#i looooooooove pillows
nozunhinged · 4 months
Wandee goodday novel spoilers ahead!
I haven't finished the novel yet but they're already dating there so I'm still ahead of the show and I have sooooo many (positive) thoughts what's happening with the show it makes me so happy aaaaah!
First and foremost, in the book they're also essentially dating the second they enter their fwb agreement and it's so damn adorable. I loved how they deeply cared for each other since day one (and I do not just mean feelings-wise but literally caring in the sense of being there for each other) and I would've never thought that the show could manage to make their development even MORE adorable!!!
In the novel it's a tad bit one-sided from Yak as that he falls very hard for Dee and also admits his feelings first (to himself) and I looooove love that in the show it's a lot more equal. You watch them both fall for each other HARD and it's so satisfying to watch.
Also the kiss-thing doesn't exist in the novel, Dee is literally obsessed with making out with Yak (they're even more horny in the book anyway) which is ofc a very easy way to show them how they cross the FWB line but I love the shows approach SO MUCH MORE. Again they're equally pulled towards each other, they both want to kiss each other so badly every time it happens I scream into my pillow because inn and great show their equally down bad yearning SO DELICIOUSLY WELL!
Also in the novels the rivals (Ter and Taem) are handled very differently and they felt like simple plot devices to stir drama. But in the show, they are used soooooo well to show the emotional development of yak and dee while making them proper characters CHEFS KISS!
Especially Ter, in the novel he starts his harassment after they officially start dating (they don't have a proper fake boyfriends era it's more like "we might as well start shit while were at it") Which makes him even more pathetic but also a bit boring, I feel like in the show his behaviour will be explored way better so we can learn why he acts this way. Taem is (as I've read so far) basically just a ghost that's mentioned in like two sentences and I love love looooooooove her in the show so much. Not just because she represents yaks fine bi ass but because she also feels like a fully fledged character. (AND SHE PRETTY)
AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON KAO! He's great in the novel but NOTHING compared to sweet sweet angel show-kao. I want to build him a shrine and name my non-existent child after him. Please continue being the most perfect human being on the planet THANK YOU!
did I mention I fucking love Wandee goodday? I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHOW!
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kiankiwi · 7 months
Little!Jacob head canons! Jacob has stated in interviews that he’s sensitive and a mama’s boy so do with that what you will 😉
YES SOMEONE FINALLY ASKED ABOUT LITTLE JACOB i LOVE little jacob! I need to write a full fic on him
whenever we have to wake up little jake, we always have layla come into the room and help us. She usually boops him or we let her dig at our blankets to get him up
he's a VERY sensitive bubby! It doesn't matter what emotion he's feeling, he's a cryer. Happy? Tears! Frustrated? Tears! Overwhelmed? Tears! Overtired? Tears! Angry? TEARS!
When he's angry while little, he immediately goes to yell but we have to remind him "hey, no yelling at mama. Mama's not yelling at you so you shouldn't yell at her. Let's talk about it okay? I understand you're mad and that's okay but let's talk instead of yelling okay?"
He's very apologetic when he starts to cry and we're like "no honey, it's okay to cry! you just feel a lot don't ya, that's okay"
Very big on hugs and cuddles... hugs are like currency to him lol
We'll be talking to someone who's visiting or other cg's in his play group or something and out of nowhere, baby will just come over and wrap himself around us and lay his head on our chest
He's a very clingy boy! Whenever he's upset or we hear him start to cry in the other room, we immediately get ready to have a 200 lbs 6'5" bubba attached to us
He NEEDS snuggles in order to sleep. His favorite pillow is our chest
(because big him smokes, he has a MAJOR oral fixation so it makes sense that little him would be big into pacis)
baby LOVES to go outside but hates to get dirty! so if he happens to get muddy or dirt on his hands, he screeches and immediately runs up to us like "momma help!"
In headspace he is VERY unaware of how big his body actually is so he always tries to come and sit in our lap but we're like "I'm sorry you're too big baby" and he looks at us so confused and he's like "no mommy, jakey's tiny!"
