#i love all of them .. why crop of queenie?
langdoncult · 2 years
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the amount of people i see crop queenie out of this scene is ridiculous..
if it’s a ship/romantic edit for madison and michael i understand, even if i don’t ship them…
but i see people constantly just crop out queenie for no reason.
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Trade ya
based on this ask
TW//Slight violence and a mention of blood
Macaque slipped back into the theatre after his little chat with the Monkey Kid.
Boy howdy, that kid had some explaining to do, to his companions. If only he could stick around and watch that mess unfold. But he had to retrieve his lamp.
Honestly, that was easier than he thought it would be.
Wich was concerning.
As Macaque walked over to the stage he paused for a moment, where was (y/n) is all this?
The Monkey King was off doing his own thing for a while, and he'd assumed his kid would be hanging around Mk and his friends, yet the amber-furred monkey wasn't with them when they had entered the theatre.
Did Mk literally forget one of his friends? damn, he was starting to become like the Hero...
despite everything that's happened between them since the whole 'I stole the Monkey Kings powers from Mk and broke his trust leaving him emotionally distressed' thing, he actually wanted to get to know his kid(and maybe convince them to join him)the week of stalking wasn't enough for him to say the least.
Disregarding the thought (though not entirely) he make is way back to the remains of the lap.
And with a little magic it was good an new!
Fuck ya!
As he admirered his handy work for s little longer and sound of clapping caught is attention. Wiping his head around he saw the wired guy in a pin strip suit form the play, if Macaque remembered correctly this was the guy that game my the *Skeleton Key.
"My my, that was such a magnificent performance!"
"Ha, ya well it's over, t-this was the last show actually"
Oh he did not like this for a single second. His fur was standing on there ends screaming for him to just leave.
Just as Macaque was about to use the shadows to escape, in a flash of icy blue light the guy was now behind him, and the next thing he know he was being picked up by the neck and for some reason couldn't, fucking move.
What the actual hell is happening???
"Lady Bone Demon would like a word with you~"
In the blink of an eye, the scenery changed form the damaged auditorium he'd rented out to and underground cave with mechanical parts and machines everywhere.
Just one wif of the musty roten air and he knew he was in the Spider Queens lair. But it looked different then it had been that last time he was there.
Then again it's been centuries since he was last there.
He was shortly let go by the insane suite wareing guy and rubbed his neck where it had been grabbed. And just like that the guy disappeared, leaving the Lady Bone Demon in his stead.
"Why greetings Macaque, its beet long since we last spoke"
" not long enough if you ask me"
The white haired lady let out a hum of acknowledgement as she circled the monkey.
"Soo any particular reason why you got one of your brain dead servents to get me?" Macaque questioned, pulling back a bit not wanting to be in her immediate range.
Up purely tactical.
"Ah, well it's come to my attention that you poses something of grate use to me" her icy gaze fixed on the lamp.
"Ya not happening" Macaque said flatly, he went though a lot to get his hands on this thing and he wasn't going to part with it so easily. Besides what ever the Lady Bone Demon was planning, would spell doom for the world as they know it.
Macaque my be a bad guy in some sense, maby even be considered an antihero-that was just more of an ass on a good day- but he wasn't one for wold domination.
In the past he just wanted to wreck heaven with his dear beloved friend befor his change of heart, not enslave mankind. They just wanted to prove there worth nothing more. But this bitch, na she was jack shit crazy. It took the combined forces of Demons and celestials alike to seal her away, himself being one of said demons.
"Ohh what a shame, looks like I'll be keeping this little one then"
In a puff of smoke (y/n) collapses on the foor to her, there fur slightly matted with blood and a visible gash on the left eye.
Similar to where his was-
It wasn't deep and wouldn't cause damage, but it still needed treatment.
Holy hell is this where (y/n) was all this time?
Macaques mind was going a mile a minute but he kept his poker face.
"And I sould care about some random kid because?"
"Oh~ Don't play dumb with me, Six Eared Macaque. You know exactly who this little one is" she started using her powers for lift the amber-furred monkey off the ground there one good (color) eye glosed over and hazy.
"After all this is your child"
"Hate to brake it to ya, but I don't have a kid"
"My sources say other wise"
Several screens descended for the walls and around them, all flicked to like to reveal footage of Macaque during his little stalking mission when he first planed to steal the Monkey Kings powers and found out about his long lost kid, and then some other footage of his watching them from the shadows.
Oh, oh no.
"I had my suspension on the Luner New Years, but your reaction solidify's my assumption"
Wha- shit his poker face slipped! Shiiiit
"So I'll ask again, the lamp or your child- they won't die persay, but I think the underground market would pay a hefty sum for one of such unique lineage"
His heart was beating faster than he thought possible, wait why would it be doing that! He shouldn't care! Should he?
Glancing between the lamp and (y/n)'s beaten form Macaque made a decision he might soon come to regret.
(Y/n) was having a good evening, well that was until the Spider Queens minions jumped them while on there way to the theater to meet up with the others(minus Sandy, what he had cats to take care of!)
When the first woke up it was in a dingy cell. And the next thing they knew the Spider Queen tried to get information about the Monkey Kings whereabouts.
"Ya right like the peach loving old man tells me anything! So if you could kindly let me on my marry way that would be fantastic"
You realy needed to know when to such your mouth or just give total bullshit information because Queeni had gotten pissed, and tried to beat the information out of you.
The Lady Bone Demon had to pry the spider off you. Saying you still had a use befor you blacking out.
When they woke for a second time everything was hazy, and there was muffled talking almost like they where under water.
Water was nice, you should learn to swim! It seems like fun! Maby you could get Mk or Mai to teach you.
After all the Monkey King was a shitty swimmer- wait no he was crap as under water fights, but wouldn't that require swimming as well-
Uh oh, was you being moved? Nooo das no gooood stop!
Ughhh why won't the muffin voices stop! And why can't I feel my eye!
Y E S spelles yes
E Y E S spells eyes how did that one guy get that confused, and you is moving again ST 0 p
Wait this was more comfy than before, is that red? Oh my moons it is! It's so soft!
And soft it was and you drifted to a more comfortable rest this time.
The third and final time (y/n) woke, they weren't in a cell, or had a hazy mindset. Areas not that hazy, but this time it was more so due to medicine than pain.
In fact they lay on a plush mattress, with equally soft pillows and nice heavy blankets tossed other them.
As (y/n) sat up they winced in pain slightly.
Looking down they take notice of the bandages, and a slitting head- and there are bandages on your eye as well fucking perfect.
"Good to see your up" a voice greated. Wiping their head to the side, there stood Macaques with a slight concerned look on his face.
Wha- owowowowowowowow
Probably shouldn't be moving so fast as (y/n) winced in pain again.
As (y/n) tried to steady themselves again and think of a retort, and side of the bed diped and a hand was placed oh your forehead, whilst the other heaped your arm.
"What are you-" "checking to see if you're fever spiked " "I has a heaver?" "Fever, and yes it set is last night after a particularly nasty infection" "oh"
"Wait, why are you-"
"The Bone bitch had you, i-i couldn't just let her harm you any more than she already had"
"That's dumb, you're dumb"
"Okay back to sleep with you"
"Where am I?" "One of my safe houses, now sleep"
Sleep but what if...
"I-its okay, it'll be okay I'll be here when you wake again"
(y/n) blinked at him.
"I promise" he said softly as he guided you back down to the pillow, he retucked you in and was about to leave when (y/n) caught his hand.
Well fuck
Uhhh, you know what he's had a long fucking day himself he needs some sleep too.
So discarding his scarf to the side, as well as some armor plating and his shoes, Macaque got into the bed himself and just used himself. As he made himself comfortable, back tuned away for his pup a single thought echoed in his head.
'Im a fucking dad now, geat'
*Skelton Keys are said to open any door, plus the cannon key had a skull on it so why not?
UwU Anon you have no idea what this means, you have water my crops cleared my skin and my mind is sane!
I was originally planing to have this thing where the spider queen captured the reader/oc and used the robo parasight to make them a follower, but this, this is so much better sksksksksksk
I did most of this on mobile and my auto correct is bitchy 🙃
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monstaxardeur · 4 years
Warnings: Mature, Angst
𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚕𝚎𝚍 - 𝚒𝚒
His black chipped nail brushed the small chit of paper in his hands as he was questioning himself… 'was this necessary?' He looked out the window of his cab, the early morning wind greeted him but there was no sun in sight…in fact it looked like a storm was brewing. 'Wasn’t there enough rainstorm last night?' he wondered blankly watching the cityscape pass him by, his thoughts starting to tangle in last night’s aftermath.
'She' was gone, just like that, leaving a little pricking void in his heart, no..not just his heart, he was sure she took his soul too, sucking the life out of him. She wandered into their lives one fine day and disappeared one night as if the dark skies swallowed her whole, her being now lay atop the cosmos as perhaps the beautiful moon he witnessed every night…along with her stars she oh so lovingly called 'her little moonbeams'.
Last night had been difficult, his fingers grazed over the frayed edges of the torn fabric, he hated it…how she had intoxicated him, her existence, her touch…her kisses in the dark like a pretty little secret. He may or may not have pleasured himself to the swaying memories of 'Queenie'. Her words, the soft nothings would haunt his nights and keep him from peaceful sleep but it had been a while, a good while and she hadn’t been around anymore. Sometimes it felt like a lucid dream he had, it won’t be long when the affects of her drugging existence wear off and it may just feel like it was never real.
'Why am I even doing this?' He bemused himself staring at the small piece of folded paper. He was sure he wasn’t the only one she left small favors with, but why? Its like she left the boys with her fragments to finish what she couldn’t.
“Will you do me a favor my love?” Her words were soft like velvet, her lips barely away from his, both of their lips swollen from the feverish kiss they shared. “Hmmm?” He had replied and all she did was slide a small piece of paper in his palms. He briefly looked down to inspect it but she closed his palms into a fist and captured his lips onto hers, resuming their romantic escapade.
He bit his lip at the sudden memory vividly playing out in his head and sighed throwing his head back and pulling the hoodie over his face, but his moment of tranquil came to a halt as the cab stopped at the destination.
He hesitated before turning the knob…'this doesn’t feel right' his mind told him but Queenie gave him the keys herself, entrusted him with it for this very purpose. He walked into a room greeted with soft music playing, he recognized the song, 'Art Deco by Lana Del Rey' but his feet stopped at a canvas before him. A beautifully haunting image was splayed in freehand strokes on a dark canvas that lay there. An image of a silver cloaked goddess caressing the cheeks of a butterfly winged human. He could recognize her face anywhere, the goddess..was Queenie, but this other person wasn’t completely visible yet, probably an incomplete artwork?
“It’s still in progress.” You spoke startling him out of his trance and he swallowed a lump he didn’t know was in his throat. “I didn’t mean to intrude.” He flashed a faint smile and held up the chit, “She sent me.” You paused and he turned and pointed at the goddess in the painting, “I meant her, I know its her you painted.” Your gaze shifted away as you rubbed the back of your neck sighing….you missed her dearly at times. Right now was one of those times, for your home was the definition of grief, it was messy and unkempt and your appearance looked like you were yearning for the moon’s touch, this moonbeam looked drained of her beams, he could see it in your eyes.
His fingers dug deep into the skin of your bare thighs and his lips moved feverishly over your hot skin as he trailed them all mottled to find that one spot, on the left of your chest…where your heart beats, he knows the goddess lives there and what was meant to be a soft bruise was a harsh mark, a love bite perhaps? You panted and winced at the sudden surge of pinching pain and your own hands tugged and pulled at his blonde locks. His brows knitted and he growled in frustration….he could feel Queenie all over you, he was convinced you were a vessel. What looked like a drained little moonbeam turned out to be bleeding moonlight the moment your skins touched. Like a butterfly so still but at a mere touch it’s wings were spread wide, shimmering it’s vibrant colors and beauty as it fluttered about.
He dragged his lips back to to the sweet spot under your neck to hear those soft moans that were like comforting music to his ears. One of his hands grabbed hold of your neck in a low squeeze and your eyes met his again as you panted and held his hand that was over your pulsing veins. “Please…let me..” your words barely audible against him in close proximity and he loosened his grip over you, softening up and your lips requested entrance at his own and he greeted yours with a needy urge. Holding his face in your palms, you shifted to sit up closer in his lap and your core could feel his hard on but you were patient and just kissed him the most mind numbing kiss, just as his entire existence was mind numbing to yours.
You wanted out, you wanted it all out, the moonlight in your veins that was injected by 'her' loving words and caring notions, by her presence….by her mere existence. You knew you had soaked in a lot of her essence maybe a little more than what you bargained for and he wanted it like a drug, why else would he wander here upon Queenie’s request, you knew despite your overflowing emotions underneath the moonlit facade…that he was here for her, he envisioned her in your stead, all he wanted was to feel 'her' under his skin and you were radiating with her essence…dripping moonlight at his mere touch.
'What an odd place to find your heart at?' You thought pushing back tears so forceful that your throat hurt and a whimper escaped your lips as he broke the kiss letting you breathe. You had hoped to find the other side of him when you looked into his beautiful dark eyes but all you saw was a disciple’s yearning for his goddess and you let go of yourself to his dark desires..
It was nightfall, a silent beautiful night, the moon was full and the starts winked from beneath the floating clouds. He lay bare under the sheets of the bed, he had slept his aching soul away and it was late. '00:00′ the time struck. Was it the witching hour? Did it feel like Walpurgis Night? Sort of, but not in the most devious ways only in the most lulling ways as if the witches themselves descended to sing their lullabies.
When he came to, his nose caught the whiff of scented candles but a very non conventional one, you lived in a beach house but couldn’t get enough of the scent of the ocean. His eyes were greeted by your bare back that had your floral print tattoo, it was so delicate like an old lovers kiss~ When you felt him shift you put on your little crop top sweater and turned to see him, for a moment your breath was stuck in awe as you saw his naked form that lay moonkissed before you. The way the moonlight touched him made you wonder he was perhaps truly made for his muse.
“Were you crying?” His deep low voice was raspy from having just woken, the reason he asked was your glistening cheeks, “I finished the painting.” You changed the subject wiping off your semi dried tears. The painting of the butterfly human was no longer the same, it was in fact everything like him. Changkyun’s eyes were fixated on the painting of what was now the moon goddess and himself…~ “Take it with you.” Came your voice from inside the room, you wanted nothing to do with it anymore, they belonged with each other and you wanted nothing in between their love story, the ache was too much to bear.
The mattress depressed beside you as he sat down next to you in nothing but his undone jeans, he followed your gaze to the night sky outside your window from where you sat. “Isn’t she beautiful?” You asked smiling melancholic. “And haunting.” he added as his fingers traced patterns on your arms trailing them to your wrist. “Do I still bleed her soul?” You asked looking at him, your expressions always softening up while looking at him. He hummed a nod still playing his fingertips on your skin. “Just a little though but it’s always there, like a dormant demon wanting out….I felt it in your heart beat.” and his eyes glance at the mark under her left collar bone, a deep bluish purple bruise and he couldn’t help but feel a little smug for his doing. He marked your heart so harshly, you’ll probably remember it for days to come.
You felt defeated at his reply, “I’ll always be with you my little moonbeam, shhh don’t cry now. You’ll see me again, I promise~” were her words and back then they felt like warmth, comfort & home but never did you ever thought that too much of even such a deep unexplained love could leave you scarred and over flowing with her memories. It’ll take forever for someone to find the real you deep down trapped under the smothering love of your Queenie~
Just as he came, he had left, leaving you in your sheets bare and bruised with his love marks. His touch always burned, always left indents because he was always searching for someone within you. You lay fast asleep exhausted from your little sexual escapade but in the dead of the night you may have felt a comforting touch stroking your head as if a guardian angel watched over you. “I’m so sorry my little moonbeam.” The muse softly kissed your head and fixed your covers, “My poor baby, I’ll tell him to be kind to you hmmm?” she cooed. “I’ll have to pay him a visit though.” her words trailed off as she looked up at the sky and the moon was now completely covered in clouds….almost as if it was never there in the first place~
…𝚕𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎
mood song: art deco by lana del rey
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just-call-me-j-10v3 · 3 years
Episode .5
The beginning
On the twelfth hour on the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day began. Sir Reginald Hargreeves went around to collect as many as he could, however he only got eight of them.
Number eight, or Jela Hargreeves as she would be later known as, was a special case, simply because her mother had abandoned her from the start. On that twelfth hour a woman that goes by the name Marie Laurence was amongst the couple dozen not so fortunate women to be struck with those harsh birthing pains.
Her screams of pain were ignored in that New York alleyway, she had been walking home from her job as an exotic dancer. Marie would consider it honest work, maybe, if it weren’t for the fact that she was in deep debt with her boss. She was in too much trouble and having a kid, it would end up ruining her life forever.
She had the baby in that gloomy and damp alleyway and after she collected herself she left the child to die. She called the cops anonymously, saying that she had heard a baby crying in that damned alleyway for her own conscience's sake, (Jela didn’t see her until she later offered her the money she would’ve gotten for her from Reginald out of spite, a way to say she was better off without her, but let's keep that between us).
Reginald held that abandoned baby girl in his arms, he looked her in the eyes and when he saw that lack of emotion in her eyes the way she was so detached from everyone else.
“She has never been held before me, how is that so?” he had asked them as they told him this shocking news.
“No sir, we had figured we were picking up a dead body when we received the call, you came just as we set up to carefully extract her. The only issue we’re having is she doesn’t seem to cry or make noises, we’re afraid she might not have the ability to or other such issues. We really think it’s best to have her stay in the hospital with the other’s you have adopted.” The nurse suggests as she looks at the newborn in his arms.
“I will be taking her home with me now, the others I will pick up when they're ready, she needs to be held by me and me alone.” He says before leaving to take care of the little girl at home…
You see, Jela to Reginald was going to be his special child, the one he treated differently to see if it revoked a different outcome, her childhood she was known as ‘Daddy’s favorite’ but the others will never fully understand the amount of extra torment the emotionless one got as Reginald’s true number one.
That’s where we move to today, when you see the outcome of the little heros, the day where numbers 1-7 were met with a weight off their shoulders, but the day number eight was met with her first ever jolt of grief… The day of Reginald Hargreeves’ death.
Jela sat there, watching her sister playing violin on that late night, she would always go out of her way to see her.. After all Vanya and Jela were the only two the others didn’t exactly get along with.. She was watching when she got a call, she got up out of her seat, flashing Vanya a quick ‘I’ll be back’ look before walking away to answer the call.
“Unless someone died you shouldn’t be calling me and you damn well know that.” Jela snarls as she answers the phone, she knew that it wasn’t anyone she cared about, just another one of her workers.
“I’m sorry boss, listen, it’s that damned Hero of yours again, he showed up at that small hit you had set up, a few of our guys didn’t make it.” The worker in question states solemnly, shaking his head and biting his lip.
“Good, that means he feels like he saved the day, that was the point Speedy, I know you don’t get it but they needed to go.. Call them, I don’t know, casualties, another statistic. Whatever makes you feel better, just get someone into the coroner's office to burn, cut or even cover up those tattoos. I don’t need Diego finding out about my operation, got it?” She says with lack of emotion, something that came naturally to her, however, feeling emotions, that was the hard part. She sighs, knowing that her workers like to call each other family, she thinks on it as she hears his silence, most likely biting his tongue. "Alright, I know what you’re thinking.. I'll call a meeting with the Pit (A group of snakes), we’ll get our snakes in a group and take a day off to mourn, sound good Speedy?”
“Thanks Queeny, I’m sure their families will appreciate it, I’ll make sure we send them the usual parting gift.” He says, sounding more content with that outcome.
“Don’t start expecting it every time some run of the muck idiot dies to someone as bullheaded as number two, this is an exception, only because there were multiple losses at once.” Jela sighs, just hanging up, about to go back in when she receives another phone call…
“Mom, it’s late, why are you calling me?” She says, false worry in her tone, she never worries, or, rather, she never feels the emotion that comes with the idea of worrying. That’s when she hears it, the whispering of those three goddesses, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, or, also known as, the Moirae… the Fates. And with those whispers starts coming the emotions, she feels the fear, the agony, the grief… “No- Mom tell me you didn’t.”
“Please I need you to help me Marie-” She says, calling her by the name she had given Jela in the beginning.
“It’s Jela, and don’t move a muscle, don’t tell Pogo, don’t call anyone else, I will be there. You are lucky I was taught to respect you as my mother otherwise I would gladly be an orphan tonight.” She hung up the phone, telling Vanya that a job went wrong and she has to go, she calls one of her cars, the driver drops it off and walks away. She gets in and goes home, when she gets there she quickly works on cleaning and setting everything up to make it look like an accident, nothing remotely suggesting otherwise. She quickly messes with Grace’s programming, editing the cameras to remove herself, but leaving the truth about their fathers death to be found.. She went to her old room that night and for the first time since she was a child she sat there and cried…
The news got out the next morning and Jela was there to meet number two, who had felt the need to do his own check on Reginalds death. She watched as he walked around the room, examining things and making sure there wasn't any struggle.
“Diego, looks like you only care to visit after he’s dead, mom definitely missed her st-st-stuttering stanley.” She teased with a smirk, her eyes showing a slight glint of mischief, even with the circumstances she has to act like herself, even though she hates how she feels she can’t show that she does feel.
He throws a knife at her and she doesn’t even flinch as that knife flies directly next to her head, the wind from it moving her jet black hair. “When did you last see dad, Marie.”
She snarls a bit, absolutely loathing that name, her two toned eyes going darker at the sound of it. “You can say what you wish about me and call me what you wish, but don’t you dare insinuate that I killed my father.” Her voice cracks a bit, her eyes watering a bit, normally it would make people feel remorse or pity, but for Diego, it scared him to see Jela tear up like that.. An emotional Jela is a deadly one. Which means, if Reginald did die from muder Jela would have them dealt with already… Unless they were family, and she only considers a few people family.. He better call Allison and make sure she’s alive at some point… Just in case.
“Calm your tits or at least cover them, what the hell are you wearing anyways?” He says, getting distracted by her all too revealing outfit.
She couldn’t help but smile a little at that response, blinking her tears away and shaking her head. “You’re such an idiot, you know that?” She says, looking down at her black sweatpants, combat boots and crop top.
“I’m not an idiot, you just have the same iq as that one dude with the apple.” He says, playing dumb to try and break through those walls she has been building up, they used to be close when they were teens, he still likes to believe he knows her better than anyone. He knows how to make her smile at least.
She lets out a small laugh, smiling a bit. “You and I both know you damn well remember who Issac Newton is, stop playing dumb.”
“Tell anyone I did that and we’re going to have another match like when we were twelve.” He warns before he starts to leave to sneak into the coroner's office.
“You cheated! We considered the choke hold against the rules prior to the match!” She frowns something close to a pout.
“I adapted Miss ‘I can see the future’ maybe talk to your witches next time!” He shouts back, only to have a shelf that had been holding up perfectly well their whole lives fall directly on top of him.
She burst out laughing as she watches him stand back up in the hallway, holding his head. “That’s what you get for calling the three Goddesses of fate witches! You never learn.” he scoffs and just leaves without another comment. Jela goes and sits in the living room, looking at the painting of her old favorite sibling before texting Vanya. I’m sorry I wasn’t with you when you found out.. You have to come to the funeral or else we’ll have to have one for one of the others soon after, love you.
Allison was the first to make it there, Jela was sitting on a rocking chair next to their mom, reading in front of the fireplace in a black pantsuit, her jet black hair straight, as per usual, her green and brown eyes looking over as Allison walks in, scanning her up and down, her eyes flashing to a pure white colour, almost as if she were blind, something that happens when the fates talk to her. “Troubles at home I see, if you need help getting your daughter back I can help you out.”
“Don’t use the fates to spy on my life, if you cared you would actually call me.” She says with a frown, shaking her head.
“Says the one that didn’t invite me to her wedding, but you’re right, I don’t care about you in this instance, however, I do care that Claire doesn't get to see her mom, my niece deserves better.” She states in a melancholy voice. That’s when another one of their siblings enters.
“Hey Mom, mom?” Jela glances at the robot in question, sighing, she’s going to have to do another repair…
“Vanya?” Allison says as she recognizes the voice. “You’re actually here..” Vanya lets out a relieved sigh as her sister walks over to hug her. Jela sets down the book she was reading, or rereading should I say, as she watches her siblings hug. Extra-Ordinary: My Life as Number Seven (Vanya Hargreeves' self-written tell-all auto-biography) Oh how Jela loves that book, the most truthful thing she has ever seen in her life, even paints her as a villain.. Jela always loved playing the villain, even when they were training as kids.
“Hey Allison..” she says as her sister lets her go. Jela stands up to join the girls after setting her book down, walking over to them.
“Hah, what is she doing here? You don’t belong here. Not after what you did.” Diego says, dramatic and closed off as ever as he walks through the door.
“Talk to her like that and you’ll lose your tongue.” Jela snaps, standing protectively by her sister who never knows how to respond when Jela stands up for her like that.
“You two are seriously gonna do this today?” Allison asks, glancing over at Jela who she knows better than to get on her bad side before looking at Diego's outfit. He looked like offbrand Batman. “Way to dress for the occasion by the way.”
“And he was making fun of my crop top the other day, at least my clothes don’t make my ass look flat.” She whispers to Vanya, making her giggle a bit, Jela knew how to cheer her up.
“At least I’m wearing black.” He responds, either ignoring Jela’s comment or he didn’t hear it. Vanya looks at him walking away and Jela can practically feel the anxiety radiating off of her.
“You know what? I- Maybe he’s right and I shouldn’t-” Vanya starts, proving to Jela that she was right, like usual.
“Forget about him.” Jela and Allison say at the same time, making Jela wonder if the fates were messing with her or if she’s just more like her sister than she thought. “We’re glad you’re here.” Allison finishes off before they head to the living room to sit down.
Jela, however, meets up with Diego at the top of the stairs, knowing that he’s going to see Luther snooping around. “You’re an asshole to Vanya, she spoke the truth, that’s more than most of us.” She says, earning a glare from Diego, family events always puts him in a brooding mood. “She spoke out against someone she deemed as an abuser and she stood up against her siblings for bullying her. She has the right to tell her side of the story.”
“She made us look evil, I’m not a bad guy Jela.” He snaps, glaring at her, getting more frustrated at how calm she looks.
“You’re the only genuine hero I know Diego, she was venting and got money out of it, any kind of publicity is good publicity, if you have an issue with the book, write a statement on it and post it.” She says with a shrug, watching the shocked and confused look on Diego's face when she calls him a hero. She goes to speak again, only to be shushed as he hears Luther rummaging around and they walk towards it.
They stand in the doorway, watching him for a moment, the villain and hero, side by side. “We can save you some time.” Diego states as they both lean against their sides of the doorframe.
“They’re all locked, no forced entry.” Jela continues, her and DIego used to be a great team when they worked together..
