#i loove this ep we need more silliness
blindinghope · 4 months
daryl and rick's adventure (with jesus)😾🤠👼
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leedoodlesstuff · 2 months
HELL YEAH MY MAAAN cracks knuckles
RAHHHG the best character imo /hj
I really feel like he's one of the best written characters in the whole show tbh, he's so silly but also serious and so so tragic 💛💛 LOVE HIM 🎀🎀
uhhh, actually no one ! I don't think a woman (or man) is going to fix him or make him happy 😁 I think no woman he's been with has been anything more than a fill-in for what was missing (which I believe was Stephanie), Florence was CLOSE but he didn't truly love her and she didn't either so, 💔 ANYWAY, I don't think he's truly good with anyone in this show, romantically.
HIM AND STEPHANIE god I love them, PRAISE THE LORD THEY HAVE A GOOD RELATIONSHIP!! anyway, we love the god fearing reverend and his punk daughter 💛💛
I ALSO love him and Clay's interactions SO MUCH they are so stupid and have beef FOR NO REASON love em for that (they are a crack ship of their own in this fandom 💛💛)
OH AND HIM AND OREL, they reflect each other so much and I wish HE SAW THAT !!! Orel is just him but a child with innocence I WANNA KNOW MORE ABT REVS CHILDHOOD PLS FTLOG !!!! Orel just cares so much for everyone ESPECIALLY ROD LIKE he talks to him normally after getting shot by his father HE TRUSTS HIM and I love that abt them 💛💛
uhhh, I don't think this is an UNpopular opinion, but I highly dislike the drafted ep that was supposed to happen before the show got cancelled. LIKE WHAT WAS THAT (respectfully ew) like I think a good part of the fandom does NOT like that ep AT ALL but that may just be me, he felt so out of character there specifically
He felt so, idk, I know hes a grown man but GOD THAT WAS SO WEIRD OF HIM TO LET HAPPEN, like why did every woman he ever had met wanna sleep with him?? esp bendy 😬, I don't get it but again, that could just be me 🙃
ANYWAY, I do feel like if given the chance they would've written it differently if the show did go on (I believe in the writers capabilities) but that's my take on it 🤝
I WISH WE SAW WAY MORE INTO HIS AND STEPHANIE'S RELATIONSHIP AND LIFE!!! I know we would have but AUGH PLS GIVE ME CONTENTTTT !!! pls I love them and I NEED TO SEE THEM MORE!! I will do it myself I SWEAR!!! (I might actually who knows) I love how mundane their life would've been like, him getting up early on Sunday for church and her sleeping in til abt when he gets back for her to get to work 💛💛 AAAAA LOOVE THEM my favorite father-daughter relationship EVER
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danothan · 2 years
For the ask game, Jayce and Mel? 🥺
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a lot of this will be similar if not identical to f0r’s meljay/jayvik hcs, we basically fleshed out our arcane thoughts together. whoops!
who’s the cuddler: well viktor’s obviously out bc as touch-starved as he is, he doesn’t rly like to reach out to others (however the look on his face whenever jayce gets close to him is priceless, just hug him back silly). so that leaves mel and jayce, who are both very physically affectionate with each other, but i’m giving this one to jayce bc he doesn’t even realize how often he does it, while mel is much more deliberate and flirtatious with her touch. it’s like second nature to him
who makes the bed: the housekeeper 😓 viktor has better things to do, jayce was kind of a slob in college, and mel was raised rich. i will say tho, mel is probably the most likely just bc she seems like the kind of person to like to do a lot of things herself (she literally makes her own paints wth?)
who wakes up first: viktor for sure, jayce is a heavy sleeper and mel might be too considering she didn’t hear the guard come in to notify jayce abt viktor. even then, viktor gets like 4-6 hrs of sleep on a regular day
who has the weird taste in music: i loove f0r’s take on jayce being a basic mainstream music enjoyer and mel + viktor having strange music taste from their respective cultures (piltover’s top 40 vs undercity edm and noxian opera)
who is more protective: ive made this joke before, but whatever mel does to jayce, jayce does to viktor. mel is always saving his oblivious ass (her doing damage control everytime he puts his neck out on the political chopping board 😭) and jayce is always worrying himself sick abt viktor’s health
who sings in the shower: jayce, his passion makes up for his lack of skill. mel finds it endearing and might even join him (in either sense 👀) and viktor would find it annoying if he hadn’t already woken up earlier and taken his coffee. now he considers it a familiar comfort in his morning routine <3
who cries during movies: jayce tears up so easily, i think i counted like 3 times in ep 2 alone (the babygirl episode). stealing from f0r again, but viktor doesn’t allow himself to be vulnerable around others, so he might let it affect him in private. mel is the same way, but i don’t think she’s as moved by fiction in general. jayce is just so easily immersed (sidenote, i LOVE when he starts explaining his work to others bc twice now he’s lost himself in his explanation and just starts rambling almost forgetting his own audience and i. love him.)
who spends the most while out shopping: mel then jayce then viktor. viktor would use smth until it was broken to purchase anything, and even then he would reuse the spare parts
who kisses more roughly: omg whaat kissing omg idk 🙈 uuhhhhm viktor that’s all i’ll say on that
who is more dominant: mel in the gentle guiding way, altho she rly deserves to have someone else take the initiative (but it’s also partly on her for not being able to let go of control). viktor is vaguely dominant in a need-for-control kind of way too, he definitely dislikes the unknown and being in control helps him navigate things his way. poor jayce, prefers doing all the work for his loved ones but they rarely give him the chance 😔 (insert “they were all tops” meme /j)
rating: 10/10 easily the best ship in arcane and one of the best ships in anything ever??!?! top 5 in general, there i said it
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