He OFTEN goes down in public due to whatever makes him slip so we have to carry his emergency little items (A paci, a travel stuffy, a sippy cup/bottle) in our purse or keep them in our car and we often go with him to pulic events to help keep him in his adult headspace. Also to support him but mainly to keep him from slipping when he's at work
This boy HATES thunderstorms! He will wake up SCREAMING and cry so hard he'll throw up and will SHAKE beside us in bed and he REFUSES to come out from under the covers
Anytime this boy goes to the park, we HAVE to push him on the swings for AT LEAST half an hour. That's his favorite part of the park
@mooodyblue your turn 😉
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
i looooooooove your analysis i love your beautiful brain mwah mwah
*Blushing, kicking her feet in the air and hiding her head under a pillow* thank youuuu
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whootwhoot · 4 years
»»—— 𝘛𝘛𝘛𝘊 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 2: "𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘴" ——««
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Akaashi Keiji x Fem! Reader
author’s notes: holy shit im so sorry for the not posting in such a long time ;-; i had stuff i needed to clean up + i was lazy- anyways this is the second chapter for my first long fic “Third Times The Charm” sorry for the delay ^^ compared to the previous one this one involves more conversations since im not good at writing movements lmAO enjoy uwu
☕ synopsis: Iwaizumi Y/n, a student who goes to Aoba Johsai as well as the second year manager for the school’s male volleyball team. What happens when she sets eyes on the cute setter from Fukurodani?
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[ CHAPTER 2 - First texts ] 
“Oh shit.” 
Your phone screen fades to black as you sit there biting your lip. Baffled by how stupid you were, you slam your face into the pillow next to you.
“You had one chance, one chance and you did what? You forgot about it, your stupid brain forgot about it. Are you kidding me?”
You let out a loud groan as you sit back up, the bed sheet wrinkles while you release that breath of air you’ve been holding. Your hands wandered around your phone’s keyboard, too nervous to reply but too anxious not to. 
Akaashi seems like a genuine guy, he doesn’t show off or boast about himself. He’s just always there, the way he smiles when he successfully makes a perfect set, the way his delicate hands toss the ball, his eyes only focusing on you…
“Y/n! Get a grip! What are you even thinking?!” a couple more groans and turns on your bed and you are more awake than before. 
Honestly you never expected a reply from him at all. Sure, the idea of that crossed your mind, maybe more than several times but the thought of it actually happening? There’s no way.  
“It’s like my brain short circuited somehow.” you whisper while sitting up, leaning against the headboard of your mattress. 
Maybe the impression of you from your previous lover affected you more than you want to admit. “You’re annoying.” “Undeserving of love.” “No one can even stand a clingy person like you.” 
Your vision turns blurry as you feel cold tears gently running down your face. You wipe them away, hoping to erase the emotions bubbling up inside of you away too. 
The insecurities you try to push away seem to have formed a wall, a never ending wall that just stacks higher and higher. Just when you thought you have gotten over it, the tiniest shard of the most fragile moment can make you fall back down again.
The creaking sound of your room door makes you jump as your brother peeks his head inside your room. 
“Haji? It’s 2am you, you should be sleeping!” 
“You didn’t close the lights in your room so I thought I’d check up on you.”
“Your eyes look reddish, are you okay?” 
You lift your shoulders in a shrug, Hajime comes into your room and stands right in front of you and folds his arms. 
“Is this the older brother's lecturing time?” you ask while raising your eyebrow
“And for the record, I’m fine. You don’t have to-”
“I think I do.” Hajime stares at you intensely 
“You should've gotten over that jerk ages ago.”
“I know, I know” you release your breath and repeat the sentence he once told you  “The first love cuts the deepest, but not every cut leaves a scar.” 
“Well, I don’t know but just… what makes you think I deserve love?”
“Iwaizumi Y/n, you are my sister. No one knows you better than I-”
You laugh in amusement while Hajime licks his lips as his mouth forms a small smile. 
“Ok but the point is, you’ll find someone who’ll love you as much as you love them eventually. No one in the world is undeserving of love.”
You rest your chin on your palm while eyeing and slyly grinning towards your brother.
“Eww since when have you learned to be so cheesy?” 
“It’s called quality love advice, you should try them sometime.”
He ducks just in time to avoid the pillow you flung at him. 
“Stop yelling or the neighbours are going to hear you!”
He continues to laugh while rushing to the door. He stands at your door and gestures his hand at the light switch.
You grab your blanket and nod your head while laying down, the bed softly creaking causing him to chuckle. Hajime closes the lights and leaves your room quietly.
His warm words hang around  in the cold room as you slowly drift off to sleep. 
