#i loooove writing messy family dynamics
bellysoupset · 2 years
Bella was cold, almost too cold. She tugged at the blankets, then rolled on the bed in hopes of snuggling close to Luke, only to find out that the spot next to her was empty.
Groaning, she opened her eyes and blinked to situate herself. She was still in his room and the grey light filtering from the window told her it was still fairly early. The temperature had dropped overnight, so she could hear the wind blowing outside.
"Luke?" she called out, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. The bathroom door was open and the place was empty. She got up and washed her face, brushed her teeth before walking outside of the bedroom, in search of her boyfriend.
Lucas was sitting outside, in the balcony that was connected to his living room, bundled up in a blanket and looking out to the grey sky. It was an uncanny behavior from him and she frowned, opening the glass door that separated them and touching his shoulder.
"Lucas? What are you doing out here?"
"Uhm?" he turned his head to look at her, then tried to bring up a smile, but failed quite miserably at that. Instead he just grimaced and looked out once more, "just needed to think, that's all."
"Okay..." she shivered from the cold and circled him, sitting on his lap so she could steal some of his warmth. He was welcoming, wrapping the blanket around them both and hugging her closer, planting his lips to her temple, "think about what?"
He shrugged, "just... Just my mom, I guess."
It made her heart sink. He rarely talked about his family and when he did, it was about his absent dad. Never about his mom.
"Oh baby," Bella sighed, hugging him a little tighter, "...Do you want to tell me about her?"
She waited for him to say something, anything, a good memory... But instead Lucas shook his head, "...My father called."
Alright, Bella thought, readjusting herself so she could look at him. She had no sympathy for Kit, the man could drop dead for all she cared, but she knew that Lucas' feelings about his father were complicated, to put it mildly.
"What for?" She reached in, pushing his hair back and he closed his eyes, leaning into her touch.
"My yearly check-up," Lucas' voice fractured and suddenly Bella couldn't even breathe.
"Your... Luke? What about your yearly check up?" her heart started racing and he sighed.
"It's Monday."
Oh. She swallowed a hysterical chuckle. It was yet to come, not that it had happened and the results were bad. Bella sighed in relief, leaning in to press a kiss to his brow, "hey..." her heart was still trying to regain its normal pace. She cupped Lucas' face, "babe, you're the healthiest person I know, there's nothing to fear..." she said with feigned calm.
He nodded, squeezing her a little tighter, "I know, I just... You know I don't like doctors and stuff, that's all."
Bella nodded, covering his face with kisses, "I'm going to go with you, okay? I'll be there the entire time."
True to her word, she called in sick at work next Monday and seeing as winter break had just arrived, neither of them had classes to skip either.
The exam was scheduled for 10 AM, so she let him sleep in, double checking if they had all the necessary documents, calling the clinic just to make sure the appointment was still up.
"Luke," Bella whispered as the clock hit nine and she knew he'd want to shower and be a little sleepy before leaving, "Luuuke," she repeated, getting on top of him on the bed and kissing him awake. His lips curled under hers.
"Hey," he smiled and Bella wrinkled her nose, pulling back with an even bigger smile.
"You have to get up, babe, so we're not late."
His lips turned down and he paled, "Bella..."
"It'll be quick," she promised, kissing him again, "remember last year?"
"When I puked on your shoes?" he raised a skeptical eyebrow and she cringed. She had forgotten that part.
"Well, yeah, but I meant it was quick, wasn't it? It wasn't as bad as you thought it'd be..."
"I guess," he scoffed, rolling them on the bed, "don't wear any shoes you're particularly fond of though."
"You can always get me new ones, captain," she teased, kissing him again, "go wash up."
He had blood exams first, so he was in fasting and it was definitely playing a part on how cranky he was. She hadn't told him, but her purse was filled with snacks, for as soon as the exams were done.
"Alright, I'm ready," Lucas said, ten minutes later. His hair was still damp from the shower and darker, green eyes looking brighter than normal in contrast with his pale skin. He had hidden his hands in his jacket's pockets, but she knew they were shaking "...you drive."
"I gotcha," she dangled the keys before his eyes, "let's go."
It wasn't a long drive, his health insurance was the best in the country, they went out of their way to make Lucas' life easy. Still, as soon as she pulled onto the parking lot, he let out a groan and grimaced so much that she wondered if he was carsick.
"Luke? Are you gonna be sick...?"
"What?" his voice wasn't nauseated, just pissed off, "No. He's fucking here."
Bella wracked her brain, trying to figure who he meant. There was only one person who elicited such a vicious reaction from her normally loving boyfriend, "...your dad is here?"
"Yeah," he scoffed, a frown on and Bella looked ahead, scanning the parking lot. Sure enough there was a silver bentley parked right ahead of them. Bella squeezed the steering wheel, suddenly angry.
"What is he doing here?"
"Fuck me if I know," Lucas grumbled, the remaining of his good mood completely out of the window, "let's just get this over with."
It seemed to have slipped his mind that this meant it was Bella's first time meeting his family. Or he simply didn't care. Regardless, she was nervous and angry in his behalf as she parked the car and jumped off.
The Bentley's door opened and a man in his early sixties walked off.
She had googled Kit Howard before, but he was taller than she had expected him to be. His hair was fully gray, perfectly styled, with the same flick of hair that fell over his forehead that Lucas had. He had the same green eyes, except his were framed by wrinkles, neat wrinkles that Bella was aware a dermatologist had kept in order to make his botox look more natural. He was wearing social trousers and t-shirt, under a blazer.
It was too early for this, Bella thought sourly, eyeing him up and down with displeasure.
"Luke," his voice was smooth velvet, friendly and warm, "how are you?" he stepped in, pulling his son for a hug and Lucas was stiff in it, but he didn't push the man back.
He cut the hug short quickly, though, putting an arm around Bella's shoulder, "dad, this is my girlfriend-"
"Bella," Kit interrupted him, all smiles, "I know. Nice to meet you, Bella, I'm Kit."
She was 90% sure that Lucas had not told his father her name, considering they only spoke four times a year. Bella squinted at him.
"Nice to meet you too, sir" she shook his hand a little too hard, then turned to Lucas, "let's go? Or we'll be late."
