how bewildered you felt. Instead, Liam continued "I love you, my sweet angel. You are the light at the end of this fucked tunnel and I love you enough to forcibly make you mine."
"So, I don't want to hear you saying anything self-deprecating anymore, okay?" He asked in a rather faux nice tone but, before you could even answer, he nodded your head for you.
"Good girl." That easy smile returned to his face but the way he looked at you, eyes dark as his gaze ran up and down your body, was anything but easy "Now, I should free you from your little predicament but why don't I punish you a little first?"
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fujio watanabe ★ profile
Fujio didn't even seem put off at all by your words. In fact, he looked like he expected it. Instead of anger, you were met with an unnerving nonchalance. “A’ight.”
And, really truly, he had expected it. He had known since he’d met you that you’d be different than any other woman that he’d met before, and he knew that meant there might be problems with making you his.
First obvious problem: he didn’t exactly know how to make anyone, much less someone like you, his.
He’d always enjoyed the impermanence of one night stands and fuck buddies. He’d never wanted anyone desperately, insistently, like he’d wanted you and it threw him for a rather enjoyable loop.
So, he expected a bit of a road bump and planned accordingly.
“I-I’m really sorry.” You apologised again and, haltingly, you moved towards the door “I-I should probably go…”
Fujio let you go, of course. But only because he knew that you wouldn’t be able to go.
When you tried for the doorknob, you were stopped by one of those chain locks. Your eyebrows furrowed but you reached for the chain lock to undo it. Except, it wouldn’t be undone. Like it was locked in. And there was a second like it a bit further up the door.
“F-Fujio?” You glanced back at him, and he just continued smirking at you.
He took one step towards you “Sorry, forgot to tell ya’. I don’t take no for an answer.”
You pressed your back against the door, eyes darting here and there around Fujio’s rather small apartment in an attempt to find an escape route “I-I don’t understand.”
That was expected too. You wouldn’t understand his obsession over you. No one would, not even himself. He didn’t get why it was you, why it had to be this way. But he gave up on fighting against the feeling a long time ago.
He knew he wanted you, in any and every way he could have you. Not just as a fuck buddy, not just as a girlfriend; he wanted you wholly to belong to him.
So, he just continued approaching you, smirk turning less nonchalant and more predatory “That’s okay. You don’t got’ta understand, baby.”
“You’re taking this joke way too far!” You finally snapped, your anxiety hitting the roof.
That was when Fujio stopped in his tracks, his body only a step away from you. That predatory grin widened into something else, something crazed and unhinged. “Huh?”
Then, his fist slammed onto the door right next to your head, making you flinch “Is that what this is to you? A joke?”
You immediately shook your head, your entire body trembling with nerves “N-No! I-I—I thought that you were j-joking! W-Weren’t you?”
Oh. His broad grin fell into a frown. “Jokin’ ‘bout what?”
“A-About asking me out.” Your gaze suddenly fell to the floor, your face flushed like you were too embarrassed to look Fujio in the eye “P-People do that a lot. Ask me out a-as a joke.”
“I-I mean, makes sense, right? I-I’m me and y-you’re like so out of my league that it’s funny.” You added, tucking your hair behind your ear as you continued to fidget in place.
The fiery anger he had about being treated as a joke was replaced with an even hotter anger for the people that had treated you as a joke.
“Fuck’s sake. Who the fuck cares about their opinion?” Fujio spat the words out like they were bitter, the anger in him still boiling. “My opinion is the only thing that should matter to that pretty little head of yours.”
“And my opinion is that you’re mine. And nobody, not even you, can insult what belongs to me.”
You grew even more flustered by his words. Still, you nodded, happy to figure out that he was so serious about you and that your feelings for him were returned so fiercely.
Fujio chuckled a bit, pressing his body a bit more against yours “Damn, baby, what the fuck? Why are you agreeing to that?”
“Not that I’m complaining.” Fujio quickly added, that grin returning to his lips “I wouldn’t give you a choice anyhow.”
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ryouta watanabe ★ profile
On any normal day, Ryouta’s face was always somewhat emotionless. He’d furrow his brow a little, maybe a corner of his lip would twitch up or down, but, really, they were such small changes that they were almost negligible.
Today, that impassiveness felt more frigid than flat.
“I see.” He nodded easily, voice mostly monotone with a hint of something you couldn’t quite put your finger on “Understandable.”
You just frowned at him, both anxious about his reaction and heartbroken that he’d replied so casually “I-I’m really sorry—”
“No, I should be the one to apologise.”
Before you could really ask him to clarify, Ryouta was suddenly pressing something against your face that smelled slightly sweet but artificially so. You jerkily tried to move your head away but, before you could do much else, you were overcome with sleep.
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When you woke up, you tried to recall exactly what had happened. You came over to Ryouta’s apartment to hang out, he confessed his feelings to you and then—
You bolted upright, concerned expression on your face as you looked around. You were in Ryouta’s room, laying on his bed. You tried to get up from his bed but, immediately, you were pulled back by your wrist.
You looked down. A thick fur-lined cuff was wrapped around your wrist and attached to the headboard of the bed.
You quickly looked up at the only light source in the room just as Ryouta turned his gamer chair to face you. His computer set up was right in front of his bed but you knew for a fact that it hadn’t been there before.
