#i love bullying varrick
h0rr0rsaxo · 2 years
Okay...so I couldn't think of much so I'm bringing up an idea that I may have requested in the past but it was never written by myself or you yet, so why not?
This is also fluffy and kinda humorous so here we go! Ej and Addict! I hc that Ej not only has heats but periods where he kinda goes out of it and just gets feral kinda...like a cat. During these periods he tends to just be very needy affection wise and is very protective over things.
So Addict is chilling with Varrick and suddenly Ej appears and snatches Addict up. Varrick is pissed...obviously, Addict has no idea what's going on or what to do and Nightmare just thinks its funny. But Ej is just super cuddly and just holds Addict, and when he isn't holding her, he's following her around and anyone who tries to touch her he growls at. So Addict is just walking around the mansion with a feral demon trailing behind her like a shadow lmao-
This can end however you'd like, I was just looking forward to the jealous Varrick and Nightmare who is just escalating things...also the fluff...I'm in a fluffy mood-
(Tysm! And please take your time, your second request will be done soon btw!)
[ Affection - Simp Party ]
Warnings; None!
Tags; @insane-horror-movie-addict
A/N; I wanna bully Varrick and EJ
Words; 2,040
"Anni~." Varrick whined, head perched on her shoulder as he pouted, undoubtedly giving her his infamous puppy eyes. He was trying to joke around, but Anni was trying to watch her show. 
"Varrick, stop, I mean it." She warned once more, arms crossed and something close to a scowl on her lips. "I have stuff to do."
"I love it when you get bossy with me~ You know that, but I reeeally need you right now." He said softly, nose brushing the shell of her ear as his hands gripped her waist. His low, seductive tone attempted to lure hrr away from her show and into his arms. To be fair, her show wasn't that important or urgent, and he knew that, she also knew that. But something inside her told her to pull his leash a little tighter, lest he become a spoiled man child who thought he could get her as he pleased, when he pleased. (Which he could, usually, but not this time.)
"Well, too bad, because I really need to finish watching this." Anni said firmly, letting him know that she wouldn't let it go so easily. 
"Can't you take a break?"
"But I can make you feel so good."
"Rain check on that."
Varrick huffed dejectedly, pausing the shoe in one last attempt to change her mind, placing the remote back when she didn't even look at him twice, despite usually being completely unable to tear her eyes away from him after he got rid of the distraction.
"Plus, you also have work to do. Trying to tempt me when you have stuff to do? You're such an idiot sometimes.." Anni scolded playfully, teasing him as he plopped himself next to her on the couch, turned away from her to sulk. She continued on with her, infinitely pleased with the outcome of teasing the one who usually teased her. Although he did start to become a bit annoying with all the nagging and constantly switching to increasingly unreasonable positions to get her attention. 
If he wasn't so hot, she would've shouted at him an hour ago, at least. All that to get her to play with his hair, and cuddle up beside him. He could be such a man child sometimes…
Right as she finally obliged to his words, and cuddled up beside him, lids shield his tired amber eyes from the light of the ceiling fan and his breathing slows to a comfortable pace. Anni's fingers brush back auburn locks as she traces his hair line from temple to nape with a touch so delicate it seemed like she could break him with even an ounce more of force.
They just lied there, cuddling, in front of an annoyed Jack. He could shout at them and get angry…but he could turn to Varrick to shout and start fussing. No, Jack was the one to sulk in the corner of the room. But he was so frozen at the scene, he just stood by the door of the living room, watching Anni roll her eyes at Varrick. Jack was so furious to the extent he felt his face go red in fury. In no time he’s probably going to have steam coming out of his ears. He was much more clingy and protective, he wanted to be affectionate with her.
He looked at her, just because her smile showed hints of drowsiness didn’t make it any less perfect. So warm and inviting. She tilted her head in his direction, something that made him wanna steal her away even more. However the man was still awake, and instantly realizing the current circumstances, falling asleep in Anni's arms once again. Jack sent the closest to a glare the demon's painted on eyes could manage. 
Right as he was about to fall asleep, his eyes snapped open upon noticing Anni had literally been abducted by the demon he despised..
Nightmare started howling in laughter at their behavior, laughing and slamming her fist on the table attempting to contain her judgemental giggles at the way the two grown men were acting. Anni sank closer to him without asking much questions, wrapping her arms around his neck to wind through his hair, and planting a kiss on the soft skin beneath his ear. She felt his grin. Nightmare continued to laugh at their behavior, until Jack shot a 'glare' towards her….she was quiet for a moment, but then she just started laughing even louder.
“Sorry I took you, but I couldn’t let Varrick have you again,” he whispered quietly. "He…always has you." 