"What are you doing here, dad?" Lucas asked, guiding the way for them. With his arm still wrapped around her shoulder and her head hitting his chest, Bella could tell his heart was racing away.
"I was in the area, you sounded a little nervous last we spoke. I thought it'd be best to come check on you."
"Lovely," Lucas' voice was dripping with sarcasm, "well, I'm fine."
"Clearly," Kit nodded, "but I'm already here, how about I stick around and we have lunch together?"
Bella felt Lucas sigh, more than she heard him, "whatever you want, dad," and then his whole body stiffened as the front desk lady recognized him and called him forward.
He was instructed to head to the room at the end of the hallway for the blood test and immediately he was turning around, eyes filled with panic.
"Hey," Bella ignored Kit's uncomfortable face, stepping forward and cupping Luke's face, "I'm here, alright? It'll be just a prickle, it won't hurt..." she stroked his cheek, "c'mon, babe, it'll be just a second."
Much to her displeasure, Kit happily sat down in the waiting room, legs crossed. Bella wasn't sure if she was more pissed he was making zero effort to calm his son down or because he was sitting there, as if this was his version of a walk in the park.
Lucas wasn't paying his father any mind, much more concerned about the exam room ahead, "Bella, I don't want to..."
"Shhh," she pressed her lips to his bicep, over the hoodie he was wearing, "it'll be over before you know it."
"I'm going to throw up," he groaned as she lightly pushed him inside the sterile room. The nurse - Gina - clearly knew him from other appointments.
"Hi Lucas," she gestured for him to sit down, "how are you holding up today?"
He groaned, white as milk, "not well," then to Bella, gulping down, "please, Bell-"
"You have to, baby," she cupped his face, pressing her forehead to his, "I promise it won't hurt at all, you don't even have to look."
"You won't even feel it, Lucas," nurse Gina agreed, moving closer on her rolling chair, utensils in hand. Lucas squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a whimper and it broke Bella's heart in a million pieces.
It wasn't right for him to be this scared, it didn't fit him. Lucas was the type to take life by the horns, this was completely out of character.
Bella hugged him with one arm, standing next to his chair, and combed his hair as the nurse wrapped the elastic band around his arm in order to force the blood flow. He audibly groaned.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-" Lucas chanted, turning his head and hiding it against Bella's stomach, panting. She looked worriedly at the nurse, watching as she did her job as quickly as possibly.
Once the needle was in, Bella was so nervous because of how Lucas was feeling, that she felt woozy herself seeing the blood. She faltered a little, closing her eyes too and gripping him tightly, "almost done," she lied cheerfully through her teeth.
It was fast, at least, and less than a minute or two later the nurse had several flasks of Lucas' blood pocketed away and out of sight, a bandage over his arm, "there you go, Lucas. All done, breathe in."
He pulled back from Bella slowly, shaky as a newborn cat and pupils blown wide in his eyes. She let out a sigh herself, knowing a bruise would form where he had squeezed her wrist, "you did it," Bella whispered, planting a kiss on top of his head, "I'm so proud."
"Ugh, don't be," he leaned forward, head in his hands, "I feel dizzy as hell."
"He just needs a moment," the nurse winked at Bella, reassuring her, "and a cookie."
Lucas let out a weak, exhausted snort, "not really feeling like I can handle a cookie right now..."
Suddenly Bella remembered that had been exactly how she had gotten puked on last year. She rubbed his back, it was damp with cold sweat, "maybe in a bit."
He took long, deep breaths for a minute, until the world felt more steady, and then used her for support to get up. The fact that she had seen him concussed but with more stability made her even more nervous.
"End of the hallway for the MRI and then you're free to go, darling," nurse Gina told them and Lucas flinched as if he had been slapped. Once they stepped outside the room, he stopped in the middle of the hallway, refusing to move further in the clinic.
"I can't, I won't," he said adamantly, jaw clenched. He hadn't gotten the MRI check up the past year, had been sent home after hurling all over her shoes and simply not returned after. Bella bit down on her lip.
"Babe, it's important-"
"I'm not going-" he shook his head vehemently, but then a cheery voice interrupted him.
"Ah, there you are," Kit said happily, hands in his pockets, unable to read the room, "all done?"
Bella threw him an incredulous look. He couldn't see his son was seconds away from a panic attack?
Lucas licked his dry lips, eyes darting from his father to his girlfriend, "I don't want to do this..."
Then Kit took notice of the situation and frowned, crisping his lips, "you haven't gotten the MRI done yet?" he sounded frustrated and impatient, "frankly, Lucas, you're an adult."
"Sir, you're really not helping," Bella snapped, planting a hand in the middle of Luke's chest, "baby, can you take a deep breath for me?"
"Lucas, you know how important this is. We don't want to be taken by surprise like it was with your m-"
Luke gagged, unable to stop and bent forward, hands on his knees. Bella jumped out of the way just in time to salvage her shoes this time, avoiding as he vomited up nothing but water and bright yellow bile, all over his father's fancy and shiny shoes.
Kit shouted and scrambled back but no one paid him any mind. Luke too worried panicking, Bella too busy handling him to give a shit about the other man.
"Shh-shh, you're okay, you're okay-" she rubbed his back with one hand, the other planted firmly in the center of his chest, "it's alright, we don't have to go in."
"I'm sorry," his voice was shot, completely hoarse and choked up, "I just can't, I can't, please-"
"I know, I know, Lu," she pressed her lips to his temple, chest squeezing, "we're not going in, okay? We're going home."
He was too out of it to understand her, but it was his father's strong voice that centered him. Kit had seemingly gotten over being puked on and he stepped closer, holding his son strongly by the shoulder.
"Lucas," he said and Bella glared at him, but the next words surprised her, "sweetheart, please breathe."
She was shocked when Lucas did take in a shaky breath, inhaling through his nose and letting it out through his mouth. He closed his eyes, doing it again, just as his father told him to once more.
Bella's cheeks burned when she looked past Lucas' head and caught Kit staring at her. He opened a reassuring, million dollar smile, "he's okay," he said calmly, "right, Lucas?"
"Y-yeah," he nodded, straightening up, "I'm okay."