“No sign of struggle, nothing out of the ordinary.” Diego says as he slowly walks towards his brother. “Oh, you got big, Luther. What’s the secret, huh? Protein Shakes? Low carbs?” Jela lets out a small laugh, really just watching them to make sure they don’t break anything if they fight.
“What do you want?” Luther asks, glancing at Jela before looking Diego in the eyes, something Reginald taught all of them, eye contact shows that you aren’t afraid. Diego lets out a sigh that slightly resembles a scoff before taking a paper out of his pocket, one Jela knew he damn well shouldn’t be able to have. That’s vigilantes for you.
“The autopsy report.” He says, holding it out for Luther to grab, but as soon as he goes for it Diego pulls it slightly out of reach. “Ah.” He says like the teasing sibling he is before letting him grab it.
“And you have this why?” Luther asks, opening the paper with more gusto than Jela would’ve liked, she has a feeling that Luther isn’t going to let this go, and that frustrates her.
Diego walks away a bit, facing the door and winking at Jela, “Well that’s because I… broke into the coroner's office.” He says with his arms open and a slight bow before sitting down in a chair. “And surprise, surprise, Dad’s death was… normal. Just a boring old heart failure.” Jela walks over to Luther, grabbing one of his arms and pulling it towards her height so she could look at it. She immediately realizes something and gives Diego a bit of a look.
“Yeah, so.” Luther says, a bit offstandish about it, looking at the picture, skimming over the report a bit.
“So, why are you in here, checking all of the windows.” He was with a slight raise and drop of his hands to gesture at the room they’re sitting in.
“Were you the first on the scene?” Luther asks, slight suspicion in his tone, looking at his brother, Jela watches the interaction, knowing where this is going.
“Pogo reported the body.” Jela says, very particular with her words, something they’ve all gotten used to over the years of growing up with Jela.
“Yeah, I talked to Pogo, he said he couldn’t find Dad’s monocle.” Luther says, giving Jela a look, she knew that look, he always wore it when they would be training in the detective work of the job.
“And your point being?” Diego says, shrugging his shoulders and brushing it off, that’s when Jela knew that he had taken it, she didn't understand why he would want a monocle, it wouldn't look good on him so it must be an emotional decision.
“Well can either of you think of a single time where you saw dad and he wasn’t wearing that monocle?” He counters, looking at Jela for support, but this is when she just shakes her head and leaves to have her own conversation with her more chill siblings.
She could practically smell the classic scent of drugs and booze when her favorite sibling entered the building, she smiles a bit, walking towards her fathers study and laughing a little as she sees him rummaging through their dead fathers things. “Let me guess, an advance on our inheritance?”
“Oh, that’s perfect! I’ll have to use that one!” Klaus says, walking up to Jela and pulling her into a hug, she groans, completely tensing up. He quickly lets go and throws his hands up. “Oh right! Sorry, no hugs.” He says, giving her a quick peck on the cheek insead and she sighs, glancing back at the door.
“Well, if you don’t find anything I can give you something light to keep the real bad ones away, you know how I feel about the hard shit, but my business is doing great and I don’t want you to have to deal with those nightmares… Ben’s yelling at me isn't he?” She says, practically feeling the ghosts glare.
“More like just giving you a thorough glare, says he doesn’t like how we influence each other. Do you know I love you?” He says with a smile, before going back to rummaging, That’s when Allison walked in and Jela looked back at her, seeing that look on her face reminded her of when they were younger…
Jela was sitting in a chair next to Reginald, the others were getting ready for bed, but not Jela, Jela was stuck with her Father still even though they had training in the morning. She sat next to him, thread with gold intertwined in it wrapped tightly around her hands, tight enough that she knew she would have marks the next morning and it would hurt to fight. She used it (and sometimes still uses it) as a conduit to connect with her deities, most people would have a shrine or candles and other such things, but Jela wasn’t religious, she was just chosen and created to withstand the emotional turmoil and the pain that comes with the knowledge of the future.
There’s a knock on the door and it breaks her concentration, coming back from talking to the three goddesses her eyes go from the blind white color to the mismatching green and brown. She looks down in time to see that the thread has cut through her skin, but knows better than to stop because of it.
“The children are ready for bed sir, they wanted to say goodnight.” Grace says cheerfully as she enters, part of her mothering program wanting to override her other systems and go help Jela… But she couldn’t, no matter what she wasn’t allowed to help Jela, only Reginald was. It was in her programming.
The door opened and Jela looked up, making eye contact with the others, the only ones who showed no jealousy at all were FIve and Klaus… They know the truth, she had told them all about what it was like being his favorite. Their father didn’t even bother to glance. “Okay! TIme for bed now kids, come along. Come along now.” Grace says as she ushers them out.
“Come along now Allison, your father and sister are busy.” Grace said to her as she was the last to budge.
“He’s always busy, and she isn’t my sister.” She says before walking out, Jela showed no sign of caring about Allisons harsh words, they both were too alike and bumped heads and she knew that. Reginald saw Jela’s lack of emotional response that night and cleaned her wounds before taking her out for ice cream, only to leave Jela out in the woods for a week after that ice cream.. That was her reward, other than usual training she got life or death. She lost weight but she made it out without so much as a scratch, she could only give the explanation that the fates were on her side.
“Jela, what are you two doing in here?” Allison asks, bringing Jela back to present times, she blinks once, collecting herself as she glances at Klaus, who quickly gets up from his spot behind Reginalds desk.
“Oh! Allison! Wow, is that you?” Klaus asks as he walks over to her, Jela stepping to the side as she lets her favorite sibling talk his way out of this one. “Hey, come here. Long time, too long.” He states, pulling Allison into one of his comforting hugs.
He pulls away from her a little and looks into her eyes, Jela walking away from those two as she walks over to her spot next to her fathers chair, one of her most recent art projects sitting on the desk. It was of number Five with an axe, his face covered in blood… She still did projects with her dad and they have recently been trying to get her sibling back, it had been their main focus. She could tell dad was getting paranoid, she just never wanted to see that it was going to be her mom that betrayed him. She wishes that her deities would’ve shown her that instead of a worthless picture of Five.
“Hey, I was hoping to see you actually, because I want to get your autograph. Add it to my collection.” Klaus saying this makes Jela focus on their conversation, she laughs a little, shaking her head.
“Klaus, I love you but I think it’s your drug dealers that have the collection, not you.” Jela says bluntly, looking at the two.
Klaus gasps and Jela almost expects him to be offended until he says, “You love me? I win! I was the first one you said it to, everyone owes me twenty bucks!” He is excited about it, Jela looks at him, not even shocked as she watches Allison hand him twenty bucks.
“Just out of rehab?” She asks when she sees the medical bracelet on Klaus’ arm, her eyebrow cocked, regretting giving him the money.
“No, no. No, no, no, no. No. I’m done- I’m done with all that.” Jela looks up at him, knowing better than that, plus, he stutters when he lies. “I just came down here to prove to myself that the old man was really gone. And he is! He’s dead. Yeah!” He says, clapping with excitement.
“You know how I know? ‘Cause if he were alive, only one of us would be allowed to set foot in this room. He was always in here, our whole childhood, plotting his next torment, right? I mean, Jela you know how he used to look at us, that scowl.” He says, pointing up at the portrait.
“Thank Christ he wasn't our real father so we couldn’t inherit those cold, dead eyes!” He says, pulling his eyes open and screaming a little with a chuckle. Jela looks at the scars on her hands from all the training she went through, the lack of sleep she had gotten, she was the only one that went without a half an hour break on the weekends. Without him she’d most likely be dead or have no idea how to communicate with the fates, if the fates say that this is where she is meant to be then so be it, she looks at Klaus who is sitting in their fathers chair, looking out the window for a moment.
“He wasn’t a good person by all means, but he was a great one. He pushed us to our limits and made us face things that no one else will hopefully ever have to face, but he was my father and I didn’t wish any kind of death on him. He is gone, his thread has been cut. That should be the end of his story, but-” She groans, the whisperings happening again and she grips the string in her pocket, she isn't allowed to tell them that yet. “...But I wish I was able to tell him that he wasn’t as smart as he believed and that his legacy is failing. It seems I’m the only one able to continue with the majority of his-”
“Blah blah blah, can we go back to you saying how much you love me, oh! We could go for a walk and buy brownies at the store!” Klaus interrupts, Jela just shakes her head at him. He is the only one that has ever gotten away with doing something like that. “Jela, sis, I love you.”
“Don’t over use it or it won’t hold as much meaning, but… I love you too Klaus.” She says looking in one of their fathers drawers and finding a picture that she took of her kissing Reginalds cheek, he looks so serious, but you can see a bit of a smile hidden there.. It was from their last ice cream trip, that was two days ago. She made him take a break because he was getting extremely paranoid, he told her she reminded him of Grace that day, the real one.. It shocked her… She should’ve known something bad was coming...
“Get out of his chair.” Luther says sternly, walking into the room, Jela sighs.. Luther has so much devotion to a man that he didn’t even really know. He thinks the numbers are based on the first being the best, but in reality it was based on a point system like Jela is an eight out of eight stars. She knows that Vanya has to have an ability, she just wishes she could figure out how to provoke it.
“Oh, wow, Luther! Wow, you really, uhh...You really filled out over the years, huh?” Klause says gesturing as if he was flexing his arms.
“Klaus.” Luther says in that same stern, scolding tone as he watches his brother, shaking his head a bit.
“Eh, save the lecture. I was already leaving. So, you guys can talk amongst yourselves.” He says with a small, teasing laugh as he walks towards the door, Jela walking to follow, smirking when Luther puts an arm in front of Klaus.
“Drop it.” He says and Jela can see his anger building up, it’s only a matter of time before he snaps and she's pretty positive it’s going to be on Diego.
“Ex-squeeze me?” Klaus says, playing dumb as he makes eye contact with Luther, not afraid of him.
“Do it. Now.” Luther says, only glancing away to look at Jela with a look that says ‘you were really going to let him get away with this?’ There’s a bit of a pause before KLaus gets a frustrated look and pulls away from Luther.
“All right. All right.” He says as he pulls away and as he starts pulling things out of his pockets he says. “It’s just an advance on our inheritance! That’s all it is! No need to get your little panties in a bunch.” He says with a gesture to his crotch, Jela laughs, walking towards the door.. She had missed Klaus, Allison however just looks away, disappointed. She walks out with Klaus, shutting the door behind them.
“Okay I know you kept the box, just give me the book inside.” She says and he excitedly pulls it out of the back of his shirt, pulling it out. She uses her key and opens it, taking the content out and putting it in her purse.
“You’re my favorite sibling, you know that?” He says, giving her a kiss on the cheek making her get a grossed out look on her face.
“You’re invading my space, and you better only buy weed with that or else I’ll skin whoever sold to you.” She says seriously and he smirks, saluting her as he walks away, looking at Ben who is glaring at him. “What, you’re dead, she’s my favorite living sibling.”
“I miss when she would ask about what was morally correct and what wasn't.” Ben says with a sigh, glancing back at Jela.
“Don’t worry I’ll buy the hard stuff from the really awful guy that I owe money to, it would be like doing the world a favour.” Klaus says, basically putting a target on that guy's head.
“Klaus you know she’ll do it.” Ben says with a scolding tone, glaring at his annoying sibling.
“That’s the point!” He says with a mischievous smile, him and Vanya are the only two that know about Jela’s real job.
They all eventually end up in the living room sitting in silence, Jela goes to take a drink of alcohol only to have Diego take it from her, giving her a stern look. She snarls at him, no matter how many times she has explained to him that her seizures are from talking with the fates and not because of an actual physical ailment he doesn't believe her. “I want my drink Diego.”
“Jela, last time you drank you had a seizure.” Diego says back and she frowns, holding her hand out for her drink.
“You know she gets what she wants Diego, save us the fight..” Vanya says softly and Diego takes the drink, downing it. Jela gets a look in her eyes, one that she always gets when she’s planning something.
“Okay Batsy, I’ll get some water.” She snaps, but it's only a matter of time until something happens and she won’t be taking Diego's side. Luther clears his throat, standing up.
“I guess we should get this started. So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at dad’s favorite spot.” Jela looks at Luther, shaking her head. Dad didn’t have a favorite spot, just a place where he made Luther feel important. The spot in question was the oak tree that Luther had an emotional connection to thanks to memories of their father.
“Dad had a favorite spot?” Allison asks, voicing almost everyone’s thoughts, she looks quite confused at the idea.
“You know, under the old oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?” He says, a confused look on his face, Jela looks over and makes eye contact with Diego, he looks at her and she nods her head, confirming that not even she did that with Reginald.
“Will there be refreshments?” Klaus asks as he walks over with a joint and a drink of some sort, he lets Jela take a sip as he sits down. You can always count on Klaus to ask the important questions. “Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner.”
“What? No. And put that out, you know dad didn’t allow smoking in here.” Luther starts, only to be interrupted.
“Is that my skirt?” Allison asks, a tone that you would only hear coming from a sibling who has gotten their stuff ‘borrowed.’
“And my crop top, you better not get that dirty, it's my metallica one. Diego only let me cut one of his shirts I borrowed, and I like that one.” Jela says, giving Klaus a look.
“What? Oh, yeah, these. I found them in your rooms! It’s a little dated, I know, but this skirt is very breathy on the bits.” He was with a gesture towards his crotch.
“Listen up. Still some important things to discuss, all right?” Luther says, using his big boy leader voice, making Jela roll her eyes, she doesn’t really agree with him being a leader, but tolerated it to make him feel better about himself.
“Like what?” Diego asks, looking at Jela with an exasperated look.
“Like the way he died.” Luther says, making Jela let out a groan, any hope she had of abiding the issue being demolished.
“And here we go.” Diego says, Jela taking Klaus’ drink and drinking some of it, ignoring the glare it got her everytime she did.
“I don’t understand, I thought they said it was a heart attack.” Innocent Vanya says, looking at Jela for confirmation, she nods her head. That is what they said.
“Yeah, according to the coroner.” Luther says, Klaus holds his blunt to Jela’s lips and she takes a hit. Little did she know that Ben was yelling at Klaus for it the whole time.
“Well wouldn’t they know?” Vanya counters, giving him a slightly frustrated look.
“Theoretically.” Luther responds, and Jela could tell that he was getting even more bottled up frustration from this as no one believes him.
“Theoretically?” Allison asks with a frown.
“I’m just saying, at the very least, something happened. The last time I talked to dad, he sounded strange.” Luther states, trying to get them to take this seriously. Klaus starts gurgling his drink.
“Oh, quelle surprise!” He says while gurgling, Jela looks at Vanya, she’s starting to lose her patience.
“Strange how?” Allison asks, obviously upset by this, she just wants it to be over with.
“He sounded on edge. Told me I should be careful who to trust.” He says and Jela gets up, walking over to the book shelf and just moving on from this annoying conversation, letting the others deal with it. Only hearing the important part like Luther telling Klaus to sober up so he can talk to dad's ghost and bringing up the monocle which in turn frustrates Batman, then it comes out, making her smirk and walk back over to them. “So whoever took it, I think it was personal, someone close to him, someone with a grudge.”
“Where are you going with this?” Klaus asks and Jela just pats Luther's shoulder, wondering how someone should properly respond to this situation, she decides pity is the option.
“Oh, isn’t it obvious, Klaus? He thinks one of us killed dad.” Diego says, now standing next to Luther, not once looking away, Jela snickers at the thought. Luther gets a guilty look on his face as they all stare at him.
“You do?” Klaus says his voice showing confused shock and his face just showing generally being upset with the thought.
“How could you think that?” Vanya asks, there was hurt hidden in her voice and Jela starts to feel protective over her siblings, after all, she knows who did it.
“Great. Job. Luther. Way to lead.” Diego says before leaving the room, presumably to hide how frustrated he really is.
“You’re wrong on this one Luther, take a step back and look at the full puzzle..” That’s all Jela says before walking to find Pogo.
“That’s not what I’m saying…” Luther says, trying to defend himself and his detective work, it was failing.
“You’re crazy man. You’re crazy. Crazy.” Klaus says, looking Luther in the idea before leaving as well.
“I’ve not finished.” Luther says, trying to get them to stay so he can change their minds.
“Okay, well I’m sorry, I’m just going to go murder mom. Be right back!” Klaus says sarcastically as he walks away from Luther, Vanya following.
“That’s not what I was saying, I didn’t-” He gives up, sighing a bit as he watches his siblings leave. “Allison. Jeez..” he says as she completely ignores him. “That went well.”
Jela sits in the kitchen, on the counter when Pogo walks in. “You’re too harsh on them you know, they are your only family.”
“I see three of them as my real family, Vanya, Klaus and Five. Allison, she’s a good woman and she deserves more than she gat, just like the others, if not more at times.. But she and I will never get along. And Luther is just, well, a dog on a leash and his owner just passed away. He doesn't know how to lead, I lead more than he does, even if it doesn’t look like it.” She says, leaning her head against the cupboard behind her.
“And Diego?” He says with a knowing look, smirking a bit. She gives him a slightly cold look, but sighs a bit and shakes her head.
“We have never called each other siblings, even corrected everyone on it growing up, not once have I seen him as or called him family. I think the fates always knew we would be something more… but it didn’t last, he left when he got the first chance to leave, and when he asked me to go with… I couldn’t. I couldn’t leave dad.. Even from the start dad had spent more time with me than the others, I was the only one he held as a baby and he was the only one I ever let hold me, not mom, not you, only him.. And now he’s gone. He’s dead and I seem to be the only one of his children who truly cares.” She says, looking at her hands.
“Jela, I-” He starts, trying to find a way to comfort her or help her… but he never had to before, nor did he get the chance to, Reginald was very strict on either he helps her or no one does. Now he’s gone. She looks up at him, but all those emotions leave her face when Grace comes in, along with Diego. Pogo walks over to grace and tells Diego she’s going to have a quick charge before the big event.
“Number two.” Jela says emotionlessly, still leaned back, but then she sees it, the pity in his eyes and it makes her groan. “Don’t. Whatever you heard, whatever you’re thinking, keep it in that smooth brain of yours, and yes, I mean the texture.”
“You can be a bitch sometimes you know that? A heartless, monstrous bitch.” He says and she doesn’t even flinch, she has heard it all before but what happens next shocks her. “But I know how much he meant to you.” He hands her the monocle. “I know you knew I had it, you should keep it.”
“Diego, there’s no point in me having this, he’s dead, we’re supposed to be moving on.” She says, shaking her head as she holds it in her hand.
“Do you remember our first mission?” He asks randomly, and she looks at him confused, nodding her head.
“I remember everything, Capital west bank outside of main and sixth, it was 17 years ago.” She says, still confused about why he was bringing it up.
There was a group of heavily armed men and they were trying to steal from the bank, they were dumb about how they did it, but smart enough to keep hostages. Jela had entered the building first, scoping out the place and telling all of her siblings which entrances were clear. Allison and her were the first to make appearances. Allison rumoured a man to shoot his friend in the foot and as she did that Jela walked up to a man, talking out one of her butterfly knives and looking him in the eyes.
“May the fates be on your side.” She said and the man held his gun up, trying to shoot at him, only for it to jam, Jela throws her knife at him, killing him instantly, as the rest of her siblings went around to finish off the others.
“Gun’s are for sissy real men throw knives!” Diego says, throwing one of his knives at a man, winking as Jela who just laughed a little at his dumb catchfrase. She walked over to the hostages, simply walking over to them and leading them out, every bullet missing them as they walked with her… They eventually got all of the ones in the main area and had Ben finish a group of them off with his ability before leaving, Jela pats Ben's shoulder comfortingly only to get a grossed out look on her face and taking her now bloody hand and wiping it on Diego. “Hey! That’s gross.” She just shrugs at him.
They walk out of the front doors, the cops yelling at them to lower their weapons and they didn’t because their knives were already holstered. Jela does as her dad told her to and walks to the middle, putting on a heroic face as the questions start coming.
“Who are you?” asks one news anchor and Jela looks at them, her dad said to keep them calm and he will step in when necessary.
“We’re the umbrella academy, a group of well trained heroes.” She answered smoothly, three siblings on each side of her, Luther seemed upset that she was answering questions, but she ignored his side glances.
“How did you get into the banks?” and “What happened inside?” Were the next two questions to be said out loud.
“How do you usually get inside of a building, or better yet, a building with locked doors, and I think it is quite obvious that all that happened inside doesn't matter, as long as the money is untouched and the people are safe.” She says, her voice loud enough to hear and it’s smooth, calming, careful.. She always knew how to sound like a hero. Their father gave a speech and the questions just kept coming, He put Jela under his arm, it showed that she was his prized child, she spoke for him..
She frowns a little at the memory, she used to be fond of it, now it hurts.. Why is that? “You chose such a stupid catchfrase.” She says, laughing, he walks in front of her with a mischievous glint in his eyes, their walls always down around each other… even if they didn’t realize it.
“I was a kid and you told me you loved it.” He says with a fake frown, she looks him in the eyes, he was standing directly in front of her now as he talks to her, she is still sitting on the counter. She feels herself missing how they used to be, before they became enemies… the only issue is, Jela knows it would never last, after all he had Eudora Patch now. Her hand twitches, and he knows that means she’s either murderous, upset, or uncomfortable, so he takes a step back.
“I was lovestruck and wanted to see you smile, trust me those oxytocin and vasopressin chemicals have gone, and from what I’ve heard from people on the force, your chemical imbalance when around me is gone too.” She says blankly, not showing any emotion, which is normal for her.
“Me and Eudora? Did she talk to you about me?” He asks and the way his eyes lit up with curiosity made her laugh.
“Diego, look at you, you’re a teddy bear.” She says with a snort, and just like that all of his walls come shooting up out if nowhere… and so do hers. They both can see it in each other's eyes, they aren’t ready to spend this much time together yet, she sighs. “I'm going to go find Klaus.” And with that she leaves. She walks towards where the bar is, but pauses for a moment, she pulls one of her golden threads out and holds it gently in her hand, and with that she sees her deities.
“Where are these emotions coming from? I thought you sai-” She says, almost about to get snarky with the ones she calls her godly parents.
“You will feel what you need to feel when you need to feel it, now listen to them. Stop believing in strength coming from how emotionless you are, give in and show him that you are sorry.” Atropos states, and Jela knew she should just agree.
“But-” She doesn’t apologize, she never apologizes. Why would she apologize to him when she doesn’t see what she did wrong, but why does she feel bad then.
“You are running out of time to speak with him, so make your choice.” Lachesis says before they send her soul back to her body.
When her sight comes back she groans, realizing that Clotho had walked her to the door of the living area.. She walks in and Diego looks at her from his spot at the couch. “I’m sorry, I still care, and I’m clingy.”
Diego gets an astounded look on his face, sitting up and looking her in the eyes. “Dads death really fucked with you, huh?” He asks, looking at her with complete and utter disbelief.
“No, I just know that no one will ever believe you if you tried to tell them I said that.” She says before walking over and sitting next to him, they sit in silence for a while.. Both a couple of brooding people who like the color black.
“I’m not that pissed, but I’m stronger and smarter than you act like I am.” He says, struggling to say those words.
“How about we-” She stops when she hears the music and looks at him when she gets an idea. She stands up, walking over to the door and checking both ways, shutting the door, Diego throws a knife past her and her pupils dilate, a laugh escaping her.
“How about we be stupid and just dance.” He says, holding his hand out, Jela isn’t a dancer… but she could never say no to that puppy do look, so she takes his hand and lets him spin and dip her before they pull away and start doing some random, fun moves. Sharing laughs and smiles, just like they did when they were kids… that's when thunder rumbles and the music stops. They share a confused look and rush towards the sound, Diego taking her hand on instinct and she doesn’t bother to question.
“What is it?” Vanya asks, fear clear in her voice as she looks to Jela for an answer.
“Don’t get too close!” Allison says, pulling Luther back by his arm gently, not once looking away.
“Yeah, no shit.” Diego says, but Jela ignores all of them, pulling her hand from Diego and getting closer to it, too curious for her own good. That's when one word rings through her head. Five.
“It’s a portal from a different timeframe.” Jela says, with knowledge from failed experiments.
“Out of the way!” KLaus yells, pulling Jela behind him as he tries to spray the portal with the fire extinguisher before throwing it in, Jela gives him a dirty look and pushes him back to the others.
“Get back, I don’t want you hurt.” Jela says, giving him a look and he steps back. That’s when something starts to push through.
“Get out of the way!” Luther says, pushing them back. “Stay behind me, stay behind me.
“Yeah, stay behind us.” Diego says, trying to reach for Jela to bring het behind him, only for her to take a step closer.
“FIve…” She says fondly, completely ignoring the chaos behind her, and just as he pushes through and falls out she catches him. Carefully setting him down.
“Does anyone else see little number five, or is that just me?” Klaus says, not looking away from Jela and Five as they all walk closer.
Five looks down at his body, seeing how young he is. “Shit…”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Time for us to take care of you; Queen x teen reader (platonic)
*Author’s note*
This was a request from my Wattpad and this is also a cute little platonic fic in honor of Brian’s birthday (since in this fic I kinda lean towards Brian here in favorite band member) now this one’s a little different because here and as warning we’ve got you being the assistant for Paul Prenter (UGGGGHHHH!!! DX) but have no fear, the crazy queenies will save you from his tyranny! And you shall find out soon.
So besides the warning for Prenter, there’s fluff, swearing, situation regarding migraines.
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Queen taglist:
I was going through some files trying to get everything that Paul told me to organize properly and have ready for Mr. Reid while they all went over to meet with Ray Foster, the record producer for the band.  God even though he’s my ‘boss’ I wish that he would do his own work instead of handing it down to me, especially when I hear Mr. Reid telling him to do this certain task but the second he goes away, he just places the work right on my desk just before I would clock out sometimes.
I paused my work and rubbed my face as I groaned tiredly before placing my chin on top of my hands as my elbows were leaned up against my desk.  Suddenly I felt hands cover my eyes and I let out a small squeak but before I could fight back, a voice said in my ear.
“No, no, no darling no peeking you cheeky thing.”
“Freddie what are you doing?”
“You ask so many questions darling.” I waited for a moment before saying,
“Can I look now?”
“Hold on, not yet.”
“Now can I look?”
“Ever the impatient teenager, thinks work is better than being spoiled. Especially by us, wouldn’t you agree Deacy?” I heard Roger’s voice say.
“Yes indeed. She works much too hard.”
“Alright Fred uncover her eyes, it’s ready.” Brian’s voice spoke up and the second Freddie’s hands uncovered my eyes, I saw before me a tray of food and a cup of my favorite flavor of tea.
“Aww you guys.” I said as I twirled around in my chair and turned to face them.
“You just work so hard love and we know you probably didn’t have time for lunch. So after the meeting with Foster, we slipped past Reid and Prenter and got you your favorite.” Brian explained.
“Ohhh you guys do too much for me. I should be doing stuff like this for you.”
“You do too much of that already. Time we did something for you for a change. Get your mind off of work for once.” Roger said as he playfully ruffled my hair. I shoved his hand away from my head and tried to readjust my hair before I reached for the fried rice first and asked them.
