#i like this one i love luztoye best ship 10/10
blood-mocha-latte · 10 months
stormy - a luztoye drabble
for an ask from @malarkgirlypop || request an edit/drabble || i loved loved loved writing this, thank you for the ask <3 <3
The apartment they've found is all brick, sturdy and warm, but George can still feel the shaking of the thunder under his feet.
He sighs down at the metal tin that holds rapidly cooling water and dissipating bubbles. The sad, soggy lump of washcloths in his fist serves as a makeshift mop, because for some reason, they don't actually have one. 
They were in the middle of painting the walls of the kitchen blue – a (hopefully) better colour change from the dark orange it was when George, of course, dropped a good half quarter of blue all over the tile floor.
The thunder rumbles outside again. George groans, like it's a queue, and bunches his ‘mop’ together better before dunking it into the pail.
Leaning his knees on a rolled up towel, avoiding the harsh tile of the kitchen floor, he scrubs rather absently for a while.
He likes menial tasks, like this. Turning his brain off, George feels, is something that is both long and far between as well as just. Absent.
When he thinks — always, always thinking, and talking even more — it’s almost always about the now. About needing to clean the floor, about when they’ll need to water the plant on top of the fireplace again, about how they need a new bedspread, because George got blood all over their old one when he accidentally sliced his palm open with a razor.
(A mishap, with shaving. Joe had dropped something in their bedroom, and George had jolted so badly he’d needed fourteen stitches.)
Sometimes, though, he thinks of everyday and it blends into what used to be everyday; disjointed thoughts that he’ll need to call Lip down in West Virginia and ask about confirmation for blasting a house in Hagenau, that he’ll need to get new running shoes because Currahee tends to get muddier with the rain, this time of year.
This time, he thinks about Joe. Who, admittedly, consumes the majority of his thoughts, now. 
He thinks of a joke, and thinks about telling it to Joe, and realises he’s already told it to him, because he’s the only one George tells anything, anymore. He wonders vaguely about something that existed when he was a kid, and has to go and find Joe to ask him if he remembers that thing too, just to listen to him talk. He walks by a shop window with all sorts of jewellery in it, and wonders what Joe would do if he brought home rings.
As he scrubs at the tile, blue paint chipping off and into the cloths and George’s hands, he wonders if Joe’d like it if he could find Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe. Maybe they could watch it. Maybe they’d watch it for two seconds and get bored. Maybe, if George talked through it enough, he could get Joe to shut him up with his mouth, anchor a hand in his hair—
“George.” Joe says from the other side of the room, voice almost frustrated. George looks up from the mess on the floor; made no better by his scrubbing, and drops the ‘mop’ back into the soapy tin.
“Something wrong?” He asks, wiping his hands awkwardly on the fabric of his pants as he makes his way over to where Joe sits on the couch, holding the paper against his good leg, pen in his left hand.
“No.” Joe says, too quickly, almost sharply. He huffs, once, through his nose, and shoves the paper up roughly when George comes to stand over the couch, bracing the palms of his hands against the back of it. “Just. I can't— fuck.” 
Joe gets like this, sometimes. Usually when it’s cold and it’s been a while since he last ate. Frustrated, sharp. More impatient than usual, maybe a bit clumsier.
George kneels behind the couch, grimacing slightly at the pop of his knees, and fights down the cushioning of the sofa to rest his chin on Joe's shoulder, skimming through the messy handwriting that Joe held up.
It's been easy enough to get settled in. The apartment is a decent size, both bedrooms are nice. George seems ecksausted
“I don't know why the fuck I couldn't just say tired.” Joe says, dropping the paper back into his lap when George pulls back and noses absently against the shell of his ear to show he was done reading. His voice is strained, like he’s trying to make a joke.
