#i live in TX so it’s always in stores
xiaq · 7 months
Hi! I saw your snow photos and thought of how soon I'll probably move from tx to somewhere cold and snowy. I was hoping you had some advice.
Hmm. Well, lets see.
Make sure you have an "emergency" kit in your car––water, first aid, some protein bars, a blanket. I've heard scary stories about folks getting stranded/stuck/sliding into a ditch on mountain roads due to ice or snow and then having a long wait for emergency services. Also, always bring a jacket/hat/gloves with you when you're driving somewhere and it's cold, even if it's just to run straight into a store. Many unplanned events could occur that require you to be out and about in the elements.
Get an ice-scraper/snow brush if you have a car and a snow shovel for your house/walk/driveway.
Get a snow suit. They are so dang convenient. I don't ski or snowboard but if it's below freezing (even if it's not snowing!) I'm pulling that thing on over my PJs every morning to take the dog for a walk. Do I look silly? Yes. Am I toasty and saved like 5 minutes putting on a dozen layers. Also yes.
Get a space heater. We keep the heat in our house at 60 and just run a space heater occasionally in our offices during the day/bedroom at night and it saves us a ton of money on heating bills. Also, blinds/curtains up during the sunniest parts of the day and down as soon as the sun starts to set. Makes a big difference in ambient temperature with no costs associated.
WOOL SOCKS. If I wasn't lazy I'd move this to the top of the list. Wool socks will keep your feet warm even if they get wet. Wool socks are magical. As are wool base layers in general.
Also get a solid pair of snow/waterproof hiking boots. And depending on conditions and if you do much walking outside, you'll probably want to get a pair of spikes as well (they stretch on over the bottoms of your normal boots and will save you from busting your ass on icy roads/trails).
If you're in a cold place with higher altitude, I highly recommend a humidifier. We have one in the bedroom that runs all day/night and one in my office because I'm a delicate flower. It makes it easier for me to breathe and my skin is noticeably less dry.
Oh, this may be silly but I didn't even know to get a balaclava for the first several months I lived in a cold place and my face was just freezing all the time when I'd go for walks. Also, even if you're not skiiing, get some snow goggles if you're planning to hike in snowstorms. Being able to see is nice.
If it's sub-0 temps, be careful with your eyelashes/brows. Your eyelashes especially with freeze, and if you rub your eyes you'll break them. I learned this the hard way. Get inside and let them thaw out before touching them.
Ok, I'm sure there are more. Anyone want to add things I've missed?
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seeminglydark · 3 months
good news! i finally got a job after being unemployed for a few years. it’ll be at least a year or two before i’m able to move out due to trying to pay off my credit card debt but i’m excited that i’ll be able to leave town and get away from unsupportive family. i’m trying to spend as little money as possible on entertainment stuff and i have a massive book collection that i’m excited to read and sell some of it i don’t feel like i need them anymore. you’re comics have been very helpful for me to be able to understand and express myself. it has given me a lot of joy since finding it especially after the loss of my cat a month ago.
any tips for a queer punk trying to escape and start over with no support system?
happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
ANON! I'm so proud of you, thats incredible! i am wishing you all the best on your journey forward and out. it sounds to me like you already have a good handle on things, paying down your debt is a great place to start. depending on how much debt you have, (most of my advice is US based I'm afraid, since thats where i grew up as a poor lonely punk so hopefully it can help you, or someone else) you may be able to find a financial counselor or coach, (not adviser!) to help you get rid of some of it immediately. there are ways to 'challenge' things on your credit that have been there for a while, and many times the creditors will either drop it cuz they dont want to deal with paperwork, or reduce it to a much smaller payable sum because to them something is better than nothing. a lot of cities has free nonprofit programs to help with this, and other non profit organizations offer them as well depending on your community. This will also help improve and build your credit score cuz even a punk might need to buy a home or rent an apartment one day.
i know there is an allure to big name cities when you move, i lived in one myself while poor as dirt and it kinda sucked (Austin tx specifically) because it was so expensive. look into where you want to go before moving there, look at cost of living, and public transit, things like that. it looks like youre waiting a while before going, look into job transfers so you might not have to start completely fresh from the bottom.
thrift stores are great but they are getting more expensive by the year, but when youre a poor guy in a new place, dumpster diving might be an option. please dont ever get a mattress from a dumpster ok? bedbugs are a thing and often why those are thrown out, but other things like tables, chairs, shelves etc. check your local papers and neighborhood boards, sometimes hotels and such renovate and when they do they auction furniture off dirt cheap. Thanks Mr Marriott for furnishing my house for like 40 bucks in 2005!
When you move out, if you are still struggling financially, you can look into fixed rent apartments, you usually have to get on a list, but there are places out there to help you get on your feet. a REALLY good resource for many things if going to be your local library. librarians are like gods and they know SO MUCH that can help you.
speaking of libraries. you do deserve a little joy, i would think about perhaps getting a electronic reader, did you know that you can rent books and audio books from libraries with one? plus it reduces the bulk of books you may have to move later. i know the vibe is different from getting to touch the pages, but the pleasure of reading is still there. The library is also going to be a great place to meet people and find a circle of support and new friends. many of them have clubs and community activities ranging from book clubs to everything in between, you can even suggest a club yourself that they might consider hosting. don't deprive yourself of happiness, itll be helpful on the days when it gets hard to move forward.
its been a hot minute since i was alone and starting over, and things have changed a lot so im not completely sure all of this is still relevant, library is ALWAYS a good place to start. if my followers have any advice, please feel free to chime in the comments as well! im so proud of you anon, and keep us updated as life goes on. <3
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fibula-rasa · 8 months
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Favorite New-to-Me Films
January ’24
(listed in order of collage above, L to R)
Eleven P.M. (1928)
[letterboxd | imdb | kanopy]
Synopsis: Sundaisy, a violinist, tries to fulfill a friend’s dying request to ensure his son is raised away from the criminal element of the city. Unfortunately, Sundaisy is duped by a phony priest, and the boy grows into a low-level crime boss. After a series of misfortunes spurred on by the boy over the course of decades, Sundaisy’s family is nearly ruined. However, Sundaisy’s will for vengeance leads to supernatural consequences. All this is couched in a frame story of a man trying to meet an 11 p.m. deadline.
This is easily my favorite first-time viewing of the month. The synopsis above admittedly does not capture the mystical/transcendental attitude that Eleven P.M. reflects. This is the only film Detroit-based Richard Maurice ever directed, but it displays sophisticated ideas about film storytelling, using an array of devices in inventive ways. It’s always a treat to be reminded of how creative and exciting independent filmmaking can be in America. If you want to check this one out, I advise you to keep an open mind and not approach it with an overly literal, nitpicky mindset. Let Richard Maurice take you on this ride and I don’t think you’ll regret it!
I watched this on the Pioneers of African-American Cinema box set, which I can’t recommend highly enough. The films are outstandingly curated and contextualized and the set showcases an often-overlooked but indispensable part of American cultural history. A lot of the films are also available on streaming through kanopy, which you may be able to access with your library card if you live in the US.
Lea on Rollerskates / Lea sui pattini (1912)
[letterboxd | imdb]
Synopsis: Lea isn’t allowed by her parents to go rollerskating with a friend, so she decides to skate in her own bedroom. She proceeds to wreak havoc in the home before an accidental self-defenestration sets her free to wreak havoc at the roller rink instead.
A jam-packed, stunt-heavy bit of nonsense led by Lea Giunchi. I’ve watched quite a few of her films now and I’ve learned this is pretty standard for her. I love each and every pratfall.
Two Girls are in Love with Foolshead / Le due innamorate di Cretinetti (1911)
[letterboxd | imdb]
Synopsis: Cretinetti is dating two girls at the same time. The girls decide to duel, but Cretinetti is the one who loses… repeatedly.
I’ve finally gotten around to watching more Andre Deed films and this one was a highlight for January. I don’t know who the skinny woman is, but she and Valentina Frascaroli are great together.
X (2022)
[letterboxd | imdb]
Synopsis: A crew of filmmakers leave Houston, TX for the country in order to film a farm-themed porn. The producer of course did not disclose the nature of their stay to the elderly property owners. Said owners have ulterior motives in renting their cabin and respond violently to the group.
Appreciative of all of Ti West’s work, and X has so much going on and so much to say that I originally typed out two full pages (single spaced) on it before I knew it. I won’t be sharing those two pages because I think there are a few points on the approach to gore in recent horror movies that I need to mull over more. For now though, I’ll just say, I didn’t enjoy X at all, but I deeply appreciate what Ti West is putting out there. I probably won’t watch it again and I’m going to be sure my stomach is prepared for whenever I get around to Pearl (2022).
The Hayseed (1919)
[letterboxd | imdb | Silent Comedy Watch Party]
Synopsis: Fatty wants to marry Molly, but so does the sheriff. Buster tries to keep the general store in working order while the sheriff plots against Fatty.
Luke the dog is one of my top 5 movie dogs of all time. I’ve never made an official list, but I know in my heart that Luke is at the top. Also, I adore how many modern professional wrestling moves you end up seeing in Fatty/Buster collaborations! In this instance, note the dance sequence with the lady who gets swung around wildly.
The Ghost Ship (1943)
[letterboxd | imdb]
Synopsis: Tom Merriam, a young officer, reports for his first commission on a long haul trip on the Altair. The captain has a bit of a strange vibe, but the newbie likes him, at first. As crewmen perish under the captain’s leadership, and the captain’s lectures take on a more sinister tone, Tom knows he needs to act to save the remaining crew and the ship. 