Anni's body is thrown onto his bed with a yelp. The brown haired demon hovers over you, 'eyes' boring into hers for a moment.  The intensity stops her breath, making her slightly fear what will come next.
"You haven’t paid any attention to me since I came home from the mission,” he mumbles, laying himself on top of her, his head on her chest and his arm circling on top of her body.  "All I wanted was to be next to you.“
Softening at his behavior, her fingers naturally thread into his soft hair tickling her face.  "Why didn’t you just say so?”
“Do I have to say it?” he snaps, “I haven’t even touched you all week, I missed you like crazy.”
"You're so silly," Anni teased in his ear before wrapping her arms around him and fully pulling him down onto the bed with you. His chuckle was light and sweet, something that always seemed to take her breath away. Lips were pressed to her forehead, resulting in a moan flying from her still cold lips. Anni wanted his warmth everywhere.
Not just one place, everywhere.
Hearing her satisfied moan, Jack trailed his warm lips down her face and towards her lips. “You're so cold,” he purred, huddling up even closer to her more in hopes of warming her up quicker now that they were both lying down. She nodded softly against his lips, eyes closed in the pure ecstasy of the warmth flooding her suddenly cold body. His lips finally landed on hers and thankfully, he kept them there.
Moving his lips slowly against hers, Anni began to feel the exchange of hrr temperatures. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him closer to her. Like a personal heater, Jack slightly hovered over her with his body still pressed against hers. His lips were rough and feverish against hers, the chilly temperature of her flesh reminding him to try to warm her up a bit more.
Anni mouth opened against his, the groan flowing between her teeth practically begging him to put his tongue inside of her mouth. Taking her moan as a clear sign, his warm tongue traveled between her lips and swiped at the insides of her cheeks. She giggled against him as the tip of his tongue tickled the top of her mouth. A smile tugged at her lips even more once she realized he had been purring.
Jack chuckled back as he pulled his tongue out before pressing a simple kiss against her now warmer mouth. "You feel better?” her body seemed to melt into his at the way the words rolled off his lips. She was in heaven, what with his warm and strong body pressed against her cold one. The freezing temperature of the room meant that no matter how hard he tried, she was still going to need him to stay warm.
Which he knew was her plan all along.
“How about we take a hot shower and then go to bed?” his breath fanned across her blissed-out face, but she didn’t care what the two did, as long as she was in his warm embrace. Jack smiled down at her, enjoying the joy he could bring her with affection, something he always thought he would despise. His left-hand drug down her face, coaxing her back into reality. 
“That sounds great Jack, just keep me warm.”
The slamming open of a door caught their attention, looking up from Jack's slightly hunched position and meeting the eyes of a jealous Varrick. "HEY! I had her first! I don't care if you're in your weird demon heat…just give her back!" the man-child yelled. He stomped over, leaving Anni staring at him blankly, and he seemed to have no reservations as he reached out and dragged her out of Jack's bed.
"How the fuck did you kno—" Jack cut himself off mid-sentence when he saw Nightmare leaning in the doorframe with an overly cocky smirk, that just radiated mischievous energy. She felt like being a little snitch today, and decided to tell Varrick why Jack was being so clingy. He was definitely going to get back at her somehow…
Anni managed to escape both of their grasps, while they argued over who gets to have her today, and snuck her way next to Nightmare. The petty argument escalated immensely, as random objects were seen being flown across the room, random noises of shattering, and Jack undeniably growling at Varrick like some type of feral animal. 
Nightmare nudged at Anni's shoulder, "So a little birdie told me where Amber lives, and after all she's done to ruin your life, I was wondering if you wanted to ditch this place and egg her house with me?"
"Hell yeah!" 
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Egg steals power and hand made me die laughing as I am now doing a full replay of multiple world states cause DA4.
Still laughing
I did my first playthough fully blind so when I tell you that I lost FULL DRAGONBONE ARMOR AND MY BEST STAFF to this stupid bald ass egg man I mean it completely seriously like the only thing that could have made it worse was if I romanced him and he took my sick face tats too I was so angry
That being said I love me a pathetic man and if Solas isn’t the most pathetic man I have ever fucking seen
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rabbittwinrithings · 1 year
How happy are you with your current follower mods you've created? Whether that is stage of development, general features, appearance, things like that.
While I'm at it, what do you think of the followers you authored as characters, personaility wise?
Oh shit, man, this is loaded. But I don't mind it. This may be some strays thoughts.
So first off, I love my characters. In fact, I've never gotten attached to character's I've written so much like my custom voice followers. And it amazes me how much I will feel for them. There was a moment in time where I was having a hard time writing a scene where one was super angry, and for that week I, in real life, was so angry for them. I actually had to step away for a bit to calm myself down and make sure I wasn't actually causing any harm with that anger.