"Alright..." Bella stared between the two, more weirded out than ever, "let's go home...?"
"No," Kit interrupted before Lucas' agreed with her, "he still has to do the MRI."
"It's okay, Bell," Lucas reassured her, although his hands were shaking bloody murder, "I can do it."
She scoffed, "we can come back tomorrow and do it-"
"He's alright, Bella," Kit interrupted her a little harshly, squeezing his son's nape and guiding him in, "this way, Lucas."
And easy like that she was left behind, worried and pissed.
Nurse Gina stepped forward, arms crossed, carefully avoiding the mess on the floor and watched as they disappeared inside a new set of doors, "first time meeting the big guy?" she guessed and gone was the softness she had used with Lucas.
Bella nodded and the woman smiled at her in a cynical way, but not without sympathy, "you get used to him."
"He's been here before?" Bella felt anger increase inside of her, bubbling up.
"Not in a while," Gina shrugged, "back when it was Lucas' first year, I think, he came in twice. Then the big quarterback started coming with him and now you."
Vince, Bella guessed. She picked at her nails, biting the inside of her cheek, "I guess I'll wait in the car..."
"You do that, honey," Nurse Gina sounded almost as pissed off as Bella felt. Without any other option, Bella stepped out of the hallway and back outside.
It was the end of the year and the sky was grey, clouds filled with snow threatening to fall. She hugged herself and sat down on a bench in the parking lot, refusing to go back to the car out of simple spite.
Kit Howard had some nerve showing up and commanding everyone and everybody. Treating his son like that. The worst part was that Lucas let him.
"Fucking hell," Bella grumbled, glaring ahead. The minutes dragged, but finally, nearly twenty minutes later, both men walked out of the clinic.
Lucas looked even more washed out than before and although he had washed his face, she could clearly see he had been crying. He opened a painful, reassuring smile and she couldn't bring herself to smile back.
Mr. Howard had his shoes once more all shiny and clean. Perfect plastic smile on.
"You're here," Luke's voice sounded relieved as he pulled her in a hug, but Bella couldn't stop glaring at his father to hug him back. Still she wrapped her arms around him protectively.
"Everything's alright?"
"All fine, they'll send all results next week," the older man said cheerfully, causing her to raise an unimpressed eyebrow.
"Great," Bella said coldly, turning away from him and getting on her tip toes to cup Lucas' face, "are you okay?" she asked quietly.
"Yeah, I'm fine," his voice was much clearer and stronger, but his smile was... Too bright. All Kit Howard™.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah," he chuckled, eye rolling her worry, "I'm fine, Bella, don't worry"
Kit Howard was a fucking bodysnatcher, she thought, squeezing Lucas' cheeks under her fingers, even though he was giving her that soulless reassuring smile.
"Alright," she turned away from him, "it was nice meeting you, sir, but I think we have to go home now."
"I thought we'd have lunch?" Kit frowned, glancing between the two, "of course, I understand if you two had plans..."
"No," Lucas shook his head and Bella gaped at him, watching as he said strongly, "no, let's have lunch, I'm starving."
She sighed, she was in for a long, long day.
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˗ˏˋ Arthur Morgan Modern!AU Headcanons ´ˎ˗
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To answer this ask from the lovely @crystalofmoon19 , I got to think a bit more deeply about what a modern!AU Arthur could be. This absolutely stunning Arthur pic is from @arthurmorgan-vp!
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JOB ´ˎ˗
Has a job that means a lot to him and is totally dedicated when doing it.
Arthur flourishes when helping others. I saw a Chartur fanart that portrayed him as a nurse and god I love this idea. He's emotionally VERY tough, making him efficient even in difficult and stressful times when a patient's life is in his hands. He's also a practical person who needs to have a concrete, manual aspect in his work. On top of that, we have the whole "service to society" aspect.
Police officer could also fit this dynamic. (I know it's pretty ironic considering he's a criminal in the canon but it's one of these jobs where he could put his strength into action to help others).
Also, without the need to survive and do criminal acts, with a caring family who could push him in the right ways, he also could have a job in arts. Arthur canonically is a curious and inventive person, he draws every little thing he finds interesting around him and cares for places, characters and events most people wouldn’t. I could picture him as an illustrator/concept artist. Or tattoo artist too? Why not.
Sooooo artsy.
If he works at the hospital, he needs to have a sketchbook to just write and draw like in the canon. With other mediums being way more accessible nowadays, I think he could also paint and even sculpt from time to time.
Art helps him to get dark thoughts out of his head and focus on something when life gets hard.
However, if he already works in an artsy field, I think he would need to get up and move after a whole day sitting and would love to just go jogging, hiking, and taking long walks in nature. A combat sport could also do the work, as Arthur has an important code of honor: a discipline like Judo or Wrestling could help him get all his pent-up energy out while respecting his opponent; boxing could work too.
100% have a Polaroid and takes pictures of good times and his close ones every chance he gets. His bedroom/apartment is full of objects that carry an emotional value to him.
Would wear the ugliest apron and cap while doing them btw. And doesn't see what the problem is.
Classical rock music and vinyl. Thinking about Led Zepplin, The Stones, The Doors. Vintage music all the way. Has a secret soft spot for Lady Gaga though. Don't tell John. And (not-so) hot take, it's Hosea who introduces him to his old blues and rock records (Dutch prefers Jazz music.)
Camping and long hiking trips. Trekking when he feels really adventurous.
Going to the cinema. (100% eats salty popcorn and messes with John during the film if it's a family outing.)
In modern days Arthur would have been born in 1988. This means he was a '90s kid: he fondly remembers VHS tapes, baggy jeans, his old PlayStation One, maybe watching the first episodes of Pokémon, too. He's canonically such a nostalgic.
Would 100% make his own mix on cassette tapes btw
Flannels. I picture him with comfy rather than fancy clothes. He would also have a big leather jacket or vintage bomber for winter. And a leather bag like this one where important work papers are mixed with random trinkets found on his hikes.
Arthur is so messy (I mean look at his tent). His car (Hosea's old one) is also a complete mess, cups, leftovers from meals, CDs, work stuff and random objects cover every possible inch of it.