“Thanks Haiji-nisan.” 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
Hello, it’s me  😓
The girl who was randomly texting you last night 
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
No reply
You furiously type on your phone while staring at the screen intensely in hopes that he sees your messages. 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
I forgot about that photo 😓 😓 , I'm sorry if it seemed weird or uh rude
And uh i just hope that maybe we can get to know each other
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
Okaayyy he replied,  so that’s a good sign… right? 
Biting your lips, you place your thumb on the phone to prevent the screen from fading and eventually closing. 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
Soooooooo I’m Iwaizumi Y/n  😇 😇
Akaashi Keiji.
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
“God damn it, he’s such a conversation killer.” you mumble under your breath 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
I’m from Aoba Johsai!! 
You’re the spikers younger sister? Iwaizumi?
Well duh  😂
Where are you from? 
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
You ran your hand through your hair, cringing at how hard you're trying. 
Maybe you could just tell him, you know like “Hey hot stuff, I think you attracted me with your stunning good looks so I want to date you.” you mock while pointing finger guns at the mirror. 
Just then, the familiar ringtone of your phone notification rings and you scramble to see who it was. 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
El is best girl:
Heyyyyy, you got the text yet? 
El is best girl:
Daaaaaaamn I take it you're disappointed that it wasn't him who appeared on your notification?  😔 😔
I love texting you  😘
El is best girl:
Awhh save it lmAO 
Did you text him back?
😤 He’s not giving anything to work with here 
El is best girl: 
Pshhh I mean just ask him how his day was or like 
At least try to keep the conversation going 
El is best girl:
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
You hurriedly press into your chat with Akaashi
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
I’m from Fukurodani.
Isn’t that just a few minutes away from my school 😮 ?
I think so.
Um how was your day?
“Akaashi is typing”
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
“I can’t decide if he’s typing really slow or he’s sending a long text…” You decide to place your phone down and doodle on your papers while waiting for his reply. 
“Bokuto-san, she asked me how my day went.”
“Don’t reply to her anymore! Let her wait for you to text back, it builds a sense of mystery.” 
Bokuto suggests while winking. 
“Bokuto-san it’s not really nice to leave people on read.”
“Akaashi, I’m the ladies man, listen to me and your love life this time wouldn’t end like the last two.”
Akaashi can’t help but grin at his confident “wingman”, it’s no secret his past relationships were… well not that good, but to ask for Bokuto for help? 
“Hey you were the one who asked for help when a girl texted you.” “Plus, didn’t you find her cute too? The short girl manager watched our match at camp.”
“You were staring when she wasn’t looking, and after the first time you saw her from the bus you were trying to get to know which school bus it was.”
Akaashi’s jaw almost drops at his friend's observant nature that he didn’t know existed, apparently when it comes to love Bokuto isn’t as… well, dumb, as he seems. He tries to form words to deny Bokuto’s accusation but he can’t seem to find a reason to do so. 
“Also just play hard to get, girls love a challenge.”
“...” “Maybe I’ll wait a little longer before I reply to her.”
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
Um Akaashi?  😅
Uh  😅 😅
You know, if you’re not interested in talking to me you could’ve just said so
Sorry I was busy, I had volleyball practice.
I didn’t know you have practice on weekends ;-; 
It’s all right.
Anyways how’s practice^^ was it fun?
Yeah, it was like usual.
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
You scream inside your head while holding yourself back from banging your head on the table. 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
Do you think we can maybe, meet up?  👉 👈
Uh  😶
NO NO  😲 
I mean we never met of course not haahahahaha 
Meeting up just to get to know each other then?
Ah yes that’s it, like a gathering
If you don’t mind 
I’ll see if I’m available. 
Cool! Is next Sunday fine?
We’ll see. 
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
El is best girl:
Wowww playing hard to get huh 
He sure is a tricky one
I don’t think I like where this is going
El is best girl:
It lowkey kinda ruins the impression you have of him huh 
Ah well 
It’s probably his first time or something
Have a little hope  😔  
I have one week to prepare 
El is best girl:
Hell yeah 
Any thoughts on where you’re taking him 
If you don’t I mayyyyy have suggestionsssssssss 
God damn it El 
We’ll just be talking okay 
I do have a place in mind though
El is best girl:
Go on
You know the ice cream shop? At the street? 