“Well, you've got a big vernacular. Might as well use it.” George says lightly, using Joe’s good shoulder to push himself back up, grunting. “Christ, call an ambulance. Who let an old man get down on the floor?”
“You're only twenty-seven, George.” Joe says absently as George rounded the side of the sofa. “And I don't have a big fucking vernacular. Can't spell for shit. It's not like I use fancy goddamn words all the time.”
“You use fancy words all the time.” George retorts, plopping down onto the couch and slipping his hands under his legs. Joe’s eyes, dark against his skin and framed by even darker lashes, glare down at them. “You just said vernacular.”
“Because you just said vernacular.” Joe says darkly, posture slouched. “I can't even spell vernacular.”
“Well, neither can I.” George says amiably. “There's probably a ‘j’ in there, somewhere.” 
Joe frowns down at the paper. “Can you even read the damn writing?” He asks, flipping the pencil clumsily between his fingers. George leans further into him, jostling his ribs with his elbow. Outside, the rumbling thunder seems to make the glass in the panes of their windows vibrate.
“Well, sure.” He says. “Could tell that you kept misspelling exhausted, couldn’t I?” Joe doesn’t meet his eyes.
“It’s not legible.” He murmurs. George sighs, and gently pulls the paper out of Joe’s grip before he crumples it into a ball. 
“Well, it’s not easy on the eyes.” He says lightly. He tries not to lie, but he doesn’t like being any sort of unkind. “But you are, so it makes up for it.”
“George.” Joe says, same way he always does. Like the beginning of a prayer, or a story. George just shrugs. He lets his head drop to Joe’s bare shoulder, fingers smoothing across his wifebeater.
“‘S fine, Joe.” He says. He’s leaning against Joe’s bad shoulder, and he can feel the lines of scarring and tissue against his temple and cheek like streaks of lightning. He taps his index finger against the deepest scar; one that runs from the crux of Joe’s neck and shoulder and wraps around his bicep to halfway down his forearm. “I can read it fine.”
Joe’s quiet. He shifts against George, and dry lips press to his forehead. 
“I can’t write so good, anymore.” He says. George knows. George was there when Joe couldn’t even use his right arm without it hurting, could barely keep a grasp on a tennis ball. George also knows that Joe tends to get inside his own head, tends to think that things are worse than they actually are, that every event is the start of a chain of bad ones.
That’s alright, though. That’s what he’s got George for, whether he likes it or not.
“Writing doesn’t matter.” George says. “I heard somewhere that Mark Twain couldn’t hold a pencil. He just said stuff and had other people write it down.” Joe snorts.
“That’s bullshit.” He mutters. George spreads his fingers against Joe’s forearm, pressing his palm to the scar. 
“Yeah.” He agrees easily. “Who gives a fuck, though.” Joe huffs. The thunder rumbles, as if in agreement, and they both turn their heads towards the window.
“Still stormy outside, I’d guess.” Joe says. George hums, turns his cheek to press a kiss to Joe’s shoulder. Fuck the kitchen tiles. They can be blue. It will probably come into fashion at some point, anyways.
“Yeah.” He says. “Who gives a fuck, though.”
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himbowelsh · 7 years
Everyone who has a friend, boss or a partner has this little tricks that can make that person do sth or consider it at least. We all learn it from observation. My question is how do Bob ships make the other do sth without really asking? What is the trick to distract them?
(this is super original??? where do you guys come up with these i love it)
you wouldn’t think dick would be susceptible to manipulation, right?
ding dong, you are wrong
and nix is PERCEPTIVE. he takes pride in being able to pick up on these things -- not because he wants to manipulate dick, but because he just DOES it naturally. his brain is primed to pick up little ways to work people over. it’s just how he operates.
so he KNOWS how to get dick to do things.
guilt tripping: lew doesn’t like to do it, but he’s not above it. ESPECIALLY when dick is working and he wants more attention paid to him. it doesn’t take much -- only a few sad puppy looks and a little extra alcohol to get dick’s eyes on him.