Instead of the emotionless expression you expected, there was a bit of guiltiness on Ryouta’s face “You’re awake… I’m sorry it had to come to this but you have to understand.”
You only continued to stare at him, confused and bewildered, so he continued “My love for you— It’s much stronger than normal love. I-I know you rejected me yesterday but, I’m sorry to say, I can’t take no for an answer.”
Suddenly, your eyes watered. Ryouta expected this. It would’ve been hard for anyone to accept being cuffed to a bed and kidnapped by someone they’d considered a friend.
“S-So your confession wasn’t a joke?”
Ryouta’s previous calm immediately turned to one of alarm. He had expected the tears, yes, but he hadn’t at all expected your question.
“Of course not.” He immediately answered, noticeable frown clear on his face “Please don’t treat my feelings like a joke.”
Your crying worsened and Ryouta quickly hurried over to you. He stood by the bed, unsure whether or not he had the right to comfort you or if you’d feel uncomfortable being touched by your kidnapper.
“I-I—Before! Before! When people asked me out! Th-They—It was always a joke so I thought—” You practically hiccupped out, your cuff too short to let your one hand wipe away your tears so you used your free hand desperately.
Ryouta scowled and it was something so dark and angry, something so obviously fury personified, that it made you pause. It was definitely the most expressive that he’d ever been in your presence.
He seemed to quickly realise that because he half-turned his body away from you, his hand coming up to cover his face “Sorry, I—”
He sounded like he didn’t exactly know what to say, like he was floundering for a way to respond to the absolutely heartbreaking fact that you’d just given him. Another first, for sure.
Then, he fully turned to you and knelt in front of you, his hands settling on the tops of your thighs, his touch firm but gentle “I love you, darling. I love you to the point of burning.”
“Please take me seriously when I say that there’s nobody I’ve ever loved close to as much as I love you. And, if you don’t think highly of yourself, think highly of me. I chose you to love.” Ryouta then reached up with one hand and wiped away your tears.
His touch was soft, almost fleeting, and it made you want to lean into him and collapse into his arms. Still, you responded with a pathetic little sniffle and an eager nod.
Ryouta made a mental note to talk to you about your unconditional acceptance of him. Though he was glad, there was no way your odd reaction to being kidnapped was normal.
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ryuunosuke yamamoto ★ profile
The bright broad grin on Ryuu’s face didn’t falter at all when you rejected his confession. In fact, it seemed to only widen “Huh?”
You curled into yourself a little, self-conscious in the face Ryuu’s odd reaction “I-I’m sorry—”
Ryuu didn’t understand. The thought seemed to bounce around in his head, unable to really truly settle down where he could process it.
The entire time he’d known you, the entire time he’d loved you, he had thought that you returned his feelings. If not, why did you lean into him so much? Why did you laugh at all his jokes? Why did you treat him so kindly, so warmly and sweetly.
This wasn’t you! You were in love with him too and he knew it! It was why he confessed. He knew you’d return his feelings and then you could be his, just like how he was yours.
“I think—I think you should think about it some more!” Ryuu spoke with a hint of desperation, that grin still broad but definitely turning a tinge forced.
“Actually, I-I think I should go—” You made a small halting wave before turning to leave.
Ryuu’s heart suddenly started galloping a hundred miles an hour, panic settling into his chest. He couldn’t let you leave! He needed to clear up this misunderstanding! He needed to understand why you were lying to him.
Before you knew it, Ryuu's arm was suddenly wrapped around the front of your neck, pressing you close to him. At first, you were just confused. And then, when you started getting lightheaded rather quickly, you started panicking.
“It’s okay! This is all just a miscommunication!” He muttered into your ear, his breath warm against your cheek “We’ll sort this out, you’ll see! The secret to any good relationship is proper communication—”
You couldn’t even respond to him before you promptly fainted.
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When you woke up, you recognized the room you were in. It was Ryuu’s living room. You were sitting up on his couch. He had choked you out and you had passed out. You tried to reach up to touch your neck but you couldn’t actually move your arms.
You were tied up. Just your hands. Your feet were free but one of your ankles was cuffed. You couldn’t see exactly where the chain led but you knew it wasn’t very long.
You heard thumping and he emerged from the kitchen, spatula in hand and frilly pink apron on over his clothes from earlier. “You’re awake!”
He disappeared into the kitchen again and you heard a bit of scuffling before he came back out, apron gone and spatula put down somewhere.
There was a bright smile on his face as he approached you and sat in front of you on the couch “How are you feeling?”
“U-Uhm, good?” You answered hesitantly before looking around “What exactly is g-going on?”
“You—There was a bit of miscommunication between us so I brought you back to my place for dinner while we talk it out.” Ryuu answered happily “I just don’t understand why you’d reject my confession when I know you love me too.”
You flushed at his blunt words but you couldn’t find it in you to lie and deny them “O-Oh, because—I really want to be with you Ryuu.”
Ryuu’s grin only broadened and you could make out a soft pink flush under the plethora of band aids on his cheeks.
“But—” You continued and his grin faltered “I-I don’t want to accept your joke confession.”
His grin fell into a bewildered expression, his eyebrows furrowing as if you’d said the weirdest thing he’d ever heard “What do you mean joke confession?”
