#i love biomy
neil-minyard-josten ¡ 1 year
welp okay i haven't read biomy in a while and i'm not mentally or emotionally prepared to go check it out only to see that it's completed
so someone kindly tell me
is it complete?
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aftgficrec ¡ 3 months
Hii! I'm so glad i caught you guys, youre doing gods work over here. I've been wanting something similar to blame it on my youth and way down we go . Something long and addicting and eventually wholesome, preferably something where Aaron is kinda jealous of Neil. I love the soulmate idea. Thanks so much <3
You’ve got a mix of things in your ask, so I’m giving you long andeil fics with happy ending + Aaron angst that are post canon like ‘Blame it On My Youth’ (here), pre-canon canon divergent like ‘Way Down We Go’ (here), soulmates, and some other aus. -A
previous recs:
long fics like BIOMY here
‘Guardian Angel’ series here
‘on the tip of my tongue (say something)’ series here (completed)
‘progress comes in small steps’ series here
‘we were together’ series here
‘This Complicated Life’ and ‘In My Defense, I Have None’ here
you may also like:
Neil & Aaron: quests, situations, friendship & slash here
post canon:
Trust Fall (And Welcoming Arms) by SpangleBangle [Rated E, 84557 Words, Complete, 2017]
Life goes on after the Foxes win the championship, and for Andrew and Neil it's uncharted territory with only each other for guides. Maybe it's time to put away some of those hard edges, and learn how to touch more softly, and speak more honestly. And if they falter, they have their family to help them get back on their feet.
tw: scars, tw: homophobia, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: discussions of self harm, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced eating disorders, tw: depression, tw: dissociation, tw: flashbacks, tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced drug abuse, tw: explicit sexual content
pre-canon canon divergent:
Oakland by AgentCoop [Rated M, 105947 Words, Complete, 2023]
When Neil Josten gets arrested for a fake ID and thrown into the Juvenile Detention System, he knows that he's running on borrowed time before his father's men catch up. His mother is dead, there's nowhere to run, there's nothing left at all but an Exy court at the Oakland County Detention Center that he has to earn the right to play on through good behavior. And Neil's never been great at obeying rules. -- An Andriel AU where the boys meet as teens in Juvie.
tw: violence, tw: blood, tw: panic attacks, tw: nightmares, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
Lifeline by pandaseek [Rated T, 269357 Words, Incomplete, Updated April 2023]
"What is your name." He wouldn't care usually, but the way this kid had avoided it last time he asked, he was curious. "I've had six so far." He answers slowly, weighing each word. "Which one do you want?" Six names? Yep, there is something going on there.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
NB: fanart for this fic by Super_Yellow on AO3 here
i once believed love would be black and white by acidmeringue [Rated E, 26708 Words, Complete, 2023]
Andrew does not believe in soulmates. Nicky has a soulmate. His twin Aaron has a soulmate too, but Andrew doesn't let them speak. Everyone around him has a soulmate. They can all see in color. He can't. He doesn't believe in soulmates, doesn't believe in love at all. When enough people tell you what love should look like, when you're told enough times that you should be able to see in color but you can't, you start to believe that you don't have a soulmate after all. And that's okay. At least, it was, until Andrew makes eye contact with a stranger at Eden's and the world comes to a screeching halt. ~ Soulmate au where you can't see in color until you lock eyes with your soulmate. Additionally, if your soulmate dies, your vision goes back to monochrome.
tw: implied/referenced abuse
The Real Thing by nekojita [Rated M, 34125 Words, Complete, 2021]
Andrew was more than willing to turn down the Ravens' offer to be their newest goalie, unwilling to play five more years of Exy - let alone for someone with a too-sharp smile and a manic gleam in their eyes. That was, until he realized that a member of their Perfect Court was his soulmate. (That was, until Riko Moriyama realized that Nathaniel Wesninski, the Ravens' #3 in waiting, was Andrew's soulmate.) Andrew always knew that Fate loved tormenting him, he didn't need a reminder yet again via a too-attractive soulmate who appeared to loathe him. Yet things aren't always what they seem, especially in the Nest.