affection: dick is very responsive to extra affection. he wants to reciprocate in any way he can, so all lew has to do is... give a little, to get some in return.
dick has his own methods.
be encouraging and honest: he’ll do all he can to encourage nix, to let him know that he believes in him and that whatever he does is okay... especially if he does this one specific thing. that’d be great.
sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. nix is wise to his tricks.
if all else fails, just... say thank you: “thanks for cleaning the bathroom, nix.” “thanks for taking out the trash.” nix hasn’t done ANY of this stuff, and had no intentions to -- until dick said it, and suddenly he feels like he has to.
ron has very few weaknesses. lip’s well-being is the biggest one.
lip doesn’t take advantage of this often, because he’s like... a good person, and stuff??? but when he has to (like if ron is two seconds away from pistol-whipping a guy or is about to steal something very valuable) he’ll do it.
“ron, i’m tired.” “my legs are hurting.” *cough cough* “i might be coming down with something.”
ron will drop EVERYTHING.
shiny stuff: he’s like a magpie. lip doesn’t need to say a thing, but if he just tempts ron with something valuable and ron will do pretty much whatever he wants.
is it even??? possible?? to manipulate lip??
he happens to be very good at manipulating other people (he only uses his powers for good) but very bad at being strung along himself.
ron’s used to being able to intimidate people, but he can never intimidate lip.. nor would he want to. 
he really doesn’t HAVE any tricks for lip. he doesn’t have any need to manipulate him, and as far as he knows, it can’t be done.
(it can. lip is annoyingly susceptible to being bribed with sex, but ron hasn’t figured that out, and lip isn’t about to let him.)
it’s... startlingly difficult to manipulate babe.
with gene, it’s easy. all babe has to do is guilt trip him. he’s not even subtle, because he is NOT a subtle person. “i mean, gene, you... you said you’d go shopping today.” it’s not nice, and he hates it, but it works.
acting like an idiot: babe’s not above it. “gene, i can’t open this jar! it’s stuck!” (it’s not, he just doesn’t want to force the jar open, it’s hard.) he pretends to trip on the stairs while holding one grocery bag, gene will get all the other groceries. 
gene tried a lot of things to get to babe at first. he thought he could coerce him with food. didn’t work. babe took the food and did nothing. gene tried bribing him. babe “has too much honor”. sex doesn’t work. promises. complaining. babe is impervious.
only one thing works.
the look: gene just... has this look. one look that will get babe to do whatever he wants, because there’s just no saying no to it. gene knows exactly how to get babe to do things, because babe can never say no to his Look.
that’s the ONLY thing that works.
manipulating webster is like manipulating a baby. too easy. and he never suspects a thing.
drop hints: if web is being slow in a store and joe wants him to hurry up? offhandedly mention a bookstore down the street or a new shark documentary on tv tonight. web will be in a REAL hurry.
then there’s always the tried and true method of getting webster to do shit: pick a fight with him.
webster is a lazy ass who is fueled 20% by ambition, 30% by morals, and 50% by spite. challenge him, and he will do anything.
“you think you’re too good to do shit around the house? huh, web? that it?”
starting a fight with webster will guarantee that stuff will be done, but webster will bitch the entire time, and will be pissed for at least the rest of the night. 7/10 do not recommend this option.
meanwhile, lieb is a stubborn ass whose greatest foible is his pride. picking a fight with him is ALSO the best way to get him to do things.
unfortunately, web is about as manipulative as a baby, too. he’s no good at getting joe to do things.
“joe. are you going to sit on your ass all day or are you going to make dinner?” “i’m gonna... sit on my ass, yeah.”
if all else fails, these two will bribe each other. joe will give web books; web will give lieb food or cash. that’s the best way to get them to do anything.
bribery: the best way to tempt luz with anything is either food or sex. joe is very, very aware of this.