You opened your mouth to answer but he gripped your upper arms and suddenly got way too close to you “My confession isn’t a joke. Don’t say something like that.”
Your eyes watered “B-But I don’t understand. Why would you ask me out?”
“Because I love you.” He shrugged like it was the simplest thing in the world.
You fell forward, your face burrowed into the crook of his neck “N-No—I—I don’t deserve to be loved. Someone like y-you asking me out—When you’re so out of my league—It’s laughable!”
You couldn’t see it but Ryuu scowled, the expression looking so out of place on his face. Still, despite the anger he felt at your very incorrect words, he wrapped his arms around you and pressed a kiss to the crown of your head.
“That’s not true at all, baby. I love you with all my heart and I won’t ever let you go. I promise.”
Somehow, you found yourself believing every word.
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3416 · 5 months
the thing is, i wouldn't be nearly as bothered about mitch not being on the top line if it wasn't being treated as some kind of proof that he's never been good enough to play there and that it hurts the team or drags auston down when he does. i don't care about domi ultimately, he's an effective player (when he's not taking boneheaded penalties) and obviously it helps to spread out our best guys to make each line that little bit harder to play against by forcing the other team to decide how to matchup. whatever. i don't agree with keefe's choices there but i get the intent.
what i do care about is one of the best players this franchise has ever seen being treated like some kind of anchor holding the team (and auston specifically) back from achieving greatness and using domi's success with auston (BECAUSE of auston tyvm) to paint him as some selfish jealous (genuinely wtf @ this fanfiction in particular coming from an actual media guy) brat pouting over being ~demoted~ when he's never not done what has been asked of him (which is literally fucking everything) and has always been fully on board any time he's been paired with johnny!! or anyone else!! like these are all mitch's guys!!! he loves them and this team /so much/!!!! like i genuinely can't imagine the list of things he loves more than being a leaf is very long
i'm just so tired of so many (non-tumblr) fanspaces being dominated by people who have made an entire personality out of treating him like one of the worst things that's ever happened to the leafs (and, again, auston specifically) because idk they hate his dumb dad (welcome to the club weirdos!!!) and/or can't "forgive" him for his contract. even the critique of him in the playoffs is overblown in comparison to the rest of the team and the goalposts for what it means to be a ~playoff performer~ always seem to find a way to shift as needed to single him out as some kind of unique failure among the group which.. rme for all time
anyway sorry for venting lmao it's just such a bummer but WHATEVER here's to mitchell daniel marner having the best damn playoffs of his damn life!!!!!!!! go leafs go
ohhh anon. so many things i can (and will) say here, but you and i are totally on the same wavelength, lol. that's what has made this stretch so much worse imo... auston on a hot streak with two mid guys and workable chemistry (for now) all around, and we try spreading out the "offense" but actually... for the leafs... i think spreading the offense is less what we're doing w 1634 and more... shifting defensive responsibility off of our 'top' line and giving them easier matchups by putting the tougher ones with the mcmann-jt-marner line bc mitch is there now to take on some more defensive responsibility that isn't doable by players like willy/whoever else plays rw there. (which annoys me in it's own way bc it makes the 'top' line look more impressive stat wise while not even dealing with the most dangerous 'top' line on the other team, lol but.. it's still gonna require auston to be On Top of it all the time bc he's by himself defensively.. only reason it annoys me is the discourse afterward too like anyway). mitch and auston are our best all around players by quite a bit, lol, so i get WHY splitting them up works well too, but when people get mad that they're together so much... when they've proven to work better and be more dangerous year after year as a duo... i mean, peoples anger should be at the rest of the lineup that sometimes doesn't pull their own weight in that regard, lol. i get the experiment we're running rn. i'm not confident it will work, but we will see. i don't care if it does or doesn't... doesn't change the fact that ultimately, i know they want to play together the most and that hasn't changed bc of some randos that came in this year so. i genuinely think auston requests to play with mitch often after not being allowed to for a couple years, and this year he's sucking it up for the playoffs and trying something different for the sake of the team.
as for the way a lot of people treat mitch as expendable... it's so frustrating to me too... just the double standards abt him vs anyone else are insane. even tonight, seeing people lose their fucking minds over max reposting a fan's hype video without credit and assuming he made it (?? lol) and drooling all over themselves about how he "has the passion", but like... mitch had a video made last year and people were telling him to get off social media and perform better in the playoffs in the exact same spaces like. if he even comes on social media near the playoffs, it's always just hateful. honestly.... so many leaf fans don't deserve him and don't deserve to see a cup in their entire lifetimes either, lol. it makes my relationship with this team so much more complicated to have such a hate for the fanbase like that. like . this year, i just care so much less about the team as a whole too. i'm less connected to the overall results, lmao. i love the leafs and want my guys specifically to be able to win the cup in their lifetime more than anything, but i realllyyy don't care about some of these ppl on our team and i hate how the worst fans in this fanbase feel so vindicated over the dumbest ugliest shit. like i'd give anything to not have to see braindead opinions for a single day. as much as i'm rooting for them, if this isn't the year... well. we move, lol. i wouldn't die! (which is exactly why they'll prob do it this year lol) i'll feel competitive while watching the playoffs, esp vs the bruins, but like... whatever happens happens man. my men will be coming back and i hope some other ones won't, regardless of playoff results. sometimes it's even less about the player himself and more about the idiots attached.