tw: attempted rape/noncon, tw: abuse, tw: violence, tw: blood, tw: alcohol, tw: medication withdrawal
other aus:
If I Knew You by AceSirenSinger [Rated T, 43145 Words, Complete, 2024]
Neil is imprisoned at sixteen years old for being the Butcher of Baltimore. Andrew obsesses, and Aaron obsesses because Andrew does, and everything goes wrong and raw and painful. Feat. the twinyards breaking each other’s hearts, and a decent amount of shade on the American justice system.
tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: recreational drug use, tw: implied/referenced violence, tw: implied/referenced torture
Shut Up and Dance (With Me) by OfficialStarsandGutters [Rated E, 168160 Words, Complete, 2021]
Dance AU. - Neil Josten just wants to dance, but being on the run leaves little time for frivolous hobbies. He has no idea what one night of risk will lead to when he first steps into Eden’s Twilight. Andrew Minyard dances alone. Everyone knows this. Until a wide eyed, desperate rabbit of a boy stumbles into his path, and he breaks his self imposed rule.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: torture, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: anxiety, tw: depression, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced drug abuse, tw: explicit sexual content, tw: implied/referenced eating disorder, tw: vomit, tw: graphic injuries, tw: nonconsensual drug use
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Chapter 114 of biomy. I'm so close to caught up and I'm actually very sad about it now that it's approaching. Love these dumb boys and their amazing children with all my heart and soul.
Also, I am 29 with a 14 year old sibling and I cannot really imagine having them as my actual child, except that I tend to give the exact same leeway that Andrew and Neil do. I mean. Not that I can teach them about knives, I don't know shit about knives. But I let them cuss around me and listen to them talk about the weird horror twitch streams they watch and tell them to skip school when they're tired. I also have a total lack of authority but they came out to me first instead of of parents.
Idk I don't know what the point of this was, but I love Paige and Nat and my kids sibling and all of biomy.
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Minyard-Josten BIOMY Home
This one is the most canon-compliant to the fic I could make it, going back a bunch of times to the flashback chapter where they first bought it and adding the extra rooms they mentioned wanting. Yes, it's extra big. Mostly because I had to fit two bathrooms with enormous bathtubs and Andreil's ridiculously big bed. It was super fun to build!
Individual posts for each house: [The Villa] [Aaron+Katelyn] [Allison+Renee] [Matt+Dan] [Kevin+Thea] [photoshoot]
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(All images should be with good res to zoom in)
First detail I wanted to point out is the move of their chairs from the back porch to the front. Because the back now goes into the shared ring I felt they would enjoy more the privacy of the woods around the villa :)
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It's mentioned many times how the downstairs rooms are weird and skinny because they closed the floor plan, and anytime you see a funky tile, blame it on the kids (foyer has Nat's water-like one)! Also, no white walls, keeping lighter colors on the down-stairs and darker upstairs.
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Living room opens to a huge cat tree because they're spoiled. There's also much more decoration thanks to the art classes and the kids pressuring them to put more pictures out. (you can see them up close on the photoshoot link in the beginning of the post). The pictures include the twins at Nicky's wedding and the pict Dan sent them, and you can see grey and blue bouquets Andreil got each other <3
I can't actually change window glass colors but we know they're all colorful.
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Ok, I know, but there's only so much you can do when the characters decide they must have fox-orange cabinets. There was an empty wall so they let Nat and Paige add some trees.
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Yes. This is how big an Alaskan bed is. I looked it up. Andrew's corner has a motivacional cat poster his mom-therapist gave him for decor and Neil's has his mom's bones so I guess they match? Shout-out to Andrunior at the window and their super safe knife target.
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Paige wanted a pink and gold color scheme, so I went along those lines. She's got her crocheting paraphernalia on the floor, and because I can't put stars on the ceiling there's a cute nightlight.
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Why does Nat's room looks purple? because right by that green mirror there's a craft paper lamp, you can kinda see it on the floor plan. Nat's room is very artsy, with a mirror gallery and lot's of paintings on her desired black walls.