he doesn’t even care. “luz, do the dishes and i’ll give you a blowjob.”
boom. dishes are done.
if he has to be subtle, which he can be, he’ll just do things without saying a word. like work out in the middle of the living room, or cook luz’s favorite food for dinner. if he has to lord it over him to get what he wants, he definitely will.
meanwhile, joe is atrociously difficult to manipulate. hardly anything gets under his skin, and he doesn’t have much shame, so... getting him to do things is hard.
the best way to get him to do things is to ask him outright tbh
once again, pride is his weakness. he hates being told that he CAN’T do something; he hates FEELING like he can’t. he’ll do his damndest to prove them wrong.
“no, it’s fine, i’ll take some of the groceries, you can’t carry them all at o--” YES HE CAN.
reciprocation:  joe is really really loyal. sometimes if luz wants him to do something, all he has to do is show a bit more affection, or do something for joe without asking. he’ll come home and find the house clean, dinner made, and joe waiting for him.
“aww, baby, you’re too good to me.”
luz knows how good he is.
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ackackh · 7 years
Warrior AU Details!
@aces-low (and anyone else who maybe be interested) here’s some stuff from the Warrior au I’m writing.) thanks for all the encouragement for this fic!!
So here’s the bare bones:
1. Bill Guarnere and Joe Toye and brothers, Bill with his mother’s maiden name and Joe with his father’s last name
2. They haven’t seen each other in 14 years and they didn’t exactly leave on the best of terms.
3. As in, the parents separated and one kid went to each, and Bill is pretty bitter that Joe decided to stay and marry his girlfriend. He’s mad that Joe chose to stay with their abusive father.
omg there’s so much more under the cut I'm sorry (not sorry)
4. Joe married a girl named Tess and they had a daughter. But Tess had heart problems and didn’t survive past their daughter’s first few months, and now Joe is a single father with a daughter he’d do anything for. His daughter has also started showing signs of her mother’s heart condition and even had one extended stay in the hospital. ***
5. Joe starts fighting in random events with amateurs because, as much as he loves being a physics teacher, it’s not cutting it with his daughter’s hospital bills and he /will/ lose his house if he doesn’t do something.
6. For the longest time, we don’t know why Bill is fighting again. He goes to his father to train after years without even a word to him. We get the idea he’s working through something. Probably a lot of shit, since his mother died, he hasn’t been the same happy kid he was.
7. And then we learn!! He was in Iraq. He was in Iraq and he lost his best friend, his brother, in a firefight. And he’s promised him that he’d take care of his widow and their son. He’s making money for them. ***
8. Joe doesn’t tell his friends he’s fighting again. (His best friends here being Malarkey and George). Malarkey knows something isn’t right, he pokes at Joe a bit, tries to get him to open up, but when Joe shuts down, he shuts the fuck down. It’s not much use. 
His problem here is that his daughter is freaking in love with her Uncle George and Joe asks him to watch her some random weekends when he has to go on some “work trip.” And yeah, creeping into his own home at dawn on a Sunday to find George and his daughter snuggling in his bed isn’t exactly inconspicuous. 
So George finds out he’s fighting and he’s... concerned to say the least. Joe used to fight for a living, before he was a teacher, George was around for that. But he stopped after Tess died because 1) Tess never loved the fighting in the first place. (George remembers when Joe had to be taken to a hospital by ambulance after a fight had gone wrong and Tess wasn’t just scared, she was livid. She was so mad at Joe because he might leave her behind. Even when Joe came out alright, it took her a long time to forgive him for risking his life like that.) and 2) once Joe was alone with his only daughter, he knew he needed to be around for her. Fighting was too dangerous. 