I have moments where I will think of Khash and, idk, it's so weird, start crying and think of how proud I am of her and that's she's made so many friends and so many care for her, as if I am a real mother thinking about her daughter.
I feel this way towards the other's too. I'll look at Varrick and think 'You're doing so good. And you're trying your best, I'm so proud of you.' Or Caryalind and say 'I promise things will get better. You've found your tribe, they'll protect you.' It's so odd and I never thought of that aspect before writing them.
Next, personality-wise, every follower I make has a piece of me. There are two writing advice I take to heart a lot, and that's 'write what you know,' and 'write what you want to know,' though I take them both two different ways. With 'write what you know' I look at how I want that character act, what they're like, etc. Caryalind wears his heart on his sleeve, Varrick wants to protect others, Fir has problems socializing, Disnel has ties to her culture (which is native American coded,) and Khash, well, Khash is a lot of different stuff about me mashed into one. I try and have my character's have parts of me in them.
This also goes with 'write what you want to know,' when it comes to their conflicts or problems, those are parts of me too, but mostly taken to insane extremes. (I can't say Khash's yet cause it would be spoilers for her questline.) Fir has social anxiety and depression of being a shut-in, Caryalind has done stuff in his past he percives as unforgivable and yet it was done in ignorance, Varrick is dealing with religious trauma, and Disnel deals with anger towards the disrespect of her culture and wanting to become closer to it.
Because of writing stuff that I too was having issues with, I was able to find personal solutions to issues or shed some light on them, even if they aren't completely, or even partly, fixed.
I also want to add that there followers have parts of me I wish I had. Khash and Disnel both are very un-bashful about who they are, and that's something I wish I had. Disnel says weird stuff, and her laugh is off, but she doesn't care. She doesn't stop and think 'oh, was that weird, do the people around me think that was weird?' I wish I was like that now. Or Khash is who I wish I was as a child/teen. As someone who was bullied horrifically throughout elementary, middle, and high school, I wished I didn't care what other's thought and was just myself.
(But to be fair, Khash also has an attitude of 'why should I care what others think when I have my family,' Which was something I felt strongly as a kid despite now having self-cofidence issues.)
I do want to point out though, my follower's all having daddy issues got nothing to do with my personal life. My dad is fuckin' awesome!
(Funny enough, a line from Khash where she quotes Marlok about how a certain type of bird "are jerks," is taken by quote from my dad. We were sitting on his front porch bird watching, and I was taking notes for Khash and what she would like about nature, and he said that so I wrote it as quick as I could.)
I don't have much to say about appearance. I love how all the followers look, but even then I'm not picky. Like I adore seeing replaces and seeing how people interpret them. I may not agree with them 100% of the time, but I don't care. I love seeing my character's get reimagined like that!
out of all the followers, these two for Varrick and Caryalind are my favorites!
Obviously, though, I add little quirks I like to all of them.
I adore Khash's little stuck-up nose.
I love Caryalind's curly hair.
I love Varrick's fashion sense.
I love Fir's striking eyes.
I love how flat Disnel's side profile is.
Okay, maybe there is more I could say about their appearances, but I'm sure it would just be more 'I love (insert some detail about them.)' cause I just love how they all look!
Stage of development is a tricky one cause I have mixed feelings about it. School has really kept me away from my followers, and it hurts, but with summer break I've found I have the time to finally work on them.
I recently been working on a road map of the followers to hopefully see what all I need (at least for the initial release for some,) and want.
Caryalind should have an update soon.
I'm hoping to get the first half of Varrick's romance up during the summer.
I want to get most of Fir written and implemented over the summer.
I hope to get Disnel out by the end of the summer. (Not completed, but still a good chunk of stuff there.)
And Khash, is another matter I will discuss at the end...
Sometimes I feel bad for not making more or quicker updates. Some mod authors are absolute gods at it, and I wish I could update as quickly, but I also try not to get myself upset about it. This is meant to be fun for everyone, including me. Part of me says it's selfish, and another part then hits and says 'no, that's not.' (If you couldn't tell, anxiety is something I struggle with pretty badly.)
Okay, now the thing about Khash, cause I really didn't want to disrupte any flow with above is her questline has created such a huge headache, at first. I made Khash when I first learning the ck and the same for more complicated questing. Because of this, her questline is a huge, buggy mess. because of that, and seeing the state Khash's esp is in, I decided to try and make her from the ground up again, along with additions and changes. Cause like, now, a questline like her's is a cake walk from what I've done in Ganval and Disnel's stuff. I just didn't know how to do it at the time of making Khash. But this also means Khash's development and update will take much longer than I hoped. While the lines are going pretty steadily (I think I started rebuilding two weeks ago and half of the of lines are implemented,) It's voicing that will probably take the longest. This is because I haven't done Khash's voice in perhaps a year and my throat isn't used to it anymore. because of that, voicing lines will take the longest time to do. But, for a sneak peak, some other additions are:
New introduction quest
More inventory room (Khash will have a backpack the player can toggle on and off.)