Talking about it, looooves to drive. Totally do it with one hand on the wheel. And with good music ofc. (He would put his other hand on your thigh)
Has a dog. Or wants one deeply. A big one. And he definitely wants a lot of animals once he has a bigger house with you.
I said he could be a tattoo artist. I think he would have a tattoo, of an animal. Of course, we as a fandom thinks of the deer, but it has to be something meaningful to him. Maybe the animal who inspires him the most, or one they have seen in the wild with John during a walk in the woods.
Arthur is not a good cook. Buys a lot of food telling himself this time, he will succeed at making this damn dish. Biggest mess ever, ingredients everywhere on the floor, the walls, his body and hair. Pure chaos. Everything burns. Kitchen ends up on fire. Uses the internet as last hope, tries to watch as many tutorials as possible but it doesn't help+his phone ends up covered in egg white, flour, and wet ingredients. Throws away the food and gives up, orders a pizza.
Repeat previous paragraph every time he wants to try a new dish he saw somewhere.
(The phone is okay because he has the strongest and largest phone case ever. The kind of enormous one made to protect phones in building zones, for his hikes. It's pitch black.)
Overall I'd say a Modern!AU Arthur would probably be a bit happier even though still very nostalgic and melancholic at times (without the constant need to run away and kill people, his mental health would be much better.)
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Important disclaimer: these are my personal thoughts, they could totally be shitty, I'm not at all claiming this is the absolute truth about him. A character is always subject to a personal interpretation, therefore anyone could picture him differently! Btw, I would love to hear your thoughts about it!
Thanks for reading! I hope you liked my silly little ideas.
I'm thinking about doing a part.2 where we could dive into his habits, his relationships with family, friends and s/o and other little fun facts. Let me know if I should! -Pine 🌱
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tabswrites · 29 days
OC Deep Dive Tag
Tagged by: @kaylinalexanderbooks here!
Tagging: @rachaellawrites @pandoras-comment-box @pheita @writingrosesonneptune @writernopal and an open tag! Blank questions are down below :)
Answering for Mara and Adrin this time!
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What's their uncommon/common fear?
Mara: She's afraid of being insignificant. She likes being of use and contributing to the world, even in small ways.
Adrin: Dude is terrified of horses. He doesn't understand why they're so big, and the thought of being stepped on accidentally stresses him out to no end. He's also not super comfortable around bears.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Mara: Chewing with your mouth open.
Adrin: Other people taking bites of his food.
What are three items you can find in their bedroom?
Mara: (Mara is homeless, so we're going to replace the word "bedroom" with "bag"). Blank parchment, a lump of charcoal and a waterskin.
Adrin: A square piece of reflective glass (not cool enough to call it a mirror), a jar of flaxseed oil for his hair and a gold armband. The armband is actually a Bajuband, taken as a trophy from the leader of the Forsaken and gifted to Adrin by his father.
What do they notice first in a person?
Mara: How they treat other people.
Adrin: Their eyes.
On a scale of 1-10, how is their pain tolerance?
Mara: 10/10
Adrin: 9/10
Do they go into fight or flight mode under pressure?
Mara: *cat hissing sounds*
Adrin: He's a fighter and a lover.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Mara: No, she was raised by two strangers, mostly in isolation. She finds family dynamics deeply uncomfortable to navigate.
Adrin: His family is small but they have plenty of love. He did want a large family one day, before I turned him into a...
What animal represents them best?
Mara: Owl, for obvious reasons. But also because she values wisdom and she's incredibly independent.
Adrin: Golden retriever. He's a little foolish and a lot cute, but he would tear a b*tch apart if provoked.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Mara: Rotting fruit, cinnamon
Adrin: Hay, carrots
Have they broken any bones?
Mara: She is missing a finger so...kind of?
Adrin: Oh, yes. His nose, three times. Two of his ribs, his arm, his jaw. A couple of fingers at one point.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Mara: Tall, scary. Rough voice that disarms you at first. Dangerous.
Adrin: Just a good lad. Handsome, fit, perfectly polite.
Night owl or morning bird?
Mara: Night owl...which will have to change for her, unfortunately.
Adrin: He's definitely a morning bird. Loves being up to watch the sun rise.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Mara: She looooves honey. And butter. Hates cinnamon and cloves.
Adrin: Hates blueberries and loves apples.
Do they have any hobbies?
Mara: Haggling for books
Adrin: He used to love climbing trees when he was younger
Boom, surprise birthday party!!! How do they react to surprises?
Mara: Obviously, Hettie would be throwing the party, so she would do her best to feign enthusiasm and give her plenty of gratitude. After everyone went home, she would take her aside and politely request a more intimate gathering next year.
Adrin: Any party for Adrin has to include his best buddy and Milvar is terrible at keeping secrets. He would have to pretend to be surprised despite hearing about it days before. He's not the biggest fan of surprises, but luckily with Milvar around, there aren't many.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Too bad, because they have to for plot reasons.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Mara: A little hard to read because of all the flourishes, but it is very neat. She was forced to perfect her handwriting in school.
Adrin: He avoids writing as much as he can-he's not great with a quill.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Mara: Anger and sadness
Adrin: Anger and sadness
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Mara: Velvet
Adrin: He doesn't really care.
What kind of accent do they have?
So this is definitely something I need to pay attention to during my edits, because the consistency is off and I'm still learning the structure and vernacular. Also, Caledon is inspired by Scotland, Western England, France and British Columbia so there will be some deliberate inconsistencies. If that makes sense.
Mara: Conservative RP (P&P 2005 has great examples of RP for reference)
Adrin: Contemporary RP
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What uncommon/common fear do they have? Do they have any pet peeves? What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? What do they notice first in a person? On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? What animal represents them best? What is a smell that they dislike? Have they broken any bones? How would a stranger likely describe them? Are they a night owl or a morning bird? What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Do they have any hobbies? Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Do they like to wear jewelry? Do they have neat or messy handwriting? What are the two emotions they feel the most? Do they have a favorite fabric? What kind of accent do they have?
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fontasticcrablettes · 2 years
Yuri for that ask game thingie
And re: the follow-up about just choosing random numbers, I have a whole evening of nothing planned today so I'm just gonna do all of them because I love rambling about characters.