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Now pretty much all the other rooms, left to right and top to bottom: the foyer (their blue period, with abstract art and a gothic rug), downstairs bathroom (full, in case Neil breaks a leg), guest room, kid's bathroom (the Jack-and-Jill sink outside), Andreil bathroom, and stairs landing. Neil and Andrew let the kids go wild with the tiles, and I love them for that. Very funky. Also, behold their basically-hotubs.
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And finally, because I loved how they looked: their back porch, with bench and floor painted by the kids, and the wall that faces Matt and Dan's home, where Nat painted a mural. (also, all houses have recycling and regular bins just outside, thanks to Renee)
As always, inspired by the fic Blame it On My Youth, by @yourficstheyglow
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mel-oxo ¡ 3 years
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hello, i have one interest right now and that is biomy which is conveniently helping me with my revenge bedtime procrastination
so i made these (yay!)
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jingerhead ¡ 2 years
hi! in your recent post you asked to do more recs. i have no idea if this is what you meant but can you rec the fics that just make you want to fall to your knees and moan? and not in a sexual way (though it could be) but more of a “holy shit i love them, this is fantastic, i can’t believe something like this exists and i get to witness it” kind of way. like for me, biomy makes my knees weak, just because of how much they love eachother (and the smut helps ofc >:)
Interesting wording there anon but I think I get what you mean SJJSJS. Here's some of my all time absolute favorites that make me think "holy shit I love them, this is fantastic, I can't believe something like this exists and I get to witness it":
Inked Truths by Paradoxolotl
Oh Inked my beloved, this is just a series that I treasure so much. I remember so clearly I had seen this cute meme about Brother of Mine and it was something like "ok I can do this, I can get through this without crying" - can't get through BOM without crying. And then I became friends with Para and THEN binged the entire series and god it's just so great (also the BOM alternate ending is totally my fault I'm sorry).
This is absolutely my favorite canon-divergence fic for AFTG and there's so many reasons why. Para is so incredible with the way they write their fics, how much care they have for their ideas and the amount of love they have for the original series. I have never read anything with more accurate characterization - if some fics are ooc, then this is the complete opposite. Not to mention the way they write Andrew's backstory as we walk through it, every single struggle from not just his POV, but from Aaron and Abram's as well.
And god, Abram is just so good in this too. Honestly this fic just gives me a whole new insight to Andreil, a whole new way to adore them, and I am quite frankly obsessed with it. I've only read one other fic with a slower burn than this one and I love you for it Para.
Also we get Greer which honestly is a whole reason in itself to have that sort of reaction :3
2. Artist AU by Fortheloveofexy
The artist au is just so amazing to me for a couple of different reasons. For one, you can just tell how much love Jess put into this one - if the fact that they drew art to go along with it didn't give it away, then the amount of detail and effort they put into Neil being an artist definitely should. At first you think this is going to be a cutesy artist short fic, but NO. They gave us some sequels that completely dive into Neil's past and how that trauma affects him as a person in the present and JFC IT SENDS YOU ON AN EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER.
And Jess too just puts so much into the characterization. It's so incredible and I adore it. The way certain events happen, how the story progresses, Neil's flighty-ness constantly clashing with his desire to stay...it's so perfect. You should at the very least read this for the art and stay for everything else!
3. In My Defense, I Have None by likearecord
A high-school AU with fake dating?? Sign me the hell up, this is literally everything I love rolled into one, and it only just keeps getting better. I have no idea how many times I've recced this by now, but this is one of my all time favorites and I reread it so often. Not only does it put a twist on fake-dating, but it gets a high school romance done so well while also keeping those essential aspects to the original characters that it makes me explode.
Not only that, but you don't have to worry about any sudden kidnapping or the past catching up to anyone. It's just these idiots and their own dumb decisions and I live for it. Not to mention this entire conflict could've been avoided if people literally just confessed their feelings instead of doing cartwheels around them, but honestly that's just what makes this fic even better, I'm literally begging you to read it.
4. Learning to be Human by coritkyo
This one I've only just gotten into (and it's incomplete) but holy shit I can't believe I didn't find it sooner. I'm absolutely obsessed with it. I won't say too much so as to not spoil things, but dear lord is it good. The author does an incredible job with the characterization, I'm obsessed with how everyone's dynamic works, and their worldbuilding is incredible. You might be left in the dark for a little bit, but there's a reason for it and I fuckinggggg love when that happens.