And I really hope to give her some kind of pet.
There are other obvious ones like how I want to add her adoption. I would also like to add more questions for the player to answer about themselves. Khash didn't know much about Marlok's past, and if she is looking to the player as a new guardian, she wants to try and learn more about you. But these are still up in the air, aka, not written, so I don't want to promise anything until it is for sure written.
Hopefully this whole reboot will fix alot of her bugs, story issues, and other stuff in the og mod.
With all that said though, I hope to have an update or a good chunk of each follower done by the end of the summer. I'm not sure where that will put Ganval in development. I started Ganval just for fun set design, and then thought it could be a good quest portfolio piece. But with how much questing my current followers are getting, I think just themselves are good portfolio pieces.
Sorry for just this huge wall of text. I may have gotten a bit carried away. But I hope this all answers the question really well. I know writing all this did help me get some thoughts I had out of my brain and out there.
Love y'all!
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the-kuvira-beifong · 4 years
I know there are people who criticize others for liking characters like Kuvira, Azula, Zuko, Jet etc. and yes I do understand that they have done a lot of bad things. But the thing is, they are fictional characters. They are villains. They are supposed to be bad (idk about Jet tho, people seem to hate him for no reason sometimes). 
So here is a list of characters who have done bad things but people don’t get criticized for liking them. I have explained some of them, not all. Some of these characters are from shows or movies I haven’t even watched, but I know they aren’t good. 
DISCLAIMER: I do not support bullying others for liking certain characters. You are free to like the character you want, but I also expect you to recognize the things they have done. If you bully someone for liking a certain character, you are scum. Ok thank you, now for the list
Octavia Blake (Cannibal, burned down the hydrofarm to get people march to the Shallow Valley)
Bellamy Blake (Murdered hundreds of Trikru soldier while they were sleeping, left his sister to die)
Lexa kom Trikru (Betrayed Clarke at the end of season 2, almost killed Raven and was ready to let Octavia etc die in Tondc)
Echo/Ash kom Azgeda (Killed multiple participants in the last conclave so that her people would win, almost killed Octavia (by accident tho))
Clarke Griffin (Has killed a lot of people, killed Bellamy because of a notebook she didn’t even take with her)
Raven Reyes (Uh those people who died inside the generator in season seven. Yeah that’s on her)
Finn Collins (Killed a village of grounders because he thought they had Clarke)
John Murphy (He’s a thief, has hurt people to survive)
Emori (A thief, lied her way out of testing the radiation and an innocent man died instead of her)
King Roan 
Charmaine Diyoza (A terrorist, forcefully took over the Shallow Valley, kept Abby and Kane “prisoners” for her own good)
Abby Griffin (A cannibal, outed her husband to the council and got him excecuted, electrocuted Raven)
Lincoln kom Trikru
Thelonious Jaha (Do I have to explain this one)
Becca Franco/ALIE
Josephine Lightbourn
Damon Salvatore (Rapist, murderer, liar, manipulator)
Stefan Salvatore
Klaus Mikaelson (Honestly, I don’t need to explain this one either)
Elijah Mikaelson
Rebecca Mikaelson
Honestly the whole Mikaelson family
Katherine Pierce (Did anything to survive, hurting people on the way of doing so)
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Kylo Ren
Bucky Barnes
(Entrapta. In closed captions because I really understand why she kinda switched sides but anyway)
Double Trouble
Varrick and Zhu Li
Billy Hargrove
Derek Hale
Draco Malfoy (Racist, a death eater)
Actually the entire Malfoy family
Bellatrix Lestrange
Sirius Black
Severus Snape (Outed Lupin, a death eater, literally stalked Lily, he wasn’t in love with her, he was just obbsessed, bullied literal children)
Tate Langdon (He’s a... School shooter. That should be enough)
Honestly I don’t remember anything about American Horror Story but the show has a lot of questionable characters that a lot of people love so basically all of the characters from the show should be on this list
Allison Dilaurentis
Mona Vandervaal
Daryl Dixon
Negan (I shouldn’t have to explain this one)
Cersei Lannister 
Jaime Lannister
Victor Strand
Azula, Zuko, Kuvira, Jet etc fans don’t deserve to get hated on when there are characters like the ones listed above who people can love without being criticized. I don’t care if the characters listed above are “misunderstood”, “hurt”, “traumatised” or whatever, so are Azula, Zuko, Kuvira and Jet. You don’t get to pick and choose who you are going to hate and then love one of the characters listed above. 