all i literally care about this year is mitch's performance since we're going into a contract year for him. nothing he could possibly do would get people off his back but that, and somehow his points never seem to matter in the playoffs bc they're in games we're already winning ?? but yeah. the willy is our best playoff performer narrative makes me fucking laugh man........ like people will lower their standards and move their goalposts and do ANYTHING to make it seem like mitch is cancerous and the reason we keep losing and everyone else steps up when he doesn't and it's just a fucking lie. morgan is the only one with visible elevation in the playoffs imo, and . idk. maybe the way the team's structured rn and shifting players to different lines will work. maybe it won't. we won a round not doing it last year, so it's not like that's THE make or break thing and we haven't even seen this lineup play a single meaningful game in the last month fnlkdsjf or a singular playoff game so. it's all a LOT of big talk. at the end of the day.. if the leafs ever make it to the cup.. itll be 1634 passing it to each other and their names next to each other and that's all i want for them, honestly. leafs duo of all time regardless of the dumbasses the 23-24 season has emboldened.
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muffinmonstah-art · 10 months
I was wondering how you got into some of the Barbara Gordon ships you like because I feel like she's a very unpopular character to ship with others and most people don't really bother having fun shipping with her.
I have this nsfw hc about Barbara where I feel like because she is someone who always has to be in control of situations that when she is sharing intimacy with a partner she likes to be controlled/dominated. Which is ironic because I have a nsfw hc about Jason Todd where I feel like because he didn't have control of situations in his life that he needs control and would seek out control in intimate situations with partners and would need to dominate.
I'm just an observant viewer who pays attention to character dynamics I think are interesting and the ship grows in me naturally. I don't give two cents about what other people on this fandom think it should be banned, cancelled or not allowed to ship for dumb idiotic reasons.
"But Barbra should date other people outside batboyes!!11111" "But the Arkham games aren't allowed to create an AU with an adult Tim Drake and pair him up with Barbra they're cancelled now!11111" "But Bruce and Barbra are like father and daugther I command everyone to cancel this ship and Bruce Timm is pro-incest weirdo who should be banished from the industry for daring to ship them together!!1111"
All background annoying noise in my ears. Weak reasons crafted by childish people not worth obeying. They're also hypocritical. Like, many of them would love to see a gangbang between Dick and the batboys. Hell, they headcanon Dick as a slut who likes to get banged by every older man on this universe and that's ok (I'm not judging. I'm ok with those headcanons as well, since I ship JayDick, SlaDick and BruDick with passion), but for Barbara to headcanon her the same way is morally wrong? Screw them.
Don't they realize the problem is DC putting mediocre writters to write Barbara into fucking DickBabs of all things and not the fans who dream about their own stories featuring this character? All the problems they try to inject into BruBabs, JayBabs, TimBabs, etc are already present on canon DickBabs lol.
-She got deaged and her personality got reduced into forever hormonal silly teen girl so she could be paired up with Dick and fullfill the trope of the americanized shoujo-like romance in comics.
-She changed from being Batman's love interest and an indepentent hero to be "like a daughter" to Bruce and subjugated to the Bat-family so she can be a pretty accesory to Dick.
-When she isn't dating Dick, she has to be thinking about him, mentioning him, comparing him to her current love interest. She also needs to be thinking about him and talking about him when she's working.
-She doesn't have any agenda of her own anymore, she only exists to be Dick's love interest and get comicbros horny by fullfilling the rol of being a female Batman with tits and ass.
All those problems are DickBabs problems, not JayBabs'. Not BruBabs'. Not TimBabs'. When BruBabs was a thing, Barbara was not a deaged insufferable idiot. She was independent. She was an equal comrade in arms to Bruce. When JayBabs got a few issues back in Batman Ethernal (I'm not counting Three Jokers because that's a whole other can of worms), she helped Jason go into a little arc and their bond progressed naturally from working together on screen. When TimBabs was a thing in the Arkham games, she was the best version of herself there's around, period. She was professional, a computer genius as Oracle, who was focused on the mission and being Tim's love interest was just a small part of her, not her defining core. And also OH. LOOK. Those devs proved you can cut DickBabs from the equation and have Barbara and Dick be themselves and their core character traits remain untouched LMAO. GET REKT YOU PIECE OF SHIT PAIRING.
So yeah, considering alll those points I just expanded upon, I say I'm in my right to ship JayBabs and TimBabs. And BardBabs too. Jason Bard also got disrespected and fucked over DickBabs and I don't fogive nor forget.
"But age difference!!!1111 you pedo shit1111"
That hyprocritical argument FOR SOME REASON does not apply to JayTemis I guess. Shipping JayTemis is ok while that bitch is like +200 years older than Jason, but with Babs is morally wrong because of her being like 11 years older than him? Fuck this logic. I don't care. At least I'm not deaging her. I'm respecting she is an experienced woman who went through tons of dark stuff and Jason admires that. Hell, in my headcanon, with Jason being a crimelord who has traveled all around the world learning assassin training, he would be bored as hell with some 20 years old girl. Lmao. What would they even talk about?