And I'm just obsessed with Neil in this one. Seriously, robot Neil is everything I never knew I needed before.
5. When the frost is in bloom by Silveriss
I don't know what exactly it is about this fic that gets me feral but it's just so good. The angst is peak, the descriptions are flawless and it just makes my heart ache in the best of ways. Silveriss writes these two so well, especially with everything that happens that I won't spoil. Winter Spirit! Neil and Author! Andrew, what more could we ever need? I am literally begging you guys to read it.
6. Touch me, love me, leave me by BakaDoll
The soldier Andrew fic. Honestly I'm sure most of us have read it by now but it needs to be said again: jfc this fic is so good. It's a long but well worth it read, and if you don't mind a bit of smut then you should definitely check it out. The author put so much effort into this one, and you know the idea that Andrew gets sent to the military rather than get court-ordered drugs kinda makes more sense (I'm sure anything makes more sense than the drugs but c'est la vie). These two dummies immediately being able to understand and work with each other while having to live together is perfection, and I love reading about how their relationship develops, too. It might start of as pure physical attraction - whatever excuses float your boat Andrew - but just their inside jokes and constant texting and caring about what matters to the other is so good.
7. Junk of the Heart by AmaliaIR
This one isn't that long but to me it just packed such a punch. So much is in it, so if you can handle a bit of angst you should definitely read it. Neil's heart condition finally becoming something he can't ignore, and yet his martyr complex still kicking in is so accurate it pains me. There is so much inner conflict and Amalia does such a good job with it, especially when attributing it to outside factors. Neil's constant flee vs. stay mentality is something we've seen countless times, but once again we get to see it differently, and Amalia just did incredible with it. So much research went into this fic too, I loved it so much!
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fortheloveofexy ¡ 2 years
Hi hello!!!
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Which are your current fav andreil fic(s)!?
Much much love and support!! 💗
Hi Cookie! I'm honestly so behind on my fic reading lately and there are so, SO MANY amazing fics that I can't possibly list them all, but I greatly enjoyed quicksand. I also read each update of BIOMY by @yourficstheyglow every week.
If you haven't read Inked Truths by @paradoxolotl then you need to! It's so good, I love it. If achingly beautiful were a fic, it would be this one.
Also recently started reading Read Between The Lines by @butallmystars and I'm loving it so far!! Still only two chapters in but Eve has such a phenomenal writing style ❤️
That One Time Neil Ended Up In A Fairy-Tale by @jingerhead. Jinge has some of the best plotting and fantasy adventure writing I've seen. I enjoy every second of this series, every time I read it.
There's a long queue in my bookmarks of fics I still need to read, but these are some of my all-time favorites!
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transjorts ¡ 3 years
Andrew: *arranges himself seductively on the bed for his husband’s viewing pleasure*
Neil: *is too busy furiously typing his card details to purchase booty shorts for his husband’s viewing pleasure to notice*
They are just constantly trying to seduce each other. They’re so in love it makes me sick /pos
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all of the serotonin in my body right now I owe to BIOMY
(ch 91 of BIOMY by @yourficstheyglow)
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witikli ¡ 2 years
as much as i love biomy and it does keep me satiated for the most part i just so badly want more aftg content from nora herself cus i love her writing style and like no one can rly match how fucking unhinged she is like reading aftg itself is such an experience and i want more of just. the DRAMA. like yeah it sucks but it also sucks my soul into it so yk .
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Finished Blame it on My Youth. Or we'll. Caught up. Chapter 131 read. I'm now on the periodic release schedule with everyone else and it's okay to be here but I'm also having some fun autistic moments about it.
My brain has been fully consumed by this fic for the past week and a half. I have *lived* with these characters in my head like 24/7 for a week and a half. I read nearly 1.5 million words about them. And they're just... not real? Not people who will continue having stories forever? I have lived a nearly day by day discussion of 6 months of their lives and now I'm just. Caught up? Waiting? Done?