Checked this out as I was on a Val Lewton kick not knowing much about it beforehand. I did not expect it to be a movie about fascism done in microcosm. So, if you were looking for a movie about ghosts or a Flying Dutchman, this ain’t it. Its off-beat structure amped up the tension, though the denouement was a little too pat. Cinematography was fantastic, as you might expect from Nicholas Musuraca. I hope Sir Lancelot got two checks for how much his singing contributes to the movie. Richard Dix is such a skilled actor in everything I’ve seen him in, but he is pitch-perfectly terrifying in this movie.
Miss Pinkerton (1932)
[letterboxd | imdb]
Synopsis: A nurse who’s bored with hospital work gets assigned to an old woman who’s ailing after a big shock: finding the dead body of her nephew. The detective on the case asks the nurse to gather reconnaissance for him at the house and she gets all the excitement she can stomach as a result.
Miss Pinkerton is a pre-code gem I somehow have never seen before, despite my devotion to Joan Blondell. The plot and characters are interesting, the cinematography (done by Barney McGill) and staging of the film is very dynamic and Joan Blondell brings so much to Miss Pinkerton with her signature effervescent sass. It’s also just over an hour long, so it would make a great watch for one of those evenings where you’re indecisive but want to find something compelling but compact.
Phil-for-Short (1919)
[letterboxd | imdb]
Synopsis: Damophilia “Phil” Illington is a free-spirited tomboy brought up by a Greek-professor father and his right-hand man, Pat. Her lack of lady-like decorum raises the ire of two town elders, who are also the local killjoys. When her father passes away, one of the elders abuses his position of power to force her into a conservatorship. Phil disguises herself as a boy and hightails it with Pat. While on the lam, Phil makes the acquaintance of a young woman-hating Greek professor. Through a set of misadventures, Phil and the Professor end up married, but it takes quite a bit of work after the marriage for them to find happiness with one another.
Great characters and performances and I enjoyed marriage not being treated as the resolution or an end point to the story. It’s also very endearing to see such a pervasively queer story about a man and a woman getting together.
The Mystic (1925)
[letterboxd | imdb]
Synopsis: A con artist enlists the help of Hungarian travelling carnival performers to enact a phony medium scheme against the hoi polloi of New York City.
Tod Browning is a sure-bet filmmaker for me and The Mystic was no exception. Highlights for me were: the execution of the seance sequences, Erte’s gorgeous costumes for Aileen Pringle, and an ending that I hoped would happen but assumed wouldn’t!
There Ain’t No Santa Claus (1926)
[letterboxd | imdb | Silent Comedy Watch Party]
Synopsis: When Christmas rolls around, Charley doesn’t have enough money to both pay the rent and buy his wife a present. He uses his $80 to buy her a watch, instead of the rent, and his nasty landlord/next-door-neighbor steals the watch. Christmas Day turns into a free for all, when both Charley and his landlord dress as Santa and plan to enter via their respective chimneys for their respective children. 
Well-paced, great comeuppance, and very well-executed gags. Additionally, Charley Chase looks absolutely outrageous in his Santa wig and he knew it!
This one didn’t make it into the collage, but it’s still on the list:
Little Moritz Runs Away With Rosalie / Little Moritz enlève Rosalie (1911)
[letterboxd | imdb]
Synopsis: Little Moritz loves Rosalie and wishes to marry her, but her father objects. So, of course Rosalie and Mortiz run away together in his funky little flivver, but dad and the family dog give chase.
Most of this short is the chase sequence and it’s very well executed. Sarah Duhamel is so cute and so is her family dog. The location shooting is nicely done (was this shot in Nice?) This charming poster captures the vibe of the short perfectly:
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In January we were hit with a nasty winter storm and, while we were relatively lucky in my neighborhood, we were without internet for a third of the month. So, we ended up relying on our home video collection, which accounts for five of the films above and me re-watching two seasons of Soap and Fritz Lang’s Niebelungenlied (1924). 
Despite the holdup, I continued my “Lost, but Not Forgotten” series with The Dancer of the Nile (1923) and started a limited spin-off series, “How’d They Do That?” about special effects and stunts in the silent era. 
I also made themed gif & still sets for: Miss Pinkerton, Dementia (1955), and A Christmas Carol (1971).
Here’s to a less eventful February! And, as always, if you’re interested in any of these films, but have specific content warning needs, feel free to ask me.
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
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Anticoagulation Lecture 6/21/23
Factor Xa inhibitors = rivaroxaban, apixaban (Eliquis)
Direct thrombin inhibitor = dabigatran
Vitamin K inhibitor = warfarin
Apixaban has the lowest bleeding risk compared to the other Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs); avoid in pts with BMI greater than or equal to 40 or weight more than 120 kg. Avoid dual inhibitors or inducers of CYP3A4 and P-gp.
VTE/PE tx = 10mg bid x7 days, then 5 mg bid
AFib = 5 mg bid (reduce to 2.5 mg bid if Cr greater than or equal to 1.5 or weight less than 60 kg or age greater than 80
Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) = once daily dosing compared to Eliquis
VTE/PE: 15 mg bid x21 days; then 20 mg qd
AFib: 20 mg qd with food to increase absorption
PAD/CAD: 2.5 mg bid (+antiplatelets if at increased risk)
Avoid with CYP3A4 inhibitors or inducers and P-gp
Edoxaban (Savaysa) – not used in pts with CrCl greater than 95
VTE/PE = parenteral anticoagulation for 5-10 days, then PO
VTE/PE/AFib = 60 mg qd
Does not have reversal agent like other DOACs do (which are reversed with Kcentra or andexanet)
Dabigatran (Pradaxa)
AFib: 150 mg bid; consider 110 mg bid if bleeding risk
VTE/PE: 5 days IV, then 150 mg bid
VTE ppx after THA/TKA: initial 110 mg once, then 220 mg qd x10-35 days
5-10 day bridge required for PE/VTE
Caution in pts greater than 75 years due to increased bleeding risk
Has own reversal agent (praxbind; idarucizumab)
C/I in pts with prosthetic heart valve
Store in original bottle and discard if unused after 4 months
Eliquis and Xarelto can be crushed and given via feeding tubes.
Warfarin (Coumadin)
Dosing is pt specific. Goal INR is 2-3. (2.5-3.5 if mechanical mitral valve).
Slow onset; slow time to steady state means dose taken today may not be reflected in INR for several days (2-4 days).
So many drug-drug interactions!
Metabolized by CYP pathways
Vitamin K antagonist
Dosing: recommend taking at night because INR is taken during the day, makes it easier to adjust dose.
Warfarin’s therapeutic steady state is based on half-lives of clotting factors. At least 5 days of consecutive warfarin needed for pt to be fully anticoagulated (this is why you use heparin until they get to this point).
Usually start with 5 mg qd. If bleeding risk, start with 2.5 mg qd. For obese pts or otherwise healthy/young can start with 7.5 mg qd. You go to maintenance protocol on 7th day.
Pts on VTE/PE tx are not anticoagulated the first 5 days, so use heparin IV or LMWH outpt. Once anticoagulated x24 hours, d/c heparin.
Start with 5 mg warfarin for first 3 days, then follow up with warfarin clinic on day 4. Typically, pt goes for weekly INRs. Then when at goal INR for 2 weeks, can spread out how often they f/u on their INR levels. Eventually they can go q6-8 weeks to check INR level.
VTE/PE – always bridge
AFib – risk assess to see whether heparin bridging is needed (assess bleeding risk [HASBLED]; CHA2DS2VASc for thrombotic risk).
Every 10 years, the dosing needed will decrease by 10%, so as pts age, the dose of warfarin needed will decrease.
DOACs = no INR monitoring, no dietary interactions, lower rates of bleeding, limited availability of reversal agent; contraindicated in pts with mechanical heart valves
AFib – AC (anticoagulate) indefinitely
1st VTE or PE that is provoked – AC for 3 months
1st episode of VTE/PE in setting of cancer – 3 months of AC (LMWH is better than DOAC or warfarin--new research shows DOAC may actually be more effective, so can use DOAC now; LMWH not preferred)
1st episode of VTE/PE unprovoked (no idea what caused it) – AC more than or equal to 3 months
2nd VTE – AC indefinitely
Heparin reversal – protamine (max dose is 50 mg), to reverse enoxaparin, give 1 mg protamine for each 1 mg of Lovenox
Warfarin reversal – vit K; 4 factor prothrombin compex (KCentra); FFP (if KCentra not available); KCentra is for life-threatening bleeding or if pt needs surgery for life-threatening condition
Apixaban/Rivaroxaban reversal – Kcentra (life threatening bleed or need emergency surgery; has thrombotic risk); FFP (Fresh Frozen Plasma); Andexanet Alfa. KCentra can cause clotting in 5% of pts; don’t give if you don’t need to.
Dabigatran reversal – idarucizumab (Praxbind); dosed as 5 g IV given 2.5 mg no more than 15 minutes apart)
Heparin lasts 2 hours
LMWH is preferred in pts who are pregnant (avoid warfarin). ESRD on dialysis – warfarin or Eliquis (avoid Xarelto). Obese pts – DOACs or warfarin. Cancer – use LMWH; recent study shows Eliquis is equal to or superior to LMWH in cancer pts who need anticoagulation.
Pregnancy = lovenox better, doesn’t cross placenta; UFH (unfractionated heparin) is an alternative in pts with poor renal function.
Stop heparin gtt and give Eliquis now or give 2 hours after stopping heparin gtt. Give loading dose Eliquis even if the pt was on heparin gtt.
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My birthday has been a Bittersweet event for the last several years. After my mom died my sister Terri promised to take care of me. But my poor sister was not the most stable person in the world and my other sisters and brother treated her horribly.