Feel free to add more characters.
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highladyluck · 4 years
For the ask game: Tuon (WOT) and Kuvira (LoK) high school AU.
I wrote an entire fic summary here, sorry not sorry! Most of it’s under the cut because it got pretty long. So first off, this is clearly a Japanese high school anime- personally, I'm visualizing Ouran High School- and for some extremely silly reason the high school has combined executive power (Student Council President) and social power (Prom Queen) into a single position, "The Empress". (This was translated in early fansubs as "President Queen", and some fans still call the position that.) Naturally, Tuon and Kuvira both want this role.
They start out hating each other. According to Kuvira, Tuon's been queen bee of the school far too long, coasting on her mother's position on the school board. Plus, she's entitled, snobby, and keeps trying to poach Kuvira's entourage. (It's easier than it sounds, most of them don't like Kuvira that much, while Tuon's entourage is fiercely loyal.) Kuvira, on the other hand, clawed her way up the social hierarchy with effective leadership (Tuon: "I think you meant to say 'blackmail'?") and is widely popular with the student body as a whole.
We see in a flashback that earlier in their rivalry, Kuvira slammed Tuon up against a locker in a way that onlookers would later describe as 'suspiciously homoerotic'. After staring at her expressionlessly, Tuon simply broke Kuvira's arm to get out of the hold. Kuvira spent the next few weeks stomping around glaring equally at Tuon and her arm, muttering "It's useless now!" Tuon made her point and Kuvira isn't interested in beating up on someone who can fight back that hard, so now they just snub each other icily in the halls.
This status quo changes when someone starts spreading nasty rumors about Tuon. They are close enough to the truth that they're making Tuon really uncomfortable, and she's not sure how to handle it. Kuvira discreetly offers to do damage control, given her expertise with blackmail propaganda. Kuvira is doing this for blackmail material, so Tuon will owe her a favor, and to get in close and see how she works. Tuon is very surprised, but she accepts, partially because nothing she's doing is working and she's very practical- when your friends can't help, call on your enemies- and partially because she believes in keeping your friends close but your enemies closer.
As they work together, Kuvira becomes grudgingly impressed with Tuon's judgement and integrity (while noting that she still has blind spots, especially around her privileged background). Tuon is also grudgingly impressed with Kuvira; she thought Kuvira was a jumped-up social climber and bully with no real skills, but eventually realizes that Kuvira works hard and at least sometimes has good intentions (while still thinking she can be very heavy-handed).
This whole time they're also still competing for the Empress position- but they don't talk about that, for the most part, although Tuon does get a rather closer look at Kuvira's tactics than she normally would, since Kuvira is using some of them to save her reputation. Their meetings, which are still ostensibly about damage control, become less laser-focused on that and start being more social- they talk about shared interests, things they agree on re: school governance and event planning, and they're each trying to find out stuff about the other without revealing anything about themselves. They also start realizing they're attracted to the other; Tuon is the first to figure it out but she mostly just compartmentalizes it. It's a distraction from the matters at hand, and while she suspects Kuvira might also be into her, she isn't interested in pursuing it unless Kuvira brings it up. Kuvira, on the other hand, literally doesn't realize she's into Tuon until she has the opportunity to betray the actual details of Tuon's secret to Varrick and Valan Luca (who are the B-couple here, they fall head over heels in the background of the first episode and team up to run the school festival, with Valan Luca doing crowd work and organization, and Varrick running the books and coming up with ideas.) Kuvira chooses not to betray Tuon, and as she's kicking herself afterwards she realizes that all she could think about was how Tuon would look at her with absolute, icy disdain again and MEAN IT, not as a joke between them but in all seriousness, and she can't bear that, and OH FUCK SHE'S IN LOVE WITH TUON, WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER, UGH. Kuvira has no idea Tuon is into her too, and gets extremely weird and awkward and fidgety around Tuon the next time they meet. Tuon is suspicious and alarmed and thinking through all sorts of nightmare scenarios with her usual poker face, but all she says is "You're being weird. What happened?"
Kuvira says that Varrick and Valan Luca approached her about the rumor. She hastily adds, "I didn't confirm anything. I stuck to the plan." Tuon is sure she's lying, because she's clearly covering up something, and while normally she'd have the stamina and patience to winkle out the truth, suddenly she's super angry and not thinking clearly. "You're lying. Once a blackmailer, always a blackmailer. I should have stuck with people I trusted." She gets up and leaves the room, slamming the door on the way out. Kuvira is devastated and also relieved, because at least things are familiar now. She doesn't tell Varrick and Valan Luca anything, though, and continues doing her end of the damage control- she tells herself that it's to prove she's better than Tuon, that she kept the faith even after Tuon gave up.