I went to a baseball game tonight, a local pro league team and the whole time I loved it because it was baseball which I love, a pro team and sports which made me think about exy, and bc Neil of biomy hates baseball (100% valid read of his character tbh).
And Neil and Andrew aren't real and Nat and Paige aren't real and no one in my friend group has read about them and not everyone in my corner of fandom knows about these character interpretations and I just. Idk, I'll have a small existential crisis over fictional characters and try not to cry about the loss of these ones but I make no promises. Stories are hard and I feel them so deep and forever.
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hiiii! is the BIOMY house on the sims 4 gallery? 👀 i'd LOVE to play in it!
It is now! But because I built the whole villa on a 64x64 you might need to play around a bit to separate just the house if that's what you're looking for.
It's named Foxhole Villa, by galacticbokshelf. It uses basically all the packs and you should have the CC filter on to find it. It also has the #aftg and #biomy tags if that'll make it easier to find.
If I'm not mistaken the CC is mostly clutter, but to get the orange counters I used the Urbane Kitchen pack by peacemaker_ic and the Andreil bed should be swapped for a regular one to be functional :)
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beatmyaudio ¡ 4 years
Mixtape (ft. Young Thug and Lil Yachty) Song Lyrics –
Mixtape (ft. Young Thug and Lil Yachty) Song Lyrics
Mixtape (ft. Young Thug and Lil Yachty) Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist from Coloring Book Album.
This song is sung by singer ” ” in Year 5/13/2016.
Lyrics of Mixtape (ft. Young Thug and Lil Yachty) :
Am I the only nigga still care about mixtapes?Am I the only nigga still care about mixtapes?I’m the only nigga still care about mixtapesBad little bitch, wanna know how lips tasteShe curious, she curiousI swear I’m the only nigga still care about mixtapesBad little bitch, wanna know how the lips tasteAll I can hear is the third, ayyAll I can hear is the third, ayyWe don’t know none of your words, ayyWe don’t know none of your words, ayyI love my women real tall, ayyType that can really play ball, ayyYou buy my hat at the park, ayyThink I might really play ball, ayyI got a link in my bioMy bitch do the salsa like pico de galloThey gotta ask if they may, Cinco de MayoHow can they call themselves bossesWhen they got so many bossesYou gotta see what your boss sayI get it straight out the faucetI ain’t felt like this since the third Drought, third Carter dropTold my momma third grade I’d be in the third BarbershopAnd yeah, my momma got real worried when she heard college dropBut now I call the shotsI’m the only nigga still care about mixtapesBad little bitch wanna know how lips tasteI swear I’m the only nigga still cares about mixtapesBad little bitch wanna know how lips tasteBad little mama, she gettin’ it ObamaShe sting like a bumble bee, hot as the saunaShe shine like a Rollie, got that from her mommaCan’t see me, can’t be me, I’m ridin’ like a pandaThat booty gon’ roll and it’s outta controlAnd these bitches gon’ fuck off respect and that loyaltyAll my bitches lovin’ me and they spoil meRub me down with that lotion, babe oil meDrinking Actavis, baby I’m showin’ meIn that choppa I see your perimeterChange the culture, cause my ring is a solarWait one minute I told youYeah, I would like to know youYeah, you lucky like cloversYeah, the clothes no goodMama I do itThe racks I pursue itJust look at me babyI came from the sewersThey love all the slime ballLike they fuck all these cats on your slime dogI got me some rings like I’m Bruce BowenI’m ballin’ on you like I’m Chris PaulI’m the only nigga still care about mixtapesBad little bitch wanna know how lips tasteI swear I’m the only nigga still care about mixtapesBad little bitch wanna know how lips tasteAm I the only one who really care about cover art?Growing up I ain’t have my brother’Cause he said the streets gave him a fresh