Then her husband committed suicide. And a few years after that her daughter committed suicide and after that she just pretty much gave up on her life. Every single year though without fail she would send me a birthday card with a little bit of money in it.
Some years it was $20, some years it was $5. But she always said something.
The last birthday she was alive for she arranged for a surprise visit for my brother whom I had not seen in 20 years. She also gave me two bags brimming with stuff from the dollar store. Some of it I used, some of it decorates my classroom, and some of it I keep in the backseat of my car and have had for the last 7 years because it just makes me feel close to her.
Another aspect of my birthday is that I share it with my friend Tina. I have known Tina since we were in second grade. She was a year older than me but she got held back. Tina looked like Dustin from Stranger Things. She had the same type of mouth and teeth problem.
She didn't have any friends. It was pretty much just me and her and her sisters. We went to prom together w/ some other girls and the girls got really upset that Tina wanted to be in the prom pictures with us but I insisted. I'd give anything if I had those pictures now.
Many many years later, after high school and college, and years after her dad's death, Tina confided in me that he had sexually & physically abused her, her whole life.
Because of this she was never in a relationship with a man--- or with anyone to be honest ---and only configed this in 1 other person. I'm not even sure if you told her mom.
Well her two younger sisters went away to school and eventually got married and had kids in their own Tina stayed with her mom and took care of her after she had 2 heart attacks. Together they remodeled her house until it looked like something out of a magazine. They both put in so much hard work.
And then Tina died of covid.
Tina's mom sold the house and moved to North TX to live with Tina's youngest sister.
So now every year my birthday reminds me that it is Tina's too and I'm here and she isn't.
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chorusfm · 22 hours
Albums in Stores – Sep 20th, 2024
If you hit read more you can see all the releases we have in our calendar for the week. Hit the comments to access our forums and talk about what came out today, what albums you picked up, and to make mention of anything we may have missed. Attack Attack! – DisasterAvernus – GrievancesBad Neighbour – MillionsBearings – The Best Part About Being Human (Deluxe Edition)Beartooth – The Surface (Deluxe Edition)Blindside – About A Burning Fire (20th Anniversary Edition)Blossoms – GaryBright Eyes – Five Dice, All ThreesCharlotte Wessels – The ObsessionCircus Trees – This Makes Me Sad, And I Miss YouCliffdiver – BirdwatchingCoffin Rot – Dreams Of The DisturbedDeadspeak – Plagues Of Sulfur BoundDeath By Gong – DescalatorDeathfiend – Dark RisingDeathless Void – The Voluptuous Fires Of SinDefiled – Horror Beyond HorrorDownhaul – How To BeginDreamless Veil – Every Limb Of The FloodDust Lord – TeethcutterFIDLAR – Surviving The DreamFight Dice – Total Party KillFirst Grade Fight Club – Unlimited Screen TimeFrostbite – Relentless GriefFuture – Mixtape PlutoGiant Walker – SilhouettesGlacial Tomb – Lightless ExpanseGroza – NadirHalf Happy – Conversation KillerHerbst – SpiegelHoneyglaze – Real DealInterloper – A Forgotten LossIt Takes Dedication – Points Of FailureJake Bugg – A Modern Day DistractionJamie xx – In WavesJoan as Police Woman – Lemons, Limes & OrchidsJulian Casablancas & the Voidz – Like All Before YouKanonenfieber – Die UrkatastropheKat Von D – My Side Of The MountainKate Pierson – Radios And RainbowsKaty J Pearson – Someday, NowKaty Perry – 143Keith Urban – HIGHKingdom Of Giants – Bleeding StarKublai Khan TX – Exhibition Of ProwessLOVELOST – CollapseManu Chao – Viva TuMidland – Barely BlueMy Own Private Alaska – All The Lights OnNatural Human Instinct – Second StageNelly Furtado – 7Neon Trees – Sink Your TeethNightwish – YesterwyndeNo Guidance – Late To The PartyNubya Garcia – OdysseyNusrat Fateh Ali Khan – Chain Of LightOdious Spirit – The Treason Of ConsciousnessOffice Dog – DoggerlandOuter Graves – Terminal LimitPale Waves – SmittenPythies – DisillusionROMHACK – Neon TideRegional Justice Center – Freedom, Sweet FreedomSeed Of The Sorcerer, Womb Of The Witch – Perversion PyreSeether – The Surface Seems So FarSkid Row – Live In LondonSlow Crush – Aurora (Remastered)Smothering – Cannibal PrideStoke Signals – Make Dying FunSunset Rubdown – Always Happy To ExplodeSweet – Full CircleTerrorvision – We Are Not RobotsThe Arbitrary – RebirthThe Calamatix – The CalamatixThe Sleeper – VeilThe Waeve – City LightsThorium – The BastardThurston Moore – Flow Critical LucidityTim Reaper and Kloke – In Full EffectTrentemøller – DreamweaverTwo Trains Left – Probably For NothingTyphonian – The Gate Of The Veiled BeyondUnsainted – ReverieUnto Others – Never, NeverlandVended – VendedVoid Of Vision – What I’ll Leave BehindWE ARE WINTER’S BLUE AND RADIANT CHILDREN – NO MORE APOCALYPSE FATHERWings Denied – Just The BasicsZerosect – This Is Not Your Gravesincerely yours – Acclimate To The Sounds Of A Beating Heart --- Thanks to helloiamzach for providing additional contributions to this week’s list. You can check out and support his weekly music podcast It’s Not A Phase or follow him on his socials. --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/news/albums-in-stores-sep-20th-2024/
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yhwhrulz · 8 months
Worthy Brief - January 15, 2024
Working before the storm!
John 9:4 I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.
Right now, as I pen these words, over millions of Americans are under an unprecedented severe winter advisory. Meteorologists are anticipating records to be broken in this historic storm.
All this talk of snow reminded me of when I was growing up in Baltimore, Maryland during the winter.
I always wished for a snow day so that I didn't have to go to school the following day. I would anxiously watch the news late into the evening for any hint of snow. Just a ½ inch was usually enough for schools to close!
Aside from the weather report, there was one sign that almost always meant freedom the next day: if Mom and Dad rushed to the grocery store because on the East Coast, the slightest hint of snow sends everyone running for milk, eggs, and bread to be sure they're ready for the storm.
Anyone with their eyes half-open can see the clouds on the horizon, and we ought to be watching and preparing as carefully as I used to do growing up in Baltimore.
We need to be carefully watching, and at the same time, actively working for the Kingdom, because the day is rapidly approaching when no more work can be done! So take it to heart, continue to press through, press on, and by all means, do not grow weary in well doing -- for you shall truly reap if you do not faint!
Your family in the Lord with much agape love,
George, Baht Rivka, Obadiah and Elianna (Dallas, TX) (Bradenton, FL)
Editor's Note: During this war, we have been live blogging throughout the day -- sometimes minute by minute on our Telegram channel. - https://t.me/worthywatch/ Be sure to check it out!
Editor's Note: We are planning our Winter Tour so if you would like us to minister at your congregation, home fellowship, or Israel focused event, be sure to let us know ASAP. You can send an email to george [ @ ] worthyministries.com for more information.