El to is best girl:
Ohh an ice cream shop 
Very intriguing  🥺
Don’t tell me it’s because of that article 
I mean
El is best girl:
LMAO you 
You seriously believe you can tell someone’s personality by their favourite ice cream flavour?
Grow a brain Y/n 
You’re one to talk  🙄 🙄
Anyways I’m off to prepare dinner for tonight
El is best girl:
Owh Iwaizumi-kun teaching you to cook again
Let’s hope you don’t bring the kitchen down with you okay dear
Sometimes I wonder how we’re friends
El is best girl:
Nah it’s simple really
You looooooooove me uwu
Go away 
El is best girl:
😳 😳 😳
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
- end of chapter 2 -
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(author’s end notes: i hope yall enjoyed this lmAO its pretty long ^^ anyways im writing their texts from y/n’s POV so the nicknames she gives her contacts might change owo)
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howdoyousleep3 · 4 years
stallion, honeybee and elk!!!!
Stallion: Name 5 everyday things that make you happy. 
My pillow and blankey (yes plz do not @ me i am 26 and still sleep with my baby blanket)
Watering my plants
Putting on makeup 
My kitties
Honeybee: If you could create a perfume scent, what would it have in it?
I looooooooove perfume is that why I am a massive fucking sucker for a/b/o fics and their smelling the other person for the first time bits?? I have invested in some solid perfumes and would like to think I always smell nice? They’re all different but there’s one that is super unique and I just die. I would mine to resemble that, would want something super warm, like verging on masculine, but still feminine? Vanilla and musk and mosses and a flower of sorts? 
Elk: Explain the meaning of your name. Do you see your name differently through that meaning? 
I don’t know the meaning of my name but it was a smoosh of my Mom’s mom’s name and my Dad’s middle name. :))))
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bubmyg · 5 years
Oh man jimin and yoongles and taetae how do they confess my brain needs to know please please please
maybe it’s the stereotype over done cliche that he’d confess somehow through music but like it’d be a combination of music and a handful of other things
he’s absolutely the type to burn you CDs of songs that remind him of you
alternately ones he’s written for you that aren’t too incriminating. not yet
and will title them the same in his shitty handwriting with multicolored markers and cute lil hearts out next to the messages
is also just quietly very caring
has flowers sent to you for no reason. brings you dinner for no reason.
has an elaborate plan to write you a song and it’s going to be super romantic and you’re probably going to want to marry him or suck his dick on the spot. or if he’s lucky, both.
but instead, the track is forgotten on his phone and the extra earbuds are forgotten in his pocket
because you’ve surprised him with dinner and his favorite movie and this poorly constructed mountain of blankets and pillows in your living room with something about, “I know how hard you’ve been working lately and you always care for me so—”
and he whole ass blurts/yells/corrects a bit quieter the second time, “i love you. or at least like you. definitely like you. probably love you.”
and you roll your eyes, take his wrist and pull him inside, “i know, nerd, c’mon your food is going to get cold.”
same concept, probably tries to make some elaborate plan where he’s going to confess to you
a plan that initially starts with jeongguk saying he knows a guy who can acquire fireworks and jimin’s like i’m sorry you what 
long elaborate plan finally settles on nice trip to your favorite restaurant, impromptu so you don’t have time to think it’s like a “date”. or anything.
and he requested a specific table somewhere in the back a little more private 
and he tries to play it off that the waiter didn’t just say “oh yes! you asked for back here—”
to which he almost chokes in the middle of the restaurant when you, teasingly, go “you aren’t proposing to me, are you?”
because no not quite but i feel like i am
doesn’t even do it at the restaurant
does it after you get back to his place and the first thing jeongguk says when the door opens is “did you confess your loOoooOOoove oh shit—”
more quiet and subtle about it
doesn’t really think about it because he thinks he’s being obvious that he has an interest in you
and he’s not very shy about flirting with you or asking you on things that are very candidly dates
i mean i imagine he’s pretty unabashed and shameless
until, that is, he has to say, out loud, the words “i like you, i want you to be mine” or whatever variation of that just popped into his head
because he’d been staring at you dancing in the middle of the kitchen with just one of his shirts on and he’s like?? why does my chest feel funny?
waits until you’re in bed or something and is stroking you nose with the tip of his finger and trying to commit every inch of your face to memory
until you mumble “why are you staring at me like that?”
and he’s very sheepish and boxy smile is engaged as he just shrugs and whispers, “i think i like you. a lot.”