Their rivalry for Empress steps up again and continues at a fever pitch right up until the voting. The Empress election event is completely, unnecessarily formal, in a way that makes you extremely confused about how this is all being run by a high school, and the candidates are brought up on stage to hear the winner declared. Tuon narrowly wins the contest, and before she can accept the crown, while the ceremonial music is playing (it's Empire, by Alpines), Kuvira leans over and whispers "Congratulations. You earned it," entirely sincerely. Tuon stares at her and sees that she actually means it. Heartened, Kuvira adds, "I didn't tell Verrik and Valan Luca, because-" and the rest comes out in a rush, "I love you." Tuon's eyes go very big and she looks like she's about to say something, but then the music ends and the crown is presented to her- it's made of a bunch of small pieces, woven and linked together. Tuon eyes it and then presents it to Kuvira, pointing at specific points in the middle. "You're stronger than me- can you bend those two metal links apart a little?" Kuvira, extremely confused, nonetheless does what she's asked. Tuon takes the loosened links and separates the crown into two pieces. After crowning herself (because of course she would) she turns to Kuvira and gestures at her impatiently to bend her head a little. (Tuon is only 4'11" and she literally can't reach the top of Kuvira's head without help...) Kuvira catches on and allows herself to be crowned. While Kuvira is still bent down towards her, Tuon kisses her in front of God and everybody. Kuvira kisses her back. Rose petals fall from the sky for unexplained reasons.
Their reign is long, glorious, and actually pretty irrelevant because Varrick and Valan Luca are the school's actual power couple, but that won't become completely apparent until later seasons.
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iishipallthethings · 7 years
Three is (Not) a Crowd
Story Summary: Two months after Kuvira was defeated, things have finally settled down in Republic City. For better or for worse, Avatar Korra is ready to talk to Asami about the Unspoken Thing between them, however there's something Asami had been hiding from her friends. And that something is Lin Beifong.
Chapter 17: Packing Up Memories
Korra’s arms ached from metalbending several crates from Lin’s home office to her living room. She took a small breather after she gently stacked her crate on top of another. Her arms rose high in the air and Korra hummed at the cracking of her joints. Who knew Lin had so much police stuff? She looked behind her to where Lin was metalbending the last crate which contained her police uniform. It was a sad sight to see. That uniform fit Lin so well.
“Done,” Lin huffed as the crate thumped to the ground. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and grinned at Korra. “Someone from the precinct will come over tomorrow and pick up all this crap.” Lin sat down on the couch and picked up the morning’s newspaper.
From where Korra was standing, she could see Lin in her police uniform on the front page with bold letters ‘RETIRED’ printed above the picture. Korra didn’t comment on the headline as she joined Lin, throwing an arm over the older woman’s shoulders. She metalbended the blob of meteorite that she had gifted Lin what seemed like so long ago and made it into different shapes. Korra could feel Lin’s eyes drift from the article she was reading to watch Korra create intricate shapes, a smile playing at her lips each time. Knowing that she had Lin’s approval in her metalbending made Korra heart beat faster every time she caught the smile.
Soft jazz music filled the room as the two women relaxed. Korra made the meteorite into the shape of an officer’s badge and quickly turned it into a crude Pabu.
“I’m fine, you know,” Lin commented, seeing the badge being created. She nimbly grabbed the meteorite from where it floated in Korra’s hands. With precise movements, the Chief’s badge was molded once more. Lin studied it for a moment with a frown. “You know why I became the Chief of Republic City, don’t you?”
“Opal told me,” Korra admitted. “You wanted to follow in Toph’s footsteps.”
Lin’s eyes narrowed, they both knew there was more to that story and Korra pretending to be ignorant about it wasn’t going to help anything in the long run. “I became the Chief of Police because I thought that by doing so, I would gain my mother’s approval. It didn’t work but by the time I figured that out, it was too late. I stayed as Chief of Police; I made the bed so I might as well sleep in it,” Lin finished with a shrug.
“You could have unmade it,” Korra said in a somewhat joking manner. She couldn’t imagine coming to Republic City without Lin being the Chief of Police.
Lin considered the thought for a bit and finally shrugged again. “I don’t know if I could or if I even want to. I helped a lot of people by being the Chief and I threw some nasty people behind bars.” She handed the meteorite back to Korra. “But that’s neither here nor there. It’s in the past and in any case I’m officially retired.”