“So, how did the meeting go?” I know I shouldn’t be asking questions like these but throughout these past 8 months since I got this second job to get some extra money for—personal reasons (please don’t ask), the boys of Queen had really become like a second family to me.
Even though they’re bigshot rockstars who most people would believe wouldn’t care much about people who help them behind the scenes, the lads had been nothing but supportive of me.  As a young 15 year old assistant, this whole lifestyle can be intimidating but thanks to John Deacon or as I had the privilege of referring him by his nickname “Deacy”, he’s helped me out by pulling me aside whenever the scene got too hectic especially for someone my age.
If you had to ask me who I’d pick as a favorite it’s really hard to choose but if I really had to and I hope and pray the guys never hear about this but I would have to say it’d be Brian May.  Not because of his rockstar abilities or just due to the fact that he’s the guitarist of this famed group.  No I’m talking about the Brian May fascinator of the stars and the rights of animals.
See once I get to University I’ve always had an interest in becoming a veterinarian but not just for domestic pets, but exotic animals as well.  When I was just 9 years old I saw a family of hedgehogs nesting in my mum’s garden and for weeks on end I helped fed them and made sure the family dog Yaz never went near the nest as to not harm or scare the mama hedgehog and her babies away.  And when Brian first heard about my dream, he was so proud of me that he even gave me an offer.
He vowed that one day if he ever got the chance to run his own little ‘animal safe house’ I would be his personal veterinarian for all sick, injured or orphaned animals he would take in.  We began to bond over our love for the animals and we both shared that the laws of Britain should change on animal rights.  It’s cruel and inhumane that badger baiting is still performed here in the UK even though its illegal. One day Bri and I hope to change that, to make sure that all people that still do stuff like that is truly put to justice no matter what animal they harm.  
Now I won’t say that I either do or do not like it; but in secret when it’s just us two, he sometimes likes to call me his little ‘fox kit’ because he always compared my cuteness to a baby fox kit.
And of course there’s Roger and Freddie.  The two famed troublemakers as I like to call them.  But even with their high energy and true rock and roll spirits, they like to have their quiet moments.  Like I’ve cat-sit for Freddie before and got to go over to his flat to meet them (all of them) as well as his lovely lady Mary Austin.  While Roger and I like to have some talks about cars and boats.
I knew a thing or two about cars thanks to my uncle who owns a mechanic shop in downtown London.  He’s taught me a thing or two about fixing engines, changing a tire so I’m not like most women who just seem to want to sit there in the middle of nowhere in their short jean pants that barely cover their buts and crop-tops waiting for someone to come to their rescue.  Hell I even once got to change one of the tour buses tires when Deacy or any other of the roadies couldn’t seem to get it.
And of course when it comes to fashion, these two try to take me with them when it came to their shopping trips and try to get me in the most outlandish and insane clothes that even I thought were ridiculous.  But I enjoyed spending time with them, plus seeing them make fools of themselves is always a good way for some juicy blackmail should the time ever arise.
“Well we’ve got the approval for the new record.” Deacy said.
“Really? That’s amazing. Congrats guys!”
“Yes. However there is a catch.” Brian added.
“What is it?” I asked worriedly.
“Unlike any other album, they’re sending us out of London. Actually far from any distractions. We’re going to a recording studio called what—Stone farm?” Roger said.
“Rockfield farm studio Roger dear.” Freddie pipped in.  Oh wow.
Now that is a long away from here, actually it’s out of England far.  I’m told that studio is located in the intense farm country of Wales.  Pure agriculture and not rural location.
“You guys have any idea how long you’ll be gone for?” I asked.
“Foster’s giving us a nine week deadline.” Brian answered.
“Well there’s no need to be sad darling. You’ll be coming with us.” Freddie said as he lightly patted my shoulder.
“Oh come on (y/n). Did you really think we’d leave you behind for nine weeks. We’d go mad without you around.” Roger said.
“Honestly I think we’ll try to murder each other without you there to keep us in check.” Deacy answered bluntly.
“But—but I….guys I’m honored you’d think I should go with you to this recording studio but unfortunately Paul’s my boss and I don’t go anywhere unless he tells me it’s okay.”
“Oh no need for that darling. I gave him a full rundown on why you should come along with us and he gladly accepted the reasons.” Freddie said.
Honestly Fred I know why he said he’d take me and it wasn’t because of your reasons. Yes I am well aware of how my boss looks at the frontman of Queen and let me tell you I’m not saying this as ‘unnatural’ for a man to love another man.  I just worry for Freddie’s safety.  
I knew Paul was no good, I don’t even see why he would even advert for an assistant when he hardly gives me the time of day and belittles me every day.
“Okay well there’s also my mum. You….you know how conservative I’ve told you all she is. I doubt she’d let someone my age who with a bunch of guys twice my age to Wales all on her own.”
“We can assure her that no harm shall come to her beloved daughter. Even if we have to chain ourselves to her car in order to prove our point.” Roger said.
“Please say you’ll come with us darling. Please?” Freddie said as he placed his hand on top of my shoulder, looking at me with pleading eyes even through his shades. I set my rice down and said.
“I don’t know guys……”
“Well we know there’s one surefire way to get you to say yes darling.” Oh bugger not again.
I felt both John and Roger’s hands grip both my wrists pulling me out of my seat and I was soon sandwiches between them.  Their arms imprisoning me between them making sure that I wouldn’t get out.
“Still don’t want to change your mind darling? You’ve already gotten the approval might as well take it.” Said Fred.
“Still not wanting to go I see? Well Roger, Deacy time to step it up my darlings.”
“Awww no not the bunny nose! Deacy please it’s—oh not the double bunny nose!” The famed Queen sandwich plus bunny nose tactic.  Whenever the boys really wanted me to join in on something but I’d try to get out of it, no matter which combo they did.  
Two members would sandwich me in their arms while on either cheek I would feel their noses twitch like a bunny giving me bunny kisses, but if I still refused then I would get passed on to the next combo of whomever was left.
“Ohh please I can’t take it! It’s too cute when I get you both doing it!”
“Then say you’ll come or you’ll get it from Brian and I.”
“Okay! Okay I’ll come, I’ll come.” They all cheered and of course Roger and Deacy began kissing me all over my face and head as Brian and Freddie now came in to complete a royal Queen group hug as they liked to call it with me at the center. “When do we leave?”
“First thing tomorrow morning.”  Well hopefully I can convince my mum to let me go.
With the help of Brian and Deacy (since they were the most responsible of the band, and at this point Deacy was about to become a father at this point since his wife and soulmate Veronica was pregnant so hearing a future parent talk with a current parent seemed a bit easier to understand. Instead of four adult rockstars asking a teen girl to come along with them for her job) my mum allowed me to go.
I spent the next few hours packing and ended up getting about 5 hours of sleep since the cab I would be taking was coming around 6am to pick me up.  My mum kissed me goodbye the next morning and made me promise to call her every single day and night when I got up and before I went to bed.
Finally after a long 3hr. drive we finally arrived.  And let me tell you Rockfield farm definitely lived up to its name.  As I was helping with the unpacking of the band’s stuff Roger was the first one out of the car wearing his fur coat and shades as he said.
“Recording studio?”
“Well the idea was to get away from all distractions.” Paul answered as he held two suitcases in hand.  I grabbed one of the suitcases but as I walked around the car, I slipped on some mud and nearly fell to the ground had it not been for Freddie managing to catch me in time.
“Thanks Fred.”
“No need for thank yous darling. Need any help?”
“No, no I’ve got it.”
“(Y/n) I ain’t paying you to stand around and sell yourself out. Take that suitcase into the studio over there while I show the lads their rooms.” Paul snapped. Dude you hardly pay me at all.
“Yes Mr. Prenter.” I said as I headed in the opposite direction and set the heavy suitcase down.  For the next couple of hours I was helping unload the guys’ guitars, amps, and drumkit into the recording building.  
And of course Paul insisted that since I would figure out cars and talk about stuff that no other girls talk about then I’d have no problem unloading everything, so I was left alone unloading everything without the guys’ knowledge. Paul also had me set up Roger’s kit and have Brian’s guitars all set up and ready for him when it came time to record tomorrow.
By the time everything was set up and I was finally able to leave the studio I turned to see that the sun was just setting.  I walked in to see everyone gathered at the dinner table just finishing up their supper.
“Oh there you are love, we were wondering what was keeping you.” Paul made sure to keep his eyes locked right at me.  Because he had threatened me once that if I ever told the guys of how ‘overworked’ he was giving me, he’d fire me and make sure that I would never be admitted into another Queen concert again.
“Just—thought I’d look outside at the marvelous view we’ve got. I know you guys are gonna have a lot of time to write here.” I said.
“I will admit it defiantly provides no distractions.” Brian said.
“Well I’m gonna give Veronica a call and then probably head to bed.”
“Yeah I think I’ll hit the sack myself.” Roger agreed.
“True my darlings, we’ll take an early start tomorrow.” Freddie said.  With that the guys all decided to turn in for the night.
“(Y/n).” I turned to see Brian still at the table with a plate of fresh food. “Managed to save you a plate.”
“Brian you are my angel, thank you.” I said as I sat down.
“Next time don’t get too lost staring out into the fields, okay. Even you must eat my little fox kit.” I groaned at the nickname and playfully slapped his arm as he laughed softly. “Now eat and don’t stay up too late. Goodnight love.”
“Night Bri.” I said as he kissed the top of my head before heading towards his room. “Oh hang on, we weren’t clearly told. Where’s your room going to be at?” Actually I have no idea. Paul never mentioned a room for me.
“I’ll—I’ll talk to Paul after I talk to my mum. Don’t worry Bri I’m sure my room’s here somewhere.” He looked at me skeptically and said.
“Well just so you know in case he has you sleeping on that dirty old couch, you can always come up to my room. It’s the first door on the right. It doesn’t matter what time you come in, just wake me up and I’ll make room for you, okay?”
“Okay. Thanks Bri. Goodnight.”
“G’night love. Sweet dreams.”
“Sweet dreams.” He then proceeded up the stairs.  After I finished up my dinner, Paul soon came in from the bathroom and I asked him.
“Excuse me, Mr. Prenter.” God I hated calling him that. “Where will I be sleeping at while I’m here?”
“Oh sorry (y/n), but I’m afraid all the rooms have been reserved by the band, Rory and myself.”
“So there’s—no more rooms?”
“Afraid not. But there’s always the couch. Unless you don’t think you can handle staying here, you can always go back to your mum’s place and I’ll tell the lads you were homesick and couldn’t handle being away from your sick mum for too long.” God I really hated it when he used my mum against me.
“The couch will be fine. Goodnight Mr. Prenter.”
“Goodnight lass, and be sure to have breakfast up and cooked by the time we all wake up. As part of the agreement you’ll be making all the meals from now on during our stay here.”
“Very well sir.” I stated.  Paul sneered a grin before heading upstairs to his room.  I put my dish away and headed to the living room to see my suitcase there on the old, soiled (probably mold or cat piss), torn apart, dusty red couch. It hardly looked like it would fit me and as I lay down on it, it already felt lumpy and I swore something was poking me in the back.
Heading into the bathroom I changed into my pajamas but as I stepped out, it was freezing cold.  God I guess summers out here in Wales just get cold.  I raced towards the couch and tried my best to cover myself up with the blanket but it was so think layered and holes that I was barely able to keep warm.
This was gonna be a long night.
By the time it was morning, I was shivering and my neck and back were in pure agony.
“I thought I said to have breakfast ready before I awoke?” I groaned and peered an eye open to see Paul standing over me.
“You said—to have it by the time the guys woke up.”
“And by that I meant Roy and myself. There are two hungry men waiting for their breakfast. Now get off your arse and movie it lassie.” I slowly stood up and felt my head pounding as I tried to ease up the tension in my muscles.
“Can I at least call my mum? I forgot to do that last night.”
“I’m not paying you to gossip band secrets to your mum. Now go and get breakfast ready or I’ll have a cab come and get you for being so incompetent.” He threatened me. I looked at him and he glared down at me with those icy, soulless eyes of his.
“Very well Mr. Prenter. What would you all like to have for breakfast?” He grinned down at me knowing that he had won the battle.
When the guys came down, I was just getting the last bit of breakfast ready and when Deacy saw me he asked me.
“Poppet, are you alright? You look exhausted.” Tell me about it. I just kept tossing and turning on the couch since it was so uncomfortable.  The cold wind seeping through the old wood texture of the house made it almost impossible for me to sleep since I feared of getting pneumonia.
“Just…..just kept worrying about my mum. That’s all.”
“I’m sure she’s fine darling. You can give her a call later after breakfast. So my beautiful chief what have we got cooking this morning?” Freddie asked as he wrapped his arm around me.
Which I knew Paul would give me hell about it later.
For the next week and a half it was the same routine.  I hardly got any sleep, Paul would drag me about all day making sure everything in the studio was set up and he was smart to keep me away from the guys or forced me to put on more makeup so that my eyes wouldn’t appear as dark and baggy as they were.
But one morning, my head was pounding so hard and my vision was blurry.  At first I thought it was just because I was still sleepy and had unshed tears but when Paul’s voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard and that chalkboard was plugged to an amp increasing the sound and the piercing light from the sun as well as the lights in the house just made it painful to even look up, I knew it had to be a migraine.
Of course Paul didn’t care and had me immediately go out into the studio building and try to get everything set up for the boys to record.  But since the sun was out today it gave the room an intense brightness than usual.  I could barely keep my eyes open and my head was pounding like how Roger bangs his drums, maybe even harder than that.
As I was setting up, I just felt this bolt of agonizing pain strike my head and I tried to keep my balance but I ended up falling against the wall.  My ears ringing and tears falling down my face.
“Slacking off once again I see.”
“Please Mr. Prenter can you not talk so loud? My head really, really hurts.”
“It’s just an excuse of yours to getting out of work. I’m tired of all these excuses you’ve been giving out. Just like every woman crying out for attention. Now do your job less you want to be fired!” I groaned and held my hands to my ears to try and block out any sound as my head kept pounding and my ears were ringing.
Through my blurred vision I saw three figures standing in front of me while I felt a fourth figure wrap their arms around me.
“Shhh, it’s okay love. It’s okay. Just lean back into me.” Oh Rog. “That’s it. You can fall into me love, I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” I whimpered in agony as I fell against him after feeling a stronger and more painful pounding in my head. Even with putting all my weight against him, he didn’t flinch once.  “That’s it, that’s it just fall into me lovie, I’ve got you.” He whispered.
Oh if there’s one good thing about Roger that I also love it’s his soft voice.  No one would know unless they talk with Roger Taylor that his voice is actually really soft spoken, which is shocking because when people hear him sing, it’s either his high falsetto or this gravely, raspy growl.
“Okay love, I’m going to slowly pick you up, okay? I promise I’ll be as gentle as I can.” I whimpered telling him I understood what he was saying. “Alright love, ready? One….two….three. Oh I know, I know love I’m sorry shhh shshshsh.” I then felt something cover my head.  It felt like an overcoat and I heard Deacy’s voice whisper.
“Let’s get her to my room. Hardly any sunlight gets in and it’s probably the quietest bed in that house probably.” Together the two of them took me out of the recording studio.  Roger kept me close to him, telling me to close my eyes before we stepped a foot outside while Deacy handled every door that came in our path to make sure that when they closed, they wouldn’t slam behind Roger and cause my migraine suffering to get any worse. “Shoes off though, there’s not any carpet for these stairs.”
Deacy took his off first and he then said.
“Here, let me take her down so that we can get her on a more comfortable surface and out of this light.” I felt Roger gently try to transition me into Deacy’s arms now and I couldn’t help but whimper as I felt myself being jostled once more. “Shhh, I know poppet, I know I’m sorry. Just hold out for a bit longer. You’re almost there.” Deacy whispered to me as I felt myself being taken down the stairs.
I groaned with every wood creak but Deacy apologized with every step until finally the nightmare was over and I was gently being set down on the bed.
“There we are love, you can open your eyes now. Slowly.” Slowly I opened my eyes and I saw the blurry figures of both Roger and Deacy.
“There she is. Is it helping at all?” asked Roger.
“I still hurts.” I whimpered out.
“Aww we know love.” I felt his calloused fingers brush away the strands of hair from my face.
“Do you need anything poppet? Medicine? Water?”
“All of the above.” I groaned.
“Okay, Rog you stay with her. Make sure she doesn’t move around too much. I’ll go get the stuff.” I felt Deacy kiss my forehead and I saw him go up the stairs.
The hair stroking and gentle scalp massage was now Roger’s job and I groaned out as I tried to adjust myself.
“No, no, no don’t move love. And try to relax your face. Facial tension only causes the migraines to get worse.”
“I thought you were a dentist?” I couldn’t help but tease.
“I was never a dentist love. I switched my major to biology. Got bored with dentistry.” He said as he bopped my nose.  Soon enough we heard the sound of footsteps coming down as quietly as possible but along with whom we suspected to be Deacy, we also saw Brian and Freddie coming down the stairs.
“Hey there’s our girl. How are you feeling now love?” Freddie asked softly.
“My head still hurts but at least the light’s gone.” I said.
“Well lucky for you I’ve found some pills to help with that.” Deacy answered as he came up to me and handed me the pills first.  I popped them into my mouth as I was now being given my glass of water and I took a sip before finally swallowing the pills as well as the water.
“Ohh god my head feels like it’s gonna explode.”
“Just give it some time my dear.” Freddie soothed as he sat down beside my feet. All was silent for a moment till Roger soon spoke up.
“(Y/n), why didn’t you tell us Prenter was treating you to that degree?” I looked down shamefully but before I could answer Brian spoke up.
“I think that’s something that can be spoken about later. Right now she shouldn’t talk or even be thinking right now. Let’s leave her to recover for the rest of the day.”
“But—what about…..”
“A but-but-but. No buts about it love.” He insisted softly as he lay close beside me stroking my hair softly.  “You lads go on ahead, I’ll take the first watch for our girl.”
“Get well soon darling.” Freddie said gently with a pat to my knee.  Both Rog and Deacy patted my shoulder or hand and the three of them quietly walked up the stairs as best as they could.  Once they were gone, I closed my eyes and moaned tiredly.
“Are the pills helping at all?” he asked me softly as I felt him still stroking my head.
“A bit. I just feel bad about stealing Deacy’s bed.”
“He understands. He wouldn’t have offered for you to take his room if he didn’t.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, now no more talking little fox kit. Time to sleep. That’s what you need.” I moaned tiredly and shut my eyes and for the first time in over a week I was able to sleep peacefully.
When I woke up, I smelt eggs and bacon all the way from downstairs.  I opened my eyes to feel that my migraine was finally gone but I did feel a bit dizzy and woozy.  I slowly got up and wobbled for a moment before getting the strength and mobility to walk up the stairs.
Once I reached the top and saw the sun shining through the house, my head wasn’t pounding as much as it was before and the light didn’t hurt as much.  I headed towards the kitchen and that’s where I saw the guys sitting down eating breakfast.  Deacy was the first to spot me.
“Well look whose finally up.” The other three members turned toward me and they all greeted me with a soft and warm good morning.
“Mornin guys.” I said as I walked toward them.
“How you feeling love?” asked Roger.
“Better than what I was.”
“Here, drink some water. We need to keep you hydrated.” Said Brian as he held out a glass filled with water.  I softly gave him a thanks and took a sip.
“How long was I out?” I questioned.
“Ohh darling, you were out for three days.” Freddie stated.  My heart dropped, I felt lightheaded and I swore if this were a cartoon, my eyes would be popping out of my sockets right now probably inflating bigger than my body.
“What?” oh my god I feel like I’m about to pass out, puke and scream all at the same time. “What? Three—three days. Tell me your joking someone please tell me Fred’s joking.”
“As much as I love a good joke I’m afraid he isn’t love. You’ve really been asleep for three days.” Roger said.
“Here darling, come sit and eat first. Then we’ll explain everything. Plus we’ve got some questions that need to be answered on your part.” Fred added to Roger’s statement.  I walked over toward them and Deacy scooted a chair out and had me sit there which lay between where he and Brian were sitting.  Bri set down my breakfast and my stomach let out a loud growl.
And of course the guys took every advantage to softly laugh at me and I simply flipped them off before digging into my meal.  Oh lord this tasted like heaven! As I ate, Deacy spoke up first.
“Love, why didn’t you ever tell us how hard Paul was making you work?” I paused eating my sausage and swallowed it down before I said.
“You guys don’t understand how men treat women in the music business. Especially if they’re just assistants. I—I wanted to prove to Paul that whatever he gave me I could do it. He’s….he’s always belittled me and had my mum as an excuse to fire me telling me that if I couldn’t handle it, then I could forget the extra money for her.”
“You could’ve come to us. We’d would’ve helped you.” Said Roger as he rubbed my back with his hand.
“But I don’t want to take you guys hard-earned money.”
“No not that. I mean we would’ve helped you out with your work, especially here. We could’ve set up our own equipment, you didn’t have to do all that.”
“He was working you too hard. Barely giving you a break. You know if you had told us the extent he was forcing on you, we would’ve helped you, right?” Brian said as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.  I looked down shamefully fiddling with the remaining bits of my eggs and said shamefully.
“I’m sorry guys. I just—thought I could handle it.”
“You’re a hard worker poppet, but you also need to realize you’re still a kid. You don’t need to work till you drop, no one your age should experience things like migraines until you reach college.” Deacy said.
“I’m not a kid Deacy.”
“Ohh come off it, you may be a teenager but you’ll always be a kid to us.” Roger teased as he playfully poked my cheek making me whine out and slap away his hand. It was then I finally noticed that Paul had yet to show his face.
“Uhh guys, where is Paul?”
“He’s out darling. I fired him.” Freddie spoke.
“What? But—but then that means….Fred if he’s fired then I’m fired! Why would you—”
“Darling relax. Everything’s going to be okay.” He tried to assure me but I was frantic as I yelled back.
“How!? You do realize he was my boss! Sure I never liked him hell I hated the bastard but if he’s fired then I have no job!”
“Love, relax. If you’d let us explain you’d know that you’re no longer a manager’s assistant.” Brian spoke up as he cupped my face in his hands.
“What now?”
“We made some called to Reid and after explaining the grueling amount of work and harm Paul was causing you, while he’s fired. You’re now moving up the ranks.”
“From now on darling you will be our day to day manager. Keeping an eye on us and making sure we don’t kill each other. Hell you’ll be remembered as the youngest manager in history.” Deacy said as he gently nudged his shoulder against mine.
I looked at them all and they were all looking at me with a unanimous look that they all agreed to this and had no objections to me being their new day to day manager.
“But….but guys you do realize I have school in the autumn and in the spring, right. How can I possible be your manager when I’m not even out of high school yet?”
“That’s where we’ve bent the rule with Reid.” Roger explained.
“Until your graduation we’ve agreed to settle for summer tours so that you can be there for us day to day to check in on us, while when you have school we’ll perform at concert venues and do recordings for our albums. Also when the school year starts back up, you’ll come to the studio every day after school for 5 hours a day just to make sure we’re on schedule.”
“And since we’ve also figured out that Paul had screwed around with your payment contract, Miami is in charge of your payroll. But since you are still a minor about to take on such a task, he’s currently trying to convince your mum and nana to let you have this better job offer. So that way they will also be safely financed and better informed on your performance as a manager.” Deacy stated.
“He’ll make them see reason darling. This is a better opportunity for you to get a better understanding of management. Especially if you wish to one day open up that animal rehab that you’ve been dreaming of so much.” I looked at each of them and just couldn’t believe the extent they were all going to help me out.
“Ohh you guys. This—I can’t believe you would do this for me.”
“You deserve it love, you’re just as much a part of this family as the four of us are. You’ve looked after us long enough, time for us to look after you, my little fox kit.” Brian said as he gently stroke his thumbs across my cheeks gingerly.
“Thanks you guys, I love you.”
“We love you too (y/n) dear. Now I decree there is one remedy we have yet to give you and now it is the proper time for you to receive.” Freddie proclaimed as he got me up out of my chair.
“And what would that be?” I asked.  It was then I saw all of them looking at each other with sparks of mischief in their eyes. The air grew tense as they all grinned at each other and either nodded or winked at one another before looking down at me.
“Wha? AHH Hey! Oh c’mon you guys. Ahh Rog, Deacy don’t tickle me!” I exclaimed as I was now put in the middle of a Queen group hug.  But ever since telling them and letting them know how I wanted to help animals, they dubbed this group hug specifically an ‘otter queen cuddle’ since I had shared with them that otters love to stay in groups and hold each other close so that they won’t separate from their families or mates.
Along with being in the middle of the otter cuddle, I felt their noses nuzzle all over my face and even one by one each of them would give me an Eskimo kiss, as well as quick pecks.  Each of them talking about how much they loved me, how they would always be there to take care of me, even calling me animal nicknames since they clearly must’ve heard Brian call me his ‘fox kit’.  So now according to the Freddie I am his ‘little kitten’, Deacy refers to me as ‘chipmunk’ and Roger calls me his ‘hummingbird’.
“You guys are impossible, you know that?” I teased.
“But you love us, don’t you hummingbird?” Roger said as he pecked my nose.
“Yeah, and I wouldn’t have you guys any other way.” I admitted as I cuddled deeper into their embrace and they all squeezed around me tighter like four little otters.
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just0nemorepage · 5 years
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Toil & Trouble: 15 Tales of Women & Witchcraft || Jessica Spotswood & Tess Sharpe || 405 pages ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Top 3 Genres: Short Stories / Fantasy / Young Adult
Synopsis: Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
Glinda the Good Witch. Elphaba the Wicked Witch. Willow. Sabrina. Gemma Doyle. The Mayfair Witches. Ursula the Sea Witch. Morgan le Fey. The three weird sisters from Macbeth.
History tells us women accused of witchcraft were often outsiders: educated, independent, unmarried, unwilling to fall in line with traditional societal expectations.
Bold. Powerful. Rebellious.
A bruja’s traditional love spell has unexpected results. A witch’s healing hands begin to take life instead of giving it when she ignores her attraction to a fellow witch. In a terrifying future, women are captured by a cabal of men crying witchcraft and the one true witch among them must fight to free them all. In a desolate past, three orphaned sisters prophesize for a murderous king. Somewhere in the present, a teen girl just wants to kiss a boy without causing a hurricane.
From good witches to bad witches, to witches who are a bit of both, this is an anthology of diverse witchy tales from a collection of diverse, feminist authors. The collective strength of women working together—magically or mundanely--has long frightened society, to the point that women’s rights are challenged, legislated against, and denied all over the world. Toil & Trouble delves deep into the truly diverse mythology of witchcraft from many cultures and feminist points of view, to create modern and unique tales of witchery that have yet to be explored.
Finished: August 20th, 2019.
Progress: 2 / 15. 13.33% complete.
My Rating: ★★★★★. [5/5]
My Review: [Under the read more - NOT SPOILER FREE]
I've been working on reading this book for 8 months. 8. MONTHS. It didn't take me so long because it was bad – HELL no. The complete opposite. This is one of the best books I've read in my entire LIFE, and I wanted to make it last.