“you think?” 
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vancila · 6 years
long time no mo and hoe and i am so sorry i keep asking for more kasia and bailey as you can see i can only be hyperfocused on one pair at a time
it’s coo
1. Who is more nervous on their first date?
Maybe Mae, she has no experience with guys, and Joe is a bit intimidating
It was just a friendly outing but Bailey bc of the stutter
2. Who can’t stop giggling when their partner kisses them all over their face?
Mae, completely subdued, also beard tickles. Joe doesn’t giggle.
Kasia when engulfed and kissed, no use trying to hide the laugh
3. Who accidentally wears the other’s hat one day?
Joe won’t grab Mae’s sunhats but he has caps that Mae can grab if she wants, then she just happens to take the one which reads “pussy destroyer”
Honestly either could probably take the other’s scarf or hat freely, just that Kasia’s headwear is too small for Bailey
4. Who is in love with the other person’s laugh?
Probably both but they looooooooove each other so much anyways. Getting Joe to absolutely lose it is rarer so maybe Mae cherishes is a bit more
Both have cute laughs, kinda imagine Bailey with like a lower Dan Avidan laugh. But he loves Kasia’s distinctive laugh and makes sure to tell them how cute it is.
5. Who covers the other person with a blanket when they fall asleep somewhere other than their bed?
Mae bc how tf is she going to move him anywhere. Or then she just wakes him up like you’re gonna be complaining about your neck hurting all tomorrow if you sleep there, c’mon get up go to bed you big dingus
Kasia for the same reason. Then snooze on top of him
6. Who cracks open their beverage before handing it to their partner?
Joe knocks his bottle open against a table/countertop corner like a Man and chips a piece of the countertop off
Bailey cracks open a cold one, does Kasia even like beer
7. What dance moves do they break out on the dancefloor together?
Joe doesn’t dance apart from the wedding waltz
Neither does Bailey, but he can keep up if Kasia wants to dance. Prefers they take the dancefloor though
8. What would be their dream vacation?
Maybe some small cozy little town, not entirely countryside but not city either, some super calm picturesque place with cute cafes or pubs and a view one might just want to paint
Maybe a city or a smaller town with interesting places to visit and foods and drinks to taste, cool architecture and old art to see, subcultures to admire. Bailey also likes the ocean.
9. If they tried to do the yoga couple’s challenge, how would they do?
Joe is strong but not that bendy, makes pervy jokes abt being in such close quarters but if Mae is really into this yoga stuff he’ll try and they’d likely have fun
Bailey is really not sure abt this, yoga seems to be for slimmer people, but he can be calm at least and lifting Kasia is no trouble at all.
10. Where do they spend most of their time together?
Home, at least when Joe is around, in their bedroom on the bed, or then in the living room
At either’s apartment, the tattoo parlor is too public.
11. Who runs their thumb over the other person’s skin to comfort them?
Mae more, she can’t really engulf the entire man like he can do to her, gently pet the scar on his cheek until he’s ok
Both probably, Kasia holds Bailey’s hand for a moment if he trips over his words and does the thumb rub thing, Bailey does it if Kasia doesn’t want to be cuddled and is feeling stressed or otherwise bad.
12. Who accidentally falls asleep on the other?
Joe when really tired and asking Mae for some cuddles, Mae just because
Kasia, what can I say Bailey is one big pillow
13. Who would run a bath for the other person?
Both, Joe when Mae is worn out from being a mom and from work and he’s been home, Mae to drop in the bath bomb when he can’t escape
Maybe Bailey to let Kasia relax, he’s also got money to spend on frivolities so what’s a bath bomb or two
14. What would their wedding look like?
Somewhat traditional, cozy, got family, got some friends, not super lavish but definitely a day to remember fondly and get nice pictures of.
Probably pretty small and casual, bring up both of their artsy tendencies, maybe in nature instead of a church or the like (besides Bailey is Jewish so keep that in).
15. Who would try to do something artsy for their partner and just before they were going to throw it out because they thought it sucked, their partner comes in and loves the art piece?