My first impression of them - First impression was just "chill guy." I liked him from the beginning.
When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like) - Like I said, I always liked him, but I can pinpoint the m
A song that reminds me of them - Defying Gravity from Wicked. I especially think the opening dialogue between Glinda and Elphaba could be given to Flynn and Yuri respectively with very little change.
How many people I ship them with - Hmm 3? 4? And then a whole list of "Hey that sounds like a fascinating dynamic let's talk about how to make it work for a bit" like Yuri/Leblanc or something.
My favorite ship of them - Yuri/Judith! The first time I played Vesperia way back in 2008, that is the only ship I thought about all game, and I still like it best.
My least favorite ship of them - Of ships that I have actually seen, Yuri/Karol for... obvious reasons.
A quote of them that you remember - There are so many good Yuri quotes, but off the top of my head, I like, "Wouldn't it be crazy if a monster just gobbled up your foot right now? Just a giant munch, and oops, no more foot." Fucking Yuri.
Your favorite outfit of them - Aloha Boy rights. Fashion disaster? Maybe but it's fantastic.
Your least favorite outfit of them - The Gold Blade. Yuri looks odd in full armour and it seems a bit clunky.
Describe the character in one sentence - A normal dude trying to figure out what to do with his life who really doesn't want to be responsible for saving the world (tough luck buddy)
What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character? - His sense of humour and sarcasm
Sexuality hc! - I don't have a solid one. His sexuality is whatever works best for the ship I'm currently writing/joke I'm making. Across all the fics I've written, he's been gay, bi, straight, and aroace at least once.
Your favorite friendship they have - Loooove his friendship with Flynn. Favourite part of the game.
Best storyline they had - All the vigilante stuff in act 2 before it was tragically ignored for the rest of the game.
Worst storyline they had - This is part of the best, but the writing around the confrontation with Judith and then talking to Phaeroh is really missing a lot and gets messy
A childhood headcanon - He never had a stable home growing up. He got passed around the lower quarter to whichever family could afford an extra mouth that much, until he was around 10 and decided he didn't want to "burden" people anymore and lived on the streets with Flynn
What do you think their first word was? - "Hi"
How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc) - A little brat. Fiercely independent, trying to grow up too fast, always sticking his nose into things and getting into trouble.
The most random ship you've seen people have with them - Yuri/Alexei is a really weird ship to have die-hard feelings about. Who would even ship that, eh? Who? Weirdos, that's who.
A weird headcanon - He's colourblind and mostly wears black and grey because that's the one palette he can't fuck up.
When do you think they were at their happiest? - Post-game, honestly. His childhood was rough, then the three months he was in the Knights were probably happy in the beginning but quickly soured, and then the three years since then has been a lot of wallowing without a destination and grappling with his inferiority issues. Post game, he finally has direction in life, a little found family, worked things out with Flynn, and living his best life.
When do you think they were at their lowest? - Possibly when he left Halure by himself until the others reconvened with him in the Quoi Woods. He's in the middle of a feud with Flynn, he hasn't accepted yet how much his friends care about him, he thinks he's not a great person because he's a murderer, and now he's trying to come to terms with the idea of killing Estelle.
Future headcanon - When he's in his 30s, and all those back-flips and rough fights he's been in start catching up with him, he turns into The Old Man and suddenly understands why Raven called himself old. Karol teases him endlessly.
What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone? - I think it bothers Yuri more than he's ever told anything that he doesn't know anything about his father.
When do you think they acted the most ooc - Like I previously said, the writing between Judith and Phaeroh feels like it's missing something. There's a scene of character growth missing to bridge his perspectives in those two scenes.
When do you think they were being "themselves" the most? - Any time he's alone with Flynn, he lets his walls down the most. I think this is truest at Aurnion, when he gets to have a fun sparring match, banter with an old friend, and then have a good heart-to-heart with him.
If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet? - Completely randomly but, Elle Woods. I think it would be hilarious.
The most unnecessary thing they ever did? - Every single time he starts a fight by dramatically flinging his sheath into the distance.
How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?) I love the idea of Yuri being a dad. He's such a big bro the younger party members already. However, I think he would be reluctant to be a parent because of his insecurity. He doesn't want responsibility, and the fact that he didn't have parents growing up means he's afraid he doesn't know what they should be like. But generally I think he'd be very chill. He doesn't do baby talk or pet names, and his kid just called him "Dad" rather than 'daddy' or anything like that. He's the "cool dad" who doesn't impose many rules and believes that as long as the kid proves they're trustworthy/being safe, they can make their own decisions.
The funniest scene they had? He has a lot of funny scenes but the play in Nam Cobanda Isle is really great.
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lesbiangracehanson · 4 years
your thoughts on emmerdale’s female characters x
ok HERE WE GO….i’m going to do like ….a top 10 of my faves 
charity + vanessa - they’re joint top bc i really can’t pick one over the other x
tracy - a COMEDY queen (although amy is also brilliant at the serious stuff too!!), vanity’s HIGHLY VALUED third-wheel, best (almost) sister-in-law when she’s not going off at charity :( a good, complex character in her own right!! i’m looking forward to seeing more of her as part of vanessa’s storyline but also can’t wait to see what else they write for her in the future (personally….i would like them to revisit her career as a writer of erotic fiction x)
chas - chas is currently no. 3, generally i love her!! she’s funny, the grace storyline made me cry, i really do enjoy her scenes w/ aaron AND i loooove her + charity’s relationship a lot (when chas isn’t been unnecessarily mean 2 her lol, e.g.: immediately after the kidnapping/siding with cain + aaron when moses got kidnapped). i’d quite like to see her featuring a bit more atm, maybe as someone for charity to open up to a bit in the upcoming angst  
faith - I MISS FAITH!!!!!! i want her back!!! sally dexter was a real gift 2 emmerdale imo + i think it would’ve been good to have faith around for vanessa’s storyline too :( prayin that she’ll come back at some point 
moira - bc i’ve only been watching the show fully for the past 6 months or so a lot of what i’ve seen of moira has either been recent stuff or via older charity + vanessa storylines (e.g. her friendship w/ vanessa, which i would LOVE to properly return & her beef w/ charity, i love that they have a kind of understanding between the 2 of them now + also the banter they have is Good) BUT i really do think she’s such a great character, things have been messy + difficult for her recently but i’m so so excited to see how her partnership w/ rhona on the farm pans out!!! (i may also ship the 2 of them now, emmerdale shouldn’t have given us that shot of them drinking tea whilst watching the sunset together if they didn’t want me to ship them x) 
sarah - i think emmerdale is pretty good at giving their kid/teen characters depth, sarah in particular bc of her illness/danny/drugs storyline. i think katie hill’s a good actor + i think as a character sarah really does add something to the charity/vanessa family dynamic, i reeeeally would like to see some more sarah/vanessa scenes in the future especially since they already touched on sarah being able to understand the position vanessa’s in more than most !