The intersectionality and diversity among women. The unapologetic strength and friendship and love and spirit and power and RAGE they each had in their own ways. Ooooh, my god. This SPEAKS to me.
I wish I had enough skill to put how this made me feel into words. I wish I was left with more coherency than reeling with emotions and my own strength of will. I wish I could say flat out what very important discovery about myself this book led to. But alas.. words have never been my strongest suite when I'm feeling highly emotional, and it's not about to start now. And that's okay.
Just know that this book is an instant, high-ranking, top-five lifelong favorite and I will continue to praise it as such for as long as I hold righteous anger in my soul.
As I do with short stories, I reviewed each individual one and provided comments for each one. Out of 15 stories, my average rating for this one is –4.82.– I hope you realize exactly how rare that is for a book of short stories, to rate nearly ALL of them a good and solid five stars.
With no further ado: I present my ratings.
Starsong ; Tehlor Kay Mejia - ★★★★★. 5/5. #SHRIEKING
If this story is a promise of what all the others in this book are going to be like, then SIGN ME THE FUCK UP, I am SO GLAD I picked this to read next. Who cares that it’s not around Halloween. Not only is the representation spot on, but the AESTHETIC. OH MAN. Oh man oh man oh man.
I LOVED THIS ONE. To BITS AND PIECES. And found myself heartily disappointed that this is in fact only a short story, and not a full length novel. Because I’d read the SHIT out of a full length novel that stems from this. It is SO cute and pure and full of new love and promise and hope and optimism and the shit I’ve been shaping my life around lately and just, oh my god. I am on a cloud. This story is pure sunshine on my cloud, gold lined and full of wonder, and I REALLY TRULY HOPE the rest of the stories in this book are going to be anything even close to this.
Real thoughts: I wish to hell and back that this girl was real, and her social media accounts were real. I’d follow her EVERYWHERE. Her attitude and confidence is the kind of inspirational glow-up shit I need in my life on a daily basis.
Afterbirth ; Andrea Cremer - ★★★★★. 5/5. I didn't love it as much as the first one, but it's still well deserving of 5 stars. A much more traditional setting in terms of witchcraft – 1650s New England – with a single traditional plot point – the midwife convicted of witchcraft is hung. The differences are in her relationship with her apprentice, someone who discovers her true magic and seeks to learn more and take the lessons upon herself, rather than think of it the way the rest of her village would. The spell book and the magic lives on in Deliverance and the new baby girl birthed at the beginning of the story, and the positivity, loyalty, love and acceptance in Deliverance and Miriam's relationship spoke worlds to me in the short pages it got to live on.
I am only unsure about the presence of the "monster" birthed right after the girl was. It didn't really seem to serve any purpose, and it was never fully explained what it was or how it came to be, or why it was there. It seems more like a plot point that was just entirely dropped, or only used to further Miriam's accusations for witchcraft.
OTHERWISE though. The strength, resolve, determination and resiliency in this story did things to me.
The Heart in Her Hands ; Tess Sharpe - ★★★★★. 5/5. Oh man, another one that did things to me.
I've NEVER seen this kind of shit in a story before, let alone in a full-length novel. AND I REALLY WANT TO NOW. Sign me the eff UP for a full length novel of this cause SHIT, I never knew how relieving it is to read about someone who truly says "fuck you" to fate, deals with the consequences, and then learns to accept them. Someone who truly goes "my family and community are toxic and unhealthy for me, regardless of the fact that "they're my family" or whatever, so I am going to leave and never come back."
And just.. the depiction of a kitchen witch, and a whole community of witches living together, and the second gay couple in the book (we're on two out of two for relationships here!), and the pure fury and spitfire in Bette's soul and spirit, and the complete and utter "yeah no" spitting in the face of the supposed soul mate Lady Fate had picked out for her… I can't tell you how REFRESHING it is that she said "yeah no" and STUCK with it, and nothing caused her to face it or regret it, since there's nothing to face or regret. She made a decision and he never cropped up again and just oh my god. I am HERE for this shit.
I wonder if her soul mate being a guy indicates that she's bisexual, or that Lady Fate only pairs people up heterosexually.
I don't know, I just LOVE THIS WHOLE THING. Young people going "fuck you" to the system and breaking out on their own when they don't fit inside it, the old magic of the mountain, writing your own destiny, Auggie coming for Bette, and honestly right here is where my train of thought was interrupted for 15 minutes so I forget what else I was going to say. BUT YOU GET THE IDEA.
So far I need full-length books of every one of these stories, and I'm only three into this collection.
Death in the Sawtooths ; Lindsay Smith - ★★★★☆. 4/5. This one loses a star just for the accents of the people, and how much it grated on my nerves. But there is a poetic nature to this one that I'm not entirely sure I can articulate that well. Just, the idea of a priestess of death who still tries so hard to do what is right, even when the dark urges of revenge tug at her own heart, even when she herself is treated like shit, even when she has every reason to react with anger.. I don't know, there's something beautiful about it. Just as much as the idea of Mattie actually relating to the kid who was responsible for stealing people's souls, and the idea of a childhood bully apologizing for their actions as an adult and meaning it.
Now, granted, I'm not one for mercy or forgiveness. I'd be more likely to become the boy than to become Mattie – though perhaps, I'd become someone else in between. I'd give in to my anger, but not in ways that would prove all the stereotypes against me right. I'd find some other way. But I can appreciate the idea of someone sticking it out and doing the right thing, even if it makes people hate you. And for the most part, as long as it doesn't give shitty people a pass for being shitty, I'm all for doing that exact kind of thing.
I'm not really sure what else to say about this one. This one's more food for thought, than something that I can easily translate into a readable review. It was fascinating, thought provoking, and very well done, but I'm glad to be moving on to the next one.
The Truth About Queenie ; Brandy Colbert - ★★★★★. 5/5. Not as strong as a five as the other fives, but STILL A FIVE. I actually finished this one yesterday and I've been basically just sitting here nodding in appreciation since.
Notable points – a family of black witches? YISSS.
How supportive all the family is of each other, despite being mostly ashamed of being witches? Yissss.
I LOVE how Blythe and Queenie support each other, EVEN THOUGH Queenie's totally head over heels in love with Webb. I'm not here for any of that girl hate bullshit. This was REFRESHING.
AND. How Webb admitted he doesn't have feelings for Queenie, and let her down honestly and cleanly, and kicked a love triangle in the face. How the friendship still stands strong. How he stays loyal to Blythe. How Queenie STILL heals Blythe – and actually does it!! – and accepts herself fully and stands proud on her own now that she's clear-headed after not trying to do things for Webb anymore.
I am SO HERE for this independent lady gloriousness.
The Moonapple Menagerie ; Shveta Thakrar - ★★★☆☆. 3/5. This one seemed of significantly worse quality than the others. There are still bits that really did it for me – the Indian mythology and culture! humanizing the churel (if reluctantly – I would have liked to see everyone be much more accepting of her from the start)! the idea of weaving spellcraft into performing arts in such a way that mundane humans don't notice! the much more fantastical use of magic! the normalized disabled character!! – but quite honestly, it was the main character and the completely unrealistic dialogue and character interaction throughout that turned me off of this one. I couldn't follow Shalini's plight at *all*, and even though I can relate to that level of writer's block, coming up with ANYTHING AT ALL truly is not as hard as she made it sound. And the fact that her story didn't have any conflict in it at *all* AND that the churel critiqued all the parts that she did write tells me that honestly Shalini may just be a terrible writer. So, I had a hard time empathizing with this one. I kind of wanted her to leave the coven, by the end.
The other parts that I still really loved are what kept this at a three. And honestly my favorite character is probably the churel. No joke. My favorite part was right at the end when she says she's going to deal with her "husband."
The Legend of Stone Mary ; Robin Talley - ★★★★☆. 4/5. This one loses a star, since it didn't really give me a chance to get to know or like much of any of the characters, it all happened a little too quickly to have much emotional depth, and I don't really agree with the idea of forced forgiveness.
Also, Wendy's grandmother seems like the HBIC in terms of local curses and I wish she was a more prominent part of the story.
But I *did* enjoy the normalized lesbianism, as well as the message of doing what you feel is right no matter what anyone around you may think.
Plus like… how friggen powerful do you have to be to stop a generations-long curse. That was pretty awesome.
The One Who Stayed ; Nova Ren Suma - ★★★★★. 5/5. TW: Rape, for this one. Though never explicitly described, or even directly named.
I'm going to have to keep my thoughts about this one short. But I absolutely adore the embracing of female anger and rage, the implications that these things happen to everyone all around you, that you have no idea who it could have happened to – or who could really be a witch, for that matter – and I absolutely 100% feel sisterhood with these women who so badly want revenge.
The power of feminine anger, man. Righteous and furious anger. I am so here for this shit. I would seek out this circle in a heartbeat, if only I could.
I only wish I knew how exactly they would make Jayson and his friends pay for it. But I know the possibilities, and I know they're taking it into their own hands, and that they aren't above death. That is satisfactory enough for me.
Divine are the Stars ; Zoraida Cordova - ★★★★☆. 4/5. This one gets four stars mostly because I feel like a lot of it went over my head.
Excellent symbolism and representation though. 👌👌👌
It was very short, and yet it still felt like it got across the feeling of death and renewal and finding oneself, and I heavily enjoyed how easily and simply they got rid of Enrique. Casual murder? Sure, why not! He had it coming anyway.
Personally, I, too, would like to turn into a tree when I die.
Honestly though it felt like it moved a little too fast, as soon as Marimar successfully found her way inside the house. I know the story was only some 12 pages long, but, still. It felt pretty rushed, and that's likely why it felt like a lot of it went over my head.
I still enjoyed it well enough, though. I still appreciated the Hispanic (Latinx?) family, the connection between Marimar and her cousin, the message of female power passed on from daughter to daughter. It just didn't necessarily resonate with me, personally, is all.
Daughters of Baba Yaga ; Brenna Yovanoff - ★★★★★. 5/5. Okay, THIS one is more like it. This is the kind of shit I came to this book for, and the kind of shit I live and breathe for. If I could give this beyond five stars, I ABSOLUTELY would.
I absolutely adore the friendship between two very different types of girls who both extract revenge in their own very different ways – one is sweet and threateningly kind and devastates you with the truth. The other… well. I think a curse of 50lbs of pig guts stuffed inside 15 different lockers says enough.
This kind of vengeance on those who deserve it is the kind of thing that gives my life purpose, and let me tell you, this bad bitch is MY KIND OF BITCH and I'd be BFFs with her if I could and I want a whole novel of nothing but her fucking wrecking people who have had it coming.
I aspire to be more like Stony. We need more women like her in this world.
P.S. The sweet poetic irony of a girl named Harmony sweetly doling out the worst kinds of truths on this story's shittiest people has not escaped me.
The Well Witch ; Kate Hart - ★★★★★. 5/5. Awww yeah. Nothing like sweet, sweet revenge to asshole men.
It's damn well implied that those two men are left for dead, and good riddance for it.
Also, I am in love with the fact that Elsa decided to go look for Zeb on her own, rather than continue waiting in the conditions the other two men had her trapped in.
AND that she took all the water with her and left them to watch their shelter and supplies burn into nothingness.
There's not much else to say about this one, really. The historical accuracy of it seems pretty spot on, Elsa is described as a WoC, and there was just the right amount of pace and development to be interesting. Also – Zeb is a good man. He gives me hope. One out of three actually being decent sounds about accurate for the ratio of good to shitty men lol.
But this one's a good one. I heavily enjoyed it, and GOD I am loving this book overall.
Beware of Girls with Crooked Mouths ; Jessica Spotswood - ★★★★★. 5/5. Wow. That was not the ending I expected at all.
It was all so dark and creepy and powerful and scary and holy shit I loved the feminine power in this story.
And open bisexuality in a historical fantasy!! That wasn't frowned upon, and nobody blinked an eye!!
Also. Can I say how much I ADORE that the sweet, gentle thing that is Georgie is the one who has the affinity towards fire, and is filled with utter RAGE? Holy w h a t. And Elle's open, unembarrassed sexuality? I am HERE for the unapologetic attitude ALL these girls have.
I really feel like I should say more about this, but I'm still just reeling, and at this point (it's July seriously wtf), I'm feeling kind of anxious to finally finish this book rofl.
Love Spell ; Anna-Marie McLemore - ★★★★★. 5/5. It's August now and I am DETERMINED TO FINISH THIS BOOK, goddamn. So I finished this one all in one sitting lol.
ADRIAN IS TRANSGENDER. Oh man that was the first thing that popped out at me.
And that someone can be Catholic AND a witch?? That's something I've seen surrounding the witchy community in real life, always in heavy debate, so it's quite nice to see it addressed in story form!
Plus like – the underlying tone of women supporting other women, and the disobedience of the typical Catholic fear, and religions accepting other religions, and I just – this one was a good one. It was a great one to come back to after a month of no reading.
And it's multi-cultural!! I will admit, I'm uneducated enough to not know if it's Mexican or Spanish culture – I –think- it's Mexican – but, STILL. So wonderfully done!!
The Gherin Girls ; Emery Lord - ★★★★★. 5/5. Goddamn. If I could give this one more than 5 stars, I would.
Sisterly support through an abusive relationship, and the VERY REAL feelings that come with trying to recover from it. In both the abuser's and the witness's points of view. Oh, man. I've never seen abuse and the trauma that follows captured so well before. I wasn't going to read this story in one sitting, but I had to – it nailed it so well, it reminded me of my own abused past and I couldn't set it down without knowing how it ended.
And the note of magic is so subtle and unique and wonderfully well done – and the sexuality of all three of the sisters are different! and they all have their own happy endings! and everyone is SO SUPPORTIVE of each other – god, no one was shitty. (Except for Wyatt, but, yanno.) This one speaks to me. On a very, very deep level. I just.. wow.
I felt the very same fire burning in myself as Rosie did when the story ends. I recognized it, and feel connected to her in a way I don't feel with most people I'm actually close to in real life.
This story sobered me. It reminded me of all I've been through, and just how rough the road to recovery was. But it also reminded me of how far I've come, and where I'm at now. What I've made for myself. What I've become, who I've curated myself into. And that.. no much can make me feel more strong or powerful than remembering that.
Why they Watch us Burn ; Elizabeth May - ★★★★★. 5/5. Well. Fuck.
THAT was a powerful ending to this whole anthology.
And left me feeling ALL KINDS OF PISSED OFF, let me tell you. Holy shit. The retribution at the end was implied and powerful, but I wanted it to be more explicit. I wanted to see those men SUFFER.
I don't even have words for this story, other than that it spoke to me on a deep, crushing, soul-igniting level. EVERYTHING about it – the unfair misogyny, the suffering, the sisterhood, the strength. The embracing of the very thing they were accused of. The pure love between the MC and her lover. The spirit, and the STRENGTH, I've already said it but oh my god, the strength. I feel as they did at the end. I feel powerful and unbreakable and full of rage and the need to make somebody pay, because I, too, have suffered at the hands of men and I would tear apart anybody who ever touches or treats ANY woman like that with my own bare hands.
The message of power this story gives for anyone who calls themselves female… I can't describe it. I don't know if it can be described.
But I would treat this story, and this whole book, as my bible, if I could.
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Why Tina Keeps Trusting the Wrong People
Ok first off, before any of y'all start bitching, TINA IS A GOOD AUROR. All the skills she needs in that job, she uses in tracking and catching the Occamy, fighting Grindelgraves, placating Credence... then she tracks him to Paris almost as fast as Yusuf and Grindelwald, despite having less time than the former and none of the latter's manpower, totally owns Theseus' arse and helps Newt inside the Records Room, AND protects Jacob multiple times during the final battle. She's brave and hardworking and compassionate, and that's what makes her good at her job.
However... that's not to say she doesn't have weaknesses, and one pattern that just keeps cropping up: she has an alarming tendency to trust people she really, REALLY shouldn't. She relies on the fairness and justice of Seraphina and Not-Graves for quite a bit longer than she probably should, is shocked and outraged when Gnarlack betrays them despite the fact that she used to pay him to betray other people, and trusts Yusuf almost without question and completely without proof, presumably letting her guard down quite a bit for him to overpower and imprison her. I mean girl, come on. At least keep a pepper spray handy for the next suspicious guy you need info from.
Then I realised, Tina isn't being stupid, or overly trusting, but she does have one weakness that comes to the fore when she's out of other options. What Graves, Gnarlack and Yusuf have in common? In a word, authority- or maybe confidence. They're the sort of people who command attention whenever they enter a room, who know exactly what they want and get it, and who can at least make it look like they know what they're doing, and use that to get people to trust them.
I think the problem is that Tina, whose confidence throughout both movies and possibly her entire life has been shaky at best, naturally gravitates towards such people. They have or at least project the confidence she wants, and Katherine said in one interview that Tina would secretly love to be in Graves' position one day. She's been alone (apart from Queenie) for years, and since her parents died she's had to face challenges and shoulder responsibilities that she still doesn't really know how to cope with. And when she's in a vulnerable position- for example, she's a wanted criminal and needs to help Newt and his creatures and preferably not get executed again- her thoughts jump straight to someone who can point her in the right direction. And if Gnarlack's help doesn't come for free, at least she knows that in advance, and it's something they can work with.
Exactly why she has this tendency would bring us to a whole bunch of psychoanalytical shit that I don't know enough about to go into. I think, though, that we could either link this back to a desire for a parent figure, which she's lacked since childhood, and/or frustration at having to be the one in control all the time, and a need to step back and let someone else take the reigns for her. (There's a reason why quite a few smut fics out there depict her as a natural sub. Just saying.) And then, of course, her wanting- paradoxically- to be more confident and self-assured, and most likely wishing for a mentor who can help her develop those qualities within herself.
Cool, you might say, but why didn't she learn from the first time? After Gnarlack and Graves, why wasn't she more on her guard around Yusuf? Well I hate to break it to you, but that's kind of what people do. Despite all the cheesy stories where people break addictions or overcome character flaws and then never do it again and then their life is awesome, real life is not like that. If I could zap my procrastination habit as quickly as that- well, there's no point wondering about that, because it's not gonna happen. People make mistakes, they relapse and go back to square 1 all the fucking time. Human nature, y'all.
So yeah. Tina Goldstein is a flawed relatable badass. A badass with a weakness. And that's ok. Sorry that was so long, but I really hope you enjoyed exploring further into this wonderful character with me. Let's keep spreading the Tina 💖, guys 😘😘😘
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Only Time Will Tell - Chapter 2: The Linear Disturbance
Alright, everyone. Here’s a wonderful little update for this weird fic. We learn a little more about the girl that found Lena in the lab, and we meet someone new.
Read on AO3.
“It’s 2048.”
The girl took her phone back from Lena and looked at the display like she was trying to find something wrong with it. When she couldn’t find anything, she put the phone back in her pocket and came to a realization. “The disturbance Liv told me about wasn’t an interdimensional disturbance. It was time-related.”
Lena slumped back into the seat that she woke up in and tried desperately to fight off the rising panic. She couldn’t remember anything. She couldn’t remember what happened before she woke up in this lab, and she had no idea how she could’ve woken up thirty years in the future.
“Hey, Au—” the girl cut herself off and asked, “Are you okay?”
“No,” Lena said harshly, her chest tightening, “No, how can I be okay right now?”
“That’s fair.” The girl looked awkwardly around the lab trying to come up with a solution. Her fingers ran restlessly through her hair, and Lena watched her closely, trying to pick up clues to determine how she was related to Lena. There was something in her mannerisms, the small nervous ticks but overall confidence, that Lena was trying so hard to pinpoint. Nothing about her features felt familiar though.
“Well, to start, we need to get out of here,” the girl said after a few moments of silence, “Only a few people can access this lab, but we need to slip out without anyone noticing us.”
“Where are we?” Lena took deep breaths to lessen her panic, and it helped relieve the tightness in her chest.
“Your,” the girl paused, “Well, I guess not your,” she shook her head like it would help her straighten everything out, “Anyway, we’re in Lena Luthor’s personal lab at L-Corp.”
Lena looked around the lab. It didn’t look anything like her personal lab that she knew. Everything was more advanced, which was to be expected with thirty years of technological advancement, and Lena started to wonder just how far technology had come and how much she had to do with it.
“And you have access?” Lena asked, wondering if it was because the girl was apparently related to her in the future or if the girl really had the skill to help Lena on projects. The girl only nodded while motioning for Lena to stand up and follow her.
As Lena guessed, the lab led out into her office, but that was different too. It was warmer, more personal, and she saw framed covering her desk filled with pictures she couldn’t make out. There were even more trinkets here and there and an expensive bottle of scotch barely touched.
“Where are we going?” Lena asked as she tried to take in as much as she could before she left.
“The DEO,” the girl peeked outside the office, and when she found the assistant’s desk empty, she waved Lena through, “Liv called and told me about the disturbance and I figured the DEO is our best bet at finding out what’s going on.”
They got to the elevator at the end of the hall, and Lena followed the girl in, “Who is Liv?”
“Someone that can help. Oh,” the girl turned to Lena and offered her hand, “I’m Jules, by the way.”
Lena shook Jules’ hand and smiled, “It’s nice to meet you, Jules.” It didn’t help her figure out who this girl was, but she liked having a name to connect to her apparent niece.
“I’d say you too, but it feels confusing,” Jules said as she hit the button for the parking garage.
Lena breathed out a laugh, finally finding a bit of humor in her situation, “I think this is all a bit confusing.”
Jules smiled, “It’s definitely not what I expected to deal with at work today.”
Lena watched the red numbers at the top of the elevator count down and it dinged at their floor, the doors sliding open smoothly. Lena followed Jules to a car on the far end of the parking garage, and she took a step back as the doors slid up as Jules scanned her hand.
Her curiosity started to beat out the panic still ebbing in her system, and Lena started mentally mapping out exactly how she would build it.
“No hover cars?” She asked instead of the thousand questions swimming in her mind.
“Sadly no,” the car started, and Jules slid her phone into some sort of port, “It is completely electrical though.”
“Are all cars like this?”
“A majority,” Jules backed up easily and left the garage, “Some people like the feel of vintage vehicles, but with the lack of demand, the price for gas has gone up more and more over the years, making it difficult to keep them.”
Soft music filled the car, and Lena didn’t recognize it at all. It seemed to be in another language, but it wasn’t one that Lena recognized.
Lena looked out at National City as they made their way to the DEO, and she thought it was amazing how similar everything seemed. The sushi restaurant she loved still sat at the corner of the block, and as they drove by CatCo, Noonan’s still stood nearby, people sitting at tables with cups of coffee and sweet pastries.
There were major differences too. Aliens walked the streets in their true form, and no one seemed to have an issue with it. At a stoplight, Lena smiled at two small children, one with blue skin and spikes down their back and the other human-looking, pointing out different things to one another with excitement.
In no time at all, Jules was turning into a tunnel that led to underground parking, and Lena got out of the car and followed Jules through rows of cars to an entrance that she recognized.
The guard on duty smiled at the both of them. “You know, pipsqueak,” he said, leaning forward on his elbows, “For someone who doesn’t work with the DEO, you sure are here a lot.”
Jules rolled her eyes, “Majors, can we please just go through?”
“I’m not stopping you, queenie,” he sat back in his seat, and then his eyes narrowed at Lena, “Miss Luthor, I thought you left already.”
“I forgot to grab something,” Lena lied easily, and Majors shrugged, even if he still looked a bit suspicious.
“By all means, then.”
Majors motioned them through, and Lena and Jules were quick to head into the elevator before Majors figured out something was up.
The halls of the DEO were the same, and Lena found a small comfort in that. Even without Jules, she was confident she could find the command center on the top floor with ease.
Jules stopped her before they were in sight of the command center. “Wait here. I need to find Liv before we just walk not-Lena Luthor into a place filled with agents ready to assume everything is a threat.”
“Why would someone assume you’ve brought a threat into the DEO?” Someone asked from behind Jules, and Jules spun quickly, moving enough to see who it was.
Her first thought was Kara, but as she looked closer, she saw it was just someone who looked eerily similar. The girl had Kara’s wavy blonde hair, but it was cropped at the shoulder instead of flowing down her back, and there were other things, like her green eyes and the strong set of her jaw, that set her apart.
“Liv,” Jules rushed forward and threw a hand over Liv’s mouth, “Please, just announce that to the entire facility.”
Liv shrugged and a smirk evident in her eyes, and then she looked past Jules at Lena, and the humor disappeared from her eyes, shock replacing it.
“Before you ask, I’ll explain, but only if you promise not to blurt out your questions before I can even say anything.”
Liv nodded, and Jules let her go. Lena could see Liv look her up and down like she was analyzing every part of Lena, and Lena wondered what differences she was looking for.
“Okay, you know the disturbance you called me about?”
“Yeah,” Liv stopped analyzing Lena and focused on Jules again, “It came up on the monitors, and I just assumed it was someone visiting from Earth-1, but it didn’t look like any interdimensional disturbance I’ve seen.”
“Because it wasn’t interdimensional,” Jules said, “It was linear.”
“Oh great,” Liv’s hand went to her temple and rubbed at it, and Lena felt a ghost of familiarity wash over her, “Who even has the capacity for time travel?”
“You would know better than me.”
“Well, I would have to check my database to see what species even have the capability or technology, and then I would have to crosscheck it with the DEO’s files of fugitives of that species,” Liv sighed, “Unless it’s accidental. Then I would have to investigate the disturbance more to determine its cause, and all I know right now is that it originated over L-Corp.”
“I found her in the private labs, if that helps.”
Liv smiled at Jules, and she ruffled her hair a bit, “That actually does, Jay.”
Jules hit Liv away, and Lena figured they were sisters or something similar, because their interaction reminded Lena of being around Alex and Kara mid-play fight. She wouldn’t be surprised if Jules retorted by pulling Liv into a playfully headlock.
“What do we do about her?” Liv asked as she tried to ruffle Jules’ hair again, “It’s not like she can stay here without us explaining.”
“Her does have a name,” Lena said finally, putting herself into the conversation.
“Yes, of course,” Liv stopped messing with Jules, and she paused before saying, “Lena.” She seemed awkward as she said it, and Lena was curious why, but before she could ask, Lena heard something drop to the floor behind her.
“Oh my god.”
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waterloou · 5 years
Some Dinner, maybe
I found this in my drafts and I thought it was cute
also I’ve been meaning to put out some Omi stuff so here she is!
Omi waltzed down the hallway, smiling as she twirled her hair between her fingers. She approached a tall girl with short hair and a large sweater.
“Queenie Abrejo as I live and breathe” the girl turned around and smiled.
“Omi Klyde, what a blessing” they giggled and hugged.
“How was your summer?! What happened to your hair?” Omi pulled back and ran her hands through her friend’s newly-cropped locs.
“Chopped it off”
“Why would you do this to me?! Now I can’t run my fingers through your curls!”