Maybe Joe trying out pastel colours and a softer style a lot different from his comics so he’s not really sure if he likes it at all. Truly a struggling artist
Kasia likely has high standards for their art and also expresses themselves through art more than Bailey does, so they’d likely stress more. He’ll be delighted about anything they make for him, might just get that tattooed on his body at some point
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Castlevania Headcanons
A/N:  I am absolutely in love with this drama queen.  I have so many more headcanons for but I had to write these down so I don’t lose them.  If you have more, or requests, send them to me!! REQUESTS ARE OPEN
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Alucard Tepes dating a human would include:
Him being bitter and pessimistic towards humans because of the death of his mother but he falls in love with you the moment he first met you
Him being scared he’ll end up just like his father if you were killed
Stealing his frock coats and high collar coats because they are warm and honestly why the fuck not 
Long philosophical and scientific talks while gazing up at the stars
Him getting so worried when you fight monsters and demons and vice versa
You and Sypha secretly (not really) shipping him and Trevor
PDA? PDA!!!!
Him getting jealous easily and needing to show you are his to any person who glances at you
wrapping an arm around you
kissing you on the lips
kissing your neck
Did I mention PDA? Because there is so much PDA
Him giving you sword-fighting lessons, which mostly end up in a heated make-out session... maybe at times in front of Trevor or Sypha
You two are basically nap goals (I mean he did sleep for a whole year in the catacombs) and him always being the big spoon.  You two always end up creating a sort of nest from the pillows and blankets
Him nerding out over science, history, and philosophy while you watch with the biggest set of heart eyes because he is so adorable 
He loooooooooves teasing you with his fangs, whether he’s nibbling and leaving hickies on your neck, softly biting your lips as you kiss, or simply just running his tongue over them
Watching him build machines because holy hot damn 
braiding it
flower crowns
decorating it with flowers here and there and sparkles 
using him as a guinea pig for new hairstyles you want to try on yourself
him complaining but secretly loving it
He sings to you and his voice is like melted butter
Him swearing you’re his soulmate because the prophecies said so
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whockeywhore · 7 years
#22, Remi Elie?
I could smell the tequila on his breath when he slipped in, crawling onto our bed and landing next to me with a soft grunt. 
“How ya doing baby?” He rolled over to face me and I bit back a laugh, running my fingers through his hair. “Good party?” 
“I love youuuu,” he sang softly. I couldn’t hold back a chuckle and he continued. “I wanna marry you.” 
“You already are honey, in three days.” 
“Three days? That’s not enough time to plan a wedding.” 
“We’ve been planning it for a whole year. What are you talking about?” 
He shrugged and tugged off his shirt, slipping under the covers and pulling them up to his chin. “I don’t care if it’s not enough time to plan a wedding. Hell, we could go to Vegas. Let’s go to Vegas!”
“Remi, we are not going to Vegas.” 
“Bu- baby! I want to marry you. And you! You want to marry me, I know it. I’ve seen the way you look at me. You think I don’t notice but I do! You looooooooove me!” 
His head dropped onto the pillow and he closed his eyes, hand holding mine with an iron grip. I looked at the ring on my finger and my sleeping fiance and smiled. “Three more days.” I mumbled softly, sliding down in bed to lay next to Remi. “Three more days.” 
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sixmorningsafter · 8 years
The Sleep of the Righteous - a SMA Bamon post Snowpocalypse drabble
I adored the ask about sleeping positions and I was inspired to write a drabble. I have also been kind of desperate to write a bit of Damon because he seems like a real challenge compared to the other three. Just know that in this fic, he’s head over heels in love with Bon and consequently somewhat of a sap. In addition, I’ve given him an affectionate nickname that I totally stole from Ziya (@atonalremix) and her amazing fic – A Normal Life. For those that love the idea of an ethnicity switched warlock Damon, you should read this. I have a Steroline idea as well if people are interested.