And I love Arkham Tim Drake and I think every creator is on their right to create their own AU story. The Arkham devs created their own thing and I love it. I ship the hell out of Arkham TimBabs, pair that also allowed me to have single Nightwing dancing his pretty ass over my face on his purest expression. 10/10. Antis go cry me a river.
"But you don't want Babs to date anyone outside the bat-family111!!!"
My favourite strawman argument. I debunked it the moment I declared myself to be a Jason Bard simp and a BardBabs shipper.
End of my rant/insight post.
Now it's my turn to tell you to get into SasoSaku, anon. SasoSaku is life. (Joking, joking)
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acheronist · 8 months
can you make sparknotes for the Red Wings players they are all the same person to me (sorry)
dw my darling i got you 🫡 here's the regular 23 man roster we've been skating this szn
forwards (+ this is going to be the number they wear on their jerseys, not their age)
jt compher (37) - won a cup whilst he was on the colorado avalanche (red wings long time beloathed nemesis rivals team), attended umich hockey with larkin and copp. deadpan dry asf tenderhearted weirdo. very good at hockey i like him
andrew copp (18) - 🎶get up and g-get down, 911 is a joke in your town🎶, local michigander boy playing for his hometown team, attended umich with compher and larkin, kind of fuck ugly but he's gritty and has a lot of love in his heart so we like him
alex debrincat (93) - another local michigander boy playing for his hometown team, really good at hockey, we rescued him from the ottawa senators (red wings short term/very recent beloathed nemesis rival team) and he likes it here more, haha lol lmao even. good at hockey!! kind of a sniper. also kind of fighty which is hilarious because he's about 9 inches shorter than the average nhl player. new dad and really loves it, brings his family to games all of the time. and he was our all star games representative this year !
robby fabbri (14) - how are you going to be a short italian-canadian kind of bisexual professional hockey player who mixes metals and has a standing eyebrow appointment. please pick a struggle. won the stanley cup w/ st louis and then got abandoned for being 'injury prone' and was sent to detroit in a 1 for 1 trade (the most humiliating of all nhl player trades imo). he and larkin and rasmussen are the only men left standing from the red wing's historic worst-ever season in 2019 where every game they looked like they were going to kill themselves.
christian fischer (36) - new bestie alert! huge locker room guy. okay at hockey (more of a playmaker than a goalscorer) but he's so fucking sillygoofy and funny i love to see this guy on my team. spent most of his career in arizona iirc, and basically he and gostisbehere came from the coyotes directly to the red wings as a buy one get one free deal.
patrick kane (88) - narcissict. arrogant. flop. old man who can't score anymore. history of assault and violent misdemeanors he never was punished for because he was the nhl's boytoy a decade ago. i hope he contracts sepsis from an unforeseen complication with his hip surgery and takes a long walk off of the rencen's roof and lands in the detroit river where he is frozen and then chopped up by an industrial ship's propeller. fuck this guy.
klim kostin (24) - beloved enforcer. used to skate for the edmonton oilers. his entire game is based around slotting in on the third/fourth line when necessary and whenever someone gets hurt he comes out swinging to establish the fact that the red wings are not to be fucked with. he doesn't start fights but he does finish them. notoriously big hearted and silly with his teammates. coincidentally wearing the same number as the red wings most famous enforcer from the 1980s, bob probert. my guard dog boy i love u
dylan larkin (71) - michigan native, umich grad, was the previous captain's rookie, the beating heart and soul of the team, carrying the weight of a century year old hockey team's legacy and all the ghosts that come along with that, never been to playoffs and hasn't won the cup yet. literally the miserable boyking of metro detroit. he's had to suffer a lot for absolutely no reason, but still manages to come and be our best and most important player every single night.
david perron (57) - he's old by nhl standards i.e. he's in his late thirties and has been playing for like a decade, so he knows his way around an nhl rink. french canadian enough that he's got an accent. big heart and soul guy, which i really wasn't expecting tbh! he's always standing up for teammates and has gotten in a few noteworthy fights (dylan got hurt so badly this szn that dp went rage-blind and ended up getting suspended for six games after fighting the opponents who hurt dylan)
michael rasmussen (27) - big fuck off scary intimidating canadian hockey lad. kind of awkward and bizarre. also kind of a doll if i can b honest. he's very shy and quiet in interviews but always has an insane serial killer look in his eyes whenever he's on the ice. was drafted high and then i suspect he had a lot of mental struggles about not being the player he was advertised/told to be? but the last few years he's stepped away from that role he thought he should be and started being himself and playing in a way that was obviously more comfortable, and he's taken huge huge productive strides and improved a lot. moose ily
lucas raymond (23) - our youngest babiest player!! he was our highest draft pick in a looooooooong time, and immediately went from prospect training camp -> regular nhl player, which is fucking crazy. he's exceptionally good at hockey, and has a reputation for coming in clutch with goals we need to win games. besties with moritz seider + jake walman + joe veleno.
daniel sprong (17) - i had no idea what to think of this guy at first but now i can't believe he's only been here for one season. it feels like he's been a wing for ages. he's one of our sniper goalscorers, except he shoots the puck with a lil too much sauce + with a feral desperation of a man afraid he was never going to score a goal again, every single time, which i love. also he stalks twitter and runs a team GC to forward memes that the fandom makes to the guys
joe veleno (90) - if bambi was a closeted italian canadian hockey player. wears an evil eye bracelet and also a crucifix? very meek and easy to bully, tbh, not our most productive goalscorer but also somehow he's very crucial to the emotional well being of the younger half of the roster? hes sillygoofy and a sweetheart and does his best every night which is all we can ask tbh. besties with lucas raymond + moritz seider + jake walman.