“You can too! And blame Fangs” Queenie removed the girl’s hands and held them in her own, “He got a shitton of gum stuck in it and peanut butter wouldn’t cut it” she kissed her friend on the cheek before dropping her hands, “Besides, I think I look gooooodddddd” she winked.
“How was your summer? I see you got a tan”
“I know! I feel like a melanin goddess!” Omi twirled, “I’m still sad you weren’t able to come with me to the Bahamas”
“I told you, I had to work and take care of buggie”
“How is Junie B?”
“Great. She’s up to my shoulder now she’s a fuckin giant” Queenie laughed, “Atzi told her to stop growing”
“You Abrejo women are all fuckin giants”
“My mom seemed to miss the memo.”
“Helena makes up for it with her personality”
“Hell yeah she does.”
“So...any interesting hookups this summer?” Omi slung an arm around her shoulder as they walked down the hall.
“A gentle lady doesn’t kiss and tell”
“You are anything but gentle”
“You know not of my abilities as a lover. And I am too gentle!...turdface” she punched her in the shoulder.
“Ow! Says the girl who probably just gave me a bruise!”
“Bah!” Queenie dismissed her, “Have you found yourself anyone?”
“Oh Queenie, you know the only love I have is for you”
“You flatter me. but seriously.”
“Well there was this one girl at the hotel. Ugh, gorgeous dark skin, glowing, voice like caramel, soft lips. Looked like heaven”
“Oooooh sounds beautiful”
“She was...and more…” Omi sighed dreamily.
“Did you at least get her contact?”
“No! I don’t even know her name”
“You dog!” the taller girl ruffled her friend’s hair as they got to the lounge.
“You coming over for dinner tonight? I know Buggie wants to see you”
“Do you have any skeletons in your room again?” Queenie thought for a second
“Yes but I’ll make sure they’re not precariously placed?”
“Good, nearly gave me a fuckin heart attack last time.”
“I told you, it wasn’t a real human skeleton, that’s illegal...in most places”
“I wouldn’t put it past you my little nerd”
“I’ve got a good two inches on you baby-don’t call me little” she poked the other girl’s cheek.
“I’ll bite your finger off”
“Oooh I’m so scared” Queenie placed a big wet kiss on her friend’s cheek and got a squeal in return.
“My makeup took two hours to do this morning!” she pushed her off and Queenie cackled.
“I get to drive”
“Remember what happened last time? Your car got keyed”
“Not like I can’t afford another”
“Yeah yeah. Get in”
“Oh that death trap? No thanks. I’d rather walk.”
“I’ll even let you drive hot wheels, now hop in” the taller girl tossed Omi the keys and got in the other side.
“Are your lovely male companions joining us tonight?”
“Of course, how small do you think these dinners are?”
“Lets just hope the tall one doesn’t brood the whole time”
“Sweet Pea just wasn’t in a good mood last time, his trailer park got trashed”
“He’s never in a good mood when I’m around”
“I’m sure that’s not true” Omi gave her a look.”Ok, maybe he is. I’ll tell him to knock it off. You better too, he’s not the only jackass” her friend scowled.
“I’ll keep you two at least 3 feet apart”
“Well good. Can’t have jack and the beanstalk getting up in my bubble again” Queenie laughed.
“If he does I’ll square up-” a one direction song switched on as Omi changed the channel “ughhh can you change the fuckin song? My ears are bleeding” Queenie groaned.
“Better than what you play-”
“Highway to hell is fuckin classic you take that back-”
“Its the ONLY song you play in this damn thing” Queenie rolled her eyes and slumped back in her seat.
“You’re gonna have to deal with some one direction baby” Omi turned it up with a smile
“You’re infuriating”
“You love me” a slow grin stretched across the taller girl’s face
“Fuck off” Omi cackled and the two teased each other the whole way home.
Once she got out, Queenie was engulfed by the arms of Sweet Pea.
“Queeniieeeee” he hummed and nuzzled her temple with his. Fangs came running out of her house, out of breath. Queenie hugged her friend back with a soft smile.
“Hey Pea how ya doin?”
“Drunk n happy”
“Thats good, thats good” she looked at Fangs.
“Hey Fangsy, how drunk is he”
“M’very” Sweet Pea replied, unraveling himself from her and kissing her cheek before going back to Fangs.
“Hellllooooooooooooooooooo” he squished his friend’s face with a giggle, before heading inside.
“Atzi challenged him to a drinking competition. She won” right then a loud whoop was heard from her house.
“I think I love her” Fangs laughed as he ran back inside after Sweet Pea, Queenie turned around to see Omi leaning against the truck.
“Never a boring day at your home, is it” she pushed off and waltzed past her to the house. Queenie caught up to her and opened the door.
The inside was chaos. Atzi and Maria were gossiping loudly(and drunkenly) in spanish, Queenie’s mom was making food in the kitchen with loud mariachi music playing. Sweet Pea was now on Fangs’ lap, holding his face adoringly. Junebug was running around and dancing in the kitchen
“Well he’s definitely not brooding.”
“It’s disgustingly sweet,”
“Queenie!!!!” junebug came bounding out and nearly tackled her sister.
“Hey bug a boo! ” she caught herself and squeezed her sister.
“You’re hugging me too tight!”
“You tackled me bug legs!”
“Omi!” the smaller girl struggled out of her sister’s grasp to engulf the other teen in a hug.
“I’ve missed you so much! Queenie why don’t you bring her over much?”
“Because you scare her off”
“Not true!”
Omi laughed and ruffled Junebug’s head.
“How was your day kiddo?”
“Good! We got to raise butterflies today!”
“Butterflies? Wow thats so cool!”
“Wanna see my collection?”
“I guess-”
“Come on!” the gangly girl pulled the taller teen into another room. Chimalma chuckled from the kitchen and came out to greet her daughter.
“Mi girasol” she pulled her daughter’s face down to kiss her cheeks.
“Hola mama, need any help with dinner?” Queenie kissed her cheek in return.
“Oh no, it’s mostly done, just keep an eye on the kids”
“You make me sound like their mother” Chimalma raised an eyebrow before laughing and pushing her out of the kitchen area.
“Go say hello to your abuelita-”
“MIJITA!” Atzi squealed, rushing towards her granddaughter and engulfing her in a vice-like grip.
“Hola abuelita” Maria fogarty joined in the hug.
“Mija!” she gave Queenie a kiss on the cheek before pulling herself an Atzi away for some more ‘chisme’.
Dinner was hectic; Buggie was fawning over Omi, Sweet Pea was drunkenly shoveling food into his mouth, Fangs was happily listening to his abuela tell a story, Atzi would burst out into song every so often, and Chimalma and Queenie observed this all quietly, besides the occasional kick to the shin the teenager would give Sweet Pea.
“Hey sunshine?,” Omi asked, as they were cleaning up the table.
“Can you stay tonight? House is pretty empty.”
“You spooked?” Omi rolled her eyes,
“You’re my best friend, of course your superstitious ways have rubbed off on me.”
“Then I’m doing my job right. You won’t end up like Jones”
“Fuck that” the girls laughed.
“Lemme just pack a few things and then I’ll be off.” Queenie went over to Fangs.
“I’m not gonna be here tonight, feel free to take the bed, since Sweet Pea is already out.” she nodded her head in the direction of the snoring tall teenager sprawled out on the couch. Fangs nodded, and she went to her room to pack a few things.
“Nee?” Buggie yawned from where she was reading a small magic treehouse book, “Where ya goin?”
“I’m sleeping over at Omi’s tonight”
“Like a sleepover?”
“Yes like a sleepover” she smiled as she finished packing.
“Can I come?”
“You’ve gotta stay here bug a boo” the taller girl sat on the bed next to her. “Ok?” Junebug nodded.
“Ok. Can you give her one of my bugs? She’s all alone, right?” the girl pulled a stuffed moth out of her stuffed animal bag.
“Are you sure buggie?” the girl nodded, “Well you’re sweet” Queenie kissed her sister’s head and got up.
“Now, Fangs might take my bed-”
“Yay! He can read me a bedtime story!” she squealed, and ran out of the room in her matching pajama set. Queenie laughed and lugged her bag on her back and walked out.
“Mama!” she called into the shared room her mom and Atzi shared. Atzi came out, finger to her lips.
“Shh, baby is sleeping, what do you need?”
“I’m going to Omi’s place tonight, she needs some company. I can get Fangs and Sweets to bring Buggie to school?” Atzi smiled and nodded.
“Ok, keep her safe, drive safe”
“Oh she’s driving”
“Oh menos mal!” she kissed her cheek and went back into the room. Omi came up to Queenie and slung an arm over her shoulder.
“Ready?” the taller girl nodded.
“Ready-You drive...but I choose the music” Omi rolled her eyes and walked out the door.
Once they got to Omi’s, they got out and walked up to the girl’s room. It was huge.
“Fuck I never get used to this.” Queenie plopped on the bed, Omi laid down next to her and rested her head on her shoulder.
“Me neither, and I live here. Its just big and empty.”
Queenie sighed and curled her hand around her friend’s chin and scratched her head.
“Can you like be here forever?”
“Oh if only. No, Atzi would be sad. She loves living next to Maria”
“Aw tits” Omi huffed, and she turned away from her friend.
“You could always sleep on my couch”
“Can I buy you a new couch?”
“You gotta talk to mom and Atzi”
“Will do” Omi shifted towards Queenie.
“Queenie can I take photos of you again?”
“Yeah, I’m sure Atzi and mama will enjoy it”
“Good, I need ya beautiful face for my photography class, my muse”
“Keep saying that and I���ll think you’re smitten”
“Never. You’re gross”
“You’re the worst”
“Why thank you” she smacked her and they both burst into giggles.
tag: @sweetpeasbabydoll @s-s-southsideserpentine @sweetpeas-sweetpea @daddyrossbutler @humangrumpycat
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aethelar · 6 years
hey might you be able to do a prompt where newt has protected graves and he looks dead and graves is a ball of angst bc dammit his love is just there no breath no movement he's gone and he gingerly picks newt up and he's angst and queenie is angst along with jacob and then boom, newts chest shifts and all is happy, its cool if u can't lmao but I'm not a talented writer or id do this myself but you, your words are art
Hello I might be able to do this prompt but on the other hand what please have I done to deserve this and why please am I being punished for it in this way
Because let’s go with this:
They were meant to be safe.
That’s the bit that will stick, the bit that come back to haunt him later; they were meant to be safe. If it was on a raid, if they’d gone prepared, if Graves had been watchful and waiting and ready then would it have been better? Perhaps. Probably not. There’s very little about any of it that could be better. But still, the worst thing, it seems to Graves, is that they were meant to be safe.
Graves despises the word.
“I’m sorry, sir,” Tina had said, with her hair cropped short and her wand holster angled for easy access in battle. “The manpower it’s costing us is unsustainable. Knowing Grindelwald’s targets isn’t enough if we can’t keep them safe.”
He’d nodded, distracted, bent over his desk with too many papers spread out and too many glowing spell-lines connecting the important points. “Reasonable,” he’d said, like the naive fool he’d been at the time. “What’s your solution?”
If he’d been paying attention, perhaps the steadying breath she’d taken would have warned him, but. Add it to the list of things Graves’ regrets. “Evacuation,” she’d said, and all Graves had said was to ensure the targets were sent far enough away.
“No use evacuating them somewhere they’ll be tempted to come back and get themselves killed,” he’d joked wryly. “You know what our lot are like.”
“Yes, sir,” she’d answered, carefully blank. “I know.”
And Graves, idiot, blind, stupid Graves, had signed the order she gave him. It would free up at least two full time squads, another three on rotation. Defence never won the war. They had to think of the bigger picture. Pithy, hateful statements that seemed perfectly justifiable at the time - and then Tina had pushed the list of Grindelwald’s highest priority targets across the desk and Graves had grunted in annoyance at the plans she’d pushed aside in doing so.
“Sir,” she’d said. Or was it apologised? He’d mumbled his assent and pulled it closer to read.
Jacob Kowalski, the no-maj that knew about magic - the no-maj that was in danger of convincing the wizarding world the magic didn’t have to hide. A threat to Grindelwald’s fear mongering; a good choice for evacuation.
Queenie Goldstein, the legilimens - yes, wise; who knew what Grindelwald would do if he had her.
Newt Scamander, the magizoologist - Graves hissed at the thought of sending Newt away, but even he had to admit that Grindelwald’s attempts to get to Newt were verging on obsessive. Whether it was Newt’s supposed control over his creatures or his connection to Albus Dumbledore, neither of them knew, but either way it was dangerous. Newt wouldn’t like it, but it was better for him to be safe.
And then, half way down the list and past several unimportant names that Graves had flicked through with the barest pause to catalogue and evaluate -
“Sir - ”
“No, Goldstein.”
“Sir, the number of attempts - ”
“I will not stand by - ”
“The madam president requested it specifically.” She hadn’t even shaken. Just held his gaze, immovable and unyielding and there was a part of him, now, that missed the auror she’d been before Grindelwald had made her hard. At the time he’d been too angry to care, desperately trying to think of a way to strike his name off the damnable list. She’d stood with her arms loose, her stance firm, her wand in its holster angled for easy access, and she’d told him, “You don’t have a choice.”
He’d wanted to rage. He’d wanted to fight, to deny it, to ask what use he was if wasn’t fighting and to point out that surely it was better for the war to have him until he died than to not have him at all, to claim he was integral to the aurors and they couldn’t afford to send him away -
He hadn’t. No one was so important the others would fall apart without him there. Arrogance was unbecoming, and it was selfish to think he was the only one that deserved to stay.
So here they were, the four of them, sent away somewhere safe to wait out the war and not get in the way, and the only thing Graves could console himself with was that if these were the only people he had left to protect then he was going to protect the hell out of them. He stalked their perimeters, warded their borders, hustled them out of town and on to the next place when his paranoia grew too loud to ignore - he vibrated, highly strung and always alert, and he kept his tiny family safe.
“Hey,” Newt said, once, on one of those late summer evenings when the light had turned soft and gold and the blazing heat had finally died down to something gentle and sleepy. Newt bumped their shoulders together and smiled when Graves looked his way. “Hey, it’s not so bad, is it?”
Graves shook his head, his thoughts running through the protections, the supplies, the fake names and the fake covers and the fake news articles from the cities hiding sporadic coded messages from Tina. “That’s not the point,” he said.
Newt lay back, sprawled in the dry grass with his hair fanning around his head and his eyes closed. Summer brought out his freckles; they chased each other across his nose, down the line of his neck and the undone buttons of his shirt, out from under his rolled up sleeves and over the backs of his hands. His smile was soft and gold, gentle and sleepy; the knee he used to nudge Graves into lying back with him was insistent.
“You’re going to worry yourself to death,” Newt said. “Nothing good comes of worrying.”
“Being unprepared can kill you,” Graves muttered in return. “We’re at war.”
Newt lifted himself onto an elbow and tugged Graves towards him. “Sure we are,” he said lowly, his lips almost brushing against Graves’ with every movement. “But what’s the point in being so afraid of dying that you never get to live?”
When he kissed Graves, he tasted of summer and safety and reasons to be alive and Graves was a helpless man when he raised his arms to cradle Newt and kiss him back.
He raised his arms to cradle Newt.
He raises his arms to cradle Newt.
He pulls Newt close and bows his head over him.
He presses a shaking, grieving kiss to the freckles that chase their way across Newt’s closed eyelids.
“I was supposed to keep you safe,” he says, whispers, falls apart.
“I know,” Newt replies. He flicks his eyes half-open, hazy and unfocused and lacking the strength to do anything more than that. “I know, but didn’t you think that I -” he breaks off into a wheeze that turns into a cough that turns into a hacking spasm and Graves holds him together as best he can.
“Don’t talk,” he begs. “It’s ok, it’ll be ok, just don’t talk.” Just don’t die.
“Didn’t you think,” Newt continues stubbornly, “That I would do the same for you?”
I didn’t ask you to wars with I didn’t want you to wars with I should never have let you and all three die in his throat; part of Graves wants to snarl and blame Newt for persuading him to let his guard down and enjoy life because doesn’t Newt see, doesn’t Newt know what happens when Graves lets himself stop worrying - part of him wants to blame Newt for getting in the way, for getting himself hurt and for saving his life because what’s the point of Graves being saved if his reason for living isn’t breathing -
“Newt,” he begs. “Newt please, I’m sorry, please, Newt.” His voice breaks, chokes, and he angrily forces it back to obedience. “Please. Don’t do this. You can’t. You - please.”
Newt doesn’t answer.
There are footsteps behind him. Queenie, light and fast; Jacob on her heels. He doesn’t look up, because their steps tell him they’re both alive and that’s as much as he’s able to care about.
“They’re gone,” Queenie says, triumph and pride in her voice. “All their fancy spells and Jacob blew straight through them with a bullet, they -” She breaks off, stumbling into a gasp that verges on a sob. Behind her Jacob’s footsteps slow and then stop with a heavy, wary hesitancy.
“Hey,” Jacob asks quietly. “Hey, Newt - is he...?”
Graves doesn’t answer. What can he say? Newt isn’t breathing. Newt’s eyes are closed. Newt’s head lolls against Graves’ shoulder, his hands hang limply at Graves’ side. There’s nothing to say.
“Check the wards,” he orders instead. “Tracker sweep, scrying blocks - find out how they got in.” He levers himself to his feet, Newt cradled against his chest. “If they tracked us once they can do it again; make sure they don’t.”
“But is he -” Jacob insists. Graves ignores him.
“I want the pair of you gone by morning. No where on the list; go no-maj, pick a place at random. If you’re followed, shoot to kill.”
Queenie steps forward to block his way. “You’re coming with us,” she says. It’s not a question. She already knows the answer.
He ignores her too.
“Take the supplies; leave the explosives. Kowalski, now’s the time to show me how to use a grenade.”
He resettles Newt and walks around them. His mind is ringing strangely blank, like the silence in a roaring crowd; every thought is shouting precautions, things he should tell them, feeding schedules for Newt’s creatures and corrections on Queenie’s wand technique that he never got round to showing her, the single, deafening thought that they should have had more time - but in the middle of it, Graves hears nothing. He’s told them what’s important. He’s done.
He pauses, Newt’s summer smile tugging at his conscience. “Don’t forget to live,” he says, gruffly, blankly, staring over Newt’s head as though by refusing to acknowledge reality he can go back to that evening and that smile. “We’re at war. Being unprepared is how you get killed. But don’t worry so much you forget to live.”
“Graves, you can’t -”
He can. He’s done. Newt is - Graves is done, but Queenie and Jacob aren’t and if they are all Graves has left to keep safe then he’ll set a trap for anyone that dares hurt them and with fire and fury and all the hurt he won’t allow himself to feel, he will keep them safe.
“I knew you were listening,” Newt breathes, his lips twitching up into the faintest smile.
For a long second, Graves doesn’t hear him - then it’s like a punch to the gut, all the air driven out of his lungs. “Newt?”
Newt’s hand twitches, like he wants to lift it up and rest his palm on Graves’ cheek in comfort but he doesn’t have the strength. “Hey,” he says, weak and thready but he says it, with breath and with life and his smile twists in pain when he tries to lift his head but he has a smile to twist and it shouts deafening in Graves’ head. “Don’t let him die, yeah?”
Who, Graves wants to ask, who does Newt want to keep alive and Graves will set their entire explosive stockpile on fire to protect them -
“I won’t,” Queenie says from behind him. She presses her shoulder against him in solidarity and warning. “We’ve got him, Newt.”
Jacob comes up to his other side. “Not going anywhere,” he promises, jaw set in stubborn determination.
Graves frowns at them in confusion as Newt manages a nod. Who, he wants to ask again, who is important, who are they keeping safe and why doesn’t Graves know, how can he protect them if he doesn’t know -
Queenie elbows him. “You,” she says. You idiot, she implies, but is polite enough to keep unspoken.
Graves looks between them again and he’s still too caught up on the fact that Newt isn’t dead, Graves failed but he gets a second chance to protect the man he -
No one was so important, he’d justified to himself when Tina sent him away, that the others would fall apart without him there. But Newt was important enough to Graves and Graves, apparently, was important enough to Newt, and it was a strange and foreign feeling to have to keep himself safe to keep other people safe, but.
Newt is alive. If all Newt asks in return is for Graves to keep on living too, then fuck it. For Newt, Graves will live the hell out of life.
He resettles Newt in his arms. “New plan,” he says to Queenie and Jacob. “We rig the explosives on a decoy, meanwhile all four of us are at least two states over by the time Grindelwald comes back...”
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terriblelifechoices · 6 years
Tuesday comment fic!  The fabulous MadImagination caught one of my nerdy easter eggs (that Matthew Bellamy of the Luminaria was inspired by Bellamy Blake, from the 100).  They wanted to see future fic of Percival being a good dad who is still ridiculously in love with his husband.
The original thread can be found on AO3 here.
Graves Manor, April 1934
Credence woke up and found Percival’s side of the bed empty.  He ran a hand across the mattress and found it cold.  Percival had been up for awhile.
Yawning, he padded down the hall to the nursery.  Percival was probably asleep in the rocking chair with Ellie, which he would probably regret tomorrow.
Elaine was asleep in her crib, as was Gawain.  Percival was nowhere to be seen.
Puzzled, now, Credence went back out into the hall.  There was a light on in one of the unused rooms in the family wing, past Galahad and Olwen’s rooms.  They’d decided it would be Gawain’s, once he was big enough to leave the nursery.  He wasn’t quite old enough yet, but Credence still felt a pang at the thought.  His babies were growing up so fast.
“Percival?” Credence asked around a yawn.  “What are you doing up?  It’s three in the morning.”
“Merlin and Morgana!” Percival yelped, the pencil in his hand skittering wildly across the wall.
Credence blinked at him.  He wasn’t awake enough for this.
“How much coffee have you had?” he asked, suspicious.
“Eh,” said Percival, clearly stalling for time.  “A bit.”  He glared at the line he’d accidentally drawn, then made it vanish with a careless flick of his fingers.  “You startled me, love,” he said, tucking his pencil behind his ear and reaching for Credence.
He looked, Credence thought, like one of Queenie and Jacob’s artist friends.  Percival was shirtless, as was his habit, his soft sleeping pants slung low on his hips.  His hair stuck up in random tufts, free of its usual pomade until morning.  Percival looked about as far from severe, serious Director Graves as it was possible to get.
He looked like Credence’s husband instead.
Credence loved Percival in the small hours of the night, and the evenings after work.  The times just for him, or for the kids.  No one else got to see Percival like this, all his hard edges tucked away.
“You should be sleeping,” Credence chided, leaning in to kiss him.
“So should you,” Percival countered.
“We could both go back to bed,” Credence suggested.  He wrapped his arms around Percival’s neck, pressed close enough to Percival that there would be no doubt as to his intentions.
“Yes, dear,” Percival said, a wicked gleam in his eyes.
Everyone said that Percival took after his father, just like everyone said that Galahad took after Percival.  Dindrane, everyone agreed, was the one who took after their mother.
Having finally met the portrait of Geraint Graves, Credence could see why everyone thought so.  Percival had Geraint’s devotion to MACUSA; to duty.  He had Geraint’s unyielding sense of honor, his determination to stand between their people and anything or anyone who might mean them harm.  Being an Auror was who Geraint and Percival were.  It was in their blood.
Vivian’s influence was harder to spot, but it was still there.  Percival had inherited her love of stories as well as her knack for telling them, and he’d gotten her artistic talents as well.  Little sketches littered his notes to Credence, his letters to his niece and nephews at Ilvermorny, and occasionally even during the margins of his paperwork during especially boring meetings.
“It’s just marginalia,” Percival had said dismissively, the first time Credence asked about it.  He’d found a sketch of himself on the back of a memo about properly filling out requisitions forms when Galahad was about six months old.  He hadn’t realized that Percival could draw before that.
“It’s beautiful,” Credence had insisted.  “You never told me you could draw.”
Percival had shoved the sketch in his desk.  “It’s nothing,” he’d said, but the little sketches started cropping up after that.
“So,” Credence said, sprawled over Percival’s chest and listening to Percival’s heartbeat gradually return to normal.  His own heartbeat and his breathing weren’t quite back to normal yet either, for all that he felt boneless with satiation.
“Mm?” Percival asked, toying with Credence’s hair.
“What did you decide on?” Credence asked.
Percival had painted both Galahad and Olwen’s rooms, once they were old enough to leave the nursery.  Galahad’s room was decorated with different kinds of dragons, their anatomy drawn with painstaking correctness after months of correspondence with Newt.   Olwen’s room was a forest, and every now and again a wampus cat would peek through the trees.
“Thunderbirds, I think,” Percival said.
Credence hummed thoughtfully.  “We can go to Tucson and visit Frank,” he said.  Percival could get all the thunderbird sketches he wanted, and Credence could visit Penelope Ramirez and stock up on more stories from Marco and Seraphina and Percival’s Ilvermorny years.  He wanted to know what to expect when Galahad was old enough.
Hopefully Galahad’s time at Ilvermorny would involve less nudity than his father’s.  Credence had several utterly mortifying stories stockpiled just to make sure Galahad was too embarrassed to even think of trying half of the ridiculous stunts Percival had pulled.
“It’ll be a nice family vacation,” agreed Percival.  “I can get the sky painted before we go.”
Credence cuddled a bit more aggressively into Percival’s side, just in case Percival was thinking of getting up again.  “Stay,” he mumbled.  “It’s not the same without you.”
“Anything for you,” Percival said fondly, not making any effort to get out of bed at all.  Credence fell asleep to the gentle sweep of Percival’s hand down his back, a subtle reminder that he was here and that Percival would always keep him safe.
He woke up that way the next morning, safe and protected and loved.
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weconqueratdawn · 6 years
Kowalski’s #4 ~ holiday edition
Or rather, part one of the holiday edition :)
Gradence bakery/coffeeshop AU ~ on AO3 / Read from the beginning
Original!Percival Graves/Credence Barebone Teen & up Fluff, awkward flirting, slow burn
Fic Summary: Where Credence finds solace in baking and a slightly-washed-up Percy finds solace in Credence.
In the week after Thanksgiving the bakery became noticeably busier. As soon as December arrived, most afternoons Credence could hardly hear himself think. The café became a refuge for exhausted shoppers and excitable children. Instead of coffee, every other order was for hot chocolate. The storeroom shelves groaned with extra syrups and flavourings. Cream was whipped, nutmeg was grated, and anything which could be dusted with cinnamon, was.
Nor was it just the café. Holiday bakery orders began to roll in: gift baskets of Jacob’s famed pastries were popular, as were huge cakes and tortes for family parties. Bread, too, was in high demand. The ovens were on nearly all day every day; even Tina came in to help when she could.
Credence expected not to enjoy it - all the rush and chatter and there always being too much to be done - but, happily, he was wrong. He liked how everyone worked together, equally hard; he liked when Jacob or Queenie came out at busy times to serve alongside him; he liked that after closing they pulled the blinds down and ate together while the takings were counted.