rhona - i move between being massively annoyed by rhona + loving her looooool. currently, i’m loving her tho x i also watched the whole of her pierce storyline just before the kidnapping stuff + zoe henry!!! is!!!!! amazing!!!!!!!!!! i’m so so glad she got the chance to play out rhona getting closure from pierce. i haven’t been able to bring myself to watch her addiction storyline w/ vanessa yet but have read A LOT about it/fics that address it + the complexity of their relationship is a gift imo. again, looking forward to her storyline w/ moira AND the stuff w/ her + vanessa that’s coming up!!
leyla - leyla harding…..love of my life, all i have 2 say about leyla is that i love her + i love every scene she’s in, i just think she’s hilarious + roxy shahidi is just like…..ridiculously good looking 
lydia - an angel!!! i think lydia’s sometimes an underrated voice of common sense in amongst all the dingles + again, i’m just really enjoying her character atm! 
megan - let it be known that i miss megan macey + her bitchiness :( i miss her banter with charity, her dynamic w/ vanessa + tracy, i even ended up finding her + frank oddly endearing.... i Miss her :( 
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chaoticgriffins · 7 years
Captain Swan fanfic list
Whilst I am fairly new to this beautiful fandom and ship, as I just started watching in August, I have spent a shameful amount of time since then reading as much of the delightful fanfiction this world has to offer (there are some extremely talented writers obsessed with this show, we are blessed) and as such, I want to keep my favorites all in one place, as well as recommend these to anyone interested. I know most of these have been featured on many a list but alas, I feel they deserve all the recognition they can get. 
I still have a very large bookmark folder of reading to go, so I may add to this. Also if anyone wants to recommend anything to me that’s not listed, that’d be fab
*Added to list 11/17/17
**Added to list 12/09/17
***Added to list 3/07/18
Walking on Water by Ms Starlight (Rated M)-  Princess!Emma meets our beloved pirate Captain Killian Jones when his crew abducts her off one of her kingdom’s ships, interrupting her journey home from a diplomatic mission after attempting to seek aid for her kingdom during the Ogre Wars. Beautiful characterization, very interesting twists and manipulations on canon plot lines. This one is definitely a favorite. 
Something like you love me by killians-dimples (Rated T) - Friends to Lovers  (because apparently I am absolute trash for this trope) and Fake!Dating. Emma and Killian have been best friends since college, and when Mary Margaret just doesn’t know when to quit pushing her towards Walsh, Killian offers to pretend to be her boyfriend for a trip home to get her mom off her back. Beautiful and heartbreaking at times, loved it.
Walking in a Straight Line by msgenevieve447 (Rated M) - Another Friends to Lovers.Emma and Killian share a few drinks and a kiss, but only one of them remembers. VERY well written, fun to read, and I loved her characterizations. Plus Killian is a lawyer, which suits him so well for some reason. A personal favorite. (Prequel and Sequel one-shots below!)
The Darling Affair by Ice_Cube44 (Rated T) - I LOVED this one. Devoured it in one sitting. Killian is ex-military and his path crosses SocialWorker!Emma’s when one of her charges is kidnapped by the Gold family, the very same Killian’s been trying to track down for years. The story is so compelling, the characterization is awesome (especially Killian, I don’t know why but I am borderline obsessed with this version), PLUS there’s Liam, so you get all the Brothers Jones glory. (Prequel one-shots linked below) 
Crimson by qqueenofhades (Rated M) - Professor!Killian meets Emma when she starts taking his class. This one is a long, mysterious, awesome ride. A fascinating twist to the canon curse and our beloved pirate and wonderful writing and storytelling.
One Against the Wind by 4getfulimaginator (Rated T) - Set in the 1700′s, Emma is shipwrecked with a friend when they are rescued and brought aboard the Jolly Roger. This is a beautiful story, and one of the few that features awesome original characters. Heartbreaking and just wonderful.
Land Next to Me by swans-and-pirates (Rated T) - LieutenantDuckling. King’s Navy Hero Killian Jones meets Princess!Emma aboard the luxury spaceliner The Swan. When the unthinkable happens and they are forced to abandon ship, they end up stuck together on a mysterious planet. A sweet and compelling story with an awesome twist.
The Lost Boys by niniadepapa (Rated M) - Rockstar!Killian meets Actress!Emma. Their agents convince them to fake a relationship for the sake of their reputations. So much fun to read, and the cast of side characters are almost as fabulous as our dynamic duo. 
Second Star to the Right by Rhianna-Aurora (Rated M) - Canon Divergence, Emma doesn’t leave Killian at the top of the beanstalk and lets him come back to Storybrooke. Well-written and lovely read. 
Under the Horizon by romancered (Rated T) - Emma falls through a portal in Neverland and ends up three hundred years in the past, on the deck of the Jolly Roger, under the watch of a newly minted and grieving Captain Hook. 
To The End by StrawberryFields4ever (Rated T) - The adventure through Neverland to find Henry takes a fascinating turn. Emma falls into an Alternate Cursed version of Storybrooke while Killian, Mary Margaret, David, Regina, and Rumple try to find Emma and Henry in Neverland. 
Call it Love by Montana-Rosalie (Rated T) - Lieutenant Duckling. Princess!Emma and Killian are friends as children, before life drags them apart and brings them back together. ALL of Montana-Rosalie’s stories are worth reading, really. This one is sweet and sad at times, but a wonderful story.