ben chiarot (8) - resident manwhore dilf fashionista who knows he's sexy and loves to be a bitch on the ice. loves to be annoying and distracting @ the opponents during plays so the red wings can have space to move.
shayne gostisbehere (41) - escaped florida man turned into an nhler, sleeper agent defensive weapon that people tend to forget about. always busting his ass up and down the blue line. always looks sopping wet and really sad though? loves to shoot the puck and sometimes it even makes it to the net!
justin holl (3) - i'm hesistant to describe him as "good at hockey" but the boys seem to love him + he's silly enough to engage in the locker room antics + i've noticed him dealing out more hits lately which is always good.
olli maatta (2) - very very very steady in the most boring way possible. does his job and not an ounce more than necessary LOL but it's fine because he's good at what he does? a classic defensive defenseman.
jeff petry (46) - not… good? at hockey? but he is also a michigan native playing for the hometown team, and he's a veteran nhler, and he's a gritty sort of guy, so i like having him. he grew up in detroit proper, as well, because his dad played on the detroit tigers baseball team, so there's a lot of michigan sports lore going on in that household. also his kids are silly + love to come to games
moritz seider (53) - my sweet perfect darling defenseman prodigy. won the calder trophy because he was the most special and talented rookie in his first year in the nhl. breaking team records for defensemen at an alarming rate. was dylan's rookie, and is also frequently mentored by red wings defense legends. he's not a rookie anymore but you can still see how much responsibility he's shouldering and how much he takes after dylan's role modeled behavior/team legacy standards. good at handling tough responsibility vs staying silly anyways. hes my shining star and i luv him. generally he's paired up with jake walman on defense and they're a little bit married because of it. besties with lucas raymond + jake walman + joe veleno.
jake walman (96) - another guy who st louis abandoned and then ended up on the red wings and said "i want to spend my entire life and career in this city" . extremely silly. known for hitting the griddy whenever he scores important goals. big on video games + making tiktoks. tremendous locker room vibes guy, and very emotional and serious about proving his place on detroit's blue line. generally he's paired up with moritz seider on defense and they're a little bit married because of it. besties with moritz seider + lucas raymond + joe veleno.
ville husso (35) - looks like a haunted little porcelain doll. always sopping wet for some reason. very softspoken and european. mid-good level goalie, kind of needs to prove himself a bit now that alex lyon's gone completely off the shits and taken over starter goalie privileges, but i feel like there's no sense of animosity or competition between them? ville just strikes me as genuinely someone who's delighted and proud of his tandem partners for their successes, even if it comes at his expense / losing some of his chances to get ahead
james reimer (47) - idc about this man lol. he's either a very good goalie or an atrociously horrible goalie and you dont know what it'll be until the games already happening. passively homophobic christian behavior as well which i do not like to see. but he's also a veteran nhl player so in the beginning of the szn he was getting more opportunity than alex or ville.
alex lyon (34) - spent his entire career in the minor league/being traded between franchises where there wasn't really a space or need for him. got on the radar after keeping the florida panthers in their playoff race before losing, and then FL traded him to us. we've had goaltending agonies for years and then he's rolled up to detroit with something to fucking PROVE because he thought his hockey career was about to be over so he's skating every night like its do or die. after reimer and husso both were injured tho he finally got his chance to shine and oh baby he's been shining. unbelievably good at goaltending. big heart, very genuine, very funny, basically a male model as well, been to therapy and actually got something out of it, i would go to war for this man if he needed me to
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purpleapplebird · 1 year
WxS Fixer: Computer Viruses, Invasion, and Trust
The more that I look at the WxS Fixer MV, the more I feel that Rui is being depicted as, or at least is analogous to, a computer virus.
(All translated lyrics are from MML!opinions!Fun!Chocolate! on the Vocaloid Lyrics wiki)
Exhibit 1: "permission..."
The main thing that I noted from the following two shots is the word "permission…" like when a program is asking to be run on a computer.
The first verse has Xs and ?s, showing that the program (Rui in this case) is asking for permission but is being blocked out.
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The 2nd verse, meanwhile, has =) and glitch effects surrounding Tsukasa, as if the program has successfully hacked in / been given permission to run.
(The smiley faces are also a neat nod to the lyrics, though they also remind me of the "YOU ARE AN IDIOT" virus LMAO)
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Exhibit 2: "this is right" -> "hello, world"
The first few pictures are from the 1st verse. The words "this is right" at the bottom are initially normal, but in the next few shots, the letters "h" and "t" turn purple and shift downwards. The apple is also changing color here.
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In the 2nd verse, "this is right" appears yet again with the imagery of the changing apple, but at the very end we see a shot of Rui with "hello, world"* in purple. Notably, this is also right before the shot of Tsukasa mentioned earlier with the smiley faces and glitchy parts.
*(For those who don't know, a "hello world" program is a computer program that prints out the words "hello world", used to showcase a programming language's syntax. It's often the first program one writes when they are learning a programming language.)