When it was busy he forgot to be shy. Everyone was red-cheeked with cold and happy to find themselves in a warm friendly place, just like him.
Best of all were Queenie’s exclamations about not knowing how they’d managed on their own last year. Even the coffee machine, she said, responded better to him - she could never quite get the hang of it. She was also certain they rang up far fewer mistakes on the cash register, which saved so much time and money. Credence knew Queenie went out of her way to find these little praises, but knew equally well she meant every word.
That morning it was so busy Credence barely had time to wonder when Percy would come in. It was now usual for him to call by every day, even when he couldn’t stay for long. Queenie had noticed very quickly and enjoyed gently teasing Credence about his favourite customer. Credence couldn't really protest much: it was, after all, quite an accurate description.
By the time the door jangled and Credence saw a familiar dark head enter, it was almost lunch. Credence hid the involuntary smile which appeared whenever Percy did by checking the bag he’d put away behind the counter. Iced gingerbread cookies, all present and correct.
Busying himself with that was also better than watching for Percy's reaction, when he noticed the thing which he was - unavoidably - about to notice.
“I like it,” said Percy, before he even reached the counter. His usual table was taken. All the tables were taken, in fact.
Credence's response was a terrible jumble; a nod, a blush, a smile, a shake of his head. He wasn’t used to nice comments yet. And he only got his hair cut yesterday; cropped close to his head. The bowl cut was gone forever, and with it something else had left too. Bit by bit he was clearing spaces inside himself, and learning to slowly fill them only with what he chose.
“I like it,” Percy said again. “You look happier. Freer. And everyone can see your lovely face now.” He leant his elbows on the counter and leaned closer. “That's not flirting, by the way - that's just the God's honest truth.”
Despite feeling awkward, embarrassed even, Credence grinned. Underneath he was pleased; maybe much too pleased. Not that he thought his face was at all lovely. “Um,” he said. “I think that still counts as flirting.”
Percy shrugged extravagantly. “I said I’d rein it in, not stop completely. I’m not made of stone, you know.”
Credence had to laugh, and made to change the subject to something more manageable. When Percy spoke like this it fed a greed inside him, but more often than not he was left feeling confused and hopeless. He couldn’t tell how serious Percy was - and it wasn’t like he could ask if he meant it. And if he did - what then?
“Are you staying?” he asked. “You might get a table if you wait, or I can bring out a stool and you can sit at the counter?”
Percy’s smile certainly seemed to be very genuine. “The counter sounds great.” Even though the crackle of imminent flirtation lingered in the air, no other comment followed. Credence had to wonder at his near-disappointment.
The stools were stacked in an odds-and-ends cupboard out the back. Jacob had tried out counter seating before Credence had started but it hadn’t worked out - the counter was best used for display, he’d said, not customers. However, Credence thought an exception could be made for Percy.
When he returned Percy was reading the chalkboard at the end of the counter. He took the stool from Credence and sat down.
“How’s the game going?” he asked, nodding at the board. “Your way?”
“Like I said before, I'm not going to tell you,” Credence said. “There's no prize, anyway. It's just a bit of fun.”
The board said VOTE FOR YOUR FAVOURITE in excitable curly capitals. Underneath it were this week's two special drinks - invented by Queenie and himself - and how many had been sold of each.
Percy continued to study it while Credence prepped his bagel and started the coffee machine. “If I had to guess,” he said. “I'd choose the chocolate chai tea as yours. The peppermint white hot chocolate sounds more like Queenie.”
“Put your money where your mouth is, then,” smiled Credence. He slid Percy’s plain black coffee in front of him - no embellishments and not even any sugar. It was very difficult to imagine him having anything else - certainly not peppermint white hot chocolate.
Someone came up for take-out and rescued Percy from answering. They, too, studied the board. Percy leaned toward them and, with a glance at Credence, said, “I hear the chocolate chai is very good.”
Credence tried not to laugh or to look too pleased when he chalked up another order of chai on the board.
After that, their conversation was put on hold by several tables leaving in succession - lunch hour was nearly over - and the vacant seats being taken by new customers. When Credence was free again, Percy had finished eating. The time was now ripe, Credence thought, to present today’s little gift.
He’d made a few rules about this dangerous habit - absolutely no more than twice a week and only when he had something new to share. Today it was the iced gingerbread. Though he’d not made the gingerbread before it was the icing he really wanted Percy to see. He’d spent hours practicing until it was just right; stark and delicate as lace over the plain dark cookie.
Credence was just about to put them in front of Percy when Queenie popped hurriedly out into the café. She had on a blue plastic apron and there was a smudge of powdered sugar on her nose.
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry-” she said, then paused when she noticed Percy and the bag of cookies. “Why, hello Percy! How about Credence’s gingerbread? I keep telling him he’s got a real talent for sugar work but he won’t believe me. But maybe he’ll listen to you?”
Credence felt himself flush deeply. He desperately wanted to say something, anything, to explain it was nothing really; it was definitely not important that Percy should like and enjoy them. But Queenie kept talking and he could only watch, wracked with a stupid kind of fearful misery, as Percy opened the bag and frowned to himself.
“Honey, I’m sorry, I can’t take you to Kraft-Mart on Thursday,” Queenie was saying. “We just got a big order of cupcakes for Friday and one of us is going to have to be here to help Jacob. You can still have your day off, though.”
“That’s okay,” Credence said, relieved to have a distraction from Percy’s thoughtful expression. “We can go another time.”
“What’s Kraft-Mart?” Percy said, suddenly joining in.
They both turned to him; his question seemed to have been directed at Queenie. In his hand was one of Credence’s cookies.
“It’s a big craft store, out-of-town,” she said. “We were planning a day out. It’s real good for baking supplies - Credence wants some sugar craft things to practice with.”
Percy frowned down at his cookie. “I’ll take you,” he said, decisively. Then he looked at Credence. “If you want, that is.”
Credence was so surprised he couldn’t speak. Even Queenie seemed taken aback.
Percy rubbed at his cheek; he’d not shaved and it made a scratching sound. “I mean, I’m sure it’ll better for you if you go with Queenie - she obviously knows about all that stuff. But if you just want to take a look then, well-” He shrugged. “I’m not busy and I’ve got a car.”
Queenie was almost quivering with delight next to Credence. He couldn’t look at her. If he had done he wouldn’t have been able to answer in quite such a steady voice.
“Thank you, I’d like that,” he said.
Percy’s smile was relieved. Oddly enough, so was Credence’s.
“Well then, that’s that settled,” Queenie said brightly, and hurrying back off into the depths of the bakery, conspicuously left them to it.
Read on AO3
Thank you to @pangaeastarseed for the continued stream of ideas and inspiration :)
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sirivsblaxk-blog · 7 years
This prompt is for @salazarorionblack
Trans!Newt (from female to male).
Hope this turns out okay (:
Newt had never liked girl things when he was younger. He much preferred to go out and play in the garden with animals as opposed to staying indoors, playing with dolls and dressing pretty. He never understood why his mother was so angry about it all the time, he was outside having fun, what was wrong with that? ‘Artemis! Little girls do not play in mud!’ His mother had always shouted. He never understood why. Theseus was allowed to play out side, and Newt wanted to play with him, was that so wrong? Theseus never minded. He used to help sneak him out to the garden all the time.
This started making a little more sense as he got older. He never wore skirts, dresses or pretty things. He liked trousers and baggy sweaters. Everyone bullied him for that. ‘You look like a boy in that Atremis!’ That got him thinking. He looked like a boy but...his hair was long. He’d hated it. In his third year he’d cut it all off leaving with a short crop. His mother had gone mad that christmas break. Once she’d calmed down he get the nerve to tell her that he didn’t want to be a girl, he wanted to be a boy. She’d called him stupid saying ‘Well tough, you’re a girl and that’s that, start acting like one!’
He’d cried that night and Theseus had come into his room to comfort him.
“You can be a girl if you want Artemis,” Theseus had told him, “I’ll love you either way.”
“I don't want to be called Atremis,” He’d told his brother, “That can be my middle name.”
“Well, what do you want to be called?” Theseus had asked him, wrapping his arm around his shoulders to squeeze him close.
“I like...Newton. Newt for short.” He’d decided, he thought that suited him.
“Alright, Newt it is.” His brother had smiled and kissed his forehead.
Theseus had suggested telling Professor Dumbledore, saying he’d understand and maybe he’d be able to help better. Theseus had been right. It had been hard to tell Dumbledore but the Professor had helped him, even provided him with a special potion that would help him turn into who he truly believed he was. He thought it too good to be true, but it had started working.
Now, he’d left school, he was still taking the potion and it should be final within the next couple of months. He’d finally have the body to match how he felt. His parents didn’t speak to him anymore, they’d disowned him but he didn't mind. If they wouldn’t accept who he was then he didn’t need them. Theseus on the other hand was nothing but supportive.
Currently he was in New York, working on his book and actually making friends. Though the only one that knew the truth about him was Queenie and that was only because she’d read his mind one afternoon.
“Good afternoon Mr. Graves.” Newt smiled as he walked through the MACUSA hallway to the exit doors.
“Ah Newt, just who I was looking for.” Mr Graves calls back, halting Newt in his steps and turning to look at him, “Where are you headed?”
“I was just going to grab some lunch actually.” Newt explains.
“Mind if I join you?” Graves asks, not waiting for an answer as he joins Newt.
They walk out together into the cool air, Graves said he knew a nice place and lead the way. Once they were seated and had ordered Graves cleared his throat.
“I should probably tell you why I asked to join you.” He said, looking over at Newt across the table. Newt just nodded his head, “Well uh, I guess I’ll just say it,” He seemed nervous, Graves didn’t seem like the type to get nervous. “I like you Newt. And I’d like to take you on a date and possible start courting you.”
Newts mouth forms a small ‘o’ shape as he takes in what he’s told. He panics. Graves doesn’t know about his past. What if he wasn’t okay with that? Newt would be lying if he said he didn’t like Graves back, but he couldn’t agree to dating him without telling him the truth but he was scared to do so.
He realised Graves was staring at him waiting for a reply and he blushed, “Oh hum,” Newt fumbles with his napkin and chews his lower lip, “I’d love for that, but...” Graves smile falters a little.
“But?” He asks, raising an eyebrow as he waited for Newt to explain.
“Well, before you agree to anything I should probably tell you...” Newt sighs, deciding his best to just come out with it. “I wasn’t born like...this.”
Percival just stares at him and Newt sighs as he continues, “I was born female... But I didn’t feel female so, I started taking potions to help me get the body I feel I should have. It’s nearly complete, actually.” Newts looking down, still fiddling with the napkin on his lap. He didn’t want to see the horrified look on Graves’ eyes.
“So,” Graves begins, “Where would you like our first date to be?”
Newt looks up shocked, but smiles when he seems Graves’ genuine smile, giggling slightly and blushing as he suggested this could be their first date.
Newt and Percival had been together for three months now and Newts transformation was as complete as it could ever be. He felt happy, genuinely happy for the first time in his life. Half because he finally had the right body and half because he was the most amazing boyfriend ever.
He was currently doing his favourite thing ever (besides tending to his creatures), cuddling Percival in bed early on a Sunday morning. Percival strokes Newts side slowly while Newt has his head buried against Percivals bare chest. He feels the kiss to the top of his head and smiles, returning one to his chest.
“What should we do today Percy?” Newt asks, finally opening his eyes and looking up at his lover.
“Hm, this seems perfectly fine to me.” Percy replies, placing a loving kiss to Newts lips with a small smile.
Newt knew it was probably too soon, but he knew he was slowly falling in love with the man beside him, he knew he didn’t want to spend his life with anyone else. What Newt didn’t know is that Percival felt the exact same way.
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shannsleeve · 7 years
Fantastic Reasons & Where to Find Them
It’s been many years since I’ve written fanfiction but with the release of ‘Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them’ I found a reason to try my hand at writing again. This fic is a labor of love and, in many ways, the reason why I am still here today. This fic began as a way for me to cope with the pain and difficulties I’ve struggled with the past three years. I wasn’t planning on showing it to anyone but, after much encouragement, I’ve decided that it’s time to put it out there and embrace how far I’ve come. It isn’t finished so readership will be a welcome motivator to help me continue on. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. :)
Also, many, many, many thanks to @teacup-occamy who gave me the final push to begin posting this fic. You are an inspiration and I am so grateful for your support! <3
Note: Fic is canon compliant and follows the plot of the film.
Feather Firestone never wanted her life to turn out this way. After a recent release from St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, she finds herself without work, friendship, love, or hope. At a loss for what to do, she writes to Tina & Queenie Goldstein, looking for refuge and counsel in their cozy apartment across the pond. However, Feather’s time away isn’t as leisurely or quiet as she thought it would be, especially upon meeting a certain Magizoologist & a particularly talented baker. While scurrying around to save a case of magical creatures and the entire city of New York, Feather unwittingly stumbles upon what she’s been searching for - new, fantastic reasons to keep living.
“You know, it isn’t very often that we see one of your kind, Miss Firestein.”
“It’s Fire-STONE, Healer Morton.”
The young witch let out a long, guttural groan and rolled her eyes at the wizard sitting in front of her. He was scrawny with feathery blonde hair and beady hazel eyes that were hidden behind a pair of thick, horn-rimmed spectacles.
“Feather Fire-STONE. And what exactly do you mean ‘MY KIND?’ The mentally and magically unstable?” She placed her hands against the smooth marble countertop of Morton’s desk and leaned as far forward as she could, putting her full weight on her palms, her feet almost leaving the ground, until she was only a few inches from his face. Her dark brown eyes locked with his widening ones and she almost smirked at the bead of sweat beginning to form on his brow.
“W-Well, y-yes, I suppose I—“ Morton stuttered, feeling as if his tongue were covered in several layers of Flobberworm mucus. “I-I mean there’s nothing wrong with–“
“With what?” If it was possible for the witch to lean any closer to the healer’s face, she would be rubbing noses with him. She watched, amused, as he shut his eyes tight, sinking into his chair, muttering a Shield charm under his breath. Once his feeble shield materialized, she took her hands off the table and fell back onto her feet. A tired sigh escaped her lips before she spoke to Morton again. “Look, I know this isn’t easy for anyone to talk about. Both the Wizarding and Muggle communities alike are at a loss…”
At her words Morton tentatively opened his right eye, taking the opportunity to also relax his shoulders (just a smidge). “We can’t help being ignorant if we haven’t had certain experiences.”
Feather turned her burning gaze back to Morton’s again. “But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to understand the experiences of others,” she ground out through gritted teeth. She’d definitely had enough of this man, this conversation, and St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. “May I just get my discharge papers so I can be on my way?”
“Oh.” The healer glanced at the countertop where a few crane-shaped memorandums fluttered towards a large pile of parchment. “Of course…just give me a moment.” Morton drew his wand and pointed it at the paper cranes. “Accio, Asylum discharge papers.”
One of the memo-cranes zoomed towards his waiting hand, unfurling itself before reaching his fingers. “Huh, just one page? All right then.”
His eyes darted quickly back and forth as he skimmed the page. When he was finished, he gave a satisfied grunt, produced a small silver seal from his pocket, stamped the parchment, and handed it to Feather. “Here you are, Miss Fire--stin--stone.”
The young witch forced her lips into a small, tight smile. “All right.”
She grabbed the parchment and stuffed it into her pocket without glancing at it. The healers from the Asylum Ward had already briefed her on what to expect the next few weeks. As she pulled her hand from her pocket, it brushed against a long, sturdy piece of wood – her wand. Her fingers retracted almost immediately as tiny sparks of magic jumped from the larch wood to her skin.
“Hello, old friend,” she whispered, trying to ignore the cold shiver that ran down her spine. She forced her hand to curl around the wand’s handle. “We’ll take this nice and slow. I promise. No Splinching today.”
She took a deep breath in, allowing her lungs to fill with the sterile, distilled air of St. Mungo’s. Slowly, she released her breath, counting down from ten until she ran out of air. “Three-two-one…all right, now…DISAPPARATE!”
After a sharp tug on her navel and a few seconds of nausea, Feather found herself (in one piece) on the doorstep of her flat. As she reached for the door handle, she heaved a sigh and felt her body instantaneously relax. Here were her belongings – her books, her clothes, her tea cup, her kettle. Here was home. She grasped the door handle and pushed it open.
CHAPTER 2 Queenie Goldstein sat at the head of the empty dining table in her mother’s old apartment, lazily flipping through the most recent edition of ‘U-HEX-A!’ Her right arm was propped against the table, holding her chin and, occasionally, flipping back a stray curl of golden hair. As usual she was home early from her job at the Magical Congress of the United States of America; this time due to a ‘slight head cold and a bit of the stomach flu that’s been terrorizing the office.’ Her hand stilled over the catalogue as she bit her lip, lost in thought.
         “I’ll need to come up with better illnesses or poor Mr. Abernathy will have such a fit!”
        “If he hasn’t had one already,” came a tired voice from the doorway. The witch it belonged to slowly pulled off her cloche and ran a thin hand through her short cropped brown hair. Her mouth opened in a loud, drawn out yawn that she didn’t bother to smother. Dark circles stood out against the pale skin beneath her eyes, a testament to another long, tedious night of hard work and little sleep.
         “TEENIE!” Queenie squealed, hopping up from her seat and tossing the catalogue to the floor. “YOU’RE HOME!” Quick as a freed cornish pixie, she rushed over to her sister and wrapped her in a rib-crushing embrace.
          “Must you do this every time I get home, Queenie?” Porpentina Goldstein rasped, trying her best not to laugh to conserve her oxygen intake. She’d barely had time to hang up her long grey wool coat before being tackled. It dangled loosely from her left arm and was dragged about as Queenie tried to lift her off her feet.
The blonde witch nodded into her sister’s chest, happy to know she was home safe and sound. She’d never admit it aloud but she always worried that she’d lose Tina on the job and be left to fend for herself. The world was cruel and lonely enough. There was no need to make their situation worse.
        “Air. Please,” Tina gasped, trying to pry her sister’s arms off her torso.
       Queenie immediately released Tina from her grasp and stepped back, a slight blush on her cheeks. “Sorry.” She gestured towards the chair across from her seat at the table, encouraging Tina to sit. She slid gracefully into her own seat and leaned forward, her elbows planted on the tabletop, chin resting lightly in her palms, a playful smile on her lips. “Now, tell me all about what’s happenin’ in the Major Investigative Department. Has Rosemary finally made a move on Mr. Graves?”
         Tina snorted as she slid into her chair, tapping her wand against the sleeve of her coat to will it to put itself away. “Of course not. No one has the gall to do such a thing; least of all Rosemary Ruffhouse. You really shouldn’t be worrying about them, Queenie. You’ll only help fuel their huge egos.” She turned to summon a mug and a pot of hot cocoa simmering on the stove. “Want a cup?”
        “Sure,” Queenie answered, summoning her own mug. “Come on, Teenie, the pool is so dreadfully boring. I need some form of entertainment.”
       “Isn’t that what Abernathy’s for?” Tina smirked over the rim of her cup. “After all, he won’t stop telling everyone about the ‘ravishing Queenie Goldstein’ and your night out with him at the Blind Rabbit.”
       Queenie responded by pelting Tina with a few marshmallows from the sugar bowl at the center of the table. (It was a Goldstein tradition NOT to keep sugar in the sugar bowl.) “Hush now, Porpentina, or I WILL make those marshmallows stick to your hair for THREE days instead of TWO!”
       Just as Tina was about to retaliate with a few marshmallow cannons of her own, the two witches were startled by a loud tap-tap-tap on the kitchen windowpane. Tina stood and made her way to the window, her head cocked to the side in curiosity.
       “Reginald?” she murmured, opening the latch enough for a small tawny owl to alight upon her arm. He clacked his beak happily at being recognized and extended his left leg to her. She detached a shrunken letter from his leg before summoning an owl treat from a jar near the stove. The little owl took the treat in his mouth and immediately spat it out, giving Tina a disgusted glare as he did so.
        “Oh, you poor thing!” Queenie cooed as she reached out to pet him. “We haven’t had an owl drop by for months…those treats must be real stale.”
       “Mercy Lewis,” Tina breathed once she enlarged the letter. She recognized the seal it bore – a rose encased in flames – and was taken aback. Her eyes widened as she broke the seal and began reading the familiar slanted script on the page.
Queenie didn’t bother to ask her sister about the contents of the letter. The words formed before her eyes as she easily entered Tina’s mind and followed along.
         I hope this letter finds you well. I know it’s been ages since we’ve seen each other or even communicated so I apologize if this message is a bit too bold.  I need your help. I can’t stay in England a moment longer and have nowhere else to go. I’ve often thought about the few months I spent abroad with your family. I always felt safe with you and Queenie; something I really don’t feel here at home. May I come and stay with you for a few weeks? It will just be long enough to clear my head and gain a fresh perspective on life. I know this all sounds a bit random but I’d rather not explain my situation over owl post...with all that’s happened, I think it would be best if I explained in person. I hope to hear from you soon. Give my best to Queenie and make sure Reginald has a bit of water before he flies back.
All the best,
Feather Firestone
“Oh, Feather,” Queenie sighed. By this point, Reginald had climbed onto her shoulder and was napping quietly amidst her soft curls. “Teenie, we have to let her stay.”
Tina carefully refolded the letter, chewing over Feather’s words and her own before answering. “I’d like her to...”
“—but if she really needs us, we might not be around to help her.” Tina dropped the letter on the dining table and crossed her arms before meeting her sister’s pleading gaze. “We’ve had so much going on at MACUSA, especially with trying to track down the source of all those violent attacks around the city. I’m barely home and you’re—“
“Always findin’ ways to BE home.”
“—true but –“
“Porpentina.” Queenie’s lilting voice was as hard as dragon scales. “You may be an Auror but I am NOT helpless. I can protect myself.”
Tina heaved a long, heavy sigh. Of course Queenie would read her mind at that exact moment. Tina furiously rubbed at her eyes with her right thumb and forefinger.
“Queenie. I know you’re capable of handling yourself, but truth is it really isn’t safe for either of you to be here alone. For all we know a rogue wizard or witch or beast could be the cause of the attacks. And with the Second Salemers flaunting their propaganda on every street corner…”
Queenie gave a disbelieving snort at the mention of the New Salem Philanthropic Society. “Oh please, darling, those No-Majs are harmless! Most of their community don’t even believe a lick of what Mary Lou Barebones is preaching about.”
Her sister remained silent as she continued to rub her eyes. It was fruitless to fight Queenie when she had her mind set on something. Tina knew this conversation had only one resolution, and it wasn’t the one she favored. But Queenie’s heart, as usual, was in the right place.
“Feather is our friend, Teenie.”
Tina nodded slowly and raised her head. Her eyes rested on Feather’s letter then on her little sister and the sleeping tawny owl. She allowed herself a small smile as she responded with their parents’ most sacred advice on love.
“And we always take care of our friends.”
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rebeccarayner · 5 years
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Solo female travel will easily be one of the best things you do in your life, but picking the best solo female travel destinations for your trips can sometimes be a little intimidating.
There are some extra factors that need to be considered when you’re a woman hitting the globe alone, such as safety and ease of meeting other travelers. Weigh those factors together with the overwhelming choice of places to go, and your own travel preferences, overwhelm is inevitable.
Well, girls, I’ve got your back. Alongside a squad of some of the best female travel bloggers out there, we decided to share with you the solo female travel destinations we love the most, and explain why.
These 11 recommendations will give you major trip inspiration, and hopefully inspire you to start planning your next solo adventure.
Each of the awesome contributors had free reign over where they recommended, so what you’ll notice is there are a couple of solo female travel destinations that have cropped up more than once. What I think that shows is these destinations obviously have a spark about them that have really resonated with female travelers.
So read on to discover 11 of the best solo female travel destinations, the epic bloggers who recommended them.
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Cusco, Peru
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Retha Charette – From Roaming Nanny
Cusco Peru is the perfect solo female travel destination. With so much to do and see in and just outside the city, the only problem you’ll have is choosing what to do!
Cusco is nestled in the Andes Mountains in southwestern Peru. Walking the cobblestone streets of this city will fill you with joy and transport you to a simpler time. I felt safe wandering around the city solo even at night.
Because the streets can be a little confusing I’d download the off-line Google map of Cusco and grab the business card of where you’re staying, just in case you get lost. It’s easy to give the business card to a cab driver if you’re Spanish isn’t that great.
During my 3 days in Cusco, I took an ATV tour in the Sacred Valley, explored every church in sight and learned how to make the most amazing Pisco Sour. Don’t be afraid to wander down side streets and walk into little markets that seem hidden within the buildings. I’d recommend taking a paint and sip class at Sacsayhuamán, an Incan ruin overlooking the city.
A few tips for solo female travelers in Cusco:
Learn some basic Spanish
Ask locals for food recommendations
Wander off the beaten track
Don’t take photos of local people without asking first
At markets remember to haggle
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New Zealand
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Allison Boyle – She Dreams of Alpine
New Zealand is perhaps one of the easiest places to travel around and explore in the world, which is why I frequently recommend it to my female friends as one of the best places to go on a solo adventure. The people of New Zealand are extremely friendly and helpful, and I never once felt unsafe traveling there. There is a strong culture for adventure in New Zealand, which makes it really fun to explore and visit.
If you plan a solo trip to New Zealand, I highly advise you opt to see the island via a campervan. There are many amazing places to park your campervan all across North and South Island, called Holiday Parks, that have all the amenities you’ll need on your visit (showers, bathrooms, and wifi), and seeing the islands via camper will allow you to be flexible and really explore everything New Zealand has to offer.
If you only have a week or two to spare on your visit, opt to only spend your time on one of the islands. There is too much to do on both the North and South Island to really dedicate only a week to. I spent my time exploring the North Island and got to see the beautiful Glow Worm Caves in Waitomo, hike the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, go rock climbing at Lake Taupo, mountain biking in Rotorua, and so much more. It’s adventure travel at its best, and a wonderful place to explore on your own. If you’re hoping to open your soul up a bit to the beauty of the outdoors and hone in on your sense of adventure, New Zealand is the place to do it.
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Taipei, Taiwan 
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Megan Johnson – Red Around The World
Taipei has been my favorite destination as a solo female backpacker so far.  I spent a month around in Taiwan with most of my time in Taipei and I dream of going back more often than not.  A few of the reasons I love it so much: I felt safe, it was easy to meet people, there is SO MUCH to do, and the night markets.  And that’s not even all of it.
Safety is always a concern, but I felt very safe in Taipei.  I wasn’t worried walking around at night trying to find my hostel with all my stuff.  I wasn’t worried about walking down a small street that I shouldn’t.  I never felt uncomfortable or scared around anyone.  I was cautious as usual, but I felt very safe there.  Now, of course, anything can happen, so don’t relax too much and stay smart like anywhere else.
Different hostels may offer different experiences, but the hostel I stayed at was the best.  I couldn’t have asked for anything better.  Not only was it nice and affordable in a great area, but it was so easy to meet people.  There was a huge common area downstairs and people would hang out there into the wee hours of the morning.  It was easy to find people to go to markets with and just to see the city with, in general.