For the third night in a row, Damon awoke in the small hours of the morning, a cold breeze blowing across his bare arse. If Bonnie hadn’t been so damn endearing, he probably would have killed her by now. Damon would never admit this, he had a rep as a bit of a party animal after all, but he needed his sleep. Admittedly, he tended to catch up at weekends, but a solid 6-7 hours on weekdays was better than any caffeine hit. He rolled over onto his side, languidly, eyes turned towards his petite bed companion. In true Bonnie style, she was curled up on her side resembling a foetus in her OBGYN textbooks. His duvet was wrapped entirely around her like a protective cocoon. An expensive cocoon, his bedding came from an exclusive boutique on Newbury Street where the thread counts were as high as the prices. He leant over gently pushing her hair from her eyes. Her face was peaceful in sleep, carefree and surprisingly youthful. He smiled; there was no way he was going to risk waking her by nicking his covers back. If Damon was a grinch on too little sleep, Bonnie was a grizzly bear woken too early from hibernation. He eased his lithe, naked frame from the bed. Maybe he needed to leave his heating on at night? It was habit picked up from one of a string of foster homes. These particular foster parents had been tight as a gnat’s chuff, seeing fostering as a cash injection rather than a vocation. But Damon being Damon had never complained, stubborn bastard that he was and had come to enjoy the feeling of sleeping under a huge pile of blankets with only the back of his neck exposed to the brisk night air. The skin on his arm puckered, hairs standing on end. He contemplated slipping into a T shirt and sweatpants as he didn’t own any pyjamas. Half of Bon’s wardrobe was comfy lounge wear; the idea of him not owning anything of that ilk perplexed her no end. He grinned remembering their argument about him keeping some pyjamas at her apartment “just in case”, of what he had no idea, maybe Stefan would get upset, being exposed to his Adonis-like perfection? Hadn’t seemed to bother him before. Anyway, whatever, he couldn’t sleep in clothes, he hated the restricted feeling. Sauntering into the second bedroom of his swanky apartment, Damon homed in on a large built cupboard that gave Caroline some serious real estate envy. At the very back lay a ratty old duvet that had seen better days, it’s bright, printed colours faded, it’s poly cotton surface worn smooth with years of use. He remembered the day he had acquired it like it was yesterday: “Tyler, bro, I’m not taking your spiderman duvet to college. People will laugh at me.” “But you need something to sleep under! Chicago winters are cold; it’s called the Windy City for a reason. And I know you won’t have any money to buy new stuff. Margaret and Jeff made it pretty clear they weren’t helping you out. Besides I’m 14, it’s not cool anymore.” “I suppose I could pass it off as an ironic retro statement, but Ty, your mom gave you that duvet.” “I know,” Tyler’s eyes had flickered for a millisecond. “Let me do this, Day. You’re my brother.” “Okay, well, I promise to look after it for you until you want it back.” He had pulled Tyler into a manly hug, studiously ignoring the sheen in the younger boy’s eyes, a pang of guilt that he was leaving him in that hell hole and moving on with his life. He would never admit to Tyler that his gift had probably saved his life on a couple of occasions when he had had sleep in his car in sub-zero temperatures. Ironic that tonight it would save him from Bonnie’s murderous urges should he try and ferret back under the covers. Without further ado, Damon slid back into bed, naked as the day his was born. He settled himself on his stomach, arms under his pillow and drifted off into a deep sleep.
AN: Damon may or may not have gone to college in Chicago, but that’s what he told the authorities he was doing so he could slip out of the foster system. Maybe this is why he has two identities?
LMAO CAN I JUST SAY I totally called that a drabble would come out of that ask? CALLED IT! And I’m so, so, so happy it did! This was adorable from start to finish - I realized I haven’t actually written any future/established Bamon yet and unsurprisingly, you totally nailed it anyway. The contrast in pajama situations was hilarious, as was Bonnie being the real threat on not enough sleep. Super IC. And re: his sappiness, I aaaabsolutely see Damon as a smitten planet orbiting the fierce, tiny little sun that is Bonnie once they get together, so sappiness all the way! You’re definitely right, he can be one of the trickier PoVs to slip into (particularly at first), and it can be tough to reveal things about him without making it feel unnatural, but you did it beautifully! Loved the rumination on the foster homes and the lack of heating and how he was always too much of a stubborn asshole to complain - trrrueeeee life. And needless to say I loooooooooved the Tyler/Damon stuff! And the nickname was so, so cute! Ugh, all the brother feels. I’ve been marathoning The Fosters and it’s been giving me Tyler/Damon feels LIKE WHOA (like I would love to write a whole series about them in their teens, man) so this drabble couldn’t be better timed. I actually haven’t really figured out Damon’s college situation, but I’ve thought about it a bit. It’s either being tackled in chapter 15 or 16, but your interpretation is super possible! Anyway, this made my day and I love these drabbles so, so much, man. Y’all don’t even know. Please give this and Janet the love they deserveeeeee, guys!
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