So the fact that he’s gone back? That’s big. He doesn’t try to talk Joe out of it, he knows he can’t, but he tries to get inside his head, why does he feel like he has to do this again? doesn’t he know he could ask him or Don and they’d give him everything they could?
Don, on the other hand, has some choice words for Joe. Some of them being, “stupid” “crazy” “dangerous” and “irresponsible.” Joe has to really convince him that he’s doing what he thinks is right. 
9. When Joe comes to school one day with a black eye and some serious rumors following him two things happen. First, his students (who already adored him) get mad respect for him. Like, the kind of respect that only comes from choking mother fuckers out. Second, the superintendent suspends him without pay. Well, now he has to fight. ***
10. Both Bill and Joe eventually end up signing up to compete in Sparta (a grand prix tournament with a $5 mil reward). Bill training with his father and Joe training with his old trainer and v good friend. ***
11. Bill’s father tries so hard to make up for all the shit he put his kids through. He wants his sons back. Neither are very receptive to these attempts, even if Bill is using him to train.
12. Joe desperately wants his little brother back, he loves him so much. 
13. Bill can’t quite find it in himself to forgive Joe or to let himself love anyone the way he loved his brother in arms. His story is one about healing.
Here are notes on several points:
4.*** Here’s the thing, I knew going into this that I wanted LuzToye to be a thing, but I also had to keep true to /some/ of the original story and it makes sense that Joe would have stayed with his father for Tess and then for their daughter. 
And I didn’t just want to do away with Tess, because in the film she’s a great character! She’s a supportive wife who works hard as hell and stands beside her husband, even when she’s afraid for him. And I think it’s important that she and her husband came to the conclusion about his fighting career, together. I don’t want to just get rid of her because she got in the way of a ship.
So, like, yeah I get that I essentially killed her off. But, I intend to keep her as a part of the story. Everything Joe does, he does for his daughter. But every decision he makes, he makes with Tess’s will in mind. And throughout the fic, he thinks about her, talks about her, and still loves her. 
But his daughter is five now. And it’s not like he really knows what’s best for her (like oh god that’s all he thinks about, is she ready for this or for that? is he doing the right thing?) but when he starts to fall for Luz, it’s after a lot of healing and a lot of time. And Luz wants Joe to heal, he’s even a part of that process. That’s how Joe decides that Luz is a good idea, that George is 100% invested in all of Joe, including the fact he’s a widower, and he’s 100% invested in the well being of his daughter.
7.*** Bill’s best friend from the Army is /probably/ going to be Skip. And Skip’s son will likely be Alexander, after Penk. If not, it might be Babe. But I almost can’t stand the idea of Bill losing Babe.
9.*** Because Joe has to spend a lot of time at the gym and then a lot of time fighting, George and Don offer to watch his daughter, but eventually George takes that over. Just because of life and schedules and all that. Since he’s around so much, Joe and George grow even closer, Joe telling him about his fights and his fears and basically all his thoughts. That’s how they fall in love.
10.*** Don and George both come out to see Joe fight the final night. They bring his daughter too (they don’t let her watch the fight, either one takes her out, or she falls asleep on one of their shoulders and they give her big earmuffs/earplugs) so after he fights (and hopefully wins) he can hold her right away.
okay. I think I’ve rambled enough. Sorry, Adderall makes me chatty. so, yeah!
band of brothers Warrior AU: coming soon to an ao3 near you!
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gendryw4ters-blog · 7 years
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so @aces-low made the call for a little extra toye content and im like?? always here for that?? SO ive revamped his list a little (well technically a lot since he’s now sitting on 20 songs whereas everyone else is still on 10 or 15) and! figured it’d be nice to share it again with the new stuff and a little kind of rambly explanation for some of the choices too (which! are under the cut!)