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Exhibit 3: INVASION
I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. Tsukasa's "INVASION" text is purple while Rui's text is just white, as if Rui IS the invasion while Tsukasa is being subjected to it.
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Exhibit 4: Changing colors
AKA Easily the most discussed part of the MV. The text progressively gets more purple and, at the very end, Tsukasa and Rui switch their initial colors. The ending makes me think that though Rui is the invader / fixer (haha), he has also been influenced by Tsukasa.
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My thoughts? Well, this 2DMV is fucking awesome. Like, if you're going to give me one of my favorite Vocaloid songs even prior to PRSK with my two favorite PRSK characters AND give them at 2DMV of said song, I'm going to overanalyze the shit out of it.
To me, the MV shows how much Tsukasa and Rui's relationship has developed from the main story to now. Though Tsukasa is the one who invites Rui to WxS, Rui at first joins for more self-fufilling purposes (getting a chance to do the best show)* and Tsukasa is more apprehensive and suspicious of Rui, though he also doesn't back away from the challenges Rui throws at him due to his goal to become a "world future star".
*he also initially joins more to get Nene to break out of her shell as opposed to anything for Tsukasa's sake
As Tsukasa and Rui become more familiar with each other, Tsukasa wants him and Rui to trust each other more, as seen in the Potato event. Tsukasa becomes the one who wants Rui to go all out while Rui is apprehensive.
By Smile of a Dreamer, it's clear that Rui isn't just in WxS to just "put on the best show" anymore. He's doing it for the friendships he's formed there and to be with people who see him for how he is as opposed to a weirdo. Tsukasa and the rest of WxS are willing to take risks for Rui without turning on his back, something that Rui learns in Potato event and RMD.
In that case, Tsukasa blocks out Rui at first, but, through working together in WxS, Tsukasa ends up accepting Rui for how his is, letting Rui's stage directions influence / "invade" him to become a better actor. In turn, Tsukasa's acceptance changes Rui as well, breaking him out of the shell of loneliness he built for himself and making him more willing to trust others.
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pondslime · 1 year
Do you think that what Bo said about him and his brothers ending up in foster care was also a lie? I've seen some who think he wasn't lying about that but I don't think the timing and the codependency him and his brothers have adds up to them being separated for a bit, ya know? Sorry for bombarding you with a question but ugh there's just so much untouched lore potential I wanna screeeeeam
*cracking knuckles* oh baby u just opened the floodgates I am about to be SO fckn annoying
so personally, I very much believe that bo's spinning an ENTIRE crock of shit during that conversation w/carly and wade
something that I think we all need to highlight more is that the baby idiot himself has SUCH a flair for the dramatic. our favorite caveman is a chronic theater kid. like, okay acting 101? okay thespian? okay daytime soap OPERA??? the scene he sets for this fuckmurdermayhem is just...................SO grotesque and dramatic and entirely UNNECESSARY LMAO
he's a weirdo who has sequestered himself in a town full of corpses and u just KNOW the gaps between the wax nonsense are LONG and BORING and he's ANTSY
the whole time he's chasing carly thru town he's just. blissed out. goin hehehehehhehehehehe be vewwy vewwwy quiet!! we're huntin' wabbits!!! elmer fudd-mode FULLY engaged
he GRINS before he's shot by a fckin crossbow?????????? BABY???? WHAT ARE U DOING??????
he is truly on some other shit!! convinced his bargain bin broadway play will go off without a hitch and he will somehow??? be getting a standing ovation for his foolishness????
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sighing DREAMILY
this is the most fun he's had in possibly months, and he's living la vida loca. he's that one tiktok of all the kids performing summer loving in the denny's. this is his golden globes. his bafta (big ass fucking truck absurdity). his academy award winning performance, starring his raging boner & very little foresight!!!!
I think there might be LIL grains of truth to his story, ofc. the best lies have small kernels of truth to them, and bo's lies seem to work the best when he adds those in (mentioning that he's close to the deceased to incur pity/getting nick to agree to follow him to a second location by mentioning that they might have gone up to the house)
but I do believe that most of it is complete bullshit lmao
there is absolutely no way in hell that those boys EVER got separated. to me!!! at least!! nope. they were in that miserable little house together the whole time. vincent and bo's interactions together speak to years of sibling tension and growing resentment. lester's inclusion in all of this w/his role of like. the ferryman to the fckin UNDERWORLD that is ambrose. is so v a marker of his attachment to his older brothers
they're all inextricably linked!!!!!!
bo 100% killed victor tho. u do not mime shooting urself in the head when discussing ur dad's death if u did not shoot him point blank range w/a smile on ur face. u simply do not. not entirely sure if he killed trudy. feel like that might've been vincent/a group job. or. pet theory. she DID just die of natural causes. or. other pet theory. she was actively participating/aware of the first couple murders. we'll never know but. huh
I also REALLY don't buy the "trudy got a cyst in her brain" stuff. I've played around w/it in a couple fics, but I v much think the probablity of it being a complete fabrication? oh 99.9%. most definitely. talking about ur mom getting strapped to the bed & screaming loud enough for the whole town to hear? hsdfjhfdsjhsdf BOY GOODBYE.
like????? that's SUCH a deranged thing to tell someone u just met. and it v much seems like smthn he tossed out to purposefully unnerve them. he didn't have to say that, but he DID. bc he loves the cat and mouse game. that's why he creeps on them @ the campsite. he's so deeply abnormal
it's all this weird sad little story that's designed to make u uncomfortable. also. sidenote......................in this version of the scene that he's set, he's the mourning parishioner sadly recounting a tale of woe that he's notably detached to. who is he in relation to the story he weaves? nobody. just an observer.
if life could be a fckin dream boseph!!!