Korra nodded as she resumed playing with the meteorite. The paperwork for Lin’s retirement had gone through earlier that day, despite the process having been started a month prior. A lot of people were publically upset or downright refused to believe that Lin Beifong was retiring and was naming Mako, someone who grew up on the streets and had past ties with the Triple Threat Triad, as her successor. Even President Raiko had paid a visit to Lin’s house a week ago to express his own distress at her retiring. Korra shuddered at the memory of Lin calling her and Asami over to listen to her rant about how ‘the fucker only came so he could tell the presses he was pro gay. He was talking down to me the entire time. He didn’t even realize I’m pan!’
Korra snuggled against Lin’s side and an arm pulled her closer in response. Retirement, or the process of retirement at least, had a notable effect on Lin’s behavior. The older woman was much more forthcoming with her affections for her two lovers, even in public. More than once she had pulled off a possessive stunt when a passerby had looked at Asami or Korra in a way that was remotely unacceptable. It mostly consisted of Lin pulling the women closer and glaring daggers at the victim, clearly staking her claim for Asami and Korra. It shocked the two when it first occurred but they quickly grew to relish the outward displays of affection. They would still chastise Lin for being so needlessly jealous but they all knew that the words held no real conviction. Besides, Lin had no qualms doing it again when someone else looked over Asami and Korra.
The retirement also had a pleasant change on Lin’s usual attire. Instead of wearing her uniform, Lin had taken to wearing dark green slacks and a white tank top. Just seeing Lin in those clothes early in the morning had caused Asami to be late for work and Korra tardy for training. And Lin knew exactly what she was doing.
Korra flushed at the memory. She turned her thoughts towards the mechanic. Asami was currently at work doing important business lady stuff and wouldn’t be able to come over to Lin’s for another half hour. She had been busy for the entire month. Korra recalled the determination on Asami’s face when she told Korra to burn the newspaper that bore the two pictures and spouted lies about their relationship. Korra did as she was asked and suggested for Asami to take the day off as the scandalous article shriveled and blacken to ash. Asami had declined with her eyes gleaming intensely in the way they did whenever Asami faced a challenge and she couldn’t wait to tackle it.
‘I’m not going to let those assholes bully me out of my own company,’ Asami had said. She explained that the best way to overcome this scandal was to make Future Industries as profitable as she could and wallowing in self pity wasn’t going to accomplish that.
The clever business owner did just that. With Varrick and several other popular figureheads, like Bolin once again putting on his Nuktuk persona, openly supporting the relationship, Asami was able to keep her head high and make Future Industries more well-known to the world, although she wouldn’t tell the other women if it was good or bad publicity. Either way, Future Industries was bigger than it ever was before. And the cherry on top was that the ‘leaked’ news of the Satostation trying to be implemented to the Fire Nation helped overshadow the scandal. Asami was fiercely against it but Varrick and Zhu Li overruled her.
Korra and Lin couldn’t be prouder of their lover. They stuck through everything together and came out with their relationship stronger than it was when it first started. Korra was afraid of what the news would do to Asami’s and Lin’s careers but she was also concerned with how her friends would react to the news once they read the newspaper and saw the pictures. She was never so glad to be proven foolish in her worrying.
The first person to contact Korra after they were outed was Bolin. He had apparently gotten the first ferry boat to Air Temple Island that morning but when he was told Korra hadn’t come home that night, he went straight to Asami’s mansion. Bolin was ambushed by the paparazzi but he managed to wrestle his way out and the guards that admitted him in once they got sight of him. He saluted Lin when she had opened the door and was quickly reprimanded for doing so, she wasn’t the Chief anymore. Bolin stuttered out an apology and Korra and Asami had made their way to the door by then.
Bolin had pulled the two into a tight hug once he slipped past Lin. He told the three that he was happy for them. It was apparent that Bolin wasn’t aware of the complications that their relationship had caused. Maybe he only looked at the pictures before starting his search for the three women. Bolin tried to get the three to go on a double with him and Opal.  
Korra was quick to decline the invitation as politely as she could. She didn’t think Opal would be too thrilled with the idea of her and Asami dating her aunt. She hadn’t had the opportunity to ask Opal how she felt about the entire situation since the airbender was still traveling the Earth Kingdom. Korra didn’t know if the Opal was even aware of her and Asami’s relationship with Lin, although knowing Bolin she probably found out from him before half of Republic City saw the article.
She felt Lin shift next to her. Korra noticed the scowl on Lin’s lips and her eyes glaring at the radio.
“-o has given his full cooperation and released the records concerning former Chief Beifong’s leadership on the Sato case for review. Some people have raised questions if there was foul play involved in the investigations and whether the shocking news of Ms. Beifong’s involvement with both Future Industries CEO and daughter of known equalist Hiroshi Sato’s Asami Sato and Avatar Korra had any effect on then Chief of Police performance in her duties.”
“It’s just like you said,” Korra muttered.