OKAY so im gonna group the songs to do this moreso than break down individual ones but!! id be more than happy to do more in depth explanations when i have a little more time on my hands too, like the one i did for young speirs maybe OR even just with particular songs if there are any that stick out as being strange choices to you!! just hmu honestly i love music and i love my sons
first and foremost, all the stuff by The Clash. Joe Toye and Joe Strummer are just like- i cant quite explain it fully, but there’s a real crossover of vibes there to me. maybe it’s a joe thing i dont know. either way, very toye, and once again because i like round numbers i missed out on including some of their stuff (STILL!! even on a REMAKE!!)- most notably, The Magnificent Seven and I’m So Bored With The USA. which belong on this list just as much as all the others do (hence why i cant just switch some of them out for these two tunes). joe toye/the clash is canon and i wont hear anything else of it.
next up, The Smiths and The Cure. im also gonna throw The Stone Roses’ i wanna be adored and Interpol’s slow hands in here too. these are all... a softer side to joe? it’s much much less common than it used to be (and im not!! bashing anyone who still does it by any means) but there would sometimes be this kind of stereotype (stereotoype) floating about where joe would always be grumpy and cagey about feelings and while this is fair, because at times he is (and honestly?? same), i also think he’s someone who feels things very deeply too. and these! were supposed to try and help bring that to light a bit. he wants to be loved, wants to be close to people, gets jealous, gets angry. it’s like the list says in the description yknow, dont toye with his heart. 
righteo we’re getting towards the end of my little rambly thing so to finish! we have Pixies, The Editors, and Cage The Elephant. these are what i’d call crossover songs; ones i use to kind of symbolise the friendships between characters. you know who else’s list has pixies and the editors?? Malarkey’s. you know who were best friends?? toye and malarkey. and whilst their taste isnt identical by any means, there is a lot of sharing that takes place in terms of overal vibes, which are pretty rock ‘n’ roll if you ask me.
cage the elephant feature in my luz list, and provide the only real obvious link between his and toye’s for the most part. HOWEVER i have plans to expand the luz list and do a little more writing in my record store verse to remedy this, since i think they’d bond over far more than just a mutual love of cte- and would absolutely be sharing music with each other a lot, especially if they were to move in together and what have ya
SO! that was my kind of messy toye breakdown!! if you want anything else; be it more expansion on this one, a messy breakdown of another character, a ship list, anything like that, feel free to drop by my ask anytime!! 
much love <3 
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Okay, so I’ve been tagged in a bunch of things that I haven’t got round to doing so they are all compiled here under the cut :)
Tagged by @shiftyspirits <3
Tag 9 people you wanna know better
Relationship status: Single
Lipstick or chapstick: Both, but I use chapstick more frequently
Last song I listened to: The Schuyler Sisters - Hamilton
Top 3 shows: Band Of Brothers, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Friends
Top 3 characters: George Luz, Don Malarkey, Mark Watney
Top ships: luztoye, speirton, winnix, johnlock, hamburr
Tagged by @3brosangel <3
RULES: Using only songs from one artist answer these questions and tag ten people.
Artist: Panic! At the Disco
What’s your gender? Miss Jackson
Describe yourself: Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time
How do you feel? Victorious
If you could go anywhere? House of Memories
Favorite mode of transportation?
Your best friend: The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty
Favorite time of day: Nine In The Afternoon
If your life was like a tv show? Golden Days
Relationship status: Girls/Girls/Boys
Your fear: This Is Gospel
Tagged by @shiftyspirits <3
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, HAVE FUN!
A - Age: 16
B - Biggest fear: falling to me death