BTW. he does this in the original script, but it's somehow EVEN weirder.
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he is. and I CANNOT stress this enough. roleplaying as a kid in the neighborhood that trudy liked and would spoil.
babygirl is truly going thru it!!!!!! babygirl this is EMBARRASSING!!!!!! ur MOMMY ISSUES!!!!!!!!!!! BABYGIRL!!!!!!!!! they are SHOWING!!!!! they are STAPLED to ur forehead!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
he's so ABNORMAL!!!!!!! I need to make out w/him!!!!!!!! RN!!!!!!!!!!!
vincent waiting 2 hear what dumbass alternate reality bo has cooked up for this batch of tourists:
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I always talk about how dumb bo is. and I mean every word of it. I really do. but I do think he's got a couple braincells.
I v much feel like he's v much a creature of habit. he's been doing this shebang for years n years and he knows how it goes. he gets his fuckin n suckin and vincent gets his wax sculptures. bada bing bada boom. showtime baby.
his "plan" is v much as solid as a plastic bag drifting thru the wind, wanting to start again. he is fr hinging this whole thing on a series of events, that, should they not happen, he has no alternative for. and he is so weird and so strange and cannot deviate from his script LEST he get pissymad and ruin everything. he's so dumb. I'm so v in love w/him.
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TL; DR!!
I wrote this for my peabrain video essay script and it's all the above bullshit nonsense. but more coherent:
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& an unrelated bit. bc it's still my favorite bit of the script & the only part I recorded a voice clip for sfjdhdfjshdfs
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bylertruther · 1 year
That comment was so true, I was just thinking the same way. Old bylers were more open to criticizing the show's bad aspects and writing choices instead od trying to bend the whole thing to come up with excuses and explanations. Nowadays when you criticize a writing choice or something done by the Duffers you automatically get accused as if you've just committed a crime because how dare you think the Duffers aren't perfect genius writers that put everything intentionally without any mistake.
yeah! nowadays, in this corner, criticism is seen as a bad thing that you would never do to something you enjoy, and it's like... huh? it's okay to not enjoy something 100%. the duffers and co are not infallible and people don't have to like every decision they've ever made. that shouldn't even be something that someone on the internet has to say—existing as a human being in the world should've taught everyone that back when they were a baby.
even beyond that, as others have mentioned in other conversations, you can understand someone else's viewpoint just fine and still not feel as though there's enough relevant evidence to back it up, and feel hesitant because of how the duffers have consistently handled other plots.
like, personally... i struggle to be one of those #believers, because of how present the show's racism is in my mind. also, season three and season four are right there, alongside the show's misogyny and classism, too. and don't forget the little inconsistencies and anachronisms either! there's A Lot that i don't like and that i feel could've been corrected or reworked more effectively had they had a more diverse writing room or consulted others during the writing process. i like the general direction of the show, but there are a lot of details or ways they went about it where i'm like ://// man..
and.... controversial perhaps... but i feel that behavior is especially rampant in the byIer fandom and it manifests as the fanon that we can't seem to shake off.
mike does pay acute attention to will in some ways, but he's not the obvious lovesick, clingy, forever doting, golden retriever bf that people make him out to be [shout out to s2 mike tho he was built different 💔]. that fanon!mike is fans overcompensating for canon mike's behavior and presentation, which honestly has not been that fucking great as of late, purposely because he can't balance having both will and el in his life, among other mike-specific reasons, and because the duffers changed the way they wrote him post-s2. he does care about and love will, but not like many fans suggest, at least not yet.
but if you say that around here, you're seen as a freak weirdo mike hater talking about some ooc mike even though the show is right there and i could point to the 9384038049 times that mike forgot about will, brushed him off, was mean to him, or explicitly chose someone else over him. purposely! of his own volition!
and it also shows in how they babygirlified him, even though mike doesn't act like or look like that at all in the show, nor has he ever been described that way by anyone, whether in-universe or by the people that bring him to life.
And Don't Even Get Me Started On Will. Zon't.........
they had to recreate these new characters with mike and will's names and faces, because they didn't like what was on the screen. simple as that. but will they ever admit it? lmao.
as a fan of the show, and a fan of these characters and the stories they're representing, it's really weird to witness. there has been a distinct shift in the way in-fandom bylers talk about byler and the show and it started post-s2 when things started happening that they felt they had to correct. if they want to engage with the material in a way that best suits their tastes, fine. whatever. literally everyone does that. but to insist that the things that they say that go directly against canon or don't even exist within it .... are canon? and that everyone else using direct lines from the text are the ones projecting or twisting it or otherwise not appreciating the material? i have to laugh.
it's the same with other serious criticisms. if they can't create something to justify it, then they just brush you off as a hater because that's easier than acknowledging that maybe their precious bloated ensemble show isn't entirely perfect.
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