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this is so complicated! no its not yes it is i didnt want to die die die die but i did for the gang! damn ok so i know hes not here trust me hes not but why couldnt u stop urself from insulting me? i never did any of that dumb bitch! oh really? oh haha ew ur gross! its really me! omg ttyl i didnt insult u i promise i did what was right and we can totally move on from the next part of the story to thw other but where the fuck did u go baby? i have no idea thats whats so weird about it u didnt go anywhere but austin tx nah she didnt go there! she went to native ohio no she went to a corner store... and died? like thats it! and were capable and strong right? u wont forget about skatepark deaths too right? no i wont my dude ok so stay away from bad ppl doing weird things to u like arguing or fighting u ok? ok are u scared 1 second forever nah i came back! i got to fight and it was my fault ew ur so naive to think that that i wanted to kill u that u couldnt die that u couldnt live horror cutz whose on the boat? a dying antelope whats on the hill? a dying school bus whats on the hill? a dying antler whats on the hilltop a dying carcuss animal crush sad was yesterdays news that ur child was dying alone that she couldnt eat that she couldnt breathe lava & knives hi lets go home for a minute well it wasnt as good as planned well we die alone sometimes well we cant eat dinner well weve got to go home hey did u do anything last night? no i fucked all night well im a virgin suicide i die everyday eating plastic bowling balls im gonna eat a virgin and call her suicidal janette bc the plastic teens eat queeno benders ew thats one green lets play hockey instead ew! lets go get lava & knives its me u dumb bitch im gonna hop skip and jump away i do love u & u dont have to ask im gonna be the star in daddy! no stop? porno no way i think id rather die bc ur daughter just ruined the joke like she always does right? well no fucking way captain obvious we got drinks tonight at the bar ok so go home to daddy i do love her shes been creating me or maybe i created her what? ok so stop all the press im in love with desarae renee hollins and i wish scary gangsta could be too bc see he is! and always has been and that guy didnt stand a chance just wait bc we dont cheat and were not gay and we dont talk to other women daamn baby its me too! ive got a whole knife in the lava dept ew hahaha um i find it hard to believe that u want him to be the first lava & knives but the second one hes a pro! yea were already getting ready to come over nah were tired and hungry too and desarae renee hollins is never cooking another day in her life! ok so get away from me and heres some meth ok so? i saw that! and he ran away big time it wasnt me pretty girl yes! she is she is she is she is well what about me? what about what i want? i want a diamond ring from tiffanys yes its bout 50 hahaha funny af and we will say why! so its funny bc it is and i laughed bc it was ok so? she will never know if i love her and i do so what about tiffany ew! hahaha she and i dont even walk home together fascinating? not really dude! it was just a sentence and i get it we create with words ok so no big deal ive got 100m needles laying around woa woa woa who said that? i have got to ask u why u keep floating around here! no im not dead im still alive! hahaha ew no hahaha that emotion is phsyically impossible for anyone what i have is the exact opposite and she has it too lol well maybe after her office visit with lava & knives 1 second forever ew hahaha shes a drug dealer? hell nah bitch that is real real judgy and franklin go home nigger
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hisprophetsagain · 1 year
1, 3, 8, 12, & 14
1) Name a film that haunts you? i'm going to cheat and give you three! -poltergeist - originally rated R, it got bumped down to PG (spielberg basically forced the mpaa to add PG-13 between this and indiana jones lol) but it's RIDICULOUS how scary this movie is (bonus: poltergeist 3 - hey, how about fuck mirrors) -the poughkeepsie tapes - not QUITE as fucked up as i remembered it being but some of the imagery here is just wildly haunting and discomfiting -megan is missing - you do NOT want to watch this movie. a found footage that feels even grosser than something like the last house on the left. truly wretched
3) What places do you feel most drawn to? i've always really wanted to live in new england! as i get older and maybe eventually tire of the snow and ice i think i'm going to find myself moving to arizona. there's something about the american southwest that's really special and weird (see movies like paris, texas; into the wild; easy rider)
8) Are there any genres of music or film that feel like home or create a sense of nostalgia for you? SO much. going back to into the wild, you HAVE to listen to the soundtrack by eddie vedder. hot hot heat's elevator is still a super comforting record for me, modest mouse's first four lps are phenomenal, and i always love some good 60s folk protest music. similarly, i love 2000s/2010s dramas about people who feel lost or out of touch. yeah, they're sad but they but they always helped me figure out how i feel about things. andrew haigh's weekend, blue valentine, little miss sunshine, again into the wild. those really captured a certain post-9/11 american consciousness
12) What role in a cast or crew appeals to you the most? i know there's some pushback on director focus but i LOVE to see a director's voice come across in a movie. especially when the director also wrote the picture, it's fun to encounter a scene or dialog and think "oh, yeah, of course you put that in here you nerd" lol. like obviously movies are HUGE projects that take tons of folks but generally a director (in the kinds of movies i like) gets to pick who they're working with so they choose a team that they gel with and who can have a shared vision. i'm also always interested to see how the director and cinematographer work together (Paweł Pawlikowski/Łukasz Żal now kiss). also - love to see brad pitt in a movie :p
14) What does the perfect day look like? ooo, so if i get to choose EVERYTHING, it's a crisp autumn day, the trees have changed, it's dewy out and the leaves are crunchy. waking up to a nice morning cuddle, then getting up and groggily walking either to a diner or to grab coffee and doughnuts, probably doing the day's crossword while we're waiting for our food. i think going out to the record store and movie store would be next, poke around, pick up a couple of things, chat with the clerks for a bit. because breakfast would've been at like 6:30 or 7 lol lunch, again either a diner or making something yummy at home. i think a chill afternoon or reading and listening to records, then the evening would either be a movie date night and pizza or going out to a bar with friends. i miss nights where i'd get to go meet friends at like 9 and hang out like our local spot and get kinda shitty without worrying about the next day! college station, tx had (?) a really cool bar scene and on my ideal day i get to imagine living someplace with something similar :p
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celtfather · 1 year
Isn't it Grand to be Walking Undead #268
What happens when a traditional Irish song is rewritten about zombies? And I have CDs!!!! If you didn’t say, “You have Cds…”, you’ll find out why it’s important. It’s kind of funny.
This is Sci Fi Pub Songs & Stories #268.
0:16 - “Isn’t It Grand Boys” from Happy Songs of Death
This is the audio edition of my newsletter. I am Marc Gunn. I’m a rhythm and folk Celtic musician living in Atlanta, Georgia. I play traditional Irish and Scottish drinking songs. I’m also a songwriter. I write songs inspired by Celtic culture as well as pop culture, things like Lord of the Rings, Firefly, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who and more.
If you’re new to the show, please subscribe. You can do that PubSong.com/free or even better or you can subscribe and download all of my songs in this show. Just send me an email.  pubsong@ celtfather
You will get an auto responder with a link to download this month’s songs. You will also get that subscribe link. It’s quick and easy.
While you’re emailing me to get your free EP, let me know what you’re doing while listening to this episode.
We kicked off the show…
I really should talk more about the stuff I sell in my store. But it feels uncomfortable to do so. That’s one of the reasons if you go to any of my live shows, and I say, “I have Cds”. Audience members will shout “you have Cdddsss?!”
It’s a little gimmick I use to draw attention to my merch. And it’s really catchy.
I was listening to the last episode of the podcast about writing drinking songs. While I talked about my song “The Cat Came Back… the Cat’s Perspective,”. It’s from my C-D… And then I paused, just like I do at live shows.
When I listened to the episode, I responded, “You have CDs…”
It got me thinking. Could we do that same thing through a podcast?
I don’t know. But we’re gonna try. We’re gonna make this podcast into a sort of an interactive drinking game.
Each time I mention CDs, your job is to audibly respond, “you have CDs…”
APR 1-9: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX
APR 6: Dragon Con Filk Music Concert with Brobdingnagian Bards @ 7 PM CST
APR 20: Cat Drinking Songs on Bandcamp @ 7 PM EAST
APR 21-23: Jordan Con, Atlanta, GA
APR 29. The Lost Druid Earth Day Biking Concert, Avondale Estates, Ga @ 6:30-9:30 PM
JUN 3-10: Celtic Invasion Vacations, County Mayo, Ireland
9:24 - The Celtic Kitchen Party “Covid-19 Shanty” from Last Call
11:11 - COMMENTS
I don’t get a ton of feedback for this show. But if you send an email to pubsong@celtfather with a short comment about the show… or just mentioning CDs that you love, that’s a great way for us to interact and have more of a conversation.
In fact, if you need a starter, I’d love it if you would grab your phone. Go to your voice recorder app. Say, “You have Cds”. Then email it to me.
Marisa Halvorson emailed: "Hello Marc! I have been listening to your songs practically nonstop this St. Paddy's season (I'm in NOLA and work on Magazine street so season it is) I had to work on the day the Irish Channel parade rolled and definitely enjoyed it more with your songs keeping me company while locked in my building by parade goers. Thank you for always keeping me company and my spirits up with your music."
Kennedy Johnson emailed: "Happy St Patricks Day to you Marc.  I hope you and your family are well on this day of Green & Orange 🇮🇪   I love your podcasts!!  I have today’s show cued up and ready to play.  Always a tradition foe me to list to your music podcast on this day!!"
As always, this show is brought to you by my Gunn Runners on Patreon. If you enjoy this podcast or my music, please join the Club. You get something new every week. It might be a podcast, a song, sheet music, a blog, or a photo. And of course you will get videos, including my weekly Coffee with The Celtfather video concert series. Sign up for as little as $5 per month and save 15% with an annual membership. Thanks to my newest Gunn Runners on Patreon: Alice M, Karla A, Triskele, Ayden B
14:34 - Marc Gunn “The Maid Went to the Mill” from Kilted For Her Pleasure
What happens when a traditional Irish song is rewritten about zombies?
One of the cool things about drinking songs is when the audience gets involved to make the song their own.  I don’t know if that is the origins of the “dead, dead, dead” line in “Isn’t It Grand, Boys”. But it seems likely.
It also seems like a great inspiration for a geek to turn it into a song about zombies. My friend Cathy Dailey did that and wrote “Isn’t It Grand, Boys, to Be Walking Undead.” It features all sorts of undead tropes like BRAINS, crushed flowers, and hunting undead, which totally takes my brain to Buffy, The Vampire Slayer.
The “Brains” line is my favorite because it replaces the “dead, dead, dead” with “brains, brains, brains” in the most-zombie-like style.
The chorus is also fun because it includes the “Wilhelm Scream”. That’s the term used for that death yell I make at the end of “Just time for one bloody last cry”.
Oh! Check this out from Wikipedia:
“The sound is named after Private Wilhelm, a character in The Charge at Feather River, a 1953 Western in which the character gets shot in the thigh with an arrow. This was its first use following its inclusion in the Warner Bros. stock sound library, although The Charge at Feather River is the third film to use the effect. The scream is believed to be voiced by actor Sheb Wooley.”
Sheb Wooley is best known for his song “Purple People Eater”.
But the trope of all tropes that makes the song for me is “Up come the hands of another undead”. It’s creepy, very visual, and just perfect.
The song features Nathan Deese on guitar, whistle, bass and “Brains” comments.
20:34 - Marc Gunn “Isn’t It Grand, Boys, To Be Walking Undead” from Sci Fi Drinking Songs
23:47 - CREDITS
Thanks for listening to Sci Fi Pub Songs & Stories. The show is brought to you by my Gunn Runners on Patreon. Every week, you’ll get a new podcast or song or video or video concert. You’ll also save 25% off all the merch in my store. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs.
You can subscribe and listen to the show wherever you find podcasts. Sign up to my mailing list to read the show notes for this episode and find out where I’m performing.
And of course, please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Have fun and sing along at www.pubsong.com!
#pubstories #theceltickitchenparty #walkingundead
Check out this episode!
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Are You New To The Area? A Guide To Moving To Garland, TX
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Looking to relocate to the Garland, TX area? Well, you've come to the right place. This list of things new residents should know will get your transition off to an excellent start.