startI ain’t know what that meanI bumped heads with my deanDropped out and hit the sceneNow I’m stunting like blingTime and time again, they told me noThey told me I wouldn’t go’Cause in high school all I cared about was hoesWell, maybe that shit was my interestNow I spend more than they make at my dentistAfter 1Night the folks thought I was finishedI pinned my name to the game like a seamstressOh, bitch I bite like a gatorFuck them reviews that they put in the paperDid what I wanted, didn’t care about a haterDelivered my tape to the world as a catererOh, they fuck with me cause I’m differentNew sound, new appearanceBitch, it’s Boat from the 6Give a fuck about a bitchWalk out, my hand on my dick, I’m the shitI’m the only nigga still care about mixtapesBad little bitch wanna know how lips tasteI said am I the only nigga still care about mixtapesBad little bitch wanna know how lips taste
Mixtape (ft. Young Thug and Lil Yachty) Song Lyrics
Youtube Channel Link
Lyrics, Coloring Book, English, Hollywood, Mixtape (ft. Young Thug and Lil Yachty) from WordPress https://ift.tt/2W5UxvN via IFTTT
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senzalinea-blog ¡ 5 years
Ubisoft ha svelato Roller ChampionsTM, un gioco sportivo free-to-play basato sull’azione di squadra in cui si dovrà pattinare, passare, schivare e segnare in un’arena piena zeppa di fan. La demo di Roller Champions mostrata all’E3 sarà scaricabile e giocabile su Uplay per Windows PC solo per quattro giorni, da oggi fino alle 15:00 CEST del 14 giugno. Roller Champions sarà disponibile all’inizio del 2020.
Veloce e divertente
Sviluppato dallo studio Ubisoft di Montreal in collaborazione con Ubisoft Winnipeg e Ubisoft Pune, Roller Champions è una nuova esperienza sportiva PvP divertente e frenetica… sui pattini. Due squadre di tre giocatori si sfideranno in alcune arene in tutto il mondo accompagnati da folle di fan in delirio, mentre cercheranno di conquistare la palla, passarla ai compagni di squadra e schivare o fermare gli avversari, il tutto per segnare nel canestro illuminato che appare proprio sopra la pista.
Agguerrito e amichevole
In questo sport la competizione è tutto, perciò il gioco di squadra sarà fondamentale per diventare campioni! Roller Champions combina un’azione di squadra collaborativa e divertente con un’esperienza competitiva agguerrita e amichevole al tempo stesso. Tre giocatori potranno formare una squadra e dovranno sfruttare velocità, arguzia, placcaggi e schivate per ottenere cinque punti per primi e conquistare la vittoria. Sali e scendi sulle piste delle arene ellittiche per guadagnare velocità, cambiare direzione, passare o scattare verso la rete per segnare.
Pattina per la gloria
Progredendo nel gioco, sarà possibile conquistare sempre più fan, arrivando a riempire un’intera arena! E una volta completa, si passerà a un’altra ancora più grande, adeguata alla propria base di fan. Inoltre, i giocatori potranno sbloccare anche diversi oggetti per la personalizzazione, come nuovi equipaggiamenti, festeggiamenti dei fan, completi per i tifosi, animazioni e molto altro. Infine, le classifiche di Roller Champions faranno passare alla storia i migliori campioni di questa disciplina davvero unica ed emozionante.
Scarica subito gratuitamente la demo dell’E3 di Roller Champions perché potrai giocarci solo per quattro giorni, da oggi fino alle 15:00 CEST del 14 giugno: http://www.rollerchampions.com
Per tutte le ultime novità su Roller Champions e gli altri giochi Ubisoft, visita news.ubisoft.com e partecipa alla conversazione con l’hashtag #rollerchampions.
In occasione dell’Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Ubisoft® ha annunciato che Just Dance® 2020, il nuovo titolo della più popolare serie di videogiochi musicali di sempre*, sarà disponibile dal 5 novembre 2019 per Nintendo Switch™, Nintendo Wii™, PlayStation®4 Pro, Playstation®4, e la famiglia di dispositivi Xbox One, tra cui Xbox One X. Just Dance® 2020 sarà disponibile anche sulla nuova piattaforma di gioco di nuova generazione Stadia.