Taipei is a pretty good sized city and there is so much to do there.  Plus, there are tons of places nearby that make great day trips.  Some of the best things to see are temples, Taipei 101, coffee shops, themed restaurants (dinner out of a toilet anyone?), Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall, Ximending pedestrian area, Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Jiufen, Pingxi, Tamsui, and so much more.
Finally, the night markets.  Depending on how long you stay, you could easily visit a new night market every day.  These are great to visit no matter your budget, but they’re even better on a backpacker budget.  The markets vary in size and what is on offer, but most have food, trinkets, clothes, or a combination of all three.  Shilin Night Market is the most well known in Taipei, so if you can only see one, that should be it.  There are tons of food stalls so you can try all kinds of different things in one night varying in price from 20-70 NTD and people usually spend 100-300 NTD.  Try large fried chicken, oyster vermicelli, oyster omelets, Taiwanese sausage, pork buns, bubble tea, and of course, stinky tofu.
Check out Megan’s post about the best day trips from Taipei here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
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Taichung, Taiwan 
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Queenie Mak – Ms Travel Solo
You may or may not have heard of a city in Taiwan called Taichung. It is the third largest city in Taiwan and located on the west coast of the country. The city is quite big and has a thriving cultural scene, delicious food, and the friendliest people.
In terms of transportation, you can either fly directly into Taichung International Airport or take the efficient Taiwan High-Speed Railway (HSR) from Taipei or Tainan.
While you are in Taichung, purchase a rechargeable IC card like the i-pass. You can put money in it and take the local bus. And if the journey is less than 10km, your bus ride is free! Just tap your card when you board the bus and tap it again when you exit. Plus you can use the same card for public transportation for other cities in Taiwan too.
Taichung is a very safe city for solo female travelers. The crime rate is low and violence rarely happens. Walking around at night is definitely not a problem.
And you don’t have to be too concern about your accommodation budget either. There are many excellent hostels and hotels for solo travelers, and all the good ones are near the train station. I found affordable dorm beds for next to nothing and the hostels are modern and clean.
Taichung has so much to offer. For me, I love Taichung for its vibrant cultural scene and proximity to nature.
The city’s art scene is so diverse and exciting. There are traditional museums like National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, modern installations and exhibits at CMP Block Museum of Arts, fun murals at the Painted Animation Lane, and the colorful and whimsical houses of Rainbow Village.
And just west of Taichung, there are many hiking trails including the ones in Da Keng Scenic Area. There are a total of ten trails where some are more difficult than others. If you go early, it is possible to complete three or four trails before the sun sets. The trails are very scenic and quite interesting as you hike through trails of logs through the forest.
If you are traveling to Taiwan, you must include Taichung in your itinerary! You won’t regret it!
Check out Queenie’s complete solo-travel guide to Taichung here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Iuliana Marchian – Authentic Travels
In the fall of 2017, I traveled by myself to Jordan for five weeks. I had read a lot about Jordan and I was familiar with the recommendations for solo female travelers. The main idea is that Jordan is a safe country to travel as a solo woman but most men will try one way or another to approach you. However, this is the maximum the will do because rape or kidnapping in Jordan is severely punished and nobody would take that risk.
Petra is packed with tourist crowds and Bedouins who live there are very used to solo see female travelers. Same goes to the Wadi Rum Desert, Amman, or the Dead Sea. However, even if you are safe, men (especially local guides and drivers) will insistently invite you for dinner, sleep under the stars, walk at night or whatever they might try just to impress you.
When I was in Madaba, I met a lot of guides and drivers coming from Amman with their clients – they couldn’t approach their own clients, so I was a good target for them. They asked me out, sneaked a visit card in my hand, and begged me to call them back. But that was all.  
If you’re planning to travel to Jordan by yourself, it’s absolutely fine. I rented a car so that I was more flexible and didn’t have to use public transportation. This way I avoided other additional unwanted proposals and love declarations. Gendarmes and tourist police are everywhere (especially in the tourist sites) so if you have any problem, count on them. Jordan lives and breathes out of tourism and they are doing their best to enhance visitors’ experiences.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Janine DeVault – Janine in the World
Mexico’s cultural and geographic diversity and outgoing culture make it a wonderful travel destination for solo females. Mexico holds amazing experiences for every type of traveler. Beach bums will love exploring over 9000 km of coastline and urbanites will lose their minds over eclectic cities like Guadalajara or Mexico City.
Nature lovers will relish discovering the lush jungles of states like Chiapas and Veracruz. Meanwhile, foodie travelers will be perplexed at how just a handful of base ingredients can compose hundreds of dishes with such varied and complex flavors.
On top of all the amazing experiences you can have in Mexico, it is such a friendly and extroverted country that it’s impossible not to make friends. Take it from me, an introverted Canadian with hermit tendencies: Mexico will force you out of your shell, and make you feel good about it!
But… isn’t Mexico dangerous, you ask?
Yes, Mexico is often denounced as a dangerous destination overall, not to mention for solo female travelers, but I couldn’t disagree more. In all my years traveling (and living) here I’ve always felt comfortable and at home. In fact, the scariest experience I’ve ever had in Mexico was when I went a little overboard with habanero salsa on my tacos. Always proceed with caution.
That’s not to say that there aren’t problems in Mexico. There are… and not just those of the salsa variety. But, just like anywhere else, you can protect yourself and avoid incident by remaining aware of your surroundings, concealing your valuables, and avoiding problematic regions. A good rule of thumb: if the locals tell you not to go, don’t.
If I could offer just one piece of advice for anyone who is thinking of visiting Mexico, it would be to learn some Spanish. You don’t have to become fluent overnight or anything, but a little bit goes a long way with the locals. Learning a couple of basic greetings and pleasantries will help you make friends anywhere you go.
Find out more about Mexico as a solo female travel destination:
Check out my guide to discover 13 awesome day trips from Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Find out how to get to Mexico’s paradise Island here
Read my review of the Yak Hostel in Playa del Carmen [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
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The Dolomites, Italy
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Lynne Nieman – Wander Your Way
The Dolomites of the Alto Adige in northern Italy — also known as the Südtirol — are a fabulous destination for the mountain-loving solo female traveler.
This area of Italy once belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire prior to WWI, so it tends to be more Germanic with German being spoken first, signs in German first and strong Germanic influences on the food and the architecture. So think half-timbered houses, sausages, and strudel. But there’s still some Italian that pops up here and there — like in the tasty wines.
There are actually 9 different Dolomite parks spread across northern Italy. But my 2 favorites —Sciliar-Catinaccio Natural Park and Fanes-Senes-Braies Natural Park (both in the Südtirol)— are the best places for the solo female explorer.
Sciliar-Catinaccio has some incredible peaks with the Sciliar, the Sasso Lungo, and the Sasso Piatto. The best part of this Dolomite park is the Alpe di Siusi which is a high alpine meadow. It’s stunning!
Outdoor activities in the Dolomites
There are loads of trails for every ability level. And there are ski lifts and gondolas so you can have a head start on many of the hikes. Or you can take a bus up to some of the trailheads. It’s all very civilized!
If you want to visit in winter, you can ski, snowboard, snowshoe or try cross country skiing.
The town of Castelrotto (Kastelruth in German) is a charming village that makes a great base for exploring this area.
There are loads of places to stay with single rooms available in some of the guesthouses. I stayed in what it is now the Residence Mayr. I had a lovely single room with a balcony. I was in heaven!
As with most mountain villages, it’s super safe. I walked around the town at night without any worries.
There’s decent transportation to the area and, once there, it’s easy to walk around.
Full disclosure: I had a car both times I was here.
Fanes-Senes-Braies is another gorgeous Dolomite park that has stunning peaks and fabulous hikes.
The town of San Vigilio di Marebbe is a wonderful mountain village to base yourself. In high season there are buses to the Pederü area where some trails begin.
You can take the hike toward the Senes Rifugio (and beyond if you’d like) or you can walk toward the Fanes Rifugio (and beyond). Both are moderate hikes that serve up some incredible views. I love both hikes equally!
San Vigilio di Marebbe is another delightful and safe village with a nice array of places to stay and eat. I highly recommend Hotel Olympia for its views, hospitality, and delicious food.
And if you’re a snow bunny, then San Vigilio is the place for some epic time on the slopes.
You can’t go wrong with either of these solo female travel destinations if you love the mountains.
Read Lynne’s guide to the best things about Alto Adige Italy here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
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Dani- Travelling Jezebel
More than a few eyebrows were raised when I told people I was planning to travel through Albania alone. Albania is largely unknown territory to most people, and thanks to films like Taken, most people associate Albania with drugs, gangsters and human trafficking. However, while Albania does have an organized crime network (doesn’t everywhere), as far as safety for tourists goes, Albania is an incredibly safe country. Not only are petty theft and random acts of violence practically unheard of in Albania, but as a solo female traveler, I couldn’t believe how much people went out of their way to help me!
Old men would insist I take their seat on a crowded bus, people at flea markets would tell me how much I should be paying for things, and countless Albanian people would stop me on the street to ask where I was from and welcome me to their country! The reality is that you’re more likely to be offered a shot of rakija (fruit brandy) from a farmer and his wife than to be the victim of a crime.
In fact, when in a busy bar one night with some Albanian friends, I expressed shock when a girl left her open purse on the table when we all went to the smoking area. She looked confused for a minute before bursting out laughing – “Dani, this isn’t Manchester!” she howled, tears streaming down her face at my naivety.
Not only is Albania safe…
Not only is Albania an extremely safe country for solo female travelers, but it is also a beautiful country. With over 300 miles of stunning coastline, whole cities that have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites thanks to their magnificent Ottoman architecture, Roman ruins, and towering mountains, Albania truly has something for everyone.
Albania is home to the most hospitable people I’ve ever met, and I’d give anything to be back in the Albanian mountains, sipping locally produced wine and watching the sunset as goats and donkeys amble by. For solo female travelers, I can’t recommend a trip to Albania enough. Just make sure you hurry – it won’t be long before everybody knows about it! All of this makes Albania one of the best solo female travel destinations.
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Melissa – Portly Passengers
Ireland, also known as the Emerald Isles, holds a lot of history that has spread throughout the world over the past few centuries. This could be why many of us are curious about the culture, history and family ties that pique our interest in visiting. Deemed as the safest country to travel it also makes for a great introductory into solo traveling for many women.
Safety is a large fear for many women who are interested in traveling, myself included. While planning my trip I enjoyed the part of knowing that when you cross the border into Northern Ireland you technically have the privilege of visiting two countries in one. That’s because Northern Ireland is still a part of the United Kingdom while The Republic of Ireland (Ireland) became a free state back in 1922. While I didn’t receive a passport stamp for entering into Northern Ireland I have the memories of Belfast, Giants Causeway and the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge to remember it by.
Where should you visit in Ireland?
For those on a budget, traveling during the off-season is a perfect option to still see a lot of the great wonders that mark Ireland’s history and landscape, like the Kilmainham Jail or Cliffs of Moher. During my trip, I made a home base within Dublin where I stayed in a hotel just outside of the city and a block from a bus stop. On early mornings when I was preparing for a day trip with a tour company I would catch a cab to the meeting location making the worry of finding a new accommodation every few days of adventure non-existent.
Day tours with one of the many tour companies throughout Ireland is a great way to get used to traveling on your own. If you are interested in exploring the country on your own, there are also great options such as renting a car or taking public transportation to many of the tourist locations. But don’t be fooled, the cobblestone streets and cute little towns also make for great memories and places to shop and take pictures. Ireland has great potential to ween you into solo traveling or even slowing you down some in a world of fast pace life. The country might be small, but they are powerful in what they can offer.
  Booking.com (function(d, sc, u) { var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0]; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date()); p.parentNode.insertBefore(s,p); })(document, 'script', '//aff.bstatic.com/static/affiliate_base/js/flexiproduct.js'); [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]But Melissa isn’t the only blogger that recommends Ireland as one of the best solo female travel destinations. Below you’ll find even more reasons to travel to Ireland from another awesome blogger.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Galway, Ireland
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Katie – Just Chasing Sunsets 
Ireland was the first place I traveled solo and, after leaving Dublin, I arrived in Galway and immediately fell in love with the vibe of this coastal city. The walk down shop street is lively even on a rainy day as talented buskers line the street playing their favorite tunes creating a soundtrack you didn’t realize you were missing. The pubs are equally inviting as the majority of them have live music most nights of the week. The Irish are notoriously friendly and even if you walk into a pub solo, you’ll likely be having a lively chat with a local or tourist in no time.
Galway is more than just pubs
If pubs aren’t you’re thing, there are plenty of other free things to do in Galway such as the Galway museum and a sunset stroll along Salthill Prom. Or even just sitting on the street listening to music with a hot chocolate in hand is a great way to spend an afternoon. You won’t be lacking for food options either as there is a wide array of international and traditional restaurants, as well as a Saturday market filled with fresh produce if you’d like to cook for yourself.
I highly recommend paying a visit to Kai Cafe located in Galway’s west end and exploring that part of town for an afternoon. Galway also makes a great place to base yourself for exploring what the rest of the west coast of Ireland has to offer such as the Aran Islands, the Cliffs of Mohr, and Connemara.
I’ve returned to Galway twice (working on return three) because its atmosphere is infectious and the people are kind and welcoming. I feel very safe in Galway, even walking back to my hostel alone at night, which isn’t something I normally do. Of course, common sense prevails and it’s best to keep your wits about you.
Galway is a fantastic place to spend a few days, or more if you have it, immersing yourself in the music, the food, and the people of Ireland, and is a great option as solo female travel destinations go.
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I honestly did try to narrow my choice for best solo female travel destination down to one country, but when trying to decide between the Scandinavian nations, one of my favorite areas in the world, I couldn’t pick which one to recommend.
Each of the five countries that make up Scandinavia has something unique to offer visitors, and there are many reasons why I love traveling here solo.
Firstly, as a solo female traveler, safety is an important factor in deciding where to go. Scandinavian countries are some of the safest in the world. Not only are they super safe, but they are also super happy. The title of the happiest nation on the earth usually falls to one of the Scandinavian countries, such as Denmark or Finland.
Over the last few years, I have been slowly making my way through these five countries, each one solo, and each and every visit has been a positive travel experience.
What I love about Scandinavia
Some of the highlights include walking through the old town of Stockholm, or through the colorful Nyhavn in Copenhagen. I loved learning about Viking history at the museums in Oslo. I am dying to see the northern lights in Iceland and try the traditional sauna experience in Helsinki.
Furthermore, you’ll find the food hearty and comforting, fit to see locals through the bitterly cold winters. I’m in love with Swedish meatballs and Danish pastries.
What also makes this part of the world a pleasure to visit is how easy it is to travel here. The transport networks are modern and quick. You’ll find excellent hostel accommodation, free walking tours, excursions and activities and plenty of fellow travelers.
The only thing you need to be aware of is that the Scandinavian countries are pricey, probably some of the most expensive locations in the world actually. When I visited Oslo the cost of a pint of beer was £10! So make sure you have the budget and enjoy your trip.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
  [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I really hope you enjoyed this blog post, and feel inspired to take on a solo travel adventure to one of the above destinations.
Don’t forget to check out all of the great female travel bloggers who helped contribute to this post.
If you want to keep track of your travel adventures in a creative and mindful way, I’ve actually created a travel journal that will be perfect for you. Check out my blog post here all about the Creative Travel Journal, which is available worldwide on Amazon.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
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Best Solo Female Travel Destinations Chosen By Top Travel Bloggers Solo female travel will easily be one of the best things you do in your life, but picking the best solo female travel destinations for your trips can sometimes be a little intimidating.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Always family; John Deacon x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Hello all, I just wanted to share with you all ANOTHER Queen fic. Now this one here is pretty long so I’m sorry not sorry for the longness of this fic but it had to be done. Thought I’d dip my toe into the platonic Queen fics (besides my Rock Angel series) since requests will open up soon. I just want to catch up on all the requests that came to me over Winter break that the anons have been waiting so patiently on before I accept any new ones. So in this fic you the lovely reader are the cousin to this Disco man, but you both act more like brother-sister as you will soon see. Hope you all enjoy this little fic :)
Warnings: Family abandonment (IF THIS TRIGGERS ANYONE PLEASE DON’T STRAIN YOURSELF TO READ IT), angst, swearing, fluff, Paul prenter (Ugh) and the loveable and NASTY QUEENIES :) Enjoy my lovely darlings ;)
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*Nov. 1974, Live at the Rainbow*
It was another successful concert at the Rainbow theater.  Queen had once again performed a killer performance, and Brian now finally feeling better after his hepatitis scare knew he was ready to get back on stage and he performed his heart out to make up for what he had to miss while in the hospital.
The three main lead vocalists Freddie, Brian and Roger were heading towards their dressing room when they noticed someone sitting outside the door of their dressing room. She appeared to be about 15 possibly 16, had long (h/c) with platinum blonde highlights.  She wore a white crop top shirt, black leather jacket, denim blue jeans and high-heeled boots similar to what their bass player always wore.
They also took notice around her neck was a camera and she was also fiddling around with it, instantly knowing exactly how to operate it.  Freddie turned to Roger and teased out.
“Look Roger darling, the girl you ordered finally came.” Roger hit Freddie’s shoulder and told him to fuck off while Brian walked up to the girl and asked.
“Excuse me?” She looked up from her camera and they also saw that she was blowing up a bubble from the gum that she had been chewing.  She deflated the bubble as Brian said, “Can we help you?”
“Oh sorry I was just waiting for Deacy.” She responded before going back to her camera.
“You know John?” asked Roger.
“Do I know him? Of course I know him he—oh I get it. Typical Deacy, never likes to talk about me to his friends, thinks I’ll embarrass him or something.” She started off before trailing off into a teasing tone.  The three Queen members were still confused to just who exactly this young girl was.  She then gestured to herself as she continued, “I’m (Y/n) Deacon, Deacy’s cousin.” She then dug into her jean pocket and innocently held out a packet of gum as she said, “Gum?”
*My POV*
Hello people and beyond! The name’s (y/n) Deacon. I was born March 7th, 1959.  And before you ask, yes I am related to John Richard Deacon bass player of Queen.  He’s my older cousin but if you ask me he’s been more like a brother to me than my cousin.
In fact it was Deacy who got me interested in electrics, so much so that I’ve taken photography classes in school and then once I get into University I hope to major in photography.  In fact the camera I always carry with me around my neck, Deacy actually got it for me three years ago on my 13th birthday.
I had heard about his little band from aunt Lillian and of course from my friends.  Now that Queen is starting to gain that spotlight of fame, I took the first bus I could in order to check and see if my dear Deacy hadn’t forgotten about me.
I was now sitting on the couch in the guys’ dressing room, Freddie was sitting close to me and I spoke up.
“Okay see that’s where I draw the line with cats, I mean c’mon who would want a hairless cat? It’s like you just turned a cat inside out and said, ‘here’s your new baby’. Plus if you leave it in the winter it’ll turn into a cat-cicle. But if you leave it out in the summer heat then it’ll be a sunburnt naked mole rat.”
“Brian, Roger make note of this that we are keeping this girl because she gets cat logic.” Freddie claimed as he wrapped an arm around me bringing me close in a one armed hug. I smiled and blushed slightly hiding my head bashfully.  We soon heard the door open and finally entering inside the dressing room was the Disco man himself.
“Deacy darling you’ve got some serious explaining to do.” Freddie proclaimed as if he were giving a proclamation.  Wide-eyed and startled like a deer in headlights he looked between his bandmates and that’s when Brian spoke up.
“Like why you didn’t tell us about your cousin?” I then made myself known by waving to John and telling him hi.  Finally taking notice of me, Deacy smiled and came over to me while I met him half way and the two of us hugged each other after not seeing him for a good couple of years now.
“What are you doing here?”
“What you didn’t think I’d miss the opportunity to miss my cousin performing on stage and finally get to see what all the fuss was about, now did yah?” I teased as I playfully shoved him.
“Did my mum drop you off?”
“Well actually I sorta begged her to get me a bus pass here to London.”
“You mean to tell me you came here all by yourself?” he demanded.
“Deaks I’m not a little girl anymore, I can take care of myself.” He sighed and said as he stroked my cheek with his thumb.
“I know you can, you know I just worry about you. Old habits die hard you know?”
“Gosh Deacy, who would’ve thought you were so overprotective? And here I thought you were the docile one.” teased Roger.
“Piss off Roger.” Defended Deacy.
“So (y/n), I’m just looking at these photographs of the concert and they are really good. Did you always want to be a photographer?” Brian said trying to change the conversation.
“Thanks Brian. And to answer your question not always. But I got interested in it at around 10 maybe 11 years old. It just started off taking pictures of the family dog Buddy and some birds, a few family outings but then when I turned 13 that’s when my interest in photography began to rise. In fact Deacy gave me this exact camera and showed me how to work out all the technical stuff with it for my 13th birthday.”
“I must say these are impressive. I would’ve thought a professional would’ve taken these.” Stated Roger as he picked up a photo.
“Aww come on you guys…..”
“No we’re serious (y/n) dear, you’ve got a gift.” Freddie said.
“That’s what I’ve always been telling her.” Said Deacy with a warm smile as he playfully ruffled my hair.  I smiled at them and thanked them.
For the rest of the night I got to know the rest of the members of Queen, not just as rock stars, but as my cousin’s best friends.  Most people know them as these four handsome young men trying to become famous rockstars, but I got to know their true selves.  Brian the smart astrophysicist interested in all things regarding the universe who made his dissertation about stardust.  
Roger who is known to most as the ‘heartthrob, womanizing, air-headed and stubborn drummer’ when actually he’s an intelligent person who first started off with dentistry (to which both Deacy and Brian teased him about) but then changed his profession to biology.  The first drummer to ever truly tune his drums before playing them.
And of course the front man Freddie Mercury.  Most people think he’s always the extravagant person both on and off stage, when in reality he’s just a humble, loving human being who studied design, loves cats and has his insecurities just like everyone else.
I knew from that night that I was going to see these boys not just as my cousin’s friends, but also an extended family.
3 years passed and any chance I got I would visit the boys during holiday breaks or stay with Deacy during the summers.  I even got the chance to go with them to Rockfield farm when they recorded “A Night at the Opera” because I was assigned a summer project for my photography class.  And when EMI saw my pictures, they actually hired me an internship with them to be the band’s official photographer.
Now that I am done with high school, I’m just waiting for the autumn to start so that I can officially start my University career in photography. The boys have definitely given me good practice for my camera work, doing pictures both on stage and for behind the scenes whether through the tours or them in the studio recording.  
They’re rowdy and silly but it’s awesome to see them work and I actually get to see the genius machine that is Queen on how they create their music.
We were currently in the studio and the boys were recording their newest song “We are the Champions”.  I was getting the best pictures that I could that the record company was asking for me. Some of the pictures included them in the booth rehearsing, or Freddie along with the sound technician at the sound table messing with the buttons and track, getting it to fit his vision.
Since they were on a strict deadline to get the song recorded, it meant more hours in the studio, hours that not even I could last very long with.  I yawned softly when I felt a tap at my shoulder.  I looked up to see Deacy standing beside me.
“You ready to head home?” I yawned again and nodded tiredly. “Alright missy, let’s get you home and into bed.” I moaned tiredly and raised my arms out and said.
“Carry me.”
“Are both your legs broken?” he teased.  I let out a tired whine.
“You’re mean Deacy.”
“C’mon you get up. I know you can do it.”
“Too tired to get up.” I groaned.
“Then allow me your royal majesty.” I heard Freddie say as I was then picked up princess style and I wrapped my arms around Freddie’s neck. “That better darling?”
“I love you Fred.” I stated bluntly.
“You’re going to spoil her too much Fred.” Deacy said.
“Oh come off it Deacy, she’s a darling and she’s been working so hard she deserves this.”
“Yeah Deacy, I deserve this. Why can’t you be more like Freddie?”
“Because I know when to set limits for you.” I stuck my tongue out at him and then I was carried out of the studio and placed into Deacy’s Volvo.  Deacy followed suit and we all bid each other a goodnight and soon Deacy pulled out of the parking lot and drove us back home.
We both entered quietly so that we didn’t wake up either Veronica or baby Bobby.  Deacy and I kissed each other goodnight and I went to my guest room and got out of my jeans, didn’t even bother to get out of my shirt and just plopped on my bed and went to sleep.
The next day was like any other day, the guys had just gotten done finishing the final touches to “We are the Champions” and we were all celebrating.  Roger uncorked the bottle of wine and poured the guys a drink while I got some non-alcoholic cider, but I knew that Roger would let me sneak in a sip of wine when Deacy wasn’t looking.  As we were all gathered around just sharing stories and what not, it was then Paul came in and said.
“Freddie, boys there’s someone here to see you.” Roger and I looked at each other and he muttered.
“Hopefully the police to take him away for being an utter annoyance.” I snickered softly which made Paul glare at me and that’s when he said.
“Come on in Mrs.” And soon walking into the studio was someone I thought I’d never see again.  My body tensed up and my heart sunk, it felt like I had gotten punched in the gut and had all the air knocked out of me as a blast from the past came back and stood before this very room.
Her familiar (h/c) now shorter than I remembered but she still kept it the same style, her (e/c) looking right at me.  She looked a bit more run down than from what I remembered, probably got involved in drugs since that’s the big thing nowadays.
“Hello (y/n).” She started off.  I stood up and just glared at her.  “God you’ve—you’ve grown up so fast.” She tried to lighten up the mood.  Really? How dare she come back after all these years. In fact how did she find out where I was?  I walked out of the room avoiding another glance at her and slammed the door loud behind me.
*John’s POV*
“So…..where are the groceries?” I demanded.
“John please—”
“No, no I really want to know. Because you’re finally here, but I see no groceries.” I stood up and continued as I walked up towards her, “I mean that’s what you said when you dropped her off with mum, your sister. But news flash Katherine. You’re 15 years too late!” I now stood face to face with her, hell I almost lost my composure and wanted to hit her so hard.
“Whoa, whoa Deacy take it easy! Take it easy!” Brian said pulling me away from her.
“Deacy darling you’ve never acted this way before, just who is this woman?”
“Unfortunately she’s my mum’s younger sister. My aunt……”
“(Y/n)’s mother.” She finished.
“No, no, no! You lost that right when you abandoned her that day!” I snapped.
“Deacy calm down, calm down.” Brian said as he placed his hand to my chest trying to get me to calm down, but at this point I knew nothing would.
“Why are you here? How did you even know she’d be here?” I demanded.
“I’ve known how close you both were when you were kids, so I figured that she’d be with you. And when I heard about where Queen does their rehearsals I thought I’d get clearance, thanks to Mr. Prenter, he allowed me to come and see her.”
Bloody hell of course Paul would play a part in this. He’s always hated (y/n) hanging around, talking about her like she was a distraction from the band.  Of course (y/n) never took anything lying down.
Much like Roger, hell in fact all her life when she needed and wanted to, she could be a right up trickster.  Her pranks were always over the top but brilliantly planned and well executed.  