Welcome to the neighborhood!
Welcome to the neighborhood!
You've made the decision to move to Garland, TX and we couldn't be happier. This city is one of the safest places to live in the country and has plenty of great things going on for families. There are plenty of fun activities for kids, but there are also plenty for adults too--and if you're feeling a little adventurous, you can always check out Six Flags Over Texas just down the road from here!
Where to Eat
There are plenty of great places to eat in Garland, and it's hard to go wrong with any restaurant on this list.
For a casual dinner with friends or family:
The Lazy Dog - This restaurant specializes in American food like burgers, steaks and more (it also has an extensive beer menu). If you're looking for something more exotic than the usual fare you can find at most restaurants around here then I would recommend giving this place a try. They have several locations throughout DFW so if there isn't one near where you live just look up their nearest location online before heading over there for dinner sometime soon!
Where to Shop
If you're looking for a place that has everything under one roof, Garland is the perfect spot. The MacArthur Center is home to over 150 stores and restaurants. It's also right next door to another popular shopping destination: The Galleria at Garland.
The city has several big box stores like Walmart and Target, as well as specialty shops like Nail Spa of Texas (a nail salon).
What to Do
The Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center is home to the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, one of America's oldest and most prestigious orchestras.
You can catch a game at AT&T Stadium, where the Dallas Cowboys play football games every year. They are one of the most successful and recognizable sports franchises in history!
The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) is located in Garland, making it easy for students to live close to campus while still having access to all the city has to offer.
There are several parks throughout Garland including Lake Ray Hubbard Park on Lake Ray Hubbard and White Rock Creek Trail that runs along White Rock Creek through downtown Garland before connecting with other trails like Belt Line Bikeway which leads all over DFW Metroplex area as well as Old Mansfield Rd., which provides access further south toward Downtown Plano/Coppell areas
Garland, TX is a lovely town with a lot of great amenities.
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Garland, TX is a lovely town with a lot of great amenities. You'll find yourself spoiled for choice when it comes to places to eat, things to do and other fun activities.
If you're looking for something specific, here are some suggestions:
If you want to eat out at some of the best restaurants in Garland (and who doesn't?), head over to Main Street or Avenue A on Friday nights from 5pm until 9pm when several restaurants offer specials on food and drinks. On Saturdays from 7am until noon there's an outdoor farmers market where vendors sell fresh produce directly from their farms! It's also worth noting that there are several parks in the area if you want some time outdoors but don't have time for hiking trails or swimming pools yet--they're perfect for picnics too!
Garage Door Repair in Garland, TX
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Are you moving to Garland, TX? Do you need a Garage Door Repair? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This article will help you understand what you need to know about getting your garage door repaired and maintained.
Metro Garage Door Repair LLC is a Garland-based company that was recently founded in early 2017. We specialize in garage door installation and maintenance services, to help ensure your residential or commercial property is well protected from any potential damage caused by faulty garage doors.
Metro Garage Door Repair LLC - Garland
3960 Broadway Blvd Suite. 145-D, Garland, TX 75043
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plushieanimals · 2 years
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build a bear Longhorn is back in stock online! x
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whatsnewalycat · 2 years
Just Dumb Enough to Try
Chapter 2: Loaded
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Warnings: Binge drinking, recreational cannabis use, mention of cocaine use, smoking, swearing, nsfw, dirty talk, movie nerd shit, end of season 2 canon, attempts at humor, vulnerable Javi, touch-starved reader, hookup culture, PIV sex, unprotected sex, cheating kind of, use of daddy in a sexual context
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Summary: In 1993, you met Javier Peña in San Antonio. You made an emotional and physical connection with him. Now it's 1998 and you're starting a new chapter of life in Laredo with your fiancé. And who else walks back into the picture, but the man who left you high and dry five years ago.
Notes: Music is a big inspiration in writing this, so I'm making a Spotify playlist for each chapter. Playlist for this chapter. I really wanted to make something where Javi can be soft, vulnerable, goofy, etc. Because CUTE. I've written a few chapters ahead and cross-posted on AO3 here. Let me know what ya think!! Pls be gentle because this is my first attempt at fan fiction in ages.
Chapter 1
Apartment #303, Timberhill Commons, San Antonio, TX
December 1, 1993 
In addition to going to school full time to get your master’s degree in education, you work at a video rental store, which you both love and hate. You love it because you get to talk to people about movies. You hate it because your social battery runs dry quickly. So on nights like this, when everyone and their mother is coming in to rent movies, you are completely depleted by the time you clock out. 
You’ve been sitting in your car staring up at your apartment for 10 minutes. There’s a particular neon OPEN sign illuminating your living room that Michelle only turns on when she is throwing a party. She didn’t tell you anything about a party, so you’re dreading what you’ll find when you open the door. There’s weed and a tiny bit of coke in your room that you’ve been saving for a rainy day. Today is that day. You take a deep breath in and exit the vehicle. 
Even before you reach your door, you’re relieved to know you’ve grossly overestimated how many people are in the apartment. It’s just about as quiet as any other night. In fact, when you open the door, there’s nobody in the common areas. Michelle’s radio and the very obvious sounds of sex are emanating from behind her closed door. You wander over to the neon light to shut it off. There’s a bottle of whiskey (emptied halfway) and two shot glasses on the table. 
You stare at the setup for a bit, contemplating whether or not to take a shot yourself. Considering how dead inside you’re feeling, in combination with the soundtrack of Michelle getting railed, it’s pretty easy to decide.
Fuck it. 
After filling both glasses to the brim, you take one, then the other, and grimace. If you have to hang out with another fucking weirdo- Not that Javier was weird, he was actually pretty nice but whatever- god help you, you aren’t going to be sober for it. You fight your body’s urge to send the liquor back out your mouth. Once the warmth settles in your belly, you go into your room, change out of your work clothes, into an oversized black and white striped sweater and a pair of black bike shorts. You stretch out on your full-sized bed next to the rolling tray to roll a joint. 
Thankfully, the radio playing in Chelle’s room mostly mutes the heavy panting and wet slapping noises she’s making with her friend, but you keep having flashbacks of making yourself cum to those sounds two nights ago. It made you feel… decidedly uncomfortable with yourself. But you’ve always had a voyeuristic hunger that you feed occasionally. 
Regardless, you’d like to tune it out today. You put the headphones of your portable CD player on and press play. The world melts away as you spark your joint and listen to Primal Scream’s Loaded. 
Just what is it that you want to do? 
Well, we wanna be free to do what we wanna do. 
And we wanna get loaded.
And we wanna have a good time. 
You’re completely elevated, staring at the popcorn ceiling above your bed as you sway your head and hands to the music. The two shots of whiskey are helping you feel loose. The tensions of being around too many humans for too long while working start to fade away. 
After you have some time to fully zone out and decompress, you’re ready to join the land of the living. You pull your headphones off to listen to your surroundings, confirming that Michelle and her guest have migrated back into the living room. 
You consider staring at the ceiling for the rest of the night instead of emerging, but you think it’s actually Javier you hear. This piques your interest. He and Michelle obviously have a “thing” going on, but you can’t help but have a crush on him. Whenever you think about the tender way he held your hand, which has happened more often in the past 2 days than you’d like to admit, a wistful smile plays on your lips. 
I’ll just go say hi and have a drink with them. 
As soon as you open your bedroom door, it becomes apparent that you need to drink much more in order to chill with them. Michelle is sitting practically on top of Javier on the couch, essentially screaming into his face, telling him a story about one of her clients at the hair salon. He’s giggling.
Fucking giggling, seriously?
“Jesus Christ how much have you two been drinking?” you grab a shot glass from the kitchen then join them in the living room, sitting on the floor across the coffee table.  
“OH MY GOD, BABE,” Michelle hollers at you, noticing your presence, then continues to slur, “Javi and I were playing ‘never have I ever’ but taking shots instead of sips.” 
Your eyes involuntarily flick to Javier’s face when she says Javi and you make eye contact. This is the first time you’ve seen him in a fully lit room, and it really didn’t help this whole crush thing. He has the warmest dark brown eyes. His entire presence is warm, which you find surprising because when you met him, initially he seemed to be much more… intense and intimidating. His face is flushed; clearly he and Michelle have been drinking heavily for some time. 
Your eyes meet and he has a goofy smile, so you can’t help but fucking beam. What a cutie.
“I guess I have some catching up to do… Or, is it ok if I hang out with you two or are you trying to be all uh…” you falter and look down at the floor to hide that you’re blushing, “on a date or something? I don’t want to intrude.” 
“Babe, please, join us,” Michelle insists and looks from you to Javi. 
He adds in a teasing tone, “Yeah, babe, we’d love a third.”
And the fucker winks at you. Your entire face starts radiating heat because of how hard you’re blushing. You know that was his goal. He’s just picking on you. But you let your mind wander to the concept of being their third for one second… 
And snap out of it before your heart beats out of your chest. 
“Fuck off,” You snort at him as you pour a shot. He feigns offense. You swallow the whiskey while rolling your eyes. 
The three of you played two rounds of “never have I ever” (like teenagers), in which Javier discloses he has not done cocaine like you and Michelle, which is fine. But then casually mentions that he is a DEA agent and is home on leave from his assignment in Columbia, where he’s trying to arrest Pablo fucking Escobar. 
“Shut the fuck up. Are you serious?” You ask loudly in your outside (drunk) voice. He nods. 
Michelle leans in towards him and coos, “That’s actually really sexy.”