All We’d Ever Need by Montana-Rosalie (Rated T) - Ballerina!Emma and Pianist!Killian are best friends, and find their lives crumbling on the same night. Fluffy, sweet, and angsty, but really beautifully written. Plus daddy!Killian always.
Written in the Stars by Montana-Rosalie (Rated T) -Last one, these three were my favorites of hers, but again, read all of them. Princess!Emma meets Blacksmith!Killian, and decides to fight for her true love. Angst abounds, but it’s so worth it in the end. Love love love. 
The Path That Moonbeams Make by KnifeEdge (Rated T) - S2 Canon Divergence. Everyone’s favorite pirate climbs through Emma’s window after midnight, but not for the reasons you might think. Beautifully written. 
The Secret of Drowning by momothelemur (Rated T) - S2 Canon Divergence. Emma and Killian fall through the portal and end up where they least expect. They have to learn to trust each other as they go on a wild journey through the realms to try and get home to Storybrooke. 
* Incarcerus by qqueenofhades (Rated M) - Emma and Killian are vampires. I did not expect to love this one as much as I did, but it was so so fantastic. Their relationship is so unexpectedly sweet, and I loved the side characters just as much as I did CS. The story line is so well thought out and intriguing. 
*The Lightbearers by qqueenofhades (Rated M) - This one made me so emotional so many times. Steampunk AU, Emma is a bounty hunter sent after the infamous sky pirate Killian Jones. There are so many twists and turns to this story, and I’m so in love with this author’s Will Scarlet.
*The Reason by xHookedonKillianx (Rated M) - Another friends to lovers and secret dating fic, this is one of my new favorites of that trope. The progression of their relationship is endearing and heartbreaking at times, and I love when a fic can make me love the relationships between the side characters as I am with CS. Bonus Liam Jones, whom I love dearly. 
*Lethologica by lifeinahole (Rated M) - Friends to Lovers/Secret Dating. Looooved this one. Chef!Killian and Emma is in the military. So sweet and fun to read, and the twist towards the end made me emotional. 
**Warm Nights and Firelight by Oubliette14 (Rated M) - Emma runs away from a messy breakup straight back home to her parents’ horse ranch. There she meets Killian, who works as a ranch hand for her father. This one is so loving and beautiful. 
**The Trouble with Faking It by nowforruin (Rated M) - Killian is a Hollywood actor one mistake away from blowing his career. Emma is the down on her luck bail bonds woman that KJ’s manager finds, and makes her an offer she can’t refuse. FakeDating! but so sooo fantastically raw and heartbreaking. 
**Wait For the Moonrise by lifeinahole (Rated E) - Enchanted Forest/Storybrooke AU with LieutenantDuckling. On the day Killian intends to propose to Princess!Emma, she disappears, swept up in a curse. He’ll do anything to find her. 
**To Every Thing a Season by Ice_Cube44 (Rated T) - I’ve been waiting for this one to be finished for awhile and pounced the second it was done. Killian is a scientist at Storybrooke University, trying to crack the code to travel back in time to save Liam from being murdered. Emma’s his lab assistant who didn’t quite know what she was getting into. I knew I’d love this because I loved The Darling Affair, and it definitely didn’t disappoint. A wonderful knot of fluff and angst with a beautiful ending. 
***Guilty, Your Honor by shipping-goggles (Rated M) - Emma starts a new job at a law firm and realizes her one-time thing from the night before has already come back to haunt her. The journey from horribly awkward to friends to lovers is a lovely thing. 
***Headlights Fading by EvilIsntBorn337 (Rated K+) - When Emma Swan breaks down in the middle of nowhere, Maine, she finds help in the most unlikely of places, and by the time her car is ready to go, she has to decide if she is. Beautiful and sweet AU.
***If the Stars Align by twistedroses (Rated M) - This is a story world I loved and wasn’t quite ready for it to end. Emma is the Queen of France, and Killian is a loyal Musketeer who’d do anything for his queen. The stakes are high and angst abounds in this beautiful, unique twist on CS.
***Tripping Over the Blue Line by WelpThisIsHappening (Rated M) - Hockey AU. Killian is the Captain of the New York Rangers and Emma is the new Community Relations rep. Both of them have big plans and weren’t quite counting on the other to come along and change them. This is such a fun, wonderful world to spend time in even if you aren’t a sports fan (I’m not, but I still loved every minute of this fic) and I love her characterizations of Emma, Killian, and the whole crew. 
***The PyeongChang Triple by WelpThisIsHappening  (Rated M) - The fun continues in the Olympics sequel to Blue Line. 
***Out of the Frying Pan by WelpThisIsHappening (Rated M) - Celebrity Cooking AU. Emma’s trying to save her time slot for her show, and Killian wants to expand his restaurant - both of them need to win the All-Stars competition. Another fun story with completely immersive writing and a huge, lovable community. 
***You Play Ball Like a Girl by WelpThisIsHappening (Rated M) - Emma has plans to take New York sports journalism by storm, so when she starts to fall for her editor, she realizes she’s got a big problem. This one is a little more angsty than her other stories, but I loved it all the same.
***Light of All Lights by Ripplestitchskein (Rated E) - Dark Swan and Deckhand Killian AU. While the depiction of Killian as weak and fearful is hard to swallow at first, this story has an awesome depiction of Emma as the Dark One, and Killian’s growth is really beautiful by the end. Rated E for a reason, folks, but the story and characterizations are fascinating.
(Now I have a hard and fast rule not to read fics that aren’t complete, as I have mourned the loss of too many abandoned fics, but this one and the next sort of snuck up on me, and I’m recommending them because they are absolutely worth reading despite being unfinished. (They are, however, still being updated and haven’t been abandoned, so I eagerly await the endings.)
***Beyond the Horizon by AlexandraLyman (Rated M) -WIP- Princess Emma’s ship is attacked by pirates, and Captain Jones brings her aboard. Slowly but surely, they fall in love, and Killian finds a bit of the good man inside that he lost along the way while he helps Emma reunite with her parents and save her kingdom. BEAUTIFUL writing. Really, all I can talk about is how gorgeous this one is.