I would know because I was unfortunately a victim to some of those pranks, but then again I also helped form some of those pranks on say like heart-breaking, back-stabbing boyfriends, stab in the back best friends, you know those types of people.
I then left the booth and tried to find (y/n).  I searched and searched but I couldn’t find her anywhere, that was until I heard sniffling from the janitor’s closet.
I pressed my ear against the door and I knew without a doubt that (y/n) was behind the door.  I lightly knocked on it and she stopped crying and choked out.
“Please go away.” I knew words wouldn’t convince her to come out, so I did the next best thing that always seemed to at least put a smile on her face, even when I couldn’t see it.
I went into the next room and managed to find some paper and a pen and I raced back towards the janitor’s closet and wrote something down on the paper before sliding it under the door.
*My POV*
How could she? How could she suddenly decide to show up after all these years? How the hell did she even find me?  I kept crying all alone in the janitor’s closet, having the broom against the handle so that no one could come in.  I heard a knock so I just told whoever it was to go away.
I heard footsteps walking away so I figured they got the message, but then I heard footsteps again and then something was tossed underneath the crack of the door.  It was a piece of paper.  I slowly crawled up halfway out of my spot to grab the sheet of paper and unfolded it to see a very familiar little rhyme.
Oh won’t you come out little Dale.
Don’t you weep and tell me your tale.
Deacy.  Whenever I was so upset that I would hide away in either a closet or under the sink, he’d always write me a silly but comforting note that always first opened with those two lines.
Sometimes that was all it took for me to open the door and talk to him, other times we’d just pass notes back and forth between the door until I was ready to come out. Since there wasn’t a writing utensil at all in here, I was forced to remove the broom and slowly open the door.
The first thing I saw his hand being held out for me to take. I slowly reached my hand out from the door and took his hand.  He always knew that whenever I got this upset to never push me.  I felt his thumb rub and stroke over the top of my hand, his other fingers gently intertwining with my own in various different ways trying to give me the best comfort he could till I finally had the courage to come out.
Finally I opened up the closet.
I immediately hugged Deacy and he hugged me back and I whimpered out.
“I’m sorry I pulled a Roger move.”
“Shhhh. It’s alright my little nightingale. Unlike Roger’s temper tantrum over a strange car song, you have a better excuse. I’m so sorry love I had no idea it would be her.”
“I know you didn’t have anything to do with this. It’s just—”
“No I know. I know. Believe me love, I gave her a piece of my mind after all these years. All for you.”
“Why couldn’t you have been my real brother Deacy?” he softly laughed and said as he stroked through my hair.
“I may be your cousin by blood (n/n). But to me you’ve always been the sister I’ve always wanted. And that’ll never change, you hear me?” he cupped my face into his hands. He wiped my tears as I nodded and hugged him, burying my face into his shoulder.  “We’ll get through this together dove, just like we’ve always done.”
Days passed and Deacy made sure that if my mum came anywhere near me trying to start a conversation, either he or the lads would come in and save me with a ‘task’ to do, just to spare me more agony and pain, especially since she kept coming over to the studio every day and was always in the same room as I was in.
However one day when guys all had to record their parts for a new song, I was looking at all my photos when I heard her voice say.
“(Y/n)?” I froze and turned around to see my mum standing there, blocking my only exit.  I stood up and said.
“Stay away from me!”
“Please just hear me out, please! Give me 2 minutes.” I looked down at my watch and said.
“1.58” telling her that her time was ticking.
“I know that—I haven’t been the best mother. After your father left us I thought I could do well by you but I guess I was wrong. I never left you because I didn’t love you, I left you because I loved you too much to put you in what I was living under. I could barely keep the mortgage on the house, we would’ve been homeless. I couldn’t do that to you. I thought that by leaving you with my sister, you’d get a better chance. Much more than you could have with me.”
“Then why didn’t you visit me? Why didn’t you call?” I asked as tears filled my eyes.
“I was a mess I—I got into some serious trouble and had to try and work them out. If they found out I had a child, then they’d use you against me. I couldn’t let them do that. But I do have something to show you,” she dug into her purse and pulled out a photograph.  She walked up to me and held it out for me. “Look at this picture, just look at it.”
I looked between her and the picture until I finally took it and turned it over and was shocked to see what the picture was.
It was a picture of me at my secondary school decathlon.  It was the championship competition and I had gotten the last question correct which made our school the first time in decades win a decathlon.
“You—you were there?”
“Yes, you were always such a clever girl, I knew if anyone could get your school the win it’d be you.”  I just stared at her in shock, even though I hadn’t seen her since I was a child, she still was there watching over me. “I—I got more pictures like that in the apartment that I’m stay at, if you’d like you could come over and see them.”
“Really?” she nodded with a soft smile.  “And I was also wondering that after you’re done with work, do you—wanna get a drink or something? Coffee? Do you like coffee?”
“I love coffee.” I said.
“Great, I know this one coffee shop in downtown.”
And for the first time, I was starting to slowly reforge a bond with my mother.
As the weeks passed and the two of us got to know each other a little more, hanging out after work, going to the clubs, and going to the mall shopping for clothes.  Of course I had to buy them but hell we were using Deacy’s card and he didn’t seem to mind at all.  So long as we didn’t go crazy and spend all his hard-earned money at once.
And true to her word, my mum did in fact have pictures of almost all my main important events that have happened in my life. My first swim team competition, my school play freshman year, even my high school graduation.
Every important even, she was there.
One day she had came over to Deacy and Veronica’s place and we were both sitting on the couch. The two of us laughing and looking at all of the photos I’ve taken since I’ve been with the guys, explaining each and every picture.
“There us at Rockfield farm studios, Roger was messing around with the chickens, which I told him not to, then next thing he knew the rooster was chasing after him for over 15 minutes.”
“Wow, I must say these are probably the best taken pictures I’ve seen, you’ve really got a gift.”
“Yeah, Deacy says that all the time.” She sat there silent and she said.
“Hey how do you feel about road trips?” I looked at her and said.
“You’re looking at someone whose toured with the biggest band all over the world. A simple road trip wouldn’t hurt me. You—really mean it? You and me?”
“If you’re interested. Just you and me poppet.”
“I am…..mum.” She smiled and for the first time in a very long time, my mum embraced me.  I smiled and wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back.
“We’ll go first thing in the morning.” She told me and I nodded.
*John’s POV*
Seeing (y/n) hugging Kathrine like that made me feel so on edge.  In fact this entire time she’s been here I’ve felt this sickening feeling that history was going to repeat itself.
“Deacy?” I turned to see Brian standing behind me.  I had invited the lads over for supper and just so that way Katherine would be outnumbered should she try anything.
“If you’re going to tell me to stop spying on them, you might as well leave now.”
“You know—maybe she’s really trying to change. Maybe she did try to come back and patch things up with (y/n).” I turned to him and snarled out.
“She had 15 years to do that, don’t you think if she really cared about her own daughter she’d have come sooner?”
“I know Deacy and I’m not jumping to any conclusions yet but, from what I’ve seen so far. (Y/n) seems to really want to be with her mother. Maybe you could try to let go of the past and see that Katherine is seemingly wanting to change. At least do it for (y/n).”
“Everything I do is for her. I just—I just don’t want to see her get hurt again. For three years when she was first dropped off at my home, she always asked me ‘when’s mummy coming back?’ At the end of the three years by the time I was a teenager I just snapped and told her that she abandoned her. I felt awful in the way I had to explain it, took me over a week to finally get her to talk back to me. And I don’t know what’ll happen if she tries to leave her again.”
“I know mate, I know.” Brian wrapped an arm around me trying to get me to cheer up as I watched with a heavy heart as Katherine and (y/n) were planning out their summer road trip.
It was early the next morning, I woke up to the sounds of Robert getting fussy and felt Veronica stir beside me.
“I’ve got him love.”
“But you took care of him last time.”
“For you my darling, I would always take care of our children if it meant you could still sleep.” I kissed her temple down to her neck before getting up and heading over to Robert’s room.  “Alright my boy, what’s going on with you hmm?” I picked him up and he babbled.
“Hungwy dada.” Since Robert couldn’t quite get his R’s right they always sounded like w’s.  I smiled and said as I picked him up and held him in my arms.
“Okay buddy, what shall it be today hmm? Cheese on toast?”
“No yucky dada.”
“How dare you! Cheese on toast is a wonderful dish, you take that back mister man.” I teased as I began to tickle his sides making him laugh.  He squirmed in my hold and that’s when I saw the silhouette of aunt Katherine walking down the stairs.
I narrowed my eyes and peeked out of Robert’s bedroom door and swore I saw a suitcase in her hand. I told Robert to go over to our room and stay with his mum while I went down to see just exactly she thought she was doing.  
I silently walked down the stairs and saw her with the suitcase and she was about to grab her purse when I stopped her and said.
“Going out shopping again, Katherine?” she froze in her spot and turned around towards me and said.
“John I—I didn’t expect to see you up so early; I would’ve thought the tour exhausted you out.”
“Oh it did, but then again when my child needs me I’m always there for them. So where is it to this time?”
“Actually it’s not what you think. Work called in and I’ve got to check in on some things.”
“And what about the big road trip you and (y/n) had planned? Hmm? Were you going to let her in on your business?” I snapped.
“I was actually going to have you tell her for me.” She said.  I rolled my eyes and turned away from her shaking my head.
“I knew it.” I muttered.
“Excuse me?”
“You almost had me convinced. Almost I mean you finally convinced (y/n) but not anymore! I knew you could never change. You abandoned her once before and I knew that if you ever came back into her life again, you’d do it all over again!” My voice raising up louder and angrier than I ever thought I could go.
“John?” Veronica soon came down with Robert in her arms and the lads were right behind her as well, probably hearing my yelling.
“Jeez Deaks its barely 7 o’clock, what the hell is with all the yelling?” Questioned Roger.
“Katherine’s leaving (y/n) again.” I stated.  They all turned to her and Veronica said.
“Is this true Katherine?”
“And it gets better, she’s wanting me to tell (y/n) the road trip they both planned out together is cancelled instead of telling her herself.” I made sure to point out.
“It’s just business Veronica dear, if you were in my shoes you’d do the same. I promise I’ll keep better in touch this time.”
“Took you 15 years just to get back in touch.” I said. Seeing the look on my wife’s and my friends’ faces they finally got to see what I had seen all those years ago. From what I had told them, now they finally got to see it.  Veronica holding our son walked up to her and said.
“Katherine, if you walk out of (y/n)’s life now…..don’t you ever come back.” With that she walked back up the stairs passing the guys.  All was silent before I spoke up.
“May I have a moment alone with her?” I could already feel the tension from them.  I knew the guys were just as angry as I was because they cared for (y/n) as much as I did, even after knowing her after just 3 years. I heard them walk away until finally it was just Katherine and I in my front hallway. “Sit down.”
“I don’t have time for this John—”
“I said sit down Katherine!” I snapped as I finally turned back towards her and just saw her back as her hand was on the doorknob ready to walk out.  She sighed heavily and walked right past me and sat down on the living room couch.
I walked over toward her and sighed heavily and finally spoke my mind.
“You know; (y/n) was doing just fine until you showed up. But now that you’re back, you have responsibility for her.”
“Look I came back for her—”
“Oh bull. BULLSHIT!!” I yelled at her. “(Y/n) is not some purse that you hang up on a rack and then pick her up whenever you’re ready to use it. Her life goes on! She’s not supposed to be there for you, you’re supposed to be there for her!”
“You get off my back! YOU THINK I WANTED THIS?! IT JUST HAPPENED!!!” She yelled at me as she stood up.  Her breathing was sharp and heavy as she tried to explain her reasoning, “After Derek left, I tried my best but it was just too much and I—”
“CUT THE RUBBISH! ALRIGHT! CUT IT!! Cause I’ve been there! But I didn’t run out on Veronica. I was there for her every day because that’s what a real parent does.”
“A real parent!? Fine. Then you’re a better father than my good-for-nothing man was. Hell John you must be better than any man in the world must be! The one in a million golden boy!” She cheered sarcastically. I shook my head at her and turned away from her. “Now are you going to tell (y/n) or not?”
“I’m not gonna do your dirty work for you.”
“Fine. I’ll—I’ll call her from the road then.”
“Yeah you do that.”
“I will.” She then walked out and that’s when we both heard (y/n)’s voice call out.
“Mummsy.” Katherine stopped in her tracks as (y/n) stood in front of me setting her bags down as she said, “You ready to head out?” Katherine turned towards (y/n) and put on that fake persona act and said as she walked up towards her.
“(Y/n) love glad I caught you. Umm…..some business came up that I gotta handle, so we’re gonna have to put our—trip on hold. You understand right?” (Y/n) was silent for a moment before she finally said.
“Yeah, yeah I understand.”
“Oh that’s great, I promise you I had no intention of having this come up.”
“No yeah I understand.”
“And it’ll only just be for a couple of weeks….well maybe even longer.”
“I get it, it’s fine. It’s fine.”
“Look I’ll call you next week and we’ll iron out the details then, okay?” (Y/n) nodded.
I could tell from the second she got the news that (y/n) was heartbroken and I feared that she knew Katherine’s real reason for leaving.  She tried to pull off an understanding smile and voice but I could hear the cracks in her voice.
“It was great seeing you again poppet.” Katherine said as she reached out to her but (y/n) shrugged her off as she said.
“You too—Katherine.” She spat out her own mother’s name icily as she stared right at her.  Katherine knowing that she had lost her only child once more, sighed solemnly and left without another word, turning her back on (y/n) once more.
“I’m sorry love.” I heard a choked out laugh and that’s when (y/n) said.
“No this actually works out perfectly I mean with the tour about to resume I can get back to practicing before University starts and—”
“(N/n), you don’t have to pretend around me. It’s okay to be angry.” I assured her.
“Mad? Why should I be mad Deacy? I mean at least she said goodbye this time, right? Hell at least this time you won’t have to hear me complain ‘when’s mummy coming home?’ I’m not 4 years old anymore, I can handle it. I—just wish I didn’t waste my damn time building this fucking scrapbook!” She then pulled out from her bag a photo album and glued onto the cover was a recent picture of her and Katherine together.
With all the pictures she’s taken over the years, (y/n)’s other hobby included scrapbooking.  I saw that it had been completed decorated and detailed, almost like a professional had made it.  She set it down on the table and just glared down at it.
I slowly walked up to her but kept to her space because I knew it was only a matter of time before she would break down and I didn’t want to overwhelm her.
“Darling, you know that if there was anything I could do to make this better—”
“No, no, no, no this works out for the best,” she said as she came up to me looking me right in the eye. “I mean it’s her loss anyway I mean I learned how to ride a bike by myself. Yeah sure the boys laughed at me but I got back up and showed them a thing or two about riding didn’t I?”
“Yes you did love bug.” I said with a fond smile remembering that day.
“And there was a hell of a lot of stuff I did without her. I learned how to shave, how to drive, I got over my first crush and date without her, I did prom without her, I had fifteen great birthdays without her! That bitch never even sent me a damn card. TO HELL WITH HER!!!” She turned and screamed at the door.
God she’s always tried to remain so optimistic about life and everything around her. Always tried to remain strong after being abandoned by both parents, she always tried to go on every day with a smile and a laugh but now she was finally letting all that pain out like a dam bursting.
Hearing her sharp breaths and the tremble in her voice just broke my heart.
“I never needed her then, and I’ll never need her now.” She snapped as she walked away.  I softly spoke her name as I reached out and touched her arm.  That’s when she turned around and said.
“Nah you know what Deacy? I’m gonna get through college without her. I’ll get my dream job without her. I’ll find me a good guy to be with, and then I’m going to have a whole bunch of kids. I’m gonna be a better mother than she ever was because there’s not a fucking thing she can teach me ABOUT HOW TO LOVE A CHILD!!!”
Her eyes were red from the tears pooling in her eyes and her face morphed from pure rage to brokenhearted with a snap of a finger.  It was almost like she had de-aged right before my eyes and was back to being that three year old girl that I once held in my arms whenever she cried about her parents.
“Why didn’t they want me?” At this point I couldn’t hold back anymore.
I immediately wrapped my arms around her and held her as close and as tightly as I could as I felt her wet my shoulder with her tears.  Her sobs pierced the room as I felt her go limp against me.  The two of us slowly collapsed to our knees but not once did I let my grip on her go loose.  I kept hold of her as I rubbed her back and whispered words of love and comfort in her ear.
*3rd Person POV*
Unaware that in behind the door that led to the dining room, Freddie, Roger and Brian stayed and overheard the entire conversation.  And overhearing their favorite girl break down like this, broke all their hearts.  Freddie wiped away his tears that were flooding down his face, almost ready to break down the door and just hug his little camera girl.
Brian who standing behind Freddie had a hand on his shoulder but he too had tears streaming down his face.  While Roger who was had pulled up one of the dining room chairs just a couple inches away from Fred, his back turned towards the door.
He was a mix between pure anger and heartbreak.  He wa tempted to knock over the china cabinet but also just break down into tears at hearing his partner in crime cry this much.  Never had he heard her make those sounds before and it just hurt him to the core.
Back with John and (y/n), she had finally managed to cry herself to sleep.  Deacy slowly picked her up bridal style when the guys decided to come into the living room and the second John saw their red, teary eyes, he knew that they had stayed and overheard everything.
“You heard it all I assume?” John asked more as a statement than a question.
“We didn’t mean to impose John.” Said Brian.
“It’s fine, beats having to tell you guys and having her relive that pain and exhausting myself to repeat the same story.” He said as he looked down at his little cousin. Roger came up towards Deacy and stroked (y/n)’s head.
“The poor dear” Freddie said solemnly.
“Guess you were right about her Deacy.” Brian said.
“There will be plenty of time for ‘I told you so’s’ later, right now I should get (y/n) back into her room so she can get the proper rest she needs.” Deacy then took his cousin upstairs and placed her back in her bed.
He tucked her in and brushed away the hair from her face and lightly kissed her forehead before leaving her room to head back downstairs.
As time went on and it was around late afternoon the guys were still hanging around John’s place, agreeing to stay until (y/n) woke up so that the five of them could have a talk. Veronica who was currently walking up the stairs to check up (y/n) muttered to herself.
“Oh I hope she’s okay.” She got to the door and lightly knocked on it and said, “(Y/n), (y/n) love it’s Veronica, may I come in?” She heard nothing.  She knocked again and said, “(Y/n)?” when she didn’t get a response, she opened the door to see a shocking sight.
The bedsheets had been turned over and the bedroom window was open, the curtains blowing with the wind.
“Oh no, John!” she cried out as she raced back down the stairs.  The boys heard footsteps running down the stairs and when they saw Veronica, the first thing they saw was her frantic state.  John immediately went up to his wife holding her arms and said.
“Love calm down, what’s going on?”
“(Y/n)’s is missing.”
“What? What do you mean missing?!” demanded Roger.
“I went to check on her but when I opened the door she wasn’t in her room. The window was open and—” without getting another word, the four bandmates raced up the stairs to see that Veronica was telling the truth.  She came up behind them as Deacy and Brian raced towards the window and looked down.
“She must’ve scaled down using the pipes along the house.” Suggested Brian.
“My darlings, her bag is gone.” Freddie stated as he stood by the closet and sure enough the bags that she had used for the upcoming road trip were gone.
“She could be anywhere by now.” Brian said but then I snapped.
“She could be out of the country for all we know because we don’t know how long she’s been gone for!”
“Deacy calm down.” Roger said.
“I swear if anything happens to that girl, I’ll never forgive myself.”
“Don’t worry darling we’ll find her.” Fred assured me as he placed a hand on my shoulder.  “We’ll turn London upside down if we have too to find her.”
We then split up into teams.  I called my mum first to take care of Robert and watch over him then once she took care of him Veronica and I checked in the square, Fred took the studio, and Brian and Roger took the park.
It was an endless search trying to find her, and I pray to God we find her alive.  It would be dark soon and all the freaks and psychopaths love to come out at night.
*3rd Person POV*
It was hours into the search and sunset would soon be near and still no one had found any signs of (y/n).  After search the studio, Fred decided to help Brian and Roger in the park while Deacy and Veronica tried the mall, hoping that maybe (y/n) had gone inside since it was getting dark soon.
Fred and Brian teamed up together to search one side of the park while Roger was near by the lake searching on his own.  It was then he took notice of something underneath the bridge nearby.  He quickly ran towards the bridge and low and behold he had found (y/n).
She was huddled under the bridge, her knees tucked in close to her body sniffling softly. Roger took notice of the tearstains on her face and he felt his heart break once more.  He cautiously approached her and knelt down beside her and softly said her name.
*My POV*
I sniffled and felt more tears run down my face.  I thought that I had finally found a place to cry in peace without risking anyone coming near me and asking questions when I heard the familiar soft, spoken voice of Roger Taylor say my name.  I jumped up but then groaned and turned my back on him.
“Oh god…..”
“You know you really gotta pick your hiding spots. I mean seriously you have no idea how many people could see you—”
“Why are you here Roger?!” I snapped.
“We’ve been scouring the entire town looking for you (n/n). You gave us all quite a scare.” He said. I didn’t respond to him, just scooted as far away from him as I could and put my bag between us giving me that extra space I needed. “You wanna talk?”
“There’s nothing to talk about. My dad never wanted me, my mum never wanted me, nobody ever wants me.”
“That’s not true—”
“Open your eyes Roger!” I snapped at him as I felt a new wave of tears hit me.  “All my life I’ve had to hear all my friends telling me what great parents they have. You know my dad fought in Vietnam, my mom’s a real estate’s agent. My parents help support me. Well—both my parents never wanted me! Yeah I had Deacy and aunt Lillian but they are just my cousin and aunt. It’s not the same! My whole life I had to be loved by someone whose not my parent and I hate it! I hate it soo much!” I lowered my head choking on my sobs.
It was then I felt Roger’s arms wrap around me and I felt him place my head over his heart, each beat of his heart trying to soothe my tormented mind.  He stroked down my hair and he said.
“Do you remember back on Ridge farm when Brian took us all out to that one area of woods to see the stars? Paul forced himself into the getaway, so to mess with him you filled his bag with rocks and used that lizard you came across to put on his bottle as well as on his head.”
“And then it crawled into his mouth.” I finished.
“Yeah pure stroke of genius.” He chuckled. “(N/n), you may think you’re unloved, but that is absolute bollocks. You are loved. By Deacy, Brian, Fred, me, Veronica, hell even Miami. We all love you, and if anything had happened to you, we wouldn’t know what to do.” He wiped the tearstains away from my cheek with his thumb before lifting my chin up to face him, forcing me to stare into his baby blue eyes.  “The only one who doesn’t deserve to be loved and wanted is your mother. Anyone who could play you like that, has no right to be called a parent. You are way out of her league.”
“Then why would she come back pretending to care?” Roger just looked at me sadly and he said.
“I wish I had the right answer. But I can tell you this; you’re sweet, you’re kind, smart, beautiful. You’ve got more sass in one finger than Deacy will ever have in his entire body. And it’s like you said one day in the way off deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep.” I laughed softly as he kept repeating the word deep at least four more times before continuing, “distant future, you’ll become a mother yourself and I know that you’ll be twice the mother than your own was.” He tucked some of my hair behind my ears, revealing them before gently cupping my chin between his thumb and index fingers.
“How is it that a dentist ends up being wiser than both the astrophysicist and electrical engineer?”
“I was never a dentist and you know it.” He said as he playfully squeezed the tip of my nose shaking my head which made me laugh again as I pushed his hand away making him laugh softly.  He then leaned forward and placed his forehead against mine.
This was a special little thing that Roger loved to do with me. It was our own secret little comforting mechanism.  I was actually the first one to do it to him when he once had a breakdown after a show. He just seemed so peeved about something that the lads almost feared that he’d throw out another telly set. So I took the risk and took his hands in mine and just placed my forehead against his and just held that position till he calmed down.
From then on, whenever one of us was mad or upset, the forehead touch helped bring the other back to Earth.  He then wrapped his arms around me giving me his famous bear hugs.  His hand stroked down my hair as his head now moved next to mine while my head rested against his shoulder and the two of us sat there for a while in silence.
“C’mon kid, let’s get you home.”
“I don’t think I can.” I muttered sadly.
“Why’s that?”
“Deacy.” I simply answered.  Roger separated from me and he said.
“He’s not mad (y/n)…..”
“You don’t get it, you may have seen John Deacon the man who can crumble you down with just two sentences, but you’ve yet to see what happens when he redirects that anger and mixes it with overprotective behavior.”
“Love, he’s been worried sick about you. He needs to know that his little sis is safe. I know I would.” I sighed heavily and said.
“But what if he does get mad?”
“I’ll talk to him. If anyone knows a thing about overreacting it’s me.” I smiled softly and that’s when Rog stood up and held his hand out for me to take.
“You promise to have my back?”
“Partners in crime till the very end. Just like those two cats in that poem you like so much.” I smiled up at him and took his hand and he helped me up as he took my bag over his shoulder and had his free arm wrapped around my shoulder as he guided me back to his car and he drove me back to Deacy and Veronica’s.
*3rd Person POV*
The sun had set about 5 minutes ago and with almost everyone back at John’s place, no one had found her.  John who was running his hands through his hair frantic with worry as his wife tried to calm him down.
“Maybe we should call the police.” Suggested Brian.
“No need Brian.” Roger’s voice soon spoke up as he opened the door.  Everyone turned to see that the drummer had finally came back.
“And just where were you all this time Roger dear?”
“Bringing back a lost lamb.” He then gestured with his arm and soon walking in cautiously was (y/n). Immediately everyone began crowding around her asking her questions about where she was and why she ran away like that.
Sensing his partner in crime’s nervousness and anxiety he told everyone.
“Guys, guys back it up. Don’t crowd her all at once.” John who merely stood there by the couch in shock to see his cousin alive and well.  Roger looked to Deacy and pressed his hand to (y/n)’s back. She looked up at him and he nodded to her and she cautiously walked towards her cousin, like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs.
“Where did you find her?” asked Freddie.
“At the park underneath the Churchill bridge. Poor girl was crying her eyes out.” Roger whispered.  Veronica ten decided to allow her husband and (y/n) to have some alone time so she guided the boys into the kitchen for a proper meal after their long search while she called Lilian to tell her that they found (y/n) and that she would pick Robert up in the morning.
(Y/n) stood in front of her cousin.  John looked down at her before finally raising his hands to cup both sides of her face to lift her face up so that he could get a good look at her.
“You’re not hurt are you?” he asked.  With a shake of her head, Deacy sighed with relief and immediately embraced her before openly weeping into her shoulder.  She hugged her cousin back whimpering.
“I’m sorry I ran away. I’m sorry Deacy, I’m sorry.”
“Shhhh, you’re home now. Safe and unharmed and that’s all I care about now. It’ll be okay. We’ll be okay dove.” The two cousins kept hold of each other trying to draw strength from each other knowing that they were going to get by and be okay.
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