A hollow laugh escapes him. He focuses on the floor and appears… haunted. There’s an awkward silence. You sense he didn’t really mean for it to come up, and doesn’t want to talk about it further. This tugs at your heart strings. He lights up a cigarette. Michelle sprawls back onto the couch, laying her legs across Javier’s lap. 
A silence settles and you get the feeling the game is over. 
“I brought home ‘The Thing’ if you guys want to watch it.” You suggest meekly. Michelle doesn’t like movies as much as you. But if you’re being honest, it isn’t really her reaction you’re seeking. 
She turns her head towards you and scoffs, “Oh my god. No, we don’t want to watch your lame ass movies.”
You feel a stab of rejection and frown.
Well that was unnecessary.  
Being in a state of intoxication, you’re unable to reason with your insecurities. Tears well up in your eyes, so you excuse yourself to go take a shower. The hot water pours from your head down your body. The noise and warmth consume you and you’re lost in its trance. You have a chance to relax and review your emotional situation.
Usually, you watch movies alone. Michelle hates them for some reason, especially the horror movies you like to watch. Which really isn't a problem most of the time. You ultimately decide you feel embarrassed that you wanted to watch it with Javier, and Michelle’s comment was just searing enough to make you feel like a loser for suggesting it. 
The Thing is one of your favorite movies, so you love showing it to people. And now, in retrospect, it sounds so silly. A guy is here specifically to spend time with your roommate, and you’re upset because they don’t want to watch a movie with you. 
There’s just this compulsion pulling you toward Javi. You think he might feel it, but you also think he could just have that effect on women. Maybe the living room is vacated because you actually want to watch The Thing after smoking another joint, cocooned into your favorite blanket on the couch. 
Once you’re out of the shower, you skitter from the bathroom to your bedroom. You get dressed, roll a joint, put your glasses on, and tiptoe into the living room, dragging your comforter behind you. Javier is there, perched on the couch, but no Michelle in sight. A bolt of panic shoots through you.
“Did Chelle go to bed?” You ask, sitting down at the opposite end of the couch and pulling your comforter up around you. When you gather the courage to look over at him, his eyebrows are knit together and the corners of his mouth are downturned. 
“Yeah I brought her to bed a little bit ago. She was falling asleep,” he scratches his face then meets your eyes, “Are you ok?” 
Your whole body tenses slightly, you nod quickly, then start rambling, “Yeah, I’m fine! I’m just… drunk. And I was being emotional because I’m drunk. It’s totally fine. I know she doesn’t like movies that much, I- I don’t know why I asked.” 
“It was rude of her to say that to you,” he says softly, “You don’t deserve that.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t expecting it to be so harsh, I guess,” you nuzzle into your comforter and gesture to the joint, “Do you mind if I-?
He frowns and shakes his head. 
“Do you want..?” you offer the joint up to him after lighting it. He chuckles and shakes his head some more. 
Offer a joint to the narc, yes, perfect. 
He leans forward, puts his elbows on his knees, and fidgets his hands a little, “So uhh… The Thing?” 
“What thing?” You blink. 
A wide grin breaks out onto his face, “No, the movie-“
“Oh Jesus Christ, duh!” You cackle. Your laugh echoes off the walls but you don’t try to muffle it. 
Who gives a shit.
Javier starts laughing, too, and relaxes back into the couch, “Your laugh is incredible.”  
“If by ‘incredible’ you mean ‘extremely obnoxious’, then yes. Fucking incredible,” you scoff. 
He rolls his eyes, “I don’t see how it’s possible not to like you or your laugh.” 
You hide behind your hair for a moment, then turn to him and notice he’s focusing on your face. The rapid heartbeat in your chest picks up speed as you study his handsome features. You’re being a complete fool. 
And he’s just being nice. 
“Do you actually want to watch this or do you just feel bad? Because I’ve seen it dozens of times, you really don’t have to.” 
“I want to,” he states firmly. You get up to grab the tape and put it in. He continues in a gentler tone, “I had a good time watching IT with you the other night.” 
Your whole body hums at the thought of him enjoying anything with you. A blush spreads across your cheeks. 
“Really? Ok. Well, The Thing is actually one of my favorite movies, and I thought you might like it.” Once everything is set up and you press PLAY, you settle back onto the couch, stretching your legs until your toes are just not touching Javier. He moves closer to you, pulling your ankles on top of his lap, then he pulls up your comforter to drape it over you both. 
Conversation is casually sprinkled throughout the movie. You find out that he has been in San Antonio visiting his cousin, but otherwise he’s helping out at his dad’s ranch down by the border. He enjoys movies, but hasn’t had time to watch many since he was younger. He’s on disciplinary leave currently but seems like he’d rather eat glass than expand on that subject, so you don’t push it. 
You share a bit about yourself, too- how you grew up in Minnesota, you’re going to school for your master’s in education so you can become a grade school teacher, and how you and Michelle have known each other. Eventually he asks about your love life, but there’s really not a lot to tell.
“I haven’t had much luck dating people down here. I was in a relationship with this girl two years ago, but that’s pretty much it, aside from the occasional hookup,” you look down at your hands, “It’s difficult when you only go out with your hot roommate and… you know…” you grapple for the right words, “people fight for a chance with her. I’m pretty much invisible. She’s so pretty and fun. I wish I could be like her.” 
More often than not, if you get hit on, it’s by the wingman of the person trying to get with Michelle, and they usually give a half-hearted attempt. It’s not like you’re unattractive or anything, you just don’t shine as brightly as she does in those situations… and you’re a tad shy at first. But it has started to grate on your self-esteem. 
“Listen, I don’t know you very well, but… don’t compare yourself to Michelle,” he says sternly. Your body tenses, pulling your feet from his lap up underneath you. Based entirely on his tone, you’re sure he’s about to start berating you, so you embrace for impact. But his tone is softer now, “It’s like apples and oranges. You’re very attractive, and sweet, and any guy would be lucky to get a date with you.”
A placating smile forms on your lips, “Sure” 
If that was true, he would ask me out. If that was true, anyone would ask me out. 
“You don’t believe me,” he raises an eyebrow.
“It’s not important,” contradictory tears prick in your eyes, “You’re right, I shouldn’t compare myself to her. It’s just…” you sigh heavily, frustration evident in your voice, “anytime I’m interested in someone, I have to hear them fucking her, you know? And I can’t help but think, why not me? Is there something wrong with me? I don’t know… I- I guess it’s just getting to me.”
You study your fidgety hands while picking away at fuchsia nail polish. He scoots over onto the seat cushion next to yours, gently extends your legs so your knees drape over his lap, lets one hand rest wrapped around the back of your knee, and then tilts your face up towards his. His fingers feel electric on your touch starved skin. You shiver. His brow is furrowed and a frown is plastered on his mouth. He studies your face as if to ask, is this about me?
And, you know, it kind of is. In fact, it totally is.
You’re horny and resentful, and the crush you have on this man is unreasonable. The words to express yourself are fighting their way into your throat, propelled forward by the whiskey still pumping through you. Adrenaline floods your brain and you can practically hear how hard your heart is beating as you meet his dark eyes and confess, “I- I guess I’m just jealous because I uhh… I wish you were with m- me, not her.” 
You fight the urge to hide your face away in shame. It felt good to say it out-loud, but at the same time you want to puke being that vulnerable with someone who’s practically a stranger. Just an acquaintance, really. Your roommate’s short term fuck buddy, like seriously? 
But his expression doesn’t change. He nods, his gaze flicks between your eyes and your lips a few times. Your breath is sucked from your chest. You lick your lips at the thought of him kissing you. You nod too. He leans into you. You’re both still while the ending of The Thing plays on the TV: 
Childs: How will we make it? MacReady: Maybe we shouldn’t.  Childs: If you’re worried about me- MacReady: If we’ve got any surprises for each other, I don’t think we’re in much shape to do anything about it.  Childs: Well, what do we do? MacReady: Why don’t we just… wait here for a little while, see what happens?
Despite your slight intoxication, you’re acutely aware of this moment suspended in time. You feel his breath, whiskey and cigarettes, on your face. You inhale. It mixes with the musk of sweat and his masculine cologne and the scent is tattooed on your brain. His eyes are burning a hole into you. The gentle touch on your jawline, the tightening grasp on the back of your knee, it’s lighting your skin on fire. You crave the feel of his skin against your own. 
Javier walks his fingers from your jaw to the back of your head, trailing across your ear in between. He grabs a fistful of hair at the base of your skull, which sends ripples of pleasure from your scalp down between your legs. You gasp, and he pulls your lips onto his. You kiss him back, savoring the way his mustache brushes against your face. The way his pouty lips seem to melt perfectly into yours. He renews the kiss, deeper this time. You part your mouth to run your tongue along the seam of his mouth. He moans quietly and grants you access. Your tongues touch and it’s so soft and wet and intimate, you turn needy. 
You pull back so you can swing yourself on top of him, placing your thighs on either side of his hips and your hot center flush against the hard cock straining behind the zipper of his tight jeans. You feel the bulge pressing against you and can’t help but roll your hips back and forth slowly to create more friction. His hands press into the small of your back, he’s trying to get closer to you still. Ripping your sweatshirt off, you expose your breasts to the room. His hands shoot up to cup them, but you stop him, “Not yet.” 
You run your fingers through his wavy hair and pull him into your cleavage, sandwiching his face tightly between your tits while he groans into your chest. The noises reverberate inside your rib cage. This is fucking delightful listening to him struggle against you. You drag him out by his hair, and as soon as you see his molten brown eyes you breathe out, “Now you ca-”
He doesn’t even let you finish before he has his mouth wrapped around one of your tits, shoving as much of it into his mouth as possible. He moans while sucking and running his tongue against your nipple. His hand grabs onto your other tit and squeezes for dear life. The sensation shoots off fireworks in your brain and you let out a strangled noise. His hips shoot up into yours, then he switches sides. 