Con più di 120 milioni di giocatori in tutto il mondo e oltre 67 milioni di unità vendute, il brand Just Dance è la migliore serie videoludica musicale di sempre* e un vero e proprio fenomeno dell’intrattenimento mondiale: “Da oltre 10 anni, Just Dance è un’esperienza incredibile per tutte le persone che ci lavorano qui in Ubisoft. Abbiamo visto Just Dance evolversi da un semplice videogioco destinato agli utenti occasionali a un fenomeno dell’intrattenimento mondiale con milioni di appassionati. Ciò non sarebbe mai stato possibile senza il supporto della nostra straordinaria community, che ci ha ispirato e stimolato a essere sempre più creativi. In Ubisoft Parigi ci impegniamo costantemente per continuare a supportare la serie inserendo nuovi contenuti e modi divertenti per giocare. Ora prepariamoci a festeggiare il 10° anniversario di Just Dance tutti insieme!”, ha dichiarato Marine de la Seiglière, Responsabile Sviluppo Commerciale e del Brand di Ubisoft Parigi, il principale studio che lavora su Just Dance.
Quest’anno, Just Dance 2020 festeggia il suo primo decennio con alcuni nuovi ed entusiasmanti contenuti, tra cui:
40 nuovi brani: dai migliori successi delle classifiche ai preferiti delle famiglie, fino ai fenomeni virali della rete e agli artisti emergenti, in Just Dance ci sarĂ  sicuramente un brano con cui tutti potranno divertirsi!
Una collezione digitale di adesivi iconici: i giocatori potranno immergersi nell’universo di Just Dance e rivivere 10 anni di divertimento e creatività senza limiti, grazie a una collezione digitale di adesivi iconici che riflettono questi dieci fantastici anni di Just Dance.
Il ritorno della modalitĂ  in cooperativa: i giocatori potranno fare squadra con i propri amici per divertirsi in compagnia nella modalitĂ  Co-op. Tale modalitĂ  consentirĂ  di giocare insieme e combinare i punteggi per dominare la pista da ballo.
Un’esperienza ancora più personalizzata: Il sistema di suggerimenti** è stato ulteriormente migliorato, permettendo ai giocatori di scegliere i loro contenuti preferiti di Just Dance con un’offerta personalizzata. Inoltre, sarà possibile creare le proprie playlist per personalizzare la propria festa a tema Just Dance.
I primi brani del gioco svelati all’E3 sono:
God is a Woman – Ariana Grande
Skibidi – Little Big
Bangarang – Skrillex Ft. Sirah
Con Calma – Daddy Yankee Ft. Snow
Bad Boy – Riton & Kah-Lo
High Hopes – Panic! At the Disco
Kill This Love – BLACKPINK
Sushi – Merk & Kremont
I Like It – Cardi B, Bad Bunny & J Balvin
Policeman – Eva Simons Ft. Konshens
Rain Over Me – Pitbull Fr. Marc Anthony
Oltre ai nuovi e incredibili contenuti, i giocatori di Just Dance 2020 potranno continuare a divertirsi con tutte le migliori caratteristiche della serie:
ModalitĂ  Sweat: con la modalitĂ  Sweat i giocatori potranno allenarsi e divertirsi al tempo stesso! SarĂ  possibile monitorare la quantitĂ  di calorie bruciate, controllare il tempo trascorso a ballare e mantenersi sempre motivati con playlist dedicate a tale modalitĂ .
ModalitĂ  Kids: la modalitĂ  Kids consente ai giocatori piĂš giovani di divertirsi con 8 nuovi brani dedicati, che accompagneranno una divertente esperienza di ballo studiata a misura di bambino.
Just Dance Unlimited: Il servizio streaming di brani a richiesta in abbonamento consente di accedere a oltre 500 brani e molto altro! Ogni copia del gioco includerĂ  1 mese di accesso gratuito.
Disponibile per PlayStation®4 Pro e Playstation®4, la famiglia di dispositivi Xbox One, tra cui Xbox One X, e la piattaforma di gioco Stadia, la app Just Dance Controller rende il gioco ancora più accessibile. Infatti, i giocatori potranno usare il proprio smartphone per navigare nei menu, rilevare le proprie mosse e guadagnare punti. Grazie alla app, fino a sei utenti possono giocare contemporaneamente con il proprio smartphone. L’applicazione è scaricabile gratuitamente per iOS e Android.