***Alone, Until I Get Home by phthalo (Rated M) -WIP- S3 Canon-Divergence, where Emma stays in New York after the curse for seven years instead of one. Henry and his little brother Ian find the story book in Emma’s bug, and just like that, he remembers everything and leads his family back to Storybrooke. I’m a sucker for 3B pining and this one delivers. Ian is, quite possibly, my absolute favorite OC and I love this story so much.
Round and Round by killians-dimples (Rated T) - Enchanted Forest. Princess!Emma and Killian are best friends, and Emma is trying to pretend that’s all she feels for him. So sweet, but also dark - warnings for assault - but definitely a good read. 
Lend me some sugar, I am your neighbor  by killians-dimples (Rated M) - Friends to lovers, of course. Emma and Killian knew each other in school before she moved to a new foster home. They meet again as neighbors, and find their friendship evolving into something quite different. 
Lonely Hearts Club by niniadepapa (Rated T) - A cute one-shot where Killian starts exchanging notes on a table at Granny’s with a mysterious woman, only to be thrown for a loop when he finds out who it is. 
Heart’s a Mess by niniadepapa (Rated M) - Killian meets Emma when she becomes Milah’s new roommate. This one hurts, but in the best way.
Clouds in My Coffee by msgenevieve447 (Rated M) - One-Shot Sequel to Walking in a Straight Line. Fluffy sweetness.
Serendipity (or something like it) by msgenevieve447 (Rated K) - One-Shot prequel to Walking in a Straight Line, when Emma and Killian meet for the first time. 
Freaky Friday by msgenevieve447 (Rated M) - another one, yes, just read everything she writes. Emma and Killian are accidentally put together in the same hotel room as roommates for a business convention. 
the daylight seems so far away by VickyVicarious (Rated T) - Everyone has a tattoo on their wrist that tells them the age their soulmate will be when they finally meet. Emma thinks she’s broken, as her wrist says 232. 
Bad Form by VickyVicarious (Rated T) - Lieutenant!Killian meets Thief!Emma one night by the docks. One-Shot.
Bag Over Head, Held at Gunpoint, Outnumbered, Drugged, Guilt, Grief, Panic Attack by icecubelotr44 - a collection of one-shots set in The Darling Affair universe. Mostly set before, and mostly Brothers Jones, but reading these is what made me want to read The Darling Affair, so definitely worth a read.   
Theoretically by wtvoc (Rated E) - Friends to Lovers. Witty and unexpectedly sweet. Explicit for a reason BUT it has a really good story in between the smutty fun. 
Oh, Brother... by the-captains-ayebrows (Rated T) - Fake!Dating with a twist - Liam and Emma are roommates, and Emma offers to pretend to be his girlfriend when his brother comes to town...but things quickly get complicated when sparks fly between Emma and Killian. Really fun to read, plus anything with the Brothers Jones is always a pleasure.
**Roger by Oubliette14 (Rated T) - Emma’s dog gets hit by a car, but when Killian, who works at the vet’s office, offers to pay for the emergency surgery to save the dog’s life. SO SWEET and nearly made me cry. 
**Drag Me Down by seastarved (Rated T) - Just a little royals one-shot that might break your heart, but it’s so beautifully written, I kinda wish it was a multi-chap. 
**Chasing Thursdays by nowforruin (Rated M) - Elsa and Emma open an ice cream shop in Storybrooke, Killian owns the tattoo parlor across the street. He comes in every Thursday for ice cream, and Emma doesn’t quite realize how much he’s gotten under her skin until the day he doesn’t.
**We Got Us by lifeinahole (Rated M) - Emma and Killian are happy and in love...but scared to let their friends and family in on it, lest they ruin what they’ve got with drama. A cute one-shot in which the entire Swan/Charming/Jones crew spend a beach vacation together, with CS trying to hide their relationship.
**My Eyes, They Speak For Me by lifeinahole (Rated M) - Canon-Divergence from New York City Serenade. Killian goes back to NY for Emma and she takes the potion, but when they go back to Storybrooke...it’s not there. They go back to New York and try to figure out how to get back to Emma’s family. 
***Snowflakes and Starlight by AlexandraLyman (Rated K) - LieutenantDuckling sweetness with a dash of Brothers Jones, and I’m a sucker for both. Beautiful.  
***Team Bonding by msgenevieve447 (Rated M) - After an accidental kiss during Laser Tag between coworkers, and Emma learning that not everything is as it seems. A sweet short multi-chap with some delightful pining. 
***Where the Lovelight Gleams by icecubelotr44 (Rated K) - Christimas in the Darling Affair universe. This made me way too emotional, seriously. Emma’s facing her daughter’s first real Christmas without Killian without much enthusiasm when her husband has been MIA for months, but that changes when Liam delivers the best Christmas present of all. 
***The Legend of Captain Killian Jones by HollyeLeigh (Rated M) - Killian Jones is cursed to haunt the halls of his family’s manor as a ghost, only regaining corporeal form once every hundred years as a chance to break his curse. He gets some help from an unlikely source. A fun supernatural read with an awesome twist on Killian’s story.
***Bird of Prey by Shoedonym (Rated M) - Swan Mythology AU. This is so beautiful and poetic and I can’t sing its praises enough. Killian visits the lake on the third full moon of spring even though the stories warn against it, and he comes to the conclusion that the line between fact and fairy tales is a lot more blurry than one might think. 
***Two-Day Shipping by High-Seas-Swan (Rated T) - A sweet, fun little one-shot where Killian and Liam own a bait and tackle shop. Emma goes in looking for a chair, she doesn’t quite expect anything more. 
***Not One of Those Stories by effulgentcolors (Rated M) - Killian is the town’s recluse, a loner, and when he hears that there’s a new sheriff coming to town, all he really wants is the chance to have a friend. I really loved this story, with the unique twist on an older Killian. Read the thing. 
***Tim Finnegan’s Wake by icecubelotr44 (Rated T) - Emma’s a little annoyed with the music blasting from her neighbor’s apartment, so she’s all the more surprised at how concerned she is when it suddenly stops. A lovely amount of angst ensues. 
*** CS 0155 Data Witchcraft by strangetales (Rated M) - An awesome and creative take on Emma & Killian’s love story with modern witchcraft sprinkled in. Loved this story.
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