“Fuck yes oh my god- that’s so good baby,” you grab the hand on your wet tit and help him tease your nipple. He’s drooling all over you, moaning into your tits, and you’re fucking feral for him. You resume grinding your hips down onto him and he releases you from his mouth with a pop. 
You pull his head up to meet yours and press your mouth onto his, moaning into the slow, wet, hungry kiss. You break the kiss to whimper at the ceiling as your whole body starts to break out in a sweat. He takes this opportunity to pull your neck to his lips. He tantalizes you by leaving a trail of wet kisses from your throat up to your earlobe. He catches the lobe between his teeth, then closes his lips and sucks gently. You come completely undone at the sensation. 
You gasp, “Please”
He releases your earlobe and looks up at you, eyes smoldering, “Please what?”
He wants you to say it.
You press your foreheads together and beg in a whisper, “please- please fuck me.” 
He wastes no time pulling your hips up so he can unbuckle his belt and shuffle out of his pants. You roll to the side and yank your shorts off. When you meet in your previous position, straddling him, the heat from your skin meets his. Your swollen pussy is laying right on top of his throbbing cock. When you buck your hips forward, the length of him slides between your lips, head rubbing against your clit. You rock back and forth again, gently this time, and continue at this pace. It feels like heaven. His face is pleading up at you and you are on a fucking power trip. You lick and suck on his neck while unbuttoning his shirt, then yank it off of him and throw it on the floor.  
Your fingers splay across his chest, then you drag your nails down his torso, leaving a trail of tender welts behind. His breath speeds. Feeling yourself and your power in this moment, you lean forward to whisper in his ear, still slowly running your wet cunt against his cock, “do you want to fuck me?“ 
He moans and jerks up harder against you while his hands grab your round ass and he desperately attempts to push you down onto him more, “yes, please-” 
Pleasure has completely consumed your being. He’s looking up at you, eyes pleading, mouth open. It’s more than you can take. You slide yourself up his shaft so the head is dipping into your soaking wet opening. Then you pause, and you hear his breath catch. You look into his puppy dog eyes and demand, “Say it.”
“I want to fuck you. P-please let me fuck you,” He begs. You oblige, and lower yourself down his length. He gasps, “Fuck-holy fuck-“
As he makes his way up into you, every single movement fills you with ecstasy. Your entire body shivers at the feel of him inside of you and you bite down on your lower lip, a moan escapes you and you can barely form a coherent thought as you start rolling your hips back and forth. 
His hands wrap around your waist and he pulls your hips down harder, which makes you gasp, “Fuck, Javi, that’s so fucking good.”
He completely lifts you up as he adjusts the position, moves onto his knees and turns the two of you around so your back is against the couch. You wrap around his body and slide down onto him further. He puts his hands around your lower back to support you. Your foreheads press against each other and you’re breathing into each other. 
A loud moan escapes you as you adjust to this new angle and it lights your nerve endings on fire. He starts plunging in slowly, deeply. 
“So fucking good. Your pussy is fucking perfect,” he breathes into your mouth, then starts frantically kissing you.
“Faster, daddy, please-“ you beg him between hungry kisses. 
He lets out a guttural moan and instantly obliges, pounding into you hard. Your heartbeat starts thudding in your ears and you swear your entire body is buzzing. You’re completely lost in each other. Nothing matters but the two of you, starved for intimacy, completely drunk on lust. 
You feel the heat of an orgasm begin tingling in your center. You start babbling “You’re going to make me fuck- fucking cum, don’t stop daddy, please-“
He keeps the same brutal pace and growls, “Fuck- yes, be a good girl, fucking cum for me-“ 
You look up and lock eyes with him as you nod frantically. You close your eyes, but he pants, “Look at me, open them.” 
You snap your lids open to meet his dark eyes, and let out small frenzied whimpers as you ride your climax up. It’s so fucking hot to be looking into his eyes as it happens. Your face contorts as you feel a wave of pleasure wash over you as you cry out, and you’re sure your brain is completely fucking broken by this man. He let out a choked sound and his whole body goes rigid, he gives you a few more thrusts while both of you find your release. 
He lets you go so you can lay back onto the couch, completely and utterly wrecked. He lays back on the other side of the couch, and your legs tangle together. 
“Did you just cum inside me?” You ask quietly, still trying to catch your breath and return your pulse to normal. 
“Fuck,” he sighs, then you hear him light up a cigarette. You follow his cue. He sits up and looks at you, “I did. I wasn’t even thinking. We should have used a condom, I could have pulled out. I didn’t even realize I was going to until I felt you-“
“I swear to god if I get knocked up the first time I’ve had sex in months I’m going to murder you,” you promise, laughing but really if you get knocked up the first time you’ve had sex in months you might actually murder him. 
“Worth it,” he grins from ear-to-ear. 
His handsome smile is contagious. You roll your eyes playfully, then meet his gaze. He grabs your hand that’s not holding a cigarette, brings it to his lips and places a gentle kiss on your wrist, then presses your palm against his cheek. You leave it there. 
There you two are, making goo-goo eyes at each other, when you hear Michelle say, “Are you fucking kidding me?”
Chapter 3
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despazito · 2 years
hi!! long time listener, first time caller. i was wondering if you know of any resources for people new to chicken rearing? maybe useful things to purchase? i recently got employed by a non-profit food bank to manage their little farm and, as it turns out, 50 or so egg-laying chickens. the setup is very ramshackle, the water feeders are soooo shitty, etc etc. just on the bare minimum of functionality. no worries if you got nothin. this is all in deep south Texas btw
hey! that's awesome i'm so envious of all your new chickens!!
idk if by waterers being "shitty" you mean they are bad or you mean literal shitty as in poop, in which case you could look into a suspended waterer and feeders they can't muck up. poultry waterer nipples are another product but i've never used them personally.
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you can DIY some feeding troughs with PVC piping as well
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i think my biggest recommendation though is to make yourself a chicken first aid kit. here's a post listing some things you should keep on hand for medical emergencies but tumblr isn't letting me embed links right now?? ( https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/homeofhousechickens/632692032736018432) . I'd also really really recommend searching for an exotic vet nearby that will see chickens. Its always better to have their number on hand instead of scrambling to find one after disaster strikes.
If they're hardcore factory-bred laying hens then make sure they are getting their calcium, most feed stores sell a blend specifically formulated for production layers. We also save eggshells from the eggs we eat and give them as a treat to the chickens, they love eggshell. however there is such a thing as too much calcium, I don't believe it poses any real health danger but for reference here's an egg with excess calcium deposits bc i see many people on poultry FB groups freak out when they find these lol
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Do they free range or are they always in an enclosure? if they don't forage then i recommend giving enrichment in their run, just google chicken enrichment ideas and there's plenty of projects. A pretty inexpensive one is to get yourself a piece of dead tree and make a 'natural' style roost or climbs
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also make sure they have an area where they can dust bathe. We bought sand for ours but they preferred to just bathe in the soil though lmao.
unfortunately(fortunately?) i live in a totally different climate here in canada with different predators and weatherproofing concerns, i know a lot of texans are around who raise chickens so perhaps they can drop some husbandry recs for your specific situation. i believe @mellifexfarm is based in TX?
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mikasaessucasaa · 3 years
Title: Flatlanders
Summary: After being forced to retire from singing, Sansa returns to Winterfell Ranch, a place she hasn’t called home in over ten years, and finds the man that she left behind all those years ago.
Part 1 .... Part 2
King’s Landing, TX
Sansa’s hair was a frizzy mess. It wasn’t usually so humid this far inland, but of course the moment she came back was the same week that the summer storms started. It only ever rained once a year when she lived in LA.
And now she was trekking around town when the sky looked like it was about to open up. She needed to fix a broken fence that’s been neglected for weeks. And she needed to talk to the bank and get their finances sorted. What the hell has Arya been doing all this time?
Fence first. Bank later. And maybe she’ll get so busy getting wood that she might not even have to see Petyr.
And of course it started pouring as soon as she pulled up to the Night's Watch General Store. Damn. It better not be a flash flood. She should have listened when Mama told her to bring a damn umbrella. Bless Sansa’s heart.
Accepting her fate, she steeled herself and made a dash from the truck to the front door. Even the thirty seconds it took her to get inside was enough to make her look like a drowned rat. Forget frizzy hair, her auburn hair was soaked and limp.
She was greeted by a familiar face, but she couldn’t place his name, not having seen him in over a decade. He was scrawny and of average height with short cropped hair.
“Sansa! Woah, never thought I’d see you again in these neck of the woods.”
Honestly, neither did she.
She looked at his name badge. Ah. Pyp. One of Jon’s lackeys who used to follow him around high school. She thought it was adorable back then. She wondered if he still talked to Jon.
“Jon’s gonna be so happy to see you.” She doubted it, but she nodded and smiled. “How can I help ya today?”
“Got a whole section of my fence broken. I think from lightning a couple of weeks ago.”
Pyp showed her a couple of different options. She wanted to buy the cedar since it would last longer through the unpredictable Texas weather, but she saw their finances, and Mama definitely understated just how much trouble the ranch was in. She didn’t know how long her own cash was going to last with her singing voice now gone.
So she went with the pine instead. She’ll deal with it later.
“I’ll give you the friends and family discount,” Pyp said when he rung her up. As she was signing the check, he pulled out another piece of paper and asked, “Do you mind also signing this? My niece loves your music. She’s always jamming to your album on her little boombox.”