Per tutte le ultime novità su Just Dance 2020, la app Just Dance Controller o Just Dance Unlimited, visita: www.justdancegame.com, segui Just Dance su Twitter @JustDanceGame e unisciti alla conversazione con l’hashtag #JustDance2020.
In occasione dell’Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Ubisoft ha annunciato maggiori dettagli sul programma per il primo anno di Tom Clancy’s The Division® 2. Il gioco è attualmente disponibile per PlayStation®4, Windows PC e la famiglia di dispositivi Xbox One, tra cui Xbox One X, ma Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 sarà disponibile anche sulla piattaforma di gioco di nuova generazione Stadia e Uplay+, il servizio in abbonamento di Ubisoft per Windows PC. Per maggiori dettagli su Uplay+, visitare Uplay.com*.
Per provare l’avvincente gameplay del nuovo titolo, questo weekend (13-16 giugno) sarà possibile giocare gratuitamente a The Division 2 su tutte le piattaforme.
Il primo anno di contenuti post lancio gratuiti includerà tre episodi con missioni basate sulla storia, che porteranno gli agenti dove tutto è iniziato. I nuovi episodi saranno disponibili da qui al prossimo anno, ognuno con nuove zone, modalità, ricompense, specializzazioni, equipaggiamenti e armi insolite:
Episodio 1 Dintorni di D.C.: Spedizioni – Luglio 2019: L’Episodio 1 è fortemente basato sull’esplorazione. Infatti, gli agenti potranno esplorare la periferia e le aree boschive di Washington DC, oltre a scoprire gli 11 biomi del Washington National Zoo. La caccia è aperta per trovare il leader dei Reietti e il Presidente Ellis.
L’Episodio 1 includerà anche le nuove Spedizioni, a cui i giocatori dovranno partecipare ogni settimana per avanzare attraverso le diverse ali del Trinity College.
Episodio 2 Pentagono: L’ultimo castello – Autunno 2019: nell’Episodio 2, ambientato al Pentagono, i giocatori saranno impegnati ad affrontare un’emergenza in DC. I Black Tusk continuano a seminare il caos in città e sarà compito degli agenti fermarli. Nelle missioni principali dell’Episodio 2, i giocatori dovranno quindi combattere per difendere il Pentagono e i suoi segreti dai Black Tusk.
L’Episodio 2 riproporrà uno dei contenuti più impegnativi finora rilasciati, il nostro secondo Raid per 8 giocatori. Questa volta, gli agenti si avventureranno nel cuore di una fonderia, dove affronteranno alcuni combattimenti epici fra colate roventi e fiumi di metallo fuso.
Episodio 3 – Inizio 2020: nell’Episodio 3 ci sarà una resa dei conti che porterà i giocatori a Coney Island. Gli agenti dovranno portare a termine nuove sfide mentre cercheranno di fermare un nemico familiare e affronteranno la peggiore minaccia di sempre.
Gioca gratuitamente a Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 su PC o console durante il weekend gratuito, che si terrà dalle 9:00 CEST del 13 giugno alle 9:00 CEST del 17 giugno. Inoltre, Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 sarà anche scontato (con sconti fino al 35% dal 7 al 24 giugno), consentendo ai giocatori di continuare la propria avventura al termine del weekend gratuito a un prezzo inferiore. Con l’acquisto del gioco sarà possibile conservare i propri progressi.
Per maggiori informazioni su Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, visitare: tomclancy-thedivision.ubisoft.com.
Per tutte le ultime novità su Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 e gli altri giochi Ubisoft, visitare Ubisoft News: news.ubisoft.com.
*Si applicano termini e condizioni, incluse piattaforma, etĂ  e restrizioni territoriali.
Ubisoft: tutti gli annunci del secondo giorno dell’E3 UBISOFT ANNUNCIA UN NUOVO GIOCO SPORTIVO FREE-TO-PLAY, ROLLER CHAMPIONSTM Ubisoft ha svelato Roller ChampionsTM, un gioco sportivo free-to-play basato sull’azione di squadra in cui si dovrà pattinare, passare, schivare e segnare in un’arena piena zeppa di fan.
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