C - Current time: 19:27 PM

D - Drink you last had: tea <3

E - Every day starts with: Refusing to get out of bed

F - Favorite song: Satisfied - Hamilton
G - Ghosts, are they real: I mean probably, but also idk

H - Hometown: Manchester

I - In love with: The entirety of the BoB cast, most Marvel characters, Sam Riley, Lily James, Melanie Laurent….

J - Jealous of: People with big houses and lots of money so they can have loads if dogs and go see musicals

K - Killed someone: I indirectly killed the school hamster once, if that counts? (I was five and left my bedroom door open when I went downstairs, the ball thing it was in then fell down those stairs)

L - Last time you cried: Within the last week, I don’t quite remember

M - Middle name: Louise

N - Number of siblings: 0

O - One wish: To pass all my exams and not stress about what I’m doing with my life

P - Person you last called/texted: My mum
Q - Questions you’re always asked: What are you doing with your life? Have you done your homework? What’s for dinner?

R - Reasons to smile: Dogs, amiright?

S - Song last sang: They Live In You - The Lion King, Broadway/West End

T - Time you woke up: 11/12ish?? Idk, it was early for me anyway

U - Underwear color: Blue and White

V - Vacation destination: Belgium and the USA

W - Worst habit: I chew my lips a lot bc they get chapped but it makes them more chapped, a never ending cycle

X - X-rays you’ve had: I fractured my finger in mid 2016 so that had to get checked out

Y - Your favorite food: Chicken Satay with Egg Fried rice (complete with prawn crackers and some seaweed on the side)

Z - Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Tagged by @katejeevas <3
1. Ed Sheeran - The A Team
2. Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
3. Pitch Perfect - Since You Been Gone
4. You Me At Six - Liquid Confidence
5. The Radio Dept. - Strange Things Will Happen
6. Louden Swain - Help You
7. Kansas - Carry On My Wayward Son
8. David Bowie - Moonage Daydream
9. Bastille - Laura Palmer
10. Dodie Clark - Would You Be So Kind
Tagged by @roedoe-boe <3
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
Relationship status: Single
Favorite colors: Like an aqua blue-green colour and lilac-y purple colours (or any space aesthetic)
Pets: Two dogs, a cat and a frog
Last song I listened to: The Schuyler Sisters - Hamilton
Favorite tv show: Band of Brothers, even when I stray to different fandoms this is the one true tv show I love and always will. That being said I also love b99, the man in the high castle, sherlock (discounting s4) and friends
First fandom: Doctor Who, since it first came back when I was like 5
Hobbies: I’ve taught myself how to play guitar and ukulele, I’m learning violin and hopefully soon the piano so lots of musical stuff. Also writing and reading (both fanfic and published novels)
Tagged by @3brosangel <3
Rules: Tag 20 amazing followers you want to get to know better. (I know, I know I’m a little behind on this one, but I finally got a free moment to answer these properly.)
Name: Gemma
Nicknames: I don't really have any, Gem? I guess?? But not so much. My mum calls me Jemima and Minnie a lot
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aquarius
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite color: Aqua and lilac
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Average hours of sleep: School night? - Less than 6 Every other night? - at least 10 if I’m left to sleep
Cat or dog person: Both, but mainly dogs
Favorite Fictional Characters: George Luz, Bucky Barnes, Jake Peralta
Number of blankets I sleep with: Always a duvet and sometimes an extra blanket if it’s cold
Favorite Singer/Band: Renee Elise Goldsberry and Phillipa So are basically my idols, talking about things off broadway would be Imagine Dragons, Bastille, Taylor Swift, P!ATD, All Time Low
Dream Trip: Me and my best friend are planning a roadtrip across america for when we’re both older, so far though I greatly enjoyed my three day trip to Ypres, Belgium where we went to loads of world war memorial sites and graveyards
Dream job: Becoming a successful author (mildly realistic) or an actor (not so realistic considering I hate auditioning for things)
When was this blog created?:January 2015, I think
Current number of followers: 1,173 right now, though my other blog which I’ve had since 2012 only has 270
When did your blog reach its peak?: Thus far it would probably have been around July-September I think, basically just after Sol 6 and around the time Science Fair first started being written
What made you decide to make a Tumblr: My mess of a fandom tumblr was purely bc everyone else at school had one and I wanted to know what all the fuss was about, this one was made bc my mum was constantly bugging me about doing more writing if I wanted to be an author and this blog was made to encourage me to actually do so rather than constantly put it off
Okay so I’m not going to tag anyone bc there’s so many different tag things here and I got tagged in them ages ago so anyone who I could think of to tag has probably already done it. So if you decided to read through all this and you though one of them was cool and you wanna do it, then you can do it and say I tagged you! Thank you to all these lovely people who tagged me <3 <3 <3
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