Sansa hadn't thought she was that popular. She had one or two songs played on the radio nationally, and produced a couple of songs for commercials. She bet it was her local celebrity fame that made her popular down here.
She gave her signature and hauled ass out of her store with her fence posts while the rain momentarily stopped. She covered her new purchase with a tarp and settled back into her truck.
She checked the time, and damn the bank was still open.
So she made her way over to the Eyrie Bank. Her parents had only ever gone to one bank their entire life because it was owned by a family friend. Papa had been good friends with Jon Arryn for a long time before he passed, and then Aunt Lysa remarried a childhood friend, Petyr Baelish.
To Sansa, Petyr had always been the creepy uncle, but if anyone could help her sort out the mess with the ranch, he could.
There weren’t many customers when she entered the bank, so of course they let Petyr know right away that she was there to see him.
He smiled that creepy smile that he always had, as if he wanted to devour her. It was the same look music producers always gave her when she entered the room. They always undressed her with their eyes first before they bothered listening to her demos.
And she smiled back, as he leaned forward and held her in a too intimate hug. Gross. “Sansa, my dear. It’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you so much over these last twelve years.”
“Same here, Uncle Baelish.”
“I wish you had come to visit more often.”
“Well you know what it’s like for artists trying to break in.”
“I can’t imagine what it’s like to give up everything to chase your dreams. You’re so brave.” Liar. Everybody knew that Sansa was forced to leave.
Sansa smiled more. “Thank you Uncle.”
Baelish led them to his private office, and the way that he patted her shoulder after he closed the door made her uncomfortable, but she held it in as she watched him take a seat.
“So how can I help you, my sweetling?”
“I need you to walk me through the Winterfell finances.”
“Certainly, I’ll make it as easy as I can for you to follow.”
Sansa started tapping her finger against the arm rest.
She resented his insinuation. She didn’t finish high school, but she learned to manage her finances, learned how much the Lannisters stole from her, knew how much she willfully turned away from because she needed the Lannisters as much as she hated them.
Still he did make it easy for her to understand, all the while outlining all of the paperwork.
Mama had been behind on bank payments for a long time, even after being given extensions consistently. Eventually, even Petyr’s generosity, so he says, couldn’t save the ranch. So Robb took out a private loan to cover the bank payments.
“Another bank?” she asked.
“No more personal than that. I believe Robb was good friends with Rhaegar’s boy.” He probably wanted to say bastard, but knew better since he was Robb’s best friend.
But she couldn't believe that Robb would be stupid enough to take out a loan from the Valyrian Dragons. Maybe he had a death wish after all.
“And that’s what’s keeping the ranch afloat now? Do you know how much we owe?”
Petyr gave a number and it wasn’t absurd, but, “This interest rate is insane. We won’t ever be able to touch the principle.”
Petyr shrugged. “I did try to warn your dear brother. I told him that it would be better for the bank to repossess the ranch. We would have certainly allowed your family to manage it still.” But he would own it all. “But alas your brother couldn’t see sense.”
She couldn’t tell if Robb was a prideful fool, or smart not to fall into bed with Petyr.
She thanked Petyr for his time and headed to the Dragon’s clubhouse. She had dreaded this part of coming home. Sansa hadn’t seen Jon in twelve years, and she didn’t know what kind of man he grew up to be. He had always been kind and sweet as a child, but kind and sweet men don’t join the Valyrian Dragons.
But she had to know if Robb had a plan all along, or if he was dumb enough to leave his family and the ranch at the mercy of the Dragons.
The clubhouse didn’t know if it wanted to be an auto shop or a bar or a boarding house, just the kind of trashy place that you would find in the south, because what else could it be?
She never thought she’d actually step in this place.
When she was still in school, the girls used to whisper about how they dreamed they would lose their virginities to one of the Dragons’ members. Egg would be ideal, with his pretty boy charm and silver hair, but Jon would do — he may have been shy back then, but the girls all took it as mysterious and dangerous. She wondered if the girls’ assumptions became true in his adulthood.
She assumed Egg must have been successful in popping a lot of cherries, but in her loneliness she sometimes liked to think that she was the only one for Jon, that she was somehow special, despite the mess she left.
There were a couple of pretty girlies loitering in the bar area of the clubhouse when she entered. They teetered around on high heels and tight skirts and tops, and suddenly Sansa wished she had the foresight to dress for battle. Instead she was wearing her stupid ripped jeans, work boots, and a white tee with a flannel shirt.
The girlies turned to look at her and their excited chatter died down. She’s guessing the red hair gave her away, or she really was more popular than she thought.
Out of the crowd of girlies, a silver haired woman emerged in black stilettos, leather pants and a black corset top. Shit, who could wear leather pants in this weather except for Daenerys Stormborn?
“So it’s true, the prodigal Stark daughter returns,” Dany said sweetly, but Sansa knew there was nothing sweet about the woman. She was all fire and ash. Dany probably thrived on the club wars.
Sansa shrugged. “Everyone’s gotta come home sometime.”
“Only when they’re incapable of surviving the world out there.”
“But at least I went out into the world.” Instead of being trapped in this hellhole.
“Only goes to show that you don’t belong here.”
“Winterfell is my home.” Even Sansa would have rolled her eyes at herself if she heard her speak.
“But the clubhouse isn’t. What do you want?”
“I need to speak to Jon.”
“No. You left him a mess all those years ago, and you think you can come waltzing in here years later and just talk to him? Wake up honey. He won’t want to talk to you.” Dany crossed her arms. “Whatever you want to say to Jon, you can tell to his girl.”
Dany had always wanted to claw her way into the Targaryens, maybe she finally did.
“It’s got nothing to do with you Dany.”
Dany waved her hand, flashing an engagement ring. “See this here? Says it’s got everything to do with me, missy.”
Sansa’s heart started pounding uncomfortably in her chest and she felt nauseous and lightheaded. Shit. Of all the damn times to have an anxiety attack.
She stumbled backwards into something solid.
The low, broken sound snapped her towards the man.
“Jon,” Sansa said, equally as broken.
Part 3
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chorusfm · 3 months
Liner Notes (June 15th, 2024)
Another week, another newsletter. This week’s supporter Q&A post can be found here. If you’d like this newsletter delivered to your inbox each week (it’s free and available to everyone), you can sign up here. A Few Things * I know there are a lot of media tracking apps, and Sequel gets a lot of justified praise, but for my needs, I’ve grown to like the stock Trakt app. I recently realized how customizable the app was. Being able to customize the bottom tab bar and put all the common places I visit in the app is a nice feature. And it’s got a nice widget that I use on my “Days Over” focus mode. But, the killer feature for me is still the “check-in” feature, which is used when you start watching something and it puts it on the lock screen as a live activity. Then, when, predictably, I need to see who is in the show/movie we’re watching, I can tap it and quickly check the cast section. It’s also updated pretty frequently with new features. Letterboxd has a (much) better community and reviews section, but I think Trakt’s the better app. * Quick note: Blue Sky now lets me auto-post to it, so I’ve set up the Chorus account to pull in our news posts. Hopefully, Threads will follow suit soon. Sponsor Laika Songs has released the new song “Field of Vision” featuring Onelinedrawing. The song comes from the new album Slowly Spiraling Towards the Light available for digital download and vinyl pre-order at Bandcamp. Follow the band on Instagram, Spotify, and Bandcamp. In Case You Missed It * Interview: The Early November * Review: Underoath – They’re Only Chasing Safety * Adam Lewis of Fenix TX Passes Away * Riot Fest 2024 Announced * Something Corporate Tease New Music * Hopeless Records Announces New Compilation * The Used Announce New Tour * Alkaline Trio Announce New Tour * Spotify to Launch New Premium Plan * Albums in Stores – Jun 14th, 2024 Music Thoughts * It’s a pretty fun week for new music. The Early November’s new album is out, and it comes highly recommended. I know this may be blasphemy to some, but I actually think this might be their best album. Exceptional front to back. Just a damn solid alternative rock album that we don’t see much of these days. Great vocals, excellent songwriting, and an awesome entry into the band’s catalog. It’s right up there with In Currents for me now. * Florrie’s new album, The Lost Ones, also came out yesterday. It’s one of the best pop releases of the year so far, and so exactly in my wheelhouse, it’s comical. For fans of Sigrid, Carly Rae Jensen, or just summer’s here let’s dance pop music. I’m over here begging the world to take notice. * The new Said the Sky single featuring Boys Like Girls is a lot of fun. Their last album flew a little under the radar but had a lot of known collaborators on it. * The rest of my week was spent with a whole bunch of old favorites. The news of Adam Lewis’s passing had me returning to FenixTX’s discography. RIP. (Lechuza holds up so well all these years later.) It was also a big week for Allister’s Last Stop Suburbia. That’s one of those albums that screams “summer” to me. A quintessential pop-punk classic. They’re one of those bands where I could never really get into the rest of their discography. While they all had some good songs scattered throughout, I always thought they lacked the same fun vibes as this one. And I also had a fun time re-visiting Unwritten Law’s Elva this week. This one brings me right back to my freshman year of college and blaring this in the dorm with my college roommate. * Other albums that caught my eye this week included Talker’s 2022 release, In Awe of Insignificance, and Carly Cosgrove’s latest. I need to listen to the new Decemberists album, but I haven’t had time yet. The Stats: Over the past week, I listened to 37 different artists, 54 different albums, and 543 different tracks (634 scrobbles). Here is my Top 9 from last week, and you can follow me on Apple Music and/or Last.fm.… https://chorus.fm/features/articles/liner-notes-june-15th-2024/
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