Lin hummed as she continued to listen to the ridiculous accusations against her conduct during her time as the Chief of Police. She did nothing wrong and the records will show in time that she performed her duties to her utmost capability. If Lin had been dating Asami and found that the younger woman was involved in the equalist movement, Lin would have done her job and arrested her lover. It might leave a bitter taste in her mouth, but the law was the law, nobody was exempt from it. “People do love juicy gossip. But I’m fifty five, not sixty five.”
Korra wasn’t paying attention at the time to hear that inaccuracy from the radio’s report. “You are?”
“Yes, Korra, I’m more than twice than your age,” Lin said, crossing her arms and moving slightly away from the younger woman. “Does that make you uncomfortable?”
“No!” Korra closed the space that had grew between them and rested a hand on Lin’s thigh. She rubbed her thumb down and grinned as the crease in between Lin’s eyes went away. “Age never really meant much to me. I mean, as the Avatar I’m technically thousands of years old.” Lin’s eyes softened but there was still a guarded look about them. Korra leaned forward and kissed Lin’s lips, pulling the older woman closer and wrapping her arms around her shoulders. She felt Lin’s hands find her hips and smiled crookedly into the kiss. “I think you’re the hottest woman I ever met. Well Asami too but that’s a given.” She resumed the kiss and allowed herself to be pulled on top of Lin. Korra moved her lips to Lin’s neck, smirking at the fading mark Asami had left there from their last date. Another bonus of being outed was that they didn’t have to be careful not to leave love bites on each other.
Three quick knocks on the front door made Korra jump and Lin groan under her breath. Korra untangled herself from Lin and went about fixing her sash. Somehow it had become undone during their kissing. She walked to the door and opened it slightly before opening it fully when she saw Asami on the other side.
Asami gave Korra a quick kiss, taking note of the cheeks that were darker than usual. She let her satchel slide off her shoulder to fall to the floor with a thud. “Today has been exhausting. Productive, but exhausting,” Asami said as she took Korra’s spot of laying on top of Lin. The older woman chuckled and held her close with one arm as she kissed the top of Asami’s head.
Korra sat in front of the couch where one of Lin’s legs were dangling over the side. She started to massage the foot and took glee from the murmur of content that came from the older woman. Korra glanced away from her task to look at Asami. “Hey, did you know Lin’s fifty five?”
Asami nodded against Lin’s chest. One of Lin’s hands found its way to her hair and she relaxed more and more against the older woman as Lin’s fingers brushed through her hair. “Of course, I wouldn’t have been able to force Lin to celebrate her birthday if I didn’t know when it was.” She turned her head to grin at Lin. “It took quite a lot of persuading before she told me.”
Lin raised an eyebrow, her fingers stilling in Asami’s hair. “You wouldn’t let me climax until I told you.”
The reply only made Asami’s grin spread wider as her eyes took on a mischievous glint. “But it worked.” Asami turned her attention back to the Avatar at the foot of the couch. “It did surprise me however. I thought that Lin was in her late thirties at the most.” Korra nodded in agreement.
Lin grumbled in response but both Asami and Korra knew that Lin secretly loved the praise. They shared a quick look. Korra subtly moved up from Lin’s foot to massage her calf. Lin gave another content sound that was muffled by a chaste kiss from Asami. It didn’t take long for Korra’s fingers to travel up to Lin’s thigh and for Asami to lick Lin’s bottom lip. The older woman opened her mouth with a groan, her grip on Asami’s hair tightening and giving it a tug, earning a gasp from the woman above her. “You two are greedy.”
“We know,” Korra said with a nonchalant shrug. “But you love it.”
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businessbender · 5 years
I searched tags specifically for one of these guys to do, so I wasn't tagged by anyone or tagging anyone. sorry for the lack of a readmore, I'm on mobile.
EYES: blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other (it is somewhat inconsistent)
HAIR: blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other
BODY TYPE: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight
SKIN: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discoloured
GENDER: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any definite headcanon either way
SEXUALITY: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic |aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
SPECIES   :   human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus /succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android | warlock/sorcerer | dragon | other
EDUCATION: high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other (in canon I don't think varrick ever went to school, but I can see it in other aus.)
I’VE BEEN: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured| brainwashed | shot
POSITIVE  TRAITS   :   affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm
NEGATIVE  TRAITS   :   aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible |mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
LIVING SITUATION: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other
PARENTS  /GUARDIANS: mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather
SIBLING(S)   :   sister(s) | brother(s) | none | other
RELATIONSHIP: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated
I  HAVE  A(N)   :   learning disorder | personality disorder (BPD) | mental/mood disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioural disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability
THINGS  I’VE  DONE  BEFORE   :   had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
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